MPPT Project

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Journal of Engineering Technology Vol.

10(1): 204-210, 2022

ISSN 2231-8798© 2013 UniKL BMI

Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Perturb

and Observe Technique
Muhammad Zakwan Nazeri 1, Nadia Hanis Abd Rahman2
Section of Electrical Engineering

Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute

Corresponding email: [email protected]

Abstract: The research on Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) using Perturb and Observe (P&O) is
conducted to observe the behavior of the I-V curve output from the PV cell. The MPPT will track the
maximum power point using the P&O algorithm. The P&O is widely known for its simple implementation on
the PV system. The P&O method will enhance the efficiency of the PV cell. The P&O algorithm is designed
using MATLAB coding (mfile). The mfile can be inserted in the circuit design in the Simulink. Simulink is
used to design the PV circuit. The PV connected to P&O algorithm is tested under multiple condition. The
outcome of this analysis is the maximum power point (PMP), voltage at maximum power point (VMPP) and
current at maximum power point (IMPP). From there, the characteristics of the PV module can be study. The
P&O output is than compared with the datasheet where for this research uses Soltech 1STH-215-P. This is to
obtain the efficiency of P&O algorithm.

Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV) Model, MATLAB Simulink, Soltech 1STH-215-P

the voltage and current to the desired values [3].
Electrical energy generation is very intense in a
The research studies on the Perturb and Observe
country as it needs to meet the high demands of the
(P&O) technique which is the algorithm used for the
country to support the domestic activity such as homes,
maximum power point tracking. The actual value of the PV
school, and factories. In these modern days, many
output power is calculated in this technique and compared
countries use renewable energy to overcome the problem
with the past value which gives the power difference. If the
when using finite resources such as petroleum, fossil fuel
power exceeds zero, the same action proceeds for some
and natural gas which will run out in our lifetime.
further perturbation or else it moves in the opposite
Renewable energy is energy extracted from normal,
direction. Hence, country which has low amount of sun
regular, and continuous energy flows that exist in the local
insolation may practice this solar MPPT using P&O
environment [1]. Despite having unlimited resources, other
technique as it is easy to be implemented and further
advantages of using renewable energy are it is eco-
increase the efficiency of the solar PV cell.
Thus, to solve this problem, the output efficiency of 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW
PV array can be increased by operating the PV energy sys
One of the common renewable energies used is solar A photovoltaic (PV) cell unit is defined as power
energy. Solar 1ways, either by thermal route or semiconductor devices which converts light energy to
photovoltaic conversion by using solar cell [2]. Although electrical energy though PV effect condition. The
solar is famous for its cost-effective and simple system performance of a PV system depends primarily on the
design, there is also problem in generating the energy availability of solar radiation and the performance of
where the amount of energy produces depends on the conversion; many physical parameters such as site latitude,
sunlight produces which is different depends on the standard weather conditions, panel tilt and azimuth angles,
geographical location and climate changes. This research, air and surfaces around temperatures, and eventually
it will study the solar maximum power point tracking electrical loads affect these important characteristics.
(MPPT) technique used to optimize the solar energy The efficiency of the PV cell depends on various
generation which is used to increase the efficiency of the ambient condition. These factors should be considered as it
PV system. The maximum power point tracking will trace gives significant impacts to the cell output in real
the maximum power point on the PV module characteristic application [4]. MMPT device is required to extract the
curve and the charge controller will regulate

Journal of Engineering
Engineering Technology
Technology Vol.
Vol. 10(1): 204-210, 2022
10: 206-216,
2022 2231-8798©
ISSN ISSN 2231-8798© 2021 UniKLBMI
2013 UniKL BMI

