Application of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
Hikesh Hasmukh
PhD, Rúben Filipe de Sousa Pereira, Assistant Professor,
January 2024
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
Hikesh Hasmukh
PhD, Rúben Filipe de Sousa Pereira, Assistant Professor,
January 2024
“I dedicate this work to my son Vihaan and my wife Honey and thank them for their unconditional
love and support at all times.”
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Rúben Pereira, whose
experience, guidance, and patience have been fundamental to my development and contribution in
the areas that fascinate me the most. His ability to guide me and make me refine and develop my ideas
was crucial for my academic and personal growth.
A special thanks to my colleagues, whose support, encouragement, and valuable advice on various
aspects of my research were indispensable. I extend my thanks to the course's teaching staff, whose
academic excellence and innovative approaches have allowed me to see the areas of study in a new
light. The dedication and knowledge of each one of you have been a great inspiration.
I also express my eternal gratitude to my family and friends. To my parents, who have always
supported me unconditionally in all my decisions and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. A special
thanks to my wife and son, who have been by my side every step of the way, offering love,
understanding, and patience in the most challenging moments. You are my greatest motivation and
Esta dissertação pretende apresentar uma abordagem disruptiva aos processos da gestão de projetos,
com a aplicação de tecnologias de inteligência artificial (IA). O objetivo é explorar os benefícios da
aplicação de técnicas e ferramentas de IA no contexto da gestão de projetos. Este trabalho também se
propõe a identificar as oportunidades e os desafios relacionados com a integração da IA nas várias
fases da gestão de projetos, incluindo a planificação, a execução, a monitoria e o fecho.
O estudo irá identificar as atuais práticas de gestão de projetos em diferentes projetos pertencentes a
diferentes áreas de negócio, identificando potenciais desafios e oportunidades em que a integração
da IA pode trazer melhorias.
Em termos de visibilidade para o negócio tenciona explorar o potencial das tecnologias de IA para por
exemplo, fornecer estimativas mais precisas, simplificar os fluxos de trabalho, automatizar tarefas
repetitivas e tomar decisões baseadas em dados.
Palavras-chave: Inteligência Artificial na Gestão de Projetos, IA na Gestão de Projetos,
Inteligência Artificial, Gestão de Projetos, Desenvolvimento de Software
This dissertation aims to present a disruptive approach to project management processes, with the
application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The goal is to explore the benefits of applying AI
techniques and tools in the context of project management. This work also proposes to identify the
opportunities and challenges related to the integration of AI in the various phases of project
management, including planning, execution, monitoring, and closure.
The study will identify the current project management practices in different projects belonging to
different business areas, identifying potential challenges and opportunities where the integration of AI
can bring improvements.
In terms of visibility to the business it intends to exploit the potential of AI technologies to for example
provide more accurate estimates, simplify workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and make data-driven
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence in Project Management, AI in Project Management, Artificial
Intelligence, Project Management, Software Development
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................... i
Resumo ...................................................................................................................................................iii
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................v
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................... ix
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... xi
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 2 STATE OF THE ART .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Artificial Intelligence ............................................................................................................ 3
(i) Definition and History of Artificial Intelligence ........................................................................... 3
(ii) AI Principles and Technologies ................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2 Project Management ........................................................................................................... 6
(i) Fundaments of Project Management ......................................................................................... 6
(ii) Current Challenges in Project Management ........................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Applications of AI in Project Management – Related Work................................................ 8
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................... 13
3.1 Multivocal Literature Review ............................................................................................... 13
3.1.1 Planning the Review .......................................................................................................... 14
(i) Motivation ................................................................................................................................. 15
(ii) Review Protocol..................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 Conducting the review ...................................................................................................... 16
(i) Selection of Studies ................................................................................................................... 16
(ii) Data Extraction Analysis ........................................................................................................ 16
(iii) Reporting the MLR ................................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Interviews ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1 Demographic and Professional Background Information ............................................... 19
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 25
4.1 Perspectives on AI in PM ...................................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 The Current State of AI in PM........................................................................................... 26
4.1.2 Importance of AI in PM..................................................................................................... 26
4.1.3 Use of AI Tools in PM Tasks .............................................................................................. 27
4.2 Improvements and Benefits ................................................................................................. 28
4.2.1 Improvements Observed with AI ..................................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Impact of using AI on efficiency and productivity ........................................................... 30
4.2.3 Contribution of AI in Decision Making and Risk Assessment .......................................... 30
4.3 Challenges ............................................................................................................................. 32
4.3.1 Impact of AI on Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................... 32
4.3.2 Obstacles/Challenges in AI Implementation ................................................................... 33
4.3.3 Ethical or Privacy Concerns .............................................................................................. 34
4.3.4 Strategies for Overcoming Challenges/Obstacles ........................................................... 35
4.4 Future .................................................................................................................................... 35
4.4.1 Predictions for the AI-Powered PM Role ......................................................................... 36
4.4.2 Ongoing AI Projects/Initiatives ........................................................................................ 37
4.4.3 Emerging Trends in AI for PM........................................................................................... 37
4.4.4 Recommendations for Implementing AI in PM ............................................................... 39
4.4.5 Additional Aspects/Final Comments................................................................................ 40
4.5 Presentation of the Saturation Level of the Interviews ...................................................... 40
4.6 Presentation of Data from Grey Literature.......................................................................... 42
4.7 Interpretation of Interview Data.......................................................................................... 43
4.8 Insights from this research ................................................................................................... 44
4.9 Comparison between the Interviews, grey literature, and papers findings ....................... 49
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 52
5.1 Limitations ............................................................................................................................ 53
5.2 Future Work .......................................................................................................................... 54
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Appendixes ........................................................................................................................................... 60
Appendix A – Interview Script .......................................................................................................... 60
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 1. Summary of Selected Papers, with the research focus and key findings .................................. 9
Table 2. Filters used in the MLR Protocol .............................................................................................. 16
Table 3. Summary of contributions for AI Application in PM in research papers ................................. 17
Table 4. Interviewees' details ................................................................................................................ 22
Table 5. Status of Application of AI in PM. ............................................................................................ 26
Table 6. AI Tools Currently used for PM Activities by Project Phases and PM Activities ...................... 28
Table 7. Improvements observed with AI ............................................................................................. 29
Table 8. Impact of using AI on Efficiency and Productivity ................................................................... 30
Table 9. Contribution of AI in Decision Making in PM .......................................................................... 31
Table 10. Contribution of AI in Risk Assessment in PM......................................................................... 31
Table 11. Impact of AI in Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................. 32
Table 12. Challenges/Obstacles in the Implementation of AI in PM .................................................... 33
Table 13. Ethical and Privacy Concerns ................................................................................................. 34
Table 14. Strategies proposed to overcome obstacles with priority levels .......................................... 35
Table 15. Predictions on AI role in PM .................................................................................................. 36
Table 16. Insights on Projects or Initiatives of using AI in PM .............................................................. 37
Table 17. Trends on AI Implementation and Impact on PM ................................................................. 38
Table 18. Recommendations for Implementing AI in PM with levels of priority .................................. 39
Table 19. Levels of Saturation per Interview......................................................................................... 41
Table 20. Aspects of AI in PM mentioned in the Articles from the Grey Literature ............................. 42
Table 21. Detail of the Blueprint for integrating AI into PM ................................................................. 45
Table 22. Guide Phases mentioned by each Interview ......................................................................... 46
Table 23. Guide Concepts mentioned by each Interview ..................................................................... 46
Table 24. Guide Phases mentioned by the Papers ................................................................................ 48
Table 25. Guide concepts mentioned in the Papers ............................................................................. 48
Table 26. Comparison between interviews, grey literature and paper findings................................... 49
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations Definitions
AI Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, developed by Open AI, an AI
research company. It is an Artificial intelligence chatbot technology that can
process natural human language and generate a response.
EASE Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
ELIZA Early natural language processing computer program
ERP Enterprise resource planning
GAN Generative Adversarial Networks
GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer
INFRA Infrastructure
IT Information Technology
ITPM Intelligent Project Management
JIRA Proprietary product developed by Atlassian that allows bug tracking, issue
tracking and agile project management
LOW-CODE Software development methodology that allows organizations to build
applications faster and fosters collaboration between IT and businesspeople
ML Machine Learning
MLR Multivocal Literature Review
NLP Natural Language Processing
PM Project Management
PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMI Project Management Institute
PMP Project Management Professional
ROI Return on Investment
SLR Systematic Literature Review
SW Software
XAI Explainable Artificial Intelligence
In today’s world Project Management (PM) is pivotal for nearly every business and strategic initiatives.
In an economy increasingly based on projects, companies from all sectors turn into efficient and
effective PM practices to plan, coordinate, and control their activities. Starting from the creation of a
new product, the implementation of organizational changes, to the development of complex IT
(Information Technology) Systems, PM allows companies to turn their strategic vision into tangible
results. However, many projects, especially in IT and particularly in Software Development, face
significant challenges – failure, delays, or do not achieve the expected results. According to the Project
Management Institute (PMI) report of 2020, approximately 11.4% of the investment is wasted due to
poor project performance [1]. This reality highlights the need to modernize project management to
improve the success rate of IT Projects.
