Internship Report HBL
Internship Report HBL
Internship Report HBL
No one can say that I am perfect, everyone should admit that without the help of ALLAH and His people a man cant et anythin so I bow my head before
almi hty Allah with ratitude! I am also very much thankful and presents salute to many individuals who have helped me in shapin this report !I am also very much thankful to lot of former fellows and contemporary collea ues who took the time and trouble durin the last few days to speak to me about the way this te"t could be further improved! I have no wards to e"press my ratitude to my advisor #r! Bilal $han Lodhi for his intellectual uidance without which it could have been rather
difficult for me to complete this report! I am also very thankful to the staff Habib Bank Ltd! %innah &howk branch especially to #r! $halid #ahmood 'o ar (#ana er )perations* who provided me an opportunity to work in friendly environment! It was an honor and pleasure to work with+ #r! Rao ,aleem -llah khan (#ana er HBL %innah &howk branch* #r! Asif I.bal (Asst! #ana er /orei n 0rade 'epartment* #adam Aysha (1ublic Relation )fficer* #r! Haroon Butt (#ana er &redit 'epartment* #r! Ali Ra2a ,hah (Head cash 'epartment*
Internship Report
2 5"ecutive ,ummary 5volution of Bankin &ommercial Bankin in 1akistan History of Bankin in 1akistan About HBL 1akistan History and Back round 1rivati2ation HBLs #ission, ;ision and values Board of 'irectors #ana ement &orporate information
34 37 36 38
36 38 39 to 3: 43 to 4:
39 3=
,<)0 Analysis )perations of HBL Bankin 'epartments in HBL 1roducts and services of HBL
73 79 to 9>
Learnin and 'uties as an Intern /orei n 5"chan e 'epartment Bills clearin 'epartment &redit 'epartment Account, lockers, A0# 'epartment Assi nments Impact on my &areer
9? to =8
3? 3: 43
Award and /inancial performance in 733? Recommendations @lossary, Biblio raphy, Inde"
executive summary
5very student of #aster in Business Administration at &)#,A0, Institute of Information 0echnolo y has an essential re.uirement to do ,i" to 5i ht weeks internship in any of the well reputed or ani2ation! 0he purpose of this pro ram is to ac.uaint the students with practical applications of theoretical concepts tau ht to them durin conduct of their #BA pro ram! 0he internship in Habib Bank was arran ed by the Aob placement cell of the institute! Really, it was a nice opportunity to have a close comparison of theoretical concept in practical field, involvin the use of
Internship Report
primary and secondary data! All the efforts on the way are summari2ed in shape of this Internship Report! Report starts with the topic evolution of bankin ! 0he word BBankB is said to have been derived from the words Bancus or Ban.ue or Bank! 0his history of bankin bankin is traced to as early as 7333 B!&! 0alkin about commercial in 1akistan It was very difficult for 1akistan to build up its own Bankin
system immediately after independence without sufficient resources! By 63th %une 4:8? the number of schedule banks in 1akistan declined from mere scratch! 0oday there are more than >333 branches of commercial banks alon with an established network of supplementary financial institutions! All this development in the bankin sector is the result of untirin efforts of si" decades! HBL was the first commercial bank to be established in 1akistan in 4:8>! )ver the years, HBL has branches across the country and a customer base e"ceedin relationships! )n 'ecember 7:, 7336 1akistanBs 1rivati2ation &ommission announced that the @overnment of 1akistan had formally ranted the A a $han /und for 5conomic 'evelopment (A$/5'* ri hts to 94C of the shareholdin in HBL, a ainst an investment of 1$R 77!83: billion (-,' 6?: million*! 0his report contains information about HBLs board of directors, mana ement, mission, vision and values! HBLs operations are discussed in li ht of its workin department in the branches like cash, clearin , forei n e"chan e and accounts department and also in li ht of its services and products which it is offerin to customers weather they are individual, business, corporate or a riculture field related customers! HBL is currently offerin phone bankin , internet bankin and various cash mana ement services for the facilitation of its customers! HBLs car to car loan has its own uni.ueness in 1akistans bankin sector! HBLs branch network is e"tended all over the 1akistan which has its competitive ed e over all other private sector banks in 1akistan! 'urin the time of my internship in Habib Bank %innah &howk branch ,ahiwal I ot the chance to work in all the departments of HBL workin there! 'uties and learnin in each department is iven in this report! 0alkin about financial positive performance of the bank in 733? all the financial indicators are showin rown its branch network and become the lar est private sector bank with over 4,893 five million
results when the financial performance of the bank in 733? is compared with financial performance of 733>! 'urin 733? HBL also won some awards! At the end of this report I have iven my su estion for the improvement of the bank!
Internship Report
Evolution of bankin
0he word BBankB is said to have been derived from the words Bancus or Ban.ue or Bank! 0his history of bankin is traced to as early as 7333 B!&! 0he priests in @reece used to keep money and valuables of the people in temples! 0hese priests thus acted as financial a ents! 0he ori in of bankin is also traced to early oldsmiths! 0hey used to keep stron safes for storin the money and valuables of the people! 0he persons who had surplus money found it safe and convenient of deposit their valuables with them! 0he first sta e in the development of modern bankin , thus, was the acceptin of deposits of cash from those persons who had surplus money with them! 0he oldsmiths used to issue receipts for the money deposited with them!
0hese receipts be an to pass from hand to hand in settlement of transactions because people had confidence in the inte rity and solvency of oldsmiths! <hen it was found that these receipts were fully accepted in payment of debtsD then the receipts were drawn in such a way that it entitled any holder to claim the specified amount of money from oldsmiths! A depositor who is to make the payments may now et the money in cash from oldsmiths or pay over the receipt to the creditor! 0hese receipts were the earlier bank notes! 0he second sta e in the development of bankin thus was the issue of bank notes!
0he oldsmiths soon discovered that all the people who had deposited money with them do not come to withdraw their funds in cash! 0hey found that only a few persons presented the receipts for encashment durin a iven period of time! 0hey also found that most of the money deposited with them was lyin idle! At the same timeD they found that they were bein constantly re.uested for loan on ood security! 0hey thou ht it profitable to lend at least some of the money deposited with them to the needy persons! 0his proved .uite a profitable business for theE oldsmiths! 0hey instead of char in safe keepin char es from the depositors be an to ive them interest on the money deposited with them! 0his was the third sta e in the
Internship Report
development of bankin !
announcement of the partition plan in %une 4:8> there was a haste movement on the parts of banks to transfer their funds and accounts across the borders! 0he banks havin their re istered offices in 1akistan were transferred to India! In an effort to brin about the collapse of the new state by the persecutin an international policy of withdrawal, the Indian bank offices closed .uickly! 0hose banks, which stayed, were considerin the windin up of their business! By 63th %une 4:8? the number of schedule banks in 1akistan declined from mere scratch!
0oday there are more than >333 branches of commercial banks alon with an established network of supplementary financial institutions! All this development in the bankin sector is the result of untirin efforts of four decades!
Internship Report
studyin the rowth of this sector we can divide it into three sta es, which are as follows+ a* b* c* 1reGNationali2ation 5ra Nationali2ation 5ra 1ost Nationali2ation 5ra
At the time of partition there were =64 bank branches in area which came under 1akistani control! But due to blood shed and violence at lar e scale, mostly branches were closed and the disparity can be assessed from the fact that on %uly 4:8? there were 4:9 branches with deposits of Rs!?? crore (??3 million* only! Also a factor la in in 1akistani industry was a central bank of its own, by that time as central bank for both countries and same Reserve Bank of India was actin
currency notes were used in both territories! But Reserve Bank of India was biased and ,et down 1akistan on many occasions such as the issue of funds transfer etc!
improvement of overall position! 0he private sector also responded to these chan es and some very positive chan es were observed! ,ome of the steps taken by the overnment in this re ard were as under+
4* Inau uration of ,tate Bank of 1akistan (,B1* on 4st %uly, 4:8?! 7* ,ettin up of National Bank of 1akistan in November, 4:8: to control the BAuteB e"port in 5ast 1akistan and to act as a ent of ,B1! 6* Lar er powers were iven to ,B1 throu h ,B1 Act (4:9=* for controllin purposes!
