PAES 202 (AM - Hetead-Air Mechanical Grain Dryer MOT)

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Agricultural Machinery – Heated-Air Mechanical Grain Dryer – Methods of Test


The pursuance of this standard PAES 202:2000, Agricultural Machinery: Heated-Air

Mechanical Grain Dryer – Methods of Test was initiated by Agricultural Machinery Testing
and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) through the project “Standardization of Postharvest
Machinery Testing and Evaluation” funded by the Bureau of Postharvest Research and
Extension (BPRE) of the Department of Agriculture (DA).

This standard was reviewed by the Study Team for the Formulation of Standards for Grain
Dryer and by the Technical Committee on Postharvest Machinery and was circulated to
various private and government agencies/organizations concerned for their comments and
reactions. This standard was presented to the Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers
(PSAE) and subjected to a public hearing organized by the National Agriculture and Fisheries
Council (NAFC).

This standard has been technically pursued in accordance with PNS 01: Part 4:1998 – Rules
for the Structure and Drafting of Philippine National Standards.

In the preparation of this standard, the following publications/documents were considered:

ISO/DIS 11520-1 Agricultural Grain Dryers – Determination of Drying Performance

Part 16 and 17 of the Regional Network for Agricultural Machinery Test Codes and
Procedures for Continuous Flow and Batch Rice Dryers

Status of Grain Dryers in the Philippines by Justin Tumambing, paper presented at the
workshop of Standardization for grain dryers. NAPHIRE, Nueva Ecija.


1 Scope 3
2 References 4
3 Definitions 4
4 General conditions for test and inspection 6
4.1 Machine on test 6
4.2 Role of manufacturer/dealer 6
4.3 Site of test 6
4.4 Operation of the dryer 6
4.5 Measurement of dryer holding capacity 6
4.6 Indication of damage 6
4.7 Suspension of test 7
5 Test preparation 7
5.1 Materials and equipment 7
5.2 Preparation of the dryer for testing 7
5.3 Test set-up 7
5.4 Running-in and preliminary adjustments 8
6 Procedures of test 8
6.1 Verification of the specifications 8
6.2 Performance test 8
7 Ease of handling and safety feature 9
8 Laboratory analysis of dried samples 9
9 Formula 10
10 Test report format 10

1 Standard laboratory method in assessing milling
quality of paddy 12

A Specification of Grain Dryers (Continuous-Flow Type) 13
B Specification of Grain Dryers (Batch Type) 21
C Drying Performance Test 26
D Laboratory Analysis of Samples 27
E Formula to be Used in the Computation of Drying Parameters 28

Agricultural Machinery – Heated-Air Mechanical Grain Dryer – Methods of Test

1 Scope

This standard specifies the methods of test to determine the following performance
characteristics of grain dryers.

1.1 Heating System

1.1.1 Heating system efficiency

1.1.2 Combustion efficiency

1.1.3 Burner/Furnace efficiency

1.1.4 Fuel consumption

1.2 Drying System Performance

1.2.1 Drying capacity

1.2.2 Moisture reduction per hour (per pass)

1.2.3 Heat utilization

1.2.4 Drying efficiency

1.2.5 Drying system efficiency

1.2.6 Electric power consumption

1.3 Quality of dried grains

1.3.1 Cracked grain (for rice and corn)

1.3.2 Milling quality (for rice only)

1.3.3 Hulled/Damaged grain (for rice)

1.3.4 Brokens/Split kernel (for corn)

1.3.5 Moisture content gradient

1.3.6 Final moisture content

PAES 202:2000

1.4 Others (e.g. Scattered grains)

2 References

The following document contains provisions, which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this Standard:

PAES 201:2000 Agricultural Machinery: Heated-Air Mechanical Grain Dryer –


PNS 556-1991: Agricultural Machinery: Method of Sampling.

