mms9 Workbook 01 Unit1

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MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.1.

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1 Square Roots and Surface Area

What You’ll Learn

• Find square roots of fractions and decimals that are perfect squares.

• Approximate the square roots of fractions and decimals that are not
perfect squares.

• Find the surface areas of composite objects.

Why It’s Important

Square roots are used by

• police officers, to estimate the speed of a vehicle when it crashed

• vets, to calculate drug dosages

Surface area is used by

• painters, to find the number of cans of paint needed to paint a room

• farmers, to find the amount of fertilizer needed for a field

Key Words

square repeating decimal

square root non-terminating,
perfect square non-repeating decimal
non-perfect square surface area
terminating decimal composite object

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1.1 Skill Builder

Side Lengths and Areas of Squares

The side length and area of a square are related.

• The area is the square of the side • The side length is the square root of
length. the area.
Area  (Length)2 Area = 25 square units Length  冪Area

5 units
 52  冪 25
55  冪 55
 25 5
The area is 25 square units. The side length is 5 units.

1. Which square and square root are modelled by each diagram?

Diagram Square Modelled Square Root Modelled

a) Area = 49 square units
(Length)2  Area 冪 Area  Length
72  ______ 冪 49  ______
7 units
The area is The side length is
49 square units. 7 units.

b) ______  ______ 冪 
The area is The side length is
4 units
______ square units. ______ units.

c) ______  ______ 冪  ______

The area is The side length is
8 units ______ square units. ______ units.

d) ______  ______ 冪  ______

The area is The side length is
______ square units. ______ units.
11 units

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Whole Number Squares and Square Roots

• The square of a number is 52  5  5
the number multiplied by itself.  25
• A square root of a number is one of
冪25  冪 5  5
2 equal factors of the number.
• Squaring and taking a square root are
5  25 and 冪25  5
inverse operations.

1. Complete each sentence.

a) 42  16, so 冪16  _____ b) 122  _____, so 冪 _____  _____

c) 冪 25  _____, since _____  25 d) 冪100  _____, since _____  _____

Perfect Squares
A number is a perfect square if it is the product of
2 equal factors.
25 is a perfect square because 25  5  5.
24 is a non-perfect square. It is not the product of
2 equal factors.

1. Complete each sentence.

First 12 Whole-Number Perfect Squares

Perfect Square Square Root Perfect Square Square Root

12  1  1  1 冪1  1 72  ____  ____  ____ 冪____  ____

22  2  2  4 冪4  2 82  ____  ____  ____ 冪____  ____

32  ____  ____  ____ 冪____  ____ 92  ____  ____  ____ 冪____  ____

42  ____  ____  ____ 冪____  ____ 102  ____  ____  _____ 冪____  ____

52  ____  ____  ____ 冪____  ____ 112  ____  ____  _____ 冪____  ____

62  ____  ____  ____ 冪____  ____ 122  ____  ____  _____ 冪____  ____

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1.1 Square Roots of Perfect Squares

FOCUS Find the square roots of decimals and fractions that are perfect squares.

The square of a fraction or decimal is the number multiplied by itself.

a b  
2 2 2 2 (1.5)2  1.5  1.5
3 3 3
 2 2
3 3


4 and 2.25 are perfect squares because they are the product of 2 equal factors.

2  2  4 , so 2.25  1.5  1.5, so

3 3 9 Each equal factor is a
1.5 is a square root of 2.25. square root of the
2 is a square root of 4 . perfect square.
3 9 We write: 冪 2.25  1.5

We write: 4  2
冪9 3

Example 1 Finding a Perfect Square Given Its Square Root

Calculate the number whose square root is:

a) 5 b) 1.2

A square root of a number is one of two equal factors of the number.

a) 5 b) 1.2
Use a calculator.
5  5 5 5 1.2  1.2  1.44
8 8 8 8
25 So, 1.2 is a square root of 1.44.


So, 5 is a square root of 25 .

8 64

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1. Calculate the perfect square with the given square root.

a) 3 b) 3
8 2
3  3    
8 8 


3 is a square root of . 3 is a square root of .

8 2

c) 0.5 d) 2.5
0.5  0.5  _______ 2.5  2.5  _______
0.5 is a square root of _______. 2.5 is a square root of _______.

Example 2 Identifying Fractions that Are Perfect Squares

Is each fraction a perfect square? If so, find its square root.

a) 16 b) 9
25 20

Check if the numerator and denominator are perfect squares.

a) 16 b) 9
25 20
16  4  4, so 16 is a perfect square. 9  3  3, so 9 is a perfect square.
25  5  5, so 25 is a perfect square. 20 is not a perfect square.

So, 16 is a perfect square. So, 9 is not a perfect square.

25 20

1. Determine whether the fraction is or is not a perfect square. How do you know?

a) 9 9 ________ a perfect square because .

49 ________ a perfect square because .

So, 9 ________ a perfect square.


b) 25 25 ________ a perfect square because .

13 ________ a perfect square because .

So, 25 ________ a perfect square.

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c) 64 64 ________ a perfect square because _______________________________________.

81 ________ a perfect square because _______________________________________.

So, 64 ________ a perfect square.

2. Find the value of each square root.

冪 冪
冪 冪
9 16
a)   b) 81

A terminating decimal ends after a certain number of decimal places.

A repeating decimal has a repeating pattern of digits in the decimal expansion.
The bar shows the digits that repeat.

Terminating Repeating Non-terminating and non-repeating

0.5 0.28 0.333 333 …  0.3 1.414 213 56 … 7.071 067 812 …

0.191 919 …  0.19

You can use a calculator to find out if a decimal is a perfect square.

