Ready To Print Answer Sheet
Ready To Print Answer Sheet
Ready To Print Answer Sheet
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.C Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery
modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
CFSAT : 3.B.2 Employ strategies that cater to students learning styles and to elicit active
Essential Questions:
Diversity of learners refers to the differences among pupils most especially in the way they learn
in a variety of settings, through a variety of processes with varied outcomes.
Teachers can facilitate the learning process among diverse learners by first recognizing and
respecting individual differences, then using the knowledge about pupils differences to design
differentiated learning activities to ensure that all pupils can attain desired learning goals.
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article VIII Sec. 3 dictates that “ under no circumstance
shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory against learner.”
Learners’ differences stem from maby factors: gender, race, ethnicity, or cultural background,
intellectual abilities, religions, sexual preferences and socio economic status, needs, interests, strenghts
and experiences.
All learners have different ways of thinking, learning and absorbing.
Pupils self-awareness is enhanced by diversity.
Pupils diversity contributes to cognitive development. It can also promote harmony.
Pupils are diverse and subjects must be taught differently to respond to their needs, interests,
strenghts and experiences.
Reach every pupils at his/her level.
Assist your pupils to grow and celebrate success.
All pupils are worthy of respect and dignity.
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Make an infographics on diversity of learners ( these are graphic visual
representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.
( wikipedia )
Performance Task 2 – There are different learners based on learning modalities. They are auditory,
visual, and tactile learners. Cite applications on how you can stimulate their strengths, needs, and
experiences based on their learning modalities.
Types of Learners based on Learning How shall I stimulate learning through their
Modalities learning modalities?
( seeing )
( hearing )
( touch )
Performance Task 3 – Create a teaching matrix of differentiated teraching based on the various
intelligencies of learners.
Word Smart
( linguistics intelligence )
Number Smart
( logical/analytical intelligence)
People Smart
( interpersonal intelligence )
Self Smart
( intrapersonal intelligence )
Music Smart
( musical intelligence )
Art Smart
( visual-spatial intelligence )
Body Smart
( bodily/kinesthetic intelligence)
Life Smart
( existential intelligence )
Nature Smart
( natural intelligence )
How do these strategies contribute to my learnings? Write a one – liner statement.
My Assessment Tasks:
1. Which group of pupils learn best through music, songs and parodies?
A. nature smart
B. music smart
C. self- smart
D. word smart
1. Which group of learners need to see the teacher’s body language and facial expressions
to fully understand the lesson?
A. auditory learners
B. kinesthetic learners
C. tactile learners
D. visual learners
4. Which group of learners learn through hands – on activity like exploring the world
around them?
A. auditory learners
B. kinesthetic learners
C. tactile learners
D. visual learners
5. Which group of learners learn best through verbal lectures, discussion, talking things
through and listening to what others have to say?
A. auditory learners
B. kinesthetic learners
C. tactile learners
D. visual learners
My Learning Artifacts:
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Strands : 2.6.1 Demonstrate positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.C Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery
modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
Essential Questions:
What is the importance of having an organized and systematic classroom structure and
As a teaching intern, what c;lassroom routines shall you establish to ensure a positive and non-
violent discipline way of managing learners’ behavior
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Observe your teacher. Take down some important notes on how he/she manages
his/her class. What are his/her positive and non – violent disciplinary practices in the management of
learner behavior?
Observation Log
Performance Task 2 – Take some pictures of classroom structure or design that creates a positive
classroom atmosphere.
Performance Task 3 – Design your classroom routines to ensure an effective classroom structure.
My Classroom Routines
My Assessment Tasks:
1. Which terms refers to are established ways of managing a classroom to ensure an organized
and systematic structure?
A. classroom discipline
B. classroom management
C. classroom routines
D. positive discipline
My Learning Artifacts:
Conduct an interview among pupils. Ask them why positive and non – violent discipline is
effective in the management of learner behavior.
