BS 2023-Onward Syllabus

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Duration of Degree Course Four years

Teaching System Semester System
Total number of Credit Hours 136
Session Starts (Fall 2022 onward)
Eligibility Qualification As per university rules
Number of Student Enrollment 50 (Total) including all reserved seats

The mission of the program is to prepare students strong foundation in the field of Physics
and its associated technologies; such as Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Statistical
mechanics, Classical Mechanics, EMT, MMP, Material Science, nanotechnology. Due to
the diversity of options available to the students, they will learn advanced-level physics
courses. We wish to prepare our students to conduct an independent scientific and analytical
research to paste themselves with the new developments in the discipline suitable for career
in academia and industry.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


The BS 4 year (Physics) degree program is offered by the Institute of Physics as a full-time
period of teaching. The main objectives of the program are
 to equip students with an understanding of fundamental concepts in physics, including:
classical mechanics and electromagnetism, thermodynamics and statistical physics, principles
of waves and optics, and quantum mechanics.
 to apply knowledge and techniques from physics to solve problems in other physical
 to identify problems for study, conduct independent studies and be effective members of
collaborative teams
 to enhance student’s expertise in setting up experiments, collecting and analyzing data.
 to enable students, understand physical aspects of a problem, formulate a strategy for
solution utilizing mathematical and computational methods, make appropriate
approximations, and evaluate the correctness of their solution.
 to furnish an in-depth understanding of some specialized area of physics through choice of
elective courses
 to prepare students to know and follow the high professional and ethical standards of
scientific work
 to prepare students to join an appropriate and respectable level position in a physics related
field, and to maintain their professional skills in rapidly evolving industry and academia.
 to develop research based scientific thinking and to enhance professional skills for
teaching, research, managerial positions in wide range of professions in national and
international organizations.
For the course code Phys xxxx, the first letter shows the year of degree course in the
University (e.g. for first year course, it is written as 1xxx, for third year course it is 3xxx and
for fifth year course it is 5xxx, while
second letter represents a number assigned to a specific subject area of physics (e.g. in
general classification within the subject of Physics, a number is assigned to a set of similar
subject titles i.e. for foundation courses, the number is 0 (Phys x0xx), for classical mechanics
and related titles, the number is 1 (Phys x1xx), for electrodynamics and related titles, it is 2
(Phys x2xx), for quantum mechanics and related titles, it is 3 (Phys x3xx), for solid state
physics and related titles, it is 4 (Phys x4xx), for mathematical physics and related titles, it is
5 (Phys x5xx), for experimental physics and labs, it is 6 (Phys x6xx), for electronics and
related titles, it is 7 (Phys x7xx), for materials and nanotechnology, it is 8 (Phys x8xx) etc.
The last two letters of the course code show the sequence of the course titles in the specific
subject and range from 01-99 (e.g. for Physics-I offered in first semester, course code is Phys
3401 and for Physics-II offered in the 2nd semester, it is Phys 3402, etc.).

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University



Codes Title of the Courses Cr. Hrs. Course Type

Gen-1001 English-I (Reading & Writing Skills) 3 Comp-1

Gen-1002 Islamic Studies 2 Comp-2
Maths-1501 Calculus-I 3 Comp-3
Phys-1001 Mechanics 3 Found-1
Phys-1002 Optics 3 Found-2
Gen-1003 Fundamentals of Computer 3 Found-3
Phys-1601L Physics Lab-I(Mechanics/ Optics I) 1 Found-4
Total 18
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Course Type

Gen-1004 English-II (Composition Writing) 3 Comp-4

Gen-1005 Pak Studies 2 Comp-5
Maths-1502 Calculus-II 3 Comp-6
Gen-1006 Computing(Language & Machine Learning Techniques) 3 Found-5
Phys-1003 Heat and Thermodynamics 3 Found-6
Phys-1004 Electricity & Magnetism 3 Gen-1
Phys-1602L Physics Lab:-II (Thermodynamics/ Hydromechanics) 1 Found-7
Total 18
Codes Title of the courses Cr Hrs Course Type
Gen-2007 English-III(Communication &Presentation Skill) 3 Comp-7
Gen-2008 Philosophy of Science 3 Gen-2
Maths-2503 Analytical Geometry & Differential Equation 3 Gen-3
Maths-2504 Fundamentals of Statistics 3 Gen-4
Phys-2004 Waves & Oscillations 3 Fund-8
Phys-2603L Phy.-Lab: III (Electricity & Magnetism/ Waves and 1 Fund-9
Total 16

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Course Type
Phys-2005 Modern Physics-I 3 Fund-10
Maths-2505 Applied Mathematics. 3 Fund-11
Maths-2506 Linear Algebra 3 Fund-12
Gen -2009 Chemistry (Physical Chemistry &Spectroscopy) 3 Gen-5
Phys-2701 Basic Electronics 3 Found-13
Phys-2604L Lab-IV (Modern Physics) 1 Found-4
Total 16
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Phys-3201 Electromagnetism-I 3 Maj-1
Phy- 3100 Classical Mechanics 3 Maj-2
Maths-3507 Mathematical Methods of Physics-I 3 Maj-3
Phy-3101 Thermal Physics 3 Maj-4
Phy-3702 Electronics-I ( Electronics Devices) 3 Maj-5
Phy-3605L Lab-V (Electronics) 2 Maj 6
Total 17
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Phys-3107 Topic in General Physics* 3 Elective
Phys-3202 Electromagnetism-II 3 Maj-7
Phys-3703 Electronics-II 3 Maj-8
Maths-3508 Mathematical Methods of Physics-II 3 Maj-9
Phys-3301 Quantum Mechanics-I 3 Maj-10
Phys-3606 Lab-VI ( Electronics-II) 2 Maj-11
Total 17
*(Phys-3107). 1. Astronomy 2. Introduction to Astrophysics 3. Environmental Physics 4. Renewable energy 5.
Space Physics 6. Hydrodynamics 7. Material Science.8. Machine learning 9. Digital Electronics 10. Signal &
System.11. Nanotechnology 12. Radiation P hysics.13. Plasma Physics-I 14 Particle PhysicsI
The Departmental Course/Curriculum committee is authorized to reshuffle the courses as per need.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Phys-4302 Quantum Mechanics-II 3 Maj-13
Phys-4015 Modern Physics-II 3 Maj-14
Phys-4103 Nuclear Physics-I 3 Maj-15
Phys-4401 Solid state Physics 3 Maj-16
Phys-4108 Topic in General Physics* 3 Elective
Phys-4607 Lab: VII (Optics-II) 2 Maj-17
Total 17
*Phys-4108)1. Advance Electronics I 2. Fundamentals of LASERS 3. Plasma Physics-II 4. Radiation
Physics 5. Particle Physics II 6. Applied Nuclear Physics I 7. Introduction to Computational Physics I 8.
Optical Fiber and Communication I 9. Astro Physics I 10. Material/ Applied Physics I 11. Topics in Geo
Physics I 12. Topics in Mathematical Physics I 13. Introduction to Health Physics. 14. DSP-I(Digital
Signal Processing). 15. Cosmology-I
The Departmental Course/Curriculum committee is authorized to reshuffle the courses as per need.
Codes Title of the Courses Cr Hrs Remarks
Phy-4203 Computational Physics 3 Maj-18
Phy-4104 Nuclear Physics-II 3 Maj-19
Phy-4105 Statistical Mechanics 3 Maj-20
Phy-4109 Topics in General Physics* 3 Elective
Phy-4016 Atomic Physics 3 Maj-21
Phy-4608 Phy. Lab VIII ( Nuclear Physics) 2 Maj-22
Total 17
*1. Introduction to Health Physics. 2. Plasma Physics. 3. Surface Physics. 4. Fluid Dynamics 5. Methods
of Experimental Physics. 6. Environmental Physics. 7. Quantum Information and Quantum Computation.
8. Particle Physics. 9. Semiconductor Devices. 10. Digital Electronics. 11. Experimental Nuclear Physics.
12. Laser Physics. 13. Renewable Sources of Energy.14. Fundamentals of Optoelectronics. 15.
Introduction to Material science. 16. Introduction to Nanotechnology. 17. Quantum Optics. 18. Advanced
Electronics. 19. DSP-II. 20. Cosmology-II. 21 Project.
The Departmental Course/Curriculum committee is authorized to reshuffle the courses as per

Total CrHrs= 136

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University



Gen-1001 English-I (Reading & Writing Skills) Cr. Hrs: 3
Course Description
The course introduces students to the basic concepts of grammar such as parts of speech,
sentence, voice and narration in practical contexts. Basic English grammar is an important
aspect of written and verbal communication. It is valued in not only in academics but also in
jobs and professional life. Therefore, communicating in a proper manner helps in increasing
self-confidence, good grades and increased skill level. Students, at this level, are not able to
understand and differentiate the different parts of speech. They are also not proficient in
making meaningful sentences and using voices and narration purposively.
Course Objectives
Successful completion of the course will enable students to:
● Describe and recognize nouns
● Use prepositions properly
● Describe and recognize verbs
● Demonstrate proper use of adverbs and adjectives
● Learn and use parts of speech in the meaningful construction of sentences
● Properly uses contextualized sentences
● Use voice and narration purposively

Course Contents
Sentence: Subject and predicate, Kinds of sentence, The phrase and the clause
Noun: kinds of nouns, Noun: gender, Noun: number, Noun: case
Adjective: Comparison of adjectives, Adjectives used as nouns, Position of the adjectives, The
correct use of some adjectives
1. Articles
Personal pronouns: Reflexive and emphatic pronouns, Demonstrative, indefinite
and distributive pronouns, Relative pronouns, Interrogative pronouns
2. The verb, Verbs of incomplete predication
3. Active and passive voice
4. Mood
5. Tenses: introduction
6. The uses of the present and past tenses, The future
7. The verb: person and number, The infinitive, The participle, The gerund, Irregular
verbs, Auxiliaries and modals,
8. The adverb: Comparison of adverb, Formation of adverbs, Position of adverbs
9. The preposition: Words followed by prepositions
10. The conjunction
11. Direct and Indirect Narration
Note: Teachers need to include practice activities, exercises and worksheets on the provided
Recommended Readings
• Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for
undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
• Eastwood, J. (2004). English Practice Grammar (New edition with tests and answers). Karachi:
Oxford University Press. Murphy, R. (2003). Grammar in use. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Gen-1002 Islamic Studies Cr.Hrs:2

Course Outlines:
Introduction to Quranic,History and Uloom ul Quran, Translation and Brief commentary of the selected
part of the Holy Quran, Seerat Studies: Life of Muhammad (SAW) before prophet hood, life in Makka,
life in Madina, Important events and lessons from the life of the Holy Prophet, Hadith: Basic concepts,
history, kinds, Uloom ul Hadith, Sunnah & Hadith and Legal position of Hadith, Selected study from
texts of Hadith, Islamic law and jurisprudence: Basic concepts, history and importance, Sources and
nature of differences, Islamic culture and civilization, Basic concepts, Historical development it’s
Characteristics and its contemporary issues, Islam and science: Contributions of Muslims in science
and development and Quran and science , Islamic Economic system, Means of distribution of wealth,
Riba and Islamic ways of trade and commerce , Political system of Islam, Period of Khulafa- e-
Rashida, Umayyads and Abbasids, Social system of Islam ,Basic concept ,Elements of family and
Ethical values in Islam.
Recommended books:
 Ahmad Hassan Principles of Islamic jurisprudence.
 Bhatia H.S Studies in Islamic law, religion and society.
 Muhammad Zia ul Haq Introduction to Al Sharaih Al Islamia.
 Hameedullah Muhammad Introduction to Islam
 Hameedullah Muhhamad Emergence of Islam
 Hameedullah Muhhamad Muslim Conduct of state
 Dr.Saeed Ullah Qazi Islamiyat(Comp) for BA/BSc
 Dr.Mohammad Raza Tareekh Musalmani Aalam
 Prof. Khurshid Ahmad,IslamliNazriya Hayat, Dr. Hamid Ullah, Khutbathe-e-Bhawapoor,Syed Amir
Ali, The Spirit of Islam
Maths-1501 Calculus-I Cr. Hrs: 3
Specific Objectives of the Course:
Calculus is serving as the foundation of advanced subjects in all areas of mathematics. The course,
equally, emphasizes the basic concepts and skills needed for mathematical manipulation. This Calculus
focus on the study of functions of a single variable.

Course Outline:
Functions, upper and lower bounds of variables and functions, inverses of exponential, circular,
hyperbolic and logarithmic functions, one sided and two-sided limits of functions, continuity of
functions and their graphical representations, properties of continuous function on closed bounded
intervals, discontinuity of function and its types. Derivatives: Definition, techniques of differentiation.
Derivatives of polynomials and rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, Inverse
functions and their derivatives. The chain rule. Implicit differentiation. Rates of change in natural and
social sciences. Related rates. Linear approximations and differentials. Higher derivatives, Leibnitz's
theorem. Applications of derivatives: Increasing and decreasing functions. Relative extrema and
optimization. First derivative test for relative extrema. Convexity and point of inflection. The second
derivative test for extrema. Mean value theorems. Indeterminate forms and L'Hopitals rule. Anti-
derivatives and integrals. Riemann sums and the definite integral. Properties of Integral. The
fundamental theorem of calculus. Various techniques of integration. Reduction formulae and use of
Gamma Beta Functions for integral.
Recommended Books:
1. J. Stewart, Calculus (5th edition or latest edition), Brooks/ Cole, 2002.
2. H. Anton, I. Bevens, S. Davis, Calculus: A New Horizen (8th edition or latest), John Wiley,
New York, 2005.
3. G. B. Thomas, A. R. Finney, Calculus (11th edition or latest edition), Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Ma, USA, 2005.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Phys-1001 Mechanics Cr.Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:
This course is based on basic concepts of physics that will enable students to understand
fundamentals of mechanics. After studying this course student will be able to solve problems
related to physics/mechanics.
Course Outline:
Motion along a straight line (position, displacement, velocity, acceleration and graphical
analysis of motion). Vectors and their components (vectors, unit vectors, vectors addition by
components, multiplication of vectors). Motion in two and three dimensions (position,
velocity etc. Projectile motion, uniform circular motion, relative motion in one and two
dimensions).Force and Motion-I(Newton’s laws, applying Newton’s laws, some particular
forces).Force and Motion-II(Friction, Drag force and terminal speed, Uniform circular
motion).Kinetic Energy and Work(work done and Kinetic energy, work done by gravitational
force, Work done by a spring and variable force, Power).Potential Energy and Conservation
of Energy(Potential energy, conservation of mechanical energy, potential energy curve, Work
done on a system by external force).Centre of mass and linear momentum(centre of mass,
Newton’s second law for a system of particles, linear momentum, Collision and impulse,
Conservation of linear momentum, Momentum and kinetic energy in collision, elastic
collision in one and two dimensions, systems with varying mass).
1. Text Book: Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker: 8 th Edition (Text
2. Recommended Book:
3. University Physics with Modern Physics 13th Ed. Pearson Education Inc. USA

Phys-1002 Optics Cr.Hrs: 3

Course Objectives:
 To obtain a sound understanding of oscillations and waves and their mathematical
 To acquire the basic knowledge of EM waves and optical phenomena such as
interference, diffraction and polarization

Course Contents:
Electromagnetic waves, intensity of EM waves and the Pointing vector, radiation pressure,
polarization of EM waves, reflection and refraction of light, total internal reflection, plane mirrors
and spherical mirrors, the mirror equation, magnification, thin lenses, the lens maker’s equation,
optical instruments(compound microscope and refracting telescope), light waves, index of
refraction, interference of light waves and Young’s interference experiment, intensity in double-
slit interference, interference from thin films, Michelson’s interferometer, diffraction of light
waves, single-slit diffraction, intensity in single-slit diffraction, diffraction by a circular aperture,
double-slit diffraction, diffraction gratings, dispersion and resolving power, X-ray diffraction and
Bragg’s law.
Recommended Book:
1) Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker, 10th Edition.
2) Physics Vol. I & II by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York,
3) F. Pedrotti, L. S. Pedrotti and L. M. Pedrotti, “Introduction to Optics”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 3rd ed.
4) University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA),
USA, 2000.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Gen-1003 Fundamentals of Computer cr.Hrs.3

Objectives: To provide basic information about computer

Course Outline:
Introduction to computers:
Computer system, Types of computers, Simple Microcomputer organization, Basic logic gates,
Examples of combinational logic gates, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps.
Number System:
Decimal Number system, Binary Number system, Octal Number system, Hexadecimal Number
(a) Conversion from Decimal (i) To Binary (ii) To Octal (iii) To Hexadecimal.
(b) Conversion to Decimal (i) from Binary (ii) from Octal (iii) from Hexadecimal

(c) Conversion Binary to Octal & Hex., Binary to Octal, Octal to Binary, Binary to Hex.
Binary Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction, Half adders and full adders. One’s Complement,
Two’s Complement
Dynamic Ram, Semiconductor ROM, Magnetic Recording: Writing, Reading.
Recommended Books:
1. An Introduction to Micro Computer by A.P. Malvino.
2. Fundamental Concepts of Computer system by Asiya Sultan & Ameena Nudrat.
3. Fundamentals of Computer System by Muhammad Tauqueer.

