Hennig - Values in Perspective

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• PSR 31 (1983): 55~4



Concordia College

The analytical framework presented in this paper offers a preliminary way of recasting former
analyses of Filipino values. It emphasizes sociological variables, attention to group memberships,
and the situation of the action framework. It also recognizespsychologicaldispositions;however, it
suggests that these ron be tempered by external factors. Finally, it accepts the fact that Filipino
culture is emerging from a synthesis between historic (and prehistoric) Asian valuesand the impact
of Western values, especially those imparted during the American occupation. It is hoped that, by
expanding the potential variables to include specific contexts and situations, a fuller understanding
of Filipino values will be realized;

Filipino value structure was one of the contrast. The arguments on either side have
choicest topics for many social scientists not been resolved, merely avoided.
during the sixties. In 1961, Kaut examined
utang no loob or the "Filipino debt of The purpose of this paper is threefold.
gratitude. In 1963, Hunt and others discussed First, I wish to examine the conflicting
Filipino values in their book, Sociology in the literature available on Filipino values and draw
Philippine Setting. In 1964 other Filipino some personal conclusions. Second, I will
values were suggested: hiya, pakikisama; examine where and under what conditions one
smooth interpersonal relations (SIR), amor could expect these values to arise. Finally, I

• propio (Bulatao 1964, Lynch 1964,

Hollnsteiner 1961). Soon the inevitable
happened. Authors were compared and
will suggest an analytical framework fur a
fuller appreciation of Philippine values.

contrasted (see Lawless 1966), or the Filipino Values

substance of their claims questioned (e.g.
Jocano 1966). Though sporadic mention is Almost exactly ten years ago, I travelled to
still made of "Filipino values" (see Coward the Philippines with the modest directive from
1978, Hunt 1980), the tendency is to avoid Peace Corps to find a feasible alternative to
specific mention of unique Filipino values. slash and burn agriculture. My enthusiasm and
One notable exception to this trend is a confidence was only slightly tempered by a
recent publication by Robert Morais (1981) discussion I had had with Fred Eggan over

• on social relations in Tanay, a rural Philippine

what to expect in the Philippines. I
anticipated spending a couple months getting
a feel for the culture before eradicating slash
The study of Filipino values withered, I and burn from the Philippines. From the
would argue, because the analytical framework literature, I found that the Filipino was brave
was either too loose or was non-existent, when he wasn't running from a confrontation,
making any conclusions open to rebuttal. he was industrious when he wasn't idle,
When one author pointed to an observation, respectful when not being openly disrespect.
"another author was ready to counter with a ful, friendly when not being callous, in-
contradictory observation. Without a theore- dividualistic when not following the group
tical paradigm, the study of Filipino values decision, generous when not being covetous,
.was reduced to a case by case comparison and innovative when not imitating, a peace maker

when not orgaruzing to fight injustice. Frank variables? Stated another way, is it sufficient
Lynch (1973: 10·14) suggested that a Filipino to examine the individual as the unit of
acted in a way to retain SIR (smooth analysis or is the social setting (situation)
in t er personal rela t ions) using three important? The final issue examines whether
mechanisms: pakikisama (concession), the use these values as defined are the exclusive
of euphemisms in speech, and the use of a property of the Filipino people or a
go-between when there might be an pan-human phenomenon.
embarrassing request or complaint. Jocano
(1966) rebutted, saying that Filipinos were The ultimate Filipino values. Lynch listed
not significantly different from other ethnic three "... principal constituents of the Good
groups, being quite hostile at times. Lynch Life here on earth (1973:8)." The one to
came back with a count of friendly meetings which he dedicated his article is "social
in a Philippine barrio and compared this with acceptance," which he defined as being " ...
the number of hostile encounters, suggesting accepted by one's fellows for what one is,
that the ratio still favored his emphasis on.· thinks oneself to be, or would like to be, and
smooth interpersonal relations. Hollnsteiner be given the treatment due to one's station
then carefully examined the value of '. . . . (1973:8)." The other two aspects of
reciprocity in the lowland Philippines, and the "Good Life" he listed are economic
suggested the importance of retaining smooth security and social mobility.
interpersonal relations through the mechanism
of reciprocity. A breakdown in reciprocity If these are the basic Filipino values, why is
results in hiya (shame). However, after a so much effort given to the elucidation of
lecture she gave at Cornell University in 1979 SIR, which Lynch admitted is an intermediate
goal' (1973: 15)? If it is our aim to study the

