Micro Test 2 (Mycology and Bacteriology) 2024

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whichlcads to B.


lobater jejuni light junctions

the epithelium
temporary C .C a

Coxerning proteins cleanes speciliç
microbeto II,-8 host
I. Adhesion junctionsinthe ofthe
A. cell-to-cell facilitates bilingtrigzgersseCrction
receplors 0T


the pntease which corkscrew

Serinc toxin mierobes
B. sCDIisan inyyiant
tesonsibleor the
C. The tlagellaare
2. Shigclla: intective dosetriggers
large exooxin
A. lasa that
Releasesan cnvironment
B diarthoca acidic
cause bloody exposcd to an
C Can ade cells when
D, Can inv
3. Interic bacteria aquatic
cxclusively found in digestive system
A. Are never beneficial in the human
B. Are causes watery diarrhoca
C. Only overall gut hcalth
important in
D. Is
Foodbome discases:
usually chronic illnesscs microorganisms
A. Are by the presence of pathogenic
B. Are only caused
food poisoning
C. Are aliso known asby gram-negative bacteria
D. Are only caused
5. Which of the following is false; Ingestion of pathogenic microbes that penetrate
A. Foodborne infection is multiply by
the intestinal mucosa and Ingestion of pre-fomed toxins in food
B. Foodborne intoxication is caused by infection and
C. Food Toxico-infection is a combination of both
foodborne intoxication
D. Food infections are non-communicable

6. One of the fungal cell characteristics is that they are....

A. Vascular
B. Motile
C. Avascular
D. Undergo binary fusion
7. One of the characteristics of fungal cells that ensure sclective
toxicity to antifungal
agents is the presence of ............ which is absent in human cells.
A. Chitin
B. Peptidoglycan layer
C. Cholesterol
D. Lipoteichoic acid
8. The following antifungal agents are structurally classified as
A. Nystatin
B. Amikacin
C. Losartan
D. Gentamicin
9. The following
A. Amphotericin 3agent an example of an
heterocyclic benzofuran...
B. Hamycin
C. Caien
D. Grisoulin
analeues is ealled
J0. 1he other ten lor pyumtc
A. Purine alalogues
B. Antimetaboites
C. Polyene Macrolides
D. Lipoidal antifungals
antifungal is..
11. An cxample of apyrimidne analogue
A. Fluorine
B. Chlorouracil
C. Cytarabine
D. Amorolline
examples ot imidazoles (contain two
12. The following antifungals are correct paired
nitrogen atoms).
A. Cotrimazole and Econazole
B. Fluconuzole and Ketoconazole
C. Clotrimazole und Ketoconazole
D. Bifonazole and itraconazole
following antifungals are correct paired examples of triazoles (contain three
13. The
nitrogen atoms).
A. Cotrimazole and Econazole
B. Fluconazole and Itraconazole
C. Clotrimazole and Miconazole
D. Bifonazole and Oxiconazole
conversion of ....
14. The Azole antifungal ugents work inhibiting the
A. Lanosterol to ergosterol
B. Ergosterol to lanosterol
C. Squalene to lanosterol
D. Lanosterol to squalene
glucan synthase are...
15. The group of antifungal agents that work by inhibiting
A. Heterocyclic benzofurans
B. Polyene macrolides
C. Antimetabolites
D. Echinocandins
of action of which antibiotic
16. The inhibition of DNA Gyrase enzy me is the mechanism
A. Azithromycin
B. Gentamicin
C. Nalidixic acid
D. Benzyl Penicillin
the mechanisn ol
17. The inhibition of protein synthesis at the 50S ribosomal subunit is
action of the following antibiotics except....
A. Azithromycin
B. Doxycycline
C. Chloramphenicol
D. Clindamycin nthesis at the 30S
18. The antibioties whose mechanisn1 of action is inhibition of protein sy
ribosomal subunit include the following, except.
A. Ciproloxacin
2 8
F .a s