Internship Report
8* Bankin &ompanies )rdinance 4:=7 for protection and uidance to banks! 9* 5stablishment of speciali2ed banks, such as A'B1 (4:97*D a* HB/& (Nov, 4:97*D b* 14&I& ()ct, 4:9>* c* I'B1 (Au ! 4:=4*D d* N'/& (%an, 4:>6*!
0hese were the steps, which built a stron bankin sector in 1akistan! 0his is also obvious from the facts that by 4:>6 there were almost 43 forei n banks were workin in 1akistan and all over deposit position was around Rs!7633 crore (76,333 million*! A bird eye view of 9 top banks was as iven below+
)n %anuary 34, 4:>8 all 1akistani banks were nationali2ed throu h Nationali2ation Act 4:>8! -nder this law all 1akistani banks became a public property! All small banks were mer ed in bi er banks to create 9 maAor 1akistani banks 1akistani banks! 0hese banks were to control by 1akistan Bankin &ouncil! 0here are still controversies about this act of overnment as whether it contributed in success of failure of banks! However the maAor chan es after nationali2ation were as
Internship Report
follows+ <orkin of banks was e"tended to under developed areas! #arket e"pansion for credit and deposits! 'ecrease in service level of bank officers! 'ecrease in profitability as well!
However the effect of e"pansion was enormous and it can also be depicted with the help of table 7 which shows the deposit F branch positions of different nationali2ed banks!
Bank HBL NBP UBL MCB ABL TOTAL No. of Branch s 1926 1448 1684 1288 750 7096
amendments were made to Nationali2ation Act 4:>8 and two nationali2ed banks were privati2ed! Alon with this a permission to open banks in private sector was also ranted! 0he rules re ardin establishment of new banks and for incomin forei n banks were also rela"ed!
Internship Report
a* #&B taken up by a private roup in April, 4::4 b* ABL taken up by its own employees in ,eptember, 4::4! c* -BL taken up by -A5 party in 7337!
d* 'ecember 7:, 7336 HBL was taken by A$/5' After these chan es a lar e number of private and forei n banks started their operations in 1akistan and the present status can be seen from the followin fi ure+
S! cialis # Banks
HBL was the first commercial bank to be established in 1akistan in 4:8>! )ver the rown its branch network and become the lar est private sector bank with over 4,893 branches across the country and a customer base e"ceedin five million relationships! <ith a presence in 79 countries, subsidiaries in Hon $on and the -$, affiliates in Nepal, Ni eria, $enya and $yr y2tan and representative offices in Iran and &hina, HBL is also the lar est domestic multinational! 0he Bank is e"pandin its presence in principal international markets includin the -$, -A5,
Internship Report
,outh and &entral Asia, Africa and the /ar 5ast! $ey areas of operations encompass product offerin s and services in Retail Bankin ! HBL has the lar est &orporate Bankin portfolio in 1akistan with an active Investment Bankin arm! ,#5 and A riculture lendin pro rammes and bankin services are offered in urban and rural centers! In the -$ and @&&, HBL focuses on trade finance and remittances for the ,outh Asian 'iaspora in addition to basic bankin facilities! HBL has always been a bank and a brand for the masses, with a history that is ine"tricably linked with the history of 1akistan itself! As it continues to row, both locally and abroad, it strives to embody its brand personality+ honest, approachable, and inclusive! HBL is currently rated AAH (Lon term* and A4H (,hort term*I! It is the first 1akistani bank to raise 0ier II &apital from e"ternal sources!
Internship Report
4:94 and Habib Bank 1la2a was built in 4:>7 to commemorate the banks 79th Anniversary! <ith a domestic market share of over 83C, HBL was nationali2ed in 4:>8 and it continued to dominate the commercial bankin sector with a maAor market share in inward forei n remittances (99C* and loans to small industries, traders and farmers! International operations were e"panded to include the -,A, ,in apore, )man, Bel ium, ,eychelles and #aldives and the Netherlands!
Internship Report
0o make our customers prosper, our staff e"cel and create value for shareholders!
)ur values are the fundamental principles that define our culture and are brou ht to life in our attitude and behaviors! It is these values that make us uni.ue and unmistakable! )ur values are defined below+
0his is at the core of everythin we do! 0he markets in which we operate are becomin increasin ly competitive, ivin our customers an abundance of choice! )nly throu h bein the very best K in terms of the service we offer, our products and premises G can we hope to be successful and row!
<e are the leadin bank in 1akistan and our success depends upon trust! )ur customers G and society in eneral K e"pect us to possess and steadfastly adhere to hi h moral principles and professional standards!
Customer Focus
<e understand fully the needs of our customers and adapt our products and services to meet these! <e always strive to put the satisfaction of our customers first!
<e believe in ivin opportunities and advanta es to our employees on the basis of their ability! <e believe in rewardin achievement and in providin firstGclass career opportunities for all!
<e believe in the advancement of society throu h the adoption of enli htened workin practices, innovative new products and processes and a spirit of enterprise!
#oar' of Directors
Internship Report
R! Lakir #ahmood
1R5,I'5N0 F &!5!)