on the organization of Tondo residents, I
asked how the values she discussed in her foundations of .Filipino life and interaction,
article applied to the confrontation groups would not our time be better spent examining
being formed in Tondo. She passed the these three ultimate values? In this light, SIR
question off with perhaps the somewhat becomes nothing more than an outward
facetious comment that the article was so manifestation of the basic values or a
popular that additional editions were.released, mechanism by which these three ultimate
Obviously, there is a certain tentativeness values are attained. Further extrapolation
relative to Filipino values even among the would suggest that the tenets of SIR could be
most prominent authors on the topic. abandoned if one of the "principal.
constituents" or "ultimate values" was
Where and When SIR Arises threatened. For example, it should not be

The absence of consensus in the literature

surprising if a Filipino draws a bolo with
Intent to use it upon another person (and in •
on whether or not these are Filipino values so doing violates the tenets of SIR), if his
and if so, under what situations they are Ultimate purpose is to defend his social group
evident, suggests. a lack of a commori (cf. Lim 1966:44). The charitable gift to a
orientation. In my opinion, three crucial issues ditch-tender in an irrigation system becomes
have not been examined sufficiently. The first not so much an act of friendship aimed at
issue relates to whether or not these values are maintaining SIR as it is a form of bribery to
actually ultimate values, rather than just guarantee economic security (cf. Hollnsteiner
outward manifestations or mechanisms of 1973:79).
more fundamental values. The second issue
addresses the focus of these values: should the Are Filipino values ego-eentric or
focus be on egocentric personality variables, as group-eentered? There is no argument against
the literature implies, or on situational the fact that values are held individually; it

would be difficult, if not impossible, to have members of his present groups. If one member
values held by groups (though values can of the group advances economically, one is
certainly be shared by groups). The question chided to remember from where he or she
raised here regards the placement of the came and support the others (Kailangan siyang
dominant focus of these values. tumingin sa pinanggalingan).
Research in the perception of human It is only within one of numerous
behavior suggests that there are three basic defineable groups that one can expect to see
types of explanation one can use to the mechanisms of SIR in operation. The
understand the behavior of another: (1) the Pilipino language itself has a mechanism for
behavior can be attributed to the personality either including or excluding the one to whom
of the actor, (2) the behavior can be seen as one is speaking. Tayo-tayo /amang translates
caused by the situation in which the actor as "your and my group" (inclusive we),
finds himself, or (3) the behavior can be seen whereas kami-kami /amang refers to a group
as unintentional. Unintentional behavior is one that includes the speaker but does not include
which is out of character and tends not to be the listener (exclusive we). Within these
repeated with any consistency (e.g, tripping, groups, individual wishes are subsumed under
slipping, forgetting, and the like). Because it is common goals. A common statement among
out of character by definition, undue such members is basta ikaw, makikisama aka
attention to such observations merely tends to (As long as it's you, I'll go along). This is
confuse. Personality explanations of behavior quite different from sasamahan kita (I will go
supply simple and direct explanations of along with you). The first statement accepts
behavior: we say, "he did that because he is the group's wishes as dominant; the second
like that." Most explanations of behavior in emphasizes the wishes of the speaker. The
the literature on Filipino values have been of first can be spoken only among group
this nature. In other words, most authors on members, while the second can be used either
Filipino values ask, "what is it about the within or without the group. The hypothesis
Filipino which causes him to act as he does?" here is that values are individually held but
It is my contention that, to get a fuller focused on group solidarity, group economic
understanding of underlying reasons for security and group social mobility. If this is
behavior, one must analyze the situational the case, one would expect to fmd the
variables - the context of the action. More mechanisms for assuring these basic values
specifically, I maintain that the action of the evident in group interactions. One should
individual will be unintelligible without expect to find a minimum of outward conflict
knowledge of the situation, especially the among group members, though no
group membership and the resultant linkage to assumptions could be made about

f others in the picture.

