This ultrasound report summarizes findings for a 20-year-old male patient. Key findings include: 1) A mildly enlarged liver with mild periportal cuffing and no focal lesions; 2) A distended gallbladder with normal wall thickness and no calculi or masses; 3) Normal sized pancreas, spleen, and kidneys with no masses. Mild right hydronephrosis and hydroureter were noted. The impression notes mild hepatomegaly with periportal cuffing and mild right hydroureteronephrosis likely due to compression by a gravid uterus.
This ultrasound report summarizes findings for a 20-year-old male patient. Key findings include: 1) A mildly enlarged liver with mild periportal cuffing and no focal lesions; 2) A distended gallbladder with normal wall thickness and no calculi or masses; 3) Normal sized pancreas, spleen, and kidneys with no masses. Mild right hydronephrosis and hydroureter were noted. The impression notes mild hepatomegaly with periportal cuffing and mild right hydroureteronephrosis likely due to compression by a gravid uterus.
This ultrasound report summarizes findings for a 20-year-old male patient. Key findings include: 1) A mildly enlarged liver with mild periportal cuffing and no focal lesions; 2) A distended gallbladder with normal wall thickness and no calculi or masses; 3) Normal sized pancreas, spleen, and kidneys with no masses. Mild right hydronephrosis and hydroureter were noted. The impression notes mild hepatomegaly with periportal cuffing and mild right hydroureteronephrosis likely due to compression by a gravid uterus.
This ultrasound report summarizes findings for a 20-year-old male patient. Key findings include: 1) A mildly enlarged liver with mild periportal cuffing and no focal lesions; 2) A distended gallbladder with normal wall thickness and no calculi or masses; 3) Normal sized pancreas, spleen, and kidneys with no masses. Mild right hydronephrosis and hydroureter were noted. The impression notes mild hepatomegaly with periportal cuffing and mild right hydroureteronephrosis likely due to compression by a gravid uterus.
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Reg. No. 201705100001 Lab No.
Patient Name Dr. Manju Age/Sex 20 Y/Male
Ref. By Dr.Self Category category11
Receipt Date 26/05/2017 4:06:35 PM Report Date
Dinesh Yadav rAM
5 7uju76j
Liver: Mildly enlarged 16.3 cm with mild periportal cuffing.
No E/o focal lesion. IHBR not dilated. Portal vein is minimally prominent, measures ~ 1.3 cm.
Gall bladder: Gall bladder is distended with normal wall thickness.
No calculus or mass is seen. CBD is normal.
Pancreas: Normal in size, shape & echogenecity.
MPD is not dilated. No mass lesion seen.
Spleen: Normal in size, shape & echogenecity.
No focal lesion seen. Splenic vein is normal.
Right kidney: Right kidney measures ~11.1 cm in long axis.
Normal in size, shape & location. Cortico-medullary differentiation is maintained. No calculus or mass lesion seen. Mild hydronephrosis & proximal hydroureter noted. Left Kidney: Left kidney measures ~11.0 cm in long axis. Reg. No. 201705100001 Lab No. 28
Patient Name Dr. Manju Age/Sex 20 Y/Male
Ref. By Dr.Self Category category11
Receipt Date 26/05/2017 4:06:35 PM Report Date
Normal in size, shape & location.
Cortico-medullary differentiation is maintained. No calculus or mass lesion seen. Pelvicalyceal system is non dilated. Left ureter is normal in caliber.
No ascites or lymphadenopathy seen. Bowel loops are non dilated.
Urinary Bladder: Urinary bladder is empty. Foley's bulb is seen in situ.
Uterus: Uterus is gravid.
Mild hepatomegaly with periportal cuffing. Advised LFT correlation.
Mild hydroureteronephrosis on right side likely due to compression by gravid uterus. DR.RAHUL RANJAN MD (Radiodiagnosis), DNB