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Januari-Juni 2024
This study explores the role of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers in fostering the
values of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) to form a good and polite character in
students at school. This is based on the need for character education amidst the strong
influence of technology in the lives of elementary school students today. The research
method used is a qualitative approach with a case study design involving direct
observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation analysis in the school environment.
Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion
drawing to process and analyze the collected data systematically. The results of the study
show that the application of Aswaja values by PAI teachers has a positive impact on
developing students' character, especially in terms of simplicity, patience, honesty, and
empathy. The contribution of this research is to enrich the understanding of the strategic
role of PAI teachers in supporting the formation of students' character, as well as provide
recommendations for developing a value-based curriculum and better collaboration
between schools, parents, and communities in supporting character education. This
research implies the need for continuous teacher training and the integration of character
education into the curriculum to address modern technological influences.
Key Words: Character, Aswaja Values, Empathy
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran guru Pendidikan Agama Islam
(PAI) dalam menumbuhkan nilai-nilai Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) untuk
membentuk karakter yang baik dan santun pada siswa di sekolah. Hal ini didasari oleh
kebutuhan akan pendidikan karakter di tengah kuatnya pengaruh teknologi dalam
kehidupan siswa sekolah dasar saat ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah
pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus, melibatkan observasi langsung,
wawancara mendalam, dan analisis dokumentasi di lingkungan sekolah. Teknik analisis
data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan untuk mengolah
dan menganalisis data yang terkumpul secara sistematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa penerapan nilai-nilai Aswaja oleh guru PAI berdampak positif terhadap
pengembangan karakter siswa, terutama dalam hal kesederhanaan, kesabaran,
kejujuran, dan empati. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkaya pemahaman
tentang peran strategis guru PAI dalam mendukung pembentukan karakter siswa, serta
memberikan rekomendasi untuk pengembangan kurikulum berbasis nilai dan
kolaborasi yang lebih baik antara sekolah, orang tua, dan masyarakat dalam mendukung
Elementary school students today are very familiar with the use of
technology such as smartphones, tablets, and computers (Febyanti et al., 2022;
Haleem et al., 2022; Gunawan & Amaludin, 2021). They often use these devices
to study, play, and communicate. Students often use these devices to learn, play,
and communicate (Nuraliyah et al., 2022). Nowadays, children of primary school
age spend several hours per day with their electronic devices, whether to access
online learning materials, play educational games, or communicate with friends
and family through messaging applications and social media (Yulianah & Rozi,
2023; Alawiyah et al., 2022). As a result, they are quicker to access information
and more familiar with technology than previous generations, which gives them
an edge in digital skills but also demands supervision to avoid potential risks
such as addiction to technology and exposure to inappropriate content.
In today's era, today's elementary school students have wider access to
information on social and emotional issues, such as bullying, mental health, and
tolerance (Susilowati, 2022; Amelia, 2023; Dyson et al., 2021). These students tend
to be more sensitive to this problem. Based on reports from various educational
institutions, many schools have incorporated character and social-emotional
education into the curriculum (Sholeh, 2023). In addition, awareness campaigns
(Yusnaldi et al., 2021) through social media and school programs increase
students' understanding of these issues. However, their understanding and
handling of these social and emotional issues still requires guidance from
teachers and parents to ensure that the information they receive is properly
processed and applied appropriately in daily life.
Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers can play an important role in
overcoming the challenges faced by elementary school students today through
the teaching of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) values. By integrating Aswaja
values, such as simplicity, patience, honesty, and empathy, PAI teachers can help
students develop strong character and good morals (Billah et al., 2022;
Chuanchen, 2023; Ansori et al., 2023). For example, through teaching about the
importance of simplicity, teachers can teach students not to overdo it in the use
of technology and to use their time wisely (Mindarto et al., 2023; Faiz, 2023;
Maulidah et al., 2023). Additionally, by instilling the values of patience and
empathy, PAI teachers can help students better manage their emotions and
increase sensitivity to social issues such as bullying and mental health (Norman
& Paramansyah, 2024; Hamidah, 2023). This approach can also strengthen the
relationship between students, teachers, and parents, creating a more
harmonious and supportive learning environment.
This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study design (Arifin et
al., 2024). This approach was chosen to gain an in-depth understanding of how
Aswaja values are applied by Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers in
improving the character of elementary school students. The research will be
conducted at SD Negeri 2 Temuguruh which has integrated Aswaja values in
their curriculum. The research subjects included PAI teachers, elementary school
students, and students' parents. Data will be collected through a variety of
techniques, including direct observation in the classroom during PAI lessons and
in the school environment to see the application of Aswaja values, in-depth
interviews with PAI teachers and other maple teachers, students, and parents to
explore teaching strategies and the impact of Aswaja values on student character,
as well as analytical documentation of school documents such as curriculum and
related activity reports.
This study has revealed the importance of the role of Islamic Religious
Education (PAI) teachers in instilling the values of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah
(Aswaja) in shaping the character of students at SD Negeri 2 Temuguruh. The
most important finding of this study is that the integration of moral values such
as honesty, simplicity, patience, and empathy in the learning process not only
enriches students' academic understanding but also supports their character
development. The wisdom that can be taken from this study is that character
education based on religious values can provide a strong moral foundation for
students, helping them become individuals with more integrity and
In terms of scientific contribution, this study updates the perspective in
the approach to character education by emphasizing the importance of
integrating religious values into the elementary school curriculum. The method
used, namely a qualitative approach with a case study design, provides an in-
depth understanding of how Aswaja values can be applied in the context of
formal education. However, this study has limitations in terms of scope, which
only covers one school with a homogeneous cultural and religious background.
In addition, this study does not consider gender and age variations, and is limited
to qualitative methods. Therefore, further research is needed that accommodates
various variables such as gender, age, and uses quantitative methods or surveys
to obtain a more comprehensive picture. This is important to produce a more
appropriate and targeted policy basis in developing inclusive and effective
character education.
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