24 - Khali Issa Et Al - CAES 2014
24 - Khali Issa Et Al - CAES 2014
24 - Khali Issa Et Al - CAES 2014
Abstract- This work is inscribed in the general problem of analysis and modeling of water erosion phenomenon. Its aim is to
determine the erosion rate in the Khmiss watershed (Northern Morocco). This erosion modeling was performed using the US LE
hydrological model (Universal S oil Loss Equation) integrated into a Geographic Information S ystem (GIS ) platform and adapted to
Moroccan con ditions.
The modeling of erosion in the Khmiss watershed required the evaluation of various factors of the US LE over the entire drainage
area and their expression in the form of thematic maps. This is a multiplicative function of five factors that control water erosion:
rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope gradient and length, vegetation cover and erosion control practices.
The multiplication of those factors allowed us to produce a quantitative map with an average rate of erosion of 36t/ha/year. The
description of the resulting map shows that areas with low erosion (<12t/ha/year) cover 27% of the total area of the basin, and those
with very strong erosion (>120t/ha/year) cover only 8% of the basin area. A comparative analysis was conducted to highlight
correlations between erosion rates and the various factors of this process.
Keywords- Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE); Geographic Information System (GIS); Water Erosion; Watershed; Khmiss River;
The erosion phenomenon is a one of core themes and its importance increases day by day within environmental policies of
countries. The ampleness of this environmental scourge and its direct and indirect, on site and off site, impacts allowed
classifying it in the case of natural risks [1].
The consequences of the physical degradation of soils are numerous and are taking a similar importance to that devoted to
the phenomenon itself. In addition to the loss of fertile land and its impact on agriculture, other downstream consequences can
cause important damages, in the short term, such as mudflows, or in the long term, such as dam’s siltation and the transfer of
materials leached into water courses and coastal areas, etc.
If it is possible to reduce the rate of erosion using the new techniques, then it is first necessary to target areas with high
erosion, which require a priority intervention. Fro m that it co me the need of mapping of soil vulnerability to erosion and
estimation and/or prediction values of erosion at the regional scale in order to develop appropriate measures and strategies for
In recent decades, new technologies such as GIS and remote sensing have become increasingly used in the study of surface
phenomena such as erosion. These tools, combined with empirical and physical soil loss models to spatialize the phenomenon
over large areas.
In Morocco, such as in Mediterranean countries, soils suffer fo r decades an irreversible loss and degradation with values
that exceeding the standards as well as the capacity of soil pedogenesis, because of increasing demands from various human
activities, especially agriculture. A FAO study conducted in 1990 [2] showed that 40% of land in Morocco is affected by
erosion. Other studies showed that the Rif region is the most concerning by this loss with rates sometimes exceeding
60t/ha/year [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
In this context, and in a perspective of integrated risk and watershed management, this study aims to apprehend the erosion
phenomenon at watershed scale in the Rif area, the Kh miss watershed, and to achieve a mapping of water erosion by a multi-
criteria analysis. This can be accomplished by integrating the USLE model into a GIS platfo rm in order to locate areas
sensitive to erosion and to estimate annual losses per unit area. The result is a cartographic document wh ich is a tool fo r
decision support, in terms of risk management and preservation of natural resources.
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
At present, several methods are adopted to predict or estimate erosion rates at the watershed scale. So me are physical
(ANSW ERS, CREAMS, SEMM ED ...), others are emp irical (USLE, RUSLE, MUSLE ...), while others are associated with
Among these methods, the USLE model o f Wisch meier and Smith [9] and its modified version [10] are the most used. The
benefits that could offer the possibility to integrate these models into a GIS and the generalization of its results over large areas
has made their use easier and more efficient for studies at watershed or regional scale.
The methodology followed in our study is div ided into different pre-treat ments, field work to co llect samp les and using
mu lti sources and spatial data on the process of erosion, in order to know the different factors that influence of the
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
The map obtained (Fig. 4) shows spatial distribution of the different classes of K factor in the basin. The values of
erodibility index vary between 0.37 and 0.85, with a predominance of the class 0.57 to 0.62, which represent 30% of the total
basin area (Table I).
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
0 (Dam) 255 1
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
3) Topographic Factor LS
The LS factor generally varies fro m 5 to 50 with an average value of 7.91. These different units were grouped into 11
classes to visualize their distribution (Fig. 5).
The Values less than 1 occupy almost half the catchment area (40%) and are distributed mainly in the center of the basin,
followed by the class 5-10 wh ich covers 18% of the area. The highest values, those greater than 55% occupy very limited areas,
only 1%, in the northeast of the watershed (Table II).
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
The Factor values are between 0 and 1. The value of 0 co rresponds to the non -erodible units (water) and a value of 1
concern the most erodible units (bare soil).