The traditional methodologies of project management, often based on manual and sequential
processes, have proven to be inadequate to deal with the complexity and dynamic of current IT
projects and the speed of change of the business[2]. Problems such as delays, incorrect estimation,
lack of effective communication, and business requirements changes are frequent in this context [3].
To address these challenges, the IT industry has been looking for more flexible and adaptive solutions,
such as the Agile methodology, emphasizing collaboration, responsiveness to change, and continuous
value delivery [4]. However, even these approaches have their limitations and do not guarantee
project success [5].
Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides substantial value across a wide range of domains because of its
ability to learn autonomously, adapt, and execute complex tasks. By automating routine
tasks/operations, it can considerably improve efficiency, allowing humans to focus on more complex
or creative tasks. Moreover, AI's predictive analytics capabilities offer unprecedented accuracy in
forecasting, a vital aspect in areas such as finance, supply chain, and healthcare [6]. Its ability to analyze
large datasets and identify patterns enables organizations to extract valuable insights, informing
strategic decision-making processes and potentially uncovering new opportunities [7]. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a potentially revolutionary area that can bring a new dimension to
project management [8]. AI may help deal with the complexity and uncertainty of IT projects, improve
decision-making, automate repetitive tasks, and provide predictive insights for early detection of
problems or deviations in projects.
research aims to contribute to this emerging field by exploring the potential of AI to improve the
management of software development projects.
The objective of this research is to explore the application of AI in IT project management and
assess the possible benefits, challenges, impacts, and develop a blueprint to assist companies in
integrating AI into their PM practices. To achieve this goal, the following research questions will be
addressed: (i) What is the role and current application of Artificial Intelligence in project management?
(ii) What are the benefits of integrating artificial intelligence into IT project management phases, and
how do they contribute to improved project outcomes? (iii) What challenges arise from implementing
artificial intelligence in IT project management, and how do these challenges influence the overall
project performance and success? (iv) What is the future of the role of AI in PM, including changes to
PM responsibilities, effective adoption strategies, and the impact of emerging AI trends?
This document is structured into six main chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, where the
motivation, background to the topic, the definition of the problem, and the objective of the research
are presented. Chapter 2 is the state of the art, where the context is established and the topics of the
work are explored: Artificial Intelligence, Project Management, and the application of AI in Project
Management. Chapter 3 describes the research methodology, covering the methodological approach,
the multivocal literature review (MLR), and the use of interviews. Chapter 4 presents the results and
discussion, where the data collected on this research is presented, and an analysis and discussion of
the obtained results. Finally, Chapter 5 presents the conclusion, that includes limitations and future
This section provides a theoretical basis for this study, drawing upon literature gathered during the
research phase, and will also incorporate insights from reputable sources to help in the understanding
of foundational aspects of this research project and its associated objectives.
2.1 Background
2.1.1 Artificial Intelligence
(i) Definition and History of Artificial Intelligence
AI is a field of computer science dedicated to developing systems capable of performing tasks that
traditionally require human intelligence. These tasks include reasoning, learning, visual perception,
understanding natural language, interaction, and adaptation to complex environments. AI seeks to
create systems that can function autonomously or semi-autonomously, processing information and
making decisions in a similar way to human intelligence[9].
It is described as the search for mapping intelligence into mechanical hardware and structuring
systems to formalize thought. It is viewed as the study of human intelligence such that it can be
replicated artificially. Russell and Norvig categorize AI definition into systems that think and act like
humans, think and act rationally, and learn new concepts and tasks [10]. This leads to a refined
definition: "Artificial Intelligence is the study of human intelligence and actions replicated artificially,
such that the resultant bears to its design a reasonable level of rationality" [9].
The evolution of AI is a story of remarkable innovation and growth, over several decades. Initially
conceptualized in the 1950s, AI's journey began with foundational ideas like the Turing Test and the
formal introduction of the term "Artificial Intelligence" by John McCarthy. The subsequent decades
saw significant developments, in 1960s introduced early AI programs like ELIZA, showcasing basic
natural language processing, in 1980s marked a significant shift towards machine learning, highlighted
by the development of backpropagation algorithms for neural networks. The years 1990s and 2000s
were characterized by AI's growth with the internet boom and the advent of big data, leading to
advanced machine learning techniques and deep learning. In 2010s brought AI into the mainstream
with IBM's Watson and DeepMind's AlphaGo, demonstrating AI's exceptional capacity for complex
tasks [7]. A recent significant milestone of this era is the introduction of ChatGPT by OpenAI, a
sophisticated language model that revolutionized natural language processing and generation [11].
This journey continues today, now with increasing concerns with ethical and societal considerations,
shaping its future trajectory and integration across various fields.
Figure 1 is an infographic that offers an overview of the history of AI, it presents the main advances in
the field over the years, highlighting significant milestones and developments. The image begins with
the first theories about AI, such as the Turing Test, which evaluates a machine's ability to simulate
human behavior, other important advances such as NLP (natural language processing), are illustrated,
showing AI's progress in understanding and using human language. The evolution of thought and
technological application is contrasted with traditional learning methods, the logo in the corner of the
image indicates the expansion of AI into various sectors, emphasizing its growing importance and
integration into different areas [12].
(ii) AI Principles and Technologies
The field of AI is vast and encompasses a variety of concepts, technologies, and applications. In this
section, the main concepts and current technologies in AI are presented. [10]
▪ Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Neural networks are inspired by the functioning of the
human brain and are powerful in processing large amounts of complex data. Deep learning is
a subset of neural networks and uses many layers of processing to extract high-level features
and patterns from data [14].
▪ Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows machines to understand, interpret, and respond to
human language in a useful way, including tasks like automatic translation, sentiment analysis,
and virtual assistants [15].
▪ Knowledge-Based Systems and Reasoning are systems that use explicit knowledge about the
world to make decisions or draw conclusions. They are often used in medical diagnostic
systems, legal systems, and other decision-making systems.
▪ Robotics combines AI with mechanical and electrical engineering to create machines that can
act in the physical world, this includes everything from industrial robots to autonomous
vehicles and drones.
▪ Computer Vision is the area that deals with the ability of machines to interpret and understand
the visual world, from object recognition to scene analysis and spatial navigation [16].
▪ Intelligent Agents are a central concept in AI, where an agent is any entity that perceives its
environment through sensors and acts upon that environment through actuators. The study
of intelligent agents includes understanding how to make decisions, learn, and interact with
other agents.
▪ Generative AI and Large Language Models and Foundations Models are distinct yet
overlapping terms in the AI field, as explained by Helen Toner in her May 12, 2023, article [17].
Generative AI broadly refers to AI systems designed to create content, such as images, text, or
code, the examples include popular image generators like Midjourney, language models like
GPT-4, and audio tools like VALL-E.
LLMs, a subset of generative AI, specifically deal with language processing and are
characterized by their large number of parameters, leading to improved performance; the
most famous examples are GPT-4 and Google's PaLM. Foundation Models, popularized by
Stanford University, are versatile AI systems that provide a base for building more specialized
applications, like ChatGPT was built upon GPT-3.5. While these terms are often used
compatible, they each point to specific aspects of AI systems. Generative AI emphasizes
content creation, LLMs focuses on language processing, and Foundation Models highlight
adaptability for various applications.
2.1.2 Project Management
(i) Fundaments of Project Management
The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines PM as "the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and
techniques to project activities to meet project requirements" [16], emphasizing five process groups:
initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure. The fundamentals of PM are
essential for understanding how to organize, plan, and execute projects efficiently and effectively.
The basic principles, models, and methodologies of PM according to the PMBOK guide are
mentioned below [16].
1. Basic Principles
PM is centered on achieving specific objectives within defined timelines and budgets. It's
important to clearly define the project's scope, available resources, and the goals to be
achieved. Effective communication is crucial at all stages of the project.
There are various models that can be applied in project management, including:
• Agile: Focused on adaptability and quick response to changes, with iterative and
incremental development.
• Scrum: An agile methodology that uses sprints, daily meetings, and defined roles
(Scrum Master, Product Owner, Team) to promote agility and collaboration.
• Monitoring and Controlling: Tracking, reviewing, and regulating the progress and
performance of the project, identifying necessary changes.
• Closing: Completing all activities, delivering the project, and evaluating performance.
(ii) Current Challenges in Project Management
PM faces a range of complex challenges, in this section some of the common problems and challenges
faced by individuals and organizations working in projects are explored [2] [19], [20].
Increasing Complexity of Projects: Modern projects often span multiple disciplines, industries, and
technologies and this complexity demands comprehensive planning that considers various
interdependent factors, like diverse technology platforms, cross-functional teams, and regulatory
Change Management: Projects today must be flexible enough to accommodate rapid changes, this
includes adapting to shifting market demands, evolving customer/business needs, and unexpected
project hurdles.
Effective Communication: With teams often spread across different locations and time zones,
ensuring clear and consistent communication is challenging, specially today with the remote work
being a part of our new reality.
Risk Management: Identifying potential risks early and developing mitigation strategies is crucial, this
involves predicting common risks like budget overruns and scope creep and anticipating new risks
posed by emerging technologies and market changes.
Resource Constraints: Balancing quality, scope, and cost in the face of limited resources (like budget,
personnel, and materials) is a continuous challenge. Efficient resource allocation, prioritization of
tasks, and optimizing productivity are key skills needed to navigate these constraints.
