Direct-coupled PV Systems With Batteries
Direct-coupled PV Systems With Batteries
Direct-coupled PV Systems With Batteries
Solar Energy
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Keywords: In the designing of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, which are directly coupled to batteries, it is of great im-
PV cells portance to consider voltage-operating points of PV modules and batteries. Usually, batteries operating points
Solar home system are supposed to be near to the PV maximum power points to maximize the PV output.
Battery PV output voltage is affected by incident radiation, air temperature, shading, module orientation, PV tech-
nology; tilt angle and number of serial connected PV cells. This paper presents a PV model, which takes into
account the number of PV cells connected in series, incident solar radiation and temperature as main factors
affecting PV systems that are directly coupled to the batteries. The developed model was then validated by
conducting some laboratory tests.
In this study, an amorphous silicon thin film PV module was used. Electrical load data collected in Dodoma,
Tanzania and lead acid battery with 24 V were also used in the designing and simulation of PV systems.
Optimization and the laboratory test results have revealed how good the optimization tool is. The tool can
select the optimal number of PV cells required for the given system. The selected optimal number of PV cells in
series always matches with the battery operating voltage, which helps in the reduction of losses that usually
occur in direct-coupled systems, hence maximizing PV output.
The results presented in this paper are based on solar home system simulated in Dodoma, Tanzania; however,
the model can be adapted to any other region and any type of PV module by changing input data like solar
radiation, air temperature, longitude, latitude, load profile and STC parameters of the PV module respectively.
Received 22 May 2018; Received in revised form 26 February 2019; Accepted 4 March 2019
0038-092X/ © 2019 International Solar Energy Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
module. Not only that but also there will always be a great mismatch of The optimized number of PV cells in series has reduced PV modules
the operating voltages if the difference between UMPP and battery op- cost, increased system efficiency and reliability.
erating voltage is high. This leads to wastage of PV output which could From the proposed module, it can be seen at first that its im-
be utilized (Pearsall, 2017). For these systems, appropriate matching of plementation might be expensive especially at PV cell manufacturer
battery and PV voltages is very important for high efficiencies. level. On the other hand, there is huge market especially in the devel-
Normally, a PV module consists of cells that are connected in series oping countries. The results presented here can be considered in the
to increase output voltage. In order to increase the amount of output future by PV manufacturers, especially when the cost per watt peak of
current, the cells are connected in parallel. The number of PV cells in producing solar modules with different numbers of cells for different
series determines also theUMPP . Since the PV modules are connected in region will be similar.
parallel with batteries, their operating voltages are determined by the In order to have confidence in the optimization results, validation of
batteries. The battery operating voltages and the number of PV cells in the model was done through laboratory tests. A PV simulator, a load
series affect the PV module’s output. simulator and lead acid batteries were used.
There are a number of factors, which also affect PV output when
operated at both topologies. These include intensity of solar radiation,
2. Methodology
air temperature, shading, wind speed and type of the material used to
manufacture PV panels (Green, 1998; Schwingshackl et al., 2013; Bellia
2.1. Modelling of the PV system
et al., 2014; Fialho et al., 2014; Rao et al., 2014; Eke and Demircan,
2015; Berthod et al., 2016; Menoufi et al., 2017; Vasel and Iakovidis,
The model of the direct-coupled PV system consists of PV module,
battery, charge controller and load. It operates in a way that the output
Large numbers of studies were done in the development of PV
from the PV covers first the load and the excess power is used to charge
models that consider different factors affecting the PV output. For ex-
the battery (Merei et al., 2013). The flow of energy to and from the
ample; Pendem and Mikkili (2018) developed PV model by taking into
battery is controlled by a charge controller (Singh, 2013; Müller et al.,
consideration the effect of shading on the electrical characteristics of
the PV arrays. The developed model was run in Matlab/Simulink en-
vironment. Different shading conditions like short and narrow, short
and wide, long and narrow and diagonal shading conditions were 2.2. PV model
considered to compare the performance of PV module output.