3 Definitions

For the purpose of this standard the definitions given in PAES 201:2000 and the following
shall apply:

airflow rate
volume of air in cubic meters delivered to the mass of grains per second

burner efficiency
furnace efficiency
ratio of the heat supplied by the burner/furnace, to the heat released by the fuel

combustion efficiency
ratio of the heat released by the fuel, to the theoretical heat available from the fuel

conventional energy source
source of energy which includes petroleum-based fuels such as kerosene, gasoline, diesel oil
and bunker fuel oil

damaged grains
grains which are heat damaged, weather damaged, sprouted or distinctly damaged by insects,
water, fungi and/or any other means

drying air temperature
mean temperature of the air to be used for drying the grain, measured at a number of points
as close as practicable to its entry to the grain bed

drying rate
amount of water removed per unit of time, expressed in kilogram per hour

PAES 202:2000

drying system efficiency
ratio of the total heat utilized for drying, to the heat available in the fuel expressed in percent

foreign matter
all matters other than rice/corn grains such as sand, gravel, dirt, pebbles, stones, lumps of
earth, clay, mud, chaff, straw, weed seeds and other crop seeds

fuel consumption
total amount of fuel consumed divided by the total drying time

grain holding capacity
load capacity
continuous flow dryer: weight of grain in the dryer after a period of stable operation
batch type dryer: weight of grain required to fill the dryer at the input moisture content

heat utilization
total amount of heat utilized to vaporize moisture in the material, expressed in kJ/kg of H2O

immature grains
palay which are light green and chalky with soft texture

moisture reduction rate
ratio of the average percent moisture content removed from the grain, to drying time,
expressed in percent per hour

non–conventional energy source
source of energy that includes non-petroleum based fuels such as biomass and solar energy

percentage of grains free of foreign matter

scattered grains
ratio of the weight of grains that fell out from the machine during the drying operation, to the
weight of the total grain input to the dryer, expressed in percent

static pressure
pressure build-up in the plenum chamber to maintain uniform distribution of air flow through
the grain mass, expressed in Pascal

PAES 202:2000

temporarily holding the grain between the drying passes, allowing the moisture content in the
center of the grain and that on the surface of the grain to equalize

4 General conditions for test and inspection

4.1 Machine on test

The machine on test shall be commercially produced or prototype unit or slightly used
machine depending upon the test objective. In case of testing commercially manufactured
dryers, the dryer sampled for acceptance, lot, routine, and type tests in accordance with
“PAES 103:2000 – Agricultural Machinery – Method of Sampling” shall be submitted for

4.2 Role of manufacturer/dealer

The manufacturer/dealer shall make the dryer for testing available to an authorized testing
agency together with its specifications and other relevant information (Annex A or B). An
authorized manufacturers/dealer’s representative shall be appointed to repair, handle, adjust
and witness the test. It shall be the duty of the representative to make all decisions on matters
of adjustment and preparation of the machine for testing. The manufacturer shall abide with
the terms and conditions set forth by the authorized testing agency. The interested party shall
provide testing materials and other variable cost as cited in the next section.

4.3 Site of test

The dryer shall be tested as installed for normal operation but it is important for testing that
the site should have adjacent to its premises suitable space for storing and turning a sufficient
quantity of grains for drying during the test.

4.4 Operation of the dryer

During the test, the dryer shall be operated by the manufacturer’s representative (s) in
accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions (published manual) and verified
by the testing authority. The testing authority shall make all measurements, which form part
of the test and take the prescribed samples.

4.5 Measurement of dryer holding capacity

The maximum amount of grain required to fill the dryer for proper operation shall be verified
when filling the dryer at the beginning of the test. The holding capacity shall be measured in
terms of weight and other accompanying information such as moisture content and purity.

4.6 Indication of damage

Samples of grain used for the test shall be subjected to laboratory analysis by test milling and
presence of cracked grains before and after drying. Milling test of the samples obtained

PAES 202:2000

during drying test shall be conducted at least 48 hours after the drying test while air-dried
samples shall be milled when its moisture content reaches 14%.

4.7 Suspension of test

If during the test run, the machine stops due to breakdown or malfunction so as to affect the
machine’s performance, the test shall be suspended. The decision to suspend or to continue
the test is at the discretion of the test engineer and concurred by the company representative.

5 Test preparation

5.1 Materials and equipment

51.1 Fuel
The fuel to be used shall conform to the specification supplied by the manufacturer.

5.1.2 Grain
The grain to be used shall be single variety and the moisture content shall be 20% and above
for rice and corn with the highest available moisture content to be used in the test.