Name of Pupil
Name of Pupil
Name of Pupil
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.C Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery
modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
Essential Questions:
a. must be KNOWN by everyone
b. must be EASY to UNDERSTAND
c. focus on the POSITIVE
d. are PRECISE
e. are related to a VALUE
g. must be DEFINABLE
h. must be ENFORCEABLE
i. must be expansive
j. must be strategically posted in the classroom
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Conduct an interview with a learner, a teacher, an administrator and ask them
why rules are important.
Name of Pupil/Signature
Name of Teacher/Signature
Name of Administrator/Signature
Performance Task 2 – Interview your cooperating teacher and ask him/her the rules he/she formulated
in his/her classes to create the atmosphere of fairness, respect and care?
Name of Cooperating Teacher/Signature
Performance Task 4 – Complete the matrix and cite positive and non- violent ways of solving the
following misdemeanors in class.
Littering in class
Lacks focus/attention
My Assessment Tasks:
A. to avoid accident
B. to avoid chaos in the classroom
C. to prevent pupils from doing unnecessary tasks
D. to ensure harmonious relationships between the teacher and pupils
A. class schedule
B. class program
C. classroom rules
D. classroom routines
My Learning Artifacts:
Take a snapshots of Classroom Rules displayed on bulletin boards or around the school campus.
What is the importance of these rules to pupils’ learning?
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of
evidence of evidence of learning evidence of evidence of
Learning learning is/are is/are aligned with learning is/are learning is/are
Artifacts aligned with some of the learning aligned with not aligned with
learning outcomes one learning the learning
outcomes outcomes outcomes
Strands : 4.1.1 Prepared developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to meet
curriculum requirements.
: 4.2.1 Identify learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies.
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.f Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and
reporting learning process and outcomes
Essential Questions:
What are the important considerattion in preparing a developmentally sequenced teaching and
When do we say that learning outcomes are aligned with learning competencies to meet
curriculum requirements?
Lesson Plan/Learning Plan is the blue print of the daily activities in the teaching-learning
It guides the teacher on the instructional activities he/she will implement in class. This
is an important component in the instructional process.
This will help teachers become systematic and organized and on track/ on task while
This will aid the teachers to teach MORE and DO MORE and will help her/his learners
attain the outcomes set for the day.
This will help the teachers plan differentiated activities to cater to diverse types of
This gives a sense of direction in relation to the curriculum map and teaching guides
prepared for the subject.
It also serves as practical and useful basis for future plans.
It gives the teacher more confidence in carrying out the daily tasks.
VI. Remarks
- This is to document specific instances that result in the continuation of the
lesson in cases of:
- Re-teaching
- Insufficient time
- Transfer of lesson to the following day as a result of class suspension
VII. Reflection (to be filled out after the lesson by the teacher intern)
To write parts of the lesson that went well or the parts that were weak, and write
briefly about it/ them
To share their thoughts and feelings about the lesson that were successfully
implemented, need improvement or could be adjusted in the future
To talk also to the learners who did not do well or those who need help
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Request a samplle lessom plan or a Daily Learning Plan from your CT. Study each
part carefully. Paste it here.
Question: Is the learning plan developmentally sequenced to meet curriculum requirements? Explain.
Performance Task 2 - Make your Daily Learning Plan (DLP) outline using the given template. Prepare a
developmentally sequenced Learning Plan with learning outcomes aligned with the learning
Subject Area:
TOPIC/Learning Content:
Learning Competencies
What to use?
Learning resources
What to do?
My Assessment Tasks:
A. Learning Plan
B. Learning Content
C. Learning Procedures
D. Learning Materials
A. Learning Plan
B. Learning Content
C. Learning Procedures
D. Learning Materials
5. Which plan is used by teachers who are new in the service or those who have less than a year of
teaching experience?
A. Daily Lesson Log
B. Daily Lesson Plan
C. Detailed Lesson Plan
D. Daily Learning Activities
My Learning Artifacts:
Request three (3) samples of Learning Plans from various schools with different formats. You
may also wish to surf the net for some samples. Acknowledge the source.
My Learning Artifacts:
My Learning Artifacts:
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Strands : 4.4.1 Seek advice concerning strategies that can enrich teaching practice
Essential Questions:
Why is there a need to seek advice from your CT and experienced teachers?
