2024 Assignment 2 (Group)

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Group Assignment: Instruments and tools used in classroom assessment

Total Marks: 30


Select one of the following topics for a 15-minute class presentation in your assigned group. The
presentation should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the selected assessment tool/instrument, its
practical applications in education, and its benefits and challenges. The group should use relevant examples
and visual aids (where necessary) to enhance understanding.

Topics (Choose One):

1. Understanding the Use of Observation Tools

2. Designing and Using Checklists
3. Creating and Utilizing Rating Scales
4. Developing and Assessing Portfolios

Presentation Guidelines:

 Clearly define and explain the assessment instrument/tool.

 Discuss how the tool is used in Guyana's educational contexts.
 Provide practical examples or case studies of the tool/instrument use.
 Highlight the benefits, limitations, and challenges associated with the tool/instrument.
 Prepare a 15-minute presentation
 Ensure that all group members actively participate in the presentation.
 Engage the audience by asking questions or initiating a brief discussion.

Submission Guidelines:

 Submit the presentation video link to Moodle Platform by 26th October, 2024
 Submit the link to the padlet wall for group discussion on the 26th October, 2024
 Each group must comment on two other groups’ posts by 2nd November, 2024

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Developing

Content The presentation demonstrates The presentation demonstrates good The presentation demonstrates
Knowledge & comprehensive knowledge of the understanding, though some limited understanding, with
Depth topic. All relevant concepts are concepts lack depth or clarity. missing or unclear explanations
explained clearly, with excellent Examples are relevant but may be of key concepts. Examples are
examples and in-depth analysis. limited. weak or absent.
(5-6 marks) (3-4 marks) (1-2 marks)
Explanation of Thorough explanation of how the Provides a good explanation of the Provides a limited or unclear
Tool’s Use in assessment tool is applied in tool’s application, but some aspects explanation of how the tool is
Education educational settings, with clear, may not be fully explored or used in education, with weak or
relevant examples and case studies. illustrated. (3-4 marks) no examples. (1-2 marks)
(5 marks)
Practical Well-chosen, detailed examples or Examples of case studies are Minimal or unclear examples are
Examples & case studies are provided to illustrate relevant but may lack depth or provided, making it difficult to
Case Studies the practical use of the tool. (4 marks) clarity. (3 marks) understand the practical use of
the tool. (1-2 marks)
Critical Analysis Thoughtful analysis of the benefits, Provides a solid discussion of the Minimal or weak analysis of the
(Benefits & limitations, and challenges of the tool, tool’s benefits and challenges, tool’s benefits and challenges.
Challenges) with clear links to educational though lacking depth or some key Limited connection to
practice. (4 marks) points. (3 marks) educational practice. (1-2 marks)
Presentation Visual aids are highly effective, well- Visual aids are appropriate but may Visual aids are unclear or poorly
organized, and enhance the lack clarity or creativity. used. Presentation lacks clear
understanding of the topic. Presentation structure is generally structure and logical flow.
Presentation structure is logical and logical but may have minor gaps. (1-2 marks)
flows smoothly. (5 marks) (3-4 marks)
Group All group members participate Most group members participate, Uneven participation among
Collaboration & actively and contribute meaningfully. though some may contribute more group members. Transitions are
Participation Transitions between speakers are than others. Transitions between disjointed or poorly coordinated.
smooth and well-coordinated. speakers are fairly smooth. (1 mark)
(3 marks) (2 marks)
Audience Engages the audience effectively Attempts to engage the audience, Little or no effort to engage the
Engagement through questions, activities, or though interaction may feel forced audience. Presentation is mostly
discussion. Encourages participation or minimal. (2 marks) one-sided with no interaction.
and interaction. (3 marks) (1 mark)

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