IWGDF Guidelines 2023
IWGDF Guidelines 2023
IWGDF Guidelines 2023
IWGDF Guidelines
on the prevention
and management
of diabetes-related
foot disease
Nicolaas C. Schaper (chair), Jaap J. van Netten
(scientific secretary), Jan Apelqvist, Sicco A. Bus,
Robert Fitridge, Fran Game, Matilde
Monteiro-Soares, Éric Senneville
Simon Christiaanse
Practical guidelines
on the prevention
and management of
diabetes-related foot
Nicolaas C. Schaper1, Jaap J. van Netten2,3, Jan
Apelqvist4, Sicco A. Bus2,3, Robert Fitridge5,
Fran Game6, Matilde Monteiro-Soares7,8,9, Eric
Senneville10, on behalf of the IWGDF Editorial
Division of Endocrinology, MUMC+, CARIM and
CAPHRI Institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam Movement Sciences, program
Rehabilitation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital
of Malmö, Sweden
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University
of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology,
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS
Foundation Trust, Derby, UK
Higher School of Health of the Portuguese Red
Cross, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Community Medicine, Information
and Health Decision Sciences (MEDCIDS), Faculty
of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
RISE@ CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, Oporto
University, Porto, Portugal
Department of Infectious Diseases, Gustave Dron
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Diabetes-related foot disease results in a major global burden for patients and the healthcare system.
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has been producing evidence-based
guidelines on the prevention and management of diabetes-related foot disease since 1999. In 2023, all
IWGDF Guidelines have been updated, based on systematic reviews of the literature and formulation of
recommendations by multidisciplinary experts from all over the world. In addition, a new guideline on
acute Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy was created.
In this document, the IWGDF Practical Guidelines, we describe the basic principles of prevention,
classification and management of diabetes-related foot disease, based on the seven IWGDF Guidelines.
We also describe the organizational levels to successfully prevent and treat diabetes-related foot disease
according to these principles and provide addenda to assist with foot screening. The information in
these practical guidelines is aimed at the global community of healthcare professionals who are involved
in the care of persons with diabetes.
Many studies around the world support our belief that implementing these prevention and management
principles is associated with a decrease in the frequency of diabetes-related lower-extremity
amputations. The burden of foot disease and amputations is increasing at a rapid rate, and comparatively
more so in middle to lower income countries. These guidelines also assist in defining standards of
prevention and care in the these countries.
In conclusion, we hope that these updated practical guidelines continue to serve as a reference
document to aid healthcare providers in reducing the global burden of diabetes-related foot disease.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
In these practical guidelines of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) we
describe the basic principles of prevention and management of diabetes-related foot disease. This
document is a summary of the following evidence-based IWGDF Guidelines (2023 update):
• Prevention of foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (1)
• Classification of diabetes-related foot ulcers (2)
• Diagnosis and treatment of foot infection in persons with diabetes (3)
• Diagnosis and management of peripheral artery disease in persons with a foot ulcer and diabetes (4)
• Offloading foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (5)
• Interventions to enhance healing of foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (6)
• Acute Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy (7)
The authors, as members of the editorial board of the IWGDF, have summarized the information from
these seven guidelines, and also provide additional advice based on expert opinion in selected areas for
which the guidelines were not able to provide evidence-based recommendations. These practical
guidelines should be considered a shortened and simplified document to be used as a basic summary of
the key management principles of prevention and treatment of diabetes-related foot disease. We refer
the reader for details and background to the different guidelines (1-7) and their underlying systematic
reviews (8-18). Should this summary text appear to differ from the information of any of these
guidelines, we suggest the reader defers to that specific guideline. The seven evidence-based guidelines
were developed following the GRADE methodology as described in a separate document (19). For
readability, we did not include the strength of recommendations according to GRADE (i.e. strong or
conditional) nor their detailed considerations in these practical guidelines. Because terminology in this
multidisciplinary area can sometimes be unclear, we also refer the reader to our separate IWGDF
Definitions and Criteria document (20).
Compared to the previous version of these practical guidelines (the 2019 update: (21)), the following is
new in this 2023 update: several new recommendations in various sections based on the updated
guidelines, re-ordering of the ulcer treatment principles, based on the order for clinical decision-making,
and a summary of the IWGDF guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acute Charcot’s neuro-
osteoarthropathy. We now also included an appendix on measurement of ankle and toe blood
pressures. This 2023 update supersedes any previous version of these practical guidelines.
The information in these practical guidelines is aimed at the global community of healthcare
professionals involved in the care of persons with diabetes and diabetes-related foot disease. The
principles outlined may have to be adapted or modified based on local circumstances, taking into
account regional differences in the socio-economic situation, accessibility to and sophistication of
healthcare resources, and various cultural factors.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Although both the prevalence and spectrum of diabetes-related foot ulceration vary in different regions
of the world, the pathways to ulceration are similar in most persons. These ulcers usually develop in a
person with diabetes simultaneously having one or more risk factors, such as diabetes-related peripheral
neuropathy and/or peripheral artery disease (PAD), in combination with a precipitating event. The
neuropathy leads to an insensitive and sometimes deformed foot. Loss of protective sensation, foot
deformities, and limited joint mobility can result in abnormal biomechanical loading of the foot. This
produces high mechanical stress in some areas, the response to which is usually thickened skin (callus).
The callus then leads to a further increase in the loading of the foot, often with subcutaneous
haemorrhage and eventually skin ulceration (see Figure 1). In addition, in people with neuropathy, minor
trauma (e.g., from ill-fitting shoes, or an acute mechanical or thermal injury) can precipitate ulceration of
the foot. Whatever the primary cause of ulceration, continued walking on the insensitive foot impairs
healing of the ulcer.
The vast majority of persons with a diabetes-related foot ulcer will have neuropathy. PAD, generally
caused by atherosclerosis, is present in up to 50% of these patients and is an important risk factor for
impaired wound healing, gangrene and lower-extremity amputation. A small percentage of foot ulcers in
patients with severe PAD are purely ischaemic; these are usually painful and may follow minor trauma.
The majority of foot ulcers, however, are either purely neuropathic or neuro-ischaemic, i.e., the
combination of neuropathy and ischaemia. In people with diabetes with neuro-ischaemic ulcers,
symptoms may be absent because of the neuropathy, despite severe pedal ischaemia. Although
diabetes-related microangiopathy can be observed in the foot, it does not appear to be the primary
cause of either ulcers or of poor wound healing.
To reduce the burden of diabetes-related foot disease, strategies are required that include elements of
prevention, patient and staff education, standardised assessment and classification, multi-disciplinary
treatment, and close monitoring. The core of these strategies is described in the following sections of
these practical guidelines.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
If a person has LOPS or PAD, they are at-risk of ulceration (Table 1), and further examination is
required. LOPS is usually caused by diabetes-related polyneuropathy. If diagnosed for the first time, it is
usually necessary to elicit further history and conduct further examinations into its causes and
consequences; however, these aspects are outside the scope of this guideline.
Prior to any surgical procedure on the foot in a person with diabetes, the presence of LOPS and PAD
status should be established in order to assess the suitability for and risks of the procedure.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
If the yearly foot screening identifies a person as “at-risk”, perform a more comprehensive examination.
This includes the following assessments or examinations in order to assess risk in more detail and to
inform further management:
• Detailed history: determine foot ulcer and lower-extremity amputation history, diagnosis of end-
stage renal disease, previous foot education, social isolation, poor access to healthcare and financial
constraints, foot pain (with walking or at rest) or numbness, and mobility;
• Vascular status: in case of absent foot pulses or other signs of PAD, consider performing pedal
Doppler waveforms in combination with measurement of the ankle pressure & ankle-brachial index
and toe pressure & toe-brachial index (see Appendix 2);
• Skin: assess skin colour, temperature, presence of callus or oedema, fungal infection, pre-ulcerative
signs such as haemorrhage or fissures;
• Bone/joint: check for deformities (e.g., claw or hammer toes), abnormally large bony prominences,
or limited joint mobility. Examine the feet with the patient both lying down and standing up;
• Cognitive disorders
• Footwear: ill-fitting, inadequate, or lack of footwear;
• Poor foot self-care, e.g. improperly cut toenails, unwashed feet ;
• Physical limitations that may hinder foot self-care (e.g. visual acuity, obesity);
• Foot care knowledge.
Following examination of the foot, stratify each patient using the IWGDF risk stratification category
system shown in Table 1 to guide subsequent preventative screening frequencies and management.
Areas of the foot most at-risk are shown in Figure 2. A person with a healed foot ulcer has the highest
risk of ulceration and the foot should be considered in remission. This requires lifelong ulcer prevention
strategies with an appropriately trained team of healthcare professionals that addresses all ulcer
prevention cornerstones as part of integrated care. Any foot ulcer identified during screening should be
treated according to the principles outlined in section 4.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Table 1: The IWGDF 2023 Risk Stratification System and corresponding foot screening frequency
Category Ulcer risk Characteristics Frequency*
0 Very low No LOPS and no signs of PAD Once a year
1 Low LOPS or PAD Once every
6-12 months
2 Moderate LOPS + PAD, or Once every
LOPS + foot deformity or 3-6 months
PAD + foot deformity
3 High LOPS or PAD, and one or more of the Once every
following: 1-3 months
- history of a foot ulcer
- a lower-extremity amputation
(minor or major)
- end-stage renal disease
Note: LOPS = Loss of Protective Sensation; PAD = Peripheral Artery Disease; * Screening frequency is based on expert
opinion, since there is no published evidence to support these intervals
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
For footwear to be considered appropriate, the inside length of the shoe should be 1-2 cm longer than
the foot and should not be either too tight or too loose (see Figure 3). The internal width should equal
the width of the foot at the metatarsal phalangeal joints (or the widest part of the foot), and the height
should allow enough room for all the toes. Evaluate the fit with the patient in the standing position,
preferably later in the day (when they may have foot swelling). If there is no off-the-shelf footwear that
can accommodate the foot (e.g., if the fit is poor due to foot deformity) or if there are signs of
abnormal loading of the foot (e.g., hyperaemia, callus, (previous) ulceration), prescribe therapeutic
footwear, possibly including extra-depth shoes, custom-made footwear and custom-made insoles. This
may also include the prescription and fabrication of (toe) orthoses.
Figure 3: Footwear should be sufficiently wide to accommodate the foot without excessive pressure on
the skin
For people who have healed from a plantar foot ulcer, ensure that the therapeutic footwear has a
demonstrated plantar pressure relieving effect during walking. When possible, demonstrate this plantar
pressure relieving effect with appropriate equipment, as described in the prevention guidelines (1).
Instruct the person to never again wear the same shoe that has caused an ulcer. Take protective
measures to prevent heel ulceration in (temporarily) bedridden patients (either at home or admitted to
an institution).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
The risk for foot ulceration is not a barrier to participating in a physical training program as long as
appropriate footwear is worn, with a gradual increase in activity to an additional 1000 steps/day. In
addition, a foot-ankle exercise program may be considered.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
4.1.1 Classification of the foot ulcer
As the first step, the foot ulcer should be classified following the assessment of the six items of the
SINBAD system (2). These items serve as a basic guide for further treatment, and facilitate
communication about the characteristics of an ulcer between health professionals. These six items of
this acronym are:
• “Site”: Describe where the ulcer is located on the foot. This includes description of forefoot, midfoot
or hindfoot, but it is also suggested to differentiate between plantar, interdigital, medial, lateral or
• “Ischemia”: Assess if pedal blood flow is intact (at least one palpable pulse), or if there is clinical
evidence of reduced blood flow. Further, examine the arterial pedal wave forms (with a Doppler
instrument), measure the ankle and toe pressures, and calculate the ankle-brachial index (ABI) and
toe-brachial index (TBI), as described in Appendix 2. PAD is less likely in the presence of triphasic
or biphasic pedal Doppler waveforms, an ABI 0.9-1.3, and a TBI ≥0.70. In selected cases,
transcutaneous pressure of oxygen (TcpO2) can be useful. The level of perfusion deficit can help
estimate the likelihood of healing and amputation (see below), but better risk estimation is obtained
when wound depth and foot infection severity are also taken into account, as in the WIfI scoring
• “Neuropathy”: Assess if protective sensation is intact or lost (see Appendix 1).
• “Bacterial infection”: Assess if clinical infection is present. Diagnose infection by the presence of at
least two clinical signs or symptoms of inflammation (redness, warmth, induration, pain/tenderness)
or purulent secretions. Unfortunately, these signs may be blunted by neuropathy or ischaemia, and
systemic findings (e.g., pain, fever, leucocytosis) are often absent in mild and moderate infections.
Infections should be classified using the IWGDF/IDSA grading as mild (superficial ulcer with minimal
cellulitis), moderate (ulcer deeper than skin or more extensive cellulitis, with or without abcess) or
severe (accompanied by systemic signs of sepsis), with or without osteomyelitis.
If not properly treated, infection can rapidly spread to underlying tissues and foot compartments, in
particular in the presence of PAD. Therefore, explore the depth of the ulcer (see below). An abcess
is more likely in case of fever, high CRP or ESR levels, but normal findings do not exclude a foot
abcess; when in doubt, perform MRI. Determine if it is possible to visualise or touch bone with a
sterile metal probe (probe-to-bone test). Obtain plain radiographs in persons with ulcers deeper
than skin, tissue gas or foreign body. Osteomyelitis is likely in case of a positive probe-to-bone test
in combination with abnormalities on plain X-ray; high levels of ESR, CRP, or procalcitonin further
support this diagnosis. When in doubt perform an MRI or when this is not possible, consider other
techniques (e.g., radionuclide or PET scans).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
For clinically infected wounds obtain a tissue specimen for culture (and Gram-stained smear, if
available) by curettage or biopsy, avoid using a swab; consider bone biopsy in case of osteomyelitis.
The causative pathogens (and their antibiotic susceptibilities) vary by geographic, demographic and
clinical situations, but Staphylococcus aureus (alone, or with other organisms) is the predominant
pathogen in most cases of superficial infections. Chronic and more severe infections are often
polymicrobial, with aerobic gram-negative rods especially in warmer climates and obligate anaerobes
accompanying the gram-positive cocci.
• “Area”: Measure ulcer area and express in cm2.
• “Depth”: Assess ulcer depth and classify as: confined to skin and subcutaneous tissue; reaching
muscle or tendon; or reaching bone. Determining depth can be difficult, especially in the presence
of overlying callus or necrotic tissue. To aid assessment, debride any neuropathic or neuro-ischemic
ulcer that is surrounded by callus or contains necrotic soft tissue at initial presentation, or as soon as
possible. Do not, however, debride a non-infected ulcer that has signs of severe ischaemia.
Neuropathic ulcers can usually be debrided without the need for local anaesthesia.
Always try to determine the precipitating event that led to ulceration, this information is relevant both
for treatment plans and for prevention of recurrence. Look for abnormal walking patterns, deformities,
bony prominences and other foot abnormaities (supine and standing) that could have contributed to
ulceration. Wearing ill-fitting shoes and walking barefoot are practices that frequently lead to foot
ulceration, even in patients with exclusively ischaemic ulcers. Therefore, meticulously examine shoes and
footwear behaviour in every patient with a foot ulcer as part of cause determination.
Apart from a systematic evaluation of the ulcer, the foot and the leg, also consider person-related
factors that can affect ulcer healing and affect treatment. These factors include kidney function/end-stage
renal disease, oedema, malnutrition, poor metabolic control, depression or other psycho-social
problems, and frailty.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Infection of the foot in a person with diabetes presents an immediate threat to the affected foot and
limb. If infection is diagnosed during initial assessment (see 4.1), prompt treatment is required.
Depending on a person’s social situation, local resources and infrastructure, hospitalization may be
necessary. This hospitalization may also involve amputation of a part of the foot or lower-extremity.
Based on the IWGDF/IDSA infection guidelines (3), the following recommendations for treatment are
In a person with a superficial ulcer with limited soft tissue (mild) infection:
• Cleanse, debride all necrotic tissue and surrounding callus; and
• Start empiric oral antibiotic therapy targeted at Staphylococcus aureus and β-haemolytic
streptococci (unless there are reasons to consider other, or additional, likely pathogens).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Ischemia in the lower-extremity affects healing potential of a foot ulcer. If ischaemia has been found
during assessment (see 4.1), its treatment should always be considered. Based on the intersocietal
IWGDF/ESVS/SVS guidelines (4), the following recommendations for treatment are made:
• In a person with either an ankle pressure <50mm Hg or an ABI <0.4 consider urgent vascular
imaging, always with detailed visualization of below-the knee and pedal arteries, and
revascularisation. Also consider urgent assessment for revascularisation if the toe pressure is
<30mmHg or TcpO2 is <25 mmHg. However, clinicians might also consider revascularisation at
higher pressure levels in patients with extensive tissue loss or infection, i.e. with higher WIfI scores.
• When an ulcer fails to show signs of healing within 4-6 weeks, despite optimal management,
consider angiography and revascularisation, irrespective of the results of the vascular diagnostic tests
described above.
• If contemplating a major (i.e., above the ankle) amputation, first consider the option of
• The aim of revascularisation is to restore in-line flow to at least one of the foot arteries, preferably
the artery that supplies the anatomical region of the wound. But, avoid revascularisation in patients
in whom the risk-benefit ratio for the probability of success is unfavourable.
• Select a revascularisation technique based on both individual factors (such as morphological
distribution of PAD, availability of autogenous vein, patient co-morbidities) and local operator
• After a revascularisation procedure, its effectiveness should be evaluated with an objective
measurement of perfusion.
• Pharmacological treatments to improve perfusion have not been proven to be beneficial.
• Emphasise efforts to reduce the very high cardiovascular risk associated with PAD in the individual
with diabetes (cessation of smoking, control of hypertension and dyslipidaemia, use of anti-platelet
drugs, SGLT2-inhibitor or GLP1-agonist).
Offloading is a cornerstone in treatment of foot ulcers that are caused by increased mechanical stress.
Based on the IWGDF Offloading guidelines (5), the following recommendations for treatment can be
• The preferred offloading treatment for a neuropathic plantar ulcer is a non-removable knee-high
offloading device, i.e, either a total contact cast (TCC) or removable walker rendered (by the
provider fitting it) irremovable.
• When a non-removable knee-high offloading device is contraindicated or not tolerated by the
patient, consider using a removable knee-high or ankle-high offloading device. Always provide
informationon the benefits of adherence to wearing the removable device.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
• If other forms of biomechanical relief are not available, consider using felted foam, but only in
combination with appropriate footwear.
• If the ulcer is on digits 2-5 secondary to a flexible toe deformity, perform a digital flexor tenotomy if
not contra-indicated (e.g. severe ischamia, infection).
• When infection or ischaemia are present, offloading is still important, but be more cautious, as
discussed in the IWGDF Offloading guidelines (5).
• For non-plantar ulcers, use a removable offloading device, footwear modifications, toe spacers,
orthoses, or digital flexor tenotomy, depending on the type and location of the foot ulcer.
• If the ulcer fails to heal with non-surgical offloading treatment, for a metatarsal head ulcer consider
Achilles tendon lengthening, metatarsal head resection, or metatarsal osteotomy, and for a hallux
ulcer, a joint arthroplasty, all in combination with an offloading device.
Local ulcer care is important to create an environment that increases the likelihood of ulcer healing.
However, even optimum local wound care cannot compensate for inadequately treated infection or
ischaemia, or continuing trauma to the wound bed, as described in the sections above. Based on the
IWGDF Wound Healing Guidelines (6), the following recommendations for local ulcer care can be
• Regular inspection of the ulcer by a trained health care provider is essential, its frequency depends
on the severity of the ulcer and underlying pathology, the presence of infection, the amount of
exudation and wound treatment provided.
• Debride the ulcer and remove surrounding callus (preferably with sharp surgical instruments), and
repeat as needed.
• Select dressings to control excess exudation and maintain a moist environment.
• Wash but do not soak the feet, as this may induce skin maceration.
• Consider negative pressure wound therapy to help heal post-operative wounds.
Consider any of the following adjunctive treatments in non-infected ulcers that fail to heal after 4-6
weeks despite optimal clinical care and where resources exist to support these interventions:
• A sucrose octasulfate impregnated dressing in neuro-ischemic ulcers (without severe ischaemia).
• A multi-layered patch of autologous leucocytes, platelets and fibrin in ulcers with or without
moderate ischaemia.
• Placental membrane allografts in ulcers with or without moderate ischaemia.
• Topical oxygen therapy.
• Systemic hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjunctive treatment in ischaemic ulcers.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
The following treatments are not well-supported for routine ulcer management:
• Biologically active products (collagen, growth factors, bio- engineered tissue) in neuropathic ulcers;
• Topical antiseptics and antimicrobial dressings or applications.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
In order to promote remission of the disease and to prevent (progressive) deformity, the affected
extremity should be offloaded and immobilized. The first choice is a non-removable knee-high total
contact cast, the second choice a knee-high walker rendered non-removable. A removable knee-high
device worn at all times is a third choice, but probably less effective. Below-the-ankle offloading devices
are not recommended. Assistive devices (e.g. crutches) can help to reduce weight-bearing on the
affected limb. Treatment should start once the diagnosis is considered and continue until clinical
remission with consolidation of fractures is achieved. As long as there are clinical signs of inflammation
the offloading should be continued. This can take many months. Such long-term treatment is associated
with the risk of complications (e.g. ulceration) and adverse effects (e.g. muscle atrophy or excessive
loading of the contra-lateral limb), and treated persons must be followed closely. Currently there is no
medical therapy that can shorten the duration of disease or prevent deformities, such interventions are
therefore not recommended. Vitamin D and calcium should be supplemented according to local
guidelines for persons with an elevated risk of inadequate vitamin D levels.
Measuring skin temperature with infrared thermometry in both feet according to a standardised
protocol is an easy and objective technique to monitor disease activity. In unilateral disease the left-right
temperature difference can be calculated at each visit. Unfortunately, there is currently no absolute cut-
off value to define remission of CNO. Therefore, temperature, oedema, and imaging should all be
considered when concluding that active CNO is in remission. The knee-high cast can be stopped when
there are no clinical signs of inflammation with radiographic consolidation of fractures (if present) on
plain X-ray. The person should have custom made footwear and/or orthoses that best accommodate
and support the shape of the foot and ankle to help prevent re-activation of the CNO, and to help
optimize plantar pressure distribution. When deformity and/or joint instability is present, below-the-knee
customized devices should be considered for additional protection. After remission is achieved,
ambulation and loading of the foot should be gradually increased because of the risk of reactivation. If
signs of recurrence do arise, a member of the team should be contacted promptly.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Studies around the world have shown that setting up an interdisciplinary foot care team and
implementing prevention and management of diabetic foot disease according to the principles outlined
in these practical guidelines, is associated with a decrease in the frequency of diabetes related lower-
extremity amputations. If it is not possible to create a full team from the outset, aim to build one step-
by-step, introducing the various disciplines as possible. This team must first and foremost act with mutual
respect and understanding, work in both primary and secondary care settings, and have at least one
member available for consultation or assessment at all times. We hope that these updated practical
guidelines and the underlying seven evidence-based guidelines continue to serve as reference document
to reduce the global burden of diabetes-related foot disease.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
We are grateful to the 69 working group members who have collaborated tirelessly, lending their time,
expertise and passion to the realization of the IWGDF guideline. We would also like to thank the 119
independent external experts and patient representatives for their time to review our clinical questions
and guidelines. These collective 186 experts with lived, clinical or research experience are from a total
63 different countries, from all continents. In addition, we sincerely thank the sponsors who, by
providing generous and unrestricted educational grants, made development of these guidelines possible.
All individual conflict of interest statement of authors of this guideline can be found at:
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
(1) Bus SA, Sacco ICN, Monteiro-Soares M, Raspovic A, Paton J, Rasmussen A, et al. Guidelines on the prevention of
foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update). Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3651.
(2) Monteiro-Soares M, Hamilton EJ, Russell DA, Sirisawasdi G, Boyko EJ, Mills JL, et al. Guidelines on the classification
of foot ulcers in people with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update). Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3648.
(3) Senneville É, Albalawi Z, Van Asten SA, Abbas ZG, Allison G, Aragón-Sánchez J, et al. Guidelines on the diagnosis
and treatment of foot infection in persons with diabetes (IWGDF/IDSA 2023). Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;in press.
(4) Fitridge R, Chuter VH, Mills JL, Hinchliffe RJ, Azuma N, Behrendt C-A, et al. The intersocietal IWGDF, ESVS, SVS
guidelines on peripheral artery disease in patients with diabetes mellitus and a foot ulcer. Diab Metab Res Rev.
2023;in press.
(5) Bus SA, Armstrong DG, Crews RT, Gooday C, Jarl G, Kirketerp-Moller K, et al. Guidelines on offloading foot ulcers
in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update). Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3647.
(6) Chen P, Vilorio NC, Dhatariya K, Jeffcoate W, Lobmann R, McIntosh C, et al. Guidelines on interventions to
enhance healing of foot ulcers in people with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update). Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3644.
(7) Wukich DK, Schaper NC, Gooday C, Bal A, Bem R, Chabra A, et al. Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of
active charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy in persons with diabetes mellitus (IWGDF 2023). Diab Metab Res Rev.
(8) Van Netten JJ, Sacco ICN, Raspovic A, Lavery LA, Monteiro-Soares M, Paton J, et al. Clinical and biomechanical
effectiveness of foot-ankle exercise programs and weight-bearing activity in people with diabetes and neuropathy: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3649.
(9) Van Netten JJ, Raspovic A, Lavery LA, Monteiro-Soares M, Paton J, Rasmussen A, et al. Prevention of foot ulcers
people with diabetes at risk of ulceration: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3652.
(10) Monteiro-Soares M, Hamilton EJ, Russell DA, Sirisawasdi G, Boyko EJ, Mills JL, et al. Classification of foot ulcers in
people with diabetes: a systematic review. Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3645.
(11) Lazzarini PA, Armstrong DG, Crews RT, Gooday C, Jarl G, Kirketerp-Moller K, et al. Effectiveness of offloading
interventions for people with diabetes-related foot ulcers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Diab Metab Res
Rev. 2023;e3650.
(12) Chuter VH, Schaper NC, Mills JL, Hinchliffe RJ, Azuma N, Behrendt C-A, et al. Effectiveness of bedside
investigations to diagnose peripheral artery disease among people with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review. Diab
Metab Res Rev. 2023;in press.
(13) Chuter VH, Schaper NC, Mills JL, Hinchliffe RJ, Azuma N, Behrendt C-A, et al. Performance of prognostic markers
in the prediction of wound healing or amputation among patients with foot ulcers in diabetes: A systematic review.
Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;in press.
(14) Chuter VH, Schaper NC, Mills JL, Hinchliffe RJ, Azuma N, Behrendt C-A, et al. Effectiveness of revascularisation of
the ulcerated foot in patients with diabetes and peripheral artery disease: A systematic review. Diab Metab Res
Rev. 2023;in press.
(15) Senneville É, Albalawi Z, Van Asten SA, Abbas ZG, Allison G, Aragón-Sánchez J, et al. Diagnosis of infection in the
foot in diabetes: a systematic review. Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;in press.
(16) Peters EJG, Albalawi Z, Van Asten SA, Abbas ZG, Allison G, Aragón-Sánchez J, et al. Interventions in the
management of infection in the foot in diabetes: a systematic review. Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;in press.
(17) Chen P, Vilorio NC, Dhatariya K, Jeffcoate W, Lobmann R, McIntosh C, et al. Effectiveness of interventions to
enhance healing of chronic foot ulcers in diabetes: a systematic review. Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;in press.
(18) Raspovic KM, Schaper NC, Gooday C, Bal A, Bem R, Chabra A, et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of Active Charcot
Neuro-osteoarthropathy in Persons with Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3653.
(19) Bus SA, Van Netten JJ, Apelqvist J, Fitridge R, Game F, Monteiro-Soares M, et al. Standards for the development
and methodology of the 2023 International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot guidelines. Diab Metab Res Rev.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
(20) Van Netten JJ, Bus SA, Apelqvist J, Chen P, Chuter VH, Fitridge R, et al. Definitions and criteria for diabetes-related
foot disease (2023 update). Diab Metab Res Rev. 2023;e3654.
(21) Schaper NC, van Netten JJ, Apelqvist J, Bus SA, Hinchliffe RJ, Lipsky BA. Practical Guidelines on the prevention and
management of diabetic foot disease (IWGDF 2019 update). Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020;36 Suppl 1:e3266.
(22) Aboyans V, Criqui MH, Abraham P, Allison MA, Creager MA, Diehm C, et al. Measurement and interpretation of
the ankle-brachial index: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation.
(23) Tehan PE, Fox M, Mill JL. Measurement of toe systolic pressures: a technique paper. Wound Practice and Research.
(24) Kim ES, Sharma AM, Scissons R, Dawson D, Eberhardt RT, Gerhard-Herman M, et al. Interpretation of peripheral
arterial and venous Doppler waveforms: A consensus statement from the Society for Vascular Medicine and
Society for Vascular Ultrasound. Vasc Med. 2020;25(5):484-506.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Peripheral neuropathy can be detected using the 10g (5.07 Semmes-Weinstein) monofilament (detects
loss of protective sensation) and a tuning fork (128 Hz, detects loss of vibratory sensation).
• First apply the monofilament on the patient's hands (or elbow or forehead) to demonstrate what
the sensation feels like.
• Test three different sites on both feet, selecting from those shown in Figure 4.
• Ensure the patient cannot see whether or where the examiner applies the filament.
• Apply the monofilament perpendicular to the skin surface (Figure 5a) with sufficient force to cause
the filament to bend or buckle (Figure 5b).
• The total duration of the approach -> skin contact -> and removal of the filament should be
approximately 2 seconds.
• Do not apply the filament directly on an ulcer, callus, scar or necrotic tissue.
• Do not allow the filament to slide across the skin or make repetitive contact at the test site.
• Press the filament to the skin and ask the patient whether they feel the pressure applied ('yes'/'no')
and next where they feel the pressure (e.g., 'ball of left foot'/'right heel).
• Repeat this application twice at the same site, but alternate this with at least one 'mock' application
in which no filament is applied (a total of three questions per site).
• Protective sensation is: present at each site if the patient correctly answers on two out of three
applications; absent with two out of three incorrect answers.
• Encourage the patients during testing by giving positive feedback.
Monofilaments tend to lose buckling force temporarily after being used several times on the same day,
or permanently after long duration use. Depending on the type of monofilament, we suggest not using
the monofilament for the next 24 hours after assessing 10-15 patients and replacing it after using it on
70-90 patients.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Figure 4: Sites that should be tested for loss of protective sensation with the 10g Semmes-Weinstein
• First, apply the tuning fork on the patient's wrist (or elbow or clavicle) to demonstrate what the
sensation feels like.
• Ensure the patient cannot see whether or where the examiner applies the tuning fork.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
• Apply the tuning fork to a bony part on the dorsal side of the distal phalanx of the first toe (or
another toe if the hallux is absent).
• Apply the tuning fork perpendicularly, with constant pressure (Figure 6).
• Repeat this application twice, but alternate this with at least one 'mock' application in which the
tuning fork is not vibrating.
• The test is positive if the patient correctly answers at least two out of three applications, and
negative if two out of three answers are incorrect.
• If the patient is unable to sense the vibrations on the toe, repeat the test more proximally (e.g.,
malleolus, tibial tuberosity).
• Encourage the patient during testing by giving positive feedback.
Figure 6: Proper method of using a 128 Hz tuning fork to check for vibratory sensation
This simple test (also called the Ipswich Touch test) can be used to screen for loss of protective
sensation (LOPS), when the 10 gram monofilament or 128 HZ tuning fork is not available. The test has
reasonable agreement with these tests to determine LOPS, but its accuracy in predicting foot ulcers has
not been established.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
In persons with diabetes, the diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination for the presence of peripheral
arterial disease (PAD) is low. Therefore, in any person with a foot ulcer, objective assessment of the
perfusion in the foot is warranted with tests described below (22, 23). These test are also advised when
PAD is suspected in a person without a foot ulcer.
Materials required
Hand-held 5-10 mHz Doppler device.
Transducer gel.
Select blood pressure cuff of sufficient size to be placed around the upper arms and calves (approx. 40%
extra to wrap around).
Measurement conditions
Quiet surroundings in room with comfortable temperature for the patient, such as 22–24 °C.
Alcohol, exercise and caffeine should be avoided for 2 hours prior to testing.
Patient in supine horizontal position, for 10 minutes prior to the measurement.
Both arms and lower legs should be bare.
No tight sleeves of shirts and trousers.
Always use the same sequence of measurements as described below.
Brachial pressure
Place cuff around the upper arm.
Apply the gel over the area of the brachial artery (can be palpated first). Ensure that a clear audible
signal is detected.
Inflate the cuff to supra-systolic values, i.e. about 30 mmHg above the pressure when the signal
disappears completely.
Slowly deflate the cuff at a rate of 2–3mmHg per second until an audible signal re-appears, the cuff
pressure at that moment equals the systolic pressure in the artery. Record the result.
Repeat this procedure in the other arm.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Figure 7: triphasic (A), biphasic (B) and monophasic Doppler (C) signals. Based on (24).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
Cuff for digital pressure measurements; cuff size approximately 1.5 times the diameter of the digit
PPG probe.
PPG unit or hand-held Doppler that can be connected to PPG probe.
Measurement conditions
As in ABI measurements, see above.
Toe-pressure measurement
Place the digital cuff at the base of the hallux and the PPG probe against distal toe pulp, sufficiently firmly
to keep it in place but ensure there is no excess pressure on the digit whilst not inflated.
Where the hallux cannot be used, the second digit can be used (if a smaller cuff can be placed around
the base of the toe).
Fixate the probe with tape ensuring contact of its entire flat surface against the skin (no external light
should enter the underside of the probe) and preventing small movements which will disrupt the
Wait until a cyclical signal of the probe appears on the unit’s screen.
Once a consistent waveform is seen, inflate the cuff to approximately 30 mmHg higher than the point at
which the waveform flatlines.
Deflate the cuff slowly deflated at a rate of 2–3mmHg per second.
The cuff pressure at the first sign of reappearance of a regular upstroke is equal to the systolic pressure
in the artery. Record the result.
In case of a suboptimal measurement repeat the measurement after a 3 minute waiting period.
Note: when the resting toe pressure is low (indicating reduced peripheral blood flow), the returning
waveform is typically smaller and less clearly distinguishable from baseline.
Calculation of TBI
The Toe-Brachial Index is calculated for each limb by dividing the toe pressure by the highest of the left
and right brachial pressures.
A TBI below 0.7 is considered to be abnormal, i.e. indicative for PAD (4, 12).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Practical Guidelines
• Determine if the person is able to perform a foot inspection. If not, discuss who can assist the
person in this task. Persons who have substantial visual impairment or physical inability to visualise
their feet cannot adequately do the inspection
• Explain the need to perform daily foot inspection of the entire surface of both feet, including areas
between the toes
• Ensure the patient knows how to notify the appropriate healthcare professional if measured foot
temperature is perceptibly increased, or if a blister, cut, scratch or ulcer has developed
• Review the following practices with the patient:
o Avoid walking barefoot, in socks without footwear, or in thin-soled slippers, whether at home
or outside
o Do not wear shoes that are too tight, have rough edges or uneven seams
o Visually inspect and manually feel inside all shoes before you put them on
o Wear socks/stocking without seams (or with the seams inside out); do not wear tight or knee-
high socks (compressive stocking should only be prescribed in collaboration with the foot care
team), and change socks daily
o Wash feet daily (with water temperature always below 37°C), and dry them carefully, especially
between the toes
o Do not use any kind of heater or a hot-water bottle to warm feet
o Do not use chemical agents or plasters to remove corns and calluses; see the appropriate
healthcare professional for these problems
o Use emollients to lubricate dry skin, but not between the toes
o Cut toenails straight across (see Figure 8)
o Have your feet examined regularly by a healthcare professional
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Guidelines on the
prevention of foot
ulcers in persons with
Sicco A. Bus1,2, Isabel C.N Sacco3, Matilde
Monteiro-Soares4,5,6, Anita Raspovic7, Joanne
Paton8, Anne Rasmussen9, Larry A. Lavery10,
Jaap J. van Netten1,2, on behalf of the International
Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam Movement Sciences, program
Rehabilitation & Development, Amsterdam, the
Physical Therapy, Speech and Occupational
Therapy department, School of Medicine,
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Higher School of Health of the Portuguese Red
Cross, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Community Medicine, Information
and Health Decision Sciences (MEDCIDS), Faculty
of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
RISE@ CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, Oporto
University, Porto, Portugal
Discipline of Podiatry, School of Allied Health,
Human Services and Sport, La Trobe University,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
School of Health Professions, University of
Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Herlev,
Department of Plastic Surgery, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
This is the 2023 International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) guideline on the
prevention of foot ulcers in persons with diabetes, which updates the 2019 guideline. This guideline is
targeted at clinicians and other healthcare professionals.
We followed the GRADE methodology to devise clinical questions and critically important outcomes in
the PICO format, to conduct a systematic review of the medical-scientific literature including, where
appropriate, meta-analyses, and to write recommendations and their rationale. The recommendations
are based on the quality of evidence found in the systematic review, expert opinion where (sufficient)
evidence was not available, and a weighing of the desirable and undesirable effects of an intervention, as
well as patient preferences, costs, equity, feasibility and applicability.
We recommend screening a person with diabetes at very low risk for foot ulceration annually for loss of
protective sensation and peripheral artery disease, and screening persons at higher risk at higher
frequencies for additional risk factors. For preventing a foot ulcer, educate persons at-risk about
appropriate foot self-care, educate not to walk without suitable foot protection, and treat any pre-
ulcerative lesion on the foot. Educate moderate-to-high risk people with diabetes to wear properly
fitting, accommodative, therapeutic footwear, and consider coaching them to monitor foot skin
temperature. Prescribe therapeutic footwear that has a demonstrated plantar pressure relieving effect
during walking, to help prevent plantar foot ulcer recurrence. Consider advising people at low-to-
moderate risk to undertake a, preferably supervised, foot-ankle exercise program to reduce ulcer risk
factors, and consider communicating that a total increase in weight-bearing activity of 1000 steps/day is
likely safe with regards to risk of ulceration. In people with non-rigid hammertoe with pre-ulcerative
lesion, consider flexor tendon tenotomy. We suggest not to use a nerve decompression procedure to
help prevent foot ulcers. Provide integrated foot care for moderate-to-high-risk people with diabetes to
help prevent (recurrence of) ulceration.
These recommendations should help healthcare professionals to provide better care for persons with
diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, to increase the number of ulcer-free days and reduce the patient and
healthcare burden of diabetes-related foot disease.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
1. Screen a person with diabetes at very low risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 0) annually for signs
or symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease, to determine if the person is
at increased risk for foot ulceration, using the IWGDF risk stratification system. (GRADE
recommendation: Strong; Certainty of evidence: High)
2. If a person with diabetes has loss of protective sensation or peripheral artery disease, extend the
screening using clinical history and further foot examinations to assess for
• a history of foot ulceration or lower-extremity amputation;
• diagnosis of end-stage renal disease;
• presence or progression of foot deformity;
• limited foot and ankle joint mobility;
• excess callus;
• and any pre-ulcerative lesion or ulcer on the foot, to determine their risk for foot ulceration
using the IWGDF risk stratification system and to inform treatment. Repeat this screening once
every 6-12 months for those classified as IWGDF risk 1, once every 3-6 months for IWGDF risk
2, and once every 1-3 months for IWGDF risk 3. (Strong; High)
3. Educate, and after that encourage and remind a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) to protect their feet by not walking barefoot, not walking in socks
without shoes, and not walking in thin-soled slippers, whether indoors or outdoors. (Strong; Low)
4. Educate, and after that encourage and remind a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) to wash their feet daily (with careful drying, particularly between the
toes), use emollients to moisturize dry skin, and cut toenails straight across. (Strong; Low)
5. Educate, and after that encourage and remind a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) to examine their feet daily and with the presence or suspicion of
having a (pre-)ulcerative lesion, to rapidly contact an appropriately-trained healthcare professional
for further advice. (Strong; Low)
6. Provide structured education to a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF
risk 1-3) about appropriate foot self-care for preventing a foot ulcer. (Strong; Low)
7. Consider coaching a person with diabetes who is at moderate or high risk of foot ulceration
(IWGDF risk 2-3) to self-monitor foot skin temperatures once per day to identify any early signs of
foot inflammation and help prevent a first or recurrent plantar foot ulcer. If the temperature
difference between corresponding regions of the left and right foot is above a temperature
threshold of 2.2 °C (or 4.0 °F) on two consecutive days, coach the patient to reduce ambulatory
activity and consult an adequately trained healthcare professional for further diagnosis and
treatment. (Conditional; Moderate)
8. In a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot ulceration
a. and with no or limited foot deformity, no pre-ulcerative lesions and no plantar ulcer history
(IWGDF risk 1-3), educate to wear footwear that accommodates the shape of the feet and that
fits properly. (Strong; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
b. and with a foot deformity that significantly increases pressure or a pre-ulcerative lesion (IWGDF
risk 2 or 3), consider prescribing extra-depth shoes, custom-made footwear, custom-made
insoles, and/or toe orthoses. (Conditional; Low)
c. and with a healed plantar foot ulcer (IWGDF risk 3), prescribe therapeutic footwear that has a
demonstrated plantar pressure relieving effect during walking, to help prevent a recurrent
plantar foot ulcer; furthermore, encourage the person to consistently wear this prescribed
footwear, both indoors and outdoors. (Strong; Moderate)
9. Provide appropriate treatment for any pre-ulcerative lesion or excess callus on the foot, for ingrown
toe nails, and for fungal infections on the foot, to help prevent a foot ulcer in a person with diabetes
who is at risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3). (Strong; Very low)
10. In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) and a non-rigid hammertoe
with nail changes, excess callus or a pre-ulcerative lesion on the apex or distal part of this toe:
a. consider digital flexor tendon tenotomy for treating these outcomes and to help prevent a first
or recurrent foot ulcer (Conditional; Moderate), or
b. consider prescribing orthotic interventions, such as toe silicone or (semi-)rigid orthotic devices,
to help reduce excess callus on the toe. (Conditional; Low)
11. In a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3), we suggest not to use
a nerve decompression procedure to help prevent a foot ulcer. (Conditional; Very low)
12. Consider advising and referring a person with diabetes who is at low or moderate risk for foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 1 or 2) to participate in an 8-12-weeks foot-ankle exercise program,
preferably under the supervision of an appropriately trained healthcare professional, and to continue
performing foot-ankle exercises afterwards, with the aim of reducing risk factors for ulceration.
(Conditional; Low)
13. Consider communicating to a person with diabetes who is at low or moderate risk for foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 1 or 2) that an increase in the level of walking-related weight-bearing daily
activity by an extra 1000 steps/day is likely to be safe regarding risk of foot ulceration. Advise this
person to wear appropriate footwear when undertaking weight-bearing activities, and to frequently
monitor the skin for (pre-)ulcerative lesions. (Conditional; Low)
14. Provide integrated foot care for a person with diabetes who is at moderate or high risk of foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 2 and 3) to help prevent a first or recurrent foot ulcer. This integrated foot
care should include at least professional foot care, adequate footwear and structured education
about self-care. Repeat this foot care or re-evaluate the need for it once every one to three months
for a person at high risk, and once every three to six months for a person at moderate risk, as
necessary. (Strong; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Foot ulceration is a major complication of diabetes mellitus and is associated with high levels of
morbidity and mortality, as well as significant financial costs (1-4). The lifetime incidence rate of diabetes-
related foot ulceration is 19-34%, with a yearly incidence rate of 2% (5). After successful healing the
recurrence rate of diabetes-related foot ulceration is 40% within a year and 65% within 3 years (5).
Therefore, the prevention of diabetes-related foot ulceration is paramount to reduce the risk to the
patient and the resultant economic and social burden to society.
Not all people with diabetes are at-risk for ulceration. Key risk factors include: a loss of protective
sensation (LOPS), peripheral artery disease (PAD) and foot deformity (5-7). Additionally, a history of
foot ulceration and any level of lower extremity amputation, further increases the risk for ulceration up
to 40% in one year after healing (5-7). In general, people with diabetes without any of these risk factors
do not appear to be at an increased risk of foot ulceration in comparison to people without diabetes (5-
7). For the current guideline, we define a person at risk of foot ulceration as one currently or previously
diagnosed with diabetes who does not have a foot ulcer, but who has at least LOPS or PAD. Table 1
shows the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) system for stratifying risk for
foot ulceration.
Considering the above, only interventions aimed specifically at the prevention of foot ulcers in at-risk
persons are included in this guideline. Within this group, those persons with a history of diabetes-related
foot ulceration or amputation are considered at higher risk for ulceration when compared to those
without such a history (7). Thus, we consider the first incidence of diabetes-related foot ulceration and
recurrent incidences as separate outcomes of interest. Apart from ulceration as a key clinical outcome,
other outcomes are also important for the prevention of foot ulcers and are considered in this guideline,
following Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE)
methodology. These include pre-ulcerative lesions, quality of life, costs, foot-related mechanical stress,
and adherence, among others.
Various interventions for the prevention of foot ulcers are either used in clinical practice or have been
studied in scientific research (8, 9). We identify five key elements of prevention: 1) Identifying the at-risk
foot; 2) Regularly inspecting and examining the at-risk foot; 3) Educating the person with diabetes, family
and healthcare providers (this update newly including psychological interventions); 4) Ensuring routine
use of appropriate footwear; 5) Treating risk factors for ulceration. Integrated foot care is a combination
of these elements, and concerns the 6th element covered in this guideline.
The aim of this guideline is to provide evidence-based state-of-the-art recommendations for the
prevention of foot ulcers in people with diabetes and includes a rationale of how we came to each
recommendation. This guideline is targeted at clinicians and other healthcare professionals in the field.
This guideline is part of the IWGDF Guidelines on the prevention and management of diabetes-related
foot disease (10-15), and updates and replaces our previous guideline (16). The rationale provided is
based on two systematic reviews of the literature (8, 9), together with a consideration of the desirable
and undesirable effects of each intervention, as well as patients’ values and preferences, costs related to
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
the intervention, equity, feasibility and acceptability, again using GRADE methodology. We also provide
general considerations and propose an agenda for future research.
In this guideline we have followed the key steps of the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework,
including: i) establishing a diverse expert panel to develop the guideline, ii) defining key clinical questions
and important outcomes in the PICO-format (Patient-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome), iii)
performing systematic reviews and rigorous appraisals of all available evidence that addresses the
questions, iv) assessing summary of judgements items for each question, v) developing
recommendations and their rationale based on these summary of judgements, and vi) consulting
external stakeholders on each step (17, 18). The methodology for this guideline is summarised below;
we refer those seeking a more detailed description on the methods for developing and writing these
guidelines to the ‘IWGDF Guidelines development and methodology’ document (19).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Second, the working group devised important clinical questions and associated outcomes, building on
the last version of the guideline, to be answered using the GRADE approach. The questions and
outcomes were reviewed and prioritised with the help of 18 external clinical experts and two persons
with lived diabetes-related foot ulcer experience from various geographical regions, and the IWGDF
Editorial Board. The aim was to ensure the questions and outcomes were of relevance to a wide range
of healthcare professionals and people with the disease so as to provide the most useful clinical
information on the prevention of foot ulcers in people with diabetes. The working group classified the
outcomes as critically important or important, aligning with international diabetes-related foot ulcer
standards (20, 21) or the expert opinion of the working group if standards did not exist.
Third, we systematically reviewed the literature and appraised all studies addressing the above agreed
upon clinical questions. Each assessable outcome for each question was meta-analysed if appropriate,
and had effect sizes and certainty of evidence assessed using the Cochrane and GRADE Handbooks.
Finally, we developed evidence statements for each assessable outcome for each question which we
presented in full in the systematic review. The systematic reviews supporting this guideline are published
separately (8, 9).
Fourth, based on the systematic review, summary of findings tables and expert opinion, teams of two
members of the working group developed summary of judgements tables for each question following
GRADE (see supplemental information). The summary of judgement items assessed included desirable
and undesirable effects, balance of effects, certainty of evidence, values, costs, cost-effectiveness, equity,
acceptability and feasibility. Definitions for these items can be found in the Summary of Judgements
tables in the supplemental information. After careful weighing of the summary of judgements, the team
proposed to the working group a direction, strength, certainty of evidence and wording of
recommendation(s) and rationale to address the question concerned. Certainty of evidence was rated
as ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’ or ‘very low’ based on the critical outcome(s) reviewed for the question in
accordance with GRADE. Recommendations aimed to be clear, specific, and unambiguous on what was
recommended, for which persons, and under what circumstances. Rationale for each recommendation
was also provided and based on the summary of judgements tables (17, 18).
Fifth, summary of judgements tables and recommendations for each question were extensively discussed
in online meetings with the working group. After discussion, a voting procedure was used for each
recommendation to grade the direction of the recommendation as ‘for’ or ‘against’ the particular
intervention, and the strength of each recommendation as ‘strong’ or ‘conditional’. A quorum of 60% of
members were needed to be present for a discussion and vote to go ahead and a majority vote of
those present was needed for final decisions on each recommendation. The outcomes of the voting are
provided in the supplemental information.
Finally, all recommendations, with their rationales, were collated into a consultation (draft) guideline
manuscript that was reviewed by the same clinical experts and persons with lived experience who
reviewed the clinical questions, as well as by members of the IWGDF Editorial Board. The working
group then collated, reviewed and discussed all feedback on the consultation manuscript and revised
accordingly to produce the final guideline.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Overall, 14 clinical questions, each with up to 13 (critically) important outcomes, were finalised and
addressed by this guideline. The accompanying systematic reviews identified 172 eligible studies,
performed 10 meta-analyses and developed 33 evidence statements to collectively address these
questions (8,9). Based on the systematic reviews and expert opinion of the group, 9 summary of
judgements tables were completed (see supplemental material) with 14 recommendations developed
that addressed the clinical questions.
The different interventions for ulcer prevention are organized and discussed according to five key
categories of prevention: 1) Identifying the at-risk foot; 2) Regularly inspecting and examining the at-risk
foot; 3) Educating the person with diabetes, family and healthcare providers (this update newly including
psychological interventions); 4) Ensuring routine use of appropriate footwear; 5) Treating risk factors for
ulceration. Integrated foot care is a combination of these elements, and concerns the 6th element
covered in this guideline.
We refer readers to the glossary at the end of this guideline for the definitions of the interventions
discussed. Furthermore, many of the interventions recommended require specific training, skills,
materials and equipment to apply properly. These aspects are discussed to only a limited extent in this
guideline as they are often not described in the studies performed and may differ between centres and
countries, and are beyond the scope of the guideline. We suggest that the person applying the
intervention should be a properly trained healthcare professional who according to their national or
regional standards has the knowledge, expertise, and skills necessary to treat people with diabetes who
are at risk of foot ulceration.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Clinical questions:
• In people with diabetes what structure and frequency of screening for risk factors of foot ulceration
is indicated?
• In people with diabetes what risk factors for foot ulceration should be screened for?
• In people with diabetes how should one screen for peripheral sensory neuropathy and foot
• In people with diabetes how should ulcer risk be defined?
Recommendation 1: Screen a person with diabetes at very low risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 0)
annually for signs or symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease, to determine if
the person is at increased risk for foot ulceration, using the IWGDF risk stratification system. (GRADE
recommendation: Strong; Certainty of evidence: High).
Rationale: Targeting people with diabetes for foot ulcer prevention treatment, first requires identification
of those at-risk. We found no evidence in the literature on the direct effect of screening for preventing a
diabetes-related foot ulceration. However, we recommend an annual foot screening for all adult persons
with diabetes with no additional risk factors (IWGDF risk 0). Foot screening identifies those at risk and
should specifically include screening for LOPS caused by peripheral neuropathy, and for signs or
symptoms of PAD. Foot screening should also include assessment for presence of a foot ulcer, excess
callus, or pre-ulcerative lesion, such as blisters, fissures and haemorrhage. Foot screening should be
performed by an adequately trained healthcare professional (see glossary for definition). We do not aim
to provide an exhaustive description of the assessment techniques or methods, as they have been
detailed elsewhere, including in the IWGDF practical guidelines (22). LOPS can be assessed with a 10-
gram Semmes Weinstein monofilament (22): a meta-analysis of individual patient data found consistent
results using this assessment to predict risk of foot ulcer (7). If a 10-gram monofilament is unavailable,
use the Ipswich Touch Test (23). While outcomes of this test were not included in the aforementioned
meta-analysis, the Ipswich Touch Test has shown results similar to testing with the 10-gram
monofilament (24). Because limited vibratory sensation may also predict risk of foot ulceration (5), we
suggest to screen for this with a tuning fork or biothesiometer/neurothesiometer, if outcomes from
monofilament testing do not show LOPS. Screening for PAD is discussed in the IWGDF Guidelines on
PAD (13). In short, this includes taking a cardiovascular history, palpating for foot pulses, and obtaining
pedal Doppler arterial waveforms and ankle-brachial pressure index and toe-brachial pressure index
measurements. Although evidence for a screening interval is non-existent, we recommend an annual
screening for a person with diabetes in whom LOPS or PAD have not yet been identified.
Based on a meta-analysis (7), the quality of the evidence that LOPS and PAD are predictive of foot
ulceration is high. We suggest there are no undesirable effects associated with yearly foot screenings, the
desirable effects of foot screening outweigh the undesirable effects. We also suggest persons with
diabetes will value such yearly screenings as part of their regular diabetes check-ups. While foot
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
screening is generally feasible, acceptable and inexpensive on the individual level, it can be more
complex and costlier to organize on the societal level, given the growing number of people with
diabetes and the limited time allotted for primary care visits. However, early identifying persons at risk of
foot ulceration is important and is needed to target those who require preventative treatment.
Therefore, the recommendation for annual foot screening is strong.
Because we found no evidence in the literature on the effect of screening for preventing a diabetes-
related foot ulceration, we did not complete summary of judgement tables for this question.
Recommendation 2: If a person with diabetes has loss of protective sensation or peripheral artery
disease, extend the screening using clinical history and further foot examinations, to include:
• a history of foot ulceration or lower-extremity amputation;
• diagnosis of end-stage renal disease;
• presence or progression of foot deformity;
• limited foot and ankle joint mobility;
• excess callus;
• and any pre-ulcerative lesion or ulcer on the foot,
to determine their risk for foot ulceration using the IWGDF risk stratification system and to inform
treatment. Repeat this screening once every 6-12 months for those classified as IWGDF risk 1, once
every 3-6 months for IWGDF risk 2, and once every 1-3 months for IWGDF risk 3. (Strong; High)
Rationale: When either LOPS or PAD is identified in a person with diabetes, more extensive and more
frequent foot examination is needed, as the ulcer risk is higher (5, 7). This examination should consist of
taking a detailed history of foot ulceration, lower-extremity amputation, and determining a diagnosis of
end-stage renal disease. Physically examine the foot for presence of deformities or progression thereof;
excess callus and pre-ulcerative lesions, such as blisters, fissures and haemorrhage; and limited joint
mobility of the foot and ankle (6, 7). A history of a previous foot ulcer or amputation are important
predictive factors for a new ulceration, as identified in a meta-analysis of individual patient data (7). Foot
deformities, excess callus, pre-ulcerative lesions, and limited joint mobility may increase the risk of foot
ulceration (5, 25), and are important determinants of treatment in people with LOPS or PAD. Again, we
do not aim to provide an exhaustive description of the assessment techniques or methods, as they have
been detailed elsewhere, including in the IWGDF practical guidelines (22).
Notwithstanding the lack of evidence, other factors that we suggest taking a history of are: presence of
social isolation, poor access to healthcare and financial constraints, depression or similar psychological
comorbidities, frailty, foot pain (with walking or at rest) and numbness or claudication. We also suggest
examining the presence of ill-fitting, inadequate, or lack of footwear; abnormal skin colour, temperature
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
or oedema; poor foot hygiene, e.g., improperly cut toenails, unwashed feet, superficial fungal infection, or
unclean socks; physical limitations that may hinder foot self-care (e.g. visual acuity, obesity); and poor
foot care knowledge (25-28). Lacking footwear, or having Ill-fitting or inadequate footwear can be a
cause of ulceration (26), and poor hygiene may be reflective of an inability to self-care. Appropriate
interventions can potentially improve these modifiable risk factors when they are identified.
Any foot ulcer identified during screening should be treated according to the principles outlined in the
other IWGDF guidelines (10-15).
Based on the findings of the screening, a person with diabetes can be stratified according to their risk for
foot ulceration (Table 1). The risk categories defined are based on a meta-analysis and a systematic
review of prospective risk factor studies on foot ulceration (7).
Table 1: The IWGDF Risk Stratification System and corresponding foot screening and examination
Category Ulcer risk Characteristics Frequency*
0 Very low No LOPS and No PAD once a year
1 Low LOPS or PAD once every 6-12 months
2 Moderate LOPS + PAD, or once every 3-6 months
LOPS + foot deformity or
PAD + foot deformity
3 High LOPS or PAD, once every 1-3 months
and one or more of the following:
• history of a foot ulcer
• a lower-extremity amputation
(minor or major)
• end-stage renal disease
Note: LOPS = Loss of protective sensation; PAD = peripheral artery disease. *: Screening frequency is based on expert
opinion, since no evidence is available to support these intervals. When the screening interval is close to a regular diabetes
check-up, consider screening the foot at that check-up.
Someone without LOPS and without PAD is classified as IWGDF risk 0 and is at very low risk for
ulceration. This person requires only annual screening. All other categories are considered “at-risk,” and
require more frequent foot screening, regular inspection and foot examination than in people who are
not at-risk.
A person with either LOPS or PAD, but no additional risk factors, is stratified as IWGDF risk 1, and is
considered at low risk. This person should be screened once every 6-12 months. When a combination
of risk factors is present, a person is stratified as IWGDF risk 2 and is considered to be at moderate risk.
As their risk is higher, this person should be screened every 3-6 months. All persons with either LOPS
or PAD and a history of foot ulcer or lower-extremity amputation are stratified as IWGDF risk 3 and
considered to be at high risk of ulceration. These persons should be screened once every 1-3 months.
We also regard persons with LOPS or PAD in combination with end-stage renal disease (29-31) as
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
being at high risk, irrespective of their ulcer history, and have therefore added these to IWGDF risk 3.
We have not extended the high-risk level in the risk stratification system with new layers of sub-risk, nor
have we included Charcot’s neuro-osteoarthropathy as high risk or modifiable risk factors in our risk
stratification system. These options were discussed in the working group and we concluded that there
was not yet sufficient evidence to add these aspects to the risk stratification system.
A person’s risk status should be made aware to the person and may change over time, thus requiring
continuous monitoring. The screening frequencies we have provided help guide such monitoring. If
findings lead to a change in risk status, screening frequency should be adjusted accordingly. As
someone’s diabetes course progresses, upgrading is the most likely change. Downgrading risk status
might occur after (surgical) interventions that normalize foot structure or improve lower extremity
blood flow. Further, in a person with LOPS, it is not required to repeat the assessment of LOPS at
subsequent screenings. It should also be noted that only biological measures determine the risk level,
not behavioural measures. However, behaviour plays a role in foot ulcer risk. When a person with
diabetes and neuropathy does not follow recommendations for a person at low-risk, for example by not
wearing shoes at all, the risk of developing an ulcer is likely much higher, despite the low-risk
stratification. This should be considered when determining the right preventative treatments for the
individual person.
In view of the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of a screening interval in at-risk people with diabetes
we recommend these intervals based on expert opinion. The aim of more frequent screening is early
identification of risk factors that can increase the chances of developing a foot ulcer. This should then be
followed by providing appropriate preventative foot care. For example, early diagnosis and treatment of
pre-ulcerative lesions on the foot may prevent foot ulcers, as well as more severe complications such as
infection and hospitalization. Screening for all these factors should help increase awareness, while it
might also raise concern or feelings of anxiety in some people. However, we think that in general the
potential for harm is limited. All screening can be done without the need for intrusive interventions and
may also provide an opportunity to provide patient education, counselling and support. We suggest that
the benefits associated with targeted preventative treatment following screening likely outweigh
potential harms, provided appropriate treatment is given by an adequately trained healthcare
professional. Screening takes relatively little time, and while this is feasible, acceptable and inexpensive at
the individual level, it may be harder to organize and costlier on a societal level. Taking all evidence
together, we strongly recommend such screening.
Because we found no evidence in the literature on the effect of examining the foot and on screening
interval for preventing a diabetes-related foot ulceration, we did not complete summary of judgement
tables for this question.
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Clinical question: In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, should foot self-care be
Recommendation 3: Educate, and after that encourage and remind a person with diabetes who is at risk
of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) to protect their feet by not walking barefoot, not walking in socks
without shoes, or not walking in thin-soled slippers, whether indoors or outdoors. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: The feet of an at-risk person with diabetes need to be protected against high mechanical
stresses, as well as external physical trauma, as both may cause foot ulcers (22). To protect their feet, a
person with diabetes should therefore not walk barefoot, not walk in socks without shoes, and not walk
in thin-soled slippers, either at home or outside. This also includes any other open type of footwear that
increases risk for direct skin damage by a foreign object. While no studies have been directly performed
to assess the effect of walking barefoot, in socks without shoes, or in thin-soled standard slippers, on risk
of foot ulceration, there are at least large prospective studies that show that at-risk people with diabetes
have elevated levels of mechanical plantar pressure during walking barefoot, in socks without shoes and
in thin-soled slippers (32, 33). These high pressures are a significant independent risk factor for foot
ulceration and should therefore be avoided (5). In addition, walking barefoot, in socks without shoes, or
in thin-soled standard slippers has other harmful effects in at-risk people with diabetes, such as lack of
protection against thermal or external mechanical trauma. Thus, despite the lack of direct evidence for
this recommendation, we strongly advocate that people should be educated to avoid these walking
conditions to reduce risk of damaging the foot. Only when supervised by a qualified healthcare
professional, limited barefoot walking may be part of foot and ankle exercise programs for low-to-
moderate risk people with diabetes (see recommendation 12).
People with diabetes might prefer not to follow this recommendation, especially inside their house (34-
36). However, given the potential harm of walking without shoes for foot protection outweighs any
benefit to be gained from choosing this preference, we strongly recommend to educate at-risk people
with diabetes not to walk barefoot, not to walk in socks without shoes, and not to walk in thin-soled
standard slippers, whether at home or when outside. The education should be provided by a healthcare
professional with disease-specific knowledge and skills in education.
Recommendation 4: Educate, and after that encourage and remind a person with diabetes who is at risk
of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) to wash their feet daily (with careful drying, particularly between
the toes), use emollients to moisturize dry skin, and cut toenails straight across. (Strong; Low)
Recommendation 5: Educate, and after that encourage and remind a person with diabetes who is at risk
of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) to examine their feet daily and with the presence or suspicion of
having a (pre-)ulcerative lesion, to rapidly contact an appropriately-trained healthcare professional for
further advice. (Strong; Low)
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Rationale: Although no direct evidence is available for the effect of these self-care interventions in
preventing foot ulcers, they enable a person to detect and respond early to signs of diabetes-related
foot ulceration and contribute to basic foot hygiene and escalation of care if indicated (i.e., if a pre-
ulcerative lesion is suspected). This education is likely to help prevent a foot ulcer, although it may pose
some burden to people with diabetes.
The education should be provided by a healthcare professional with disease-specific knowledge and
skills in education. Specifically, for washing their feet daily, people should avoid soaking their feet in a
bath. With rapidly contacting an appropriately trained healthcare professional we mean immediately
calling when identifying the lesion during normal working hours, or at earliest possibility outside of
working hours. Appropriately trained means qualified to diagnose, either treat or refer people with
diabetes and (pre-)ulcerative lesions.
It can be expected that people will generally consider basic foot hygiene as accessible and feasible, and
that the desirable effects will outweigh undesirable effects associated with either inappropriate or
inadequate or no foot self-care at all. These foot self-care behaviours can be done at a low cost per
person who is at risk for diabetes-related foot ulceration. Despite the limited evidence for the effect of
these self-care activities on ulcer prevention, this is a strong recommendation.
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
Clinical questions:
• In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, should structured education be offered or
• In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, should psychological interventions be offered or
Recommendation 6: Provide structured education to a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) about appropriate foot self-care for preventing a foot ulcer. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: Structured education is considered an essential and integral part of foot ulcer prevention, as it
is widely thought fundamental that people with diabetes at-risk of foot ulceration need to understand
their disease, and what recommended foot self-care is, in order to engage in that care (37). Structured
education is defined as any educational modality that is provided to people in a structured way, that is
through a protocol or other defined set of sequential routines and content. This can take many forms,
such as one-to-one verbal education, education which is integrated into motivational interviewing,
educational group sessions, video education, booklets, software applications, quizzes, and pictorial
education via animated drawing or descriptive images. Despite this myriad of forms available and
education being ingrained in clinical practice all over the world, research on its specific effectiveness (i.e.,
its desirable effects) for prevention of diabetes-related foot ulceration is limited although education
seems to improve knowledge and foot self-care behaviour (9). Our meta-analysis of 5 RCTs shows a
relative risk (RR) for ulcer occurrence (either first-ever or recurrent) of 0.66 (95%CI: 0.37-1.19), a
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
statistically non-significant difference in favour of the intervention (9). Education seemed more effective
in the subgroups with participants at lower risk of ulceration. Given its relative low cost, ease of
provision and likely trivial undesirable effects, the use of this intervention is probably favoured on
balance. Therefore, education should aim to improve the person’s foot care knowledge and self-care
behaviour, and encourage the person to adhere to the foot self-care education provided.
As there is evidence of the benefits of treatment adherence on ulcer outcomes (38, 39), encourage
people at risk of diabetes-related foot ulceration to adhere to the foot self-care education provided. It is
best if such education is integrated with regular foot screenings (see recommendations 1 and 2), is re-
enforced and is part of integrated foot care (see recommendation 16). Structured education should be
culturally appropriate, account for risk profile and gender differences, and align with a person’s health
literacy and personal circumstances. The education should be provided by a healthcare professional with
disease-specific knowledge and skills in education. These steps are likely to further enhance the
acceptability and feasibility of the intervention. It is not possible to provide globally applicable
recommendations on the best form of education given the diversity of contexts in which education will
be provided. We suggest that structured foot self-care education should be provided individually or in
small groups of people with diabetes. It should be provided over several sessions and with periodical
reinforcement, to maximise effect.
In summary, although the certainty of the evidence for the desirable effects of structured education is
low, we strongly recommend providing structured education on foot self-care given undesirable effects
are likely to be trivial, face value is high, education is considered by most to be an acceptable and
feasible intervention, and we assess that on the balance of effects the benefits of education likely
outweigh the potential harms. While education could potentially lead to harm such as an increased fear
of complications (40), it may also provide an opportunity for people with diabetes to clarify
misunderstandings and seek answers to questions they have (28). People with diabetes will probably
prefer structured education when it is appropriate to their circumstances, feasible, and accessible. While
structured education is inexpensive at the individual level, it may be harder to organize and costlier on a
societal level. Taken together, we strongly recommend providing structured education.
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Psychological interventions: We are unable to make a specific recommendation about the use of
psychological interventions for the prevention of diabetes-related foot ulceration in at risk people, due
to a very low evidence base at this time. We believe this is an important avenue for future research and
clinical guidance due to the success of psychological interventions in other health-related areas, using
evidence-based approaches such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and
health behaviour change strategies.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration should instructions about foot self-
management, including home foot temperature monitoring, be given?
Recommendation 7: Consider coaching a person with diabetes who is at moderate or high risk of foot
ulceration (IWGDF risk 2-3) to self-monitor foot skin temperatures once per day to identify any early
signs of foot inflammation and help prevent a first or recurrent plantar foot ulcer. If the temperature
difference between corresponding regions of the left and right foot is above a temperature threshold of
2.2 °C (or 4.0 °F) on two consecutive days, coach the person to reduce ambulatory activity and consult
an adequately trained healthcare professional for further diagnosis and treatment. (Conditional;
Rationale: Foot self-management differs from foot self-care as it involves more advanced interventions
that are specifically designed for ulcer prevention, such as home-monitoring tools and telemedicine
approaches. Self-management can include many interventions, but we found no evidence to support the
use of any specific intervention, with the exception of home monitoring of foot skin temperature (9).
We found evidence in our meta-analysis that home monitoring of plantar foot skin temperature at
minimum once per day with an easy to use infrared thermometer, combined with subsequent
preventative action when elevated temperatures were noted for two consecutive days, is statistically
more effective than standard treatment for preventing foot ulcers in high-risk people with diabetes
(IWGDF risk 2-3), with a relative risk of 0.51 (95%CI: 0.31-0.84) in favour of the intervention (9). These
preventative actions include: reduction of ambulatory activity, consultation with an adequately trained
healthcare professional to discuss the findings, and further preventative treatment as per the healthcare
professional’s assessment. For this recommendation to be effective a person needs to have ready access
to and the ability to use an appropriate thermometer and be in communication with an adequately
trained healthcare professional.
