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COPD Grade 2 SOB when hurrying or walking up a slight hill

Grade 3 Walks slower than contemporaries on the level because of SOB, or has to stop for
COPD is progressive airflow obstruction, not fully reversible and does not change markedly breath when walking at own pace
over several months. Predominantly caused by smoking Grade 4 Stops for breath after walking 100m or after a few mins on the level
 Airway and parenchymal damage Grade 5 Too breathless to leave the house, or SOB when dressing or undressing
 Chronic inflammation, usually due to tobacco smoke EXACERBATION - A sustained worsening of the patient’s symptoms from their usual stable
 COPD is now the preferred term for patients who were previously diagnosed as state which is beyond normal day to day variations and is acute in onset
having chronic bronchitis or emphysema Symptoms o Worsening SOB
 Occupational exposures may also contribute to the development of COPD o Increased sputum production
RISK FACTORS o Changing sputum colour
 Over 35 o Cough
 Smokers or ex-smokers Initial Management
SYMPTOMS Increase frequency of bronchodilator use – consider giving via nebuliser
 Exertional breathlessness  Oral antibiotics if purulent sputum (sputum culture not normally recommended)
 Chronic cough  Prednisolone 30mg OD for 7-14 days
 Regular sputum production MANAGEMENT
 Frequent ‘winter’ bronchitis Breathlessness and exercise limitation
Step 1 - Short-acting Bronchodilator PRN
 Wheeze
 No clinical features of asthma - Night time waking with SOB or wheeze with diurnal o β2-agonist or -Salbutamol 100-200 DPI/Terbutaline 400-500 DPI
variation is most likely to be asthma o Anticholinergic -Ipratropium Bromide 20-40 DPI
INVESTIGATIONS Step 2 - Combined therapy – short acting β2-agonist and short-acting anticholinergic
Spirometry - Airflow obstruction is defined as: - Fenoterol/Ipratropium 200/80 MDI tds
 FEV1 <80% predicted and - Salbutamol/Ipratropium 75/15 MDI tds
 FEV1/FVC <0.7 Step 3 - Long-acting Bronchodilator
 Clinically significant COPD is not present if FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio return to o Long acting β2-agonist or - Salmeterol 25-50 DPI BD
normal with drug therapy o Long-acting anticholinegric - Tiotropium 18 DPI OD
 Asthma may be present if: Step 4 - Moderate or Severe COPD – Trial of:
o Serial PF measurements show significant diurnal or day-to-day variability
o Long acting β2-agonist and - Salmeterol 25-50 DPI BD
o There is a >400ml response to bronchodilators
o Inhaled corticosteroid - Beclomethasone 100-250-400 BD
o There is a >400ml response to 30mg Prednisolone OD 2/52
- Fluticasone 50-500
..once diagnosis of COPD has been made - Budesonide 100/200/400
 CXR  BMI and ?weight loss  Discontinue if no benefit after 4 weeks

 Breathlessness (use MRC scale)  Sxs of heart failure  Combination: Salmeterol/Fluticasone or Formoterol/Budesonide
Step 5 o Uniphyllin (usually hospital prescription) - Aminophylline PO
 FBC  Haemoptysis - TheophyllinePO
SEVERITY OF AIRFLOW OBSTRUCTION - FEV1 % predicted  Offer pulmonary rehab & Consider ref to surgery (bullectomy/transplantation etc.)
 Mild 50 – 80 % Frequent Exacerbations
 Moderate 30 – 49 %  Annual influenza vaccination
 Severe <30 %  Pneumococcal vaccination
MRC DYSPNOEA SCALE  Self management advice
Grade 1 Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise

NICE Guidelines 2004

Optimise bronchodilator therapy
 Add inhaled corticosteroids if
o FEV1 < 50% and
o 2 or more exacerbations in a 12mth period
Chronic productive cough
 Trial of mucolytic therapy- Carbocisteine PO
Respiratory Failure - Assess for appropriate oxygen – usually refer
Cor Pulmonale - Oxygen and Diuretics
Abnormal BMI / Anxiety and Depression / Smoking - offer cessation

NICE Guidelines 2004

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