Fe Ni SB
Fe Ni SB
Fe Ni SB
Keywords: The article comprehends investigations using gelatin hydrogels reinforced with cobalt and nickel ferrites to
Chromium remove chromium ions. The synthesized ferrite nanoparticles are mesoporous with high surface areas of 132.059
Nickel m2/g and 141.792 m2/g. The deposition of chromium ions on the dissected surfaces is more evident from the
morphological studies. Supporting evidence from thermal studies showed how the nanofiller encapsulation
increased hydrogels’ thermal stability. The bed capacity in the packed bed column is 32.48 mg/g and 31.81 mg/g
Column for cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite nanoparticles entrapped hydrogels, respectively. X-ray Photoelectron spec
troscopy findings indicated that the presence of characteristic peaks at 578.68 eV and 591.16 eV is assigned to
hexavalent chromium, and the peaks observed at 575.56 and 583.71 eV correspond to the trivalent state of
chromium. The electron transfer from the iron centre to chromium (VI) favoured the reduction of chromium (VI)
to less toxic chromium (III)
* Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
641112, India.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Nithya).
Received 19 October 2023; Received in revised form 20 February 2024; Accepted 2 March 2024
Available online 3 March 2024
1226-086X/© 2024 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
the team’s research used agricultural wastes, such as rice husk, to the soft ferrite materials primarily used as catalysts, gas-sensors, and
remove heavy metal ions from wastewater. Although silica gels, acti magnetic fluids.
vated carbons[11], and zeolites[12,13] are frequently used as adsor Despite their extraordinary surface properties, nanoparticles are
bents [14]and are effective in the treatment of wastewater, they are a bit known to have poor chemical stability in some cases due to their ten
more expensive[15]. However, it is impressive that bioadsorbents are dency to form agglomerates, resulting in unfavorable conditions. To
readily available, plentiful, affordable, non-toxic, and most preferable overcome this problem, nanomaterials are either blended or embedded
for environmental cleanup[16–18].In addition, other distinctive on the surface of biopolymer-based hydrogels[26] to obtain a core–shell-
adsorption features include high sorption capacity, reusability, and like structure [27,28]. Three generations of biopolymers are utilized in
recyclability. In the modern world, the importance of nanotechnology is hydrogels[29,30] 1. Chitosan, 2. Alginate, and 3. Gelatin[31,32].
well-known, and its concepts are used in every branch of science. When Several nanofillers were incorporated into the polymer matrix for water
nano adsorbents replace conventional adsorbents, the process is called purification applications all these years[33]. Notably, metal oxide
nano adsorption. Indeed, the adsorption capacity of nanosorbents is nanoparticles have been widely used in wastewater treatment applica
much higher than conventional adsorbents. tions in the last few years. There are immense scientific contributions
Recently, prominent research has occurred in the field of nanotech worldwide in using metal ferrites and composites for water treatment.
nology for the removal of contaminants from wastewater[19]. This is However, to the author’s knowledge, hardly any reports compare the
because nanomaterials have a larger adsorption capacity owing to the adsorption performance of nanocomposites when two different nano
high surface area. Further, the availability of tiny pores distributed fillers of the same kind are encapsulated in the polymer matrix. Indeed,
throughout their surface and a well-defined crystal structure are added the work on gelatin polymers as hydrogels for wastewater treatment
features[20]. Due to their intriguing characteristics and outstanding applications is also limited. Understanding the unique interface between
performance efficiency, nanocomposites have also seen a boom in the nanofillers and the polymer matrix is essential for successfully
development as adsorbents in recent years[21]. Carbon-based nano impregnating nanofillers into the polymer matrix. This intricate
fillers, such as CNT and graphene, nanoparticles of metal oxides or hy polymer-nanofiller relationship also decides the improved performance
droxides, magnetic nanoparticles such as ferrites, Fe2O3, and Fe3O4, of the overall composite structure[34].Key attributes that determine the
nano cellulosic materials, zerovalent metal nanoparticles, and engi effective impregnation of nanofillers include the specific surface area of
neered nanoparticles[22] are few examples of nanomaterials that have nanoparticles, filler loading, size, availability of interface interaction
been recently reported in adsorption applications [23].Among these sites, interfacial free energy, orientation and wetting coefficient. With
nanoparticles, so many publications have reported the application of reference to research on hydrogels and their applications, gelatin
iron-oxide nanoparticles due to their remarkable surface characteristics hydrogels are extensively used in drug delivery, wound dressing, and the
and magnetic properties [24]. Recently cobalt-ferrite and nickel ferrite development of bone-graft materials in biomedical research, and only a
nanoparticles also received considerable attention in materials research. few investigations have happened in adsorption.