From birth, the Filipino finds himself or

herself inextricably linked to various groups.
Of primary importance is one's linkage to the
relationships outside the group.

Filipino OT universal values. Other authors

raise the argument that the values examined in
the Filipino experience are not really
extended family. Later in life, the Filipino country-specific values, but rather requisites
might be a member of a certain educational for the human population as a whole (cf. Rice
group, political group, social group (baTkada) 1973:257.260). Jocano (1966) argues that
or work group (including horizontal exchange SIR is not a criterion for differentiating the
labor arrangements or vertical patron-client Filipino from other nation states; he suggests
relations). Although all groups except the that SIR in some form exists in all societies,
kinship group! may change, the Filipino is From another perspective, Lynch refers to his
always reminded of one's responsibility to the three ultimate values as " . . . the principal

constituents of the Good Life here on earth family of the deceased to feed all who come
(1973:8)." He then slides into a discussion of to the house, purportedly to pay their last
Filipino values without bothering to address respects: Often extra-group .members seize
the difficult question of where the basic upon this as an opportunity for a free meal
requisites of the "Good Life" for all end and because they will feel no obligation to repay.
the uniquely Filipino values begin. Where then Needless to say, the family of the bereaved
is the basis of singling out Filipinos vis-a-vis does not appreciate this type of behavior but
humanity as a whole? there is little that can be done.
i':,, 1<
I contend that the main difference between To reiterate, I see little consensus among
Filipino and Western values2 lies not so much authors on Filipino values to date. I suggest
, '1
in content as in orientation. It is in this regard that a way to understand apparent
that I previously argued that Filipinos are '~
more group-eentered in their approach than
Westerners. One of the most lethal criticisms
contradictions in the data on Philippine values
is to incorporate situational variables rather
than to rely primarily on personality variables.
1 "

that could be leveled against a Filipino is the I suggest that an especially fruitful situational
claim that he or she is being an opportunist ~
variable to note is that of the group

that one is putting individual welfare ahead of
membership of those involved in the observed
the group. What in the United States would behavior.
be considered rags-to-riches industriousness ~ ..

would be decried in the Philippines as '. ' .... ,

Analytical Framework for Filipino Values: .

disregard for former life exigencies. In the
Theoret ical Organization
United States, an individual's responsibilities
, are to himself and his nuclear family; in the As ,discussed earlier, any analytical
Philippines, a successful family member is framework for understanding Filipino values
expected to share good fortune with the must incorporate situational variables - the
extended family, various community members, physical and social setting - as well as the
ritual or fictive relations (compadre, ninong, psychologically-based personality variables.
abalayan, etc.),' and with any and all who These form two orientations which have a
were instrumental in gaining success. Social direct bearing on resultant actions. A third
sanctions in the Philippines will keep a young orientation must be added to make the
graduate economically hamstrung by requiring paradigm complete: cosmological or
that he or she finance the younger siblings' 'philosophical orientation. This orientation
education. seeks to understand Filipino values based on
the Filipinos' understanding of the world
It should be reiterated that the mechanisms

order. 'These three orientations
employed for group solidarity end with the philosophical (cosmological), sociological
group; there are no strong restrictions or (situational), and psychological/social-psycho-

