Study On Speed Profile Across Speed Bumps: A Project Report On

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Project Report


Submitted by
(Roll No: 110CE0448)
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in
Bachelor of Technology
Civil Engineering
Under the guidance of
Dr. Ujjal Chattaraj

Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology Rourkela.


It is certified that the work contained in the thesis entitled “Study on Speed Profile
across speed bumps” submitted by Mr. Ashish Gupta, has been carried out under
my supervision and this work has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree.


Date: 08.05.2014 (Ujjal Chattaraj, Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
NIT Rourkela

A speeding vehicle can be a menace to other road users particularly on roads
where interaction between motorized and non-motorized traffic is high, such
as residential streets, school zones and community areas. Although speed
limit signs are placed in accordance with the requirements of the standards,
much is left to the conscience of the drivers whether they should abide by
them. Hence, controlling vehicular speeds is an important issue in traffic
management. The best way to influence driver speed is through traffic
management. One way of controlling speed is to use static speed control
devices like bumps which produces discomfort while driver experiences while
crossing over it. Road bumps play a crucial role in enforcing speed limits,
thereby preventing over speeding of vehicles. It significantly contributes to
the overall road safety objective through the prevention of accidents that lead
to death of pedestrians and damage of vehicles.
This thesis aims to present the results of a study on the
performance of road bumps used in India in reducing vehicle speed. The
purpose of this work is to study speed across bumps, like speed at bump,
speed reduction, deceleration and acceleration by having a detailed survey of
vehicular behavior near bumps of various heights. The speed profile of
vehicles are determined and analyzed at various locations along the road
prior to the bump, on the bump and after the bump. A critical speed change
analysis has been conducted and the result presented for various vehicle
category and type of bumps at various locations.

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………..……..…….……4-5
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………..…………………7
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………………………8
1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………9-14
1.1. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE…………………………………………………….9-10
1.2. ROAD BUMPS……………………………………………………………………………11-12
1.3. SPEED BUMP PARAMETERS………………………………………………….....13-14
2. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………………..15-18
3. PRESENT STUDY……………………………………………………………………………....19-22
3.1. METHOD ADOPTED……………………………………………………………………….19
3.2. RADAR GUN…………………………………………………………………………………..20
3.3. DOPPLER EFFECT…………………………………………………………………………..21
3.4. DATA COLLECTION SITE…………………………………………………………………22
4. RESULT AND OBSERVATION…………………………………………………………....23-30
4.1. DATA COLLECTED…………………………………………….…………………………….23
4.2. AVERAGE SPEED PROFILE………………………………….…………………………..24
4.3. SPEED REDUCTION DUE TO BUMPS………………….………………………24-25
4.4. GRAPHICAL COMPARISION………………………………….…………………..26-28
4.5. SPEED OVER BUMP…………………………………….…..….…………………………29
4.6. SPEED ON APPROACHING BUMP…………….……..…..…………………………30
4.7. SPEED OF DEPARTURE FROM BUMP…….………....……………………...30-31
4.8. SPEED AT VARIOUS SECTIONS…………………….…...……………………………31

5. STATISTICAL STUDY………………………………….………………………………………33-40
5.1. HYPOTHESIS TESTING…………………………………………………………………..32
5.2. T-TEST……………………………………………………………..………………………33-39
5.3. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE………………………………………………………….40-41
6. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………………..…42

My heart pulsates with the thrill for tendering gratitude to those persons who
helped me in completion of the project.

The most pleasant point of presenting a thesis is the opportunity to thank those
who have contributed to it. Unfortunately, the list of expressions of thank no
matter how extensive is always incomplete and inadequate. Indeed this page
of acknowledgment shall never be able to touch the horizon of generosity of
those who tendered their help to me.

I extend my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my guide Dr. Ujjal

Chattaraj Department Of Civil Engineering, National Institute of
Technology, Rourkela for his kind attitude, invaluable guidance, keen interest,
immense help, inspiration and encouragement which helped me in carrying out
my present work. This project would not have been possible without his help
and the valuable time that he has given me amidst his busy schedule.

It is a great pleasure for me to acknowledge and express my gratitude to my

classmates and friends for their understanding, unstinted support and endless
encouragement during my study.

Lastly, I thank all those who are involved directly or indirectly in the successful
completion of the present project work.


List of Figures Page No
Theory about how design of road bump influence
1.1. 7
drivers crossing speed.
Connection between physical identities and
1.2. 7
characteristics of road bumps.
1.3. Profile of speed bump vs speed bumps. 9
1.4. Types of speed bumps. 9
2. Vehicle across a bump. 16
3. Working of a radar gun. 17
4. Principle of Doppler Effect. 18
5. Average speed profile 21
Distribution of vehicles against speed reduction across
6. 22
7. Reduction due to bump height for 4-wheelers 23
8. Reduction due to bump height for 2-wheelers 23
9. Reduction due to 2 and 4-wheelers 24
10. Reduction due to 4 and >4-wheelers 24
11. Reduction due to 2 and >4-wheelers 25
12. Reduction due to different cities 25
13. Vehicles speed distribution over bump 26
14. Vehicles speed distribution for approaching 27
15. Vehicles speed distribution for departure 28
16. Vehicles speed distribution at various cross section 28
17. Principle behind ANOVA 37