in all ol the following

D Amkas in mmlNTed

Folate Antaponist:
) All the alvveIollowing Antibioties Act as
Whih Aong of
A Penicilln
B. Tetracycline
C Trimcthoprim
D. Cefolaxime opportunistic mycoses....
following statement is falsc aboutendogenous tlora
1 he caused by opportunistic fungi
A. They are mostlypathogenic fungi than there are
B There are more
Maybec caused hy total parenteral nutrition
C. therapy may be a risk lactor
D. Corticosteroid intections requires a high index of suspicion because:
22 The diagnosis of opportunistic signs and symptoms
A. Paticnts present with typical considered a suprophyte or contaminant
B. The etiological agent may be attinity
C. The fungus may have an unusual organ
D. The serologic response may be suppressedreservoirs for nosocomial transmission
23. Hands of health care workers serve as potential
of which of the opportunistic mycoses?
A. Candidiasis
B. Histoplasmosis
C. Aspergillosis
D. Cryptococcosis
24 One of the risk factors of vulvovaginal candidiasis is..
A Decrcased vaginal pll due to exeessive antibiotic use
B. Decreased amount of lactobacillus and increased vaginal pH
C Controlled Diabetes Mellitus
D. Eclampsia
25. The following opportunistic fungal infection is usually acquired by
cells Irom the inhaling aerosolized
A. Oral Candidiasis
B. Aspergillosis
C. Cryplococcosis
). Tinea versicolor

% The similarity
A Roth hetween Fasciola
are hat worms hepatica and Fasciola giganicu is lhat
3. Both are trematodes
Botlha and hare correct
D. Only bis correet
27. Faseiola epatica is also called
A. Sheep-liver luke
B. Cat-iver fluke
C. Dog-liver luke
D. Conmonhver iluke
28. Fasciola gigotica is aso called.
A. Sheep-iver luk
B. Cat-liver tluke
C. Dog-liver tluke
D. Conmon-liver luke the snail are...
developental stapes of Fasciola spccies in
29. The corect order of -rediae-sporocy sts
A. Cereare
B. Rediac-sporocy sts-cercariae
C. Sporocysts-rdiac-cercariae
D. Cercariac-sporoeysts-rediae
property is used for the identification of Staplylococcus
30. The following structural
B. Coagulnse.
C. Cellulose
D. Opa proteins,
31. MRSA is:
to glycopeptide antibiotics.
A. A Staphylococeus resistantto betu-luctam antibiotics
B. A Sreptococcus
C. A Saphylvcoceus
resistant to betia-lactam untibiotics.
D. ldentilied usinga 30ug cetotaxime
Sireptococcus agulactiae'?
body is normally eolonized with
32. What site of the human
A. Mouth
B. Vagina.
C. Eyes.
D. Skin.
the most conunon diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b in
33. One of is:
children without any underlying illness
unvaccinated under-five years
A, Gustroenteritis.
B. Wound intection
C. Pneumonia.
D. Meninigitis.
sequclae, including blindness, deafness, and mental retardation can occur in
34. Neurologic
some infants who survive mcningitis due to:
A. Slaphylococcus.
B. Escherichia col.
C. Strepiococcus agalactiae
D. Emerococcus.
which can
35. is non-group A B-haemolytic Streptococcus
cause phary ngitis and a consequential glomerulonephritis:
A Streptocoveus ungnosus
B Streptovoccus ugalactiae
C SireptococCus pogens
D Strptooves dysgulactiac.
unubiotie for trcat1nent of meningitis
36. The following is considered as the first choicg ol
inlection due to Sirepucoccus pneumonnue:
dillereitiateSeploccCus pneumoniae
7sof the latnidasetest
Ckalase Test.
C Ctoxthin test. fever or ceute
D Biik
acwuline test
for contiming thcunatic
thetests that is uscful i recent streptococcal pharyngeal infection is:
Ohe of
2 ghnerulnephritis resulting from a 1
ASO test.
B Widal test.
C Bile solubility
D Sreptex test. serious infections due to
combination therapy recommended for
j9 Afirst choice
EnterococCus faccalis is:
4 Amacrolide and anaminoglycoside.
B Ampicillin and an
C Cloxacillin and gentamicin.
D Ampicillin and vancomycin.
Neisseria meningitidis vaccine?
40. What serogroup is not covered by the
A Serogroup A.
B. Serogroup B.
C. Serogroup C.
D. Serogroup X.
41.A vaccine for Neisseria gonorrhoeae docs not exist primarily due to:
A. High antigenic variation. and phase variation of its numerous surface proteins.
B. Lack of antigenic surlace proteins.
C. Lack of a cell wall.
D. An overload of antigenic surlace proteins.
$2. In the case of afemale patient suspected of suffering from gonorrhoca what would be
the best spccimen for laboratory diagnosis?
B. Blood culture.
C, Cervical pus.
D. Urine.
43 Ihe prnmary mode of transmission of Neisseriu
A. Sexual intercourse. meningitidis inlectons is:
B. Dircct contact.
C. Water.
D. Acrosols.
44, The lollowing oryanism
A. Neisseria is one of the rare
gonorhocue. causes of phury ngits.
B. Escherichia coli.
C Enterococcus,
D, Suvpivcmnie. bctethal specle has been most succesnful at
4s In Zanbta, Vacnaton ayatst
cases of invasive diseitses, ineudng
reducing the nnbe of