Qi and Ming (2012) also presented a stand-alone PV model in which The PV model uses solar radiation data, which were measured at
PV output was affected by intensity of irradiation and air temperature. horizontal plane (beam, reflected and diffuse) as input. These data were
Increase of temperature affected negatively the output voltage whereas taken from the SoDa website for the region of Dodoma, Tanzania (SoDa,
increase of irradiation increases the PV output. Schwingshackl et al. 2004). The data were at an interval of 10 min that was required by the
(2013), Vasel and Iakovidis (2017) and Kaldellis et al. (2014) presented developed model.
PV models and impact of wind on the performance of the PV modules. The model calculates global solar radiation at an inclined plane so
In this study, the number of PV cells connected in series is con- as to maximize the output from the PV module as presented by
sidered as the major factor affecting PV output for the direct- coupled Ritzenhoff (1992), Shen et al. (2008) Merei (2016) and Ibrahim et al.
systems. A model for direct-coupled PV system with batteries, which (2013) in the equations below.
takes different numbers of PV cells in series into consideration, was
Ht = Hb + Hd + Hr (1)
developed. Other factors like temperature and solar radiation are also
taken into account. An optimization tool for such a system was also where Hb , Hd and Hr are beam, diffuse and reflected radiation at in-
developed. The developed model was run using Matlab/Simulink. clined plane (W/m2) and Ht is the total solar radiation at inclined plane
The developed tool has a capability of selecting the optimal number (W/m2).
of PV cells in series and parallel. It considers changes of solar radiation, In order to get the values of solar radiation at inclined plane, the
temperature and load profiles in selecting the optimal results. The op- following Eqs. (2)–(4) were used. For the case of beam (direct) solar
timal number of PV cells in series always makes the PV operating vol- radiation at inclined plane, consider the following:
tage to be near to the maximum power points. By doing so, the direct-
coupled PV systems can have less losses during their operation. Hb = Hb,0. cos ( )/cos( z ) (2)
Furthermore, the selected optimal results have low levelized cost of
Hb,0 is the beam (direct) solar radiation measured at horizontal
electricity (LCOE).
plane (W/m2), and ( z ) are the incidence angle of direct radiation on
A range of optimal number of PV cells in series and ratio of nominal
tilted surface and horizontal surface, respectively (°).
battery voltage to maximum power point voltage are proposed. Within
Diffuse solar radiation at an inclined plane was calculated using the
this range, a direct-coupled PV system is operated at high efficiencies.
following equation:
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
Hd = Hd,0
(1 + cos ( )) maximum power point (MPP) results to a drastic decrease of PV per-
2 (3) formance (PV power) and thus causing a reduction in efficiency. In
is the diffuse solar radiation measured at horizontal plane (W/ systems with large coupling ratios, the operating points range mostly in
m2) and is the inclination (tilt) angle (°). area 1 and for small coupling ratios the operating points range mostly in
For the case of reflected solar radiation at an inclined plane, the area 2. Coupling ration is defined as
following equation was used. UMPPSTC
cr =
1 Ubat (9)
Hr = Ht,0 (1 cos ( ))
2 (4)
where UMPPSTC is the maximum power point PV module voltage (V) at
is the ground reflectivity (albedo) and Ht,0 is the global solar
s STC, Ubat is the battery operating voltage (V).
radiation at horizontal plane (W/m2). PV output for the direct-coupled PV model calculated in the current
study is a function of solar radiationHt , temperature T , battery voltage
2.3. PV output at maximum power point Ubatt and number of serial connected PV cells NPVserial
(P (Ht , T , Ubatt , NPVserial )) .
After the calculation of the global solar radiation at an inclined The direct-coupled PV model is based on the following approach:
plane from the data measured at horizontal plane, this value was then
used to calculate the PV current and voltage at maximum power point 1. For standard test conditions, a characteristic of the solar cell over
(IMPP and UMPP ). The equations presented by Merei (2016), Sauer the entire voltage range is known.
(1994), Hansen et al. (2001) were used and are presented as follows. 2. Maximum power point current, voltage and power at each operating
For the current at maximum power point: point are available.