#ushta. #alik
Ahmed %awad
Masin #alik
#oe2 %amal
Internship Report
Internship Report
BOA3/ O /034CTO3
3470ONAL CH04
Internship Report
1resident ,enior 5"ecutive ;ice 1resident (,5;1* ,enior ;ice 1resident (,;1* ;ice 1resident (;1* Assistant ;ice 1resident (A;1* )fficers @rade 4 )fficer @rade II )fficer @rade III &ashier &lerks 1eon
Cor/orate "nformation
Internship Report
Hea+ Office
HBL Plaza
I! I! &hundri ar Road $arachiG>9=93, 1akistan! 0el + H:7 (74* 784?333 N93 linesO /a" + H:7 (74* :74>944
'egistere+ Office
8th /loor, Habib Bank 0ower %innah Avenue Islamabad, 1akistan! 0el+ H:7 (94* 7?>7736 /a"+ H:7 (94* 7?>7739
0H$ Associates (1vt!* Ltd! @round /loor, ,tate Life Bld No! 6 'r! Liauddin Ahmed Road $arachi, 1akistan! 0el+ H:7 (74* 444G333G677
&orporate website: www!hbl!com 0reasury website+ www!hbl tr!com!pk 5bank (internet bankin *+ www!hblebank!com
$1#@ 0aseer Hadi F &o! &hartered Accountants
Global location
Internship Report
Global locations
Internship Report
%0ot analysis
Internship Report
,tren th can be defined as an area where a company is best at doin somethin or a feature that puts the company at an advanta e in comparison to its competitors! HBL enAoys the followin stren ths+ HABIB BAN$ is a well established bank enAoyin lon history of over =9 years of e"perience and profitable operation! HBL is the lar est private bank in 1akistan now and people trust is very hi h! It has the lar est branch network amon private banks of 1akistan! HBL has been very effective in controllin costs as it successfully restructured itself after its privati2ation! 'urin this process more than 4,=33 employees were relieved under a closed! 5"cellent branches appearance ives an ed e to HBL over other banks! 0he branches are well furnished even in less developed areas where other banks branches ive a poor view! HBL has the ability to brin innovative products and services like personali2ed service, electronic funds 0ransfer, sophisticated financial products such as electronic bankin , autoGteller machines and evenin bankin ! 0he Banks Rupee 0raveler &he.ues have been market leaders for the past si" years! HBLs car to car financin scheme is uni.ue in auto loan se ment! Habib bank is an internationally reco ni2ed name in bankin products! HBL has for ed strate ic alliances with international banks for e"pandin its network further, both locally and internationally! services and olden handshake scheme and 443 branches were
A weakness is defined as an area in an or ani2ation where the or ani2ation is not as ood at doin somethin as its competitors or a thin which an or ani2ation lacks
Internship Report
thus puttin
Based on the above definition, HBL has the followin weaknesses! Lack of communication between bank and customers about terms and condition of products and services! Like centrali2ation of che.ue book issuin process! 5mployees at branch level are not properly motivated to work by heart! 0hey take the all routine activities as a borin Aob! #ost of the employees lack mana erial trainin as they are not properly
educated! 'ue to seniority, they have moved up on the hierarchy line to @radeGI, II or III positions havin hardly bachelor de rees! 0his type of senior staff cannot apply the modern and innovative techni.ues of mana ement in decision makin ! #ission of HBL is not well defined! 0hou h HBL is second lar est bank in 1akistan, yet the fact remains that it is not market leader as NB1! Its total assets are always less than NB1 total assets! Now as it is a privati2e bank that is why @);5RNA#5N0 support to HBL decreased as it was in past
An opportunity can be defined as a chan e in e"ternal environment which if properly e"ploited with the or ani2ational stren ths will result in enhanced sales, market
Internship Report
)pportunities re.uire e"planation therefore I have used headin s instead of arrows &/Banking @enerally speakin , three factors, .uickness, easiness and cheapness have become the catchwords for the competitiveness and usefulness of all the business operations! 1articularly it is commonplace today to say that bankin is under oin a radical transformation! 0he symptoms are new products, new players, new channels etc! 0his transformation is takin place across all sectors of the bankin industry! 0hat is why Habib bank ur ently needs to improve their ability, to think strate ically about I0 investments! )nly those banks that use their technolo y resources effectively have the opportunity to secure real competitive advanta e in this fastG chan in industry throu h real product or service differentiation! Hig. 0ark -p rates )f late markup rates have increased considerably! 1resent rates are 8C above $IB)R i!e! 4=C app"! Hi h markup rate has decreased the interest of people in loanin from from banks! Habib bank can increase its income by offerin loan at lower interest rate than other banks!
ON$IN& BANKIN* It is doin bankin transactions throu h our home 1!&! 0he banks that do business throu h net have <ebsites! 0he customer clicks into the <ebsite and ets the history of the bank! 0hen he can demand the necessary application form throu h the net! He fills in the form and passes it on to the bank! 0he )nline bankin is fast ainin round in 1akistan! ,ome software companies are also offerin networkG bankin facilities! ,o Habib bank should focus heavily on providin online bankin faculties to its customers! &urrently it is doin the same!
Internship Report
Lar e corporate customers can lo into the bankBs database and have access to their accountsJtransactions from their business houses! 0his facility has still not been started for customers in 1akistan! ,o Habib can focus on that! A2TO)ATIC T&$$&' )ACHIN& 1AT)# 0his system is known as PAny 0ime #oneyP because it allows customers who have an A0# card to withdraw money at any time from the bank without interactin with human teller! ,ince the A0# machine can be installed anywhere like petrol bunks, markets, railway stations etc, and can well be linked to the main computer! It allows customers to transact with the bank 78 hours a day and 6=9 days a year! 0hey allow the customers to transfer money to and from accounts to view account information, to receive cash! It can also be used to +eposit c.e3-es an+ cas. into the accounts! No bank in 1akistan is offerin this service currently! ,o an opportunity e"ists for Habib bank to differentiate! 'ate of ret-rn 0he ran e and choice of products available F offered by the commercial banks is limited! Rates of Return J 1rofits on 'eposits are so low and unattractive that very limited options are available to the depositors! 0hey do not match the current rate of inflation! HBL differentiate and increase its deposit by offerin return on deposits! attractive rate of
Internship Report
0hreat can be defined as a chan e in e"ternal environment which if not met with proper strate ies will result in loss of revenues, market share, or income! In the conte"t of HBLs e"ternal environment, the followin potential threats e"ist+ )ther private commercial bank with sound profitability is also a threat to HBL e! ! -BL, Alfalah, #&B etc 0he Rupee 0ravelers &he.ue (R0&* sales volumes may be affected on account of re ulatory restriction imposed by ,B1 on issuance of lar e value denominations! /or the last of 7 to 6 years, 1akistan is facin economic and political instability which is a bi threat! /orei n banks are flourishin in field of consumer financin ! Af han war and Ira. war has a deep effect on the economy of 1akistan, which has affected HBL! Increased re ulations from ,tate Bank of 1akistan may affect its business!
Internship Report
Operations of HB$
A1 bankin
;arious departments are workin in all the branches of Habib bank to facilitate the customers! /ollowin are the bankin departments functionin in HBL %innah &howk branch ,ahiwal!
4! 7! 6! 8! 9! =! >!
Account openin department! &ash department! &redit department! Lockers department! Bill clearin department! /orei n e"chan e department! I!0 department!
Internship Report
Basic function of the accounts department is to open new account and facilitate the customer for the account openin purpose! 0here are certain formalities which are to be observed for openin of an account with a Bank! 0hese formalities in brief are as under+
4O')A$ APP$ICATION5 0he customer is to fill PAccount )penin /orm! It is a formal re.uest by a customer to the bank to allow him to have and operate the account!
Doc-0ents re3-ire for opening an acco-nt5 &opy of &NI& ,ervice certificate or student card! -tility bill 1rovisional receipt $M& ($now Mour &ustomer* SP&CI)&N SI*NAT2'&5 <hen the Banker is satisfied about the inte rity of the customer, he a rees to open the account! 0he Banker obtains the specimen si natures of the customer on the si nature book or on card!
Posting t.e acco-nt on t.e syste05 After that officer has to post the new account on computer system for further processin ! 'urin the process customer id and account number is enerated! New account remains active for one day after that it is blocked by the head office until &NI& of the customer is verified from NA'RA!
Internship Report
After the &NI& verification account openin officer has to issue a che.ue book to customer so that he can be able to make withdrawal from his account! Now a day in Habib bank che.ue book issuin complete! S&C'&C65 0he secrecy of depositors account is the! Responsibility of every official en a ed in the Bank service! process is centrali2ed that take 3= days to
0ypes of accounts+
In+i7i+-al acco-nts5 Individual accounts are the most common personal investment accounts! )pened by sin le person!
8OIN ACCO2NT5 A Aoint account occurs when two or more than two customers have one account! 0he parties to a Aoint account are considered in law as they are one person!
B-siness acco-nts5 Business accounts can be opened by institutions, companies, partnerships, trusts and nonGprofit or ani2ations! /ollowin documents are re.uired!
BOOKS '&$ATIN* TO C2STO)&'S5 Pay/in/Slip <hen money is to be deposited in the bank the pay in slip is to be filled! 0he obAect of this book is to provide the customer with the banks acknowled ement for receipt of money to be credited his account!
C.e3-e Book
Internship Report
A che.uebook contains a number of che.ues, which is iven to a customer upon written re.uest and after markin by issue of che.ues! *'O2NDS 4O' C$OSIN* TH& C2STO)&'9S ACCO2NT5 0he banker may close the account of the customer due to followin reasons+ i! Notice by a &ustomer ii! 'eath of a &ustomer iii! &ustomers Insanity iv! By order of court 0( NOTIC& B6 C2STO)&' 0he banker closes the account of the customer on the application of the customer for closin his account! the payment for the che.uebook! It enables a customer to make withdrawal from his account or make payment to various parties
00( D&ATH O4 C2STO)&' )n death of his customer, the bank must stop payment on che.ues drawn on him by the deceased customer because the death revokes his authority to pay such che.ue! 0he heirs or the e"ecutors of the deceased customer are not authori2ed to operate on the accountD it can act only in accordance with provisions mentioned in the letter of probate issued by a competent courts!