Professionals may value at-home foot temperature monitoring as an easy to use relatively affordable
method (in comparison to therapeutic footwear or surgery) that may have high clinical value and helps
empower people in their care of their own feet. However, people with diabetes may have difficulty
using temperature monitoring because of necessity to measure daily, requirement to target locations on
the foot, the risk of false alarms, the requirement for surrounding infrastructure, and costs (41). For both
professionals and people with diabetes, the value of skin temperature measurement may be
compromised because of the risk of missing an ulcer that develops without the skin heating up before
ulceration (42). In addition, practicalities of scaling up the usage of foot temperature monitoring on a
global scale raises questions about the implementation of this intervention in different settings
worldwide, and therefore there is an uncertainty about the widespread global feasibility of such devices.
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
The available evidence shows that adherence to measuring foot temperatures was an important factor
in its effectiveness, and people, in particular those who have not had a foot ulcer, may find the
requirement for daily assessment a burden (43, 44). False-positive and false-negative outcomes of
temperature measurements may unnecessarily concern people and affect their confidence in using this
approach (42, 45-48).
To our knowledge, home monitoring of foot temperature is currently not routinely implemented in foot
care of people with diabetes at moderate to high risk of diabetes-related foot ulceration. This may be
due to how people value the need for and ease of use of daily temperature measurements, lack of easy
access to calibrated equipment, lack of full-report information on cost-effectiveness and implementation
feasibility. Although the desirable effects outweigh undesirable effects, given the potential limitations of
this intervention regarding i) equity among different settings, as the tool needed may not be frequently
available to be used; ii) patient acceptability, as it adds a burden to measure foot temperature daily; and
iii) feasibility, we decided that this is a conditional recommendation.
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
Rationale: Appropriate footwear is considered an essential and integral part of foot ulcer prevention, as
it is widely thought fundamental that people with diabetes at-risk of foot ulceration need to protect
their feet from external stress, either through direct trauma or repetitive from weight-bearing activity,
and from heat stress.
When educating about or prescribing footwear, also educate the person to check the inside of the shoe
for any foreign objects each time before they don the footwear. Furthermore, the healthcare
professional should be aware of cultural considerations around footwear and the impact this may have
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
on uptake of wearing appropriate footwear and the level of education and support that will be required
for uptake.
Advise the person wearing footwear to wear socks of natural materials/threads, that are seamless and
preferably of light colour so that stains from (pre-)ulcerative lesions may become visible.
Rationale for 8a and 8b: People at moderate or high risk for foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 2-3) have
often lost their ability to feel pain or pressure, and may not adequately judge the fit of their footwear or
the level of pressure on their foot. Being at increased risk for ulceration, it is important that their
footwear fits, protects and accommodates the shape of their feet; this includes having adequate length,
width and depth (49). When a foot deformity or pre-ulcerative lesion is present, it becomes even more
important to change foot biomechanics and reduce plantar pressure on at-risk locations. This may
require custom-made footwear, custom-made insoles or toe orthoses. For people who have healed
from a plantar foot ulcer, therapeutic footwear needs to reduce plantar pressure at high-risk areas,
including the previous ulcer location. Based on a meta-analysis of 3 RCTs and 3 cohort studies,
therapeutic footwear, including shoes, insoles or orthoses may reduce the risk of a first-ever or
recurrent foot ulcer over a person’s own footwear in someone at moderate-to-high risk for diabetes-
related foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 2 to 3), with a relative risk of 0.53 (95%CI: 0.24-1.17) (8).
Additionally, such footwear can reduce the plantar pressure during walking (50). High plantar pressures
are a significant independent risk factor for foot ulceration and should therefore be avoided (5, 51).
Because people with diabetes with LOPS cannot adequately judge footwear fit, footwear should be
evaluated by appropriately trained professionals. Evaluate the fit with the person in the standing position,
preferably at the end of the day (49). People at moderate or high risk with a foot deformity that
significantly increases pressure or a pre-ulcerative lesion may require extra-depth shoes, custom-made
footwear, custom-made insoles, and/or toe orthoses. The evidence shows variable effects on ulcer
recurrence for specific insoles compared to standard insoles worn in therapeutic footwear (9). These
insoles have a positive effect on in-shoe plantar pressure.
People with diabetes may value the role of properly fitting footwear, extra-depth and more custom
footwear when they have a deformity to prevent ulcers, but some still consider their footwear to be the
cause of their problems, especially when the footwear does not fit properly. Properly fitting footwear,
extra-depth or custom-made footwear may also not align with personal comfort and style preferences,
while in some countries wearing footwear is not customary at all or may lead to inconvenience (e.g. in
warmer or wet climates). However, we know little about the adherence of people with diabetes at
moderate risk for ulceration to wearing properly fitting footwear. Therapeutic footwear or adequately
trained professionals may also not be present in all countries, which limits access to orthotic
interventions. With the additional benefit of protection against thermal and mechanical trauma, and the
evidence of reducing ulcer risk, we judge the benefits to outweigh the harm and therefore assign a
strong recommendation.
Rationale for 8c: For people with a healed plantar foot ulcer (IWGDF risk 3), therapeutic footwear
needs to reduce plantar pressure at high-risk areas, including the previous ulcer location. A meta-analysis
of two RCTs on footwear or custom-made insoles that were demonstrably optimised for pressure
reduction showed a relative risk of 0.62 (95%CI: 0.26-1.47) (9). For other outcomes, no differences
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
were found between such pressure-optimized footwear and non-optimized footwear for pre-ulcer
lesions, adverse events, health-related quality of life, adherence and mortality, while plantar pressure was
lower in optimized footwear/insoles (3 RCTs and 3 non-controlled studies; (9)).
Demonstrated plantar pressure relieving effect means that at high pressure locations there should be a
≥30% reduction in the in-shoe peak pressure during walking (compared to the current therapeutic
footwear), or an in-shoe peak pressure <200kPa (if measured with a validated, reliable, and calibrated
in-shoe pressure measuring system with sensors sized 2cm2) (52, 53). The way to achieve such a
pressure relief or level is by applying available state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on footwear designs
that effectively offload the foot (54).
The desirable effects of continuously wearing optimised footwear or insoles with a proven offloading
effect outweigh the undesirable effects, which are few based on the available trials (9). On the other
hand, inappropriate footwear (inadequate length or width) increases the risk of ulceration (55), and we
again stress the importance of ensuring adequate fit. Clinicians should also encourage people with
diabetes to wear their prescribed footwear at all times. The costs of prescribing therapeutic footwear
with demonstrated offloading effect may be quite high, as it requires the measurement of barefoot or
in-shoe plantar pressure, which to date is relatively expensive for validated systems. However, these
costs should always be considered in association with the benefit of ulcer prevention. Cost-effectiveness
has not been reported to date. However, based on one unpublished cost-effectiveness analysis of
pressure-optimized custom-made footwear as well as on the costs of foot ulceration, in our opinion,
footwear designed or evaluated using plantar pressure measurement is likely to be cost-effective when it
can reduce ulcer risk by 37% (the outcome from the meta-analysis), and even more when adherence is
warranted (9). This is therefore a strong recommendation.
Note that this recommendation is predicated on the availability of both therapeutic footwear and
accurate technology for pressure measurement. We acknowledge that the technology and expertise for
such measurements are not yet widely available. For regions and settings where this can be made
available, we encourage services to invest in regular plantar pressure measurements. For regions and
clinical settings where this cannot yet be accommodated, we suggest to prescribe therapeutic footwear
using available state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on footwear designs that effectively offload the foot
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, how should pre-ulcerative lesions
and symptoms be treated?
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IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Recommendation 9: Provide appropriate treatment for any pre-ulcerative lesion or excess callus on the
foot, for ingrown toe nails, and for fungal infections on the foot, to help prevent a foot ulcer in a person
with diabetes who is at risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3). (Strong; Very low)
Rationale: Pre-ulcerative lesions on the foot, such as blisters, fissures or haemorrhage appear to be
strong predictors of future ulceration (5, 25, 27). Other risk factors that require treatment include
excess callus, ingrown or thickened toe nails and fungal infections. These signs require immediate
treatment by an appropriately trained healthcare professional. Appropriate treatment means: removing
excess callus; protecting blisters and draining them when necessary; treating fissures; treating ingrown or
thickened toe nails; treating cutaneous haemorrhage; and, prescribing antifungal treatment for fungal
infections. The effectiveness of treating these signs on the prevention of a diabetes-related foot ulcer has
not been directly investigated. Indirect evidence of benefit is that removal of callus reduces plantar
pressure, an important risk factor for ulceration (9).
The benefit-harm ratio of treatment of pre-ulcerative lesions by an appropriately trained foot care
professional will likely be positive, and come at relatively low costs. However, these treatments do have
the potential to harm when improperly performed, and should therefore only be done by an
appropriately trained healthcare professional and for the full length of time that the signs or lesions are
present. It can be expected that people educated to the dangers of pre-ulcerative lesions prefer that
they be treated. Despite a lack of evidence, we consider this standard practice and therefore the
recommendation is strong.
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, should surgical interventions be
Recommendation 10: In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) and a non-
rigid hammertoe with nail changes, excess callus or a pre-ulcerative lesion on the apex or distal part of
this toe:
a. consider digital flexor tendon tenotomy for treating these outcomes and to help prevent a first
or recurrent foot ulcer. (Conditional; Moderate), or
b. consider prescribing orthotic interventions, such as toe silicone or (semi-)rigid orthotic devices,
to help reduce excess callus on the toe. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Flexor tenotomy may reduce the risk of ulcer development in people with diabetes with
excess callus on the tip of their toes or thickened nails (9). We consider flexor tenotomy a valuable
procedure in a patient who has a pre-ulcerative lesion on the toe, that fails to respond to non-surgical
treatment, and requires normalization of foot structure to prevent ulceration. Preventative surgery
should only be considered after full evaluation of non-surgical treatment options by an appropriately
trained healthcare professional.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
The desirable effects of flexor tenotomy are moderate and likely outweigh the undesirable effects, as
few complications have been reported (9), probably favouring the intervention. People with diabetes
who have pre-ulcerative lesions for which they have frequent non-surgical treatment that does not
improve outcomes may value and prefer treatment by flexor tenotomy. The procedure is easily
performed in an outpatient setting, with no need for subsequent immobilization, and is not likely to
negatively affect foot function. A flexor tenotomy is performed in a limited time and as an outpatient
procedure and may prevent the use of non-surgical treatment options; thus, the added costs may be
negligible, and the procedure may be cost-effective given the effect it has on ulcer prevention. Possible
adverse effects of the surgery may include a transfer lesion or transfer pressure and should be discussed
with the patient. In people with diabetes with poor arterial supply to the foot, this includes potential
non-healing of the surgical incision or wound. Provided a surgeon is available, which seems the case in
most settings, tendon tenotomy has little impact on equity, is acceptable and feasible. Due to the low
number of controlled trials and low certainty of evidence, we consider the recommendation as
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
To reduce excess callus and the associated increased foot pressure, people with diabetes at risk of
ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3) can be provided with toe silicone and (semi-)rigid orthoses or felted foam
in addition to therapeutic footwear (9). The clinician should provide information on proper use of the
orthosis, to avoid wrong placement that may even aggravate the situation.
Recommendation 11: In a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1-3), we
suggest not to use a nerve decompression procedure to help prevent a foot ulcer. (Conditional; Very
Rationale: While observational studies on nerve decompression procedures have demonstrated low
ulcer incidence rates over extended follow-up periods in people with diabetes with or without a prior
foot ulcer experiencing neuropathic pain, there is no evidence to support an ulcer prevention effect of
nerve decompression (9). Furthermore, if compared to standard of care in these studies, the standard of
care was either poor according to current evidence-based guidelines or poorly described. Two RCTs
are currently underway to assess the effect of nerve decompression, but primarily focus on quality of life
and neuropathic symptoms, and secondarily on ulceration ((56) and NCT01762085). With various non-
surgical or other surgical interventions available that are accepted standards of good quality care to
prevent a foot ulcer in an at-risk patient (recommendations 1-10, 14), and given the inherent risk of the
surgical procedure, we suggest not to use nerve decompression to help prevent a foot ulcer.
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
Clinical questions:
• In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, should foot-related exercises be done?
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
• In a person with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration, can the level of weight-bearing physical activity
be increased?
Recommendation 12: Consider advising and referring a person with diabetes who is at low or moderate
risk for foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1 or 2) to participate in an 8-12-weeks foot-ankle exercise
program, preferably under the supervision of an appropriately trained healthcare professional, and to
continue performing foot-ankle exercises afterwards, with the aim of reducing risk factors of ulceration.
(Conditional; Low)
Rationale: The risk of ulceration increases in the presence of risk factors. Interventions described in this
guideline as part of education (section 3) and footwear (section 4) may help prevent foot ulcers, but do
not mitigate the risk factors underlying them. While not all risk factors can be modified, some can. This
includes plantar pressure distribution, neuropathy signs and symptoms, deficits in foot sensation, foot-
ankle joint mobility and strength (8). Various forms of foot-related exercises are possible when aiming to
improve these modifiable risk factors for foot ulceration. These exercises can include stretching and
strengthening of the foot and ankle joints and musculature and functional exercises, such as balance and
gait exercises (8). These exercises are generally provided in 8-12 weeks training programs, supervised by
physical therapists or other qualified and trained professionals, face-to-face or home-based, individually
or in groups. In our meta-analyses, we found that these exercise programs do not increase the risk of
ulceration, while improving foot and ankle joint range of motion, neuropathy signs and symptoms and
plantar pressure distribution (8). As such, the desirable effects outweigh the undesirable effects.
As people with diabetes who are at risk of foot ulceration will likely not be aware of appropriate
exercises, we recommend them to undergo a foot assessment and exercise prescription by an
adequately trained healthcare professional prior to commencing exercise. Weekly evaluation of progress
with training and modification of the program in collaboration with the professional is recommended.
While this involves moderate costs, we assessed the importance of involving a healthcare professional
for supervision and support as being of value because of the nature of the intervention, and also found
better results on some outcomes if supervision was incorporated. People with a pre-ulcerative lesion or
with a foot ulcer should not partake in foot-related exercises in which the foot is mechanically loaded, as
there is still no evidence if these exercises are safe.
Advising people with diabetes at low to moderate risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1 or 2) to
perform foot-related exercises is based on low certainty of evidence (8). Any potential for harm is
outweighed by both general health benefits of exercise and specific improvements to the complex
musculoskeletal deficits that develop with diabetes. Foot-related exercises are relatively easy to perform
autonomously, are acceptable to people with diabetes, and feasible to execute. Minimal exercise
equipment is required, for example elastic bands or exercise balls. As adherence may be a challenge, we
advise health practitioners to continue to motivate people with diabetes to complete the exercise
program as prescribed. We recommend regularly evaluating the training and outcome progress and
updating the program when required. However, lifelong continued support from a health trained
professional is not feasible. We therefore recommend that people with diabetes continue after the
program, without professional support, preferably with the support of booklets, videos or rehabilitation
technology tools. Feasibility of this part of our recommendation has not been studied, and it is unknown
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
how people with diabetes assess such continuation. Because we expect the positive outcomes of the
programs to continue if the exercises are continued, we do recommend people with diabetes to keep
performing the exercise after the 8-12 weeks program.
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
Recommendation 13: Consider communicating to a person with diabetes who is at low or moderate
risk for foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 1 or 2) that an increase in the level of walking-related weight-
bearing daily activity by an extra 1000 steps/day is likely to be safe regarding risk of foot ulceration.
Advise this person to wear appropriate footwear when undertaking weight-bearing activities, and to
frequently monitor the skin for (pre-)ulcerative lesions. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Exercise has general health benefits for people with diabetes, including specific improvements
to the complex musculoskeletal deficits that develop with diabetes (57). However, when this exercise is
weight-bearing, it increases the cumulative plantar tissue stress on the foot and should therefore be
considered in the context of foot disease (58). Based on 4 studies where people with diabetes at risk of
foot ulceration participated in a training program that increased their weight-bearing activity but where
this did not result in increased incidence of ulceration (8), we suggest to consider advising people at low
or moderate risk for ulceration (IWGDF 1 or 2) that a gradual increase in the level of walking-related
weight-bearing activity is likely to be safe. We define an increase as a gradual increase in activity with an
end goal of an additional 1000 steps/day, based on the increases seen in these 4 studies (8), and an RCT
that showed such an increase to be beneficial for glycaemic control in people with diabetes (59). It is
advisable to avoid sudden spikes in activity and to increase daily steps by a maximum of 10% per week,
until a person reaches an overall increase of 1000 steps/day in comparison to baseline. This increase in
daily steps may also be considered for those people with IWGDF risk 3 (60), as evidence showed that
these people take on average the same number of daily steps compared to those at low or moderate
risk (61). Thus it is probably safe, especially if they wear appropriate footwear when performing weight-
bearing activities (see recommendations 8-11).
The certainty of the evidence to support this recommendation is low, as it is based on 4 RCTs, but with
none of them powered to detect a difference in ulcer development (8). This uncertainty is a concern
(and an important area for future research). However, we think the lack of differences in rates of
ulceration between the groups in these trials and the known benefits of increasing weight-bearing
exercises on general health and foot-related outcomes, outweighs the harms. Also, increasing weight-
bearing activity is feasible for almost anyone, and as such this may increase equity to care. However,
people with diabetes should remain cautious to avoid adverse outcomes such as falls and pre-ulcerative
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
lesions. To prevent adverse outcomes, advise people with diabetes to wear appropriate footwear when
undertaking weight-bearing activities (see recommendations 8-11), and to monitor their skin for pre-
ulcerative lesions or breakdown (see recommendations 4-6). Increasing the level of weight-bearing daily
activity as recommended can be considered feasible and acceptable to people with diabetes. However,
high drop-out rates in some trials show that this may not hold for all people with diabetes. Exercise
programs are a relatively cheap intervention. Primarily because of the low quality of evidence in relation
to ulcer prevention, this is a conditional recommendation.
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
Recommendation 14: Provide integrated foot care for a person with diabetes who is at moderate or
high risk of foot ulceration (IWGDF risk 2 and 3) to help prevent a first or recurrent foot ulcer. This
integrated foot care should include at least professional foot care, adequate footwear and structured
education about self-care. Repeat this foot care or re-evaluate the need for it once every one to three
months for high risk, and once every three to six months for moderate risk, as necessary. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: We define integrated foot care as an intervention that at a minimum integrates regular foot
care and examination by an adequately trained professional, structured education, and adequate
footwear. In our meta-analysis of 3 RCTs, we found an RR of 0.78 (95%CI: 0.58-1.06), a statistically non-
significant difference favouring integrated over non-integrated care (9). One cohort study and five non-
controlled studies all reported a significantly lower percentage of recurrent ulcers in people with
diabetes who received integrated foot care compared to those who did not, or in those people with
diabetes who were adherent to an integrated foot care program compared to those who were not (9).
None of the studies reported any complications from, or other harm related to, integrated care.
Professional foot care, by an adequately trained healthcare professional, consists of: treating risk factors
and pre-ulcerative lesions as described in recommendation 9; structured education about foot self-care
according to recommendations 3-6; and, providing adequate footwear following recommendation 8.
The person’s feet should be regularly examined (see recommendations 1 and 2). Integrated foot care
may further include foot self-management (recommendation 7), access to surgery (recommendation
10), and foot-related exercises and weight-bearing activity (recommendations 12 and 13). Given the
efficacy of several interventions in people with diabetes without a history of foot ulceration, we also
recommend integrated foot care for those with moderate risk of foot ulceration, based on the same
expected cumulative effects of the combined interventions as with high-risk people.
While integrated foot care programs have been directly investigated in the controlled and non-
controlled studies found in our systematic review (9), none included all potential components of
integrated foot care. The effect of a state-of-the-art integrated foot care program that combines all
recommendations from this guideline is expected to be much stronger than that achieved by the
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
programs researched to date (5, 62). Our recommendation that integrated foot care as minimum,
consists of professional foot care, structured patient education, and adequate footwear, with a regular
examination of a person’s feet, is based on this potential effect, shown by our systematic review and
other analyses (5, 9, 62). However, the largest effect sizes in ulcer prevention can be found for self-
management and surgical interventions (9). Therefore, a complete integrated foot care approach should
include these as well. For all aspects of an integrated foot care program, adherence to what is
recommended increases the benefits, and should be given adequate attention in communication with
the person with diabetes. Taken together, state-of-the-art integrated foot care has been estimated to be
able to prevent up to 75% of all diabetes-related foot ulcers (62).
Integrated foot care should be provided by one or more adequately trained healthcare professionals.
People with diabetes at risk for foot ulceration who are cared for by professionals without specific
expertise on diabetes-related foot disease should refer them to integrated foot care services.
Educational interventions targeting healthcare professionals to improve completion rates of yearly foot
examinations and to improve diabetes-related foot disease specific knowledge of healthcare
professionals not involved daily in diabetes-related foot care may be important, but the effectiveness of
such education is unclear (66). Teams that provide integrated foot care may perform educational
outreach activities for healthcare professionals in primary or secondary care. The teams should be
aware, however, that the effect of such education is limited with respect to knowledge improvement
and performance of yearly foot examination, and may have to be repeated frequently.
The benefits of integrated foot care by one or more adequately trained healthcare professionals
outweigh the potential harm of such treatment. We think it is likely that people with diabetes prefer
integrated foot care delivered by healthcare professionals working in partnership rather than undergoing
uncoordinated care delivered by different healthcare professionals working in isolation. We consider the
combined effect size of the various interventions that make up integrated foot care to be high. Despite
the low quality of the evidence, given the other advantages described, we rate our recommendation as
The summary of judgements for this clinical question is shown in the supplemental information.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
1. The recommendations in this guideline are aimed at healthcare professionals providing treatment to
people with diabetes-related foot disease. However, these professionals treat people with diabetes
within a healthcare system or organisation, which itself may have an effect on outcomes. Although
direct evidence for this is not available, indirect evidence comes from the effect of increasing
podiatry and multidisciplinary teams in the Netherlands (67), which resulted in a reduction of lower-
extremity amputations. A study in the US showed that treatment by a podiatric physician reduced
2-year medical care costs compared to no podiatric treatment (68) and yet another study that the
discontinuation of podiatry care from Medicare in the US (63) resulted in an increase in
hospitalizations for diabetes-related foot disease. The incidence of ulceration and ulcer recurrence is
also associated with the availability, implementation and organisation of prevention services. Each of
the above studies point to the potential importance of healthcare organisation in diabetes-related
foot care, including ulcer prevention. We suggest that a healthcare system includes the multiple
levels of foot care as described in the IWGDF practical guidelines (22), that people with diabetes
can be referred from primary care to secondary care without delay, and that evidence-based
preventative interventions are reimbursed within the system. Also, all healthcare professionals
should be adequately trained to triage people with diabetes to ensure they are treated by the right
professional. Investment in these aspects of the healthcare system is important to provide adequate
preventative foot care for at-risk people with diabetes. This guideline is not written for governments
or other agencies investing in healthcare organisations, but we do urge politicians and managers
responsible to invest in healthcare systems that facilitate these characteristics.
2. All recommendations in this guideline are targeted at just three strata within the IWGDF risk
stratification system (Table 1). Some specifications are given in relation to the location of a previous
ulcer (e.g. plantar vs. non-plantar; toes vs. forefoot) or the presence of foot deformities, when
recommending orthotic or surgical interventions. However, many differences between people with
diabetes in the same stratum exist, and may limit providing the right treatment for the right person
at the right time. No research has been done on such personalised medicine and its effects on the
prevention of diabetes-related foot ulcers, which means that specific personalised recommendations
cannot be made. This may change in the near future, as the medical community is moving more and
more towards personalised solutions for medical problems (69).
3. An important factor for most recommendations made is a person’s adherence to the
recommendations. As we noted in our previous guideline (16), adherence to an intervention has
been shown to be crucial in preventing foot ulcers, and it is consistently reported that people with
diabetes who do not adhere present with higher rates of ulceration (9). Several studies have
investigated methods to improve adherence (36, 70, 71), but a stronger focus on the development,
evaluation and implementation of methods that improve adherence to preventative foot treatment
remains urgently needed. In turn, evaluating and optimizing feasibility and acceptability of treatments
for people with diabetes, should be a key priority in the ongoing development and clinical research
on the prevention of diabetes-related foot ulceration.
4. Probably the three most common preventative actions in daily clinical foot practice globally are foot
screening (recommendations 1 and 2), foot self-care (recommendations 3 and 4), and (structured)
education (recommendation 5). Despite the widespread application of these recommendations in
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
clinical foot practice, the evidence underlying these recommendations is still poor (9). Frequency of
foot screening is based on expert opinion only, and foot self-care and structured education have not
been studied adequately. Lack of effect shown does not imply that these interventions do not work,
but more research is needed to provide a stronger evidence base.
5. Costs and cost-effectiveness have only to a very limited extent been investigated for any of the
interventions described in this guidance, and more attention to cost aspects is warranted. While
some interventions are relatively inexpensive at the individual level (such as foot screening), they can
be costly at a societal level, considering the millions of people with diabetes. Other interventions are
costly at the individual level (such as custom-made footwear and surgical intervention), but reduce
ulcer recurrence risk to a level that they are expected to be cost-saving at a societal level.
Furthermore, cost-effectiveness can be very dependent on the setting (e.g. high resource versus low
resource). More research in this area is needed.
6. We acknowledge that several or maybe many of the recommendations in this guideline and the
implementation thereof are subject to aspects such as cultural diversity, religion, socio-economic
status, equity, climate, geography, ways of living, values, priorities etc. Identifying these factors is
important for a given setting to assess how applicable these guidelines are in that setting. Translation
of the guidelines to different languages and the use of them for the development of national
guidelines may be helpful tools here.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
research should assess the effectiveness of various educational interventions, as well as the
frequency of education provided. This includes, but is not limited to, motivational, psychological, or
other behavioural interventions, e-health applications and (online) social support systems by peers
or healthcare professionals.
• Adherence to treatment is crucial to achieve the best possible outcome in ulcer prevention, but it is
still largely unknown how adherence can be improved. Research to develop interventions that have
the potential to improve adherence is needed. These interventions may include, among others,
assistive technology, educational and behaviour change interventions or footwear solutions. Some
proof-of-principle studies on some of these interventions have been conducted and are reported in
these guidelines or the systematic review underlying the guideline (9). However, definitive
randomized control studies are needed, to test the efficacy of interventions aimed at improving
adherence to treatment to prevent ulcers. See also consideration 3.
• The costs and the cost-effectiveness of interventions that aim to prevent foot ulcers needs to be
investigated more extensively. See also consideration 5.
• Peripheral neuropathy is the most important risk factor for the development of foot ulcers in
people with diabetes, but there is little research on the prevention or treatment of neuropathy. A
stronger research focus in this area is needed.
• Robust data are lacking on whom, how, and when to screen for the risk of foot ulceration. High
quality data on the benefit of interventions to prevent a first foot ulcer are scarce. As the event rate
(foot ulceration) is relatively low in a population without a previous ulcer, to have clinical impact on
first foot ulcer occurrence, large numbers of people with diabetes would need to be targeted. It is
unclear if the potential benefit for the relatively small number of first ulcers prevented, would
outweigh the resource and cost burden of large-scale preventative treatment implementation.
Studies should, however, better define the categories of people with diabetes that will benefit from
preventative interventions and what specific types of interventions should be included.
• Foot-ankle exercise programs show some promising benefits on risk factors of ulceration, also in
meta-analyses (8). However, these are primarily measured directly at the end of the program,
mostly at 8 or 12 weeks. Future studies should investigate longer-term outcomes, including the
acceptability and feasibility of continuing with the exercises beyond the supervised part of the
program, and should also focus on ulceration as outcome.
• The development and evaluation of adjunctive psychological interventions, to support the
psychosocial wellbeing of people with diabetes, their families, friends and supports, and help prevent
diabetes-related foot ulceration and, are urgently needed. This is an undeveloped area in the
prevention of diabetes-related foot ulceration, however, it presents strong promise and is an
important focus for future research.
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
The global patient and economic burden of diabetes-related foot disease can be considerably reduced
when evidence-based preventative treatment is implemented in the foot care of people with diabetes
who are at risk of developing a foot ulcer. Reducing the risk of ulceration also reduces the risk of
infection, hospitalization, and lower-extremity amputation in these people with diabetes. Despite foot
ulcer management still being regarded as the top priority by most clinicians and researchers, foot ulcer
prevention should be considered the best way to prevent severe morbidity and mortality in people with
diabetes. Following the recommendations for preventative treatment in this guideline will support
healthcare professionals and teams to continuously improve the quality of care provided for people with
diabetes who are at risk of ulceration.
As part of quality improvement, we encourage our colleagues, both those working in primary care and
in diabetes-related foot clinics, to consider developing forms of surveillance (e.g., registries, pathways) to
monitor and track the foot health outcomes of people with diabetes at risk of foot ulceration. We also
encourage our research colleagues to consider our future research agenda to conduct properly-
designed studies in collaboration with clinicians (20) to address the gaps identified in the evidence base
to better guide policy and practice decisions on the most effective treatment to help prevent foot
ulceration in people with diabetes who are at risk of ulceration.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Excess callus: Callus assessed by an appropriately trained healthcare professional as requiring
debridement to reduce risk for ulceration.
Adherence: The extent to which a person’s behaviour corresponds with agreed recommendations for
treatment from a healthcare provider (72), expressed as quantitatively as possible; e.g. the proportion of
time, steps or instances that the prescribed intervention (or comparator) is used.
Adequately trained healthcare professional: a person who according to national or regional standards
has the knowledge, expertise, and skills to perform a specified task in screening, examining, or managing
a person with diabetes who is at risk of foot ulceration.
Custom-made insole: An insole that is custom-made to the individual’s foot using a 2D or 3D
impression of the foot, and that is often built-up in a multi-layer construction. This may also incorporate
other features, such as a metatarsal pad or metatarsal bar. The insole is designed to conform to the
shape of the foot, providing cushioning and redistribution of plantar pressure. The term “insole” is also
known as “insert” or “liner”
Custom-made (medical grade) footwear: Footwear uniquely manufactured for one person, when this
person cannot be safely accommodated in pre-fabricated (medical grade) footwear. It is made to
accommodate deformity and relieve pressure over at-risk sites on the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the
foot. In-depth assessment, multiple measurements, impressions or a mould, and a positive model of a
person’s foot and ankle are generally required for manufacture. This footwear includes a custom-made
insole. Also known as “bespoke footwear” or “orthopaedic footwear”.
Diabetes-related foot ulcer (DFU): see IWGDF definitions and criteria document (21).
Extra-depth footwear: Footwear constructed with additional depth and volume in order to
accommodate deformity such as claw/hammer toes and/or to allow for space for a thick insole. Usually
a minimum of 5 millimetres (~3/16”) depth is added compared to off-the-shelf footwear. Even greater
depth is sometimes provided in footwear that is referred to as double depth or super extra-depth.
Foot deformity: Alterations or deviations from normal shape or size of the foot, such as hammer toes,
mallet toes, claw toes, hallux valgus, prominent metatarsal heads, pes cavus, pes planus, pes equines, or
results of Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy, trauma, amputations, other foot surgery or other causes.
Also includes limited joint mobility in the foot and/or ankle (21).
Foot-related exercises: Any physical exercise specifically targeting the foot or lower-extremity with the
aim of changing foot function. These exercises can include stretching and strengthening of the foot and
ankle musculature and functional exercises such as balance and gait training. These exercises are
provided and/or supervised by a physical therapist or a similarly adequately trained healthcare
Foot self-care: Foot care interventions the person with diabetes can do at home, consisting of but not
limited to: foot inspection, washing of feet, careful drying between the toes, nail cutting, using emollients
to lubricate skin, not using chemical agents or plasters to remove callus, footwear inspection, avoidance
of walking barefoot or on socks only or in thin-soled slippers, avoidance of wearing tight socks, avoiding
exposure to excessive cold and heat.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Foot self-management: Advanced assistive interventions the person with diabetes can use at home,
consisting of but not limited to: home monitoring systems, lifestyle interventions, telemedicine,
technological applications, peer support programs.
Footwear: defined broadly as any shoe-gear and including insoles.
Footwear modification: Modification to existing footwear with an intended therapeutic effect, e.g.
pressure relief.
Hosiery: Stockings or socks of any kind. See further Stockings or Socks.
In-shoe (semi-)rigid orthosis: Term used for device put inside the shoe to achieve pressure reduction or
alteration in the function of the foot. Can be pre-fabricated or custom-made.
Limited joint mobility: Reduced mobility of the joints of the foot, including the ankle, caused by changes
in joints and associated soft tissues (21).
Medical grade footwear: Footwear that meets the specific needs of a person. Can be either pre-
fabricated (see “Pre-fabricated medical grade footwear”) or custom-made (see “Custom-made medical
grade footwear”). Also known as pedorthic footwear
Off-the-shelf footwear: Readily available footwear that has not been modified and has no intended
therapeutic functions. Preferred term is pre-fabricated footwear.
Pre-fabricated medical grade footwear: Pre-fabricated footwear that meets the specific needs of a
person, on the basis of footwear that provides extra depth, multiple width fittings and features designed
to accommodate a broader range of foot types. Other features may include modified soles, fastenings
and smooth internal linings. This type of footwear is usually available at specialty shoe shops.
Pre-fabricated insole: An “off-the-shelf” flat or contoured insole made without reference to the shape of
the patient’s foot.
Shoe last: Last used to make footwear. The upper of the footwear is moulded or pulled over the last.
The last shape defines the footwear shape including the outsole shape, heel pitch and toe spring. For
off-the-shelf or pre-fabricated footwear generically generated lasts in different sizes are used.
Slipper: Low-cut, open type footwear that is easily slipped onto the foot. Includes thin-soled slippers and
flip-flops (thongs).
Socks: Garment for the foot and lower part of the leg, typically knitted from wool, cotton, or nylon.
Stockings: Garment that fits closely over the foot and lower leg, typically elastic. Includes compression
stockings for medical purposes.
Structured education: Any educational modality that is provided in a structured way. This can take many
forms, such as one-to-one verbal education, motivational interviewing, educational group sessions, video
education, booklets, software, quizzes, and pictorial education via animated drawing or descriptive
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Therapeutic footwear: Generic term for footwear designed to have some therapeutic effect that cannot
be provided by or in a conventional shoe. Custom-made shoes or sandals, custom-made insoles, extra-
depth shoes, and custom-made or prefabricated medical grade footwear are examples of therapeutic
Toe orthosis: an in-shoe orthosis to achieve some alteration in the function of the toe.
Weight-bearing activity: Activity during which the foot is loaded by supporting the body weight of the
person, and expressed as quantitatively as possible. Incudes walking and standing.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
Full conflict of interest statements of all authors can be found online at www.iwgdfguidelines.org.
We would like to thank the following external experts for their review of our PICOs for clinical
relevance: Lee Brentnall and Tom Fitzpatrick (Australia), Ingrid Ruys (the Netherlands), Jill Cundell
(United Kingdom), Mieke Fransen (Belgium), Alfred Gatt (Malta), Yamile Jubiz (Colombia), Rajesh
Kesavan (India), Elisabetta Iacopi (Italy), Jarmila Jirkovska (Czech Republic), Gerald Oguzie (Nigeria),
Virginie Blanchett (Canada), James Ngoyo (Kenya), Sharad Pendsey (India), Heidi Corcoran (Hongkong),
Simone McConnie (Barbados), Maimouna Mbaye (Senegal), Hermelinda Pedrosa (Brazil), as well as the
patients Jane Cheney (Australia) and Ole Frejlev (Denmark).
SAB performed qualitative assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote
recommendations for interventions 5 and 6, and wrote the manuscript. AnitaR and MMS performed
qualitative assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote recommendations for
interventions 1-3, and critically reviewed and edited the manuscript. LL and JvN performed qualitative
assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote recommendations for clinical questions 5
and 8, and critically reviewed and edited the manuscript. JP performed qualitative assessments,
completed summary of judgements, and wrote recommendations for clinical questions 4, 6, and 8, and
critically reviewed and edited the manuscript. IS performed qualitative assessments, completed summary
of judgements, and wrote recommendations for intervention 4, and critically reviewed and edited the
manuscript. AnneR performed qualitative assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote
recommendations for interventions 5 and 6, and critically reviewed and edited the manuscript.
SAB acted as chair of the working group and JvN as secretary and they take full responsibility for the
content of the manuscript.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Prevention Guideline
(1) Zhang Y, Lazzarini PA, McPhail SM, van Netten JJ, Armstrong DG, Pacella RE. Global Disability Burdens of Diabetes-
Related Lower-Extremity Complications in 1990 and 2016. Diabetes Care. 2020;43(5):964-74.
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Guidelines on the
classification of foot
ulcers in people with
Matilde Monteiro-Soares1,2,3, Emma J. Hamilton4,5,
David A. Russel6,7, Gulapar Srisawasdi8,9,
Ed J. Boyko10,11, Joseph L. Mills12, William Jeffcoate13,
Fran Game14, on behalf of the International Working
Group on the Diabetic Foot
Higher School of Health of the Portuguese Red
Cross, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Community Medicine, Information
and Health Decision Sciences (MEDCIDS), Faculty
of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
RISE@ CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, Oporto
University, Porto, Portugal
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Fiona
Stanley Hospital, Murdoch, Australia
University of Western Australia, Medical School,
Fiona Stanley Hospital, Murdoch, Australia
Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research,
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Leeds Vascular Institute, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
NHS Trust, Leeds, UK
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Sirindhorn School of Prosthetics Orthotics,
Bangkok, Thailand
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol
University, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Medicine, University of
Nottingham, UK
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS
IWGDF Classification Guideline
This publication represents a scheduled update of the 2019 guidelines of the International Working
Group of the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) addressing the use of systems to classify foot ulcers in people
with diabetes in routine clinical practice. The guidelines are based on a systematic review of the available
literature that identified 28 classifications addressed in 149 articles and, subsequently, expert opinion
using the GRADE methodology. First, we have developed a list of classification systems considered as
being potentially adequate for use in a clinical setting, through the summary of judgments for diagnostic
tests, focusing on the usability, accuracy and reliability of each system to predict ulcer-related
complications as well as use of resources. Second, we have determined, following group debate and
consensus, which of them should be used in specific clinical scenarios. In conclusion of this process, in a
person with diabetes and a foot ulcer we recommend:
1. for communication among healthcare professionals: to use the SINBAD (Site, Ischaemia, Bacterial
infection, Area and Depth) classification (first option) or consider using WIfI (Wound, Ischaemia,
foot Infection) system (alternative option, when the required equipment and level of expertise is
available and it is considered feasible) and in each case the individual variables that compose the
systems should be described rather than a total score;
2. for predicting the outcome of an ulcer in a specific individual: no existing system could be
3. for characterising a person with an infected ulcer: the use of the IDSA/IWGDF (first option)
classification or consider using the WIfI system (alternative option, when the required equipment
and level of expertise is available and it is considered as feasible);
4. for characterising a person with peripheral artery disease: consider using the WIfI system as a means
to stratify healing likelihood and amputation risk;
5. for the audit of outcome(s) of populations: the use of the SINBAD score.
For all recommendations made using GRADE, the certainty of evidence was judged, at best, as being
low. Nevertheless, based on rational application of current data this approach allowed the proposal of
recommendations, which are likely to have clinical utility.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
1a. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, use the SINBAD system for communication between
healthcare professionals about the characteristics of an ulcer, and clearly state the presence or
absence of each of the composing variables. (Strength of recommendation: Strong; Certainty of
evidence: Low)
1b. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, when resources exist in addition to an appropriate level
of expertise and it is considered feasible, consider using the WIfI system for communication about
the characteristics of an ulcer between healthcare professionals, but with characterisation of each of
the composing variables. (Conditional; Low)
2. Do not use any of the currently available classification/scoring systems to offer an individual
outcome prognosis for a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer. (Strong; Low)
3a. To classify a person with diabetes and an infected foot ulcer, use the IDSA/IWGDF (2015 version)
system. (Strong; Low)
3b. To classify a person with diabetes and an infected foot ulcer, when resources exist in addition to an
appropriate level of expertise and it is considered feasible, consider using the WIfI system.
(Conditional; Low)
4. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer, consider using the WIfI system
as a means to stratify healing likelihood and amputation risk. (Conditional; Low)
5. Use the SINBAD system score for any regional/national/international audits, to allow comparisons
between institutions on the outcomes of people with diabetes and a foot ulcer. (Strong; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
It is estimated that diabetes affects 537 million people worldwide, 10.5% of the adult population, and
the increase in prevalence is occurring at a faster rate in low- and middle-income countries (1). Up to
one in three people with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer in their lifetime (2). The risk of developing a
diabetes-related foot ulcer, and the factors associated with the development of complications (such as
hospitalisation, lower extremity amputation, and mortality) may be patient-related, limb-related or ulcer-
related. The impact of individual factors on the outcome of foot ulcers in people with diabetes will vary
across communities and countries. For example, infection will more strongly influence the outcome in
settings where antibiotics are not readily available, whereas ischaemia will have a greater impact in
settings where peripheral artery disease is more prevalent. Of note, more than 80% of people with
diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries, in which many diagnostic tools are not readily
available and are not expected to become so in the near future (1).
A classification system may be defined as a descriptive tool that aims to divide patients into groups while
not necessarily relating to the risk of adverse outcome(s), whereas a scoring system will attribute a scale
by which the contribution of factors within the system is quantified and scores can be amalgamated to
produce an overall (usually numerical) score with an increased score being associated with a higher risk
of adverse outcome(s). In other words, classification systems tend to focus on discrimination (the ability
to separate data/individuals into classes), while scoring systems tend to focus on calibration (a measure
of the closeness of the estimated probability of a certain event to the underlying probability of the
population under study) (3). With both types of tools, one can attempt to create more homogeneous
groups of patients for which similar levels of care should be provided and also to standardize the
modifiable factors that one should focus on to improve clinical outcomes. This does not mean that we
should provide the same care to all patients within the same strata, but that the urgency and use of
resources should be prioritised for those in most need. This approach does not invalidate clinical
experience, knowledge, and the overall approach that we should provide for a person with an
established diabetes-related foot ulcer but is designed to help us standardize communication among
healthcare professionals and to facilitate more rational use of available resources (independently of their
nature). On the other hand, the correct application of such systems is dependent on knowledge and
experience of the required procedures to collect each of the variables that compose a system, and on
how to apply the overall system.
Due to its frequency, complexity, and limited resources to treat diabetes-related foot ulcers, it is vital to
accurately characterize them, understand their severity and to direct patients at most need to
specialized care. To do so, healthcare providers should use the classification(s) that have evidence of
their accuracy, reliability, and potential impact on clinical care.
In our systematic review (4), we found numerous proposed classification and scoring systems for foot
ulcers in people with diabetes (n=28), and this suggests that none is ideal for routine use in populations
worldwide. This also highlights the differing purposes of diabetes-related foot ulcer classification and
scoring systems that can be used for: (a) communication among healthcare professionals (independent
of the level of clinical care); (b) clinical prognostication of the outcome of an individual ulcer; (c) the
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
assessment of a person with infection; (d) the assessment of a person with peripheral artery disease; and
(e) clinical audit of outcomes across units and populations.
The intended use of a classification or scoring system will influence its content. A system designed to
assess the risk or prognosis for an individual with diabetes and an ulcer on their foot will necessarily
require a certain level of detail. In contrast, a system seeking to compare outcomes between
populations will need to minimise data input by busy clinicians and should have a less burdensome
requirement for data collection and processing, if it is to be usable in clinical practice. While
classifications used for communication among healthcare professionals should ideally be simple to
memorise and use. This guideline aims to provide recommendations on the use of classifications of
established foot ulcers in people with diabetes for the various purposes on behalf of the International
Working Group of the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF).
We have made several changes to the recommendations included in this updated 2023 diabetes-related
foot ulcer classification guideline when compared to the previous 2019 guideline (5). The main changes
are the following:
In this guideline we have followed the key steps of the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework,
including: i) establishing a diverse expert panel to develop the guideline, ii) defining key clinical questions
and important outcomes in the PI/ECO-format (Patient-Intervention/Exposure-Comparison-Outcome),
iii) performing systematic reviews and rigorous appraisals of all available evidence that address the
questions, iv) assessing key summary of judgements items for each question, v) developing
recommendations and their rationale based on these summary of judgements, and vi) consulting
external stakeholders on each step (6, 7). The methodology for this guideline is summarised below; we
refer those seeking a more detailed description on the methods for developing and writing these
guidelines to the ‘IWGDF Guidelines development and methodology’ document (8).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
Second, the working group devised important clinical questions and associated outcomes, building on
the last version of the guideline, to be answered using the GRADE approach. The questions and
outcomes were reviewed and prioritised with the help of nine external clinical experts and two persons
with lived diabetes-related foot ulcer experience from various geographical regions, and the IWGDF
Editorial Board. The aim was to ensure the questions and outcomes were of relevance to a wide range
of healthcare professionals and people with the disease so as to provide the most useful clinical
information on how to classify foot ulcers in people with diabetes. The working group classified the
outcomes as critically important or important, aligning with international diabetes-related foot ulcer
standards (9) or the expert opinion of the working group if definitions did not exist.
As stated in our systematic review (4), critically important outcomes were grouped and defined as
a. clinical outcomes
○ lower extremity amputation: resection of a segment of a limb through a bone or through a joint
in the lower extremity,
○ wound healing: achieving intact skin, meaning complete epithelialization without any drainage of
a previous foot ulcer site,
○ hospitalization: care in a hospital that requires admission as an inpatient and usually requires an
overnight stay,
○ survival: the state or fact of continuing to be alive or exist,
○ health-related quality of life: a person’s perceived physical and mental health,
b. post-baseline clinical outcomes
○ ulcer-free period: time that a person is alive and without a foot ulcer,
○ lower extremity amputation-free period: time that a person is alive and without amputation,
c. usability
○ facilitate referral and communication: the act of referring someone or something for
consultation, review, or further action,
○ feasibility: the state or degree of being easily or conveniently done,
○ reliability: the extent that the instrument yields the same results over multiple trials,
○ audit: the ability to compare outcomes between institutions,
○ guide management/ interventions, and
d. use of resources: requirements of physical, personnel or financial costs.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
The following outcomes were considered important but not critical and therefore not included: future
infection, well-being, functionality/physical functioning, pain, acceptability, costs (direct/indirect) related to
the implementation of the system, cost-effectiveness, and satisfaction/ patient preference.
Third, we systematically reviewed the literature and appraised all studies addressing the above agreed
upon clinical questions (4). Due to the expected low number of validation studies per classification,
along with high heterogeneity of the clinical settings, follow-up periods, and clinical outcome reporting
and definition, the group decided not to perform a meta-analysis. Finally, we developed summary of
findings tables, including evidence statements, for each assessable outcome for each question which we
presented in full in the systematic review. The systematic review supporting this guideline is published
separately (4).
Fourth, based on the systematic review, summary of findings tables and expert opinion, teams of two
members of the working group developed summary of judgements tables for each question following
GRADE (see supplemental information).
However, in comparison with the remaining guidelines developed by the IWGDF, this one is different in
three main respects. First, we did not raise clinical questions relating to treatment/intervention, but
prognostic questions, and this requires a major difference in the way that the clinical questions are
formulated. Second, within the prognostic clinical questions, we focused on validity measures (namely,
accuracy and reliability) creating a methodological approach between the diagnostic (discriminative
properties) and prognostic (ability to estimate the likelihood of a specific event). Consequently, we have
used the GRADE approach for diagnostic questions and respective “summary of judgments” (10). Third,
although in our systematic review we have provided a summary of the available evidence and an
evidence statement for each available classification and have therefore created a summary of judgments
for each classification, we considered that it would not be beneficial to suggest recommendations for
each of them. Instead, we have used this process to be able to recommend one classification as the first
line and, whenever appropriate, a second line (alternative) classification to be used for each of the
specified four clinical contexts. For one of the scenarios (assessment of a person with a foot ulcer and
peripheral artery disease) we have determined that the “Peripheral Artery Disease” group should
provide guidelines as to which system to recommend and so this was not addressed by our group (11).
However, to provide readers with all the information about which classifications to use we have copied
the information present on the “Peripheral Artery Disease” group guidelines.
The summary of judgments for diagnostic questions included the following items: problem priority, test
accuracy, desirable effects, undesirable effects, the certainty of the evidence of test accuracy, the
certainty of the evidence of the effects of the test, the certainty of the evidence of management’s effect,
certainty of the evidence of the link between the test result and management, the certainty of any effect
on management, value, the balance of effects, resources required, the certainty of the evidence of
required resources, cost-effectiveness, equity, acceptability to stakeholders and feasibility. All these items
were assessed independently by two reviewers and then presented and discussed within the entire
The group determined that the diabetes-related foot ulcer problem has high priority, given the first step
for our systematic review and creation of the guidelines was the selection of critical outcomes within
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
this field by the editorial board, experts, and patient representatives from several countries (further
details in the acknowledgments section). For similar reasons, the group determined that there is
probably no important uncertainty or variability in the way people value the main outcome(s).
The accuracy of each classification was based on the results of the systematic review, emphasising those
studies in which direct comparison between classifications was conducted. The group considered direct
improvement of care in any of the five clinical scenarios as desirable effects, and adverse events directly
linked to the application of the classification as undesirable effects. For the certainty of test accuracy, the
group used the information collected from the systematic review and mostly based their decision in the
risk of bias of the retrieved studies, inconsistency of results, and indirectness and imprecision.
Most of the evidence found determined only the accuracy of classifications. Strong evidence that
implementing the use of a specific classification in clinical practice could have a true impact on decision
making, change a management plan and consequently the person’s prognosis was lacking. Due to either
lack of any evidence, or evidence that was limited to the availability of indirect evidence only, the
certainty of the evidence of test’s effects, management effect, or the link between test result and
management were mainly based on expert opinion.
For the balance of effects, the group assessed all these items together and determined if, at this point,
there was enough information in favour or against the use of each specific classification.
For the resources required, the group considered potential financial or human resources directly linked
to the collection of the information required for each classification. As, however, there was no specific
detail about these in the systematic review the available evidence was very low.
Taking into consideration the balance of effects and the resources required, the group reflected on the
potential cost-effectiveness of each classification. However, we highlight that these outcomes were not
considered as critically important and so were given less priority in our selection of the systems to
The group defined equity in this context as the ability of all people with diabetes and a foot ulcer (i.e. on
a societal level) to have equitable access to the procedures required for the classification application.
Acceptability to stakeholders was based on expert opinion and consideration of whether there was
balance in the classification between its completeness, simplicity, and objectivity.
Feasibility was determined based on the groups’ experience and the ease of use of each classification.
After this entire process, having considered the available evidence, those systems that were considered
to be unsuitable to be used in routine clinical practice were excluded from the list of systems that could
be chosen as first or second line in each of the four specific scenarios. The reasons for recommending
or not recommending a specific system are described in Appendix 1.
The summary of judgments for all the 28 systems are reported in Appendix 2 (Supplementary tables 1
to 28). In Table 1, we present the summary of judgments for each of the classifications that passed this
first stage (6 of 28), meaning those we considered that, in face of the available evidence, could be
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
All of these systems were considered to be accurate, to have moderate desirable effects, small to trivial
undesirable effects, with a balance of effects that probably favours their use in clinical practice and is
likely to be acceptable to stakeholders. The overall level of certainty of the evidence for the different
aspects of the judgments made about these systems varied between very low and low.
Table 1: Summary of Judgments for the classifications considered as suitable for clinical use
Classification/ judgment DIAFORA IDSA/IWGD SINBAD UTWCS Wagner WIfI
Problem priority Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Test accuracy Accurate Accurate Accurate Accurate Accurate Accurate
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After careful weighing of the summary of judgements, the team proposed to the working group a
direction, strength, certainty of evidence and wording of recommendation(s) and rationale to address
the question concerned. Certainty of evidence was rated as ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’ or ‘very low’ based
on the critical outcome(s) reviewed for the question in accordance with GRADE. Recommendations
aimed to be clear, specific, and unambiguous on what was recommended, for which persons, and under
what circumstances. Rationale for each recommendation was also provided and based on the summary
of judgements tables (12, 13).
Fifth, summary of judgements tables and recommendations for each question were extensively discussed
in online meetings with the working group. After discussion, a voting procedure was used for each
recommendation to grade the direction of the recommendation as ‘for’ or ‘against’ the particular
intervention, and the strength of each recommendation as ‘strong’ or ‘conditional’. A quorum of 60% of
members were needed to be present for a discussion and vote to go ahead and a majority vote of
those present was needed for final decisions on each recommendation. The outcomes of the voting are
provided in the supplementary material Appendix 2 and 3.
Finally, all recommendations, with the rationales, were collated into a consultation (draft) guideline
manuscript that was reviewed by the same clinical experts and persons with lived experience who
reviewed the clinical questions, as well as by members of the IWGDF Editorial Board. The working
group then collated, reviewed, and discussed all feedback on the consultation manuscript and revised
accordingly to produce the final guideline manuscript.
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
Overall, 5 clinical questions, each with up to 13 (critically) important outcomes, were finalised and
addressed by this guideline. The accompanying systematic review identified 149 eligible studies, assessing
28 different systems. Based on the systematic review and expert opinion of the group, 28 summary of
judgements tables were completed (see supplementary material Appendix 2) with 7 recommendations
developed that address the clinical questions and have in consideration the existence of different clinical
Furthermore, to guarantee the accuracy of most of the systems recommended to characterise foot
ulcers, specific training, skills, and experience will be required. These specific skills and training are not
described in the studies performed and may differ between centres and countries. Any
recommendations, therefore, should be read in the understanding that the person applying the different
systems should be an appropriately trained healthcare professional who, according to their national or
regional standards, has the knowledge, expertise, and skills necessary to manage people with a diabetes-
related foot ulcer following the IWGDF practical guidelines (14).
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, which classification system(s) is/ are the
best for communication among healthcare professionals and to optimise the process of referral?
Recommendation 1a: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, use the SINBAD system for
communication about the characteristics of an ulcer between healthcare professionals, and clearly stating
the presence or absence of each of the composing variables. (Strength of recommendation: Strong;
Certainty of evidence: Low)
Recommendation 1b: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, when resources exist in addition to an
appropriate level of expertise and it is considered feasible, consider using the WIfI system for
communication about the characteristics of an ulcer between healthcare professionals, but with
characterisation of each of the composing variables. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Standardising communication between healthcare professionals about the severity of a foot
ulcer could greatly improve the quality of any triage process, referral, or follow-up for a person with a
diabetes-related foot ulcer. For a classification system to be used by all healthcare professionals
managing people with a diabetes-related foot ulcer to make an adequate referral and or triage a referral
to them, it should be quick and simple to apply and preferably require no complex or expensive
equipment. On the other hand, for it to be useful to the receiving professional, it should contain
appropriate information to allow triage of patients to ensure timely review and this may require more
detailed information in some settings. Such a classification system should also be confirmed to have a
high interobserver reliability. Although most people with diabetes and a foot ulcer may benefit from
referral to a multidisciplinary team without delay, factors necessitating urgent review should at least
include the dimensions of the ulcer (area and depth), presence of infection, and ischaemia. Any
classification system for use as a triage tool will therefore need to include these criteria without the
need for measurements that require specialist equipment (e.g., toe pressures, transcutaneous oxygen
pressure (TcPO2)). However, in settings where this equipment is available and there is a suspicion or
confirmation of the presence of peripheral artery disease, more detailed information is extremely
relevant for the receiving professional.
For these recommendations, the group focused on the organizational aspects of the six selected
systems, mainly on accuracy measures (retrieved from our systematic review (4)), feasibility, equity,
resources, etc.
The SINBAD system grades Site, Ischemia, Neuropathy, Bacterial infection, Area, and Depth as either 0
or 1 point (see below), creating an easy-to-use scoring system that can achieve a maximum of 6 points
(15), as described in Table 2
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
The SINBAD system is simple and quick to use, requires no specialist equipment beyond clinical
examination alone, and contains the necessary information to allow for triage by a specialist team. It
would therefore be feasible to employ this classification system in localities where such equipment,
including non-invasive measures of perfusion, are not readily available, which is the case for most
geographic settings where diabetes-related foot ulcers occur. If used for the purpose of communication
among healthcare professionals, it is important to use the individual clinical descriptors and not merely
the total score. This scoring system has been validated in 12 studies for several foot ulcer-related clinical
outcomes (including healing, amputation, hospitalisation, death, etc.) with somewhat consistent results
and also substantial to good reliability (4). Therefore, we consider the description of the presence or
absence of the variables included in this system to be the minimum information to be shared for an
adequate communication among healthcare professionals about the characteristics of a foot ulcer. For
this purpose, we consider that the use of the final score is insufficient.
The classification proposed by Meggitt and modified by Wagner (16) is the oldest classification and
grades wounds into pre- or post-ulcerative site (grade 0), superficial ulcer (grade 1), ulcer penetrating to
tendon or joint capsule (grade 2), lesion involving deeper tissues (grade 3), forefoot gangrene (grade 4)
and whole foot gangrene involving more than two thirds of the foot (grade 5). In our systematic review
it was the system with the highest number of articles validating it (n=74) (4). Most of the articles,
however, were considered to be at high risk of bias and some inconsistency was observed, along with a
predominance of studies reporting association measures instead of accuracy measures. Also, our group
considered this classification to have a poor clinical discrimination, as it does not include area,
neuropathy, infection and peripheral artery disease individually. It is also rendered blunt by the major
impact of gangrene in this classification.
The DIAFORA score includes four foot-related and four ulcer-related variables: neuropathy, foot
deformity, arteriopathy, previous foot ulcer or lower extremity amputation; and presence of multiple
ulcers, infection, gangrene and/or bone involvement, respectively. This system, like Wagner, also includes
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
gangrene (17), but no external validation or reliability assessment was conducted (4) and therefore we
could not recommend it for this purpose.
The UTWCS system was used in 30 articles (most at high risk of bias, using stage or grade separately
and reported mostly association measures), while the WIfI system was used in 13 (with five being
conducted in the same institution and with a larger population including previously reported participants
plus additional participants) (4). For both systems the certainty of evidence was considered to be low.
The WIfI system uses a combination of scores for wound (based on depth of ulcer or extent of
gangrene), ischaemia (based on ankle pressure, toe pressure or TcPO2), and foot infection (based on
IDSA/IWGDF criteria), detailed in Table 3, to provide a 1-year risk for amputation and 1-year benefit
for revascularisation, both stratified as very low, low, moderate, or high (18). This has benefit over
perfusion pressures alone by including associated wound and infection criteria to provide a more holistic
wound overview in revascularisation decision-making. UTWCS (19) and WIfI (18) both require
equipment and clinical expertise to conduct the ankle-brachial index (ABI) as a minimum, which reduces
equity and feasibility. In addition, false positives may lead to more anxiety, and thus we do not support
the use of such tests without proper training. On the other hand, those individuals with previous signs
and symptoms may already have a recent ABI test result or may be followed in settings in which
vascular examination is possible and feasible. Neither UTWCS nor WIfI included loss of protective
sensation (for which it is important to recommend offloading) as a variable.
In comparison with the WIfI system, the UTWCS system has less detail and classifies DFUs using a
bidimensional 4 × 4 matrix, according to depth (Grades 0, 1, 2, and 3) and presence of infection (Stage
B), ischaemia (Stage C), or both (Stage D) (19). The original publication (19) described a combination of
clinical signs and symptoms, plus one or more non-invasive criteria (transcutaneous oxygen
measurements, ABI, or toe systolic pressure) to assess perfusion. In addition, size (area) is not included
in this classification.
For these reasons, when resources exist in addition to an appropriate level of expertise and it is
considered feasible, we recommend healthcare professional to also consider the use of the WIfI system
for communication about the characteristics of an ulcer (see Table 3), focusing on the description of the
grade of each composing variable.
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
Grade DFU Gangrene
0 No ulcer No gangrene
Clinical description: minor tissue loss. Salvageable with simple digital amputation (1 or 2
digits) or skin coverage.
1 Small, shallow ulcer(s) on distal leg or foot; No gangrene
no exposed bone, unless limited to distal
Clinical description: minor tissue loss. Salvageable with simple digital amputation (1 or 2
digits) or skin coverage.
2 Deeper ulcer with exposed bone, joint or Gangrenous changes limited to digits
tendon; generally not involving the heel;
shallow heel ulcer, without calcaneal
Clinical description: major tissue loss salvageable with multiple (≥ 3) digital amputations or
standard TMA ± skin coverage.
3 Extensive, deep ulcer involving forefoot Extensive gangrene involving forefoot
and/or midfoot; deep, full thickness heel and /or midfoot; full thickness heel necrosis
ulcer ± calcaneal involvement ± calcaneal involvement
Clinical description: extensive tissue loss salvageable only with a complex foot
reconstruction or non-traditional TMA (Chopart or Lisfranc); flap coverage or complex
wound management needed for large soft tissue defect
Grade ABI Ankle systolic pressure TP, TcPO2
(mmHg) (mmHg)
0 ≥ 0.80 > 100 ≥ 60
1 0.6 – 0.79 70 – 100 40 – 59
2 0.4 – 0.59 50 – 70 30 – 39
3 ≤ 0.39 < 50 < 30
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
Foot Infection
Grade Clinical manifestations
0 No symptoms or signs of infection
Infection present, as defined by the presence of at least 2 of the following items:
● Local swelling or induration
● Erythema > 0.5 to ≤ 2 cm around the ulcer
● Local tenderness or pain
● Local warmth
● Purulent discharge (thick, opaque to white, or sanguineous secretion)
1 Local infection involving only the skin and the subcutaneous tissue (without involvement of
deeper tissues and without systemic signs as described below).
Exclude other causes of an inflammatory response of the skin (e.g., trauma, gout, acute
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy, fracture, thrombosis, venous stasis)
2 Local infection (as described above) with erythema >2 cm, or involving structures deeper
than skin and subcutaneous tissues (e.g., abscess, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, fasciitis), and
No systemic inflammatory response signs (as described below)
3 Local infection (as described above) with the signs of SIRS, as manifested by two or more
of the following:
● Temperature > 38ºC or < 36ºC
● Heart rate > 90 beats/min
● Respiratory rate > 20 breaths/min or PaCO2 < 32 mm Hg
● White blood cell count > 12,000 or < 4000 cu/mm or 10% immature (band) forms
ABI: Ankle-Brachial Index; PaCO2: Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide; SIRS: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome;
TcPO2: Transcutaneous Partial Oxygen Pressure; TMA: Transmetatarsal Amputation; TP: Toe Pressure
Recommendation 2: Do not use any of the currently available classification/scoring systems to offer an
individual outcome prognosis for a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: We can use systems in a clinical setting to stratify people by a similar probability of developing
a certain event and to create more homogenous groups that should receive similar healthcare or to
estimate the individual probability of a specific person with a certain number of characteristics. A good
example of the latter is the Framingham Risk Score for cardiovascular disease (20). This model uses six
different variables and estimates the individual’s risk at 10 years of developing or dying of cardiovascular
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
be widely validated for the population in which its use is proposed, as the dominant factors for poor
outcomes in foot ulcers in people with diabetes vary worldwide due to differences in the population,
the local context and available resources for clinical care. This validation should include how well the
classification system predicts both ulcer healing and risk of amputation. However, we found insufficient
reporting of accuracy measures of the classifications and, even when they were described, they had wide
confidence intervals, due to high variability, small sample sizes and low event rates (eg. for major
For this purpose we considered that likelihood ratios (both positive and negative) would be the more
informative accuracy measures, as they summarise (in this context) how many times it is more (or less)
likely for patients to develop the clinical outcome of interest than not developing it when they are
classified to be at high risk (or low risk, respectively), and are not affected by the outcomes’ prevalence
(in contrast to the predictive values) (21).
In the rare cases in which positive likelihood ratios were reported (4) they were below 5, while negative
likelihood ratios were around 0.2-0.4, indicating only small changes in the pre- to post-test probability of
the clinical outcomes of interest would occur (22). A classification or scoring system should also have
good inter- and intra- observer reliability to provide consistency of prognostic outcomes and allow for
monitoring of progress with any intervention. None of the systems evaluated met these criteria, and so
further research may be required, to either appropriately validate an existing classification, or to develop
a classification/ scoring system according to these criteria.
The quality of evidence for the prediction of foot ulcer-related outcomes is weak (4) and thus the
applicability of the accuracy of a classification system in predicting individual patient outcomes is poor.
This has led to our current strong recommendation against the use of any system for prediction of
individual patient outcomes.
Recommendation 3a: To classify a person with diabetes and an infected foot ulcer, use the
IDSA/IWGDF system (2015 version) (Strong; Low)
Recommendation 3b: To classify a person with diabetes and an infected foot ulcer, when resources exist
in addition to an appropriate level of expertise and it is considered feasible, consider using the WIfI
system. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: The IDSA/IWGDF classification consists of four grades diabetic foot infection (see Table 4). It
was originally developed as part of the PEDIS classification for research purposes (23) and is used as a
guideline for management, in particular to identify which patients require hospital admission. Although
the components of each grade may be considered complex, and a previous study has shown only
moderate reliability (4), the criteria are widely used.
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
In our systematic review, we found eight studies validating this system and, although most were at high
risk of bias, they showed that an increase in the severity of the infection was associated with a lower
incidence of ulcer healing, higher incidence of amputation, hospital admission(s) and having longer length
of in-hospital stays (24).
In 2019, this classification underwent a modification during the process of developing the IWGDF
guidelines (25). However, this updated version was derived from a study classified as being at high risk of
bias (26) and so, at present, we cannot recommend its use.
Of note, whilst the IDSA/IWGDF is incorporated into WIfI (see Table 3), in situations where only
infection is being assessed and equipment is not available to use WIfI, the IDSA/IWGDF infection
classification can stand alone. On the other hand, in a case of suspected or confirmed infected ulcer
complicated by ischaemia, meaning when in the presence of previously diagnosed peripheral artery
disease or in a setting in which surgeons with vascular surgery expertise are available, the use of the WIfI
classification could be considered.
The studies conducted to validate the UTWCS system have clearly shown that the concomitant
presence of infection and peripheral artery disease in a person with diabetes and an ulcer has an
incremental effect on the risk of poor clinical outcomes (such as non-healing, delay in healing, or
amputation) as well as in costs (19, 27-36). For example, it is well known that oral antibiotic therapy is
less effective in people with limited vascular supply. So, the group considered that, when resources and
clinical expertise are available, vascular status should be ascertained.
As discussed for the first clinical scenario (communication between healthcare professionals), when
comparing the WIfI with the UTWCS system we considered that the certainty of evidence is similar
(low for both) (4), but the level of detail of the WIfI system and the direct link to clinical management
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
favors its use in comparison to UTWCS. In our opinion, the remaining classifications do not provide
enough information to allow an accurate characterization of an infected foot ulcer.
We would like to emphasise that this recommendation is intended to classify the severity of infection in
people with diabetes and an ulcer of the foot only, and not the severity of any lower limb infection
overall. In addition, our focus was to base our recommendation on the available evidence of the
accuracy of the systems to predict clinical outcomes and health resource use and not to direct health
care professionals to clinical management decisions. We draw attention to this, as these differences may
create disparities between our recommendations and the strength of these recommendations in
comparison to the ones from the infection group (37).
Recommendation 4: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer, consider using
the WIfI system as a means to stratify healing likelihood and amputation risk (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Given that 1) there is a specific group to create recommendations on how to diagnose and
treat peripheral artery disease in people with diabetes, 2) the importance of aligning the
recommendations between groups within the IWGDF, and 3) the similarity of the population used
(although the peripheral artery disease group included people with gangrene of the foot whereas our
populations was restricted to ulcers of the foot alone) and the most important outcomes selected
(prediction of healing and amputation), we have shared the results of our systematic review with the
peripheral artery disease group and agreed that this group should make the recommendation on which
system to use in this specific clinical context.
The peripheral artery disease working group has recommended the use of the WIfI classification to
estimate the likelihood of healing and amputation (11). The choice of this system aligns with the
classification working group’s selection for the other purposes for which recommendations were made
(see recommendation 2 and Table 3).
The peripheral artery disease working group applies this recommendation to both people with a foot
ulcer or gangrene, focusing on tissue loss. By supporting the use of this system for both types of
population we consider that it will also facilitate its implementation as, in people with diabetes and
peripheral artery disease, gangrene without an open ulcer is often seen.
The peripheral artery disease working group also reinforces the importance of taking a relevant history
for peripheral artery disease and examining the foot pulses, but also that pedal Doppler waveforms in
combination with ankle brachial index (ABI) and toe brachial index (TBI) measurements are preferable
as methods to diagnose peripheral artery disease in people with diabetes and with foot ulcers. For a
population with suspected peripheral artery disease, we endorse the peripheral artery disease group’s
statements of the importance of access to these diagnostic procedures but highlight the need for the
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
clinical experts to perform them reliably and accurately. This method of grading ischaemia is included in
the WIfI classification along with the ulcer depth and infection characterization, a system that is
considered as relatively easy to apply and accurate when performed in settings where these resources
are available.