Sl no. List of Tables Page No

1. Data collected 21
Reduction due to bump
2. 24
Reduction due to type
3. 25
of vehicles
Reduction at different
4. 25
T-test conclusion for
5. reduction due to types 37
of vehicles
T-test conclusion for
6. reduction due to hump 37




Traffic calming measures are quite common in modern society. Traffic calming
measures are physical design techniques that encourage or force motorists to drive
slow and constant speed. They prevent speeding and can increase overall road
safety. Traffic calming can also make streets more accessible and livable for other
users such as pedestrians, cyclists and nearby residents. The main purpose of traffic
calming measures is to reduce speed and create a safer traffic environment. Road
bumps are one type of measures that is frequently used to reduce speed in
residential areas. Traffic calming measures have to adapt to the specific condition
of each location but in principle only one design of road bumps is needed. This
design should lead to a comfortable crossing at speed lower than 15-20 km/h but
as soon the speed increased it should be more uncomfortable to cross the road
bumps. The design of ideal road bumps would make drivers hold their speed below
25 km/h at least when crossing a road bumps.

Figure 1.1 describe roughly how road bumps influence crossing speed. The designs
of road bumps influences experienced driving comfort and through that drivers
speed. If a road bump is designed in a way so that the driving discomfort does not
increase very much as the speed increases, driver see no reason to slow down
before crossing a road bump. In many cases, drivers estimate the discomfort of
crossing against decrease travel time. Drivers are prepared to experience more
discomfort if it will decrease their travel time, at least to some level. Road bumps
are installed in different environments, on streets that have different
characteristics. Car parking, interaction with vulnerable road users and other things
that make up the character of a street have an effect on drivers and their speed

of crossing
at certain

Road Bump
Design/ Driver
environment crossing speed
speed limit how discomfort
characteristics increases with
of street increased speed

Figure 1.1
Theory about how design of road bumps influences drivers crossing speed.

A road bump is made from several different physical identities such as length,
height, length of ramps etc. Physical identities control to the discomfort that road
bumps produce. Vertical acceleration has been used to describe driving comfort
when crossing road bumps. The connection between physical identities and
characteristics of road bump is shown in figure 1.2.


Road bumps are raised pavements spanning across or partly across a roadway,
thus, forcing driver to reduce the speed of their vehicles in order to minimize
uncomfortable bumping or vibrating sensations produced when traversing them. A
road bump works by transferring an upward force to a vehicle, and its occupants,
as it crosses the bump. The force produces a front-to-back pitching acceleration in
vehicles having a wheelbase similar to the length of the bump that increases as the
vehicles travel faster (weber et al,1998)[4]. At low speed the acceleration is of small
amplitude. As speed increase the amplitude and pitching also increase, as does the
displacement. At low speeds the speed bump gently lifts and pitches the vehicle.
Only as speed increase do the acceleration become more apparent as a jolt to the
vehicle and its occupants.
Road bumps are designed to promote the orderly traffic moment
and improve safety. However, at certain location such as approaches to manned &
unmanned level crossings, sharp curves, accident prone locations, congested
residential streets; control of speed may become necessary to allow smooth flow
of traffic. However in an uninterrupted flow facility, with a strong emphasis on
traffic safety & management, use of road bump can’t be underestimated. Road
bumps, where permitted to be installed, provide visual, audible and traffic stimuli
which alerts drivers and cause them to slow down. These can have different
heights, base widths and shape. In fact, no particular design is suitable for all the
types of vehicles using the road. They are several meters long, about a tenth of a
meter high, and can cover all or a portion of the width of a roadway. A speed hump
is not the same as the much wider speed bump.

Figure 1.3[4]

Today, circular or “round top” bumps of various lengths and heights are the most
common used as traffic calming measures. Other profiles such as sinusoidal and
trapezoidal or “flat top” bumps have also been created. Bumps may be parabolic,
circular, sinusoidal or trapezoidal in shape. Bump width may vary according to the
road width (when constructed fully across the road), or to the constricted road
width (when constructed partially across the road). Flat top trapezoidal bumps are
particularly useful when combined with pedestrian crossing.

Figure 1.4 [4]

Speed bumps can be fully described using several geometric and layout design
parameters. The geometric design parameters are Length, height, profile and
width. The layout design parameters are speed bump spacing and type of materials,
marking and signage.

1.3.1. LENGTH:-
Length is the most important speed bump geometric design parameter. Effective
bumps should be at least as long as an automobile wheelbase to isolate the effects
of entering and exiting the bumps for these vehicles. Longer speed bumps should
be used if heavier vehicles are expected. Experiments have shown that as lengths
are increased peak accelerations tend to occur at higher speeds, and more linear
dynamic effects are created. In general, longer bumps exhibit better characteristics
for speed reduction. Longer bumps may be even better suited for heavy vehicles,
although upper limits have not been firmly established.