This is because of their chemical stability, excellent photocatalytic Compared to biopolymers such as starch, chitosan, and alginates,
ability, anti-microbial characteristics, ferromagnetic properties, high little work has been explored using gelatin-based hydrogels as nano
electrochemical stability and promising electromagnetic features. sorbents for chromium removal applications. Due to gelatin hydrogels’
Notably, cobalt ferrite nanoparticles are used in drug delivery, catalysis, low mechanical and thermal resistance, stable and functional re
magnetic resonance imaging, ferrofluids, gas sensors, and microwave inforcements are indispensable to deploy in water treatment applica
devices [25].On the other hand, nickel ferrite nanoparticles are one of tions. Gelatin hydrogels’ stability and binding capacity can be enhanced
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
by reinforcing the bio-polymer framework with nano-fillers [30]. hexahydrate are mixed using a magnetic stirrer. At the same time, in
Although this may be true, only limited works have experimented with another beaker, 0.1 M cobalt nitrate hexahydrate and 0.2 M ferric ni
different nano-based reinforcements in gelatin hydrogels [35]. More trate nonahydrate solutions were mixed uniformly with a magnetic
over, good binding capacity and excellent thermal and mechanical stirrer. 3 M sodium hydroxide solution was slowly added dropwise to the
resistance are crucial when these hydrogels are packing mediums in stirring solution as a precipitating agent in both beakers. The solution’s
continuously packed bed columns. Published reports on the nanodoped pH was frequently measured while continuously adding NaOH until the
gelatin hydrogels for continuous packed bed columns are also scarce pH became 12. The liquid precipitate was then heated at about 80◦ C and
[36]. In light of the above discussions, the novelty of the proposed work constantly agitated for 40 min, allowing it to stand at room temperature.
is pointed toward the impregnation of nanostructured transition-metal Different methods were adopted to wash the precipitates of CoFe2O4 and
ferrites onto gelatin hydrogels. This would make the gelatin hydrogels NiFe2O4 nanoparticles based on their physical and chemical properties.
tough, resistant, long-lasting, and highly adsorptive. To the best of our In the case of nickel ferrite, the precipitate was centrifuged and washed
knowledge, only a few works have reported the entrapment of ferrite- with deionized water until the pH of the solution reached neutral. On the
based nanofillers onto gelatin hydrogels. Also, the use of such hydro other hand, since cobalt ferrite is a hard magnetic material, the pre
gels for chromium removal is limited. Thus, the work undertaken is cipitate was magnetically separated. Finally, both precipitates were
devoted for the first time to evaluating the difference in adsorption ca washed with ethanol to eliminate undesired contaminants, followed by
pacity between neighbouring transition metal elements, i.e., Cobalt (Z overnight drying at around 80◦ C. The product was finally milled into a
= 27) and Nickel (Z = 28) with and without entrapping gelatin for fine powder and calcined at a temperature of 600◦ C for 6 h, and thus
chromium removal. pure cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) and nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4)) nanoparticles
For large-scale applications, continuous moving bed and fluidized were obtained. [Fig. 1].
bed sorption systems are more expensive and complicated when To synthesize the cobalt-ferrite and nickel ferrite gelatin hydrogels,
compared to continuous fixed bed adsorption studies. For this reason, four different weights % composition (1–4) of filler i.e., cobalt ferrite
batch studies are scaled up using a fixed bed column. Considerable and nickel ferrite, respectively, were tried. The performance efficiency
attention is shown in the design and tuning of hydrogel synthesis for of each hydrogel obtained at different weight ratios is tested [Fig. 2]. As
selective removal of chromium ions. The study also delves more into seen in the figure, the efficiency of gelatin hydrogels decreased with an
studies related to the binding mechanism of chromium and to under increase in the CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 weight ratios. The same trend is
stand the influence of nanofillers on adsorption. The work also provides observed for cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite hydrogels; therefore, cobalt
more perspectives on studies related to the regeneration of the adsorbent and nickel ferrite nanoparticles of one weight percentage are entrapped
bed after repeated cycles. The findings of the proposed work could lead with NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 hydrogels.
to effective wastewater management from industries that release The synthesis of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels is as follows. The
wastewater containing chromium and hold potential implications in synthesized cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite nanoparticles were sonicated
wastewater recycling. separately into a suspension using deionized water. A homogeneous
dispersion was obtained, and an appropriate amount of gelatin was
Methodology added to each of these CoFe2O4 and the NiFe2O4 dispersions. As dis
cussed above, the weight ratio of the nanofillers used throughout the
Preparation of gelatin hydrogels doped with nanostructured transition- synthesis is set at 1 % for both cobalt and nickel ferrite nanoparticles.
metal ferrites This mixture was magnetically stirred for six to seven hours at a tem
perature of 50 to 60 ◦ C. A portion of this mixture was dropped at a
Firstly, 0.2 M ferric chloride hexahydrate and 0.1 M nickel chloride controlled flow rate in a beaker containing sunflower oil in a cold-ice
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
bath. The resultant hydrogels were undisturbed in the refrigerator for 24 information on the thermal stability of the NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4
to 48 h and then transferred to a 1 % glutaraldehyde solution for cross- hydrogels. Further, the elemental composition of the nanoparticles and
linking, increasing the beads’ mechanical strength. The cross-linked NiFe2O4, CoFe2O4 hydrogels after adsorption is predicted using X-Ray
beads were kept undisturbed for drying for 24 h and the beads were photoelectron spectroscopy. The XPS analysis also investigated how
then rinsed with deionized water to wash the residuals of glutaraldehyde chromium ions are bound onto the hydrogel surfaces.