What were your areas of strength? Areas for improvement?
What other innovations may be explored to enrich teaching practice?
Seeking advice from seasoned and experienced teachers will hone the personal and profesional
competencies of new teachers. This can provide support to simplify complicated problems and clarify
doubts as regards the implementation of the teaching-learning process. The benefits of seeking advice...
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Reflect on your areas of strength and areas of improvement. Complete the matrix
Areas of Strength Plans for further areas of growth
Areas of Improvement My Plans of Action
Performance Task 3 – Get three (3) topics from your subject area. List them down. Seek advice from
your CT on what strategies may still be employed.
My Assessment Tasks:
My Learning Artifacts:
Write an essay about your MENTOR in life? What pieces of advice were given by your mentor to
help you develop your personal and profesional competencies?
My Scoring Rubric:
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Strands : 4.5.1 Show skills in the selection, development and using a variety of teaching and
learning resources including ICT to address learning goals.
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.d Develop innovation curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and
resources for diverse learners
CFSAT : 4.C.6 Determine appropriate learning resources available for teaching and learning
: 6.E.1 Acquire knowledge and skills in the use of teaching and learning resources
: 6.E.2 Develop teaching and learning resources appropriate for the lesson
: 6.E.3 Utilize appropriate teaching and learning resources for the lesson
: 6.E.4 Integrate use of ICT in teaching and learning
Essential Questions:
A Learning Resource Center is a school facility which contains teaching-learning materials which
the teachers use to enrich classroom instruction.
The Learning Resources Center contains print,, non-print and electronic materials. The purpose
of this facility is to enhance the learning experiences of the learner and the teachers in any educational
sector. Each teacher needs a wide range of instructional tools to support and enrich student learnings.
Teachers use a wide array of teaching resources to make the instructional process more stimulating and
The resource materials used are aligned with the curriculum to ensure that outcomes are
attained. The Learning Resources Center has instructional space to encourage students to perform some
activities and to make learning more meaningful.
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Conduct an interview with a learner, a teacher, an administrator and ask them
why rules are important.
Printed Materials
Non-Printed Materials
Electronic Materials
Performance Task 2 –Create a PowerPoint presentation for your lesson. Paste the printed presentation
on the space given below.
Performance Task 3 – A. Write a reflective narrative why you need to use learning resource materials in
your teaching.
B. How did my cooperating teacher rate the instructional materials I prepared in the
classroom. Use the scale given below:
5 Outstanding
4 Very Satisfactory
3 Satisfactory
2 Fair
1 Needs Improvement
4. Durable/sturdy?
8. Easy to manipulate?
9. Practical/useful?
10. Not very expensive/economical?
My Assessment Tasks:
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which school facility contains instructional materials for enhancing the teaching-learning
A. Learning Materials Corner
B. Learning Kits Corner
C. Learning Log Template
D. Learning Resource Center
4. If the intended materials are not available, which materials may be used?
A. Printed materials
B. Non-printed materials
C. Electronic materials
D. Improvised materials
My Learning Artifacts:
Take a picture of the School’s Learning Resource Center
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of
evidence of evidence of learning evidence of evidence of
Learning learning is/are is/are aligned with learning is/are learning is/are
Artifacts aligned with some of the learning aligned with not aligned with
learning outcomes one learning the learning
outcomes outcomes outcomes
Strands : 1.3.1 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.d Develop resources for diverse learners
: 6.2.e Apply skills in the developing and utilizing of ICT to promote quality, relevant
and sustainable educational practices
CFSAT : 6.E.1 Acquire knowledge and skills in the use of teaching and learning resources
: 6.E.2 Develop teaching and learning resources appropriate for the lesson
: 6.E.3 Utilize appropriate teaching and learning resources for the lesson
: 6.E.4 Integrate use of ICT in teaching and learning
Essential Questions:
Instructional materials are tools used in instructional activities. They may either be print, non-
print or electronic materials.
The positive use of Information Communications Technology (ICT) facilitates the teaching-
learning process. Educational ICT tools can be divided into three (3) categories input source, output
source otothers.
