9 Class Mathematics AY 2024-25

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The City School

Academic Year 2024-25

Mathematics D
Syllabus Breakup Class 9
Topic Sub-Topic Learning Objectives Weeks

• Express direct and inverse variation in

algebraic terms and use this form of
expression to find unknown quantities.
• Direct Variation • Includes linear, square, square root and
Variation cubic variation (direct and inverse). E.g. y
• Inverse Variation
is inversely proportional to the square of x.
Given that y = 2 when x = 6, find the value
of y when x = 2
D-2 7th ed. CH 1 Ex 1A,1B,1C,1D
• Use and interpret positive, negative and zero
• Laws of indices indices.
• Zero and Negative • Use and interpret fractional indices.
indices • Use the standard form A × 10n where n is a
Indices, Surds and
• Rational Indices positive or negative integer and 1 ⩽ A < 10.
Standard Form
• Surds [D-3 7th ed.CH 4 Ex 4B,4C]
• Understand and use surds, including 2
simplifying expressions.
• Rationalize the denominator.
(Worksheet on ODP)
• Pythagoras Theorem • Apply Pythagoras’ theorem to the
• Application of calculation of a side of a right-angled
Pythagoras. triangle.
• Trigonometric Ratios • D-2 7th ed. CH 10 Ex 10A,10B
• Application of • Apply the sine, cosine and tangent ratios
Trigonometric Ratios for acute angles to the calculation of a side
to find unknown sides or an angle of a right-angled triangle
Pythagoras Theorem and angles of right (angles will be quoted in, and answers
and Trigonometric angled triangles.
Ratios required in, degrees and decimals of a degree
• Application of to one decimal place).
Trigonometric • Solve trigonometrical problems in two
Ratios in real dimensions including those involving
world. angles of elevation and depression and
D-2 7th ed.CH 11 Ex 11A,11B,11C,11D
D-3 7th ed.CH 9 Ex 9A

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•Solve problems involving arc length and
Mensuration •Arc length
sector area as fractions of the circumference
•Area of sector
and area of a circle. D-3 7th ed. CH 10 Ex 10B

• Give appropriate upper and lower bounds

for data given to a specified accuracy (e.g.
• Upper bounds measured lengths).
Limits of Accuracy • Lower bounds • Obtain appropriate upper and lower
bounds to solutions of simple problems
(e.g. the calculation of the perimeter or
area of a triangle) given data to a specified 1
D-3 7th ed. CH 3 Ex 3C
• Problem solving
• Solve simple linear inequalities.
Inequalities(without involving
graphing) • Solve linear inequalities in one
variable and represent the solution
• Solving
on a number line.
simultaneous linear
• Apply linear inequalities to solve word
inequalities 1
D-3 7th ed. CH 3 Ex 3B
Sets and Venn •Introduction to set •use language, notation and Venn diagrams
Diagrams notation to describe sets
•Venn diagrams, •define and identify an empty set, a
universal set and universal set, equal sets, disjoint sets and
compliment of a set. complement of a set and to give 3
•Intersection of two sets examples of the sets
•Combining universal set, •Define subsets.
compliment of a set, •define the intersection and union of sets
subset, intersection and the relationships between sets by
and union of a sets using Venn diagrams
•Application of Venn •use Venn diagrams to solve problems
Diagrams in problem •represent relationships between sets
sums •Definition of sets: e.g. A={x : x is a natural
•Formulas in set theory number} B = {(x, y): y = mx + c} C= {x : a≤
x ≤b} D= {a, b, c…}
D-2 7th ed. CH 14 Ex. 14A, 14B & 14C
D-4 7th ed. CH 2 Ex.2A
Total number of weeks 14

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Topic Sub-Topic Learning Objectives Weeks
• use given data to solve problems on
personal and small business finance
• Profit and Loss involving earnings, simple interest and
• Discount, Taxation and compound interest
commission. • Includes discount, and profit and loss (as an
Personal and household • Simple interest and amount or a percentage). Knowledge of
finance compound Interest compound interest formula given below is
• Hire Purchase required:
• Money Exchange • Value of investment =P[1+ 100] where P
is the amount invested, r is the
percentage rate of interest 2
and n is the number of years𝑟of compound
• extract data from tables
and charts
D-3 7th ed.CH 5 5C,5D,5E

• Solution of Quadratic • Solve quadratic equations either by

equation by Completing use of the formula or by completing
the square or by using the square.
the quadratic formula • Solve quadratic equations by completing

Solution to Quadratic • Solving fractional the square method.