[Fig. 3]. The resultant NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 gelatin hydrogels [Fig. 4]
were used to conduct further experiments. Studies on the determination of binding capacity of cobalt and nickel
ferrite hydrogels for the uptake of chromium ions
Nanostructured Transition-Metal ferrites and gelatin hydrogels
Characterization The CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles and the nanostructured
transition metal ferrites doped hydrogels were brought into contact with
Prominent adsorbent features, such as surface morphology, and the chromium solution of different concentrations. First, the hydrogels’
functional, structural, elemental, and chemical properties, are evaluated performance efficiency is studied in a static system. Process parameters
using modern analytical tools. X-Ray diffraction studies investigated the related to batch studies were optimized, including pH, temperature,
phase identification of crystalline cobalt and nickel ferrite nanoparticles. contact time, and concentration. The working concentrations of chro
Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy gave deep insights into the mium were prepared using 1000 mg/L chromium solution. The zero-
nature of the functional groups on the hydrogel’s surfaces. On the other point charge of the hydrogels was determined by the pH drift method.
hand, Field Emission Scanning electron Microscopy predicted the sur Different pH solutions from 1 to 12 were prepared using 0.1 N HCl and
face morphology and texture, and Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy 0.1 N NaOH solution. The NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 hydrogels were added
determined the nanocomposite’s elemental composition. Another crit to 50 mL of each NaCl solution in a conical flask and agitated for 24 h.
ical characterization is the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller [BET] analysis, After 24 h, the final pH of the solution was tested using a pH meter. The
which helped in understanding the surface area and porosity of the difference between the initial pH and final pH was noted as ΔpH. The
nanoparticles. In addition, the thermogravimetric analysis provided ΔpH values were plotted against the solution’s initial pH, and the
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
intersection point is marked as the hydrogel’s zero-point charge. Fig. 6. FTIR Spectrum of CoFe2O4, NiFe2O4 nanoparticles and hydrogels.
Studies on fixed bed columns are vital to find the hydrogels’ suit
ability for industrial or large-scale applications. In view of that, the with the JCPDS file (89–4927), and the reflections at 30.2◦ , 35.6◦ , 37.1◦ ,
batch results were scaled up, and a fixed bed column was designed. A 43.3◦ , 54.0◦ , 57.3◦ , and 63.0◦ correspond to the crystallographic planes
cylindrical acrylic column of length 30 cm and height 2.5 cm was of [h, k, l] of nickel ferrite nanoparticles, respectively. At the same time,
fabricated. The column packing was supported with glass wool to pre the diffractograms of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles were also compared with
vent the loss of hydrogels. Flow rate (mL/min) and bed depth (cm) the JCPDS file of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. The obtained peaks align
varied at 2 mL/min, 3 mL/min, and 1 cm and 2 cm, respectively. The with the actual JCPDS card no (22–1086), and the reflections corre
composite material’s weight was varied according to the column’s bed spond to crystallographic planes [h,k,l] of cobalt-ferrite nanoparticles.
depth. Breakthrough curves were obtained from the results obtained The sharp peaks in the XRD diffractograms of both CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4
from the fixed bed column. This is vital to estimate the mass of the nanoparticles indicate the crystalline nature of the sample. The crys
chromium adsorbed on the column. The effluent was collected every 60 tallite size of the nanoparticles was determined using the well-known
min, and the concentration of the solution was checked using a UV–vi Debye-Scherrer equation.
sible spectrophotometer.
d= (1)
Swelling studies and desorption and regeneration analysis of CoFe2O4 and
0.9 refers to the Debye-Scherrer constant represented by the symbol
NiFe2O4 Hydrogels
’k’, and λ corresponds to a wavelength of Kα radiation of the Cu atom.
“β” is obtained from the FWHIM value (peak width having maximum
The swelling behaviour of the hydrogels was studied by immersing
intensity) and θ is half the value of Bragg’s angle. After applying the
both bare gelatin hydrogels and nanostructured transition metal ferrites
above equation, the crystallite size of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nano
doped hydrogels for 24 h in cross-linking agents with different weight
particles was 11.47 nm and 12.08 nm, respectively.
percentage compositions (0.5 to 1.5 %). The swelling studies are also
Another interesting surface characterization tool is FTIR, which
carried out in de-ionized water. The initial weight of the beads was
studies the reactive surface sites responsible for adsorption. The infrared
measured and denoted as Wi. The final weight after swelling was taken
waves of the mid-IR range were allowed to pass through the desired
as Wf.. The % ratio of the difference between final and initial weight and
sample of interest with the help of an FT-IR spectrophotometer [Alpha II
that of initial weight gave the swelling %.
