Ucsp Q1 W5
Ucsp Q1 W5
Ucsp Q1 W5
Total 10 points
Answer the following questions:
1. What is an infographic?
2. How does infographic help you show the
concepts in UCSP?
3. What is the social issue that you want to
discuss in your infographic?
4. How can these social issues be solved using the
disciplines of social sciences?
5. How are these issues relevant in the study of
culture, society, and politics?
➢ can be an effective educational tool to help students
➢ break complex information into easy-to-understand
➢ make vast data more engaging and summarized
➢ learning tool can target the different learning styles
➢ can hold the attention of the viewers
➢ can improve retention and recall
➢ helps simplify complex topics
Sample Infographics:
Group Activity.
Create a group consist of 5 members. With this, each group is tasked to
create an infographic addressing the political/social issues present in our
society. Identify how the disciples of social science can help resolve these
problems and how one’s culture and society may be involved.
Materials to use:
➔ pencil/permanent marker ➔ colored paper
➔ bond paper (long) ➔ magazines and newspapers
➔ art/coloring materials
➔ other materials that the students can bring (recycled materials
are highly encouraged)
Grading Rubric:
Performance Task 1: Infographics
Criteria Score Description
Content Elements 10
Relevance An infographic addressing the
Layout and
10 political/social issues present in our
Design society.
Organization 10
Enumerate practices or activities of early people that
are still being practiced or observed by the people today.
It refers to a lifelong social experience
by which people develop their human
potential and learn culture.
The process by which people learn the
requirements of their surrounding culture and
acquire the values and behaviors appropriate
or necessary in that culture
In a piece of paper, create a hand
pattern. Write your name on the paper
and later, let each of your classmates list
things about you based on the
statements below. As the teacher says
go, the one holding the paper must
write something about the owner of the
paper. Then if the teacher says pass, the
one holding the paper must pass it to
the one next to him/her.
Questions are:
1.Who are you as a person?
2.Write one trait about you.
3.What is their strength?
4.What do you think is their weakness?
5.Something that they like.
6.What symbol can you associate with
this person.
Starting at an early age, we begin to observe and
internalize many Filipino values, norms, and
traditions. We learned most aspects of our
culture through primary socialization with our
family and peers.