Recommendation 5: Use the SINBAD system for any regional/national/international audits to allow
comparisons between institutions on the outcomes of people with diabetes and foot ulcers. (Strong;
Rationale: The term “audit” refers to characterisation of all diabetes-related foot ulcers managed in a
particular area or centre, to compare outcomes with a reference population or national standard and
does not allude to the financial implications of care. Ideally, one classification system should be used
internationally to allow comparisons of outcomes. In order to do this, such a classification system would
need to accurately assess foot ulcer severity across the spectrum of aetiologies. Thus, healthcare systems
where peripheral artery disease is a major contributor to nonhealing, and amputation can be compared
with healthcare systems where infection is a major cause of amputation because of limited antibiotic
availability. Further, the system should be simple to use, and require no specialist equipment, to allow
the necessary clinical data to be collected routinely from all patients in all healthcare settings spanning
the spectrum from low to high resource availability.
From the six pre-selected systems, only SINBAD and (Meggitt-)Wagner systems were considered to be
clearly feasible. The Wagner classification, as stated previously, was the most frequently reported in the
articles that we found in our systematic review (4). However, it is considered as having insufficient detail
when compared with SINBAD.
Although none of the existing systems was designed, as far as we are aware, for audit, only the SINBAD
score has actually been used for conducting a nationwide audit in the United Kingdom, within the
National Diabetes Foot Care Audit (NDFA) of England and Wales. The 2021 annual report of the
NDFA (38) reports the outcome of 76,310 people with diabetes with 108,450 ulcers at presentation
and showed that a higher SINBAD score led to a lower chance of being alive and ulcer-free at 12 weeks
and a higher chance of major amputation within 6 months. The group has determined that no other
system should be suggested as an alternative option due to a lack of evidence of the remaining systems
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
Another change was the proposal of first line and second line systems to be used for communication
among professionals and for the management of infected foot ulcers, which we believe will lead to a
more tailored use of these systems in the different contexts across the world. With this process we
have developed six recommendations as well as including one from the “Peripheral Artery Disease”
working group which is embedded in our document (11).
In our systematic review (4) we retrieved 149 articles that assessed 28 different systems used to
characterize foot ulcers in people with diabetes. However, the current available evidence remains
limited due to a lack of articles directly comparing existing systems, with small sample sizes being
common; most studies being graded at high risk of bias, frequently reporting only association measures
(without multivariable adjustment); and focusing largely on healing or amputation. All of these aspects
should be considered before conducting the much-needed future research on this topic to support the
use of existing systems, instead of creating new ones that tend to be merely derivative.
Due to the limitations in the available evidence, we were only able to recommend the use of six (21%)
out of the 28 systems found (DIAFORA, IDSA/IWGDF, SINBAD, UTWCS, Wagner and WIfI).
Moreover, when choosing the ones more indicated for specific scenarios, DIAFORA, UTWCS and
Wagner were not selected to be applied for clinical use or audits.
The systems varied considerably in the number (ranging from 3 to more than 30) and type of variables
included. Some require blood samples and biomarkers analysis, others specific equipment, while others
only use readily available data. The population for its intended use also varied greatly, from infected
diabetes-related foot ulcers to chronic wounds of any type. Some had a bi-dimensional structure, other
require the use of an app to improve feasibility, others presented an easy to calculate score, and others
are a linear grading system. All of this has an impact on complexity, detail, acceptability and feasibility.
Some of the choices made by the group may be debatable, but were transparent, carefully discussed
and agreed within this group, and the IWGDF editorial board. Questions will inevitably arise as there is
much less information about the process to develop recommendations in the diagnostic and prognostic
field than in areas that are about therapeutics or other interventions.
One of the debatable decisions is the use of the Summary of Judgments devised for diagnostic clinical
questions when we were actually evaluating prognostic clinical questions. However, we believe that we
should focus on the use of these systems to change clinical management and not just on their ability to
predict the clinical course of any individual. This leads to the acknowledgement that several of the items
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IWGDF Classification Guideline
related to the assessment of the impact of implementing these systems in clinical practice had insufficient
supporting evidence and were consequently graded mainly on expert opinion.
As expected, several members of the group had potential conflict of interest concerning some of the
identified systems. By looking for experts in the field, it would be predictable that several of the
members had any role in developing, validating, or discussing the existing classification systems. In such
cases, those members that were authors or co-authors of an article developing a specific system were
not able to score or grade any of the items in the risk of bias, summary of judgments, direction, or
strength of recommendation in which such potential conflict of interest may have played a role. The
group decided to not perform a meta-analysis, because we considered that the expected heterogeneity
on the definition of outcomes, follow-up and clinical setting was too high to enable generation of a
meaningful meta-analysis.
One of the scenarios for which we assign high priority for development is the potential for a
classification to be used in the prognosis of clinical outcome in an individual. For this specific application
we believe that a high level of detail would be required and that machine learning techniques (included
in decision support systems) may be key. As an example, we have the models developed by Xie et al.
(40), although their use may reduce equity, and further validation studies are required. Alternatively,
there may be an option for refinement of existing systems. Also, SINBAD has not yet been assessed to
improve stratification by including patient-related morbid factors such as the presence of end-stage renal
failure or history of past amputation, and it is envisaged that such future determinations, potentially also
combined with systemic validated biomarkers, may, at least at a group level, add clinical utility to such
wound classification system alone in predicting foot ulcer outcomes.
As in the 2019 IWGDF classification guidelines, we continue to surmise that there may never be a single
preferred foot ulcer classification system for people with diabetes, since the specification of any
classification will depend heavily on its purpose and clinical setting. Furthermore, we stress the
importance of assessing the impact of including the use of a system in clinical practice, such as that seen
by the use of the SINBAD system within the UK-based NDFA, which has consistently found that faster
referral to a specialist foot care service is associated with fewer severe ulcers and better 12 weeks
outcomes (38). Consequently, being able to classify the severity of an ulcer easily and adequately and to
communicate it quickly and in a standardized manner to the specialist foot care service is expected to
have a positive impact on clinical outcomes.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
Classification of foot ulcers in people with diabetes is of paramount importance in daily practice. It aims
to help in communication among healthcare professionals, assessment/ alignment of broad risk
categories and choice of best treatment strategy, as well as audit of clinical outcomes across units and
Based on evidence and consensus judgement using the GRADE methodology, this guideline
recommends the use of SINBAD as the priority wound classification system to utilise in people with
diabetes and a foot ulcer, for inter-professional communication (describing each composite variable),
clinical audits (using the full score), but the use of other more specific assessment systems for infection
(IDSA/IWGDF) and peripheral artery disease (WIfI) or when resources exist in addition to an
appropriate level of expertise (WIfI).
We encourage clinicians to use the classifications described in this guideline. To do so, specific diagnostic
tools are required, standardised definitions (41) should be used and training should be promoted.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
Several external international expert reviewers reviewed our clinical questions, valuated the importance
of the clinical outcomes and the final version of our document. We would like to thank, by alphabetical
order, Fermin Martinez-de-Jesús (Mexico), Kristien van Acker (Belgium), Maimona Mbaye (Senegal),
Norina Gavan (Romania), Rui Carvalho (Portugal), Shigeo Kono (Japan), Simone McConnie (Barbados),
Stephen Twigg (Australia), and Zahid Miyan (Pakistan). Also, two patient representatives (Jonathan
Cohen (United Kingdom) and Rama Krishnan (India)), reviewed our clinical questions and valued the
importance of the clinical outcomes for which we are grateful.
Matilde Monteiro-Soares' work was financed by national funds through FCT Fundação para a Ciência e
a Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project “RISE - LA/P/0053/2020. Emma Hamilton was
supported by a Clinician Research Fellowship from the Raine Medical Research Foundation. David
Russell was supported through an Advanced Fellowship from the National Institute for Health and Care
Research (NIHR300633). VA Puget Sound provided support for Edward Boyko’s participation in this
The guideline working group was chaired by FG and MM-S acted as scientific secretary. All members are
well-recognised experts in the field with the aim to create an international, multidisciplinary expert
guideline committee, including the disciplines endocrinology, internal medicine, physiatry, podiatry and
vascular surgery from the United States of America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The working group
consisted of eight members in total (the authors of this guideline). All members of the guideline working
group were involved in the evidence-to-decision framework process, mostly working in teams (see
Methods), from summarising the available evidence in the supporting systematic review (4) to writing
the recommendations and rationales. MM-S wrote the draft guideline, and all co-authors reviewed the
draft and provided feedback, in writing and during online meetings, during which the content was
discussed. All authors reviewed the final draft guideline document and agreed with the content and
presentation of the definitive document. All members of the working group undertook Level 1 GRADE
training, and the chair and secretary undertook Level 2 Guideline Methodology training (InGuide
program, McMaster University).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Classification Guideline
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Guidelines on the
diagnosis and
treatment of foot
infection in persons
with diabetes
Éric Senneville1, Zaina Albalawi2, Suzanne A.
van Asten3, Zulfiqarali G. Abbas4, Geneve Allison5,
Javier Aragón-Sánchez6, John M. Embil7, Lawrence
A. Lavery8, Majdi Alhasan9, Orhan Oz10, Ilker
Uçkay11, Vilma Urbančič-Rovan12, Zhang-Rong Xu13,
Edgar J.G. Peters14, on behalf of the International
Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Department of Infectious Diseases, Gustave Dron
Hospital, Tourcoing, France
Department of Medicine, Division of
Endocrinology, Memorial University, Canada
Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, the
Abbas Medical Centre, Muhimbili University of
Health and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tufts Medical Center, Department of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
La Paloma Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Alberta Public Laboratories, University of Alberta
Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Department of Plastic Surgery, Southwestern
Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
Department of Medicine, Prisma Health-Midlands,
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
Faculty of Medicine, University Medical Centre,
Beijing, China
Department of Internal Medicine, Infection
and Immunity Institute, Amsterdam UMC,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the
IWGDF Infection Guideline
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has published evidence-based
guidelines on the management and prevention of diabetes-related foot diseases since 1999. The present
guideline is an update of the 2019 IWGDF guideline on the diagnosis and management of infections of
the foot in persons with diabetes mellitus.
Evidence was weighed in light of benefits and harms to arrive at a recommendation. The certainty of the
evidence for some recommendations was modified in this update with a more refined application of the
GRADE framework centred around patient important outcomes. This is highlighted in the rationale
section of this update. A note is also made where the newly identified evidence did not alter the
strength or certainty of evidence for previous recommendations.
The recommendations presented here continue to cover various aspects of diagnosing soft tissue and
bone infection, including the classification scheme for diagnosing infection and its severity. Guidance on
how to collect microbiological samples, and how to process them to identify causative pathogens, is also
outlined. Finally, we present: the approach to treating foot infections in persons with diabetes, including
selecting appropriate empiric and definitive antimicrobial therapy for soft tissue and for bone infections;
when and how to approach surgical treatment; and, which adjunctive treatments may or may not affect
the infectious outcomes of diabetes-related foot problems.
We think that following these recommendations will help healthcare professionals provide better care
for persons with diabetes and foot infections, prevent the number of foot and limb amputations, and
reduce the patient and healthcare burden of diabetes-related foot disease.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
IWGDF: international working group on the diabetic foot
IDSA: infectious diseases society of America
CRP: C-reactive protein
ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate
PCT: procalcitonin
PCR: polymerase chain reaction
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
TDM: tomodensitometry
SPECT: single photon emission computed tomography
PET: positron emission tomography
HMPAO: hexa methyl propylene amine oxime
HBOT: hyperbaric oxygen therapy
SR: systematic review
DFU: diabetes-related foot ulcer
IDFU: infected diabetes-related foot ulcer
DFI: diabetes-related foot infection
DFO: diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot
PICO: population intervention control outcome
PACO: population assessment control outcome diabetes-related
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
1a. Diagnose a soft tissue diabetes-related infection clinically, based on the presence of local or
systemic signs and symptoms of inflammation. (GRADE recommendation: Strong; Certainty of
evidence: Low)
1b. Asses the severity of any diabetes-related foot infection using the IWGDF/IDSA classification
scheme. (Strong; Low)
2. Consider hospitalising all persons with diabetes and a foot infection who have either a severe foot
infection as classified by the IWGDF/IDSA classification, or a moderate infection which is
associated with key relevant morbidities. (Conditional; Low)
3. Assess inflammatory serum biomarkers such as C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
or procalcitonin in a person with diabetes and a possible infected foot ulcer for whom the clinical
examination is diagnostically equivocal or uninterpretable. (Best Practice Statement)
4. For diagnosing diabetes-related foot soft-tissue infection, we suggest not using foot temperature
(however measured) or quantitative microbial analysis. (Conditional; Low)
5. In a person with suspected soft tissue diabetes-related foot infection, consider a sample for culture
to determine the causative microorganisms, preferably by aseptically collecting a tissue specimen
(by curettage or biopsy) from the wound. (Conditional; Moderate)
6. Use conventional, rather than molecular, microbiology techniques for the first-line identification of
pathogens from soft tissue or bone samples in a patient with a diabetes-related foot
infection. (Strong; Moderate)
7. In a person with diabetes, consider using a combination of probe-to-bone test, plain X-rays, and
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or C-reactive protein, or procalcitonin as the initial studies to
diagnose osteomyelitis of the foot. (Conditional; Low)
8. Perform magnetic resonance imaging when the diagnosis of diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the
foot remains in doubt despite clinical, plain X-rays and laboratory findings. (Strong; Moderate)
9. Consider using positron emission tomography, leukocyte scintigraphy or single photon emission
computed tomography as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of
diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot. (Conditional; Low)
10. In a person with diabetes for whom there is suspicion of osteomyelitis of the foot (before or after
treatment), consider obtaining bone (rather than soft tissue) samples for culture, either
intraoperatively or percutaneously. (Conditional; Moderate)
11. Do not treat clinically uninfected foot ulcers with systemic or local antibiotic therapy when the
goal is to reduce the risk of new infection, or to promote ulcer healing. Best Practice Statement
12a. Use any of the systemic antibiotic regimens that have shown to be effective in published
randomised controlled trials at standard (usual) dosing to treat a person with diabetes and a soft
tissue infection of the foot. (Strong; High)
12b. Administer antibiotic therapy to a patient with a skin or soft tissue diabetic foot infection for a
duration of 1 to 2 weeks. (Strong; High)
12c. Consider continuing treatment, perhaps for up to 3 to 4 weeks, if the infection is improving but is
extensive and is resolving slower than expected or if the patient has severe peripheral artery
disease. (Conditional, Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
12d. If evidence of infection has not resolved after 4 weeks of apparently appropriate therapy, re-
evaluate the patient, and reconsider the need for further diagnostic studies or alternative
treatments. (Strong; Low)
13. Select an antibiotic agent for treating a diabetes-related foot infection based on: the likely or
proven causative pathogen(s) and their antibiotic susceptibilities; the clinical severity of the
infection; published evidence of the efficacy of the agent for infections of the diabetes-related foot;
risk of adverse events including collateral damage to the commensal flora; the likelihood of drug
interactions; agent availability and, costs. Best Practice Statement
14. Target aerobic gram-positive pathogens only (beta-haemolytic streptococci and Staphylococcus
aureus including methicillin-resistant strains if indicated) for people with a mild diabetes-related
foot infection, who have not recently received antibiotic therapy, and who reside in a temperate
climate area. Best Practice Statement
15. Select an antibiotic agent for treating a diabetes-related foot infection based on: the likely or
proven causative pathogen(s) and their antibiotic susceptibilities; the clinical severity of the
infection; published evidence of the efficacy of the agent for infections of the diabetes-related foot;
risk of adverse events including collateral damage to the commensal flora; the likelihood of drug
interactions; agent availability and, costs. Best Practice StatementTarget aerobic gram-positive
pathogens only (beta-haemolytic streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus including methicillin-
resistant strains if indicated) for people with a mild diabetes-related foot infection, who have not
recently received antibiotic therapy, and who reside in a temperate climate area. Best Practice
16. Do not empirically target antibiotic therapy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cases of diabetes-
related foot infection in temperate climates, but use empirical treatment of P. aeruginosa if it has
been isolated from cultures of the affected site within the previous few weeks, in a person with
moderate or severe infection who resides in tropical/subtropical climates. Best Practice Statement
17. Consider a duration of up to 3 weeks of antibiotic therapy after minor amputation for diabetes-
related osteomyelitis of the foot and positive bone margin culture and 6 weeks for diabetes-
related foot osteomyelitis without bone resection or amputation. (Conditional; Low)
18. Use the outcome at a minimum follow-up duration of 6 months after the end of the antibiotic
therapy to diagnose remission of diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot. Best Practice
19. Urgent surgical consultation should be obtained in cases of severe infection or moderate diabetes-
related foot infection complicated by extensive gangrene, necrotizing infection, signs suggesting
deep (below the fascia) abscess, compartment syndrome, or severe lower limb ischaemia. Best
Practice Recommendation
20. Consider performing early (within 24-48 hours) surgery combined with antibiotics for moderate
and severe diabetes-related foot infections to remove infected and necrotic tissue. (Conditional;
21. In people with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene with infection
involving any portion of the foot, obtain an urgent consultation by a surgical specialist as well as a
vascular specialist in order to determine the indications and timings of a drainage procedure
and/or revascularisation procedure. Best Practice Statement
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
22. Consider performing surgical resection of infected bone combined with systemic antibiotics in a
person with diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot. (Conditional; Low)
23. Consider antibiotic treatment without surgery in case of (i) forefoot osteomyelitis without an
immediate need for incision and drainage to control infection, and (ii) without peripheral artery
disease, and (iii) without exposed bone. (Conditional; Low)
24. We suggest not using the following treatments to address diabetes-related foot infections: (a)
adjunctive granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment or (b) topical antiseptics, silver
preparations, honey, bacteriophage therapy, or negative pressure wound therapy (with or without
instillation). (Conditional; Low)
25. We suggest not using topical (sponge, cream, and cement) antibiotics in combination with
systemic antibiotics for treating either soft-tissue infections or osteomyelitis of the foot in patients
with diabetes. (Conditional; Low)
26. We suggest not using hyperbaric oxygen therapy or topical oxygen therapy as an adjunctive
treatment for the sole indication of treating a diabetes-related foot infection. (Conditional; Low)
Note: the available data did not allow making a recommendation on the use of rifampicin for the
treatment of diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
The prevalence of diabetes continues to increase globally and the International Diabetes Foundation has
estimated that 537 million adults aged between 20 and 79 years worldwide were living with diabetes in
2021.1 This situation leads to a rising incidence of foot complications, including infections.1 Diabetes-
related foot infections (DFIs) are associated with substantial morbidities, requiring frequent healthcare
provider visits, daily wound care, antimicrobial therapy, surgical procedures, and high healthcare costs.2
Of particular importance, DFIs remain the most frequent diabetes-related complications requiring
hospitalisation and the most common precipitating events leading to lower extremity amputation.3,4
Outcomes in patients presenting with an infected diabetes-related foot ulcer (DFU) are suboptimal in
one large prospective study, at the end of 1 year, the ulcer had healed in only 46% (and it later recurred
in 10% of these), while 15% had died and 17% required a lower extremity amputation.5
Managing DFIs requires careful attention to properly diagnosing the condition, obtaining appropriate
specimens for culture, thoughtfully selecting antimicrobial therapy, quickly determining when surgical
interventions are required, and providing any needed additional wound and overall patient care. A
systematic, evidence-based approach to managing DFIs likely improves outcomes, specifically the
resolution of difficult cases of infection, and helps avoid complications, such as life-threatening infections
and limb loss. This is best delivered by interdisciplinary teams, which should include among the
membership, whenever possible, an infectious diseases or clinical/medical microbiology specialist.6 This
team should also attempt to ensure optimal local wound care (e.g., cleansing and debridement),
pressure off-loading, peripheral vascular assessment (with revascularization if needed), and metabolic
(particularly glycaemic) control. For these aspects, the reader is referred to the other chapters of the
IWGDF guideline on the management of diabetes-related foot ulcers in this special issue.7-9 If these
aspects are not adequately addressed, and the focus is only on infection, the chance of treatment failure
is greatly increased.
Several guidelines are available to assist clinicians in managing DFIs. The Infectious Diseases Society of
America (IDSA) produced a guideline in 2004, which was updated in 2012.10,11 A panel of experts
convened by the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has published widely
used guideline documents quadrennially since 2004.12 The present 2023 edition of the IWGDF
guidelines on the management of diabetes-related foot infection updates the content of the 2019
edition on the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes-related foot infections and is part of the
aforementioned guidelines.13 The IWGDF and IDSA have now agreed to provide a combined
intersociety guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of DFIs; as a result, the expert panel involved in
the creation of the new guideline document included for the first time members from both IWGDF and
IDSA working on a single document.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Infections of the skin and soft tissues of the foot in a person with diabetes most often follow a break in
the protective skin envelope. The most common such break is a DFU, which usually involves at least the
epidermis and part of the dermis. This complication most often occurs in those with peripheral
neuropathy, and frequently those with peripheral artery disease (PAD).14 Infection follows colonisation
of the wound by a complex microbiological flora. Wound colonisation by bacteria is a constant
phenomenon, defined by the presence of bacteria on a wound surface, but without evidence of invasion
of the host tissues. Wound infection is a pathological state caused by the invasion and multiplication of
microorganisms in host tissues that induce an inflammatory response, usually followed by tissue damage.
Since all wounds are colonised (often with potentially pathogenic microorganisms), wound infection
cannot be defined using only the results of wound cultures. Instead, DFIs are defined clinically, based on
the presence of manifestations of an inflammatory process involving a foot wound located below the
malleoli. In persons with diabetes-related foot complications, signs and symptoms of inflammation may,
however, be masked by the presence of peripheral neuropathy, peripheral artery disease (PAD), or
immune dysfunction. A patient with diabetes-related complications may need to undergo a lower
extremity amputation to control infection, or develop multiorgan failure, without local clinical signs that
define a DFI, but this is highly uncommon. While rarely the primary cause of foot ulcers, the presence of
PAD increases the risk of an ulcer becoming infected15-18 and adversely affects the outcome of
infection.15,19,20 Because the combination of infection with PAD is associated with a markedly increased
risk of poor healing and amputation, clinicians should evaluate the state of wound perfusion and the
potential need for a revascularisation procedure as soon as possible in all patients with a DFI.7
Factors that predispose to foot infection include: having a wound that is deep, long-standing, recurrent,
or of traumatic aetiology; the presence of diabetes-related immunological perturbations, particularly
neutrophil dysfunction; or, having concomitant chronic renal failure.17,19-24 Although examined in only a
few studies, a history of chronic hyperglycaemia may predispose to DFIs, and the presence of
hyperglycaemia at presentation may suggest a rapidly progressive or destructive (necrotising)
While most DFIs are relatively superficial at presentation, microorganisms can spread contiguously to
subcutaneous tissues, including fascia, tendons, muscles, joints, and bones. The anatomy of the foot,
which is divided into several separate but intercommunicating compartments, fosters the proximal
spread of infection.27 The inflammatory response induced by infection may cause compartmental
pressure to exceed capillary pressure, leading to ischaemic tissue necrosis in the affected compartment
and thereby progressive infection.28,29 The tendons within the compartments facilitate the proximal
spread of infection, which usually moves from higher to lower pressure areas. Bacterial virulence factors
may also play a role in these complex infections.30,31 Systemic symptoms (e.g., feverishness or chills),
marked leukocytosis, or major metabolic disturbances, are uncommon in patients with a DFI, but their
presence denotes a more severe, potentially limb-threatening (or even life-threatening) infection.4,32,33 If
not quickly diagnosed and properly treated, DFIs tend to progress, sometimes rapidly.34 Thus, an
experienced medical specialist (or team) with experience in infectious diseases should evaluate a patient
with a severe DFI within 24 hours.35 Accumulations of purulent secretions, especially if under pressure
or associated with necrosis, require prompt (usually within 24 hours) surgical decompression and
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
drainage. Although bone and/or joint resection (preferably using a conservative approach, with limited
resection and avoiding amputation, if possible) may be required for successfully treating osteomyelitis, it
is usually an infection of the soft tissues that requires urgent antimicrobial therapy and surgical
This document aims to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of guidelines for the
diagnosis and treatment of foot infections in people with diabetes. These are intended to be of practical
use for treating clinicians, based on all available scientific evidence.
The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) framework
was used for developing this guideline.36 This is structured around identifying key clinical questions in the
PACO (Population, Assessment, Comparison, Outcome) and PICO (patient/population, intervention,
comparison, outcomes) format, determining patient-important outcomes, presenting the evidence,
assessing the certainty of the evidence, and finally moving from evidence to recommendation.
The IWGDF editorial board appointed a multidisciplinary working group of independent experts (the
authors of this guideline) to update the previously published 2019 guidelines. In addition, three members
were delegated by the IDSA to join the committee.
The key clinical questions were developed by revising the 2019 guideline PICOs and refining each
component to reflect clinical relevance. Guidance is aimed at clinicians and other healthcare
professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of DFIs. Patient important outcomes were
generated and then classified based on their importance for decision-making. Outcomes defined by
Jeffcoate et al were also used as a reference guide.37 All members voted on the outcomes, and those
identified by consensus as “critically important” were included. The editorial board reviewed and
approved the final set of P(A)ICOs through a consultation process with external experts from various
geographical regions and the IDSA.
The committee members then systematically reviewed the literature to address the set of pre-specified
P(A)ICOs. The two updated IWGDF systematic reviews supporting this guideline have been completed
in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
guidelines, which will be published separately.38 The updated protocols are available from PROSPERO
(CRD42022324795, CRD42022324812).39,40
After careful weighing of the summary of judgements, the same teams of two members of the working
group determined the direction, strength, and wording of the recommendation(s) for the specific clinical
question. Recommendations aimed to be clear, specific, and unambiguous on what was recommended,
for which persons, and under what circumstances. Recommendations were rated as ‘for’ or ‘against’ the
particular intervention or ‘either the intervention or the comparison’, and the strength of each
recommendation was rated as ‘strong’ or ‘conditional’. The certainty of evidence, rated as ‘high’,
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
‘moderate’, ‘low’ or ‘very low’ based on the critical outcome(s) reviewed for the question in accordance
with GRADE, as explained above, was added to the strength of the recommendation.
Summary of judgements tables and recommendations for each question were extensively discussed in
online meetings of the working group. After discussion, a voting procedure was used for each
recommendation to grade the direction of the recommendation as ‘for’ or ‘against’ the particular
intervention (or ‘either the intervention or the comparison’), and the strength of each recommendation
as ‘strong’ or ‘conditional’. A quorum of 60% of members were needed to be present for a discussion
and vote to go ahead and a majority vote of those present was needed for final decisions on each
recommendation. The outcomes of the voting are provided in the summary of judgement tables in the
supplemental information of the guideline documents.
Based on the summary of judgement tables, the rationales for the recommendations were written by
the same team of two assessors of the working groups. These rationales are narrative (systematic)
descriptions of how the working group came to the direction and strength of the recommendation and
summarizes the research evidence for the items in the summary of judgement tables.36,41 In addition,
expert opinion and aspects relevant to communicate to the reader regarding the intervention or
recommendation can be added to these rationales.
Finally, all recommendations, with their rationales, were collated into a consultation (draft) guideline
manuscript that was reviewed by the same international external experts and persons with lived
experience who reviewed the clinical questions and outcomes, as well as by the IWGDF Editorial Board.
The working group then collated, reviewed and discussed all feedback on the consultation manuscript
and revised accordingly to produce the final guideline.
In the publication “Standards for the development and methodology of the 2023 International Working
Group on the Diabetic Foot guideline” the details of the methodology for the development of this
guideline are described.42
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
See Figure 1 for a synthesising overview of the overall diagnosis and management of patients with
diabetes-related foot infections including diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot.
Figure 1: an overview of the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes-related foot infections
(from Lipsky et al.13)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Clinical question: Can the International Working Group of the Diabetic Foot/Infectious Diseases Society
of America (IWGDF/IDSA) classification system for foot infections in persons with diabetes predict the
outcome of such an infection?
Recommendation 1:
a. Diagnose a soft tissue diabetes-related infection clinically, based on the presence of local or systemic
signs and symptoms of inflammation. (Strong; Low)
b. Assess the severity of any diabetes-related foot infection using the IWGDF/IDSA classification
scheme. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: The clinician seeing a patient with diabetes and a foot ulcer should always assess for the
presence of an infection and, if present, classify the infection's severity.43,44 Experts have proposed many
classification schemes for DFU, many of which only include the presence or absence of “infection”.9
Previous prospective and retrospective studies have validated all or part of the IWGDF/IDSA DFI
classification as part of a larger diabetes-related foot classification system (PEDIS) (see Table 1).15,16
Other classifications for severe infection, eg, National Early Warning Score (NEWS)45,46 or quick
sequential organ failure assessment (qSOFA)47, were developed for the identification or prediction of
outcomes in patients with sepsis. There are, however, no data to support changing from using the
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) that is part of the IWGDF/IDSA classification to any
other classification for DFIs. Two commonly used classifications for DFUs, Wound, Ischemia, and foot
Infection (WIfI), and Site, Ischaemia, Neuropathy, Bacterial Infection, and Depth (SINBAD), which use
the IWGDF/IDSA classification for the infection component, have been validated with patient data.48,49
Importantly, in the current guideline, we define a DFI based on the presence of evidence of (a)
inflammation of any part of the foot, not just of an ulcer, or (b) findings of SIRS. Because of the
important diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic implications of osteomyelitis, we separate it out by
indicating the presence of bone infection with “(O)” after the grade number (3 or 4) (see Table 1). We
did not use the term osteitis, which would be an infection of the cortical bone only, without
involvement of the medulla. Although the pathogens enter the bone through contiguous spread from an
ulcer to the cortex and not by haematological spread to the medulla, it is hard to distinguish cortical
bone infection from medullary bone infection clinically, by imaging or by histology. Also, we think the
two entities do not require separate therapeutic interventions. We therefore decide to use the term
osteomyelitis for both disease entities.
In our systematic review on diagnosis of infection of the foot in persons with diabetes50, new studies
with a high risk of bias were identified that examined the outcomes of interest.51-55 The main questions
addressed concerned whether there should be modifications of the current IDSA/IWGDF classification
by combining the moderate and severe categories and considering risk categories according to soft
tissue infections or osteomyelitis. Insufficient quality of evidence led us to not consider either laboratory
risk indicators for necrotizing fasciitis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome as reliable tools for
predicting lower extremity amputation, mortality, or other health outcomes.53,54 In the absence of
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
additional validation studies, and moderate certainty attributed to the risk of bias, we elected not to alter
the IDSA/IWGDF classification, as shown in Table 1.
Defining infection of the foot in persons with diabetes is of utmost importance, given the possible
negative consequences of missing this diagnosis. Additionally, distinguishing infected from non-infected
wounds may help avoid the unnecessary use of antibiotics in the absence of an infection. Although
based on low quality of evidence, but given the major impact the use of the IWGDF/IDSA classification
may have on outcome and antibiotic use in persons with DFIs, we made a strong recommendation.
Table 1: The classification system for defining the presence and severity of an infection of the foot in a
person with diabetesa
Clinical classification of infection, definitions IWGDF/IDSA classification
No systemic or local symptoms or signs of infection 1 / Uninfected
Infected: At least two of these items are present: 2 / Mild
• Local swelling or induration
• Erythema > 0.5 but < 2 cmb around the wound
• Local tenderness or pain
• Local increased warmth
• Purulent discharge
And, no other cause of an inflammatory response of the skin (e.g.,
trauma, gout, acute Charcot neuro-arthropathy, fracture, thrombosis,
or venous stasis)
Infection with no systemic manifestations and involving: 3 / Moderate
• erythema extending ≥ 2 cmb from the wound margin, and/or
• tissue deeper than skin and subcutaneous tissues (e.g., tendon,
muscle, joint, and bone)
Infection involving bone (osteomyelitis) Add “(O)”
Any foot infection with associated systemic 4 / Severe
manifestations (of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome
[SIRS]), as manifested by ≥ 2 of the following:
• temperature, > 38°C or < 36°C
• heart rate, > 90 beats/min
• respiratory rate, >20 breaths/min, or
PaCO2 < 4.3 kPa (32 mmHg)
• white blood cell count >12,000/mm3, or <
4G/L, or > 10% immature (band) forms
Infection involving bone (osteomyelitis) Add “(O)”
Note: The presence of clinically significant foot ischaemia makes both diagnosis and treatment of infection considerably more
a infection refers to any part of the foot, not just of a wound or an ulcer.
b in any direction, from the rim of the wound.
c if osteomyelitis is demonstrated in the absence of ≥ 2 signs/symptoms of local or systemic inflammation, classify the foot as
either grade 3(O) (if <2 SIRS criteria) or grade 4(O) if ≥ 2 SIRS criteria) (see text).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Recommendation 2: Consider hospitalising all persons with diabetes and a foot infection who have
either a severe foot infection as classified by the IWGDF/IDSA classification, or a moderate infection
which is associated with key relevant morbidities. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Regarding the decision to hospitalise a patient with a DFI, the IWGDF/IDSA infection
classification system facilitates risk stratification to inform this decision.4 Hospitalisation is an expensive
and finite resource and may subject the patient to major inconvenience and potential nosocomial risks.
But while many patients with a DFI do not need to be hospitalised, some certainly should be.
Consideration should be given to hospitalise all persons with a severe foot infection to ensure timely
and effective management, as well as those with a moderate infection associated with key relevant co-
morbidities, in particular, PAD (see details in Table 2). This is due to a higher risk of poor outcomes in
these cases, especially amputation or death.4, 17-19Of note, the presence of osteomyelitis does not
necessarily require hospitalisation, since many of these patients are clinically stable and can be treated
with oral antibiotic agents. Hospitalisation may be preferable (at least initially) in those patients who
require intravenous antibiotic therapy, have substantial associated soft tissue infection, require special
diagnostic testing, or need urgent surgical treatment. Fortunately, almost all patients with a mild infection,
and many with a moderate infection but without any key relevant morbidities, can be treated in an
ambulatory setting. The availability of home parenteral antibiotic programs in some countries is another
site-dependent factor that influences the need for hospitalisation.
Most published studies of DFIs have enrolled hospitalised patients, but over the past two decades,
several have reported good results with outpatient treatment.52-54 It is therefore of utmost importance
to correctly assess the infection severity as the patient management significantly differs from oral
antibiotic treatments to complex combinations of surgery and parenteral broad-spectrum antibiotic
regimens. Given the low certainty of the evidence, with inconsistency between studies, and that
differences in patient characteristics as well as health care policies between countries will influence the
decision to hospitalise, we made a conditional recommendation.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Table 2: Characteristics suggesting a more serious diabetes-related foot infection and potential
indications for hospitalisation.4, 17-19
A. Findings suggesting a more serious diabetes-related foot infection
Wound specific
Wound Penetrates to subcutaneous tissues (e.g., fascia, tendon, muscle, joint,
or bone)
Cellulitis Extensive (>2 cm), distant from ulceration, or rapidly progressive
(including lymphangitis)
Local signs / symptoms Severe inflammation or induration, crepitus, bullae, discoloration,
necrosis or gangrene, ecchymoses or petechiae, and new anesthesia
or localised pain
Presentation Acute onset/worsening or rapidly progressive
Systemic Fever, chills, hypotension, confusion, and volume depletion
Laboratory tests Leukocytosis highly elevated C-reactive protein, or erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, severe or worsening hyperglycemia, acidosis,
new/worsening azotaemia and electrolyte abnormalities tests
Complicating features Presence of a foreign body (accidentally or surgically implanted),
puncture wound, deep abscess, arterial or venous insufficiency,
lymphedema, immunosuppressive illness or treatment, acute kidney
Failing treatment Progression while on apparently appropriate antibiotic and supportive
Rationale: Serum tests for inflammatory biomarkers such as white blood cell (WBC) count, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and procalcitonin (PCT) are widely available, easily
obtained, and most, except PCT, are relatively inexpensive. A few studies investigated other
inflammatory markers for their role in diagnosing or following DFIs, but they were small and of low
quality.11 Most available studies assessed the value of these inflammatory biomarkers by comparing them
with the results of IDSA/IWGDF criteria for infection.4,55 Unfortunately, the severity of infection in
patients included in the available studies was not always clearly defined, which may account for
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
interstudy differences in findings. In addition, many studies do not specify if enrolled patients were
recently treated with antibiotic therapy, which could affect results. Of particular note is the white blood
cell (WBC) level, as it is used as part of the IDSA/IWGDF criteria for classifying infection as severe/grade
4. The available studies59-64 found little correlation of WBC with infection severity, with about half of the
patients diagnosed with a DFI having a normal WBC.63,64 In most studies, ESR values have been higher in
patients with an infected DFU compared with a noninfected DFU.59,60 ESR values can be affected by
various co-morbidities (eg, anaemia and azotaemia) and may not be elevated in acute infections, due to
the relatively slow response of this inflammatory biomarker. A highly elevated ESR (≥ 70 mm/h) has a
sensitivity, specificity, and AUC for the diagnosis of DFO of 81%, 80%, and 0.84, respectively.65
Compared with ESR, CRP levels tend to rise more quickly with infection and fall more quickly with the
resolution of infection. Serum values of CRP have consistently been found to be significantly higher in
infected than noninfected DFUs and in patients with noninfected DFU than in those with no foot ulcer,
with levels increasing significantly with the severity of infection.65,66 Compared to WBC and ESR, CRP
has shown higher diagnostic accuracy for grade 2 (infected) DFU.66 Studies of serum PCT levels have
also found that levels were significantly higher in infected DFU than noninfected DFU, but there was
little correlation between the values and the infection severity.55-57,60,61 The highly variable cut-off values
used make it difficult to interpret the results reported in studies that have investigated these
inflammatory markers. Due to their limited specificity and sensitivity, not exceeding 0.85, when used as
sole diagnostic tools, inflammatory biomarkers should rather be used when uncertainty persists after
clinical assessment. We make a Best Practice Statement about the use of ESR, CRP, or PCT due to the
potential harms related to potential over or underdiagnosing DFI, with low certainty of evidence based
on studies of low quality, with inconsistency about the results and heterogeneity in cut-off values;.
Recommendation 4: For diagnosing diabetes-related foot soft-tissue infection, we suggest not using foot
temperature (however measured) or quantitative microbial analysis. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: While various imaging tests are widely used for diagnosing bone infection (see below), there
are few data on their usefulness for soft-tissue infections. Other diagnostic tests studied for assessing DFI
include photographic foot imaging and infrared thermography. Several studies with these instruments
have examined their value in predicting the occurrence of foot ulcerations. Overall, employing either
infrared or digital thermography does not appear to provide substantial help in diagnosing infection or
predicting the clinical outcome in patients with a DFU seen in the hospital setting.67-70 While infrared
imaging likely causes no harm, its use is limited by low availability.
Some advocate using the presence of high numbers of bacteria on culture (usually defined as ≥105
colony-forming units per gram of tissue) as a basis for differentiating infected from uninfected DFUs.71,72
However, there is no convincing data (from studies using either conventional culture or molecular
methods) supporting this concept.73 In published studies that assessed the validity of clinical signs for the
diagnosis of DFI using microbial analysis as a referent test, the criteria used to define infection varied
among the authors, and even between studies conducted by the same team. In some microbial analysis
studies, patients receiving antibiotics at the time of the wound sampling (which may suppress bacterial
growth and cause diminished organism counts) were included, while others failed to provide information
on this important confounding issue. Of note, these methods of measuring what is sometimes called
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
“wound bioburden” are time-consuming and relatively expensive. Furthermore, neither quantitative
classical culture nor molecular quantitative techniques are currently available to most clinicians in their
daily care of patients. Our recommendation against these diagnostic methods is based on the limited
data to support the use of these time-and resources consuming techniques, which are frequently
unavailable, and may lead to overdiagnosing (and unnecessarily treating) IDFU. The recommendation is
conditional based on low certainty of evidence.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes and infection of the foot, which test(s) can best identify the
causative pathogen(s), and result in tailored use of antibiotics?
Recommendation 5: In a person with suspected soft tissue diabetes-related foot infection, consider a
sample for culture to determine the causative microorganisms, preferably by aseptically collecting a
tissue specimen (by curettage or biopsy) from the wound. (Conditional; Moderate)
Rationale: In the great majority of cases, obtaining a specimen (after cleansing and debridement and
trying to avoid contamination) for culture from a DFI provides useful information on the causative
pathogen(s) and their antibiotic susceptibility, allowing appropriate selection of antibiotic therapy. In
cases of an acute, non-severe DFI in a patient who has not recently received antibiotic therapy and has
no other risk factors for unusual or antibiotic-resistant pathogens (e.g., based on specific exposures or
previous culture results), selecting empiric therapy without culture may be reasonable. In other
situations, despite superficial swabs being easier to perform, we advise collecting a soft tissue specimen
by superficial swab on the basis of two systematic reviews70,71 (with low-quality evidence), one small
prospective study72 and one well-designed prospective study,73 which reported higher sensitivity and
specificity of tissue specimens for culture results than superficial swabs. Collecting a tissue specimen may
require slightly more training and poses a slight risk of discomfort or bleeding, but we believe the
benefits clearly outweigh these minimal risk of harms. The evidence informing which method of
specimen collection to use is limited by the absence of a definitive criterion standard for defining ulcer
Repeating cultures may be useful for a patient who is not responding to apparently appropriate therapy,
but this may result in isolating antibiotic-resistant strains likely to be contaminants rather than pathogens.
A key caveat is that the accuracy of culture results depends on the quality of the information provided
between clinical and microbiology staff throughout the sample pathway, from collecting, to transporting,
to processing, and to reporting. Clinicians should provide key clinical details associated with the patient
and the sample, and clinical microbiology services should provide adequately comprehensive and clear
reporting of the isolated organisms and their susceptibility profiles. For persons presenting in a low-
income limited resource setting without ready access to culture or follow-up care, performing a Gram-
stained smear of material from a DFI could be a relatively easy and inexpensive way to visualize the class
of the likely causative pathogens, thus helping direct empiric therapy.78 The recommendation is
conditional with a moderate certainty of evidence based on clinical studies with varying quality, including
one large prospective study.
Recommendation 6: Use conventional, rather than molecular, microbiology techniques for the first-line
identification of pathogens from soft tissue or bone samples in a patient with a diabetes-related foot
infection (Strong; Moderate)
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
Rationale: Molecular microbiology techniques have demonstrated that the flora in most DFIs is more
diverse and abundant than that revealed by conventional culture methods.79-83 Our systematic review
identified 4 recent single-centre prospective studies that compared the results of different non-culture
(molecular microbiological) methods to those of conventional culture.50,84-87 These studies addressed
this question in both skin and soft-tissue infections (SSTI) and osteomyelitis of the foot. They
consistently found an agreement of more than 0.70 between molecular microbiology and conventional
culture methods regarding the most clinically relevant pathogens identified, except for anaerobes, which
are more frequently identified by non-culture techniques.83 The studies also confirmed that non-culture
techniques, especially metagenomic next-generation sequencing (NGS), identify more bacteria from
tissue samples, including bone, than conventional cultures.84-87 Currently, the use of metagenomic next-
generation sequencing (mNGS) techniques does not lead to a shorter time until pathogen identification,
but this might change with the deployment of newer techniques. These techniques may help choose the
empirical antibiotic therapy and reduce the risk of inappropriate treatment (i.e., failing to cover bacteria
involved, including multiresistant ones). On the other hand, as molecular microbiology techniques are
currently unable to distinguish dead from living bacterial cells, there are concerns that they may lead to
the unjustified use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The studies that addressed molecular microbiology for
either STI or DFO have included relatively few subjects, were at high risk of bias, and did not provide
information on the value of the findings for guidance on clinical management. Specifically, we do not
know which of the many bacterial genera identified by molecular methods contribute to the clinical state
of infection or require targeted antibiotic therapy. Overall, we acknowledge the essential role of
molecular microbiology techniques in the understanding of the pathophysiology of DFIs, and that these
are promising techniques for application in clinical practice in the future. We do not, however,
recommend their use in daily practice, given the unclear significance of positive results, absence of
demonstrated impact on antibiotic treatment, high costs and limited availability. This a strong
recommendation against the use of non-culture techniques, based on a moderate certainty of evidence
from prospective studies with high risk of bias, the relative high costs and the lack of information to
which extent these techniques will influence clinical management. Thus, for now, clinicians should
continue to request conventional cultures of specimens to determine the identity of causative
microorganisms and their antibiotic sensitivities.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes and suspected bone or joint infection of the foot, which tests
have the best correlation with bone biopsy results for diagnosing diabetes-related osteomyelitis,
including residual/postoperative osteomyelitis)?
Rationale: The diagnosis of osteomyelitis in the foot of a person with diabetes may be difficult, partly
because of a lack of a universally accepted definition or criterion standard, and partly related to low
levels of inter-test agreement among commonly used diagnostic tests.88 Osteomyelitis may be present
underlying any foot wound, especially those that have been present for many weeks or that are wide,
deep, located over a bony prominence, showing visible bone, or accompanied by an erythematous,
swollen (“sausage”) toe89.
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
Diagnosing bone infection of the foot is of paramount importance, given that its presence greatly
increases the risk of minor and major amputations. The investigation of diabetes-related foot wounds
suspected of having bone infection usually includes a physical examination and a conventional
radiograph, while some blood biomarkers might be of interest; these issues are discussed below. An
accurate diagnosis of DFO is essential to initiate appropriate therapy and to avoid unjustified prolonged
antibiotic treatment and surgery in patients who do not have a DFO.
a) Probe-to-bone test
Among clinical examinations of the foot, the PTB test is the most useful, but the performing clinician’s
technique and experience, the ulcer’s location, and its aetiology may affect the test’s reliability.90,91 A
systematic review of the PTB test found that for detecting DFO the sensitivity was 0.87 and specificity
0.83.92 Overall, in diagnosing DFO, the PTB test suggests the diagnosis if it is positive in a high-risk
patient, and helps rule it out if it is negative in a low-risk patient. The procedure is easy to learn and
perform, requiring only a sterile blunt metal probe (gently inserted into the wound, with a positive test
defined by feeling a hard, gritty structure), is inexpensive and essentially harmless, but interobserver
agreement is only moderate.93 Of note, if clinicians are not skilled in this test, they should not rely on its
results as it may have been performed incorrectly resulting in incorrect results.
b) Plain X-ray
Any patient with a possible bone infection should initially have plain X-rays of the foot. Interpreted by an
experienced reader, characteristic findings of bone infection (see Table 3) are highly suggestive of
osteomyelitis, but similar abnormal findings can be caused by Charcot osteoarthropathy and other
disorders. As plain X-rays are relatively inexpensive, widely available, and cause minimal harm, we
recommend them as part of the routine assessment of patients presenting with a diabetes-related foot
infection. This imaging exam provides useful information, especially about the status of the underlying
osteoarticular tissues, the presence of gas in deep tissues, and the presence of any radio-opaque foreign
body. In addition, the image can be used as a reference against which to compare new images if the
patient presents with another foot problem. Because plain X-rays are insensitive to acute osteomyelitis,
it is often useful to repeat a normal examination in 2 to 3 weeks when suspicion of osteomyelitis is still
high.94 A retrospective study of patients with histologically proven DFO found that after adjusting for
confounders, inflammatory biomarkers, and plain X-rays were actually more useful than magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI).95 Because interpretation of plain X-rays can be difficult (even for an
experienced reader) when non-infectious changes (especially those related to neuro-osteoarthropathy)
are present, advanced imaging techniques or even bone culture may ultimately be needed to confirm or
exclude osteomyelitis in the foot.
c) Serum biomarkers
In a systematic published in 2019, it was found that ESR ≥70mm/hr had a sensitivity, specificity, and AUC
of 0.81, 0.8 and 0.84 respectively while the value of PCT could not be assessed due to paucity of the
data.65 A more recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in 2022 found that PCT had the
highest diagnostic test accuracy when compared to that of ESR, WBC and ESR with a sensitivity,
specificity, and AUC of 0.85, 0.67 and 0.844 at a cut-off value of 0.33ng/mL.66
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
Given the lack of inter-operator variability, the use of either ESR, CRP, and PCT as a sole biomarker for
the detection of DFO in a patient with soft tissue DFI is not appropriate but their use in combination
with other diagnostic tests may be useful.50,96 Two recent large-scale retrospective single-centre studies
with high risk of bias that used the results of culture and/or histology of bone samples as a reference
standard found that ESR > 60 mm/Hr plus CRP ≥ 80 mg/L had a high positive predictive value, but a
modest negative predictive value, for the diagnosis of DFO. They also found that the combination of
elevated ESR (>43 mm/h) with a positive PTB test showed a high correlation with having positive bone
culture and/or histology results.97,98 Overall, neither plain X-rays, inflammatory biomarkers (ESR, CRP
and PCT), nor probe-to-bone test can one their own solely and reliably rule in or rule out the diagnosis
of DFO. When diagnostic doubt persists after the clinical assessment and review of plain X-rays of the
foot, we recommend testing for ESR, CRP or PCT. This recommendation is, however, conditional
because of the risk of over or under-diagnosis of bone infection, based on a low quality of evidence with
inconsistency in the data on diagnostic accuracy results.
Rationale: Depending on the patient setting, advanced imaging for diagnosing osteomyelitis is not
needed in many patients. When needed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been the most
commonly ordered advanced imaging technique to diagnose DFO, with moderate costs (but about 10
times higher than that of plain X-rays) and wide availability in high-income countries. Besides being used
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
as a (very sensitive) diagnostic tool, MRI gives a good overview of the anatomy of soft tissues as well as
bones and joints, which can be of aid for detecting pre-operatively any purulent collections or the
extent of bone involvement. Among advanced imaging techniques, MRI has been the most studied, is
associated with lower costs than some other advanced imaging technique and gives an overview of the
presence and extent of both soft tissue and bone infections in the foot.99,100 It is important to note that
the presence of reactive bone marrow oedema from non-infectious pathologies, such as trauma,
previous foot surgery or Charcot neuroarthropathy, lowers its specificity and positive predictive
value.101,102 In selected patients with possible neuro-osteoarthropathy, newer techniques such as MR
angiography, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI or neurography may better distinguish Charcot
arthropathy from osteomyelitis.103-106 The accuracy of MRI findings can be improved by using the results
of a second read by an expert musculoskeletal radiologist.107Another finding likely to augment the
sensitivity of MRI for the diagnosis of DFO is the detection of an increased ratio of marrow region of
interest (ROI) / joint fluid ROI on T2/ Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) sequences.108 A systematic
review and meta-analysis that compared the diagnostic accuracy of imaging tests (plain X-rays,
scintigraphy, MRI, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission
tomography (PET)) for the diagnosis of DFO showed that 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)–PET and
99mTc- exametazime Hexa Methyl Propylene Amine Oxime (HMPAO) labeled WBC scintigraphy offer
the highest specificity (0.92 for both).109 In patients with a contraindication to MRI, clinicians may choose
other imaging techniques (e.g., FDG-PET/CT, HMPAO-labelled leukocyte scintigraphy or 99mTc labeled
Ubiquicidin (UBI) SPECT/CT). 109-114
Compared to nuclear (e.g., leukocyte) imaging, positron emission tomography (PET), especially
combined with CT scan, offers high spatial resolution, precise anatomic localization, possibly higher
sensitivity for chronic infection, easier performance, faster results, and low radiation exposure. Overall,
the available studies that compared the diagnostic accuracy of MRI and nuclear imaging techniques in
patients with a suspicion of DFO show conflicting results. 106-109-MRI and FDG PET/CT have several
advantages compared to other anatomical and functional imaging methods, including short acquisition
time, high resolution, low radiation dose, and better tolerability.112 The availability and cost of these
advanced imaging techniques may vary in different geographic locations, but they might be useful in
situations when the diagnosis remains in doubt, and when there are limited options to obtain a bone
For the diagnostic accuracy of advanced imaging in DFO, the overall certainty of the evidence is
moderate because of serious inconsistency, imprecision, and indirectness of results in the included
studies. Although certainty of evidence was moderate, a strong recommendation is made regarding MRI
use in DFO because of the high accuracy in results, especially regarding the information on both soft
tissue and bone and joint structures. Despite certainty of evidence being moderate, a conditional rather
than a strong recommendation is made regarding SPECT/CT & PET/CT use in DFO because of the lack
of accessibility and feasibility of this modality and the great resources and expertise required to
implement this technique.
Recommendation 10: In a person for whom there is suspicion of osteomyelitis of the foot (before or
after treatment), consider obtaining bone (rather than soft tissue) samples for culture, either
intraoperatively or percutaneously. (Conditional; Moderate)
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Rationale: Obtaining a specimen of bone to diagnose osteomyelitis is the generally accepted criterion
standard for diagnosing the infection, and the only definitive way to determine the causative
pathogen(s). Bone biopsy is, however, usually not performed in most cases of suspected DFO due to
the absence of a health care professional adequately trained to perform the procedure and/or the fear
of possible adverse effects, especially fracture or induced infection of the bone.115 Published studies
consistently report a low correlation between bone and non-bone culture results , most < 50%, with
the highest correlation for Staphylococcus aureus.116-118 This is of potential importance, as incorrect
identification of the bone pathogens could increase the risk of treatment failure, although this has only
been reported in one published study.119 An ongoing multicentre, prospective, randomised study (BonE
BiOPsy (BeBoP) trial) is designed to determine if treatment outcomes of DFO differ depending on the
chosen diagnostic strategy, i.e., a culture of bone versus one of wound.120
In order to provide the most accurate assessment of true pathogens, and to avoid contamination of the
bone samples by the skin flora, it is important to collect a bone specimen in an aseptic manner (i.e.,
percutaneously via intact and uninfected skin, or intraoperatively).116 A prospective direct comparison of
46 paired per-wound versus transcutaneous bone biopsies in patients with suspected DFO found that
results were identical in only 42%.121 To avoid a false-negative culture, some experts suggest delaying
bone biopsy in a patient who is receiving antibiotics until they have been off therapy for at least a few
days, and ideally for at least 2 weeks. This is still a matter of debate, and the optimal duration of any
antibiotic-free period before the biopsy is not known. In recent studies a history of prior antibiotic
therapy was associated with an increased likelihood of false negative bone culture.123,124 Available
published studies have established that obtaining percutaneous and intraoperative bone biopsies are
both safe. A percutaneous biopsy is generally not painful (as the majority of affected patients have
sensory neuropathy, and local anaesthetics can be offered), and complications are rare.117,118 Obtaining a
bone sample generally requires the services of a surgeon or radiologist, but recent studies suggest it can
be performed safely at the bedside by any trained medical caregiver.124,125 Bedside percutaneous biopsy
may make it easier to obtain a bone culture when operating/imaging facilities are not feasible or
available. Of note, bone biopsy may not be needed if an aseptically collected specimen from a deep soft
tissue infection grows only a single virulent pathogen, especially S. aureus.11 Culture of bone has the
advantage of determining the causative pathogen, but histology may be more sensitive if the patient is
on antibiotic therapy, and more specific if specimen contamination is a concern.
Several studies have shown one- to two-thirds of patients who undergo bone resection and from
whom the surgeon obtains a sample of retained bone (variously called “marginal,” “distal,” or “proximal”
bone) that appears clinically uninfected will have culture or pathological evidence of residual infection.126-
130 The possibility that many of the theses positive residual bone cultures are false positives is supported
by the finding of a substantially lower rate of positive histology on the same specimen in two studies.129-
130 Of note, cultures may also be falsely negative, especially in patients treated with antibiotics or when
samples are not appropriately transported to and processed by the microbiology laboratory. The low
inter-rater agreement among pathologists on the diagnosis of osteomyelitis by histopathology131, and the
weak concordance between histopathology and culture of foot bone specimens128, are subjects of
debate.132 This question was addressed in two more recent studies, but these also provide conflicting
results. 133,134
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
Since there are no available data demonstrating a clear benefit of using bone biopsy results on the
outcome of patients treated for a DFO, and facilities for obtaining bone biopsy are not always available,
our recommendation for undertaking a bone biopsy in patients with a suspicion of DFO was graded
“conditional”. The certainty of the evidence is moderate, based on several retrospective studies with
consistency in the results regarding the diagnostic accuracy of bone cultures compared to no-bone
cultures and the safety of the procedure established in these studies.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes and a soft-tissue infection of the foot which specific antibiotic
regimen (specific agent[s], route of administration, duration of therapy) should be chosen when taking
into account the resolution and recurrence of infection, and the acquisition of antimicrobial resistance?
Recommendation 11: Do not treat clinically uninfected foot ulcers with systemic or local antibiotic
therapy when the goal is to reduce the risk of new infection, or to promote ulcer healing. Best Practice
Recommendation 12a: Use any of the systemic antibiotic regimens that have shown to be effective in
published randomised controlled trials at standard (usual) dosing to treat a person with diabetes and a
soft tissue infection of the foot. (Strong; High)
Recommendation 12b: Administer antibiotic therapy to a patient with a skin or soft tissue diabetic foot
infection for a duration of 1 to 2 weeks. (Strong; High)
Recommendation 12c: Consider continuing treatment, perhaps for up to 3 to 4 weeks, if the infection
is improving but is extensive and is resolving slower than expected or if the patient has severe
peripheral artery disease. (Conditional, Low)
Recommendation 12d: If evidence of infection has not resolved after 4 weeks of apparently appropriate
therapy, re-evaluate the patient, and reconsider the need for further diagnostic studies or alternative
treatments. (Strong; Low)
Recommendation 13: Select an antibiotic agent for treating a diabetes-related foot infection based on:
the likely or proven causative pathogen(s) and their antibiotic susceptibilities; the clinical severity of the
infection; published evidence of the efficacy of the agent for infections of the diabetes-related foot; risk
of adverse events including collateral damage to the commensal flora; the likelihood of drug interactions;
agent availability and, costs. Best Practice Statement
Recommendation 14: Target aerobic gram-positive pathogens only (beta-haemolytic streptococci and
Staphylococcus aureus including methicillin-resistant strains if indicated) for people with a mild diabetes-
related foot infection, who have not recently received antibiotic therapy, and who reside in a temperate
climate area. Best Practice Statement
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Recommendation 15: Do not empirically target antibiotic therapy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in
cases of diabetes-related foot infection in temperate climates, but use empirical treatment of P.
aeruginosa if it has been isolated from cultures of the affected site within the previous few weeks in a
person with moderate or severe infection who resides in tropical/subtropical climates. Best Practice
Rationale: In our systematic review we could not identify data supporting the concept that prescribing
antibiotic therapy for clinically uninfected ulcers either accelerates healing or reduces the risk of
developing clinically apparent infection.135 Since cultures of such open wounds will usually reveal
microorganisms, including some that are commonly considered pathogens, this does not mean it is
infected. As about half of all DFUs are clinically uninfected at presentation, prescribing antibiotic therapy
for these could result in a substantial exposure of patients to potentially unnecessary and often harmful
treatment.136 We strongly believe that for patients with a clinically uninfected ulcer, the potential harms
(to the patient, the health care system, and society as a whole) of antibiotic therapy (adverse effects of
antibiotic therapy, inconvenience to the patient, cost for the drug, and likelihood of driving antibiotic
resistance) outweigh any theoretical (but unproven) benefits.
Based on many studies (most limited by methodological flaws) that compared various oral or parenteral
antibiotic agents in patients with DFI, treatment with any appropriately selected agent of most classes of
antibiotics by either route is effective in the great majority of cases.137-143 The choice of an antibiotic
regimen should be based on the:
• likely or proven causative pathogen(s) and their antibiotic susceptibilities,
• availability of the antibiotic,
• published evidence of efficacy of the agent for DFIs,
• clinical severity of the infection
• experience of the treating team and presence of local protocols,
• presence of patient related factors, including a history of drug allergies, recent hospitalisation, and
comorbidities such as impaired kidney function or renal dialysis,
• likelihood of adverse events or potential drug interactions,
• risk of collateral damage to the commensal flora,
• costs (see our propositions for the antibiotic therapy in Table 4).
Table 4: Proposals for the empirical antibiotic therapy according to clinical presentation and
microbiological data (from Lipsky et al. 11)
Infection Additional Usual Potential empirical regimens c
severity factors pathogen(s)b
Mild No complicating GPC Semisynthetic penicillinase-resistant penicillin
features (cloxacillin)
1st generation cephalosporin (cephalexin)
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
Abbreviations: GNR, gram-negative rod; GPC, gram-positive cocci (staphylococci and streptococci); MRSA, methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus ; ESBL: extended-spectrum ß-lactamase
a Recommendations are based upon theoretical considerations and results of available clinical trials.
b Refers to isolates from an infected foot ulcer, not just colonization at another site.
c Given at usual recommended doses for serious infections. Where more than one agent is listed, only one of them should be
prescribed, unless otherwise indicated. Consider modifying doses or agents selected for patients with comorbidities such as
azotaemia, liver dysfunction, obesity.
d Oral antibiotic agents should generally not be used for severe infections, except as follow-on (switch) after initial parenteral
High risk for MRSA: previous MRSA infection or colonisation
MRSA risk factors: prolonged hospitalization, intensive care admission, recent hospitalization, recent antibiotic use, invasive
procedures, HIV infection, admission to nursing homes, open wounds, hemodialysis, discharge with long-term central venous
Note: antibiotics enclosed in brackets are cited as examples
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
With appropriately selected antibiotic therapy (combined with any necessary surgery and proper
metabolic control and wound care), most DFIs can be treated successfully, with limited treatment-
related harms.142-144 In case of mild infections, the most likely causative organisms are gram-positive
pathogens (beta-haemolytic streptococci and S. aureus).11 For these mild infections, there is also time to
adjust the antibiotic therapy if cultures reveal resistant organisms or those that are not gram-positive
cocci. If the infection does not resolve, therapy should be adjusted to target the bacteria cultured from
the submitted specimens. Proposals for the empirical antibiotic therapy of moderate or severe DFIs are
presented in Table 4. Pseudomonas species are less commonly isolated in studies from North America
and Europe, but are more prevalent in studies from (sub)tropical climates.138 In light of the complexity
and often polymicrobial nature of DFI, definitive treatment should especially be based on principles of
antibiotic stewardship: infection source control with surgery if possible; preferably starting with empiric
antibiotic treatment, when appropriate, with the narrowest spectrum, shortest duration, fewest adverse
effects, safest and least expensive route; and, switching to targeted (preferably oral) antibiotic therapy
with agents based on the cultured pathogens.139
As the pathogenic versus colonising role of some bacteria identified in a wound sample, such as
Corynebacterium sp. or coagulase-negative staphylococci, is debateable, the quality of the sample sent to
the laboratory is of utmost importance. The goal is to avoid the presence of colonisers in the sample,
thereby limiting the risk of unjustifiably prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotic agents. Clinicians should
consider consulting an infectious diseases/ microbiology expert about antibiotic therapy for difficult
cases, such as those caused by unusual or highly resistant pathogens.
No antibiotic class or agent has been found to be superior to others for treating DFIs except in two
studies, one of which found tigecycline to be significantly worse than ertapenem 140, and another that
found ertapenem to have a slightly lower clinical cure rate than piperacillin-tazobactam 141 Two recent
retrospective studies142,143, and one systematic review of RCTs144, all confirmed our previous
recommendations regarding the absence of evidence to recommend any specific antibiotic choice
regarding its efficacy and the final cure of infection. In a country with a high prevalence of multi-resistant
pathogens, the use of carbapenems was identified as an independent predictor of need for a major
amputation, and use of vancomycin was an independent predictor of reinfection or death in one study.
145 But, as these antibiotics are often used in more severe or non-responsive cases, it is difficult to draw
clear conclusions.145
Given the paucity of data on the resolution of infection, recurrence of infection, and the acquisition of
antimicrobial resistance, our recommendation is to choose any of the systemic antibiotics regimens that
have shown to be effective in published randomised controlled trials to treat a patient with diabetes and
a soft tissue infection of the foot. Antibiotic dosing for skin and soft tissue infection is usually standard,
but therapy for DFO may require higher than standard doses. We refer treating clinicians to their
national guidelines for dosing advice. We suggest considering beta-lactam antibiotics (penicillins- with or
without beta-lactamase inhibitors, cephalosporins, carbapenems), metronidazole (in combination with
other antibiotic[s]), clindamycin, linezolid, tetracyclines, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, daptomycin,
fluoroquinolones, or vancomycin, but not tigecycline. Data about new combinations of beta-lactams plus
beta-lactamase inhibitors, new lipoglycopeptides such as dalbavancin or oritavancin are insufficient to
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
make any recommendation on their use in DFIs. The recommendation on how to treat patients with
diabetes-related foot infections with these new antibiotics is conditional, based on moderate evidence.
Our systematic review did not find any new studies that justify modifying our previous
recommendations about the duration of the antibiotic therapy for soft-tissue DFIs, except for post-
surgical debridement of moderate or severe DFIs, for which a 10-day duration was found sufficient in a
recent pilot prospective study.146 Clinicians frequently monitor serum CRP levels during therapy for DFIs,
but evidence supporting this is of low quality and based on only one study147 Compared to our 2019
guideline, in which we advised a duration of 1-2 weeks for any soft-tissue DFIs, we make a conditional
recommendation for a 10-day duration of the antibiotic therapy following a surgical debridement for
moderate or severe soft tissue DFIs, with low certainty of evidence based on only one study with high
risk of bias. For the other situations, we only made a best practice recommendation because of the lack
of data from clinical studies on these questions. The specific aspects of the microbiology of DFIs and the
potential severity of these infections are key elements that guided our recommendations. Our
recommendations are in line with the general rules of the use of antimicrobial agents regarding the
choice of the molecules, their way of administration and duration.139
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes and a bone or joint infection of the foot, is any particular
antibiotic regimen (specific agent[s], route of administration, total and parenteral duration) better than
any other regarding the resolution and recurrence of infection?
Rationale: When prescribing antibiotic therapy for DFO, the clinician must consider several issues, in
particular achieving a high enough serum level to ensure penetration to bone. It is particularly important
to consider the bioavailability for oral agents (i.e., absorption from the gastrointestinal tract into the
bloodstream) if that route of therapy is selected. Penetration of antibiotic agents from the blood into
bone is variable, but most classes can attain adequate levels in infected bone.148 We suggest
administering antibiotic agents at their upper recommended dosage range, and usually for a total
duration of treatment (see Table 5) substantially longer than for soft-tissue infection. Prescribing long-
term suppressive antibiotic therapy is generally warranted only for individuals with retained orthopaedic
hardware or extensive necrotic bone that is not amenable to complete debridement.
Two randomised controlled studies suggest that the total duration of antibiotic therapy for DFO treated
non-surgically does not need to be more than 6 weeks.149,150 There are only preliminary data available
that address the possibility to reduce this duration to less than 6 weeks, but this is currently under study.
The duration of antibiotic therapy required for patients with DFO who undergo surgical debridement is
likely to be shorter than for patients treated non-surgically. In addition, it is unclear if the level of
amputation should play a role in deciding on antibiotic duration. For instance, a patient who undergoes a
toe amputation without successful clinical cure can undergo another minor amputation, while a patient
who undergoes a total transmetatarsal amputation that fails to responds may need a below-knee
amputation. In a prospective, randomized, non-inferiority, pilot trial, patients with DFO who underwent
surgical debridement and received either a 3- or 6-week course of antibiotic therapy had similar
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IWGDF Infection Guideline
outcomes and antibiotic-related adverse events.151 As treatment with oral antibiotic regimens for
residual osteomyelitis are associated with similar failure rates to those with intravenous regimens, this
may help reduce the length of hospital stay in those patients.152 The recommendation about the
duration and administration of post-surgical antibiotic therapy is conditional with a low certainty of
evidence, based on a few studies with high risk of bias.
Recommendation 17: Use the outcome at a minimum follow-up duration of 6 months after the end of
the antibiotic therapy to diagnose remission of diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot. Best Practice
Rationale: It may be difficult to know when DFO has been successfully treated. For a chronic infection
that resolves slowly, and frequently recurs if not adequately treated, we prefer initially using the term
remission to cure. This is defined as the absence of any persistent or new episode of DFO at the initial
or contiguous site but the delay for which a remission should be assessed is uncertain.
In patients with DFO, there are often few clinical signs and symptoms to follow, although resolution of
any overlying soft tissue infection is reassuring. A decrease in previously elevated serum inflammatory
markers suggests improving infection. Plain X-rays showing no further bone destruction, and better yet
signs of bone healing, also suggest improvement. Some of the newer advanced imaging studies, eg,
WBC-labelled SPECT/CT, FDG PET/CT, may be more sensitive in assessing resolution of infection.
