MRKT 2400 Syllabus Spring 24
MRKT 2400 Syllabus Spring 24
MRKT 2400 Syllabus Spring 24
School of Business
1. Course Information
2. Course Description
The marketing course is designed to prepare students to think strategically about marketing in
contemporary business by recalling and applying integrating concepts in relation to consumer
needs, marketing information, product development, pricing, distribution, selling, advertising,
and promotions. The course is structured to provide ample opportunity for interaction among
students, and between students and the instructor. The methods include lectures (which may
involve power point presentation, video and audio aids), student presentations, projects, case
studies, debates and class discussions.
4. Course Literature
Course Text
Core Textbook
Kotler Ph. and Armstrong G. (2024). Principles of Marketing. Pearson. 19 th Global Edition.
Harlow, UK
Recommended Textbook
Opresnik M. and Hollensen S. (2020) Marketing: Principles and Practice: A management-
oriented approach. Opresnik Management Consulting. 4th edition
Ridderstråle, J. and Nordström K. (2005), Funky Business: Talent Makes Capital Dance,
Pearson Education Limited Financial Times, UK
Other reading
5. Assessment
1. There will be 4 quizzes during the semester. The quizzes will consist of multiple-choice
questions. The quizzes aim to assess students’ understanding of the relevant material and
ability to relate it to organizational context rather than to stimulate simple memorization
of the key definitions. The quizzes will cover topics discussed prior to the scheduled quiz
date. The quizzes will be held during the regular class hours. The exact date of each quiz
will be specified and communicated to students beforehand. No books or electronic
devices are allowed. There will be no make-up exams! If a student misses a quiz for any
reason except for medical emergency, that student will get zero on that quiz.
2. There will be one presentation during the semester. The presentation is a group
assignment. The professor will give a topic of presentation to each group separately. The
topic will be presented in the class using power point presentation or similar. All group
members are required to present. The use of AI is not permitted.
Participation is graded:
o High quality contributions in class on a Consistent Basis (80-100%)
o High or medium quality contributions on a Consistent or Semi-Consistent Basis
o Poor participation (<60%)
Points for participation will be decreased for any disruption of class or any attempt of
bargaining or arguing for grades.
Note: The grade will be objectively assessed based on the 3 components described above during
the course of the semester. Begging, bargaining and arguing over grades are not permitted and
will negatively affect the overall grade.
Grading Scale
The following scale will be used for assessing your work, as outlined by ADA BA Regulations.
Your final course grade is the sum of the points you score on each of the assignments (grading
components) multiplied by their relative weight.
6. Schedule
All students are required to uphold and embody the requirements and principles stated in the
ADA Honor Code. You are responsible for reading the Honor Code in detail and obey it at all
times during the course of your studies at ADA, as it is an institutional document which applies
to all classes and other activities at ADA University.
8. Other