Phys-1601L Lab-I (Mechanics/ Optics) Cr.Hrs: 1

The purpose of the introductory physics lab is to supply the practical knowledge for
understanding of the basics physics experiments.
1. Modulus of Rigidity by Static & Dynamic method (Maxwell’s needle, Barton’s Apparatus).
2. To study the damping features of an oscillating system using simple pendulum of variable
3. Measurement of viscosity of liquid by Stoke’s / Poiseulli’s method.
4. Surface tension of water by capillary tube method.
5. To determine the value of “g” by compound pendulum / Kater’s Pendulum.
6. To study the dependence of Centripetal force on mass, radius, and angular velocity of a body in
circular motion.
7. Investigation of phase change with position in traveling wave and measurement of the velocity
of sound by C.R.O.
8. Determination of moment of inertia of a solid/hollow cylinder and a sphere etc.
9. To study the conservation of energy (Hook’s law).
10. To study the different properties of light.
Recommended Books:
1. D. H. Marrow, Selected Experiments in Physical Sciences, Longman.
2. Nelkon and Ogborn, Advanced Level Practical Physics, Heimann Educational Books
3. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
4. C. K. Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University



Gen-1004 English-II (Composition Writing) Cr.Hrs: 3

Course Description
The course focuses on the basic strategies of composition and writing skills. Good writing
skills not only help students obtain good grades but also optimize their chances to excel in
professional life. The course includes modes of collecting information and arranging it in
appropriate manner i.e. chronological order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, general
to specific etc. It would enable the students to write, edit, rewrite, redraft and proofread their
own documents for writing effective compositions. Because of the use of a significant amount
of written communication on daily basis, sharp writing skills have always been valued highly
in academic as well as professional spheres.
Course Objectives
This course aims to:
● assist students identify the audience, message, and the purpose of writing
● develop rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking
● enable them to express themselves in a variety of writing styles
● help students write well organized academic texts including
examination answers with topic/thesis statement and supporting details.
● make students write argumentative essays and course
Course outcome
By the end of the course, students are expected to:
● use different mechanics of writing to produce various types of
compositions effectively keeping in view the purpose and the audience
● demonstrate rhetorical knowledge
● demonstrate critical thinking in well-organized forms of academic texts
● properly use punctuation marks
● write well organized and coherent compositions
● organize paragraph to make longer compositions
Course Contents
Writing Process: Invention, Generating Ideas (collecting information in various forms such as
mind maps, tables, lists, charts etc), Identifying Audience, Purpose, and Message, Ordering
Information, Chronology for a narrative, Stages of a process, From general to specific and vice
versa, From most important to least important, Advantages and disadvantages, Comparison and
contrast, Problem solution pattern, Drafting, Free Writing, Revising, Editing
Cohesion and Coherence: ,Cohesive Devices, Paragraph unity
Summary and Précis Writing,
Creative Writing
Essay Writing: developing a thesis statement, organizing an essay, writing effective
different types of essays, use of various rhetorical modes including exposition, rgumentation
and analysis
Reading Comprehension
Recommended Books
● Goatly, A. (2000). Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London: Taylor &
● Hacker, D. (1992). A Writer’s Reference. 2nded. Boston: St. Martin’s
● Hamp-Lyons, L. &Heasley, B. (1987). Study writing: A course in written English for academic
and professional purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
● Howe, D. H, Kirkpatrick, T. A., & Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2004). Oxford English for
Undergraduates. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
● Kirszner, L.G & Mandell, S.R. (1989). Patterns for College Writing: Fourth Edition. USA: St.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Martin’s Press, Inc.Smazler, W. R. (1996). Write to be Read: Reading, Reflection and Writing.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gen-1005 Pakistan Studies Cr. Hrs: 2

1. Create awareness among children about Pakistan as an enlightened nation.
2. Create a sense of patriotism, tolerance, active citizenship and respect for cultural diversity and
religious harmony.
3. To assist students in identifying various perspectives on current, persistent and controversial issues
in Pakistan. Identify their own position on these issues and be able to support them.
Course contents:
Introduction: The concept of civilization: Introduction to the course, Civilization, Ancient
civilization of Indus Valley:Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa. Ideological rational with reference to
important personalities. Two nation theory, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, llamaIqbal and Quaid-e- Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Factor leading to the birth of a nation. Economic. Social and political factor leading to the creation of
Pakistan.The struggle for Pakistan: British colonization and the Muslim reform movement (1857-1947)
Government and Politics in Pakistan:
 Political and constitutional phases:1947-1958
 Political and constitutional phases:1958-1971
 Political and constitutional phases:1971-1977
 Political and constitutional phases:1977-1988
 Political and constitutional phases:1988-1999
 Political and constitutional phases:1999-2008 onward.
 Contemporary Pakistan, Economics institution and issues
 Society and social structure and ethnicity
 Foreign Policy of Pakistan and challenges. futuristic outlook of Pakistan
Recommended Books:
1. M.I.Rabbani, Introduction to Pakistan Studies.
2. Aisha Jalal, Pakistani History.
3. I.H,Qureshi, Struggle for Pakistan.
4. H.Khan, Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan.
5. Mahmood,S.(1990),Constitutional foundation of Pakistan, Lahore; Jang Publishers.
Gen-1006 Computer (Language & Techniques of Computing) Cr. Hrs. 3
To acquaint the students with the structure, operation, programming, and applications of computers.
Course Contents
Fundamentals of a digital computer, computer operations, components of a computer, hardware and software,
operating systems, processing and storing data, network basis, database management, devices, physical and
logical storage, data organization, file storage, programs and software, application software, problem
specification, flow chart, variables and constants, arrays, input/output, termination, social impact of computer
age, computers in office, industry and education, networking devices, use of flow charts, introduction to office
tools including spreadsheet, word processing and presentation, introduction to mathematical software such as
MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, MAPLE, overview of different browsers, coding, executing and debugging
simple programmers, the future of computing, application, algorithm development and writing flowcharts, flow
control and loops, programming languages, software development methodologies, data types, string and
operators, introduction to writing documents in MS office and PowerPoint presentation, introduction to a
scientific language (C/C++).

Recommended Books
1.Discovering Computers, by M. E. Vermaat, S. L. Sebok, S. M. Freund, J. T. Campbell, M. Frydenberg,
Cengage, (2017)

2. Software Engineering Concepts, by R. Fairely, McGraw-Hill (2001)

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


3. Introduction to Computers, by G. B. Shelly, S. M. Freund, M. E. Vermaat, Cengage, (2010) 4. Introduction to

Computers, by P. Norton, Career Education, (2002).

Maths-1502 (Calculus-II) Cr. Hrs.: 3

The students would be presented to the vector calculus, the calculus of multivariable
functions and double and triple integrals along with their applications.
Course Contents
Vectors and analytic geometry in space, coordinate system, rectangular, cylindrical and
spherical coordinates, the dot product, the cross product, equations of lines and planes,
quadric surfaces, vector valued functions and space curves, derivatives and integrals of vector
valued functions, arc length, curvature, normal and binomial vectors, functions of several
variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, composition and chain rule, directional
derivatives and the gradient vector, implicit function theorem for several variables, maximum
and minimum values, optimization problems, LaGrange multipliers, double integrals over
rectangular domains and iterated integrals, non-rectangular domain, double integrals in polar
coordinates, triple integrals in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, applications
of double and triple integrals, change of variables in multiple integrals.
Recommended Books:
1. J. Stewart, Calculus (5th edition or latest edition), Brooks/ Cole, 2002.
2. H. Anton, I. Bevens, S. Davis, Calculus: A New Horizen (8th edition or latest), John
Wiley, New York, 2005.
3. G. B. Thomas, AR Finney, Calculus (11th edition or latest), Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Ma, USA,2005.
Phys-1003 Heat and Thermodynamics Cr.Hrs: 3


Temperature: Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium, Temperature scales, Measuring

temperatures, Thermal Expansion, The Idle gas
Molecular Properties of Gases: The atomic nature of matter, A molecular view of Pressure,
The Mean Free Path, The distribution of molecular speeds, The distribution of molecular
energies, Equation of state for real gases, The intermolecular forces.
Heat and the first law of thermodynamics: zeroth law of thermodynamics, measuring
temperature, temperature and heat, the absorption of heat by solids and liquids, a colser look
at heat and work, the first law of thermodynamics with special cases, heat transfer
The kinetic theory of gases: ideal gases, pressure, temperature, and rms speed, translational
kinetic energy, mean free path, distribution of molecular speeds, molar specific heats, degree
of freedom and molar specific heats, adiabatic expansion.
Entropy and second law of thermodynamics irreversible process and entropy, change in
entropy, second law of thermodynamics, carnot engine, refrigerators, statistical view of
Recommended Book:
1) Halliday, Resnick And Jearl Walker, Principles Of Physics,10th Edition.


Pre-requisite: Mechanics, Calculus I
Co-requisite: Calculus II
Objectives: The main objective of this course is to understand the Physics of
Electromagnetism and to develop simple mathematical formalisms to analyse
the electromagnetic fields and interactions. This is a calculus-based

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


introductory course with maximum emphasis on applying the acquired

knowledge to solving problems.
Electrostatics: Electric Charge, Conductors and Insulators, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Fields due to a
Point Charge and an Electric Dipole, Electric Field due to a Charge Distribution, Electric Dipole in
an Electric Field, Electric Flux, Gauss’ Law and its Applications in Planar, Spherical and Cylindrical
Electric Potential: Equipotential Surfaces, Potential due to a Point Charge and a Group of Point
Charges, Potential due to an Electric Dipole, Potential due to a Charge Distribution, Relation between
Electric Field and, Electric Potential Energy
Capacitors and Capacitance: Parallel Plate, Cylindrical and Spherical capacitors, Capacitors in
Series and Parallel, Energy Stored in an Electric Field, Dielectrics and Gauss’ Law (1 week).
DC Circuits: Electric Current and Current Density, Resistance and Resistivity, Ohm’s Law, Power in
Electric Circuits, Semiconductors and Superconductors, Work, Energy, and EMF, Resistances in
Series and Parallel, Single and Multi-Loop Circuits, Kirchhoff’s Rules, RC Circuits, Charging and
Discharging of a Capacitor
Magnetic Field and Magnetic Force: Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields and their Applications,
Hall Effect, Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Wire, Torque on a Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole
Moment, Magnetic Field Due to a Current, Force between two Parallel Currents, Ampere’s Law,
Biot-Savart Law: Magnetic Field due to a Current, Long Straight Wire carrying Current, Solenoids
and Toroids, A current-carrying Coil as a Magnetic Dipole, Inductance, Faraday’s Law of Induction,
Lenz’s Law, Induction and Energy Transfers, Induced Electric Fields, Inductors and Inductances,
Self-Inductance, RL Circuits, Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field, Energy Density, Mutual Induction
Alternating Fields and Currents: LC Oscillations, Damped Oscillations in an RLC circuit,
Alternating Currents, Forced Oscillations, Resistive, Capacitive, and Inductive Loads, RLC series
Circuit, Power in AC Circuits, Transformers, Gauss’ Law for Magnetism, Induced Magnetic Fields,
Displacement Current, Spin & Orbital Magnetic Dipole Moment, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism,
Ferromagnetism, Hysteresis.
Recommended Text Books:
1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, John Wiley & Sons, 10 th ed. 2010.
2. R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, Golden Sunburst Series, 8 th ed.
3. R. A. Freedman, H. D. Young, and A. L. Ford (Sears and Zeemansky), “University Physics with
Modern Physics”, Addison-Wesley-Longman, 13th International ed. 2010.
4. F. J Keller, W. E. Gettys and M. J. Skove, “Physics: Classical and Modern, McGraw Hill. 2nd ed. 1992.
5. D. C. Giancoli, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers, with Modern Physics”, Addison-Wesley, 4 th ed.
Phys-1602L Lab-II (Thermodynamics / Hydromechanics) Cr.Hrs: 1
1.To determine thermal Emf and plot temperature diagram.
2. Determination of temperature coefficient of resistance of a given wire.
3. Determination of “J” by Callender – Barnis method.
4. The determination of Stefan’s constant.
5. Calibration of thermocouple by potentiometer.
6. To determine frequency of AC supply by CRO.
7. To determine Horizontal/Vertical distance by Sextant.
8. The determination of wavelength of Sodium –D lines by Newton’s Ring.
9. The determination of wavelength of light/laser by Diffraction grating.
10. Determination of wavelength of sodium light by Fresnel’s bi-prism.
11. The determination of resolving power of a diffraction grating.
12. The measurement of specific rotation of sugar by Polarimeter and determination of sugar concentration in a
given solution.
13. To study the combinations of harmonic motion (Lissajous figures).
14. To study the parameters of waves (Beats phenomenon).
15. To determine the Thermal conductivity of good and bad conductors using Lee’s and Searl’s apparatus.
16. To study the laws of vibration of stretched string using sonometer.
17. To determine the stopping potential by photo cell.
Recommended Books:
1. D. H. Marrow, Selected Experiments in Physical Sciences, Longman.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


2. Nelkon and Ogborn, Advanced Level Practical Physics, Heimann Educational Books
3. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
4. C. K. Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing.