, sanctions against extra-group interactions. For 'f;

logical (personality) - represent the three :t
'example, Hollnsteiner (1973: 70) relates a ,perspectives from which action can be analyzed
situation in a community where, when there is and understood.
a death, members contribute an amount of
money for the bereaved family. Later, the The paradigm, however, is still incomplete;
recipient of the amount of money will be it does not consider the unsystematic
expected to reciprocate under the obligation evolution of the Philippine social system
of utang na loob. This is intra-group arising from international contacts, especially
interaction. On the other hand (and this is a those of a colonial nature. Ignoring the
personal observation), during the ninth day of Filipino heritage with the Chinese, Arabs, and
mourning for the dead, it is-customary for the Indians, and the colonial encounters with the

Spanish, Americans and Japanese produces a eclectic blend of Americanisms make the true
vague, sterile and spurious picture of Filipino Filipino characters that pain-baptized race that
life. Though some authors suggest that "... a will fulfill its destiny as an offspring of and as
unique, basically homogeneous Filipino bridge between East and West (quoted in
culture has emerged. . ." from the colonial Hunt 1963:55)."
contacts (Fox 1958:51), most would still
argue that the Filipino is in a cultural limbo The resultant framework (see Figure 1)
between the Orient and Occident (cf. thus examines three different orientations of
Guerrero-Nakpil quoted in Hunt 1963:48-50 action (philosophical, sociological and
and Bulatao 1966:2-5). For this reason, any psychological/social psychological) modified
analytical framework for understanding by essential features of two cultural ethics
Filipino values must have, at a minimum, (Asian, Western). It is a short step to identify
attention to an indigenous Asian ethic and a manifestations of these orientations and ethics
transmitted Western ethic, for it is probably in cultural values. The Filipino values are
somewhere between these two ideal types located on a "bridge" or continuum between
where one will find the Filipino: "His the ideal types of Asian and Western cultural
orientalism, his Spanish Catholicism, and an manifestations.

Figure 1. Analytical Framework for Understanding Philippine Values

Asian Western Ethic Western
Orientation Asian Ethic Manifestation or Input Manifesmtion

• Pessimism Affectivity
(Bahala na)
Optimism Affective
Philosophical Ascription Rigid class Achievement Upward!downward
orientation structure mobility
Superstition Religiosity Scientific Secularism
Leisure Suwerte Hard work Just reward

Utangna loob Utangna loob

Loyalty Blow-out Cash employment mobility
Sociological (Balato]
Obedience Diffuse rela- Increased urbani- Specialrelation-
tionships zation ships
(Pakikisama) Individuali$n

Humility Amor propio Western Worth of

Psychological! education individual
psychological Harmony Hospitality Use of English Westernprejudice
orientation Western example Self-determinism

Modesty Hiya Media Non-conformity


Philosophical orientation. The Filipino community, he or she feels their timely

tends to be fatalistic about life; if something assistance deeply (utang na loob), realizing,
is slated to happen, it will happen, and no that some debts go much deeper than just a .
amount of deterrance or intervention will superficial show of support. One is loyal and
affect the outcome. This fatalism is fed by the -obedient to primary group cohorts, willing to
Asian ethic, Powerlessness to affect one's life follow their lead in preference to one's own
breeds a general pessimism and the desire to ipakikisama], recognizing them as important
live for today because nothing is certain about in a broad and diffuse way to personal
tomorrow (Bahala na)•. One is ascribed a given welfare.
status in a rigid social structure with no
Western inputs, especially during the
chance of escape. Though one cannot affect
American colonial period (l898-~9'41), . 't'
fate, one can read it through various signs and
brought a different sociological dimension. 1

