21ST Century Literature Quarter 2 Week 3

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Grade Level
Learning Area
Department of Education Teaching Dates and
WEEK 3 Quarter 2nd/ 4th
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st century literature of the world through:
1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived
from research;
B. Performance Standards
2. critical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary
texts using any of the critical approaches; and
3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts, applying a reading approach, and doing an adaptation of these, require
C. Learning
from the learner the ability to identify: representative texts and authors from Asia, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Africa.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
- Begin the lesson by asking
students to recall the previous The teacher will begin the lesson
lesson on analyzing literary - Provide a summary of the by asking students to recall the
Teacher will begin the lesson by
texts. Allow a few students to previous lesson. previous lesson on the
reviewing the previous lesson on
share their understanding significance of literature in
1. Reviewing previous lesson the different literary movements
briefly. - Introduce the new lesson by shaping culture and identity.
or presenting the new in European literature to create a
telling the students that today After a quick review, the teacher
lesson connection with prior knowledge
- Introduce the new concept: we will be exploring the context will introduce a new lesson on
and to set the expectations of
analyzing and interpreting of a literary text from European analyzing the impact of
the new lesson.
literary texts in terms of form literature. European literature on other
and theme from European cultures.
2. Establishing the purpose of The teacher explains the - Explain that the purpose of this - Explain to the students that the The objective of this lesson is for
the lesson purpose of the lesson, which is to lesson is to develop students' purpose of this lesson is to students to recognize the
help students identify ability to identify and analyze enable them to understand how influence of European literature
representative texts and authors the specific literary elements European literature reflects the on other cultures and appreciate
from European literature. The and themes commonly found in social, cultural, and historical the diversity that this interaction
teacher also explains how the European literature. context of the time period in brings. By the end of the lesson,
students are expected to
lesson will be beneficial to
identify specific examples of
students' understanding of which it was written
European literature that have
literature and their own lives.
had an impact on other cultures.
- Project examples of short
The teacher will present several
stories or excerpts from - Distribute copies of a short
examples of European literature
European literature on a screen story by Franz Kafka, "The
that have shaped other cultures.
Teacher will present different or distribute handouts. Examples Metamorphosis"
For instance, the teacher may
literary works and authors from can include works by authors
discuss how the works of William
Europe such as William such as Edgar Allan Poe, Fyodor - Ask the students to read the
3. Presenting Shakespeare have influenced
Shakespeare’s plays, Jane Dostoevsky, or Gustave Flaubert. story silently and highlight any
examples/instances of the literature in the Philippines,
Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, themes, motifs, or symbols that
new lesson India, and Japan. Alternatively,
Miguel De Cervantes’ Don - Ask students to analyze the they notice
the teacher may use the works
Quixote, and Victor Hugo’s Les form and themes of the selected
of Charles Dickens and how they
Miserables. literary texts individually or in - Once the students are done
influenced social injustice issues
pairs. Provide guiding questions reading, ask them to share their
and child labor laws in England
to help them think critically observations
and the United States.
about the texts.
- Facilitate a discussion on the
social, cultural, and historical
To help students gain a deeper
context of "The Metamorphosis"
- Engage the students in a understanding of the topic, the
whole-class discussion by asking teacher will ask them to identify
- Ask questions such as: What
The teacher leads a discussion them to share their analysis of specific themes or motifs found
are some of the characteristics
on the themes and motifs of the form and themes of the in works that have an impact on
of European literature of this
4. Discussing new concepts European literature. The teacher literature they read. Use the other cultures. The teacher can
time period? How does "The
and practicing new skills also asks students to practice guiding questions to deepen demonstrate this by citing
Metamorphosis" reflect the
#1 identifying representative texts their understanding. specific scenes from the works
social, cultural, and historical
and authors from European of Shakespeare and its similarity
context of its time period?
literature. - Write down their main ideas on with the conflicts from the
the board or chart paper for classic Philippine literature, such
- Encourage the students to
reference during the lesson. as "Ibong Adarna" and "Florante
think critically and to support
at Laura."