3. By suitable mapping functions, any operating conditions
( 1 Ht ) 2
IMPP = (Ht , T , Ubatt , NPVserial) of the PV module can be mapped to a char-
( + ( 1 Ht ) (5)
acteristic under standard test conditions.
whereby 1 and are PV module constants. Details of the calculations of
these constants are attached in Appendix A. In this study, three mapping functions were used. Consider the I-V
The voltage at maximum power point depends strongly on the PV curves presented in Figs. 1 and 2. For the drawn graphs, there is a
module temperature and the solar radiation. The PV module tempera- difference between the graph at STC and other operating conditions in
ture was calculated using the following equation. voltage and current. In order to estimate voltages at any operating
point, a mapping factor corresponding to a ratio of maximum power
TPV = Tamb + (Ht TPVcoeff ) (6)
point voltage under standard test condition and maximum power point
whereby TPV is the PV module temperature (°C), Tamb is the ambient voltages at any operating points ( MPPSTC ) was used. Consider Eq. (11).
temperature (°C), Ht is the global solar radiation at inclined plane (W/ In order to estimate power at any operating point, a mapping factor
m2) and TPVcoeff is the coefficient temperature of the PV module set corresponding to power at maximum power point at any operating
between 0.02 °C/W/m2 for completely free standing panels with good condition and power at maximum power point at standard test condi-
heat dissipation and 0.04 °C/W/m2 for poor cooling, directly mounted tion ( was used (refer Eq. (20)).
to the roof. In the direct-coupled PV system with a battery, usually the PV
Now, modules are connected in parallel with a battery. That means PV op-
a2ln (Ht + 1) + a3 erating voltages depends strongly on battery operating voltages. In
UMPP = a1ln2 (Ht + 1) + + Ct (TPV Tref ) order to map battery operating voltages to a new I-V curve of the new
ln (Ht + 1)+a4 (7)
module so as its relative position on the new I-V curve to be the same as
where UMPP is the PV voltage at maximum power point (V), Tref is the at the original curve, a mapping factor corresponding to number of
reference temperature (25 °C), Ct is the temperature coefficient de- serial connected PV cells of the original module and number of the
scribing the voltage decrease with the increase in temperature, a1, a2 , a3 serial connected PV cells of the new module ( N
) was implemented
and a 4 are constants and the details of which are in Appendix A. For PVserial
(consider Eq. (12)).
(Ht + 1) , 1 is in W/m2.
Consider the following I-V-P curve (Fig. 2) of the original modelled
The theoretical power of a single PV module operated at maximum
PV module and new optimal module with 72 and 45 cells connected in
power point is then calculated as
series respectively. It can be shown that, battery-operating window for
PMPP = UMPP IMPP (8) the new module (45 cells in series) and original module is similar.
The only difference, which can be seen from these graphs, is that,
for the new module, battery-operating window is near to the maximum
2.4. PV output at direct-coupled system with batteries
power point whereas with the original module, battery-operating
window is far from the maximum power point. Making the new module
In order to understand the methodology used in calculating the
(with 45 cells in series) to operate in a more efficient way compared to
output of PV system in a direct-coupled topology, consider Fig. 1 as a
the original one.
sample of an I-V-P curve.
Usually, air temperatures and solar radiation affect PV systems. Low
temperatures and high solar radiations favour high PV output while
high temperatures and low solar radiations favour low PV output.
Therefore, in the development of direct-coupled PV model, the changes
in temperature and solar radiation at each time-step were taken into
Two operating regions are presented in Fig. 1: linear (area 1) and
polynomial (area 2). Area 1 shows a nearly constant current, a voltage
increase within this range directly leads to an increase in power (in-
crease in efficiency also).
For the case of area 2, an increase in the voltage exceeding the Fig. 1. Sample I-V-P curve.
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
order to increase the output power, several of these modules should be Table 1
connected in parallel (NPVparallel ). The following Eq. (22) was used. Electrical data sheet and theoretical values for amorphous silicon module.
Ptotal = P NPVparallel Electrical data (at STC) Value Theoretical (at STC) Value
Max. power [Pmax ] 235.00 W Max. power [Pmax ] 23.50 W
In brief, the structure of the PV model is described in Fig. 3. The Max. power voltage [UMPP ] 43.50 V Max. power voltage [UMPP ] 43.50 V
output voltage of the PV panel, which depends on the battery operating Max. power current [IMPP ] 5.43 A Max. power current [IMPP ] 0.54 A
voltages for a direct-coupled system and the current, were calculated by Open circuit voltage [Uoc ] 52.40 V Open circuit voltage [Uoc ] 52.40 V
using the Eqs. (1)–(22) presented above. Short circuit current [Isc ] 5.78 A Short circuit current [Isc ] 0.58 A
Horizontal Longitude,
measured solar latitude,
radiation data inclination angle
Battery voltage,
Calculate voltage, current and power at MPP number of serial
connected PV cells
Calculate voltage, current and power for the direct coupled PV system
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
Table 2
Used economic parameters.
