Mrs - Renu Sharma
Mrs - Renu Sharma
Mrs - Renu Sharma
LIVER: The liver is normal in size(14.8cms), shape and has smooth margins. The hepatic parenchyma shows mild increased
homogeneous parenchymal echotexture. It has normal size biliary and portal radicles and is without solid or cystic mass lesion or
calcification. Portal vein is normal in caliber.
GALL BLADDER: The gall bladder is well distended, with uniformly thin and regular walls, without, gall stones or mass lesion.
COMMON BILE DUCT: It is normal in caliber. PANCREAS: The pancreas is normal in size, shape, contours and echo texture. No
evidence of solid or cystic mass lesion is noted.
KIDNEYS: Right kidney measures 9.6 x 3.8 cm. Left kidney measures 10.5 x 4.9 cm . The kidneys are normal in size, shape
position axis and contour. The renal parenchyma appears homogenous in echotexture. The corticomedullary differentiation is well
maintained, no evidence of nephrolithiasis. No hydronephrosis. /hydroureter/calyectasis is seen bilaterally.
SPLEEN: The spleen is normal in size ( 10.1cms) and shape. Its echotexture is homogeneous. No evidence of focal lesion is
RETROPERITONEUM: There is no evidence of enlarged lymph nodes. The great vessels namely aorta and IVC and its visualized
branches are normal. ASCITES: There is no ascites.
RIGHT ILIAC FOSSA AND BOWELS: The right iliac fossa is unremarkable. The visualized small and large bowels appear normal.
URINARY BLADDER: The urinary bladder is well distended. It shows uniformly thin walls and sharp mucosa. No evidence of
calculus is seen. No evidence of mass or diverticulum is noted.
PELVIS: The uterus is anteverted and normal in size. It measures 5.0 x 3.2 x 4.6 cms, vol ~ 40 cc. The Endometrium measures
7mms. The uterine myometrium shows homogeneous echotexture. No evidence of leiomyoma is noted. The right ovary measures
in size 1.7 x 1.1 cms. The left ovary measures in size 1.8 x 1.2 cms. Both the ovaries are normal in size and echotexture. No
adnexal mass is seen. The cervix is normal.
Few tiny calcifications are noted adjacent to the endometrium on right side.
Anterior and posterior sliding are normal.
(This is a professional opinion, not the final diagnosis &should be interpreted in the light of clinical background. This report
is not for medico legal purposes. Always suggest a second opinion if clinically indicated)
Dr.Nitesh Agarwal
MD Radio Diagnosis
Reg No. 2012/02/0396