The map shows that areas with low erosion risk (<12t/ha/year) cover about 27% of the total area, concentrated mainly in
areas with very low slopes, follo wed by those representing an average risk of erosion varying between 12 and 45 t/ha/yea r, that
occupy 34% of the area. The class of high risk of erosion (fro m 45 to 120t/ha/year) covers 30% of the total area of the basin ,
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
affecting main ly agricultural lands where the slope is relatively high. Finally, areas with very high risk of erosion
(>120t/ha/year) occupy only 8% of the total area of the basin (Table IV and Fig. 8).
The unequal distribution of potential erosion risk in the basin results fro m the variability of the different factors involved in
the process.
A general reading of the erosion hazard map shows that low erosion risk (<12 t/ha/year) occupies areas with low slopes and
very friable format ions (rich in clays, sand and silt), on which an agricu lture activ ity is developed. Areas at mediu m risk o f
erosion (fro m 12 to 45t/ha/year) are distributed main ly in the West, South and Southeast of the watershed. They are
characterized by flysch and marls format ions and average slopes.
Other sectors that represent very high erosion hazard (>120 t/ha/year) are characterized by steep slopes, which exp lains
their high sensitivity to erosion despite they consist of land least likely to be eroded throughout the basin (limestone ridge) and
are also characterized by a dense vegetation cover. This can also be explained by exposure of these areas to precipitation, to
dominant winds and a longer duration of sunshine.
The field validation and comparison with other studies confirm that the application has provided a reliable result, even
though the study was relatively limited because of some points. First, the Universal Soil Loss Equation gives only a very brute
estimate of soil loss expected over the long term. It predicts only the diffuse erosion and the rill erosion: gully erosion is not
taken into account. In addition, some important factors influencing soil erosion are not considered, as the effect of stones and
rock frag ments.
Other uncertainties propagated throughout the model cause uncertainty in the rate of estimated erosion, the case of
estimating for rainfall erosivity factor, based on an approximated relation with annual and monthly precipitation, with
extrapolation to the whole basin remain so inappropriate because of the wide variety of climates that we found it in the region,
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
The problem of soil erosion addressed through the equation of Wischmeier and Smith apply is easily applied to Geographic
Information Systems due to the compatibility between USLE and map algebra: each factor is a layer wh ich after mu ltiplication
with the other gives a general map informing about a risk of erosion or erodib ility.
The GIS can manage in a rational way a mult itude of data on various factors of land degradation, which allo wed us to
conclude that the essential factors in the Kh miss watershed are slope, erodibility soil and vegetation cover.
This study presents the first map of risk erosion in the Kh miss watershed. It shows that the basin loses 36t/ha/year in
average annual, wh ich is explained by moderately high erosion. This loss results from the interaction of other factors also
combine to accelerate erosion, h ighly soils erodibility (83% soil shows a K factor between 0.47 and 0.67) and degraded
vegetation cover (76,9% of total area are occupied by the agricultural act ivities).
The model used in this study is fairly reliable, easy to update, modify the data sources and methods. This can be used as a
tool for evaluating spatial and temporal risk of erosion aspects.
The authors thank all researchers and technicians at the National Ins titute of Agricultural Researches “INRA” (Rabat,
Morocco) for their help and support during field missions and laboratory work.
They also gratefully acknowledge the financial support of ADM, GIZ-ACCN, CNRST and INRA-Morocco.
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CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing
Current Advances in Environmental Science CAES
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Lamiae Khali Issa. The author’s birth place is Tangier which is the capital of Tangier Tetouan Region on Northern M orocco. The date of
birth is 26 August 1986. He completed his Master Degree in Environnemental S ciences from the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of
Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University , M orocco in 2011 after completing a M.S c. in Environmental protection in 2009.
Currently, he is preparing a PhD thesis in Geosciences and En vironment, which the thematic is the application and comparison of different
empirical, physical and experimental methods of modeling erosion hazard.
Ahmed Raissouni. The author’s was born in Tangier, Northern M orocco on July the first 1978. He completed a M.S c. in Oceanology and
Marin En vironment from the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, M orocco in 2000 and then
a Master Degree in Natural Hazards, Planning and Environmental protection from the Faculty of Sciences, University of M ohamed V,
Rabat, M orocco in 2002. In 2012, he obtained the PhD in Geosciences and Environment from the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of
Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, M orocco. Since the beginning of his research, the author has published 10 papers on various topics
related to environment and geology and about 20 participations on international conferences.
The Author has participated as a member on several inter-university scientific cooperation projects between 2006 and 2012, and as a co-
supervisor of several License and M .Sc. diplomas.
During 2008, he occupied the post of internal coordinator attached to the branch of Engineers in Geoinformation, accredited in the
Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, M orocco.
He has also worked, since 2006, as an expert in a lot of private projects, especially on t he evaluation of their environmental impacts or
The Author participated in the evaluation of 4 scientific papers (3 in English) from international journals.
CAES Volume 2, Issue 4 2014 PP.119-130 www.v kingpub.com © A merican V-King Scientific Publishing