FS 1 Episode 2 PPST Journey

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Bicol University

College of Education
Daraga, Albay

Field Study 1-Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Learning Episode 2
(Week 2)

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers Journey

My Teaching Philosophy

Hello Pre- Service Teachers. Welcome to our Second Learning Episode in FS 1.

Before we fully immerse you in the actual learning environment, we will first take our
learning journey to the PPST Domains, Strands and Indicators. We will also know the
different Career Stages of a Professional Teacher.


Learning Episode 2 will be a review of what you have learned in the Professional
Education Subject, The Teaching Profession. The simplified learning experiences for
this episode will focus on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
and personal the Career Stages.

In this second learning episode, you are expected to:

Share your thoughts, insights and reflections on the Philippine Professional Standards
for Teachers (PPST) and Career Stages

These tasks are intended to visualize your personal philosophy of teaching.

 demonstrate an understanding of how self-assessment as professional reflection
and learning can be used to improve practice
 demonstrate motivation to realize professional development goals based on the
 write/rewrite your personal philosophy of teaching, incorporating possible
changes in your perspectives

Activities or Learning Tasks

This episode will require you to accomplish three learning tasks:

Task 1
Accomplish the Self-assessment to see how far you have gone in achieving the
Beginning Teacher Indicator (BTI) stipulated in the Philippine Professional. Determine
which indicators you have not realized yet.
Domain 1: Content Not Achieved Slightly Moderately Fully Evidence
Knowledge and Achieved Achieved Achieved
(Without any (Attach link or
Pedagogy evidence to support soft copy of
(Without evidence to (With one (1) (With two or more
claim of support claim of evidence to evidence/s to evidence/s)
achievement) achievement, but support claim of support claim of
with ongoing achievement.) achievement.)
engagement/s which
could support claim
of achievement.)

1.1.1 Demonstrate content

knowledge and its application
within and/or across
curriculum teaching areas.

1.2.1 Demonstrate an
understanding of research-
based knowledge and
principles of teaching and

1.3.1 Show skills in the

positive use of ICT to
facilitate the teaching and
learning process.

1.4.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of teaching
strategies that promote
literacy and numeracy skills.

1.5.1 Apply teaching

strategies that develop critical
and creative thinking, and/or
other higher-order thinking

1.6.1 Use Mother Tongue,

Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and

1.7.1 Demonstrate an
understanding of the range of
verbal and non-verbal
classroom communication
strategies that support
learner understanding,
participation, engagement
and achievement.

Indicators that are not yet achieved:


Domain 2: Learning Not Achieved Slightly Moderately Fully Evidence

Environment Achieved Achieved Achieved
(Without any (Attach link or
evidence to support (Without evidence to (With one (1) (With two or more soft copy of
claim of support claim of evidence to evidence/s to evidence/s)
achievement) achievement, but support claim of support claim of
with ongoing achievement.) achievement.)
engagement/s which
could support claim
of achievement.)

2.1.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of policies,
guidelines and procedures
that provide safe and secure
learning environments.

2.2.1 Demonstrate
understanding of learning
environments that promote
fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning.

2.3.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of managing
classroom structure that
engages learners, individually
or in groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities within the
available physical learning

2.4.1 Demonstrate
understanding of supportive
learning environments that
nurture and inspire learner

2.5.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of learning
environments that motivate
learners to work productively
by assuming responsibility for
their own learning.

2.6.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of positive and
non-violent discipline in the
management of learner

Indicators that are not yet achieved:


Domain 3: Diversity of Not Achieved Slightly Moderately Fully Evidence

Learners Achieved Achieved Achieved
(Without any (Attach link or
evidence to support (Without evidence to (With one (1) (With two or more soft copy of
claim of support claim of evidence to evidence/s to evidence/s)
achievement) achievement, but support claim of support claim of
with ongoing achievement.) achievement.)
engagement/s which
could support claim
of achievement.)

3.1.1 Demonstrate
knowledge and
understanding of
differentiated teaching to suit
the learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and

3.2.1 Implement teaching

strategies that are responsive
to the learners’ linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and
religious backgrounds.

3.3.1 Use strategies

responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and

3.4.1 Demonstrate
understanding of the special
educational needs of learners
in difficult circumstances,
including: geographic
isolation; chronic illness;
displacement due to armed
conflict, urban resettlement or
disasters; child abuse and
child labor practices.