Equations equations that can be • Solve quadratic equations by using the
reduced to quadratic quadratic formula.
equation. • Solve problems that can be reduced to
• Application of quadratic quadratic equations.
equation in real world. D-3 7th ed. CH 1Ex1A,1B,1D 2
• Demonstrate familiarity with Cartesian

• Gradient of a straight line. coordinates in two dimensions.

• Length of a line segment. • Find the gradient of a straight line.
• Equation of a straight line. • Calculate the gradient of a straight line
Coordinate Geometry from the coordinates of two points on it.
• Parallel and perpendicular
lines. • Interpret and obtain the equation of a
straight line graph in the form y = mx + c.
• Calculate the length and the coordinates
of the midpoint of a line segment from the
coordinates of its end points.
• Determine the equation of a straight line
parallel to a given line, e.g. find the equation
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The City School / O Level Syllabus Break up / AY 2024-25 / Mathematics (4024) / Class 9
of a line parallel to y = 4x − 1 that passes
through (0, -3).
• Find the gradient of parallel and
perpendicular lines,
e.g. find the gradient of a line perpendicular
to y = 3x + 1; find the equation of a line
perpendicular to one passing through the 2
coordinates (1, 3) and (–2, –9).
D-3 7th ed.CH 6 Ex 6A, 6B, 6C,6D

• Linear
• solve linear inequalities in one or two
inequalities in two variables
Graph of Inequality variables. • represent linear inequalities in one or two
• Application of system variables graphically
of linear inequalities in • Find the maximum/highest and
two variables in real world minimum/least values of a function
contexts. satisfying certain given linear 2

• construct and use cumulative frequency

• Statistical diagrams
Statistics • estimate and interpret the median,
• Scatter diagrams
percentiles, quartiles and interquartile
• Histograms for grouped
data range for cumulative frequency
• Frequency polygon
• Averages of statistical • calculate with frequency density
data • Understand what is meant by positive,
• Cumulative frequency negative and zero correlation with reference
table and curve. to a scatter diagram.
Medians, quartiles, • Draw a straight line of best fit by eye.
percentiles, range and inter • construct and interpret bar charts, pie 4
quartile charts, pictograms, simple frequency
distributions, frequency polygons, histograms
with equal and unequal intervals and scatter
D2 7th ed. Ex 16 A Q1-5,16B
D2 7th ed.CH 17 Ex 17 B Q
D-4 7th ed. CH4 Ex 4A,4B

• Similarity tests • Calculate lengths of similar shapes.

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• Application of similar •
Use the relationships between lengths
Similarity triangles. and areas of similar shapes and lengths,
• Area of similar figures surface areas and volumes of similar
• Volume of similar figures. solids.
• Solve problems and give simple
explanations involving similarity.
D-3 7th ed.CH 11 Ex. 11B
D-3 7th ed.CH 12Ex 12A,12B

• Plane and • Draw/state the number of planes of

rotational symmetry
symmetry • Draw/state the number of axes of
Symmetry rotational symmetry
• planes of symmetry
• axes of rotational • Recognize rotational and line symmetry
symmetry (including order of rotational symmetry) in
order of rotational two dimensions. 1
symmetry • Includes properties of triangles,
quadrilaterals and circles directly related to
their symmetries.
D-2 7thed. Ex 13c Q 2-5
Revision 1
Total number of weeks 16

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