Gen-2007-English-III (Communication and Presentation Skills) Cr. Hrs: 3

Course Description
For professional growth and future development, effective presentation and interpersonal
communicative skills are very important. This course offers methods, techniques, and drills
which are significant and useful in optimizing communication and presentation skills of the
learners, enabling them to face divergent groups of audience with poise and confidence. The
course has been divided into modules relating to the essentials, contents, gestures, technology,
and variety associated with communication and presentations skills. The section on
presentation skills focuses on preparing students for long-life skill of preparing and giving
presentations. Communication is a vital part of our daily routine. The section on
communication skills focuses on developing good communication skills among students.
Course Objectives
The course aims to:
● help students identify essential components of a presentation
● develop the awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver
effective academic presentations and communicate clearly
● help students learn various presentation and communication styles and
● provide techniques to facilitate effective interpersonal and interactive
● guide how to build stronger relationships through powerful communication
● Develop communication skills of students
● Cultivate poise and confidence in students
Course Contents
Communication Skills: Introduction, Understanding the purpose of Communication, Analyze
the Audience, communicating with words as well as with body language, writing with a
Purpose, Process of communication, Barriers in Communications, Types of Communications,
Job Interviews and Communicating Skills, Communication in a Team
Presentation skills: Delivering your presentation, Speaking with Confidence, Basic concepts,
fazes of speech preparation, Effective presentation structure – introduction and conclusion,
Expert presentation core structure , Verbal aspect of a presentation, Linguistic tools, Auditory
aspect of a presentation , Non-verbal aspect of a presentation – body language, Speech
visualization, effective presentation techniques basics , Expert presentation specifications,
Q&A – preparation for an expert discussion, Stress management during a presentation
Recommended Readings:
 Andrew Bradbury (2000). Successful Presentation Skills (2nd edition)
● Carnegie, Dale. ( ). How to Win Friends & Influence People.
● Giblin, Les. Skill with People.
● Newton, Paul. How to communicate effectively.
● Tracy, Brian. Speak to Win.
Gen-2008 Philosophy of Science Cr. Hrs
To increase the inclusion of philosophy of science in science teaching for the
benefit of scientific literacy
Course Outline:
Philosophy (An introduction)

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Philosophy as an activity, Philosophy & Sciences, Place of Philosophy of science in physics curriculum, The
verifiability criterion & pragmatism, Some main kinds of Philosophical Problems.
The systematic interconnectedness of Philosophical concepts, Intuition & simplicity, Empiricism, learning, &
understanding. Synonymy & definition. Analytic & Synthetic, A priori & posterion, Mathematics 7 non-
Euclidian geometry, Pure Mathematics & rules.
Essence, existence, & ontological arguments. Idealism, Phenomenalism, & existence,
Realism & illusion, Dreams, Demons, & Certitude, Things & appearance, Scepticism, Mind
& body, Persons, Action & violation, Cogito, ergo sum, Truth & self reference,
Correspondence theory, The spiritualization.
Philosophy & Science
Experience & Law of Causality, Earnest Mach’s Philosophy of science, Physical theories of
20th century & Philosophy, Trend of idealism in Physics, Modern physics & Common sense,
Philosophical misinterpretation of Quantum theory, Idealist & Materialist view of Modern
physics, The philosophic meaning of Copernican Revolution, The place of Logic & Meta
Physics in Modern Science.
Recommended Books:
1. Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction by Samir Okasha
2. Understanding Philosophy of Science by James Ladyman

Maths-2503 Ordinary Differential Equations Cr Hrs: 3

Specific Objectives of the Course:
This course will provide the foundation for all advanced subjects in Mathematics. Strong
foundation and applications of Ordinary Differential Equations is the goal of the course.
Course Outline:
Basic definition of differential equations, formation of differential equations, initial and
boundary value problems, differential equations of the first order and first degree, equations
with separable variable, homogeneous differential equations, equations reducible to
homogeneous form, exact differential equations, integrating factors, rules for determinations
of integrating factors, linear equations of the first order, Non-linear equations of the first
order, linear differential equations of high order, solution of homogeneous linear equations,
principle of superposition and Wronskian, determination of particular integral, short methods
for finding particular integral, orthogonal trajectories, Cauchy-Euler equations, 2 nd order
linear differential equations, reduction of order method, undetermined Coefficient method,
variations of parameters method.
Recommended Books:
1. D.G. Zill, M.R, Cullen, Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, (latest
Edition), PWS Publishing Company, 2010.
2. D.G. Zill, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2005.
3. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons (9th
edition), 2010.
4. G.E. Andrews, R. Askey, and R. Roy, Special Functions, Cambridge University
Press, 2000.

Maths-2504 : Fundamentals of Statistics Cr. Hrs. 3

Pre-requisites: Mathematics at secondary level
1.To understand the use of the essential tools of basic statistics.
2.To apply the concepts and the techniques in their respective disciplines.
Course Outline:
Introduction: The meaning of Statistics’ the role of statistics in Physics, descriptive & inferential
statistics. Characteristics of statistics, importance of statistics.
Collection of data: Definition of Data, types of data. Collection of primary & secondary data,

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Presentation of Data: Introduction, Classification, Aims of Classification Basic principles of

Classification, Tabulation, Types of Tables, Main parts of table & construction, diagram simple,
Multiple & component bar charts, Pie diagrams.
Measure of Central Tendency: introduction criteria of a satisfactory average, the arithmetic Mean,
the harmonic Mean, with Example, the Median, Quartile, the Mode
Measure of Dispersion: introduction Range, the Semi-inter Quartile ranger or the Quartile Deviation,
the Mean (Average) Deviation, the variance & Standard Deviation
Probability: introduction, Definition of Probability, basic concept of provability, laws of probability
Correlation & Regression: introduction, Definition of correlation, properties of correlation, Co-
Efficient, Co-Efficient of determination, regression. Introduction, simple linear egression Model
Students T-distribution: Introduction, testing of hypothesis about one and two population Mean
Recommended Books.
1. Introduction to Statistical theory-I & II by : Sher Muhammad Chaudhry &
Dr. Shahid Kamal
2. Introduction to Statistical Theory and Methods by Faqir Muhammad

Phys-2004 Waves and Oscillations Cr. Hrs. 3

Course Objectives:
 To obtain a sound understanding of oscillations and waves and their mathematical
 To acquire the basic knowledge of EM waves and optical phenomena such as
interference, diffraction and polarization
Course Contents:
Simple harmonic motion, angular simple harmonic oscillator, simple pendulum and
physical pendulum, simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion, damped simple
harmonic motion, forced oscillations and resonance, transverse and longitudinal waves,
waves on a stretched string, energy and power of a wave traveling along a string, the
wave equation, interference of waves, phasors, standing waves and resonance, sound
waves, speed of sound waves, interference of sound waves, intensity of sound, sound
level and the Decibel scale, standing waves in pipes, beats, the Doppler effect, supersonic
speeds and shock waves.
Recommended Book:
5) Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker, 10th Edition.
6) Physics Vol. I & II by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons
Inc, New York, 2002.
7) F. Pedrotti, L. S. Pedrotti and L. M. Pedrotti, “Introduction to Optics”, Pearson
Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. (2007).
8) University Physics 8th Edition by Sears, Zemansky and Young, Addison-Wesley,
Reading (MA), USA, 2000.

Phys-2603L Lab-III (Electricity & Magnetism) Cr. Hrs:

The laboratory should engage each student in significant experiences with experimental
processes, including some experience designing investigation. The aim of this lab is to make
students able to get understanding about electronic devices including gates, transistors,
capacitors, diodes etc and aware them about their importance in real world systems.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


1. Measurement of resistance using a Neon flash bulb and condenser

2. Conversion of a galvanometer into Voltmeter & an Ammeter
3. To study the characteristics of Photo emission and determination of Plank’s constant using
a Photo cell
4. Calibration of an Ammeter and a Voltmeter by potentiometer
5. Charge sensitivity of a ballistic galvanometer
6. Comparison of capacities by ballistic galvanometer.
7. To study the B.H. curve & measure the magnetic parameters.
8. Measurement of low resistance coil by a Carey Foster Bridge.
9. Resonance frequency of an acceptor circuit
10. Resonance frequency of a Rejecter Circuit.
11. Study of the parameter of wave i.e. amplitude, phase and time period of a complex signal
by CRO.
12. Measurement of self/mutual inductance.
13. Study of electric circuits by black box.
14. To study the network theorems (Superposition, Thevinin, Norton).
15. To study the application of Lorentz force by CRO.
Recommended Books:
1. G L Squires, Practical Physics, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press
2. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
3. C K Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing

Phys-2005 Modern Physics-I Cr.Hrs: 3
Course Objectives
To understand the properties of light, matter and their interaction.
Course Contents
The Nature of Light:
Introducing the photon, Thermal radiations, Photoelectric effect, The cCompton effect, The
Photon Revealed, Photons and Waves, Slowing down atom by Photon Bombardment.
The Nature of Matter: Matter waves, Testing De Broglie’s hypothesis, Waves and Particles,
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, The Wave Function, Schrodinger’s Equation, Barrier
Electrons in Potential Wells: Electrons, Free and bound, An electron trapped in a potential
well, an electron trapped in a finite well, an electron trapped in an atom, The ground state of
Hydrogen atom, Angular momentum of electrons in atoms, An excited state of H-atom,
Counting the states of H-atom .
Atomic structure: X-rays spectrum of atoms, X-rays and the numbering of the elements,
Building atoms, The periodic table, Atomic Magnetism, The Stern- Gerlah Experiment,
Nuclear magnetic resonance, Lasers and Laser light.
Nuclear structure: Discovering the Nucleus, Some Nuclear properties, Radioactive decay,
Alpha-decay, Beta-decay, Measuring ionization radiations, Natural radioactivity, Nuclear
reactions .
Recommended Books:
(1) Fundamentals of Physics (10th edition) by Halliday , Resnick, and Walker

Maths-2505 Applied Mathematics Cr. Hrs: 3

Mathematics is known as the language of Physics. The aim of this course is to develop the
basis of students in mathematics where they can utilize it to solve different problems in
physics. It will also enhance the mathematical background of students in vectors, tensors,
matrices and will lead them to understand the natural phenomenon in the world of physics.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Vector space, Function spaces, Scalars and Vectors, Vectors operations, Gradient of a scalar
field, Divergence of a vector field, Curl of a vector field, Vector operator formulae, Polar
coordinates, Cylindrical coordinates, Spherical polar coordinates, Parabolic cylindrical
coordinates, Paraboloidal coordinates, Elliptic cylindrical coordinates, Prolate spheroidal
coordinates, Oblate spheroidal coordinates, Ellipsoidal coordinates, Bipolar coordinates.
Stokes theorem, Greens functions, Greens theorem, Partial differential equations, Differential
equations, Matrices and determinants, Operators, Eigen vectors and Eigen values equations,
Reciprocal vectors, Differentiations of vectors, Composite vector expressions, Differential of
a vector. Tensor analysis: Physical laws, Spaces of N-dimensions, Coordinates
transformations, The summation convention, Contra variant and covariant vectors. Contra
variant, covariant and mixed tensors. The Kronecker delta, Tensors of rank greater than two,
Scalars or invariants, Tensors fields, Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors, Fundamental
operations with tensors, Matrices and matrix algebra, Permutation symbols and tensors.
Tensor form of gradient, divergence and curl, Relative and absolute tensors.

Recommended books:
1. M. R. Spiegel “Vector analysis and introduction to tensor analysis”, Schaum’s outlines, 1 st ed.
1968. (Text book)
2. G. Arfken, H. J. Weber, and F. E. Harris, “Mathematical Methods for Physicists”, Academics
Press, 7th ed. 2012.
3. E. Kreyszig “Advance Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley, 8th ed. 1999.

Maths-2506 Linear Algebra) Cr Hrs: 03

Specific Objectives of the Course:
This is a course in abstract linear algebra. The majority of follow up courses in both pure and
applied mathematics assume the material covered in this course.
Course Outline: Algebra of matrices, determinants, matrix of a linear transformation, row
and column operations, rank, inverse of matrices, solution of homogeneous and non-
homogeneous equations, orthogonal transformation. Vector spaces, subspaces, linear
dependence and independence, linear span of a subset of a vector space, bases and dimensions
of a vector space, sums and direct sums of subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space,
dimension theorem, linear transformation, null space, image space of linear transformation,
rank and nullity of a linear transformation, relation between rank, nullity and dimension of the
domain of a linear transformation, matrix of linear transformation, change of basis, inner
product spaces, orthogonal and orthonormal basis, similar matrices and diagonalization of a
matrix, Home (V,W), dimension and basis of Home (V,W), dual space and dual basis,
annihilators, Eigen values and Eigen vectors and minimal polynomials.
Recommended Books:
1. S. J. Axle, Linear Algebra Done Right, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics,
Springer, New York, Schaum’s outlines series, 1996.
2. G. Birkhoff, S. Maclane, A Survey of Modern Algebra(4th edition), AKP, 1998.
3. W. L. C. Perry, Elementary Linear Algebra, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988.

Gen-2009 Chemistry (Physical Chemistry &Spectroscopy) Cr.Hrs:3

Course Contents:
Physical States of Matter
Ideal and real gases; equations of state, critical phenomenon and critical constants. Molecules
in motion: collision diameter and mean free path. Physical properties of liquids: surface
tension, viscosity, refractive index etc. and their applications. Brief account of interactions
among the molecules in liquids. Packing of atoms in solids. Unit cells and crystal systems.
Method of crystal structure analysis. Brief account of polymers

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


and composite materials with special emphasis on superconductors, semi-conductors etc.

Introduction to plasma.
Chemical Thermodynamics
Laws of thermodynamics and their applications. Thermodynamic functions: internal energy,
enthalpy, entropy and free energy. Relation between thermodynamic functions. van’t Hoff’s
equation. Heat capacities, concept of entropy and probability.
Chemical Kinetics
Rate of reaction. Rate law, order and molecularity of the reactions. Zero, first and second
order reactions. Determination of reaction order and its rate constant. Effect of temperature on
the reaction rate. Concepts of chemical equilibrium. Le-Chatelier’s principle and its
applications. Elementary concepts underlying complex and fast reactions.
Solution Chemistry
Ideal and non-ideal solutions. Raoult’s and Henery’s laws and their applications. Molecular
interactions in solutions. Colligative properties. Distillation and concept of azeotropic
Surface Chemistry
Concept of interfaces. Adsorption and adsorption isotherms: Freundlich and Langmuir
adsorption isotherms. Catalysis, colloids emulsion and their industrial applications.
Basic concepts of electrochemistry. Ions in solution. Measurement of conductance and
Kohlrausch’s law. Debye-Hueckel theory and activity coefficient. Application of conductance
measurement. Electrode potential. Electrochemical cell. Application of electrode potential
Recommended books:
1. Alberty R. “Physical Chemistry” 17th ed., John Wiley and Sons (1987).
2. Atkins, P.W. “Physical Chemistry” 6th ed., W.H. Freeman and Co. New York (1998).
3. Laidler K.J. “The World of Physical Chemistry” 1st ed., Oxford University Press
4. Laidler K.J., John H.M. and Bryan C.S. “Physical Chemistry” 4 th ed., Houghton
Mifflin Publishing Company Inc. (2003).

