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Cylinder Valves Designs


Valve Operating Device

Component which actuates the valve operating
mechanism – handwheel, key, knob or actuator.

Valve Operating Mechanism

Mechanism which opens &
closes the valve orifice.

Portion of the valve body
through which gas is
Residual Pressure Device (RPD) introduced or discharged.

Device that is designed to prevent

ingress of contaminants by
maintaining a positive pressure within
the cylinder relative to atmosphere by Valve Body
closing off its internal gas passages in Portion of the valve that contains
the discharging direction. the orifice, seat, inlet & outlet
connections. It is machined to accept
the components to create the valve
assembly & sealing system.

Pressure Relief Device (PRD)

Device used to prevent the pressure
in a normally charged cylinder
from rising above a predetermined Inlet
maximum, thereby preventing Portion of the valve body that
rupture of the cylinder in case of fire connects to the cylinder.
& / or overfilling.

Sealing surface surrounding the orifice
in the valve body

Cylinder Valves Designs

Packed Valves
(Key Operated, Single Spindle, Metal Seated)

These valves, available in Brass, Al-Si Bronze and Carbon Steel,

use compressed packing to make a seal around the valve spindle
& body. To ensure a good seal, the packing nut is tightened to
compress the packing against the spindle. As this results in higher
torques, the valve is operated with wrench. The design allows for
tightening of the gland nut in case of leakage past the packings.
These valves are used for corrosive gases because of the ability of
the operating mechanism to withstand higher torques to overcome
any build-up of salts or contaminants in the seating area. These
valves are generally used up to valve test pressure of 50 bar &
not preferred for high purity applications because of particulate
generation from valve seat & packing wear.

O-ring Seal Valves

(Two-piece Spindle, Soft Seated) 02
These valves, available in brass body, have a non-rising upper
spindle & threaded lower spindle. It uses O-ring/s to create
a seal around the upper spindle. These valves are easier
to operate than packed valves due to absence of packing
load on the upper spindle & hence used for a wide range of
pressure & non-corrosive gas applications where low torque
operation is desired. The top spindle is designed to fail first,
allowing valve maintenance & package content recovery in the
event of a failure, even when the cylinder is full. These valves
come in key, toggle, handwheel & handle operation.

Handwheel Key
a) Key Operation
Operation Operation
The upper spindle is usually manufactured from Stainless
steel as the valves are expected to withstand high torques in
the field.

b) Handwheel Operation
The upper spindle is fitted to a handwheel to operate the
valve by hand. This restricts imparting of high torques by the
user to operate the valve, preventing damage to the operating
mechanism & facilitating high cycle life.

Your Safety Is Valued

Cylinder Valves Designs

Residual Pressure
Valves (RPV) 03
These are handwheel operated O-ring seal valves fitted with
an offline or inline Residual Pressure Device (RPD). The RPD
has a built in Non-Return Valve (NRV) function to prevent
backflow of downstream contents preventing contamination
risks as a result of positive pressure always present in the
cylinder. RPV technology provides improved safety of the
cylinder & ensures purity of gas contents eliminating the need
to purge cylinder each time it comes back for filling. The user
needs a filling connector consisting of a projected “Pin” during
filling & evacuation to neutralize the NRV function.
Offline RPV Inline RPV

Inline RPV Offline RPV

The RPD is contained within the outlet & therefore is mainly The outlet is offset with respect to the inlet plane & the RPD is
used for external threaded outlet requiring sealing on the face. backside of the outlet. Offline valves can be designed for any
Due to limitation of the volume within which the inline RPD outlet connection but are mainly used for outlet with internal
have to be accommodated, they have greater flow limitation threads & for external threaded outlet requiring sealing in the
than the offline version. cone. They are less restrictive on the flow passage of the valve.

Diaphragm Seal Valves

(Handwheel Operated, Two-piece Spindle, Soft Seated)

These valves, available in brass & stainless steel body, use

diaphragms for gland sealing. The gland nut threads into
the valve body & clamps the outer edges of the diaphragms
against a ledge in the valve body to form a seal. The lower
spindle assembly is non-threaded & encased in a spring which
forces it away from the seat when the valve is opened. The
upper spindle is threaded into the gland nut.

The replacement of elastomeric seals with metal diaphragms

gives the valve superior leak integrity. The lower spindle is non-
threaded & non-lubricated making the design highly suitable
for toxic, pyrophoric & high purity gas. The valve opening is
restricted by the stroke of the diaphragm, limiting the flow
through the valve. Due to high torque required to close the
valve by overcoming cylinder pressure X area of the diaphragm
plus the spring force, the use of these valves is limited to
cylinder pressure up to 200 bar.
Cylinder Valves Designs

Compression Packed
Valves with O-ring Seal
(Handwheel Operated, Two-piece Spindle, Soft Seated)

These valves, available in Brass, Al-Si Bronze, Carbon Steel &

Stainless Steel body, combine compressed gland packing &
O-ring technology to gland seal the valve. The lower spindle
connects to the upper spindle via a slip joint. The lower
spindle assembly seals against the seat without rotating,
reducing wear & particle generation. The gland nut is usually
secured by a lock nut having threads in the opposite direction
to prevent accidental loosening of the gland nut.

Unlike the single spindle packed valve, the packing is smaller,

better contained, spring loaded & backed by O-ring/s. This
allows the mechanism to seal with handwheel up to 200 bar &
eliminates the need to retighten gland nut making the design
very suitable for toxic & corrosive gases.

Reverse Seated Valves

These are brass valves & use an O-ring to seal around the
valve spindle. Pressure tends to keep the valve shut & as
the cylinder pressure decreases, the total force available
to sustain valve shut-off also decreases & seat closure
is achieved by spring force. If there is a leak at the seat
when the valve closes, there is no way to manually apply
more force.

This design is used for squeeze grip carbon dioxide

valves for firefighting application where quick release of

gas content is desired.

Your Safety Is Valued

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