Long-term (typically at least a year) follow-up is classically recommended before declaring the infection
cured. Of note, if the underlying conditions that predisposed the patient to the index episode of DFO
are not adequately addressed (e.g., pressure off-loading, surgery to correct foot deformity), another
infection at the same site may be a new recurrence, rather than a relapse. We think that using an overly
long post-treatment period to define remission may result in calling a new episode of DFO associated
with a new DFU, thus overestimating the risk of relapse in these cases. We therefore suggest using a
minimum follow-up duration of 6 months after the end of the antibiotic therapy to define remission of a
DFO. In addition, life-long frequent foot examinations in this population are warranted since most
patients with a history of DFI are at high risk for future foot complications.21
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes and moderate or severe infection of the foot, including
osteomyelitis, are there circumstances in which non-surgical (antibiotic only) treatment is as safe and
effective in achieving remission as surgical treatment (combined with antibiotic therapy)?
Recommendation 18: Urgent surgical consultation should be obtained in cases of severe infection or
moderate diabetes-related foot infection complicated by extensive gangrene, necrotizing infection, signs
suggesting deep (below the fascia) abscess, compartment syndrome, or severe lower limb ischaemia.
Best Practice Recommendation
Recommendation 19: Consider performing early (within 24-48 hours) surgery combined with antibiotics
for moderate and severe diabetes-related foot infections to remove infected and necrotic tissue.
(Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 20: In people with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene
with infection involving any portion of the foot, obtain an urgent consultation by a surgical specialist as
well as a vascular specialist in order to determine the indications and timings of a drainage procedure
and/or revascularisation procedure. Best Practice Statement
Rationale: Retrospective studies comparing early surgery (variously defined, but usually within 72 hours
of presentation) versus delayed surgery (3-6 days after admission) in hospitalised patients with a severe,
deep DFI, with or without osteomyelitis have reported lower rates of major lower extremity
amputation and higher rates of wound healing.153-155 Similarly, patients with moderate or severe DFIs
who had a delayed admission at specialised foot centres were more likely to require a major
amputation.156 We think that surgical therapy should always be at least considered in cases of severe
DFI, and in other cases for which non-surgical treatment is likely to fail. For such an evaluation,
consultation by a surgical specialist is essential, which we therefore formulated a Best Practice Statement.
Severe DFIs include those described in the background section of the present paper. Current guidelines
on PAD associated with diabetes-related foot highlight that the combination of infection plus PAD
portents a poor clinical outcome if both are not treated adequately.7 Therefore, in case of infection, the
patient should be assessed for the presence and severity of PAD. As clinical assessment are often
unreliable, it is important to also perform non-invasive tests, e.g., Doppler waveform analysis combined
with ankle pressure measurement, as well as toe pressure measurements.7 Based on the assessment of
the wound and the amount of tissue loss, the results of non-invasive tests, and the IWGDF/IDSA
infection severity score, all patients should be classified according to the WIfI classification scheme,9
which helps to further determine the need for a vascular intervention as described in the IWGDF PAD
Recommendation 21: Consider performing surgical resection of infected bone combined with systemic
antibiotics in a person with diabetes-related osteomyelitis of the foot. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 22: Consider antibiotic treatment without surgery in case of (i) forefoot osteomyelitis
without an immediate need for incision and drainage to control infection, and (ii) without peripheral
artery disease, and (iii) without exposed bone. (Conditional; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Rationale: Surgical resection of infected bone has long been the standard treatment of osteomyelitis, but
over the past two decades, evidence from several retrospective case series,157-159 retrospective cohort
studies,160-162 and one prospective controlled study 163 have demonstrated that in properly selected
patients mostly with forefoot DFO, antibiotic therapy alone is as effective as surgery regarding remission
of DFO and need for amputation. This suggestion is largely based on studies that have generally not
stratified patients with DFO based on the presence or severity of any concomitant soft tissue
infection.164 The studies that have addressed this issue have generally found that patients with DFO who
had concomitant soft tissue infection (and perhaps those with peripheral artery disease) required more
urgent and extensive surgery, had longer lengths of stay, and had worse outcomes.165
The subjects in most studies, specifically in the RCT, were excluded if they obviously needed surgery
(e.g., exposed bone, compartment syndrome, undrained abscess) and did not have peripheral artery
disease. If perfusion is severely compromised, revascularisation should always be performed (either
before or after any soft-tissue/bone resection). In a subsequently well-perfused foot, the treatment of
the DFI should not be different. The dilemma will be how to treat a patient with DFO with limited soft
tissue infection, seemingly mild ischaemia, and no indication for drainage. Given the unreliability of any
vascular assessment, there is a clear risk that the perfusion deficit may be underestimated and any
operation could result in a non-healing wound. One small study suggests that patients with a
concomitant acute soft-tissue infection and osteomyelitis of the foot not requiring urgent surgical
debridement can be treated using a two-step approach consisting firstly of antibiotic therapy for the
soft-tissue infection, and secondly, after a free-antibiotic period, bone culture-guided antibiotics for
treatment of DFO.166 Overall, there is inconsistency in results of studies that compared surgical versus
medical approaches for DFO between the RCT and the cohort studies, and a high risk of bias (in the
cohort studies). The results seem, however, to have no serious imprecision. Compared to the previous
guideline, in which strong recommendations were made regarding the indications for predominantly
medical versus surgical approaches for DFO, we classified the strength of the recommendation as
conditional, due to the low certainty of the evidence of the available data.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes and a foot infection, does the addition of any specific
adjunctive or topical antibiotic treatment to systemic antibiotic therapy and surgery improve the
outcome of infection?
Recommendation 23: We suggest not using the following treatments to address diabetes-related foot
infections: (a) adjunctive granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment or (b) topical antiseptics, silver
preparations, honey, bacteriophage therapy, or negative pressure wound therapy (with or without
instillation). Conditional; Low
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Various types of topical antiseptics have been used to treat DFUs, but the available evidence does not
support any beneficial effect for most of these.167 Silver has been shown to have an antibacterial effect,
and topical silver-containing treatments (creams, dressings, etc..) are widely used for IDFUs. Silver
compounds do not offer benefits in ulcer healing (as described in the IWGDF wound healing
guidelines8) and there is no evidence to support their effectiveness in the treatment of the infectious
aspects of a DFU. Topical administration of other agents only seems to have a marginal effect on
outcomes of these infections in low-quality studies.50
Recommendation 24: We suggest not using topical (sponge, cream, and cement) antibiotics in
combination with systemic antibiotics for treating either soft-tissue infections or osteomyelitis of the foot
in patients with diabetes. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Treatment with topical antimicrobial therapy has many theoretical advantages, particularly
requiring only a small dose directly at the site of infection, thus potentially limiting issues of cost, adverse
events, and antibiotic resistance. The potential advantage of topical versus systemic antibiotic therapy is
to deliver at the site of infection very high concentrations of antibiotics that could not be achieved by
using the systemic route of administration. Another potential advantage is to limit potential collateral
damage on the gut microflora, including the emergence of multiresistant bacteria and Clostridioides
difficile-associated diarrhoea.
Studies that have addressed the potential benefit of topical administration of antibiotics as adjunctive
treatment to systemic antibiotic therapy for soft-tissue DFIs have provided conflicting results.167-173
Limited data from studies with high-risk of bias suggest a potential benefit of antibiotic-loaded cement
and intraoperative site vancomycin powder application in patients with DFO treated by surgical
debridement.174,177 Overall, these studies, characterised by a potentially high risk of bias, inconsistency,
imprecision and low certainty, do not demonstrate a significant clinical benefit of topical antibiotics in the
treatment of either diabetes-related foot soft tissue or bone infections. There is also insufficient
evidence on whether adjunctive agents meaningfully affect clinical outcome and the safety of routinely
using local antibiotics has not yet been clearly established. Therefore, we elected to suggest against the
use of topical antibiotics. Future studies should apply learnings from prior studies to ensure statistically
robust and clinically useful RCTs.
Recommendation 25: We suggest not using hyperbaric oxygen therapy or topical oxygen therapy as an
adjunctive treatment for the sole indication of treating a diabetes-related foot infection. (Conditional;
Rationale: Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy is often used in an attempt to improve diabetes-related
foot ulcer healing, but there are few data on its potential role in controlling infection. The results of one
RCT suggested that use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment led to fewer positive wound cultures after
treatment, but the study’s high risk of bias (small study size, poor quality, non-standardised methods, and
non-standardized definitions used) and indirectness of the evidence do not offer support for the use of
systemic hyperbaric oxygen in DFI .50 We found no studies on using topical hyperbaric oxygen for
infection upon which to base a recommendation. Equity and feasibility are limited due to high costs and
low availability of HBO therapy. In the absence of any substantial data to support its effect in treating
either soft tissue or bone infection, or in accelerating ulcer healing via an antimicrobial effect, we think
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
the costs and inconvenience outweigh any theoretical benefits. The recommendation against the use of
HBO therapy for DFIs is conditional given the absence of compelling data on its efficacy, based on low
certainty of evidence.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
Some areas concerning the management of DFIs still need further development. The following questions
are those we found of most interest:
• How and when to determine whether an infection, including soft-tissue and osteomyelitis, has
• What are the most useful serum biomarkers to help determine if a diabetes-related foot ulcer is
infected and if underlying osteomyelitis is present, especially when clinical and imaging assessments
are inconclusive?
• To what extent can the currently recommended durations of antibiotic therapy be reduced for soft-
tissue and for osteomyelitis?
• When, and which, available advanced imaging studies should clinicians order in a patient with a DFI?
• Does using information from a bone biopsy, including at the amputation site, improve outcomes of
• What is the place of various new antibiotics in the management of DFIs?
• Is there a definition for, and practical clinical use of, the concept of chronic biofilm infection of a
diabetes-related foot ulcer?
• Does molecular (genotypic) microbiological testing for DFI help guide antimicrobial therapy and
improve outcomes?
• What is the potential of the topical administration of antimicrobials to limit the use of systemic
antibiotics in DFIs?
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
We thank the external reviewers: Benjamin A. Lipsky, Bulent Ertugrul, Mohamed El Makki, Jamil Halabi,
José Luis Lázaro Martínez, Arun Murari, Marcos Coutinho Schechter, Albert Sotto, Carlo Tascini, and
Oleg Udovichenko for invaluable assistance in editing the document. We also thank Nicolaas Schaper
(on behalf of the IWGDF Editorial Board) for his peer review of the manuscript.
The guideline working group is committed to developing trustworthy clinical practice guidelines through
transparency and full disclosure by those participating in the process of guideline development. In order
to prevent a major Conflict of Interest (COI) members of the guideline group were not allowed to
serve as an officer, board member, trustee, owner, or employee of a company directly or indirectly
involved in the topic of this guideline. Before the first and last meeting of the guideline working group,
members were asked to report any COI in writing. In addition, at the beginning of each meeting this
question was also asked and if answered yes, the members were asked to submit a COI form. These
COIs included income received from biomedical companies, device manufacturers, pharmaceutical
companies, or other companies producing products related to the field. In addition, industry
relationships had to be disclosed each time and these included: ownerships of stocks/options or bonds
of a company; any consultancy, scientific advisory committee membership, or lecturer for a company,
research grants, income from patents. These incomes could either be personal or obtained by an
institution with which the member had a relationship. All disclosures were reviewed by the chair and
secretary of the working groups and these can be found at www.iwgdfguidelines.org/about-iwgdf-
guidelines/biographies. No company was involved in the development or review of the guideline.
Nobody involved in the guideline development received any payment or remuneration of any costs,
except for travel and accommodation expenses when meeting on-site.
Working group members were additionally requested to declare COI and refrain from the risk of bias
scoring process or voting process for particular interventions if they had a professional working
relationship with any of the co-authors on a particular paper.
Production of the 2023 IWGDF Guidelines was supported by unrestricted grants from: Advanced
Oxygen Therapy Inc., Essity, Mölnlycke, Reapplix, and Urgo Medical. These sponsors did not have any
communication related to the systematic reviews of the literature or related to the guidelines with
working group members during the writing of the guidelines, and have not seen any guideline or
guideline-related document before publication.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
ES, EJP, SAV, and ZA participated in the writing of the document, and all the working group members
participated in the literature search, the evaluation of the content and quality of the papers selected for
the analysis, and the review of the final document.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Infection Guideline
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
The intersocietal
guidelines on peripheral
artery disease in
patients with diabetes
mellitus and a foot ulcer
Robert Fitridge1, Vivienne Chuter2, Joseph L. Mills3,
Robert J. Hinchliffe4, Nobuyoshi Azuma5,
Christian-Alexander Behrendt6, Edward J Boyko7,
Michael S. Conte8, Misty Humphries9, Lee Kirksey10,
Katharine McGinigle11, Sigrid Nikol12, Joakim
Nordanstig13, Vincent Rowe14, David A. Russell15,
Jos van den Berg16, Maarit Venermo17,
Nicolaas C. Schaper18
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University 16
of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia Regionale di Lugano, sede Civico and
School of Health Sciences, Western Sydney Universitätsinstitut für Diagnostische,
University, Campbelltown, Sydney, Australia Interventionelle und Pädiatrische Radiologie
Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern Switzerland
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
Helsinki University Hospital, University of
Bristol Centre for Surgical Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Bristol, Bristol, UK
Division of Endocrinology, MUMC+, CARIM and
Asahikawa Medical University, Hokkaido, Japan CAPHRI Institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Department of Vascular and Endovascular
Surgery, Asklepios Clinic Wandsbek, Asklepios
Medical School, Hamburg, Germany
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Medical Centre, San Francisco, California, USA
UC Davis Medical Centre, Sacramento, California,
The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
University of North-Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, USA
Clinical and Interventional Angiology, Asklepios
David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Diabetes-related foot complications have become a major cause of morbidity and are implicated in
most major and minor amputations globally. Approximately 50% of people with diabetes and a foot
ulcer have peripheral artery disease (PAD) and the presence of PAD significantly increases the risk of
adverse limb and cardiovascular events.
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has published evidence-based
guidelines on the management and prevention of diabetes-related foot complications since 1999. This
guideline is an update of the 2019 IWGDF guideline on the diagnosis, prognosis and management of
peripheral artery disease in people with diabetes mellitus and a foot ulcer. For this updated guideline the
IWGDF, the European Society for Vascular Surgery and the Society for Vascular Surgery decided to
collaborate to develop a consistent suite of recommendations relevant to clinicians in all countries.
This guideline is based on three new systematic reviews. Using the Grading of Recommendations,
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) framework clinically relevant questions were
formulated, and the literature was systematically reviewed. After assessing the certainty of the evidence,
recommendations were formulated which were weighed against the balance of benefits and harms,
patient values, feasibility, acceptability, equity, resources required, and when available, costs.
Through this process five recommendations were developed for diagnosing PAD in a person with
diabetes, with and without a foot ulcer or gangrene. Five recommendations were developed for
prognosis relating to estimating likelihood of healing and amputation outcomes in a person with diabetes
and a foot ulcer or gangrene. Fifteen recommendations were developed related to PAD treatment
encompassing prioritisation of people for revascularisation, the choice of a procedure and post-surgical
care. In addition, the Writing Committee has highlighted key research questions where current evidence
is lacking.
The Writing Committee believes that following these recommendations will help healthcare
professionals to provide better care and will reduce the burden of diabetes-related foot complications.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
ABI: Ankle Brachial index
ADA: American Diabetes Association
AP: Ankle pressure
CDUS: Colour Duplex ultrasound
CI: Confidence interval
CLTI: Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia
COI: Conflict of interest
CTA: Computed tomography angiography
CWD: Continuous-wave Doppler
DFU: Diabetes-related foot ulcer:
DSA: Digital subtraction angiography
EAS: European Atherosclerosis Society
EASD: European Association for the Study of Diabetes
eGRF: Estimated glomerular filtration rate
ESC: European Society of Cardiology
ESVM: European Society of Vascular Medicine
ESVS: European Society for Vascular Surgery
GLASS: Global Anatomic Staging System
GRADE: Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations
GVG: Global Vascular Guidelines
HbA1c: Haemoglobin A1c
IDSA: Infectious Diseases Society of America
IWGDF: International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
LDL: Low Density Lipoproteins
MAC: Medial arterial calcification
MACE: Major adverse cardiovascular events
MALE: Major adverse limb events
MRA: Magnetic resonance angiography
NLR: Negative likelihood ratio
© 2023
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
1. In a person with diabetes without a foot ulcer, take a relevant history for peripheral artery disease,
examine the foot for signs of ischaemia and palpate the foot pulses at least annually, or with any
change in clinical status of the feet. (Strong, Low)
2. In a person with diabetes without a foot ulcer, if peripheral artery disease (PAD) is suspected,
consider performing pedal Doppler waveforms in combination with ankle-brachial index (ABI) and
toe-brachial index (TBI). No single modality has been shown to be optimal for diagnosis of PAD
and there is no value above which PAD can be excluded. However, PAD is less likely in the
presence of ABI 0.9-1.3; TBI ≥ 0.70; and triphasic or biphasic pedal Doppler waveforms.
(Conditional, Low)
3. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene, take a relevant history for peripheral artery
disease, examine the person for signs of ischaemia and palpate the foot pulses. (Strong, Low)
4. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene, evaluate pedal Doppler waveforms in
combination with ankle-brachial index (ABI) and toe-brachial index (TBI) measurements to identify
the presence of peripheral artery disease (PAD).
No single modality has been shown to be optimal for diagnosis of PAD, and there is no value above
which PAD can be excluded. However, PAD is less likely in the presence of ABI 0.9-1.3; TBI ≥ 0.70;
and triphasic or biphasic pedal Doppler waveforms. (Strong, Low)
5. In a person with diabetes without a foot ulcer in whom a non-emergency invasive foot procedure is
being considered, peripheral artery disease should be excluded by performing assessment of pedal
Doppler waveforms in combination with ankle-brachial index and toe-brachial index. Best Practice
6. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, or gangrene, consider performing ankle pressures and
ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurements to assist in the assessment of likelihood of healing and
Ankle pressure and ABI are weak predictors of healing. A low ankle pressure (e.g. < 50 mmHg) or
ABI (e.g. < 0.5) may be associated with greater likelihood of impaired healing and greater likelihood
of major amputation. (Conditional, Low)
7. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene consider performing a toe pressure
measurement to assess likelihood of healing and amputation.
A toe pressure ≥ 30 mmHg increases the pre-test probability of healing by up to 30% and a value <
30mmHg increases the pre-test probability of major amputation by approximately 20%.
(Conditional, Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
8. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene, if toe pressure cannot be performed,
consider performing a transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO2) measurement or a skin perfusion
pressure (SPP) to assess likelihood of healing.
A TcPO2 ≥ 25 mmHg increases the pre-test probability of healing by up to 45% and value < 25
mmHg increases the pre-test probability of major amputation by approximately 20%. A SPP ≥
40mmHg, increases the pre-test probability of healing by up to 30%. (Conditional, Low)
9. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene it is suggested that the presence of
peripheral artery disease and other causes of poor healing should always be assessed. Diabetes-
related microangiopathy should not be considered the primary cause of foot ulceration, gangrene or
poor wound healing without excluding other causes. (Conditional, Low)
10. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene, consider using the
Wound/Ischaemia/foot Infection (WIfI) classification system to estimate healing likelihood and
amputation risk. (Conditional, Low)
11. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene who is being
considered for revascularisation, evaluate the entire lower extremity arterial circulation (from aorta
to foot) with detailed visualization of the below knee and pedal arteries. Best Practice Statement
12. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease, a foot ulcer and clinical findings of ischaemia, a
revascularisation procedure should be considered. Findings of ischaemia include absent pulses,
monophasic or absent pedal Doppler waveforms, ankle pressure <100 mmHg or toe pressure <60
mmHg. Consult a vascular specialist unless major amputation is considered medically urgent. Best
Practice Statement
13. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease, a foot ulcer, and severe ischaemia i.e., an ankle-
brachial index <0.4, ankle pressure <50mmHg, toe pressure <30mmHg or transcutaneous oxygen
pressure <30mmHg or monophasic or absent pedal Doppler waveforms, urgently consult a vascular
specialist regarding possible revascularisation. Best Practice Statement
14. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer with infection or gangrene
involving any portion of the foot, urgently consult a vascular specialist in order to determine the
timing of a drainage procedure and a revascularisation procedure. Best Practice Statement
15. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, when the wound deteriorates or fails to significantly
improve (e.g. a less than 50% reduction in wound area within 4 weeks) despite appropriate
infection and glucose control, wound care, and offloading, reassess the vascular status and consult
with a vascular specialist regarding possible revascularisation. Best Practice Statement
16. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene, avoid
revascularisation when the risk–benefit ratio for the probability of success of the intervention is
clearly unfavourable. Best Practice Statement
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
17. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene who has an
adequate single segment saphenous vein in whom infrainguinal revascularisation is indicated and
who are suitable for either approach, consider bypass in preference to endovascular therapy
(Conditional, Moderate)
18. A person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease (PAD) and a foot ulcer or gangrene, should be
treated in centres with expertise in, or rapid access to, endovascular and surgical bypass
revascularisation. In this setting, consider making treatment decisions based on the risk to and
preference of the individual, limb threat severity, anatomic distribution of PAD, and the availability of
autogenous vein. Best Practice Statement
19. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene, revascularisation
procedures should aim to restore in-line blood flow to at least one of the foot arteries. Best
Practice Statement
20. In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene undergoing an
endovascular procedure, consider targeting the artery on angiography that supplies the anatomical
region of the ulcer, when possible or practical. (Conditional, Very low)
21. In a person with diabetes and either a foot ulcer or gangrene who has undergone revascularisation,
objectively assess the adequacy of perfusion e.g., using non-invasive bedside testing. Best Practice
22. A person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and either a foot ulcer or gangrene should be
treated by a multidisciplinary team as part of a comprehensive care plan. Best Practice Statement
23. In a person with diabetes and peripheral artery disease the following target levels should be:
• HbA1c < 8% (< 64 mmol/mol), but higher target HbA1c value can be necessary depending on
the risk of severe hypoglycaemia.
• Blood pressure < 140/ 90 mmHg but higher target levels can be necessary depending on the
risk of orthostatic hypotension and other side-effects.
• Low density lipoprotein target of < 1.8 mmol/L (<70 mg/dLdL) and reduced by at least 50% of
baseline. If high intensity statin therapy (with or without ezetimibe) is tolerated, target levels <
1.4 mmol/L (55 mg/dL) are recommended.
Best Practice Statement
24. A person with diabetes and symptomatic peripheral artery disease:
• should be treated with single antiplatelet therapy,
• treatment with clopidogrel may be considered as first choice in preference to aspirin
• combination therapy with aspirin (75 mg to 100 mg once daily) plus low-dose rivaroxaban (2.5
mg twice daily) may be considered for people without a high bleeding risk.
Best Practice Statement
© 2023
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
This guideline is also part of a set of guidelines (and their supporting systematic reviews) of the IWGDF
on the management of diabetes-related foot ulcers, which all used the same GRADE methodology.
These guidelines address the other aspects of management and are published separately. The IWGDF
editorial board had the task of ensuring that there would not be too much overlap between these
documents and that they were consistent with each other. The ESVS and SVS Executive Board agreed
with this approach. The methodology used is described in detail in a separate IWGDF document; here a
summary is provided (1).
In brief, the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) system
was followed (2, 3). GRADE is structured by the development of clinical questions and selection of
critical outcomes which are subsequently translated in the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison,
Outcome) format. The Writing Committee developed the clinical questions to be investigated after
consultation with the external experts and patient representatives. Critically important outcomes for
clinical questions were voted upon by the Writing Committee members. Subsequently, the PICOs were
created and voted on for inclusion by Writing Committee members. The PICOs to be included were
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
then reviewed by the external experts, patient representatives and the guideline committee of the
societies involved. The systematic reviews of the literature to address the clinical questions were
performed according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
(PRISMA) guideline (4). The process of identifying and evaluating the available evidence, with its main
conclusions, resulted in three systematic reviews on Diagnosis, on Prognosis and on Management, of
Peripheral Artery Disease in Diabetes Mellitus. These systematic reviews are published separately (insert
link here). The population of interest was people with diabetes mellitus (with or without a foot ulcer or
gangrene, depending on the clinical question). For diagnosis the intervention was any non-invasive
bedside test and the comparator an objective imaging study; for prognosis the intervention was any
non-invasive bedside test and for treatment the interventions were bypass (open) and direct
revascularisation and the comparators endovascular and indirect revascularisation respectively. The
primary outcomes were wound healing, minor and major amputation and adverse events, limb salvage
and wound healing. After the literature search all abstracts and subsequently selected articles were
reviewed by two authors, as described in our systematic reviews. We included studies in which at least
80% of participants had diabetes or in which the results of the participants with diabetes were reported
separately. All included studies were assessed for quality and risk of bias with the following instruments,
depending on the type of study: Quality in Prognosis Studies (QUIPS), the revised quality appraisal tool
for studies of diagnostic reliability (QUADAS-2), ROBINS-I (for assessing risk of bias in non-randomised
studies of interventions),the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (for non-randomised studies, including
observational and cohort studies where details regarding allocation to intervention groups were not
provided, and the Cochrane risk of bias 2 tool for randomised-controlled trials (5-10). For each PICO
the quality of evidence was graded for risk of bias, inconsistency, imprecision, publication bias and overall
quality. The certainty of the evidence was then rated as “high,” “moderate,” “low” or “very low”.
The GRADE evidence to decision approach was subsequently used for the development of the
recommendations during online discussions of the Writing Committee (which were all recorded and
available for later review from the Secretary). In developing each recommendation and its strength the
following aspects were taken into account: benefits, harms, effect size and certainty; balance of benefits
and harms; resource use; acceptability; feasibility; equity. The strength of each recommendation was
graded as “Strong” or “Conditional”. All Writing Committee members voted on each recommendation,
for a ‘Strong” recommendation at least 75% and for a “Conditional” recommendation at least 60% had
to agree. After each recommendation, a rationale is provided for how we determined each
recommendation (1, 11).
There were situations where we could not identify sufficient direct evidence supporting the formulation
of a recommendation, but performing the actions recommended would very likely result in clear benefit
or not performing the test or intervention in marked harm. In these situations, we formulated an
ungraded Best Practice Statement with a rationale explaining how we came to this statement and we
considered GRADE criteria for developing such a statement, as advised in a recent publication of the
GRADE group on this topic (12). According to GRADE such recommendations should be formulated
as actionable statements when they are deemed necessary for practice and when the desirable effects
of an intervention clearly outweigh its undesirable effects. Although in these cases direct evidence is
lacking, they should be supported by indirect evidence.For the clinical question on the use of current
medical therapies to reduce cardiovascular risk or lower limb events in people with diabetes and
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
symptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD) we did not perform a systematic review or develop
graded recommendations, as recent high-quality guidelines on these topics already exist (13-20).
However, in order to give the reader a complete overview we created a summary of these existing
guidelines, where relevant for our clinical question and adapted these to the person with diabetes
mellitus and symptomatic PAD. These recommendations were also formulated as Best Practice
Statements. We do acknowledge that for certain recommendations high quality evidence exists, as
summarised in other guidelines of organisations such as ESVS, SVS and American Diabetes Association,
but for others there is only lesser quality evidence. In order not to repeat all these evidence-based
guidelines already developed by other relevant organisations we chose to make in this area ungraded
Best Practice Statements, with references provided to the relevant guidelines. Finally, the Writing
Committee considered topics for future research and voted to focus on 5 key topics which are
discussed at the end of the guideline.
The recommendations and corresponding rationales were reviewed by the same international external
experts and committees responsible for guideline development of the three aforementioned societies.
Further details are provided in the IWGDF guidelines methodology document (1). The background
materials we developed, i.e. the three systematic reviews, the relevant evidence tables for each of the
systematic reviews as well as the summary of judgements tables that were the basis for formulating each
recommendation and Best Practice Statement, can be found in the Supplementary Materials of this
article. These systematic reviews provide the evidence for the graded recommendations made in this
The primary target audience of this guideline are vascular specialists and all other health care
professionals who are involved in the diagnosis, management and prevention of diabetes-related foot
ulcers and gangrene, who work in primary, secondary and tertiary care.
Once the guidelines are approved, the patient representatives will be approached to discuss which
elements of the guideline should be included in the “Information for Patients”. This will result in a list of
items that should be addressed in this information. Given cultural and language differences , the final text
should be produced on a national or local level.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Bedside testing: any non-invasive test assessing for PAD in the lower limb using a measure of blood flow
that could be conducted at the bedside.
Chronic Limb Threatening Ischaemia: a clinical syndrome defined by the presence of peripheral artery
disease in combination with rest pain, gangrene or foot ulcer of at least 2 weeks duration. Venous,
embolic, non-atherosclerotic and traumatic aetiologies are excluded.
Diabetes-related foot ulcer: A break of the skin of the foot that involves as a minimum the epidermis
and part of the dermis in a person with diabetes and usually accompanied by neuropathy and/or PAD in
the lower extremity.
Diabetes-related foot gangrene: A condition that occurs when body tissue dies because of insufficient
blood supply, infection or injury.
Foot perfusion: Tissue perfusion strictly means the volume of blood that flows through a unit of tissue
and is often expressed in ml blood/100 gm of tissue. With respect to clinical assessment of the foot,
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
perfusion is traditionally measured by the surrogate markers of systolic arterial pressure at the level of
the ankle and toe arteries. Pressure measurements may be misleading in people with diabetes due to
the frequent presence of medial calcinosis. This has led to the development of a number of alternative,
clinically used means of assessing tissue perfusion, including TcPO2 (transcutaneous pressure of Oxygen),
SPP (skin perfusion pressure), PAT (pedal acceleration time) and near-infrared spectrophotometry
Multidisciplinary team: A grouping of people from relevant clinical disciplines, whose interactions are
guided by specific team functions and processes to achieve team- and person-defined favourable
Peripheral artery disease (PAD): Obstructive atherosclerotic vascular disease of the arteries from aorta
to foot with clinical symptoms, signs, or abnormalities on non-invasive or invasive vascular assessment,
resulting in disturbed or impaired circulation in one or more extremities.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
The incidence of diabetes continues to increase in all countries. Recent estimates are that 537 million
people are affected by diabetes (1 in 11 adults worldwide) and that 783 million individuals will be
affected by 2045 (22). Diabetes is associated with significant risk of foot complications including
ulceration, gangrene and amputation. Development of diabetes-related foot ulceration (DFU) precedes
up to 85% of non-traumatic amputations with an annual incidence of ulceration of approximately 2%
and lifetime incidence of DFU up to 34% (23). Diabetes-related complications in the lower limb
including peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease (PAD) typically precede the development
of DFU (24). Collectively these complications are a leading global cause of disability, hospitalisation and
amputation, with high mortality following amputation (25).
Diabetes is a significant risk factor for the development of PAD. In a recent systematic review,
Stoberock et al. (26) found that the prevalence of PAD was 10-26% in the general adult population and
20-28% in those with diabetes . In those with DFU, the prevalence of PAD was 50% which is consistent
with the findings of the multicentre Eurodiale study (26, 27). PAD in people with diabetes is
characterised by a disease pattern that is frequently multi-segmental and bilateral with impaired collateral
formation, often long segment tibial artery occlusions, and is more distally distributed in the lower limb
including frequent presentation of infragenicular arterial occlusive disease (28-30), with an increased risk
of amputation. The diagnosis of PAD and chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI) is frequently
complicated by the absence of classical symptoms of PAD such as intermittent claudication and rest
pain, probably due to factors such as sedentary lifestyle and loss of pain sensation due to, diabetes-
related peripheral neuropathy, which is present in the majority of people with an (ischaemic) DFU (27,
29). Co-existent medial artery calcification (MAC), which is also associated with peripheral neuropathy,
is common and can affect the accuracy of non-invasive tests such as the ankle-brachial index (ABI) by
causing elevation of ankle and, to a lesser extent, digital pressures (31).
In people with diabetes early diagnosis of PAD is essential (26). The disease process is associated with
greater likelihood of delayed or non-healing of DFU, gangrene and amputation in addition to elevated
rates of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (32). The prognosis of a person with diabetes, PAD, and
foot ulceration requiring amputation is worse than many common cancers—up to 50% of people will
not survive 5 years (23, 33). PAD places the person at very high risk of adverse cardiovascular events
and thus optimal medical management of cardiovascular risk factors should be ensured (29). Early and
adequate assessment of foot perfusion is necessary to ensure that the elevated risk of delayed or poor
wound healing and amputation are identified early so that they can be addressed without treatment
Despite the severity of the outcomes of PAD in people with diabetes, and particularly for those with
DFU, there are few practice guidelines that specifically address the diagnosis and management of PAD in
this population. Formulating recommendations for this specific population should take into account the
multi-system nature of diabetes and the impact of other diabetes complications on the utility of
diagnostic tests, wound healing, amputation and survival outcomes. One of the guidelines that specifically
addressed these topics has been that of the IWGDF, with the last version produced in 2019 (34).
Instead of making a new updated version, the IWGDF together with the ESVS and the SVS decided to
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
collaborate in writing this new, intersociety, practice guideline on PAD in diabetes mellitus, with
emphasis on people with diabetes-related foot ulcers or gangrene. We aim to provide evidence-based
recommendations on the diagnosis, prognosis (i.e., the prognostic value of different non-invasive tests),
and treatment of PAD in people with a foot ulcer and diabetes. Each of these topics is discussed in the
different sections below. It is not our intention to detail the specific roles, tasks and responsibilities of
each medical specialty involved as these vary markedLy between and within countries and this guideline
is a multinational initiative. However, we do emphasize which expertise should be present, in terms of
knowledge, skills and competence, in order to manage the people according to the expected standards
of care.
This guideline is also part of the IWGDF Guidelines on the prevention and management of diabetes-
related foot disease. Management of PAD in these people without addressing the other aspects of DFU
treatment will frequently result in suboptimal outcomes. The reader is therefore referred to the other
IWGDF Guidelines for these aspects. This IWGDF, ESVS, SVS Intersocietal guideline on PAD in people
with diabetes mellitus is also part of the IWGDF guidelines on the management of diabetes-related foot
complications with additional chapters on Prevention, Classification, Infection, Offloading, Wound
healing, and Charcot, all available on www.iwgdfguidelines.org and published in a special issue in DMRR.
These guidelines are summarised for daily clinical use in the Practical Guidelines on the prevention and
management of diabetes-related foot disease, all available on www.iwgdfguidelines.org and published in a
special issue in DMRR. This guideline builds upon a previous version of the IWGDF guideline on
peripheral artery disease in patients with foot ulcers and diabetes, and integrates with the Global
Vascular Guidelines on the management of Chronic Limb-threatening Ischaemia (17, 34).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes with or without a foot ulcer does medical history and clinical
examination (including pulse palpation) compared with a reference test (imaging- digital subtraction
angiography [DSA], magnetic resonance angiography [MRA], computed tomography angiography [CTA],
colour Duplex ultrasound [CDUS]) accurately identify PAD and reliably diagnose PAD?
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes with or without a foot ulcer, which non-invasive bedside
testing alone or in combination compared with reference tests (imaging- digital subtraction angiography
[DSA], magnetic resonance angiography [MRA], computed tomography angiography [CTA], colour
Duplex ultrasound [CDUS]) should be performed to accurately and reliably diagnose PAD?
Recommendation 1: In a person with diabetes without a foot ulcer, take a relevant history for peripheral
artery disease, examine the foot for signs of ischaemia and palpate the foot pulses at least annually, or
with any change in clinical status of the feet. (Strong, Low)
Recommendation 2: In a person with diabetes without a foot ulcer, if peripheral artery disease (PAD) is
suspected, consider performing pedal Doppler waveforms in combination with ankle brachial index
(ABI) and toe-brachial index (TBI).
No single modality has been shown to be optimal for the diagnosis of PAD, and there is no value above
which PAD can be excluded. However, PAD is less likely in the presence of ABI 0.9-1.3; TBI ≥ 0.70; and
triphasic or biphasic pedal Doppler waveforms. (Conditional, Low)
Rationale: Diagnosis and treatment of PAD is critical due to the increased risk of developing DFU as
well as the increased rate of complications from co-existent cardiovascular disease including myocardial
infarction and stroke (32). Evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of pulse palpation for PAD in people
with diabetes without DFU is limited with two studies of low quality demonstrating that although
presence of pulses does not exclude disease , there is a small increase in ability to rule disease in where
a foot pulse is absent or weak (positive likelihood ratio [PLR]1.84 to 2.46) (35, 36);(The PLR gives the
change in odds of experiencing an outcome if the test is positive, whereas the negative likelihood ratio
[NLR] expresses a change in odds of experiencing an outcome if the test is negative. A PLR or NLR of
1.0 means that the test does not change the probability of the outcome over and above the pre-test
probability and therefore is not a useful diagnostic test). However, it is important to recognise that pulse
palpation should therefore be performed, and results considered in the context of other clinical
examinations that may be associated with PAD including hair loss, muscle atrophy and reduced
peripheral skin temperature. It should be noted that these clinical examinations are highly subjective and
such findings may also be associated with neuropathy. PAD may also be asymptomatic or have an
atypical presentation in people with diabetes as in other elderly or at-risk populations (24, 37, 38). For
example, peripheral neuropathy can mask pain symptoms and autonomic neuropathy can result in a
warm foot, meaning that the widely recognised signs and symptoms of PAD may not be present (39).
These recommendations are applicable to all people with diabetes. When DFU is absent, but there are
clinical signs and symptoms of PAD or PAD is suspected, for example due to long-standing diabetes,
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Although based on low quality evidence, data demonstrating increased likelihood of PAD in those with
weak or absent pulses and elevated risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality support the
preference of a person with diabetes for clinical examination including pulse palpation to be performed
(32, 44). The non-invasive nature of clinical examination and pulse palpation suggest these assessments
would be valued by people with diabetes as initial diagnostic tests. As equipment is not required, the
Writing Committee considered pulse palpation and other forms of clinical examination having low
resource requirements, can be applied on a broad scale by a range of practitioners, and offer a method
to increase equity of health care access that is both feasible for health care providers and acceptable for
people with diabetes. We therefore made this a strong recommendation based on low certainty of
evidence and expert opinion.
Bedside testing techniques that provide objective measurement of peripheral blood flow in the lower
extremity (e.g., ankle-brachial index [ABI], toe-brachial index [TBI] and pedal Doppler waveforms) have
been shown to be useful as a means to diagnose and exclude PAD in people with diabetes. Our
systematic review demonstrates that multiple bedside testing techniques that offer objective
measurement of the peripheral circulation in the lower limb are useful as a means to rule disease in or
out for people with diabetes without a DFU but who are suspected of having PAD (44).
We identified forty studies investigating the diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive bedside tests in
populations with diabetes (44). Twenty-five of the studies were prospective, two cross sectional and the
remainder retrospective. Overall, the studies were of low quality and evidence was judged as being of
low certainty. . Although we could not identify the absolute threshold or ‘normal’ values of bedside
tests, we suggest that PAD is a more likely to be present in this population with an ABI <0.9 or >1.3, a
TBI <0.70, and presence of one or more monophasic Doppler waveforms from assessment of pedal
arteries with continuous wave Doppler (CWD) (44). In people without DFU, an ABI of <0.90 is
associated with a moderate to large increase in likelihood of PAD with PLRs ranging from 2.1 to 19.9,
however the ability to rule disease out is limited (NLR 0.29 to 0.84). A TBI <0.70 has a moderate ability
to diagnose and exclude PAD (PLRs 2.0 to 3.55, NLRs 0.25 to 0.44) and the presence of a visual
monophasic pedal Doppler waveform has a moderate ability to diagnose and exclude PAD (PLR 7.09,
NLR 0.19). Non-invasive tests are therefore likely to be beneficial for people without a DFU, however
high quality studies of diagnostic accuracy are required. A summary of results is provided in
Supplementary Table 1.
When calculating the ABI in the leg of a person with and without DFU for the purposes of diagnosing
PAD we advise to use the lower systolic blood pressure of either the dorsal pedis or posterior tibial
artery as this improves the diagnostic accuracy of the test (44). For PAD affecting arteries below the
knee this calculation method identifies the most severe disease while using the higher pressure identifies
the least affected artery. We also recommend using the three tests (ABI, TBI and pedal Doppler
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
waveforms). This is due to the fact that the accuracy of the tests may be affected by the presence of
other diabetes-related complications.
Due to the use of bedside measures to monitor PAD status over time, reliability (or reproducibility) of
the tests is important in determining their clinical effectiveness. Our systematic review showed the
reliability of both the ABI and TBI was good to excellent, however these tests are limited by wide
margins of error which affect the amount of change required for this to be considered a true change
rather than related to error in the measurement. For example, an ABI measured by the same rater
requires a change of 0.15 to be considered a true change (45). Therefore, care should be taken in
performing the measurement to control for factors that may introduce error including incorrect
positioning of the person being tested (this should be horizontal supine) and incorrect testing
procedures (e.g. pre-test exercise, caffeine consumption etc).
Our recommendation identifies the need to perform bedside testing in people with diabetes in whom
PAD is suspected. In people with diabetes without a DFU, the presence of PAD will increase the risk of
a future DFU and amputation, its presence will therefore influence the frequency of screening and the
measures that can be safely taken to reduce the risk of amputation, as described in the Prevention
Guidelines of the IWGDF. It is therefore critical that apart from the history and foot examination, risk
factors for PAD are also considered such as long standing or poorly controlled diabetes or diagnosis of
atherosclerosis in other vascular beds Considering the benefits and harms of this recommendation we
judge it essential to diagnose or exclude PAD in this population given the large impact of untreated
disease, the low burden of the tests to the person undergoing testing and the high likelihood that
diagnosis will be valued by them. All aforementioned bedside tests (ABI, TBI, CWD) should be
performed by trained health care professionals in a standardized manner and these tests can be applied
by a wide range of practitioners, after having received adequate training. From the perspective of
middle- or high-income countries the resources required to undertake bedside testing are relatively low
in comparison to other methods of diagnosing PAD such as CDUS, CTA, MRA and angiography. It is
likely that many people will value the knowledge that their feet need more intensive care to prevent
amputation, but this has not been studied in a sufficiently large cohort. Based on the uncertainty of the
evidence we made a conditional recommendation for additional non-invasive testing in this group of
people with asymptomatic disease. The role of additional testing in those with intermittent claudication
is outside the scope of these guidelines.
Recommendation 3: In a person with diabetes with a foot ulcer or gangrene, take a relevant history for
peripheral artery disease, examine the person for signs of ischaemia and palpate the foot pulses. (Strong,
Recommendation 4: In a person with diabetes with a foot ulcer or gangrene, evaluate pedal Doppler
waveforms in combination with ankle brachial index (ABI) and toe-brachial index (TBI) measurements
to identify the presence of peripheral artery disease (PAD).
No single modality has been shown to be optimal for the diagnosis of PAD, and there is no value above
which PAD can be excluded. However PAD is less likely in the presence of ABI 0.9-1.3; TBI ≥ 0.70; and
triphasic or biphasic pedal Doppler waveforms. (Strong, Low)
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Rationale: PAD is present in approximately half of the people with a DFU (26, 27). Therefore, in any
person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene, PAD should be considered and should be excluded
with the appropriate diagnostic strategies. Subsequently, once diagnosed the second question is whether
the PAD is of sufficient severity to contribute to delayed wound healing and increased risk of
amputation. This will inform whether further investigation or intervention is required. In addition,
although cardiovascular risk factor modification is always indicated in people with diabetes, those with
symptomatic PAD (i.e., also those with a DFU) belong to the very high cardiovascular risk category and
need more intensive risk treatment, as described in the Treatment Section.
Apart from taking a clinical history, all people with a DFU or gangrene should undergo a complete
physical examination, including palpation of the lower limb pulses which can help to determine the
presence of arterial disease (46). In our systematic review on diagnosis, we identified one study of low
quality, that assessed the diagnostic accuracy of pedal pulse assessment in people with a DFU (47). Pulse
palpation had a PLR of 1.38 and a NLR 0.75 for PAD in people presenting with a foot ulcer (47). These
likelihood ratios represent a very small ability of the test to identify or exclude disease. Pulse palpation
should be seen as the first step in a systematic evaluation of the affected limb and foot, but when DFU
is present further diagnostic procedures should be performed with non-invasive bedside testing
techniques as clinical examination is not sufficient to exclude PAD. Although of limited value it should
not be discarded as in the early phase of management other tests are sometimes unavailable, or findings
may be difficult to interpret. The evidence base is small with low certainty but as previously discussed
this form of testing has low resource requirements, can be applied on a broad scale by a range of
practitioners, is feasible and may increase equity of health care access. We therefore made this a strong
recommendation based on low certainty of evidence and expert opinion. However, a systematic foot
examination for signs of ischaemia should be the starting point of a systematic evaluation, as failure to
diagnose and treat this condition may have dire consequences in many people. When DFU is present
further diagnostic testing using bedside testing techniques in the first instance should performed as
palpation of foot pulses and clinical examination alone are not sufficient to exclude PAD.
Our systematic review identified eight studies (47-54) of diagnostic accuracy of bedside testing that
included participants with active DFU, with the proportion of the study population affected ranging from
6.6% to 100% (47, 48). One study demonstrated a visual pedal Doppler waveform evaluation to be
diagnostic (PLR ≥ 10), with a moderate ability of the test to exclude PAD. In a second study ~40% of
the participants having a foot ulcer, the PLR was lower (3.04) and the NLR similar (0.35) (52). In studies
in which the majority of the study population had DFU an ABI <0.90 increased the pre-test probability
of disease by a small amount (PLR: 1.69 to 2.40) with limited ability of the test to exclude disease (NLR:
0.53 to 0.75) (47, 50, 53, 54). Similarly, data for the TBI were limited and variable with the PLR in -both
mixed populations (with and without DFU) and DFU only, ranging from 1.62 (indicating limited ability to
diagnose disease) to being diagnostic (PLR ≥ 10) and indicating the test has small to moderate ability to
exclude disease (NLR 0.30 to 0.47) (47, 50, 52, 53).
All aforementioned non-invasive tests (ABI, TBI, CWD) can be applied by a wide range of practitioners,
in particular in settings where people are treated in secondary care or specialised outpatient foot clinics.
These tests have low resource requirements relative to other methods of diagnosing PAD such as
CDUS and angiography. These factors are likely to increase equity in health care access and make the
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
tests feasible and acceptable for both the person having the tests and health care providers. Given the
large potential beneficial effect and its impact on subsequent treatment we made a Strong
recommendation for this population, although we acknowledge the limitations of the evidence base.
Recommendation 5: In a person with diabetes without a foot ulcer in whom a non-emergency invasive
foot procedure is being considered, peripheral artery disease should be excluded by performing pedal
Doppler waveforms in combination with ankle-brachial index and toe-brachial index. Best Practice
Rationale: Except when required as an emergency to control severe infection, all people with diabetes
who require foot surgery should have vascular testing consisting of pedal Doppler waveforms in
combination with ABI and TP or TBI. Non-emergency invasive procedures, such as elective surgery, may
be indicated in people with diabetes without a DFU with the intent to address painful foot conditions.
Particularly in those with peripheral neuropathy (55), prophylactic procedures could be considered to
address risk factors for foot ulceration, such as foot deformity and elevated localised plantar pressures.
Prior to any surgical procedure on the foot in a person with diabetes, PAD status should be established
and this finding should contribute to determination of suitability of an individual for the procedure. The
decision to perform the elective surgery should be made in a shared decision-making process that will
be influenced by balancing the benefit of the operation versus the potential harm, such as the risk of
poor wound healing based on the non-invasive assessments.
As discussed above bedside testing generally has moderate ability to diagnose PAD or to exclude this
disease in people with diabetes mellitus. Any abnormal test result should be considered indicative of
PAD. Therefore, we suggest this recommendation will reduce the risk of undiagnosed severe PAD
which would potentially negatively affecting post-surgical outcomes and it is likely that people will value
this approach. Feasibility and the impact of these tests on resource use are discussed in
recommendation 4. No randomised controlled trials (for ethical reasons) or observational studies of
sufficient quality have been performed on the added value of performing bedside tests prior to any
surgical procedure in the foot. Given the indirect evidence discussed above, the major clinical
implications of missing the diagnosis of PAD and the limited harm and additional costs, a “Best Practice
Statement” was made.
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes, suspected PAD and a foot ulcer or gangrene, which non-
invasive bedside tests, alone or in combination, at any time point (including after revascularisation
procedures), predict DFU healing, healing after minor amputation, and major amputation?
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Recommendation 6: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, or gangrene, consider performing ankle
pressures and ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurements to assist in the assessment of likelihood of
healing and amputation.
Ankle pressure and ABI are weak predictors of healing. A low ankle pressure (e.g. <50 mmHg) or ABI
(e.g. <0.5) may be associated with greater likelihood of impaired healing and greater likelihood of major
amputation. (Conditional, Low)
Recommendation 7: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene, consider performing a toe
pressure measurement in order to assess likelihood of healing and amputation.
A toe pressure ≥ 30 mmHg increases the pre-test probability of healing by up to 30% and a value
<30mmHg increases the pretest probability of major amputation by approximately 20%. (Conditional,
Recommendation 8: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene, if toe pressure cannot be
performed, consider performing a transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO2) measurement or a skin
perfusion pressure (SPP) to assess likelihood of healing.
A TcPO2 ≥ 25 mmHg increases the pre-test probability of healing by up to 45% and value <25 mmHg
has been shown to increase the pre-test probability of major amputation by approximately 20%. An SPP
≥ 40mmHg increases the pre-test probability of healing by up to 30%. (Conditional, Low)
Rationale: The presence of PAD constitutes a significantly increased risk of failure to heal and major
lower limb amputation for people with a diabetes-related foot ulcer or gangrene. Bedside testing results
are an integral component of determining the severity of ischaemia and, to that end, to determine the
need for, and urgency of, further investigations. Non-invasive bedside tests including AP, ABI and TP
should be performed in a person with a DFU or gangrene to guide further management as they can
help to predict the chance of healing and/or major amputation. TcPO2 and skin perfusion pressure (SPP)
give additional information on healing potential and are useful for measuring perfusion following forefoot
amputations when TP are no longer possible. However, in our opinion these are secondary tests due to
greater expense and less availability of the equipment and the time and expertise required to apply
Assessment of the pedal arterial Doppler waveforms combined with measurement of the AP and
subsequent calculation of the ABI, are usually the first steps in the assessment of PAD. Although relevant
for its diagnosis, as discussed in the Rationales of Recommendations 1 and 2, we could not identify
sufficient data on the capacity for Doppler arterial waveform analysis to predict wound healing in
populations with DFU (44). We did identify two studies of low quality that concluded that abnormal or
absent Doppler waveforms were associated with a small (15%) increase in the likelihood of major
amputation (56, 57), further limiting its use. Similarly there are currently insufficient data to support the
use of TBI to predict healing or amputation outcomes, however TP (as a component of TBI) has been
more widely investigated and is therefore included in our recommendation.
The predictive capacity of APs and ABI for wound healing was inconsistent in the 15 studies included in
our systematic review (44). We could not identify thresholds for AP and ABI which were associated
with increased probability of healing, however a very low ankle pressure (e.g. <50 mmHg) or ABI (e.g. <
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
0.5) was associated with a greater likelihood of delayed healing and according to current guidelines
revascularisation should be considered when such values are measured in people with PAD and an ulcer
or gangrene (17). AP and ABI values > 50 mmHg or > 0.5, should not be used in isolation to predict
likelihood of ulcer healing given their uncertainty, but detailed clinical examination and further vascular
testing is needed, as stated in recommendation 6. Regarding amputation risk, the probability of major
amputation was increased by approximately 45% with an ABI <0.4 based on one study in people who
had undergone transmetatarsal amputation however an ABI threshold <0.9 was not associated with any
increase (44, 60).Thresholds used for AP were highly variable in the literature and we were unable to
determine which threshold was optimal (44). Other research has demonstrated an elevated ABI (>1.3)
is associated with both greater likelihood of amputation and worse amputation free survival outcomes
and therefore should be recognised as a risk factor for poor DFU outcomes. The same observations
were made in people without diabetes and an elevated ABI is therefore seen as a marker for more
severe cardiovascular disease with an elevated risk of amputation (61, 62).
TP and TBI can assess blood flow distal to the forefoot and toes, where most DFUs occur (63).Based
on ten studies of low quality we found that with TP of ≥ 30 mmHg the pretest probability of healing
was increased by up to 30% (64). Regarding major amputation, a value <30 mmHg increases the
probability of major amputation by approximately 20%, which suggests a (somewhat) lower predictive
capacity compared with the ABI. In the three studies identified, there was inconsistent and insufficient
evidence for the use of the TBI to predict either healing or major amputation.
TcPO2 and SPP are additional tests that have the advantage of measuring perfusion at tissue level and
therefore reflect both macrovascular and microvascular function. In our systematic review the majority
of available studies (n=7) which were of low quality, reported that TcPO2 can be used to predict the
likelihood of DFU healing, (58, 59, 64-71) although there is variability in the thresholds used. With a
TcPO2 ≥ 25 mmHg the pretest probability of healing is increased by up to 45%, which was higher than
reported for the other tests in the studies we included. Regarding amputation, a value < 25 mmHg
increases the probability of major amputation by approximately 20%, a predictive value that seems
lower than that of the ABI when we compared the different studies. A SPP (≥ 40mmHg) was shown to
increase the pre-test probability of healing by up to 30% in one study of low quality (72). There are
insufficient data investigating the relationship between SPP and amputation outcomes to formulate a
In summary, when comparing different studies, the ABI seemed to have the best predictive capacity for
major amputation, while the TP and TcPO2 seemed to have a better predictive capacity for wound
healing. It was noteworthy that there was insufficient evidence for the use of the TBI to predict either
healing or amputation outcomes. The number of prospective studies and the number of participants
included in the aforementioned studies were relatively low, the populations studied differed and results
of the tests performed were frequently not blinded. Moreover, comparison of studies was hampered by
the fact that different studies used different thresholds for disease and thus combining data for analysis
was not possible.
When bedside testing is not performed the risks of a poor clinical outcome or unnecessary, more costly,
investigations are large. As discussed earlier the majority of bedside tests are of low burden to both the
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
person and the health care system although training and expertise are necessary. If these tests are not
performed, the clinician has to rely only on clinical judgement and on imaging investigations. Although
imaging will provide details of the arterial anatomy, the non-invasive tests will inform the clinician about
the perfusion in the foot. However, absolute perfusion thresholds applicable for all people cannot be
provided as the outcome of the DFU is determined not only by the degree of ischaemia. Other factors
such as infection, extent of tissue loss and ulcer depth, can have a major effect on healing potential and
amputation risk, as discussed below. For this reason and the uncertainty of the evidence, we made
Conditional recommendations for use of AP, ABI and TP to predict the likelihood of healing and
TcPO2 and SPP tests require more expensive equipment and greater expertise for application than
other bedside testing which may be a barrier for centres in low- or middLe-income countries. Although
health care expenditures may increase with each of these measurements, incorrect assessment of the
severity of PAD can result in inadequate treatment and poorer outcomes with ultimately an increase in
costs. Importantly all the aforementioned bedside tests have varying capacity to predict likelihood of
healing and of amputation, as summarised in our systematic review(73). Based on current evidence no
test has convincingly been shown to perform better than other tests as a prognostic indicator of both
healing and amputation. In the opinion of the Writing Committee multiple tests should be used. Given
the limited available evidence on TcPO2 and SPP and their higher costs we made a conditional
recommendation on these two tests.
Recommendation 9: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene, it is suggested the presence
of peripheral artery disease and other causes of poor healing should always be assessed. Diabetes-
related microangiopathy should not be considered the primary cause of foot ulceration, gangrene or
poor wound healing without excluding other causes. (Conditional, Low)
Rationale: The definition of microvascular disease in DFU and its role in wound healing are not well
understood. Many clinicians have assumed that microvascular disease is present in a high proportion of
people with DFU and that it is a major cause of delayed wound healing- often despite a lack of
thorough investigation of large vessel arterial disease. As discussed elsewhere in this guideline, people
with diabetes and a DFU frequently have distal, lower leg obstructive atherosclerotic disease often with
involvement of the pedal arteries, which due to their smaller size can be difficult to image. However,
advances in imaging and technology have shown that tibial and pedal arteries are potentially treatable by
endovascular and open surgical techniques.
The term “microvascular” disease describes abnormalities affecting the arteriolar, capillary and venular
vessels. Several studies have reported microvascular abnormalities in the skin and subcutaneous tissues
in people with diabetes. These abnormalities can be structural, i.e. occlusive disease and alterations in
the blood vessel wall, and functional, such as impaired vasodilatory responses to endogenous or noxious
stimuli (74). However, in our systematic review on this topic we could not identify studies of sufficient
quality showing that such abnormalities contribute to impaired wound healing (75). One prospective
study did report that microvascular changes observed in skin-biopsies in the feet in people with diabetes
and neuro-ischaemia were associated with poorer wound healing after revascularisation (76). However,
both these microvascular changes and poorer wound healing could be due to tissue damage caused by
© 2023
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
ischaemia and not by pre-existing diabetes-related microangiopathy. If perfusion of the foot ulcer is
adequate but the ulcer fails to heal, other causes of poor wound healing should be sought and treated,
such as infection, insufficient protection from biomechanical stress, oedema, poor glycaemic control,
poor nutritional state and underlying co-morbidities (77). Based on the lack of studies showing that
diabetes-related micro-angiopathy contributes to poor wound healing in DFU and the potential harm if
this is assumed, we made a conditional recommendation based on low certainty of evidence.
Recommendation 10: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene,
consider using the Wound/Ischaemia/foot Infection (WIfI) classification system to estimate healing
likelihood and amputation risk. (Conditional, Low)
Rationale: The Wound, Ischaemia and Foot infection (WIfI) classification system was developed to guide
the clinician in estimating the risk of amputation and potential benefit of revascularisation in people with
a foot ulcer or gangrene and is recommended by the Global Vascular Guideline for limb staging (relating
to severity of limb threat) in people with chronic limb threatening ischaemia (CLTI) (17). This system
was developed by an interdisciplinary panel of experts and stages the limb based on the presence of,
and severity of, the foot wound, ischaemia and infection. A Delphi consensus process was used to
allocate these combinations into 4 clinical stages based on very low (stage 1), low (stage 2), moderate
(stage 3) and high (stage 4) predicted one-year risk of major amputation. Consistent with all other
commonly used limb staging systems, co-morbidities of individuals which are likely to influence wound
healing and amputation risk are not incorporated into WIfI. A second distinct aspect of the WIfI system
is the predicted likelihood of benefit from revascularisation (78).
A recent systematic review concluded that in people undergoing a revascularisation procedure, the
likelihood of an amputation after one-year increases with higher WIfI stages. The estimated one-year
major amputation rates from four studies comprising 569 participants were 0%, 8% (95% CI 3-21%),
11% (95% CI 6-18%) and 38% (95% CI 21-58%), for WIfI clinical stages 1-4, respectively (79). For the
population of people with a DFU, the WIfI system was evaluated in the IWGDF systematic review on
classification systems, that is published in parallel to this guideline. In summary, in people with diabetes,
PAD and a foot ulcer this systematic review identified seven studies, with low certainty evidence,
demonstrating that a high WIfI limb clinical stage is associated with longer time to healing and increased
likelihood of non-healing at 6 and 12 months (80-86). Higher WIfI clinical stages are also associated with
increased likelihood of major amputations with one study reporting amputation rate of 64% for stage 4
(87). Similarly, higher WIfI clinical stages have been linked to high rates of minor amputation and lower
rates of amputation free survival at 12 months (82, 83, 86, 88-93). For prediction of revascularisation
benefit there are few data available and inadequate evidence to determine whether WIfI
revascularisation benefit staging predicts healing or amputation outcomes in people undergoing
The WIfI tool (Table 1) has demonstrated predictive capacity for the key outcomes of wound healing
and amputation in people with DFU (82, 83, 86, 88-93). It uses clinical grading of infection and wound
characteristics in combination with non-invasive bedside testing to determine severity of ischaemia and it
has wide availability, also as an online tool (apps.apple.com/us/app/svs-ipg/id1014644425). Moreover, it
can be used by a wide range of practitioners making application in clinical practice feasible, its costs are
© 2023
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
relatively limited, and it is expected to be acceptable to practitioners as well as being of value to people
receiving the care. It is likely to stimulate a standardised access to a form of vascular assessment, which is
also relevant for low-income countries where invasive testing may not be a widely available. Due to the
observational and often retrospective nature of most of the current evidence, this recommendation was
made conditional.
Table 1A: Wound Infection foot Ischaemia Classification System: Wound clinical category
Grade Clinical Description
0 Ischaemic rest pain; without frank ulcer or gangrene
1 Minor tissue loss: small shallow ulceration < 5 cm2 on foot or distal leg No gangrene.
Salvageable with simple skin coverage or < 2 toe amputations
2 Major tissue loss: deeper ulceration(s) with exposed bone, joint or tendon, ulcer 5-10
cm2 not involving calcaneus; gangrenous changes limited to digits. Salvageable with
extensive forefoot surgery
3 Extensive ulcer/gangrene > 10 cm2 involving forefoot or midfoot; full thickness heel
ulcer > 5 cm2 + calcaneal involvement.
Salvageable only with complex foot reconstruction
Table 1B: Wound Infection foot Ischaemia Classification System: Ischaemia category
Grade ABI Ankle SP (mmHg) TP, TcPO2 (mmHg)
0 ≥ 0.8 ≥ 100 ≥ 60
1 0.6-0.79 70-99 40-59
2 0.40-0.59 50-69 30-39
3 <0.40 <50 <30
Table 1C: Wound Infection foot Ischaemia Classification System: foot Infection category
Grade Clinical Description IDSA IWGDF Class
0 Wound without purulence or manifestations of uninfected 1
1 >2 manifestations of infection, erythema (< 2cm), mild 2
pain, tenderness, warmth or induration) no local
complications or systemic illness
2 Infection in patient who is systemically stable but moderate 3
has ≥ 1 of; cellulitis (>2 cm), lymphangitis, spread
beneath fascia, deep tissue abscess, gangrene,
muscle, tendon, joint or bone involvement
3 Infection in patient with systemic or metabolic severe 4
toxicity (SIRS/ sepsis)
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Table 1D: Wound Infection foot Ischaemia Classification System: Estimate risk of amputation at 1 year
Table 1E: Wound Infection foot Ischaemia Classification System: Estimate likelihood of benefit
of/requirement of revascularisation
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Clinical question: In which persons with diabetes, PAD and a foot ulcer or gangrene using clinical
findings, perfusion test findings, and/or classification systems, should revascularisation be considered?
Recommendation 11: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene
who is being considered for revascularisation, evaluate the entire lower extremity arterial circulation
(from aorta to foot) with detailed visualization of the below-knee and pedal arteries. Best Practice
Rationale: As per our recommendations 1-4 clinical examination and bedside testing should be the first
line testing undertaken to diagnose the presence of PAD. When a revascularisation is being considered
further anatomical information on the arteries of the lower limb should be obtained to assess the
presence, severity, and distribution of arterial stenoses or occlusions. In this process, adequate imaging of
the tibial and pedal vessels is of critical importance, particularly in planning intervention in people with
diabetes and a foot ulcer (17). Modalities that can be used to obtain anatomical information include:
arterial colour duplex ultrasound, computed tomographic angiography, magnetic resonance angiography,
or intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (including anteroposterior and lateral views of the foot).
The Writing Committee considered that each of the imaging techniques have their advantages and
disadvantages and their use will depend heavily on the availability of equipment and local expertise,
preferences of the individual and associated costs. For these reasons a Best Practice statement was
formulated. Regarding their use in people with diabetes, the utility of some these techniques, such as
CDUS and CTA, can be affected by (severe) MAC, which is frequently present in the smaller arteries of
the leg in people with DFU. MRA images are incapable of defining the extent of calcification which may
be important when planning revascularisation (17). Finally, as stated in the Global Vascular Guidelines,
catheter digital subtraction angiography (DSA), represents the gold standard imaging technique,
especially for the below knee and foot arteries (17). In many centres DSA is typically used when MRA
or CTA are not available, fail to adequately define the arterial anatomy, or when an endovascular
intervention is planned. Arterial imaging should allow complete anatomical staging from aorta to foot
using, for example, TASC for aorto-iliac disease and the Global Anatomic Staging System (GLASS),
described in the Global Vascular Guidelines, for infrainguinal and pedal disease (17).
Recommendation 12: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease, a foot ulcer and clinical
findings of ischaemia, a revascularisation procedure should be considered. Findings of ischaemia include
absent pulses, monophasic or absent pedal Doppler waveforms, ankle pressure < 100 mm Hg or toe
pressure < 60 mm Hg. Consult a vascular specialist unless major amputation is considered medically
urgent. Best Practice Statement
Rationale: The natural history of people with diabetes, PAD, and a DFU or gangrene remains poorly
defined, but in two studies reporting the outcomes of participants with diabetes and limb ischaemia who
were not revascularised, the limb salvage rate was around 50% at 1 year (66, 94). Our analysis of the
evidence for revascularisation suggests that revascularisation in appropriately selected people with
diabetes and hemodynamically significant PAD, can improve perfusion, expedite wound healing and
reduce major limb amputations(73). After a revascularization procedure, most studies report limb
salvage rates of 80% to 85% and ulcer healing in >60% at 12 months (95). On the other hand,
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
performing a revascularisation is not without risks. As summarised in the systematic review performed
by the IWGDF in 2019 (95), peri-operative or 30-day mortality was around 2% in people with diabetes
undergoing either endovascular or surgical revascularisation (95). The highest risk group includes people
with end-stage renal disease, who have a 5% perioperative mortality, 40% 1-year mortality and 1-year
limb salvage rates of around 70% (95).
People with signs of ischaemia, e.g., as defined by WIfI and the Global Vascular Guidelines; absent pulses
and monophasic or absent pedal Doppler waveforms, ankle pressure < 100 mm Hg or toe pressure <
60 mm Hg, are very likely to have significant PAD that could impact wound healing potential and
amputation risk (17, 78). We judged in our systematic review the certainty of the evidence on the
effects of revascularisation on wound healing and amputation risk as low, as many important factors that
can affect outcomes were not reported such as the availability of vein conduit, wound care, offloading
and sufficient anatomical details about the extent and severity of the lesions treated. Factors that
influence the decision to revascularise include the degree of limb threat (e.g., WIfI classification), the
amount of tissue loss, presence of infection, co-morbidities, feasibility of the different revascularisation
options and their risk.
As discussed in other parts of the IWGDF Guidelines, restoration of perfusion in the foot is only part of
the treatment required to optimise wound healing and to prevent or limit tissue loss, which should be
provided by a multidisciplinary team (77). Any revascularisation procedure should be part of a
comprehensive care plan that addresses other important issues including: prompt treatment of
concurrent infection, regular wound debridement, biomechanical off-loading, control of blood glucose,
assessment and improvement of nutritional status, as well as treatment of oedema and co-morbidities
(77). The decision to perform a revascularisation procedure and which procedure is preferred depends
therefore on several factors and in each individual the balance should be made between expected
benefits, potential risks, harms and costs, in a shared decision-making process. For these reasons we
made a Best Practice Recommendation. The care of persons with a DFU is frequently managed by
health care professionals who are not specifically trained in the treatment of PAD. Care for people with
PAD is differently organised in many countries, with different medical disciplines involved, such as
vascular surgeons, angiologists, interventional radiologists, nephrologists, cardiac surgeons and
cardiologists. For this reason, we used the term “vascular specialist consultation” in our
recommendation, but whatever the organisation of care all people with diabetes and PAD should have
access to both bypass surgery and endovascular procedures.
Recommendation 13: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease, a foot ulcer, and severe
ischaemia i.e. an ankle-brachial index <0.4, ankle pressure <50mmHg, toe pressure <30mmHg or
transcutaneous oxygen pressure <30mmHg or monophasic or absent pedal Doppler waveforms,
urgently consult a vascular specialist regarding possible revascularisation. Best Practice Statement
Rationale: Severe ischaemia is defined in The Global Vascular Guidelines (GVG) as an ABI <0.4, AP
pressure <50mmHg, TP <30mmHg or TcPO2 <30mmHg or monophasic or absent pedal Doppler
waveforms (17, 78). Such perfusion deficits are, as also stated in the GVG, an indication for
revascularisation, unless contra-indicated or technically not possible. There is retrospective evidence
demonstrating that a delay in revascularisation of more than two weeks in people with diabetes results
© 2023
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
in increased risk of limb loss (96). This is supported by observational research demonstrating that a
shorter time to revascularisation (<8 weeks) is associated with higher probability of DFU healing and
lower likelihood of limb loss (67). As shorter time to revascularisation was associated with higher
probability of DFU healing and lower likelihood of limb loss we made a Best Practice Statement
supporting urgent referral for vascular consultation in people with DFU and evidence of severe
ischaemia (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Assessment and management pathway for a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease
and a foot ulcer with findings of ischaemia, infection or gangrene. (Colour code: yellow=conditional
recommendation, green=strong recommendation, orange= best practice recommendation)
Recommendation 14: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer with infection
or gangrene involving any portion of the foot, urgently consult a vascular specialist in order to determine
the timing of a drainage procedure and a revascularisation procedure. Best Practice Statement
Rationale: In the presence of PAD and infection or gangrene, an urgent revascularisation should be
considered. In the prospective Eurodiale study participants with the combination of a foot infection and
PAD had a 1-year major amputation rate as high as 44% (80). In addition, participants with higher WIfI
infection grade had higher risk of amputation in several observational studies, as summarised in our
systematic review on Classification Systems (97). Delay in treatment can lead to rapid tissue destruction
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Recommendation 15: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, when the wound deteriorates or fails
to significantly improve (e.g. a less than 50% reduction in wound area within 4 weeks) despite
appropriate infection and glucose control, wound care, and offloading, reassess the vascular status and
consult with a vascular specialist regarding possible revascularisation. Best Practice Statement
Rationale: Multiple factors may contribute to delayed or non-healing of DFU, including presence of
infection, wound size and depth, elevated foot pressures at the wound site and inadequate wound care.