Phys-2701 Basic Electronics Cr. Hrs: 3

Course is designed to introduce fundamental principles of circuit theory and electronic devices.
Course contents
Fundamental Solid-State Principles, Atomic theory, Metals, insulators and semiconductors,
Conduction in Silicon and Germanium, doping, The forbidden energy gap, n and p type
semiconductors. The Semiconductor Diode: Introduction to pn junction diode, Bias, the ideal diode,
the practical diode model, other practical considerations, the complete diode model, voltage-current
characteristics. Common Diode applications: Transformers and power supply, Half-wave rectifiers,
full-wave rectifiers, full-wave Bridge rectifiers, wave shaping circuits using diode, voltage multiplier
circuits. Special applications Diodes: Zener diodes, light emitting diodes, photodiodes, capacitance
effects in the pn junction, other diodes. Circuit analysis: DC circuit analysis, single and multi-loop
circuits, Kirchhoff’s rules, RC circuits, Charging and discharging of a capacitor, RL circuits, AC
circuit analysis using the j-operator, RLC circuits, superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem,
Norton’s theorem, Transistors and its application inputs output characteristics, Transistor Biasing
Transistor as an amplifier, basic transistor configurations, transistor as a switch.
Recommended Books
1. Introductory Circuits Analysis, by Robert L. Boylestad, 12th Editin Prentice Hall.
2. Electronic Devices, by T. L. Floyd, Pearson, 10th Edition, (2017)
3. Grob's Basic Electronics, by M. E Schultz, McGraw-Hill Education, 12th edition, (2015)
4. Electronic Principles, by A. P. Malvino, David J. Bates, McGraw-Hill, 8th Edition, (2015)

Phys-2604L Lab-IV (Modern Physics) Cr. Hrs: 1


BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


The laboratory should engage each student in significant experiences with experimental
processes, including some experience designing investigation. The aim of this lab is to make
students able to get understanding about electronic devices including gates, transistors,
capacitors, diodes etc and aware them about their importance in real world systems.

1. Understand the behaviour of nuclear radiation including beta and gamma radiation.
2. Determination of e/m of an electron.
3. Determination of ionization potential of mercury.
4. To study the characteristic curves of a G. M. counter and use it to determine the absorption
co-efficient of β-particle in Aluminium.
5. Determination of range of α particles.
6. Mass absorption coefficient of lead for γ-rays using G.M counter.
7. Use of computer in the learning of knowledge of GATE and other experiments.
Recommended Books:
1. G L Squires, Practical Physics, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press
2. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
3. C K Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing.


Pre-requisites: Electricity and Magnetism, Calculus-II

The Dirac Delta Function: Review of vector calculus using example of Dirac Delta
function, The divergence of r/r2, the one-dimensional and the three-dimensional Dirac delta
functions. The theory of vector fields: the Helmoholtz theorem, potentials
Electrostatics: The electric field: introduction, Coulomb’s law, the electric field, continuous
charge distributions. Divergence and curl of electrostatic fields: field lines, flux and Gauss’s
law, the divergence of E, applications of Gauss’s law, the curl of E. Electric potential:
introduction to potential, comments on potential, Poisson’s equation and Laplace’s equation,
the potential of a localized charge distribution, summary, electrostatics boundary conditions,
Work and energy in electrostatics: the work done to move a charge, the energy of a point
charge distribution, the energy of a continuous charge distribution, comments on electrostatic
energy. Conductors: basic properties, induced charges, surface charge and the force on a
conductor, capacitors
Special Techniques: Laplace’s equation: introduction, Laplace’s equation in one, two and
three dimensions, boundary conditions and uniqueness theorems, conductors and second
uniqueness theorems
The Method of Images: The classic image problem, induced surface charge, force and
energy, other image problems
Multipole Expansion: Approximate potential at large, the monopole and dipole terms, origin
of coordinates in multipole, expansions, the electric field of a dipole
Electric Fields in Matter: Polarization: dielectrics, induced dipoles, alignment of polar
molecules, polarization. The field of a polarized object: bound charges, physical
interpretation of bound charges, and the field inside a dielectric. The electric displacement:
Gauss’s law in the presence of dielectrics, a deceptive parallel, boundary conditions. Linear

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Dielectrics: susceptibility, permittivity, dielectric constant, boundary value problems with

linear dielectrics, energy in dielectric systems, forces on dielectrics
Magnetostatics: The Lorentz Force law: magnetic fields, magnetic forces, currents. The
Biot-Savart Law: steady currents, the magnetic field of a steady current. The divergence and
curl of B: straight-line currents, the divergence and curl of B, applications of Ampere’s law,
comparison of magnetostatics and electrostatics. Magnetic Vector Potential: the vector
potential, summary, magnetic boundary conditions, multipole expansion of the vector
Magnetic Fields in Matter: Magnetization, diamagnets, paramagnets, ferromagnets, torques
and forces on magnetic dipoles, effect of a magnetic field on atomic orbits, magnetization.
The Field of a Magnetized Object: bound currents, physical interpretation of bound currents,
and the magnetic field inside matter. The auxiliary field H: Ampere’s law in magnetized
materials, a deceptive parallel, boundary conditions. Linear and nonlinear media: magnetic
susceptibility and permeability, ferromagnetism.
Recommended Books:
1. D. J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. 1999.
2. M. N. O. Sadiku, ”Elements of Electromagnetics”, . Oxford University Press, 5th ed.
3. F. Melia, “Electrodynamics”, University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Hearld J and W. Muller-Kristen, “Electrodynamics”, World Scientific Publishing, 2nd . 2011


Pre-requisites: Mechanics
The Lagrange Formulation of Mechanics and Hamilton Dynamics: Generalized co-
ordinates and constraints, D’Alembert’s principle and Lagrange’s Equations, Hamilton’s
principle, integrals of motion, non conservative system and generalized potential, Lagrange’s
multiplier method, the Hamiltonian of a dynamical system, canonical equations, canonical
transformations, Poisson brackets, phase space and Liouville’s theorem
Central Force Motion: The two-body problem, effective potential and classification of
orbits, Kepler’s laws, stability of circular orbits, hyperbolic orbits and Rutherford scattering,
center of mass co-ordinate system, scattering cross-sections
Motion in Non-inertial Systems: Accelerated translational co-ordinate system, dynamics in
rotating co-ordinate system, motion of a particle near the surface of the earth
The Motion of Rigid Bodies: The Euler angles, rotational kinetic energy and angular
momentum, the inertia tensor, Euler equations of motion, motion of a torque-free
symmetrical top, stability of rotational motion.
Recommended Books:
1. T. L. Chow, “Classical Mechanics”, John Wiley, 1995.
2. T. Kibble and F. Berkshire, “Classical Mechanics”, World Scientific, 5th ed. 2004.
Phy 3101-Thermal Physics Cr. Hrs.3
Pre-requisites: Physics II
o To develop the understanding of thermal properties by in thermodynamics
o To give the concept of classical distribution function

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


o To understand the laws of thermodynamics and their application

Course Outline:
Applications of Laws of Thermodynamics:
Combined First and Second Laws, Maxwell’s relations, Thermodynamic functions (Internal
energy, Enthalpy, Gibb’s functions, Entropy, Helmholtz functions), TdS equations, Energy
Equations and their Applications, Difference in Heat Capacities, Ratio of Specific Heats,
Change of Phase, Clausius- Clapeyron’s Equation, Joule-Thomson effect, Black Body
Radiation- Stefan’s law.
Production and Measurement of Low Temperatures:
Introduction, Methods of Producing Low Temperatures, Refrigerator, Cascade Process of
Liquefying Gases, Joul- Thomson Cooling, Cooling by Adiabatic Expansion of Compressed
Gases, Cooling by Adiabatic Demagnetization, Measurement of Low Temperatures, Third
Law of Thermodynamics.
Recommended Books:
1. M. W. Zemansky, “Heat and Thermodynamics”, Mc Graw Hill, 7th ed.
2. M. Sprackling, “Thermal Physics” McMillan 1991.
3. B. N. Roy, “Principle of Modern Thermodynamics”, Institute of Physics,
London 1995.
4. M. A. Khattak, “Thermophysics” Physics Department, University of Peshawar, 1995.


Pre-requisite: Mechanics, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra
Objective(s): To give the understanding of Differential equations and their uses in
Introduction to special functions, Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, Solution of Boundary
value problems and their uses.
Partial Differential Equations: Introduction to important PDEs in Physics (wave equation,
diffusion equation, Poisson’s equation, Schrodinger’s equation), general form of solution, general and
particular Phys solutions (first order, inhomogeneous, second order), characteristics and existence of
solutions, uniqueness of solutions, separation of variables in Cartesian coordinates, superposition of
separated solutions, separation of variables in curvilinear coordinates, integral transform methods,
Green’s functions.
Complex Analysis: Review (polar form of complex numbers and de Moivre’s theorem, complex
logarithms and powers), functions of a complex variable, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, power series
in a complex variable and analytic continuation with examples, multi-valued functions and branch
cuts, singularities and zeroes of complex functions, complex integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s
integral formula, Laurent series and residues, residue integration theorem, definite integrals using
contour integration.
Fourier Series:
General Properties, Advantages, Uses of Fourier Series, Applications of Fourier Series, Properties of
Fourier Series, Gibbs Phenomenon, Discrete Fourier Transform, Fourier Expansions of Mathieu
Fourier Transforms:
Fourier Transform of Derivatives, Convolution Theorem, Momentum Representation, Transfer
Functions, Laplace Transforms

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Special Functions
Gamma Function (Factorial Function), Definitions, Simple Properties, Digamma and Polygamma
Functions, Stirling’s Series, Beta Function
Recommended Books:
1. G. Arfken, H. J. Weber, and F. E. Harris, “Mathematical Methods for Physicists”, ,
Academic Press, 7th ed. 2012.
2. K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, S. J. Bence, “Mathematical Methods for Physicists”,
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
3. E. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley, 8th ed. 1999.
4. D. J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. 1999.
5. M. N. O. Sadiku,” Elements of Electromagnetics”, . Oxford University Press, 5th ed.
6. F. Melia, “Electrodynamics”, University of Chicago Press, 2001. Hearld J and W.
Muller-Kristen, “Electrodynamics”, World Scie.

Phys 3702 ELECTRONICS –I Cr. Hrs.3

Pre-requisites: Basic Electronics

The Junction Transistor as an Amplifier: Transistor voltage and current designations, the
junction transistors, the volt-ampere curve of a transistor, the current amplification factors,
the load line and Q point, the basic transistor amplifiers, the common emitter amplifier, the
performance of a CE amplifier, relation between A i and Av, the CB amplifier, the CC
amplifier, comparison of amplifier performance
DC Bias for the Transistor: Choice of Q point, variation of Q point, fixed transistor bias,
the four-resistor bias circuit, design of a voltage –feedback bias circuit, Common emitter,
common collector, common base biasing
Field Effect Transistor: What is /field effect transistor, JFET: Static characteristics of JFET,
Metal oxide semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET of IGFET): enhancement and
depletion mode, FET biasing techniques, Common drain, common source and common gate,
fixed bias and self bias configurations, Universal JFET bias curve, Darlington pair
Operational Amplifiers: The integrated amplifier, the differential amplifier, common mode
rejection ratio, the operational amplifier, summing operation, integration operation,
comparator, milli-voltmeter.
Recommended Books:
1. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices and Applications”,,
Prentice Hall, 8th ed. ,2009.
2. B. Grob, “Basic Electronics”, MacGraw Hill, Tch ed. 1997.
3. B. Streetman and S. Banerjee “Solid State Electronics Devices”, , Prentice Hall, 6 th
ed. 2005.
4. A. Bar-lev, “Semiconductor and Electronics Devices”, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. 1993.
5. D. H. Navon and B. Hilbert, “Semiconductor Microdevices and Materials”, CBS
College Publishing, 1986.
6. A. P. Malvino, “Electronic Principles”, McGraw Hill, 7th ed. 2006.
R. T. Paynter, “Introductory Electric Circuits”, Prentice Hall, 1998

Phys-3605L Lab- V (Electronics) Cr.Hrs: 2

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


The laboratory should help the students to develop a broad array of basic skills and
tools of experimental physics and data analysis. The aim of this lab is to give students
with the practical hand on the experimental techniques and
Physically understand the nuclear phenomena.
1. Find the value of Unknown Resistor Using Colour coding Method.
2. Set up Voltage and Current divider circuits.
3. Set up Half and Full wave rectifier circuit, with and with-out filter and observe the
smoothness of capacitor using CRO.
4. Draw the input and output Characteristic of BJT transistor.
5. Set up amplifier CB, CC, & CB.
6. Set up Op. Amplifire.
7. Design and demonstrate Regulated Power supply.
8. Study and demonstrate various Logic Gates.



Pre-requisites: Electromagnetic Theory-I
This course is the second part of the core level undergraduate course on Electromagnetic
Theory and a previous knowledge of Electromagnetic Theory I is expected.

Electrodynamics: Electromotive force: Ohm’s law, electromotive force, motional emf,

electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law, the induced electric field, inductance, energy in
magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations: electrodynamics before Maxwell, how Maxwell fixed
Ampere’s law, Maxwell’s equations, magnetic charges, Maxwell’s equations in matter,
boundary conditions
Conservation Laws: Charge and energy: the continuity equation, Poynting’s theorem,
momentum: Newton’s third law in electrodynamics, Maxwell’s stress tensor, conservation of
momentum, angular momentum
Electromagnetic Waves: Waves in one dimension: the wave equation, sinusoidal waves,
boundary conditions, reflection and transmission, polarization, electromagnetic waves in
vacuum: the wave equation for E and B, monochromatic plane waves, energy and momentum
in electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves in matter: propagation in linear media,
reflection and transmission at normal incidence, reflection and transmission at oblique
incidence, absorption and dispersion: electromagnetic waves in conductors, reflection at a
conducting surface, the frequency dependence of permittivity, guided waves: wave guides,
the waves in a rectangular wave guide, the coaxial transmission line
Potentials and Fields: The potential formulation: scalar and vector potentials, gauge
transformations, Coulomb gauge and Lorentz gauge, continuous distributions: retarded
potentials, Jefimenko’s equations, point charges: Lienard-Wiechert potentials, the field of a
moving point charge
Radiation, Dipole Radiation: What is radiation, electric dipole radiation, magnetic dipole
radiation, radiation from an arbitrary source, point charges: power radiated by a point charge,
radiation reaction, the physical basis of the radiation reaction
Recommended Books:
1. D. J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, ed. Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. 1999.
2. M. N. O. Sadiku, “Elements of Electromagnetics”, Oxford University Press, 5th ed. ed. 2009.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


3. F. Melia, “Electrodynamics”, University of Chicago Press, 1st ed. 2001.

4. Hearld J and W. Muller-Kristen, “Electrodynamics”, World Scientific Publishing, 2 nd ed.

Phys 3703 ELECTRONICS-II Cr. Hrs.3

Pre-requisites: Electronics-I
To be capable of designing rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators, and multivibrators and to design
circuits. Syllabus Cascade amplifier, The Amplifier pass band, the frequency plot (Bode
plot), Low frequency analysis, Low frequency limit, the un-bypassed emitter resistor, high
frequency equivalent circuit and analysis, The Miller Effect, high frequency limit of
transistor, bandwidth of a cascade amplifier. Feedback Amplifiers, Positive and Negative
feedback, Principle of feedback amplifier, stabilization of gain by negative feedback,
Bandwidth improvement, Reduction of nonlinear distortion, control of amplifier output and
input resistance, current series feedback circuit, voltage shunt feedback circuit. Oscillator
operation and feedback principles, the oscillatory circuit and frequency stability, oscillators
with LC, RC feedback circuits, Power Amplifiers, differential Amplifier Circuit, Common
mode rejection ratio, operational amplifier (Op-Amp), Inverting and Non-inverting
configuration, Op-Amp Applications, Basic types of Multivibrators, Astable Multivibrator,
Mono-stable Multivibrator, Bi-stable Multivibrator.
Recommended Books
1. Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), by T. L. Floyd, Pearson, 10th Edition,
2. Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices and Applications, by Thomas L. Floyd ,
David M. Buchla, Prentice Hall, 8th Edition, (2009)
3.Electronic Principles, by A. P. Malvino, D. J. Bates, McGraw-Hill, 8th Edition, (2015)
4. Solid State Electronic Devices, by B. Streetman and S.K. Banerjee, Pearson, 7th edition,
5. Grob's Basic Electronics, by M. E Schultz, McGraw-Hill Education, 12th edition, (201)5
6. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, by Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Pearson,
11th edition, (2012)