1.3.2. HEIGHT:-
Speed bump heights can influence the magnitudes of vertical accelerations and the
maximum levels of perceived discomfort. High bumps, may cause damage to
vehicle undermanages as they exit the measures. Low bumps can be ineffective.
Heights usually range from 50 to 120 mm, with the most common being 75 or 100

1.3.3. WIDTH:-
Speed bumps can either span the entire width of a road or taper short of the curb
or road edge. The advantage of the latter approach in an urban setting is that
drainage at the curb and gutter is not affected, and installations are therefore less
expensive. Drivers can attempt to exploit reduced widths and maneuvers around
bumps unless preventative measures are taken.

1.3.4. PROFILE:-
The effects of speed bump profile, particularly the effects of varying the slopes of
the entry and exit ramps, have not been examined as thoroughly as length or
height. Research is ongoing to determine the optimal ramp slopes for various speed
bump designs, particularly trapezoidal bumps. Circular, trapezoidal and sinusoidal
speed bumps of equivalent dimensions have been found to perform about equally
well, although the Dutch regard sinusoidal bumps as having the best dynamic
characteristics at higher speeds.

1.3.5. SPACING:-
High bump crossing speeds can lead to high speeds between bumps, as can large
distances between them. Since an objective of traffic calming is to reduce vehicle
speeds over entire streets, the layout design or spacing of speed bumps is a key
factor to be considered. Previous research from several countries suggests that to
achieve overall speeds of 25 to 30 km/h, speed bumps should be placed between
40 and 60 meters apart. Greater spacing, up to 100 meters, can be used for speeds
of 50 km/h. Bump spacing can be increased with the presence of additional traffic
calming measures.


Speed bumps with all speed reducing measures, should be highly visible to warn
drivers to lower speeds and avoid vehicle damage or loss of control. This essentially
eliminates the potential for any legal liability on the part of the public road
authority. Most countries have developed special signs and markings for their
speed bump installations, and pre-warnings, design speed signs, contrasting
materials and protective bollards are usually employed.


The literature review on road bumps encompasses a wide array of enquiries on the
development of speed bump systems that can respond instantaneously to traffic
conditions. Speed bumps are raised sections of roadway designed to limit the speed
of motor vehicles. They are four meters long, between 76 to 100 millimeters high,
and can cover all or a portion of the width of a roadway. A speed bump works by
transferring an upward force to a vehicle, and its occupants, as it traverses the
bump. The force induces a front-to-back pitching acceleration in vehicles. The
acceleration decreases with higher speeds due to absorption of the impact by the
vehicle suspension.[1] Various researches have been done on speed bump covering
the criteria or the guidelines for the geometrical bump designs, optimization for
the designs, effectiveness of the bump, variation of the speed over bump, factors
which influence bump designs, etc.
For a bump design a definite procedure has to be followed and to have this
guideline a study was done by Sahoo P.K.(2009)[2] where a computer model was
developed to simulate between geometric characteristics of speed bumps and the
speed of the automobiles. On the basis of the research the steps were; first select
particular design 85th percentile bump-crossing speed then find out the required
A/W ratio from a suitable equation then by choosing a bump shape: circular,
parabolic surface profiles to be used, a bump width and compute bump height that
satisfying the A/W ratio bump height is to be obtained and its permissibility is to be
checked. Based on the observation obtained from the survey done, Bump-crossing
speed was predicted based on area to width ratio using different geometric designs
of the speed bump and the result obtained was R-Sq equals to 0.56 for two
wheelers and R-Sq equals to 0.6 for passenger Cars.
Similarly Henry county, U.S. state of Georgia, has a specific henry county
code[3] compromising the complete guideline for construction of speed bumps in
Henry County consisting of its purpose, criteria for installation, request for study &
public hearing, preparation of petition, filling of petition, no of signature required,
construction of speed bump and warning posts, etc. For installation, study

conducted by dept. must find that speeding problem exists on a standard 85th
percentile of at least 11 miles per hour the posted speed limit. Specification of
speed bump is 4inch maximum vertical rise, 22ft in horizontal length, and incline
flattop-decline and maximum time allowed for installation is 3months.
The geometric roadway design proposed by Weber Philip A.(1998)[4]
features the purpose of slowing traffic in residential neighborhoods. Purpose of this
study was to work towards the development of speed bump design standards for
Canada with posted speeds of 30-50 km/h while keeping in the mind the acceptable
level of discomfort, no vehicle damage, road safety, minimizing the noise &
displacement caused, and minimizing the installation & maintenance cost. Several
off-road & on-road tests were carried out on existing bump & on wood made speed
bumps duplicated from existing on-road speed bumps. Accelerations were
recorded on a test subject and compared to discomfort criteria determined by
recording speeds over existing bumps. A multiple regression model was formulated
to estimate the accelerations measured using Root Sum of Squares (RSS)
acceleration and optimal factorial designs were formed that produced acceleration
levers equal to the discomfort criteria. From the model & optimal designs, speed
bumps lengths and heights were recommended. On streets expended to carry
automobile traffic only, 5.2 m by 100 mm, 7.9 m by 100 mm and 9.1 m by 75 mm
speed bumps were recommended for desired speeds of 30, 40 and 50 km/h
respectively. On bus routes, 6.1 m by 100 mm and 8.8 m by 100 mm speed bumps
were recommended for desired speeds of 30 and 40km/h respectively.
For a speed bump, proper width has to be considered for its design as varying the
width effective of the bump also. Hence a case study was done by Daniel Basil
David(2012)[5] where over 1,239 vehicle speeds were recorded on total 21 Watts
profile road bumps on nine residential streets in Christchurch, New Zealand. Speed
data were collected using a Pro-Laser III light detection and ranging (LIDAR) speed
gun. The device operating speed Vo, was taken as the 85 percentile speed of all
speeds recorded across the road bumps. Regression analysis was performed to
relate Vo to the bump width to road width (WH/WR ) ratios. Two function S-curve
and Power functions were selected on the basis of response variable, & predictor
variable and S-curve was found out to be better fit to represent the relationship.
The device operating speeds was between 21.9 km/h to 33.9 km/h with an average
of 29.1 km/h with the observation; Smaller WH/WR ratios the more effective in
producing lower speeds and the use of smaller bump widths on wide streets is
more pragmatic, and it is not necessary to install narrow bumps on already narrow