Component Price
Fig. 4. Load profile for SHS. equipment costs and the real energy supplied to cover the load.
In order to get the LCOE, the annuity A was divided by the real load Inclination angle ° 1 0 90
that was covered by the PV system Ereal_supplied . This means, the excess Azimuth angle ° 1 90 (East) 270 (West)
SOC max % 1 0 100
generated energy from PV was not considered. SOC min % 1 0 100
A Battery capacity Wh 1 5 5000
LCOE = Number of PV cells in – 1 1 200
Ereal _supplied (27) serial
Number of PV modules in – 1 1 500
The LCOE was considered as a fitness function during optimization parallel
process. Low LCOE was preferred but this depended strongly on the
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
Fig. 7. I-V-P Curve at constant solar radiation and different air temperatures.
Fig. 9. I-V-P Curve at constant solar radiation and different air temperatures
1. Prepare input data: global solar radiation, PV temperature and load
with battery operating window.
that are saved as CSV data and PV data sheets.
2. Prepare and connect the required battery and charge controller with
the PV and load simulators. In this study, lead acid battery with and low solar radiation decreases the PV output current and voltage.
70 Ah was used due to their availability in the laboratory. However, the output voltage can change if the air temperature is not
3. Change the PV characteristic according to the given PV data sheet. maintained constant. High solar radiations have high temperatures,
4. Load the global solar radiation, PV temperature, load data and save which affects negatively the output voltage.
them in the required folders.
5. Switch on the load simulator. 3.2. Solar home system with lead acid battery
6. Set the execution time. Make sure the set execution time and in-
tervals of the measured data are the same. For the simulated system, the number of battery cells in serial was
7. Start the test by allowing the PV simulator to generate power that is kept constant to maintain the 24 V DC system. For the case of lead acid
used first by the load and the excess is saved in the battery. batteries, 12 cells in series were kept constant. The nominal battery cell
voltage used for simulation was 2 V.
I-V curve with the battery-operating window is described in Fig. 9.
3. Results and discussion By using the original PV module with 72 cells and a 24 V battery, it can
be shown that the battery-operating window is in the low power region
3.1. PV module characteristics leading to unnecessary losses.
This PV module was used in order to test how good the optimization
In this part, the PV characteristics are described after simulating the tool was. Any type of PV module can be parameterized and the tool
PV model at different conditions. The PV model was simulated at dif- selects the optimal number of serial connected PV cells. For the purpose
ferent air temperatures (0 °C, 25 °C and 60 °C) maintaining a constant of this study, a PV module with a higher number of PV cells connected
solar radiation of 1000 W/m2 and different solar radiations at constant in series was selected and the optimization was done.
temperature. If this PV module was used in a 24 V battery system, many losses
Consider a PV module simulated at constant solar radiation of would occur in the system. Normally, the battery operating voltages
1000 W/m2 and different air temperatures (0 °C, 25 °C and 60 °C). The I- affect PV operating voltages hence making the PV modules to be op-
V-P curve below (Fig. 7) presents original solar module. erated at low power region. A correct match of the number of PV cells
PV output was higher at lower temperatures than at higher tem- in serial and the battery operating voltages should be found to
peratures (refer Fig. 7). Higher temperatures negatively affect the
output of the PV panel (Ye et al., 2013; Spertino et al., 2016; Peng et al., Table 4
2017). With increasing solar radiation, air temperature also increases. Optimization results.
This leads to increasing temperatures of PV modules, which affect PV
Parameter Unit Value
Now consider a PV module operated at different solar radiation and Inclination angle ° 15
constant air temperature of 25 °C (refer Fig. 8). The simulation results Azimuth angle ° 187
SOC max % 100
have shown that high solar radiation increases the current and voltage
SOC min % 45
Battery capacity Wh 744
Number of PV cells in serial – 45
Number of PV modules in parallel – 7
Peak Power for theoretical PV module Wp 14.68
Peak Power for a PV system Wp 102.76
Table 5
Electrical data sheet of the optimized PV module.
