Ground operations
Radio frequencies
Tracking points
ii Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 1
Archerfield procedures overview Sunshine Coast procedures overview
Archerfield is a class D airfield during TWR HRS, Pilots unsure of the procedures at Archerfield Sunshine Coast is a Class D aerodrome,
catering for high-density operations. Check should advise ATC on first contact, using the catering for small and large air transport
the TWR and airspace status with ATS or key phrase ‘unfamiliar with Archerfield’. operations, GA (fixed-wing and rotary) and
Archerfield ATIS. VMC minimums for Class D RAAus aircraft. Check ERSA for TWR hours
airfields are: The circuit altitude for Archerfield aerodrome and be aware TWR hours may change at short
is 1,000 ft. Unless ATC authorises otherwise, notice. Check the TWR and airspace status with
» visibility: 5,000 m
indicated airspeed is not to exceed 200 kts ATC or Sunshine Coast ATIS.
» horizontal distance from cloud: 600 m (class D requirements).
» vertical distance from cloud: 1,000 ft above Taxi clearance is required from ATC prior to
and 500 ft below. Taxi clearance is required from ATC prior to entering the taxiways. These entry points will
entering manoeuvring areas. be marked by a yellow dashed line and are
Archerfield Control Zone (CTR) is from surface known as intermediate holding positions. Aerial view looking north at Bruce
to 1,500 ft. Aircraft must not enter Archerfield These entry points are marked by a yellow Highway and Aussie World
Class D CTR until in receipt of a circuit entry or dashed line and are known as intermediate For transiting VFR aircraft, there is a published
zone transit instruction. holding positions. VFR route to the west of the airfield, outside
of the CTR. If travelling north, the route
Archerfield aerodrome is equipped with For departing aircraft, there are specific
commences at Aussie World, follows the Bruce
parallel runways, and simultaneous contra- tracking requirements pilots need to be familiar
Highway north, past Nambour to Eumundi.
circuits may be conducted by day utilising with. See current ERSA and NOTAMS for
separate Tower frequencies. Operations will be specific procedures. Pilots tracking via the VFR route need to be
regulated independently in each circuit, with an aware of the Class C and D controlled airspace
Archerfield aerodrome hosts emergency
ATC clearance required to enter the opposite lower limit steps height changes, to prevent
services aircraft, charter companies, plus fixed-
circuit or airspace. Where operations are airspace infringements. An example is in the
wing (both GA and RAAus) and rotary-wing
confined to a single runway, ATC will specify the vicinity of Eumundi (EMI) where the airspace
flying schools. Their aircraft regularly do touch-
circuit direction. step is 1,500 ft and generates a number of
and-go circuits, as well as flights to the eastern
» Circuit joining instructions from ATC are airspace infringements.
and southern training areas; this can make the
generally given when you report at Target, airspace congested. Aerial view looking east at Eumundi
If transiting Sunshine Coast CTR coastal,
Goodna, Centenary Bridge (when arrival is
pilots are reminded to request their airways
via the TV Towers) and crossing the Logan
clearance early.
Motorway (when arrival is via the Park Ridge
Water Tower). Be aware when manoeuvring on the ground
at Sunshine Coast, that Sunshine Coast Tower
has blind spots where the controllers cannot
see parts of the apron areas due to buildings
obscuring their view. Additionally, due to your
location on the airfield and building shielding,
Brisbane Centre may not be able to hear your
transmissions on the ground.
2 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 3
Intermediate holding position
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Brisbane West Wellcamp (YBWW) procedures overview Toowoomba Airport (YTWB) procedures overview
Wellcamp is in Class G airspace, about 8 nm All operations in Class G airspace up to 8,500 ft Toowoomba is in Class G airspace, about Aircraft departing Toowoomba to the west:
west of Toowoomba and 4 nm south of the in the area, which includes Toowoomba (YTWB) 8.5 nm east of Brisbane Wellcamp airport. » prior to taxiing, should monitor Oakey ATIS
boundary of Oakey military CTR. It is also and other airstrips, use the Darling Downs to ascertain Oakey status
within Amberley West airspace. R639A extends Broadcast Area frequency. Oakey also uses this Be mindful that Toowoomba caters for a
mixture of GA fixed- and rotary-wing, RAAus » if IFR, must contact Oakey Approach
upwards from 10,000 ft and is activated by CTAF outside ATC hours, which are notified
NOTAM. Check NAIPS code AWX. by NOTAM. aircraft, flight training schools and aero medical » if VFR, must contact Oakey Delivery.