3.5.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of teaching
strategies that are
inclusive of learners
from indigenous
Indicators that are not yet achieved:


Domain 4: Curriculum Not Achieved Slightly Moderately Fully Evidence

and Planning Achieved Achieved Achieved
(Without any (Attach link or
evidence to support (Without evidence to (With one (1) (With two or more soft copy of
claim of support claim of evidence to evidence/s to evidence/s)
achievement) achievement, but support claim of support claim of
with ongoing achievement.) achievement.)
engagement/s which
could support claim
of achievement.)

4.1.1 Prepare
developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning
processes to meet curriculum

4.2.1 Identify learning

outcomes that are aligned
with learning competencies.

4.3.1 Demonstrate
knowledge in the
implementation of relevant
and responsive learning

4.4.1 Seek advice concerning

strategies that can enrich
teaching practice.

4.5.1 Show skills in the

selection, development and
use of a variety of teaching
and learning resources,
including ICT, to address
learning goals.

Indicators that are not yet achieved:


Domain 5: Not Achieved Slightly Moderately Fully Evidence

Assessment and Achieved Achieved Achieved
(Without any (Attach link or
Reporting evidence to support soft copy of
(Without evidence to (With one (1) (With two or more
claim of support claim of evidence to evidence/s to evidence/s)
achievement) achievement, but support claim of support claim of
with ongoing achievement.) achievement.)
engagement/s which
could support claim
of achievement.)

5.1.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of the design,
selection, organization and
use of diagnostic, formative
and summative assessment
strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.

5.2.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of monitoring and
evaluation of learner
progress and achievement
using learner attainment

5.3.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of providing
timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to
improve learner performance.

5.4.1 Demonstrate familiarity

with a range of strategies for
communicating learner
needs, progress and

5.5.1 Demonstrate an
understanding of the role of
assessment data as
feedback in teaching and
learning practices and

Indicators that are not yet achieved:


Domain 6: Community Not Achieved Slightly Moderately Fully Evidence

Linkages and Achieved Achieved Achieved
(Without any (Attach link or
Professional evidence to support soft copy of
(Without evidence to (With one (1) (With two or more
Engagement claim of support claim of evidence to evidence/s to
achievement) achievement, but support claim of support claim of evidence/s)
with ongoing achievement.) achievement.)
engagement/s which
could support claim
of achievement.)

6.1.1 Demonstrate an
understanding of knowledge
of learning environments that
are responsive to community

6.2.1 Seek advice concerning

strategies that build
relationships with
parents/guardians and the
wider community.

6.3.1 Demonstrate
awareness of existing laws
and regulations that apply to
the teaching profession, and
become familiar with the
responsibilities specified in
the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers.

6.4.1 Demonstrate
knowledge and
understanding of school
policies and procedures to
foster harmonious
relationships with the wider
school community.

Indicators that are not yet achieved:


Domain 7: Personal Not Achieved Slightly Moderately Fully Evidence

Growth and Achieved Achieved Achieved
(Without any (Attach link or
Professional evidence to support soft copy of
claim of evidence/s)
Development achievement) (Without evidence to (With one (1) (With two or more
support claim of evidence to evidence/s to
achievement, but support claim of support claim of
with ongoing achievement.) achievement.)
engagement/s which
could support claim
of achievement.)

7.1.1 Articulate a personal

philosophy of teaching that is

7.2.1 Demonstrate behaviors

that uphold the dignity of
teaching as a profession by
exhibiting qualities such as
caring attitude, respect and

7.3.1 Seek opportunities to

establish professional links
with colleagues.

7.4.1 Demonstrate an
understanding of how
professional reflection
and learning can be
used to improve

7.5.1 Demonstrate motivation

to realize professional
development goals
based on the Philippine
Professional Standards
for Teachers.
Indicators that are not yet achieved:

To further assess what you know and how you understand PPST, list the key
features or description of each domain and identify specific practices or tasks
you do so far as a Pre -Service Teacher in BUCE that fall under each domain.

The matrix below can help you organize your thoughts

Domain Description Specific Practices, Tasks
or Competencies You Do
as a BUCE Pre-Service
Teacher Under This

Task 2
When you graduate in your baccalaureate degree, it is expected that you have
achieved all the indicators in the BTI; to a point that you are already
demonstrating/applying them in real life. Moreover, you are expected to continue your
professional development through relevant personal and professional engagements. To
help you visualize your personal and professional goals, you are going to create your
Academic Roadmap, which will present or chart your dreams/goals in life and the road
towards success. Present opportunities and possible constraints or barriers to your
journey as well as possible counter measures to overcome them.