5.1.3 Measuring instruments

The measuring instruments for performance testing, especially moisture testers shall be
calibrated by the testing station prior to the tests.

5.2 Preparation of the dryer for testing

A check shall be made by the manufacturer and testing authority that the dryer has been
assembled and installed in accordance with the instruction of the manufacturer based on
installation manual.

5.3 Test set-up

Thermometers shall be mounted on or inside the dryer for temperature sensing. These shall
be mounted at the following locations: (1) near the dryer to sense ambient temperature (2) at
the grain plenum interface, (3) after the plenum, and (4) immediately outside the dryer to
sense exhaust air temperature. Temperature sensors shall be partially shielded to minimize
errors from heat radiation effects. A schematic diagram shall be made of the dryer, showing a
numbered location for each sensor.

For the measurement of airflow and static pressure, pitot tube and manometer or any other
suitable apparatus shall be installed.

The control of drying air condition shall be by adjustment of the setting of an automatic
control forming part of the dryer, or by manual adjustment of the furnace by the
manufacturer’s representative if automatic temperature control mechanism is not fitted.
Adjustments for the purpose of maintaining a steady temperature of the drying air may be
made at any time but any adjustment of an automatic control shall have been sanctioned by
the Testing Center.

PAES 202:2000

5.4 Running-in and preliminary adjustments

The dryer shall be run-in in accordance with manufacturer’s operating manual before the start
of actual test. The manufacturer may take any adjustment during the period of run-in.
Adjustments shall be within the limits specified by the manufacturer.

6 Procedures of test

6.1 Verification of the specifications

6.1.1 This inspection is carried out to verify the mechanism, main dimensions, material and
accessories of the dryer conform to the lists of specifications submitted by the manufacturer.

6.1.2 Besides gathering of technical data of the machine, observations on the following
shall be made: Quality of manufacture Adequacy of protection of components (e.g. bearings, shafting, belts, etc.) Presence of safety controls Presence of dust collection systems Operation and maintenance manual and spare parts catalogue, and special tools
required for adjustments and repair should be available and supplied to end-users.

6.1.3 The items to be measured, inspected and observed shall be recorded in Annex A or

6.2 Performance test

6.2.1 This is carried out to test the performance of the grain dryer.

6.2.2 Duration of test – Three test trials shall be carried out with the same operational
setting. The length of the test shall be such that one full capacity of grain has been dried to a
final moisture content of 14% (for rice and corn).

6.2.3 The dryer shall be operated at the drying air temperature as specified by the
6.2.4 In case of continuous flow type dryer, the dryer’s discharge mechanism shall be set
as specified by the manufacturer and the grains shall undergo tempering process as the case
maybe for at least four (4) hours before reloading to the dryer for another pass. For a
continuous drying operation, the minimum amount of test material to be used shall be equal
to twice the rated capacity.

6.2.5 Measurements – The following shall be measured at 30-minute intervals or as


PAES 202:2000 Air velocity

Measurement of air velocity shall be made at the air duct or at the heat exchanger, whichever
is applicable. Temperatures
Grain temperature, drying air temperature, ambient and exhaust air wet bulb and dry bulb
temperatures shall be recorded. Static pressure

This shall be taken at the plenum/transition duct (between the blower and the dryer). Moisture content reduction per pass

In case of continuous flow dryer, the percentage of moisture removed for each drying pass
shall be recorded. Sound level

This shall be measured with the dryer full of grain, operating at recommended settings of
different components, with burner on. (The operator’s station will be considered to be within
one meter of the controls). Moisture content

Samples for moisture determination shall be taken at the bottom, middle and top layer of the
grain for batch type dryers and from the flow of grain from the discharge mechanism for the
continuous flow dryer. Power and fuel

Measurement shall be made of the power and fuel used during each test run.

6.2.6 Sampling – For determination of grain quality, such as cracked grain and for milling
test (in case for rice), samples from the input and final output shall be taken during each test

6.2.7 The items to be measured, inspected and observed shall be recorded in Annex C.

7 Ease of handling and safety feature

The ease of loading and unloading of grain operation, setting and adjustment shall be
observed during the test and reported. The design from the point of view of safety for the
operator and the different machine components/ assemblies shall be checked and reported.
These shall be recorded in Annex A or B.