D621A lies underneath R639A, from SFC to Due to terrain shielding, VHF contact between When transiting Oakey CTR and restricted areas
A100. Clearance is not required. However, aircraft in close proximity to, or on the ground Due to terrain shielding, VHF contact between VFR, track via the Warrego VFR Route. Consult
there may be military aircraft, (e.g. FA18F Super at, Brisbane West Wellcamp or Toowoomba is aircraft in close proximity to, or on the ground current Brisbane/Oakey VTC for current route
Hornets) conducting random manoeuvring not possible. at, Toowoomba or Brisbane West Wellcamp, is tracking details.
in this area and pilots should maintain not possible.
Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport is subject to Toowoomba Airport is subject to noise
a good lookout.
a number of noise abatement procedures, It is the pilot in command’s responsibility to abatement procedures, general flight
Wellcamp handles small and large air transport general flight procedures and local traffic check ERSA and NOTAMS for flights in this area. procedures and a number of local traffic
operations and freight aircraft up to and regulations. It is the pilot in command’s regulations. It is the pilot in command’s
Due to the runway having a crest, all aircraft responsibility to check current ERSA and
including B747 size, so pilots must observe responsibility to check ERSA and NOTAMS for
must broadcast intentions on the CTAF before NOTAMS for flights in this area.
procedures for non-towered airports, maintain flights in this area.
operating on runway 11/29.
their own separation and be mindful of issues
such as wake turbulence.
6 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 7
Airspace Infringement Hotspot Oakey Area Redcliffe procedures overview
R654A extends from the surface to 6,500 ft Aircraft wishing to use the Warrego VFR route Redcliffe
and to 23 DME from Oakey (OK) in an arc through the south-western sector of Oakey
from north-west to north-east, with an R2 CTR, or an opportunity clearance of R654, Redcliffe aerodrome is in Class G airspace,
conditional status. Avoid infringing from the must call Oakey Airways Clearance Delivery on about 13 nm north of Brisbane airport and
adjacent R625D to the east, which has a LL of 133.35 for clearance and an SSR code when the about 3.6 nm from the Brisbane CTR boundary.
8,500 ft, and from the Cooyar area to the north. airspace is active.
Pilots need to be aware that class C airspace
with a lower limit of 1,500 ft overlays Redcliffe
aerodrome, with the 1,000 ft step 1.5 nm to
the south.
Caloundra aerodrome, located to the north of
Caboolture and approximately 12 nm to the
south of Sunshine Coast aerodrome, is a busy
non-controlled aerodrome.
8 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 9
Military airspace Oakey
Caboolture procedures overview Oakey Airbase is located to the north-west of
Canungra (R634A is RA3).
Toowoomba and to the north of Wellcamp
Caboolture Overfly above 3,800 ft if R634B is not active. aerodrome.
R634B is RA2. This airspace extends to 8,500 ft
Caboolture aerodrome, to the north- above 634A and is activated by NOTAM. To The Oakey military control zone begins
northwest of Redcliffe, is a busy non- transit around, track north-east of Eagle approximately 7.5 nm north-west of
controlled aerodrome. There is a mixture of Heights to pick up the VFR route at Nerang or Toowoomba and approximately 4.5 nm to the
GA fixed- and rotary-wing, RAAus, ultralights vice versa. north of Wellcamp. When activated, the Oakey
and gliders regularly using the aerodrome. CTR is from the surface to 6,500 ft.
Caution: Low-level CTA steps south of Nerang.
Caboolture and surrounds are designated Clearance will be necessary. Pilots need to plan carefully in this area, with
danger areas where extensive flight training, a high concentration of military restricted
scenic flight activities, gliding and parachute Greenbank (R627) airspace and high-traffic density to and from
dropping are conducted. Wellcamp.