Phys 3508 Mathematical Methods of Physics – II Cr. Hrs.3

Pre-requisite(s): Mathematical Methods of Physics – I

1. Introduction to special functions

2. To develop the mathematical background of student in matrices and some of their
uses in the world of physics
Course Outline:

Special Functions:
Partial Differential equation of Theoretical Physics, Singular points, Series Solution,
Frobenius Method Non-Homogeneous Equation, Green’s Functions, Gamma
Functions, Definitions and simple properties, Beta Functions, Legendre’s Functions,
Bessel Functions of the 1st kind, Orthogonally, Bessel Functions of the 2 nd kind,
Hermit Polynomials, Laugerre Polynomial, Delta Functions and their properties,
Spherical Harmonics,

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Matrices: Linear vector spaces, Orthonormal System, Linear transformations of bases

and Operators, Matrices, Basic Definitions, Orthogonal Matrices, Hermitian and
Unitary Matrices, Diagonalization:
Tensor Analysis: Vector calculus (differentiation, integration, space curves, multi-
variable vectors, surfaces, scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence and curl,
cylindrical and spherical coordinates, general curvilinear coordinates), change of
basis, Cartesian tensor as a geometrical object, order/rank of a tensor, tensor algebra,
Mathematical Methods for Physics by G.Arfken.
1. Applied Engineering Mathematics by Pipes.
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by Sokolnikoff and R.M.Redheffer.
Special Functions by Lebdev

Phys-3301 Quantum Mechanics-I Cr. Hrs: 3

Course Objective: This course aims to provide an introduction to the basic ideas and
the actual mechanics of quantum mechanics. Through lectures, discussions, and
homework problems, students will be able to use quantum mechanics to solve a
variety of interesting problems, as well develop some insight into what the solutions
really mean.

Historical motivation: wave-particle duality, photo-electric effect, instability of atoms,

black body catastrophe.Observables and operators, postulates of mechanics,
measurement problems, the state function and expectation values, Schrödinger wave
equation.Time-independent Schrödinger equation and one-dimensional problems,
stationary states, superposition principle, free particles, infinite and finite square well,
harmonic oscillator, and delta-function potential.Hilbert space, Dirac notation, linear
transformations, discrete and continuous basis vectors, hermitian and unitary
operators.Compatible observables, commutators, uncertainty principle, minimum
uncertainty states.Time development of state functions, symmetries and conservation
laws, conservation of parity, operators for time and space translations.Waves incident
on potential barrier, reflection and transmission coefficients, WKB method.Quantum
mechanics in three-dimensions, cartesian and spherical forms of Schrodinger
equation, separation of variables.Rotational symmetry, angular momentum as a
generator of rotations, spherical harmonics and their properties. Completeness and
orthonormality properties.

Recommended texts:

1. Introductory Quantum Mechanics, by Richard L. Liboff, publisher: Addison Wesley; 4th

Edition, (2002).
2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by David J. Griffiths, publisher: Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2nd Edition (2005).
3. Quantum Physics by Stephen Gasiorowicz, publisher: Willey International, 3rd Edition.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


4. ClaudeCohen-Tannoudji, BernardDiu, FranckLaloë “Quantum Mechanics”, Wiley; 1st

Edition (January 8, 1991)
Phys-3606L Lab- VI (Electronics-II) Cr.Hrs: 2
This lab should help students to understand the role of direct observation in physics
and to distinguish between inferences based on theory and the outcomes of
experiments. Further to get familiar with the relationship between electrical, optical
and magnetic devices.
1. To expose the students to advance level experimentation in Physics/Electronics
2. To make them familiar to such experiments whose out come can be used in developing
future research capabilities and teaching skills.
3. To make the students confident in their studies by showing and measuring parameter
which they have used in theoretical work.
4. Study of random processes and fluctuations in random processes (Poission distribution,
etc.) Measurement of transistor hybrid parameters.
5. To build and investigate the properties of hard value multivibrators.
6. Transistor pulse-circuitry (three types of flipflop and the Schmidt trigger circuit).
7. Design of high or medium voltage dc power supply and measurement of the voltage
regulation. Ripple factor etc.
8. Design of an L.F.R.C. coupled amplifier and a study of its characteristics.
9. Design of high or medium voltage dc power supply and measurement of the voltage
regulation. Ripple factor, etc.
10. Design of a medium wave T.R.F. or superheterdyne receiver and measurement of its
sensitivity. Power out-put selectivity, etc. the operational amplifier.
11. To design and build a linear integrator to enable digitization of photo-multiplier pulses, or
to design and build a height-to-width converter.
12. To design and build a lotic circuit (using AND/OR/NOR gates) for performing a given
13. Study of leaser parameters. Gain characteristics and spectral response of a photo-
multiplier tube.
Recommended Books:

1. G. L. Squires, Practical Physics, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press

2. Nolan and Bigliani, Experiments in Physics, Surjeet Pub Ind.
3. C. K. Bhattacharya, University Practical Physics, CBS Publishing.

Phys-4302 Quantum Mechanics-II Cr.Hrs: 3

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Course Objective: This course aims at approximation schemes, applications of quantum

mechanics and deeper understanding of some philosophical questions in quantum mechanics.
Course Contents:
Motion of a particle in a central potential. Separation of variables, effective potential, solution
for the Coulomb problem. Spectrum of the hydrogen atom.Spin as an internal degree of
freedom, intrinsic magnetic moment, intrinsic angular momentum, spin-orbit interaction and
total angular momentum. Identical particles: Many-particle systems, system of
distinguishable no interacting particles, systems of identical particles, symmetrization
postulate, Pauli exclusion principle and the periodic table.Time-independent perturbation
theory: Nondegenerate perturbation theory, degenerate perturbation theory.The variational
principle: Variational theorem, variational approximation method, the ground state of helium
atom.The WKB approximation: WKB wave functions, general connection rules across a
classical turning point, tunneling.Time-dependent perturbation theory: A perturbed two-level
system, perturbation by an electromagnetic wave, transition into a continuum of states-
Fermi’s golden rule, Oscillator strengths, selection rules. Scattering: Classical scattering
theory, quantum scattering theory, partial wave analysis, phase shifts, the Born
approximation. The adiabatic approximation: The adiabatic theorem, Berry’s phase, the
Aharonov-Bohm effect.

Recommended texts:

1. Introductory Quantum Mechanics, by Richard L. Liboff, publisher: Addison Wesley;

4th Edition, (2002).
2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by David J. Griffiths, publisher: Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition (2005).
3. Quantum Physics, by Stephen Gasiorowicz, publisher: John Wiley, 3rd Edition
4. Shankar, Ramamurti. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Springer, 2008.
5. ClaudeCohen-Tannoudji, BernardDiu, FranckLaloë “Quantum Mechanics”, Wiley; 1st
edition (January 8, 1991)

Phys-4015 Modern Physics-II Cr.Hrs: 3

Course Objectives
Modern physics is serving the foundation of advanced subjects in physics. The course
emphasizes to learn the basic concepts of symmetry of the nature. To understand the non-
classical aspects of Physics.
Course Contents
Special relativity, frames of reference, Postulates of special relativity, time dilation, Length
contraction, the ultimate speed limit, Doppler effects, Expansion of universe, Hubble law, age
of universe, Electric charge is relativistic ally invariant, Relativistic mass, Relativistic
momentum, relativistic second law, mass and energy, energy and momentum, massless
particles, The Lorentz transformation, inverse Lorentz transformation, velocity addition under
Lorentz transformation, simultaneity principles, The principle of equivalence, General
relativity, space-time concept, world points, world lines, light cone, fast and future light cones,
space like interval, time like interval, light like interval, general relativity and gravity concept,
gravitational lenses and gravitational waves.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Particle properties of waves: Electromagnetic waves, types of electromagnetic waves,

interference, diffraction and superposition of electromagnetic waves, Thermal radiation, Stefan
Boltzmann law, Wien Displacement law, Black body Radiation, Black body radian cure,
Ultraviolet catastrophe, Rayleigh jean formula for energy density distribution, Wien energy
density distribution, Planck Radiation formula, Quantization of energy in microscopic levels,
Photoelectric effect, Thermionic emission, particle and waves behaviors of light, X-rays,
Continuous x-ray spectrum, characteristic X-rays spectrum, X-ray diffraction and Bragg law,
Compton effect, Pair production, Photon absorption and radiation intensity, Photon and gravity,
Gravitational red shift, Black holes, event horizon and Schwarzschild radius, small and large
black holes, Quasars and Galaxies.
Wave properties of particles: De Broglie waves, Particle diffraction, Davisson Germer and
G.P Thomson experiment of electron diffraction, diffraction of Neutron, waves of probability,
describing a wave, Phase and group velocity of de Broglie waves, Particle in a Box,
Uncertainty principle, Gaussian function and minimum uncertainty, energy and time
uncertainty, electron optics and electron microscope, working of electron microscopes.
Atomic structure: The Nuclear atom, Rutherford experiment and scattering formula, the
nuclear dimensions, Neutron stars, electron orbits and planetary model of atoms, Faillure of
planetary model and classical physics, validity of Rutherford analysis , Atomic spectra, spectral
series, The Bohr atomic model, electron waves in the atom, energy levels and spectra, origin of
line spectra, Quantization in Atomic world, the corresponding principle, nuclear motion and
corrected energy levels, Atomic excitation, The Franck-Hertz experiment, The laser, two level
system, stimulated absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission, metastable states,
population inversion, optical pumping, Three and four level laser schemes, The ruby laser, The
Helium-neon gas laser schemes.
Recommended Books:
(1) Concepts of modern physics (latest edition) by Arthur Beiser
(2) Introduction to atomics and nuclear physics (HENRY SEMAT)
(3)R.A. Serway, C.J. Moses and C.A. Moyer, “Modern Physics”, Brooks Cole, 3rd ed. 2004.
(4) Paul A. Tipler and Ralph A. Llewellyn, “Modern Physics”, W H Freeman and Company 6th
ed. 2012.

Phys-4401 Solid State Physics Cr.Hrs: 3

Solid State Physics deals with the study of matter and provides theoretical basis to the
Material Science. The course emphasizes on the correlation between crystal structure
and physical properties such as (Mechanical, Electrical and Magnetic) as well as
chemical properties (Bonding, Symmetries, Phase transition). The course is
mathematically rich and experimental techniques employed to verify various
phenomena are the essence of this subject.
Course Outline:
Types of lattices, Symmetries, Closed packed structures, Bragg’s Law, Reciprocal
Space, Brillouin Zones, Structure Factor, Atomic Form Factor, Cohesive energy,
Bonding, Elastic lattice constant, Elastic waves, Dispersion relation of a monatomic
lattice, Diatomic lattice, Quantization of elastic waves, Phonons momentum, Inelastic
scattering by phonons, Phonon Heat capacity, Planck distribution, Normal mode
enumeration, Einstein theory, Density of states in one and three dimensions, Debye
theory, Anharmonic crystal interactions, Thermal expansion, Thermal conductivity,
Thermal resistivity of Phonons gas, Umklapp processes, Imperfections.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Recommended Books:
 C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (8 th Edition), John Wiley
& Sons, Inc/2002
 Ashcroft & Mermin, Solid State Physics (1 st Edition), Harcourt College

Phys-4103 Nuclear Physics-I Cr.Hrs: 3

Constituents of the nucleus and some of their properties

Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Basic properties of a nucleus, Mass and Atomic
Numbers, Isotopes, mass and size of a nucleus, Nuclear force (Basic Idea), Rutherford
scattering and estimation of the Nuclear size, experimental measurement of Nuclear
Radius, constituents of the nucleus and their properties, mass and Binding energy of
the nuclei, Weizsacher’s Semi-Empirical mass formula, Nuclear spin moment and
statistics, Parity of the nuclear levels.
Radioactivity: Historical Background, The Laws of radioactive decay, half life, mean
life, Radioactive Growth and decay, Radio Nuclides with more than one mode of
decay, chain disintegrations, Ideal equilibrium, Secular equilibrium, Transient
Alpha Rays: spectra and decay
Alpha decay, theory of Alpha decay, Barrier penetration problem in its simplest form,
Range of Alpha particles in matter, Alpha decay paradox
Beta Rays: Spectra and Decay
Beta Decay, Disintegration energies, Continuous beta spectrum and the end point
energies, difficulties encounter to understand it, measurements of the energy of beta
particles from the source, Angular momentum and the neutrino hypothesis, pauli’s
neutrino hypothesis, Detection of neutrino, Fermi’s theory of Beta Decay
Gamma Decay and related Phenomenon
Introduction, Gamma rays emission- selection rules for gamma emission, internal
conversion, internal pair production, Nuclear Isomerism, Parity and electric and
magnetic multipoles, Electric and magnetic multipoles radiations,
Nuclear Reactions: Basic Nuclear reactions, Types of Nuclear reactions, the balance
of mass and energy in nuclear reactions, The Q-value equation, Exothermic,
Endothermic, Threshold energy, Nuclear Fission, Theory of nuclear fission,
spontaneous fission, fission with liquid drop model, Nuclear Fusion reaction,
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion.
Recommended Books
1. Segre, Nuclei and Practicles, Bejamin, 1977.
2. S B Patel, Nuclear Physics, an introduction Wiley eastern limited
3. Kaplan, Nuclear Physics, Addison-Wisely, 1980.
4. Kenneth S. Krane, Introducing Nuclear Physics, 1995.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


5. B. Povh, K. Rith, C. Scholtz, F. Zetsche, Particle and Nuclei, 1999.

Phys-4108L Lab-VII Cr.Hrs: 3

Objectives: The laboratory should help students master in basic physics concepts.
The aim of this lab is to give students with the practical understanding of detectors,
accelerators, interferometer and most importantly about the nuclear phenomenon and
their uses in real world.
1. Measurement of the total neutron cross-section.
2. To prove the Rutherford law of scattering of charged particles.
3. Measurement of the spectrum of gamma rays from a radioisotope (e.g.Cs) and
study of their photoelectric and Compton absorption.
4. Source strength of Co60 by gamma coincidence methods.
5. Determination of the constituents of substance by activation analysis.
6. To examine the characteristics of a Solid-State detector and to use it for alpha and
beta Spectroscopy and compare the results with those obtained by a scintillation
7. Use of an analogue computer for solving differential equations.
8. To examine the stopping-power of various substances for thermal neutrons.
9. Determination of Planck’s constant (h) by using the photoelectric effect.
10. Determination of the charge on an electron (e) by Millikan’s method.
11. The Frank-hertz experiment (Measurement of excitation potential of Hg).
12. Determination of the Rydberg constant from the spectrum of hydrogen.
13. Fabry-Perot interferometer used as a gas refractometer.
14. To study the Zeeman effect for a line in the spectrum of helium.
15. Experiments with microwaves. Study of their optical properties.
16. Electron spin resonance (E.S.R.) by microwave absorption.
17. Nuclear magnetic resonance (N.M.R.) of protons in water.
18. The study of the Mossbauer effect.
19. The measurement of the Hall effect in germanium and silicon.
20. To build a medium or short-wave transmitter.
21. Measurement of the conductivity of Si and Ge as a function of temperature.
22. To determine the energy gap in silicon and Germanium.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


23. Drift mobility. (Shockley-Haynes experiments for Germanium, demonstrating

transistor action).
Books Recommended:
1. H.Mark and N.T. Olson, Experiments in Modern Physics (McGraw-Hill).
2. A.C. Melissionos, Experiments in Modern Physics (Academic).
T.S. Gray, Applied Electronics (John-Wiley and Sons).