Researchers have shown that the use of ICT contributes to improve teaching methods and
Advantages of the use of ICT in Education
-improves learners’ concentration and retention
-ensures comprehension of complex instructios
-creates interactive classes and lessons are more enjoyable and entertaining
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – List down (10) topics in your content area and search materials which you can use
Book marking
Performance Task 2 – Surf more on ICT in Education. Take down notes and write them here/or print
and attach them on these pages.
Performance Task 3 – Surf on the present status on ICT Education in the Philippines. Take down
notes and write your insights on this page.
My Assessment Tasks:
My Learning Artifacts:
What is the impact of ICT to you as an intern in terms of sourcing out learning information?
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
LEARNING TASK 12 – Utilizing Various Teaching Strategies to Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills
Strands : 1.3.1 Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and/or across
currriculum teaching areas.
: 1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking, and/or
other higher-order-thinking skills.
: 1.7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the range of verbal and non-verbal
classroom communication strategies that support learner understanding, participation, engagement
and achievement.
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.b Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
: 6.2.c Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodoligies and delivery
modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
: 6.2.d Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans,, teaching approaches, and
resources for diverse learners
CFSAT : 2.D.3 Acquire knowledge and skills in the use of teaching and learning resources
: 3.B.2 Employ strategies that cater to students’ learning styles and to elicit active
: 3.B.4 Promote students’ paticipation and collaboration
: 3.B.6 Integrate HOTS in the lesson
: 3.B.8 Manage classroom activities
: 4.C.4 Consider diversity of learners in preparing lesson plans
: 4.C.5 Select the right methodologies according to subject and learners’ level
Essential Questions:
Teaching Strategies are ways and means by which you implement a method. These are used
to help the students to achieve the desired learning outcomes by learning the desired course
Integrative Learning helps the students make connections and relevance between and
among subjects. It allowas the learners to engage in purposeful, relevant learning. It encourages the
learners to see the interconnectedness and interrelationships between the curriculum areas rather
than focusing in isolated curriculum areas.
According to Pigdon and woolley (1992) in an integrated curriculum, all activities contain
oppurtunities for learners to learn more about content through purposeful activities.
Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Higher order thinking skills known also as HOTS imply that some types of learning require
higher cognitive processes than others. Skills in analyzing, evaluating and creating are thoughts of
higher order than learning facts or concepts.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Recall facts and basic concepts
Verbal communication is the use of words in expressing one’s feelings and ideas.
The use of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies is the first step in enhancing
communication and nurturing relationships which are vital in the teaching-learning process.
Strong communication skills are very important in the instructional process.
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Get the topic you are assigned to teach. Write down how you can apply the
content knowledge within or across curriculum teaching areas. Use the curriculum web to indicate
your proposed integration. Indicate the subjects in the circles and how you will do it.
Performance Task 2 – Write higher-order thinking questions that you used in the discussion of the
Content/Topic Questions
Performance Task 3 – A. Enumerate the non-verbal cues you used to support learners’ participation
and engagement?
Performance Task 4 B) Cite the verbal comunication strategies that you used in class to support
learner understanding, participation and engagement.
My Assessment Tasks:
My Learning Atifacts
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
LEARNING TASK 13 – Exploring More Interactive and Innovative Teaching Strategies for Diverse
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.c Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and
delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
: 6.2.d Develop innovation curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches,
annd resources for diverse learners
: 6.2.e Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality,
relevant, and sustainable educational practices
: 4.C.5 Select the right methodologies according to subjects and learners’ level
Essential Questions:
There are three I’s and 2C’s in the instructional process. The teaching learning process must
Highly Interactive: All the learners must be highly engaged in all the classroom activities.
They must be able to participate in all the learning processes. No one isleft behind.
Highly Innovative: The use of meaningful and differentiated strategies makes learning more
fun and enjoyable. Learners will sruely love participating in varied activities done and employed by
the teacher. Activities can be in the form of games, songs, rap, poems, puzzle, jazz chants, stories,
maze and the like.
Highly Intergrative: Lesson and topics are interrelated within and across learning areas
without compromising the content of the lesson. This makes the curriculum borderless and
Highly Collaborative: The learning that involves groups of students working together to
solve a problem, complete a task or create a product.
