Rohini 81073995230
Rohini 81073995230
Rohini 81073995230
We can draw a straight line on the graph of IC versus VCE which is having slope -
1/Rc.To determine the two points on the line we assume VCE = VCC and VCE =0
a) When VCE =VCC ; IC =0 and we get a point A
b) When VCE=0 ; IC=VCC/RC and we get a point B
The figure below shows the output characteristic curves for the transistor in CE
mode. The DC load line is drawn on the output characteristic curves. Load line - To
draw load line, we have to find saturation current and the cutoff voltage.
Saturation point
The point at which the load line intersects the characteristic curve near
thecollector current axis is referred to as the saturation point . At this point of time,
the current through the transistor is maximum and the voltage across collector is
minimum for a given value of load. So, saturation current for the fixed bias circuit, Ic
(sat) =Vcc/Rc .
Cutoff point
The point where the load line intersects the cutoff region of the collector
curvesis referred as the cutoff point (i.e. end of load line). At this point, collector
current is approximately zero and emitter is grounded for fixed bias circuit. so, Vce
(cut) = Vc = VccOperating point - The "Q point" for a transistor amplifier circuit
is the point along itsoperating region in a "quiescent ", where no input signal gets
The figure below shows the output characteristic curves for the transistor in CE mode
with points A and B, and line drawn between them. The line drawn between points
A and B is called d.c load line. The d.c word indicates that only d.c conditions are
considered, i.e input signal is assumed to be zero. The d.c load line is a plot of
IC versus VCE. For a given value of Rc and a given value of Vcc. So, it represents all
collector current levels and corresponding collector emitter voltages that can exist in
the circuit. Knowing any one of Ic, IB, or VCE , it is easy to determine the other two
from the load line. The slope of the d.c load line depends on the value of RC. It is the
negative and equal to reciprocal of the RC.
Figure 1.3.2 The output characteristic curves for the transistor in CE mode
with points A and B
Diagram Source Brain Kart
The intersection of curves of different values IB of with d.c load line gives different
operating points. For different values of IB, we have different intersection points such
as P, Q and R.
When a line is drawn joining these two points, such a line can be called as Load
line. This is called so as it symbolizes the output at the load. This line, when drawn
over the output characteristic curve, makes contact at a point called as Operating
This operating point is also called as quiescent point or simply Q-point. There can
be many such intersecting points, but the Q-point is selected in such a way that
irrespective of AC signal swing, the transistor remains in active region. This can be
better understood through the figure 1.3.3 below.
The load line has to be drawn in order to obtain the Q-point. A transistor acts
as a good amplifier when it is in active region and when it is made to operate at Q-
point, faithful amplification is achieved.
Faithful amplification is the process of obtaining complete portions of input signal
by increasing the signal strength. This is done when AC signal is applied at its input.
This is discussed in AMPLIFIERS tutorial.
DC Load line
When the transistor is given the bias and no signal is applied at its input, the load
line drawn at such condition, can be understood as DC condition. Here there will
be no amplification as the signal is absent. The circuit will be as shown below figure
To obtain the load line, the two end points of the straight line are to be determined.
Let those two points be A and B.
To obtain A
When collector emitter voltage VCE = 0, the collector current is maximum and is
equal to VCC/RC. This gives the maximum value of VCE. This is shown as
This gives the point A (OA = VCC/RC) on collector current axis, shown in the above
figure 1.3.5.
To obtain B
When the collector current IC = 0, then collector emitter voltage is maximum and
will be equal to the VCC. This gives the maximum value of IC. This is shown as
(As IC = 0)
This gives the point B, which means (OB = VCC) on the collector emitter voltage
axis shown in the above figure 1.3.5.
Hence we got both the saturation and cutoff point determined and learnt that the
load line is a straight line. So, a DC load line can be drawn as shown in the figure
DC Analysis
When doing DC analysis, all AC voltage sources are taken out of the circuit
because they're AC sources. DC analysis is concerned only with DC sources. We
also take out all capacitors because in DC, capacitors function as open circuits. For
this reason, everything before and after capacitors are removed, which in this circuit
includes resistor, Rs , Below figure 1.3.1 is the schematic of the circuit above with
respective to DC analysis:
Now let's do the calculations to find the Vbb, Rb, Ieq, and Vceq. From this then,
we can find the quiescient or just simply Q-point of this transistor circuit.