streets as the reduction in speed achieved is not substantially different from bumps
constructed fully across the street.
While designing a speed bump, major issue faced is the optimization of speed bump
with length, width, and height. One of the researches was carried out in Malaysia
Residential Streets by Zainuddin Nor Izzah et al., Akram Adnan Md et al. (2012)[6]
where there purpose was to develop the 85th percentile speed reduction in
relation to speed bump geometric design with parameters such as bump height,
length & width. The speed data was obtained from spot speed data at specified
location using Pro Laser III-Laser Gun Meter Detector. The data was prepared and
analyzed using Minitab v16.0. The research flow started with site selection criteria,
speed bump geometric data collection, spot speed data collection, model
development and model validation. After several analyses were conducted, one
model with R-Sq. value of 80.6% was developed using multiple linear regressions.
Another thing to keep in mind while a bump design is the discomfort level, Khorshid
E. and Alfares M.(2003)[7] used sequential quadratic programming method to find
an optimum speed control bumps geometric design. The vehicle-driver system
represented a mathematical model consisting of 12 degree of freedom (DOF). An
optimum design method for the bump geometry was proposed to reduce the
excessive shocks experienced by the drivers when crossing the bump below the
speed limit, while being unpleasant when going over the speed limit.
The major concern while installing the speed bumps is the effectiveness in
controlling the speed of the vehicles passing over it. To check the effectiveness
Ponnaluri Raj V, And Groce Paul W.(2005)[8] conducted a survey by having the
speed variation before and after the installation of the speed bumps i.e. this case
study features the description for collection and evaluation of comparison pre- and
post-installation traffic volume and speed measures. The study segment was
Dorman Road in Polk County, central Florida about 2,600 feet long consisting of 5
bumps having a speed limit of 25mph. Speed data were collected in 15-minute
increments over a consecutive 2 weekdays. The pre- & post-installation data were
collected one month before & after deployment of speed bumps. Traffic volume
percentage distributions charts were prepared and from several iterations it was
found that third degree regression model provided the best fit by comparing it with
the R2 values. R2 values indicating the efficiency of bumps in achieving the increased
consistency of travel behavior was obtained to be 0.89 & .86 for pre- & pro-
However, lot of concerns has been voiced about speed bumps, particularly their
effectiveness and their potential to create unwanted noise and vibration. Various

studies have been carried out and one them was the study in the Netherlands and
Australia carried by Zaidel D. et al.(1992)[9] where they have shown that well-
designed speed bumps produce very low levels of unwanted noise and little
vibrations except on passing vehicles. Impact to adjacent buildings or individuals
has been negligible.
Once the speed bumps are constructed proper maintenance and traffic signing is
also required, so Tchemou Gilbert et al.(2012)[10] conducted a study on the critical
speed bumps built throughout the triangle Yaounde-Douala-Yaounde-Bafoussam
regarding the problems faced both in terms of design materials used, and the
location of traffic signing. The basic intension was to draw the attention of the
authority regarding the problem faced due to improper maintenance in speed
bumps. Study was done by traversing the triangle and collecting the field data to
identify each retarder by its location, type, geometry. In this study, 310 speed
bumps were identified basically of four types: soundtrack, speed bumps,
trapezoidal and tray. Out of which 288 had problems of material design and
signaling. Over 50% of asphalt concrete materials were either collapsed or the road
to the launch of these is padded. Over 70% was not up to the respective standard
dimensions. 62% of the problems with speed bumps were due either to the
absence of signs or bad signs.



 10m distance was considered on both left and right hand side of the bump
with different marking at 10m, 7m, 5m and 2m on left and 3m, 5m, 8m, and
10m on right.
 Vehicles speed were measured at the different marking on the road using
the radar gun.
 Two radar gun was used and distance between two consecutive readings by
a particular radar gun was kept 5m apart.
 marking distance for 1st radar gun was -10,-5,0,5,10 and the 2nd radar gun
was -7,-2,3,8.
 For each site 20 vehicles reading were noted across the 20m range.