8 Laboratory analysis of dried samples

This is carried out to have a comparative analysis of the grains used before and after the
drying test.

8.1 The quality of dried grain samples from the dryer shall be compared to the quality of
dried grain using shade drying.

PAES 202:2000

8.2 The grain samples taken before and after the test shall be subjected to quality analysis
in the laboratory. The following shall be determined:

8.2.1 Variety

8.2.2 Moisture content

8.2.3 Purity

8.2.4 Cracked grains

8.2.5 Brokens/Split kernels

8.2.6 Immature grains

8.2.6 Fermented grains

8.2.8 Damaged grains

8.2.9 Foreign matter

8.2.10 Weed seeds

8.3 In case of rice grains, comparative analysis of the milling potential of the grain used
as shown in Figure 1, shall be undertaken.

8.4 Items to be determined shall be recorded in Annex D.

9 Formula

The formula to be used during calculation and testing are given in Annex E.

10 Test report format

10.1 Title

10.2 Summary

10.3 Scope of Test

10.4 Method of Test

10.5 Condition of Machine

10.6 Description of the Machine

10.7 Results and Discussion

PAES 202:2000

10.8 Observations (include pictures)

10.9 Names and Signatures of Test Engineers

PAES 202:2000





%M.C. W.B. KERNELS 100 200 g 100 GRAINS



RICE 20 g 1000 GRAINS




Figure 1. Standard laboratory method in assessing milling quality of paddy

PAES 202:2000

Annex A
(Continuous-Flow Type)

Name of Applicant (or Distributor): _____________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

Tel. No.: _______________________________________________________________

Name of Manufacturer: ___________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

Tel. No.: _______________________________________________________________

General information:

Make:_____________________________ Model: ____________________________

Serial No.: ______________________ Classification: ______________________

Production date of dryer to be tested: _____________________________________________

Testing Agency: ________________ Date of Testing: ________________

Test Engineer: ______________________

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
A.1 Grain flow rate (t/h)*
A.2. Drying chamber
A.2.1 Drying and cooling section
A.2.1.1 Overall dimensions (mm)
A.2.1.1.a Length
A.2.1.1.b Width
A.2.1.1.c Height
A.2.1.2 Grain holding capacity
A.2.1.2.a Volumetric (m3)
A.2.1.2.b Weight (kg.)
* based on input to the dryer

PAES 202:2000

ITEMS Inspection by the
Testing Agency

A.2.1.3 Materials of construction

A.2.2 Grain discharge section
A.2.2.1 Metering device
A.2.2.1.a Type
A.2.2.1.b Number of elements
A.2.2.1.c Control drive arrangement
A.2.2.1.d Drive unit (kW)
A.2.2.2 Materials of construction
of discharge hopper
A.3 Air distribution system
A.3.1 Drying and cooling section
A.3.1.1 Plenum
A.3.1.1.a Intake manifold
Material (s) of construction
A.3.1.1.b Exhaust manifold
Material (s) of construction
A.3.1.2 Ducting
Material (s) of construction
A.3.2 Fans
A.3.2.1 Drying and Cooling Section
A.3.2.1.a Number
A.3.2.1.b Type
A.3.2.1.c Make and Model
A.3.2.1.d Electric Motor
A.3.2.1.d.1 Number and Type
A.3.2.1.d.2 Total Rated Power (kW)
A.3.2.1.d.3 Rated speed (rpm)
A.3.2.1.d.4 Phase
A.3.2.1.d.5 Voltage (V)
A.3.2.1.d.6 Frequency (Hz)

PAES 202:2000

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
A.3.2.1.e Fan shaft speed (rpm)
A.3.2.1.f Air flow rate (m3/min)
A.4. Heating system
A.4.1 Main
A.4.1.1 Type (direct or indirect)
A.4.1.2 Type of fuel
A.4.1.3 Temperature control
A.4.1.4 Fuel consumption (L/h)
A.4.1.5 Other feature(s)
A.4.2 Supplementary
A.4.2.1 Type (direct or indirect)
A.4.2.2 Fuel
A.4.2.3 Temperature control
A.4.2.4 Other feature(s)
A.5. Tempering bin(s)
A.5.1 Number
A.5.2 Holding capacity (m3)
A.5.2.1 Type
A.5.2.2 Unloading rate (kg/h)
A.5.3 Material(s) of construction
A.5.4 Other feature (s)
A.6. Material handling system
A.6.1 Dump pit
A.6.1.1 Pit dimension
A.6.1.2 Material(s) of construction
A.6.1.3 Feature (s)
A.6.2 Elevator (s)
A.6.2.1 Number and height (m)
A.6.2.2 Capacity (t/h)
A.6.2.3 Belt dimensions (w x t, mm)
A.6.2.4 Elevator buckets