Compact, Bruker USA]. After interacting with characteristic infrared
The regeneration of hydrogels is very significant and of practical
light radiation, the sample’s transmittance was measured and recorded
importance. For this reason, the reusability of the hydrogel was also
as a spectrum. Fig. 6 represents the Infrared spectrum of cobalt ferrite
tested by carrying out desorption and re-adsorption processes for five
and nickel ferrite nanoparticles as well as the CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4
cycles. The desorption process was carried out by using sodium hy
hydrogels. In the IR spectrum of the cobalt ferrite nanoparticles, the
droxide (0.1 N) as the eluting agent. The chromium-loaded beads and
peaks at 573.99 cm− 1 and 421.11 cm− 1 represent stretching vibrations
40 mL of 0.1 N NaOH solution are added and agitated for almost an
of the Iron-oxygen [ Fe3+–O2–] and Cobalt-oxygen [Co2+–O2–] bond
hour. The filtrate obtained was then tested for the presence of chromium
respectively. On the other hand, the peak at 579.87 cm− 1 corresponds to
and desorption efficiency was calculated.
Fe3+- O2– bond, and the peak at 424.57 cm− 1 is attributed to Ni2+- O2–
bond for nickel ferrite nanoparticles. Summarising these findings, it
Results and Discussions becomes evident that the synthesized nanoparticles are cobalt ferrite
and nickel ferrite nanoparticles. Furthermore, it is essential to analyse
Structural characterisation and FTIR spectrum Analysis the IR spectrum of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 entrapped hydrogels. The
characteristic peaks obtained at 3290.80 cm− 1 and 1635.08 cm− 1 are
The CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles were subjected to X-ray related to gelatin’s N–H and carbonyl stretching band. Additionally,
diffraction analysis to draw inferences about structural characterization gelatin’s aliphatic C–H bond stretching is observed at 2926.11.
and crystallite size. Fig. 5 shows the XRD pattern of cobalt ferrite and cm− 1 wavenumbers. These results are indications for gelatin
nickel ferrite nanoparticles. The nickel ferrite’s XRD pattern is in line
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of [a] and [b] NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, [c] and [d] CoFe2O4 nanoparticle. [e] and [f] cross-sectional view of NiFe2O4 hydrogel
before adsorption, [g] and [h] cross-sectional view of NiFe2O4 hydrogel after adsorption [i] and [j] cross-sectional view of CoFe2O4 hydrogel before adsorption, [k]
and [l] cross-sectional view of CoFe2O4 hydrogel after adsorption.
encapsulation. Another critical observation is the recurrence of iron- of hydrogels. The cross-sectional SEM analysis of hydrogels shows how
oxygen, cobalt-oxygen, and nickel-oxygen stretching vibration at these nanoparticles are entrapped in the gelatin matrix (Fig. 7e-i and
551.58 cm-1, 418.15 cm-1, and 420.06 cm− 1, respectively. The suc Fig. 7h and 7 L). The cross-sectional views of NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4
cessful impregnation of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles in the hydrogels, before adsorption are shown in Fig. 7e and 7f, and Fig. 7i and
gelatin hydrogels is thus validated. 7j respectively. Branch-like projections on the microscale [Fig. 7e and
7i] demonstrate that the hydrogels are smooth and tender. This obser
Surface topography through FE-SEM analysis and EDX studies vation is seen in both CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels. Another obser
vation is the appearance of some spherical clusters at nanoscale
Hydrogels and nanoparticles’ surface morphology and topography dimensions [Fig. 7f and 7j]. These observations signify the encapsula
are inferred using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The FE-SEM micro tion of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles into gelatin hydrogels.
graphs of NiFe2O4, CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, and hydrogels are illustrated Compared to CoFe2O4 hydrogels, the encapsulation in the case of
in Fig. 7. Fig. 7a- 7d represents the SEM images of nanoparticles. The NiFe2O4 hydrogels is localized and concentrated over a particular region
images’ a’ and ’b’ denote NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, and ’c’ and ’d’ are the of space. This localization may result in improved interactions between
pictures of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles. Fig. 7a and 7b both demonstrate adsorbate and adsorbent molecules facilitating the uptake of more
clustered spherical NiFe2O4 nanoparticles. The agglomeration is due to chromium ions by NiFe2O4 hydrogels on par with CoFe2O4 hydrogels
the high surface energy possessed by these nanoparticles [37]. Alter [40].
natively, SEM images of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles exhibited cubical and Interesting findings have also been observed in the SEM micrograph
spinel geometry [Fig. 7c and 7d]. CoFe2O4 nanoparticles are less of hydrogels after adsorption (Fig. 7g and 7 k). The cross-sections of the
agglomerated than NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, and nanocrystalline features hydrogels post-adsorption exhibit some tiny bubble-like structures in the
are distributed throughout the surface [38]. This is due to the decreased NiFe2O4 hydrogel (Fig. 7g). This shows how the NiFe2O4 hydrogel is
crystallite size of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles over NiFe2O4 nanoparticles. modified structurally after adsorption. In contrast, no such bubbles are
This intriguing structural feature also adds to CoFe2O4 nanoparticles’ seen in CoFe2O4 hydrogels [Fig. 7k], but some noticeable structural
better binding capacity over NiFe2O4 nanoparticles [39]. deformations are still seen (Fig. 7e). Moreover, the smooth and tender
The SEM studies also delve into investigations on the surface of the surface of CoFe2O4 hydrogels disappeared after adsorption. The SEM
NiFe2O4 hydrogels. The hydrogel’s surface is comprised of numerous analysis performed on hydrogels after adsorption suggests a favourable
cracks and crevices in nanoscale dimensions. Apart from cracks and chromium removal in NiFe2O4 hydrogels compared to CoFe2O4
crevices, hollow cavities and small openings are also witnessed in the hydrogels.