highest power from the system. During hot sunny temperature and also decreases the cell efficiency. In the
condition, it can extract power normally but during literature, cooling the module and reducing the PV cell’s
shading, it is unable to extract maximum because it unable heat stored within it during can improve the efficiency and
to track maximum power. This is because the system decrease the rate of thermal degradation of the PV module.
obtains multiple reading of the peak at the solar output [4]. In a PV system, developing the correct model which
Irradiance gives the definition of the measured of suit the system is important to simulate and foresee the
power density of sunlight density obtained at a location behavior of PV modules, especially when designing,
which is measured in watts per metre square [5]. The Si producing, and evaluating a largescale PV system. [7]
unit of irradiance is Watt per square meter (Wm-1). The These models of electrical circuits are used to define PV
irradiance gives effect to the open circuit voltage of the PV characteristic curves for I-V and P-V module for precise
panel. The open circuit voltage is directly proportional
production, operation, and accuracy discover the causes of
towards solar radiation as the short current increase
PV output loss. [8] Based on the past research that have
linearly [6]. The PV characteristic can be seen in the graph
which shown at Figure 1. been made, by following the single- diode model (SDM)
and the double-diode model (DDM), several researchers
have built PV cells and modules by applying the single-
diode model (SDM) and the double- diode model (DDM).
The SDM model as shown in Figure 3 is widely known for
its simplicity, accuracy, and low cost but since the losses
from recombination are not taken into consideration, at low
solar irradiation amounts, its precision at open-circuit
voltage (OCV) decreases greatly. In other to improve the
modelling accuracy, the DDM PV module is used by
connecting another diode in parallel with the SDM.[9]
Figure 1 Effect of increased radiance The SDM shows serious short-coming when it is
subjected to the change of temperature and worsen its
The temperature of the module is a parameter that has accuracy at low radiator level. [8] So for this research, the
a huge impact on the behavior of a PV system, as it design of DDM such as in Figure 4 the as the PV model
modifies the efficiency of the system and the output because recombination is a significant loss in a real solar
energy. The voltage produce by the PV cell is inversely cell, which cannot be accurately modelled on a SDM. In
proportional towards the temperature. Higher voltage will the DDM design, an additional diode (D2) in parallel of
be produced when the temperature drops and vice versa. D1. The accuracy of the PV cell can be increase through
this proposed model and can overcome short-coming of

Figure 3 Equivalent Single Diode Model Circuit

Figure 2 Effect of increased temperature

The temperature gives effect to the band gap of the

semiconductor in the PV cell. When there is an increase in Figure 4 Equivalent Double Diode Model Circuit
temperature, the semiconductor’s band gap will shrink
thus decreases the open circuit voltage (Voc) due to the p-n
junction temperature voltage dependency in the diode MPPT is the algorithm used in the charge controllers
factor (q/kT). This will result in negative temperature which is used to obtain the maximum usable power from
coefficient of Voc in the PV cell [6]. Based on the PV graph the PV module under some conditions. The voltage at
in Figure 2, it shows the effects of cell temperature on the which maximum power can be produced by the PV module
PV cell characteristics. As the cell temperature increases, is called the maximum power point (or peak power
the open circuit voltage will drop linearly with the cell voltage). Maximum power varies in terms of solar
radiation, atmospheric temperature, and temperature of

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 10(1):
10: 1-4,204-210,
2022 2022
ISSN 2231-8798© 2021UniKL

solar cells. Solar PV system is a good power generation Figure 5 illustrates a block diagram of the PV cell
solution for sustainable energy but due to the factors implemented with MPPT controller. The PV cell will
mentioned above, the power generation can significantly receive input consists of irradiance and temperature. Then
fluctuate. [6] Solar irradiance, which is an integral factorin the PV cell will generate output voltage. To regulate the
PV power output fluctuation and losses, is not strongly voltage produced by the PV cell, MPPT controller is used.
correlated between near locations over a limited time scale. MPPT controller will harvest the maximum power from
[10] So, MPPT method is the solution to increase the PV the PV cell by comparing the input voltage with the Vmp.
system efficiency. Solar irradiation and temperature levels The MPPT controller will track the maximum power
plays important role in attaining maximum power from the point of the PV cell by using P&O algorithm. The MPPT
PV system through MPPT method. However, the PV will then generate a PWM signal and send it to the IGBT
system efficiency can be negatively affected due to the MOSFET at the DC-DC Boost Converter. MOSFET will
non-steady characteristics of the irradiance and do a switching process to modify the voltage to obtain
temperature variation. PMPP. The PMPP will be studied to evaluate the performance
Maximum power transfer theory tells that when the of the PV module.
source impedance is equal to the load impedance where it This research implements SDM PV model. The SDM
is called load matching, the maximum power will be has lower capability to achieve maximum power compared
transferred from the source to load. By adjusting the duty to DDM. So, this model is suitable in this research to
cycle of the DC-DC converter, the load matching can be analyze the P&O algorithm in increasing the solar cell
achieved. The ratio of the duty cycle is between the accuracy. The design of SDM circuit can be seen in Figure
switching on time to the switching period. When the
6. The current source is connected in parallel to a diode.
converter is operated by the duty cycle corresponding to it, The photocurrent (Iph) produce by the current source is
the maximum power point can be track. [11] From the
directly proportional to the light falling on the cell. The
literature, there are three types of converters that is
current flow through the diode is called diode saturation
commonly used in the PV system application which is
current where it plays an important role in determine the I-
boost converter that is use to step up input voltage, buck
V characteristics of the cell.
converter which functions to step down the input voltage
and buck-boost converter which is the combination of both
boost and buck converter. [12]