D. Neswra meninyithlls
are in the UK, and pacliatrie putient with a persistent cough is evaluated for
J6. Imagine you exmination determine that the child sullers
sinopulmonary disease. History and physicul airwuy obstruction. A sputum sample produces
Irom nasal polyps und, possitbly, chronie likely
of Psendooas sccies, Which of the following is the most
mucoid variety
A. Bronchioitis
B. Chronie obsiructive pulmonary discase (COPD)
C. Cystic fibrosis

D.interstitial pncumonia
because of fever and
47. A 7-y car-old female child is taken to an urgent cure facility infection. What is the most
periodic incontincnce. The plhysician suspects u urinary tract
likely aetiology of this child's infection?
A. Escherichia coli
B. Proteus mirabilis
C. Pseudomonas ueruginosa
D. Stuphylococeus saprophyticus
48, During a gynaccologie oftice visit, a urine dipstick suggestive of a UTI along with a
voiding symptom prompted the physician to order a urine culture. The bacterium, which
was isolated in clinically significant numnbers was a Gram-positive. Which of the
Following is TRUE?
A. The urine dipstick likely showed positive glucose
B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the organism likely isolated
C. Having Bends in the Urethra was one of the Predisposing Factors in the Patient
D. The Infection was distinguished rom contamination by quantitative culture

49, Regarding Central nervous system, the following are true, EXCEPT?
A. Infections are usually blood-borne or infectious agents invading via peripheral

