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The key takeaways from the course outline are that the course will cover conceptual foundations of CRM, issues in implementing CRM strategies, measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, and designing and evaluating CRM programs. Students will learn about both offline and online CRM models and applications.

The broad themes that will be covered include CRM philosophy and models, customer acquisition/retention/growth, customer pruning, key CRM indices, customer recovery, customer engagement, building customer-centric organizations, and managing customer experience and future trends.

The evaluation criteria includes quizzes (5%), end-term examination (30%), and an individual/group project (15%).

Management Development Institute Gurgaon

Course Outline
Programme: PGPM
Title of the Course : Customer Relationship Management
Course Credit : 3 (1.5 Marketing and 1.5 IT)
Core/Elective : Elective Term : 5
Area : Marketing Academic Year : 2020/21
Course Faculty : Dr. Neelu S. Bhullar
Contact No.: 4013050-59, 2349831-36 (ext: 376)
Mobile: 9718097075
Email : [email protected]

Aim of the course:

The participants should be able to understand the opportunities available to marketers to
harness the benefits of CRM. Apply their learning about CRM in any business context

I. Course Objectives : The course will provide participants insight on:

Theoretical and conceptual foundations of CRM

CRM as an organizational performance enhancing mechanism

Issues in Implementing CRM strategies

Measuring and managing customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer
profitability, and lifetime value
The above will help students understand –
1. The contextual aspects of marketing implementations
2. Designing, Implementing and evaluating CRM programs in real life

II. Assurance of Learning (Program Level Goals and Program Level Outcomes)
LG3: Analytical and Integrative Thinking
LO1: Be able to identify symptoms and key factors of a business problem. Clearly
define a business problem using key facts
LO2: Be able to critically analyze the identified business problem using analytical
techniques, models, or frameworks in order to integrate different aspects of business.
LO3: Be able to propose potential alternative solutions, evaluate them and
recommend an appropriate solution

III. Pedagogical Methods :The course will use three teaching styles according to the three Ds:
Directing, Discussing, and Delegating

 The directing style promotes learning through listening and following

directions and this will include Lectures by the faculty and Guest speakers
 The discussing style promotes learning through interaction and this will be
done by use of case method and video analysis.
 The delegating style promotes learning through empowerment and will be
achieved by giving individual and group projects
IV. Evaluation Criteria

Sr. No. Name of Component Approximate % Weightage

Number Assigned
1 Quizzes 1-2 5%
2 End-Term Examination 1 30%
3 Individual/ Group project 1 15%
Total Weightage Assigned 50%

V. Compulsory Text Book

There is no prescribed text for the course. A reading Kit having relevant articles and cases
will be shared by the course faculty

VI. Content and tentative session plan

Broad Themes
• CRM- Philosophy and Models- Offline and Online (What has changed)
• Customer Acquisition, Retention and Growth loyalty and satisfaction
• Customer Pruning- Managing Unprofitable relationship
• Key Indices- challenges-NPS, CLV, CRV, Customer Equity etc- How to capture the
• Customer Recovery- Complaint Handling, Lost client and lost Business analysis
• Customer Engagement
• Building Customer Centric Organizations
• Managing Customer Experience with help of Customer Journeys
• Future trends and concerns- Dark side of CRM
Session Topic Case/ Article

CASE : When to Drop an Unprofitable Customer

1 CRM-Theme and Issues Article The Right Way to Manage Unprofitable Customers
CASE :Dark side of Customer Analytics
2 Dark Side of CRM Article: CRM in the 21st Century
CASE : Cabo San Veijo
3 Customer Loyalty Article The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty
Guest Speaker: Managing Loyalty
4 CRM in the digital ERA

Customer Experience CASE: Sustaining Customer Centricity at Chateauform Theme:

5 Management Theme: Customer Experience Management
CRM- B2B - Customer
Satisfaction and CASE: Kimura KK
6 Recovery Article Customer Management strategy in Business Markets
Guest Speaker- CRM practises : A case of FMCG, Consumer
7 CRM in Practise Durable and Platform company.
8 Customer Engagement Theme: Measures of CRM
Customer Centric
Organization- Acquiring
9 and retaining Customers CASE: Glossier
Leveraging Digital CASE : Customer-centricity in the Industrial Gas Sector: The Air
technology to leverage Liquide-Airgas Merger
10 customer relationship

VII. List of Suggested Readings

1. When to Drop an Unprofitable Customer
2. Dark side of Customer Analytics
3. Cabo San Veijo
4. Kimura KK
6. Glossier
7. Customer-centricity in the Industrial Gas Sector: The Air Liquide-Airgas Merger
8. Sustaining Customer Centricity at Chateauform


1. CRM in the 21st Century
2. Competing on Customer Journey
3. The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty
4. Competing with loyalty: How to design successful customer loyalty reward programs
5. The Right Way to Manage Unprofitable Customers
6. Managing Social Media crises with your customers: The good, the bad, and the ugly
7. Reading Note: Customer Management strategy in Business Markets
8. Reading Note: Customer Profitability and Lifetime Value
9. Reading Note :Customer Lifetime Social Value
10. The age of continuous connection
11. Solving the Crisis of Immediacy
12. A better way to manage Customer Experience

VIII. All assignments have to be mailed to the class CR only. The CR will compile and
share the assignments with the faculty. No late submissions will be mark

Assignment : Individual (8%)

Write a personal reflection on any one of the following
1. Customer Loyalty
2. Customer Complaints Handling
3. Customer Journey Mapping- Apply it on any one of your own consumption
4. Company Exploitation- Abusive practices by Customers
Suggested Format: Soft Copy
A4 Size page- Minimum 4 pages (approx 2000 words)
Mindmap or a sketch note will be appreciated -( In addition to 2000 words)

It should include:
 Your personal experience on the chosen topic
 Some primary research (like talking to a few friends about it)
 Some secondary research ( popular press or social media)
 Must include or loose marks: It should include a framework, a theory or a
model ( you can use a existing one or propose a new one)
Submission date : November 19th

Group Assignment (7%) . All the participants are allotted a group . Each group is assigned a
theme or a case. Each group has to submit a write up on the allotted theme or the case. The
groups also have to submit a PPT. These also have to be shared with the CR. The groups will
be asked to make the presentation during the allotted sessions. The final write up will be
evaluated on:
For Theme based
1) The theoretical concepts covered-width and depth - mind map of the same
2) Examples from personal experience or other organization on the application of the
3) Critiquing the concept and suggesting improvements if possible
4) Assessing its applicability in the digital ecosystem (wherever possible)

For Case Based

1) The critical questions raised and answered
2) Link with theoretical concepts
3) Applications for Indian companies- ( Can share personal experiences from workplace)
4) Key learning’s

A written submission in word Doc and a PPT is to be made. The submission date is
November 10th The assignment is to be submitted even if the presentation is on a later date

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