On The Design of A Steel End Plate
On The Design of A Steel End Plate
On The Design of A Steel End Plate
Grzegorz GREMZA2
1. Introduction
In available publications in the field of bolted end-plate beam-to-column
joints calculation, e.g. [1], [2], it is recognized that the load capacity of analysed
joint is sufficient, if the condition M j,Ed < M j,Rd, introduced in point 6.2.7(1) of
standard [3] is fulfilled, what may result from the general rule contained in the
point 6.1.3 (4) of this standard. However, in specific provisions concerning the
capacity of an equivalent of T-stub in tension zone – see point –
additional requirements regarding the values of forces in each bolt-rows and in
groups of these rows are introduced.
Corresponding author: Jan Zamorowski, University of Bielsko-Biala, Faculty of Materials, Civil
and Environmental Engineering, ul. Willowa 2, 43-360 Bielsko-Biała; tel. +48609654098;
[email protected]
Grzegorz Gremza, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Department of Building
Structures, ul. Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice; tel. +48662349538; [email protected]
188 J. Zamorowski, G. Gremza
It is required that:
a) forces transferred by each bolt-row should not exceed the design resistance
determined considering only that individual bolt-row, and,
b) the total force of each bolt-rows group, comprised two or more adjacent
bolt-rows within the same bolt-group, should not exceed the design resistance
of that group of bolt-rows.
These provisions indicate the necessity of estimation the values of forces in
individual bolt rows and groups of rows, in order to compare them with the
resistances of these rows and groups of rows. If the forces in some rows or group
of rows would be greater than their load capacity, the load capacity of the joint
should be reduced.
Such a case may occur in joint of a beam with an unstiffened column
(Fig. 1a), when the load capacity of these joint is determined by the resistance of
the column flange in tension zone.
a) b) c) d)
Fig. 1. Joint of a beam with an unstiffened column; a) side view and section a-a,
b), c) and d) yield lines of a column flange
According to the standard [3], the model of the destruction of the unstiffened
column flange is assumed analogously to the model of equivalent T-stub,
considering the individual bolt rows and groups of these rows. Bolt rows are
numbered starting from the most distant one from the centre of compression.
In case of unstiffened column flange, only one group of bolts with the 1st and next
rows may occur, while in case of the end plate – two groups, one group above
a beam flange and the second one under that flange. Thus, in a column with
an unstiffened web, group of rows 1-2, 1-2-3 or 1-2-3-4 may occur, if the fourth row
is present, while group 2-3 or 2-3-4 does not occur. However, such groups appear
for the modelling of end-plate with one row of bolts placed above a beam flange.
The yield lines for an equivalent of T-stub flange of the column for the
non-circular mechanism of failure is presented in Fig. 1d. If a group of bolts,
On the Design of a Steel End-Plate Beam-to-Column Bolted Joint… 189
consisted of rows 1-2 in joint with three rows is considered (see Fig. 1c), the
length of the equivalent of T-stub is bigger only by (p1 + p2)/2 from the effective
length for row 1 of this group. Thus, there is a big difference of the effective
length values for bolts in row 1 and 2 from a group of rows (compare Fig. 1b
and 1c). Analysis of these lengths indicates that the design resistance capacity of
the inner bolt rows of the bolt group is much smaller than design resistance of
the end bolt-row and is directly proportional to the effective length of the inner
row. In turn, the distribution of forces for individual bolt rows is dependent on
the stiffness of all components of the joint - see Fig. 2, on which only the
stiffness coefficients relevant to the rotational stiffness of the joint are shown.
of standards [3] will be taken into account. This algorithm will be supplemented
with a numerical example, in which there will be a need to reduce the load
capacity of the joint due to the need to ensure the safety of bolt group 1-2.
The influence of earlier plasticization of the T-stub flange (at lower values of
the bending moment in the frame girder) on the rotational stiffness of the joint will
also be assessed.
Vwp ,Rd / β acc. Fc, wc , Rd acc. Fc, fb, Rd acc.
On the Design of a Steel End-Plate Beam-to-Column Bolted Joint… 191
Ft1, wc , Rd
min Ft1, fc, Rd
t1, ep, Rd
Ft1, wc , Rd acc. Ft1, fc, Rd acc. Ft1,ep, Rd acc.