Stakeholder Expectations: Diverse stakeholders often have varying, and sometimes conflicting,
expectations, balancing these demands while maintaining the project's vision and goals requires
negotiation and diplomacy skills, and the ability to clearly articulate project benefits and compromises.
Adoption of New Technologies: Keeping pace with rapid technological advancements and integrating
them into project processes can be challenging, this means Project managers must stay informed
about relevant technologies and assess how to best incorporate them to guarantee project efficiency
and innovation.
Leadership and Team Development: Effective leadership is about motivating and guiding diverse
teams towards a common goal, it involves developing skills like conflict resolution, team motivation,
and promoting a collaborative environment.
Compliance and Governance: Projects, especially in regulated industries, need to follow a multitude
of laws, regulations and standards, and effective governance structures must be in place to ensure
compliance, manage risks, and maintain project integrity.
2.1.3 Applications of AI in Project Management – Related Work
PM is a critical practice that involves making decisions in the face of uncertainty at various points. The
combination of project managers' knowledge, intuition, and experience, along with effective tools and
guidelines, can lead to either the success or failure of a project. In the initial planning phase of PM, AI
and ML techniques can be employed to plan schedules, allocate resources, and develop risk
management strategies. During the project's implementation phase, project managers can utilize
AI/ML-based tools and predictive analytics to accurately forecast the project's completion timeline
based on current progress. These instances are just a few examples of the significant role AI and ML
can play in both the planning and execution phases of PM [21].
AI also has the potential to assist project managers and team members by automating routine, high-
volume tasks. This automation facilitates project analytics for estimation and risk forecasting, offers
practical recommendations, and can even assist in making decisions [22].
Currently, numerous project teams struggle with short-term planning for a variety of similar,
straightforward yet intersecting projects, where team members often work part-time on projects that
don't have a physical presence. Most users of PM software fall into this category. Managers overseeing
these types of projects have attempted to modify existing PM software tools to suit their needs [23].
ML and AI are widely used in the industry. It's well understood that the key abilities of AI include rapid
data processing, identifying patterns, learning from data, and prediction. AI's unique ability to monitor
specific trends and predict project outcomes and scenarios makes it an increasingly popular trend in
the realm of PM [24].
The evolution AI in PM, as described in Figure 2, can be summarized in four main phases, (1) Integration
and Automation, where standardized project tasks are automated and integrated into systems; (2)
Chatbot Assistants, which use AI to perform routine tasks and interact with the project team; (3)
Machine Learning-Based PM, introducing predictive analysis and advice to optimize PM; and (4)
Autonomous PM, picturing a future where AI systems manage projects with minimal human
intervention. This progression reflects an increase in the complexity and autonomy of AI, aimed at
improving efficiency and effectiveness in PM, and maintaining a balance with human supervision [25].
The exploration of various research papers on the application of AI in PM uncovers several key
findings that are of significant relevance to the thesis topic. The integration of AI in PM is a complex
domain, involving various methodologies, key findings, and potential applications that can transform
the field of PM. This discussion synthesizes the insights from the analyzed papers to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the current state and future potential of AI in PM.
The Integration of AI in Project Management is a common theme across the papers is the
transformative role AI can play in PM. From improving decision-making processes to optimizing
resource allocation, AI is depicted as a pivotal tool in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of PM.
The authors in [26] and [27] emphasize AI's potential in automating routine tasks and contributing to
more accurate project planning and execution.
Methodological Approaches in these papers range from systematic literature reviews to the
development of theoretical frameworks and proposals for practical AI applications in PM. For instance,
[28], offers a structured approach to integrating AI in PM, which is particularly insightful for this
research in particular for the research question (iii) that explores the benefits of applying AI into PM
which is incorporated into the proposed framework with the benefit dimension, as companies
measure the application of AI in PM by the contribution to value creation. This diversity in
methodologies reflects the multifaceted nature of AI in PM research and provides a robust foundation
for further exploration in the thesis.
Challenges and Opportunities of implementing AI in PM are highlighted in several papers, such as the
need for domain-specific knowledge and the balance between AI automation and human supervision.
These challenges are crucial considerations for the thesis, as they provide a realistic perspective on AI's
application in PM. The paper [29] offer insights into the potential and limitations of AI, ensuring a
balanced view in the thesis.
Specific AI Applications in PM, such as AI's role in agile PM, as discussed in [22], the document outlines
the transformative impact of AI on agile PM, emphasizing enhanced decision-making, risk
management, and operational efficiency. It also highlights how AI automates routine tasks, provides
predictive insights for better planning and risk assessment, and optimizes resource allocation. These
capabilities lead to more accurate project planning, increased adaptability, and improved success
rates, offering valuable insights for this research.
The papers collectively suggest a strong future trajectory for AI in PM, with potential impacts on
various PM knowledge areas and the emergence of new AI-driven methodologies. This forward-looking
perspective is essential for the thesis, as it not only contextualizes the current state of AI in PM but
also provides a vision for future developments and innovations.
Table 1. Summary of Selected Papers, with the research focus and key findings
Author(s) Year Title Research Focus Key Findings
Sravanthi, 2023 “AI-Assisted Resource The application of AI AI can optimize resource
Jakkula et al Allocation in Project techniques such as linear allocation, improve project
[27] Management” programming, genetic scheduling and completion times,
algorithms, and neural reduce costs, and enable
networks to optimize predictive analysis for future
resource allocation in PM resource needs
Anoop Mishra, 2022 “A Proposal for Application of AI and ML AI/ML approaches can support
Abhishek Research on the in IT PM, focusing on how various PM tasks, emphasizing the
Tripathi, Application of AI/ML AI/ML can support automation of routine tasks and
Deepak in ITPM: Intelligent various PM tasks and the use of AI/ML for complex
Khazanchi [21] Project processes decision-making in PM
Vusumuzi 2022 “Artificial Intelligence Bibliometric analysis of AI Highlights the growing research
Maphosa, in Project in PM research, interest in applying AI in PM, with
Mfowabo Management identifying trends, a focus on accuracy, decision-
Maphosa [32] Research: A hotspots, and future making, efficiency, and risk
Bibliometric Analysis” research directions management in various fields
Manuel Otero 2022 “Artificial Intelligence The role of AI in Emphasizes the advantages of AI
Mateo et al. and Project optimizing PM processes, systems in optimizing
[33] Management. improving information management processes,
Prospective Analysis analysis in projects, and improving the analysis of
in Decision Making” optimizing decision- information generated in projects,
making and optimizing project manager
Bento, Sofia et 2022 “Artificial Intelligence Analysis of AI's Demonstrates increased interest
al. [26] in Project potentialities and in AI within PM, with a focus on
Management: limitations in PM, with a areas such as decision support
Systematic Literature focus on recent scientific systems, human resources
Review” community interest management, and construction
Oszkar Dobos 2022 “The Role of Project Exploring the role of PM The study examines how AI can be
and Agnes Management in in cyber warfare and how integrated into PM
Csiszarik- Cyber Warfare with AI can support PM in this methodologies, particularly in the
Kocsir [34] the Support of context context of cyber warfare,
Artificial Intelligence” highlighting the need for AI in
decision-making and risk
Todorovic, 2022 “A Framrwork for Exploring the application The study proposes a framework
Rea [35] Leveraging Artificial of AI in PM, particularly in for implementing AI in PM,
Intelligence in Project small and medium addressing challenges and
Management” enterprises (SMEs), and opportunities. It emphasizes AI's
proposing a framework potential in improving PM
for AI implementation in processes, budgeting, planning,
daily PM tasks and resources
Ben D. 2021 “Explainable Artificial Integration of AI in PM AI, specifically XAI, offers
Radhakrishnan Intelligence (XAI) in education, particularly significant potential in improving
[36] Project Management XAI, and its application to PM outcomes, particularly in
Curriculum: critical aspects like time, aspects like time and cost
Exploration and cost, and risk estimation
Application to Time,
Cost, and Risk”
Author(s) Year Title Research Focus Key Findings
Asma 2021 “An Investigation into Investigating the impact AI has the potential to automate
Alshaikhi, the Impact of of AI on the future of PM, various PM tasks, but it requires
Mashael Artificial Intelligence focusing on AI's human oversight for effective
Khayyat [29] on the Future of capabilities and how it operation. AI can aid in decision-
Project affects PM tasks and making, risk assessment, and
Management” activities eliminate redundant information.
Thordur 2021 “An Authoritative Exploration of AI's AI is very useful for processes
Vikingur Study on the Near potential effect on PM where historical data is available
Fridgeirsson et Future Effect of knowledge areas as for estimation and planning. AI
al. [37] Artificial Intelligence defined in the PMBOK will have a high impact on project
on Project cost management, schedule
Management management, and risk
Knowledge Areas” management, while having less
impact in areas requiring human
leadership skills.
Gunnar Auth, 2021 “A Conceptual Developing a framework The framework demonstrates AI's
Jan Jöhnk, et Framework for to apply AI in PM, potential in PM, emphasizing the
al. [28] Applying Artificial focusing on mutual need for understanding both
Intelligence in Project requirements of AI and technology and domain for
Management” PM successful AI deployment.