Greenbank is a military base with associated
See and avoid as well as correct radio use is of weapons range located to the south of For airways clearance through restricted areas,
critical importance in this area. Archerfield. It is activated daily (except contact Oakey Delivery on 133.35. For VFR
public holidays or as amended by NOTAM) aircraft via the Warrego VFR Route, clearance
It is the pilot in command’s responsibility to 2100 – 0600z. R627 is RA3. through R654A is also available through 135.35.
check current charts, ERSA and NOTAMS for
flights in this area. Amberley Be aware of D652 (high-velocity exhaust
plume), from surface to 2,800 ft on the
Amberley Airbase lies to the west of Warrego VFR route. For pilots operating in this
Archerfield. Overlapping civil and military area, check and monitor the status of Oakey
airspace, with operations from high-speed jets airspace on ATIS 124.3, NDB 254, via phone on
General military information to heavy transport, and with multiple restricted 07 4577 7235 or Area frequency 121.2.
and danger areas, makes the configuration
complex and potentially hazardous. Pilots need
Conditional RA (Restricted Area) status RA2: Pilots must not flight plan through the RA to plan carefully and be aware of their location
unless on a route specified in ERSA GEN FPR or at all times.
The status of restricted areas (RAs) appears in by agreement with the Department of Defence.
the DAH and ERSA and is presented in a table However, a clearance from ATC is not assured. The Amberley military control zone begins
on the VTC/VNC. This status indicates which Other tracking may be offered through the RA approximately 8 nm from Archerfield, from
types of restricted airspace it is possible to on a tactical basis. SFC–8,500 ft. R625A is to the north of the
get a clearance through. NOTAMS are issued Amberley CTR and has a lower limit (LL) of
to list activation times and levels for military RA3: Pilots must not flight plan through the RA 1,500 ft. R625B lies to the west and south of the
restricted airspace and MUST ALWAYS be and clearances will not be available. CTR and has a LL of 2,500 ft.
consulted before flights through these areas, to
avoid airspace infringements. Surrounding Archerfield are several restricted In Amberley control zone, R625A/B/C/D are
military areas. Military airspace is activated by all RA1, (NAIPS codes YAMB, Amberley East
NOTAM and may become active at short notice. Airspace AEX or 0939, Amberley Airspace AMX
RA conditional status legend Check the status prior to going flying using the or 0941 Amberley West Airspace AWX or 0940).
following codes and, if in doubt while airborne,
RA1: Pilots may flight plan through the RA Short notice and partial activation of the AMB
check with ATC on the frequency you are on.
and, under normal circumstances, expect a CTR and associated restricted areas may occur
clearance from ATC. outside of TWR hours.
10 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 11
Airspace infringement: Hotspots Amberley Airspace infringement: Hotspots Brisbane
1. Airspace infringement 1. Airspace infringement 2. Airspace infringement 1. Airspace infringement 3. Airspace infringement 4. Airspace infringement
hotspot Amberley area hotspot Amberley military hotspot R625C – lower limit hotspot Redcliffe Area hotspot Brisbane Control hotspot departing
control zone is 4,500 ft Zone − north & west Archerfield to the east
When AMB is not active, Operate in accordance with
Class C lower limit over AMB The Amberley military control Do not confuse these lower local procedures in ERSA. Departing Archerfield to the Outbound aircraft tracking
is 4,500 ft (30 nm BN). zone lies just 8 nm west limits (pink) with civil (blue) Do not infringe the C LL north, track east of the TV to the east must not infringe
of Archerfield. Clearance lower limits. 1,000 ft step or Brisbane CTR towers, between the towers the 1,000 ft step abeam
is required to transit the when arriving and departing and Enogerra. Take care to Mt Gravatt. Keep south of
area when active. Tracking Redcliffe to the south. The remain at or below 1,500 ft. Tingalpa Reservoir
outbound, avoid the inbound Brisbane CTR is only 4 nm to Use Lake Samsonvale and
reporting point of Goodna. 3. Airspace infringement the south of Redcliffe. Kurwongbah to establish
Track north-west to Lake hotspot R625A – lower limit clear of the C LL 1,500 ft step
Manchester or south-west is 1,500 ft before climbing. 5. Airspace infringement
to Spring Mountain. Request hotspot Greenbank firing
clearance through Amberley Do not confuse these lower 2. Airspace infringement range R627
Delivery (134.6) in plenty of limits (pink) with civil (blue) hotspot southbound to
time before reaching the lower limits Archerfield SFC–2,000 ft active daily;
control zone boundary. 2,000 ft check NOTAM status
Track in the 2,500 ft step for changes
west of the TV towers. Use
Enogerra Reservoir and
Mt Coot-tha/TV towers to
remain clear of the C LL
1,500 ft step.