PAES 202:2000

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
A.6.2.4.a Dimensions (mm)
A.6.2.4.b Material (s) of construction
A.6.2.5 Drive Motor
A.6.2.5.a Type
A.6.2.5.b Rated power (kW)
A.6.2.5.c Rated speed (rpm)
A.6.2.5.d Phase
A.6.2.5.e Voltage (V)
A.6.2.5.f Frequency (Hz)
A.6.2.6 Material (s) of construction
A.6.2.7 Other Feature (s)
A.6.3 Conveyor (s)
A.6.3.1 Type
A.6.3.2 Number
A.6.3.3 Capacity (t/h)
A.6.3.4 Drive motor
A.6.3.4.a Type
A.6.3.4.b Rated power (kW)
A.6.3.4.c Rated speed (rpm)
A.6.3.4.d Phase
A.6.3.4.e Voltage (V)
A.6.3.4.f Frequency (Hz)
A.6.3.5 Control (s)
A.6.3.6 Material (s) of construction
A.6.3.7 Other feature (s)
A.6.4 Other types of material handling
A.6.4.1 Description
A.7 Instruments and controls
A.7.1 Temperature , moisture and
A.7.1.1 Air temperature

PAES 202:2000

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
A.7.1.1.a Type (s)
A.7.1.1.b Location (s)
A.7.1.2 Grain temperature
A.7.1.2.a Type (s)
A.7.1.2.b Location (s)
A.7.1.2 Grain moisture content
A.7.1.2.a Type (s)
A.7.1.2.b Location (s)
A.7.1.3 Pressure/ airflow indicator (s)
A.7.1.2.a Type (s)
A.7.1.2.b Location (s)
A.7.1.4 Other feature (s)
A.8 Pre-cleaner
A.8.1 Type
A.8.2 Capacity
A.8.3 Fan
A.8.3.1 Type
A.8.3.2 Material (s) of construction
A.8.4 Sieve
A.8.4.1 Type
A.8.4.2 Number
A.8.4.3 Size of perforations (mm)
A.8.4.4 Material (s) of construction
A.8.5 Air Duct
A.8.5.1 Diameter (mm)
A.8.5.2 Material (s) of construction
A.8.6 Electric Motor
A.8.6.1 Type
A.8.6.2 Rated power (kW)
A.8.6.3 Rated speed (rpm)
A.8.6.4 Phase

PAES 202:2000

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
A.8.6.5 Voltage (V)
A.8.6.6 Frequency (Hz)
A.8.7 Other feature (s)
A.9 Dust emission control (s)
A.9.1 Type (s)
A.9.2 Location (s)
A.9.3 Other feature (s)
A.10 Safety feature (s)
A.10.1 Product safety
A.10.2 Machine safety
A.10.3 Operation and maintenance

A.11 Schematic diagram of the dryer set-up

PAES 202:2000

The following are to be filled-up by the testing agency

A.12 Comments on the quality of manufacture


A.13 Comments on adequacy of protection of components (e.g. bearings, shafting, belts, etc.)