might just prevent some divine retribution

Roads and expanded transportation facilities
through religious rituals. Finally, because he
broadened the horizons of many
or she has no direct control over the future,
community-locked Filipinos, and cash-earning
one banks on luck (suwerte) to make life less
job opportunities gave them previously
physically difficult.
unknown geographical mobility.' Many of
This Asian ethic clashes dramatically with these cash-earning job opportunities could be
the Western ethic which has been found in burgeoning urban areas which
superimposed to a greater or lesser degree on emphasized specific goal-oriented relationships
the Filipino. The Filipino who leans toward and the opportunity for asserting
the Western ethic is optimistic about life and individualism.
is willing to defer immediate gratification
(affective neutrality) to plan for a better life
Psychological/social-psychological orienta-
tion. As an Asian, the Filipino was subjected
in the future. One feels in control of one's life, . to a constrained code of ethics: humility safe-
that if a person achieves in his job, he or she .guards self-esteem (amor propio), hospitality
will .be able to. gain in social status. This assured. harmony, modesty was employed to
person tends to view his world in cold scientific avoid shame (hiya).
terms and is therefore more secular in
religious matters. Finally, he or she sees any Onto this self-conscious state of reserve
advancement in life as a just reward for hard stormed the Western ethic, borne through the
work. altered educational system,' the language, the
media, and the personal example of the
Sociological orientation. Sociologically, the Westerners in residence. In refutation of the
Filipino sees himself as an integral part of a overriding conformity of the Asian code of
web .of community life, suffused with a ethics (humility, harmony, modesty), Western
feeling of working for the good of the whole. education stressed the worth of the individual.
This is what Ferdinand Tdnnies originally The use of English in the schools left a
referred to as gemeinschaft and what the precipitate of prejudice for Western values and
Filipino refers to as bayanihan; The Filipino is ideals (cf. Constantino 1966:39-65). The
also closely tied in with primary groups: Western example of those adventurous enough
family, gang (bar/aula), fictive. kinship ties to live in an Asian setting was that of
(compadrazgo). The Asian ethic commands self-determinism. Finally, the media under-
that one be loyal to the community. When a scored the desirability of self-assertiveness and
person has good fortune, one enforces ties non-conformity.
with the community by sharing the bounty Practical Application of the Framework
(e.g., balato or blow-out); when one has bad
fortune and must fall on the support of the The strength of any paradigm rests in its


ability to offer a greater understanding of that is impossible for the crowd to act as though
which it seeks to elucidate. It is important to they did not witness the fall (civil
"road test" this paradigm with examples from inattention). It is also important for the
the literature and personal experience, crowd that the competitor not be embarrassed
because he is part of their community. Their
Though the paradigm includes a
reaction allows him to rejoin the group
philosophical orientation, the body of this
without any permanent feelings of discomfort.
paper seeks to defme and clarify sociological
• and p sycholo gical/ social-ps ycholo gical
orientations. Let us now turn our attention to
Another example of the sociological
orientation in action comes from my personal
examples of these.
experience. While a Peace Corps volunteer, I
Sociological orientation. Pacana (1958:29) was able to attend a Christmas celebration in
recorded a scene which is well-known to those a small barrio. At one part in the celebration,
who have followed Filipino values: one of the more· prosperous members began
throwing handfuls of candy to the gathered
During this year's fiesta in a town of children. One child who had been standing
Camarines Sur the ribbon race was in behind me ran toward the milling children,
progress. A cyclist passed under the wire scooped up a few pieces of candy, and then
and made a stab for the little ring attached
ran back to his post with some children
to the dangling ribbon. He missed. Losing
behind me. I overheard him breathlessly tell
control of the bicycle, he swerved to the
side of the road. When he dropped into the his friends, "Nakasingit ako" (I was able to
deep drainage ditch and was thrown to the squeeze in).

• ground, the crowd roared with laughter.