-10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10

Figure 2. Vehicle across a bump

3.2. RADAR GUN:-
A radar gun is a device used to measure the speed of moving objects which may
be hand-held, vehicle-mounted or static. It measures the speed of the objects at
which it is pointed by detecting a change in frequency of the returned radar signal
caused by the Doppler Effect. The radar unit used had a transmitter which
operates on the K-band or a frequency of 24.125 GHz. The transmitter which of
the radar sends out a sinusoidal wave. When the signal reflects off a moving
target, the reflected signal’s frequency is sifted proportional to the target speed
according to the Doppler shift principle.


Figure 3. Working Of Radar gun


The Doppler effect( or Doppler shift), named after the Austrian physicist Christian
Doppler, who proposed it in 1842 in Prague, is the change in frequency of a wave
(or other periodic event) for an observer moving to its source. Just like whistle of
train, sounded at high pitch when approaching and at low pitch while going away
from the source.

• Shift in frequency fd=2f0v/c

Where f0: the transmitter frequency,
v: target speed,
c: speed of light
• Therefore target speed v=c*fd/2*f0

Figure 4. Principle of Doppler Effect

 Three cities were selected for the collection of data: Rourkela, Cuttack, and
 In Rourkela 3 location of bump height of 75mm where selected i.e. sector-
2, sector-17 and uditnagar.
 For all the 3 location speed variation of 4-wheelers were done including at
uditnagar speed variation of 2-wheelers was also done.
 In Cuttack 2 location of bump height 100mm were selected i.e. at ring road
and NH-5 from Cuttack toward Jajpur.
 For both location speed variation of 4-wheelers were done including study
of 2-wheelers at ring road and study of vehicles >4-wheelers at NH-5 was
 In Kolkata 3 location of bump height 100mm were selected i.e. at Jadavpur,
Bawanipur, and parking lot of an apartment near south-city mall.
 For location at jadavpur study of buses was done whereas for other
location study of 4-wheelers were done.



Table 1. Data collected
distance -10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10 reduction factor

rkl uditnagar bike=75mm 34.9 30 24.3 18.6 13.8 15.5 17.4 20.1 23.4 60.4

cuttack(ring road bike)=100mm 34.7 29.1 23.3 18 13.2 15 17.3 20.3 23.9 62.05

hwh(jadavpur=bus)=100mm 22.5 18.4 15.3 11.9 11 11.9 14.4 16.8 20.2 51

ctc jajpur nh-5>4wheelers=100mm 30.2 24.5 18.9 14.8 11.3 13.5 15.8 18.7 22.5 62.75

hwh(apartment=car)=100mm 28 23.4 18.7 14.8 11.6 14.1 15.5 17.7 19.9 58.68

hwh(bhawanipur=taxi)=100mm 33.7 28.1 22.1 16.9 12.6 14.8 16.2 19.2 22.8 62.61

ctc ring road car=100mm 37.9 31.1 24.1 17.6 12.7 15 17.4 21.4 25.1 66.58

ctc jajpur nh-5=4 wheelers=100mm 40.1 32.8 24.8 17.6 12.8 15.1 17.7 20.9 25.1 68.04

rkl(sector-2)=75mm 25.8 21.9 18.1 15.1 12 14.5 16.8 18.6 20.6 53.68

rkl (sector-17)=75mm 28.5 23.5 18.9 15.2 12.1 14.3 16.8 19.3 22.5 57.54

rkl uditnagar=75mm 31.6 26.2 21 16.2 12.5 14.7 16 18.4 21.2 60.44

avg 31.6 26.3 20.8 16 12.3 14.4 16.5 19.2 22.5 61.06

4.2. Average Speed Profile:-




-10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10

Figure 5. Average speed profile

 For vehicles across bump the speed reduction at bump is 61.06% whereas at
10 m distance from bump its 28.8%.


Speed reduction is the factor or percentage with which the vehicle speed has been
reduced from its approaching speed i.e. speed from the distance of 10m away from
the bump.

4.3.1. Reduction due to bump height w.r.t vehicles:

Table 2. Reduction due to bump height
(in %) BUMP (in %)

100mm 4-wheelers 69.93 33.46

75mm 57.02 25.15
100mm 2-wheelers 62.01 31
75mm 60.42 33

4.3.2. Reduction due to the type of vehicles:
Table 3. Reduction due to type of vehicles
(in %) %)
4-wheelers 61.79 30.3
2-wheelers 61.23 32.01
>4-wheelers 57.74 19.09

4.3.2. Reduction at various locations:

Table 4. Reduction due to various locations
(in %) %)
Cuttack 67.33 35.56
Rourkela 57.45 25.15
Kolkata 60.83 30.82


Cumulative distribution of the vehicles for the different reduction in speed in term
of percentage w.r.t to the approaching speed at the distance of 10m from the bump
is shown in figure 6. Almost over 80% of vehicles speed was reduction by 65% w.r.t
to their approaching speed.
cumm. no. of vehicles(

100 reduction

in %)






Figure 6. Distribution of vehicles against speed reduction across bumps.