The square root of a perfect square decimal is either a terminating decimal
or a repeating decimal.

Example 3 Identifying Decimals that Are Perfect Squares

Is each decimal a perfect square? How do you know?

a) 1.69 b) 3.5

Use a calculator to find the square root of each number.

a) 冪1.69  1.3
The square root is the terminating decimal 1.3.
So, 1.69 is a perfect square.

b) 冪3.5 ⬟ 1.870 828 693

The square root appears to be a decimal The symbol ⬟ means
that neither repeats nor terminates. “approximately equal to”.

So, 3.5 is not a perfect square.

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1. Complete the table to find whether each decimal is a perfect square.
The first one is done for you.

Decimal Value of square root Type of decimal Is decimal a perfect square?

a) 70.5 8.396 427 811 … Non-repeating No
b) 5.76 ___________________ __________________ ___________
c) 0.25 ___________________ __________________ ___________
d) 2.5 ___________________ __________________ ___________


1. Calculate the number whose square root is:

a) 1 b) 2
4 7
1  1   
4 4  

1 is a square root of ____. 2 is a square root of ____.
4 7

c) 0.6 d) 1.1
______  ______  ______ ______  ______  ______
0.6 is a square root of ______. 1.1 is a square root of ______.

2. Identify the fractions that are perfect squares. The first one has been done for you.

Fraction Is numerator a Is denominator a Is fraction a perfect

perfect square? perfect square? square?
a) 81 Yes; 9  9  81 No No
b) 49 _________________ ___________________ _________________
c) _________________ ___________________ _________________
d) 25 _________________ ___________________ _________________
e) _________________ ___________________ _________________

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3. Find each square root.

冪 冪
冪 冪
49 25
a)  b) 
100  144 


冪 16  冪 冪 400  冪
1  9 
c) d)


4. Use a calculator. Find each square root.

a) 冪 8.41  ______ b) 冪 0.0676  ______ c) 冪 51.125  ______ d) 冪 6.25  ______

5. Which decimals are perfect squares?

a) 1.44 冪1.44  _______________
The square root is a decimal that ________________________________________.
So, 1.44 ________ a perfect square.
b) 30.25 冪 30.25  _______________
The square root is a decimal that ________________________________________.
So, 30.25 ________ a perfect square.

c) 8.5 冪 8.5 ⬟ _______________

The square root is a decimal that __________________________________________.
So, 8.5 ________ a perfect square.

d) 0.0256 冪 0.0256  ______________

The square root is a decimal that __________________________________________.
So, 0.0256 a perfect square.

6. Find the area of each square.

a) Area  b) Area 


Area  (Length)2

The area is

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c) Area  ______ d) Area  ______

2.1 units
5.4 units
 ______  ______  ______ 

 _________  _________


7. Find the side length of each square.

Side Length  Length  冪 Area
a) Area = 100 square units

1 unit

The side length is units.

b) Area = 25 square units

36 Length  冪

1 unit 冪

c) Area = 0.01 square units Length  冪


d) Area = Length  冪
46.24 square units

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1.2 Skill Builder

Degree of Accuracy
We are often asked to write an answer to a given decimal place.
To do this, we can use a number line.

To write 7.3 to the nearest whole number:

Place 7.3 on a number line in tenths. 3 is the last digit. It is
in the tenths position.
whole number tenth
So, use a number line
in tenths.

6 7 7.3 8

7.3 is closer to 7 than to 8.

So, 7.3 to the nearest whole number is: 7

To write 3.67 to the nearest tenth:

Place 3.67 on a number line in hundredths. 7 is the last digit.
It is in the hundredths
tenth hundredth position. So, use a
number line in
3.5 3.6 3.67 3.7

3.67 is closer to 3.7 than to 3.6.

So, 3.67 to the nearest tenth is: 3.7

1. Write each number to the nearest whole number.
Mark it on the number line.

a) 5.3 ______ b) 6.8 ______ c) 7.1 ______ d) 6.4 ______

5 6 7

2. Write each number to the nearest tenth.

Mark it on the number line.

a) 2.53 ______ b) 2.64 ______ c) 2.58 ______ d) 2.66 ______

2.5 2.6 2.7

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Squares and Square Roots on Number Lines

Most numbers are not perfect squares.
You can use number lines to estimate the square roots of these numbers.
1 4 9 16 25 36

1=1 4=2 9=3 16 = 4 25 = 5 36 = 6

1 2 3 4 5 6
Square roots
10 is between the perfect squares 9 and 16. 9 10 16

So, 冪10 is between 冪 9 and 冪16.

冪 9  3 and 冪16  4
So, 冪10 is between 3 and 4. 3 10 4

10 is closer to 9 than
Check with a calculator. 16, so 冪10 is closer to
3 than 4.
冪10  3.2, which is between 3 and 4.

1. Between which 2 consecutive whole numbers is each square root?

a) 冪 22
Refer to the squares
22 is between the perfect squares 16 and 25. and square roots
number lines.
So, 冪 22 is between 冪 and 冪 .
冪  ______ and 冪  ______
So, 冪 22 is between ______ and ______.

b) 冪 6
6 is between the perfect squares ______ and ______.
So, 冪 6 is between 冪 and 冪 .
冪  ______ and 冪  ______
So, 冪 6 is between ______ and ______.