B. It is predisposed to mechanical pressure or deformation by enclosure in rigid

C. Barriers such as blood cercbrospinal luid (CSF) barrier protect against pathogen
D. Pathogens Locally invaded from infected sinuses
of the shite matter
substance of the
enation brain barier,
t tl, is it nflamnation ol the
Vueegeal ilhin cetebrospinal luld(cst
( lleathe and
ilk in t
-UNAsion of blood
complainng ol a baries
headachetor the last 24 hour
D Nonal de tic hastwen the cntire
ctmium, but
over the V
and inoing Sle
silos uncomortable. leels
tad grually, intenitying
hoteotthat tuing her hcaa is pupilloedema. A
lumbar generulf
pleothurs sdie h room. Tlkre is ho diagnosis'
ad datk
Wat is the most likely
ll asl preters o ie in
Weeals normal gnse and
A. Viral menngis.
R Fungal meningitis
CViral cncephalitis.
D Bacteial meningitis.
(UII), which of the following is CORRECT?
2 Regatling Unnarn tract Intetions especially amongwomen
ate uncommon,
A. Uinary tract infeetions
after 50 years of age in men
B They are not uncommon
C Pregnancy scems to be protective in women
D They contribute insignificant amount of morbidity in the population.
Infeetions (UTD, the following are
Wih respect to acquisition and actiology Urinary tract
S3. correct. :XCEPT?
A. Adenovins is associated with haemorhagic cystitis
B Very 1ew parasites cause LITIs
C. ntection can be acquired by the ascending route from the urethra to the
D. Maematogenous acquisition ofUTIs Is commonly due to E Coli
54. Regarding opportumistic CNS infections in Zumbia (U1H), which of the following is
A. Are frequent, potentially treatable complications of AlDS
B. Multiple pathogens often coexist in CSF
C M tuberculosis is the most prevalent CNS organism in coinfection
D. EBVis the most prevalent CNS organisn in iscolation and in coinfection
55. Conceming nosocomial infections in Zambia (UTH and NIHD, the
following are true
A. Proteus Mrahilis is among the most commonly isolated
B. Proteus Vulgaris is among the most commonly isolated Pathogens
C. Peulomonas aerugimosa is among the most Pathogens
D. They may be cauUsed by commenly isolated Pathogens
multi-drug-resistant pathogens that limit
56. A 73-year-old man
complained of weakness forgctfulness, dillicultytreatment options
speaking. and
involuntary movements of his right arm. The patient's condition
he slipped into a cona. and he died 4 continued to deteriorate,
brain sections showed vacuolation and amy months after the onset of symptoms. At autopsy,
was no cvidence of
intlammatory loid-containing plaques and fibrils, but there
cells. Which of the lollowing
with regards to the aforementioned Scenario? statement is CORRECT
A. TheAetiology of the
B. The Aetiology of the discase nost likely is viral
discase most likely is Fungal

C. The discase could have been sporalie. geetic, or ucquircd.
D. The Aetiology ofthe disease nost likely is hacterial
$7. Sexually Transnitted Discases incude the following EXCEPI
A. Chlamydia trachonatis
B. Neisseria gonorrhocae

C.Treponcma pallidum
58. Concerning Neisseria Gonorrhea
A. Usually infects squamous ccll epithelia.
B. Infccts columnar epithelial cells.
C. Gram positive diplococci
D.Grows poorly in 59%CO2.
caused by N.
59. All the following infeetions are the common clinical manifestations
gonorrhocae, EXCEPT
A. Genital gonorrhea in women
B.PID in men

C.Neonatal Conjunctivitis
60. Which of the following is a common specimen used for the diagnosis of sexually
transmitted chlamy dial infections in both male and fermale?
A. Oral swab

C.Skin biopsy
D.Urine sample
61. A 28-year-old woman is screened for syphilis and has a positive Treponema pallidum
specific enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA). The laboratory performs a Rapid Plasma
Reagin (RPR) test that is nonreactive. Tests for HIV, Neisseria gonorrhocac, and
Chlamydia trachomatis are negative. She has no medical problems, takes no
medications, and does not use illicit drugs. She has been sexually active with the same
male partner for the past 3 ycars. She has no prior history of any sexually transmitted
infections, and has never been tested or treated for syphilis. She is asymptomatic and the
physical examination is normal.
Which one of the following is the most appropriate next step in the evaluation of this
A. Repeat both the EIA and the RPR
B. Send for un alternative nontreponemal test
C. Send an alternative treponemal test
work-spatthis diagosed with
secondary syphilis
intramuscular and treacd

buthet chtically r(IM) x 3 67.