case of NiFe2O4 hydrogel [Fig. 7h]. Nevertheless, this porous structure is The chemical characterisation of the NiFe2O4, CoFe2O4 nano
absent in CoFe2O4 hydrogel. These structural features enable the un particles and hydrogels were analysed using EDX analysis. Fig. 8 rep
derstanding that the passage of nanoparticles into the NiFe2O4 hydrogel resents the EDX spectrum of CoFe2O4, NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, and
is very much possible. This factor contributes to the better entrapment of hydrogels. In the case of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles [Fig. 8a], 52.60 % of the
nanoparticles by NiFe2O4 hydrogels than CoFe2O4 hydrogels, leading to total elemental composition is Iron, 24.47 % is oxygen, and cobalt, on
high-performance efficiency. the other hand, is 22.93 % of the constituent elemental composition.
Equally important is the analysis of cross-sectional SEM micrographs Subsequent analysis of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles shows 28.32 % Iron,
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 8. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrum of [a] CoFe2O4 nanoparticles [b] NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, CoFe2O4 hydrogels: [c] before adsorption [d] after adsorption,
NiFe2O4 hydrogels: [e] before adsorption [d] after adsorption.
16.49 % nickel, and 55.18 % oxygen. (Fig. 7b) The synthesis of NF and thermogram. Fig. 9a and 9b depict the TGA and DTA thermogram of
CoFe2O4 nanoparticles is thus validated using EDX analysis. CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles and hydrogels. In the case of
The hydrogels of NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 before adsorption are also CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, the overall material loss is 11.33 %, and no in
subjected to EDX analysis (Fig. 8b, Fig. 8c). The images of the CoFe2O4 termediate decomposition are noticed. Dehydration is the only signifi
hydrogels showed elements including cobalt, iron, carbon, nitrogen, and cant weight loss, corresponding to 11.33 %. The results of [41] support
oxygen. Alternatively, after adsorption (Fig. 8d)., the CoFe2O4 hydro this. Also, owing to the well-dispersible nature of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles
gel’s EDX indicated some additional peaks of chromium. Similarly, in compared to CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, the amount of water molecules and
the EDX images of NiFe2O4 hydrogels, the presence of nickel, iron, ox hydroxyl groups on the surface of these nanoparticles will be higher than
ygen, nitrogen, and carbon is noticed [Fig. 8e] As expected, the EDX the former, due to which the total weight % loss in NiFe2O4 nano
images of NiFe2O4 hydrogels after adsorption indicated the presence of particles is 21.11 %. Unlike CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, there are three
chromium [Fig. 8f]. This explains the structural changes that occurred in distinct stages of decomposition in NiFe2O4 nanoparticles here:
the hydrogels after adsorption. 30–200 ◦ C is the region of dehydration, 200––300 ◦ C refers to the
initiation phase of crystallization, and 300–600 ◦ C is the region of
complete crystallization [42]. These findings show that the crystalliza
Thermal stability Analysis tion rate is higher in CoFe2O4 nanoparticles than NiFe2O4 nanoparticles,
giving rise to different response patterns over the same temperature
The thermal stability, moisture and the percentage of volatile matter range.
in the ferrite nanoparticles and hydrogels are analysed using TGA In addition, the peak at 260 ◦ C and 280 ◦ C in the DTA curve of
analysis. The CoFe2O4, NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, and hydrogels were CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles, respectively [Fig. 9b], indicates the
heated from room temperature to a temperature of 600 ◦ C, and the exothermic process involved in the ferrite crystal formation. The weight
weight loss was recorded as a function of temperature in the form of a
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 10. [a] BET adsorption and desorption isotherm of CoFe2O4, NiFe2O4 nanoparticles [b] BJH desorption summary of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles.
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 11. Effect of Cross-linking of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels upon swelling.
Fig. 12. Swelling % of a. Bare gelatin hydrogels b. CoFe2O4 embedded hydrogels c. NiFe2O4 embedded hydrogels.
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 14. Batch Optimization parameters: [a] studies on pH using nanoparticles as adsorbent [b] studies on pH using hydrogels as adsorbent [c] studies on con
centration using nanoparticles and [d] studies on concentration using hydrogels as the adsorbent [e] studies on contact time using nanoparticles as adsorbent and [f]
studies on contact time using hydrogels as adsorbent [g] studies on temperature using nanoparticles as adsorbent and [h] studies on temperature using hydrogels
as adsorbent.