A number of studies have demonstrated that a reduction in percentage of wound area of more than
50% by four weeks after presentation is predictive of healing at 12 weeks (100-103). This has been
shown to be the case independent of the ulcer size at baseline and supports review of treatment
protocols where adequate wound reduction is not being achieved in the four-week timeframe. Presence
of suspected CLTI or a DFU that is failing to adequately heal despite best practice care requires prompt
consultation with a vascular specialist and assessment of whether a revascularisation procedure is
indicated. There is no direct evidence supporting our recommendation which is a pragmatic statement
based on indirect evidence and expert opinion. Given the risk of poor outcomes when PAD is left
untreated in a person with a poorly healing ulcer, we have made a Best Practice Statement.
Recommendation 16: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene,
avoid revascularisation when the risk–benefit ratio for the probability of success of the intervention is
clearly unfavourable. Best Practice Statement
Rationale: Revascularisation should not be performed if there is no realistic chance of wound healing,
when major amputation is inevitable, a functional foot is unlikely to be achieved, or when life expectancy
is short and there is unlikely to be of benefit to the person. The Writing Committee considered that in
such persons any revascularisation procedure is unlikely to be of benefit to the person and may cause
harm. Many affected individuals pose high peri-procedural risk because of comorbidities. In particular, the
following people may not be suitable for revascularisation: those who are very frail, have short life
expectancy, have poor functional status, are bed bound, and/or have a large area of tissue destruction
that renders the foot functionally unsalvageable and those who cannot realistically be expected to
mobilize following revascularisation. There are occasional situations where an arterial inflow procedure is
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
performed to improve the likelihood of healing of a below knee amputation, so as to avoid an above
knee amputation.
There is evidence from several observational studies of a 50% healing rate for ischaemic DFU in people
with diabetes unsuitable for revascularisation and this should also be considered in determining choice of
care (67, 94). The decision to proceed to primary amputation, or to adopt a palliative approach, should
be made in conjunction with the person and the multidisciplinary team (104) including a vascular
specialist unless an emergency procedure is indicated as discussed earlier. The Writing Committee
considered that in these circumstances where healing is improbable a person is unlikely to value the
outcomes from revascularisation over no revascularisation. Similarly in such circumstances the benefit of
revascularisation will not outweigh the potential harms.
Clinical question: In people with diabetes, PAD and either a foot ulcer or gangrene how does
endovascular revascularisation compare to open or hybrid revascularisation?
Recommendation 17: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and either a foot ulcer or
gangrene who have an adequate single segment saphenous vein in whom infrainguinal revascularisation
is indicated and who are suitable for either approach, we suggest bypass in preference to endovascular
therapy (Conditional, Moderate)
Recommendation 18: A person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease (PAD) and a foot ulcer or
gangrene, should be treated in centres with expertise in, or rapid access to, endovascular and surgical
bypass revascularisation. In this setting, consider making treatment decisions based on the risk to and
preference of the individual, limb threat severity, anatomic distribution of PAD, and the availability of
autogenous vein. Best Practice Statement
Rationale: Once the decision to revascularise has been made, the next decision is whether an
endovascular, an open (i.e., bypass or endarterectomy) procedure, or a combination of both (i.e. hybrid
procedure) should be performed. Recommendation 18 highlights the complementary role of open and
endovascular techniques in contemporary vascular practice. In particular, endovascular techniques have
largely replaced open surgery in the management of aorto-iliac disease and also allow treatment of foot
and pedal arch disease.
The majority of studies we identified in our systematic review on endovascular and bypass surgical
outcomes were observational and retrospective case series, with a high risk of bias (105). The BEST CLI
trial was a large randomised clinical trial with low risk of bias comparing an endovascular first with a
surgical first approach. People with CLTI who were deemed appropriate for revascularisation for
infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease were included (106). The primary outcome was above-ankle
amputation of the index limb or a major reintervention in the index limb (new bypass, vein graft
interposition revision, thrombectomy or thrombolysis) or death. It was designed in two parallel-cohort
trials: (Cohort 1) people who had adequate single segment great saphenous vein (GSV) available for use
as a bypass conduit, and (Cohort 2) people without adequate single segment GSV who required an
alternate conduit. Treatment with a GSV bypass first approach was superior to endovascular therapy
first for the primary outcome (hazard ratio [HR], 0.68; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.59-0.79; P
<0.001). In Cohort 2 the primary outcomes were similar between the two groups. Subgroup analysis of
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
people in Cohort 1 favoured surgery in people with diabetes (HR 0.72; CI 0.61-0.86) with benefit
comparable to those without diabetes (HR 0.57; CI 0.41-0.78). At the time of writing this guideline,
further results of this study have not been published. Of note whole group data for Cohort 1
demonstrated a higher rate of major amputation in those undergoing an endovascular procedure
compared with those having surgery (Surgery:74/709 (10.4%) Endovascular:106/711 (14.9%). Further
sub-analysis may demonstrate this is relevant to those with diabetes and therefore this may affect an
individual’s preference for intervention. From the perspective of the person receiving treatment, the
difference in length of hospital stay should be taken into account, which in our systematic review was
longer in the bypass publications than in endovascular publications. In addition, people might prefer to
have an endovascular approach given the more invasive approach of bypass surgery. Considering costs
there are probably no major differences except the length of hospital stay however this is yet to be
determined and may be an additional outcome of the BEST-CLI study. Subsequent analyses are also
awaited to shed more light on the anatomical patterns and extent of disease treated, as well as which
patterns of disease were not well represented or excluded. As BEST-CLI is currently the only
randomised controlled trial (RCT) in this area, the certainty of the evidence for our recommendation
was moderate. Given the important differences in outcomes in the BEST-CLI trial we recommend
considering bypass surgery as first option in people with a suitable saphenous vein. We acknowledge
that this recommendation can lead to some major changes in the policy of the many centres
whichcurrently have an ‘endovascular-first’ approach for everyone.
Our recommendation may not be feasible in the short term in all countries due to the lack of
equipment and expertise. Finally, it should be noted that in the BEST-CLI study, endovascular
procedures could be performed in the iliac and common femoral artery to ensure optimal inflow into
the bypass, emphasising that a centre treating PAD in people with a DFU should have the expertise to
perform both endovascular and bypass procedures. In addition, in some centres the immediate
availability of an endovascular approach might be a reason to opt for this treatment when an urgent
revascularisation is needed or when the surgical risk is deemed too high. For these reasons and the
moderate certainty of the evidence we made a Conditional recommendation.
In people with diabetes in whom a revascularisation is considered but who do not have a suitable single
segment great saphenous vein for bypass surgery, the results in BEST-CLI were similar for endovascular
and surgical bypass. This statement is in line with the results of our systematic review, in which the non-
randomised and observational studies showed that the evidence was inadequate to establish whether an
endovascular, open, or hybrid revascularisation technique is superior. Each of these techniques has its
advantages and disadvantages. A successful distal venous bypass can result in a marked increase of blood
flow to the foot, but general, spinal or epidural anaesthesia is usually necessary and a suitable vein, as a
bypass conduit, should be present, as in the BEST-CLI trial. An endovascular procedure has several
logistical advantages, but sometimes, very complex interventions are necessary to obtain adequate
blood flow in the foot and a failed endovascular intervention may lead to worse outcomes when an
open procedure is subsequently performed (107). Over the past few decades, there have been
significant advancements in endovascular techniques; however, parallel to this, we have seen
improvements in anaesthesia and perioperative care that have helped improve surgical outcomes. As
there is no “one size fits all” approach to treatment for people with diabetes, PAD and foot ulceration
or gangrene, it is important that a treating centre has the expertise and facilities to provide a range of
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
treatment options with availability of both endovascular and open techniques. We recommend that in
each person requiring lower limb revascularization, all revascularisation techniques should be considered
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Approach to vascular intervention for a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene.
(Colour code: yellow=conditional recommendation, green=strong recommendation, orange= best
practice recommendation)
Clinical Question: In people with diabetes, PAD and either a foot ulcer or gangrene how does direct
angiosome revascularisation compare to indirect angiosome revascularisation?
Recommendation 19: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene,
revascularisation procedures should aim to restore in-line blood flow to at least one of the foot arteries.
Best Practice Statement
Rationale: In people with diabetes and a foot ulcer or gangrene in whom revascularisation is required,
optimising blood flow to the foot is important to optimise the chance of healing the foot and avoiding
amputation. Incomplete revascularisation (including treating inflow disease when distal disease is present
or bypassing into “blind segment” arteries with no runoff), can result in delayed (or non-) wound healing
and significant risk of amputation.
Bypass surgery is ideally performed to an outflow vessel that runs into the foot. However, bypasses
performed to the peroneal artery (which rely on collateralisation to the foot) are most effective when
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
there is good collateralisation to the foot and a patent pedal arch is present (93). Pedal arch patency
also seems to be associated with improved wound healing and reduced risk of major amputation (108).
Recommendation 20: In a person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and a foot ulcer or gangrene
who are undergoing an endovascular procedure, consider targeting the artery that on angiography that
supplies the anatomical region of the ulcer, when possible or practical. (Conditional, Very low)
Rationale: Angiosomes are three-dimensional regions of tissue and skin supplied by a source artery. The
six angiosomes of the foot and ankle are supplied by the posterior tibial artery (n=3), peroneal artery
(n=2) and anterior tibial artery (n=1) (Figure 3). Communications between angiosomes include direct
arterial-arterial connections, as well as “choke” vessels which link adjacent angiosomes (108-110). The
effect/ influence of angiosome-based revascularisation on wound healing and prevention of amputation
(major and minor) in the management of diabetes-related foot complications remains controversial.
Direct revascularisation involves revascularisation of the tibial artery supplying the angiosome in which
the tissue loss has occurred. The alternative to this is indirect revascularisation where the tibial artery
treated is the artery in which successful in-line flow to the foot is most likely to be achieved by
endovascular techniques or is deemed the best tibial outflow vessel for anastomosis in bypass surgery
but does not directly supply the affected area of tissue loss. Our systematic review found that open
vascular reconstruction procedures were equally effective whether direct or indirect revascularisation to
the affected foot angiosome was performed (105).
In addition, healing and amputation outcomes for direct and indirect endovascular revascularisation
shows that if direct revascularisation is possible, DFU healing time and major amputation may be
reduced compared with indirect revascularisation. There is inadequate evidence to determine whether
direct revascularisation is superior to indirect revascularisation to prevent minor amputation (111).
Indirect revascularisation with collaterals was associated with wound healing and limb salvage outcomes
which were similar to direct revascularisation outcomes and significantly better than the indirect without
collateral cohorts (112-116).
The majority of included studies in our systematic review used endovascular procedures with data
probably favouring direct revascularisation. For bypass procedures there was little difference in healing
and amputation outcomes at 12 months between direct and indirect revascularisation (116-119). These
studies had a high risk of bias, lacked randomisation (and it is unlikely that this will ever be possible) and
were mostly retrospective. Baseline variables such as wound/foot staging (e.g., by WIfI) and extent of
tissue loss were infrequently reported. Heterogeneity of the included studies was found to be high
preventing meta-analysis of data. This is likely to be due to high variability in participants and wound
stage (extent of tissue loss, severity of ischaemia, presence of infection). Comparison of primary
outcomes (healing/ amputation) or adverse events is therefore problematic. Based on the available data
it appears direct revascularisation may have improved outcomes and therefore we considered that this
procedure is likely to be preferred by people receiving treatment to improve healing and prevent
amputation. However, the Writing Committee considered there is likely to be important variability in
patient values due to the lack of cear benefit of one approach over the other. Factors such as the
severity of ischaemia and tissue loss ( e.g., WIfI staging) and patient suitability for the
procedure/presence of comorbidities, as well as availability of expertise and costs of the procedures
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
(which may vary between locations/countries) drives decision making in relation to the type of
procedure considered appropriate with these factors also impacting. Several studies have noted that
only a minority of foot and ankle wounds in their series corresponded to one angiosome. Kret et al,
(120) found that only 36% of wounds in their series corresponded to a single distinct angiosome.
Similarly, Aerden et al, (121) found it difficult to allocate people to direct revascularisation versus
indirect revascularisation due to the presence of multiple wounds and large wounds that had more than
one angiosome supplying them. In such cases it is the opinion of the Writing Committee that the best
quality artery should preferentially be targeted. Many clinicians will consider attempting to treat the
second vessel supplying the wound as well, although there is a lack of evidence to support this approach
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Clinical question: In people with DFU do revascularisation perfusion outcomes predict healing, major
amputation or the need for further revascularisation?
Recommendation 21: In a person with diabetes and either a foot ulcer or gangrene who has undergone
revascularisation, objectively assess adequacy of perfusion e.g., using non-invasive bedside testing. Best
Practice Statement:
Rationale: There are few available data examining the predictive capacity of post-revascularisation
perfusion measures for healing or amputation outcomes or for the need for further revascularisation in
people with diabetes. However, adequate perfusion is essential for wound healing and clinical
examination is often too unreliable. Diabetes-related PAD is characterised by atherosclerotic plaque
formation that is long and diffuse in nature and more likely to involve distal vascular beds. Frequently
long-term patency is not achieved in endovascular treatment of tibial lesions (122).
Regular assessment of perfusion post-revascularisation should therefore be undertaken due to the risk
of occlusion/ restenosis after intervention. This should be conducted in combination with regular
assessment of the foot lesion to determine whether healing is indeed taking place. We recommend that
revascularisation should aim to improve perfusion to the foot as much as possible, which will vary
according to the individual. Due to the lack of data available determining the optimum time frame for
follow-up and the likelihood that this may vary depending on the testing method being used, we have
made a Best Practice Statement based on indirect evidence and expert opinion.
Recommendation 22: A person with diabetes, peripheral artery disease and either a foot ulcer or
gangrene should be treated by a multidisciplinary team as part of a comprehensive care plan. Best
Practice Statement
Rationale: As discussed in several parts of this guideline and in other IWGDF guidelines on the diagnosis
and management of DFU, restoration of perfusion in the foot is only part of the treatment, which
should be provided by multidisciplinary care team (77). Lack access to specialist care is associated with
worse foot outcomes. In rural and remote locations and areas where specialist access is challenging
referral pathways that address care access (e.g. through virtual referral pathways) are essential to
establish to provide multidisciplinary care (123). Any revascularization procedure should therefore be
part of a comprehensive care plan that addresses other important issues including: prompt treatment of
concurrent infection, regular wound debridement, biomechanical offloading, control of blood glucose,
cardiovascular risk reduction, and treatment of co-morbidities (123). Moreover, once the ulcer has
healed the risk of recurrence is up to 50% over five years in several studies so preventive measures
need to be taken and many people need long-term follow-up by a dedicated foot complication
prevention team (23).
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Clinical question: In a person with diabetes, PAD, and a foot ulcer, which medical treatments should be
advised to prevent major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), major adverse limb events (MALE)
and death?
MACE* is defined as a composite of nonfatal stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular
MALE* is defined as the development of severe lower leg ischaemia leading to a vascular intervention
or a major lower leg amputation.
* These definitions vary slightly between studies.
People with diabetes and PAD (with or without a foot ulcer) are at a very high cardiovascular risk.
Cardiovascular risk factor goals should always be individualised taking life-expectancy, expected benefit,
treatment burden, potential drug interactions and undesirable treatment effects into account. While
taking these considerations into account the Writing Committee suggests the following treatment
targets to reduce the risk of future major adverse limb and cardiovascular events:
Recommendation 23: In a person with diabetes and peripheral artery disease the following target levels
should be:
• HbA1c < 8% (< 64 mmol/mol), but higher target HbA1c value may be necessary depending on
the risk of severe hypoglycaemia
• Blood pressure < 140/ 90 mmHg but higher target levels may be necessary depending on the
risk of orthostatic hypotension and other side-effects.
• Low density lipoprotein target of < 1.8 mmol/L (<70 mg/dL) and reduced by at least 50% of
baseline. If high intensity statin therapy (with or without ezetimibe) is tolerated, target levels <
1.4 mmol/L (55 mg/dL) are recommended.
Best Practice Statement
Recommendation 24: A person with diabetes and symptomatic peripheral artery disease:
• should be treated with single antiplatelet therapy,
• treatment with clopidogrel may be considered as first choice in preference to aspirin
• combination therapy with aspirin (75 mg to 100 mg once daily) plus low-dose rivaroxaban (2.5
mg twice daily) may be considered for people without a high bleeding risk.
Best Practice Statement
Recommendation 25: In a person with type 2 diabetes with peripheral artery disease:
• with an eGFR > 30 ml/min/1.73m2, a sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitor or a
glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist with demonstrated cardiovascular disease benefit
should be considered, irrespective of the blood glucose level
• SGLT-2 inhibitors should not be started in drug-naïve people with a diabetes-related foot ulcer
or gangrene and temporary discontinuation should be considered in people already using these
drugs, until the affected foot is healed.
Best Practice Statement
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
Rationale: The Writing Committee decided to not write their own guidelines on pharmacological
interventions in people with diabetes, PAD and a foot ulcer or gangrene in order to reduce
cardiovascular risk or to prevent major limb events as defined above. There are already a number of
guidelines on cardiovascular risk prevention in people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and thus
another guideline would have little added value. We decided to base our Best Practice Statements on
the Global Vascular Guidelines for CLTI produced by the ESVS, SVS and World Federation of Vascular
Societies (WFVS) (17), as these address the specific population of people with CLTI. The advice on
antiplatelet therapy is in line with the recent ESVS antithrombotic guidelines (124). When we felt it was
applicable, we used the guidelines of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the European
Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and other guidelines on peripheral artery disease
(European Society of Cardiology [ESC]-ESVS, European Society of Vascular Medicine [ESVM], ESC-
EASD, ESC- European Atherosclerosis Society [EAS]) (13-16, 18-20).
PAD runs a more aggressive course in those with diabetes mellitus compared with those without
diabetes, with an elevated risk of lower leg amputation. In addition, the combination of diabetes and
PAD is associated with a high risk of developing complications in other vascular beds. As discussed
previously, persons with an ischaemic diabetes-related foot ulcer have an overall 5-year cardiovascular
mortality around 50% (125). Therefore, according to the international guidelines of several major
vascular and diabetes associations, these individuals should be considered as having a very high
cardiovascular risk and should be treated as such. On the other hand, they usually have, in addition to
peripheral neuropathy, other diabetes-related complications as well as several co-morbidities, resulting in
a high burden of diseases and multiple medications (27). Many affected persons are elderly, frail and are
living in vulnerable socio-economic circumstances with a low quality of life (126, 127). It is therefore
essential that cardiovascular risk factor management in these people should be individualised, tailored
and should be part of a shared decision-making process, taking life-expectancy, diabetes-related
complications/co-morbidities, expected benefit, treatment burden, drug interactions and undesirable
treatment effects into account. This care should be provided by health care worker(s) with sufficient
expertise in treating cardiovascular risk factors and glycaemia, preferably by person(s) who are part of
the multidisciplinary team for diabetes-related foot care.
Glycaemic goals
As stated in the ADA and ESC-EASD guidelines, near-normal glycaemia with HbA1c level below 7.0%
(53 mmol/mol) will decrease microvascular complications (15, 19). Tighter glucose control initiated early
in the course of diabetes in younger individuals leads to a reduction in macrovascular complications, i.e.
cardiovascular outcomes, over a 20 year timescale. Such glucose control can have beneficial effects on
microvascular complications in a shorter period of time. However, when blood glucose lowering agents
are used that have the risk of severe hypoglycaemia, this can increase the risk of cardiovascular events
and death, as detailed in the ADA and ESC-EASD guidelines (15, 18). As many people with a DFU and
PAD also have atherosclerotic disease in other vascular beds, tight glucose control can be harmful. The
risk of hypoglycaemia is markedLy lower when people are only treated with metformin, a sodium–
glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor or a glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist. Tight glucose control is
often not indicated in persons with PAD and a DFU due to the risk of hypoglycaemia outweighing the
potential benefit. The ADA recommends in the 2022 Standards of Care to aim for an Hba1c < 8% (<
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
64 mmol/mol) in such persons and the ESC-EASD 2019 guideline for levels below 8- 9% (<64-75
mmol/L) (15, 18). However, the target chosen will depend on factors such as age, duration of diabetes,
complications, co-morbidities and risk of hypoglycaemia. These target HbA1c levels are higher than the
level formulated in the Global Vascular Guidelines for CLTI (< 7,0%, 53 mmol/mol), but as discussed
above we concluded that the risk of such tight blood glucose control is too high in this specific
The ESC-EASD guidelines state that RCTs have demonstrated the benefit (reduction of stroke,
coronary events, and kidney disease) of lowering systolic BP to <140 mmHg and diastolic BP to <90
mmHg (15). Usually, multiple drugs are necessary to reach these levels in people with diabetes. In
younger people (e.g., younger than 65 years) level below 130/80 mmHg can be considered if there are
no contra-indications for such tight blood pressure control and the risk of orthostatic hypotension is
low. Both the ADA and ESC-EASD stress the importance of individualised treatment as overly
aggressive blood pressure lowering is not without risk in the usually elderly with a DFU and those with
multiple diabetes-related complications and co-morbidities. Therefore, we recommend in these people
blood pressures < 140/90 mmHg, but in younger individuals (e.g. < 65 years) and with a small risk of
adverse effects of the treatment, lower target levels might be considered.
Lipid goals
The ADA and EASD guidelines recommend in persons with diabetes and atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease an LDL target of < 1.8 mmol/L (70 mmol/L) (18). In line with the ‘the lower the better’
approach, recent trials suggest that lower levels of LDL of < 1.4 mmol/L (55 mg/dL) can be beneficial in
persons with a very high cardiovascular risk. Therefore, the recent ESC-EASD and ESC-EAS guidelines
recommend that such very low LDL levels should be the target in these individuals (15, 16). In those
with recurrent events within 2 years, even LDL levels < 1.0 mmol/L (40 mg/dL) are suggested as target
in ESC-EAS guidelines (16). With statin therapy such as rosuvastatin 20-40 mg or atorvastatin 40-80 mg,
marked reductions of LDL cholesterol can be achieved if these relatively simple treatments are
tolerated. When the target is not reached ezetimibe can be added, which is available in combination
tablets with both statins. These treatments have limited side effects in most (but not all) people and are
relatively inexpensive. According to the recent ESC-EASD and ESC-EAS guidelines, an LDL-level below
1.0 mmol/L (40 mg/dL) can be the target in people with recurrent cardiovascular events (within 2
years), based on a limited number of RCT’s in which relatively few participants with CLTI and diabetes
were included. In order to reach the aforementioned very low LDL levels additional treatment with a
PCSK9 inhibitor will be necessary in a proportion of people. PCSK9 inhibitors are monoclonal antibodies
which have limited side-effects but have the drawback of high costs, parental administration and at
present there is very limited evidence of the costs-effectiveness of PCSK9 inhibitors in people with
diabetes, PAD and a foot ulcer or gangrene. In addition, the use of these expensive drugs is a problem
for many countries in the world, and for these reasons we did not include a recommendation on LDL-
level below 1.0 mmol/L (40 mg/dL) for our specific population, but we acknowledge that in several
countries PCSK9 inhibitors are used to reach these goals in those with recurrent cardiovascular events.
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
In line with the other cardiovascular risk reduction interventions in these usually frail, multimorbid
individuals, treatment and its goals should be based on shared decision making and should be
individualised after careful weighting the benefits, harms and costs. The LDL (and other) treatment
targets in our recommendation should not be interpreted as absolute goals but more as desired goals.
Even if the goal is only partially met, it can result in a marked reduction in cardiovascular events in these
very high-risk people. Although very low LDL levels are perhaps not achievable in all, LDL reductions up
to 50% can be achieved in many with the aforementioned potent statins (and ezetimibe), with marked
reduction in cardiovascular risk (13).
Additional therapies
Antiplatelet therapy
All guidelines strongly recommend treatment with a single antiplatelet agent in persons with
cardiovascular disease -or more specifically chronic limb threatening ischaemia (CLTI). These drugs
reduce the risk of cardiovascular events; in case of increased risk of gastric bleeding in aspirin treated
individuals a proton pump inhibitor as additional treatment should be considered. There is less
consensus which drug to choose, clopidrogel or aspirin. The ADA and ESC-EASD guideline advise in
persons with diabetes and a cardiovascular event aspirin as first choice, but did not specify for the
presence of PAD (15, 18). In the recent ESVM, ESC-ESVS and GVG Guidelines, clopidrogel is
considered as the antiplatelet agent of choice in those with PAD. This recommendation is in particular
based on ‘The Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk for Ischaemic Events (CAPRIE)’ trial, in
which clopidrogel was more effective in reducing cardiovascular risk without an increased risk of
bleeding (128). It should be noted that only a subset of participants in this trial had PAD of which only
21% had diabetes. Also, a meta-analysis did not show any benefit from aspirin for those with PAD
(129). A post-hoc, sub-analysis of the CAPRIE trial showed that clopidogrel was superior to aspirin in
reducing recurrent ischemic events in patients with diabetes (130). The relative risk reduction was
comparable to those without diabetes, but due to the greater number of events, the absolute risk
reduction was even larger. Given the potential benefit, we suggest in a conditional recommendation that
clopidogrel may be considered as first choice, in line with the aforementioned Guidelines.
As an additional alternative to single antiplatelet therapy, combination therapy with aspirin (100 mg once
daily) plus low-dose rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) may be considered for persons with low bleeding
risk to prevent cardiovascular events as well as reduce extremity ischaemic events in those with CLTI, as
suggested by the Global Vascular Guidelines, ESVM and the ESC-EASD guidelines (13) (17, 20). This
suggestion is based on the COMPASS trial in which this combination therapy was more effective than
aspirin but was also associated with an increase of risk of clinically relevant bleeding, mostly
gastrointestinal (131). In this trial approximately 38% had diabetes mellitus and the benefit of the
combination therapy seemed similar in those with and without diabetes. Given this limited evidence
base and the added treatment burden for this frequently vulnerable cohort, we made a Best Practice
Statement. The ESVS antithrombotic guidelines recommend that those not at high risk of bleeding who
undergo an endovascular intervention for lower extremity PAD may be considered for a 1-6 month
course of dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin plus clopidogrel) to reduce the risk of MACE and MALE
followed by single antiplatelet therapy (132). Similarly, those undergoing endovascular intervention who
are not at high risk of bleeding should be considered for aspirin (75-100 mg daily) and low-dose
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) to reduce the risk of MACE and MALE (133, 134). If the bleeding risk is
considered to be high, single antiplatelet therapy should be used post-intervention.
If clopidogrel is used in addition to aspirin and low-dose rivaroxaban after endovascular intervention,
clopidogrel should only be used for <30 days as with longer-term use the bleeding risk is likely to
outweigh the benefit (135).
The ESVS antithrombotic guidelines recommend that persons undergoing infrainguinal endarterectomy
or bypass surgery who are not at high risk of bleeding should be considered for aspirin (75-100 mg
daily) and low-dose rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) to reduce the risk of MACE and MALE. Those
persons undergoing infrainguinal bypass surgery with autogenous vein who are not at high bleeding risk
may be considered for treatment with vitamin K antagonist to improve graft patency (134, 136).
Those undergoing infrainguinal bypass with prosthetic should be considered for single antiplatelet
therapy. Persons at high risk of bleeding undergoing lower extremity bypass surgery using autogenous or
prosthetic conduit may be considered for single antiplatelet therapy to improve graft patency (134).
Arterial duplex scanning post-autologous vein bypass surgery is generally advised post-procedure to
detect graft stenoses. The benefits of post-procedure surveillance following endovascular intervention
remain uncertain; we suggest following local protocols.
The SGLT2-inhibitor canagliflozin was associated with an increased risk of amputation in an RCT. This
was not a pre-specified endpoint and was not observed in the other SGLT2-inhibitors trials (137) or in
long-term prospective studies, as concluded in the ADA-EASD 2022 consensus report (138). In
addition, in post-hoc analyses, these drugs had beneficial cardiovascular and renal effects in persons with
peripheral artery disease (139). However, individuals with foot ulcers were frequently excluded in
SGLT2-inhibitor trials and there is a second caveat to be considered. Diabetes-related ketoacidosis is a
rare but serious side effect of SGLT2-inhibitors and prolonged fasting, acute illness and the peri-
operative period predispose to developing ketoacidosis. In these situations, the ADA-EASD recommend
temporary discontinuation of the medication, i.e., 3 days prior to surgery (138). As those with PAD, a
diabetes-related foot ulcer or gangrene have a high risk of developing a foot infection or to undergo one
or more (urgent) surgical procedures, we suggest for pragmatic reasons that SGLT-2 inhibitors should
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
not be started in drug-naïve individuals and that temporary discontinuation should be considered in
those already using these drugs, until the affected foot is healed.
The targets discussed in this text are based on reduction of cardiovascular events, but is should be
noted that this is a composite end-point and the definition between trials differs. MALE is also
sometimes differently defined and the evidence for reducing lower limb events in persons with diabetes,
PAD and a foot ulcer by pharmacological treatment is scarce. For this reason we could not provide a
specific recommendation on this topic.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
1. Which group of people with diabetes and a DFU, tissue loss or gangrene most benefit from urgent
revascularisation, and who may benefit from an initial expectant management?
The working group has made a Best Practice Statement attempting to define which people are likely to
benefit most from urgent vascular assessment and revascularisation. Further studies to clarify person-
and limb-related factors are needed and such predictions may be facilitated by new prediction methods
such as Machine Learning (140).
3. Identify effective regenerative therapies (e.g. cell or gene-based) to improve foot perfusion in
persons with DFU and PAD who are not candidates for standard revascularization.
Angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels from existing ones) is important for the development of
arterial collateral formation in response to arterial occlusion and also for wound healing. Diabetes (and
hyperglycaemia) are associated with impaired angiogenesis. A number of cell-, gene- and protein-based
therapeutic approaches have, and are, being trialled for both “no option” CLTI and wound healing in
diabetes. There are currently no therapeutic therapies which have proven beneficial and trials are on-
going (143).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
The Writing Committee was chaired by R.F. (on behalf of the IWGDF), with R.H. (on behalf of the
ESVS) and J.L.M (on behalf of the SVS) as co-chairs and supported by NCS (on behalf of the IWGDF).
V.C. acted as scientific secretary. The three organisations involved were each tasked to select six well
recognised experts in order to create an international, multidisciplinary, writing committee of eighteen
members in total. Care was taken to have a global, multidisciplinary group that included disciplines such
as vascular surgery, angiology, interventional radiology, vascular medicine, endocrinology, epidemiology
and podiatry.
All members of the Writing Committee were involved in summarising the available evidence in the
supporting systematic reviews, that are published separately, and in writing this guideline. Several
members (the chairs, scientific secretary, N.S, and M.S.C.) were assigned to write individual sections of
the guideline, and all authors reviewed and discussed during group meetings the evidence obtained, the
evidence to decision items according to GRADE and each recommendation. All authors reviewed and
agreed with the final document before societal review and subsequent submission for endorsement. All
members of the working group undertook Level 1 GRADE training and the several working group
members undertook Guideline Methodology training (McMaster University).
We would like to thank the following external experts for their review of our PICOs for clinical
relevance and the Guideline document: Sriram Narayanan (Singapore), Rica Tanaka (Japan), Ismail
Cassimjee (South Africa), Xu Jun (China), Heidi Corcoran (Hong Kong), Yamile Jubiz (Colombia),
Tsvetalina Tankova (Bulgaria) and our patient representatives.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Intersocietal PAD Guideline
(82) Mathioudakis N, Hicks CW, Canner JK, Sherman RL, Hines KF, Lum YW, et al. The Society for Vascular Surgery
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Intersocietal PAD Guideline
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Guidelines on
offloading foot ulcers
in persons with
Sicco A. Bus1,2, David G. Armstrong3, Ryan T. Crews4,
Catherine Gooday5, Gustav Jarl6,7, Klaus
Kirketerp-Moller8,9, Vijay Viswanathan10,
Peter A. Lazzarini11,12, on behalf of the International
Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam Movement Sciences, program
Rehabilitation & Development, Amsterdam, the
Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance
(SALSA), Department of Surgery, Keck School of
Medicine of University of Southern California (USC),
Los Angeles, California, USA
Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric
Medicine’s Center for Lower Extremity Ambulatory
Research (CLEAR) at Rosalind Franklin University,
North Chicago, Illinois, USA
Elsie Bertram Diabetes Centre, Norfolk and
Norwich University Hospitals, Norwich, UK
Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Faculty
of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Örebro,
University Health Care Research Center, Faculty
of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, Örebro,
Copenhagen Wound Healing Center, Bispebjerg
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Steno Diabetes Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
MV Hospital for Diabetes, Chennai, India
School of Public Health and Social Work,
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Offloading mechanical tissue stress is arguably the most important of multiple interventions needed to
heal diabetes-related foot ulcers. This is the 2023 International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
(IWGDF) evidence-based guideline on offloading interventions to promote healing of foot ulcers in
persons with diabetes. It serves as an update of the 2019 IWGDF guideline.
We followed the GRADE approach by devising clinical questions and important outcomes in the PICO
(Patient-Intervention-Control-Outcome) format, undertaking a systematic review and meta-analyses,
developing summary of judgements tables and writing recommendations and rationales for each
question. Each recommendation is based on the evidence found in the systematic review, expert
opinion where evidence was not available, and a careful weighing of GRADE summary of judgement
items including desirable and undesirable effects, certainty of evidence, patient values, resources
required, cost effectiveness, equity, feasibility and acceptability.
For healing a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer in a person with diabetes, use a non-
removable knee-high offloading device as the first-choice offloading intervention. If contraindications or
patient intolerance to non-removable offloading exist, consider using a removable knee-high or ankle-
high offloading device as the second-choice offloading intervention. If no offloading devices are available,
consider using appropriately fitting footwear combined with felted foam as the third-choice offloading
intervention. If such non-surgical offloading treatment fails to heal a plantar forefoot ulcer, consider an
Achilles tendon lengthening, metatarsal head resection, joint arthroplasty, or metatarsal osteotomy. For
healing a neuropathic plantar or apex lesser digit ulcer secondary to flexbile toe deformity, use digital
flexor tendon tenotomy. For healing rearfoot, non-plantar or ulcers complicated with infection or
ischaemia, further recommendations have been outlined. All recommendations have been summarized
in an offloading clinical pathway to help facilitate implementation of this guideline into clinical practice.
These offloading guideline recommendations should help healthcare professionals provide the best care
and outcomes for persons with diabetes-related foot ulcers and reduce the person’s risk of infection,
hospitalisation and amputation.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
1a. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, use a non-removable
knee-high offloading device as the first choice of offloading treatment to promote healing of the
ulcer. (GRADE recommendation: Strong; Certainty of evidence: Moderate)
1b. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer for which a non-
removable knee-high offloading device is to be used, choose either a total contact cast or non-
removable knee-high walker based upon local resources and the person’s individual factors and
acceptability. (Conditional; Moderate)
2. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer for whom a non-
removable knee-high offloading device is contraindicated or not tolerated, consider using either a
removable knee-high or ankle-high offloading device as the second choice of offloading treatment to
promote healing of the ulcer, and encourage the person to use the device during all weight-bearing
activities. (Conditional; Low)
3. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, do not use, and
educate the person not to use conventional footwear or standard therapeutic footwear over an
offloading device, to promote healing of the ulcer. (Strong; Low)
4. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer for which offloading
devices are not available, consider using felted foam in combination with appropriately fitting
footwear as the third choice of offloading treatment to promote healing of the ulcer. (Conditional;
Very Low)
5a. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar metatarsal head ulcer for which non-surgical
offloading treatment fails, consider using Achilles tendon lengthening in combination with an
offloading device to promote and sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Moderate)
5b. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar metatarsal head ulcer for which non-surgical
offloading treatment fails, consider using metatarsal head resection in combination with an offloading
device to promote and sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
5c. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic hallux ulcer for which non-surgical offloading treatment
fails, consider using joint arthroplasty in combination with an offloading device to promote and
sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
5d. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar ulcer on metatarsal heads 2-5 for which non-
surgical offloading treatment fails, consider using a metatarsal osteotomy in combination with an
offloading device to promote and sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Very low)
6. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar or apex ulcer on digits 2-5, secondary to a
flexible toe deformity, use a digital flexor tenotomy to promote and sustain healing of the ulcer.
(Strong; Moderate)
7. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer with either mild
infection or mild ischaemia, consider using a non-removable knee-high offloading device to promote
healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
8. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer with both mild
infection and mild ischaemia, or with either moderate infection or moderate ischaemia, consider
using a removable offloading device to promote healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
9. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer with both moderate
infection and moderate ischaemia, or with either severe infection or severe ischaemia, primarily
address the infection and/or ischaemia, and use a removable offloading intervention over no
offloading based on the person's individual factors, to promote healing of the ulcer. (Strong; Very
10. In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar rearfoot ulcer, consider using a non-removable
knee-high offloading device over a removable offloading device to promote healing of the ulcer.
(Conditional; Very low)
11. In a person with diabetes and a non-plantar foot ulcer, use a removable offloading device, footwear
modifications, toe spacers, orthoses, or digital flexor tenotomy, depending on the type and location
of the foot ulcer, to promote healing of the ulcer. (Strong; Very low)
12. In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer for which a knee-high or ankle-high offloading device is
used, consider also using a shoe lift on the contralateral limb to improve the person’s comfort and
balance while walking in the device. (Conditional; Very low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Diabetes-related foot ulceration (DFU) is a leading cause of global disability, mortality and healthcare
cost burdens (1-5). DFUs annually affect around 20 million people worldwide (2, 4), and without
appropriate care, these foot ulcers can lead to infection, hospitalisation, amputation and death (1-5).
Thus, healing of DFU is of paramount global importance (1-5).
The most common cause of DFU is high mechanical tissue stress on the foot of a person with diabetes
and a loss of protective sensation (2, 6-8). Loss of protective sensation results from peripheral
neuropathy and affects around half of all people with diabetes (2, 3, 9). Mechanical tissue stress is
composed of plantar pressures and shear accumulated during repetitive cycles of weight-bearing activity
(2, 6-8). Peripheral neuropathy can also lead to further changes in gait, foot deformity and soft tissue, all
of which can further elevate mechanical tissue stress (7, 8, 10). Once a DFU forms, healing is chronically
delayed if the area is not effectively offloaded (2, 6, 11).
Multiple interventions are typically required to effectively heal a DFU, including local wound
management, management of any infection and peripheral artery disease, and offloading (12, 13). For
this, a collaborative team approach is needed from different specialities, as well as an engaged and
empowered patient (13). The first three of those interventions are covered in other parts of the
International Working Group of the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) Guidelines (13-16). In people with
neuropathic DFUs, offloading has been found to be arguably the most important of these interventions
for effective healing (11-13, 17, 18). There is a long-standing clinical tradition of using different offloading
devices, footwear, surgery, and other offloading interventions to heal DFUs (6, 19-22). Previous IWGDF
Guidelines have shown that sufficient evidence is available to support the use of non-removable knee-
high offloading devices to heal plantar forefoot ulcers, over all other offloading interventions (11, 13, 19).
It also identified that more high-quality studies are needed to confirm the promising effects of other
offloading interventions to heal DFUs, in order to better inform practitioners about effective treatments
(11, 19).
Over the past four years, a number of new trials have been performed in the area of offloading that add
to the evidence base for treating people with DFU (23-29). Ulcer healing is still recognised as the key
critically important outcome for people with DFU. However, other outcomes of importance to people
with DFU are receiving more attention and also require careful consideration when developing
recommendations in new offloading guidelines, such as effects on plantar pressure, weight-bearing
activity, adherence, adverse effects, quality of life, and costs.
This new 2023 guideline aims to update the previous 2019 IWGDF guideline on offloading DFUs by
following the best practice GRADE approach for guideline development to consider all new evidence
and important outcomes so as to provide contemporary evidence-based international
recommendations and rationale for offloading DFUs (19). This guideline is part of a series of new 2023
IWGDF guidelines including those on ulcer classification, peripheral artery disease, infection, wound
healing, prevention, and Charcot foot (14-16, 30-32).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
We have made several changes in this updated 2023 offloading guideline when compared to the
previous 2019 offloading guideline. The main changes are the following:
• Used a more thorough GRADE methodological approach to the guideline and the systematic
review supporting it, by performing meta-analyses, grading effect sizes, grading certainty (quality) of
evidence with ‘very low’ as an option, developing summary of findings tables and developing
summary of judgement tables.
• Added new clinical questions on the topics of ankle-high offloading devices, plantar digital foot
ulcers, combination of interventions, educational and psychological interventions, and offloading for
the contralateral limb.
• Added new important outcomes, including sustained healing, balance and the specific adverse
effects/events of new lesions, falls, infections and amputations.
• Removable knee-high and ankle-high offloading devices are now grouped into one recommendation
for second-choice offloading device treatment, rather than separate recommendations for second
and third-choice treatment, respectively, effectively upgrading ankle-high offloading devices. This is
based on added evidence in the last 4 years and the more thorough GRADE approach used.
• Added four new recommendations for specific surgical offloading interventions rather than grouping
surgical interventions into one recommendation.
• Added a new recommendation on offloading for the contralateral limb.
• Updated the strength of recommendation in two recommendations and the certainty of evidence in
nine recommendations based on using the more thorough GRADE approach.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
In this guideline we have followed the key steps of the GRADE evidence-to-decision approach,
including: i) establishing a diverse expert panel to develop the guideline, ii) defining key clinical questions
and important outcomes in the PICO-format (Patient-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome), iii)
performing systematic reviews and rigorous appraisals of all available evidence that address the
questions, iv) assessing key summary of judgements items for each question, v) developing
recommendations and their rationale based on these summary of judgements, and vi) consulting
external stakeholders on each step (33, 34). The methodology for this guideline is summarised below;
we refer those seeking a more detailed description on the methods for developing and writing these
guidelines to the ‘IWGDF Guidelines development and methodology’ document (35).
First, a multidisciplinary working group of independent international experts in offloading DFU (the
authors of this guideline) was invited by the IWGDF Editorial Board to develop and author this
guideline. International experts were defined as those having significant experience in clinical practice
and/or studying offloading DFU and published on the topic in the previous four years. The working
group comprised members from exercise and human movement science, orthopaedic surgery, podiatry,
prosthetics and orthotics, endocrinology, and rehabilitation science disciplines from Europe, North
America, Asia and Australia.
Second, the working group devised important clinical questions and associated outcomes, building on
the last version of the guideline, to be answered using the GRADE approach. The questions and
outcomes were reviewed and prioritised with the help of six external clinical experts and two persons
with lived DFU experience from various geographical regions, and the IWGDF Editorial Board. The aim
was to ensure the questions and outcomes were of relevance to a wide range of healthcare
professionals and patients so as to provide the most useful clinical information on offloading
interventions to treat foot ulcers in people with diabetes. The working group classified the outcomes as
critically important or important, aligning with international DFU standards (12, 36) or the expert
opinion of the working group if standards did not exist.
Third, we systematically reviewed the literature and appraised all studies addressing the above agreed
upon clinical questions. Each assessable outcome for each question was meta-analysed if appropriate,
and had effect sizes and certainty of evidence (CoE) assessed using the Cochrane and GRADE
Handbooks. Finally, we developed summary of findings tables, including evidence statements, for each
assessable outcome for each question which we presented in full in the systematic review. The
systematic review supporting this guideline is published separately (11).
Fourth, based on the systematic review, summary of findings tables and expert opinion, teams of two
members of the working group developed summary of judgements tables for each question following
GRADE (see online supplemental information). The summary of judgement items assessed included
desirable and undesirable effects, balance of effects, CoE, values, costs, cost-effectiveness, equity,
acceptability and feasibility. Definitions for these items can be found in the summary of judgements table
in the online supplemental information. After careful weighing up of the summary of judgements, the
team proposed to the working group a direction, strength, CoE and wording of recommendation(s) and
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
rationale to address the question concerned. CoE was rated as ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’ or ‘very low’
based on the critical outcome(s) reviewed for the question in accordance with GRADE.
Recommendations aimed to be clear, specific, and unambiguous on what was recommended, for which
persons, and under what circumstances. Rationale for each recommendation was also provided and
based on the summary of judgements tables (33, 34).
Fifth, summary of judgements tables and recommendations for each question were extensively
discussed in online meetings with the working group. After discussion, a voting procedure was used for
each recommendation to grade the direction of the recommendation as ‘for’ or ‘against’ the particular
intervention, and the strength of each recommendation as ‘strong’ or ‘conditional’. A quorum of 60% of
members were needed to be present for a discussion and vote to go ahead and a majority vote of
those present was needed for final decisions on each recommendation. The outcomes of the voting are
provided in the online supplemental information.
Finally, all recommendations, with their rationales, were collated into a consultation (draft) guideline
manuscript that was reviewed by the same clinical experts and persons with lived DFU experience who
reviewed the clinical questions, as well as by members of the IWGDF Editorial Board. The working
group then collated, reviewed and discussed all feedback on the consultation manuscript and revised
accordingly to produce the final guideline manuscript.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Overall, 14 clinical questions, each with up to 13 (critically) important outcomes, were finalised and
addressed by this guideline. The accompanying systematic review identified 194 eligible studies,
performed 35 meta-analyses and developed 17 summary of findings tables with 128 evidence
statements to collectively address these questions (11). Based on the systematic review and expert
opinion of the group, 20 summary of judgements tables were completed (see supplemental
information) with 16 recommendations developed that addressed the clinical questions. A clinical
pathway, using a diagrammatic overview and incorporating all 16 recommendations, summarises the
recommended approach to offloading treatment to heal a DFU (Figure 1).
Note, different offloading interventions are mentioned in this guideline and they are discussed according
to the following categories: offloading devices, footwear, other offloading techniques, and surgical
offloading techniques. We refer readers to the glossary at the end of this guideline for the definitions
and descriptions of each of these offloading interventions and categories. Furthermore, many of the
offloading devices and interventions recommended require specific training, skills, and experience to
apply properly. The specific skills and training are not described in the studies performed and may differ
between centres and countries. We suggest that the person applying the offloading should be a
properly trained healthcare professional who according to their national or regional standards has the
knowledge, expertise, and skills necessary to treat DFU.
Figure 1: Flow diagram on the recommended offloading treatment for a person with diabetes and a foot
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Clinical question 1: In a person with diabetes and a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, should non-
removable offloading devices be used over removable offloading devices?
Recommendation 1a: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, use
a non-removable knee-high offloading device as the first choice of offloading treatment to promote
healing of the ulcer. (GRADE recommendation: Strong; CoE: Moderate)
Rationale: Non-removable knee-high offloading devices are devices that extend up the leg to a level just
below the knee and cannot be readily removed by the patient, such as total contact casts (TCCs) and
non-removable walkers (see Glossary for definitions). They should also incorporate a foot-device
interface that helps reduce peak pressure at the ulcer location. For TCCs, foot-device interfaces are
typically accommodated within the TCC method via the hand-moulding of the TCC to the shape of the
plantar surface to redistribute pressure over the foot. For walkers, the foot-device interfaces typically
consists of prefabricated (which may be of a modifiable modular design) or custom insoles. Additionally,
felted foam may be added around the perimeter of the ulcer as part of the foot-device interface in
order to further reduce pressure and promote healing of the ulcer. Lastly, we suggest persons use a
walking aid if stability is compromised by wearing the device and risk of falling is high.
Our systematic review and meta-analyses identified 10 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and 6 other
controlled studies, with 4 non-controlled studies also adding relevant evidence for this question (11).
We judged the overall desirable effects (benefits) to be moderate, based on our meta-analysis finding
non-removable knee-high devices likely cause moderate increases in the critical outcome of proportions
of ulcers healed compared to removable offloading devices (risk ratio (RR) 1.24, 95% CI 1.09-1.41;
Moderate CoE) and may also cause moderate decreases in infections (RR 0.58, 0.34-0.99; Low CoE)
and amputations (RR 0.53, 0.19-1.50; Very low CoE). Whereas we judged the overall undesirable effects
(harms) to be small, we found non-removable knee-high devices may also cause moderate increases in
new lesions compared to removable devices (RR 1.77, 0.89-3.54; Low CoE), small decreases in patient
satisfaction (mean difference (MD) 0.21 lower on 10-point scale, 1.47 lower to 1.05 higher; Very low
CoE) and little-to-no difference for falls (RR NA; Very low CoE). However, the evidence was very
uncertain for falls as one other controlled study also noted two persons using bilateral TCCs
discontinued use because of falls. Therefore, we judged the balance of effects clearly favours non-
removable offloading devices over removable offloading devices, based on a moderate CoE for our
critical outcome of ulcers healed.
Findings for other important surrogate outcomes for ulcers healed, such as adherence, activity and
plantar pressure, provide potential rationale for this improved ulcers healed rate. The principal
advantage of non-removable devices over removable offloading devices is enforced adherence, with our
meta-analysis finding non-removable devices may cause large decreases in non-adherence (RR 0.07,
0.01-0.79; Very low CoE). Additionally, another review found some evidence that a reduction in weight-
bearing activity may benefit ulcer healing (37), with our meta-analysis finding non-removable versus
removable devices may cause small decreases in weight-bearing activity (MD 671 less daily steps, 95%
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
CI 1,680 less to 338 more; Very low CoE). Finally, plantar pressure reductions are well-known to be
associated with improved healing, with our meta-analysis finding non-removable versus removable
devices may cause small increases in plantar pressure (MD 39 kPa higher, 95% CI 7 less to 84 more;
Very low CoE). However, we note that in our meta-analysis, we compared TCCs to removable knee-
high walkers that can be made non-removable, and thus, in our judgement plantar pressure reductions
in reality should be similar between non-removable and removable walkers (11). Therefore, in our
judgement, non-removable compared to removable offloading devices result in similar plantar pressure
reductions, small reductions in weight-bearing activity and large increases in adherence and hence heal
more ulcers.
In terms of costs of initial treatment, our systematic review found non-removable compared to
removable devices may cause small increases in initial treatment costs (MD €14.60 higher, 95% CI 7.68
lower to 136.88 higher; Very low CoE). However, conversely in terms of cost-effectiveness over the full
duration of treatment, our systematic review found non-removable versus removable devices may be
moderately more cost-effective (MD NA; N=2; n=2,053; Low CoE).
Additionally, although a lack of evidence was identified, our expert opinion judgement is that health
equity is likely reduced with the use of non-removable devices compared to removable devices due to
implementation of such interventions likely being limited in some low-, and middle-income countries by
patients’ ability to pay for them and access to healthcare professionals with the skills and resources to
provide the interventions. Thus, based on this and multiple published surveys showing low use of non-
removable offloading devices in clinical practice, and in particular TCCs (20, 22, 38, 39), we judged using
non-removable offloading devices to be probably not equitable or acceptable to many patients and
clinicians (20, 21). However, we judged implementation of such non-removable offloading as probably
feasible, in the context of comparing to other removable devices, as most removable knee-high devices
could readily be converted to a non-removable format using cast tape, straps or other methods.
In summary, based on our judgements that non-removable compared to removable devices should
produce moderate desirable effects and small undesirable effects, and with moderate certainty of
supporting evidence for critical outcomes, we consider the balance of effects strongly favour non-
removable offloading devices. Furthermore, our judgements were that there should only be a small
increase in initial costs for the resources required for non-removable devices, but over the treatment
duration non-removable devices should be moderately more cost-effective and feasible to implement.
However, in terms of the impact on health equity and acceptability, our judgements were removable
devices may be favoured. Thus, after weighing up all important summary of judgement items we
consider a strong recommendation in favour of non-removable offloading devices is justified and based
on moderate CoE. However, in cases where the plantar ulcer is on the lesser digits and secondary to
flexible toe deformity present, we refer to recommendation 6.
Clinical question 2: In a person with diabetes and a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, should a total
contact cast be used over another non-removable knee-high offloading device?
Recommendation 1b: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer for
which a non-removable knee-high offloading device is to be used, choose either a total contact cast or
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
non-removable knee-high walker based upon local resources and the person’s individual factors and
acceptability. (Conditional; Moderate)
Rationale: When choosing a non-removable knee-high offloading device, two modalities are generally
used, a TCC or a prefabricated removable walker that is rendered non-removable. Both are used in
clinical practice, which justifies the question regarding which is more effective and preferred for
offloading plantar forefoot and midfoot DFUs.
Our systematic review and meta-analyses identified 5 RCTs and 1 other controlled study, with 6 non-
controlled studies also adding relevant evidence for this question (11). We judged the overall desirable
effects to be small, based on our meta-analysis finding TCCs likely make little-to-no difference compared
to non-removable knee-high walkers in proportions of ulcers healed (RR 1.05, 95% CI: 0.92-1.19;
Moderate CoE), infections (RR 1.00, 0.07-14.90; Low CoE) and amputations (RR 1.05, 0.07-15.68; Low
CoE). Whereas we judged the overall undesirable effects to be small, TCCs may also cause small
increases in plantar pressure compared to non-removable walkers (MD 39 kPa more; 95% CI: 5-73;
Low CoE), large increases in new lesions (i.e. abrasions, ulcers; RR 2.04, 95% CI: 0.70-5.96; Low CoE),
moderate increases in falls but the evidence is very uncertain (RR 1.47, 95% CI: 0.16-13.18; Very low
CoE), and small decreases in patient satisfaction (MD -1.60 lower on 10-point scale, 2.91-0.29 lower;
Low CoE). Therefore, we judged the balance of effects did not favour either TCCs or non-removable
walkers, based on a moderate CoE for our critical outcome of ulcers healed.
In terms of initial costs, our meta-analysis found TCCs and non-removable walkers may cause little-to-
no difference in initial costs (MD €0.77 lower, €11.62 lower to €10.09 higher; Very low CoE), but that
TCCs were likely to be moderately less cost-effective over the treatment duration than non-removable
walkers (MD €564.79 higher, 781.57-348.01 higher; Moderate CoE), with the results of one health
technology assessment that could not be pooled also pointing in that direction (40). An additional
consideration that has been reported in the literature which may impact provider preference between
the two types of devices is application time. TCCs were found to take longer to apply and remove than
a non-removable knee-high walker (MD 13 minutes longer, p<0.001; MD 4.8 minutes longer, p<0.0001,
respectively) (41, 42).
Additionally, based on our expert opinion only as no evidence existed, we judged equity to probably be
reduced with TCCs compared to non-removable walkers as they are likely to only be available to those
willing to pay for ongoing TCC materials, have access to clinicians with the skills and resources to
provide TCCs and may require more consultations than non-removable walkers. For similar reasons to
those in Recommendation 1, we judged TCCs were probably less acceptable compared to non-
removable walkers based on multiple published surveys finding they are not commonly used in clinical
practice. Finally, we judged TCCs were probably not as feasible to implement as non-removable walkers
for similar above cost, resource and skill reasons.
In summary, many of the important outcomes favour non-removable walkers, but TCC show slightly
better effect sizes for some of the critically important outcomes (i.e. ulcers healed and amputation).
Based on our judgements that TCCs compared to removable devices may produce small desirable
effects and small undesirable effects, and with moderate certainty of supporting evidence for critical
outcomes, we consider the balance of effects does not favour one device over the other. We have
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
therefore made a conditional recommendation that healthcare professionals may choose to use either a
TCC or non-removable knee-high walker for people with a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot
ulcer and the certainty of the evidence is moderate. The choice between a TCC or non-removable
knee-high walker should ultimately be dependent upon the resources available, technician skills, patient
preferences, and the appropriateness of the device to fit the level of any foot deformity present (i.e.
using a TCC with a severely deformed foot).
Clinical question 3: In a person with diabetes and a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, should removable
knee-high offloading devices be used over removable ankle-high offloading devices?
Recommendation 2: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer for
whom a non-removable knee-high offloading device is contraindicated or not tolerated, consider using
either a removable knee-high or ankle-high offloading device as the second choice of offloading
treatment to promote healing of the ulcer, and encourage the person to wear the device during all
weight-bearing activities. (Conditional; Low)
Our systematic review and meta-analyses identified 4 RCTs and 2 other controlled studies, with 7 non-
controlled studies adding relevant evidence for this question (11). We judged the overall desirable
effects to be small, based on our meta-analysis finding removable knee-high compared to removable
ankle-high offloading devices may cause little-to-no difference in proportions of ulcers healed (RR 1.00,
95% CI 0.86-1.16; Low CoE) and infections (RR 1.00, 0.51-1.94; Low CoE), but small decreases in
plantar pressure (MD 42 kPa lower, 95% CI 68-12 lower; Low CoE) and new lesions (RR 0.87, 0.42-
1.82; Very low CoE), and moderate decreases in weight-bearing activity (MD 969 daily steps, 95% CI
2,004 lower to 67 higher; Very low CoE). Whereas, we also judged the overall undesirable effects to be
small, finding removable knee-high may also cause small decreases in patient satisfaction compared to
ankle-high devices (MD -0.6 lower on 10-point scale, 1.8 lower to 0.7 higher, Very low CoE), and
moderate increases in non-adherence (RR 1.66, 95% CI 1.10-2.52; Low CoE), falls (RR 2.00, 95% CI
0.13-30.34; Very low CoE) and amputations (RR 1.96, 95% CI 0.52-7.34; Very low CoE), but the
evidence is very uncertain. Therefore, we judged the balance of effects did not favour either removable
knee-high or removable ankle-high offloading devices, based on a low CoE for our critical outcome of
ulcers healed.
Interestingly, the evidence to support either the use of knee-high or ankle high devices for other
important surrogate outcomes for ulcers healed, including plantar pressure reduction, weight bearing
activity, and adherence, is inconsistent. Our meta-analysis indicates that knee-high devices reduce more
plantar pressure and weight-bearing activity, but also reduce adherence compared to ankle-high devices.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
The lower levels of adherence could explain why the mechanistic effects of a reduction in plantar
pressure and weight bearing activity observed in knee-high devices does not lead to an improvement in
ulcer healing rates. If people with a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcers can be encouraged to wear a
knee-high device, then given the observed reduction in plantar pressure and activity this may translate
into better ulcer healing rates compared to an ankle-high device.
One RCT (11) found one-off material costs for knee-high devices were higher than for ankle-high
devices (MD NA; US$150-200 v $25-75; p=NR; Very low CoE). However, one large cost-effectiveness
analysis (40), using evidence from several trials and expert opinion, found knee-high devices to be more
cost-effective than removable ankle-high devices (MD NA; $1,629 v $1,934; p=NR; Low CoE).
However, the variety of different types of devices included in the intervention and comparator groups
increases the uncertainty around the cost effectiveness of individual devices.
Additionally, based on our expert opinion only as no evidence existed, we judged there would probably
be no impact on equity as there is a balance between costs and cost-effectiveness between removable
knee-high and ankle-high devices, they are likely similarly available in low-, middle- and high-income
countries and the clinical skills to apply both devices is also similar. However, we judged knee-high
devices were probably less acceptable over ankle-high devices due to the slightly lower participant
satisfaction or acceptability of knee-high devices and multiple published surveys of clinical practice
suggested the healthcare professional’s acceptability to using removable knee-high devices is also slightly
lower than ankle-high devices (20, 21). Finally, we judged removable knee-high devices were probably as
feasible to implement as removable ankle-high devices based on our expert opinion.
In summary, based on our judgements that removable knee-high devices compared to removable ankle-
high devices may produce small desirable effects and small undesirable effects, and with low certainty of
supporting evidence for critical outcomes, we consider the balance of effects does not favour one
device over the other. We have therefore made a conditional recommendation that healthcare
professionals should use a person-centred approach to prescribing either a knee-high or ankle-high
offloading device, taking into consideration offloading capacity and adherence levels to wearing the
device. A device with less pressure reduction worn more regularly may be equally or more effective at
healing a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer than a device with high levels of pressure reduction worn less
frequently. Thus, people should be educated on the benefit of adherence to using a removable
offloading device during all weight-bearing activity to improve the effectiveness of the device to heal
their ulcer.
Please note, this means in contrast to the 2019 IWGDF guideline, removable knee-high and ankle-high
offloading devices are now grouped into one recommendation for second-choice of offloading
treatment, rather than separate recommendations for second and third-choice treatment, respectively,
as in 2019. Effectively that means an upgrade for ankle-high offloading devices to second-choice of
offloading treatment, and is based on the current available evidence as well as on analysis and
interpretation using the more thorough GRADE approach.
Clinical question 4: In a person with diabetes and a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, should removable
above ankle-high offloading devices be used over removable below ankle-high offloading devices?
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Rationale: Ankle-high offloading devices can range in height from above the ankle such as ankle-high
walkers, to below the ankle such as postoperative healing shoes, and all are used in clinical practice for
treating plantar forefoot and midfoot DFU (see Glossary for further definitions and examples).
We considered there was insufficient evidence to answer this question, based on our systematic review
finding of no controlled studies that compared above ankle-high to below-ankle-high devices for the
critical outcome of ulcers healed and most other important outcomes, such as weight-bearing activity,
adherence, new lesions, falls, infections, amputations or costs. Furthermore, as ankle-high offloading has
already been incorporated in an earlier recommendation, we considered there was limited priority to
develop a specific recommendation on types of ankle-high offloading to address this specific question if
it were to be based mainly on expert opinion.
Otherwise, there was some evidence from repeated measures studies on other important outcomes of
plantar pressure, quality of life and balance. Studies compared a variety of different above ankle-high cast
walkers to below ankle-high offloading devices which made specific comparisons challenging. Three
repeated measures studies (11), found little-to-no difference in plantar pressure reduction between the
two different height devices. One of these studies also found removable above ankle-high compared to
below ankle-high devices may make little-to-no effect on balance. There is evidence from one repeated
measures study (11) though, that found removable above ankle-high compared to below ankle-high
devices may increase patient comfort. However, all the current research is limited to repeated measures
studies in surrogate populations for people with DFU. Thus, a larger evidence base is needed on this
clinical question in particular regarding the critical outcome of ulcers healed, before any
recommendation can be made.
Clinical question 5: In a person with diabetes and a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, should footwear
be used over offloading devices?
Recommendation 3: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer, do
not use, and educate the person not to use conventional footwear or standard therapeutic footwear
over an offloading device, to promote healing of the ulcer. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: Conventional footwear is off-the-shelf footwear that does not have any intended therapeutic
effect; whereas standard therapeutic footwear is off-the-shelf footwear with some intended therapeutic
effect, such as extra-depth footwear, but is not custom-made footwear (see Glossary for more detail).
Unlike with offloading devices, all controlled studies that investigated conventional or standard
therapeutic footwear did so as the comparator/control to another offloading intervention, such as an
offloading device. Therefore, for our systematic review and meta-analysis we compared offloading
device interventions to therapeutic footwear controls and have used this evidence to inform this clinical
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Our systematic review and meta-analyses identified 5 RCTs for this question, with 5 non-controlled
studies adding relevant evidence (11). We judged the overall desirable effects to be small for
therapeutic footwear, based on our meta-analysis finding offloading devices may increase new lesions
compared to therapeutic footwear (RR 1.60, 0.07-37.75; Very low CoE). Whereas, we judged the
overall undesirable effects to be large for therapeutic footwear, finding offloading devices may
moderately increase the proportions of ulcers healed compared to therapeutic footwear (RR 1.39, 95%
CI 0.89-2.18; Low CoE), plus non-removable knee-high offloading devices had larger effects again on
ulcers healed compared to therapeutic footwear (RR 1.98, 95% CI 0.99-3.93). Further, offloading
devices may cause large decreases in plantar pressure (MD 239 kPa lower, 317-160 lower; Low CoE),
infections (RR 0.15, 0.03-0.79; Low CoE) and amputations (RR 0.18, 0.01-3.56; Very low CoE)
compared to therapeutic footwear, and little-to-no difference in patient satisfaction (MD 2.8 of 100mm
VAS lower, 10.6 lower to 4.9 higher; Very low CoE). Therefore, we judged the balance of effects to
strongly favour offloading devices over therapeutic footwear based on a low CoE for our critical
outcome of ulcers healed.
We found offloading devices may cause small increases in material costs compared to therapeutic
footwear ($20 vs $7; Very low CoE), but one large cost-effectiveness analysis (40), found offloading
devices compared to therapeutic footwear likely causes large increases in cost-effectiveness (MD NA;
$877 v $1934; Moderate CoE).
Additionally, based on our expert opinion only as no evidence existed, we judged therapeutic footwear
would probably increase health equity compared to offloading devices as footwear is more likely to be
available and cheaper in low-income countries. Further, we considered therapeutic footwear would be
probably acceptable and feasible in most places.
In summary, based on our judgements that therapeutic footwear compared to offloading devices may
produce small desirable effects but large undesirable effects, and with low certainty of supporting
evidence for critical outcomes, we consider the balance of effects does not favour therapeutic footwear
and instead favours offloading devices. Thus, we
we have made a strong recommendation against the use of conventional or standard therapeutic
footwear for treating plantar forefoot or midfoot DFUs in preference of a wide range of options for
offloading devices, when these are available. This recommendation is based on low CoE.
Recommendation 4: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer for
which offloading devices are not available, consider using felted foam in combination with appropriately
fitting footwear as the third choice of offloading treatment to promote healing of the ulcer. (Conditional;
Very Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Rationale: Other offloading interventions are defined as any intervention undertaken with the intention
of relieving mechanical stress from a specific region of the foot, that is not an offloading device,
footwear, or surgical procedure. Despite many practice surveys reporting high use of other offloading
interventions, such as felted foam and wheelchairs (21, 22), there has been limited evidence to support
other offloading interventions to heal DFUs (11). Our systematic review identified 3 RCTs and 2 other
controlled studies, with 5 non-controlled studies adding relevant evidence for this question (11). The
other offloading intervention with most controlled studies was felted foam, however wheelchairs,
botulinum toxin injections, gait retraining and foam wound dressings also had controlled studies (11).
We note no controlled studies were identified for offloading interventions such as bedrest, crutches,
callus debridement, foot-related exercises, or knee scooters.
Felted foam was the only intervention defined as an other offloading intervention for which our
systematic review found any potentially favourable evidence on the critical outcome of healed ulcers.
Our systematic review found wheelchairs were not favoured over wheelchairs in combination with
removable offloading devices as they may cause moderate decreases in the proportions of ulcers healed
(RR 0.77, 0.59-1.00; Low CoE) and large increases in amputations (RR 12.24, 95% CI 0.69 to 216.92;
Very low CoE). Further, whilst our systematic review found gait retraining, botulinum toxin injections,
and foam wound dressings may reduce plantar pressure based on (very) low CoE, we considered
plantar pressure evidence alone was not sufficient to justify completing summary of judgements or
recommendations. Therefore, we only performed summary of judgements for this clinical question on
felted foam, and specifically the use of felted foam in combination with a removable ankle-high
offloading device compared to the removable ankle-high offloading device alone.
Our systematic review and meta-analyses identified 2 RCTs and one other controlled study on felted
foam (11). We judged the desirable effects for felted foam with removable ankle-high offloading device
intervention compared to the device alone to be small, based on our systematic review finding little-to-
no difference in the proportions of ulcers healed (RR 0.97, 0.82-1.19; Very low CoE), but moderate
decreases in plantar pressure outcomes (MD 98 kPa lower, 151-45 lower; Very low CoE). Furthermore,
we judged the undesirable effects to be trivial, finding the intervention may result in little-to-no
difference in new lesions (RR 1.00, 0.07-14.85; Very low COE) and infections (RR 1.07, 0.41-2.77; Very
low CoE). Therefore, we judged the balance of effects probably favours the felted foam with a
removable ankle-high offloading device intervention over the device alone, however, based on very low
CoE. We also note the systematic review found whether the felted foam is applied to the foot or the
device may make little-to-no difference.
In terms of the other important judgements for this felted foam intervention, there was no evidence
identified in our systematic review for resources required, cost-effectiveness or health equity. However,
based on our expert opinion, we judged the additional resources required for the use of felted foam to
be negligible. While felted foam is an additional cost and requires frequent replacement (at least
weekly), from an offloading treatment perspective we judged that felted foam is inexpensive to
purchase, in low-, middle- and high-income countries, and requires little additional skill to apply. For the
same reasons, we judged health equity to be probably increased. Multiple published surveys of
offloading practices around the world show the use of felted foam to be high in many countries (21,
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
22). Therefore, we also considered felted foam to have a positive impact on acceptability and feasibility
to implement.