Jesús Gil Ruiz, 2021 “The Application of Review of learning AI tools are more precise than
Javier Artificial Intelligence techniques aimed at PM traditional tools in PM, yet they
Martínez in Project and classification of remain somewhat complementary
Torres, Rubén Management different areas within PM to traditional approaches.
González Research: A Review” where AI is applied
Crespo [38]
Oana Bălan- 2021 “The Evolution of Development of "Two- Introduces "Two-door," an AI
Budoiu [39] Arts door," an AI software software for assisting in artistic
Entrepreneurship - prototype for managing PM. The software aims to provide
"Two-door" – A New artistic projects. The support in the administrative tasks
AI Prototype for focus is on computerized of managing artistic projects
Project support in writing,
Management” implementing, and
reporting outcomes of
music PM
Peter 2020 “Developing Developing a structured The study proposes a five-step
Hofmann, Jan Purposeful AI Use method to create method for developing AI use
Jöhnk, Cases - A Structured organization-specific AI cases, emphasizing the
Dominik Method and Its use cases in PM importance of understanding the
Protschky, Nils Application in Project context, identifying domain
Urbach [40] Management” problems and AI solutions, and
matching AI functions with
domain context
Belharet, Adel 2020 “Report on the Investigating the impacts AI is emerging as a key factor in
et al. [41] Impact of Artificial of AI on PM and how it transforming PM. It has potential
Intelligence on will reshape the impacts in areas such as decision
Project profession between 2020 support, project risk management,
Management” and 2030 and resource allocation. AI is not
expected to replace the human
aspect in PM completely
Author(s) Year Title Research Focus Key Findings
Hoa Khanh 2019 “Towards Effective How AI technologies can AI can assist project managers and
Dam, Truyen AI-powered Agile support managing agile team members in agile PM by
Tran, John Project projects, with a focus on automating repetitive tasks and
Grundy [22] Management” automation of tasks, providing actionable
project analytics for recommendations and analytics-
estimation and risk driven risk predictions
Feng Xu and 2016 “Theoretical Developing a theoretical Presents the "Fuzzy-AI model" for
Shao-Pei Lin Framework of Fuzzy- framework for integrating managing fuzzy information in PM,
[42] AI Model in fuzzy logic with AI in offering digital support to
Quantitative Project” quantitative PM decision-making. Demonstrates
Management the application of this model in
various PM scenarios
RYNSKA Dagny 2002 “A Project The utilization of AI AI techniques are crucial for the
E. [23] Management techniques in PM, with an 'learning process' in PM. The
Perspective – emphasis on the learning paper anticipates the
Utilization of Artificial process required for transformational potential of AI in
Intelligence management programs PM, especially in terms of
Techniques” and the potential of AI to information and decision-making
fulfill this need processes
Raymond E. 1987 “Using Artificial The use of AI techniques The paper proposes that domain-
Levitt, John C. Intelligence as aids in engineering PM, specific planning tools are needed
Kunz [43] Techniques to focusing on planning for work package or executive-
Support Project detailed subtasks and level project planning. Hybrid
Management” executive-level project computer systems combining AI
planning with procedural techniques can be
valuable in PM
After an analysis of the various papers presented in Table 1, it becomes clear that the application of AI
in PM is a constantly evolving field with significant undeveloped potential. Although the studies
address a variety of aspects, from the optimization of PM processes such as resource management,
risk management and planning to the integration of AI in agile projects, there is an emerging consensus
on the transformative impact of AI in this area. However, it is also clear that the field is far from being
a closed or fully understood domain.
Research indicates that AI plays a crucial role in improving efficiency, accuracy and decision-making in
projects, but also highlights the need for a deeper understanding of the interactions between AI and
human processes in PM. Topics such as the effective integration of AI systems into existing project
environments, the management of organizational changes resulting from the adoption of AI, and the
development of specific skills to manage these new tools still require further research.
Based on this, the research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how AI can be applied
more effectively in PM. Through a critical analysis of existing gaps and the exploration of new
possibilities and approaches, this study aims to enrich the existing theoretical basis, and offer insights
that can be applied in the field of PM. Therefore, it is hoped that this research will shed light on still
nebulous aspects of the relationship between AI and PM and pave the way for future research and
innovation in this dynamic and constantly evolving area.
The research methodology chosen for this thesis is a combination of Multivocal Literature Review
(MLR) and interviews with experienced project managers, particularly in the IT and Consulting fields,
this combination is effective due to its ability to enhance the reliability, applicability across different
contexts, and overall accuracy of the research, as represented in Figure 3. The number of conducted
interviews aligns with the principles of data saturation, allowing for a diverse range of perspectives
while ensuring that the research captures a comprehensive understanding of the integration of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) into IT project management [44].
Formal Grey
Literature Literature
MLR, by incorporating both academic literature and grey literature sources, provides a comprehensive
and updated understanding of the field of AI applied to PM, it allows access to a variety of perspectives
and insights, including recent findings and innovations that may not be available in the traditional
academic publications. This approach is particularly relevant in the field of AI where developments
occur at a rapid pace and may not be readily captured in conventional academic literature[45].
Complementing MLR with interviews offer the opportunity to explore in depth the experiences,
perceptions, and insights of professionals and experts in the field. This enriches the data obtained from
the literature review and provides context and practical application to theoretical findings. Interviews
help identify common themes and develop process models that are relevant and applicable to the
reality of PM [46].
Therefore, the combination of MLR and interviews allows a more profound and diversified analysis,
essential for understanding how AI can be effectively applied and managed in the context of PM. This
methodology provides a holistic view, balancing theoretical rigor with practical insights, essential for
comprehensive and relevant research in the dynamic field of AI and PM.
Establishing the need for an Search process & source Summarizing the extracted
MLR selection data from the selected
•Integrating diverse, current search keywords on chosen literature
insights from both academic search enfines and a pool organizing retrived data into
and industry in the ready for inclusion/exclusion consumable form in charts,
application fo AI in PM tables and lists
Study quality Assessment
Defining MLR's goal Application of Report findings
(1) examine the role and inclusion/exclusion criteria comprehensive insights into
current application of AI in current applications, benefits,
PM Design of data extraction challenges, and emerging
(2) Identify and analyze the forms trends of AI in Project
benefits of integrating AI into Management
attribute identification and
PM processes generalization
(3) Investigate the challenges
associated with implementing
Data extraction
AI in PM and their impact on
overall project performance starts the systematic mapping
and success
Data synthesis
Returns MLR results (answers
to researrch questions)
Figure 5. Multivocal Literature Review - MLR steps adopted in this research [45]
(i) Motivation
This research aims to address the growing complexity and challenges faced in PM, especially in
software development, where traditional methodologies often fail to meet current market dynamics.
With significant investment wasted on unsuccessful projects, as reported by PMI, there is a need to
explore new approaches. AI presents itself as a promising solution, with the potential to revolutionize
PM by automating routine tasks, improving decision-making and providing predictive analysis [6].
To find other studies related to this research, that can provide answers to the proposed
research questions, a search was conducted in September 2023.
• Scopus (
• Web of Science (
• IEEE (
• ACM (
• Springer (
• Google Search (
Abstract Screened
To facilitate the google search, the first 20-page results were exported to a excel file and a manual
analysis was performed to obtain reports, lectures, video/audio, or blogs from reputable sources with
recognized industry practices, checking if the information was accessible as well. The exclusion criteria
are: unidentified authors, without publication date, advertisement or job posts. The inclusion criteria
are: written in English, text accessible and mentioning the keywords.
3.1.2 Conducting the review
This section describes how the review is conducted; it is the second phase of the SLR. The search is
performed in the selected databases using the search query and there is an analysis of the data
extracted from each of the databases.
In the Figure 7. Distribution of the final documents per Database, it’s possible to see the databases
with the corresponding number of articles in terms of contribution.
Distribution of the Final Documents per Database
Scopus 16 Web Of Science
Google 25 ACM
IEEE 1 Web Of Science 4
Springer 0
3.2 Interviews
The criteria to select project managers was having relevant experience in PM, at least 5 years across a
variety of projects and sectors, including professionals from various types of organizations such as large
companies, banks, consulting companies and Information Technology companies from different
geographical regions in Portugal, Brazil, and Mozambique.
The research target group include professionals in different PM contexts, from the highly structured,
phase-based approach of the Waterfall methodology to the more iterative, flexible, and adaptive
framework of Agile methodologies.
These contacts, recommended by professors and professional project managers, provided a rich and
varied perspective on the subject.
The interview questions were carefully designed to align with the research objectives and research
questions, facilitating a thorough examination of AI's use, benefits, challenges, and future impact in IT
project management.
For Research Question (i): What is the role and current application of Artificial Intelligence in project
management? The Questions 1 to 3 explore the current use of AI in PM across various organizations
and industries. These questions aim to understand how AI is transforming traditional project
management practices and provide a clear picture of AI's role and variations in its application.
For Research Question (ii): What are the benefits of integrating artificial intelligence into IT project
management phases, and how do they contribute to improved project outcomes? Questions 4 to 6
focus on the specific benefits AI has introduced to PM, such as improved efficiencies, enhanced
productivity, and better decision-making and risk assessment. These questions help quantify the
positive impact of AI on project outcomes.