Objective(s): Introduction of computer languages
To know the use of computer in numerical analysis
Computer simulation and modeling
Programming for Scientific Computation: unix/linux basics, the editing-coding-compiling-
debugging-optimizing-visualizing-documenting production chain, fortran 95 and known
software packages of computation
Numerical Programming: Functions: approximation and fitting, Numerical calculus.
Ordinary differential equations, Matrices, Spectral analysis, Partial differential equations
Modeling & Simulations: Conceptual models, The mathematical models, Random numbers
and random walk, Doing Physics with random numbers, Computer simulation, Relationship
of modeling and simulation. Some systems of interest for physicists such as Motion of
Falling objects, Kepler's problems, Oscillatory motion, Many particle systems, Dynamic
systems, Wave phenomena, Field of static charges and current, Diffusion, Populations
genetics etc.
Project: A project will be chosen by the student in consultation with the instructor. Selection
of the project should be done soon after the module on modelling and simulation starts and
continue over the course of the rest of the semester. The final part of the course is reserved
for presentation of preliminary and final results.
Recommended Books:
a. T. Pang, “An Introduction to Computational Physics”, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
b. R. Landau, M. Paez, C. Bordeianu, “A Survey of Computational Physics”, Princeton
University Press, 2008.
c. M. L. De Jong, ”Introduction to Computational Physics”, Addison Wesley, 1991.
d. S. T. Koonini, “Computational Physics”, The Benjamin-Cummings, 1985.
e. H. Gould, J. Tobochnik and W. Christian, “An Introduction to Computer Simulation
Methods”, Addison Wesley, 3rd ed. 2006.
f. S. C. Chapra and R. P. Chanle, ”Numerical Methods for Engineers with Personal
Computer Applications”, McGraw Hill,1990.
S. C. Chapra, “Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists”,
McGraw Hill, 2nd ed. 2006.
Phys 4104 NUCLEAR PHYSICS-II Cr. Hrs.3
Pre-requisite(s): Nuclear Physic-I

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


This part deals with some additional topics of nuclear physics. Syllabus Nuclear Reactions,
types of nuclear reactions and conservation laws, Coulomb scattering, nuclear scattering, Q-
value of nuclear reaction, threshold energy, transmutation by photons, protons, neutrons and
alpha particles, Cross section from nuclear reactions, compound nucleus theory of nuclear
reactions, limitations of compound nucleus theory, direct reactions, Neutron Physics, Neutron
sources, radioactive sources, photon neutron sources, charged particle sources, reactor as a
neutron source, slowing down of neutron, neutron detectors, neutron capture, interference and
diffraction with neutrons, Nuclear fission, Description of fission reaction, Mass distribution
of fission fragments, Average number of neutrons released, Fission cross section, Chain
reaction, Controlled fission reactions, Fission reactors. Nuclear Fusion, Basic fusion
processes, Energy released in nuclear fusion, Solar fusion, p-p cycle, CNO cycle, controlled
nuclear fusion, D-D and D-T reactions, accelerators, electrostatic accelerators, cyclotrons,
synchrotrons, linear accelerators, colliding-beam accelerators.
Recommended Books
1. Introductory Nuclear Physics by K. Krane, Wiley (1980)
2. Nuclear and Particle Physics by Burcham, E. E. and Jobes, M., Longman (1995)
3. Nuclear and Particle Physics by Martin, R. B., John Wiley (2006)
4. Nuclear Physics by I. Kaplan, Addison-Wesley (1980).
5. Nuclear Physics in a nutshell, by C.A. Bertulani, Princeton, (2007).
6. Nuclear Physics by A. Kamal, Springer, (2014)
7. Foundations of Nuclear and Particle Physics, T. W, Donnelly and J. A. Formaggio,
Cambridge (2017)
8. Nuclear Physics: Principles and Applications by J. Lilley, John Wiley (2013)


Pre-requisites: Heat and Thermodynamics, Calculus-II, Probability and Statistics

Equilibrium Thermodynamics:
Basic postulates, fundamental equations and equations of state, response functions Maxwell's
relation, reduction of derivatives.
Elements of Probability Theory:
Probabilities, distribution functions, statistical interpretation of entropy, Boltzmann H-
Formulation of Statistical Methods:
Ensembles, counting of states (in classical and quantum mechanical systems, examples)
partition function, Boltzmann distribution. Formation of Microcononical, canonical and grand
canonical partion function
Partition Function:
Relations of partition function with thermodynamic variables, examples (collection of simple
harmonic oscillators, Pauli and Van Vleck paramagnetics, Theorem of equipartition of
Recommended Books:

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


1. F. Mandl, Statistical Physics, ELBS/John Willey, 2nd Ed. 1988.

2. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill, 1965.
3. A.J. Pointon, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Longman 1967.
4. C. Kittel, Elements of Statistical Physics, John Wiley 1958.

Phys-4016 Atomic Physics Cr.Hrs: 3

This course is an introduction to atomic and molecular physics with non relativistic
quantum mechanics and elementary mathematical physics as prerequisites.
Course Outlines:
History and structure of atoms, Hydrogen Spectra, Reitz combination Principle, Different
Spectral Series, Bohr theory of atomic structure and atomic spectra, Correction for Nuclear
Motion Somerfield elliptic orbits, Relativity correction and hydrogen Fine structure, Vector
Model of Atom, Orbital Angular Momentum, Spin Angular Momentum, Total Angular
Momentum, Orbital and spin magnetic moments, Magnetic quantum numbers, Space
Quantization, Coupling Scheme (LS and JJ Coupling), Pauli exclusion Principle, Selection
rules and the spectrum of one electron atoms, Line intensities, Excited states, life time of
excited states, Line shapes and widths, One electron atoms fine structure, Distribution of
electrons in an atom, Spectral Notations, Zeeman effect (Normal and Anomalous), Spectra of
two and Multi electrons atom, Inner core electron spectra (X-rays), doubly excited states and
Auger effect.
Recommended Books
1. Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics by Henry Semat and Albright )
2. Fundamentals of Modern Physics by Eisberg.
Optional Paper (Phys-4109) Cr. Hrs.3
These elective courses can be chosen from the list or new elective course may be offered
according to the availability of staff and necessary infrastructure. University may also tailor
these courses according to their facilities.
Introduction to Health Physics
To obtain a broad, fundamental technical knowledge of health physics related to radiation
Course Outline:
Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil Pollution, Noise Pollution, Marine pollution, Thermal
pollution, Electromagnetic spectrum, Heavy charge particles, X- rays, Alpha, Beta, Gamma-
rays, Neutron sources, Units and definitions.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Interaction of Radiation
Interaction of heavy charged particles, Fast electrons, Alpha, Beta, Gamma-rays and
Radiation Exposure and Dose Measurement
External and Internal Exposure, Stochastic and Non-stochastic health effects, Radiation-
weighted dose units, Dose limits, Radiation protection, Time, Distance, Shielding, Gamma
and X-rays, Neutron, Alpha and beta particle shielding, Recommendations of international
commission on radiological protection.
Applications of Radiation
Electricity generation, Medical applications, Industrial and Agricultural applications,
Archaeological application.
Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Health Physics, 4th Edition, Herman Cember, the McGraw-Hill Inc.
2. Radiation Detection and Measurements, 2nd Edition, Glenn F Knoll, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. 1989
Plasma Physics Cr.Hrs: 3
Introduction, Occurrance of plasma. Concept of temperature. Debye shielding. The plasma
parameter. Criteria for plasma. Applications of plasma physics. Single-particle motion in
electromegnatic field. Uniform and nonuniform E and B fields. Time-variant E and B fields.
Fluid description of plasma. Wave propagation in plasma. Derivation of dispersion relations
for simple electrostatic and electromagnetic modes. Introduction to Controlled Fusion: Basic
nuclear fusion reactions. Reaction rates and power density, radiation losses from plasma,
operational conditions.
Books Recommended:

1. F.F.Chen, Introduction to plasma Physics, 2nd ed. (Plenum).

2. N.A.Krall and A.W.Trivelpiece, Principles of Plasma Physics, 1973 (McGraw Hill).
3. S.Glasstone and R.H.Lovberg, Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, 1960 (D.Van
Surface Physics Cr.Hrs: 3
Surface Physics is an emerging science because of the peculiar behavior of constituent particles on the top
outermost layers of solid. The course is intended to acquire skills needed to deposit layers on the surface of a
substrate to achieve optimized properties.

Course Outline:

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Definition of surface, Vacuum, Ultra high vacuum, Substrate, Surface diffusion, Reconstruction of surfaces,
Superstructure, Kinetic theory of gases, Adsorbate structure, Mesh, Spintronics, Surface epitaxy, Electron
tunneling, Nanostructures, High energy electron diffraction, Work function, Thermionic emission, Surface
states, Tangential surface transport, Magneto resistance in a two dimensional channel, Integral quantized Hall
effect, Diodes and p-n junctions, Hetrostructures, Solar cells and photovoltaic detectors, n-N Hetrojunction,
Semiconductor lasers, Light emitting diodes, Surface X-ray scattering, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, Ion scattering spectroscopy, Auger electron
spectroscopy, Surface phonons and plasmons.

Recommended Books:
 Prutton, Martin, Introduction to Surface Physics.(1st Edition) Oxford
University Press, 1994.
 A.J. Venables, Introduction to Surface Physics.(1st Edition)
Cambridge University Press.

Fluid Dynamics Cr.Hrs: 3

Course Description
This course provides an introduction to principal concepts and methods of fluid
mechanics. Topics covered in the course for understanding basic laws, principles and
phenomena in the area of fluid mechanics, analyze, and design fluid systems through
the application of the concepts, and to develop the problem-solving skills essential to
good engineering practices of fluid mechanics in practical applications.
Course outlines
Basic concepts of fluid mechanics. Fundamental terms. Physical values. Fluids and their
properties. Forces inside fluid. Pascal’s law. Euler’s equation of fluid statics. Measurement of
pressure. Relative statics of fluid – constant acceleration, rotation. Forces of hydrostatic
pressure. Buoyancy. Flotation. Stability. Euler and Lagrangian specification of fluid flow.
Streamlines. Pathlines. Stream surface. Stream tube. Mass/volume flow. Control volume.
Continuity equation. Basic laws of fluid dynamics – conservation of mass, conservation of
linear momentum, conservation of energy. Ideal fluid flow. Application of Bernoulli’s
equation. Real fluid flow. Viscosity. Determination of losses. Reynolds experiment. Laminar
and turbulent flow. Boundary layer. Velocity profile. Losses in pipes. Frictional losses.
Nikuradse experiments. Moody’s diagram. Local losses. Coefficients of resistance. Different
approaches in designing the pipeline – pressure drop, mass/volume low, diameter of pipeline.
Graphical view. Energy properties of pumps and hydraulic machines. Dimensional analysis.
Theory of similarity. Flow of fluid in open channels. Non- stationary flow and hydraulic
Recommended Books
1. Joseph H. Spurk · Nuri Aksel, Fluid Mechanics, 2nd Edition, 1997 Springer-Verlag Berlin
2. Y. Nakayama and R. F. Boucher, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 1999, Oxford Auckland
Boston Johannesburg

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


3. B. N. Hewakandamby A First Course in Fluid Mechanics for Engineers, ISBN:


Methods of Experimental Physics Cr.Hrs: 3

Physics is a science of measurement and a large range of experimental techniques are
used to test/verify a model or a phenomenon. A theory/phenomenon is true only when
it is consistent with the experiment otherwise it is wrong. This course intends to
develop skills needed for carrying out the experiments and data analysis to check
whether the theory/phenomenon is in agreement with the nature or not.
Vacuum Techniques:
Gas Transport: Throughout, Pumping Speed, Pump down Time Ultimate pressure.
Fore-Vacuum Pumps: Rotary Oil pumps; sorption pumps. Diffusion pumps, sorption
pumps (High Vacuum). Production of ultrahigh vacuum; Fundamental concepts;
guttering pumps; Ion pumps; Cryogenic pumps; Turbo molecular pumps.
Measurement of total pressure in Vacuums Systems; Units pressure ranges;
Manometers; Perini gauges;
The McLoad gauges; Mass spectrometer for partial measurement of pressure. Design
of high Vacuum system; Surface to Volume ratio; Pump Choice; pumping system
design. Vacuum Components; Vacuum valves; vacuum Flanges; Liquid Nitrogen
trap; Mechanical feed throughs & Electrical feed throughs Leak detection: Basic
consideration; leak detection equipment; Special Techniques and problems; Repair
Radiation Detection and Measurement:
GM tubes, scintillation detector, channeltron, photo multipliers, neutron detectors,
alpha/beta detectors, x-rays/gamma detectors, cosmic rays detectors, Spectrographs
and Interferometers.
Sensor Technology:
Sensors for temperature, pressure displacement, rotation, flow, level, speed, rotation
position, phase, current voltage, power magnetic field, tilt, metal, explosive and heat.
Electronics and Electronic Instruments:
Operational amplifiers, summing amplifiers, difference amplifiers, Differentiators,
Integrators, Logarithmic amplifiers, current to voltage converter, Spectroscopy
amplifiers, charge sensitive pre-amplifiers, Coincidence circuits, Isolators, Ramp
Generators, and single channel analyzer. Power supplies, Signal Generators, Counters,
Multichannel analyzer, Lock in Amplifiers, Boxcar averages.
Computer Introduction:

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Introduction to computers, GPIB Interface, RS 232. Interfacing, DA/AD conversion,

Visual c/visual Basic.
Data Analysis:
Evaluation of measurement: Systematic Errors, Accuracy; Accidental Errors,
Precision, Statistical Methods; Mean Value and Variance; Statistical Control of
Measurements; Errors of Direct measurements, Rejection of data; Significance of
results; Propagation of errors; preliminary Estimation; Errors of Computation. Least
squares fit to a polynomial. Nonlinear functions. Data manipulation, smoothing,
interpolation and extrapolation, linear and parabolic interpolation.
Books Recommended:
1. H.D.Young, Statistical Treatment of Methods of Experimental
Physics, Academic
Press, Inc. New York & London Vol.1.
2. J. Yarwood, High Vacuum Techniques, Chapman Hall.
3. P. Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for Physical
Science, McGraw Hill.
4. J.B.Toping, Errors of Observations, IOP, 1962.