000( C2STO)&'9S INSANIT6 If the customer becomes insane or mental it terminates the bankers authority to act as his customers a ent! ,ince the banker customer relationship comes to end, in such as situation, it is usually considered that the bankers authority to pay his customers che.ues is revoked by notice of insanity! However, the bankers treat their customers as it unless a fairly inclusive evidence of the customers insanity is available to them! 06( O'D&' O4 CO2'T A court of law may serve a banker with an order in arnish proceedin in e"ecution of a decree prohibitin him from honorin a customers che.ues!
Internship Report
Cas. 'e/artment
ash 'epartment is very sensitive and risky part of the bank! ;ery causations and competent personnel are needed for the %ob! HBL has really such a dili ent staff with appreciable competencies and will to do
work! #ain function of cash department is to deal with cash payment and cash
Internship Report
4! Introduction 7! ,ecurities! 6! 0ypes of credits INT'OD2CTION 0he function of credit department is to lend money in the form of clean advances, a ainst promissory notes, as well as secured advances a ainst tan ible and marketable securities! 0he bankers prefer such securities that do not run the risk of eneral depreciation due to market fluctuations! &ommon ,ecurities for the bankers advances are as under+G S&C2'ITI&S 12 *-arantees <hen an application for advance cannot offer any tan ible security, the banker may rely on personal uarantees to protect himself a ainst loss on advances or overdraft to the applicant! 22 )ortgage A mort a e is the transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of security the payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan, and e"istin or future debt, or the performance of an en a ement which may rise to a pecuniary liability! 0he transfer is called a mort a or, the transferee a mort a e! 32 Hypot.ecation <hen property in the shape of oods is char ed as security for a loan form the bank the ownership and possession is left with the borrower, the oods are said to be Hypothecated 0he essence of hypothecation is that neither the property in the oods not the possession of them are possession is left with the borrower, the oods are said to be Hypothecated the essence of hypothecation is that neither the property in the oods not the possession of them are possessed by the lender, but the security is ranted by means of letter of hypothecation, which usually provides for a bankers char e on the hypothecation oods!
Internship Report
42 Ple+ge In a pled e the ownership remains with pled e, but the pled e has the e"clusive possession of property until the advance is repaid in full! <hile in case of the default the pled e has the power of sale after ivin due notice! 52 Pro0issory Note ,ometimes promissory note is also accepted as a security, PA promissory note is an instruments in writin containin an unconditional undertakin si ned by the maker, to pay on demand or at a fi"ed or determinable future time a certain sum of money only, to or to the order of certain persons, or to the bearer or the instrument!P A promissory note is incomplete until has been delivered to payee or the bearer! #oreover, the sum promised in a promissory note may be made by two or more makers who may be liable there on Aointly and severally!
0he advances which are iven by Habib Bank Limited are as under+G 12 D&)AND 4INANC& 'Or-!"#r9 Lo#"( 'emand /inances are those advances which are allowed in lump sum for a fi"ed period and are repayable lump sum or radually in installments! T6P&S O4 AD;ANC&S a! 'emand /inance (1ackin &redit* ,cheme introduced by ,tate Bank of 1akistan for e"porter of carpet, sur ical instruments, at 2ero percent rate of interest! <hile banks provides at concessional rate of interest! b! Loan ordinary ('emand /inance to ,tudents* Sar2GeGHasana ,cheme Loans are allowed to the students, teachers without any interest or mark up with the recommendations of the #1A or #NA! c! 'emand /inance (,taff* Loans are offered to the staff of the followin four cate ories! i! House Buildin Loans a ainst mort a e of property! ii! Loan for purchasin vehicles! iii! Loan e.uivalent to months salary! 22 '2NNIN* 4INANC& 1O7er+raft# Runnin finance (old name overdrafts* are advances, which are enerally, iven to meet temporary re.uirements of the customers! A security defense to meet his commitments! ood customer use the banks runnin finance limit as a mean of protectin his credit in the market and as a line of
Internship Report
T6P&S O4 '2NNIN* 4INANC& I! -nsecured -nder such type of overdraft the bank pay upon the personal security of the customers mentioned on the customers account! II! ,ecured -nder this type of overdraft the bank allows his customer to withdraw more than his deposits after ivin security a ainst the amount overdrawn! 0he securities a ainst which they iven are+ i! ,hare certificate, ,avin certificate ii! 'eposits iii! #ort a e of property iv! @uarantee of person S)A$$ $OANS Lo#" !& #$$o:e- to co"tr#ctor& c$e#r!". #"- for:#r-!". #.e"t&2 32 4INANC& A*AINST TH& 4O'&I*N BI$$S 14A4B# 0he advance facility is allowed both to local forei n bills and is classified as under+G i! /A/B (Local* advance a ainst Railway receipts and truck receipt, a company with bills of e"chan e and invoices, are iven under this head! ii! /A/B (/orei n* advances a ainst forei n bill, coverin bills of e"chan e bills of ladin airway bills of e"chan e bills of ladin airways bills etc! 42 A*'IC2$T2'& $OANS Loans to the farmers with holdin up to 79 acres for meetin their short terms, medium and lon terms A ricultural production re.uirements, such as+ i! ii! iii! iv! A ricultural inputs 0ube wells Live ,tock /ramin Land improvement
Internship Report
52 IND2ST'IA$ $OANS Besides the shortGterm loans which play a part in workin capital medium and lon G term loans are also iven to industrial sector for purchase of machinery and other capital nature oods!
Internship Report
As far as possible, the customer desire that on of the staff member fill in a slip for him, he should be obli ed promptly! )ne portion of the perforated pay in slip is handed over to the depositor and the portion becomes the re ular portion of a credit voucher T6P&S O4 CH&<2&S CO$$&CT&D B6 C$&A'IN* D&PA'T)&NT a! 0ransfer &he.ues 0ransfer che.ues are those che.ues, which are collected and paid by the same branch of bank! b! 0ransfer 'elivery &he.ues 0ransfer 'eliver che.ues are those che.ues, which are collected and paid by two different branches of a bank, situated in the same city! c! &learin &he.ues &learin che.ues are those che.ues in which the payee (1erson who deposit che.ues for collection* and the drawer of a che.ue maintain the account with different banks! 0hese clearin instruments are handed over to NI/0 after postin necessary stamps and checkin them for any errors! 0hen further process of clearin is carried on the behalf of NI/0!
2orex De/artment
International trade is rowin and with the development of international trade it has become more imperative! /or countries to devote more and more attention to the complicated mechanism of /orei n 5"chan e! It is more important in case of developin countries! It is need of time, that a country should conserve its forei n e"chan e resources! )&ANIN* O4 4O'&I*N &=CHAN*& 0he forei n e"chan e term refers to the principles that determine the rate of e"chan e! It covers followin three senses+ i! 0he mechanism or system by which international obli ations or indebtedness are fulfilled! ii! 0he currency of one country is e"chan ed for that of another! iii! 0he principles on which the people of world settle their debts to one another!