4.4.1. FOR 4-wheelers comparison with bump height:
30 75 mm height 100 mm height
SPEED (in kmph)

-10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10
Figure 7. Reduction due to bump height for 4-wheelers
 For cars across 100 mm height bump the speed reduction at bump is 63.93%
whereas 75 mm height bump its 57.02%.
 For cars 100 mm height bump the speed reduction at distance 10m is 33.46%
whereas 75 mm height bump its 25.15%.
4.4.2. FOR bikes comparison with bump height:

75mm height 100mm height
SPEED( in kmph)





-10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10
Figure 8. Reduction due to bump height for 2-wheelers
 For bikes across 100 mm height bump the speed reduction at bump is 62.01%
whereas 75 mm height bump its 60.42%.
 For bikes across 100 mm height bump the speed reduction at distance 10m is
31% whereas 75 mm height bump its 33%.

4.4.3. FOR comparison between 4-wheelers and bikes:
SPEED (in kmph)

4 wheelers bike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 9. Reduction due to 2 and 4-wheelers
 For cars across bump the speed reduction at bump is 63.78% whereas for bikes
its 61.22%.
 For cars across bump the speed reduction at distance 10m is 33% whereas for
bikes its 32%.

4.4.4. FOR comparison between 4-wheelers and vehicles> 4-wheelers:

SPEED( in kmph)

4-wheelers > 4-wheelers
-10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10

Figure 10. Reduction due to 4 and >4-wheelers
 For vehicles > 4wheelers across bump the speed reduction at bump is 57.74%
whereas for 4-wheelers its 61.79%.
 For vehicles > 4wheelers across bump the speed reduction at distance 10m
is 19.09% whereas for 4-wheelers its 30.3%.

4.4.5. FOR comparison between bikes and vehicles> 4-wheelers:
SPEED( in kmph) 35

bikes >4-wheelers




-10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10
Figure 11. Reduction due to 2 and >4-wheelers
 For vehicles > 4wheelers across bump the speed reduction at bump is 57.74%
whereas for bikes its 60.4%.
 For vehicles > 4wheelers across bump the speed reduction at distance 10m is
19.09% whereas for bikes its 33%.

4.4.6. FOR comparison between different cities w.r.t 4-wheelers:

kolkata rourkela cuttack
SPEED( in kmph)





-10 -7 -5 -2 0 3 5 8 10
Figure 12. Reduction for different cities
 For Cuttack across bump the speed reduction at bump is 67.33% whereas for
Rourkela its 57.45% and for Kolkata its 60.83%.
 For Cuttack across bump the speed reduction at distance 10m is 35.56%
whereas for Rourkela its 25.15% and for Kolkata its 30.82%.

There is a wide range of speeds when vehicles pass over the road bump indicating
that there is a variation in the response of drivers to the existence of the bump. The
response could range from full compliance to the purpose of having the bump (i.e.
to slow down traffic) to that of utter disregard of the bump (even though by not
slowing down enough may cause a certain level of discomfort to vehicle occupants).
The average speed over bump for cars and motorcycles are illustrated in terms of
cumulative frequencies as shown in fig 13.

cumm. no. of vehicles vs speed at bump

cumm. no. of vehicles


(in %)


40 For bikes
20 For 4 wheelers
> 4 wheelers
11 12 13 14 15 16 17

SPEED ( in Kmph)

Figure 13. Vehicles speed distribution over bump

In general, it is found that the average speed over bump differs between types of
vehicles. As illustrated in Figure 2, higher percentage of vehicles>4-wheelers is
traveling over bumps beyond a certain speed as compared to 4-wheelers and 2-
wheelers. For example, about 99% of vehicles >4-wheelers pass over bump at
speeds of 12 Kmph or below while only about 60% of 4-wheelers whereas only 20%
of 2-wheeler are in the same category.

The cumulative distribution of the vehicle speed at the distance of 10m is shown in
fig 14. As illustrated in fig 14, higher percentage of vehicles>4-wheelers is traveling
over bumps beyond a certain speed as compared to 4-wheelers and 2-wheelers.
For example, about 60% of 4-wheelers at the distance of 10m from bump at speeds
of 32 kmph or below while only whereas only 20% of 2-wheeler are in the same

cumm. no. of vehicles vs approaching speed

for 4 wheelers for bike for >4 wheelers
cumm. no. of vehicles( in %)






20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

SPEED (in kmph)

Figure 14. Vehicles speed distribution for approaching


The cumulative distribution of the vehicle speed at the distance of 10m is shown in
Fig 15. As illustrated in fig 15, higher percentage of vehicles>4-wheelers is traveling
over bumps beyond a certain speed as compared to 4-wheelers and 2-wheelers.
For example, about 80% of vehicles >4-wheelers pass over bump at speeds of 22
kmph or below while only about 55% of 4-wheelers whereas only 20% of 2-wheeler
are in the same category.

cumm. no. of vehicles vs departure speed
cumm. no. of vehicles( in %)
bike > 4 wheelers 4 wheelers





18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
SPEED (in kmph)

Figure 15. Vehicles speed distribution for departure


Cumulative distribution of the vehicles against the speed for different sections
across the bumps where the marking were done and results were obtained is given
in the Fig 16.
dist@-10m dist@ -7m dist@ -5m dist@ -2m dist@ 0m
dist@ 10m dist@ 8m dist@ 5m dist@ 3m
cumm. no. of vehicles


(in %)



11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

SPEED(in kmph)
Figure 16. Vehicles speed distribution at various cross section



Hypothesis testing is a procedure, based on sample evidence and probability
theory, used to determine whether the hypothesis is an unreasonable statement
and should be rejected, or is reasonable and should not be rejected.