Electrical data (at STC) Value
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. I-V-P curve at constant 1000 W/m solar radiation (a) and at constant air temperature 25 °C (b) for theoretical PV module.
Fig. 12. Comparison of the PV power output with battery output and load.
Fig. 15. Cost comparison of a system with and without MPP-Tracker.
Table 6
New data sheet used for optimal amorphous silicon PV modules.
No. No. cells in serial UMPP IMPP Uoc Isc
45 cells in series and a peak power of 14.68 Wp (see Tables 4 and 5). In
order to cover 100% of the load and to enable fast charging of the
battery, 7 of these theoretical modules were connected in parallel.
Fig. 13. Output voltage comparison between direct-coupled system and a
Characteristics of the theoretical PV modules are shown in
system operated at MPP using Pb acid battery.
Fig. 10(a) and (b). The graphs show how different temperatures and
solar radiation affect the PV module output.
maximize the PV output. A comparison was done between a PV system with lead acid battery
The optimization results are presented in Table 4. Table 5 presents operated at its maximum power points and the other one operated at a
the STC of the new optimized PV module. The system was optimized for direct-coupled topology. Consider Fig. 11, which shows, that there are
an operational life of 20 years. The optimal theoretical PV module has some operating points, which are close to the diagonal line meaning
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
Fig. 16. Power output at directly coupled system and at MPP with 72 cells.
that at these moments the system is operated close to the maximum See also Eq. (27).
power point. Optimization results have shown that a SHS with a lead acid battery
However on the other hand there are also some points which are far has LCOE of 0.37 €/kWh. Low lifetime of lead acid battery (4 years)
from the diagonal line meaning that at those moments, the system was increased investment cost by increasing battery replacement costs.
operated at low power region (far from the maximum power points).
The decrease of the PV output power occurs especially in the 3.3. Comparison with a system using MPP-Tracker
afternoons (see Figs. 12 and 13) when the battery is fully charged. At
these times, PV operating voltages (battery voltages) were higher than Economic comparison has been done between a SHS, which uses an
theUMPP , hence making a system to operate at a lower power level. MPP-Tracker and the other one that is directly coupled to a battery. For
The UMPP of the PV module was effectively lowered during the such a system, the cost of MPP-Tracker should be below 12.5% of the
afternoon due to higher ambient temperatures and thus the mis- total investment cost for it to compete with the direct-coupled system
matching between PV operating voltage and UMPP of the module was (see Fig. 15). This means, the cost of MPP-Tracker should be very cheap
increased. (below 80€) for it to be cost effective. Since the losses in this system can
In Fig. 13, the battery voltage against the theoretical maximum be minimized, the use of MPP-Tracker is not relevant.
power point voltages is presented. It can be seen from the graph that At the moment the cost of MPP-Tracker for small PV systems (up to
when the solar radiation is zero (UMPP=0) , the battery was at a certain 120 Wp) is above 100 Euro depending on different manufactures.
state of charge which was enough to cover the load at night. The op- Direct-coupled PV systems with a battery can be used, however a good
erating points below the diagonal line present that UMPP is greater than combination of battery operating voltage and number of PV cells in
the battery voltages. This mainly occurs in the morning. At this point, serial (UMPP) should be chosen in order to reduce the losses in these
the battery charging only if when there is excess from the PV module. systems.
The points above the diagonal line occur when the battery voltages
are higher than theUMPP . This condition occurs mainly in the afternoon.
4. Validation of the PV model
In order to avoid such a mismatch, another possible alternative
would be avoiding charging the battery up to 100% SOC so as to keep
The validation was done for the optimal number of serial connected
the battery operating points below theUMPP . However, since the con-
PV cells. For the tests, which were done, 72, 45 and 47 cells in serial
dition is set for the load to be covered 100%, a higher battery capacity
and 3 modules in parallel were used, with 72 cells being the original
would be leading to higher investment costs for the whole system.
parametrized modules and 45 and 47 being the optimal results. A 70 Ah
Additionally, a low average SOC results in fast calendrical aging for
lead acid battery was connected in parallel to a PV simulator. This
lead acid batteries (Lujano-Rojas et al., 2016; Kujundžić et al., 2017).
battery was used due to its availability in the laboratory.