Internship Report
$etter of Cre+it5 It is a ne otiable instrument throu h which the bank of the e"porter deals with bank of the importer throu h the uarantee of a bank! 0here are different parties involved in the LJ&, eG importer, e"porter, importer bank, e"porter bank, and advisory bank! L& involves bankin channels in forei n trade to miti ate risk! 0he procedure of openin of an LJ& is as follow 0he first thin is the 1erforma invoice! 0he 1erforma invoice is a document (say a clip*, which is, sends by the e"porter to the importer and includes the information like! 'escriptions of oods, what type of oods you are needed and what are the .uality, rate and ori inatin country etc! Before to open a LJ& the bank also consider that the oods which the importer is importin is allowed by ovt! of 1akistan or not! Because the importer is not allowed to import that oods which are prohibited by the @ovt! of 1akistan! 0he importer is asked to show the membership certificate of any chamber of commerce and industry affiliated with the 1akistan federation of chamber of commerce and industry! /ill the import form of the ovt! of 1akistan, which is the proof of this that there is no obAection on the oods, which the customer is importin ! <hat type of oods you are needed and what are the .uality, rate and ori inatin country etc! Necessary 'ocuments re.uired for LJ&+ N0N 0a" Authority re istration certificate &hamber of Associations trade certificate 0ype of Business NI& #ar in Re istration No! Application for LJ& )n providin these documents the importer will be iven the LJ& form named as IBG?! Contents of IB > 4! Re.uest for L&
Internship Report
7! Rate 6! Importer and 5"porters particulars 8! Amount 9! 0erms =! 1artial ,hipment (Allowed, not allowed* >! 0ransshipment (Allowed, Not Allowed* ?! 1ort of Loadin and destination :! 1ayment #ode I! ,i ht )n seein the documents the importer has to pay! II! At ,i ht and Ne otiation+ It means that e"porter will submit his documents with the bank and immediately asks for payment! III! Acceptance+ )n showin the documents to the importer, the bank asks him to accept that he will pay within 63, =3, :3, 473, 4?3 etc days! 43! 'ocuments Re.uired+ &ertificate of )ri in! &ommercial Invoice Bill of Ladin J Air way bill! C.arges5 /or LJ& followin char es are applicableD &ommission 1osta e LJ& Advisin commission LJ& amendment &ommission LJ& confirmation &ommission LJ& Ne otiation &ommission 1ayment #ode+ In forei n trade payment modes are 4* Advance 1ayment+ Importer makes payment before delivery of oods!
Internship Report
7* )pen AJ&+ Importer makes payment after receivin the oods! Iss-ing foreign e:c.ange acco-nts c.e3-es books Another function of forei n e"chan e department in %innah &howk branch is to issue forei n e"chan e accounts che.ues books to customers on re.uest! 0his process is not yet centrali2ed! &he.ue book is issued within 49 minute of receivin re.uest from customers after makin necessary re ister entries and postin stamps on it!
!etail #ankin
0"-!1!-u#$ Cu&to*er&
Internship Report
De/osit Accounts
C-rrent Acco-nts
#ake unlimited transactions while maintainin a low minimum balance every month! HBL is currently offerin three types of accounts in current account cate ory! 0heir detail and name is as under! 4! HBL Business;alueAccount 7! &urrent Account 6! Basic Bankin Account (BBA*
HB$ B-siness;al-eAcco-nt
-ni.ue transactional account for Businessmen -p to 9!69CI profit per annum 1rofit calculated daily, paid every .uarter #inimum balance of Rs! 73,333 HBL 'ebit&ard and Inter Branch 0ransaction ,ystem (IB0,* facilities -p to 43 Bankers &he.ues free (at minimum balance of Rs! 933,333* /unds transfer to any bank throu h HBL 1honeBankin
C-rrent Acco-nt
#inimum balance of Rs! 9,333 -nlimited transactions NonGprofit bearin HBL 'ebit&ard and Inter Branch 0ransaction ,ystem (IB0,* facilities /unds transfer to any bank throu h HBL 1honeBankin
Internship Report
Sa7ings acco-nts
Avail the fle"ibility of makin transactions while earnin profit on dailyJmonthly basis! HBL is currently offerin five types of accounts in savin s account cate ory! 0heir detail and name is as under! 4! HBL ;alue Account 7! 1L,G,avin s Account 6! Remittance #unafa 1lus ,avin s Account 8! 'aily #unafa Account 9! 'aily 1ro ressive Account
P$S/Sa7ings Acco-nt
9!3=C profit per annumI 1rofit paid biGannually HBL 'ebit&ard and Inter Branch 0ransaction ,ystem (IB0,* facilities /unds transfer to any bank throu h HBL 1honeBankin #inimum balance of Rs! 73,333 -nlimited transactions
Internship Report
Ter0s Acco-nts
Invest your savin s in HBL term deposits for a fi"ed duration and earn profit while keepin your savin s secure! HBL is currently offerin one type of account in terms account cate ory! 0heir detail and name is as under! 4! HBL Advanta e Account
Internship Report
,avin s Account offered in 6 currencies, -,' (-, dollar*, 5-R (5uros* and @B1 (-$ pound* 0iered product, with rates dependin on choice of currency 0o earn profit, minimum balance in -,', 5-R and @B1 is 4,333 Interest is payable on a .uarterly basis
?NOT&5 All the rate and terms and condition are revised by HBL after every si" months periods! 0hese rates are only applicable for period 34!3>!3: to 64!47!3:! /urther detail of terms and conditions about profit and rates is iven in anne" QBR!
Internship Report
&hoice of used, new localJimported and reconditioned imported car! Repayment options ran in -pto > years! -pto ?9C of financin for the car of your choice! Insurance at all times for complete peace of mind and security! Round the clock support available throu h HBL 1honeBankin D you can place your re.uests and .ueries, track the status of your repaymentJloan account and avail other valueGadded services throu h HBL 1honeBankin !
&ligibility Criteria
Internship Report
Ho@ to apply
%ust visit any HBL branch or Habib Bank Auto /inance &entre for details and application! ,ubmit complete set of application without any char es to the branch or the Auto &enter! ,i n the necessary documents on approval of the application 1ayment is released within 78 hours of the submission of postGdated che.ues and initial payment after approval of the re.uest!
Salari # In#i)i#$als &omplete Application /orm ,alary &ertificate J #ost recent ,alary ,lip Bank ,tatement for past one year 0wo &opies of NI& 5mployment &ertificate with date of Aoinin 0wo passport si2e photo raphs &opy of the last paid utility bill (residence* Self/&0ploye+ B-siness personsAProfessionals &omplete Application /orm 0wo &opies of NI& 0wo passport si2e photo raphs Letter of proprietorship J Re istered 1artnership 'eed &ertified latest /orm A and /orm 7:, where applicable, alon with articles and #emorandum of Association &opy of last paid utility bill (residence* Bank ,tatement for the last 4 year
Internship Report
HBL &ar0o&ar is a revolutionary car financin offer! It makes the car of customer choice affordable and practical with a b-y back g-arantee! HBL &ar0o&ar offers matchless features and uni.ue options at the end of the lease! Now customer can drive a new car at the end of every two years!