HYPOTHESIS: - It is a statement about the value of a population parameter

developed for the purpose of testing. For example we can say reduction factor for
a bump is 50%.
Hypothesis testing can be done in 2 approach:-
 The probability value (p-value) approach
 The Critical Value Approach
But we can easily do the p-value approach using Microsoft excel.

5.1.1. The probability value (p-value) approach:-

 Develop null and alternative hypothesis.
 Select level of significance (), 0.10 level for political polling, 0.05 level for
consumer research projects, and 0.01 level for quality assurance work.
 Collect data, calculate sample mean and test statistic T-value from the t-test.
 Using this T-value, calculate the corresponding p-value.
 Compare: if p-value <  then reject H0, else accept it.

As the population standard deviation, is unknown and the data is normally

distributed, we use the t-distribution (t-statistic).

5.2. T-TEST:-
A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistics follows
a student’s t-distribution if the null hypothesis is supported. It can be used to
determine if two sets of data are significantly different from each other, and is most
commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the
value of a scaling term in the test statistic were known. In statistical significance
testing the p-value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic at least as extreme
as the one that was actually observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true.
The p-value for the t test can be directly obtained from Microsoft excel
using T.TEST function. P-value is the measure of strength of the evidence against
the null hypothesis. T-value,

Where x = sample mean, u= hypothesis mean,

s= sample standard deviation,
n= no of sample.

5.2.1. For vehicles> 4 wheelers in Cuttack and Kolkata:
Now setting hypothesis as
H0: reduction in Cuttack = reduction in Kolkata
Ha: reduction in Cuttack > reduction in Kolkata

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Kolkata Cuttack
Mean 0.507752588 0.62679918
Variance 0.0011699 0.00037688
Observations 20 20
Pooled Variance 0.000773392
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 38
t Stat 13.53683544
P(T<=t) one-tail 2.04228E-16
t Critical one-tail 1.68595446
P(T<=t) two-tail 4.08456E-16
t Critical two-tail 2.024394164

Now as p-value < significance level, we have to reject the null hypothesis.
Hence, reduction in Cuttack is more than that of Kolkata for vehicles > 4wheelers.

5.2.2. For 2 wheelers in Cuttack (100mm height) and Rourkela
(75mm height):
Now setting hypothesis as
H0: reduction in Cuttack = reduction in Rourkela
Ha: reduction in Cuttack > reduction in Rourkela

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Cuttack Rourkela
Mean 0.620148489 0.604191598
Variance 0.000354627 0.000495877
Observations 20 20
Pooled Variance 0.000425252
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 38
t Stat 2.446950013
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.009571477
t Critical one-tail 1.68595446
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.019142953
t Critical two-tail 2.024394164

Now as p-value < significance level, we have to reject the null hypothesis.
Hence, reduction in Cuttack (100mm height) is more than that of Rourkela (75mm
height) for 2 wheelers.

5.2.3. For 4 wheelers in Cuttack (100mm height) and Rourkela
(75mm height):
Now setting hypothesis as
H0: reduction in Cuttack = reduction in Rourkela
Ha: reduction in Cuttack > reduction in Rourkela

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Rourkela Cuttack
Mean 0.570180687 0.672684195
Variance 0.002772439 0.001475148
Observations 60 40
Pooled Variance 0.00225617
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 98
t Stat 10.57203024
P(T<=t) one-tail 3.48372E-18
t Critical one-tail 1.660551217
P(T<=t) two-tail 6.96744E-18
t Critical two-tail 1.984467455

Now as p-value < significance level, we have to reject the null hypothesis.
Hence, reduction in Cuttack (100mm height) is more than that of Rourkela (75mm
height) for 4 wheelers.

5.2.4. For 4 wheelers in Kolkata (100mm height) and Rourkela
(75mm height):
Now setting hypothesis as
H0: reduction in Kolkata = reduction in Rourkela
Ha: reduction in Kolkata > reduction in Rourkela

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Kolkata Rourkela
Mean 0.60596303 0.570180687
Variance 0.001087843 0.002772439
Observations 40 60
Pooled Variance 0.002102039
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 98
t Stat 3.823437957
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.000115689
t Critical one-tail 1.660551217
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.000231378
t Critical two-tail 1.984467455

Now as p-value < significance level, we have to reject the null hypothesis.
Hence, reduction in Kolkata (100mm height) is more than that of Rourkela (75mm
height) for 4 wheelers.

5.2.5. For 4 wheelers in Cuttack (100mm height) and Kolkata
(100mm height):
Now setting hypothesis as
H0: reduction in Cuttack = reduction in Kolkata
Ha: reduction in Cuttack > reduction in Kolkata

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Kolkata Cuttack
Mean 0.60596303 0.672684195
Variance 0.001087843 0.001475148
Observations 40 40
Pooled Variance 0.001281496
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 78
t Stat 8.335277618
P(T<=t) one-tail 1.05311E-12
t Critical one-tail 1.664624645
P(T<=t) two-tail 2.10621E-12
t Critical two-tail 1.990847069

Now as p-value < significance level, we have to reject the null hypothesis.
Hence, reduction in Cuttack (100mm height) is more than that of Kolkata (100mm
height) for 4 wheelers.

