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Research Scholar: J. Masthani1

Research Supervisor: Prof.H.Lajipathi Rai2


1. Name of the Respondent:________________________________________________

2. Age: a). 20 – 30 b). 30 – 40 c.) 40 – 50 d). 50 and above
3. Marital Status of the Respondent: a) Single b) Married
4. Occupation of the Customer:
a) Student b) Professional c) Salaried
d) Business e) House Wife f) Retired

5. Location of the Respondent: a) Urban b) Rural

6. Qualification: a) UG b) PG C) Professional D) Others
7. Income groups
a. 0 - 10,000 b. 10,000 – 20,000 c. 20,000 – 30,000
d. 30,000 - 40, 0000 e. Above 40,000

8. Do you have Internet Access: a) YES b) NO

9. How many hours per week do you spend on the internet?
a) 1hr – 4hrs b) 5hrs – 10hrs c) 10hrs- 20hrs
d) 20hrs – 40hrs e) More than 40hrs f) Not at all
10. Have you previously used the internet to learn more about products?
a) YES b)NO

11. Have you had any experience in buying products through internet
a) YES b) NO

12. If ‘YES’ your product belongs to which of the following segments

a) Social Media b) Websites/ Blogs c) Multimedia Advertising
d) Emails f) Others

J.Masthani, Research Scholar (Part – Time), Department of Commerce, Sri Krishnadevaraya University,
Ananthapuramu. A.P
Prof.H.Lajipathi Rai, Research Suervisior, Department of commerce, Sri Krishnadevaraya University,
Ananthapuramu. A.P

13. Frequence of using of Internet
a) Frequently (More than 12 times in a month)
b) Occasionally (Less than 12 times in a month)
c) Rarely
d) Few times
e) never used

14. Which type of product segmentation do you prefer to buy online

a) Cosmetic & Jewelry b) Clothing c) Gift articles

d) Books / CD’s e) Electronic goods f) others (please specify)

15. Do you follow the brands on Digital Media

a) YES b) NO

16. Do you suggest online shopping? A) YES b) NO

17. IF “YES” Then, whom do you suggest?

a) Family b) Friends c) Colleagues
d) Relatives d) Others...…

18. What is the total value of purchases through on line in a year?

a)Less than Rs 5000 b) Rs.10, 000 - Rs 25,000
c) Rs. 25,000 - Rs. 50,000 d) Rs50, 000 – Rs.1, 00,000
e) Rs.75,000- Rs. 1, 00,000

19. Which Payment method do you prefer for online Shopping:

a) Through E – Wallets b) Through Debit/Credit Cards
c) Through Internet-Banking d) Cash on Delivery e) Others

20. Which type of Digital Advertising Channel do you prefer to buy online?
a) Social Media b) Marketing websites c) Multimedia Advertising
d) Traditional Media e) Blogs/PopUps f) E Mails

21. If ‘Social Media’ then please tick which one of the following:
a) Twitter b) Instagram c) Face book d) LinkedIn e) My Space
f) Youtube g) any other Specify:_________________
22. which of the following procedures do you follow, when you buy a Product in online:
(Please tick the appropriate box)
a) Aanalyzing the information provided by on line
b) Discussing with others before placing orders online
c) Verify details after visiting shops
d) Purchase only from the local dealers / shops after verifying information from internet
23. What are the main barriers that keep you away from shopping Online?

a) Safety of Payment g) Lack of personal advice
c) Lack of technical knowledge h) Inappropriate Information
e) Late delivery i) Low Trust level of online stores
f) High Shipping Cost j) Value Added Tax/ Customs duty
h) Refund Policy and Warranty Claims k) Others:____________________

24. Which of the following factors mostly influence you to buy a product in online?
A Wide area network F Best Prices
G Unavailability in the Local
B Round the clock access
C Confidentiality H Easy price comparison
D Convenience & timesaving I Availability of product reviews
J New innovative features &
E Safety and Models

Contest to get Cash backs low l Immediate responses to the

Price Coupons / etc. Queries

m Others, Specify_________

25. What are the main barriers do you face from Digital Marketing
a. Safety of payment b) Low trust level of online store / Brand
c. Value added tax / customs duty d) high Shipping Cost
e. Refund Policy f) Warranty and claims
g. Delivery too slows h) Other reasons (please specify) ______

26. Have you ever responded like (Likes, Comments and Shares) in Digital Media.
a) YES b) NO

27. If ‘YES’ do you got any reply for your queries

a) YES b) NO

28. What’s the time duration taken by them to give respond to your query

a) Instantly b) 1-6 hrs c) 6-12 hrs

d) More than 12Hrs e) No Reply

(Respondents are requested to answer the following questions)
SA: (Strongly Agree) A: (Agree) NA: (Neither Agree or Disagree)
DA: (Disagree) SDA :( Strongly Disagree) (Put tick mark)

29 Are you satisfied with the information provided by Digital
Marketing Channels, about a Product
30 Do you agree that the Digital Marketing Channels can
influence towards buying decisions
31 Satisfaction level on delivery of Products by shopping
online within the time period
32 Detail information is available while shopping online
33 Can you buy the products anytime 24 *7 while shopping
34 Information for Comparison with other products while
shopping online
35 The website design helps me in searching the products easily
36 While shopping online, preferences to purchase from a
website that provides safety and ease of navigation and order
37 The website layout helps in searching and selecting the right
product while shopping online
38 Familiarity with the website before making actual purchase
reduce the risk of shopping online
39 Prefer to buy from website that provides me with quality
40 Online shopping doesn’t waste time
41 It takes less time in evaluating and selecting a product while
shopping online
42 Feeling of Safe and Secure while shopping online
43 Like to shop online from a trustworthy website.

HS (Highly Satisfied) S (Satisfied) N (Neutral) D (Dissatisfied) HDS (Highly Dissatisfied)
(Prefer your choice with TICK Mark)

S. Questions related to Satisfaction Levels of the HS S N DS HDS

No. Respondents

44 Overall Satisfaction / of Digital Marketing Channels

performance (provided information/ Product features/
Confidentiality about Payment details etc. )
45 The quality of services provided by Digital Media has
reached your expectations
46 Are you satisfied with Repeated purchases through online
47 Do you recommend to your friends any exciting digital content
about the products
48 Do you satisfy by providing Discount offers
49 Are you satisfied with the Redressal procedure ir feedback
50 Your perception towards Value for Money – Product and
Services purchased in online
51 Availability of Comparison of a Product with the others
52 Are you satisfied with the website design for searching your
desired product/ information easily
53 Are you satisfied with the safety and security policies of
followed by the Website, while online buying
54 Are you satisfied with The information provided by the
Website , while selecting a products, which fulfills your needs
55 Satisfaction levels of Overall risk levels, while you are
engaged in Online buying process
56 Satisfaction level, when compared with Offline method of
57 Satisfaction levels towards time taken process, while online


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