The rider grinned abashed as he limped
away unaided. No one had made a move to
There are two interesting points to be
gleaned from this rather insignificant, but I'll
help him. wager oft-repeated, scenario in barrio life.
First, one of the community members who is
Pacana listed two possible considerations prosperous is sharing some of his wealth; ne is
which might make sense out of such an throwing candy to the children of the
occurrence: first, the bystander fears he or she community. Second, a young boy takes part
may insult the embarrassed person by offering in the generosity of the prosperous
help; second, the bystander is unwilling to community member, but realizes that he Was
place the afflicted person under obligation for actually not to be included - he realized that,
help received. for one reason or another, he was not defined
• It is easy to visualize the setting: a small
as a group member and therefore had no
claim to the benefits of group membership.
town fiesta, a competitive event, a sporting His gain through stealth and/or bravado paid
competitor, a circle of keenly interested dividends. He might feel gratitude toward his
townmates (mga kababayan). The event is unsuspecting benefactor, but I rather doubt
potentially embarrasing: the cyclist falls in a that he feels any debt.
ditch. The crowd response, though, offers the
competitor an avenue of escape, as Pacana Psychological/social-psychological orienta-
explains: "By greeting the accident with tion: Pacana provides another example of
laughter the bystander shows the victim he non-intervention in his 1958 article:
considers the whole affair a big joke, just one In Manila SOme years ago a young Filipino
of those things which could happen to priest caught his foot as he stepped off a
anyone, and certainly no fault of the victim's bus, fell headlong into the muddy gutter.
(1958:30)." The laughter of the crowd Passers-by stopped to watch; some smiled
defuses a potentially embarrassing situation. It with amusement, but none offered to help.
The priest picked himself up, brushed mud without "seeing" them. U you don't "see"
from his sotana, retrieved. his valise, and them, then you can't be held responsible for
we~t his way. / them. To catch a jeepney in Quiapo, you
Anyone who has caught a bus in Manila watch the jeepneys, nothing else. If you slip
during rush hour can symphathize with this and catch the eye of any other person
situation. In the urban bustling and shoving standing around you, you are required' to
for limited seats in buses; someone - a priest recognize that person's right to a seat on the


- slips and falls. Pacana (1958:30) suggests jeepney. And so the scene is repeated
thousands of times each day: jeepneys slow
that "passers-by" do not become involved
up along the side road, prospective passengers
because, ". . . [they] will not force anyone to
with fixed stares at the jeepney close in on
contract utang na loob, to be obliged in honor
the limited number of seats, there is a good
to a misguided benefactor giving unwanted
deal of elbowing and squeezing, and the
winners - those who gain seats - still do not
According to the paradigm, this cannot recognize others while competition goes on
be an explanation of the observed non" for 'the last few seats. When full, the jeepney
intervention. Note that the setting is urban picks up speed and leaves the "losers" behind.
Manila and that those in the / immediate Now animated conversation can begin among/
area are identified as "passers-by." There is no those \ in the jeepney as fellow passengers.are
"group" of individual present, just an recognized for the. first time. 'The tight
"aggregate" with a specific purpose in mind - quarters makes continued inattention to the
transportation. They have come together needs of others virtually impossible. Now
because of this single common denominator offers of support are common: "let me help
and will disperse once they ,reach their you with that load," "sit next to me," "let
destination, with little chance of meeting me push your heavy sack of rice under my,
again. A priest has been caught in a bench." Offers of assistance which would have
compromising situation; however, he will not been, rare earlier are now almost obligatory.
feel a sense of personal shame (hiya).if it goes
unnoticed. 4 The most effective device in
defusing the tension or discomfort of such a The Continuum
situation is civil inattention; suggest to the
victim through studied non-observance that he The examples so' far have suggested a
has not been observed and therefore need not stereotypical picture of the Filipino value.
feel a sense of shame. Suppress surreptitious structure, heavily influenced by essential
"smiles of amusement" but don't make an features of what I have called an "Asian
outward offer of assistance; this would ethic." This is certainly not the case;
officially "recognize" the incident and bring experience in different Filipino community
shame. Allow the victim to pick himself up, settings suggests wide variation..!/ One finds
dust himself off, and go on his way. strong allegiance to generally accepted
"Filipino values" in a setting such as the one
To the uninitiate, Quiapo (a busy Manila in Tanay researched by Robert Morais (19~1).
transportation interchange) can be frightening. One is impressed here by uniformity: all
If you insist on "waiting your turn" you had respondents feel that it is important to repay
better have plenty of free time and a good debts of gratitude, all feel a moral obligation
set .of lungs to put up with the pollution. ,A to reciprocate in exchange relations (the suki
dilemma arises: How can I fight my way into. in the marketplace, the patron-client
a jeepney and yet remain courteous (maintain relationship in the community). To think
SIR)? It's simple' but it takes practice; You otherwise 'would be the mark of a "false
must stand surrounded by hundreds of others friend" (Morais 1981:40-79). This suggests