For Research Question (iii): What challenges arise from the implementation of artificial intelligence in
IT project management, and how do these challenges influence the overall project performance and
success? Questions 7 to 10 address the challenges and obstacles encountered with AI integration in
PM, including changes in team roles and ethical concerns. Responses to these questions will shed light
on the barriers to AI adoption and how they can be overcome to enhance project success.
For Research Question (iv): How can organizations prepare for the evolving role of AI in project
management, including changes to project manager responsibilities, effective adoption strategies, and
the impact of emerging AI trends? Questions 11 to 15 investigate forward-looking aspects of AI in PM.
They inquire about expected changes in project manager roles, current and future AI adoption
strategies, and emerging trends likely to affect PM practices. These questions are vital for
understanding how organizations can strategically adapt to and benefit from AI's evolving role in PM.
This structured approach ensures the interviews capture essential insights into how AI is reshaping
project management today and in the future.
The interview process was designed to provoke thorough and thoughtful responses, allowing for a
deeper comprehension of the practical applications, possibilities, and concerns associated with
implementing AI in PM across various cultural and professional backgrounds. The aim of collecting this
qualitative data was to enhance the insights gained from the Multivocal Literature Review, providing
a well-rounded view of both the present and future impact of AI in PM.
There was a total of 17 interviews conducted in this research, the justification for this number is the
saturation level, as presented in section 4.5, the amount of new data added in each interview reached
its saturation point [47].
3.2.1 Demographic and Professional Background Information
The interviewees have diverse backgrounds in PM coming from various industries, such as consulting,
banking, health AI, and energy. This diversity suggests that AI in PM is not industry-specific and has
broad applications, this data is presented in Figure 8.
Large Enterprise
60% 6%
12% Energy
Percentage (%)
There is a noticeable gender gap in this sample, with more male (thirteen) than female (four)
participants as presented in Figure 9, this can reflect broader industry trends or be specific to the
regions and sectors sampled.
The age range of 32 to 63 indicates a relatively experienced group of professionals. Most had
substantial professional experience ranging from 12 to 40 years, with significant experience specifically
in PM ranging from 5 to 32 years, this is displayed in Figure 10. This level of experience provides a
mature perspective on the integration of AI into PM.
In terms of educational background, there was a strong emphasis on higher education, with most
interviewees holding master's degrees or higher. The fields of study include Information Technology,
Computer Science, Engineering, and Business, all of which are relevant to both PM and AI.
In terms of professional certifications, many interviewees had professional certifications such as PMP
and Scrum Master. This is a clear indication of formal recognition of PM skills by industry and region.
The types of projects managed by these professionals are diverse, including software development,
infrastructure, ERP, and IT projects, suggesting that AI applications in PM could be versatile across
different project types, more details can be found in Table 4.
PM methodologies used Agile, Waterfall, hybrid and Custom, with Waterfall and Agile being the
minority as shown in Figure 11. The diversity of approaches can influence the integration of AI tools
into PM processes. AI tools might be used differently in agile projects in tasks related to sprint planning,
backlog prioritization in comparison to waterfall projects for risk assessment or schedule forecasting.
Project Management Approach Adoped by Interviewees
86% 86%
The interviewees were from Portugal, Brazil, and Mozambique, the percentages are presented in
Figure 12. Cultural and regional factors in these countries might influence the adoption and perception
of AI in PM, as they are all Portuguese speaking.
Table 4. Interviewees' details
# Gender Age Industry/ Current Role Years of Years of Types of Projects PM Approach Academic and Nationality
Sector Experience Experienc (SW/INFRA/LOW-CODE/ERP) (Agile/Traditional) Professional
e in PM Background
6 M 45 Banking PM 22 22 SW, Construction, Banking, Oil and Agile and traditional Civil Engineering + Mozambique
Gas Master's in PM
and Executive
PMP+Prince 2+P
scrum master
# Gender Age Industry/ Current Role Years of Years of Types of Projects PM Approach Academic and Nationality
Sector Experience Experienc (SW/INFRA/LOW-CODE/ERP) (Agile/Traditional) Professional
e in PM Background
13 M 50 Consultancy Program/ Project 27 8 Industrial Software Waterfall and Agile Masters and Portugal
Manager Bacherol
14 M 32 Banking PM 12 8 Software, Infrastructure, Waterfall and Agile Bacherol Degree + Mozambique
Integration and Products PMP+Scrum
17 M 63 Consultancy Executive PM 40 32 Software for various industries Waterfall / Hybrid MBA in PM and Brazil
The research problem in this study identified in the introduction chapter, centers on the
significant challenges faced in the PM, especially in IT projects like software development or in large
projects that involve many business processes, departments, multiple software, and integrations. PM
plays a pivotal role in transforming strategic visions into business outcomes, but according to statistics
provided by experts the failure rates of projects are still significant [48], with issues like delays,
unachieved goals with significant financial losses. The traditional PM approaches are often inadequate
for the complexity and dynamics of modern IT projects. While agile methodologies have offered some
improvements, they also have limitations and do not guarantee success.
This research aims to explore the role of AI in improving PM. Given the ability of AI with self-
learning, adaptation, and handling a large volume of information, handling complex tasks, and its
ability to automate processes, and offer predictive analysis, position it in a potentially transformative
and game-changing element in PM.
The objectives of this research are to (1) examine the role and current application of AI in PM,
(2) Identify and analyze the benefits of integrating AI into PM processes and how these benefits
contribute to improved project outcomes, (3) Investigate the challenges associated with implementing
AI in PM and their impact on overall project performance and success and (4) Look forward for the
evolution of AI in PM, potential shifts in job roles and strategies of effective AI adoption in PM.
Based on the interviews conducted with project managers, there is a guide of the interview in
the Appendix A – Interview Script, this chapter describes the findings of each part of the interview
which seeks to answer the research questions on this project. The primary focus of the interviews is to
gather insights about several key aspects that derive from the research questions of this study, the
following section describes the focus of the interviews.
▪ Perspectives on AI in PM
This part of the interview focused on gathering insights from participants on how AI is currently
being utilized in their PM practices. This directly addresses the research question regarding
the role and application of AI in PM.
▪ Benefits of Applying AI in PM
Participants were asked to highlight specific benefits they have observed or predict from using
AI in PM. Their responses provide empirical data to answer the research question on the
benefits of integrating AI into PM and its impact on improving project outcomes.
▪ Challenges in Implementing AI in PM
The interviews explored the challenges faced by organizations when incorporating AI into PM.
These insights are critical for addressing the research question related to the challenges of AI
implementation and how they affect the overall success and performance of projects.
▪ Future Perspectives on AI in PM
Finally, participants were challenged to offer their perspectives on the future trends of AI in
PM, including potential shifts in responsibilities and strategies for effective adoption. This
discussion is aimed at answering the research question about the future role of AI in PM and
its implications.
4.1 Perspectives on AI in PM
This section aims to understand the current usage of the use of AI in the interviewee's
organization or industry and the questions focus on the current state, its importance, and examples of
AI tools in use. The aim is to gain insights into the practical integration and perception of AI in PM.
This reflects a scenario where caution and innovation coexist. The limited and cautious use of AI
highlights concerns about security and data privacy, as well as hesitation on the return on investment
and integration with existing processes.
The emerging and exploratory phase indicates a growing interest and recognition of AI’s potential, with
organizations experimenting it in selected projects to gain insights and improve productivity.
Currently, most companies do not formally use AI in PM, according to the majority of interviewees
responses, there is a personal investment from the project managers to use and explore AI tools to
increase productivity, but the use of such tools is very limited in specific companies that are concerned
about their privacy.
4.1.2 Importance of AI in PM
The interviews reveal a variety of perceptions about the importance of AI in the field, one can
visualize this in Figure 13, around 29% of respondents reveal that AI is at an early stage, used mainly
for basic and support tasks, while in another 29% AI improves or speeds up specific tasks, showing a
moderate impact. Around 18% consider AI as essential for strategic tasks, reflecting deeper integration
into their projects. Finally, 24% of respondents consider AI as fully integrated or critical, indicating the
most advanced phase of adoption.
Importance of AI in PM
29% 29%
This diversity of opinions highlights not only the varied stage of AI adoption in PM, but also points to
the need for a deeper understanding of how AI can be strategically implemented to maximize its value
in different PM contexts.
There should be a focus on aligning AI capabilities with specific PM needs, considering the barriers to
its adoption and exploring strategies for its effective integration.
ChatGPT stands out for its versatility, being used to write user stories, build test cases,
generate reports, and even create project plans, other applications include analyzing large volumes of
information, suggesting training, and supporting project development strategy, which brings great
versatility, improvement in efficiency.
But the growing reliance on AI tools raises concerns about the replacement of human skills and the
need to balance automation with human judgment and creativity. The issues on reliability and ethics
in AI are crucial and require transparency and limitations of the tools.
AI requires PM professionals to adapt and develop new skills to use these technologies effectively.
