Reinforced concrete structures-II Test-I (Total Marks 20%) Targets G4C
Part_I: Discuss the following questions to the point (10%)
1. What is the importance of the study of moment curvature (M-K)
relationship of a typically reinforced concrete beam section?----------2Marks 2. Discuss the following structural method of analysis a) Elastic analysis--------------------------------------------------------------2Marks b) Linear elastic analysis with limited moment redistribution-----2Marks c) Nonlinear Analysis----------------------------------------------------------2Marks d) Plastic Analysis--------------------------------------------------------------2Marks
Part_II: Numerical Computations
1. Calculate the design moments of a 6m spanning beam fixed supported at
both ends with b = 200mm and h = 400mm carrying a total design load of 24kN/m including its own weight, for the following condition. (Assume C25/30 and S-400 materials) a) Without moment redistribution or 0% moment distribution----5Marks b) 20% Moment redistribution----------------------------------------------5Marks