Pavement Design
Pavement Design
Pavement Design
3. Driving ease and driver confidence fitted precast cover (effect: road
Distance pedestrians)
Warranted if:
1. Truck Speeds 40kph or less
2. Truck speeds reduction > 15kph
3. Increase traffic flow rate > 20veh/hr.
4. Increase truck flow rate > 20 veh/hr.
5. Extended grades > 8%
6. LOS E or F exists - Ascending grade ramp Assessing
7. Accidents due to slow moving trucks 8.
Reduction of two or more LOS from the length of ramp:
approach segment to the grade
9. Heavy trucks enter the traffic system
AASHTO Soil Classification System
1. Negative GI = 0
- Soils are classified into 7 groups (A-1
to 2. GI rounded off (3.4 = 3) (3.5=4)
A-7) 3. No upper limit for GI
- classification based on Particle Size 4. GI of A-1-a, A-1-b, A-2-4, A-2-5, and
Distribution, LL, and PI. A-3 is always 0
- GROUP INDEX FORMULA 5. GI of A-2-6, A-2-7: partial Formula
Suitability Number
- Grain-Size distribution of the backfill
controls rate of densification
- Brown (1997) SN formula
- organic soils (peat and muck) - - most methods: three to five samples are
If the check test shows similar results, frequent traffic loads repeated over a long
distress from the 0.20in penetration depth period of time on a given bituminous mix -
players are used to withstand the traffic (ASTM Testing Standards D-1560 and
Base and subgrade materials) - Lower - the test is used to determine the
cbr = higher thickness of layers and vice resistance value R of the soil to the
1. Asphalt cement
- obtained after separation of the 3. Emulsified asphalt - Suspension of
and asphalt cement prior to mixing the surface of the asphalt cement globules
- softest grade : penetration = 200 to 300 ; use - all asphalt emotions are designed
The Subbase
Pavement Type
- Quality of subgrade materials
- Flexible pavement
meets the requirement of the subbase
- Rigid pavement
material = subbase component may be
- Stabilization: treating the available
material to achieve the
necessary/engineering properties
Traffic Control Devices
- Driving is a privilege it is not a right -
There is no such thing as “right to drive”
on the constitution
- No one has more right to the road than
anyone else
- restrictions are for general welfare
Traffic Control - Vehicle
registration - most effective control
- Motor Vehicle Inspection System (MVIS)
of LTO (PER RA 4136) makes sure that
“all motor vehicles operated throughout
the country are roadworthy” - means by
- traffic regulations must be reasonable which broad user is advised as to detailed
and effective requirements or conditions affecting broad
use at specific places and times (x
Effective Traffic Regulations accident/delays)
1. Traffic regulations should be
rational (economic, social and human Vienna Convention on Road Signs and
problems must be considered)
- Multilateral treaty designed, standard
2. Should be developed
road signs (increase safety and aid
progressively (long and careful planning
international road)
before implementing)
- agreed upon by United Nations
3. Regulations alone are often not
Economic and Social Council (Vienna,
enough (must be used together with
October 7 to November 8, 1968) entered
control devices)
into force on June 6, 1978
Regulatory Signs
- Inform road users of traffic laws and
regulations (disregarded = constitute and