Pa* onl* for +ha" *o$ $s <hen customer lease a car under HBL &ar0o&ar, he only pay for that part of the cars value that he use durin the lease term! 0he cars residual value (forecasted for the end of the specific lease term* is a reed with him at the start of the lease term! 0his amount is deducted from the car price thus lowerin the finance amount! 0his finance amount is based only on a part of the cars value and not the full value of the car! 0herefore, HBL &ar0o&ar offers very low installments as compared to any conventional financin ! ,!&ra# of lif s"*l HBL ives customer the uarantee that if he wishes to return the car to HBL at the end of the lease term, he will not have to pay off the cars residual value! Instead, HBL will directly settle this outstandin any complication and hassle! Affor#a-ili"* <ith HBL &ar0o&ar, customer only has to pay the difference between the car price and the preGa reed residual value to the bank! As a result, the monthly installment may even be 83C to 93C less than that of conventional financin ! Fl .i-ili"* HBL &ar0o&ar offers customers several choices at the end of the lease term+ T 2pgra+e G ,imply return the car to HBL and drive a new one home T ,alk a@ay / Return the car to HBL and end the lease T B-y / $eep the same car! %ust make a oneGtime settlement of the cars residual value to HBL or pay the same in easy installments over a specified e"tended period of time liability for customer under the buy back uarantee! Hence, he can up rade to a new car as fre.uently as two years without
Internship Report
T Sell / 5nAoy the ain from sellin off the car at a hi her price in the market than what you ay HBL as the residual value
&ligibility Criteria
Salari # In#i)i#$als &omplete Application /orm ,alary &ertificate J #ost recent ,alary ,lip Bank ,tatement for past one year 0wo &opies of NI& 5mployment &ertificate with date of Aoinin 0wo passport si2e photo raphs &opy of the last paid utility bill (residence* Self/&0ploye+ B-siness personsAProfessionals &omplete Application /orm 0wo &opies of NI& 0wo passport si2e photo raphs Letter of proprietorship J Re istered 1artnership 'eed &ertified latest /orm A and /orm 7:, where applicable, alon with articles and #emorandum of Association &opy of last paid utility bill (residence* Bank ,tatement for the last 4 year
Internship Report
Internship Report
B$* no+/ !a* la" r Buy what customer want, when he want and pay for it later! A credit card statement will be sent to him every month with details of all his purchases! He will have 74 credit free days to make the payment from the statement date! &ustomer should pay at least 6 days in advance if he makes your payment by che.ues to allow enou h time for clearance!
Pa* as %$ch as c$s"o% r +an"s A customer can pay the entire or as little as 9C of the outstandin balance in his statement! 0he unpaid amount will be transferred to his ne"t months statement alon with applicable services char es! Cash a#)anc &ustomer can o to any specified HBL branch and withdraw cash at the counter! He can also o to any 4Link A0# in 1akistan and more than 4,333,333 A0#s worldwide displayin the ;isaJ1lus lo o! <ithdraw cash up to the available cash advance limit on his HBL &redit &ard for a char e applicable from the withdrawal date! Balanc "ransf r facili"* &ard holder can pay off balances he owes to other banks throu h his HBL &redit &ard at a lower service char e! S c$ri"* &ard holder cannot lose cash if he doesnt carry itU In the event that his card ets stolenJlost, he should call HBL 1honeBankin to have his card blocked immediately!
Internship Report
him with a complete record of all his transactions so he can mana e his e"penses with ease!
No In" r s" HBL ;isa 'ebit &ard is the perfect way of payin for purchases as it ives access to the e"act amount of money a customer needed, as and when he needs it! 0here is no interest or credit on payments because he spends from the money available in his personal HBL Account! Eas 0 S c$ri"* HBL ;isa 'ebit &ard offers ease and convenience because card holder doesnt have to visit an A0# to withdraw cash! 1ayin with the HBL 'ebit card is safe because it eliminates the need to carry cash! A sin le swipe automatically debits the e"act purchase amount from his personal HBL account! S! n#in& 1i%i"s 0he daily spendin limit at shops and outlets on HBL ;isa 'ebit &ard is Rs! 433,333! (0hese fi ures are subAect to the balance available in account*! Fr Acco$n" S"a" % n"
HBL cardholders receive a free monthly account statement for their 'ebit &ard and A0# transactions to help them keep track of their spendin ! In" rna"ional R co&ni"ion 0 Acc !"a-ili"*
Internship Report
HBL ;isa 'ebit &ard is accepted at over 73 million ;isa merchants worldwide, includin over 43,333 merchants in 1akistan! As an A0# card it is accepted at more than 4,333 4GLink F #GNet A0#s in 1akistan and ?=8,333 ;isa A0#s worldwide! No matter where card holder is, with the HBL ;isa 'ebit &ard, HBL is always with him! No 1ia-ili"* In case of a lost or stolen card, card holders are protected a ainst fraudulent transactions made on their card after they report the incident!
/le"ible tenure+ 47, 78, 6=,8? or =3 months No processin fee Repayment throu h easy and affordable monthly installments from salary! &redit Life F 'isability Insurance Repayment throu h easy and affordable monthly installments Mou determine the need, we help you finance )ption of add up replacement for e"istin customer! #inimum salary Rs! 47333 No salary limit for e"istin customers! 76C or 74C rate for e"istin users instead of 79C
Internship Report
T/PIN *eneration
&ustomers 01IN (0elephone 1ersonal Identification Number* is enerated the first time he calls and he can use it as your password for verification purposes, selfG service bankin throu h I;R and additional services throu h HBLs 1honeBankin )fficers! &ustomer can chan e his 01IN anytime he like!
Internship Report
Re.uest a number of physical instruments andJor branch bankin services that he mi ht re.uire, includin + 1ay )rder 'emand 'raft ,tatement Balance &ertificate &he.ue Book
HB$ P.oneBanking ser7ices for HB$ CarToCar an+ Car $oan c-sto0ers
HBL &ar0o&ar and HBL &arLoan customers can enAoy the followin throu h HBL 1honeBankin + Balance In.uiry Last 9G43 0ransactions ,tatement @eneration (5mail and /a"* Account #aintenance Assistance in case of &ar 0heftJ'ama e services
&bl bancassurance
HBL and New %ubilee Life Insurance &ompany Limited (N%LI* introduce Amaan (Retirement 1lan* and 0abeer (&hild 5ducation F #arria e*! 0hese products have been desi ned keepin HBLs customer base as the focus and will provide life insurance alon with an investment option!
Internship Report
Lockers are available in many of the HBL branches in different si2es like small, medium and lar eD some branches also have e"tra lar e and cubical lockers! 5"cept rural areas because of security reasons!
Internship Report
$ey deposit is refundable at the time handin over the locker to bank! /or the staff of HBL key deposit is not re.uired and also the annual rent is very low for them!
re.uirements of his business! <hether establishin a new venture or e"pandin an closely with him to reali2e his oals!
HBL provides the followin services to meet customers fundin re.uirements+ <orkin &apital /inance, includin )verdraft, /5 Loans, etc! 1re and 1ost ,hipment 5"port /inancin (1$R and -,' based* Import /inancin (1$R and -,' based* L## /undin Receivable 'iscountin Islamic Bankin facilities
Internship Report
&ash #ana ement ,ervices 0rade ,ervices includin Letter of &redit, Letter of @uarantee and ,tandby Letter of &redit, etc!
HBL offers financin for the followin + <orkin &apital 1rocurement of Inventory Receivables 1rocurement of #achinery 5"pansion of production facilities Import of raw materials 5"ports @uarantees
Internship Report
11.S.I./.E. Karachi
2.Korangi In'.strial Area, Karachi .Sa''ar, Karachi $./ari2 )oa', Karachi +.Ba'a%i Bagh, #ahore 6.Kash%ir )oa', Sial!ot 7.S%all In'. Estate, Sial!ot. ".Peoples Colon3, ,aisala&a'
12.Panora%a Centre, #ahore 1 Peco )oa', #ahore 1$.Paris )oa', Sial!ot 1+.Circ.lar )oa', ,aisala&a' 16./ Pla4a, 5.6ran*ala
HBL LaraiBankin pro rams! enables farmers to invest in premier .uality seeds, fertili2ers, pesticides, a ricultural implements and nonGfarm setups throu h its various product
Cro! In!$"s &rop specific finance for purchase of A riculture inputs such as seed, fertili2er, pesticide and other related inputs! Far% I%!l % n"s
Internship Report
/inance available for purchase of farm implements F machinery like combined harvester, sprayers, plou hs, tube wells and other cropGrelated toolsJimplements! Trac"ors2A&ric$l"$ral 3 hicl s /inance available to individual farmers, selfGemployed tractor operators, providin the option to select vehicles from a ran e of different manufacturers! 1i) s"ock /inance available for feed, medicines, raw material, raisin related activities! Po$l"r* /inance available for all poultry related activities includin poultry farm constructionJe.uipment, hatchery plant F machinery, poultry feed, poultry medicines, composite feed production, poultry processin and other related activities! Fish Far%in& /inance available for inland fish farms as well as deepGsea fishin ! 0his includes procurement of boat, fish locatin other related activities! 4ro$! 1 n#in& %oint finance facility for a capital re.uirement! NOT&5 0hese finances may be availed under 'emand /inance or Runnin /inance cate ories! 'emand /inance is usually available for short term financin needs while Runnin /inance is available on the basis of revolvin limit! roup of farmers with small land holdin s for workin e.uipment, nets F ropes, ice maker, fish farm water solution, hatchery constructionJe.uipment, purchase of medicines J feed and char es and other
"slamic bankin
Islamic Bankin is a rowin market se ment that offers attractive opportunities to potential and e"istin customers! At HBL, Islamic Bankin offers ,hariah compliant products and services to meet the short and lon term re.uirements of business, trade and industry!
