English Note

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Active vs passive voice

tense active passive

Present Simple I do it It is done

Past Simple I did it It was done
Future Simple I will do it It will be done
Present Continuous I am doing it It is being done
Past Continuous I was doing it It was being done
Present Perfect I have done it It has been done
Past Perfect I had done it It had been done
Future Perfect I will have done it It’ll have been done

Passive voice
to be + 3 форма
active I read a book - я читаю книгу

passive A book is read by me - книга прочитана мною

Examples: 1) My flat is being repaired - моя квартира будується

2) Two cinemas will be built - два кінотеатри будуватимуться

По суті це речення,які у нас прийнято називати -

безособові,зміни залежать від часу в якому це

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