Table 6. AI Tools Currently used for PM Activities by Project Phases and PM Activities
Table 7. Improvements observed with AI
Management Interview
Phase Activities of the Phase Improvements Observed References
Initialization Project setup Time-saving and efficiency 1, 2, 3, 13
Automation of routine tasks 8
Initial task facilitation Time-saving and efficiency 1, 2, 3, 13
Improved Communication 7, 8, 15
Planning Project planning
Streamlined Decision-Making Processes 7, 8, 15
Increased Project Transparency 7, 8, 15
Improved Risk Management 4, 17
Proactive Issue Identification and
4, 17
Enhanced productivity 5, 6, 14
AI contributes significantly to saving time and efficiency, improving productivity by freeing project
managers from repetitive tasks and allowing focus on strategic activities.
AI also improves the quality and accuracy of deliverables and facilitates efficient communication
between stakeholders.
The automation of routine tasks and comprehensive support in various areas of knowledge in PM
highlight the potential of AI to transform PM, making it more integrated and efficient.
These results point to a future where AI will be an essential component in PM.
4.2.2 Impact of using AI on efficiency and productivity
According to the data presented in Table 8, many interviewees indicate significant increases in
productivity, ranging from 50% to over 150%. AI is seen as an accelerator that improves efficiency in
task management, contributes to more accurate technical estimates and has a notable impact on
complex tasks, automating processes and freeing project managers to focus on more critical aspects.
However, there are also challenges, such as the difficulty in defining parameters to measure the impact
of AI and the lack of clear benchmarks for its measurement, indicating that, in some cases, the adoption
of AI is still at an early or experimental stage.
% Interviews
Common Insights Description
Reflecting Insight
AI significantly boosts productivity, with some
Increase in Productivity 59%
interviews noting increases of 50% to over 150%
The impact of AI on efficiency and productivity reveals a mixed picture, on one hand there is significant
recognition of the benefits of AI, with reports of notable increases in productivity, efficiency in task
management and improvement in estimation, but on the other hand, the discussion also shows
challenges, especially in the initial phase of AI adoption.
To bring effective efficiency and productivity there is a need of time investment into exploring the tools
and find the best way to integrate into the organization processes.
There is balance between AI’s significant advantages and the need for caution. While AI improves
decision-making through advanced analytics, predictive insights, and strategic support, raising the
efficiency and quality of projects, there are also concerns about its limitations.
It is emphasized that AI must complement, not replace, human judgment, indicating the need for a
balanced and responsible integration of technology into PM, where human experience remains a vital
Table 9. Contribution of AI in Decision Making in PM
Predictive Insights Medium 41% AI offers predictive analytics for proactive decision-making
Highlights the need for cautious use of AI in decision-
Cautious Use Low 29%
making due to its limitations
As presented in Table 10, AI enhances the ability to identify, analyze and manage risks more effectively,
leading to better project outcomes, however there is a need of human judgment for effective risk
AI shows significant potential in improving risk identification and analysis, offering predictive insights,
and raising the quality of risk assessment in projects.
These capabilities allow project managers to take a more informed and proactive approach, potentially
leading to more successful outcomes.
There are also limitations to AI, which leads to the importance of thoughtful and conscious application.
Risk Identification AI is used for identifying and analyzing various types of risks, including
and Analysis financial, operational, and legal risks
Predictive Risk AI provides predictive insights on potential risks, aiding in proactive risk
Management management
Quality Assurance
in Risk 41% AI improves the quality and accuracy of risk assessment processes
Cautious Use in Highlights the need for cautious use of AI in risk assessment due to its
Risk Assessment limitations
4.3 Challenges
This part addresses the challenges and obstacles encountered when implementing AI in PM. It includes
questions about the impact on PM roles and responsibilities, ethical and privacy concerns, and
strategies for overcoming these challenges. The focus is on understanding the difficulties faced and
how they are being managed.
14 Low AI's impact is low, mainly used for repetitive and automation tasks.
# Impact Measure Description
AI has a low impact currently but has potential to improve various aspects
15 Low
of PM.
16 Low AI's impact is currently low, focused on repetitive and automation tasks.
The scale used to measure the impact is classified from low to high. AI is predominantly used in
automation tasks and is in its experimental stages, its potential to transform the role of the project
manager is clear. There is need to invest in the right knowledge and tools is crucial to fully exploit this
potential. It’s important to maintain a balance between AI capabilities and human skills, especially in
managing teams and understanding the complexity of PM.
This suggests a future evolution in which AI not only optimizes processes but also collaborates with
human skills to achieve more efficient PM.
There are still many challenges/obstacles to AI implementation. The reliability of AI tools and concerns
about data security are the main obstacles, reflecting the need for mechanisms to ensure data privacy
and regulations to protect companies and individuals.
Resistance to change and fear of job loss highlight the importance of sensitive approaches to change
management, emphasizing the need for effective communication and training.
There is a need for a careful assessment of the cost-benefit of AI.
For a successful implementation of AI in PM, a holistic strategy that addresses both technical, human,
and organizational concerns is essential.
The concerns about data privacy and security are the most prominent, reflecting the critical
importance of protecting sensitive information.
Transparency is also key, highlighting the need for clarity in the use and management of data.
The risk of dehumanization raises questions about maintaining a balance between technological
efficiency and human elements in PM.
The ethical use and compliance with legal standards highlight the need for a robust ethical framework
and clear accountability mechanisms, ensuring that AI is used responsibly.
This underlines the importance of addressing these concerns in an integrated way, ensuring an
effective and responsible AI implementation.
4.3.4 Strategies for Overcoming Challenges/Obstacles
The key strategies for overcoming challenges in implementing AI are shown in Table 14, they include
an emphasis on training and awareness, highlighting the need to develop skills and acceptance of AI
among PM professionals. Security and privacy are one of the primary concerns, underlining the
importance of trust and security compliance. A human-centered approach is seen as essential to
maintain human judgment and interaction. Effective communication and coaching are crucial to
facilitate understanding and buy-in to AI. A gradual implementation of AI is recognized as a prudent
strategy to mitigate risks and adapt to new technologies, allowing for adjustments based on
continuous feedback and learning.
Strategy Category Impact
Effective Communication and Facilitates user acceptance and integration of AI into PM
Coaching processes
Experimentation and Tests AI's applicability and impact, helps understand practical
Contextual Relevance benefits and limitations
4.4 Future
The final section looks to the future, exploring predictions about the future role of the PM in
environment with AI, ongoing AI initiatives, emerging trends, and recommendations for the
implementation of AI in the PM. This part of the interviews aims to collect thoughts on the evolution
of PM with AI and advice for organizations looking to adopt AI in their PM practices.
4.4.1 Predictions for the AI-Powered PM Role
As the Table 15. Predictions on AI role in PM reveals, the role of project managers is expected to evolve
significantly with the integration of AI. AI promises to revolutionize efficiency and productivity by
automating routine tasks and providing advanced analytics, allowing project managers to focus on
more strategic and decision-making functions.
Most agree that the human element, with its interpersonal skills and ability to manage ethical and
emotional complexities, remains irreplaceable.
The most likely scenario seems to be a hybrid working environment, where project managers and AI
collaborate, complementing each other, with AI as a support tool rather than a substitute for human
Hybrid Roles and Future PM roles might involve working in tandem Collaborative
Collaboration with AI with AI, forming hybrid roles where AI handles Decision-Making,
lower-risk tasks. Process Optimization
Diverse Opinions on AI Some see AI as a potential replacement for PMs, Project Coordination,
Replacing PMs while others view it as a transformative tool. Resource
Importance of Human The human aspect of PM, especially in managing Team Leadership,
Element people and complex decisions, remains crucial Stakeholder
despite AI's influence Engagement, Ethical
Enhanced Decision- AI is expected to significantly improve decision- Data-Driven Advisor,
Making Capabilities making capabilities in PM by providing data- Predictive Analyst
driven insights and predictions
Increased Focus on As AI takes over more technical tasks, PMs may Coach, Team
Interpersonal Skills need to focus more on developing and using Dynamics Facilitator
interpersonal skills.
4.4.2 Ongoing AI Projects/Initiatives
The integration of AI in PM is at various stages across different organizations/sectors, we can observe
in Table 16. Insights on Projects or Initiatives of using AI in PM, that some organizations are still looking
at AI as a future endeavor, while others are actively exploring its potential through educational
programs, task automation, and tool exploration. The results are mixed, with some projects showing
promise and others identifying challenges. The approach ranges from individual efforts by a big
percentage of project managers to more formalized organizational strategies, with a general
recognition of the need for AI to handle complex and large project data.
There is a diverse and evolving landscape, while most organizations are still in the exploration and
evaluation phase of AI, there are organizations already implementing AI in PM, indicating a growing
This trend suggests a growing recognition of AI's potential to improve efficiency and effectiveness in
PM, although it also highlights caution with a balanced approach.
The diversity in initiatives points to the need for personalized and adaptive strategies, considering the
specificities of each organization, as well as the importance of AI education and training to facilitate a
smooth and effective transition to these new technologies.
Exploratory and
Exploring AI capabilities and educating employees
Educational 29%
about AI.
gain a competitive edge, as they can bring their advanced knowledge into their organizations. Table 17
presents the trends mentioned by Interviewees and their impact in PM.
The growing integration of AI in PM is transforming the field, with major technology players driving
the adoption and reliability of AI tools, leading to extensive changes in industry practices.
This evolution significantly improves operational efficiency through automation and enhanced
decision-making. A need arises for specialization and standardization in AI to ensure effective and
reliable applications.