Highly Cooperative: This is a startegy where groups of learners with different abilities use
varied activities to better imptove the mastery of the learning content. The elements of positive
inteerdependence, individual accountability, equal responsibility and social roles are addressed.
Differentiates Instruction is teaching the same material to all students using a variety of
instructional strategies or may mean delivering lessons at varying levels of difficulty based on the
ability of each student.
My Performance Tasks:
Performance Task 1 – Observe your cooperating teacher. Write the differentiated activities
employed to address the following:
Performing Task 2 - In your daily teaching, how did you address the following aspects to be
responsive to the varied characteristics of learners.
Religious background
Performance Task 3 - What strategies have you applied to respond to the learners with disabilities,
gifted, and talents?
My Assessment Tasks:
My Learning Artifacts:
Write or paste your Learning Plan which provides differentiated activities to addresss
diversity of learners.
My Learning Artifacts:
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
: 1.6.1 Use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.b Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
: 6.2.c Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and
delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
: 6.2.d Develop innovation curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches,
annd resources for diverse learners
: 6.2.e Apply skills in the developing and utilizing of ICT to promote quality,
relevant and sustainable educational practices
: 6.2.f Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing,
and reporting learning process and outcomes
Essential Questions:
How must teachers respond to the different special educational needs of learners?
What strategies may be applied that are inclusive of the indigenous groups?
What language must be used to facilitate the teaching-learning process?
One of the vital facets in the teaching-learning process is the learning environment. The
process of instruction happens in a formal, non-formal or informal place. Learning may happen
anytime, anywhere and in any place. The quality of instruction depends on how well a teacher can
implement the lessons effectively. These are several factors that affect the delivery of instruction:
the nature of the teacher, the nature of the learner, the utilization of methods and strategies, the
learning resources facilitaties, assessment and others. Teachers face some challenging issues and
concerns especially in times of providing teaching-learning beyond the classroom. Learners
sometimes cannot attend to their classes due to chronic illness isolation, geographical location,
urban resettlement or disorders, armed conflict, child abuse and child labor practices.
These events pose great concern among teachers to make instruction more accessible to all
the learners. Various strategies may be employed to respond to the needs of the learners especially
when they are not physically present in the four walls of the classroom.
My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 – As teachers, we must always be ready to respond to the special educational
needs of learner’s in difficult circumstances (geographic, isolation, chronic illness, displacement due
to aimed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters, child abuse and child labor).
Cite situations on how you have addressed any of the given educational needs of learners.
____________________________ _____________________
___________________________ _____________________
___________________________ ____________________
My Learning Artifact(s)
Write a contingency Lesson Plan/Learning Plan in any of the given difficult circumstances to
assist learners.
My Scoring Rubric:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Strands : 5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the design, selection, organization and use of
diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum
: 5.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of learner progress
and achievement using learner attainment data.
: 5.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive
feedback to improve learner performance.
: 5.4.1 Demonstrate familiarity with a range of strategies for communicating
learner needs, progress and achievement.
: 5.5.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the role of assessment data as feedback
in teaching and learning practices and programs.
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.f Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing,
and reporting learning process and outcomes
Essential Questions:
Differentiate diagnostic, formative and summative assessments.
Why do we need to monitor and evaluate learner progress and achievement?
What are some examples of constructive feedback to improve learner performance?
Give examples of strategies for communicating learner needs, progress and achievement.
What is the role of assessment data in the teaching and learning practices and programs?
Assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that teachers use to measure,
evaluate document the learners’ performance. These are some examples of assessment tools:
The monitoring of student progress is a practice that aids teachers to continously assess the
effectiveness of their teaching and make good informed decision. To determine the student’s
performance level, the teachers must measure their progress regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly
or as needed).
Teachers must monitor the progress of the learners for the following reasons:
To improve instruction;
To help teachers make better instructional decisions and change their teaching styles;
To ensure success and achievement for every learner;
To identify and help students at risks; and
To provide enrichment to gifted learners.
