CPT 3rd Care Plan
CPT 3rd Care Plan
CPT 3rd Care Plan
- Rinse mouth with water
and when possible brush
teeth after inhaler and
spacer use in prevention of
(reoccurring) oral
- Maintain good oral hygiene
- Explain that patient
shouldn’t share their
spacer with anyone else
- replace the device every
12 months.
Osteoporosis Risk of osteoporosis as people requiring For GI protection prescribe PPI BNF
frequent courses of oral corticosteroids Lansoprazole 30mg OD for 4 CKS-CORTICOSTEROID
(3–4 courses per year) are more high weeks then review
risk Omeprazole as a first line has
been avoided due to the high
As an elderly patient also, requires GI interaction with Citalopram
Prescribe for osteoporosis
Already risk of vitamin d deficiency as Short term calcium, vitamin D-
barely leaves the house much Accrete D3
Pneumonia Patient is showing signs of pneumonia Stop piperacillin 4.5g IV as its a https://
WCC, CRP, creatinine and neutrophils broad spectrum penicillin www.nhsgrampian.org
incredibly raised showing signs of antibiotic /globalassets/
infection Start co-trimoxazole 960mg foidocument/foi-
IV 12hrly public-documents1---
The green purulent sputum, high Then switch to all-documents/
temperature, and breathlessness are ORAL co-rimoxazole 960mg IMG_EmpAposter.pdf
also signs of infection 12hrly for 5 days
Start on doxycycline 200mg
STAT then 100mg 12hrly upon
Second line
Clarithromycin 500mg 12 holy IV
then switch to oral upon
Reduce to
Edoxoban 30mg OD until
AF High risk of blood clot which could lead Patient is already on bisoprolol
to a stroke, DVT or pulmonary embolism 2.5mg OD
Edoxoban (ANTI-COAGULANT) is
being reduced as well
Anxiety Citalopram 40mg is quite a high dose Reduce/ taper down to NHS
for his age citalopram 20mg OD
Pharmacist: Date:
Pharmaceutical Issues/Category of Care Issues to consider:
Untreated indication Overdose Medicine interaction Monitoring need
Improper medicine selection Failure to receive medicines Medicine use without indication Counselling need
Sub-therapeutic dose appropriately Duplication of therapy Seamless care need
Pharmacist: Date:
Pharmaceutical Issues/Category of Care Issues to consider:
Untreated indication Overdose Medicine interaction Monitoring need
Improper medicine selection Failure to receive medicines Medicine use without indication Counselling need
Sub-therapeutic dose appropriately Duplication of therapy Seamless care need