Familiarity with AI is becoming a competitive advantage for project managers, bringing valuable
innovations to organizations. PM roles are evolving into hybrid collaborations with AI, optimizing
processes and decisions. Large technology companies' investment in AI is shaping market trends,
influencing the adoption and application of AI in PM.
4.4.4 Recommendations for Implementing AI in PM
The recommendations for implementing AI in PM (Table 18) involve a combination of strategic
planning, professional training, experimentation, and continuous learning. A top-down approach,
coupled with practical trials and a focus on data privacy, is advised. Most of the contributions
highlighted that companies should be encouraged to be open to experimentation, gradually invest in
AI, and stay informed about market trends and competitors' strategies and their evolution with AI.
Establishing a dedicated committee to oversee AI integration and developing a clear roadmap are also
considered key strategies.
Table 18. Recommendations for Implementing AI in PM with levels of priority
4.4.5 Additional Aspects/Final Comments
The implementation of AI in PM is seen as beneficial, especially in terms of productivity, it comes with
challenges and considerations. These include the pace of adoption, security and privacy concerns,
potential impacts on employment, the need for specialized tools, and legislative barriers. Additionally,
there are concerns about responsibility and accountability in decision-making when AI is involved.
Staying updated with the latest developments in AI research and actively experimenting with various
tools are recommended strategies for address these challenges.
The interviews reflect a cautious optimism about AI in PM, recognizing its potential to significantly
enhance productivity and decision-making while also acknowledging the challenges in adoption,
integration, and the broader impacts on the workforce and legal frameworks.
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Table 19. Levels of Saturation per Interview
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17
1 100% 33% 25% 40% 14% 13% 11% 10% 9% 17% 7% 0% 7% 13% 0% 0% 0%
on AI in PM 2 100% 100% 50% 33% 25% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 0% 0%
4 100% 100% 33% 75% 14% 13% 11% 10% 9% 8% 15% 13% 12% 5% 10% 0% 0%
Benefits 5 100% 100% 33% 100% 13% 11% 10% 9% 8% 8% 14% 13% 11% 5% 5% 0% 0%
6 100% 100% 50% 67% 20% 17% 14% 13% 11% 0% 10% 9% 8% 0% 8% 0% 0%
7 100% 100% 0% 100% 25% 20% 17% 14% 13% 11% 10% 9% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0%
8 100% 67% 40% 29% 11% 10% 27% 14% 13% 11% 10% 23% 11% 7% 6% 0% 3%
9 100% 100% 25% 20% 0% 33% 38% 18% 0% 0% 15% 7% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0%
10 100% 33% 25% 40% 14% 13% 22% 9% 8% 15% 13% 6% 11% 5% 10% 0% 4%
11 100% 100% 33% 25% 20% 0% 17% 14% 13% 22% 18% 15% 13% 6% 6% 0% 0%
12 100% 100% 33% 25% 20% 17% 14% 0% 13% 11% 10% 9% 17% 7% 7% 0% 0%
Future 13 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 50% 33% 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0%
14 100% 100% 0% 100% 33% 25% 0% 10% 0% 18% 15% 13% 6% 17% 10% 0% 4%
15 100% 100% 50% 33% 25% 20% 17% 14% 13% 11% 10% 9% 8% 8% 7% 0% 0%
4.6 Presentation of Data from Grey Literature
The application of AI in PM has shown significant results in several areas, as revealed by the
research. According to the data compiled in Table 20, AI has contributed to a notable improvement in
the automation of repetitive tasks and operational efficiency, being mentioned in 80% of the sources
analyzed. Around 70% of sources emphasize its role in improving decision-making and data analysis,
and risk management, mentioned in 60% of sources. AI also plays a crucial role in strategic planning
and project execution, as well as fostering collaboration between humans and machines.
The integration of AI into PM presents challenges, including ethical considerations and the need to
train and adapt professionals, as indicated by 25% of the sources.
Summarizing, AI is transforming PM, increasing efficiency and effectiveness, while raising important
questions about its implementation and ethical use.
Table 20. Aspects of AI in PM mentioned in the Articles from the Grey Literature
Category Description
in Sources
4.7 Interpretation of Interview Data
The interview script explores the relationship between AI and PM, it’s organized into five
distinct sections, it begins by collecting basic information about the interviewee, covering aspects such
as demographic profile, professional background, overall experience and with PM, education and types
of projects managed. The second part focuses on the interviewee's views on the current use and
potential of AI in PM. The third section seeks to understand the improvements and advantages
recognized with the adoption of AI in PM processes, assessing its impact on the effectiveness and
productivity of teams, as well as its role in decision-making and risk management. The fourth part of
the interview explores the challenges of adopting AI in PM, including changes in roles and
responsibilities, ethical or privacy issues and recommendations to overcome the challenges. Finally,
the discussion turns to the future, addressing predictions about how AI might change PM role, ongoing
AI-related projects, emerging trends, and recommendations for the effective implementation of AI in
PM. The interview ends with an opportunity for the interviewee to share additional experiences
related to the use of AI in PM or other aspects not discussed during the interview.
About the role and current application of AI in PM, the interviews indicate that the adoption of AI in
PM is still in its early stages, with most organizations experimenting AI for data analysis, routine task
automation, and operational efficiency enhancement. This early adoption stage is significant as it
reflects a growing interest in AI within the PM domain, yet also underscores a cautious approach due
to AI's emerging nature in this field. The primary application areas identified include risk assessment,
resource allocation, and predictive analytics, suggesting that AI's potential is recognized particularly in
enhancing decision-making and foresight in PM.
About the benefits of integrating AI into PM, one of the key benefits, as revealed by the interviews, is
the enhancement of efficiency and productivity. AI's ability to automate repetitive tasks allows project
managers to focus more on strategic aspects, optimizing time management and resource allocation.
Additionally, AI's data-driven insights contribute to more accurate and timely decision-making,
reducing errors and enhancing project outcomes. Predictive analytics is another significant benefit that
enables project managers to forecast project risks and outcomes, allowing proactive measures and
better readiness.
There are also challenges in Implementing AI in IT PM, such as, inaccuracies in complex calculations
and integration issues with existing systems, those were frequently mentioned. These technical
challenges highlight the need for ongoing development and refinement of AI tools in PM. Another
major challenge is organizational resistance, including cultural barriers to AI adoption and fears of job
displacement among employees. This resistance emphasizes the importance of effective change
management and stakeholder engagement strategies in the successful integration of AI. Ethical and
privacy concerns, particularly regarding data privacy and the ethical implications of decision-making
by AI systems, also emerged as significant challenges. These concerns raise critical questions about
governance, ethical standards, and legal implications in the use of AI.
Discussing the impact on project performance and success, the interviews suggest that AI can
significantly enhance efficiency and decision-making in PM, the above-mentioned challenges can
impede project success if not addressed properly. This situation calls for a balanced approach in AI
integration, where the benefits of AI are leveraged while actively addressing its limitations. Such an
approach is crucial for realizing AI's full potential in improving project outcomes and ensuring the
overall success of IT projects.
4.8 Insights from this research
The insights from the collection of papers and interviews contributed for the creation of a
comprehensive guide as represented in Figure 15. Blueprint to Implement AI in Project
ManagementFigure 15. Blueprint to Implement AI in Project Management, it charts out a multi-step
process for integrating AI into PM. The process must start with strategic assessment and planning,
followed by the careful selection of AI technologies suited to organizational needs, the guide then
advises on the execution of pilot projects to refine AI strategies, underpins the importance of training
for skill development, and emphasizes robust data management for insightful analytics. Additionally,
it underlines the necessity of adhering to ethical guidelines and implementing security measures to
ensure responsible use of AI. The process is designed to be iterative, with ongoing integration, scaling,
and continuous monitoring to adapt to new developments and feedback, engaging a range of
professionals from project managers to IT specialists throughout the journey.
The blueprint is described in detail in Table 21, it is an output resulting from the findings of this study,
a guide for companies looking to integrate AI into their PM practices, it can serve as a roadmap,
detailing a step-by-step approach to effectively combine AI with existing PM methodologies to
enhance efficiency, decision-making, and overall project outcomes.
Table 21. Detail of the Blueprint for integrating AI into PM
The Table 22 outlines the frequency with which specific steps for integrating AI into project
management are mentioned across different interviews. Each step, such as "Strategic Assessment &
Planning," "Selection of AI Technologies," and "Ethical & Responsible AI Use," is associated with a list
of interview numbers where these topics were mentioned. This organization provides insights into
how often each step in the proposed AI integration framework is addressed, indicating the areas of
emphasis and concern across a series of interviews related to project management.
Phases from the Proposed Guide Interviews that mention the Concept
Table 23 summarizes the concepts mentioned by each Interviewee, organized in key actions, tools, and
human resources needed for integrating AI into PM across the proposed steps. Each entry in the table
identifies specific key actions required, such as evaluating processes, planning integration phases, and
developing training programs. It also lists corresponding tools and resources like project management
software, and data management systems, tailored for each action. Additionally, the table specifies the
human resources needed for these tasks, including Project Managers, AI Specialists, Data Analysts, and
Legal Advisors among others.