Teachers may collect student data from the following sources to improve classroom
My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 – Get one sample each of the following: diagnosis, formative and summative
Performance Task 2 – Interview your Cooperating Teacher or any teacher and ask the following
Performance Task 3
A. What strategies are used by your cooperating school to communicate learner needs,
progress and achievement?
B. What assessment data are used by your cooperating teacher to improve student
My Assessment Tasks
4. Which assessment data contain the grades attendance, discipline reports and other
information of the learner?
A. Portfolio folder
B. Assessment folder
C. Cumulative folder
D. Standardized folder
My learning Artifact(s)
Paste the various assessment tools you have constructed during your teaching internship. What is
the impact of these to students’ learning?
My Scoring Rubric:
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.d Develop innovation curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and
resources for diverse learners
Essential Questions:
Schools have various learning programs. These programs provide oppurtunities for teachers
and learners to develop the values of cooperation, teamwork and unity. They also reinforce the
lessons taught in the classroom and provide the learners to apply what they have learned in real
world context. Participation in these learning programs also increases student engagement and
leads to success in schools.
Learning progress varies according to school profile, culture and characteristics. The
participation of the learners also varies according to students’ needs, background interest and
My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 – List down the relevant school programs celebrated by your Cooperating
School. Complete the matrix below:
School Programs/Activities Learning Outcomes
Performance Task 2 – What are other learning programs designed by the school to assist students in
their academic success?
VII. Evaluation Instrument (Formulate your instrument to gauge the effectiveness of the
My Assessment Tasks
3. Which programs are done after classes that fall outside the realm of regular curriculum and
is voluntary in nature?
A. Special program
B. Curricular program
C. Academic program
D. Extra - curricular program
4. Which activities refer to activities and programs that complement the content areas?
A. Special program
B. Curricular programs
C. Co-curricular programs
D. Extra curricular programs
5. Which special learning program aids in developing the skills of pupils who can’t read.
A. Literacy program
B. Reading program
C. aIternative program
D. Language program
My Learning Artifact(s)
Make a collage of the school’s learning programs and activities where you participated.
Your Insights
My Scoring Rubric:
Approaching Meets Does not Meet
INDICATORS Meets Standard Standard of Acceptable Acceptaable
of Excellence Excellence Standard Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Strands : 1.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy and
numeracy skills
: 2.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom structure that engages
learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities
within the available physical learning environments
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.b Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
: 6.2.c Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and
delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
: 6.2.d Develop innovation curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches,
annd resources for diverse learners
: 6.2.e Apply skills in the developing and utilizing of ICT to promote quality,
relevant and sustainable educational practices
Essential Questions:
What strategies may be used to promote literacy and numeracy skills?
What strategies may be employed to engage learners
2.1 individually?
2.2 in groups?
what strategies may be designed for meaningful exploration, discovery and hands on
activities within the available physical learning environment?
Literacy skills are those gained through reading as well as using media and technology. The
new ways to read and write have also introduced new skills:
-consuming information
- producing information
Numeracy skills- using numbers to perform calculating and estimating tasks, such as
handling cash, budgeting, measuring and analyzing.
Literacy Numeracy
Work at their own level rather than Getting to a deeper level understanding
having to adapt to suit their group through having to explain a perspective
members and discuss it with others with different
These are some strategies which shall be best for individual activities.
Story telling
Sketch to stretch
Letter writing
Reflection log
Poetry writing
Essay writing
Hands-on activities – provide the learners to explore and discover learning and keep them actively
engaged in the activities. Through these activities they retain the information longer and accurately
remember the things they learned. They, also find the activities more meaningful, enjoyable and
Some hands-on activities are: number maker, play the bag game, algebra tic-tac-toe, human knot game,
verbs relay race, toss and blend, compare fractions, card game, cause and effect cards, conconant blend,
scavenger hunt, multiplication table games, sight words memory game and the like.
My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 – Write your Learning Plan for your demonstration lesson using the Daily Lesson
Plan format prescribed by DepEd. Make sure to incorporate the strategies that will promote literacy and
numeracy skills. Employ individual and group activitiesto make the class more enjoyable.
