Sytems Digestion With Notes

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The Digestive System

How it works

New words:

• alimentary canal
• carbohydrates
• fats
• glucose
• minerals
• protein
• vitamins

Our cells need protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to function. Yet
we eat large pieces of food that are too big to pass through the selectively permeable
cell membranes. So how does the food we eat eventually get to our cells in a small
enough form to be absorbed?

Purpose of the digestive system

New words:

• absorption
• digestion
• dissolve
• nutrients
• transport

Our digestive system is responsible for breaking down the food that we eat into small
particles that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. They are then transported to the
cells throughout our body.

Our digestive system is sometimes also referred to as the gastrointestinal tract, the
digestive tract or alimentary canal.

Main processes in the digestive system

New words:

• egestion
• ingestion
• metabolic

There are four main processes that occur in the digestive system at different parts along
the alimentary canal. They are:
• Ingestion: This occurs when you take food into your body through your mouth by
eating or drinking it.

• Digestion: This is the process of breaking down large food pieces into particles
that are small enough to be absorbed and pass through cell membranes.
• Absorption: This is when the digested particles move into the cells of the
digestive tract (they are absorbed) and move to the bloodstream from where they
are carried to all the cells in the body.
• Egestion: Any undigested or unwanted particles that travel through the digestive
tract are later passed out as faeces. This process is known as egestion.

There is a difference between egestion and excretion.

Egestion is when undigested particles are passed out as faeces.

Excretion is when the body gets rid of metabolic waste formed from chemical reactions
taking place in the body.

Components of the digestive system

• anus
• chemical digestion
• faeces
• fibre
• saliva from salivary glands
• small intestine
• large intestine
• stomach
• supporting organs-liver, pancreas

A brief explanation of what happens at each stage:

The mouth and oesophagus

Digestion starts in the mouth as food is chewed and mixed with saliva. It then travels
down the oesophagus when you swallow.

2. Stomach

The chewed food enters the stomach and is further digested. The stomach has
substances called enzymes to help digest the food. The stomach also contracts to
break the food down further into a liquid.
3. Small intestine

Most of the digestion takes place in the small intestine. Absorption of the food
particles also takes place in the small intestine.

4. Large intestine (or colon)

By the time the food reaches the large intestine, most of the nutrients have been
absorbed. What is left is water, salts and indigestible fibre. The water that is left is
absorbed in the large intestine.

Bacteria that live in the large intestine produce Vitamin K and some Vitamin B.

5. Rectum and Anus

The remaining substances (called faeces) are passed into the rectum and then out
through the anus. This is called egestion.

Breaking down food substances

Absorption of nutrients into the blood supply

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