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21, 1216-1220, 2011

Copyright © 2011 American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science Letters

All rights reserved Vol. 21, 1216-1220, 2015
Printed in the United States of America

A Conceptual Model: Video-game Engagement and

its Moderating Impact on Consumers’ Personality
Amir Zaib Abbasi* and Abu Baker Sedek A.Jamak
1Management and Humanities Department Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Bander Seri Iskander, 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia
*Corresponding author Email: [email protected]

Research on video-games has progressively increased since 2000, yet past studies are limited to explore the moderating role
of video-game engagement in the collectivist society, especially in the context of Malaysia to investigate how video-game
engagement influences consumers’ behavior in terms of their personality traits. Therefore, the contemporary study attempts
to propose a conceptual model to examine how video-game engagement moderates the relationship between HEXACO
personality traits and consumers’ personality. On basis of reviewing past studies, and their research issues, this study has
suggested a distinctive conceptual model that has been proposed from traits theory of personality and engagement theory,
particularly by taking the dimensions of HEXACO personality inventory model and one of the essences of engagement
theory (learning through getting exposure of digital-framework) like video-game engagement as moderating variable. This
paper has come up with the study propositions, which further requires future work to investigate them empirically. This study
is unique in marketing to contribute in the field of consumer behavior by investigating the role of hedonic product as “video
game” and its consumption as “engagement” and examining its moderating influence on consumers’ personality.

Keywords: Hedonic Product, Video Game, Consumption, Video-Game Engagement, Collectivist Society, Malaysia,
Consumers’ Personality, HEXACO personality inventory model.
parents to teach morals and collectivist values to their
I. INTRODUCTION teenagers in order to build their personality, this actually
According to popular psychology, the inner child is the gives teenagers a kind of feeling that you are a part of
age of our childlike aspect which includes all activities this society and you have responsibilities over the
teenagers learn and experience before reaching the age community you live in, which can’t be ignored [6]. They
of adolescence[1]. During this age, teenagers need greater also believe that building teenagers’ personality is a
amount of attention from their parents and parental continuous and long process, for that reason they put
upbringing is required indeed in order to develop their their best possible efforts towards developing a good
teenagers’ personality[2]. Parental upbringing varies from personality in their teenagers[6].
culture to culture for instance; western culture believes Parental upbringing plays a significant role in
in individualist nurturing style, in which they instill self- building teenagers’ personality[7]. However, teenagers
determining values (competent, self-satisfaction, are also developing towards the technology and getting
emotional detachment, individuality, self-reliance and exposure with interactive media, especially the video
self-centered) in their teenagers’ personality[3]. While, games. Video-game is one of the major global
the parental upbringing of eastern culture, is entertainment business that is progressing swiftly[8].
considerably focused in introducing collectivist values in Several academicians added that teenagers are innately
their teenagers’ personality by providing social support, driven to play video games, because they play for fun,
feelings of belonging, and emphasizing on sociability, pleasure and gratification[9]. As defined by Hirschman
interdependence, family honor and bonding close and Holbrook, video game is a hedonic product because
relationships with in-groups[3, 4]. Thus, teenagers from the consumption of video game involves emotional-
collectivist culture possess such values (active member responses, imagination, fun, pleasure and multisensory
of the society, interdependence, cooperative, supportive, attributes in nature[10]. Furthermore, Voss et al. has
selflessness and tradition) in their personality[5]. categorized hedonic and utilitarian products and ranked
Comparing the western parental upbringing with video games as high hedonic products and low utilitarian
eastern, eastern parental-upbringing is given through products[11]. Accordingly, a study has reported that
collective-mechanism that involve countless efforts of whosoever entails in playing a video game, is actually a
Adv. Sci. Lett. 21, 1216-1220, 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE

video game consumer in video-gaming industry[12]. So, games have had a transformative effect on the way
this study can use the term consumer instead of people spend their leisure time and video-game has
teenagers in the following discussion. become the most prevalent form of interactive media
Past evidences illustrate that video games have an and as well a part of modernization in many parts of the
effect on consumer’s behavior; playing violent games world[23]. Consequently, children, adolescents and adults
lead consumers to an aggressive behavior, aggressive are now getting motivated to spend their extensive
users are more likely to involve in violent games[13-15]. amount of time on playing video games. Moreover, the
There are a number of studies on online gaming in generation of online and offline video-game consumers
which they merely studied the role of online gaming has also developed broadly[21]. With this notable growth
addiction and its adverse effects on video game in video-game consumers, the video game industry has
consumers[16-19]. Another study has also explored video- reached to 93 billion dollars globally and it is expected
game addiction in terms of detrimental effects and found to reach 111 billion dollar in 2015[24];[25]. This significant
significant results with the following factors like growth has encouraged academicians and practitioners
depression, academic-achievement, drinking, and to investigate the consumption of video games and its
manners problems[20]. Video-game playing is prevailing pertaining issues.
across various cultural settings with wide-ranging of
diverse categories, interfaces and genres that give a free
choice to consumers to select any video-game for Personality traits have been investigated with gamers in
playing. Regardless of their importance, ample amount number of past studies like[18];[26-29]. Results of these
of past studies have studied the impact of video-games studies found that personality traits that were significant
on consumers, merely focusing on the adverse effects of with online or offline video-game addiction are
video-games on the behavior of kids and teenagers like loneliness and introversion[30], social inhibition[26],
video-game addiction[16, 17]. These studies added that aggression and hostility[31-33];[18], boredom inclination[33],
most of the prevalent video-games at the marketplace sensation-seeking[33];[18], low self-esteem[32] neuroticism
contain violent content, when they get exposure with , state and trait anxiety[18], low emotional
such games and starts playing it, players become more intelligence[28], low self-efficacy in real life as opposed
aggressive. Moreover, Few researchers have used to high self-efficacy in the virtual world[34], and
General Aggression Model (GAM) that is established on diminished agreeableness[27]. In summary, online-
psychology theories of aggression to explicate how gaming addiction appears to be accompanied with
violent video-games can lead to increase in aggression, numerous personality traits that can be included under
emotions, behaviors and cognitions[21]. the main features of introversion, neuroticism and
Apart from the adverse effects of video-game addiction impulsivity. Nevertheless, these studies have evidenced
and violent games, there are still several issues to that personality traits seem to have a relationship with
explore pertaining to video games. Whether teenagers Internet gaming-addiction and video-game addiction,
uphold their personality traits after getting engaged in which might not be exclusive to the disorder, unless
playing video games? Does video-game engagement further research validates it. It is difficult to evaluate the
play a significant moderating role in transforming etiological impact of such outcomes. In addition, these
consumers’ personality? These issues have a main studies were limited to the adverse effects of video-game
concern for the collectivist nation like Malaysia. addiction and video games that contain violent content.
Because, Malaysia is widely considered as one of the It is not necessarily important that if video-games have
collectivist nations in which teenagers are educated to violent content or addiction tendencies, only then
follow the group rules and act in a publically acceptable consumer’s personality is affected. But, every category
manner, therefore Malaysian people are reflected as of video-game has the potential to influence consumers’
collectivist with regard to family honor, social affairs personality. Because with getting engaged in playing
and altruism[22]. Therefore, this study aims to propose video-games, consumers interact with the content of the
the conceptual model based on HEXACO personality video-game itself through which consumers’ experience
inventory model as predictor of consumers’ personality is created and undergone. Such kind of consumers’
and video-game engagement as moderating variable. experience will lead changes either positively or
The scope of this study is neither limited to negatively in consumers’ personality in some degree.
video-game addiction, violent-games nor any specific According to Dewey[35] cited in[36], “every genuine
category of video games. More importantly, this study is experience has an active side that brings changes in
neutral in nature to investigate the proposed research some degree”. Thus, a potential study is required that
questions. could measure the influence of consumers’ experience
as video-game engagement on consumers’ personality.
B. Theories and Conceptual Model
In 1970s, Pong and Space Invaders was the first video
To address the research gap, the study uses traits theory
game introduced in UK. Since its introduction, video-
of personality. In psychology, traits theory is a
RESEARCH ARTICLE Adv. Sci. Lett. 21, 1216-1220, 2011
procedure of studying human personality and also that is based on learning through interactive
helpful in recognizing and determining individual’s technology/task for instance; video-games as hedonic
personality traits also known as one’s habitual patterns product and its engagement as consumption. Because,