Apparently, an equilibrium is established at a particular pH such that the be an affinity between chromate anion and H+ ions leading to maximum
concentration of H+ ions equals OH– ions. This theory assumes that the efficiency at pH = 2. At pH = 1, chromium exists in the form of chromic
interaction between constituent ions in water and the adsorbent surface acid; thus, the efficiency is lower at pH = 1 compared to pH = 2 even
is electrostatic. Below and above zero-point charge, the adsorbent is said though pH = 1 is strongly acidic.
to be positively and negatively charged, respectively. In this case, the
zero-point charge of cobalt ferrite gelatin composite is 5.2, whereas it is
6.2 for nickel ferrite gelatin composite (Fig. 13). Understanding the Modelling and interpretation of adsorption isotherms
point of zero charges is crucial because, based on the adsorbent’s zero-
point charge, the adsorbate medium’s pH has to be modified. The study systematically investigates the relative performance of
The response of the effect of pH in the uptake of chromium ions is nanoparticles and nanostructured transition metal ferrites doped
studied by varying the pH of the solution from 1 to 10 [Fig. 14a ]. In both hydrogels. The experimental conditions were optimized and set at pH 2
cases [Fig. 14a ], chromium removal is pronounced more in an acidic for a contact time of two hours. The adsorbent dose is set as 0.2 g for
medium with the highest adsorption efficiency at pH 2. Alternatively, CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles and alternatively, the dose for
the sorption reduces gradually when the solution approaches alkalinity. composite hydrogels is optimized at 0.4 g for 50 ppm metal ions con
Thus, it is found that the adsorption efficiency decreases with an in centration. Throughout the studies, isotherm, kinetic modelling, and
crease in solution pH. This is because when the solution’s pH is reduced, thermodynamic investigations were conducted in these optimized pro
more H + ions are present, and there will be an electrostatic attraction cess conditions.
between the negative ions of the solution and the positive ions on the The adsorption efficiency of the CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles
adsorbent surfaces [46]. It is also important to note that CoFe2O4 for different initial concentrations (10 to 250 ppm) of chromium solu
nanoparticles outperformed NiFe2O4 nanoparticles in terms of the tion is shown in Fig. 14c. Chromium solutions of different concentra
highest uptake. tions of 10, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mg/L are tested. It is observed
As seen above, the pH vs adsorption efficiency in the case of that the efficiency continuously dropped with an increase in chromium
hydrogels also exhibited the highest adsorption efficiency at pH 2, fol solution concentration for both ferrite nanoparticles and hydrogels. This
lowed by a decrease in efficiency at increased pH [Fig. 14b]. However, can be associated with the number of available H + ions interacting with
contrary to nanoparticle sorption behaviour, NiFe2O4 hydrogel showed chromate anion, which will diminish continuously after a particular
better adsorption than CoFe2O4 hydrogels. This is due to the zero-point point [48]. When CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticle’s uptake efficiency
charge of the CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels, which is 5.2 and 6.2, are compared, CoFe2O4 has the highest uptake efficiency. This is due to
respectively. Therefore, at pH values below 5.2 and 6.2, the hydrogels the high porosity of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, as seen in BET studies. The
are positively charged; in other words, there will be an accumulation of above findings demonstrate that the initial metal ion concentration af
H+ ions on the surface of the sorbent. Also, the existence of chromium fects the adsorbent efficiency [49]. In general, more chromium ions are
(VI) as chromate anion CrO2- 4 at pH = 2 is well-known [47], so there will
present in the solution as the concentration rises, and as a result, more
ions tend to adhere to the adsorbent surface. But the number of
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 15. Adsorption Isotherm models and Kinetic models of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels: [a] Langmuir [b] Freundlich [c] Pseudo-first order [d] Pseudo-
second order.
adsorbent sites is fixed for a certain amount of adsorbent. Beyond this adsorbed on the surface of the adsorbent. The homogeneity of surface
limit, the adsorbent cannot adsorb a more significant number of ions. sites is an intriguing feature of this adsorption isotherm model, and the
Some contradicting findings are also seen in the investigations. Although main significance of this model is to predict whether the adsorption
the above results indicate that CoFe2O4 nanoparticles performed better, process will take place or not. Based on the separation factor ‘RL’ value,
CoFe2O4 hydrogels efficiency is slightly lower than NiFe2O4 hydrogels. it is also helpful in understanding the mechanism behind the proposed
This can be co-related with the greater hydrophilic nature of cobalt adsorption phenomenon.
ferrite compared to nickel ferrite nanoparticles.
1 1 1
The experimental and theoretical validation of system variables are = + (2)
qe qm qmKLCx
evaluated using isotherm models (Fig. 15). Langmuir adsorption
isotherm is based on the theoretical assumption that the interaction
Equation (2) is the mathematical way of representing the Langmuir
between adsorbate and adsorbent is more likely a physisorption mech
adsorption isotherm model.
anism. Moreover, it supports the idea of monolayer adsorption, i.e., at a
‘RL’ expresses the equilibrium parameter. ‘RL’ can take any values
particular given time, only a single layer of adsorbate molecules can get
Table 2
Parameters of different Adsorption Isotherm models.