12 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 13
Airspace infringement: Hotspots Sunshine Coast Archerfield ground operations
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Run-up bay Ground operations
Intermediate holding position
Runway holding position
Runway incursion hotspot
Key areas when planning to navigate around an your understanding of ATC instructions by
aerodrome are: ensuring correct readbacks, maintaining
» study the layout, paying particular attention situational awareness, using all resources
to complex intersections and RWY incursion available and ensuring effective pilot/controller
hotspots in ERSA communication practices. At the holding
point, ensure your ‘ready’ call is on the correct
» anticipate your taxi route to and from the
RWY in use based on information from the
ATIS, NOTAMs, ERSA, recent experience and Using non-standard radio calls or readbacks
the aerodrome chart affects the ability of ATC to understand
» have the aerodrome chart or diagram your intentions and confirm that you have
readily available to use during the planning understood your clearance.
phase and while taxiing
The principle of good communication is to
» check the route on which you are taxiing
effectively articulate:
against the chart or ERSA and again, pay
special attention to complex intersections » who you are
» continually scan for conflicting traffic and » where you are
holding point markings » what you want.
» confirm your assigned route if you are in
Operations on the aerodrome When landing, runway confusion can be
doubt about the taxi instructions received
avoided by:
Apron area – no taxi clearance required. from a controller.
Monitor Ground on 119.9 MHz. » paying careful attention to runways
A specific clearance is required to enter, in clearances
Taxiway – taxi clearance from Ground
required before entering this area. backtrack, lineup on, cross or take-off from » always reading back an assigned
a runway. When taxiing, ensure you have runway in full
Runway – specific clearance required
from ATC before entering this area. received a specific clearance to cross any
» taking sufficient time during the approach
runway on your taxi route.
briefing to determine how positive runway
The clearance will include your callsign and identification will be achieved, particularly
Apron area A defined area intended to accommodate aircraft the words ‘CROSS RWY XX’. An ATC clearance if using a non-precision, circling or
for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, to line-up does not authorise the pilot to visual approach
mail, cargo, fueling, parking or maintenance.
backtrack on the runway. » visually identifying the correct runway
Taxiway A defined path established for the taxing of
before entering or landing on it, depending
aircraft and intended to provide a link between
one part of the aerodrome and another.
While taxiing, the use of standard operating on weather conditions
procedures and your radio will increase
Runway A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome » distinguishing between runway lighting
the safety of operations. This includes
prepared for the landing and take-off and taxiway lighting, which are coloured
of aircraft. following instructions from ATC, confirming
16 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 17
Radio use – Requesting taxi clearance Archerfield Radio use – Holding points and take-off clearance
ATIS available on Freq 120.9 (TWR Hrs Only) Ground FREQ 119.9
Telephone (07) 3275 8201
via Taxiway
Tower FREQ 118.1 / 123.6
(Aircraft type & callsign), (Taxi route
Cleared for take-off runway
read back Archer Tower,
P.O.B. Details), Cross / Hold at
(Aircraft callsign), Ready
( (Dual / Solo if applicable)) (Holding point read back
identifier), (left/right turn,
Runway (runway
Received (ATIS), instructions), (Callsign). maintain runway heading)
number). For departure (Callsign).
at (Location on airfield eg,
18 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 19
Departure and tracking – south Departure and tracking – north
Departure altitude shall be 1,000 ft. For planned departure track between 100 and 204 DEG MAG, Departure altitude shall be 1,000 ft. For planned departure track between 310 and 019 DEG MAG,
departure is via the ‘Southern Departure’. Track 135 DEG from Archerfield. When departing on departure is via the ‘Northern Departure’. Track via Walter Taylor (Indooroopilly) Bridge, then
RWY 28L, track 135 DEG from the crosswind leg to facilitate descent for inbound aircraft joining eastern side of the TV towers. Consult ERSA for procedure and if unfamiliar, advise ATC.
base from PKR. Consult ERSA for procedure and if unfamiliar, advise ATC.