The observed decrease of PV generation due to fully charged bat-
The used solar radiation data were from Dodoma. For the first tests,
teries is not a permanent situation. It can change if different factors like
a day with high solar radiation was used. Later, solar radiation and
number of PV cells or load profile are altered. In this study, losses have
temperature were changed. Table 6 shows the STC parameters which
been defined as in Eq. (29).
were used as input to the PV simulator. (Table 6 is supposed to be after
Empp Edircoup this paragraph.)
100% Starting with the PV module with 72 cells in serial, Figs. 16 and 17
Empp (29)
show the measurement results. This is actually the original amorphous
where Edircoup is the yearly energy generated from the direct-coupled silicon PV module, which can be found on the market. Fig. 16 shows
system and Empp is the yearly energy generated when the PV system is that most of the points are far from the diagonal line, meaning that the
operated at its maximum power points. PV operating points are far from the maximum power points. This is
From Fig. 14, it can be shown clearly that, when a direct-coupled PV because the used PV module had more PV cells in serial and hence high
system is operated at a range of 45–55 number of serial connected PV values of UMPP points compared to the real PV operating voltages.
cells, fewer losses can be encountered. In general, for selection of high It can also be seen that there are some points that are below the
efficient direct-coupled system, a range of a ratio of nominal battery diagonal line. This was due to an equipment error: Between 0 A and
voltage to PV maximum power point voltage at STC is considered. From 0.5 A, the PV simulator was not operating well, only either at 0 A or
0.67 to 0.9, a direct-coupled PV system can operate at high efficiencies above 0.5 A. In calculation of the losses incorporated in a system, the
greater or equal to 90%. error was not considered.
The levelized cost of electricity was calculated by using the eco- A comparison between the battery operating voltages (PV output
nomic parameters listed in Table 2. The model was simulated at a voltage at direct-coupled topology) with the theoreticalUMPP is pre-
period of 20 years. The fitness function (LCOE) was calculated by di- sented in Fig. 17. It is worth mentioning that the tests were started
viding the annuity with the covered load (Magnor and Sauer, 2016). when the solar radiation was zero and the battery was fully charged.
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
Table 7
Efficiency with different serial connected PV cells for amorphous silicon
Item Number of cells Efficiency (%)
Fig. 18. Power output at directly coupled system and at MPP with 45 cells. amorphous silicon PV module have shown that the optimal number of
PV cells in series is between 45 and 55.
In Fig. 17, different scenarios can be shown. When UMPP was zero, An efficiency of 98% (loss 2%) can be reached if there is a good
the battery was at a certain state of charge. This was at night when match between load, battery and PV maximum voltage. The results
there was no solar radiation, making UMPP to be zero. During this time, presented here are specific for the simulated PV system operated in
the battery was used to cover the load making its voltage to decrease regions with high solar radiation like Dodoma, Tanzania. However, the
from full charge voltage of 28 V to around 24.8 V. model can be easily adapted and used to other regions and types of PV
These battery voltages also correspond to the PV operating voltages modules by changing the input data including solar radiation, air
at direct-coupled topology. As soon as there was solar radiation, UMPP temperature, latitude, longitude, load profile and STC parameters of the
increased and the PV operating voltage (battery voltage) also increased used PV module.
thus charging the battery by solar radiation. In general, for maximum output of the direct-coupled PV system
With the non-optimized system, the operating points were far from with battery, a range of a ratio of nominal battery voltage to PV max-
the ideal line. This module was not suitable for a 24 V system; it was imum power point voltage at STC between 0.67 and 0.9 is proposed.
therefore only used to prove the optimization tool’s quality. Any type of Within this range, a direct-coupled PV system can be operated at higher
PV module can be used and the tool can select the best optimal serial efficiency greater than 90%.
number of PV cells for the used system. An optimized PV module is also proposed. The implementation of
For the selected optimal results of the system with 45 PV cells in the proposed module might be expensive at the beginning from man-
series, the results are presented in the following graphs. In Fig. 18, it ufacturer side by changing the PV specification in the production line,
can be clearly seen that many points are very near to the diagonal line. however there is still a promising and huge market for the PV modules
This shows that the PV operating voltage of a direct-coupled system is especially in the developing countries.