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The Pythagorean Theorem

You can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find unknown lengths in right triangles.

b Legs
Pythagorean Theorem
h2 = a2 + b2

To find the length of the hypotenuse, h, in this triangle:

h2  52  122
h2  25  144
12 cm h h2  169
h  冪169
h  13
5 cm

The length of the hypotenuse is 13 cm.

1. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of each hypotenuse, h.

a) b)
10 cm
h 12 cm
24 cm

9 cm

h2  ______  ______ h2  ______  ______

h2  ______  ______ h2  ______  ______
h2  ______ h2  ______
h冪 h冪
h  ______ h  ______
The length of the hypotenuse is ______ cm. The length of the hypotenuse is ______ cm.

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1.2 Square Roots of Non-Perfect Squares

FOCUS Approximate the square roots of decimals and fractions that are
not perfect squares.

The top number line shows all the perfect squares from 1 to 100.
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Square roots
The bottom number line shows the square root of each number in the top line.
You can use these lines to estimate the square roots of fractions and decimals
that are not perfect squares.

Example 1 Estimating a Square Root of a Decimal

Estimate: 冪 68.5

68.5 is between the perfect squares 64 and 81. Squares
64 68.5 81
So, 冪 68.5 is between 冪 64 and 冪 81.
That is, 冪 68.5 is between 8 and 9.
Since 68.5 is closer to 64 than 81, 冪 68.5 is closer to 8 than 9.
8 68.5 9
So, 冪 68.5 is between 8 and 9, and closer to 8. Square roots

1. Estimate each square root.
Explain your estimate.

a) 冪13.5
13.5 is between the perfect squares _____ and _____.
So, 冪13.5 is between 冪 and 冪 .
That is, 冪13.5 is between _____ and _____.
Since 13.5 is closer to _____ than _____, 冪13.5 is closer to _____ than _____.
So, 冪13.5 is between _____ and _____, and closer to _____.

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b) 冪 51.5
51.5 is between the perfect squares _______ and _______.
So, 冪 51.5 is between 冪 and 冪 __
That is, 冪 51.5 is between _____ and _____.
Since 51.5 is closer to _____ than _____, 冪 51.5 is closer to _____ than _____.
So, 冪 51.5 is between _____ and _____, and closer to _____.

Example 2 Estimating a Square Root of a Fraction

Estimate: 10

Find the closest perfect square to the numerator and denominator.

In the fraction 3 :
3 is close to the perfect square 4.
10 is close to the perfect square 9.

冪 10  冪 9 and 冪 9  3
So, 3 4 4 2

3 2
So, 10  3

1. Estimate each square root.

冪 80 冪 17
23 8
a) b)

23 is close to the perfect square _____. 8 is close to the perfect square _____.
80 is close to the perfect square _____. 17 is close to the perfect square _____.

冪 冪 冪 冪
23 8
So, 80  So, 17 


冪 冪
23 8
So, 80  So, 17 

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Example 3 Finding a Number with a Square Root between

Two Given Numbers

Identify a decimal that has a square root between 5 and 6.

52  25, so 5 is a square root of 25. Squares
16 25 32.5 36 49
62  36, so 6 is a square root of 36.
So, any decimal between 25 and 36 has a square root
between 5 and 6.
Choose 32.5. 4 5 32.5 6 7
Square roots

Check the answer by using a calculator.

冪32.5  5.7, which is between 5 and 6.
So, the decimal 32.5 is one correct answer.
There are many more correct answers.

1. a) Identify a decimal that has a square root between 7 and 8.
Check the answer.
72  ______ and 82  ______
So, any decimal between ______ and ______ has a square root between 7 and 8.
Choose ______.
Check the answer on a calculator.
冪  ______
The decimal ______ is one correct answer.

b) Identify a decimal that has a square root between 11 and 12.

______  ______ and ______  ______
So, any decimal between ______ and ______ has a square root between 11 and 12.
Choose _______.
冪  ______
So, _______ is one correct answer.

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1. For each number, name the 2 closest perfect squares and their square roots.

Number Two closest perfect squares Their square roots

a) 44.4 _____ and _____ _____ and _____

b) 10.8 _____ and _____ _____ and _____
c) 125.9 _____ and _____ _____ and _____
d) 87.5 _____ and _____ _____ and _____

2. For each fraction, name the closest perfect square and its square root for the
numerator and for the denominator.

Fraction Closest perfect squares Their square roots

a) 5
Numerator: _____; denominator: _____ _____ and _____
b) 45 Numerator: _____; denominator: _____ _____ and _____

c) Numerator: _____; denominator: _____ _____ and _____

d) 11 Numerator: _____; denominator: _____ _____ and _____


3. Estimate each square root.

a) 冪 1.6
1.6 is between _____ and _____.
So, 冪 1.6 is between 冪_____ and 冪_____.
That is, 冪 1.6 is between _____ and _____.
Since 1.6 is closer to _____ than _____, 冪 1.6 is closer to _____ than _____.
So, 冪 1.6 is between _____ and _____, and closer to _____.

b) 冪 44.5
44.5 is between _____ and _____.
So, 冪 44.5 is between 冪_____ and 冪_____.
That is, 冪 44.5 is between _____ and _____.
Since 44.5 is closer to _____ than _____, 冪 44.5 is closer to _____ than _____.
So, 冪 44.5 is between _____ and _____, and closer to _____.

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c) 冪 75.8
75.8 is between _____ and _____.
So, 冪 75.8 is between 冪_____ and 冪_____.
That is, 冪 75.8 is between _____ and _____.
Since 75.8 is closer to _____ than _____, 冪 75.8 is closer to _____ than _____.
So, 冪 75.8 is between _____ and _____, and closer to _____.