of behavior, emotion and thought[37]. In psychology, Big video games have the potential to initiate learning
Five model has been used frequently to describe human through behavioral change[41] and this study aims to
personality but this study intends to apply HEXACO examine whether short span of video-game engagement
personality inventory model in context of Malaysia to influences consumers’ personality or not? Therefore, it
assess teenagers’ personality traits that have been built is vital to discuss video-game engagement and its related
through parental upbringing. The justification behind work in video games.
choosing HEXACO model, it is recently emerged and added that effective video-games have notable ability
has outperformed the previous models of personality to draw people’s attention in games. So, individuals
traits; though it is similar to Big Five with respect to stick to video games [43] and these games intrinsically
three dimensions “Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and motivate individuals to keep playing[10]. Engagement is a
Openness to Experience”[38]. But, the main contribution vital component of the gamer experience and this
made in HEXACO model, is the addition of a new concept has been studied in various ways.
personality dimension termed as “Honesty-humility”, Earlier studies have investigated video-game
this new dimension explains that individual changes in engagement in various settings; [44]explored reasons for
propensities of being “fair, honest and humble versus consumers to engage in video-games, [45]investigated
manipulative, pretentious and materialistic”. Another video-game engagement with scholastic achievement
significant modification was made in two dimensions of and found insignificant result. Another subsequent
Big Five model “Emotional and Agreeableness”; study[46] has also examined video-game engagement as
irritability (bad temper) was previously linked with low- predictor of subjective psychological complaints but
emotional stability in Big Five model but now it comes results were not satisfactory. A similar work[20] has also
under HEXACO “Agreeableness”, and sentimentality studied amount of time spent on video games as
was also associated with agreeableness in Big five predictor of depression, drinking, academic
model but now it comes under the umbrella of achievements and conduct problems but again the results
HEXACO “Emotionality”[38, 39]. According to[38], were insignificant. Formerly, video-game addiction and
HEXACO model is the strong model of personality video-game engagement both had been using
traits, because it has been constructed with high-levels interchangeably to explain the addictive behavior of
of multicultural correspondence of the “six lexical game players but recently, these two terms were
dimensions” in 12 dialects with the “six HEXACO declared a qualitatively different phenomenon[46].
dimensions”. HEXACO personality inventory model This study gives video-game engagement a new trend of
includes “Honesty-Humility (H), Emotionality (E), investigation irrespective of having addictive tendencies.
Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness This study is unique among previous studies because it
(C), and Openness to Experience (O)”. This study uses aims to propose the moderating role of video-game
HEXACO model to predict teenagers’ personality. engagement and its influence on the relationship
Hence, following propositions are proposed. between HEXACO personality traits and consumers’
H1a Honesty-Humility has a significant impact on teenagers’ personality. personality. Hence, the following propositions are made.
H1b Emotionality has a significant impact on teenagers’ personality. H:2a Video-game engagement moderates the relationship between
H1c Extraversion has a significant impact teenagers’ personality. honesty-humility and consumers’ personality in such a manner that
H1d Agreeableness has a significant impact on teenagers’ personality. higher the level of video-game engagement, the more is the impact
H1e Conscientiousness has a significant impact on teenagers’ personality. on consumers’ personality.
H1f Openness to Experience has a significant impact on teenagers’ H:2b Video-game engagement moderates the relationship between
personality. emotionality and consumers’ personality in such a manner that higher
After assessing teenagers’ personality, we will come to the level of video-game engagement, the more is the impact on
consumers’ personality.
know what personality traits have been built in H:2c Video-game engagement moderates the relationship between
teenagers’ behavior through parental upbringing. extraversion and consumers’ personality in such a manner that higher
Personality traits believe to be stable in one’s behavior if the level of video-game engagement, the more is the impact on
consumers’ personality.
the environment remains unchanged, meaning that H:2d Video-game engagement moderates the relationship between
collectivist parents are playing their role constantly to agreeableness and consumers’ personality in such a manner that
build their teenagers’ personality through parental higher the level of video-game engagement, the more is the impact
on consumers’ personality.
upbringing[40]. So, they expect stability in their H:2e Video-game engagement moderates the relationship between
teenagers’ personality. The question arises here, whether conscientiousness and consumers’ personality in such a manner that
teenagers really hold their personality traits with getting higher the level of video-game engagement, the more is the impact
on consumers’ personality.
engaged in playing video games. H:2f Video-game engagement moderates the relationship between
openness to experience and consumers’ personality in such a manner
C. VIDEO-GAME ENGAGEMENT: that higher the level of video-game engagement, the more is the
impact on consumers’ personality.
To investigate the proposed question, this study applies
one of the essences of engagement theory as moderation
Adv. Sci. Lett. 21, 1216-1220, 2015 RESEARCH ARTICLE