Limiting the design resistance due to the compression and shear of the joint parts, acc.
Ft1, Rd ≤ Fc ,v,min, Rd
Design resistance of individual bolt-row 2
Column web in Column flange in End-plate in Beam web in
Ft 2, Rd ,ind transverse tension transverse bending bending tension
Ft 2,wc , Rd
Ft 2, fc, Rd
= min
Ft 2,ep, Rd
Ft 2,wb , Rd
acc. Ft 2,wc , Rd Ft 2, fc, Rd Ft 2,ep , Rd Ft 2, wb , Rd
acc. acc. acc. acc.
Limiting the design resistance due to compression and shear of the joint parts
Ft 2, Rd ,ind ≤ Fc,v,min, Rd − Ft1, Rd .
Ft1−2, Rd
Ft1−2,wc , Rd
= min
Ft1−2, fc, Rd
3. Calculation example
As an example, a joint in frame that was made of S235 steel, with end-plate
bolted connection category E between IPE 500 and column HE 300 B with
geometrical characteristics as in Fig. 3, was selected.
Table 2. Design resistance of a joint without reduction resulting from the rule in point (3)
Table 2. (cont.) Resistance of a joint without reduction resulting from the rule in point (3)
Table 2. (cont.) Resistance of a joint without reduction resulting from the rule in point (3)
Using the standard formula (6.27) in [3], the effect of the joint load capacity
reduction on its stiffness Sj was evaluated. The stiffness ratio µ given in formulas
(6.28a) and (6.28b) was taken into account. Obtained results in the form of the
M - ø relationship, where ø = M/Sj is shown in Fig. 4.
After load capacity reduction, a secant stiffness Sj of analysed joint under
load M = 2/3Mj,Rd is equal
to 60% of its stiffness
calculated without that
4. Concluding remarks
In this work, the algorithm for calculating of a joint between the beam and
unstiffened column with end-plate and three rows of bolts, with an indication on the
components for each row of bolts and groups of bolt rows which should be
considered, was described. In this regard, many available examples are not in
compliance with the requirements contained in [3]. In such a joint, other groups of
bolt rows for the column flange than for the end-plate should be considered.
According to the standard [3], groups of rows starting from the row most distant
from the compression zone are taken into account. Therefore, in a flange of
an unstiffened column the groups of rows 1-2, 1-2-3, etc. may occur, whereas in
extended end-plate it would be the row of bolt placed above upper flange of a beam
and group of rows 2-3. So, in the case of an unstiffened column flange, the group of
bolt rows 2-3 cannot be considered. Such a group will occur only in a joint with
a stiffened column.
A calculation example of a beam-to-column joint was also presented. It was
demonstrated that in joint under the load equal to load capacity Mj,Rd derived from
the formula (6.25) in [3] it may happen, that the load capacity of the column flange
is exceeded in the area of the group of bolt rows 1-2. For this reason, the reduction
of this capacity is necessary as follows from the point (3) in the standard [3].
In the presented example, forces in each bolt rows were estimated on the basis
of a linear model using stiffness coefficients adopted in the standard [3]. This way
of calculation may be easily applied by a designer. In order to better understanding
of the state of forces and deformations in a joint of a beam with an unstiffened
column, it would be advisable to make a model of a joint by using the finite
element method and to determine the values of these forces using elastic, elastically
plastic and plastic models, e.g. as in [4]. These analyses would allow estimating the
accuracy of simplified models and their suitability for design purposes.
[1] Kozłowski A., Pisarek Z., Wierzbicki S.,: Projektowanie doczołowych połączeń
śrubowych według PN-EN 1993-1-1 i PN-EN 1993-1-8. Inżynieria i Budownictwo
4/2009, s. 103–204.
[2] CSI Hellas: Dimensioning of Metallic Connections per EC3. Manual of Analysis and
verification examples. Analysis reference and verification. Sparta, Greece 2007.
[3] PN-EN 1993-1-8: 2006+AC: 2009+Ap1:2010 Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures,
Part 1.8: Design of joints.
[4] Butterworth J.: Finite Element Analysis of Structural Steelwork. Beam to Column
Bolted Connections. Constructional Research Unit, School of Science & Technology,
University of Teesside.