4. Estimate each square root. Explain.

冪 15
a) b) 2

7 is close to _____; 15 is close to _____. 2 is close to _____; 7 is close to _____.

冪 冪 冪
So, 15 
So, 2 


冪 37 冪122
35 99
c) d)

35 is close to _____; 37 is close to _____. 99 is close to _____; 122 is close to _____.

冪 冪 冪 冪
35 99
So, 37  So, 122 


5. Identify a decimal that has a square root between the two given numbers.
Check the answer.
a) 1 and 2
12  ______ and 22  ______
So, any number between ______ and ______ has a square root between 1 and 2.
Choose ______.
Check: 冪 ______  ______
The decimal ______ is one possible answer.

b) 8 and 9
82  ______ and 92  ______
So, any number between ______ and ______ has a square root between 8 and 9.
Choose ______.
Check: 冪 _____  ______
The decimal ______ is one possible answer.

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c) 2.5 and 3.5

________ ⫽ ________ and ________ ⫽ ________
So, any number between ________ and ________ has a square root between 2.5 and 3.5.
Choose ________.
Check: 冪 ________ ⬟ ________
The decimal ________ is one correct answer.

d) 20 and 21
________ ⫽ ________ and ________ ⫽ ________
So, any number between ________ and ________ has a square root between 20 and 21.
Choose ________.
Check: 冪 ________ ⬟ ________
The decimal ________ is one correct answer.

6. Determine the length of the hypotenuse in each right triangle.

Write each answer to the nearest tenth.

5.1 m

6.3 m
h2 ⫽ 5.12 ⫹ 6.32
h2 ⫽ ______ ⫹ ______
h2 ⫽ ______
h ⫽ 冪______
h ⬟ ______
So, h is about ______ m.

7.0 m
10.5 m

h2 ⫽ _________ ⫹ _________
h2 ⫽ _________ ⫹ _________
h2 ⫽ _________
h ⫽ 冪_________
h ⬟ _________
So, h is about ________ m.

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• Identify decimals and fractions that are perfect squares?
• Find the square roots of decimals and fractions that are perfect squares?
• Approximate the square roots of decimals and fractions that are
not perfect squares?

1.1 1. Calculate the number whose square root is:

a) 2 b) 8
7 11
2 2  
7 7 _____ ____ ____ _____

2 is a square root of ____. 8 is a square root of _____ .

7 11

c) 0.1 d) 1.4
_____  _____  _____ 1.4  1.4  _____
0.1 is a square root of _____. 1.4 is a square root of _____.

2. Identify the fractions that are perfect squares.

The first one has been done for you.

Fraction Is numerator a perfect Is denominator a Is fraction a

square? perfect square? perfect square?
a) 75
Yes; 8  8  64 No No

b) 25 _________________ _________________ _______
55 _________________ _________________ _______

3. Find each square root.

冪 冪 冪
冪49 冪 冪
16 36
a) 9  b) 25  c) 121 

_____ _____ _____

4. a) Put a check mark beside each decimal that is a perfect square.

i) 4.84 ______ ii) 3.63 ______ iii) 98.01 ______ iv) 67.24 ______
b) Explain how you identified the perfect squares in part a.


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5. a) Find the area of the shaded square.

Area ⫽ (Length)2

⫽a b

1 unit
⫽ ⫻


The area is _____ square units.

b) Find the side length of the shaded square.

Length ⫽ 冪 Area
Area = square units
⫽ 冪

1 unit
⫽ 冪 ⫻


The side length is _____ units.

1.2 6. Estimate each square root.


a) 冪 7.5
7.5 is between ______ and ______.
So, 冪 7.5 is between 冪 ______ and 冪 ______.
That is, 冪 7.5 is between ______ and ______.
Since 7.5 is closer to ______ than ______, 冪 7.5 is closer to ______ than ______.
So, 冪 7.5 is between ______ and ______, and closer to ______.

b) 冪 66.6
66.6 is between ______ and ______.
So, 冪 66.6 is between 冪 ______ and 冪 ______.
That is, 冪 66.6 is between ______ and ______.
Since 66.6 is closer to ______ than ______, 冪 66.6 is closer to ______ than ______.
So, 冪 66.6 is between ______ and ______, and closer to ______.

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7. Estimate each square root.

冪 79 冪 50
15 23
a) b)

15 is close to _____; 79 is close to _____. 23 is close to ____; 50 is close to ____.

冪 冪 冪 冪
15 23
So, 79  So, 50 


8. Identify a decimal whose square root is between the given numbers.

Check your answer.

a) 2 and 3
22  ______ and 32  ______
So, any number between ______ and ______ has a square root between 2 and 3.
Choose ______.
Check: 冪 ____  ______
The decimal ______ is one correct answer.

b) 6 and 7
62  ______ and 72  ______
So, any number between ______ and ______ has a square root between 6 and 7.
Choose ______.
冪 ____  ______
The decimal ______ is one correct answer.

9. Find the length of each hypotenuse.

a) b)
1.8 m
2.2 m h
2.8 m

1.1 m

h2  _________  _________ h2  _________  _________

h  _________  _________
2 h2  _________  _________
h2  _________ h2  _________
h  冪 _________ h  冪 ________
h  _________ h  _________
The length of the hypotenuse is The length of the hypotenuse is
about _________ m. about _________ m.

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1.3 Skill Builder

Surface Areas of Rectangular Prisms

The surface area of a rectangular prism is the sum of the areas of its 6 rectangular faces.
Look for matching faces with the same areas.