Internship Report
S.aria. Co0pliance
HBLs Islamic Bankin products are in strict compliance with the tenets of ,hariah and bear ,hariah &ompliance &ertification from an independent ,hariah Advisor! 0heir ,hariah Advisor has in depth e"perience in ,hariah rulin s (/atawa* and teachin s at different forums with .ualifications of 'arsGeGNi2ami, #!A and L!L!B! HBL also have a ,hariah ,cholar, as member of their ,hariah ,upervisory &ommittee to ensure a sound ,hariah &ompliance mechanism, responses to customers needs and access to ,hariah knowled e! ivin prompt
Internship Report
A++ress 4inlay Ho-se *ro-n+ 4loor I.I C.-n+rigar 'oa+ Karac.i Contact +etails5 C(1/"(D( "CDE "(D( D"1F"( 4a: C(1/"(D( "C! &/0ail hbl!9333Whbl!com
as an intern
As every body knows that P$nowled e without practice is sterile PIn order to ive vent to this idea an Internship pro ram of si" to ei ht weeks has been arran ed in different esteemed or ani2ations durin #!B!A! In this re ard on 49th of %une 733:, I was asked by #r! #ir2a ,aeed (HR officer in HBL re ional office ,ahiwal* to o to Habib Bank %innah &howk branch to start an internship of seven weeks there! 'urin this period I ot a chance to work and learn in followin departments of the bank+ /orei n e"chan e department Bills clearin department &redit department I!0 department &ash department Accounts, A0# and Lockers department
Internship Report
different functions of forei n e"chan e department and how to perform these functions durin my work in the department! #y +-ties in the department were related to the followin s+ /orei n currency e"chan e rates! Letter of credit (L!&* both openin and ne otiation! Letter of uarantee Issuin check books for forei n currency accounts Remittances applications! $earning Opening of letter of cre+it. Bank starts workin on openin process after an application is received from the buyer (importer*! I came to know about the process of openin of L!&, documents that bank demands from applicant, form used for that purpose, ettin A!0 (Availance 0icket* from re ional head office and scannin and mailin the documents to head office $arachi for the purpose of ettin approval, and payment on maturity date! )penin and ne otiation both are centrali2ed process in Habib bank therefore approval from head office is re.uired! Negotiation of $.C! Bank starts ne otiation of letter of credit (which would be already opened by importers bank* after the application from seller (e"porter*! Before sendin the documents for payment to importer bank ne otiator bank must ensure that the entire document mentioned in &laus 8=A of the L!& are attached and complete! 'urin the week I also worked on 'e0ittances application! An applicant who wants to transfer funds abroad must have a forei n currency account in the bank! Because ,tate Bank of 1akistan only allow account to account transfer of funds abroad throu h banks! And I came to know about the process and information re.uired to fill the form! I also came know about the process of issuin about the mechanism of forei n trade! forei n currency accounts che.ue book to customers! 'urin the week I learn many thin s
Internship Report
%innah &howk branch for e"ample if the che.ue is of bank AlG/allah Lahore then it should o to 2onal branch of Lahore re ion instead of 2onal branch of ,ahiwal! 0hen checkin whether the amount of che.ue and )B& (outward bank collections* voucher attached to it is same or not! If no error is found then makin re ister entries by notin down their )B& number branch code and amount of the voucher! 0hen+ &alculatin the total amount of vouchers by summin individual amounts! &alculatin the total amount of che.ues by summin individual amounts! 1reparin an add list to be attached with clearin instruments (che.ues*! <ritin vouchers for demand drafts! And I also came to know about the different types of stamps and their use in particular situation like 'A$ R5&5I;5' stamp and &L5ARIN@ stamp! After attachin add list, clearin instruments are handed over to NI/0 for further processin ! 0hese clearin instruments are delivered to their respective banks for clearance by NI/0! I also learnt in case of Bankers &he.ues how to verify si nature from the book in which all the si natures of authori2ed persons of HBL are iven with their specific code! And I also worked on )B& ()utward bank collection* forwardin schedule! I came to know the process of sendin /illin vouchers Assi nin )B& numbers #akin entries in )B& re ister che.ues or other clearin instruments for clearance to 2onal branch of another re ion!
Internship Report
In ,ahiwal re ion at this point of time from HBL only personal loan is active while auto finance is about to start a ain in near future and lifestyle loan is inactive! I came to know about the terms and conditions of personal loan! )nly the markup for different cate ories like 74C, 76C and 79C! 74C for e"istin users upto 6 year duration 76C for e"istin users for 8 or 9 years duration! 79C for new customers I also did work on documentation process for personal loan! I came to know about the different types of document re.uired to complete a case for sendin it to re ional head office for approval! 'ocument like branch check list, application form, &opy of &NI& of customer and two references, &NI& verification report from NA'RA, customers account statement, finance a reement form etc! I also came to know about different types of securities which a bank demands from customer while issuin loan! e! ! @uarantees, #ort a e, Hypothecation and 1led e! overnment servant who has his salary account at least si" month old in HBL can apply! 'ifferent
Internship Report
0hen my duty was in Accounts department! I came to know the procedure for fillin the form to open an account, different types of stamps re.uired and about si nature of the staff! 'ocuments re.uired to be attached with the form! &opy of &NI& -tility bill 1rovisional receipt $M& ($now Mour &ustomer* And how to post an account on system after fillin the form! 0hen I came to know about ,avin accounts and different types of accounts in savin cate ory and terms and conditions of each type! 4! HBL ;alue Account 7! 1L,G,avin s Account 6! Remittance #unafa 1lus ,avin s Account 8! 'aily #unafa Account 9! 'aily 1ro ressive Account
0hen current accounts =! HBL Business ;alue Account >! &urrent Account ?! Basic Bankin Account (BBA* 0erm accounts :! HBL Advanta e Account 43! Investment plus 'eposit /& accounts 44! /&G,B ,avin s Account offered in 6 currencies, -,' (-, dollar*, 5-R (5uros* and @B1 (-$ pound* 47! HM//' (Hi h Mield /orei n &urrency /i"ed 'eposit* Available in 4 month, 7 month, 6 month, = month and 47 #onth in -,', 5-R and @B1 Assign0ents 11#'urin my work in accounts department #r! $halid 'o ar (mana er operation* assi ned me the duty of checkin the files of previously opened accounts for any type of discrepancies like utility bill or service certificate of the account holder is attached or not and checkin stamps and si nature of the staff etc! It was because
Internship Report
an audit of these files in the comin month is scheduled! Almost above 93C of the application forms were havin discrepancies of different types! 0his turns out to be very informative e"perience for me! 'eposits are considered as lifeblood for any bank to survive! I came to know about the procedure and different types of deposits that customers can maintain in HBL, return rates that a customer can et and other terms and conditions of each type of account! As far as checkin the old files are concern it seems borin but from my point of view it was very informative! 0he learnin I ot while doin this Aob would never be easy to et otherwise! 1(# #r! $halid 'o ar assi ned us another task! ,tate bank of 1akistan has instructed all the banks in 1akistan to make sure availability of computeri2ed national identity cards of all the account holders! <e were iven a list of accounts from which &NI& was re.uired and preprinted letters! )ur task was to take the information from accounts like Name, Address and Account type by enterin the account number in the system and then printin that information on one corner of the letters! 0his also turns out to be a very informative e"perience for me! I learn and et a chance to work on computer software that the HBL is usin , how to view account information, checkin balances and updatin the information! 1"# 'ue to my familiarity with their computer software I was iven another task of updatin account information on their computer system )IS6S. Like account holders name, address, &NI& number etc! In case of any problem I was consultin it with #r! Asif I.bal! 0his task ave me more chances to learn about the computer system of HBL and also I can proudly say that I have my own share of workin in computeri2in HBLs record!