20 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 21
Departure and tracking – east Departure and tracking – west
Departure altitude shall be 1,000 ft. For planned departures between 020 and 099 DEG MAG, Departure altitude shall be 1,000 ft. For planned departures between 205 and 309 DEG MAG,
departure is via the ‘Eastern Departure’. Track east to overhead the Gateway Motorway/Pacific departure is via the ‘Western Departure’. All aircraft shall depart AF CTR on a track between
Motorway intersection (088 DEG MAG / 5.5 nm Archerfield). Pilots need to be aware of overlaying 220 DEG and 309 DEG MAG and must nominate their outbound track with the taxi call.
controlled airspace and proximity of BN CTR.
Intersection Gateway Motorway and M1 Intersection Gateway Motorway and M1 Lake Manchester from Archerfield direction Lake Manchester from Archerfield direction
Eastern Departure Archerfield Eastern Departure Archerfield looking west/north-west looking west/north-west
22 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 23
Arrivals and tracking – from the south Arrivals and tracking – from the west
Entry into the YBAF CTR shall be at 1,500 ft. For arrivals from the south, pilots should plan via and Entry into the YBAF CTR shall be at 1,500 ft. For arrivals from the west, pilots should plan via and
report at Park Ridge Water Tower (PKR). Park Ridge Water Tower has a bright strobe light on the report at Goodna (GON) for ATC entry instructions. The YBAF TWR FREQ will be nominated on the
top and is located adjacent to the eastern side of the Mount Lindsay Highway. The YBAF TWR FREQ ATIS. The track from Goodna to YBAF is approximately 056 degrees.
will be nominated on the ATIS.
From PKR, track towards YBAF CTR (approximately 337 degrees) and report crossing the Logan
Motorway for ATC entry instructions.
Caution must be exercised when tracking from PKR towards YBAF, as Greenbank Firing Range
restricted area (R627) is located a short distance to the west.
Logan Motorway 1,500”
24 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 25
Arrivals and tracking – from the north Arrivals and tracking – from the east
Entry into the YBAF CTR shall be at 1,500 ft. For arrivals from the north, pilots should plan via and Entry into the YBAF CTR shall be at 1,500 ft. For arrivals from the east, pilots should plan via and
report abeam the western side of the TV towers (TVT). The YBAF TWR FREQ will be nominated on report at TARGET (TAR). The YBAF TWR FREQ will be nominated on the ATIS. TARGET is painted on
the ATIS. the roof of a large group of shops, to the east of the Pacific Motorway.
Pilots must then track (approximately 142 degrees) and report at the Centenary Bridge for
ATC entry instructions.
“Archer Tower ZTQ,
Cessna 172,
Target 1,500 inbound
received Bravo”
“ ZTQ Crossing
Centenary Bridge 1,500”
26 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 27
Archerfield overflights and Univat Route Weather
For pilots wishing to transit YBAF, ATC must There is a very narrow VFR route outside of
be advised at the VFR approach points of TAR, YBAF CTR called the UNIVAT VFR ROUTE. This
PKR, GON or TVT by using the phrase ‘Transit route runs from approximately the brickworks
details’, with requested tracking and level. to the University of Queensland. The route is in
CTR clearance will be subject to ATC and Class G airspace with overlaying Class C lower
possible delays may be experienced. Pilots limit at 1,000 ft, and the YBBN CTR located to
need to comply with arrivals procedures from the immediate north of the route. It is advised
the VFR approach points unless instructed that pilots using this route contact YBAF TWR to
otherwise by ATC. advise of intentions.
While the Brisbane to Sunshine Coast area Turbulence: Turbulence occurs mostly in
often provides good flying conditions, there strong westerly winds, with moderate to severe
are aviation hazards to consider during turbulence possible on and in the lee of the
every season. ranges. Mountain waves may also occur in the
lee of the ranges in a strong westerly.