In this section, it will discuss all the method used

to conduct the research on MPPT technique using
perturb and observe technique. This chapter will Figure 6 Single Diode PV Model Circuit
discuss the technique used in MPPT to track the
maximum power point, the expected outcome from this The main equation of the SDM is shown in equation 1;
analysis and also discuss on how the data obtain from
𝐼𝐼𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = 𝐼𝐼𝑝𝑝ℎ𝑁𝑁𝑝𝑝 − 𝐼𝐼𝑑𝑑 − 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠ℎ (1)
this research is evaluated. It will also discuss regarding
on how data irradiance and temperature data are
predicted and elaborate on the model used in the PV The value of Id, Is, Irs, Ish and Iph can be
cell. The flowchart of the P&O algorithm is also obtainedusing equation 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively.
included in this chapter.
(𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝+ 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠) (2)
𝐼𝐼𝑑𝑑 = 𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠𝑁𝑁𝑝𝑝 ( 𝑒𝑒(𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑇𝑇𝑁𝑁𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑁𝑁𝑠𝑠) − 1)
𝑇𝑇 3 [ 𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑔𝑔 ( 𝑇𝑇1−𝑇𝑇𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟1 )] (3)
𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠 = 𝐼𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 ( ) 𝑒𝑒
𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 (4)
𝐼𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 =
( 𝑉𝑉𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑞𝑞 )
[𝑒𝑒 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 − 1]
𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 + 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠 (5)
𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠ℎ =
Figure 5 Block diagram of the PV module with P&O 𝑅𝑅𝑝𝑝
MPPT Technique 𝐼𝐼𝑝𝑝ℎ = 𝐺𝐺[𝐼𝐼𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 + 𝑘𝑘𝐼𝐼( 𝑇𝑇 − 𝑇𝑇𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 )] (6)

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 10(1):
10: 1-4,204-210,
2022 2022
ISSN 2231-8798© 2021UniKL

DC-DC boost converter as shown in Figure 7 is used

to regulate Vpv where it will step up the voltage according
to the duty cycle (D) received from the MPPT. The
inductor (L), diode (D), capacitor (C), load resistor (RL),
and control switch make up the DC-DC boost converter
circuit (S).

Figure 7 DC-DC Boost Converter

The value of component in DC-DC boost

Figure 8 Perturb and Observe (P&O) flowchart
converter can be estimated using equation 7, 8, 9,
10 and 11





(11) Figure 9 MPPT circuit design

Figure 9 shows the P&O algorithm implemented with

The method that will be used in the MPPT controller
analog block. The circuit is design using MATLAB
to regulate the solar PV output is P&O algorithm. The
P&O algorithm is known for its simple implementation and Simulink. This circuit will be designed in the MPPT block.
good excellent tracking efficiency. This analysis will study The MPPT will extract the Vref and compare it with Vpv
the behavior of the PV I-V curve when the MPPT P&O and the PI controller will convert it into duty cycle. The
algorithm is used. Through this P&O method, the MPPT duty cycle is the converted to PWM and is sent to the DC-
controller will observe the PV output power and it will DC boost converter.
perturb the PV output power either increment or decrement
depends on the increment of PV voltage or current. This 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
method will compare the present value of the PV output
power that was calculated with the past value which will Case study 1 simulates the PV module under different
gives the differences in power. The algorithm will continue irradiance from G=200W/m2 until G=1000W/m2 at
to perturb the PV operating voltage by a small increment. constant temperature 25˚C and under constant irradiance
If the changes in power (ΔP) value is positive, it will move different temperature from 0˚C until 75˚C. The PV module
towards the direction of maximum power point and the is then connected to the MPPT P&O algorithm and is
operating voltage will continue to be perturb in the same tested under STC condition. Figure 10, 11 and 12 shows
direction. If the result of the perturb process leads to the power, voltage, and current output at maximum power
negative in ΔP.It will move away from the maximum power point of the simulation respectively. Meanwhile, Table 1
point and thesign of the perturbation is changed. shows the comparison between the PV output and P&O
There are several techniques and algorithms, as output against Solarex MSX-60 to obtain the efficiency of
already stated in the introduction, that allow the idea of the P&O. The datasheet of Solarex MSX-60 is shown in
tracking the MPP to be implemented. The so-called Table 2.
Perturb and Observe (P&O) that is proposed is one of
them. The Figure 8 shows the flowchart of the P&O
algorithm operation.