5.2.6. For 4 wheeler across a bump 100mm height and 75mm
H0: reduction in 100mm bump = reduction in 75mm bump
Ha: reduction in 100mm bump > reduction in 75mm bump

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

100 mm ht 75 mm ht
Mean 0.639323612 0.570180687
Variance 0.00239229 0.002772439
Observations 80 60
Pooled Variance 0.002554818
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 138
t Stat 8.009850125
P(T<=t) one-tail 2.1478E-13
t Critical one-tail 1.655970382
P(T<=t) two-tail 4.29561E-13
t Critical two-tail 1.977303542
Now as p-value < significance level, we have to reject the null hypothesis.
Hence, reduction in 100mm bump height is more than that of 75mm bump height.


Hence, on the basis of the t-test conclusion is tabulated in order of the reduction
obtained by the bump under different location and bump heights.
Table 5. T-test conclusion for reduction due to types of vehicles
TYPE OF VEHICLES Cuttack Kolkata Rourkela
>4-wheelers More Less ----
4-wheelers More Medium Less
2-wheelers More ---- Less
Table 6. T-test conclusion for reduction due to bump heights
Bump Height 2-wheelers 4-wheelers
75mm Less More
100mm Less More

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical method used to analyze
the differences between group means and their associated procedures (such as
"variation" among and between groups). ANOVA provides a statistical tests of
whether or not the means of several groups are equal, and therefore generalizes
the t-test to more than two groups ANOVAs are useful in comparing (testing) three
or more means (groups or variables) for statistical significance.

Figure 17. Principle behind ANOVA

Total sum of square = sum of square between groups + sum of square within groups
Total (variance)2 = (sum of variance between groups)2 + (sum of variance within groups)2
 (sum of variance between groups)2= total (variance)2 – (sum of variance within groups)2

MS is the mean square, I= no of groups, nT= no of observation.

F= (sum of variance within groups)2 / (degree of freedom within groups)

Total (variance)2 / (total degree of freedom)

F) Critical is obtained from the table for the corresponding degree of freedoms
If F) calculated > F) critical then the groups are significantly similar.
But if F) calculated < F) critical then are significantly different.

5.3.1. For 4 wheelers in city Cuttack Rourkela and Kolkata:

(Sum of variance within groups)2= 5.7531+16.3574+4.2426= 26.3531
Total (variance)2 = 51.6476
 (sum of variance between groups)2 = 51.6476-26.3531= 25.2946

For within groups degree of freedom= no. of groups -1= 3-1 = 2.

For total degree of freedom= no of observations- no of groups = 140-3= 137.

 F = (25.2946*137)/ (51.6476*2) = 33.548.

 F critical from table for (a=0.05)= 3
 F > F critical
 Hence all the observation of the 3 cities are not similar.

5.3.2. For the 3 location of Rourkela:

(Sum of variance within groups)2= 73.75
Total (variance)2 = 76.98
 (sum of variance between groups)2 = 76.98-73.75= 3.23

For within groups degree of freedom= no. of groups -1= 3-1 = 2.

For total degree of freedom= no of observations- no of groups = 60-3= 57.

 F = (3.23*57)/ (76.98*2) = 1.1958.

 F critical from table for (a=0.05) = 3.094.
 F < F critical
 Hence all the observation of the 3 cities are similar.


Despite the controversy regarding the use of speed bumps the study has shown
that the use of road bumps do actually help in reducing vehicle speed and for the
case of the “bump” type hump the speed reduction is quite significant. There is a
linear reduction in speed as the vehicle approach the bump and this is quite
important in terms of safety because an abrupt reduction in speed due to
emergency braking may not be appropriate especially when the weather is wet and
this type of weather is common in this country. The application of this type of
bumps needs also to be studied with respect to locations which really need them
and it should not be applied indiscriminately.
Based on the field experiments on hump height and hump-crossing
speeds of two wheelers, 4-wheelers and vehicles >4-wheelers in different location
this investigation have shown that statistically the reduction of the speed at hump
and at the departure distance of 10m w.r.t to the approaching distance i.e. 10m
from left side of bump. It was found that almost over 80% of vehicles speed was
reduction by 65% at the bump w.r.t to their approaching speed. Reduction being
least for vehicles >4-wheelers and most for the 4-wheelers. It was also seen that
more reduction was there as the hump height is increased from 75mm to 100mm.
These relationships provide a useful tool for field engineers to design
hump geometry for speed control. This study will enhance the understanding on
different types of speed bump and how it can reduce the speed of vehicle while
crossing different speed bump design. This understanding can be used in
developing geometric design standards that consider an ergonomic approach. This
work demonstrates that proper evaluation based on data collection, local
knowledge, visual observations and application of engineering principles can help
provide a viable traffic calming mechanism.

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