Environmental Physics Cr.Hrs: 3

Environmental Physics serves as an introduction to physics in the context of societal
problems such as energy supply, pollution, climate change and finite resources of
fossil fuels and uranium. The course emphasis the concepts and principles that help in
understanding the ways to produce energy efficiently or to mitigate climate change. It
text explains the physical mechanisms behind climate change and discusses the
physics of renewable energy options.Physics can never be taken in isolation when
dealing with environmental problems. It does however play a pivotal role in
exploring, monitoring and above all understanding the world we live in, and our
effects on it, both on local and a global scale
Course Out line:
Introduction: to the Essentials of Environmental Physics:
The economic system, living in green house, enjoying the sun, Transport of matter,
Energy and momentum, the social and political context, Basic Environmental
Spectroscopy, Black body radiation, The emission spectrum of sun, The transition
electric dipole moment, The Einstein Coefficients, Lambert Beer’s law, The
spectroscopy of bi-molecules, Solar UV and life, The ozone filter. The Global
Climate, The energy Balance, (Zero-dimensional Greenhouse Model), elements of
weather and climate, climate variations and modeling, Transport of Pollutants,

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Diffusion, flow in reverse, ground water. Flow equations of fluid Dynamics,

Turbulence, Turbulence Diffusion, Gaussian plumes in air, Turbulent jets and planes.
Noise, Basic Acoustics, Human Perceptions and noise criteria, reducing the
transmission of sound, active control of sound, Radiation, General laws of
Radiation,Natural radiation, interaction of electromagnetic radiation and plants,
utilization of photo synthetically active radiation, Atmosphere and Climate,Structure
of the atmosphere, vertical profiles in the lower layers of the atmosphere, Lateral
movement in the atmosphere, Atmospheric Circulation, cloud and Precipitation, The
atmospheric greenhouse effect. Topo Climates and Micro Climates, Effects of surface
elements in flat and widely unduling areas, Dynamic action of seliq.Thermal action of
selief, Climatology and Measurements of Climate Factor, Data collection and
organization, statistical analysis of climatic data, climatic indices, General
characteristics of measuring equipments. Measurement of temperature, air humidity,
surface wind velocity, Radiation balance, precipitation, Atmospheric Pressure,
automatic weather stations.
Books Recommended:

1. Egbert Booker and Rienk Van Gron Belle, Environmental Physics, 2 nded.
John Wiley
and sons. 1999.
2. Physics of Environmental and Climate, Guyot Praxis Publication. 1998

Quantum Information and Quantum Computation Cr.Hrs: 3

Quantum computing is computing using quantum mechanical phenomen such as

superposition and entanglement. Quantum computing takes a giant leap forward
from today’s technology, one that will forever alter our economic, industrial,
academic, and societal landscape. In just hours or days, a quantum computer can solve
complex problems that would otherwise take billions of years for today’s computers
to solve. The course provide the basic concepts and skills to run new types of
algorithms to process information more holistically.
Course Out line:
Computer technology and historical background; Basic principles and postulates of
quantum mechanics: Qubits and Quantum states, Matrices and operators, tensor
product, quantum measurement, superposition, quantization from bits to qubits,
operator function, The density operators, Schrodinger equation, Schmidt
decomposition, EPR and Bell’s inequality; Quantum Computation, Quntum
Measurement theory, Quntum entanglement theory, entanglement teleportation,
Quantum gates and Circuits, Controlled operations, Breaking unbreakable codes:
Code making, Trapdoor function, One time pad, Quantum Cryptography, RSA
cryptography, Code breaking on classical and quantum computers, Shor’s algorithm;
Uncertainty principle, Polarization and Spin basis, BB84, BB90, and Ekert protocols,
Quantum cryptography with and without eavesdropping, Experimental realization;
Quantum Search Algorithm, Quntum Noise and error correction, Tools of Quantum
information theory.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Books Recommended:
1) Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by M. A. Nielson and I. L.
Chuang, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000.

2) Exploration in Quantum Computation by C.P. Williams and S. H. Clearwater,

Springer Verlag (1997).
3) Quantum Computing latest edition by David McMahon
4) Quantum Computation by P. Bouwmester, A. Ekert, and A. Zeilinger,
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2000).
5) Mathematics of Quantum Computation by A.K.Brylinsky and G. Chen,
Chapman & Hall/CRC (2002).
6) Principle of Quantum Computation and information latest edition
by Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, Giuliano Strini, Volume-1 and volume-2.

Particle Physics Cr.Hrs: 3

Particle Classification:
Quantum numbers, leptons, hadrons, baryons, mesons, quarks.
The Fundamental Interactions:
The electromagnetic coupling, the strong coupling, the weak coupling.
Symmetry Transformation and Conservation Laws:
Translation in space, rotation in space, the group SU (2), systems of identical
particles, parity, iso-spin charge conjugation, time reversal, G parity, CPT theorem.
The Electromagnetic Field:
Gauge invariance and Maxwell’s equations, polarization ad photon spin, angular
momentum, parity and C parity of photon.
Hadron Spectroscopy:
Formation experiment, partial wave formalism and the optical theorem, the Breit-
Wigner resonance formula, baryon resonances, phase space considerations,
production experiments.
The Quark Model:
The group SU (3), quarks, hadrons baryons, mesons in quark model, heave meson
spectroscopy, the quarkonium model.
The Standard Model (qualitative treatment only):
Unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions Glashow-Salam-Weinberg
Books Recommended:
1. Relatvistic Quantum Mechanics by Bjorken, J. D. and Drell, S.D., McGraw Hill,

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


2. Quarks and Leptons by Halzen, F. and Martin, A.D., John-Wiley and Sons. (1984).
3. Quantum Mechanics by Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin, World Scientific, (1990).
4. Introduction to Elementary Particles by Griffiths, D., John-Wiley and Sons, (1987)

Semiconductor Devices Cr.Hrs: 3


This Semiconductor Devices course is designed to be a deep dive into the fundamentals of the
electronic devices that form the backbone of our current integrated circuits technology.
Students will gain valuable experience in semiconductor physics, PN-junctions, metal-
semiconductor contacts, bipolar junction transistors, metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)
devices, and MOS field effect transistors.Similarly, modern developments in experimental
techniques especially semiconductors devices are covered at appropriate places. Some
advanced topics are included which can be covered in a 42 lectures course.
Course Outlines
General materials properties, Crystal structure, The unit cell concept, simple 3D, unit cell,
Bravais lattice and Crystal system, Specific Semiconductor Lattice, Miller indices,The
Quantum concept, Basic formalism (General formulation, Time independent formulation),
Preliminary Considerations (Simplifying Assumptions, The Bloch Theorem), Approximate
One-Dimensional Analysis (Kronig-Penney Model), Mathematical, Energy Bands and
Brillouin Zones, Particle Motion and Effective Mass, Carriers and Current, Extrapolation of
Concepts to Three Dimensions (Brillouin Zones), E-k Diagrams, Constant-Energy
Surfaces,Effective Mass , General Considerations, Ge, Si, and GaAs, Measurement, Band
Gap Energy,Density of States(General Derivation), Specific Materials(Conduction Band-
GaAs, Si, Ge ),Valence Band-Ge, Si, GaAs, Fermi Function(Introduction, Derivation Proper,
concluding discussion), Supplemental Information(Equilibrium Distribution of Carriers, The
Energy Band Diagram), Donors, Acceptors, Band Gap CentersEquilibrium
Concentration Relationships(Formulas for n and p, ni and the np Product, Charge Neutrality
Relationship, Relationships for ND and NA,), Concentration and EF, Calculations (General
Information, Equilibrium Carrier Concentrations Freeze-Out/Extrinsic T and
Extrinsic/Intrinsic T), Determination of EFExact Position of Ei, Degenerate Semiconductor
Considerations, Introduction (Survey of R-G Processes,Recombination Processes,Generation
Processes, Momentum Considerations) Recombination-Generation Statistics and Surface
Recombination-Generation, Supplemental R-G Information, Drift, (Definition-
Visualization, Drift Current, Mobility, Basic Information, Theoretical Considerations,
Doping Temperature Dependence, (High-Field/Narrow-Dimension Effects, Velocity
Saturation , Intervalley Carrier Transfer, Ballistic Transport Nelocity Overshoot), Resistivity,
Hall Effect, Diffusion(Definition-Visualization, Diffusion Current, Einstein Relationship),
Equations of State and Current Equations, (Carrier Currents,Dielectric Displacement
Current)Quasi- Fermi Levels,Continuity Equations, Minority Carrier Diffusion Equations
Recommended Books:

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


1. Robert F. Pierret Purdue University, Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals, volume

VI, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Ben G. Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices, 7th Edition, 1972.
3. Donald A. NeamenUniversity of New Mexico, Semiconductor Physics and Devices,
3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Higher Education (2003)
4. S.O. Kasap, Principles of electronic materials and devices, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill
Higher Education

Computer Simulations Cr.Hrs: 3

Computer simulation is the reproduction of the behavior of a system using a computer to
simulate the outcomes of a mathematical modelassociated with the said system. Computer
simulation allow us to check the reliability of chosen mathematical models. It can be used to
explore and gain new insights into new technology and to estimate the performance. The
course provide the basic concepts and skills for graphical and mathematical manipulation of
data for research students.
Course Out line:
Introduction: Computer graphics and programming languages, 3D Plotting, Solving a system of
equations, Numerical Solution of Polynomial Equations, Numerical Solution of Differential
Equations, To find roots of polynomial equations, solving square roots, Constructing Matrices,
Matrix Operations, Advanced Matrix Operations, MatrixPlotting , Integration, Numerical
Sums and Products, Advanced Numerical Integration, Numerical Calculations, Computer
programming, Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, initial (boundary) and eigen value
problems, numerical integrations, special functions and Guassian quadrarure, matrix operation,
partial differential equations, tools of Coraldraw, Latex, Minitabs and Matlab programing.
Books Recommended:
1)the Mathematica, latest edition by Stephen wolfram.
2)The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Third edition-3Volume set 3rd Edition by Eric
3)Discrete mathematics through the use of Vilcretas package, by Enrique vilchez Q.
4)A practicle application to programming and oroblem solving, latest edition, by stormy
5)Minitab manual design and analysis of experiment, latest edition by, Douglas C.
6)six sigma statistics with Excel and Minitab, latest edition by, Issa Bass.
7)CoralDraw Graphics suite 2012 and 2018.

Digital Electronics Cr.Hrs: 3

This subject covers the basics of digital logic circuits and design. Through the basic
understanding of Boolean Algebra and Number systems, it introduces the student to the
fundamentals of combination logic design and then to sequential circuits (both synchronous
and asynchronous).Memory systems are also covered.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Course Outline:
Number Systems, operations and codes. Digital Electronic. Signals and Switching devices,
Logic Gates, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR. Boolean Algebra and Logic
Simplification, Modular implementation of combinational logic circuits. Karnaugh maps &
truth tables. Different logic families: TTL, Emitter Coupled Logic, NMOS, Combinational
logic circuits: adders, subtractors, comparator, encoder, decoder, multiplexer, de-multiplexer,
A/D and D/A converter. Components of sequential circuits: Flip flops, their characteristics
and transition tables for sequential circuit Number Systems, operations and codes. Digital
Electronic Signals and Switching devices, Logic Gates, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR,

Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification, Modular implementation of combinational

logic circuits. Karnaugh maps & truth tables.
Different logic families: TTL, Emitter Coupled Logic, NMOS, CMOS.
Combinational logic circuits: adders, subtractors, comparator, encoder, decoder,
multiplexer, de-multiplexer, A/D and D/A converter.
Components of sequential circuits: Flip flops,
their characteristics and transition tables for sequential circuit design, registers,
counters, Multi-vibrators, Memories.
Recommended Books:
1. Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 11th edition, 2015, Pearson.
2. M. Morris Mano, Digital Circuits and Computer Logic, 2nd edition, 2006, Pearson.
3. William Kleitz, Digital Electronics A Practical Approach with VHDL, 9th edition,
2011, Pearson.
4. Digital Computer Electronics by Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A. Brown, 3 rd edition,
1993, McGraw-Hill.

Experimental Nuclear Physics Cr.Hrs: 3

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Measurements:
Interaction of nuclear radiation with matter; photographic emulsions; Gas-filled detectors;
Scintillation counters and solid-state detectors; Cloud chambers; Bubble chambers. Charged
Particle Accelerators: Linear and orbital accelerators Van de Graaff, Cyclotron; Betatron;
Synchrocyclotron; Electron-Synchrotrons; Proton-synchrotron; Alternating-gradient
Neutron Physics:
Neutron Sources, Radioactive sources, Photo neutron sources Charged particle sources,
Reactor as a neutron source, slow neutron detectors, fast neutron detectors, Measurement of
neutron cross-sections as a function of energy, slowing down of neutrons, Nuclear fission,
Description of fission reaction, Mass distribution of fission energy. Average number of
neutrons released, Theory of fission and spontaneous fission, Nuclear chain reaction and
Elementary Reactor Physics:
Controlled fission reactions, Types of nuclear reactors (Power and Research), Detailed study
of PWR and CANDU type reactors.
Books Recommended:

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


1. Glenn, F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, John Wiley, 1989.

2. William, R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics, Spinger, 1994.
3. Philips Berington and D. Keith, Data Detection and Error analysis for physical sciences,
4. Segre, Nuclei and Practicles, Bejamin, 1977.
5. Kenneth S. Krane, Introducing Nuclear Physics, 1995.

Laser Physics Cr.Hrs: 3

Objective(s): The main objective of the course is to introduce students to basic
principles, characteristics, and some applications of lasers. This course provides the
foundation for further studies at graduate level in the field of lasers and applied
Introductory Concepts: Spontaneous Emission; Absorption; Stimulated Emission;
Unique Properties of Laser Light: Monochromaticity, Coherence, Directionality, and
Energy Levels of Atoms, Molecules and Semiconductors: Energy Levels for One-
electron and Multi-electron atoms; Radiative and Non-radiative Transitions; Selection
Rules; Line Broadening Mechanisms and Line-widths; Energy Levels in Molecules;
liquids; solids and Semiconductors
Radiation and Thermal Equilibrium: Boltzman's Distribution; Absorption and
Stimulated Emission; Principle of Detailed Balance; Einstein's A & B Coefficients
Population Inversion and Gain: Population Inversion as a Necessary Condition;
Gain Coefficient and Stimulated Emission Cross-section; Small Signal Gain; Gain
Saturation; Gain Threshold for Lasers with and without Resonators
Laser Resonators: Plane Parallel (Fabry-Perot) Resonator; Longitudinal and
Transverse Cavity Modes; Concentric Resonator; Confocal; Resonator; Generalized
Spherical Resonator; Ring Resonator; Stable Resonators; Unstable Resonators; Matrix
Formulation of Geometrical Optics; Stability Condition; Standing and Traveling
Waves in a two Mirror Resonator
Laser Pumping Requirements and Techniques: Three- and Four-Level Laser
Systems; Optical pumping; Flash lamp and Laser; Electrical Discharge and Collision
Pumping; Indirect Pumping; Chemical Pumping; Electrical Pumping of
Semiconductors; Threshold Pump Power; Pumping Efficiency; Pumping Geometries
Continuous Wave (CW) and Pulsed Lasers: Steady State and Transient Population
Inversions; Rate Equations; Relaxation Oscillation; Q-Switching and Mode-Locking
Methods; Phase Velocity; Group Velocity and Group-Delay Dispersion; Laser Tuning
Lasers Systems: Solid State Lasers: Ruby Laser, Nd: YAG Laser; Semiconductor
Lasers: Homojunction Lasers; Heterostructure Lasers; Gas Lasers: He-Ne Laser, CO2
Laser, Ar Laser; Excimer Lasers, Free-Electron Lasers; X-Ray Lasers; Metal Vapor
Lasers; Dye Lasers
Laser Applications: Material Processing: Surface Hardening, Cutting, Drilling,
Welding Holography, Optical Communication; Medical Applications; Remote
Sensing; Defense and Industrial Applications
Recommended Books:
1. W. T. Silfvast, “Laser Fundamentals”, Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. (2008).
2. O. Svelto, “Principles of Lasers”, Springer, 5th ed. (2009).