Adsorption Isotherm model Parameters CoFe2O4 nanoparticles NiFe2O4 CoFe2O4 NiFe2O4
nanoparticles hydrogels hydrogels
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Table 3
Parameters of different Kinetic models.
Kinetic model Parameters CoFe2O4 nanoparticles NiFe2O4 nanoparticles CoFe2O4 hydrogels NiFe2O4 hydrogels
− 1 − 1 − 1
Rate Constant 0.0082908 min 0.0087514 min 0.02418 min 0.005296x10-3 min− 1
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 16. Fixed-bed column parameters: [a] Flow-rate variation and [b] Bed-depth variation:
the column. The column bottom was supported with glass wool to pre
Table 5
vent the loss of adsorbent and adsorbate. After adsorption, a peristaltic
Packed-bed column parameters of the CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels.
pump was used to adjust the flow rate and the effluent was collected in
the outlet.Two different parameters were varied: 1. Bed-depth and 2. Adsorbent Flow rate (mL/ qtotal qbed Volume of
min) and bed (mg) (mg/g) chromium solution
Flow rate of the inlet solution. The bed depth was varied between 1 cm
depth (cm) treated
and 2 cm. The flow rate, on the other hand, was set at 2 mL/min and 3
mL/min. The breakthrough experiments were performed using both 2 mL/min and 1 101.36 32.48 1.32 L
Cobalt ferrite cm mg mg/g
CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels and the corresponding break-through hydrogels 3 mL/min and 1 92.24 29.36 1.62 L
curves were plotted. cm mg mg/g
Fixed bed column studies were conducted by varying flow rates of 2 3 mL/min and 2 119.42 19.0 2.16 L
mL/min and 3 mL/min for a fixed bed height of 1 cm. The breakthrough cm mg mg/g
2 mL/min and 1 100.62 31.81 1.44 L
curves are given in Fig. 16a. It was found that the saturation point
Nickel ferrite cm mg mg/g
approached earlier as the flow rate increased [58]. At a 2 mL/min flow hydrogels 3 mL/min and 1 91.65 27.39 1.88 L
rate, the saturation point reached 660 min for cobalt ferrite hydrogels, cm mg mg/g
whereas for 3 mL/min, the saturation point reached 540 min. The same 3 mL/min and 2 92.76 13.84 2.34 L
kind of pattern is observed for nickel ferrite hydrogels. At a 2 mL/min cm mg mg/g
flow rate and 3 mL/min, the saturation values are 720 min and 600 min,
respectively (Fig. 16a). This is because as the flow rate rises, more ions bed represented in mg. ‘Q’ is the system’s flow rate in mL/min. ‘Cad’ is
tend to be adsorbed on the surface of the adsorbent, causing the satu the total chromium ions adsorbed in the column in mg/L. ‘qbed’ is the
ration point to be attained more quickly[59]. bed adsorption capacity in mg/g. ‘W’ is the adsorbent dosage. Table 5
The column was filled with the composite hydrogels to different bed gives values of the parameters of column studies.
depths of 1 and 2 cm and allowed to run at a fixed flow rate of 3 mL/min. It is clear from the preceding table that the qtotal value of both cobalt
Fig. 16b depicts the breakthrough curves of the column using cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite hydrogels declined as the flow rate increased.
ferrite hydrogels and nickel ferrite hydrogels with varied bed depths. This is due to a rise in adsorbed chromium ions with an increasing flow
From the breakthrough curves, we can understand that with an increase rate. Thereby, bed adsorption capacity also witnessed a fall. In contrast,
in the bed height, there is an increase in the breakthrough time [60]. At a cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite hydrogels qtotal values increased sub
bed height of 1 cm, the breakthrough is only at 540 min, and at a bed stantially with increased bed height. This is because more active sites are
height of 2 cm, the saturation point went up to 720 min. This is the case available for adsorption with increased adsorbent loading. The results
with cobalt ferrite hydrogels. For nickel ferrite hydrogels, at a bed height thus infer that at a flow rate of 2 mL/min, 2 cm bed depth was optimum
of 1 cm, the saturation point is observed at 600 min; at a 2 cm bed for 50 ppm chromium solution. For CoFe2O4 hydrogel and NiFe2O4
height, the breakthrough is at 780 min. This is because, with an increase hydrogel, respectively, qbed was found to be 32.48 mg/g and 31.81 mg/g
in bed height, the adsorbent dosage will increase, and more sites will be (Table 6). Despite the distinct performance patterns of all the studied
available for the adsorption of ions[61]. adsorbents witnessed in batch systems, since the qbed values do not
Different parameters of the fixed bed adsorption system are calcu significantly differ, it is proposed that both CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4
lated using equations (10) and (11). hydrogels have potential applications in large-scale fixed bed columns.