# Key Actions Tools/Resources Human Resources Needed
Implement data quality controls, Data management
Data Scientists, Database
6 Use AI for analytics, Leverage systems, Analytics
Administrators, Data Analysts
insights for decision-making software
Develop ethical guidelines, Ethical standards
Compliance Officers, Legal Advisors,
7 Implement security measures, checklist, Security
Ethical AI Advocates
Regularly review AI decisions protocols
Plan phased integration, Evaluate
Integration roadmap, Change Managers, IT Specialists,
and scale AI use, Adapt integration
8 Scaling strategy Project Management Office (PMO)
plan as needed
documents Staff
Table 24 provides an overview of the strategic steps for integrating Artificial AI into PM, as discussed
across various papers. It identifies eight key steps such as strategic assessment, technology selection,
and continuous adaptation, each supported by references from specific documents, this summary
shows how these steps are addressed in the literature.
Table 24. Guide Phases mentioned by the Papers
Table 25 summarizes the concepts mentioned by literature, organized in key actions, tools/resources,
and human resources needed for integrating AI into PM across the proposed steps.
Table 25. Guide concepts mentioned in the Papers
4.9 Comparison between the Interviews, grey literature, and papers findings
This section provides a comparison between the interview responses, outcomes from the grey
literature and the findings of the academic papers.
Table 26. Comparison between interviews, grey literature and paper findings
There is a notable congruence between the results of the interviews, the grey literature, and the
academic literature, especially on topics such as automation, efficiency, decision-making and analysis,
and risk management. The interviews tend to reflect practical and immediate concerns, while the
academic literature offers a deeper, research-based analysis, and the grey literature serves as a middle
ground, addressing both practical applications and emerging trends. Together, these sources provide
a comprehensive view of the current and future role of AI in PM.
There is also an evolution in the field of AI tools and resources that are evolving, many vendors are
adding AI capabilities to their tools, vendors like Clarizen, Zoho Projects, JIRA by Atlassian, Asana and
Trello [52]. Some AI-powered assistants are being tested and made available, some of them are PMotto
( and a PMI initiative denominated PMI Infinity (
that’s available in a beta version.
The research conducted provides an in-depth analysis of the integration of AI into PM, exploring its
current applications, benefits, challenges, and potential future developments. This conclusion draws
connections between these findings and the research questions initially posed, highlighting the
important contributions made by this research. The revision of the literature together with the
insightful interviews with PM professionals and an exploration of the grey literature has established a
foundation for a deeper understanding of this constantly progressing field.
The role and current application of AI in PM have been identified as predominantly experimental but
growing rapidly, the interviews with project management professionals and reviews of both published
and grey literature indicate an increasing enthusiasm for using AI to enhance decision-making and
operational efficiency in project environments. As the use of AI in PM is still in its early stages, and
there is still a lot of work to be done to explore its true potential, many industry tech giants and
researchers are already working in tools and models that will be disruptive and will transform the way
projects are managed.
Integrating AI into PM offers numerous advantages, this research highlights how AI can substantially
improve project results by enhancing data-driven decision-making and automating routine and
repetitive tasks. This enables project managers to focus on more strategic elements of project
governance, thus boosting success rates and stakeholder satisfaction. The empirical evidence from
tech industry leaders also reinforces the idea that AI can augment emotional intelligence, creativity,
and bias reduction in project decision-making processes.
The research investigates the challenges associated with implementing AI in PM, the key challenges
identified include concerns related to privacy, data security, and ethical considerations such as bias
and accountability in decision-making. This discussion around the challenges is further being deepened
by examining regulatory frameworks, such as the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act by the European
Union, which seeks to regulate the ethical application of AI technologies [53].
The future role of AI in PM is seen as transformative, the research suggests that AI will revolutionize
not only how projects are managed but will also change the essential skills and responsibilities of
project managers. This evolution suggests a shift towards a hybrid management approach where AI
complements human expertise, especially in areas like risk management and predictive analytics. The
potential future is yet to be realized, and there are opportunities in various areas such as agile and
scrum, where the way teams work is the focus, and can undergo significant changes.
Overall, incorporating AI into PM can result in improved project results and satisfaction among
stakeholders. The emotional intelligence, creativity, and capacity of project managers to overcome
personal biases in their decision-making processes have all seen significant enhancement [27].
AI tools greatly assist project managers in controlling and monitoring projects. However, the
limitations and flaws present in many of the examined models suggest that project managers should
still rely on their expertise when interpreting results. The practice of integrating various AI tools
remains prevalent, allowing the strengths of one to offset the weaknesses of another. This method is
returning the most effective outcomes, indicating a clear direction for the future [38].
The research presents a detailed overview of how the role of AI can improve PM across several key
areas, offering a comprehensive vision for its application. Firstly, AI significantly enhances operational
aspects by improving data-driven decision-making and automating routine tasks, this revolutionizes
traditional PM methodologies like Agile and Waterfall. Secondly, AI's analytical capabilities are
excellent to improve risk management with predictive analytics, allowing proactive risk assessment
and customized project solutions and strategies. Thirdly, the human aspect of PM is reshaped by AI, as
it facilitates communication and collaboration. Finally, the study addresses the larger context of AI
adoption, focusing on ethical concerns, governance, and the evolving roles and skills required in PM,
pointing to a future where strategic thinking and AI proficiency are crucial.
The integration of AI in PM is not just an enhancement of the existing practices, it represents a evolving
shift that can redefine the entire core of PM. AI can significantly transform PM by boosting productivity
and enhancing the success rates of projects [22].
This thesis contributes to the field of AI in PM by introducing new perspectives and methodologies,
the development of a blueprint for integrating AI into PM processes offers a structured approach for
companies looking into applying AI in PM, the contributions serve as a starting point for future research
and practice, bridging the gaps in existing literature and providing a fresh perspective into the domain.
For organizations looking to integrate AI into their PM processes, a gradual, structured and informed
approach is recommended prioritizing training and awareness among PM professionals and employees
will be key to a successful transformation.
This research is the beginning of a journey into the integration of AI in PM, the potential for AI to
transform this field is substantial, and this work can be a starting point for future explorations into this
dynamic and promising field.
5.1 Limitations
One of the limitations of this research is the existence of few scientific publications on the subject
following the recent major advancements in Generative AI, as the interest of application of AI in the
field of PM now getting more popular.
We can also point out that since most organizations have not yet adopted AI in PM, it is not possible
to measure its impact, nor have information on the benefits and limitations of its implementation in
the real-world projects.
The rapid evolution of AI technology can make some of the findings outdated, as new developments
and applications are quickly emerging in the field.
Bearing in mind that few of the interviewees were project managers working in more conservative
sectors, it is possible that their vision is limited to the policies/specificities or limitations of their sector.
The research discussed the future potential of AI in PM, however, given the rapid evolution of the AI
field, these predictions can be considered speculative and can be subject to uncertainty.
5.2 Future Work
Considering all the work carried out in this research, it would be interesting to continue this research
and further explore organizations that use AI to improve their projects, in this context some proposals
for future work are presented below.
Case studies in specific organizations or sectors that have already implemented AI in PM and seek to
understand how AI is applied in practice, study the real challenges, and the benefits and measure the
impact in a project context.
Development of AI frameworks or tools that integrate into PM areas based on gaps and challenges
identified in a specific sector or organization.
Implement AI in a project or product led organization and document the entire process from
specification, implementation, rollout and understand the impact on team productivity and how it has
managed to add value to the business.
Developing predictive and risk analysis models for PM in specific sectors based on information from
previous projects, improving the ability to predict and mitigate potential problems.
Another future work can the development of a framework for the integration of AI into various PM
methodologies, expanding upon the findings of the current study.
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• Gender
• Age
• Industry/Sector in which you work
• Job Title
• Years of Professional Experience and Years of Experience in PM
• Experience with what type of projects (SW/INFRA/LOW-CODE/ERP)
• PM Methodology (Agile, Traditional, or other)
• Academic and Professional Background (Bachelor's/Master's/Areas, PMP, Prince2, Scrum Master)
1. How would you describe the current state of application of AI in PM in your organization/industry? How
has AI changed the approach to PM in your organization?
2. How do you think AI can be instrumental in the field of PM?
3. Could you give examples of AI tools you have used and at what stages or for what type of tasks you have
used them?
4. What improvements have you seen since integrating AI into your PM processes?
5. What impact has the use of AI had on the efficiency and productivity of project teams?
Do you have any indicators showing progress with the use of AI tools in PM?
6. How has AI contributed to decision-making and risk assessment in your IT projects?
Part 4 - Challenges
7. How has the introduction of AI affected the roles and responsibilities of PMs and project teams?
8. What obstacles/challenges have you encountered when implementing AI in your PM practices?
9. Do you Have any ethical or privacy concerns arisen from the use of AI in your projects?
10. What strategies have you adopted, or do you propose to overcome these obstacles/challenges?
Part 5 - Future
11. How do you foresee the role of the PM evolving with AI? Could AI replace the PM?
12. Are there any projects or initiatives underway in your organization to adopt AI in PM?
13. What emerging trends in AI do you believe will have a significant impact on PM in the coming years?
14. What recommendations would you give to companies in the sector implementing AI in PM (Strategic,
Technical or Implementation)?
15. Are there any additional aspects you'd like to share about your experiences of applying AI in PM that
were not discussed until now?
ProQuest Number: 31517940
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