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


3. J. Hecht Understanding lasers: an entry-level guide, New York: IEEE Press (1994).
4. J. T. Verdeyen "Laser electronics" Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice Hall
5. K. Thyagarajan, A.K. Ghatak."Lasers, theory and applications" New York Plenum
Press (1981).
Renewable Sources of Energy Cr.Hrs: 3
Energy Scenarios: Importance of energy, world primary energy sources, energy demand,
supplies, reserves, growth in demand, life estimates, and consumption pattern of conventional
energy sources: oil, gas, coal, hydro, nuclear etc.
Energy & Environment: Emission of pollutants from fossil fuels and their damaging effects,
and economics impact; Renewable energy and its sustainability.Renewable Scenarios:
Defining renewable, promising renewable energy sources, their potential, availability, present
status, existing technologies and availability.
Solar Energy: Sun-Earth relationship, geometry, sun path and solar irradiance, solar spectrum,
solar constant, atmospheric effects, global distribution, daily and seasonal variations, effects
of till angle, resource estimation, extraterrestrial, global, direct, diffused radiation, sun shine
hours, air mass, hourly, monthly and annual mean, radiation on tilt surface, measuring
Solar Thermal: Flat plate collectors, their designs, heat transfer, transmission through glass,
absorption transmission of sun energy, selective surfaces, performance, and efficiency; low
temperature applications: water heating, cooking, drying, desalination, their designs and
performance; concentrators, their designs, power generation, performance and problems.
Photovoltaic: PV effect, materials, solar cell working, efficiencies, different types of solar
cells, characteristics, (dark, under illumination), efficiency limiting factors, power, spectral
response, fill-factor, temperature effect; PV systems, components, packing fraction, modules,
arrays, controllers, inverters, storage, PV system sizing, designing, performance and
Wind: Global distribution, resource assessment, wind speed, height and topographic effects,
power extraction for wind energy conversion, wind mills, their types, capacity, properties,
wind mills for water lifting and power generation, environmental effect.
Hydropower: Global resources, and their assessment, classification, micro, mini, small and
large resources, principles of energy conversion; turbines, types, their working and efficiency
for micro to small power systems; environmental impact.
Biogas: Biomass sources; residue, farms, forest. Solid wastes: agricultural, industrial and
municipal wastes etc; applications, traditional and non-traditional uses: utilization process,
gasification, digester, types, energy forming, Environment issues. Resources availability;
digester, their types, sizes, and working, gas production, efficiency; environmental effects;
Geothermal: Temperature variation in the earth, sites, potentials, availability, extraction
techniques, applications; water and space heating, power generations, problems,
environmental effects.
Waves and Tides: Wave motion, energy, potentials, sites, power extraction, and transmission,
generation of tides, their power, global sites, power generation, resource assessment,
problems, current status and future prospects.
Hydrogen Fuel: Importance of H as energy carrier, Properties of H , production, hydrolysis,
2 2
fuel cells, types, applications, current status and future prospects.
Nuclear: Global generations of reserves through reprocessing and breeder reactors, growth
rate, prospects of nuclear fusion, safety and hazards issue.
Energy Storage: Importance of energy storage, storage systems, mechanical, chemical,
biological, heat, electrical, fuel cells etc.
Recommended Books
1. World Energy Supply: Resources, Technologies, Prospectives: Manfred Grathwohl; Walter
deGruyter – Berlin, 1982.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


2. Renewable Energy Resources; John W. Twidell and Anthony D. Weir; E & F.N. Spon Ltd.
London. 1986.
3. An Introduction to Solar Radiation: Muhammad Iqbal; Academic Press, Canada. 1983.
4. A Practical Guide to Solar Electricity, Simon Roberts: Prentice Hall Inc. USA, 1991.
5. Solar Cells, Operating Principles, Technology, and system Application: Martin A. Green;
Printice Hall, Inc. USA, 1982.
6. Solar Engineering Technology; Ted. J. Jansen, Prentice Hall Inc. USA, 1985.
7. Wind Power, A. and Book on Wind Energy Conversion System; V. Daniel Hunt, Litton
Educational Publishing Inc. 1981.
8. Biogas, Production and Utilization; Elizabeth C. Price, Paul N. Cheremisinoff; Ann Arbor
Science, USA, 1981.
9. Biomass, Catalysts and liquid fuels; Ian Campbell; Technonic Publishing Co. Inc. USA,
Fundamentals of Optoelectronics Cr.Hrs. 03
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of optics, modern physics, skills within the field of mathematics
and solving computational problems.

Course Objectives:
To familiarize students with lasers, fibres, fibre detectors, and led diodes used in
optoelectronic devices. To make students aware of physical mechanisms of optoelectronic
equipment action. To train solving computational problems concerning physical parameters
and quantities of lasers, fibres, and led diodes.
Course Contents:

The region of optical radiation and its properties. Band structure, isolators, semiconductors,
conductors, p-n junction.

Lasers: spontaneous and stimulated emission, population inversion, pumping process, 3- and
4-level lasers, characteristic equation.

Laser construction: lasing medium, reflectors, stable and unstable resonators, resonator
stability criterion, resonator modes, types of lasers, laser applications.

Diodes: visible light emitting diodes, light emitting diodes, semiconductor diodes, laser

Fiber optics – classification of fibers, single and multimode fibers, properties, parameters,
materials, production process, attenuation, dispersion, numerical aperture

Zig-zag model: transverse electric mode, and transverse magnetic mode, characteristic

material, waveguide and chromatic dispersion.

Modal dispersion in fibers: graded-index fibers, step-index fiber

Fibers splicing – techniques and equipment

Modulators: electro optical, magneto optic, acousto-optic,

equipment and layout: current modulation, gigantic impulse, longitudinal modes

synchronicity, frequency modulation, modes selection, couplers

Light detectors: photo detection, photomultiplier, semiconductor photodiode, p-i-n

photodiode, avalanche photodiode.

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Display units: liquid crystal, mosaic, ferroelectric, luminescence, electroluminescence

image converter: ccd matrices, amplifier.

Optoelectronic applications: article number detector, cd records reader, laser printer, data

Optoelectronic sensors: block scheme, modulators, classifications, wave parameters

modulation: intensity, wavelength, polarization, phase, Rayleigh and Raman dispersion,
Bragg grating

Recommended Books:
(1) Booth k., hill s., the essence of optoelectronics
(2) Palais j.c., fiber optic communications
a. Maity a.b., optoelectronics and optical fiber sensors
b. Silfvast w.t., laser fundamentals
c. Einarsson g., principles of lightwave communications
d. W. Demtroder, laser spectroscopy
e. Othonos a., kalli k., fiber bragg gratings: fundamentals and applications in
telecommunications and sensing
Introduction to Materials Science Cr.Hrs:3
Pre-requisites: Solid State Physics
Objective(s): This course will explore important aspects of materials incorporating
elements of applied physics and chemistry, relationship between the structure of
materials at atomic or molecular scales and their macroscopic properties, defects and
thermodynamics. The microstructure-mechanical properties relationship will be also
Introduction: Classification of Materials; Metals; Ceramics; Polymers; Composites;
Semiconductors; Biomaterials; Smart and Nano-materials; Properties and Uses of
these Materials.
Atomic Structure of Materials: The packing of atoms in 2-D and 3-D; Lattices and
crystal systems in 3-D; Symmetry; Unit cells of the SC, BCC, FCC and HCP Crystal
structure; Interstitial structures; Density computation; Indexing lattice directions and
lattice planes; Interplanar spacing; Bragg’s law and the intensities of Bragg
Imperfections in Solids: Vacancies; Impurities; Dislocations; Interfacial defects;
Bulk or volume defects; Atomic vibrations.
Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams: Microstructure and microscopy; One
component phase diagrams; Pressure vs. temperature; Temperature vs. composition;
Equilibrium; Thermodynamic functions; Gibbs free energy; Development of
microstructure; Binary phase diagrams; Solidification; Diffusion mechanisms;
Nucleation and growth of a new phase; Materials fabrication.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Normal stress and normal strain; Shear stress
and shear strain; Elastic and plastic deformation; Young’s modulus; Shear modulus;
Poisson’s ratio; Elastic strain energy; Yield stress, Dislocations and plastic

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


deformation; Slip systems; Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms; Fracture

mechanics; Ductile and brittle fracture; Griffith criterion; Ductile-brittle transition
temperature; Cyclic stresses and fatigue; Creep.
Polymers: Polymer basics; Polymer molecules; Molecular weight and shape; Step
growth polymerization; Thermosetting polymers and gels; Rubbers and rubber
elasticity; Configuration and conformation of polymers; The glassy state and glass
transition; Determination of Tg; Effect of temperature and time; Mechanical
properties of polymers;
Recommended Books:
1. W. D. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction”, Wiley, 7th
ed. (2006).
2. W. D. Callister and D. G. Rethwisch “Fundamentals of Materials Science and
Engineering: An Integrated Approach”, Wiley, 4th ed. (2012).
3. J. F. Shackelford, “Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers”, Prentice Hall,
7th ed. (2008).

Introduction to Nano Technology Cr.Hrs:3

Pre-requisite: Solid State Physics, Quantum Mechanics
Objective(s): In this course, one will learn the importance of this interdisciplinary
field, how such materials are developed atom by atom by incorporating the concepts
and applications of nano-materials into nanotechnologies and how nanotechnology
would be helpful to change our society in future.
Introduction: Feynman talks on small structures; Nano-scale; Nanotechnology in
Nano Materials: Nanoparticles; Quantum dots; Nano-wires; Nano-tubes; Magnetic
nano-structures; Nano thermal devices; Nano fluidic devices; Biomimetic materials;
Quantum Effects: Wave particle duality; Energy quanta; Uncertainty principle; De
Broglie relation; Moore's law; Tunneling;
Fabricating Nano-structures: Solid state Reaction technique; Vapor deposition
Method; Sol gel; Lithography (photo and electron beam); MBE; Self-assembly; Nano
junctions; Thin Films; Sputtering; Self-assembled films
Molecular Electronics: Lewis structures; Approach to calculate; Molecular orbitals;
Donor Acceptor properties; Electron transfer between molecules; Charge transport in
weakly interacting molecular solids; Single molecule electronics; Single electron
transistor; Resonant tunneling;
Nano Biotechnology: DNA micro-arrays; Protein and DNA Assembly; Digital cells;
Genetic circuits; DNA computing;
Characterization Techniques: XRD; Electron Microscopy (STM, AFM, SEM and
TEM); Fluorescence methods; Synchrotron Radiation;

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


Nanotechnology the Road Ahead: Nanostructure innovation, Quantum Informatics,

Energy solutions
Recommended Books:
1. B. Bhushan, “Springer Hand Book of Nanotechnology”, 3rd Edition, Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, (2010).
2. C. Binns, “Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Wiley Survival
Guides in Engineering and Science)”, Wiley, (2010).
3. S. Lindsay, “Introduction to Nanoscience”, Oxford University Press, (2009).
4. S.C. Tjong, Nano-crystalline Materials: Their synthesis-Structure-property
Relationship and Applications, Elsevier, 2006.
5. Y.Gogotsi (Editor), Nano-Materials Hand Book, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
Group, (2006).
6. M.J. Schulz, A.D. Kelkar and M.J. Sundaresan (Editors), Nano-engineering of
structural, Functional and Smart Materials, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,
Quantum Optics Cr.Hrs: 3
Pre-requisites: Electromagnetic Theory-I , Quantum Mechanics
Objectives: The main objective of this course is to understand the quantization of
electromagnetic radiations and its interaction with matter. Establishment of the
quantum theory of electromagnetic radiation that includes the number state and
coherent state representations, which is used to analyze the light-matter interactions.
The light-matter interaction is essential to study ultra-cold matter, quantum sensing
and quantum control.
Basic Concepts: Introduction to electromagnetic (e.m.) radiation; energy contained
by e.m. field; historical development of ideas of optics and photons
Quantization of Electromagnetic field: Quantization of single mode; multimode and
thermal fields; number states; field fluctuations; vacuum fluctuations and zero point
energy; coherent states; minimum uncertainty states
Atom-Field Interaction: Absorption and emission of radiation by atoms; semi-
classical and quantum mechanical treatment of atom-field interaction; beam splitters
and interferometers
Non-classical Properties of light: Non classical light with quadrature squeezing;
amplitude squeezing; Photon anti-bunching; Schrodinger cat state; optical test of
quantum mechanics viz. parametric down conversion of photons; Hong-Ou-Mandel
interferometer; quantum erasers; superluminal tunneling of photons and local realistic
Applications and Advanced topics: Bell’s theorem; experiments in cavity QED and
with trapped ions; optical control of atoms: quantum control.
Recommended Books:

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University


1. C. Gerry and P. Knight, “Introductory Quantum Optics”, Cambridge University Press

2. M. Fox, “Quantum Optics: an Introduction”, Oxford University Press, (2005)


Objective(s): Introduction of computer languages

To know the use of computer in numerical analysis
Computer simulation and modeling

Programming for Scientific Computation: unix/linux basics, the editing-coding-compiling-

debugging-optimizing-visualizing-documenting production chain, fortran 95 and known
software packages of computation
Numerical Programming: Functions: approximation and fitting, Numerical calculus.
Ordinary differential equations, Matrices, Spectral analysis, Partial differential equations
Modeling & Simulations: Conceptual models, The mathematical models, Random numbers
and random walk, Doing Physics with random numbers, Computer simulation, Relationship
of modeling and simulation. Some systems of interest for physicists such as Motion of
Falling objects, Kepler's problems, Oscillatory motion, Many particle systems, Dynamic
systems, Wave phenomena, Field of static charges and current, Diffusion, Populations
genetics etc.
Project: A project will be chosen by the student in consultation with the instructor. Selection
of the project should be done soon after the module on modelling and simulation starts and
continue over the course of the rest of the semester. The final part of the course is reserved
for presentation of preliminary and final results.
Recommended Books:
g. T. Pang, “An Introduction to Computational Physics”, Cambridge University Press,
h. R. Landau, M. Paez, C. Bordeianu, “A Survey of Computational Physics”, Princeton
University Press, 2008.
i. M. L. De Jong, ”Introduction to Computational Physics”, Addison Wesley, 1991.
j. S. T. Koonini, “Computational Physics”, The Benjamin-Cummings, 1985.
k. H. Gould, J. Tobochnik and W. Christian, “An Introduction to Computer Simulation
Methods”, Addison Wesley, 3rd ed. 2006.
l. S. C. Chapra and R. P. Chanle, ”Numerical Methods for Engineers with Personal
Computer Applications”, McGraw Hill,1990.
m. S. C. Chapra, “Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and
Scientists”, McGraw Hill, 2nd ed. 2006.

Phys-4109 Undergraduate Project Cr.Hrs: 3

BS Curriculum (Fall 2022 & onward), Institute of Physics Gomal University

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