∫ total The pzc of the hydrogels was measured to be 5.2 and 6.2 for cobalt
qtotal =
Cad dt (14) ferrite- and nickel ferrite-hydrogels, indicating that the hydrogels are
positively charged below the pH values 5.2 and 6.2. As a result, the
batch experimental studies were conducted at an optimum pH of 2; the
qbed =
(15) hydrogels are positively charged at this pH value. The existence of
W chromium (VI) in the form of HCrO-4 at a pH value equal to 2 is well
‘qtotal’ is the total number of chromium ions adsorbed in the packed proven [62]. Therefore, the positively charged protonated hydrogels
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Table 6
Comparison between adsorption performance of CoFe2O4,NiFe2O4 hydrogel for
Cr(VI) removal with existing literature reports
S. Adsorbent
pH Temperature Adsorption Reference
NO material
capacity (mg/g)
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 18. XPS spectrum of hydrogel [a] Carbon [b] Oxygen [c] Nitrogen [d] Iron [e] Chromium.
chromate anions will attract the adsorbent. This variation in the distri
bution coefficient (x) of cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite can contribute to
the superior performance of one over the other.
When moving to hydrogels, nickel ferrite hydrogels exhibited a
higher efficiency of 86.17 % and adsorption capacity of 9.2421 mg/g
compared to the CoFe2O4 hydrogels, whose efficiency and adsorption
capacity were 80.14 % and 7.0077 mg/g, respectively. This can be co-
related with the greater hydrophilic nature of cobalt ferrite compared
to nickel ferrite nanoparticles. Because of this nature, not all the cobalt
ferrite particles could thoroughly blend with gelatin biopolymer, which
is hydrophobic. Even though the exact amounts of nanoparticles are
entrapped in the hydrogel, encapsulation was much more pronounced in
nickel ferrite than cobalt ferrite, giving rise to higher performance ef
ficiency of NiFe2O4 hydrogels. However, it is also important to note that
the difference in the adsorption capacity does not vary to a more sig
nificant extent.
M. Priyadarshini et al. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 137 (2024) 144–161
Fig. 20. Reusability of the adsorbent: [a] CoFe2O4 hydrogels and [b] NiFe2O4 hydrogels.
examined. It was observed that the chromium concentration in the adsorption efficiency is noticed for cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite
desorbed solution increased tremendously with an increase in time hydrogels, respectively. This suggests the reusability of hydrogels in the
[Fig. 19]. The desorption-readsorption process was carried out using the adsorption process. The characterization results indicated that the
same initially employed composite hydrogels to evaluate the adsor remediation mechanism of Cr (VI) ions is electrostatic attraction fol
bent’s reusability. This process was repeated five times to test the lowed by inner-sphere complex formation and reduction. Continuous
hydrogel’s reusability. Fig. 20 shows a drastic difference in the sorption studies were also conducted to understand the reliability of the
adsorption efficiency after each cycle. It is also important to note that adsorbents for large-scale applications. For CoFe2O4 hydrogel and
not much difference is seen in the magnitude of the desorption efficiency NiFe2O4 hydrogel, respectively, qbed was found to be 32.48 mg/g and
of CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 hydrogels. In the first cycle, the CoFe2O4 31.81 mg/g. Despite the distinct performance patterns of all the studied
hydrogel’s adsorption efficiency is about 80 %; during the fifth cycle, the adsorbents witnessed in batch systems, since the qbed values do not
adsorption efficiency decreased to 55 %. Similarly, an adsorption effi significantly differ, it is proposed that both CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4
ciency of 86.7 % for NiFe2O4 hydrogels was found during the first cycle, hydrogels have potential applications in large-scale fixed bed columns.
and it gradually reduced to 70 % during the fifth cycle. The reusability of
cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite hydrogels, even after the fifth cycle, CRediT authorship contribution statement
confirmed the hydrogel’s reusability.
M. Priyadarshini: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing –
Conclusions original draft. E. Rekha: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing –
original draft. Asha Sathish: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition,
The nickel and cobalt ferrite nanoparticles and composite hydrogels Data curation, Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Investigation,
were synthesized in the present study to remove hexavalent chromium Validation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Supervision, Resources. K.
ions. The results indicated a good affinity between the entrapped Nithya: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Data curation, Writing
hydrogels and the chromium ions. The cross-sectional examination of – review & editing, Visualization, Investigation, Validation, Formal
hydrogels after adsorption, signalled structural changes in the hydro analysis, Methodology, Supervision, Resources, Project administration.
gels. The deposition of chromium ions on the dissected surfaces was
further confirmed by characteristic peaks observed in energy-dispersive
X-ray analysis. Further, the prominent peaks of metal ferrite nano Declaration of competing interest
particles are confirmed in the infrared spectrum, and the degree of
crystallinity is analysed using XRD characterization. The observed XRD The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
pattern of metal ferrite nanoparticles is completely aligned with JCPDS. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
XPS studies revealed the characteristic peaks at 400.26 eV, 400.37 eV the work reported in this paper.
and 401.71 eV are related to the amide groups, primary amine and
secondary amine groups of gelatin biopolymer, respectively. Batch References
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