Task 3
One thing asked of teacher applicants in the Department of Education is to write
their philosophy of education. This means that they have to write their concept of the
nature of the learner, how that learner learns and how that learner ought to live in order
to live life meaningfully. Based on these philosophical concepts, the teacher applicants
describe how they ought to relate to the learner, what to teach and how to teach so that
the learner learns and lives life happily and meaningfully.
Your Teaching Credo will be your Teaching Philosophy that will guide you in
your journey as a teacher. Revisit your personal philosophy of teaching and find out
whether nothing has changed in your perspectives. Examine the changes in your
beliefs. What factors brought the transformation? Draw inspiration from the various
philosophies of education which you have learned in your Professional Education
subjects then, you may either formulate your own or you may rewrite you teaching
philosophy incorporating the changes in your perspective.

Which philosophies are expressed in Which philosophies are

the DepEd Vision, Mission expressed in the K to 12
Philosophies of Education Statements, Core Values, Mandate? Curriculum Framework
Give proof. and Guide and Sec 5 of
RA 10533? Give proof.
1. Essentialism- teach mastery Essentialism- The core values of maka- Essentialism- List of
of the basics; curriculum is Diyos, maka-tao, maka-kalikasan and standards and
prescribed; subject matter- makabansa show that DepEd is competencies that learners
centered there are universal, essentialist. DepEd believes in are expected to attain is the
objective values; inculcate unchanging values that need to be subject matter that students
values in subject matter inculcated. are expected to learn.
2. Perennialism- teach those Any proof of perennialism?
that last, the classics; there
are universal values; inculcate
these universal values,
objective values
3. Progressivism- very child- Any proof of progressivism?
centered; teach those that
interest the child; one learns
by experience; learners learn
by doing so teacher teacher’s
teaching is experiential; values
are subjective; no inculcation
of values since they are
subjective; instead, teachers
help students clarify their
4. Reconstructionism- school is Any proof of reconstructionism?
agent of change; schooling is
preparing students for the
social changes; teaching is
involving the students in
discussions of moral dilemmas
5. Existentialism- Teachers Any proof of existentialism?
teach learners to make a
choice, to make decisions and
not merely to follow the crowd;
one who does not make a
choice and so simply follow
others do not leave
meaningful life
6. Pragmatism- That which is Any proof of pragmatism?
useful, that which is practical
and that which works is what
is good; that which is efficient
and effective is that which is
good, e.g. showing a video
clip on mitosis is more efficient
and more effective and
therefore more practical than
teacher coming up with a
visual aid by drawing mitosis
on a cartolina or illustration
7. Rationalism-emphasizes the Any proof of rationalism?
development of the learners’
reasoning powers; knowledge
comes though reason; teacher
must develop the reasoning
power of the learner
8. Utilitarianism- what is good is Any proof of utilitarianism?
that which is most useful (that
which brings happiness) to the
greatest number of peoples;
9. Empiricism- source of Any proof of empiricism?
knowledge is through the
senses; teacher must involve
the senses in teaching-
10. Behaviorism- behavior is Any proof of behaviorism?
shaped deliberately by
forces in the environment
and that the type of person
and actions desired can be
the product of design;
behavior is determined by
others, rather than by
person’s own free will;
teacher must carefully shape
desirable behavior; drills are
commonly used to enhance
learning, rewards reinforce
11. Constructivism- Learners Any proof of constructivism?
are capable of constructing
knowledge and meaning;
teaching-learning therefore
is constructing knowledge
and meaning; teacher does
not just “tell” or dictate but
asks learners for knowledge
they construct and meaning
of lesson
12. Other Philosophies

My Philosophy of Teaching

These may be of help:

I believed that the learner…….. (concept of the learner)
I believe that I should teach the learners……(what) by…..(how)
I believe that I …..(how should you relate to learners, colleagues, superior,
parents and other stakeholders)

The Philippine Professional Standards of Teachers is defined by DOMAINS, STRANDS

AND INDICATORS. It has 37 strands across all 7 domains. Each strand is defined as
specific competencies reflective of each career stage. These are called indicators.
The role of BUCE as a Teacher Training Institution is to develop the 37 Beginning
Teacher Indicators (BTI’s).
Understanding the structure of the PPST will help you understand how the progression
of practice across continuum is exhibited in the standards.

Thank you for sharing this PPST Journey in this 2nd Learning Episode of FS 1.
Completing this episode would mean you are ready to go through the actual immersion
to the actual teaching-learning environment. Happy learning. Put that smile on your face
as you embrace the challenges and opportunities of the FS 1 journey.

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