Unfortunately, as identified in clinical questions 1-5, offloading devices are not always feasible to use in
all parts of the world due to lack of availability, whereas felted foam and footwear are typically available
everywhere. Therefore, we also considered whether felted foam with appropriately fitting footwear may
also be an acceptable option for offloading DFU when no offloading devices are available. Whilst our
systematic review identified no evidence, based on our expert opinion we considered that felted foam
used with appropriately fitting footwear compared to footwear alone may promote healing of the ulcer
in a similar mechanistic manner to how felted foam used in combination with ankle-high offloading
devices may promote healing over the use of the device alone. We define appropriately fitting footwear
as footwear that provides sufficient room for the patients’ foot shape and the additional felted foam.
Thus, this recommendation would enable some form of offloading treatment for people with a plantar
forefoot or midfoot DFU when offloading devices as recommended in Recommendation 1 to 3 are not
available. However, we stress that this would be a last resort non-surgical offloading option and that
felted foam should not be used as a single treatment modality.
Recommendation 5a: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar metatarsal head ulcer for
which non-surgical offloading treatment fails, consider using Achilles tendon lengthening in combination
with an offloading device to promote and sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Moderate)
Recommendation 5b: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar metatarsal head ulcer for
which non-surgical offloading treatment fails, consider using metatarsal head resection in combination
with an offloading device to promote and sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Recommendation 5c: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic hallux ulcer for which non-surgical
offloading treatment fails, consider using joint arthroplasty in combination with an offloading device to
promote and sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 5d: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar ulcer on metatarsal heads 2-5
for which non-surgical offloading treatment fails, consider using a metatarsal osteotomy in combination
with an offloading device to promote and sustain healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Very low)
Rationale: Surgical offloading interventions have been traditionally used for plantar forefoot and midfoot
DFU that are considered hard-to-heal with non-surgical offloading interventions (11). These surgical
interventions change the structure and function of the foot and therefore provide a more permanent
offloading solution for areas of elevated mechanical tissue stress, even when the patient is not adherent
to using an offloading device. However, surgical offloading also potentially comes with increased risk of
complications (11).
Regarding Achilles tendon lengthening, we identified 2 RCTs and 5 non-controlled studies (11). We
judged the overall desirable effects to be moderate, based on systematic review finding Achilles tendon
lengthening in combination with a TCC likely causes small increases in the proportion of ulcers healed
compared to a TCC alone (RR 1.10, 0.96-1.27; Moderate CoE), and may cause large increases in
sustained healing once healed (RR 3.41, 1.42-8.18, Moderate CoE), large decreases in forefoot plantar
pressure (MD 218 kPa lower, 410-26 lower; Low CoE), moderate decreases in new lesions (RR 0.71,
0.22-2.28; Very low CoE) and large decreases in amputations (RR 0.35, 0.01-8.38; Very low CoE).
Whereas we judged the overall undesirable effects as moderate, with large increases in new rearfoot
ulcers (RR 9.56, 0.54-170.46; Moderate CoE), falls (RR 5.31, 0.27-106.46; Low CoE) and infections (RR
3.19, 0.13-75.43; Low CoE). Thus, we judged our balance of effects probably favours Achilles tendon
lengthening in combination with TCC over TCCs alone only if non-surgical offloading treatment has
already failed.
For resources required, cost-effectiveness, equity, acceptability and feasibility, our systematic review
identified no supporting evidence and hence our judgments were based on expert opinion. We judged
the resources required as moderate, as the Achilles tendon lengthening intervention requires additional
resources such as operating theatres, skilled surgeons, hardware, post-operative care, etc. Conversely,
we judged cost-effectiveness probably favours the intervention, based on a moderate desirable effect
outweighing the initial moderate resources required. We judged the impact of health equity as probably
reduced as the Achilles tendon lengthening intervention is unlikely to be available everywhere in the
world, is probably not acceptable to some patients and healthcare professionals, except if non-surgical
offloading interventions consistently fail, and the feasibility of Achilles tendon lengthening may vary based
on the local resources available.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
finding that the critical outcomes of ulcers healed and sustained healing have moderate certainty of
supporting evidence.
Regarding metatarsal head (MTH) resection, we identified one RCT, 2 other controlled studies and 7
non-controlled studies. We judged the desirable effects to be moderate, based on our meta-analysis
finding MTH resection in combination with offloading devices compared to offloading devices alone may
cause moderate increases in proportion of ulcers healed (RR 1.33, 1.12-1.58; Low CoE) and sustained
healing (RR 1.21, 1.09-1.35; Low CoE), moderate decreases in infections (RR 0.55, 0.25-1.19; Very low
CoE) and amputations (RR 0.68, 0.28-1.66; Very low CoE), and large decreases in plantar pressure (MD
511 kPa lower, 607-415 lower; Very low CoE). We judged the undesirable effects to be small, based on
moderate increases in new transfer lesions (RR 1.50, 0.46-4.86; Very low CoE) and large decreases in
weight-bearing activity (MD 2.2 lower on 4-point scale, 3.2-1.2 lower; Low CoE). Although some
persons may experience improved wound healing in association with a reduction in activity, excessively
large reductions are likely to yield declines in individuals’ general health. We also emphasize that the
indication for MTH resection may include management of infection, such as osteomyelitis or joint
infection, as well as surgical offloading of a prominent metatarsal head. This makes the comparison to
conservative treatment difficult as the magnitude of the undesirable effect may also vary due to the joint
in question. It is expected that there is a higher risk of undesirable effects in the first metatarsal
phalangeal joint than in the second to fifth metatarsals. Overall, we judged our balance of effects
probably favours MTH resection in combination with an offloading device over a device alone.
We found MTH resection may also cause moderate decreases in quality of life during healing (MD 1.2
lower on 4-point discomfort scale, 2.1-0.3 lower; Low CoE) but moderate increases in quality of life
after healing (MD 2.5 higher on 10-point global satisfaction scale, 0.4-4.6 higher; Low CoE), and small
increases in cost-effectiveness, but evidence is very uncertain. Based primarily on expert opinion, we
considered equity and acceptability to be probably reduced, and the and the feasibility of the
intervention may vary based on the local resources available.
As both Achilles tendon lengthening and MTH resection have a conditional recommendation in favor of
the intervention to treat a neuropathic plantar MTH ulcer, the question arises as to when to perform
one over the other. Based on our expert opinion, Achilles tendon lengthening is indicated in the case of
someone with such an ulcer and an equinus position of the foot. When osteomyelitis of the metatarsal
head or infection in the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint is identified, as proven by either Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) or the ulcer permitting a probe to reach the bone or joint (15), MTH
resection or joint arthroplasty should be considered. In the case of previous MTH resection or
osteotomies and a transfer ulcer to another metatarsal head, we suggest either an Achilles tendon
lengthening alone, or in combination with an MTH resection when infection or osteomyelitis is
Regarding joint arthroplasty, we identified 2 controlled studies and 4 non-controlled studies. We judged
the desirable effects to be moderate, based on our meta-analysis finding metatarsal-phalangeal joint
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arthroplasty in combination with a non-removable offloading device may cause a small increase in
proportion of ulcers healed over devices alone (RR 1.07, 0.89-1.28; Low CoE) and sustained healing (RR
1.19, 0.67-2.12; Low CoE), and large decreases in amputations (RR 0.48, 0.05-4.85; Very low CoE).
Whereas, we judged the undesirable effects to be small, based on little-to-no differences for infections
(RR 0.95, 0.44-2.05; Low CoE) and new lesions (RR NA; Very low CoE), but the evidence is very
uncertain as zero new lesions were reported when in our expert opinion we would expect some new
lesions and other outcomes such as falls weren’t reported. Thus, we judged the balance of effects
probably favours joint arthroplasty in combination with a non-removable offloading device over a device
alone if non-surgical offloading treatment fails. We also emphasize that the indication for joint
arthroplasty is for a hallux ulcer with limited range of motion of the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint. In
case of other deformities with a hallux ulcer, joint arthroplasty may not be indicated. Otherwise, we
consider based on only expert opinion the costs to be moderate, equity probably reduced, low
acceptability and the feasibility of the intervention may vary based on the local resources available.
Regarding metatarsal osteotomy, we identified one controlled study and 5 non-controlled studies. We
judged the desirable effects to be moderate, based on our meta-analysis finding metatarsal osteotomy in
combination with a non-removable offloading device may cause shorter time-to-healing (RR NA; 51.3 vs
159.3 days time-to-healing; p=0.004; Low CoE), large decreases in amputations (RR 0.17, 0.02-1.24;
Very low CoE), and moderate decreases in plantar pressure (MD 136 kPa lower, 144-128 lower; Very
low CoE) over non-surgical care (11). Whereas, we judged the undesirable effects to be small, based on
our systematic review finding little-to-no difference for sustained healing, and very uncertain effects on
infections and new lesions, based on only non-controlled studies. We therefore judged the desirable
effects as moderate and the undesirable effect as small, and thus a balance of effects probably in favour
of the metatarsal osteotomy. Furthermore, we considered the costs as moderate, equity and
acceptability probably reduced, and the feasibility of the intervention may vary based on the local
resources available.
We decided not to put forward a recommendation for the use of joint arthrodesis, based on the limited
available evidence. The only controlled study regarding joint arthrodesis in combination with offloading
devices compared to offloading devices alone is based on a population of people with Charcot midfoot
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deformity and DFUs and that study found little-to-no difference in healing (43). That paper is included in
the guideline on the Charcot foot (32), and hence, we have considered a recommendation was not
Overall, there is some evidence to support surgical offloading in combination with offloading devices
over offloading devices alone to improve ulcers healed and time-to-healing of plantar forefoot or
midfoot DFU that prove to be hard-to-heal with non-surgical treatment, and much more evidence for
sustained healing. However, the number of controlled studies for each surgical intervention is still low,
the quality of these studies is generally low and the comparator is often not a gold standard treatment,
and therefore we consider the CoE for most of the above recommendations to be low. For these and
other reasons, we rate the strength of these recommendations as conditional, and recommend these
interventions only when non-surgical offloading treatment fails in healing the foot ulcer. We also
highlight that surgical offloading is contraindicated when severe ischaemia is present.
Recommendation 6: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar or apex ulcer on digits 2-5,
secondary to a flexible toe deformity, use a digital flexor tenotomy to promote and sustain healing of
the ulcer. (Strong; Moderate)
Rationale: A tenotomy of the flexor tendon of digits of the foot has been used to treat plantar or apex
ulcers on flexible claw or hammer toe deformities. The recommendation for a digital flexor tenotomy
procedure is limited to digits 2-5, based on our expert opinion that ulcers on the first toe are instead
likely caused by other deformities or by limited joint motion, which are conditions that may contribute
to the non-healing of the ulcer if a digital flexor tenotomy would be performed on the first toe.
Our systematic review identified 1 RCT and 13 non-controlled studies (11). We judged the desirable
effects to be moderate, based on our systematic review finding digital flexor tenotomies in combination
with removable ankle-high offloading devices likely causes large increases in proportion of ulcers healed
(RR 2.43, 1.05-5.59; Moderate CoE) and sustained healing (RR 2.52, 0.70-9.01; Moderate CoE), and may
cause large decreases in infections (RR 0.33, 0.02-7.14; Low CoE) and plantar pressure at the ulcer site
(MD 398 kPa lower, 524-28 lower; Low CoE) in comparison to devices alone. The non-controlled
studies also showed an overall healing rate of 97% in a mean 29.5 days (44) for digital flexor tenotomy
which further supported the intervention findings in the RCT. Whereas, we judged the undesirable
effects to be small, based on our systematic review finding of zero transfer lesions in the RCT, but that
digital flexor tenotomy caused small increases in transfer lesions in most non-controlled studies (23),
and little-to-no difference in balance and amputations again based on zero events. We also found digital
flexor tenotomies in combination with ankle-high devices may cause small increases in patient
satisfaction compared to devices alone (7.7 vs 3.9 on 10cm VAS scale; p=NR; Very low CoE).
Therefore, with moderate desirable and small undesirable effects, we judged the balance of effects to be
in favour of the digital flexor tenotomy in combination with ankle-high offloading devices over devices
Furthermore, based on our expert opinion, we judged any additional resources and costs required to be
negligible to small, as the tenotomy is a relatively straightforward procedure that can be performed in an
outpatient clinic. As such, it is a surgery that requires little additional resources, and may be cost-
effective based on our findings on balance of effects in favour of digital flexor tenotomy and our
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judgement that initial costs would be small. We furthermore judged equity to be probably increased
based on our expert opinion that tenotomies have negligible to small additionally required costs, require
little extra surgical skill and are readily available around the world. We also judged tenotomies to be
probably acceptable to most people for the above reasons and feasible to implement.
In summary, we previously considered digital flexor tenotomy to be a promising intervention for people
with hammertoes and recalcitrant lesser digital ulcers that failed non-surgical treatment. However, based
on the outcomes from a recent RCT (23), we now consider a strong recommendation in favour of
digital flexor tenotomy as a first line of treatment is justified for neuropathic plantar or apex ulcer on
digits 2-5, secondary to a flexible toe deformity. This is based on the clear balance of effects in favour of
tenotomies over conservative care, and the CoE for this recommendation is graded as moderate based
on the moderate CoE for the critical outcomes of ulcers healed and sustained healing. However, when
digital flexor tenotomies are not available, we refer to the offloading device recommendations for
plantar ulcers (Recommendations 1-4) or non-plantar ulcers (Recommendation 9) for treating a
neuropathic plantar or apex ulcer on digits 2-5.
Clinical question 8: In a person with diabetes and a plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer complicated by
infection or ischaemia, should any one offloading intervention be used over another offloading
Recommendation 7a: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer
with either mild infection or mild ischaemia, consider using a non-removable knee-high offloading device
to promote healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 7b: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer
with both mild infection and mild ischaemia, or with either moderate infection or moderate ischaemia,
consider using a removable offloading device to promote healing of the ulcer. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 7c: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer
with both moderate infection and moderate ischaemia, or with either severe infection or severe
ischaemia, primarily address the infection and/or ischaemia, and use a removable offloading intervention
over no offloading based on the person’s individual factors to promote healing of the ulcer. (Strong;
Very low)
Rationale: Many plantar ulcers seen in clinical practice are not purely neuropathic, but have some level of
infection and/or ischaemia present. Due to the neuropathic origin and mechanical stress that often
caused and continues to affect these ulcers, these infected and ischaemic ulcers still require some form
of offloading treatment. However, healthcare professionals should be more cautious about what kind of
offloading treatment to use if ulcers are complicated by infection or ischaemia. Although greater caution
is warranted in selecting an appropriate means to offload the mechanical stress in these more
complicated ulcers, the same arguments and indications for recommendations 1 to 6 are generally
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applicable. Here, we will only report some specific aspects about the offloading treatment at different
levels of infection and ischaemia, with data from our systematic review included.
Our systematic review identified one controlled study, supported by 3 non-controlled studies, that
found non-removable knee-high devices versus removable devices may cause large increases in
proportion of infected ulcers healed (adjusted OR 2.53, 1.19-5.35; Low CoE) (11). In our expert
opinion, we consider such an outcome is likely in all plantar forefoot or midfoot DFUs complicated by
either mild infection or mild ischaemia, or mild-to-moderate amounts of exudate (11). The improved
healing is likely to be associated with increased levels of adherence for non-removable versus removable
devices. It is possible that if removable devices were worn more frequently, there would be similar levels
of healing between the devices. Furthermore, in our expert opinion, the presence of mild infection or
mild ischaemia should not affect the resources required, cost-effectiveness, equity, acceptability and
feasibility considerations for non-removable versus removable offloading devices as outlined in the
rationale for Recommendations 1 and we refer the reader to those judgements. We do stress that
when the ulcer is infected or ischaemic, it should be monitored more regularly via at least weekly visits
to a healthcare professional, to enable the device to be removed and the ulcer and any infection
checked. However, clearly more research is needed to investigate the use of non-removable knee-high
devices compared to removable devices for healing a plantar forefoot or midfoot DFU complicated by
either mild infection or mild ischaemia.
Non-removable offloading should not be used when both mild infection and mild ischaemia, moderate
infection or ischaemia, or heavy exudate is present and these conditions require frequent inspection or
wound care, potentially daily (11). Removable offloading devices can be considered for healing these
ulcers, and we recommend any removable offloading device as per Recommendation 2, although note
that one controlled study found removable knee-high devices may cause moderate increases in ulcers
healed in people with infection compared to removable ankle-high devices (26). However, if the ulcer
does not require daily inspection or wound care, but only removal of the device with certain indications
(e.g. fever present) or otherwise at weekly clinic visits, a knee-high removable device may be rendered
non-removable to promote adherence and efficacy. This should only be provided as long as the
circumferential wrapping or other closure technique used can be removed and applied at any time, by a
homecare professional or a trained partner.
If a neuropathic plantar forefoot or midfoot ulcer is complicated by both moderate infection and
moderate ischaemia, or by severe infection or severe ischaemia, then the infection or ischaemia
treatment should be planned first before determining the appropriate offloading intervention. This may
mean the person remain fully non-weight-bearing during a period that the infection or ischaemia
treatment prohibits the use of offloading. However, in cases where a person will be weight-bearing prior
to resolution of the infection or severe ischaemia, the best offloading option that will work in
conjunction with infection and/or ischaemia interventions should be implemented. As no evidence exists
for offloading these severe infection or ischaemic complications, in our expert opinion, the choice of
removable offloading intervention needs to consider a patient’s individual factors, such as, their function,
ambulatory status, and activity level. When the infection and ischaemia status improve, the
recommendations for mild to moderate infection or ischaemia apply (Recommendations 7a and 7b), or,
when the infection or ischaemia are resolved, the recommendations for non-complicated foot ulcers
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apply (Recommendations 1- 6). Again, further research is needed to investigate the efficacy of offloading
devices to heal these plantar DFU complicated by moderate-to-severe infection or ischaemia.
In summary, based on the lack of evidence for desirable and undesirable effects, patient preferences and
costs, the strength of recommendations 7a-7b are conditional. However, we have made a strong
recommendation for 7c based on our expert opinion that offloading compared to no offloading in these
situations should provide a clear balance of effects in favour of offloading. The overall CoE for
recommendations 7a-7b is low based on the limited controlled studies and very low for 7c that is only
based on expert option that these plantar ulcers still require offloading for healing (11).
Clinical question 9: In a person with diabetes and a plantar digital ulcer, should any one offloading
intervention be used over another offloading intervention?
Recommendation: No recommendation.
Rationale: We considered this question was not different enough from already existing questions 1
through 8 to assess the literature, write summary of judgements and write a specific recommendation
for this question. Thus, we refer to earlier Recommendations 1 through 6 already addressing this
Clinical question 10: In a person with diabetes and a plantar rearfoot ulcer, should any one offloading
intervention be used over another offloading intervention?
Recommendation 8: In a person with diabetes and a neuropathic plantar rearfoot ulcer, consider using a
non-removable knee-high offloading device over a removable offloading device to promote healing of
the ulcer. (Conditional; Very low)
Rationale: Neuropathic plantar rearfoot ulcers are less prevalent than forefoot ulcers (45), but are
considered more of a challenge to offload and heal (11). However, there is little evidence available on
offloading interventions to treat plantar rearfoot ulcers (11), and when studies were available, they did
not specifically report outcomes for the subgroup of plantar rearfoot ulcers, such as in one large RCT,
where 28% of rearfoot DFU were on the plantar surface (46).
Our systematic review and meta-analysis identified 1 RCT, 1 controlled study, and 5 non-controlled
studies for this question (11). We judged the desirable effects to be moderate, based on our meta-
analysis finding non-removable knee-high devices may cause large increases in plantar rearfoot ulcers
healed compared to removable devices (RR 5.00, 0.30-83.69; Very low CoE), shorter time-to-ulcer
healing (MD NA; 69 vs 107 days), and little-to-no difference in rearfoot plantar pressure (MD 20 kPa
lower, 70 lower to 111 higher; Very low CoE), but the evidence is very uncertain. There was no data on
other outcomes and thus we are reliant on our expert opinion judgement that undesirable effects may
be small based on the evidence in Recommendation 1. Therefore, with moderate desirable and small
undesirable effects, we judged the balance of effects to probably favour non-removable over removable
offloading devices for plantar rearfoot ulcers, but based on a very low CoE for our critical outcome of
ulcers healed. We do not intend to make a recommendation around the specific choice of non-
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removable device (e.g. TCC or non-removable walker) to offload plantar rearfoot DFUs as there is
insufficient evidence to support one over the other.
If a non-removable device is contraindicated, our meta-analysis found removable knee-high versus ankle-
high offloading devices may cause large increases in proportions ulcers healed (RR 5.60, 0.87-36.22; Very
low CoE), and small decreases in rearfoot plantar pressure (MD 36 kPa lower, 69-4 lower; Very low
CoE), but the evidence is very uncertain. There were no data on the other important outcomes, such as
weight-bearing activity, adherence, new lesions, falls, infections, quality of life, costs, cost-effectiveness, or
balance for using offloading interventions to treat plantar rearfoot DFUs. We did not provide expert
opinion on those outcomes, as we lack sufficient experience with treating rearfoot ulcers in people with
diabetes, being uncommon in clinical practice. For resources required, equity, acceptability and feasibility,
considerations for non-removable versus removable offloading devices should be similar regardless of
the site of ulceration and have been discussed under clinical question 1. There is no data on the cost
effectiveness of different offloading devices to heal plantar rearfoot DFUs.
In summary, the balance of effects probably favours non-removable over removable offloading devices
for plantar rearfoot ulcers, with the CoE for this recommendation being very low based on the very low
CoE for the critical outcome of ulcers healed. Therefore, we make a conditional recommendation in
favour of non-removable offloading devices based on a very low CoE.
Clinical question 11: In a person with diabetes and a non-plantar foot ulcer, should any one offloading
intervention be used over another offloading intervention?
Recommendation 9: In a person with diabetes and a non-plantar foot ulcer, use a removable offloading
device, footwear modifications, toe spacers, orthoses, or digial flexor tenotomy, depending on the type
and location of the foot ulcer, to promote healing of the ulcer. (Strong; Very low)
Rationale: Non-plantar foot ulcers also require offloading, when pressure or friction on that region of
the foot is a likely cause of the ulcer, such as from tightly fitting footwear or rubbing between toes.
Overall, our systematic review identified no controlled studies reporting outcomes addressing this
question on how to offload non-plantar foot ulcers, despite these ulcers being prevalent and needing
relief from mechanical stress (11, 45). Our systematic review did identify 2 RCTs and 1 other controlled
trial that reported baseline non-plantar DFU characteristics, but they did not report outcomes for this
question (11). One of the RCTs, a large high-quality RCT compared a custom-made fiberglass heel cast
in addition to usual care (“usual care was not standardised”) with usual care in patients that mostly
(72%) had non-plantar rearfoot DFUs (the other 28% had plantar rearfoot ulcers), but did not subgroup
the outcomes for non-plantar rearfoot DFUs (46). The study found no differences in proportion ulcers
healed, adverse events or patient preferences, but did find the heel cast had higher overall costs.
Therefore, until new evidence becomes available, our recommendation is based entirely on expert
opinion. Our expert opinion is to choose the best modality based on the principle that it prevents any
tissue stress or contact with the ulcer and is an appropriate fit for the rest of the foot so as not to
produce new lesions. A number of different interventions can be used to reduce pressure on a non-
plantar ulcer, depending on the type and location of the ulcer. For example, appropriately fitting
footwear or footwear modifications can reduce pressure on ulcers on the foot margins and dorsal foot,
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toe spacers can reduce pressure on interdigital ulcers and specific ankle-foot orthoses may reduce
pressure on ulcers on the back of the rearfoot or medial/lateral foot when lying in bed. Furthermore, a
digital flexor tenotomy may be used to reduce pressure on and promote healing of dorsal ulcers on
deformed toes (23, 47).
Further research is needed to investigate offloading interventions for healing a non-plantar foot ulcer.
Due to the paucity of data, we rate the CoE for this recommendation as very low. However, we
consider this a strong recommendation, based on our opinion that the use of these offloading
interventions compared with using no offloading intervention would promote DFU healing, reduce
tissue stress and be of preference to the patient, and that should outweigh any undesirable effects of the
Clinical question 12: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, should a combination of offloading
interventions be used over a single offloading intervention?
Recommendation: No recommendation.
Rationale: In the multidisciplinary treatment of DFUs, typically a combination of multiple treatments are
provided at once for improved effect on ulcer healing, for example offloading, wound dressings,
debridement, revascularisation or antibiotics for infection (13). In a similar manner, a combination of
offloading treatments to improve the effect on DFU healing may be provided, and justifies the question
whether such combined offloading interventions should be used over a single offloading intervention to
heal DFUs.
Our systematic review identified that nearly all studies primarily investigating surgical offloading
interventions (e.g. Achilles tendon lengthening, digital flexor tenotomies, etc.) or other offloading
interventions (e.g. felted foam, wheelchairs) did so in combination with an offloading device or footwear,
and compared outcomes to a single intervention control (11). In contrast, our systematic review
identified no studies that primarily investigated offloading devices or footwear, in combination with
another offloading intervention.
Therefore, all the available evidence on the effect of a combination of interventions has already been
considered in earlier clinical questions and recommendations made and we refrain from making a
specific recommendation on this clinical question. We refer the reader to clinical questions 6, 7a-f and
11 for the combination of either a surgical or other offloading intervention in combination with an
offloading device or footwear for the recommendations on combination interventions.
Clinical question 13: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, should educational or psychological
interventions along with an offloading intervention be used over an offloading intervention alone?
Recommendation: No recommendation.
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Rationale: Our systematic review did not identify any studies investigating educational or psychological
interventions for the purpose of enhancing the use of an offloading intervention (11). Furthermore, we
considered there is insufficient expert opinion to be able to make any appropriately-informed
judgements on the balance of effects of educational or psychological interventions along with an
offloading intervention. Therefore, we were unable to make a specific recommendation to address this
question. However, despite this lack of evidence, we consider this question is an important one. We
encourage clinical researchers to conduct studies that investigate educational or psychological
interventions intended to improve outcomes of offloading interventions, especially since educational and
psychological interventions have shown promise in other areas of diabetes and diabetes-related foot
disease, such as for self-care and footwear adherence for ulcer prevention (48-52).
Clinical question 14: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer, should an offloading intervention for the
contralateral limb along with an offloading intervention for the ipsilateral limb be used over only an
offloading intervention for the ipsilateral limb?
Recommendation 10: In a person with diabetes and a foot ulcer for which a knee-high or ankle-high
offloading device is used, consider also using a shoe lift on the contralateral limb to improve the person’s
comfort and balance with walking in the device. (Conditional; Very low)
Rationale: People with a DFU who are provided with a knee-high or ankle-high offloading device may
experience discomfort or issues with postural balance or gait stability when the thickness of the device’s
sole produces a leg-length discrepancy. For these cases, a contralateral lift may be indicated to reduce
this leg-length discrepancy and improve gait. Furthermore, consideration should be given to using a
walking aid if stability is compromised by wearing the device and risk of falling is high.
Our systematic review identified only 1 repeated measures study addressing this question and it
investigated a contralateral shoe lift with an ipsilateral removable offloading device intervention versus
the same ipsilateral offloading device alone (11). We judged the desirable effects for the intervention to
be small based on little-to-no differences in plantar forefoot pressure found for removable knee-high
device in combination with a contralateral shoe lift compared to the device alone (MD 1 kPa lower, 17
lower to 20 higher; Very low CoE) and removable ankle-high device in combination with a contralateral
shoe lift compared to the device alone (MD 6 kPa lower, 10 lower to 22 higher; Very low CoE).
However, moderate increases in perceived comfort (MD 2.2 higher, 0.1-4.3 higher; Very low CoE) and
small improvements in balance were found in the groups with the removable device in combination
with the contralateral shoe lift compared to the device alone. Additionally, we judged the undesirable
effects to be trivial. Based on our expert opinion, we considered the additional costs of such an
intervention to be negligible, the intervention would probably have no impact on equity, and would
probably be acceptable and feasible. Thus, we considered a conditional recommendation in favour of
such a contralateral shoe lift was justified based on the balance of effects favouring the contralateral
shoe life, and a CoE for this recommendation of very low.
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plantar foot ulcers complicated by infection or ischaemia, rearfoot ulcers, or non-plantar ulcers, even
though these ulcers together are now arguably more common than purely neuropathic plantar
forefoot and midfoot ulcers. Whilst promisingly there have been some new trials investigating
offloading interventions in these more complicated DFU populations since 2019 (26, 27, 29), still
comparatively little research has been done in these DFU sub-populations. Again, we stress that
properly designed studies on offloading ulcers other than the non-complicated neuropathic plantar
forefoot or midfoot ulcer are urgently needed.
6. Adherence to an intervention is crucial in healing foot ulcers. It is consistently reported that those
who do not adhere to an offloading intervention present with worse healing outcomes. A stronger
focus is required, both in research and in clinical practice, on the objective measurement and
improvement of offloading treatment adherence, and understanding people’s thoughts, views,
emotions and practices around adhering to using offloading devices to treat foot ulcers (56, 57).
7. Surgical offloading has primarily been used to heal foot ulcers in selected patients, typically where
non-surgical offloading interventions have failed. The evidence for several surgical interventions is
mostly based on only a few older controlled studies. More high-quality RCTs on surgical offloading
procedures in comparison to first-choice offloading devices are still required to determine the
effectiveness of surgical interventions on the healing of both non-complicated and complicated foot
ulcers. For digital flexor tenotomy, a recent RCT has added to the evidence base for this
intervention (23), affecting the strength and CoE, and providing an example of what impact well-
controlled studies can have in this area.
8. Information on undesirable effects (such as new lesions, falls, infections, amputations), quality of life
and costs, equity, acceptability, and feasibility is critical in clinical decision making on offloading
treatment. By incorporating the GRADE methodology and multiple meta-analyses pooling these
outcomes, the 2023 guidelines are much more considerate of these outcomes than prior iterations
in the analysis of the literature on offloading interventions. Still most RCTs are underpowered for
these important outcomes. When trials report these outcomes using the same definitions there is
the possibility of pooling data in meta-analyses as we have been able to do in our systematic review
to better address these outcomes in the overall judgement. We recommend future trials continue
to ensure they collect these outcomes based on standard definitions as recommended by Jeffcoate
et al. and van Netten et al (12, 36) and on the summary of judgements tables as provided by
9. Costs and cost-effectiveness have also received little attention in offloading studies, despite the fact
that reimbursement through insured care is more and more dependent on proven cost-
effectiveness. Very few additional cost studies have been performed since our previous guidelines in
2019 (58), so more attention is still warranted in view of the continuing pressure on healthcare cost
10. Most interventions discussed are investigated in studies from high-income countries with relatively
temperate climates. Whilst promisingly there have been some trials investigating offloading
interventions in low and middle-income countries and countries with tropical climates published
since 2019 (59-61), there is still a need for more specific guidance on approaches to ulcer healing in
lower-income countries where climate and/or resources may be a factor in choice of offloading
device, adherence to wearing the device and its efficacy.
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11. We encourage our colleagues, whether working in multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinics or in a solo
practice, to consider developing some form of surveillance (e.g., registries, pathways) to monitor
interventions and outcomes and attempt to improve their outcomes (e.g. through bench marking,
best practice and research) for cohorts of persons with diabetes who have a foot ulcer (62-64).
12. We encourage our research colleagues to consider these key considerations and conduct well-
designed studies according to published reporting standards (12) in areas of offloading in which we
find gaps in the evidence base so to better inform the diabetic foot community in the future on
effective offloading treatment for persons with diabetes and a foot ulcer.
The large global disease and economic burdens caused by DFU can be considerably reduced when
evidence-based treatment is implemented by health-care professionals and multidisciplinary teams.
Offloading interventions are arguably one of the, if not the, most important interventions with the
highest certainty of evidence available for healing neuropathic DFUs and reducing the global burden of
these ulcers. Following the recommendations for evidence-based offloading treatments of people with
diabetes and a foot ulcer in this guideline should help healthcare professionals and teams improve
important outcomes for persons with a diabetes-related foot ulcer.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Achilles tendon lengthening: a surgical procedure used to lengthen a tight Achilles tendon and increase
motion at the ankle joint (65).
Adverse events/effects in relation to offloading treatment: general or local complications related directly
or indirectly to the intervention regardless of whether they are serious. These include but are not
limited to: falls; new pre-ulcerative lesion formation (i.e. abrasions, callus and blisters); new DFU
formation; acute Charcot foot; infection; hospital admissions; amputation; and death.
Adherence to offloading intervention: The extent to which a person’s behaviour corresponds with
agreed recommendations for treatment from a healthcare provider, expressed as quantitatively as
possible; usually defined as the proportion of time using the prescribed offloading intervention of the
total time in which the intervention is prescribed to be used (e.g. % of the total weight bearing time that
the patient was wearing the prescribed offloading device).
Ambulatory activity: defined as the weight-bearing dynamic activity, often expressed as average daily
steps or strides.
Ankle-high offloading device: an offloading device that extends no higher up the leg than just above the
ankle and can be further sub-grouped into above ankle-high and below ankle-high offloading devices.
Includes ankle-high walker, forefoot offloading shoe, cast shoe, healing sandal, post-operative healing
shoe, and custom-made temporary shoe.
Above ankle-high offloading device: an offloading device that extends up the leg to just above the ankle,
typically includes ankle-high walkers.
Below ankle-high offloading device: an offloading device that extends no higher up the leg then just
below the ankle, and typically includes forefoot offloading shoe, cast shoe, healing sandal, postoperative
healing shoe, custom-made temporary shoe.
Cast shoe: a removable plaster or fibreglass cast that extends to just below or at the ankle joint,
moulded around the shape of the foot with total contact of the entire plantar surface.
Complicated DFU: a plantar DFU that is complicated by infection and/or ischaemia.
Conventional footwear: off-the-shelf footwear with no specific properties for fitting or intended
therapeutic effect.
Custom-made insole: An insole that is custom-made to the individual’s foot using a 2D or 3D
impression of the foot, and that is often built-up in a multi-layer construction. This may also incorporate
other features, such as a metatarsal pad or metatarsal bar. The insole is designed to conform to the
shape of the foot, providing cushioning and redistribution of plantar pressure. The term “insole” is also
known as “insert” or “liner”
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Custom-made (medical grade) footwear: Footwear uniquely manufactured for one person, when this
person cannot be safely accommodated in prefabricated (medical grade) footwear. It is made to
accommodate deformity and relieve pressure over at-risk sites on the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the
foot. In-depth assessment, multiple measurements, impressions or a mould, and a positive model of a
person’s foot and ankle are generally required for manufacture. This footwear includes a custom-made
insole. Also known as “bespoke footwear” or “orthopaedic footwear”.
Custom-made temporary shoe: a unique, usually handmade shoe that is manufactured in a short time
frame and is used temporarily to treat a foot ulcer. The shoe is built on a positive model of the patient’s
foot to accommodate deformity and relieve pressure over the ulcer site on the plantar surface of the
Diabetes-related foot ulcer (DFU): see IWGDF definitions and criteria document (36).
Digital flexor tenotomy: a surgical division of a tendon,(66) in this case a digital flexor tendon.
DFU healing: defined as number or percentage of healed DFUs by a fixed time (e.g., % of DFUs healed
in 12 weeks of intervention), or time-to-healing a DFU.
Extra-depth footwear: Prefabricated footwear constructed with additional depth and volume to
accommodate deformity such as claw/hammer toes and/or to allow for space for a thick insole. Usually
a minimum of 5 millimetres (~3/16”) depth is added compared to off-the-shelf footwear. Even greater
depth is sometimes provided in footwear that is referred to as double depth or super extra-depth.
Footwear: defined broadly as any shoe-gear and including insoles.
Forefoot offloading shoe: prefabricated shoe especially designed for relieving forefoot locations. The
footwear has a specific shape with a wedge design raising the forefoot above the rearfoot, a rocker
outsole, and minimal support of the forefoot. These shoes are usually worn unilaterally.
Half-shoe: prefabricated shoe designed to offload the forefoot. The anterior part of the shoe is cut out,
leaving the rearfoot and the midfoot as the only weight-bearing surfaces.
Healed DFU: see IWGDF definitions and criteria document (36).
Heel-relief shoe: shoe designed to offload the rearfoot. The rearfoot part is missing from the footwear,
and its sole arrangement is constructed in such a way that the rearfoot is not loaded when walking.
In-shoe (semi-)rigid orthoses: device put inside the shoe to achieve pressure reduction or alteration in
the function of the foot. Can be prefabricated or custom-made
Joint arthrodesis: a surgical procedure that involves the fusion of two bones in a joint to relieve pain and
improve stability.(66)
Joint arthroplasty: a surgical procedure that involves the repair or reconstruction of a damaged joint to
increase range of motion, relieve pain, and improve mobility.(66)
Knee-high offloading device: an offloading device that extends up the leg to a level just below the knee
(e.g., knee-high total contact cast (TCC), knee-high removable walker).
Lesion: Any abnormality associated with damage to the skin, nails, or deep tissues of the foot, such as
abrasions, blisters, callus, maceration, subcutaneous haemorrhage, transfer lesions, ulcers (36).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Metatarsal head resection: a surgical removal of part of a bone, organ or structure,(66) in this case a
metatarsal head.
Metatarsal osteotomy: a surgical procedure in which a bone is divided or a piece of bone is excised (as
to correct a deformity),(66) in this case a metatarsal.
Non-plantar: see IWGDF definitions and criteria document (36).
Non-removable offloading device: an offloading device that cannot be removed by the patient (e.g.,
TCC, removable knee-high walker rendered non-removable (non-removable walker), etc.).
Non-surgical offloading intervention: any intervention undertaken with the intention of relieving
mechanical stress (pressure) from a specific region of the foot that does not involve a surgical procedure
(includes offloading devices, footwear, and other offloading techniques).
Non-removable walker: prefabricated removable, mostly knee-high, walker rendered non-removable to
the patient, by a healthcare professional circumferentially wrapping with a layer(s) of fiberglass cast
material or other closure technique such as a tie wrap. Such a device is also known as “instant total
contact cast”. Manufacturers may also provide means to make the walker non-removable such as
incorporating locking mechanisms into the walker
Offloading: the relief of mechanical stress (pressure) from a specific region of the foot.
Offloading device: any custom-made or prefabricated device designed with the intention of relieving
mechanical stress (pressure) from a specific region of the foot (e.g., total contact cast (TCC),
(non-)removable walker, knee-high walker, ankle-high walker, ankle foot orthoses, healing sandal, cast
shoe, forefoot offloading shoe, etc.). Note that this excludes footwear.
Offloading intervention: any intervention undertaken with the intention of relieving mechanical stress
(pressure) from a specific region of the foot (includes surgical offloading techniques, offloading devices,
footwear, and other offloading techniques).
Other offloading techniques: any other technique undertaken with the intention of relieving mechanical
stress (pressure) from a specific region of the foot that is not a surgical offloading technique, offloading
device or footwear (e.g. bed rest, crutches, wheelchairs, offloading dressings, felted foam/padding, callus
debridement, gait retraining, foot-related exercises, patient education, etc.).
PICO: the PICO process is a technique used to frame evidence-based clinical questions. PICO stands
for: (P): Population; (I): Intervention; (C): Control; (O): Outcome.
Plantar: see IWGDF definitions and criteria document (36).
Plantar pressure: see IWGDF definitions and criteria document (36).
Post-operative healing shoe: prefabricated shoe with roomy and soft upper worn after an operation of
the foot.
Removable offloading device: an offloading device that can be removed by the patient (e.g. removable
walker, forefoot offloading shoe, cast shoe, healing sandal, etc.).
Rocker outsole: rigid outsole with a sharp transition that aims to rock the shoe forward. during late
support to allow walking without extension of the metatarsal-phalangeal joints.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Shoe modification: modification to an existing shoe with an intended therapeutic effect, for example,
pressure relief.
Standard therapeutic footwear: off-the-shelf shoe with intended therapeutic effect but without any
customization to the patient’s foot.
Surgical offloading intervention: a surgical procedure or technique undertaken with the intention of
relieving mechanical stress from a specific region of the foot, and includes Achilles tendon lengthening,
metatarsal head resection, osteotomy, arthroplasty, arthrodesis, ostectomy, exostectomy, external
fixation, flexor tendon transfer or tenotomy, silicone injections, tissue augmentation.
Sustained healing: Days since a person has achieved a healed ulcer and gone without another foot ulcer
at the same location (also known as ulcer-free days or remission at that same location) (36).
Therapeutic footwear: Generic term for footwear designed to have a therapeutic effect that cannot be
provided by or in a conventional shoe. Custom-made shoes or sandals, custom-made insoles, extra-
depth shoes, and custom-made or prefabricated medical grade footwear are examples of therapeutic
Toe orthosis: an in-shoe orthosis to achieve some alteration in the function of the toe.
Total contact cast (TCC): a custom-made, well-moulded, minimally padded, knee-high non-removable
fiberglass or plaster cast that maintains total contact with the entire plantar surface and lower leg. The
cast is often worn with an attachable sole that protects the cast and facilitates walking.
Ulcers healed: Intact skin, meaning complete epithelialization without any drainage of a previous foot
ulcer site, and typically stated within a certain prespecified time frame (e.g. ulcers healed within 3
Ulcer area reduction: defined as the proportion of ulcer area reduction from baseline over a given
period of time (e.g., % ulcer area reduction at 4 or 6 weeks from the start of the observation period)
Uncomplicated DFU: non-infected, non-ischaemic neuropathic DFU.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
Full conflict of interest statements of all authors can be found online at www.iwgdfguidelines.org.
The authors and IWGDF Editorial Board wish to acknowledge the kind expert review of the clinical
questions and guideline drafts by the following international experts: Virginie Blanchette, Canada; Frank
Bowling, United Kingdom; Heidi Corcoran, Hong Kong; Maimouna Mbaye, Senegal; Jan Ulbrecht, United
States; Jim Woodburn, Australia; and consumers with lived experience: Robert Issai, United States; Gary
Smith, United Kingdom. We would also like to acknowledge peer review of this manuscript by Jaap van
Netten on behalf of the IWGDF Editorial Board.
SAB performed qualitative assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote
recommendations for clinical questions 5, 8, 11, and 14, and wrote the manuscript. DGA and KKM
performed qualitative assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote recommendations
for clinical question 7, and critically reviewed and edited the manuscript. RTC and CG performed
qualitative assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote recommendations for clinical
questions 1-4, and 10, and critically reviewed and edited the manuscript. GJ performed qualitative
assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote recommendations for clinical questions 5,
8, 11, and 14, and critically reviewed and edited the manuscript. VV and PAL performed qualitative
assessments, completed summary of judgements, and wrote recommendations for clinical questions 6,
9, 12 and 13, and critically reviewed and edited the manuscript.
SAB acted as chair of the working group and PAL as secretary and they take full responsibility for the
content of the manuscript.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Offloading Guideline
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Guidelines on
interventions to
enhance healing of
foot ulcers in people
with diabetes
Pam Chen1,2, Nalini Campillo Vilorio3, Ketan
Dhatariya4, 5, William Jeffcoate6, Ralf Lobmann7,
Caroline McIntosh8, Alberto Piaggesi9, John
Steinberg10, Prash Vas11, Vijay Viswanathan12,
Stephanie Wu13, Fran Game14, on behalf of the
International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Joondalup Health Campus, Ramsay Healthcare
Australia, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia
Faculty of Health, University of Tasmania, Hobart,
Tasmania, Australia
Department of Diabetology, Diabetic Foot Unit,
Plaza de la Salud General Hospital, Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic
Elsie Bertram Diabetes Centre, Norfolk and
Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, Norwich, UK
Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia,
Norwich, UK
Retired physician, Nottingham, UK
Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and
Geriatrics, Klinikum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Podiatric Medicine, School of Health Sciences,
University of Galway, Galway, Ireland
Diabetic Foot Section, Department of Medicine,
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Georgetown University School of Medicine,
London, UK
MV Hospital for Diabetes and Prof M Viswanathan
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Principles of wound management, including debridement, wound bed preparation and newer
technologies involving alternation of wound physiology to facilitate healing, are of utmost importance
when attempting to heal a chronic diabetes-related foot ulcer. However, the rising incidence and costs
of diabetes-related foot ulcer management necessitates that interventions to enhance wound healing of
chronic diabetes-related foot ulcers are supported by high quality evidence of efficacy and cost
effectiveness, when used in conjunction with established aspects of gold-standard multidisciplinary care.
This is the 2023 International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) evidence-based guideline
on wound healing interventions to promote healing of foot ulcers in persons with diabetes. It serves as
an update of the 2019 IWGDF guideline.
We followed the GRADE approach by devising clinical questions and important outcomes in the PICO
(Patient-Intervention-Control-Outcome) format, undertaking a systematic review, developing summary
of judgements tables and writing recommendations and rationale for each question. Each
recommendation is based on the evidence found in the systematic review and, using the GRADE
summary of judgement items including desirable and undesirable effects, certainty of evidence, patient
values, resources required, cost effectiveness, equity, feasibility and acceptability, we formulated
recommendations which were agreed by the authors and reviewed by independent experts and
From the results of the systematic review and evidence-to-decision making process we were able to
make 29 separate recommendations. We made a number of conditional supportive recommendations
for the use of interventions to improve healing of foot ulcers in people with diabetes. These include the
use of sucrose octasulfate dressings, the use of negative pressure wound therapies for post-operative
wounds, the use of placental derived products, the use of the autologous leucocyte/platelet/fibrin patch,
the use of topical oxygen therapy, and the use of hyperbaric oxygen, although in all cases it was stressed
that these should be used where best standard of care was not able to heal the wound alone and
where resources were available for the interventions.
These wound healing recommendations should support improved outcomes for people with diabetes
and ulcers of the foot, and we hope that widescale implementation will follow. However, although the
certainty of much of the evidence on which to base the recommendations is improving, it remains poor
overall and we encourage, not more, but better quality trials including those with a health economic
analysis, into this area.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
All recommendations should be considered to be adjunctive to best standard of care when best
standard of care alone has failed to heal the ulcers. This should include sharp debridement and basic
wound dressings, which according to the IWGDF Practical Guidelines, should be dressings to absorb
exudate and maintain a moist wound healing environment (1).
1. Do not use autolytic, biosurgical, hydrosurgical, chemical or laser debridement over standard of care.
(GRADE Strength of recommendation: Strong; Certainty of evidence: Low)
2. Do not routinely use enzymatic debridement as opposed to standard of care (i.e. sharp
debridement) to improve wound healing outcomes in people with diabetes and a foot ulcer.
(Strong; Low)
2a. In specific situations where the availability of sharp debridement may be limited by access to
resources and/ or availability of skilled personnel, consider using enzymatic debridement.
(Conditional; Low)
3. Do not use any form of ultrasonic debridement over standard of care (i.e. sharp debridement).
(Strong; Low)
4. Do not use surgical debridement in those for whom sharp debridement can be performed outside
a sterile environment. (Strong; Low)
5. We recommend the frequency of sharp debridement should be determined by the clinician based
on clinical need. (Strong; Low)
6. Do not use topical antiseptic or antimicrobial dressings for wound healing of diabetes-related foot
ulcers. (Strong; Moderate)
7. Do not use honey (or bee related products) for the purpose of wound healing in diabetes-related
foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
8. Do not use collagen or alginate dressings for the purpose of wound healing of diabetes-related foot
ulcers. (Strong; Low)
9. Consider the use of the sucrose-octasulfate impregnated dressing as an adjunctive treatment, in
addition to the best standard of care, in non-infected, neuro-ischaemic diabetes-related foot ulcers
which have had insufficient change in ulcer area with best standard of care including appropriate
offloading for at least 2 weeks. (Conditional; Moderate)
10. Do not use topical phenytoin for the purpose of wound healing in diabetes-related foot ulcers.
(Strong; Low)
11. Do not use any dressing based or topical applications impregnated with herbal remedies for the
sole purpose of wound healing in diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
12. Consider the use of hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunct therapy in neuro-ischemic or ischemic
diabetes-related foot ulcers where standard of care alone has failed and where resources already
exist to support this intervention. (Conditional; Low)
13. Consider the use of topical oxygen as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for wound healing in
people with diabetes-related foot ulcers where standard of care alone has failed and resources exist
to support this intervention. (Conditional; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
14. Do not use other gases (e.g. cold atmospheric plasma, ozone, nitric oxide, CO2) in comparison to
standard of care for wound healing in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
15. Do not use any interventions reported in the field of physical therapies for wound healing in the
management of diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
16. We suggest not using cellular skin substitute products as a routine adjunct therapy to standard of
care for wound healing in patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Conditional; Low)
17. We suggest not using acellular skin substitute products as a routine adjunct therapy to standard of
care for wound healing in patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Conditional; Low)
18. Do not use autologous skin graft skin substitute products as an adjunct therapy for wound healing in
patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
19. With the exception of the autologous leucocyte, platelet and fibrin patch we suggest not using
autologous platelets therapy (including blood bank derived platelets) as an adjunct therapy to
standard of care. (Conditional; Low)
20. Consider the use of autologous leucocyte, platelet and fibrin patch for diabetes-related foot ulcers
as an adjunctive therapy to standard of care, where best standard of care alone has been ineffective,
and where the resources and expertise exist for the regular venepuncture required. (Conditional;
21. We suggest not using other cell therapy as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for wound healing
in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Conditional; Low)
22. We suggest not using growth factor therapy as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for wound
healing in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Conditional; Low)
23. Consider the use of placental derived products as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for wound
healing in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers where standard of care alone has failed.
(Conditional; Low)
24. Do not use pharmacological agents promoting perfusion and angiogenesis to improve wound
healing outcomes over standard of care. (Strong; Low)
25. Do not use pharmacological agents that supplement vitamins and trace elements to improve wound
healing outcomes over standard of care. (Strong; Low)
26. Do not use pharmacological agents that stimulate red cell production or protein supplementation to
improve wound healing outcomes over standard of care. (Strong; Low)
27. Do not use other pharmacological agents to improve wound healing outcomes over standard of
care. (Strong; Low)
28. Consider the use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy as an adjunct therapy to standard of care
for the healing of postsurgical diabetes-related foot wounds. (Conditional; Low)
28a. Do not use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for the
healing of non-surgically related diabetes foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
29. We do not recommend any specific educational and lifestyle support programmes over standard of
care to improve healing of diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Diabetes-related foot ulcer management remains challenging and costly, posing high financial burdens on
healthcare economies and having impacts on morbidity, mortality and quality of life. Principles of wound
management, including debridement, wound bed preparation and newer technologies involving
alternation of wound physiology to facilitate healing, are thus of utmost importance when attempting to
heal a chronic diabetes-related foot ulcer. However, the rising incidence and costs of diabetes-related
foot ulcer management necessitates that interventions promoted to enhance wound healing of chronic
diabetes-related foot ulcers are adequately supported by high quality evidence promoting efficacy and
cost-effectiveness, when used in conjunction with established aspects of gold-standard multidisciplinary
care (2-4).
Since 2008, the International Working Group of the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) have commissioned
evidence-based guidelines, updated every four years, with a chapter focusing on interventions to
enhance wound healing. Up until 2019, each systematic review and guideline represented an update of
previous search results. However, updated standards (5) for assessment of diabetes-related foot ulcer
healing therapies have resulted in better quality studies in recent years. To enable consistent
benchmarking across newer and older studies alike, the aim of developing this edition of the guidelines
and systematic review was thus to undertake a complete search and re-evaluation of the literature,
describing trials of interventions intended to improve wound healing of foot ulcers in people with
diabetes (6, 7).
We have made several changes to the recommendations included in this updated 2023 wound healing
interventions guideline compared to the previous 2019 wound healing interventions guideline. The main
changes are as follows:
• Instead of a 4-yearly update we performed a new systematic review of wound healing interventions
and re-evaluated previous interventions in line with newest benchmarking and risk of bias
assessments according to GRADE methodology (7)
• We only evaluated RCTs to ensure only evidence at the highest level was included
• We increased the number of outcomes critical to decision making in wound healing, including
sustained healing, resource utilisation, quality of life, maintenance of function and ability to perform
activities of daily living, new infection and mortality
• We added new clinical questions on behavioural, educational and pharmacological interventions
• We changed categorisation of dressings, autologous products and skin substitutes
• We have 29 new recommendations with six interventions receiving conditional positive
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
In this guideline we have followed the key steps of the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework,
including: i) establishing a diverse expert panel to develop the guideline, ii) defining key clinical questions
and important outcomes in the PICO-format (Patient-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome), iii)
performing systematic reviews and rigorous appraisals of all available evidence that address the
questions, iv) assessing key summary of judgements items for each question, v) developing
recommendations and their rationale based on these summary of judgements, and vi) consulting
external stakeholders on each step (8, 9). The methodology for this guideline is summarised below; we
refer those seeking a more detailed description on the methods for developing and writing these
guidelines to the ‘IWGDF Guidelines development and methodology’ document (10).
First, a multidisciplinary working group of independent international experts in wound healing for
diabetes-related foot ulcers (the authors of this guideline) was invited by the IWGDF Editorial Board to
develop and author this guideline. International experts were defined as those having significant
experience in practising or studying the healing of diabetes-related foot ulcers. The working group
comprised members from, podiatric surgery, podiatry, and endocrinology disciplines from the USA,
Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Second, the working group devised important clinical questions and associated outcomes, building on
the last version of the guideline, to be answered using the GRADE approach. The questions and
outcomes were reviewed and prioritised with the help of fifteen external clinical experts and two
persons with lived diabetes-related foot ulcer experience from various geographical regions, and the
IWGDF Editorial Board. The aim was to ensure the questions and outcomes were of relevance to a
wide range of healthcare professionals and people with the disease so as to provide the most useful
clinical information on wound healing interventions to treat foot ulcers in people with diabetes. The
working group classified the outcomes as critically important or important, aligning with international
diabetes-related foot ulcer standards (5, 11) or the expert opinion of the working group if standards did
not exist.
Interventions (topical and systemic therapeutic agents) included were those previously addressed in the
previous guidelines (6) where it was known that trials had been performed to address our clinical
questions. In addition the working group agreed interventions not previously looked at, including
educational and behavioural interventions designed to aid wound healing were important additions. We
did not include offloading interventions, or systemic interventions designed to treat infection or
interventions that were designed to improve limb perfusion unless they were pharmacological in nature
and reported wound healing, as these interventions were included in other working group guidelines
Third, we systematically reviewed the literature and appraised all studies addressing the above agreed
upon clinical questions. Unlike previous versions of the guidelines, in view of the huge increase in the
volume of literature and the need to assess only the evidence of the highest quality in formulating
guidelines, we included only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in our systematic review. We
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
considered as a comparator best standard of care, defined as those described in the practical guidelines
(1), that is, local debridement, offloading, revascularisation, treatment of infection where appropriate.
For each assessable outcome we graded the quality of evidence based on the risk of bias of included
studies, effect sizes, presence of inconsistency, and any evidence of publication bias (where appropriate)
(15). We then rated the quality of evidence as ‘high’, ‘moderate’ or ‘low’ according to GRADE
methodology (8). Finally, we developed summary of findings tables, including evidence statements, for
each assessable outcome for each question which we presented in full in the systematic review. The
systematic review supporting this guideline is published separately (7)
Fourth, based on the systematic review, summary of findings tables and expert opinion, teams of two
members of the working group developed summary of judgements tables for each question following
GRADE (see Supporting Information S1). The summary of judgement items assessed included desirable
and undesirable effects, balance of effects, certainty of evidence, values, resource use, cost-effectiveness,
equity, acceptability and feasibility. Definitions for these items can be found in the Summary of
Judgements table in the Supporting Information S1. For the resources required, the group considered
potential financial and/or human resources directly linked to the implementation of the intervention in
clinical practice and any specific expertise required. Where such information was missing, the group
made a pragmatic decision based on their clinical expertise. The group defined equity in this context as
the ability of all people with a diabetes-related foot ulcer (i.e. on a societal level) to have equitable
access to the procedures required for the intervention application.
Acceptability to stakeholders was based on expert opinion and consideration of the balance of effects
and any resources required by the users themselves. Feasibility was determined based on the groups’
experience and the ease of use of the interventions
After careful weighing of the summary of judgements, the team proposed to the working group a
direction, strength, certainty of evidence and wording of recommendation(s) and rationale to address
the question concerned. Certainty of evidence was rated as ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’ or ‘very low’ based
on the critical outcome(s) reviewed for the question in accordance with GRADE. Recommendations
aimed to be clear, specific, and unambiguous on what was recommended, for which persons, and under
what circumstances. Rationale for each recommendation was also provided and based on the summary
of judgements tables (see Supporting Information S1) (8, 9).
Fifth, summary of judgements tables and recommendations for each question were extensively discussed
in online meetings with the working group. After discussion, a voting procedure was used for each
recommendation to grade the direction of the recommendation as ‘for’ or ‘against’ the particular
intervention, and the strength of each recommendation as ‘strong’ or ‘conditional’. A quorum of 60% of
members were needed to be present for a discussion and vote to go ahead and a majority vote of
those present was needed for final decisions on each recommendation. The outcomes of the voting are
provided in the supplementary material.
Finally, all recommendations, with the rationales, were collated into a consultation (draft) guideline
manuscript that was reviewed by the same clinical experts and persons with lived experience who
reviewed the clinical questions, as well as by members of the IWGDF Editorial Board. The working
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
group then collated, reviewed and discussed all feedback on the consultation manuscript and revised
accordingly to produce the final guideline manuscript.
To aid consideration of the literature the interventions were grouped into nine broad categories of i)
debridement ii) dressings and topical applications iii) oxygen and other gases iv) therapies involving
physical alteration of wound bed properties v) skin substitutes vi) autologous and other cellular products
including growth factors and placental-derived products vii) pharmacological interventions viii) negative
pressure and ix) educational and psychological interventions. Ten outcomes were identified as critical to
decision making in wound healing, which were a) Complete wound healing; b) Time to healing; c)
Sustained healing; d) Reduction in ulcer area; e) Amputation (major or minor); f) Quality of life; g)
Maintenance of function and ability to perform activities of daily living; h) New infection; i) Resource
utilisation; and j) death/mortality.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Overall, nine clinical questions, each with up to 10 outcomes critical to decision making were addressed
by this guideline. This has led to the formulation of 29 separate recommendations. The accompanying
systematic review (7) has been published and we developed 27 summary of judgement tables (available
as online-only Supporting Information S1).
We considered the interventions to be adjunctive to best standard of care when best standard of care
alone has failed to heal the ulcers. This should include basic wound dressings, which according to the
IWGDF Practical Guidelines should be dressings to absorb exudate and maintain a moist wound healing
environment (1). Additionally, these should be of the lowest acquisition cost for the local health care
Clinical question 1: In people with diabetes-related foot ulcers, is enzymatic debridement, autolytic
debridement, biosurgical debridement, ultrasonic debridement, hydrosurgical abrasion or chemical
debridement more effective for achieving wound healing compared to best standard of care (including
sharp debridement)?
Debridement involves the removal of dead and devitalised tissue (necrosis and slough) from wounds in
order to create a clean wound bed and is designed to promote wound healing. There are several
different types of debridement including physical (e.g. surgical, sharp, hydro-debridement, or gaseous
debridement), biological (larvae), autolytic (hydrogels) or biochemical (enzymes). Although there is
unequivocal consensus amongst experts in support of the need for regular wound debridement to
facilitate healing, high quality evidence to justify debridement in general, and to identify the best form of
debridement is limited. For types of debridement, we found ten RCTs that met our prespecified
inclusion criteria as described in our systematic review (16-25). There were five RCTs (16-20) of
enzymatic debridement, 3 RCTs (21-23) of low frequency ultrasonic debridement, 1 RCT (24) of
surgical debridement and 1 RCT (26) on frequency of sharp debridement. However we found no RCTs
of other types of debridement.
Recommendation 1: Do not use autolytic, biosurgical, hydrosurgical, chemical or laser debridement over
standard of care. (GRADE Strength of recommendation: Strong; Certainty of evidence: Low)
Rationale: No publications of RCTs were found on the use of autolytic, biosurgical, hydrosurgical,
chemical or laser debridement that met our prespecified inclusion criteria, or had sufficient cost
effectiveness data to warrant their use. Thus we were unable to make a recommendation supporting
their use.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Recommendation 2: Do not routinely use enzymatic debridement as opposed to standard of care (i.e.
sharp debridement) to improve wound healing outcomes in people with diabetes and a foot ulcer.
(Strong; Low)
Recommendation 2a: In specific situations where the availability of sharp debridement may be limited by
access to resources and/ or availability of skilled personnel, consider using enzymatic debridement.
(Conditional; Low).
Rationale: We found five RCTs on clostridial collagenase ointment (16-20) all of which were compared
to standard of care (i.e. sharp debridement). All were exploratory RCTs that were designed to generate
hypotheses and were not designed to provide a statistically significant outcome. All had significant
methodological limitations, were mainly unblinded and at high risk of bias. Outcomes were assessed at
different time points, between 4 to 6 weeks, with limited long-term follow up and different definitions of
healing making comparisons between studies difficult.
Overall, the evidence behind the use of enzymatic debridement is limited and the certainty of evidence
is low. This reflects the methodological limitations of the studies and the resultant high risk of bias.
Overall, the balance of effects did not favour either enzymatic debridement or sharp debridement in
terms of complete wound healing, or wound area reduction. One specific type of enzymatic
debridement, topical clostridium collagenase, would probably have higher resource implications but
there was low certainty of evidence of the required resources, and no formal cost effectiveness data
were found. Due to the additional resources required to provide topical clostridium collagenase, we
considered that equity may be reduced, particularly in low and middle income regions. However we
also recognise that in some lower income regions access to standard of care (i.e. sharp debridement)
may be limited as this requires skilled personnel, training programmes and sterile instruments. Hence, in
health care systems where such skills are not available, alternative methods with enzymatic debriding
agents could be considered.
Recommendation 3: Do not use any form of ultrasonic debridement over standard of care (i.e. sharp
debridement). (Strong; Low)
Rationale: We found three RCTs (21-23) of low frequency ultrasonic debridement compared to
standard of care (i.e. sharp debridement). All three studies were at high risk of bias with none being
blinded. Only one (21) suggested any differences between groups in time to healing, but this result
should be treated with caution given the high risk of bias of the study. None showed any differences in
absolute healing in the timescales of the follow-up of the studies. The other two studies (22, 23)
presented either no difference between the two groups or did not present any between group analyses.
One of the three identified RCTs showed small desirable effects in regards to wound healing outcomes.
Thus, ultrasonic debridement may be associated with decreased time to wound healing versus standard
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
of care, albeit with low certainty evidence, thus these findings should be interpreted with caution. No
differences in complete wound healing or sustained healing were reported between groups. Thus,
overall, the balance of effects does not favour either the intervention or control. The intervention,
ultrasonic debridement, has a higher resource implication although with low certainty of evidence of the
required resources and no formal cost effectiveness data found. From the limited data available it is
uncertain as to whether the higher costs incurred could be offset by the small desirable effects in terms
of decreased time to healing in the intervention group; although it seems unlikely, given the low certainty
of the evidence of the beneficial effect. Due to the additional resources required to provide ultrasonic
debridement, equity is probably reduced, particularly in lower income regions; however, the intervention
is probably acceptable to patients and its use in a health care system was thought to be feasible. Due to
all the above reasons, but mostly the low certainty of evidence of benefit and an absence of cost
effectiveness data, we do not recommend the use of ultrasonic debridement over standard of care, that
is, sharp debridement.
Recommendation 4: Do not use surgical debridement in those for whom sharp debridement can be
performed outside a sterile environment. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: We found one RCT (24) of surgical debridement compared to standard of care (i.e. sharp
debridement), which reported two of our critical outcomes, time to healing and sustained healing but
was assessed as being at high risk of bias; and any positive benefits reported should be treated with
Overall, we considered that the balance of effects did not favour either the intervention or control. The
intervention, surgical debridement, has a higher resource implication with large costs albeit with low
certainty of the evidence of the required resources, and no formal cost effectiveness data were found.
From the limited data available it is uncertain as to whether the higher costs incurred could be offset by
the small desirable effects in terms of greater sustained healing in the intervention group although this
seems unlikely. Due to the additional resources required to provide surgical debridement equity was felt
to be reduced, particularly in low income regions, however the intervention is probably acceptable to
patients and feasible. For all the above reasons but particularly the low certainty of evidence of benefit,
we do not recommend the routine use of surgical debridement in those for whom sharp debridement
can be performed outside of a sterile environment. However, in the absence of high-quality evidence
the opinion of the expert group was that a) people with diabetes-related foot ulcers that can be
managed appropriately with sharp debridement in an outpatient setting should not be taken to theatre
for unnecessary surgical debridement as this approach is more expensive, resource intensive and might
actually delay debridement if it could be undertaken at the chairside. b) People with diabetes-related
foot ulcers with limb or life threatening features (e.g extensive necrosis, collections, or gas forming
infections) must always be referred urgently for a surgical opinion to assess the need for surgical
intervention to avoid the risk of further deterioration and worse outcomes (see Recommendation 18 of
the 2023 Infection Guidelines) (14). The type of debridement modality, that is, sharp versus surgical
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
should be made by an experienced clinician based upon clinical severity and the presence or absence of
any limb-threatening features.
Rationale: We found one RCT (25) at high risk of bias that investigated frequency of sharp debridement,
weekly versus fortnightly. This one study, involving 61 participants per group, reported no statistically
significant difference in wound healing outcomes, wound closure or healing times at 12 weeks between
groups. The certainty of the evidence is low, as this is based on one unblinded study at high risk of bias
Overall, we felt that the balance of effects does not favour either the weekly or fortnightly sharp
debridement. No formal cost effectiveness data were found. From the limited data, it is uncertain as to
whether there would be a difference in costs based on frequency of sharp debridement given all
participants were attending clinics weekly. Sharp debridement, regardless of frequency is acceptable to
patients and feasible. Due to limited evidence we do not recommend a specific frequency of
debridement. The frequency should thus be determined by the clinician based on clinical need.
Clinical question 2: In people with diabetes-related foot ulcers, are dressings or applications with surface
antimicrobial properties, honey or those that influence chronic wound biology more effective for
achieving wound healing compared to basic contact dressings and best standard of care?
We identified 50 published RCTs related to our interventions and reporting our outcomes of choice
which informed these guidelines. All but four studies reviewed were considered at high or moderate risk
of bias. The duration of treatment and follow-up period varied widely between the studies reviewed (24
hours to 34 weeks) and many studies provided limited description of the ulcer and patient
characteristics, but typically recruited superficial ulcers or non-infected ulcers. Additionally, most studies
recruited individuals without peripheral artery disease (PAD) or with mild PAD (in most studies, but not
all, defined as Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) 0.7 to 0.9, Transcutaneous Oxygen pressure (TcPO2) 30 -
50mmHg). Therefore, the certainty of evidence and assessment of balance of effect in favour of the
intervention in addition to generalizability to the typical diabetes-related foot ulcers seen in clinical
practice was hard to determine. Furthermore, we also noted a significant lack of clear descriptions of
standard of care provision including the type and quality of offloading provided, type and impact of any
additional supportive interventions undertaken, such as revascularization.
Given this is a large group of interventions, we have broken down the key recommendations into
smaller sections, based on the groups of types of products and applications currently available.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
We found three studies investigating the use of iodine impregnated dressings (31-33). Apart from one
(32), all were at high risk of bias. This, the only study with blinding regarding the evaluation of outcomes,
showed no difference in the incidence of outcomes of importance when compared with usual care.
Thus, any positive benefits reported by the other studies should be treated with caution.
One study on Diperoxochloric Acid (34) was found which evaluated the impact of this intervention in
hospitalised patients. Although with double blinding, usual care was not well defined and the clinical
significance of the apparent positive results are not clear.
We identified two studies of topical gentamicin (35, 36) which fulfilled our inclusion criteria, although
both were considered at high risk of bias, and only one reported apparent superiority of the
intervention on wound healing after minor amputations. Thus, any apparent benefit on wound healing is
of low certainty.
We identified only one non-blind study on a superoxidised solution (38). Although no differences were
reported in complete wound healing a shorter time to heal and lower rates of reinfection were
reported at 6 months in the intervention arm. The study was however at high risk of bias and thus we
have low confidence in this result.