Winds: An afternoon north-easterly sea breeze
develops on many days throughout the year, The northern Lane of Entry into YBAF from
with the strongest occurring during spring and Samford to the west of Mount Coot-tha may be
summer. The sea breeze may arrive before particularly prone to turbulence in a westerly.
lunchtime at YBSU, while at YBAF it usually
arrives during the afternoon, 2–3 hours after Low cloud: Broken low cloud develops mostly
moving through YBBN. A katabatic south- overnight and early morning in a north-easterly
westerly wind often affects the coastal plain wind. The minima at YBSU is quite high and
during the evening and early morning hours. so fuel holding requirements are more often
included on forecasts at YBSU than other TAF
Thunderstorms: Thunderstorms are possible locations in south-east Queensland.
during any season but mostly occur from
spring through to early autumn. Severe storms Fog: Insignificant shallow fog (MIFG) is a regular
with large hail and strong wind gusts are more occurrence at both YBAF and YBSU and both
likely from October through to December, while locations are prone to fully developed fogs,
thunderstorms with heavy rain and strong wind mostly during the cooler months and after
gusts are more likely after December. rain. The webcam at YBAF, available on the
Mount Gravatt looking west Airservices website, is very useful in observing
Thunderstorms often move onto the coastal the current fog conditions at the airport.
plain off the ranges. At YBAF, look for
thunderstorms moving through locations Fogs that form over the western suburbs
such as Boonah and Amberley, and off the of Brisbane may move to the NE along the
ranges from Toowoomba to Warwick. At YBSU, Brisbane River towards the city.
look for thunderstorms anywhere from Crows
Fogs that occur in the valleys to the west of
Nest north of Toowoomba through to the
the coastal plain, such as near Wivenhoe Dam
Jimna ranges.
and the Mary Valley, may persist well into the
The most dangerous thunderstorms often late morning.
occur when a south-easterly change is moving
Showers: Persistent showers are most likely
northwards along the coast through the day.
University of Queensland looking Looking west towards in south-easterly trade flow, with a diurnal
towards Mount Gravatt University of Queensland maximum in shower activity occurring
overnight and in the morning.
28 Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region Stay OnTrack: Flying the Brisbane Region 29
Radio use at CTAFs
(when the YBAF and YBSU Towers are closed)
Calls recommended ALL the time
1. Before take-off or during taxi Archerfield traffic, C172, ZTQ taxiing runway 10L Archerfield ground 119.9 Archerfield tower 07 3275 8201
for Gold Coast, Archerfield.
118.1 or ATIS 07 3275 8201
Archerfield tower (check ATIS)
2. Inbound at least 10 nm from Wellcamp traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles 123.6
the aerodrome or further for north inbound 1,500, estimating circuit at CENSAR 1800 814 931
high performance aircraft or two five, Wellcamp. ATIS 120.9
busy aerodromes
Brisbane approach 125.7
3. Overflying or in the vicinity of Archerfield Archerfield traffic, C172, ZTQ one zero miles
outside tower hours, but not landing, or south 1,500, overflying, estimating overhead Southport CTAF 119.0
further for high performance aircraft two five, Archerfield.
4. Entering a runway Archerfield traffic, C172, ZTQ lining up 10L, Sunshine Coast ground 121.1 Sunshine Coast tower 07 5458 2953
Sunshine Coast tower 124.4 ATIS 07 5458 2955
5. Joining the circuit Archerfield traffic, C172, ZTQ joining crosswind,
runway 10L, Archerfield. ATIS 119.8 CENSAR 1800 814 931
6. Making a straight in approach, not Sunshine Coast traffic, C172, ZTQ joining 3 nm VOR (also contains ATIS 114.2
less than 3 nm from the touch-down final, straight-in approach runway 13, information)
threshold* Sunshine Coast.
Brisbane Centre in the 129.0
7. Joining on base leg Caboolture traffic, C172, ZTQ joining base, YBSU CCT area (outside TWR HR)
runway 11, Caboolture.
Brisbane Centre on ground 135.2
8. During an instrument approach, Sunshine Coast traffic, C172, ZTQ conducting at YBSU (outside TWR HR)
either when established at the final missed approach, runway 13, tracking to the
approach fix, or when commencing south east, climbing 3,000, Sunshine Coast.
the missed approach
9. Once clear of the active runway(s) Redcliffe traffic, C172, ZTQ clear of runway 25,
*Pilots should be aware that a GNSS indication of 3 from an aerodrome may not be 3 nm to the runway threshold.
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