very near to the theoretical maximum power point voltages (UMPP ) (see For the presented optimal system, the LCOE was 0.37 €/kWh when
also Fig. 19). The points below the diagonal line in Fig. 18 are due to the PV modules were operated at an inclination angle of 15° and azi-
the PV simulator error. Apart from this error, the system operated at a muth angle of 187° west. Lower LCOE could be achieved if the battery
high efficiency. lifetime would be long, interest rate and cost of PV system (battery, PV
Table 7 below shows the different levels of efficiency reached in the modules and charge controller) would be low. Since a high efficiency
tests that were conducted when the solar radiation was high and low. can be achieved by the direct-coupled system, the use of MPP-Trackers
High efficiencies were reached when the correct number of serially in SHS operated in Tanzania is not relevant. The cost of an MPP-Tracker
connected PV cells was used. would have to be very low for it to compete with a direct-coupled PV
5. Conclusion and recommendation The results from laboratory tests have shown that the losses in the
direct-coupled system can be minimized if an appropriate number of
In this study, a direct-coupled PV model that takes into considera- serial connected PV cells is chosen, hence making it to operate at high
tion solar radiation, temperature and number of serial connected PV efficiency. A high efficiency of 97% was reached for the PV system with
cells is presented. The presented results for a solar home system with an amorphous PV modules coupled to a lead acid battery.
The methodology presented here is as presented by Merei (2016), Sauer (1994). In the developed PV model, four sampling data points are
required for solar radiation (H1, H2 , H3 and H 4 ), maximum current (I1, I2 , I3 and I 4 ) and maximum voltage (U1, U2, U3 and U4 ) as input to the model.
These sample data points can be extracted from the data sheet. These can be the values measured for example at 25 °C for 0 W/m2, 200 W/m2,
400 W/m2 and 1000 W/m2 respectively.
Now consider Eq. (5), where 1 and were used. These constants are calculated using the following equations.
S. Paul Ayeng'o, et al. Solar Energy 183 (2019) 120–131
I1 I2 (H1 H2)
1 =
(H21I2 H22 I1) (A.1)
h 4 k3 h3 k 4
a2 =
i3k 4 i 4 k3 (A.4)
i3 h 4 h3 i 4
a4 =
i3 k 4 i 4 k3 (A.6)
k3 = (U2 U3)ln2 (H1+ 1)+(U3 U1)ln2 (H2 + 1) + (U1 U2)ln2 (H3 + 1) (A.7)
i3 = ln(H1+ 1)(ln2 (H3 + 1) ln2 (H2 + 1)) + ln(H2 + 1)(ln2 (H1 + 1) ln2 (H3 + 1)) + ln(H3 + 1)(ln2 (H2 + 1) + ln2 (H1 + 1)) (A.9)
i 4 = ln(H1 + 1)(ln2 (H 4 + 1) ln2 (H2 + 1))ln(H2 + 1) + (ln2 (H1 + 1) ln2 (H 4 + 1)) + ln(H 4 + 1)(ln2 (H2 + 1)ln2 (H1 + 1)) (A.10)
h3 = ln2 (H1 + 1)(U3ln(H3 + 1) U2ln(H2 + 1)) + ln2 (H2 + 1)(U1ln(H1 + 1) U3ln(H3 + 1)) + (U2ln(H2 + 1) U1ln(H1 + 1) (A.11)
h4 = ln2 (H1 + 1)(U4 ln(H 4 + 1) U2 ln(H2 + 1)) + ln2 (H2 + 1)(U1ln(H1 + 1) U4 ln(H 4 + 1)) + ln2 (H 4 + 1)(U2ln(H2 + 1) U1ln(H1 + 1) (A.12)
For the case of Eq. (19), the used parametersb1, b2 , b3 , b4 and b5 were calculated as follows:
b1 = ( ) ( ) ( )
+( ) ( )
b2 = +
(UAN UMPP ) 2 (UAN UOC )2 (UAN UMPP )3 (UAN UOC ) (A.14)
b3 = +
(UAN UMPP )3 (UAN UOC) (UAN UMPP ) 2 (UAN UOC)2 (A.15)
b4 = 2
+ +
/((U2AN 2UAN UOC + 2
+ UOCU2MPP)) (A.17)
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