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 10(1):
10: 1-4,204-210,
2022 2022
ISSN 2231-8798© 2021UniKL

Boost DC/DC
PV Module specification
converter specification
PV model L1 4mH

Short circuit current

(Isc) 7.84 A C1 100µF

Figure 10 Power Maximum Power Point Open circuit

36.3 V C2 100µF
voltage (Voc)

29 V R0 20 Ω
Voltage (Vmpp)

7.35 A - -
Current (Impp)

Maximum power
213.15 W - -

Num of cells in
60 - -
series (Ns)
Figure 11 Voltage output of PV with P&O
Temperature coefficient - 0.36099%/
of Isc ˚C - -

Temperature coefficient
of Voc 0.102%/˚C - -

Diode ideality
0.98117 - -
factor (A)

Figure 12 Current output of PV with P&O 0.39383

Series resistance (Rs) - -

PV with Shunt resistance (Rsh) - -
Measurement P&O % deviation
output Table 3 PV and DC-DC boost converter parameter
Maximum PowerPoint,
Pmpp (W) 59.39 58.82 0.959 For case study 2, the PV module connected with the
Voltage at maximum P&O algorithm is studied under the partial shading
powerpoint, Vmpp (V) 16.65 32.54 -95.43 condition which is under varying insolation at constant
Current at maximum temperature of 25˚C, under constant insolation 1000W/m2
power point, Impp (A) 3.57 1.81 49.29 and constant temperature 25˚C. and under different
Efficiency η (%) 98.98 98.03 0.959 irradiation at constant temperature. The type of PV model
Table 1 Comparison between PV ouput and P&O output used for this study case is Soltech 1STH-215-P PV and its
parameter is detailed in Table 3.
The result of the simulation for study case 2 is
Parameters Specification
compared with the previous studies in [13]. Table 4 shows
the comparison of PV module with P&O algorithm output
Maximum power (Pmax) 60W at STC and partial condition. It also compares the
Voltage at Pmax (Vmp) 17.1V efficiency of P&O algorithm under STC and partial
Current at Pmax (Imp) 3.5A condition. Meanwhile, Table 5 presents the datasheet of
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 3.8A Soltech 1STH-215-P datasheet which is used to validating
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 21.1V the simulation results. The results of the simulation are
Temperature coefficient of open
-80mV/˚C compared with the following datasheet.
circuit voltage (Kv)
Temperature coefficient of short
circuit current (Ki)
Table 2 Solarex MSX-60 datasheet

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 10(1):
10: 1-4,204-210,
2022 2022
ISSN 2231-8798© 2021UniKL

Weather Previous
Measurement P&O
Conditions Studies
Io (A) 4.5 2.626
Fixed irradiance
Vo (V) 45.1 78.78
G: 1000 W/m2 Output power (W) 202.9 206.9

Constant Output η (%) 94.3% 97.13% Figure 15 P&O output power under partial shading
temperature 25˚C
Io (A) 3.96 2.41
Partial shading
Vo (V) 39.65 69.3
G1: 750 W/m2
G2: 850 W/m2 Output power (W) 157.0 159.5
G3: 800 W/m2
G4: 1000W/m2
Efficiency η
72.9% 74.88%
temperature 25˚C
Table 4 Case 2 simulation results
Figure 16 P&O output power under STC
Parameters Specification
Maximum power (Pmax) 215W From the results of the simulation obtained, the
Voltage at Pmax (Vmp) 29.0V efficiency of the P&O algorithm can be discussed. The P&O
Current at Pmax (Imp) 7.35A
algorithm can increase the efficiency the of a PV module
which can be seen in the results of case study 1, where the
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 7.84A
efficiency of the PV module when connected to P&O
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 36.3V algorithm is 98.03% which nearing 100% under STC. P&O
Temperature coefficient of open algorithm MPPT technique increases the PV module
circuit voltage (Kv)
Temperature coefficient of short efficiency by increasing the accuracy of identifying the
circuit voltage (Ki) maximum power point (PMPP).
Table 5 Soltech 1STH-215-P Datasheet Case study 2 shows that where the PV module
connected to P&O algorithm is simulated under different
irradiation and under partial shading condition, as can be
seen in Figure 13 and 14, G = 800 W/m2 and G= 200 W/m2
respectively. The power output under irradiance 200 W/m2
tends to oscillate bigger compared to power output under
irradiances 800 W/m2. This shows that tracking accuracy of
P&O algorithm depends on irradiances. The tracking
accuracy decreases as the irradiance decreases. Figure 15
Figure 13 P&O power output under 800 W/m2 shows there is a slight delay in reaching the maximum
irradiance at 25˚C power. This is the effect of partial shading towards the P&O
where it increases the tracking time of the P&O algorithm. It
takes 15ms for the P&O to identify the P&O algorithm
while under constant irradiation as shown in Figure 16, it
only takes 6ms to find the maximum power point.

Irradiation (W/m2) P&O Power Output (W)

800 168.4
600 121.2

Figure 14 P&O power output under 200 W/m2 400 56.03

irradiance at 25˚C 200 15.15
Table 6 PV model with P&O power output under different
irradiance at constant temperature 25˚C

Journal of Engineering Technology Vol. 10(1):
10: 1-4,204-210,
2022 2022
ISSN 2231-8798© 2021UniKL

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