Performance Task 2
Write your BEFORE, DURING and AFTER teaching strategies that you will do in your demonstration
Teaching Strategies
Performance Task 3 - Execute your Learning Plan. You will be rated by your Cooperating Teacher. College
B. Complete the matrix by checking the areas you need to improve on:
My Assessment Tasks
1. Which activities promote the use of numbers through estimating, calculating, budgeting, analyzing?
A. Media
B. Literacy
C. Numeracy
D. Information
2. Which activities develop reading as well as the use of media and technology?
A. Media
B. Literacy
C. Numeracy
D. Information
3. Which activities allow the learners to explain and discover the learning concepts through its
application in the real world context?
A. Musical activities
B. Performance tasks
C. Hands-on activities
D. Real work activities
A. Team teaching
B. Team work strategies
C. Cooperative strategies
D. Collaborative strategies
A. To develop self-esteem
B. To promote independence
C. To ensure teamwork and unity
D. To let them enjoy and learn at the same time.
My Learning Artifact(s)
Make a photo collage of the demonstration lesson you have conducted in your cooperating school.
Make a reflective journal, too.
My Scoring Rubric:
Approaching Meets Does not Meet
INDICATORS Meets Standard Standard of Acceptable Acceptaable
of Excellence Excellence Standard Standard
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer
Outcomes of
Education : 6.2.g Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local,
national, and global realities
: 6.2.h Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied
experiential and field-based oppurtunities
CFSAT : 7.G.1 Internalize teachers’ professional code of ethics as specified in one’s country
: 7.G.2 Uphold and model teachers’ professional code of ethics
: 7.G.3 Educate learners and co-teachers with ethics and moral values
Essential Questions:
What is your personal philosophy of teaching?
What behaviors must be exhibited by professional teachers?
How do we establish professional links with colleagues?
How can you concretize the professional development goals based on this Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)?
A personal teaching philosophy is a statement of beliefs and attitudes relative to purpose of education
and role of teaching.
According to Stephen Brookkfiel in his book The Skillful Teacher (1990) the development of a teaching
philosophy can be used for several purposes.
Personal Purpose- A clean picture of why you are doing what you see are doing that you can
call at points of crisis. This is crucial to your personal sanity and morals.
Pedagogical Purpose- Knowing clearly what kind of dent/niche you want to make in the world
that you must continually ask yourself. The fundamental evaluative questions of all: “What
effect am I having on students and their learning?”
Source: Brookfield. S. (2006). The skillful teacher teacher, San Francisco: Jossey – Bass
Source: Wiltz, Nancy W. Et al. (2013). Developing and presenting a professional portfolio in early
childhood Educ. Pearson educ. Inc.
My Performance Tasks
Performance Task 1 – Observe your cooperating teacher for several weeks and months. How does
she/he exhibit the qualities of caring, respect and integrity?
As a teaching intern, how did you exhibit the qualities of caring, respect and integrity. Cite specific
situations or instances.
Performance Task 2
A. Cite specific instances on how you establish professional links with your colleagues.
B. Interview your CT, ask him/her how she/he establishes professional links with colleagues.
Performance Task 3
A) Read the Philippine Professional Standards (PPST) for Beginning Teachers. Explain how you will
realize the professional development goals using these standards.
My Assessment Tasks
4. Which PPST domain includes five strands that emphasizes on the management of the teaching-
learning processes, resources and professional collaboration among teachers?
A. Diversity of learners
B. Learning environment
C. Curriculum and planning
D. Content, Knowledge and pedagogy
5. Which are seven domains and thirty seven (37) indicators that embody the standards to ensure
effective measures of professional learning, competent practice and effective engagement?
A. National Competency Based Teachers Standards (NCBTS)
B. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)
C. Competency Standards for Professionals (CSP)
D. Standards for Pre-Service Teachers (SPST)
My Learning Artifact(s)
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Has all the Has some aspects of Has minimal No aspects of
aspects of work work that exceed aspects of work work meets
that exceed level level of expectation that meet level level of
of expectation of expectation expectation
Shows Demonstrates solid With some Has errors,
exemplary performance and errors and omission and
performance undersdtanding mastery is not misconceptions
Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answer answer answer correct answer