their answers with evidence from
the text
5. Discussing new concepts The teacher leads a discussion - Introduce "The Metamorphosis" - Divide the students into small In a group activity, students will
and practicing new skills on the practical applications of by Franz Kafka as the main groups and assign each group a work together to identify,
#2 European literature to students' literary text for the lesson. different literary text from analyze, and interpret the
Europe (e.g. Shakespeare's impact of European literature on
own lives. The teacher also asks
- Explain the story's background, plays, Goethe's "Faust", Dante's an assigned culture. The group
students to write a short essay highlighting its form and key "Inferno", etc.) can create a presentation where
on how European literature has themes. they can use any format they
influenced them. - Ask each group to analyze their prefer, such as a PowerPoint or
- Read aloud excerpts from the assigned text with regard to the an essay.
story or project them on a social, cultural, and historical
screen. context of its time period
- In small groups, students
analyze the form and themes
presented in "The
Metamorphosis" using guided
questions, such as:
- Have each group present their
 How does Kafka's use of
findings to the class
surrealism contribute to
the story's form?
 What are the major
themes explored in the
- Divide the class into pairs or
Teacher will provide an engaging
small groups.
activity where students will work To master the concept, students
- Distribute a worksheet with
individually or in groups to will watch an Italian film, "Life is
- Assign each group a different excerpts from various European
create a presentation about a Beautiful," that won an Academy
short story from European literary texts
literary work and author from Award for Best International
literature and ask them to
Europe. They will be asked to Feature Film in 1998. The film
analyze its form and themes. - Ask the students to identify the
analyze and interpret the literary tackles the story of survival in a
6. Developing Mastery social, cultural, and historical
devices used, the themes concentration camp, and
- Instruct them to create a context of each excerpt
tackled, and the relevance of the students will analyze the impact
presentation or a poster that
work to modern society. of the film on other cultures and
highlights their findings. - As they work, circulate around
Students will present their work discuss how it portrays the
the room to provide assistance
after and will be assessed based European cultural influence on
- Each group presents their and guidance
on their critical analysis and the arts.
analysis to the class, followed by
presentation skills.
a brief discussion.
- Facilitate a class discussion on In small groups, the students will
- Ask the students to reflect on
the relevance of analyzing and discuss how they can apply the
interpreting literary texts in their how understanding the social, lessons they learned in the class
lives. cultural, and historical context of in their daily lives. Some
literary texts can help them in examples are making
The teacher leads a discussion
7. Finding practical - Highlight how understanding their daily lives themselves more culturally
on how the concepts and skills
applications of concepts different literary forms and aware of their community and
learned in the lesson can be
and skills in daily living themes helps them appreciate - Encourage them to think about embracing the diversity they
applied to students' daily lives.
various cultures and viewpoints. how this knowledge can improve encounter in different cultures.
their critical thinking and
- Encourage students to explore
communication skills
European literature through
translations and adaptations.
8. Generalizing and Ask students to reflect on what - Lead a class discussion to - Summarize the key concepts Students will be asked to give
abstractions about the they learned in the class and generalize the core concepts and covered in the lesson their generalizations and
lesson how it has expanded their skills learned during the lesson. abstractions about the lesson.
understanding of literature. - Encourage the students to They will be encouraged to
- Summarize the main points and think about how these concepts reflect on what they have
Encourage students to share highlight the importance of can be applied beyond the learned from the lesson and how
their insights and observations. analyzing form and themes in context of literature it has influenced their thinking.
literary texts.
Students will be assessed based
- Conduct a short quiz or writing
on their participation in group
assignment to evaluate students'
activities and their
understanding of the lesson's - Conduct a brief quiz to assess
Teacher will assess students’ understanding of the topic,
concepts and skills. the students' understanding of
learning through various which can be evaluated through
9. Evaluating Learning the social, cultural, and historical
activities that have been written output. Rubrics will be
- Assess their ability to identify context of European literary
completed in this lesson. provided to the students
and analyze literary elements texts
beforehand to ensure that they
and themes in European
understand the specific criteria
for assessment.
- Create a writing assignment - Provide suggestions for
Teacher will provide additional where students choose a additional activities that the
activities such as reading European literary work and students can do to further
assignments of different literary analyze it in terms of form and develop their understanding of
10. Additional Activities for works from Europe, creating a theme. the social, cultural, and historical
Application or Remediation short story using their own context of literary texts (e.g.
literary devices, or a - Assign students to find modern reading articles about the time
comparative analysis of various adaptations or films based on period in which a literary text
literary works. European literary works and was written, watching films set
write a comparative analysis. in that time period, etc.)


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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