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Quarter 2

At the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:
• Evaluate how functions of education affect the lives of
people in society; (UCSP11/12HSO--IIf-26)
• Promote primary education as a human right
It is the social institution that formally
socializes members of the society. It also
refers to the process through which skills,
knowledge, and values are transmitted
from the teachers to the learners.
Formal Education
It usually takes placed in a classroom
setting and provided by trained teaching
and nonteaching staff.
Elementary Education
It is the first part of the educational
system, and it includes the first six years
of compulsory education from grade1 to
grade 6.
Secondary Education

It is continuing basic education

from the elementary level to four
years of junior high school and
two years of senior high school.
Tertiary Education
It is offered by private and public colleges
and universities. Most higher education
institutions offer 4-year degree programs
with 2 semesters per year.
Vocational Education

Accredited institutions offer

technical and vocational
education. Programs offered vary
in duration from a few weeks to
two years.
Special Education (SPED)
It refers to the education of persons who are
physically, mentally, emotionally, socially or
culturally different from so-called “normal”
individuals, such that they require
modification of school practices to develop
their potential.
Nonformal Education
It is an organized educational activity that
takes placed outside a formal set up. It has
no age-limit, even adults can take part in a
nonformal education program. One example
for this is the Alternative Learning System
(ALS) of the Department of Education.
Informal Education
It is a lifelong process of learning by
which every person acquires and
accumulates knowledge, skills, attitude
from daily experiences at home, at work,
at play, and from life itself.
Functions of Education in the
• Give training in specific skills; or the basic general
education literacy
• Prepare individuals for job
• Preserving culture from generation to generation
• Encouraging democratic participation through verbal skills
• Develop the person’s ability to think logically
Functions of Education in the
• Enriching life by enabling the students to expand
his/her intellectual and aesthetic horizons
• Improving personal adjustment through personal
• Improving the health of the nation’s youth
• Producing nationalistic citizens
• Build personal character
The two most important goals of education for the
individual and society are productive citizenry and self-
actualization. Productive citizenry refers to an idea that
a citizen can create opportunities to become productive.
Self-actualization refers to a desire for self fulfillment. If
an individual’s self-fulfillment is through achieving his
dreams and aspirations in life, once these are achieved, he
reaches the level of self-actualization.
Primary Education
as a
Human Right
The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights states that everyone has the
right to education. Education has to be
free and compulsory at least in the
primary level, higher education and
technical-vocational education should
be made generally available.
In the statement of United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), education is a
fundamental human right and essential
for the exercise of all other human
rights. It promotes individual freedom
and empowerment and yields important
development benefits. .
Education is a powerful tool by which economically and
socially marginalized adults and children can lift
themselves out of poverty and participate fully as citizens.

Hence in the Philippines, primary education is considered

a right of a child. It is enshrined in the 1987 Philippine
Develop a short speech
(approximately 15 sentences) about
the importance of education.
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is an example of nonformal education?
a. primary schooling b. senior high school c. adult night classes d. doctorate program
2. What term explains a social institution that formally socializes members of society?
a. school b. nonformal education c. formal education d. education
3. It is intentional, organized and structured form of learning, imparted in educational institutions like school, college
or university in order to modify the behavior of an individual.
a. school b. nonformal education c. formal education d. education
4. Learning that goes on in daily life and can be received through daily experiences such as from family, peer group,
the media and other influences in a person’s environment.
a. education b. nonformal education c. formal education d. informal education
5. It refers to the education of persons who are physically, mentally, emotionally, socially or culturally different from
so-called “normal” individuals.
a. special education b. secondary education c. primary education d. tertiary education
6. A continuing basic education from the elementary level and expanding it to include the
learning of employable, gainful skills.
a. informal education b. secondary education c. primary education d. nonformal education
7. It usually takes placed in a classroom setting and provided by trained teaching and
nonteaching staff.
a. formal education b. nonformal education c. education d. informal education
8. It is offered by private and public colleges and universities.
a. special education b. secondary education c. primary education d. tertiary education
9. Programs offered vary in duration from a few weeks to two years.
a. nonformal education b. special education c. vocational education d. formal education
10. Which educational institution one will enroll if he/she is interested to learn in a short
period of time about shielded metal arc and welding, baking, food processing, etc.
a. primary school b. tertiary school c. vocational school d. pre-school
11. Which of the following is not a primary function of education?
a. cultural innovation b. courtship c. socialization d. transmission of culture
12. Which of the following is a primary function of education?
a. socialization b. to work in group c. courtship d. finding a business partner
13. Which of the following is included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
a. Everyone has the right to education.
b. Education has to be free.
c. Education is compulsory at least in the primary level.
d. a, b, c
14. Primary and secondary education is regulated by _________.
a. CHED b. TESDA c. DepEd d. Private Institutions
15. Tertiary education is regulated by _____________.
a. CHED b. Private Institutions c. DepEd d. TESDA

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