Moon Magick
Moon Magick
Moon Magick
This report looks at some magickal activities that can be done with the
moon, apposite really (at the time of writing) in view of the full super
blood moon and forthcoming lunar eclipse. It is likely that one could write
a book on this topic, but here I’ve looked at the different moon phases
and some practical magick during those times.
First things first though – let’s start by considering the different adjectives
applied to the lunar months during the year – well, not all of them, but
some of the more common ones given to the full moon in each month. In
the end, I decided on a table, but the sources range from First Nation
tribes to Gardnerian Wicca and from Celtic to agricultural.
Moon timings are important too. That’s why this report is split into the
four main moon phases or quarters and your spells need to be aligned
with the appropriate moon phase. Each complete cycle of the moon lasts
28 days and there are four phases of roughly 7-8 days apiece. Within the
28-day period, there are several distinct stages, ie:
➢ New moon.
➢ Waxing crescent.
➢ Waxing quarter.
➢ Waxing gibbous.
➢ Full moon.
➢ Waning gibbous.
➢ Waning quarter.
➢ Waning crescent.
➢ And a dark or no moon period.
Note: crescent means that the moon is less than half-lit and gibbous
means that the moon is more than half-illuminated.
And a blue moon occurs when there are two full moons in one calendar
month. A blue moon permits extra power to a spell, but it is vital that you
are very focused and specific in your intent.
New moon
A new moon is the first phase of each lunar cycle and corresponds with
the east wind. It represents the maiden aspect of the Goddess as part of
new moon rituals. For example, within the Gylden River area, regular new
moon rituals are held on Eastney beach.
Any new moon ritual will emphasise the start of new cycles or growth/
new development – perhaps the planting of seeds. Any magick may
involve writing invocations for health or personal issues and longer term
forward planning. Scott Cunningham said that the new moon phase was a
good time for love and romance – the following spell is supposed to
attract a future partner.
What you will need: red or pink thread, as many cherry stones as years
of your age, a small piece of red jasper and a sharp tool for making holes
(such as a brad or a skewer).
There are several spells that can be done during the period from the new
moon to the full moon. A waxing moon represents growth, eg love affairs,
fertility, increased health or well-being, the planting of magickal herbs or
the start of longer incantations. The two spells below are best done in this
period – one for lifestyle changes and the other for producing increased
energies for magick.
© 2019, Written and revised by Gylden Community Library
Waxing Moon: increased power to all spells
1. Take a single stone or crystal during the period between the new
moon and the full moon. Could be a moonstone, but could also be
anything you carry with you, eg aquamarine, rutilated quartz or
2. Now that I think about it, you could use silver during this time,
providing that it is, say, sterling silver, because silver allows the
wearer to appreciate purity and clarity of thought.
3. Carry or wear the stone day and night until the moon waxes to full.
4. The stone will absorb some of the power of the waxing moon and
affect your attitudes in this period.
5. For example, you may feel drawn towards meditation or solitary
reflection. Or, you could develop new creative interests.
6. Try to follow these changes in yourself as they are evidence of the
moon’s enrichment to your spirit.
As the moon waxes to full, take a little time each evening to drink an
infusion of chamomile or other herbal/ fruit tea and sit drinking it either in
the garden or on a balcony in the moonlight. Do this for about a week
before the full moon.
Here's another little spell - to boost self-esteem and take back some
semblance of control in your life.
What you will need: a small piece of paper, a pen, a tea light and
holder, a fire-proof dish and a lighter or matches.
This is the second phase of the lunar cycle and corresponds with the south
wind. From a magickal standpoint, it’s a good time for healing or fertility
spells. Each full moon has a special appeal for those who work moon
magick – here are some common areas:
Drawing down the moon for extra strength is not a hard spell to do, but
it does need to be written from scratch. This is not to be borrowed from
the internet if a witch is asking the Goddess for personal strength. Here’s
an incantation of mine, used in 2018, as an example. I took advantage of
a full, blue moon due to the power needed for the second part of the spell.
With each full moon comes the likelihood of esbats, ie lunar rituals held
on the first night of a full moon. Commonly, an esbat ritual honours the
mother aspect of the Goddess and is often a part of Wiccan pathways.
Waning moon
The waning moon is the third phase and corresponds with the west wind.
It is the period during which the moon goes from full to dark once again.
Like the waxing moon phase, it lasts about two weeks. In many traditions
of witchcraft, this time of the lunar cycle is used to do magick that sends
away, gets rid of or destroys things you no longer wish to be a burden, ie:
What you will need: a bowl or cauldron of water, salt, cloth, table &
Dark moon
Some witches consider that a dark moon and magick are not compatible.
This is not strictly true, as certain types of spells can be done during a
dark moon, but it is important to know one’s limits. A dark moon is the
fourth phase and corresponds with the north wind.
The dark moon can be a good time to work on magick for the gaining of
wisdom, meditation, justice spells, etc. It’s also a good time for placing
curses or hexes on enemies – all Wiccans look away now! Not that I’ve
done curses for a long time, but understanding the process means that I
feel able to run some really effective curse-breaker spells.