III. CONCEPTUAL MODEL: HEXACO personality traits and consumers’ personality.

Thirdly, this study will contribute in behavioral theory
that how a short span of video-game engagement can
have a transformational effect on consumers’
personality. Fourthly, this study will extend deviant
theory viewpoint that it is not always necessary that only
crime can clash individuals’ values but the consumption
of video games can also clash consumers’ personality
that has been built through longtime efforts of parents.
Fig: 1 A. Practical

IV. DISCUSSIONS: Video-games have an extensive and deep influence on

adolescents. So, parents should monitor their teenagers
Since 2000, the debate on video game and its concerning during playing video-games to avoid detrimental effects
issues have been increased significantly. Accordingly, on their personality. Parents should encourage outdoor
researchers have investigated several issues pertaining to games sports curriculum activities. Institutions should
video games, yet they could not reach to the conclusion realize the conditions of student’s appearance in class
whether video games have positive or negative impact and report directly to parents in case of absence.
on consumers. Though, these studies have declared that Institution should encourage sports activities, multiple
playing a violent game leads to aggressive behavior[13- interests, hobbies regularly to prevent teenagers’
, besides this several other studies have also reported engagement in any single video game.
that who involve in playing video games they have
adverse effects on their behavior such as attention VI. CONCLUSION:
problems, addiction[17, 47]. A new study has also added Since 2000, several academicians have debated on
that video-game addiction leads to poor academic- video-games and its adverse effects, merely focusing on
performance[45], depression and conduct problems[20]. violent content games, video games addiction, internet
However, the impact of playing video games is gaming. But, studies are still limited to explore how
not one-dimensional, because few academicians have video-game engagement moderates the relationships
also explored the positive impact of video games on between HEXACO personality traits and consumers’
consumers’ skills and behaviors such as violent-games personality. Therefore, this study has proposed a
enhance visuospatial reasoning and collective conceptual model to investigate the study propositions.
participation[48], reduce depression[49]. Another study has This study contributes in personality traits theory,
exposed that other non-violent games also increase engagement theory, deviant theory and behavioral
consumers’ vision and spatial cognition[50]. theory and also provides a detailed policy to collectivist
Moreover, previous studies have investigated parents and institutions. This study is conceptual in
video-game engagement in several perspectives but they nature and another subsequent study will be conducted
found that it is neither associated with video game in future to validate the propositions.
addiction nor with any adverse effects and also reported REFERENCES:
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