D S ot male s 24millonunitsenzyme weckly

6 1hnzalhine pxlln
wth a
sitive syphilis
1:2$o, Their immunoassay (1:1A) and: dere.
|IV-1/2 antigen-antibody
h lts etun a iterof no new symptoms have
Lah 4Pisma Regin RPRIat
i onilhs, developed: and Rre
Rapt lollo-ut in b
tgatie Ata of | 3 ol lction
i e a s a tier neNt coirsc
tewmend as the
at ulf vou
tntramuscularbenzathing penicillin G2.4 million units
of as
Inat ithasingle dose
benzathine penicillin administered 3intramuscular doses of 24
total of
B Ireat with a 1-wcek intervals fluidI analysis and treat based on these
million units at andcerebrospinal
C Rrtom alumbar puncture
turther treatment is necessary at this time, but continue
D. No Physical
4-day history of painless penile lesions,
63.A 38-year-old man presents with aulcers
Cxamination reveals 3 non-tender on the lateral aspect of the penile shaft and fr
Oral examination and
lymphadenopathy in the right inguinal region that is non-tender.clinical
skin inspection are normal. He has no neurologic symptoms. A diagnosis of
sy philis is strongly suspected: nontreponemal and treponcmal serologic tests for syphilis
ure ordercd.

Based on the information at this point, how would you clinically stage syphilis in this

A. Primary syphilis
B Sccondary syphilis
C. Early latent syphilis
D. Late latent syphilis
64. A19-ycar-old woman is secn in sexual health clinic to
discuss possibly starting HIV
preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). She has sex with men and intermittently uses condoms.
As part of the initial evaluation, testing is ordered for
Syphilis. HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and
Which one of the following is TRUE regarding
A. The diagnosis of syphilis can serologic testing for
confidently be made with a single syphilis?
treponemal serologic test positive
B. The degrec of clevation in the
distinguish primary enzyme immunoassay (EIA) titer can
C. Areactive from secondary syphilis accurately
D. Areactive treponcmal test does not require any further
test that, if positive, serologic test should be followedconfirmatory
with a
65. The following are includes a quantitative result (titer) nontreponcmal
A. Tonsilitis upper respiratory tract
B. Strep Throat infections
C. Pertussis
D. Lung abscess
66, The
following bacteria
A. Bordatella species have a
B. vaccine given to children in Zambia EXCEPT
lemophilus intluenzac
C. Coryncbacteriun diptheriae
D. Pseudomonas acruginosa
typc B

following factors help protect the respiratory system
61. The
A. Cillia trap thc dust fron the air
wam ad most.
B. MucOus embranes- keep the air
C. Immunoglebulin protects against micoorganisins the lower
food and water frot etting to
D. Cough reileN- oteets the
respiratory system chest,
presents to the hospital with a productive cough, fever,
63. A 25-year-old female patient has
rapid shallow breathing with a What is
and chills, on examination, the of Pneunonia.
the doctor makes a diagnosis
rate of 25 b/m and is restless.
the likely causat1ve agent?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B. Klebsiella pneumoniae
C. Streptococcus pneumoniae
D. Chlamydia pneumoniae fungi.
infection usually causcd by bacteria, mycobactcria, or
69. Osteomyelitis is a bone risk of osteomyelitis?
Which group has a lower
A. Adolescents
B. Young children
C. The old people
infection when
D. People with preexisting the body are most likely to become infected
bones of
70. In older adults, which spread through the
organisms causing osteomyelitisbones
A. The ends of arm and leg
B. The hip
C. The spine
D. The toes
the following statements about osteomyelitis is NOT correct?
71. Which of and cured.
A.Chronic osteomyelitis is easily treated from nearby
Surgery may be necessary to treat osteomyelitis developing
B. soft-tissue infection. image
infected area almost always appears abnormal on a bone scan (an
C. The
radioactive substance).
of bone after injecting a
may show characteristic changes of osteomyelitis but sometimes not
D. X-rays occur.
until 2-4 weeks after the first symptoms
destruction of bone caused by bacteria,
72. Osteomyelitis is inflammation and osteomyelitis is caused by contiguous spread
mycobacteria, or fungi. About 80% of
following types of bacteria is
from infected tissue or open wounds. Which of the by contiguous spread?
present in 2 50% of patients with osteomyelitis caused
A. Anaerobic bacteria
B. Gram-negative enteric organisms
C. Staphylococci
D. Streptococci
her parents because
73. A12-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department by
3 days. The
she has had fever, fatigue, and pain in the right lawer limb for the past
parents say that the patient has been otherwise healthy and has met all
developmental milestones. Physical examination shows swelling, erythema, warmth,
and tenderness in the right leg just below the knee. Acute osteomyelitis is

