LESSON: Elements and Principles of Art Week 2 Date: August 30 - September 2, 2022 Learning Competency: A

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School Year 2022-2023

MAPEH 9 (Arts)

Mr. Jedmars Dela Rosa Taylo

Subject Teacher

LESSON: Elements and Principles of Art

Week 2

Date: August 30 – September 2, 2022

Learning Competency:

1. Identifies the different elements and principles of art (A)

Make sure to follow these instructions:

1. Read and understand the information provided in the lesson.

2. Answer all the process questions.
3. Accomplish the tasks provided.
4. Be mindful of the time in answering the activities and tasks.

This icon signals the discussion which contains significant information that
you need to read and analyze for better understanding of the lesson.

You will see this icon at the end part of the lesson containing the significant
point/s that you need to remember before moving on to the next lesson.

You will see this icon in activities that need to be answered as a way of
checking your understanding of the lesson. Keep in mind the page number
indicated for each activity.

Once you see this icon, you will take a quiz to assess your learning or
accomplish a mini task based on the knowledge and skills acquired from the
lesson. Be mindful of the page number indicated for the quiz/mini task.

The lessons will enable you to identify the elements and principles of art. Also, you will be able
to know the significance of the different elements and principles of art in creating various crafts.
Activities are provided for deeper understanding of the lesson.

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School Year 2022-2023
Do you know that…
The elements of art are like atoms in that serve as "building blocks" for creating something.
You know that atoms combine and form other things. If the elements of art are your tools, the
principles of art are how you put them to work.

Let’s Read and Learn!

What if you had the keys to the artistic kingdom? With each of these essentials for making art, that is
exactly what you have. Understanding and applying the building blocks of art (or the elements and
principles of art as they are often called) is what takes an artist from beginner to master.

Elements and Principles of Art


What are art elements?

Line, color, shape/form, value, space and texture are the art elements that are considered as
the basic building blocks of art.

1. Lines
In art, a line represents many things such as an actual line, a person, or a building. A line can be thick
or thin; straight, wavy, curved, or angular; continuous or broken; dotted, dashed, or a combination of
any of these.
What are the types of lines and what ideas are suggested by each?
a. Static lines- suggest firmness and straightforwardness.
b. Vertical Lines- convey uprightness, dignity, and assurance.
c. Horizontal Lines- lines suggest calmness, peace, and sobriety.
d. Dynamic Lines- signify movements, cheerfulness.
e. Jagged Lines- lines give the impression of chaos and disorder.

2. Shape and Form

Shapes are defined by artists using lines and contrasts in color and texture. These shapes in objects
can take on various forms like squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, oblongs, and figures like
animals, plants, human, and mountains, among others.
3. Space
This refers to the physical space among objects and the area that separates them. The area occupied
by objects is called the “positive space” while the area between the objects is often referred to as
“negative space.”
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School Year 2022-2023
4. Texture
This could be the simulated appearance of roughness or smoothness in visual arts or the actual
surface feel of a work of art or craft. In sculpture, the texture depends on the type of materials that are
used. The surface of the object can be manipulated to appear as how the artist wishes. Soft
materials, such as clay or wax, may send delicate sensations but they may also give “a hard feel,”
depending on how the artist uses the materials.
5. Value/Tone
It refers to the use of light and dark colors in a piece of art. The contrast between the two can be used
to create depth. This is shown by shading a portion of the drawing of an object to make it appear
6. Color
Color is produced when artists use various pigments and dyes to create a range of different hues
which the viewer’s eyes and brain interpret as colors.

Rhythm and Movement Balance



What are principles of art?

The “principles of design” are used by artists to create artworks. Likewise, it can also be used
to define and describe a certain artwork. The principles of art represent how the artist uses the
elements of art to create an effect and to help convey the artist's intent.
1. Rhythm, Movement
Rhythm in art refers to the repetition of a motif or elements of art (lines, shapes, colors, etc.) at
regular or irregular intervals. The motif could be the same or it could be modified. Using some

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School Year 2022-2023
techniques, artists can somehow convey the illusion of movement like the use of curvilinear lines. The
dynamics of curves and geometrical lines make a work of art livelier and pleasing.
2. Balance/Proportion
Balance refers to the idea of maintaining consistency of art elements in various areas in an artwork.
Balance could be in the form of:
a) symmetrical balance-when same shapes, colors, and other art elements are evenly
distributed on either the vertical or horizontal midpoint of a piece.
b) asymmetrical balance -when different shapes, colors, and other art elements are distributed
on either the vertical or horizontal midpoint of a piece. For example, a mat that has an image of
a house on one side and a tree on the other side
c) radial symmetry-when various art elements (shapes, lines, colors) branch off from a central
3. Emphasis
There is emphasis when an extraordinary or a different line, color, or shape is placed in the midst of a
regular pattern.
4. Harmony
When the art elements like colors, shapes and lines complement, they create harmony.
5. Unity
Unity relates to the sense of oneness, wholeness, or order in a work of art. Combining similar colors,
shapes, lines, textures, and patterns in an artwork can create unity and harmony.
6. Variety
Variety is a principle of design concerned with diversity or contrast. It is achieved by using different
shapes, lines, colors, and other elements of art.

Points to Ponder:
 The elements and principles of art are important for several reasons. A person
cannot create art without utilizing at least a few of them. Knowing what the elements
and principles of art enable us to describe what an artist has done, analyze what is
going on in a particular piece and communicate our thoughts and findings using a
common language.
 The elements of art are the visual tools that the artist uses to create a composition.
These are line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space. The principles of art
represent how the artist uses the elements of art to create an effect and to help
convey the artist's intent.
Now that you have adequate knowledge about the lesson, check your understanding by
answering the activity that follows.

Activity: Let’s Check! (Elements and Principles of Art)

Accomplish Activity No. 1: Let’s Check! (Elements and Principles of Art).

Quiz No. 1
Accomplish Quiz No. 1.

You have understood the lesson and accomplished the activities. Until next time!
 Lacia, G.C. et.al. (2015). The 21st Century MAPEH in Action. Quezon City: Rex Publishing Company,
 Google Images
 https://www.thoughtco.com/what-are-the-elements-of-art-182704
 https://openart.in/general-topics/elements-art-importance/
 https://www.thoughtco.com/principles-of-art-and-design-2578740

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School Year 2022-2023
 https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-techniques/composition/15-elements-and-principles-of-art/

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