A.14 Comments on safety controls/devices


A.15 Comments on dust collection systems


A.16 Availability of manuals, brochure, and standard and special tools for adjustments
and repair


PAES 202:2000

A.17 Comments on instrumentation


A.18 Comments on ease of loading and unloading


A.19 Comments on settings and adjustments


A.20 Other comments/ observations


PAES 202:2000

Annex B
(Batch Type)
Name of Applicant (or Distributor): _____________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

Tel. No.: _______________________________________________________________

Name of Manufacturer: ___________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

Tel. No.: _______________________________________________________________

General Information:

Make: ____________________________ Model: ____________________________

Serial No.: ______________________ Classification: ______________________

Production date of dryer to be tested: _____________________________________________

Testing Agency: ________________ Date of Testing: ________________

Test Engineer: ______________________

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
B.1. Machine Specifications
B.1.1 Drying Rate ( kg/h)
B.1.2 Machine Structure
B.1.2.1 Overall Dimensions (mm)
B.1.2.1.a Length
B.1.2.1.b Width
B.1.2.1.c Height
B.1.3 Drying Bin
B.1.3.1 Type
B.1.3.2 Dimensions (mm)
B.1.3.2.a Length
B.1.3.2.b Width/ Diameter

PAES 202:2000

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
B.1.3.2.c Height
B.1.3.3 Holding Capacity (kg)
B.1.3.4 Maximum Grain Depth*(mm)
B.1.3.5 Material
B.1.3.5.a Frame
B.1.3.5.b Holding Bin
B.1.3.5.c Wall
B.1.4 Fan
B.1.4.1 Type
B.1.4.2 Brand/Model
B.1.4.3 Air Flow Rate (m3/min)
B.1.4.4 Static Pressure (Pa)
B.1.4.5 Material
B.1.4.6 Prime mover
B.1.4.7 Others (specify)
B.1.5 Heater
B.1.5.1 Type
B.1.5.2 Brand/Model
B.1.5.3 Fuel
B.1.5.4 Heat output (kJ/h)
B.1.5.5 Fuel Consumption
(kg/h or L/h)
B.1.5.6 Capacity of fuel tank (L)
B.1.5.7 Method of temperature control
B.1.5.9 Materials of construction
B.1.5.10 Others (specify)
B.1.6 Material Handling System**
B.1.6.1 Dump Pit
B.1.6.1.a Pit Dimension,L x W x H
* maximum grain depth – air path distance from inlet to outlet
**for recirculating batch only

PAES 202:2000

Manufacturer’s Measurement/
Specifications Inspection by the
Testing Agency
B.1.6.1.b Material(s) of construction
B.1.6.1.c Other Feature (s)
B.1.6.2 Elevator (s)
B.1.6.2.a Number and Height (m)
B.1.6.2.b Capacity (t/h)
B.1.6.2.c Belt dimensions (w x t, mm)
B.1.6.2.d Elevator buckets
B.1.6.2.d.1 Dimensions (mm)
B.1.6.2.d.2 Material (s) of
B.1.6.2.e Drive Motor
B.1.6.2.e.1 Type
B.1.6.2.e.2 Rated power (kW)
B.1.6.2.e.3 Rated speed (rpm)
B.1.6.2.e.4 Phase
B.1.6.2.e.5 Voltage (V)
B.1.6.2.e.6 Frequency (Hz)
B.1.6.2.f Material (s) of construction
B.1.6.2.g Other Feature (s)
B.1.7 Safety Feature (s)
B.1.7.1 Product Safety
B.1.7.2 Machine Safety
B.1.8 Operator Safety

B.2 Schematic Diagram of the Dryer Set-up

PAES 202:2000

The following are to be filled-up by the Testing Agency

B.3 Comments on the quality of manufacture


B.4 Comments on adequacy of protection of components (e.g. bearings, shafting, belts, etc.)


B.5 Comments on safety controls/devices


B.6 Comments on dust collection systems


B.7 Availability of manuals, brochure, and standard and special tools for adjustments
and repair

PAES 202:2000

B.8 Comments on instrumentation


B.9 Comments on ease of loading and unloading


B.10 Comments on settings and adjustments


B.11 Other comments/ observations


PAES 202:2000

Annex C

C.1 Crop conditions

C.1.1 Kind/Variety : ________________________
C.1.2 Initial grain moisture content (%) : ________________________
C.1.3 Total weight of grain (kg) : ________________________
C.1.4 Cracked grain (%) : ________________________
C.1.5 Damaged grain (%) : ________________________
C.1.6 Impurities (%) : ________________________

C.2 Ambient conditions

C.2.1 Temperature : ________________________
C.2.1.1 Dry bulb (oC) : ________________________
C.2.1.2 Wet bulb (oC) : ________________________
C.2.2 Relative humidity (%) : ________________________
C.2.3 Atmospheric pressure (Pa) : ________________________