confirm this diagnosis and

atnormalities? erythrocyte
A theleg
MRI of the legbouescanof
n Radioisotope
causediby a member of the
D. Nay of the
patient has
leg endocarditis
subacutebacterial followingsites Is most likely to be a source of the
74 Vour Streptococci, Which of
SToup of
A Skin
8. Colon
C Oropharynx
D Urethra 22-year-old woman develonod
75 A2-day-old premature baby boy born to a urinary tract infection after tho
the symptoms of
pneumonia. The mother developed
collected from the newborn for laboratory testing, and
del1very. Ablood sample was growth of beta-hemolytic colonies.
within 24 hours, culture plates showed the possible pathogen that
Which of the following group Bstreptococci could be the pneumonia?
can be easily spread from the mother to the baby and cause
A. Streptococcus pyogenes
B. Streptococcus agalactiae
C. Enterococcus faecalis
D. Streptococcus bovis
76. A4-year-old boy presented with an erythematous rash on his face and arms
accompanied by reddening of the skin, during the physical examination swollen
lymph nodes around the infection were noted in the affected area, but no other
symptoms were observed. Aspecimen was collected from the infected site, and the
pathogen was identified as a gram-positive coccus.
What could be the possible
A. Glomerulonephritis diagnosis?
B. Erysipelas
C Impetigo
D. Cellulitis
77. Infectious arthritis is
arthritis, which of theinfection
in the fluid and
tissues of a joint. In acute
A. Bacteria following usually cause the infectious
B. Fung infection?
Infection of unknown origin
D. Viruses
78. Which of the
A. following statements about
Bacteria that cause infoctious arthritis is NOT COrrectr
the bacteria infectious
that cause arthritis in newborns tend to be different from
it in older
Chronic infectious children and adults
C. All
children who arthritis
develop most often affects people who have risk factors
79. Which of People
infectious arthritis always have more than one risk
ftthe being treated with
is the most dialysis are at higher risk for infectious arthritis
common type of staph skin infection?
specimens collecteddis only in catarrhal phase
of isolation protection of bacteria during eariy
B. Greatest chance insportant for the initial
C. Pertussis toxin
stages of disease to its tracheal
is primarily due intiammatory disease. The
D. local injury was diagnosed with pelvic included Gram-negative anaerobic
89. A24-year-oldfound to be polymicrobialand infection.
Infection was
likeyanaerobe involved in the
rod. ldentify the most
A. Bacteroides fragilis
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
C. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
D. Treponema pallidum repetitive coughing with
presents with episodes of
90. A10-month-old male child as well as some vomiting. Parents indicate that the
intermittent large gasps of air condition for about 1 week.
Incidentally. the
suffering from this sneezing.
child has been cold-like illness with a fever and
have a
previous week he was reported to lymphocytes and 30% neutrophils. An oxidase
Awhite blood cell count shows is grown from a nasopharyngeal
swab plated
Gram-negative coccobacillus
positive, organisms is most likely
on Regan-Lowe charcoal agar. Which one of the following
responsible for this disease?
A. Bordetella pertussis
B. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
C. Haemophilus influenzae
D. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
identification of
91. Nagler's reaction is useful for the
A. C tetani
B. Cperfringens
C. C botulinum
D. Cdifficile
92. Tetanus is caused by spread of
A. Exotoxin in sympathetic system
B. Exotoxin in para sympathetic system
C. Endotoxin in sympathetic system
D. Endotoxin in parasympathetic systenm
93. The mode of spread of tetanus neurotoxin from blood to brain is
A. Via lymphatics
B. Arterial blood
C. Cranial nerves
D. Non of these
94. The first symptom of tetanus is
A. Lock jaw
B. Trismus
C. Anorexia
D. Dysphagia
95. Of which Clostridia, the neurotoxin is most
A. C. tetanai
B. C. botulium
C. C. Septicum
specimens collectedis only in catarrhal phase
ofisolation in
initial protection of bacteria during early
8. Greatest chance nportantfor the
C. Pertussis toxin is i
stages of disease
primarily due to its trachealintlammatory disease. The
injury is
D. local woman was diagnosed with pelvic Gram-negative anaerabie
24-year-old and inciuded a
$9. A polymicroblal infection.
infection was found to be anaerobe involved in the
most likey
rod. Iderntify the
A. Bacteroides fragilis
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
C. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
D. Treponema pallidum repetitive coughing with
presents with episodes of
90. A10-month-old male child as well as some vo miting. Parents indicate that the
intermittent large gasps of air week. Incidentally. the
this condition for about 1
child has been suffering from cold-like illness with a fever and sneezing.
to have a
previous week he was reported and 30% neutrophils. An oxidase
65% lymphocytes
Awhite blood cell count shows grown from a nasopharyngeal swab plated
coccobacillus is
positive, Gram-negative of the following organisms is most likely
Regan-Lowe charcoal agar. Which one
responsible for this disease?
A. Bordetella pertussis
B. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
C. Haemophilus influenzae
D. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
identification of
91. Nagler's reaction is useful for the
A. C tetani
B. C perfringens
C. Cbotulinum
D. Cdifficile
92. Tetanus is caused by spread of
A. Exotoxin in sympathetic system
B. Exotoxin in para sympathetic system
C. Endotoxin in sympathetic system
D. Endotoxin in parasympathetic system
93. The mode of spread of tetanus neurotoxin from blood to brain is
A. Via lymphatics
B. Arterial blood
C. Cranial nerves
D. Non of these
94. The first symptom of tetanus is
A. Lock jaw
B. Trismus
C. Anorexia
D. Dysphagia
95. Of which Clostridia, the neurotoxin is most powertul
A. C. tetanai
B. C. botulium
C. C. Septicurm