Internship Report
Financial performance
/inancial ,tatements Ratio analysis 0he financial results for the first .uarter of 733: /inancial hi hli hts 733?
Internship Report
HBL G B0he Best 5mer in #arket Bank in 1akistanB 733? HBL G B#ost innovative @lobal 0rade /inanceB award 733? G BBest bank In 1akistanB Award 733? HBL #ilestones G BBu22iest BrandsB Awards
Internship Report
Internship Report
Internship Report
Return on 5.uity Ratio Return on Assets Loan to Assets ratio Net 1rofit Ratio Loan to 'eposit
Internship Report
Interpretation5 0he past two years data shows an improvement in the return on e.uity which is a positive si n! 0he Bank should have to continue its policies! By observin which is ood si n! the audited account I found that this improvement is due to increase in the Net profit
Return on Assets
Net 1rofit after ta" V 433 0otal Assets Net 1rofit after ta" 0otal Assets Return on Assets
Interpretation5 Return on assets ratio shows an improvin trend! 0his ratio shows that the both the Net profit and 0otal Assets has improved in 733? than 733>! But net profit has increased more rapidly!
Internship Report
Interpretation5 Loan to Asset Ratio is showin increasin trend in 733?! 0his is because advances are increasin more rapidly than assets of the bank!
Internship Report
Interpretation5 Net profit Ratio is ivin upward trend! 0his trend is observed due to increase in Net profit but on the other hand the e"penses decreases which shows an efficient mana ement!
69!93 >=!86
Internship Report
Interpretation5 Loans to deposit ratio show an increasin trend in 733? as compare to 733>! 0his trend is observed as the advances and deposits both are increasin but advances are increasin more rapidly than deposits!
In the followin
733? are compared with the items of 733> and percenta e rowth is also calculated!
Internship Report
HB$ / GT.e Best &0erging )arket Bank in PakistanG
Internship Report
HBL has been selected as X0he Best 5mer in #arket Bank in 1akistan by @lobal /inance #a a2ine! @lobal /inance ma a2ine has named the QBest 5mer in #arket Banks in AsiaR in an e"clusive survey to be published in the #ay 733: issue! @lobal /inance editorsY with input from industry analysts, corporate e"ecutives and bankin /inance reports on the international finance sector, coverin consultantsY selected the best emer in market bank in the re ion and in 73 countries! @lobal topics such as corporate finance, Aoint ventures and #FA, country profiles, capital markets, investor relations, currencies, bankin , risk mana ement, custody, direct investment, and money mana ement! 0he ma a2ine also holds several awards ceremonies throu hout the year to reco ni2e the winnin financial institutions and companies!
Internship Report
Nauman 'ar G Head International Bankin and #r! 0ari. #ateen G Head /inancial Institutions 'ivision!
As we seen from the previous analysis of the financial statements I have reali2ed that that Habib Bank is performin very well since its inception! It is .uite difficult to ive su estion to improve the bankin conditions Habib Bank Limited! As we know
Internship Report
that nothin is perfect, there is always a room for improvement, so I will recommend followin su
5mployees 0rainin
basis so that 5mployees have understandin developments especially with the customers!
Bank should introduced incentive plans for employees on re ular basis so that if employees may work whole heartedly for the welfare of their or ani2ation! <hile ivin incentives .ualification, work, e"perience, hard work and such other factors must be considered! #ismana ement of resources must be avoided as much as possible as it decreases profit but also discoura e hard worker and honest employees! /resh raduates must be recruited! As the combination of 5"perienced and fresh can produce better results and it will improve the efficiency of mana ement! Habib Bank is oin towards mobile bankin but the problem is that a common client has no idea of its usa e due to lack of marketin ! I think that a proper marketin pro ramme must be launched for clients awareness! Banks different schemes must be conveyed to the tar eted customers so that to have a reasonable share in market! Bank should help the society by providin 0alented ,tudents! )nline Bankin should be introduced in all the branches 2 0o motivate the employees their remuneration J salaries should be made at par with top tier Banks! A ressive publicity campai n must be introduced throu h press and interest free loans to the
5lectronic media for new products and scheme by initiatin vi orous marketin policy! Bank should adopt such an induction plan that when a customer opens his account with the bank he should be supplied with a booklet which
Internship Report
77 enables him to know the procedure of filin conduct of the account of that customer!
etc! It will save a lot of time of the bank staff afterward durin
0he attitude of the bankers with all of their customers is not the sameD they pay more attention and ood service to some of the customers and ne lect a maAor portion of them! ,ome of the customers approach to the bank officials and et their work done before othersD it is not a ood practice! All the customers should be treated e.ually! HBL should increase its communication with customers about the terms and conditions of its different products and services!
CIIT5 CO)SATS instit-te of infor0ation tec.nology
Internship Report
78 D.D5 AAC5 O.B5 O.B.C P.$.S5 Dr5 Cr5 C.A5 4.$5 $.*5 D.45 $.C5 '.45 4.A.P.C5 HB$ AB$ )CB NBP 2B$ NI4T De0an+ Draft acco-nt Bank O-t@ar+ Bills Collection Profit an+ $oss Acco-nt +ebit Cre+it C-rrent Acco-nt 4le:i loan $etter of *-arantee De0an+ 4inance $etter of Cre+it '-nning 4inance 4inance against Packing Cre+it Habib Bank $i0ite+ Allie+ Bank $i0ite+ )-sli0 Co00ercial Bank National Bank $i0ite+ 2nite+ Bank $i0ite+
#iblio ra/.y
#aterial on these books, articles and websites has helped me a lot in preparation this report
Internship Report
HBL &orporate 1rofile 733? HBL Annual Reports 733? and 733: first Suarter
Articles F Doc-0ents
BAN$IN@ ,5&0)R R5/)R#, IN 1A$I,0AN+ http+JJwww!ishrathusain!iba!edu!pkJspeachesJBAN$IN@E,5&0)RER5/)R#,!pdf www!encyclopedia!comJdocJ4@4G=4?=86==!html
www!hbl!com www!habibbankltd!com www!hblasset!com www!investopedia!comJarticlesJ3>Jbankin !asp wiki!answers!comJSJ5volutionEofEbankin
Internship Report
Anne: A5 IN05RN0,HI1 &5R0I/I&A05 Anne: B5 IN'I&A0I;5 RA05, Anne: C5 A&&)-N0 )15NIN@ /)R# Anne: D5 R5#I00AN&5, A11LI&A0I)N Anne: &5 '5BI0 &AR' A11LI&A0I)N /)R# Anne: 45 '51),I0 ,LI1