that there is a single standard of behavior places faith in the future and is Willing to
against which observed behavior can be withhold immediate gratification for the hope
compared. Though this might be the case in of increased future benefits. The Filipino who
many rural Philippine communities, it is breaks with his barkada to pursue better
certainly not true in the urban areas. . occupational opportunities in the city is
placing the Western ideal of individuality
When developing a paradigm of Filipino ahead of an Asian emphasis on the group
values, it is important to recognize the solidarity. Hollnsteiner (1973 :91) ends her
historical forces that have made an impact on
hallmark article on reciprocity in the .lowland
Filipino culture, especially from the West.
Philippines with the following clairvoyant
Lorenzo M. Tanada recognizes this when he
writes, ". . . any study of present Philippine
society must take into account the impact of In some instances, the Filipino working in
American ideas and policies on our country a factory finds himself in a new subculture
and people (quoted in Constantino characterized by values derived from the
1966:viii)." What we see in the individual Western industrial world. Management
Filipino is often a unique blend of an "Asian rewards efficiency and places less value on
ethic" and a "Western ethic." This means that personal ties. The workman who wants to
succeed tries to adapt himself to the new
the Filipino who elects to experience hardship
impersonal ways, repelling the advances of
and save his earnings to put his child through relatives who seek to exploit his favorable
college (delayed gratification or the Parsonian position in the company . . . With
affective neutrality) is no less Filipino than increasing industrialization it should be-
the. Filipino who lavishes expensive gifts on come more and more common.
his family (or the Parsonian affectivity). The
difference is their placement on the According to the proposed paradigm, this
philosophical orientation continuum between would not be understood as a refutation of
an Asian pessimism about the future which "Filipino values" but rather a shift on the
results in immediate gratification and a continuum which links the predominantly
Western optimism about the future which "Asian ethic" to a ''Western ethic."

• Notes
An earlier version of this paper was read at the
2No doubt some will abject to a discussion of
"Filipino values" on the grounds that it implies a
stereotypical image of nearly fifty mWon Filipinos.
annual conference of the Association for Asian The same concern could be voiced even more
Studies in San Francisco (March 1983). The author forcefully relative to the suggestion that there is
would like to thank Milton Barnett, Belinda Aquino some identifiable commonality in "Western values,"
and Chester Hunt for their , help in preparing this This is not a new objection. There are two rnrijor
revision and expansion of "the original paper. responses to objections of such stereotypical
constructs: (1) avoid "grand theorizing" on the basis
lit would, perhaps, be more correct to speak of that it is impoSSIble to define dominant common
kinship "networks." When kinship is reckoned in a denominators, or, (2) use the Weberian technique of
non-unilineal fashion, ego's kinship "group" is the ideal type, identifying a research construct
different from the kinship group of other relations. composed of certain essential features. I choose the
This reflects kinship networks formed through affinal latter option.
ties (marriage) and fictive ties (e.g.,traditional
relations such as the compadrazgo network). Ego's 3Confer with Barnett (1966:276-282) for a flmer
kinship relations, therefore, can expand but, for the discussion on the concept of shame (hiya), ~specililly
most part, they are not elective on his part. in contrast to the concept of guilt.

References Hunt, Chester L., and others

1963 Sociology in the Philippine Setting.
Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House.
Barnett, Milton L. Jocano, F. Landa
1966 . Hiya, shame and guilt: Preliminary 1966 Rethinking 'smooth interpersonal
consideration of the concepts as analytical relations;' Philippine Sociological Review
tools for Philippine social sciences. 14(4): 282·291.
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