A t reterence to
ttactedes frasthe
the same
Is not frequest anaerobe lollowng 1atements are trur ecept
iolated trom lincal sates
C The unitomty semtive to
from the mettonidazele
formed by itis structurally and functtonally dilterent
D ShoC conventional
and endtotoun
0 bacteremia dissemnated ntravascutar COagulation e tomnon in itS
Whch of the
humans? followint
is the most
common source of Salmonella intectionin
A Raw vegetables
Undercooked poultry
C Dairy products
D. Bottled water
9S. What is the primary symptom of a Salmonella infection?
A. Skin rash
8 Severe headache
C Diarrhea
D. Muscle pain
S9. Regarding transmission and Prevention of infection from organisms in the Genus
Mycobacterium, The following are true, EXCEPT
A M. tuberculosis is transmitted airborne
B. Transmission of M. leprae is not well understood
C. Social distancing is effective in the prevention of M. tuberculosis intections
D. Rapidly growing species are most commonly associated with disease occurrin
after bacteria are introduced by trauma or iatrogenic infections
100. With respect to Members of the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), the following
are true, EXCEPT?
A. Are among the most common pathogenic acid-fast species, particularly in AIDs
B. M. avium and M intracellulare, are human pathogens.
C MAC is the most common mycobacterial species that causes solitary pulmonary
D. They do not cause any Known disease in Immunocompetent Individuals.

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