The evidence to support positive impact on wound healing of surface antiseptics or antimicrobials is
thus inconsistent, and where present, the effect size was small with low certainty of evidence. There was
significant heterogeneity in the type and size of diabetes-related foot ulcers recruited and the standard
of care provided, making comparison between studies using the same type of dressing/application
difficult. Thus the balance of effects was felt not to be in favour of the intervention. Although costs were
thought to be moderate/low and equity, feasibility and acceptability were not thought to be affected,
given the low certainty of evidence of benefit, we do not recommend the use of any of these products
for the sole purpose of promoting wound healing of diabetes foot ulcers.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Rationale: We found six RCTs (28, 39-43) of interventions containing topical bee or honey products
which reported some of our outcomes of importance. All were deemed at high risk of bias and any
positive results on wound healing should be treated with caution. The only blinded study of a royal jelly
found no difference in healing over 12 weeks (40). No studies reporting data on amputation, cost
effectiveness or quality of life were found.
Overall, therefore, the certainty of any positive benefit of the topical use of honey or bee related
products is very low. Although adverse effects were rarely reported, the groups’ experience was that
any undesirable effects are likely to be trivial. However, the balance of effects could not be ascertained
as either favouring the intervention or the comparison. Resource use was thought to be similar to
standard of care but no formal cost-effectiveness data was found. Although thought to be feasible, and
acceptable to patients and with equity unaffected it was felt that in the absence of certainty of benefit
we cannot recommend the use of any of these products for promoting wound healing in diabetes-
related foot ulcers.
Recommendation 8: Do not use collagen or alginate dressings for the purpose of wound healing of
diabetes-related foot ulcers (Strong; Low)
Rationale: We found twelve RCTs (29, 44-54) of collagen or alginate (or both) as an intervention to
enhance wound healing and which fulfilled our inclusion criteria. All were at moderate or high risk of
bias and most were non-blinded. Four studies compared collagen only with moist wound therapy (45,
47, 48, 52), one study (46) used collagen-alginate, one used a calcium alginate. (51), one compared a
collagen/oxidised regenerated cellulose/silver treatment with foam (29), one the same collagen/oxidised
regenerated cellulose but without silver (54), one compared collagen with negative pressure wound
therapy(50), one compared collagen with gauze or hydrocolloid dressings (49) and another two (51,
53) alginate alone as the intervention. Of the twelve studies, nine of them (29, 45-47, 49, 51-54) did not
report a difference in wound healing or reduction in ulcer area at the end of study duration. Thus any
reported positive outcomes should be treated with caution.
The group agreed that in view of the known low incidence of undesirable effects, it is possible that the
balance of effects favours the intervention, although the certainty of this was very low. The cost of these
interventions was thought to be moderate, although no formal cost effectiveness studies were found
and so the certainty of this was low. Equity, acceptability and feasibility were agreed to be unlikely to be
affected. Nevertheless given the uncertainty of benefit and possible cost implications, we do not
recommend the use of any of these products for promoting wound healing in diabetes-related foot
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Recommendation 9: Consider the use of the sucrose-octasulfate impregnated dressing as an adjunctive
treatment, in addition to the best standard of care, in non-infected, neuro-ischaemic diabetes-related
foot ulcers which have had insufficient change in ulcer area with best standard of care including
appropriate offloading for at least 2 weeks (Conditional; Moderate).
Rationale: We found one large double blind multinational RCT (55) assessed to be at low risk of bias
investigating the use of sucrose-octasulfate impregnated dressings in non-infected neuro-ischaemic foot
ulcers which were deemed hard to heal at the end of a 2 weeks run-in period. There was a significant
improvement in complete wound healing at week 20, a significantly faster estimated time to heal and
increased percentage area reduction compared to the placebo dressing; and we considered this
evidence to be of high certainty. We therefore concluded that, in neuro-ischaemic foot ulcers where
there has been insufficient change in ulcer area with best standard of care including appropriate
offloading, there is sufficient evidence to consider the use the sucrose-octasulfate impregnated dressing.
We found few data on harms and concluded that the balance of risks and benefits were in favour of the
intervention. Resource use was considered to be low/moderate and we are aware that there is cost-
effectiveness data from modelling studies now available for various Western health-care systems which
are supportive (56-59). Equity was not thought to be reduced with this intervention and it was felt to be
feasible and acceptable to patients in all health care settings. However, the optimal timing of initiating
treatment remains to be established. Furthermore, it is recognised that this is the only study of this
intervention, and so despite the quality of the data in this one study, the evidence was considered to be
moderate and the strength of the recommendation limited to conditional.
Recommendation 10: Do not use topical phenytoin for the purpose of wound healing in diabetes-
related foot ulcers (Strong; Low)
Rationale: Despite there being 12 RCTs (60-71) investigating the use of topical phenytoin for wound
healing of diabetes-related foot ulcers, with some benefit of its use on time to healing and reduction in
ulcer area, the evidence to support any benefit was of low certainty, as all were at moderate to high risk
of bias and most were unblinded. Although the intervention is not likely to be expensive, and equity and
feasibility is unlikely to be unaffected, the certainty of the evidence is such that we cannot recommend
this intervention.
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Rationale: We found nine RCTs which reported on the use of topical herbal or traditional medicinal
preparations which fulfilled our inclusion criteria (72-80). Of seven studies reporting on complete
wound healing (72-77, 79), all were at moderate or high risk of bias, and any positive effects on wound
healing should be interpreted cautiously. Further, reduction in ulcer area was reported in six studies (72,
74, 75, 77, 79, 80) of which only two (72, 77) found an apparent improvement in comparison to the
control. Again, these were at high risk of bias. No differences in amputation rates (74) or mortality (78)
were reported. No studies reported on quality of life, new infection, resource utilisation or maintenance
of function.
Overall, we found nine studies assessing the impact of traditional or herbal based remedies, although all
were rated at high risk of bias. Despite some of the studies reporting positive effects on wound healing
including reduction in ulcer area, the low confidence in the results and the fact that no two studies
evaluated the same product, meant the balance of effects could not be ascertained as either favouring
the intervention or the comparison. Furthermore, there was significant heterogeneity in the ulcer type
and patients recruited, adherence to standard of care was unclear in many studies, and no cost-
effectiveness data was found. Therefore, on balance, given the poor quality of evidence, presently we do
not recommend the use of any of these products for the sole purpose of promoting wound healing in
difficult to heal diabetes-related foot ulcers.
Oxygen is a critical element in key processes of wound healing including angiogenesis, collagen
deposition, and epithelialisation. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing 100% oxygen at a
pressurised atmosphere of 2ATA or above (i.e twice the atmospheric pressure exerted at sea level),
which increases the partial pressure of oxygen in hypoxic or ischemic tissues. This has been proposed as
a key mechanism for improving wound healing in diabetes-related foot ulcers with ischaemia or hypoxia.
Previous guidelines (6) have conditionally recommended the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an
adjunctive treatment on the basis of several RCTs. For this guideline, we included 18 RCTs on
hyperbaric oxygen (81-98) with no new studies published in the last four years.
Topical oxygen is a relatively new(er) therapy, and this involves the administration of oxygen topically
over tissue by continuous diffusion or pressurised systems using mechanical devices (99). Whilst there
was insufficient evidence to recommend its use for healing diabetes-related foot ulcers in 2019 (6), the
evidence on topical oxygen has substantially expanded in the last four years with several new RCTs
(100-103) with a total of ten included in the systematic review for these guidelines (100-109).
We found additionally one study on nitric oxide (110), three on ozone therapy (111-113), two on cold
atmospheric plasma (114, 115) and one on carbon dioxide (116). With all of these studies being either
at high risk of bias and/or with lack of demonstrable effect, these were grouped together as “other
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Recommendation 12: Consider the use of hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunct therapy in neuro-ischemic or
ischemic diabetes-related foot ulcers where standard of care alone has failed and where resources
already exist to support this intervention. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Of the 18 studies on the evaluation of the use of hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunct therapy to
improve diabetes-related foot ulcer healing, only three were double-blinded RCTs (87, 89, 91). One of
these showed no difference in the critical outcome of wound healing (87) with both the others showing
improved wound healing (89, 91). Overall, the evidence is conflicting, but the studies with lowest risk of
bias suggest that there may be some benefit for its use in improving absolute wound healing and
reduction in ulcer area. Good evidence of benefit in preventing amputation is, however, lacking.
Different time points (ranging between 30 days and 12 months), degree of ischaemia and definitions of
healing make comparisons between studies difficult.
Overall, the evidence at low risk of bias behind the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy was limited. The
majority of studies were at high risk of bias although there was one good quality study showing evidence
of benefit on the critical outcomes of healing and time to healing. Overall the certainty of evidence was
low and although there were moderate desirable effects with benefit in improving absolute wound
healing and reduction in ulcer area, evidence of amputation reduction was not found. People with
diabetes require assessment for suitability for hyperbaric oxygen therapy; and those with general frailty
and comorbid conditions may have to be excluded from this treatment modality due to increased risks
of adverse events. Amongst those assessed as suitable, however, reported undesirable effects were
small. Overall, the group felt the balance of effects will likely favour the use of hyperbaric oxygen over
standard of care alone. However, hyperbaric oxygen therapy requires large costs and although several
poor quality in-trial studies have demonstrated cost savings with its use, these fail to account for costs of
construction of hyperbaric oxygen units. Nonetheless, where there are already established hyperbaric
oxygen units used for treating other medical conditions, there may be cost effectiveness justifying the
use of this intervention if desirable effects of improved wound healing are achieved. Although time
consuming, hyperbaric oxygen was thought to be acceptable to most patients and clinicians. Overall,
because hyperbaric oxygen is only limited to individuals assessed as being suitable, who live in close
proximity to established hyperbaric units, and are able to commit to weeks of intense treatment, we
acknowledge that this conditional recommendation is likely to reduce equity.
Our ratings are consistent with findings from previous guidelines; and with no new good quality
evidence published in the last four years, we continue to conditionally recommend the use of hyperbaric
oxygen as an adjunct therapy where standard of care alone has failed although we recognise that the
groups most likely to benefit still requires evaluation.
Recommendation 13: Consider the use of topical oxygen as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for
wound healing in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers where standard of care alone has failed and
resources exist to support this intervention. (Conditional; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Rationale: We found three double-blinded RCTs (100, 104, 105) and seven non-blinded studies(101-
103, 106-109) for the use of topical oxygen. Of the double-blinded studies, one was terminated early
and had uneven baseline characteristics between control and intervention group (100). Two double-
blinded trials were at low risk of bias, but only one had statistically significant results for complete wound
healing in favour of topical oxygen at 12 weeks (104) with the other showing no difference between
topical oxygen and standard of care (105). There was no benefit of topical oxygen on amputation,
probably due to short duration of follow-up in most trials. We found no data on resource use, and few
data on adverse events.
The evidence behind the use of topical oxygen in diabetes-related foot ulcers was of low certainty, with
overall desirable effects rated as moderate with benefit on achieving absolute wound healing and
reduction in ulcer area, but no evidence for reduction in amputation up to 12 weeks. Undesirable
effects were poorly reported in the studies available to us, but assumed to be trivial based on expert
opinion. Overall, the group felt that the balance of effects would favour the use of topical oxygen, but
the certainty of evidence is rated as low across the different devices delivering topical oxygen, and at
present it is difficult to say which devices, if any, are superior. There was also a lack of cost effectiveness
or published data on resource use, but expert opinion agreed upon moderate costs, with therapy
requiring multiple units of single-use topical oxygen delivery devices. Unlike hyperbaric oxygen, topical
oxygen therapy can be administered in patients’ homes, and is likely to be feasible and acceptable to
patients and clinicians alike but due to the moderate costs for mainly single-use devices, it was felt that
equity may be reduced. Overall, despite the balance of effects being in favour of the intervention, a
conditional recommendation only for topical oxygen was made because of the costs involved and their
effect on equity.
Recommendation 14: Do not use other gases (e.g. cold atmospheric plasma, ozone, nitric oxide, CO2)
in comparison to standard of care for wound healing in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers.
(Strong; Low)
Rationale: The evidence to support the use of other gases such as nitric oxide, ozone, carbon dioxide
and cold atmospheric plasma is poor, with no studies assessed to be at low risk of bias (110-116) .
Overall, the desirable and undesirable effects were both rated to be trivial, although the latter was an
assumption with lack of data on adverse events reported in trials. Due to high risk of bias, the certainty
of evidence is rated as very low, and the balance of effects was felt unlikely to favour the use of other
gases over standard of care. Expert opinion rated the costs of therapy as moderate, again with lack of
cost effectiveness data from trials. Thus, the use of other gases is probably not as cost-effective when
compared to standard of care. Due to limited availability and information about use, storage and
administration of these gases, these therapies are unlikely to be acceptable or feasible for wide use.
Thus, we cannot recommend the use of these interventions to support wound healing of diabetes-
related foot ulcers.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
We found a number of studies relating to the use of “physical wound bed alteration therapies”
including; heat application, therapeutic ultrasound, compression, electrical or electromagnetic stimulation
(ES/EM), light and laser treatment, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT), ischaemic
preconditioning, therapeutic magnetic resonance and connective tissue manipulation.
As there were few studies on each of these interventions individually, and those that we did identify
were either at high risk or moderate risk of bias and/or showed no benefit, we have taken this group all
together in making a recommendation.
Recommendation 15: Do not use any interventions reported in the field of physical therapies for wound
healing in the management of diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: The evidence to support the use of heat application for diabetes-related foot ulcer
management is weak, depending on only three small, non-blinded RCTs (117-119) all at high risk of bias
and in one of which (117) the incidence of healing in the comparator group seemed to be much lower
than expected for the type of ulcers included. We found just two studies of therapeutic ultrasound
(120, 121), only one of which was methodologically sound(120), although healing rates were again
lower than expected in the control arm.
Three studies (122-124) evaluated compression on some of our outcomes of importance. All three
were at moderate or high risk of bias.
We identified six studies investigating the use electrical or electromagnetic stimulation on some of our
outcomes of importance (125-130).
Eight studies were found on the use of light and laser therapy (131-138). Only three of these (131-133)
reported complete healing or time to healing, the remainder reporting only area reduction. Results were
conflicting, possibly contributed by the heterogeneity of treatment protocols
We identified four studies of extra corporeal shock wave therapy (139-142). Of our outcomes of
importance only complete healing (139-141), time to healing (139, 141) and percentage area reduction
of the ulcer (142) were reported.
The evidence available from the single study (143) of ischaemic preconditioning identified does not
support its use of due to its high risk of bias.
We identified only one study identified of therapeutic magnetic resonance (144), which was at
moderate risk of bias, and did not show any differences in outcome between the two groups.
We found only one study of connective tissue manipulation (145), reporting only percentage area
reduction, and no benefit was shown in the use of the intervention.
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
The analysis of the studies dealing with different physical therapies proposed for diabetes-related foot
ulcer management provided limited evidence to suggest that these therapies might be beneficial in
improving outcomes in diabetes-related foot ulcers. While a small number of studies were at low risk of
bias, none of these indicated any effect. Overall, the desirable effects of physical therapies on wound
healing were considered small, and in most cases no significant differences emerged when compared to
standard of care. As the studies focussed on a number of interventions and as the results were not
strong, it was decided to consider them as part of the whole group of “physical therapies”, rather than
analysing them separately. It was also noted that undesirable effects were rarely reported, and no severe
adverse events were described. It was considered, therefore, that the balance of effects would not
favour either the intervention or usual care, but that this was based on low certainty evidence. In
addition, it was considered that most, if not all, of the treatments might be associated with appreciable
extra costs and resources. Although formal cost-effectiveness studies were not found, it was felt that
cost-effectiveness would be unlikely given the small size of effects noted. It was also noted that some
treatments might have reduced acceptability and equity for patients, and hence feasibility. For these
reasons, we do not currently recommend the use of any of the physical therapies described either as
first-line or as adjuvant therapies for diabetes-related foot ulcer management.
Skin substitutes are a grouping of wound care products that include cellular, acellular, and autologous
skin graft subgroups. These products are applied to non-healing wounds to supply structural and/or
biological support to the site via this externally derived product. They are generally secured with suture,
adhesive strips, and/or a secondary dressing. This heterogenous group of products are generally used to
artificially deliver wound healing stimulation and seek to mimic the composition and function of human
We found 28 RCTs across the wider category of skin substitutes. This body of research has greatly
expanded over the last decade and now contains a significant number of enrolled people with diabetes-
related foot ulcers, but presents a very complex review challenge given the non-uniformity of products,
significant drop out rates, inconsistent blinding, and analysis that was often per protocol and not
intention to treat. A helpful way to categorize and compare skin substitutes is to divide them into
groups based on cellular (those products that contain cells) and acellular (those products that do not
contain cells). An example of a cellular skin substitute would be a product containing human cells such
as fibroblasts or keratinocytes. Some examples of acellular skin substitutes would be products such as
human acellular dermal matrix and bovine collagen dermal matrix where the cells have been removed
and the support structure or matrix is left in place. For the systematic review (7), we found 10 RCTs
(146-155) on celular products, 13 RCTs (150, 156-167) on acellular products, and 5 RCTs (168-172)
on autologous skin graft products.
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Rationale: Although evidence from 10 RCTs (146-155) suggest that Cellular Skin Substitutes may
improve the healing and reduce the time to healing in patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers when
provided in addition to standard of care, all studies were at high risk of bias due to non-blinding, had
high dropout rates and per-protocol analyses. Moreover, there is insufficient evidence to establish which
particular cellular skin substitutes may be more effective. There is, additionally, limited evidence to
indicate that cellular skin substitutes are associated with a reduction in amputation rates. Minimal
undesirable effects were reported with its use, and whilst the overall balance of effects are likely to
favour the intervention, cellular skin substitutes are likely to require moderate costs/resources. Despite
the certainty of evidence of resources being low with lack of formal cost effectiveness data, the
moderate resources required meant that the group decided that cost effectiveness would not favours
cellular skin substitutes over standard of care. This raises concerns for equity, and whilst likely acceptable
for general use, feasibility is low due to the expertise and costs required in using these products.
Rationale: Based on the review of the 13 RCTs (150, 156-167) found on acellular skin substitutes we
concluded that these interventions may improve the incidence of healing and reduce the time to healing
in patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers, when provided in addition to standard of care. However, all
of the studies were considered at high risk of bias with the majority having no blinding as part of the
protocol and only three (158, 160, 166) being blinded for outcome assessment. Thus any positive
effects should be considered with caution. In addition, evidence to establish which, if any, particular
acellular skin substitutes are superior is lacking, and there was insufficient evidence on cost effectiveness
of this modality. There is limited evidence to indicate that acellular skin substitutes are associated with a
reduction in amputation rates, with only two studies, and conflicting results reporting on this outcome
(156, 159). Moreover, the lack of negative studies may suggest a degree of publication bias, and most
studies were industry-sponsored. Thus, while there is some evidence that the balance of effects
probably favours the intervention, the certainty of the evidence is low. Limited resource utilisation data
were found, indicating moderate costs in a single heath care setting, but it was agreed that these
products do come with a significant cost and that this raises concern for equity and availability, although
limited data is available on cost effectiveness. The groups agreed that the products would be acceptable
for general use, but feasibility is probably low due to expertise and costs required.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Rationale: We identified just five RCTs (168-172) with publication dates ranging from 2003 to 2021. All
were at high risk of bias and thus the positive outcomes of two of them should be treated with caution.
There is insufficient evidence to establish their effectiveness or cost utility. Overall, we considered the
balance of effects is not likely to favour autologous skin substitutes over standard of care. Although
backed by limited evidence, the resources required come at moderate costs and thus cost effectiveness
does not favour autologous skin substitutes over standard of care. Concerns are raised for equity and
availability along with the additional challenge of autologous harvest from the patient. Whilst acceptable
for general use, feasibility is probably low due to expertise and costs required.
One possible treatment option for nonhealing ulcers is the use of interventions which either promote
the release of cytokines and growth factors involved in tissue repair, angiogenesis, and inflammation or
directly donate these factors to the ulcer bed.
Thus the use of autologous cells including autologous platelets, cells which are fundamental to the co-
ordination of normal wound healing has been investigated in a few trials. Most cells including adipocytes
derived stem cells, and fibroblasts require relatively invasive methods to extract the relevant cells from
donor sites. Although only requiring venepuncture, the difficulty of the volume of blood required to
produce sufficient platelets has hampered their wider use, although the use of the leucocyte fibrin and
platelet patch has largely overcome this.
Individual growth factors applied directly to the wound including platelet derived growth factors
(although this is only one of the many types of cytokines released by platelets) have also been trialled,
although researchers have noted that individual growth factors alone may not be sufficient to ensure the
whole wound healing cascade of cytokines is enhanced.
Human placental membranes contain a combination of growth factors, collagen-rich extracellular matrix,
and cells, including mesenchymal stem cells, neonatal fibroblasts, and epithelial cells, that provide
mechanisms for coordinated wound healing. Several products derived from different components of the
placenta and umbilical cord have been developed. Cryopreserved preparations contain living cells and
growth factors, whereas dehydrated products, which are easier to store and handle, contain growth
factors but no living cells.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
We divided this group of interventions into autologous cells, human/recombinant growth factors, and
human placental-derived products.
Of the autologous cells, there were a number of studies utilising platelets in various formulations, but
with the exception of the autologous leucocyte, fibrin and platelet patch, the evidence to support the
use of any other formulation of platelets or other autologous cells as detailed in our systematic review
(7) was limited. For this reason we have considered this intervention separately but grouped platelets
together as the evidence to support any particular formulation of this intervention was less certain.
Similarly we have considered other autologous cells, growth factors and placental derived products as
separate groups of interventions.
Rationale: We included 15 RCTs (173-187) on the use of platelet products for the management of
diabetes-related foot ulcers. The majority of studies investigated the use of platelet gel, with the inherent
problem of requiring moderate amounts of autologous venous blood to generate the product.
Of the studies looking at complete wound healing all were at risk of bias with only one of a platelet gel
being outcome blinded (174), however the positive outcome in this study was of low certainty with per
protocol analysis only. The problem of autologous blood volumes was overcome in one study using a
blood bank of platelets (179) but the apparent superior outcome of healing was marred by non-blinded
outcomes’ assessment and was considered at high risk of bias. A number of these studies also assessed
percentage wound area reduction as well as absolute wound healing, but all were at high risk of bias or
did not report a difference between groups. Only one study reported an apparent benefit in terms of
amputation but the evidence was of low certainty (176). The only study reporting resource use (182)
was limited by including hospitalised patients only.
The different timescales to the outcomes chosen made comparison of different interventions difficult to
Although there were 15 included RCTs, the studies were at high risk of bias overall, with only one being
outcome blinded and one with patient- but not outcome-blind. Those at the lowest risk of bias
demonstrated the lowest improvement in healing outcomes casting doubt on the size of the effect seen
in the majority of the studies. On this basis we evaluated the size of the potential positive effect as small
although the certainty of this was very low. Few studies published adverse effects but expert opinion
suggested that undesirable effects would be small. Overall it was felt that it would be difficult to be
certain that in clinical practice a positive effect on healing would be seen consistently above what would
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
be expected with good standard of care. The costs of these interventions was thought to be
moderately high, although no formal cost effectiveness analyses were found. Thus, it was felt that the
use of these interventions would decrease equity given the costs involved, and the need for venous
samples to be taken for the autologous platelet gel products, and hence feasibility would be reduced in
some lower income countries. Where resources existed in health care systems their use might, however
be feasible and acceptable to patients.
Overall weighing up the lack of certainty around the effectiveness of these interventions, the resource
use and possible lack of feasibility in most health care systems we felt we could not recommend these
interventions as an adjunctive therapy to good standard of care.
Rationale: One high quality multicentre outcome blinded RCT (188) at low risk of bias was identified
which showed significant improvements in healing, time to healing and wound area reduction at 20 and
26 weeks after weekly treatment with the intervention in patients with hard to heal ulcers, when used in
addition to best standard of care. Participants in the intervention arm had weekly visits for venesection
to produce the patch. No differences were seen in the outcomes of new infection, major or minor
amputations or mortality. Although 18-36 mL of venous blood was required weekly to create the patch
at the bedside, no increase in the incidence of new anaemia was found and there were no other
additional reported undesirable effects. For these reasons it was felt that there was a favourable balance
of effects in favour of the intervention but the findings of a single study suggested that the certainty of
this was moderate at best. We found no formal published cost effectiveness data even though it was
recognised that the weekly venepuncture would incur costs and that in some health care systems the
expertise for this may not be readily available. If confirmed, these could have a negative impact on
equity and feasibility in some health care systems. However, where such a resource exists, it was felt
that the use of this intervention would be acceptable to patients. Hence we concluded that the use of
autologous leucocytes, platelets, and fibrin patches could be conditionally recommended for hard to
heal ulcers in addition to best standard of care where the best standard of care including offloading
(where appropriate) had not healed the ulcer. Nevertheless, we recognise that this may not be feasible
where expertise and resources for regular venepuncture are not available.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
and cultured allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells derivatives (cultured allohBM MSCs)
Recommendation 21: We suggest not using other cell therapy as an adjunct therapy to standard of care
for wound healing in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: In total, 10 studies were identified. These included studies investigating autologous adipocytes
(189-193), fibroblasts (194), keratinocytes (195, 196), bone marrow derived stem cells (197), allogeneic
bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (allohBM MSC) and allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal
stromal cells derivatives (cultured allohBM MSCs) (198)
Of the adipocyte or adipocyte stem cell studies which reported complete healing only two were
outcome-blinded. There was heterogeneity of outcomes with some studies showing no improvement in
healing, and those reporting positive benefit being at high risk of bias. Similarly the single studies of
autologous fibroblast or keratinocytes were assessed at being high risk of bias, neither being blinded. The
single study of the use of periwound autologous bone marrow stem cells in patients with critical limb
ischaemia was outcome blind but there was a high loss to follow-up with a per-protocol analysis only
presented. A second study of allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (allohBM MSC) and
allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells derivatives (cultured allohBM MSCs) was at high risk
of bias and consequently no clear conclusions could be drawn.
Only one study at moderate risk of bias (197) reported major amputation at 12 weeks noting no
difference between the groups. Only one described resource utilisation (192) but this was, however, not
a full health economic analysis and the trial was considered at high risk of bias.
Overall, the evidence to support improved wound healing, wound area reduction or time to healing for
the use of cultured keratinocytes, fibroblasts, adipocytes, either as fat grafting or following lipo-aspirates
and bone marrow derived cells is currently poor, with most studies being at moderate to high risk of
The available evidence as described suggested moderate beneficial effects on healing although the
confidence in this was low. Few studies published adverse effects or serious adverse effects but expert
opinion suggested that undesirable effects could be present. The one study which published quality of
life suggested that there was little improvement. Overall it was felt that the balance of effects may favour
the intervention but this was based on limited studies with high risk of bias. The resource use involved in
these interventions was thought to be high as they required access to cell culture and the ability to
harvest the cells from patients. Thus, this would decrease equity and feasibility, particularly in health care
systems in low income countries.
Overall, weighing up the lack of certainty around the effectiveness of these interventions and the costs
and possible lack of feasibility in some health care systems we felt we could not recommend these
interventions as an adjunctive therapy to good standard of care.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Within this category we included: Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), granulocyte stimulating factor
(GCSF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and studies of combined growth
Recommendation 22: We suggest not using growth factor therapy as an adjunct therapy to standard of
care for wound healing in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: We identified seven studies (199-205) investigating the use of PDGF. Only two of the studies
were double blind (200) only one of which was considered to be at low risk of bias and this, like one of
the other large studies (202), showed no difference in healing between the two groups. An earlier large
trial did show a difference in healing and time to healing (204) but was at moderate risk of bias thus
reducing confidence in the result. The other studies reporting a positive outcome for those treated with
the intervention, were considered at high risk of bias, thus any positive results should be treated with
None of the studies reported on the outcomes of sustained healing, amputation, resource utilisation,
maintenance of function or mortality and, therefore, the evidence to support the use of PDGF was poor
with the majority of studies being assessed as being at high risk of bias.
Three studies were identified investigating the use of GCSF (206-208). None of the studies showed
benefit in terms of wound healing, amputation or any other of our outcomes of importance, however
the studies identified were mainly aimed at the treatment of infection.
We identified four studies investigating the use of EGF (209-212) which reported wound healing of
diabetes-related foot ulcers at 6 and 12 weeks. With the exception of one study (210), which
investigated topical EGFR spray, all were at high risk of bias. The single low risk of bias study reported
improved healing at 12 weeks, although the effect size was only moderate.
Two studies investigating FGF (213, 214) also reported healing in double blinded RCTs. The small size
of one study and the high risk of bias in the other mean that the positive results reported should be
treated with caution
A single study (215) investigated a combination of growth factors (EGF, & FGF) but was judged to be at
high risk of bias. It also showed no difference in time to healing between the four groups.
No studies of any GFs reporting on the outcomes of sustained healing, amputation, quality of life, new
infection, resource utilisation or mortality.
Few studies of any of the growth factors published adverse effects but expert opinion suggested that
these would be small. Overall it was felt that the balance of effects was therefore not in favour of the
intervention for PDGF or GCSF and possibly in favour for EGF although this was based on very low
certainty evidence. Resource use was thought to be moderate for all growth factors although formal
cost effectiveness data was not found. Thus, although feasible, equity would likely to be reduced
especially in lower income countries where resource use may be limited.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
On balance, it was felt that the lack of certainty of effectiveness of these interventions and the costs and
possible lack of feasibility in some health care systems we felt we could not recommend these
interventions as an adjunctive therapy to good standard of care.
Rationale: We identified ten studies of placental derived products (153, 203, 216-223). Of these, one
described the use of dehydrated amnion/chorion graft (221), seven used dehydrated human amniotic
membrane (dHAM) (153, 203, 216, 218, 219, 222, 223), one the use of cryopreserved placental
membrane (217), one the use of dehydrated human umbilical cord (220)
All of the studies described absolute wound healing at times points between 4 and 20 weeks, however
only three studies were assessed at being at low risk of bias (219, 220, 223), and only one (223), a small
pilot/feasibility study was double blinded. All suggested improved healing and time to healing. Reports of
percentage area reduction in five studies (203, 216, 217, 221, 223) suggested improvements in favour of
the intervention, although two of these studies were at high risk of bias and so the positive results
should be treated with caution. New infection was reported to be similar in one study (219), although
no studies reported any effect on amputation.
Two papers reported the cost of the intervention per healed ulcer (219, 220). In neither case was there
any assessment of the cost of the control interventions; however the mean cost per healed ulcer was
over $2000 for the dHAM, and over $3000 for the dehydrated umbilical cord product. Cost
effectiveness data was only published in one post hoc analysis of a study otherwise judged at high risk of
bias (224).
Although most of the studies were considered at high risk of bias, and none of the definitive studies
were patient or care giver blind, those at low risk of bias suggest that the use of placental derived
products (and particularly of amniotic membrane) are associated with improved absolute healing at
times up to 20 week, and reduced time to healing. We found no evidence to suggest that there was an
influence on new infections, and the short term nature of the majority of studies and the lack of
inclusion of patients with significant PAD means that we have no evidence of improvement in incidence
of amputation. No formal cost effectiveness data were found but the resource use data suggest the
interventions may be less expensive for some providers compared to other skin substitutes.
Overall the group felt that the balance of effects was in favour of the intervention although the certainty
of the evidence was low. Although formal cost effectiveness data was not available and resource use
was noted to be lower than skin substitutes in one study, it was recognised that there would be
moderate costs involved in their use. Thus it was felt that equity may be reduced in some health care
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
systems particularly those of lower countries. However, where resources existed it was felt that, apart
from cryopreserved products which would need storage and defrosting time, acceptability and feasibility
would not be reduced in most settings.
Rationale: We found nine studies (225-233) of agents promoting perfusion and angiogenesis. The
studies comparing the use of pentoxyfilline (225), resveratrol (226), low-dose erythropoietin (EPO)
(227), subcutaneous injection dalteparin (228), insulin plus sulodexide to insulin plus placebo (229), a
two-herb traditional chinese medicine formula (232) and an intravenous native herbal extract, angipars
(230) contained too few patients to be certain of the results, and only the latter performed an
intention-to-treat analysis. As such, any apparent improvement in healing should be treated with caution.
One study (231) investigating injections of a DNA derivative, polydeoxyribonucleotide, although double
blinded was considered to be at moderate risk of bias. A second study of polydeoxyribonucleotide was
too small to show any difference between the two groups (233). Overall, the evidence suggests that
certain pharmacological interventions that promote perfusion and angiogenesis may improve wound
healing but the quality of evidence is low and findings should be interpreted with caution.
Overall, the studies showed only small beneficial effects on wound healing, with trivial undesirable effects
even though the level of certainty was very low. Overall, therefore, it was felt that the balance of effects
suggested little difference between intervention or control. It is also likely that the intervention has a
resource implication of moderate costs but with a lack of published data there was low certainty of the
required resources. Due to the additional resources required to provide agents promoting perfusion
and angiogenesis, equity is probably reduced, particularly in lower income regions, even though the
intervention is probably acceptable to patients and would be feasible. Due to limited evidence, we
cannot recommend agents promoting perfusion and angiogenesis over standard of care.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Rationale: We identified four studies using systemic supplementation of vitamins and trace elements
(234-237), all at moderate or high risk of bias. The interventions investigated were daily doses of
Vitamins E and C (with platelet-rich plasma-fibrin glue) (237), oral weekly doses Vitamin D (234), a daily
probiotic (235), and oral omega-3 fatty acids (236). Although the latter two studies were double
blinded the outcome measure of absolute reductions in ulcer length and width, and the lack of detail of
baseline ulcer characteristics and offloading means that the positive results reported should be treated
with caution. We found no studies of these interventions reporting on outcomes of complete wound
healing, time to healing, sustained healing, amputation, quality of life, maintenance of function and ability
to perform activities of daily living, new infection, resource utilization and mortality. The available
evidence suggests that certain pharmacological interventions, that is, probiotic or omega-3 fatty acids
supplementation, may promote reduction in ulcer area with no overall difference in complete healing;
however, the quality of evidence is low and findings should be interpreted with caution.
The studies were at moderate or high risk of bias with no cost effectiveness data. The studies showed
small desirable effects in regards to wound healing outcomes with trivial undesirable effects, but this was
considered to be of low certainty of evidence. Overall, therefore the balance of effects was thought to
favour neither the intervention nor control. It is likely that the intervention has a resource implication of
moderate costs however the certainty of this was as no formal evaluation was found. From the limited
data it is uncertain as to whether the costs incurred would be offset by the small desirable effects. Due
to the additional resources required to provide the vitamin and trace element supplementation equity is
probably reduced, particularly in lower income regions, however the intervention is probably acceptable
to patients and feasible. Due to limited evidence, we cannot recommend agents that supplement
vitamins and trace elements over standard of care.
Rationale: We identified one study of an agent that stimulates red cell production or protein
supplementation that matched our prespecified inclusion criteria (238). This study was considered at
moderate risk of bias. There were no differences in wound healing outcomes when the whole group
was considered, although there were small desirable effects on wound healing limited to those with a
low albumin, with trivial undesirable effects. Overall, the balance of effects was felt to favour neither the
intervention nor the control. It is likely that the intervention has a resource implication of moderate
costs with low certainty of evidence of the required resources. From the limited data it is uncertain as to
whether the costs incurred would be offset by the small desirable effects in those with low albumin.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Due to the additional resources required to provide the protein supplementation equity is probably
reduced, however the intervention is probably acceptable to patients and feasible. Due to limited
evidence, we cannot recommend agents that stimulate red cell production or protein supplementation
over standard of care.
Rationale: We identified four studies of other pharmacological agents (239-242), all at moderate or high
risk of bias. One study (240), suggested that time to healing was lower with the use of fluconazole in
wounds with invasive fungal infections. However, the certainty of these results was considered to be
very low. The other study of a Chinese Herb preparation (239) showed no difference in wound healing
outcomes when compared to standard of care. One study designed to stimulate the release of bone
marrow stem cells, which although at low risk of bias, was not powered to show a difference in healing
(242). The final study showed no difference in ulcer area reduction with use of nanocurcumin
supplements compared to placebo (241).
Overall, the balance of effects was not thought to favour either the interventions or control. It is likely
that the interventions have a resource implication of moderate costs with low certainty of evidence of
the required resources. From the limited data it is uncertain as to whether the costs incurred are offset
by the small desirable effects. Due to the additional resources required to provide other
pharmacological agents equity is probably reduced; however, the interventions are probably acceptable
to patients and feasible. Due to limited evidence, we cannot recommend other pharmacological agents
over standard of care.
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) involves the controlled application of sub-atmospheric
pressure to a wound using a sealed wound dressing connected to a vacuum pump. The sub-
atmospheric pressure may be applied continuously or intermittently. The mechanism of action for
NPWT has been described to include macro- and micro- deformation of wound tissue, drainage of
extracellular inflammatory fluids, and stabilization of the wound environment (243).
Recommendation 28: Consider the use of NPWT as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for the
healing of postsurgical diabetes-related foot wounds. (Conditional; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Recommendation 28a: Do not use NPWT as an adjunct therapy to standard of care for the healing of
non-surgically related diabetes foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: We identified 19 studies which fulfilled our inclusion criteria (50, 152, 244-260). All studies
were thought to be at moderate to high risk of bias.
Of all the studies only three (244, 250, 256) were undertaken in non-surgical wounds, two of which
were in a mixed population comprising post-surgical and non-surgical wounds (244, 256). The one study
in entirely non-surgical wounds was at high risk of bias, and reported per protocol analyses only, hence
the positive benefits reported should be treated with caution (250). The first study in a mixed
population (256) although at risk of bias, had blinded outcomes, but reported no difference in healing or
time to healing between the two groups. The latter was a nonblinded study at high risk of bias (244).
Hence, any evidence to support the use of NPWT in non-surgical wounds is of low certainty.
The remaining studies investigated the use of NPWT in post operative wounds alone. Two studies
thought to be of moderate risk of bias reported positive benefit after partial foot amputation (257) and
beneficial effects in terms of healing (255), although these outcomes were not assessed blind. Another
study at moderate risk of bias reported no difference in healing after soft tissue incision and drainage
Amputation was reported as an outcome in nine studies (244, 246, 247, 249, 254-258). Those at the
lowest risk of bias noted no difference in amputation; however the studies were of relatively short
duration. Only one study at high risk of bias (244) noted any improvement in quality of life, although this
should be treated with caution. New infection was reported in 5 studies with no difference between the
groups, although all were at moderate or high risk of bias (244, 245, 255, 257, 258).
Three studies documented resource utilization as an outcome (259, 261, 262). The first two were post
hoc analyses of previously reported studies (255, 257) and one only reported resource use (259). All
three reported either lower resource use or better cost effectiveness than the comparator although the
certainty was thought to be low because of the use of post hoc analyses. We identified no studies
which documented death/ mortality as an outcome. NPWT may thus reduce the time to healing in
postsurgical wounds when provided in addition to standard of care. For chronic ulcers, there is
insufficient evidence to establish whether NPWT reduces time to healing when provided in addition to
standard of care.
Thus, overall, the evidence behind the use of NPWT was of low certainty. There were moderate
desirable effects that NPWT may reduce the time to healing in postsurgical wounds, but not in chronic
wounds, when provided in addition to standard of care. Our conclusions are consistent with the findings
from previous guidelines, as no new good quality evidence has been published in the last four years. In
regions where NPWT is a widely available and affordable modality, undesirable effects are considered
small and it is therefore likely that the use of NPWT will be favoured as an addition to high standard of
care. NPWT may require moderate to high costs, and in areas where NPWT is widely available there
may be cost effectiveness justifying its use. This is of low certainty though. NPWT was generally
considered acceptable to most patients and clinicians. We acknowledge that this recommendation may
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
reduce equity when considering the limited access to and financial burden of starting NPWT in regions
where this modality is not already widely available.
Recommendation 29: We do not recommend any specific educational and lifestyle support programmes
over standard of care to improve healing of diabetes-related foot ulcers. (Strong; Low)
Rationale: We found one RCT of educational and lifestyle support programmes that met our predefined
inclusion criteria but was judged to be at high risk of bias (263). The evidence from this one study
showed small desirable effects in regards to reduction in wound area. The certainty of the evidence is
therefore low. The educational and lifestyle support programme would have incurred moderate costs
but there was very low evidence of the resources required. From the limited data it is uncertain as to
whether the costs incurred are offset by the small desirable effects. Due to the additional resources
required to deliver the educational and lifestyle programme equity is probably reduced even though the
programme is likely acceptable to patients and feasible to deliver. Due to an absence of evidence we
cannot recommend any specific educational and lifestyle support programmes over current standards of
care, which should include ongoing advice on foot health. Further high quality evidence for the impact of
educational and lifestyle programmes are needed.
This document represents the update of our 2019 recommendations on interventions designed to
support healing of foot ulcers in people with diabetes (6). However, we have not simply updated the
systematic review done in 2019 but completely re-reviewed the published literature, as our clinical
questions and outcomes have changed after consultation with external experts and patients. We have,
additionally, considered only randomised controlled trials for inclusion in our current systematic review
(7). Thus some interventions previously supported have not been recommended in these guidelines,
particularly where more recent studies have not shown the positive results seen in earlier controlled but
non-randomised studies. Furthermore we have used the full GRADE approach (8) for the evidence
analysis and development of the recommendations, and this has led to a change in the certainty of
evidence for several interventions.
The group decided to not undertake any meta-analyses, because for most groups of interventions it was
considered that heterogeneity of patients characteristics, follow-up and clinical settings would be high.
However where high quality meta-analyses were found we took them into consideration in our
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
With this process we have developed 29 recommendations based on our systematic review (7). The
systematic review described a number of different interventions which the expert clinical group divided
into nine different overarching groups of interventions as described above. Given the change in the
number of articles retrieved for some interventions and the lack of any new data from others we have
regrouped some of the intervention categories compared to our last guideline. In particular, surgical
debridement of the wound has been regrouped with other debridement interventions, skin substitutes
and placental derived products were grouped together, albeit with separate recommendations, and we
looked for the first time at educational and behavioural interventions which reported any of our
outcomes of importance.
It is of note that since the last review, there has been a significant increase in research activity in this field
with over 400 articles retrieved describing RCTs of our chosen interventions compared with just 284
controlled (but not necessarily randomised) studies from our previous systematic review (264).
However, despite the number of RCTs being published, many are at high risk of bias and for many
commonly used wound healing interventions there is a complete lack of RCTs at low risk of bias to
guide health care practitioners as to the relevance of their use. In addition, it is still the case that many of
the studies included types of ulcers that should heal with good standard of care alone (1) and that good
standard of care was either not well described or not well implemented in many cases. It is also the case
that in many health care systems people with diabetes and ulcers of the feet are increasingly frail and
may have multiple co-morbidities (265), a patient cohort which is frequently excluded from clinical trials,
and hence, for whom, even more uncertainty about treatment choices remains.
Due to the limitations in the available evidence we were only able to conditionally recommend the use
of six interventions or types of intervention. In some cases we were unable to make a decision on a
particular intervention within a groups of interventions, either because comparative data were not
available, or because the patient cohorts differed, or because we had little information on resource use
for the majority of the interventions. Indeed we were disappointed to see so few studies which looked
within trial at the resource use of interventions, and so much of the information was based on post hoc
modelling. It was also disappointing that it is still the case that the majority of trials are done outside
countries or regions where health care resource is lacking, and as such it was difficult for the group to
draw conclusions as to the feasibility and equity for many interventions. Thus, their applicability outside
these settings, in particular, where there are limitations of human and financial resource, and where
climate, humidity and other environmental issues may impact on ulcer healing remains unknown.
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
Equally many of the studies reported included ulcers which, according to international and national
audits should have healed anyway should best standard of care have been instituted early as described
in the IWGDF practical guidelines (1). That few studies adequately described best standard of care,
including relevant offloading means that we can have little confidence of the ability of some interventions
to provide not just effective, but cost effective improvements in outcome.
Information on undesirable effects (such as adverse events, quality of life and costs), equity, acceptability,
and feasibility is critical in clinical decision for any intervention. Using the GRADE methodology in these
2023 guidelines (8) we have paid more attention to the these outcomes than previous versions of these
guidelines. Few studies however reported these outcomes. As above, we urge future researchers to
ensure all outcomes whether positive or negative are reported.
Costs and particularly cost-effectiveness have also received little attention in many studies. Whilst
accepting that cost effectiveness in particular varies between health care systems and providers, the fact
that costs are rarely reported is disappointing given the cost pressures on health care systems,
throughout the world.
Inconsistency in timeframes for measuring critical outcomes also limited ability to perform meaningful
comparisons between studies. A significant number of studies reported very short follow-up periods
whereas yet others reported outcomes over timeframes as long as 12 months. Consensus on a
minimum or recommended timeframe for outcome collection across wound healing or indeed other
diabetes-related foot ulcer intervention studies will reduce heterogeneity between studies and may lead
to better quality meta-analyses in the future.
Finally we are aware that wound healing is a cascade of physiological processes and that wound healing
interventions may not be appropriate in all phases of the wound healing cycle. Thus more innovative
approaches to trial design may be needed to ensure that a wound healing protocol is relevant to all
stages of the process and that outcomes relevant to this are developed, agreed and objectively
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr Hugo Ye and Dr Oleg Udovichenko for their assistance in
translating papers from Mandarin and Russian respectively to English. We also acknowledge the
following Librarians for their assistance (Jeanette Bunting and Melissa De Klerk) in retrieving full text
articles for the working group.
The following external experts provided input into clinical questions and critical outcomes as well as
peer-review feedback on the draft Guideline manuscript: Paul Wraight, Glynis Beaton, Teresa Que,
Tomislav Novinscak, Ioan Veresiu, Xu Jun, Nikki Frescos, Luin Tongson, Robert Frykberg, Mohamed
ElMakki Ahmed, Harikrishna Nair, Mariam Botros, Nikolaos Papanas, Hermelinda Pedrosa and Irina
We are additionally grateful to patient representatives Sheila Burston and Penny Rackham for their input
into the clinical questions and critical outcomes.
Working group members were additionally requested to declare COI and refrain from the risk of bias
scoring process or voting process for particular interventions if they had a professional working
relationship with any of the co-authors on a particular paper.
Production of the 2023 IWGDF Guidelines was supported by unrestricted grants from: Advanced
Oxygen Therapy Inc., Essity, Mölnlycke, Reapplix, and Urgo Medical. These sponsors did not have any
communication related to the systematic reviews of the literature or related to the guidelines with
working group members during the writing of the guidelines, and have not seen any guideline or
guideline-related document before publication.
Full conflict of interest statements of all authors can be found online at www.iwgdfguidelines.org.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
The working group was chaired by FG (on behalf of the IWGDF). PC acted as scientific secretary. All
members of the guideline were involved in summarising available evidence in the supporting systematic
reviews which are published separately (7) and in writing this guideline. All members were assigned to
individual sections of the guideline, and all authors reviewed and discussed during group meetings the
evidence obtained, the evidence to decision making items according to GRADE and each
recommendation (further details are available in the Methods section). All authors reviewed and agreed
with the final document before external review and subsequent submission for endorsement. The list of
authors and their contributions to the guideline is listed at the end of this document. All members of the
working group undertook Level 1 GRADE training and both FG and PC additionally undertook Level 2
Guideline Methodology training (McMaster University).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
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(245) Campitiello F, Mancone M, Corte AD, Guerniero R, Canonico S. Expanded negative pressure wound therapy in
healing diabetic foot ulcers: a prospective randomised study. Journal of wound care. 2021;30(2):121-9.
(246) Chiang N, Rodda OA, Sleigh J, Vasudevan T. Effects of topical negative pressure therapy on tissue oxygenation and
wound healing in vascular foot wounds. Journal of vascular surgery. 2017;66(2):564-71.
(247) Hu X, Ni Y, Lian W, Kang L, Jiang J, Li M. Combination of negative pressure wound therapy using vacuum-assisted
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(248) Karatepe O, Eken I, Acet E, Unal O, Mert M, Koc B, et al. Vacuum assisted closure improves the quality of life in
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(249) Lone AM, Zaroo MI, Laway BA, Pala NA, Bashir SA, Rasool A. Vacuum-assisted closure versus conventional
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diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized controlled study. Diabetes & metabolic syndrome. 2021;15(1):365-71.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Wound Healing Guideline
(251) McCallon SK, Knight CA, Valiulus JP, Cunningham MW, McCulloch JM, Farinas LP. Vacuum-assisted closure versus
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Care Audit of England and Wales: A cohort study. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Guidelines on the
diagnosis and
treatment of active
Charcot neuro-
in persons with
diabetes mellitus
Dane K. Wukich1, Nicolaas C. Schaper2, Catherine
Gooday3, Arun Bal4, Robert Bem5, Avneesh
Chhabra6, Mary Hastings7, Crystal Holmes8, Nina
L. Petrova9, Maria Gala Santini Araujo10, Eric
Senneville11, Katherine M. Raspovic1, on behalf of
the International Working Group on the Diabetic
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
Division of Endocrinology, MUMC+, CARIM and
CAPHRI Institute, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Elsie Bertram Diabetes Centre, Norfolk & Norwich
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Norfolk, UK
Secretary, International Association of Diabetic
Foot Surgeons, Mumbai, India
Diabetes Centre, Institute for Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Radiology, UT Southwestern
Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
Program in Physical Therapy, Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri,
The Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and
Diabetes, The University of Michigan Medical
School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Department of Diabetes, Diabetic Foot Clinic,
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,
London, UK
Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,
Department of Infectious Diseases, Gustave Dron
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has published evidence-based
guidelines on the prevention and management of diabetic foot disease since 1999. This is the first
guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of active Charcot Neuro-osteoarthropathy in persons with
diabetes published by the IWGDF. We followed the GRADE Methodology to devise clinical questions
in the PACO (Population, Assessment, Comparison, Outcome) and PICO (Population, Intervention,
Comparison, Outcome) format, conducted a systematic review of the medical literature, and developed
recommendations with rationale. The recommendations are based on the evidence from our systematic
review, expert opinion when evidence was not available, and also taking into account weighing of the
benefits and harms, patient preferences, feasibility and applicability, and costs related to an intervention.
We here present the 2023 Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of active Charcot Neuro-
osteoarthropathy in persons with diabetes mellitus and also suggest key future topics of research.
AFO: Ankle Foot Orthosis
CNO: Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy
CROW: Charcot Restraining Orthotic Walker
CT: Computed Tomography
IWGDF: International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
PTH: Parathyroid hormone
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
1. Always consider active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy in a person with diabetes mellitus,
neuropathy and intact skin when there are clinical findings of an increase in temperature, oedema,
and/or redness of the foot, compared to the contralateral foot. Best Practice Statement.
2. Consider using infrared thermometry to measure skin temperature of the feet in a person with
diabetes mellitus and suspected Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin, using a
standardised approach to the measurement of temperatures to allow for more accurate comparison
over time. (GRADE recommendation: Conditional; Certainty of the evidence: Low)
3. When using infrared thermometry to measure skin temperature of the feet in a person with
diabetes mellitus and suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin, consider
calculating temperature difference between both legs, using the highest temperature on the affected
foot or ankle in comparison with the same anatomic point on the contralateral extremity.
(Conditional; Low)
4. In a person with diabetes mellitus with bilateral active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy (CNO) and
intact skin or with unilateral CNO and intact skin in the absence of the contralateral limb, ascending
temperature gradients (toe-knee) may be useful for comparison over time. Best Practice Statement.
5. Initiate knee high immobilization/offloading promptly while further diagnostic studies are performed
to confirm or rule out active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy (CNO) when active CNO is
suspected in a person with diabetes mellitus and intact skin. (Strong; Low)
6. Perform plain X-ray of the foot and ankle in a person with diabetes mellitus and suspected active
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy. Ideally, bilateral plain X-rays should be performed, if possible, for
comparison purposes. Best Practice Statement.
7. Perform X-rays that include the anteroposterior (AP), medial oblique, and lateral projections in a
person with diabetes mellitus and suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy. The ankle and
foot views should include the AP, mortise, and lateral projections. Ideally, standing (also known as
“weight- bearing”) radiographs should be performed. If a patient is not able to bear weight on their
feet, non-weight-bearing radiographs are an alternative, but may not demonstrate malalignments
that are more apparent in the standing position. Best Practice Statement.
8. Perform Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a person with diabetes mellitus and suspected active
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with normal appearance of the plain X-rays to diagnose or
exclude the disease and its activity. (Strong; Moderate)
9. If Magnetic Resonance Imaging is unavailable or is contraindicated in a person with diabetes mellitus
and suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy, consider a nuclear imaging scan
(scintigraphy), CT (computed tomography) scan, or SPECT-CT (Single Photon Emission Computed
Tomography) to support the diagnosis of active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy. (Conditional;
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
10. We suggest not using C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), white blood
count, alkaline phosphatase, or other blood tests in a person with diabetes mellitus and suspected
active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin to diagnose or exclude the disease.
(Conditional; Low)
11. Consider measurement of skin temperature of the affected and unaffected limb with serial
examinations to monitor disease activity in a person with diabetes mellitus and active Charcot
neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin. (Conditional; Low)
12. We suggest not using soft tissue oedema alone to determine when active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy is in remission. (Conditional; Low)
13. We suggest that the findings of temperature measurement, clinical oedema, and imaging should all
be considered when concluding that active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy is in remission.
(Conditional; Low)
14. We suggest that frequency of appointments for assessing disease activity in active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy should depend on specific factors such as fluctuation in oedema volume, co-
morbidities, the risks associated with treatment and recovery, access to assistance with home
treatment needs, and a person’s progress and recovery. (Conditional; Low)
15. Use a non-removable knee-high device to immobilise and offload the foot to promote remission of
the disease, and prevention or progression of deformity in a person with active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy and intact skin. (Strong; Low)
16. Consider using a total contact cast in the treatment of active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with
intact skin in a person with diabetes mellitus. A knee-high walker rendered non-removable can be
considered as a second choice in order to immobilise and offload the foot. (Conditional; Low)
17. A removable knee-high device worn at all times can be considered as the third treatment choice in
a person with diabetes mellitus, active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy and intact skin of the foot
for whom a non-removable knee-high offloading device is contraindicated or not tolerated.
(Conditional; Low)
18. We suggest not to use a below the ankle offloading device (e.g. surgical shoe, postoperative sandal,
custom moulded shoe, or slipper cast) in the treatment of active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy
and intact skin, given the inadequate immobilisation of the diseased bone and joints, and limited off-
loading capacity. (Conditional; Low)
19. Treatment with a knee-high offloading device should be considered as soon as possible once the
diagnosis of active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy is considered. (Strong; Low)
20. In a person with active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy who is being treated with a knee-high
device, we suggest using assistive devices to reduce weight-bearing on the affected limb.
(Conditional; Low)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
25. Footwear and/or orthoses that best accommodate and support the shape of the foot/feet and ankle
to help prevent re-activation of Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy (CNO) are recommended in a
person with diabetes mellitus, intact skin, treated for active CNO with an off-loading device and
who is now in remission. (Strong; Moderate)
26. When deformity and/or joint instability is present, in order to optimise plantar pressure distribution,
below the knee customized devices should be used for additional protection in a person with
diabetes mellitus, intact skin, treated for active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy who is now in
remission. (Strong; Moderate)
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
According to current insights, Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy (CNO) is viewed as an inflammatory
process in persons with peripheral polyneuropathy which results in injury to bones, joints, and soft
tissues. Most commonly, CNO occurs in people with diabetes mellitus and involves the foot and ankle
although it can occur in anyone with peripheral neuropathy. The soft tissue and osseous injury in
individuals with neuropathy may result in distortion of the architecture of the foot and ankle and long-
term deformity because of fractures, dislocations, and fracture-dislocations. The true incidence and
prevalence of CNO in diabetes mellitus are unknown, largely because the absence of pain from
peripheral neuropathy often impacts the timing of presentation to healthcare providers. Previous studies
of several populations have reported prevalence rates ranging from 0.04% of patients with diabetes
mellitus at seven foot care specialist centres in England (1), to 0.3% of patients with diabetes mellitus at
a regional referral center in Ireland (2), to 0.53% of all people with diabetes mellitus in a national registry
study in Denmark (3). The International Diabetes Foundation has estimated that 537 million adults
worldwide were living with diabetes in 2021. Using a prevalence of 0.3%, this estimates that
approximately 1.6 million people worldwide are living with CNO, with an annual incidence of 160,000
new cases per year (4). To put this in a global perspective, in 2020, the estimated number of new cases
of melanoma per year (320,000) were only twice that of CNO, and the new cases of Hodgkin’s
lymphoma (83,000) were half of CNO (5).
Numerous studies have found that patient-reported health related quality of life is negatively impacted
by CNO (6-9). Furthermore, after resolution of the inflammatory phase CNO can result in permanent
deformity of the foot and/or ankle. Bone and joint deformities, as a consequence of active CNO,
predispose to ulceration and infection, both of which significantly increase the risk of major lower
extremity amputation. Studies have identified a six to 12 times increased risk of major amputation in
individuals with a foot ulcer that is the consequence of a CNO deformity as compared to those without
an ulcer (10, 11). A major amputation can have a profound impact on the individual, their families and
society. In many cases, people who have undergone major amputation can no longer work, and this has
financial consequences for the individual and their families (12). In addition to the impact on quality of
life, a recent study collected data from studies published following 2007 and calculated a pooled mean
five-year mortality of 29% in patients with CNO (13).
Improved understanding of the pathophysiology of CNO has occurred over the past two decades. It is
assumed that some form of trauma, either perceived or not perceived (14), provokes an acute
inflammatory response in the foot and/or ankle of persons with peripheral neuropathy.
Disproportionate release of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines results in activation of
nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) via the receptor activator of nuclear factor-κβ ligand-(RANK-L) pathway,
which stimulates osteoclastogenesis (15, 16). In the inflamed foot, there is targeted recruitment,
proliferation and differentiation of osteoclastic precursors into highly aggressive osteoclasts with
enhanced resorbing activity in response to RANKL and TNF-α (17, 18). This inflammatory process, in
combination with the mechanical forces applied during ambulation on a neuropathic foot, can lead to
disruption or weakening of ligaments, joint dislocations and/or fractures of the foot/ankle. Another
important component of the pathophysiology of active CNO involves the potential role of genetics.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
Genes of the OPG/RANKL/RANK axis and their single nucleotide polymorphisms are possibly additional
risk factors for the development of CNO (19-21).
At the current time there are uncertainties about diagnostic criteria, optimal treatment methods,
pharmacologic intervention, monitoring, and identification of remission of CNO. The aim of this new
guideline of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) on CNO is to provide
evidence-based recommendations on the diagnosis and management of active CNO of the foot with
intact skin in persons with diabetes mellitus. This guideline also includes a rationale of how we came to
each recommendation based on our systematic review of the literature which is published in parallel
(22), together with a consideration of the benefits and harm, patients’ values and preferences, and the
costs related to each intervention. We also propose an agenda for future research. This guideline on
CNO is part of the IWGDF guidelines on the prevention and management of diabetic foot disease (23-
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy: CNO is an inflammatory process in persons with diabetes mellitus and
neuropathy which results in injury to bones, joints, and soft tissues.
Active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy: Active CNO is the presence of a red, warm, swollen foot with
osseous abnormalities on imaging in a person with diabetes mellitus and neuropathy. During the course
of the disease, as long as there are signs of inflammation in the affected foot, the CNO is presumed to
be “active.”
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy in clinical remission: The absence of clinical signs of inflammation, with
or without deformity, and radiographic consolidation of fractures, if present, on plain X-ray. Remission is
synonymous with the “inactive” stage of CNO.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
Stage 0 active CNO: A person with diabetes mellitus and neuropathy who presents with clinical signs of
active CNO and normal plain X-rays. In this stage, plain X-rays are considered normal but demonstrable
osseous abnormalities will be present on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (30, 31).
Offloading: The relief of mechanical stress (pressure) from the bones and joints of the affected foot
during standing or walking. For purposes of this guideline, offloading should not be interpreted as
complete non-weightbearing.
The recommendations in this guideline are focused on the individual with active CNO and intact skin.
During the course of the disease, as long as there are signs of inflammation in the affected foot, the
CNO is presumed to be “active”. As will be further discussed in this document, there is no “gold
standard” test to diagnose active CNO. Therefore both clinical signs of inflammation as well as signs of
bone or joint injury/abnormalities on imaging studies such as plain X-ray or MRI have to be present in
order to make a definitive diagnosis. Remission is synonymous with the inactive stage of CNO. As
discussed below, it usually takes several months of offloading/immobilization before the clinical signs of
active CNO have resolved and the fractures have healed. If at that stage offloading therapy is stopped
and the patient starts walking in inappropriate footwear, there is a chance of reactivation of the disease
process with risk of development of new fractures or worsening of an existing deformity. For this
reason, we choose the terminology ‘in remission’ instead of ‘healed’.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
For these guidelines, the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations
(GRADE) methodology was followed. The GRADE System is structured by the development of clinical
questions in the PACO (Population, Assessment, Comparison, Outcome) and PICO (Population,
Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) format, systematic review, and assessment of the available
evidence. After assessment of the evidence, recommendations are developed with their supporting
rationale (32, 33). In specific situations when reviewers were authors of papers under consideration, the
authors recused themselves to reduce the risk of bias in assessments and selection of articles.
To begin this process, an international, multidisciplinary working group of experts in this field (the
authors of this guideline) was installed by the IWGDF Editorial Board. The working group developed the
clinical questions to be investigated after consultation with external experts from diverse geographic
locations as well as a patient representative. Critically important outcomes for clinical questions focused
on intervention were formulated and voted upon by the working group members as deemed necessary.
Subsequently, PACOs and PICOs were created which were reviewed by the IWGDF Editorial Board.
Next, a systematic review of the literature was performed to address the clinical questions. The
systematic review for this guideline is published as a separate document (22). Studies that reported on
CNO patients with a foot ulcer were excluded as this may affect diagnosis and treatment, unless the
data of patients without an ulcer were reported separately or when this was unlikely to influence the
outcomes. For each clinical question the certainty of evidence was graded and then rated as “high,”
“moderate,” or “low” (34).
Finally, recommendations were formulated to address each clinical question based on the evidence from
the systematic review. Using the GRADE system, rationale was provided for how we determined each
recommendation. The rationale was based on the evidence from the systematic review (22) and expert
opinion when evidence was not available. The strength of each recommendation was graded as “strong”
or “conditional”. “Best Practice Statements” were developed when the certainty of the desirable effects
of an intervention clearly outweighed its undesirable effects in the situations where the available
evidence was indirect (35). The recommendations and corresponding rationales were reviewed by the
same international external experts and IWGDF Editorial Board who initially reviewed the PACOs and
PICOs. A summary of judgements table was created for each intervention recommendation based on
the GRADE approach (34) (See Appendix 1). The framework for each judgement table included a
column for criteria, judgments, and impact of the intervention. For a more detailed description of the
methodology and writing of these guidelines, please refer to the IWGDF Guidelines development and
methodology document (36).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
In this guideline, the recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of active CNO in persons with
diabetes mellitus and intact skin are discussed based on the following categories: Diagnosis, Identification
of Remission, Treatment, and Prevention of Re-Activation. First, we formulated clinical questions and
subsequently using the PACO and PICO format a systematic review of the literature was performed
based on these clinical questions (22). We identified a total of 37 studies; 14 studies relevant to
Diagnosis, 18 for Treatment and 5 studies for Identification of Remission. We did not identify studies
that met inclusion criteria for Prevention of Re-activation. After completion of the systematic review,
evidence statements were developed based on the available literature (22). We subsequently
formulated the following 26 recommendations.
Clinical Question: In a person with diabetes mellitus and intact skin, in whom active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy (CNO) is considered, what is the accuracy of clinical findings to diagnose active CNO?
Recommendation 2: Consider using infrared thermometry to measure skin temperature of the feet in a
person with diabetes mellitus and suspected Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin, using a
standardised approach to the measurement of temperatures to allow for more accurate comparison
over time. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 3: When using infrared thermometry to measure skin temperature of the feet in a
person with diabetes mellitus and suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin,
consider calculating temperature difference between both legs, using the highest temperature on the
affected foot or ankle in comparison with the same anatomic point on the contralateral extremity.
(Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 4: In a person with diabetes mellitus with bilateral active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy (CNO) and intact skin or with unilateral CNO and intact skin in the absence of the
contralateral limb, ascending temperature gradients (toe-knee) may be useful for comparison over time.
Best Practice Statement
Rationale: Active CNO should always be suspected when a person with diabetes and neuropathy
presents with a unilateral red, warm, swollen foot, intact skin, and no history of ulceration. CNO left
untreated presents a high risk of developing bone fractures, dislocations, deformity, ulceration, infection
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
and even amputation with major lifelong consequences (37, 38). Clinical signs of inflammation, such as
hyperemia, increased foot skin temperature and oedema should be present when the diagnosis of active
CNO is considered, after exclusion of other diagnoses such as infection, gout, and deep venous
thrombosis. Pain may be absent or relatively mild due to sensory neuropathy (39). However, there are
some individuals who present with more severe pain despite having peripheral neuropathy. Based on
these arguments the Guideline committee formulated a Best Practice Statement, i.e. that the disease
should always be suspected in a hot swollen foot in a person with diabetes mellitus due to the severe
consequences that may develop if this disease is left untreated such as fracture, dislocation, development
of deformity, ulceration, infection and loss of limb.
In healthy individuals there is a symmetry in skin foot temperature, but in the presence of inflammation
this symmetry is lost and the temperature difference between both feet can be a more reliable measure
than an isolated, unilateral measure (40). In one retrospective study in people with active CNO, the site
of maximum skin temperature difference between the affected and unaffected foot correlated to the
radiographic imaging at diagnosis in 92% of cases (and during follow-up in 72% of cases) (35). When
local radionucleotide uptake was measured with quantitative bone scans in individuals with active CNO,
the difference in local skin temperature correlated with this uptake (41). This suggests that skin
temperature can be viewed as a proxy measure of the underlying active disease process in those with
CNO (41). Initially this temperature difference was assessed by palpation, but in recent decades several
studies reported the use of handheld dermal infrared thermometry devices to diagnose CNO. Our
systematic review could not identify studies demonstrating the diagnostic accuracy of such measurement
when using radiological imaging and/or scintigraphy as a comparator in persons with active CNO (22).
We identified one retrospective case series of patients with diabetes that compared foot skin
temperature measurements using dermal infrared thermometry in patients with active CNO and
patients with asymptomatic sensory neuropathy (42).
An increase in skin temperature of 2° Celsius or 4° Fahrenheit (which is actually 2.2° Celsius) of the
involved foot compared to the same location on the uninvolved foot has been used as a diagnostic
threshold for active CNO in several publications (43). Our systematic review could not identify studies
demonstrating the diagnostic accuracy of such measurement when using imaging as a comparator for
the diagnosis of active CNO, however, there is evidence in regard to elevated temperature as a
sensitive indicator of inflammation in diabetic feet and a precursor to ulceration (22). In the absence of
other signs and symptoms of inflammation (i.e. redness and swelling), an isolated increase in foot
temperature may not always be indicative of active CNO and should be interpreted in the context of
other clinical findings (44, 45). Although an essential part of the diagnostic evaluation, isolated elevation
of foot skin temperature is not sufficient to diagnose or rule out active CNO. Consequently, unilateral
asymmetric temperature elevation is sensitive but not specific in diagnosis active CNO.
There is no evidence to define which method/protocol for infrared skin temperature measurement is
most accurate to diagnose active CNO and where, i.e. on which anatomical locations, these
measurements should be performed. A recent cohort study of 32 people with active CNO reported
good intra- and inter-rater reliability of skin foot temperatures measured by infrared thermometry, but
did not address uncertainties around the diagnostic accuracy of this technique (46). There is uncertainty
about the accuracy of existing thermometers (47) and if contact or non-contact thermometry devices
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
should be preferred (48). There is limited information on normative values of skin temperature in the
neuropathic foot, and whether current thermometry devices are valid for these temperature ranges
(45), and factors such as the influence of ambient temperature and the acclimatization time that is
needed after the footwear and socks are removed. The presence of concomitant ulceration and/or
infection can also limit the usefulness of foot temperature to monitor CNO (35). The use of the
uninvolved foot as a comparator can probably overcome some, but not all, of these problems, because
the contralateral foot can be affected by diseases that influence skin temperature. The presence of
bilateral active CNO disease will reduce the reliability of the temperature difference.
Despite the uncertainties, infrared thermometry currently seems to be preferable to assess foot skin
temperature in order to calculate the temperature difference between both feet as this is objective and
measurable (49). In the presence of bilateral foot disease or in the absence of the contra-lateral limb
(i.e., amputation), calculating such a temperature difference is not feasible or possible. In these
circumstances the increase in temperature due to the inflammatory process can probably be detected
by comparing the distal temperature in the foot to the more proximal temperature in the lower and
upper leg. We could not identify any studies that evaluated ascending temperature gradients in our
systematic review. As detecting a locally elevated temperature is an important component in diagnosis
and follow up, the Working Group suggests to measure ascending temperature gradients (toe-knee in
the aforementioned circumstances. All members of the Working Group use this approach when
bilateral measurements are not possible, but studies supporting this approach are lacking and therefore
we made this a Best Practice Statement. Infrared thermometry is a relatively simple, inexpensive, and
objective method to monitor changes over time, as discussed in the section Identification of Remission.