The matching faces in each

pair have the same area.
6 cm We find the area of one
8 cm
face and multiply by 2.
10 cm
For each rectangular face, area equals its length times its width.

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)


6 cm 2(10  6)  120
6 cm
10 cm
10 cm

10 cm
10 cm
8 cm Top

8 cm
2(10  8)  160


8 cm 8 cm
Left 2(8  6)  96
side 6 cm
6 cm side

Total 376

The surface area is 376 cm2.

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1. Determine the surface area of each rectangular prism.

Matching Diagram Corresponding
Faces Area (cm2)
2 cm cm _ _  ____)  _____
3 cm Back
5 cm
2(____  ____)  _____
Bottom cm

2(____  ____)  _ ___
Left cm

Total _____

The surface area is ____ cm2.

b) Matching Diagram Corresponding

Faces Area (cm2)
12 cm

Front cm 2(_____  _____)  ______

12 cm

12 cm

Top cm 2(_____  _____)  ____



Right cm 2(_____  _____)  _____



Total ______

The surface area is ______ cm2.

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1.3 Surface Areas of Objects Made from

Right Rectangular Prisms
FOCUS Find the surface areas of objects made from rectangular prisms.

Example 1 Finding the Surface Area of an Object Made from Cubes

Make this object with 1-cm cubes.

What is the surface area of the object?

Solution Front

Think of tracing each face, or “opening” the object.


Front Turn the object

to see each view.
Left side Right side



Look for matching views.

Matching Views Corresponding Area (cm2)
Front / Back 2(3)  6
Top / Bottom 2(2)  4
Right / Left 2(2)  4
Total 14

The surface area is 14 cm2.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.3.qxp 7/7/09 12:38 PM Page 25

1. Make this object with 1-cm cubes, then find its surface area.

Matching Views Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

2(____)  ____

2(____)  ____
Front Right
2(____)  ____
Total _____

The surface area is _____ cm2.

A composite object is made from 2 or more objects.

= +

Composite object Smaller prism Larger prism

To find the surface area of a composite object, imagine dipping the object in paint.
The surface area is the area of all the faces covered in paint.

Where objects overlap,

there is a hidden surface.
The paint doesn’t reach
the hidden surface.


The overlap is not painted, so it is not part of the surface area.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.3.qxp 7/7/09 12:38 PM Page 26

Example 2 Finding the Surface Area of a Composite Object

Find the surface area of this composite object.

12 m


6m 6m



= + – 2

Surface area of Surface area of Surface area of 2(Area of overlap)

composite object smaller prism larger prism

Surface area of smaller prism Surface area of larger prism

Matching Diagram Corresponding Matching Diagram Corresponding
Faces Area (m2) Faces Area (m2)

Front Front
Back 6m 12 m
3m 4(6  3)  72 4(12  6)  288
Right Top 6m

Left Bottom

6m 6m
Top Right
2(6  6)  72 2(6  6)  72
6m Left 6m

Total 144 Total 360

The surface area is 144 m2. The surface area is 360 m2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding
Area (m2)
3m 6  3  18
The area of overlap is 18 m2.

SA of composite object  144  360  2(18)  468

The surface area of the composite object is 468 m2. SA means surface area.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.3.qxp 7/7/09 12:38 PM Page 27

1. The diagram shows the surface areas of the two prisms that make up a composite object.

SA = 40 cm2

SA = 70 cm2

3 cm 1 cm

a) What is the area of the overlap?

The overlap is a ______-cm by ______-cm rectangle.
Area of overlap  ______ cm  ______ cm
 ______ cm2

b) What is the surface area of the composite object?

SA composite object  SA smaller prism  SA larger prism  2(Area of overlap)
 ______ cm2  ______ cm2  2( ______) cm2
 ______ cm2

2. Find the surface area of this composite object.

6 cm

6 cm
2 cm

2 cm

6 cm 2 cm


A cube has ______ congruent faces.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.3.qxp 7/7/09 12:38 PM Page 28

Surface area of larger cube Surface area of smaller cube

Matching Diagram Corresponding Matching Diagram Corresponding
Faces Area (cm2) Faces Area (cm2)

Front Front
Back Back
Top Top
6(___  ___)  ______ cm 6(___  ___)  ______
Bottom Bottom
Right Right
Left Left

Total _______ Total _______

The surface area is _____ cm2. The surface area is ____ cm2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)
___  ___  __

The area of overlap is ___ cm2.

SA composite object  SA larger cube  
 _____  _ _____  2(_)
The surface area of the composite object is _____ cm2.


1. The diagram shows the 6 views of an object made from 1-cm cubes.
Identify pairs of matching views in the first column of the table.
Then, find the surface area of the object.
Top Front Right Left Bottom Back

Matching Views Corresponding Area (cm2)

Front /
Top /
Right /
Total ___________________

The surface area is _____ cm2.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.3.qxp 7/7/09 12:38 PM Page 29

2. Each object is made with 1-cm cubes. Find the surface area of each object.



Matching Views Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

2(___)  ___

2(___)  ___

2(___)  ___

Total _____

The surface area is _____ cm2.



Matching Views Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

2(___)  _____



Total _____

The surface area is _____ cm2.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.3.qxp 7/7/09 12:38 PM Page 30

3. Find the surface area of this composite object. 10 m

10 m


20 m
15 m


Surface area of larger prism Surface area of smaller prism

Matching Diagram Corresponding Matching Diagram Corresponding
Faces Area (m2) Faces Area (m2)

Front Front
2(_____  ___)  ____ 2(___  _____)  ____
Back Back

Top Top
Bottom Bottom

Right Right
Left Left

Total Total

_ m2.
The surface area is ___ The surface area is ____ m2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (m2)

_____  _____  _____

The area of overlap is _____ m2.

Surface area of composite object
SA composite object   
 ____  ____  2(_____)
___ m2.
The surface area of the composite object is __

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4. Find the surface area of this composite object. 30 cm

30 cm

30 cm

10 cm

20 cm 10 cm
Surface area of cube
Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

Front / Back
Top / Bottom 6(_____  _____)  _______
Right / Left

Total _______
The surface area is _______ cm2.

Surface area of rectangular prism

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)
Front / Back
2(_____  _____)  ____

Top / Bottom

Right / Left

Total __
_ __
The surface area is _______ cm2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

_____  _____  ____

The area of overlap is ____ cm2.

Surface area of composite object
SA composite object   
The surface area of the composite object is _______ cm2.

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5. A loading dock is attached to one wall 20 m

30 m
of a warehouse. The exterior of the buildings
is to be painted at a cost of $2.50/m2.
How much will it cost to paint the buildings? 20 m
Loading Dock
Will the bottom of the warehouse and loading 10 m
dock be painted? ________
Front 30 m
20 m

Surface area of warehouse to be painted Surface area of loading dock to be painted

Matching Diagram Corresponding Matching Diagram Corresponding
Faces Area (m2) Faces Area (m2)

Front 2(_____  _____) Front 2(_____  _____)

Back  ____ Back  ___ _

Top 3(_____  _____) _____  _____

Sides  ____  ____

Total ___
2(_____  _____)
The surface area of the warehouse to Sides
__ m2.
be painted is ___
Total ___
Area of overlap
The surface area of the loading dock to be
Diagram Corresponding Area (m2)
painted is _____ m2.

_____  _____  ____

The area of overlap is ____ m2.

Surface area of composite object to be painted

_____  _____  ________  _____
The surface area of the composite object
to be painted is _____ m2.

So, the area to be painted is _____ m2.

The cost per square metre is: $_____
__  $___
The cost to paint the buildings is: ___ __  ___

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1.4 Skill Builder

Surface Areas of Triangular Prisms

To find the surface area of a right triangular prism, add the areas of its 5 faces.
Look for matching faces with the same areas.

10 cm b There are 2 congruent

A= 2
bh triangular faces. Find the area
6 cm
h of one, then multiply it by 2.
4 cm
8 cm

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

Triangular 6 cm
6 cm 2( 1  6  8)  48
8 cm
8 cm

10 cm
10 cm
4 cm 10  4  40
4 cm

4 cm

6 cm
6 cm 6  4  24

4 cm

4 cm
8  4  32
4 cm 8 cm
8 cm

Total 144

The surface area is 144 cm2.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.4.qxp 7/7/09 12:41 PM Page 34

1. Find the surface area of the triangular prism.

Matching Diagram Corresponding

15 cm Faces Area (cm2)
9 cm

5 cm Triangular cm 2( 1  ___  ___)  ____

12 cm 2

___  ___  ___


Rectangular ___  ___  ___


___  ___  ___

Total ____

The surface area is ____ cm2.

Surface Areas of Cylinders

To find the surface area of a right cylinder, r
add the areas of: h
• the 2 circular faces
• the curved surface
Look for matching faces with the same areas.

Matching Diagram Corresponding

Faces Area
Top r
A = r 2 2   r2
The side can be
unrolled into a
C = 2r C = 2r
r C = 2r rectangle, whose
Curved 2 rh length is the
h h h
surface circumference
of the circle.

The surface area is: 2 r2  2 rh

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To calculate the surface area of this cylinder:

3 cm

5 cm

Matching Diagram Corresponding

Faces Area (cm2)

2    32
3 cm
The dimensions of the
cylinder are given to the
2(3) cm nearest centimetre, so we
Curved give the surface area to the
surface 5 cm nearest square centimetre.

Total 150.80

The surface area is about 151 cm2.

1. Find the surface area of the cylinder.
4 cm

6 cm

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

Top cm
___   ___
Bottom  ________

2 cm
____  ___  ___  ___
Curved surface cm

Total ________

The surface area is about ____ cm2.

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1.4 Surface Areas of Other Composite Objects

FOCUS Find the surface areas of composite objects made from right prisms and
right cylinders.

Example 1 Finding the Surface Area of a Composite Object Made

from a Rectangular Prism and a Triangular Prism

Find the surface area 10 cm The shaded area is

of this composite object. the area of overlap.
6 cm

4 cm
Solution 10 cm 8 cm

= + – 2

Surface area of Surface area of Surface area of 2(Area of overlap)

composite object rectangular prism triangular prism

Surface area of rectangular prism Surface area of triangular prism

Matching Diagram Corresponding Matching Diagram Corresponding
Faces Area (cm2) Faces Area (cm2)

Front 6 cm
2(1  6  8)
6 cm 2(6  10) Triangular 2
Back  120  48
8 cm
10 cm
10 cm

10 cm 10  4  40
2(10  4) 4 cm
4 cm
Bottom  80

Rectangular 6 cm 6  4  24
6 cm 2(6  4)
Left  48 4 cm
4 cm

Total 248 4 cm 8  4  32
8 cm
The surface area is 248 cm2.
Total 144
Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2) The surface area is 144 cm2.

6 cm 6  4  24

4 cm The area of overlap is 24 cm2.

Surface area of composite object  248  144  2(24)  344
The surface area of the composite object is 344 cm2.

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1. The diagram shows the surface area of the 6 cm
two prisms that make up a composite object. SA = 300 cm2

a) What is the area of the overlap? 12 cm

The overlap is a ____-cm by ____-cm rectangle.
Area of overlap  ____ cm  ____ cm  ____ cm2
SA = 720 cm2
b) What is the surface area of the composite object?
Surface area of composite object  Surface area of 2 prisms  2(Area of overlap)
 _____  _____  _____  _____
The surface area of the composite object is __________.

2. Find the surface area of this composite object.

5 cm
4 cm
3 cm
3 cm
3 cm

Surface area of triangular prism

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

Triangular 2(  ____  ____)  ____

____  ____  ____


Rectangular ____  ____  ____

____  ____  ____

Total _____

The surface area is _____ cm2.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.4.qxp 7/7/09 12:41 PM Page 38

Surface area of cube Area of overlap

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2) Diagram Corresponding
Area (cm2)
Front cm
Back ___  ___  ___
Top 6(____  ____)  ____ cm

Bottom cm

Right The area of overlap is _____ cm2.


Total ____

The surface area is ____ cm2.

Surface area of composite object  Surface area of 2 prisms  2(Area of overlap)

 ______  ______  ______
The surface area of the composite object is ______ cm2.

Example 2 Finding the Surface Area of a Composite Object Made

from a Rectangular Prism and a Cylinder

Find the surface area of this object.

Surface area of rectangular prism

Matching Diagram Corresponding
10 cm
Faces Area (cm2)
2 cm
12 cm Front 15 cm

12 cm Back
15 cm Top 12 cm 4(12  15)  720

12 cm

2(12  12)  288
Left 12 cm

Total 1008

The surface area is 1008 cm2.

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Surface area of cylinder

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

2 cm 2    22  25.13
2(2) cm

Curved surface
10 cm
2    2  10  125.67

Total 150.80

The surface area is about 150.80 cm2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

2 cm   22  12.57

The area of overlap is about 12.57 cm2.

SA composite object  SA rectangular prism  SA cylinder  2(Area of overlap)

 1008  150.80  2(12.57)
The surface area is about 1134 cm2.

1. The diagram shows the surface area of the rectangular 3 cm
prism and cylinder that make up a composite object. SA = 56.5 cm2

a) What is the area of the overlap?

The overlap is a __________________.
Area of overlap  ________________ SA = 240 cm2

 ________________ cm2

b) What is the surface area of the composite object?

SA composite object  SA ________  SA ________  2(__________________)
 ________  ________  __________
The surface area of the composite object is about ________ cm2.

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2. Find the surface area of this composite object.

1 cm

4 cm

6 cm

6 cm
6 cm

Surface area of cube

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

6(_____  _____)  _____
Bottom cm


Total _______

Surface area of cylinder

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

cm _____  _____  _____  ______
2 cm

Curved surface _____  _____  _____  _____  ______


Total ______

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

cm _____  _____  _____

SA composite object  SA ______  SA __________  2(__________________)

 _________  _________  _________
The surface area of the composite object is about ______ cm2.

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1. Find the surface area of this composite object. 8.5 cm

3 cm
4 cm
8 cm
12 cm
12 cm

24 cm

Surface area of rectangular prism

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)




Total _____

The surface area is _____ cm2.

Surface area of triangular prism Area of overlap

Matching Diagram Corresponding Diagram Area (cm2)
Faces Area (cm2)
___  ___  ___
The area of overlap is _____ cm2.

Rectangular Surface area of composite object

SA composite object
__________ The surface area of the
composite object is _______ cm2.
The surface area is ______ cm2.

MMS9_Prep book_Unit1.4.qxp 7/7/09 12:41 PM Page 42

2. Find the surface area of this composite object.

2 cm

2 cm
2 cm
4 cm

Surface area of cube

6 cm
Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

6(____  ____)  ____

Total ____
The surface area is ____ cm2.

Surface area of cylinder

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

Top ____  ____  ____  _______


Curved surface ____  ____  ____  ____  _______

Total ________

The surface area is about ________ cm2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

___  ___  ___

The area of overlap is ___ cm2.

Surface area of composite object

SA composite object  ________  ________  ________
The surface area of the composite object is about ________ cm2.

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3. Calculate the surface area of the cake at the right. 5 cm

Write your answer to the nearest tenth.
5 cm

7 cm

10 cm

Surface area of smaller cake

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)
____  ____  ____  ________

Curved surface ____  ____  ____  ____  ________

Total __________

The surface area is about _________ cm2.

Surface area of larger cake

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

Top Bottom
____  ___  _____  _________

Curved surface ___  ___  ___  ___  ________

Total _________

The surface area is about _________ cm2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

___  ___  ______

The area of overlap is about ______ cm2.

Surface area of cake  _________  _________  _________

The surface area of the cake is about _________ cm2.

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Unit 1 Puzzle

Square and Square-Root Days

A date in a given year can be written as the month number followed by the day number.
For example, October 25 can be written as 10/25.

• In a square-root day, the month is the square root of the day.

For example, March 9 is a square-root day because it is written as 3/9, and 3 is the
square root of 9.

List all the square-root days in a year.


• In a square day, the month is the square of the day.

For example, April 2 is a square day because it is written as 4/2,
and 4 is the square of 2.

List all the square days in a year.


• A square year is a year which is a perfect square.

For example, the year 1600 is a square year because 1600  40  40.

List all the square years from 1000 to the present.


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Unit 1 Study Guide

Skill Description Example

Identify fractions A fraction is a perfect 16  4 4

that are perfect square if it can be written as 25 5 5
squares and find the product of 2 equal
冪 25  5
16 4
their square roots. fractions. The square root is
one of the 2 equal fractions.

Identify decimals Use a calculator. The square 冪1.69  1.3

that are perfect root is a repeating or
squares. terminating decimal.

Estimate square Find perfect squares close to

冪10  冪 9  3
3 4 2 3 is close to 4;
roots of numbers the number. 10 is close to 9.
that are not perfect
Use the squares and square 4 7.5 9
roots number lines.

2 7.5 3
Square roots

Calculate the Add the areas of each of Top

surface area of the 6 views.
a composite object.

The surface Left side Right side

area is 14 Bottom

square units.


Add surface areas of the SA = 125.66 cm2

parts, then subtract for the Area = 12.57 cm2

overlap. SA = 216 cm2

SA  216  125.66  2(12.57)

The surface area is about 317 cm2.

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Unit 1 Review

1.1 1. Calculate the number whose square root is:

a) 3 b) 9.9
9.9  9.9  _______
__ __ ___ 9.9 is a square root of _______.
3 is a square root of ___.

2. Complete the table.

Fraction Is numerator a perfect Is denominator a Is fraction a perfect

square? perfect square? square?
a) 81 ________________ ________________ ______
b) 4 ________________ ________________ ______
c) 65 ________________ ________________ ______

3. Complete the table.

Decimal Value of Square Type of Decimal Is decimal a

Root perfect square?

a) 5.29 ________________ ________________________________ ______


b) 156.25 ________________ ________________________________ ______


c) 6.4 ________________ ________________________________ ______


4. Find the square root of each number.

冪 81 
a) b) 冪 59.29  _____

1.2 5. Estimate 冪 14.5. Explain your estimate.

14.5 is between _____ and _____.
So, 冪14.5 is between 冪_____ and 冪_____. That is, 冪14.5 is between _____ and _____.
Since 14.5 is closer to _____ than _____, 冪14.5 is closer to _____ than _____.
So, 冪14.5 is between _____ and _____, and closer to _____.

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6. Estimate each square root. Explain.

冪 13 冪 70
a) 2 b) 11

2 is close to ____; 13 is close to ____. 11 is close to ____; 70 is close to ____.

冪 13  冪 冪 70 冪
So, So, 11 


7. Identify a decimal that has a square root between the two given numbers.
Check the answer.

a) 2 and 3
22  ____ and 32  ____
So, any number between ____ and ____ has a square root between 2 and 3.
Choose ____.
Check: 冪 ____  ____
The decimal ____ is one possible answer.
b) 6.5 and 7.5
______  ______ and ______  ______
So, any number between ______ and ______ has a square root between 6.5 and 7.5.
Choose ______.
Check: 冪______  ______.
The decimal ______ is one possible answer.

8. Find the length of the hypotenuse of each right triangle.

a) b)

h 7.8 cm h 7.1 cm

4.2 cm 10.5 cm

h2  ________
_  _______
__ h2  ________
_  _________
h2  _________  _________ h2  _________  _________
h2  _________ h2  _________
h  冪_________ h  冪_________
h  _________ h  _________
The length of the hypotenuse is __________________________________
about _________ cm. __________________________________

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1.3 9. This object is made from 1-cm cubes. Find its surface area.

Matching Views Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)


Total ____

The surface area is ____ cm2.

10. Calculate the surface area 50 cm

of this composite object.

40 cm 50 cm

20 cm
50 cm
10 cm
Surface area of cube
Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

/ 6(____  ____)  ________

Total ________
The surface area is ________ cm2.

Surface area of rectangular prism

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

The surface area is ______ cm2.

MMS9_Prep book_UnitBM.qxp 7/7/09 12:42 PM Page 49

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

____  ____  ____

The area of overlap is ____ cm2.
SA composite object  _________________  __________________  ____________________
 _______  _______  _______
The surface area of the composite object is _______ cm2.

1.4 11. Find the surface area of this composite object.

9 cm 5 cm

4 cm 5 cm
3 cm
8 cm

Surface area of rectangular prism Surface area of triangular prism

Matching Diagram Corresponding Matching Diagram Corresponding
Faces Area (cm2) Faces Area (cm2)



Total _______

The surface area is _____ cm2. Total ____

Area of overlap
The surface area is ____ cm2.
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

The area of overlap is ____ cm2.

SA  _______________________  ______________________  _____________________

 _____  ____  ______
The surface area of the composite object is _____ cm2.
MMS9_Prep book_UnitBM.qxp 7/7/09 12:42 PM Page 50

12. Find the surface area of this composite object.

12 cm
16 cm 4 cm

12 cm
The larger cylinder has diameter ____ cm, so its radius is ___ cm.
The smaller cylinder has diameter ___ cm, so its radius is ___ cm.

Surface area of smaller cylinder

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

__  __  __
__  _______

Curved surface
__  __  __  ___  ________

Total ________

The surface area is about ________ cm2.

Surface area of larger cylinder

Matching Faces Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

__  __  __  ________

__  __  __  ___  ________
Curved surface

Total _________

The surface area is about _________ cm2.

Area of overlap
Diagram Corresponding Area (cm2)

__  __  _______
The area of overlap is about _______ cm2.

Surface area of the composite object  _______  _________  _________

The surface area is about ________ cm2.


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