C.3 Dryer performance

C.3.1 Drying rate (kg/batch or kg/hr) : ________________________
C.3.2 Drying air temperature (oC) : ________________________
C.3.3 Ave. ambient air temperature (oC)
C.3.3.1 Wet bulb : ________________________
C.3.3.2 Dry bulb : ________________________
C.3.4 Ave. ambient air relative humidity (%) : ________________________
C.3.5 Ave. exhaust air temperature (oC) : ________________________
C.3.4.1 Wet bulb : ________________________
C.3.4.2 Dry bulb : ________________________
C.3.6 Ave. exhaust air relative humidity (%) : ________________________
C.-3.7 Ave. grain temperature (oC) : ________________________
C.3.8 Ave. air velocity (m/s) : ________________________
C.3.9 Ave. static pressure (Pa) : ________________________
C.3.10 Burner fuel consumption (L/h) : ________________________
C.3.11 Electrical power consumption (kW) : ________________________
C.3.12 Drying time (h) : ________________________
C.3.13 Moisture content reduction
per pass or per batch (%/h) : ________________________
C.3.14 Drying system efficiency (%) : ________________________
C.3.15 Burner/furnace efficiency (%) : ________________________
C.3.16 Heating system efficiency : ________________________
C.3.17 Heat utilization (KJ/kg of H2O) : ________________________
C.3.18 Dryer efficiency (%) : ________________________
C.3.19 Moisture content (% w.b.) : ________________________
C-3.20 Moisture content gradient (%) : ________________________

PAES 202:2000

Annex D
D.1 Analysis of palay samples
D.1.1 Before and after drying
Machine tested : _______________________ Date of test : ______________________
Variety : _______________________ Laboratory analyst : ______________________

Moisture Bulk Purity Foreign Cracked Immature Weed Fermented Damaged Remarks
Condition Content Density (%) Matter Grains (%) Grains Seeds Grains (%) Grains
(%) (kg/m3) (%) (%) (%) (%)

D.1.2 Analysis of milled rice

Head Broken Milling Whiteness Milling Moisture
Condition Date of Test Remarks
Rice (%) Rice (%) Recovery (%) Index Degree Content (%)
Air Dried or
Laboratory Dryer
Dryer on
Note: Laboratory milling of rice shall be conducted, minimum of 48 hours after drying.

D.2 Analysis of corn samples

Machine tested : _______________________ Date of test : __________________________
Variety : _______________________ Laboratory analyst :___________________________

Moisture Bulk Density Purity Foreign Cracked Damaged Remarks

Content (%) (kg/m3) (%) Matter (%) Kernels (%) Kernels (%)
Before Drying
After Drying

PAES 202:2000

Annex E
Formula to be Used in the Computation of Drying Parameters

Initial weight of test material (kg)

1. Drying capacity (kg/h) =
Actual drying time (h)

2. Final weight of test material, W2 (kg)

W (100 - MC1 )
W2 = 1
(100 - MC2 )

3. Moisture reduction per hour

Initial weight of test material (kg) - Final weight of test material (kg)
By weight (kg/h) =
Actual drying time (h)

4. Heating system efficiency (%)

Heat supplied to the dryer
HSE = x 100
Heat availablein the fuel
where :

Heat supplied =
[Enthalpy (h 2 ) - Enthalpy (h1 )]x air flow rate (m3 /min)
x 60
specific volume (m3 /kg dry air) h
Heat available = Fuel feed rate (kg/h) x heating value of fuel (kJ/kg)

Heat supplied (kJ/h) x drying time (h)

5. Heat utilizzation (kJ/kg) = x 100
Amount of moisture removed (kg)

Total heat utilized (kJ/h)

6. Drying efficiency (%) = x 100
Heat supplied to the burner (kJ/h)

Heat released by the fuel (kJ/h)

7. Combustion efficiency (%) = x 100
Amount of fuel (kg/h) x heating value of fuel (kJ/kg)

Total heat utilized (kJ/h)

8. Drying system efficiency (%) = x 100
Amount of fuel (kg/h) x heating value of fuel (kJ/kg)


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