To allow for more accurate comparison between visits we advise a standardized approach regarding
acclimatization period, number and location of skin sites to be tested, and with which temperature
measurement technique should be used. Finally, in the absence of access to quantitative tools that assess
foot temperature, clinicians should rely on using hand palpation to assess temperature difference. The
benefits of assessing temperature, either with handheld thermometry devices or by palpation, are not
associated with any risk of harm to the patient. We recognize that equity and feasibility can be impacted
because not everyone treating patients with CNO will have access to a handheld device. Health equity,
as it relates to this guideline, is when everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to attain their highest
level of health despite their social, economic, cultural or geographic differences. Finally, we recognize
that selection bias may be present in the studies which report on the efficacy of temperature
assessment of handheld thermometry devices due to the variability of the studies.
Knee high immobilization/offloading should be initiated immediately when active CNO is suspected in a
person with diabetes mellitus and intact skin. Early detection, immobilisation and reduced weight-bearing
on the diseased foot has been shown to minimize development of deformity (37, 38). Evidence for this
recommendation is low but withholding offloading therapy in a person with a suspected serious disease
puts this person unnecessarily at risk for the dire consequences of untreated disease which is why we
graded this as “Strong”. Knee high immobilization should be employed immediately while further
diagnostic testing is performed to confirm or rule out presence of the disease.
In summary, active CNO can be diagnosed when there are clinical signs of inflammation in combination
with abnormalities on imaging. If such imaging is not immediately available, immediate
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
immobilization/offloading with a below knee-high offloading device should be initiated while awaiting
further diagnostic testing (discussed in the next section of this guideline) in order to prevent further
progression of the disease. Offloading will be discussed in more detail in the “Treatment” section of this
guideline. Thorough clinical examination, high index of suspicion, imaging, and prompt offloading are
paramount to recognizing and treating active CNO.
Clinical Question: Which imaging modalities have sufficient accuracy to render the diagnosis of active
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy (CNO) more likely in a person with diabetes mellitus and intact skin in
whom the diagnosis of active CNO is considered?
Recommendation 6: Perform plain X-ray of the foot and ankle in a person with diabetes mellitus and
suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy. Ideally, bilateral plain X-rays should be performed, if
possible, for comparison purposes. Best Practice Statement.
Recommendation 7: Perform X-rays that include the anteroposterior (AP), medial oblique, and lateral
projections in a person with diabetes mellitus and suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy.
The ankle and foot views should include the AP, mortise, and lateral projections. Ideally, standing (also
known as “weight- bearing”) radiographs should be performed. If a patient is not able to bear weight on
their feet, non-weight-bearing radiographs are an alternative, but may not demonstrate malalignments
that are more apparent in the standing position. Best Practice Statement.
Recommendation 8: Perform Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a person with diabetes mellitus and
suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with normal appearance of the plain X-rays to
diagnose or exclude the disease and its activity. (Strong; Moderate)
Rationale: In a person with suspected active CNO, plain X-rays of the foot and ankle should be
obtained in order to diagnose the disease as involvement of bones and/or joints play a central role.
Weight- bearing radiographs are preferred, as they may detect dynamic abnormalities, such as joint mal-
alignment, joint subluxation, and/or fracture displacement that may not be apparent on non-weight-
bearing radiographs (50). The three standard foot views (antero-posterior (AP), medial oblique, and
lateral) and three standard ankle views (AP, mortise and lateral) provide sufficient radiographic
evaluation of the osseous anatomy. For an accurate diagnosis, all potentially involved bone and joint
structures should be adequately visualized using such a standardized approach. Based on these
arguments, we made the two Best Practice Statements as formulated above. We do acknowledge that
weight-bearing radiographs are sometimes not feasible due to limited mobility of the person involved or
when the risk of further displacement of joints and/or bones is probably excessive. In such
circumstances, non-weight bearing plain X-rays can be obtained. Table 1 describes the typical imaging
abnormalities that can be observed in active CNO on plain X-ray.
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As has been shown in several studies, patients with suspected active CNO based on the clinical grounds
(i.e. warm, swollen foot) can exhibit normal appearing plain X-rays, however with clear abnormalities on
more advanced imaging confirming involvement of bones and/or joints of the affected feet(37, 51-53).
These patients can subsequently progress to overt fractures (37) and progressive malalignments. Such
abnormalities, therefore, are also sufficient to support the diagnosis of active CNO, after exclusion of
other causes of acute bone and/or joint injury. MRI is most studied in this domain (37, 51-54), and this
advanced imaging technique is not only able to detect bone/ joint abnormalities but also signs of
inflammation and/or remission in and around bones and joints with good to excellent sensitivity and
specificity in various disease states (55). In our systematic review, MRI demonstrated high sensitivity but
unknown specificity for the diagnosis of active CNO in individuals with clinical suspicion, intact skin, and
normal radiographs although these studies were from one center only (37, 51-53). Because of lack of
data on specificity of MRI to identify active CNO, but high values of specificity reported in other
inflammatory conditions to detect inflammation, we rated the certainty of evidence as moderate. Due to
the fact that not diagnosing and treating the disease can have deleterious consequences, we made a
Strong recommendation to perform MRI in the event of normal plain X-rays and clinical suspicion of
active CNO, in order to diagnose or exclude the disease.
There are several clinical scenarios where MRI cannot be performed: it can be contraindicated (for
example, a patient with an MRI-unsafe pacemaker or MRI being not available at the medical facility) or
too costly for the patient with suspected active CNO and negative X-rays. In these situations, other
advanced imaging modalities can be performed as feasible, such as a nuclear imaging scan (scintigraphy)
or CT scan to support the diagnosis of active CNO (56-58). In our systematic review, we identified
three studies that assessed the findings of nuclear imaging in persons with suspected active CNO and
intact skin (56-58). In a retrospective interrupted time-series non-controlled cohort study, 99 mTc-
hydroxymethylene diphosphate three-phase bone scintigraphy was performed in 148 patients with
suspected active CNO and had a high (89%) sensitivity but limited (58%) specificity (57). A non-
controlled study of 18F-FDG PET/CT scanning in 25 patients with suspected active CNO demonstrated
increased uptake in all patients with suspected active CNO (58). We recognize the limited specificity
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does not confirm the presence or absence of the diagnosis of active CNO, however a negative bone
scan, SPECT/CT or negative PET/CT would be strong evidence against the diagnosis of active CNO.
The diagnostic accuracy of MRI has not been compared with nuclear medicine scintigraphy. We have
chosen MRI as first option after plain X-ray, as this imaging technique provides more information to
support or exclude the diagnosis of CNO due to better soft tissue contrast, and probably has, in our
opinion, a better specificity.
When MRI is not available or not possible, we recommend other modalities, such as nuclear imaging
scan or CT scan for further assessment. Nuclear imaging combined with CT (SPECT-CT) may provide
more utility than either nuclear imaging or CT alone due to improved spatial and contrast resolution,
although this has not been studied specifically in active CNO in a case-controlled design. If the diagnosis
is missed because these alternative investigations are not performed and the active CNO is not treated
adequately, there is a substantial chance that the disease will progress, leading to worsening deformity
and increased morbidity. When active CNO is considered and the radiographs are normal,
immobilization/offloading with preferably, non-removable below knee- high offloading device should be
initiated immediately while advanced imaging results are pending. If these investigations cannot be
performed, the patient should be treated as having the active disease until all symptoms have
disappeared, but such a pragmatic approach may also result in unnecessary treatment and increased
financial and non-financial burden in persons not having the disease.
Possible adverse effects of X-rays and CT are increased exposure to ionizing radiation for the individual
and the environment. CT scanning involves more exposure than radiographs and increased/repetitive
exposure over time can increase the risk for long term health effects. However, extremities are relatively
radioresistant (59-61). Weight-bearing CT is also available to detect malalignment of the foot and ankle,
although not as readily available as conventional CT. Nuclear imaging utilizing radioactive tracers has
minimal risks and these risks would be limited to very rare allergic reactions and radiation exposure risk
from small doses of ionizing radiation. The disadvantages of advanced imaging are that they are less
readily available, incur higher costs compared to the standard radiographs, and can lead to a substantial
financial burden for affected individuals and the health care system. However, advanced imaging
including MRI has become more affordable and accessible recently, especially in high income countries,
resulting in more accuracy in diagnosing and excluding CNO. Although costs-effectiveness data are
lacking, it is therefore recommended that these imaging techniques, in particular MRI as the first step,
should be considered when plain radiographs are normal.
Clinical Question: Which blood tests have sufficient accuracy to make the diagnosis of active Charcot
neuro-osteoarthropathy more likely in a person with diabetes mellitus and intact skin?
Recommendation 10: We suggest not using C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate
(ESR), white blood count, alkaline phosphatase, or other blood tests in a person with diabetes mellitus
and suspected active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin to diagnose or exclude the
disease. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Blood tests such as measurements of serum inflammatory markers (CRP, ESR and WBC) or
alkaline phosphatase are often obtained in the setting of active CNO. Our systematic review identified
five observational studies that measured either CRP, ESR, and/or alkaline phosphatase in patients with
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
active CNO and intact skin (22). Five of the studies that we identified measured CRP (62-66), three
measured ESR (63, 64, 66), three measured white blood cell count (WBC) (63, 65, 66) and three
measured alkaline phosphatase (62, 63, 67). All studies were of low quality and at high risk of bias.
In the studies included for review, serum CRP ranged from normal to as high as 324% above the
reference range (< 5 mg/l) (62-66). ESR in active CNO patients with intact skin ranged from a mild
increase (5%) to as high as 350% above the reference range (<20mm/h) (63, 64, 66). WBC was
reported normal (63, 65) in two studies (reference range < 10⁹/L ) and mildly elevated (10% above
reference range) in one study (66). Serum alkaline phosphate was found to be normal in active CNO in
two studies (63, 67). Serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase was 21% higher in patients with active
CNO compared to control participants with diabetes mellitus however this elevation was not
statistically significant (62).
In conclusion, we did not identify evidence to support the use of CRP, ESR, WBC or alkaline
phosphatase in diagnosing active CNO. Our conclusion was based on the wide range of values reported
in these studies with high imprecision. The quality of evidence was low and for this reason we graded
the recommendation as “conditional”. Although the aforementioned systemic inflammatory markers can
be elevated in active CNO, probably due to the underlying sterile inflammation in the foot, other
diagnoses should also be considered (68). The recommendations on diagnosis of active CNO are
summarized in Figure 1.
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Clinical Question: Which clinical examinations and imaging techniques can be used to ascertain
remission of Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy in a person with diabetes mellitus and intact skin who has
been treated for the disease?
Recommendation 11: Consider measurement of skin temperature of the affected and unaffected limb
with serial examinations to monitor disease activity in a person with diabetes mellitus and active Charcot
neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 12: We suggest not using soft tissue oedema alone to determine when active
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy is in remission. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 13: We suggest that the findings of temperature measurement, clinical oedema, and
imaging should all be considered when concluding that active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy is in
remission. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 14: We suggest that frequency of appointments for assessing disease activity in active
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy should depend on specific factors such as fluctuation in oedema
volume, co-morbidities, the risks associated with treatment and recovery, access to assistance with
home treatment needs, and a person’s progress and recovery. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Our systematic review identified five studies that evaluated different types of monitoring
techniques to define remission of active CNO (49, 54, 69-71). All were observational studies with high
risk of bias. Two studies reported the predictive value of using infrared thermometry to monitor and
identify remission based on clinical grounds, following the same protocol but using different
thermometry devices (49, 70). In one study, the site of maximum skin temperature difference between
the affected and unaffected foot was found to correlate to the radiographic imaging at diagnoses in 92%
of cases and during follow-up in 72% of cases (49). Another prospective observational study provided a
narrative report showing agreement between a temperature difference (4oF/ 2oC) and radiographic
findings for identifying remission in active CNO (70).
There were three studies that evaluated the use of MRI to identify remission in active CNO, and also
reported that they assessed skin temperature (54, 69, 71). The first study was an open label cohort
study and compared 3-monthly dynamic MRI scans, with gadolinium contrast medium, with the clinical
healing defined as the combination of a temperature difference <1°C and difference in the
circumference at the midfoot and ankle level <1 cm (as measure of swelling) (69). The authors reported
a 90% agreement between clinical and MRI findings. However, in 23% of patients clinical healing
(absence of inflammation) preceded MRI healing by 3-6 months. The authors did not analyze the results
of skin temperature separately. Unfortunately, the second and third MRI studies could not provide any
useful evidence to help answer this clinical question and support subsequent recommendations (54, 71).
We recommend that providers use infrared thermometry to monitor active CNO and identify
remission based on the balance of risks and harms, confidence in the results, feasibility, acceptability, and
equity. Measurement of temperature is of no harm and no risk to the patient and is a safe, low/no cost
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
examination tool that is relatively easy to perform. The higher the temperature difference between the
affected and unaffected foot the greater the likelihood of ongoing disease activity and conversely, the
lower the temperature difference the greater the likelihood that the CNO is going into remission. At
this time, there is insufficient evidence to recommend a specific temperature cut-off at which point
remission occurs. As such we recommend that the findings of temperature measurement, clinical
oedema, and imaging should all be considered when concluding that the active CNO is in remission.
Both the provider and patient must recognize that the transition from active CNO to remission may
take many months. The advantages of infrared skin temperature measurement over radiological
investigations to monitor active CNO are that it is cheaper, quicker, more readily available, non-invasive,
and there are no safety considerations. The protocols for temperature measurements in these studies
allowed for an acclimatisation period of 15 minutes, which is time consuming.
There is evidence that when the limb with active CNO is offloaded, the amount of leg/foot oedema
reduces. In our systematic review we identified two studies which compared objective assessment of
soft tissue oedema to radiological findings and in another study soft tissue oedema was assessed
subjectively (54, 69, 71) . From these studies it was not possible to identify whether there is a
relationship between clinical assessment of oedema and radiological findings to ascertain remission in
active CNO. Based on expert opinion, we recommend that subjective or objective assessment of soft
tissue oedema may contribute to a complete patient assessment to identify remission in active CNO,
and we graded the recommendation as “Conditional”. There is no evidence to support a
recommendation on a specific protocol for measuring soft tissue oedema in active CNO. However, we
would advise that a standardised approach to evaluating soft tissue oedema be used to allow for more
accurate comparison over time. It should be noted that the potential limitations of assessing soft tissue
oedema are similar to those for temperature measurement, with the presence of bilateral foot disease,
absence of contralateral limb or concurrent foot ulceration and/or infection affecting the usability and
interpretation of any results. We acknowledge that remission is defined as the absence of clinical signs of
inflammation and is based on clinical judgement because we cannot give absolute values to define the
absence of inflammation. We recognize that in certain cases mild signs of inflammation such as oedema
can persist despite radiographic consolidation.
We encountered two main difficulties when developing our recommendations. Firstly, the lack of a
standardized clinical or radiological definition of remission of the disease, and secondly, there is currently
no agreed ‘gold standard’ test to ascertain remission of active CNO. None of the studies we identified
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in our systematic review reported the sensitivity or specificity of using skin foot temperature to identify
remission, either in isolation or compared to imaging (22). For these reasons we graded the strength of
our recommendations as “Conditional”.
Uncertainty remains about the effectiveness of temperature assessment to monitor active CNO, and
whether the different devices and protocols used influence time to remission. Different cut-off points
have been used, 4oF (which is 2.2oC), 2oC, and 1oC (49, 70). There is a need for high-quality studies to
assess the diagnostic accuracy of temperature assessment to determine remission in CNO. Until a ‘gold
standard’ test for identifying active CNO has been identified and validated we recommend that the
findings of temperature measurement, clinical oedema, and imaging should all be considered when
concluding that the active CNO is in remission. We acknowledge that occasionally individuals will
present in remission who have not had previous treatment.
Clinical Question: Which type of offloading device should be advised to a person with diabetes mellitus
and active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin and should this be accompanied with non-
weight bearing advice?
Recommendation 15: Use a non-removable knee-high device to immobilise and offload the foot to
promote remission of the disease, and prevention or progression of deformity in a person with active
Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy and intact skin. (Strong; Low)
Recommendation 16: Consider using a total contact cast in the treatment of active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy with intact skin in a person with diabetes mellitus. A knee-high walker rendered non-
removable can be considered as a second choice in order to immobilise and offload the foot.
(Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 17: A removable knee-high device worn at all times can be considered as the third
treatment choice in a person with diabetes mellitus, active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy and intact
skin of the foot for whom a non-removable knee-high offloading device is contraindicated or not
tolerated. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 18: We suggest not to use a below the ankle offloading device (e.g. surgical shoe,
postoperative sandal, custom moulded shoe, or slipper cast) in the treatment of active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy and intact skin, given the inadequate immobilisation of the diseased bone and joints,
and limited off-loading capacity. (Conditional; Low)
Recommendation 19: Treatment with a knee-high offloading device should be considered as soon as
possible once the diagnosis of active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy is considered. (Strong; Low)
Recommendation 20: In a person with active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy who is being treated
with a knee-high device, we suggest using assistive devices to reduce weight-bearing on the affected
limb. (Conditional; Low)
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Rationale: As discussed below, there are several strong arguments that the diseased, inflamed foot in
active CNO should be immobilised and offloaded in a knee-high, non-removable, device. It is important
to institute immobilisation even in the absence of fractures on plain radiographs, when other imaging
techniques (such as MRI) suggest active CNO. This immobilization should be started immediately once
the diagnosis of active CNO is considered. Additional evidence provides guidance that a total contact
cast (TCC) might be considered as first choice, and a knee-high walker that is made non-removable as
second choice. Total contact casts are usually made of plaster of Paris or fibreglass that is in close
contact with the entire foot and lower limb. Comparable offloading of the foot can be achieved by a
prefabricated knee-high walker that immobilises the foot and can be rendered irremovable by applying a
layer of cast or tie wrap around the device (72). Both devices and their insoles should be applied in such
a way that they accommodate any foot deformity safely and provide pressure redistribution in order to
prevent subsequent ulceration. A removable knee-high device worn at all times with an appropriate
foot-device interface to reduce peak pressure (23) can be considered as the as a third treatment choice
in a person with diabetes mellitus and active CNO and intact skin of the foot for whom a non-
removable knee-high offloading device is contraindicated or not tolerated. A possible benefit of a
removable knee-high device is that it can be removed for bathing or examination of the skin. The main
disadvantage and concern when using removable knee-high devices is the potential for non-adherence
to the offloading/immobilization treatment which may lead to development/progression of deformity
and delayed time to remission.
As described in our systematic review, there is limited high quality evidence on which to base our
recommendations (22). Our recommendations on offloading active CNO are based on a combination
of the direct and indirect evidence from research where available, and expert opinion where no such
evidence exists. The potential negative consequences of not initiating offloading as soon as possible once
active CNO is suspected include progressive deformity and potential skin ulceration. Therefore, we
made the recommendation of offloading once active CNO is suspected a “Strong” recommendation.
The rationale behind offloading the foot and leg in active CNO is that increased mechanical stress plays
a central role in perpetuating the underlying inflammatory disease process, resulting in progressive bone
destruction, development of fracture(s) and joint dislocation. Although individuals with active CNO can
present with only one fracture on plain X-ray, more advanced techniques such as MRI, SPECT/CT and
PET-CT usually show that multiple bones and joints in the foot and ankle are affected (51, 56, 73). It is
for this reason, that immobilisation and offloading of the complete foot and ankle is indicated. Our
recommendations are in line with other guidelines on the management of individuals with high-risk non-
displaced foot fractures, irrespective of the presence of diabetes in order to optimise fracture healing,
prevent malalignment, non-union and progressive dislocation (74-76).
By using a knee-high device, plantar pressure and ground reactive forces are redistributed more
proximally serving to offload the inflamed foot (77). Knee high devices immobilise the ankle joint and
minimize the deforming effects of the lower limb muscles on the joints in the foot and ankle. There is
evidence from clinical and biomedical/laboratory research that immobilisation and offloading usually
results in a decrease in the clinical signs of inflammation as well as reduction in circulating pro-
inflammatory markers over time (62, 64). Although immobilisation and offloading of the complete foot
and ankle are indicated, patients can have difficulties in accepting and using knee-high offloading devices
as they can have little or no pain, and such devices can have negative effects on mobility, autonomy,
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
driving, self-esteem and perception by others (78). Moreover, if not applied correctly in persons with
loss of protective sensation, these devices can result in development of skin breakdown anywhere distal
to the knee. A new cast associated blister or ulcer was reported in 14% of people with diabetes who
were treated with a total contact cast in a recent study (79). The patient should therefore be well
informed about the risks of inadequate treatment, its benefits and harms and should be supported in
integrating this treatment in their daily life.
In our systematic review, we could not identify intervention studies comparing the efficacy of a non-
removable with a removable off-loading device. However, in the nationwide UK survey of 219 people
with active CNO, the median time to remission, defined as patient being mobile in (therapeutic)
footwear, was three months longer in those treated with a removable device compared to those who
had a non-removable device (80). Likewise, studies in patients with diabetes and a neuropathic foot
ulcer have shown that despite intensive education, they do not wear removable offloading devices as
advised, and this can contribute to delayed ulcer healing (55). Due to the absence of pain, people with
active CNO may continue to walk on the diseased foot and they sometimes only seek medical help
when their foot becomes so deformed or swollen that it does not fit in the shoe anymore (34). We
could not identify studies on patients’ preference in active CNO but one study reported that in patients
with a diabetic foot ulcer, patients preferred a non-removable device once the benefits were clearly
explained (66). People may therefore initially prefer a prefabricated removable device because they can
take it off in situations like going to bed, driving a car, or bathing, but they should be informed about the
greater expected benefit of a non-removable knee-high device in preventing deformity, shorter
treatment period with consequent lower short- and long-term health care costs (55, 61). For these
reasons, we graded the strength of the recommendation on the use a non-removable knee-high device,
either a TCC or a prefabricated walker made non-removable, as “strong”. However, we acknowledge
that for this specific disease state evidence based on clinical trials is lacking.
The affected leg can be immobilised and offloaded either by a TCC or by a prefabricated knee-high
walker (23). The majority of studies we included in our systematic review used TCCs as the preferred
method of offloading (22). We could not find any studies that addressed our clinical question and
compared treatment with TCC to prefabricated knee-high walkers on the outcome of active CNO. As
discussed earlier the aim of treatment is primarily to immobilise the joints in the foot and secondly, to
offload the foot by redistributing plantar pressure from ground reactive forces. It is this requirement for
immobilisation that has led to the recommendation based on the expert opinion of the group that
TCCs might be preferable to prefabricated walkers. The advantage of the TCC is that there is probably
better immobilisation of the ankle. For instance in patients with severe ankle sprain a TCC had better
overall results than an prefabricated walker (81). In addition, a TCC is applied to fit the person’s limb,
and each TCC is customised to accommodate deformity or significant oedema. The disadvantage of a
TCC is that is needs renewal at each visit (unless it is made removable but that can result in less optimal
immobilisation), is associated with higher costs, and requires expertise and therefore has a greater
negative impact on equity. It is likely that patients value both TCC and knee-high walkers as equally
unpleasant interventions, although we could not identify in our systematic review studies on the impact
of quality of life of the different treatment modalities. In summary, there is some indirect evidence
supporting the use of TCC as first choice in the treatment of active CNO and a non-removable walker
as second choice. In particular when costs or equity play an important role or specific expertise is lacking
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walkers, made non-removable, can be preferable, but future studies are needed in this area. Therefore,
we graded the strength of our recommendation as “conditional”.
Treatment with a non-removable knee-high off-loading device should be started immediately when
active CNO is suspected, and continued unless an alternative diagnosis is made, in order to prevent the
development of deformity (82). The importance of early immobilisation and reduced weight-bearing on
the diseased foot is highlighted by two studies of Chantelau and co-workers. In these retrospective
observational studies with a high risk of bias, these authors reported that patients diagnosed with
Charcot stage 0 who were treated early (i.e. those without fracture on plain X-ray before TCC
treatment) rarely developed a subsequent deformity in marked contrast to those diagnosed and treated
in stage 1 (i.e. those with a fracture on plain X-ray) (37). In the second study, the time of unrestrained
weight-bearing as well as the weight- bearing intensity before treatment was initiated was associated
with development of deformity in patients with active CNO (83). Although evidence based on clinical
trials is lacking and we have no information on aspects such as cost-effectiveness and equity, the
guideline committee concluded that immobilisation of the affected leg should be started at the moment
active CNO is considered, given the potentially devastating consequences of untreated CNO.
Persons with active CNO should be informed that it can take many months before the disease goes
into remission. Our experience suggests that offloading be continued for four to six weeks after the
clinical signs of active CNO have resolved and the patient is diagnosed as in remission. Long-term
treatment with a non-removable knee-high device is associated with the risk of complications and
adverse effects. Only a few studies identified in our systematic review reported such events. The most
important complications being development of foot ulcers that sometimes resulted in amputation in two
studies (84, 85), skin lesions from injury during removal of the cast, and pain (86). Other possible
adverse effects include muscle weakness and atrophy, falls and musculoskeletal knee or hip complaints
because of the acquired limb-length discrepancy when wearing the device, as described in our ulcer
offloading guideline (72). One may consider a shoe raise for the contralateral limb to minimize this
acquired limb-length discrepancy. The long-term loss of mobility can have major negative consequences
on people’s psychological health, physical health and socio-economic well-being due to the increased
risk of social isolation and loss of work. Furthermore, loss of mobility can have negative effects on
glucose control and other cardiovascular risk factors (87).
We suggest not to use below the ankle devices in the management of active CNO. We could not
identify studies that evaluated the therapeutic value of below the ankle devices to treat active CNO and
made therefore a “conditional” recommendation. However, there is indirect evidence from studies in
people with diabetes related foot ulceration that ankle high devices do not immobilise and offload the
foot as effectively as knee-high devices (72).
To achieve reduced weight- bearing we suggest using assistive devices to reduce: 1) pressure on the
affected limb, 2) risk of falls, 3) time to remission, and 4) the risk of musculoskeletal injury and pain in
the affected or contralateral limb. The recommendation on the use of, preferably bilateral, crutches in
addition to treatment with a knee-high device is based on one retrospective study in which patients
were instructed in partial weightbearing of the casted extremity by using bilateral axillary crutches or
walker (88). Seventy-two percent of the patients did not adhere to these instructions as judged by their
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
treating orthopaedic surgeon and in these patients the average time to healing was 34 days longer
compared to those who did comply (88). Secondly, continued walking on the extremity in a knee-high
device can result in musculoskeletal complications and pain in the contralateral extremity, as described
above. The balance of effects regarding weight-bearing status probably favours reduced weight- bearing
compared to unrestricted or non-weight-bearing, however, the quality of evidence is very low. Based on
these arguments we suggest to consider partial weight- bearing with the use of crutches, walkers, rolling
crutch walkers or other devices, and this choice should be adapted to the patient’s living conditions,
mobility and motivation of the patient.
Although our recommendations are in line with other guidelines (39, 82, 89), the evidence from
observational studies highlight that implementation of our recommendations may be a challenge as
many people seem to receive sub-optimal treatment with potentially poorer outcomes. In the
nationwide UK survey from 2005-2007 approximately one third of all patients with active CNO were
not treated with a non-removable offloading lower leg device (80). Comparable results were obtained
in a 1999 survey conducted under members of the Diabetes Committee of the American Orthopaedic
Foot and Ankle Society, as approximately half of the patients with a history of a Charcot foot had
initially not been treated with a TCC (90). This variability in treatment is likely to be associated with the
absence of treatment guidelines accepted by all the different disciplines involved in treating these
patients, the lack of evidence based on clinical trials, lack of knowledge, skills and resources to apply
TCCs as well as patient-related factors and reimbursement, and perhaps clinical inertia. The
phenomenon of clinical inertia is defined as the failure to start a therapy or its intensification/non-
intensification when appropriate, in patients with a disease such as active CNO (91).
Treating patients with active CNO as well as the application and use of TCCs and non-removable knee-
high devices require specific training, skills and experience. We suggest that the healthcare professionals
treating these patients should have access to high quality training according to national or regional
standards. To facilitate implementation, offloading recommendations should be culturally appropriate,
account for socioeconomic status, align with a patient’s health literacy as well as personal circumstances,
and should be part of a shared decision-making process. When these factors are taken into account, this
will probably enhance their acceptability and feasibility. It is therefore not possible to provide globally
applicable recommendations on the best form of offloading given the diversity of contexts and situations
in which people present with active CNO. The financial resources required for total contact casting and
knee-high removable offloading device can be challenging to provide for healthcare providers, and for
people who are required to self-fund their own healthcare.
Clinical Question: Can medical therapy in a person with diabetes mellitus and active CNO with intact
skin result in shorter time to remission and prevent complications?
Recommendation 22: We suggest not to use denosumab as treatment for active Charcot neuro-
osteoarthropathy in a person with diabetes mellitus and intact skin. (Conditional; Low)
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
Recommendation 23: We suggest to evaluate the need for vitamin D and calcium supplementation in a
person with diabetes mellitus and active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with intact skin during the
phase of fracture healing, in doses according to (inter)national guidelines on supplementation in persons
at risk for vitamin D deficiency and/or those with insufficient calcium intake. (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: The pathophysiology of CNO is associated with localised increased bone resorption,
osteopenia, and osteoporosis, all of which can lead to bone weakness. Therefore, the use of several
pharmacological therapies to treat CNO has focused on restoring the balance between bone formation
and resorption. The aim of treatment is to reduce time to remission and/or help to prevent the
development or worsening of foot deformities that are already present at the first clinical presentation.
Our systematic review identified eight studies, on several different pharmacological interventions used in
the management of active CNO (22). There were seven RCTs and one cohort study. The studies could
be subdivided firstly into therapies that potentially inhibit bone resorption in the early inflammatory
phase of the disease, bisphosphonates (alendronate, pamidronate, zoledronate), calcitonin and
denosumab; secondly into agents that could stimulate bone formation, parathyroid hormone and finally,
anti-inflammatory therapies, methylprednisolone. Most studies reported time to remission and the
development of foot deformity was an outcome in two of the studies.
Five of the eight included studies investigated the potential beneficial effect of bisphosphonates in the
treatment of active CNO, as described in our systematic review (22). These drugs have been used in
the treatment of osteoporosis for many years and have a well-known risk profile. Most of the
bisphosphonate studies had a high risk of bias with the exception of the high quality RCT, from Jude et
al. (92), on the efficacy of intravenous pamidronate versus placebo. None of these studies reported an
improvement in time to remission (92-95) and treatment with zoledronate was associated with a longer
time to remission (94). Two of these studies reported that treatment with pamidronate or alendronate
may be associated with a reduction in pain (92, 95). Several of the aforementioned studies reported
improvements in biomarkers of bone resorption and/or bone formation, but the clinical significance of
these observations is unclear and could possibly also be related to systemic effects of the drugs.
One RCT of intranasal calcitonin, with a high risk of bias, did not observe any effect on time to
remission during six months of follow-up (96). Daily subcutaneous PTH was evaluated in one RCT with
a low risk of bias, without any beneficial effect on time to remission, fracture healing or
prevention/progression of foot deformity (97). A non-blinded RCT with a high risk of bias, reported that
treatment with methylprednisolone was associated with a longer time to remission compared to both
zoledronate and placebo treatment (98). Given the lack of evidence for their efficacy, potential side
effects, resources required and impact on equity, we recommend not to use alendronate, pamidronate,
zoledronate, methylprednisolone, calcitonin or PTH as treatment for active CNO in people with
diabetes mellitus.
The final study included in the systematic review was a cohort study at high risk of bias with historical
controls, some of whom were treated with bisphosphonates. This study reported that a single injection
of denosumab was associated with a faster time to remission, the duration of TCC treatment was
approximately 1 ½ month shorter, and time to fracture healing on plain X-ray was shortened by
approximately two months with less malalignment (99). The effect on prevention of deformities could
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
not be assessed due to the low number of events. Given the lack of clinical trials, the costs, and
potential adverse effects, there was at the time of writing these guidelines insufficient evidence to
suggest the use of denosumab in the treatment of active CNO. We made a ‘’conditional”
recommendation not to use this therapy based on the limited quality and inconsistency of the evidence
reported and the results of randomised clinical trials need to be awaited.
Vitamin D and calcium play an important role in skeletal health and bone repair, and persons with type
2 diabetes have more frequently low vitamin D levels (100) as also observed in patients with active
CNO (101). We could not identify intervention studies on possible beneficial effects of vitamin D and
calcium supplementation in active CNO. Also, indirect evidence to support such supplementation is
poor as studies in traumatic or fragility fractures are scarce (102). We have therefore no information on
the impact of low Vitamin D levels or poor calcium intake on the course of active CNO. However,
persons with active CNO can be at risk for low vitamin D levels, due to factors as type 2 diabetes,
obesity, renal disease, and their older age. It is likely that key stakeholders would find calcium and vitamin
D supplementation acceptable and feasible given their importance in bone healing. Therefore, given
their importance for bone repair, the lack of major side effects, and the relative low costs, we suggest
for pragmatic reasons to evaluate the need for vitamin D and calcium supplementation in persons with
active CNO. When treatment is started, the doses of vitamin D and calcium should be prescribed
according to (inter)national guidelines on supplementation in persons with -or at risk for- vitamin D
deficiency and/or insufficient calcium intake.
In summary, based on indirect evidence we suggest to consider vitamin D and calcium supplementation
during treatment of active CNO. There is no evidence to support the use of any other pharmaceutical
interventions, as such treatment will be associated with additional costs and potential harmful effects in
this specific patient population. Potential harmful effects include impairment of bone healing and
iatrogenic fractures.
Clinical Question: In a person with diabetes mellitus and active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with
intact skin, is reconstructive surgery associated with shorter time to remission, prevention of deformity
development, and prevention of deformity progression compared to no surgery?
Recommendation 24: In a person with active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy and intact skin, and with
instability of foot and ankle joints, and/or deformity with a high-risk of developing ulcer in the offloading
device, or pain that cannot be sufficiently stabilized in a Total Contact Cast or a non-removable knee-
high device, we suggest that surgical intervention should be considered (Conditional; Low)
Rationale: Historically, surgical reconstruction for active CNO has not been recommended largely due
to concerns about performing surgery on an acutely inflamed foot. Our systematic review did not
identify any prospective, randomised outcome studies comparing surgical versus non-surgical treatment
during active CNO (22). We identified one non-controlled retrospective study that evaluated the
outcomes of patients with active CNO and intact skin who underwent primary realignment arthrodesis
(103). This study was limited to surgical treatment of only 14 patients with active CNO localized to the
tarsometatarsal joints, and these findings cannot be extrapolated to more proximal involvement such as
the transverse tarsal joint, the subtalar joint, or the ankle joint.
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
The indications for surgical intervention during active CNO include deformities that result in impending
skin ulceration, severe instability, intractable pain, or the inability to immobilize the foot in a cast or non-
removable knee high device (39). As discussed previously, deformity associated with impending
ulceration can lead to catastrophic outcomes, increasing the risk of major amputation by a factor of six
to 12 fold (10, 11). Our recommendation to perform early surgical intervention during active CNO in
specific subgroups is consistent with guidelines on the management of foot and ankle fractures in
patients irrespective of diabetes status.
Based on clinical experience, proximal deformities of the hindfoot and ankle can be especially difficult to
manage with TCCs or knee-high non-removable devices due to deformity in the coronal plane. Varus
and valgus deformities of the ankle and hindfoot are poorly tolerated because of the subcutaneous
nature of the medial and lateral malleoli. Consequently, skin breakdown and ulceration at the level of
the medial and lateral malleoli can lead to osteomyelitis. A previous consensus statement recommended
consideration of primary arthrodesis for active CNO of the ankle with severe deformity (39).
Reconstructive surgery for CNO includes realignment arthrodesis, tendon lengthening, tendon transfer
or partial ostectomy of a prominent bone (exostectomy). Surgical intervention in CNO is associated
with high complication rates and the risk benefit ratio needs to be considered when intervening
surgically. A large database study compared outcomes of ankle fusion in a matched cohort of patients
with diabetes and CNO (n= 3815) and patients with diabetes but without CNO (n=3815) (104).
Significantly higher rates of amputation, hardware removal, wound dehiscence, acute kidney injury,
pneumonia, and surgical site infection, were observed in patients with diabetes and CNO compared
patients with diabetes but without CNO. This study was not included in our systematic review as a main
limitation of this database study was that the timing of surgery (active or remission stage) could not be
determined, but these data highlight the risks of surgery in patients with CNO.
Although CNO reconstruction is associated with high upfront costs, reconstruction early in the disease
process is, in our opinion, justified for patients who cannot be managed successfully with total contact
casting or non-removable knee-high devices. Because CNO reconstruction is challenging and associated
with relatively high complication rates, the goal is to pursue a cost-effective strategy of fixation and bone
graft augmentation while still achieving a high rate of favorable outcomes. Our systematic review did not
identify any studies which supported a superior or specific method of fixation, for example internal
versus external fixation, in treating active CNO with intact skin. The decision to use external or internal
fixation is highly dependent on the surgeon’s preference and experience.
The goal of surgical reconstruction for the patient with active CNO includes restoring a plantigrade foot
that is less prone to ulceration because plantar pressure is redistributed throughout the foot.
Complications of surgery include surgical site infection, wound dehiscence, non-union, hardware failure
and need for further treatment. The level of evidence regarding surgery in active CNO is low, and the
current evidence supports offloading with knee-high devices over surgery in the active CNO in patients
with intact skin. Consequently, prior to performing surgery in active CNO, we recommend a period of
non-surgical care to include immobilization and oedema reduction to allow the inflammation to
decrease prior to surgical intervention. The resources and costs associated with surgical intervention are
higher than treating patients with offloading using a knee-high device. A Markov model-based study from
© 2023
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
Albright et al. (105) hypothesizes that the most effective strategy for unstable midfoot CNO with intact
skin favors surgical reconstruction despite its high upfront costs. To date this strategy has not been
validated by any clinical series. As our recommendation is mainly based on indirect evidence and expert
opinion, we graded it as “conditional”. Given the uncertainties described above, the potential
complications of surgery and the higher upfront costs, the potential beneficial effects should be carefully
balanced with the risk of harm in an individualized manner. The final choice should be made by a well-
informed patient as part of a shared decision-making process and the surgical reconstruction should be
performed by a surgeon with sufficient expertise in foot surgery in a high- risk patients with diabetes and
Clinical Question: In persons with diabetes mellitus and active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy with
intact skin who have been treated and are in remission, is therapeutic footwear preferred to
conventional footwear to prevent re-activation of the disease?
Recommendation 25: Footwear and/or orthoses that best accommodate and support the shape of the
foot/feet and ankle to help prevent re-activation of Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy (CNO) are
recommended in a person with diabetes mellitus, intact skin, treated for active CNO with an off-loading
device and who is now in remission. (Strong; Moderate)
Recommendation 26: When deformity and/or joint instability is present, in order to optimise plantar
pressure distribution, below the knee customized devices should be used for additional protection in a
person with diabetes mellitus, intact skin, treated for active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy who is now
in remission. (Strong; Moderate)
Rationale: Based on our systematic review we did not identify any evidence that demonstrates that
therapeutic footwear is superior to conventional footwear to prevent re-activation of active CNO (22).
Despite the paucity of data, our recommendation is to consider footwear that best accommodates and
supports the shape of the foot/feet to help prevent re-activation of the active disease in people who are
in remission. Being at increased risk for ulceration as a result of CNO related deformity, it is important
that the person’s footwear fits, protects, and accommodates the shape of their feet; this includes
footwear having adequate length, width, and depth. When foot and/or ankle deformity is present, it
becomes even more important to alter foot biomechanics and reduce plantar pressure on at-risk
locations. This may require custom-made footwear, custom made orthoses or below knee braces. The
second part of our recommendation, therefore, is that in people with diabetes mellitus and CNO who
have been treated and are in remission is to consider prescription custom made orthotics to
(redistribute) decrease plantar pressures. When custom made orthotics are prescribed, extra depth
footwear should be used to accommodate the increased thickness of the orthotic.
Despite the lack of evidence, we strongly believe that therapeutic footwear would produce benefits in
terms of reducing CNO re-activation and mechanical stress reduction. Our recommendation is
consistent with IWGDF guidelines on prevention of foot ulcers (24). The IWGDF Risk Stratification
© 2023
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
System identifies persons with loss of protective sensation and foot deformity secondary to CNO at
increased risk for ulcerations. Considering the potential benefit of additional ankle stability, we
recommend removable knee-high offloading over ankle-high offloading in patients who require long
term ankle stability. We favor customized devices such as Charcot Restraint Orthotic Walker (CROW),
contoured plastic ankle foot orthosis (AFO), and the double upright metal AFO that is attached to the
footwear to provide support.
The primary adverse effect of footwear, orthotics and braces in persons with diabetes-related
neuropathy is iatrogenic ulcer formation from ill-fitting shoes or orthotic devices. Because persons with
loss of protective sensation cannot adequately judge footwear fit, footwear and braces should be
evaluated by appropriately trained professionals. The benefits of prescriptive footwear, orthotics, and
braces outweigh the low incidence of ulcer formation, and for further information we refer to the
IWGDF guidelines on the prevention of foot ulcers (24).
Although evidence is lacking, we suggest that the affected foot should be gradually transitioned to the
advised footwear and that in this phase ambulation should slowly increase. Abrupt re-loading of the foot
may reactivate the CNO. In addition, probably due to the inflammatory process and the long-term
immobilization, the foot skeleton can become osteoporotic (106, 107). Rapid and accelerated transition
into weight-bearing activities with increased loading of the foot may, in our clinical experience, may
result in osteoporotic fractures.
As discussed in this guideline and in our systematic review (22) there is an urgent need for further
clinical research in active CNO. Our systematic review identified multiple areas where high quality
evidence is lacking. Although CNO is considered a “rare disease,” the number of actual individuals with
this disease is likely higher than we think due to misdiagnosis and lack of awareness.
Based on the findings of our systematic review (22) and subsequent guideline development, we consider
the following topics to be key in future research:
Diagnosis and Monitoring: One of the major items that needs to be addressed is the development of
well-defined and validated, objective and reproducible criteria to diagnose active CNO, to monitor
disease activity, and to determine remission. There are no studies that have demonstrated accuracy of
foot skin temperature measurement to diagnose active disease or determine the presence of remission.
In particular, the diagnostic accuracy of the ≤2˚C foot skin temperature measurement “cutoff”, that is
frequently used, has not been demonstrated in a clinical study and warrants further research. Also, we
do not know which specific infrared thermometry device or protocol provides the most accurate
method of measuring foot skin temperature. Future studies assessing the use of at home monitoring
with infrared thermometry devices to monitor disease activity would be beneficial. This would allow the
patient to liaise with the clinic without the need to attend clinic appointments as frequently and be able
to identify changes in their foot condition rapidly and seek advice.
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IWGDF Charcot Guideline
Further studies on the monitoring of disease activity from an imaging standpoint are also needed.
Although MRI can detect active CNO with high sensitivity, the abnormalities on MRI can persist after
the clinical active CNO symptoms have resolved.
Offloading: Although TCC is accepted as the “gold standard” method by many authors for offloading in
patients with active CNO, further studies may help demonstrate which offloading modality is most
effective to achieve remission, acceptable to people with CNO given socio-economic factors, and most
Weight-bearing: Studies are needed to determine whether or not weight -bearing in an offloading device
can negatively impact time to remission and development/progression of an existing deformity.
Pharmacological treatment: We suggest that the potential efficacy of denosumab and tumor necrosis
factor inhibitors could be studied in future RCTs to assess the benefits, risks and cost-effectiveness of
these potentially useful treatments.
Surgical intervention: Studies are necessary to determine if early surgical intervention during the active
CNO phase can improve outcomes (prevention of deformity, time to remission) compared to standard
Risk factors/genetics: Further work to identify risk factors associated with the development of active
CNO is needed. Not all individuals with DM and neuropathy develop CNO therefore identifying risk
factors/genetic markers/ a screening tool to assess the level of risk of the development of active CNO
would be of significant importance in regard to prevention of complications related to this disease.
In general, the quality of studies related to diagnosis and intervention in active CNO and the way they
were reported was, with few exceptions, low. They were generally underpowered, non-blinded, and did
not include relevant clinical outcomes such as prevention of deformity. In order to move the field
forward with better quality studies, consensus must be reached on appropriate participant
selection/characteristics, how the disease is monitored, how objective endpoints should be defined,
which side-effects should be systematically monitored, how standard of care should be implemented in
all patients and how long people should be followed up for to monitor for relapse.
The recommendations for these guidelines have been derived from a systematic review (22) of all
relevant publications and where evidence was not available, the recommendations were based on
expert opinion and established practice. These recommendations are aimed at health care providers
treating persons with diabetes mellitus and active CNO. Early recognition of active CNO of the foot
and ankle and prompt implementation of evidence-based treatment can reduce morbidity and increase
the likelihood of a satisfactory outcome in individuals with active CNO. Health care professionals
working as a part of a multidisciplinary team are ideally positioned to treat this disease. Offloading with a
total contact cast or non-removable knee-high device is the most important intervention with the
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
strongest evidence available for treatment of active CNO. In people with diabetes mellitus and
neuropathy who present with clinical signs of acute inflammation (redness, increased skin temperature,
and oedema) and normal radiographs, advanced imaging is recommended. Currently MRI is the best
advanced imaging modality because it allows assessment of bones, joints, ligaments and tendons.
Offloading with a TCC or non-removable knee-high device should be implemented as soon as possible
and should not be delayed while waiting for advanced imaging.
Our systematic review (22) has demonstrated that that there is a paucity of contemporary high-quality
evidence on the diagnosis, management and prognosis of active CNO. Further research is warranted to
address the issues surrounding this complex problem. We encourage our colleagues who care for
patients with CNO to consider developing some form of surveillance (e.g., registries and pathways) to
monitor and attempt to improve outcomes in patients with CNO. We encourage our research
colleagues to consider key controversial areas as a platform to conduct well-designed studies in areas of
CNO. Future research should address both non-surgical and surgical management to better inform the
diabetes related foot disease community on the most effective treatment for persons with diabetes and
CNO. To enable the performance of studies with sufficient quality, the core details required in the
planning, the conduct and reporting of studies need to be defined and subsequently implemented in
CNO research in order to make relevant progress in the management of active CNO.
The authors would like to acknowledge the expert review of the clinical questions and guideline draft by
Fran Game and the IWGDF Editorial Board and the following international experts: Rasmus Bo Jansen,
Denmark; Patrick Burns, United States of America; Robert Frykberg, United States of America; Venu
Kavarthapu, United Kingdom; Armin Koller, Germany; George T. Liu, United States of America (also on
behalf of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons); Nicholas Lowery, United States of
America; Fermin Martinez, Mexico; Andrew Meyr, United States of America; Luca Dalla Paola, Italy;
Dario Pitocco, Italy; Lee Rogers, United States of America (also on behalf of the American Podiatric
Association), Juan Manuel Rios Ruh, Spain; Luigi Uccioli, Italy; Vijay Viswanathan, India (also on behalf of
D-Foot International).
Production of the 2023 IWGDF Guidelines was supported by unrestricted grants from: Advanced
Oxygen Therapy Inc., Essity, Mölnlycke, Reapplix, and Urgo Medical. These sponsors did not have any
communication related to the systematic reviews of the literature or related to the guidelines with
working group members during the writing of the guidelines and have not seen any guideline or
guideline-related document before publication. All individual conflicts of interest can be found at
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Charcot Guideline
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Standards for the
development and
methodology of the
2023 International
Working Group on
the Diabetic Foot
Sicco A. Bus1,2, Matilde Monteiro-Soares3,4,5,
Fran Game6, Jaap J. van Netten1,2, Jan Apelqvist7,
Robert Fitridge8, Eric Senneville9, Nicolaas C.
Schaper10, on behalf of the IWGDF Editorial Board
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam,
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam Movement Sciences, program
Rehabilitation & Development, Amsterdam, the
Higher School of Health of the Portuguese Red
Cross, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Community Medicine, Information
and Health Decision Sciences (MEDCIDS), Faculty
of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
RISE@ CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, Oporto
University, Porto, Portugal
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology,
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS
Foundation Trust, Derby, UK
Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital
of Malmö, Sweden
Discipline of Surgery, The University of Adelaide
and Vascular and Endovascular Service, Royal
Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia
Department of Infectious Diseases, Gustave Dron
Hospital, Tourcoing, France
Division of Endocrinology, MUMC+, CARIM and
IWGDF Methodology
Diabetes-related foot disease is a source of major patient burden and societal costs. Investing in
evidence-based international guidelines on diabetes-related foot disease is important to reduce this
burden and costs, provided the guidelines are focused on outcomes important to key stakeholders,
evidence-based and properly implemented.
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has published and updated
international guidelines since 1999. The 2023 updates were made using the Grading of
Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation (GRADE) evidence-to-decision
framework. This concerns formulating relevant clinical questions and important outcomes, conducting
systematic reviews of the literature and meta-analyses where appropriate, completing summary of
judgements tables, and writing recommendations that are specific, unambiguous and actionable, along
with their transparent rationale.
We herein describe the development of the 2023 IWGDF Guidelines on the prevention and
management of diabetes-related foot disease, which consists of seven chapters, each prepared by a
separate working group of international experts. These chapters provide guidelines related to diabetes-
related foot disease on: prevention; classification of diabetes-related foot ulcers; offloading; peripheral
artery disease; infection; wound healing interventions; and active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy. Based
on these seven guidelines, the IWGDF Editorial Board also produced a set of practical guidelines. Each
guideline underwent extensive review by the members of the IWGDF Editorial Board as well as
independent international experts in each field.
We believe that the adoption and implementation of the 2023 IWGDF guidelines by healthcare
providers, public health agencies, and policymakers will improve the prevention and management of
diabetes-related foot disease, and subsequently reduce the worldwide patient and societal burden this
disease causes.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 537 million in 2021 and is estimated to rise to 783
million by 2045; 75% of these people live in low- or middle-income countries (1). Diabetes-related foot
disease is a source of major patient burden and societal costs. The frequency and severity of foot
disease in persons with diabetes varies by region, largely due to differences in socio-economic
conditions, cultural factors, and standards of and access to foot care (2). Foot ulcers are the most
recognizable problem, with a yearly incidence of around 2%-4% in higher income (3), likely even higher
in lower-income countries, and an estimated lifetime prevalence of 19-34% (4).
The most important factors underlying the development of foot ulcers are peripheral neuropathy,
peripheral artery disease, foot deformities related to motor neuropathy, and minor foot trauma (4).
These conspire to put the patient at risk for skin ulceration, making the foot susceptible to infection - an
urgent medical problem. Only two-thirds of diabetes-related foot ulcers will eventually heal (5), and up
to 28% may result in some form of lower extremity amputation (6). Every year, more than 1 million
people with diabetes lose at least a part of their leg due to diabetes-related foot disease. This translates
into the estimate that every 20 seconds a lower limb is lost to diabetes somewhere in the world (7).
Diabetes-related foot disease not only represents a personal tragedy for the affected patient, but it also
affects that person’s family and places a substantial financial burden on healthcare systems and society in
general. In low-income countries, the cost of treating a complex diabetes-related foot ulcer can be
equivalent to 5.7 years of annual income, potentially resulting in financial ruin for the patient and their
family (8). Investing in evidence-based, internationally appropriate guidelines on diabetes-related foot
disease is likely among the most cost-effective forms of healthcare expenditure, provided it is focused on
outcomes important to key stakeholders and properly implemented (9).
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
The first six guideline chapters are updates of the 2019 guideline on the topic, while the guideline on
active Charcot neuro-osteoarthropathy is new for 2023. All can be found at www.iwgdfguidelines.org. As
in earlier versions, the IWGDF Editorial Board produced a document titled “Practical Guidelines on the
prevention and management of diabetes-related foot disease”, based on these seven guidelines,
intended as a brief outline of the essential parts of prevention and management of diabetes-related foot
disease. We advise clinicians and other healthcare professionals to read the full guideline on each topic
for the specific and detailed recommendations and the rationale underpinning them, as well as the
associated systematic reviews for a detailed discussion of the evidence. In addition, this current
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
publication provides a more detailed description of the GRADE methodology followed and the process
to develop the recommendations along with the rationale supporting them.
New in 2023, we took a more rigorous and strict approach by using the GRADE evidence-to-decision
framework. Each member of the working groups was trained in guideline development through the
International Guideline Development Credentialing & Certification Program (www.inguide.org) at the
guideline panel member level (level 1) and at least two members of each working group at the guideline
methodologist level (level 2). Each working group formulated clinical questions and defined important
outcomes that were reviewed by an international panel of independent external experts (based on
relevant specialty for the guideline and regional representation) and, for the first time, people with lived
experience, as well as by the IWGDF Editorial Board. Summary of judgments were created based on a
consideration of aspects that were important for determining the direction and the strength of the
recommendation and included desirable and undesirable effects, resources required, for each of these
the certainty of evidence, values, cost-effectiveness, equity, acceptability and feasibility.
Recommendations were thoroughly discussed within the working group, and reviewed again by the
same external experts. New was a voting procedure, to improve transparency and clarity. The direction
and strength were first voted on by each working group member, before the discussions started. Votes
were repeated after discussion. The IWGDF Editorial Board members (the authors of this publication), a
total of 69 working group members (including the Editorial Board members), and a total of 119 external
experts and patient representatives from 63 countries and all continents were involved in the
development of the 2023 IWGDF Guidelines.
The seven guidelines, the systematic reviews supporting them, the practical guidelines, this development
and methodology document and the definitions and criteria document are all published as freely
accessible articles online at www.iwgdfguidelines.org. We recommend that healthcare providers, public
health agencies and policymakers use these guidelines as the basis for developing their own local
(regional or national) guidelines, where the GRADE Adolopment approach can provide as framework
for this.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
In the IWGDF guidelines, we have followed the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework. This is
structured around developing clinical questions and relevant outcomes per question (in the PICO-
format (Patient-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome)), conducting systematic searches and assessment of
the available evidence, writing a summary of judgements, followed by developing recommendations and
their rationale (11, 12). We will describe in detail the five key tasks in the development of the guidelines:
i) establishing a diverse expert panel to develop the guideline, ii) defining key clinical questions and
important outcomes , iii) performing systematic reviews and rigorous appraisals of all available evidence
that address the clinical questions, iv) assessing key summary of judgements items for each clinical
question and developing recommendations and their rationale based on these summaries of
judgements, and v) consulting external stakeholders on each step.
First, a multidisciplinary working group of independent international experts for each of the seven
guidelines was invited by the IWGDF Editorial Board to develop and author the guideline. International
experts were defined as those having significant experience in practising or studying the topic of the
guideline and have likely published on the topic. The working groups were comprised to ensure
sufficient representation from different specialities (medical, science, professional practice) and different
geographical regions in the world.
Each member of a guideline working group completed a declaration of interest for the guideline that
they were involved in at the start of the guideline development process. These were published online at
www.iwgdfguidelines.org. These declarations were monitored and kept up-to-date during guideline
development as an item on the agenda of working group meetings.
Each working group started the guideline writing process by formulating the clinical questions they
intended to address. This was to provide focus and structure to the setup of the evidence-based
guidelines along the line of what a clinician or a patient would ask regarding the care provided in clinical
practice to persons with diabetes-related foot disease. The questions generally involved diagnosis,
prognosis, or treatment, and the members of the working group reached a consensus on the clinical
questions they planned to address. The clinical questions were reviewed for their clinical relevance by
the IWGDF Editorial Board and a panel of international external experts (including representatives of
people with lived experience) from various geographical regions, to ensure global relevance to a wide
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
range of healthcare professionals and people with the disease so as to provide the most useful clinical
information. These experts were selected by the working groups, under the guidance of the IWGDF
Editorial Board. The final clinical questions were used for the systematic review and guidelines.
The clinical questions regarding interventions took the format of the “PICO”, an acronym that at least
includes the population (P) at risk (who are you studying?), the intervention (I) planned (what will you
be doing?) and the outcome (O) of interest (what are the consequences of the intervention?). The C is
for comparator or control and concerns the main alternative to the intervention considered, usual care,
or nothing. The clinical questions regarding diagnosis or prognosis, take the format of the “PECO”,
which includes the population, exposure/assessment, comparator, and outcome.
Each working group devised specific outcomes following the GRADE process (13-15). Given the lack of
a validated core outcome set for diabetes-related foot disease, the set of outcomes defined by the
IWGDF-EWMA (16) was used as a guide to define the outcomes selected, and additionally expert
opinion of the working group was used where such guidance did not exist. An extensive list of potential
outcomes was rated on importance by the international external experts in the field (including the
representatives with lived experience), with a score of 1 (not important), 2 (of some importance) or 3
(very important). Subsequently, each working group member independently rated these outcomes with
a score ranging from 1 to 9, according to GRADE, and defined as ‘not important for decision-making’
(score 1-3.5), ‘important but not critical for decision-making’ (score 4-6.5), ‘critically important for
decision-making’ (score 7-9) (17). Group means and medians were calculated, and discussed in a
meeting with all working group members until a consensus was reached. Working groups were
informed that critical outcomes, which have a larger effect on decision-making and recommendations,
were the most important to address. As a last step, outcomes were matched with the interventions
assessed as formulated in the clinical questions, with a maximum number of outcomes to be considered
relevant per intervention, dependent on the question.
Following this multistep revision, the clinical questions and outcomes were finalized in February 2022.
Each working group undertook at least one systematic review of the medical literature that was
designed to form the basis for the evidence-based guidelines. Each systematic review was prepared
according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
guidelines (18, 19) (www.prisma-statement.org). Each working group used the AMSTAR tool to check
that they were addressing the most important aspects of their systematic review
(amstar.ca/Amstar_Checklist.php). Systematic reviews were prospectively registered in the PROSPERO
database for systematic reviews before the literature search started (www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero).
The literature databases used for each systematic review were PubMed (via Medline), and either
EMBASE (via Ovid SP), the Cochrane database, or both. Each working group devised a search string for
each database. Individual working groups could consult a medical librarian to help in devising their search
string. Study designs included in the systematic review on interventions were randomized controlled
trials. Depending on the number of papers found with this higher-level study design, working groups
could also include lower-level designs, e.g., non-randomized controlled trials, case-control studies, cohort
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
studies, (controlled) before-and-after studies, interrupted time series, prospective and retrospective non-
controlled studies, cross-sectional studies and case series. Case reports were excluded from the
systematic reviews. For diagnostic and prognostic questions, observational study designs were included.
If systematic reviews (with meta-analysis) were identified, reference checking of the papers identified in
that publication was performed to cross-check (and as such validate) our search results, but the
systematic review itself was excluded. Literature in all languages was searched for and included.
Trial registries
The working groups searched two trial registries for ongoing studies: The World Health Organization
International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (WHO-ICTRP) (apps.who.int/trialsearch/default.aspx) and
the ClinicalTrials.gov registry (www.clinicaltrials.gov). A sensitive search string derived from the original
search string for the systematic review was used to search for relevant studies in these trial databases.
Validation set
To ensure that the search string used for the systematic review was robust, working groups created a
validation set of 10-20 known key publications from the last four years for each systematic review
before performing the literature search. If any of the papers in the validation set was not identified in the
literature search performed, the working group modified the search string.
Date of search
The literature search for all systematic reviews was conducted in March 2022. At the discretion of the
working group the full search could be updated in November 2022. Any trial that was identified in a trial
registry and was published before November 1, 2022, was also included.
To assess for possible publication bias or selective reporting of results, the working groups assessed
studies identified by trial registries in the WHO and ClinicalTrial.gov databases using the methodology as
outlined in the GRADE handbook (17). From relevant trials identified from these databases, related
publications were searched for in the original literature search database, using the trial registration
number of these relevant trials. If no publications were identified, the principal investigator of the trial
was contacted and asked about the status of the trial and any possible results from the trial. Funnel plots
were constructed where possible.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
Data extraction
Data were extracted from each included publication that had a controlled study design and were
summarized in an evidence table. This table included participant and study characteristics, characteristics
of the intervention and control conditions, and primary and secondary outcomes. One of the reviewers
of the original team of two extracted the data, while the other reviewer checked the table for content
and presentation. All members of the working group discussed the data in the evidence tables.
Each working group created a PRISMA flow diagram showing the process of selection of papers for the
qualitative analysis, and a risk of bias table presenting in detail the risk of bias per included publication.
The two reviewers discussed any disagreement regarding the risk of bias and reached a consensus. The
SIGN level of evidence was determined based on the risk of bias for each publication using the SIGN
Grading System for Levels of Evidence (www.sign.ac.uk/assets/sign_grading_system_1999_2012.pdf) (21).
Level 1 refers to randomized controlled trials and Level 2 refers to case-control, cohort, controlled
before-and-after designs or interrupted time series. Risk of bias was scored for each study as: ++ (very
low risk of bias); + (low risk of bias); or, – (high risk of bias).
Additionally, working groups assessed all publications with a controlled study design for quality of
reporting using the 21-item scoring system for reports of clinical studies developed by the IWGDF in
collaboration with EWMA (16). To prevent any conflict of interest, reviewers who were one of the
authors of any study assessed for inclusion did not participate in the assessment, data extraction or
discussion of publications of that study. They were involved in the working group discussions of the
summary of judgements and recommendation to which that study contributed.
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IWGDF Methodology
• Indirectness (i.e., direct evidence consists of research that directly compares the interventions in
which we are interested, delivered to the populations in which we are interested, and measures the
prioritized outcomes important to patients)
• Publication bias (as could be obtained from the Clinical Trials search or from funnel plots, see
above), where appropriate
The starting point in the certainty of the evidence rating when >1 level 1 study (RCT) was involved was
“high”. When only one RCT was available, the certainty rating started at moderate, as inconsistency
could not be assessed. When no RCTs were available, so only observational controlled studies (level 2,
i.e. cohort, case-control), certainty rating started at low. When only non-controlled studies were
available, the certainty rating started at very low.
For each of these five above items that were scored as ‘present’, the certainty of the evidence rating
was lowered by one level. For example: the certainty of the evidence could be reduced from “high” to
“moderate” when the risk of bias in included studies was high, and further to “low” whe also
imprecision was present. The certainty of the evidence could be raised based on the presence of a large
effect size or evidence of a dose-response relationship (for observational studies only). For each of these
two items that were scored as “present”, the certainty of the evidence rating was raised by one. For
example, the certainty of the evidence was raised from “low” to “moderate” when the effect size was
large. Many of the older papers identified in the systematic reviews lacked data to calculate or assess for
indirectness or imprecision. If so, we did not take these older papers for these certainty of evidence
rating items into account.
A meta-analysis for the intervention-based systematic reviews was done when >1 RCT was available
that included the same or a similar intervention, the same or a similar comparator, and the same
outcome. Each assessable outcome for each clinical question was meta-analysed if appropriate, and we
followed the methodology as outlined in the GRADE and Cochrane Handbooks (15, 17). The aim of
the meta-analysis was to generate a pooled effect estimate. For dichotomous outcomes, all meta-
analyses were performed using Mantel-Haenszel’s statistical method and random effect models
anticipating substantial heterogeneity. The results were reported as risk ratios and 95% confidence
intervals. For continuous outcomes, meta-analyses were performed using the inverse variance method
and random effect models anticipating substantial heterogeneity. The mean difference was reported as
the effect measure, with 95% confidence intervals. For statistical analyses, two-tailed tests with alpha set
at 0.05 were used. Heterogeneity was assessed using the Chi-squared test and the I2 statistic and
interpreted as low (0–49%), moderate (50–74%) or high (75–100%). A forest plot was made to
visualize outcomes. Meta-analyses were conducted using RevMan 5, version 5.4 (The Cochrane
Collaboration, Nordic Cochrane Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark). If no meta-analysis was done, the
reason(s) for doing so were provided.
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IWGDF Methodology
Summary of findings
At the discretion of each working group, a summary of findings tables was created for each clinical
question in accordance with Cochrane and GRADE handbooks (15, 17). The summary of findings tables
display the key information addressing each comparison, including the population, interventions, controls,
and outcomes. For each outcome, the working group members added the number of studies, the
number of participants, the relative effect, anticipated absolute effects (as determined by the GRADEPro
online application), the certainty of evidence assessment (with explanations), and evidence statements in
a controlled language based on effect size and certainty of evidence assessment using the GRADEPro
online application summary of finding table templates (www.gradepro.org) (17). Thus, each summary of
findings table summarises the entire process for each comparison. For comparisons that did not have
controlled trials reporting any outcomes, findings were narratively summarised.
The content of the statement was based on the evidence, with a focus on point estimates of effect, as
advocated by GRADE, rather than statistical significance or 95% confidence intervals (15, 17). The
wording for each evidence statement was in accordance with the methods described by GRADE. For an
effect with a moderate certainty of evidence, the statement contains “likely results in …”; for an effect
with low certainty of effect, the statement contains “may result in …”; for statements with a very low
certainty of effect, the statement contains “(very) uncertain”; when the effect or effect size could not be
estimated, no evidence statement was provided. All members of the working group discussed these
evidence statements until a consensus was reached.
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IWGDF Methodology
4. Assessing key summary of judgements items and writing the recommendations and their rationale
The certainty of evidence, rated as ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’ or ‘very low’ based on the critical outcome(s)
reviewed for the question in accordance with GRADE, as explained above, was added to the strength
of the recommendation.
Summary of judgements tables and recommendations for each question were extensively discussed in
online meetings of the working group. Judgements for individual evidence-to-decision domains could
change based on these discussion and arguments provided. After discussion, a voting procedure was
used for each recommendation to grade the direction of the recommendation as ‘for’ or ‘against’ the
particular intervention (or ‘either the intervention or the comparison’), and the strength of each
© 2023
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IWGDF Methodology
Based on the summary of judgement tables, the rationales for the recommendations were written by
the same team of two assessors of the working groups. These rationales are narrative (systematic)
descriptions of how the working group came to the direction and strength of the recommendation and
summarizes the research evidence for the items in the summary of judgement tables. (13, 14). In
addition, expert opinion and aspects relevant to communicate to the reader regarding the intervention
or recommendation could be added to these rationales.
Finally, all recommendations, with their rationales, were collated into a consultation (draft) guideline
manuscript that was reviewed by the same international external experts and persons with lived
experience who reviewed the clinical questions and outcomes, as well as by the IWGDF Editorial Board.
The working group then collated, reviewed and discussed all feedback on the consultation manuscript
and revised it accordingly to produce the final guideline.
The members of the IWGDF Editorial Board met online and in person on several occasions to
thoroughly review each of the guideline chapters, which were then revised by the working groups based
on this editorial review. The working groups then sent the guideline to the panel of independent
international experts and people with lived experience for their critical review. The working group
subsequently revised the document further based on these comments, after which the IWGDF Editorial
Board did a final review of the recommendations and the rationale provided.
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
With the worldwide diabetes epidemic, it is now more imperative than ever that appropriate action be
taken to ensure access to quality care for all people with diabetes, regardless of their age, geographic
location, economic or social status. The IWGDF Guidelines on the prevention and management of
diabetes-related foot disease are the result of a rather unique process that over 24 years has become
more and more founded in a strong evidence base, with procedures to guarantee consistency,
transparency and independency. The evidence base for how to help prevent and optimally manage
diabetes-related foot disease is progressively growing, but it remains a challenge how to use this data to
optimize outcomes in different healthcare systems, in countries with different resources and different
cultures. The IWGDF hopes to see an increase in global awareness of diabetes-related foot disease and
aims to stimulate this process of transforming global guidelines to local guidelines, leading to improved
foot care throughout the world. Supported by limited published evidence of improved outcomes
associated with using these IWGDF Guidelines (9, 29-33), we believe that implementation of the 2023
IWGDF Guidelines’ recommendations will result in improved prevention and management of foot
disease in people with diabetes and a subsequent worldwide reduction in the patient, the economic and
societal burden caused by diabetes-related foot disease.
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The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
Production of the 2023 IWGDF Guidelines was supported by unrestricted grants from: Advanced
Oxygen Therapy Inc., Essity, Mölnlycke, Reapplix, and Urgo Medical. These sponsors did not have any
communication related to the systematic reviews of the literature or related to the guidelines with
working group members during the writing of the guidelines, and have not seen any guideline or
guideline-related document before publication.
Full conflict of interest statements of all authors can be found online at www.iwgdfguidelines.org.
We are grateful to the working group members who have collaborated tirelessly, lending their time,
expertise and passion to the realization of the IWGDF guideline project. We would also like to thank
the independent external experts for their time to review our clinical questions, outcomes and
guidelines. In total, 100+ experts from all over the world contributed voluntarily, representing the many
different disciplines involved in care for people with diabetes-related foot disease, resulting in a unique
set of multidisciplinary evidence-based guidelines with a global perspective. In addition, we sincerely
thank the sponsors who, by providing generous and unrestricted educational grants for travel and
meetings, made development of these guidelines possible.
© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
IWGDF Methodology
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© 2023
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot