(Altered Carbon) (En) - Johannesburg

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A Scenario for Altered Carbon: The Role Playing Game
Inspired by the Netflix Original series
based upon the novel by Richard K. Morgan

Written by:
Adrian Bear
Noxweiler Berf
Project Manager:
Alex Huilman

Renegade Game Studios San Diego, California Hunters Entertainment Burbank, California

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Altered Carbon is the registered trademark of Skydance Productions, LLC. Used under license.
© 2022 Skydance Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
© 2022 Hunters Entertainment LLC, All Rights Reserved. © 2022 Renegade Game Studios, All Rights Reserved.

A LT E R E D C A R B O N : T H E R
S E| 2
Ch. 1: Introduction to Johannesburg. . . . . . . 4 Ch. 5: Opponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Timeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Inyoka Securities Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

City Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CNSAC Military . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

History of New Jozi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Jozi Police Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Geological Landmarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Ukhokho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Notable Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hekse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Ch. 2: Organisations, Groups, and NPCs. . . 14 Runner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Khumalo Bioware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ch. 6: Heaven’s Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Zama Zama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Act 1: A Star in Paradise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

CNSAC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Act 2: The Fallen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Inyoka Securities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Act 3: The Chosen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Supporting Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ch. 7: City of Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Ch. 3: New Jozi Character Options. . . . . . . 25 Act 1: The Serpent’s Lair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

New Archetype: Grond Gebore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Act 2: Peace Talks and Flashpoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

New Archetype: Unity Citizen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Act 3: Back to School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

New Archetype: Golden Child. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Ch. 8: Nagapie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

New Trait Tree: DHF Networking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Act 1: Stories from a Dead Man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

New Trait Tree: Underground Expert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Act 2: Ukhokho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Ch. 4: Gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Act 3: Being Human . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Apparel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Appendix 1: Pronunciation Guide. . . . . . . . 93

Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Zulu and other Native South African

Words and Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Sleeve Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Afrikaans Words and Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Chemicals, Drugs, and Medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
South African Indian and South African
The Link Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Arabian Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Mandarin Chinese Words and Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Western/European Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | 3

„ 2100: Nkanyezi Khumalo becomes majority

TIMELINE shareholder for Khumalo Bioware, begins shifting
„ 2025: Khumalo Bioware founded in Cape Town, focus to advanced sleeve production.
South Africa.
„ 2120: Center of New Jozi dubbed Iphaladisi.
„ 2027: Political tensions in South Africa lead to Wealthiest corporations, and citizens maintain
the succession of The Western Cape Province. their residence here.
Civil War ensues.
„ 2160: CNSAC implemented The Golden Curtain
„ 2028: Illegal mining activities in the Greater at the behest of Khumalo Bioware. Activity into
Johannesburg and Pretoria area, lead to an event Iphaladisi is now strictly controlled.
known as The Collapse. Millions die.
„ 2180: The term Umdala is adopted as South
„ 2031: China calls upon the UNP to allow them African slang for Meths.
full collaboration with the New South African
„ 2200: Unity offices are removed from Iphaladisi
government, as repayment for their loans. Within
and relegated to The Edges.
a year, the Chinese New South Africa Coalition
was formed. „ 2250: Increasing tensions between Khumalo
industries and Unity lead to civil unrest and
„ 2042: Private security firms within CNSAC unify
eventually open warfare.
as Inyoka Securities.
„ 2255: UNP brokers peace between CNSAC, Unity
„ 2050: Western Cape launches Unity. Inviting
and Khumalo. Unity reenters Golden Curtain.
millions of displaced South Africans back to their
home shores. „ 2300: Unity secure first option for all future UNP
terraforming projects.
„ 2060: Unity scientists commissioned for
terraforming projects by UNP. „ 2372: Nkanyezi Khumalo celebrates their 300th
„ 2062: Khumalo Bioware buys rights for
The Collapse from CNSAC. „ 2392: Unity unveils their new project
codenamed: Link. Promising to revolutionise
„ 2063: Reclamation commences on “New Jozi.”
Human existence as much as the invention
„ 2064: Khumalo Bioware and Unity sign of DHF.
cooperation agreement on Reclamation.

„ 2072: Nkanyezi Khumalo is born.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 4

C I T Y L AY O U T unrivaled paradise of architecture, technology, and

New Jozi was constructed deep within The Collapse. environmental design. The very central point is

The walls of the canyon are 15 meters at their lowest dominated by Onkulunkulu Tower, the tallest structure

points at the Eastern and Western edges, and 45 in the city and the home of Khumalo Bioware. The

meters at their highest points of the Northern and second tallest tower being Ezulwini, the Unity head

Southern walls. When designing the city, Siphiso office within CNSAC.

Khumalo wanted to emphasise the idea that New The rings of the city are numbered from the center
Jozi would be the center of power emanating out outwards, from 0 to 7. Iphaladisi, Paradise, is
of CNSAC. He took inspiration from the stories of surrounded by The Golden Curtain and marks ring 0.
ancient Atlantis and had the city constructed in The still wealthy, but lesser corporations and citizens,
concentric rings, interspaced with clean waterways. occupy the 1st to 3rd rings. Competition and land

The heart of the city would be the home of the rights among the Twilight citizens is fiercer than

elite corporations and families. It would be an that among the Umdala, as the closer one gets to

paradise, the higher one’s station is.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 5
The 4th and 5th rings are home to many of the Not so, for the underground world of

everyday citizens of New Jozi, and although there The Grond Gebore.

are CNSAC police stations throughout the city

After The Collapse, many of their settlements were
proper, The CNSAC Police Headquarters are located
destroyed, however, many new caverns and areas
in the central North of the 5th ring. The 6th and 7th
opened up. The waters that collected underground
ring, although still populated by citizens, are more
were extremely toxic, and the air was stagnant
focused on industry, warehousing, and development
and just as poisonous. But, the Grond Gebore
labs. During the 3rd civil war, Unity was forced into
managed to survive.
a satellite office in the Northwestern 7th ring. To
By sheer luck, or by the hand of an unknowable,
reinforce the idea of power stemming from the center,
caring force, three key landmarks from what was
the term used for the 7th ring became The Edges.
once Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Bronkhorstspruit
Overall, New Jozi, due to Unity influence as well as
were mostly undamaged, although now 30 kilometers
Siphiso Khumalo’s vision, is a city based upon green
or more from the ruined surface. Namely, The Old
technology and environmentally sustainable designs.
Amusement Park known as Gold Reef City which can
Most of the rings have areas devoted to farmland, and
be found in the deep Underground to the Southeast
some parks. Even the, by comparison, more densely
of Ring 2, The University of Pretoria (Tuks University)
packed 6th and 7th rings, are fairly green and open.
which can be found in the deep Underground slightly

The same cannot be said for The Outskirts. to the Northeast of Ring 3, and The Nan Hua Buddhist

Temple which can be found in the Underground to

Although much of what was once South Africa
the East of Ring 7.
recovered under the CNSAC government, conditions

elsewhere are nowhere near as promising or ideal These areas became a refuge for the Zama Zama in

as New Jozi. Migrants come from all over Africa, the early years after The Collapse, and the Gronde

hoping to somehow work their way into The Silver Gebore slowly and carefully mapped out new

City. Surrounding the upper walls of New Jozi, and caverns and began to reinforce their tunnels. Soon,

perpetually looking down upon the splendour of The new settlements had popped up all over New Jozi’s

Silver City, are a mish-mash of poorly constructed Underground. However, these routinely get shutdown

homes and businesses crowded closely together. The when they are discovered by CNSAC.

Outskirts team with neon, and shady dealings, but are

still somewhat kept in check by CNSAC police.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 6
H I STO RY O F N E W J OZ I deep. Millions lost their lives, and their homes. The

In the early 2020’s South Africa was in a volatile place economic center of New South Africa, was gone.

both politically and financially. In the past 10 years, After the end of the Second South African Civil War,
many corporations had either closed their doors or the Chinese government called upon the UNP to allow
downsized considerably. One of the largest industries them to form a new coalition government. Stating
to be affected by this was the mining sector. that the loans which the governments had defaulted

Large scale downsizing and retrenchment left on, could in no way ever be repaid without their help

thousands of mine workers unemployed, and to revitalise and redevelop the country. On November

hundreds of kilometers of mines abandoned. 14th, 2031 the Chinese New South African Coalition

Human ingenuity being what it was, this led to (CNSAC for short) was officially ratified.

the evolution of illegal miners that came to call The years from 2040 to 2080 came to be known as
themselves Zama Zamas. the Southern African Renaissance.

Communities and small towns sprang up underground In 2050, The Western Cape began project Unity.
to facilitate the miners being able to spend longer Their idea was to invite millions of displaced South
and longer periods there. Eventually different criminal Africans home, especially those that had scientific
organisations formed among the Zama Zamas, with backgrounds. Unity focused on terraforming
bosses aggressively protecting their turf. technologies, as well as unique methods of DHF

Above ground, tensions rose to such a breaking and AI integration. Each citizen would be trained

point that in 2027 the Western Cape Province of to contribute to the wellness of the country, the

South Africa officially chose to succeed and in order sciences, their fellow citizens, and the environment.

to become its own country. This move, combined This free and open exchange of ideas among its

with the failing economy, started the Second South citizens, lead very quickly to them becoming one of

African Civil War. the major players in UNP decision making due to the

technologies being produced.

In 2028, the underground activities of the Zama

Zamas had caused massive ground instability for In the same time period, Siphiso Khumalo sought to

the past 18 years, and during a particularly violent break away from the Western Cape and rejoin CNSAC.

altercation between 2 rival organisations a massive He wished to bring his company back to his ancestral

explosion caused a very large scale collapse to trigger home in what was once Gauteng Province.

a cascade of sinkholes and earthquakes. Khumalo Bioware had become an industry leader

The Collapse, as it would come to be known, spidered in their field, and their patents had made them

out from Carletonville all the way East to Emalahleni, exceptionally wealthy and powerful. So, in 2062,

encompassing the entirety of Greater Johannesburg a deal was signed between Khumalo Bioware and

and Pretoria. The sinkhole was hundreds of kilometers CNSAC for rights to begin Reclamation of The

Collapse. By 2063, Unity signed a contract with them

to assist in the development of New Jozi.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 7
By 2100, Siphiso Khumalo had retired and had Golden Wall, an energy barrier around the heart of

installed his daughter Nkanyezi as the CEO and the city. In this way, only coded individuals would be

majority shareholder of Khumalo Bioware. Nkanyezi allowed access into Iphaladisi.

began to shift the company’s focus exclusively to

By 2180, CNSAC citizens had adopted the word
the production of advanced sleeves. Everything from
Umdala with reference to those that could
combat to pleasure models, to specialised sleeves for
functionally keep themselves immortal. The unique
planets with harsh environmental hazards.
cultural heritage lending a reverence to the term.

In the years since the Reclamation, New Jozi had risen

By 2200, most private security was handled by
to become the Jewel of African economy. The heart
Inyoka Securities. They maintained absolute loyalty
of the city was called Iphaladisi and it was dominated
by numbers requisitioned. So, it would not be
by lush gardens and forests, canals, and skyscrapers
uncommon for members of Inyoka to clash with
all designed to allow maximum light and airflow. Only
other members. Their impartiality was preferred by
the wealthiest citizens and corporations were located
the Corporations and the Umdala, as CNSAC was still
here. The central spire housed Khumalo Bioware and
beholden to the UNP.
the residences of the Khumalo family.
After the expulsion from Iphaladisi of Unity by
The Collapse had not led to the end of the Zama
Khumalo Bioware, tensions rose throughout the next
Zama organisations. At the time it happened, many
50 years eventually leading to yet another civil war —
of them already had their hands in several other illicit
mostly fought with soldiers from Inyoka.
activities. With illegal mining no longer an option, and
In order to stabilise the region, the UNP brokered
their numbers severely dwindled, the factions unified
peace between CNSAC, Khumalo and Unity. And in
into a single larger structure.
2255, Unity returned to Iphaldisi. Although they still
Not all of the underground structures had collapsed,
maintain their satellite offices in the Northwestern
and many immigrants and those dealing in the not so
Edges. To date, the peace is fragile.
legal, created full communities in these places.
Our current year, 2392. Unity has launched their new
Occasional raids, and cleanup operations by CNSAC
project, codenamed: Link. Speculation abounds as
happened but to little effect. In an effort to maintain
to its nature, but they are heralding it as the next
the image she was cultivating for New Jozi, in 2160
step in Human evolution and they plan to unveil it
Nkanyezi Khumalo insisted on the creation of The
within the month.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 8
Once an amusement park built upon an old mine,
Gold Reef City is now home to one of the largest
The Collapse had devastated a huge swath of land
Zama Zama enclaves. During The Collapse, the park
196km long, and 90 kilometers at its widest. Of the
survived although now buried deep within the Earth.
surrounding areas, the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve
However, any resemblance to an amusement park is
managed to survive and even flourish, especially
long since gone. The abundant materials that were
during the time of the Second Civil War. These days it
once park attractions were repurposed to reinforce
is a monument that is maintained by the Umdala and
the cavern structure that the park now found itself in.
it cannot be visited by the general public.

Being a permanent Zama Zama settlement, much

Underground, it is said that some ruins of Old
of the housing, markets, bars and farms here are
Johannesburg and Pretoria survived although these
of a better construction and upkeep than the small
are likely underwater or under rubble, or perhaps the
townships. When Boy Mahlangu became the Boss of
location of Zama Zama enclaves. Rumours are that
Gold Reef, he ensured that his people could live in
parts of the old amusement park Gold Reef City, Tuks
better conditions than they could find elsewhere and
University, and the Nan Hua Temple still persist.
set about building schools and clinics in the area.
But, it’s difficult to quantify said rumours.
Although Boy and his men act as justice keepers

SUIKERBOSRAND NATURE RESERVE within the Zama Zama, his reach is still limited

To the Southeast of New Jozi, lies the Suikerbosrand and he has to maintain the balance with the

Nature Reserve and what was once the small other two leaders.

town of Diepkloof. In the days before CNSAC the

land functioned as both an archaeological site for
the remnants of a Sotho-Tswana city that dated
Founded in 1908, The University of Pretoria was a
back to the 1800s, and as a wildlife preserve and
great center of academia within South Africa. Many
education center.
of the brightest minds that the country had produced
In modern times, the Reserve has been protected by
once studied at the sprawling campus.
a stack encoded energy field allowing only the elite of
The Collapse destroyed much of the grounds,
Iphaladisi to enter. Here the Umdala enjoy abundant
however, many of its sturdy buildings survived
natural beauty and quaint housing of an era long
mostly intact. Lecture halls, student housing and
since passed on Earth.
even the campus chapel remained. The caverns that
Big game hunting is also a pastime that the Umdala
had formed around the buildings were structurally
engage in here, as well as other activities that can be
sound enough that the Grond Gebore had little
done away from prying eyes.
trouble excavating more areas and transforming the

university into a permanent settlement.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 9
The research laboratories became invaluable to N O TA B L E L O C A T I O N S
the quick-minded Grond Gebore, and within a few
short years, the settlement became a hub of drug
Growing out of the very center of New Jozi, is
manufacturing within New Jozi.
Onkulunkulu Tower. A gargantuan structure that rises
The residents of Tuks are, by and large, under the into the clouds of The Silver City. After the clearing of
rulership of “die Baas.” A ruthless man, by the name rubble and the groundwork was laid, Siphiso Khumalo
of Laaitie. As such, the hand of the other Zama Zama insisted that the tower be built first.
bosses is barely tolerated, and outsiders are almost
The building itself was designed to replicate the look
always killed on sight.
of an enormous Baobab Tree, its various branches

NAN HUA TEMPLE housing members of the Khumalo family and their

Situated in Bronkhorstspruit, The Nan Hua Temple various descendants and offshoot families.

was the largest Buddhist temple and seminary in The tower is a marvel of engineering, and a
Africa. Its grounds span six hectares of land. After completely self-contained ecosystem complete
The Collapse, the waters of the Bronkhorstspruit dam with its own areas devoted to farming, research and
flooded much of the area. Whether it was due to the development, housing, schooling as well as eating and
influx of water, or some other force, the buildings recreational facilities.
of the temple survived. It was during mapping of
Onkulunkulu is the seat of power of both the Khumalo
tunnels and water systems that the Gronde Gebore
family, and Khumalo Bioware which is why Siphiso
discovered this fact.
chose the name. In his mother tongue of Zulu, it
Soon, a project was under way to seal the area off means “The Gods.”
and pump the water out. After only a few short

years, the temple became a permanent settlement EZULWINI TOWER

of the Zama Zama. Also located within the Golden Circle is Ezulwini

Tower, the headquarters of Unity within The

In present times, the Temple Boss is a man known as
Silver City. As Unity was heavily involved with the
Kobus Van Jaarsveld. An ex Inyoka Securities officer
reclamation efforts in New Jozi, Siphiso Khumalo
turned rogue, Kobus maintains strict discipline and
agreed that they should have a place of honour within
training of the population there. It has now become
the city, and so the tower was built to be the second
the central hub of the Black Market in New Jozi, and
tallest structure there.
security is always tight.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 10
Ezulwini means Heaven in Zulu. The tower itself CLUB EDEN
was named by Siphiso as he wanted to maintain Situated in The Outskirts, Club Eden is owned and run
a strong connection to his heritage throughout by a man named Zane Khoza, known to many as The
the Golden Circle. Broker. If information or services are to be procured,

The Broker is the man that always “knows a guy” and

The tower itself is shaped to look like an enormous
could get you what you want, for a price or a favour.
Aloe Africanus, with its leaves lightly beginning
Club Eden is frequented by many citizens of New Jozi,
to open. The building houses many Unity staff
from Golden Children that are heirs to empires and
members within the city, as well as various research
looking to slum it for a night, Grond Gebore that are
and development departments. Its design reflects
more often than not in the employ of Zane himself,
Unity’s ideals of connection and integration, with
to the people of The Outskirts themselves that are
many open spaces, ample natural light and green
looking for relief from their lives spent looking down
spaces throughout.
on The Silver City.
The base of the tower is connected at its base and
The club itself is nestled in the Northern part of the
begins to diverge into the nine leaves of its design.
Outskirts, and although the area has a reputation for
During the 55 years when Unity was forced out of the
being unsafe for outsiders, Zane makes sure that his
Golden Circle by Khumalo, the building was used as
club-goers are unharmed. After all, repeat business
secondary offices by Khumalo Bioware. However, a
is good business.
condition of the brokered peace was to allow them
The interior of the club is decorated in what Zane
to return to it.
imagines those of the Golden Circle would deem

INYOKA SECURITIES HEADQUARTERS as being lavish, although those that make up the

A building of sleek and efficient design, which serves upper echelons of society definitely have other

as a training ground, armory, and contract repository opinions of the décor.

for the firm. Although it is situated within Iphaladisi, it

is far from the largest structure there.
Situated in the Eastern part of the third ring, the
Elias Mokwena had the building’s design replicated
Dead Philosophers Society sits on top of a tower
for each of the barracks within the city, of which there
that overlooks the waterway between the second
are three in total, the headquarters within Iphaladisi,
and third ring. The building itself was designed to
a barracks in the Eastern section of the fifth ring, and
resemble a protea flower, its petals providing landing
one in the Western part of the seventh ring.
areas for vehicles, as well as lookout points.

Each building houses and trains up to 2000 officers

Described by those that frequent it as a parlour of
at a time, with the numbers constantly fluctuating as
intellectual masturbation, here the Twilight citizens
contracts are entered into and completed.
of New Jozi, as well as some members of The Golden

Circle, come together to discuss the nature of

humanity, sciences, and the arts.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 11
The Society functions as both a café, revolving art MALENGA SETTLEMENT
installation, and rest house for those that enjoy
Deep below the earth of the waterway between
indulging in hedonistic expressions of humanity.
the Eastern third and fourth rings lies Malenga
As such, it is common to find the open use of the
Settlement. In order to access New Jozi, The Grond
perspective enhancing stimulant, “Aurora,” being
Gebore constructed a hidden bathysphere elevator
enjoyed by its customers.
that travels below the clean waters above, and into

the toxic ground waters that still pollute the ruins

of The Collapse.
Although ample housing is available within Ezulwini

Tower for Unity members within New Jozi, most Once there, heavy environmental hazmat suits and
choose to live outside The Golden Circle. Scattered breathing apparatus have to be worn to walk through
throughout the city are communal living spaces which the toxic waters for half an hour to another airlock
are all affectionately called The Hive. which contains a decontamination unit. Only then can

a person enter the settlement.

Each building is unique in design and is equipped

with gardens, various common areas for relaxation, One of the larger of the Grond Gebore townships,
and art studios for various disciplines. There are units Malenga is a collection of ramshackle buildings,
within the third, sixth, and seventh rings. Altogether salvaged and repurposed, or stolen technology,
there are seven in New Jozi. markets, brothels, and bars.

During the 55 years that Unity was excluded from While the Grond Gebore are distrustful of Grounders,
The Golden Circle, The Hive in the seventh ring they have a strong sense of community and try to
was remodeled and expanded to serve as the look out for one another.
headquarters of Unity within New Jozi during that
The largest building in the township belongs to Jean
time. Subsequently, this unit still serves the dual
DuBois, a sub-boss that reports to Laaitie — the Boss
function of being a satellite office.
of the Tuks University enclave. He deals mainly with

smuggling operations.
One of the more popular nightclubs in New Jozi, The While smaller townships often pop up in the
Lion’s Den is situated within the Northwestern part of underground of New Jozi, three of the longest
the fourth ring. It boasts 6 different dance floors and standing midsized settlements are Malenga, Mhluzi,
servers that are all sleeved in lion-like bodies. One of and New Alexandria.
its main draws is the free supply of the perspective

enhancing narcotic known as Aurora, which is

supplied in smokable form in hookah pipes.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 12
Although fighting arenas do exist in New Jozi, they Club Exodus is situated in the Southwestern part of

are strictly controlled. Real Death is not allowed, and The Outskirts. It was primarily opened to be a direct

the athletes are often sponsored by corporations competition to Club Eden, and is owned by Zane

in order to display their latest lines of sleeves or Khoza’s sometime ally, sometime rival Jean DuBois.

augments. In these tournaments, sleeve death does The interior colour scheme is mostly pulsing blue

sometimes occur, but even that is infrequent. neon. The club consists of three floors, each with their

own DJ Booth, open walkways, seating booths, and

The Pit does not have any such restrictions set in
an upstairs VIP area.
place. The fighters are not screened for Ego stability

and are encouraged to be as creative and brutal Jean decided to cater to the same market as

in their matches as possible. Real Death is a real Zane, but to at least artificially, give the idea that

concern, and some events are held specifically for this patrons could slum it… in safety. However, many

purpose. While Freak augments are not allowed in shady dealings still take place within the club, but

legal arenas, they are often featured at The Pit. as it is not Jean’s main base of operations it is

tame in comparison to what takes place behind

Due to its illegal status, The Pit does not maintain a
doors at Club Eden.
set location in New Jozi. A new location is chosen

for each event, and fighters and attendees are sent

the details via a secure, one-way communication

system. One thing that each venue has in common

is its opulence. Luxuries and pleasures of all kinds

adorn each venue.

The Pit seems to be run by a person known as

The Coordinator. Their true identity is unknown,

as they appear in a new sleeve for each occasion.

If The Coordinator is the person in charge of

the operation, they must have a vast amount of

wealth and influence.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 1 : I ntroduction to J ohannesburg 13
C H . 2 : O R G A N I S AT I O N S ,

K H U M A L O B I O WA R E Siphiso Khumalo decided to move the entire company

Khumalo Bioware was founded in 2025 by Siphiso to New Jozi in 2064. This was due in part to a deal

Khumalo, in what was then the city of Cape Town. At signed with Unity to assist in The Reclamation,

the time of its founding it was called Khumalo Bio- and also due to Gauteng Province having been his

technologies, and the company’s main focus was on ancestral homeland.

genetic engineering and the creation of fabricated 8 years later Nkanyezi Khumalo was born, and was
human organ replacements. named after her Grandfather. As the sole child born to

Smart investments and the right connections helped Siphiso, she was groomed to inherit the organisation.

Khumalo quickly rise to be one of the most sought In 2100, Siphiso permanently entered Virtual and

after and talked about names in the industry and Nkanyezi became the majority stockholder and CEO.

when civil war broke out in 2027, the company Thereafter, Khumalo Bioware shifted its focus as a
expanded its portfolio to include robotic prosthetics. company exclusively to the production of sleeves,
Their assistance gave the newly founded Western specialising in biologically upgraded models. The
Cape government the edge it needed to succeed introduction of stack technology had led to a wealth
during the war. of new possibilities in terms of what was possible

When The Collapse took place in 2028, the fighting for a human body, and every new innovation that

immediately stopped and a peace agreement was a person could think of — odds were that Khumalo

reached. With hundreds of thousands of people Bioware had had the idea first.

displaced, and injured, Siphiso Khumalo used this At the center of Iphaladisi stands Onkulunkulu, the
opportunity to showcase the firm’s capabilities even home of Khumalo Bioware as well as the private
more during the relief efforts. residence of Nkanyezi and the rest of the Khumalo

In the years that followed, the corporation became family. The structure is equal parts a towering art

one of the wealthiest organisations in Africa. And installation, technological marvel and fortress.

in 2060, they entered into talks with CNSAC to

purchase the rights to redeveloping The Collapse.

By 2062 the deal was signed, and the foundation

of New Jozi began with The Reclamation starting in

earnest in 2063.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 14
A child of the 20th Century, Siphiso Khumalo’s rise to
affluence and status was nothing short of a miracle.
The only child of Siphiso Khumalo and an unknown
Born to a poor family in the slums of Soweto, Siphiso
mother, Nkanyezi was named after her Grandfather.
worked odd jobs from a very young age in order to
Siphiso believed that she needed a powerful name to
be able to put himself through school.
go with her birthright, and from a young age she did

not disappoint him. Hard work and diligence earned him a scholarship to

study biomechanical engineering at the University of

She excelled in any field of study she set her
Witwatersrand, thereafter being offered a position
considerable mind to, and by the age of 12 years
to pursue his doctorate at Stellenbosch University in
old, (with the assistance of time dilated studies) she
the Western Cape.
held several doctorates from the finest institutions in

the settled worlds.

It was during an internship at a robotics facility in
At 28 years old, Nkanyezi inherited her father’s Beijing where his passion for synthetic engineering
empire. She took to the position with ease, bloomed, and where he inevitably made the
efficiently and methodically making changes. connections he needed to eventually found and fund
Nkanyezi spearheaded an industry wide revolution Khumalo Biotechnologies.
in the production and design of biological sleeves.
At the time of the founding of the company in
Setting the new standard for what a bespoke
Cape Town, Siphiso was already well entrenched
model actually meant.
in the upper echelons of the global corporate
Her own research made hardware implementation biotechnology scene.
far more seamless and compatible with biological
Like his daughter, he maintained strong traditional
counterparts, and her understanding of gene
spiritual beliefs which ultimately led him to become
resequencing allowed the introduction of animal DNA
Southern Africa’s first Ukhoko. A term meaning
into human sleeves.
ancestor in the Zulu language. Ukhoko reach a
Nkanyezi Khumalo maintains a strong belief in point in their very long lives where they decide to
traditional spiritual and ancestral practices, which enter virtual permanently, acting as advisors for the
ultimately led to her decision to have Unity removed new generations.
from Iphaladisi in 2200. Even after the Third Civil
Although the act is revered, the sheer cost of it
War ended, she maintained a close eye on Unity’s
almost always ensures that Ukhokho come from only
movements and dealings within Iphaladisi.
the richest members of society.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 15
Elka Van Staaden comes from a well-respected
Since the beginning of the 21st Century, thousands
family among the Twilight society of New Jozi. Her
of South Africans have left their home shores to
father was a decorated member of CTAC, and her
other countries in order to pursue a better life.
mother was a high-ranking employee of a prominent
As the economy began to fail, Corporations and
pharmaceuticals company. But, try as they might,
the Government itself began to go bankrupt. And
they were never able to break through into The
the numbers of displaced South Africans rose
Golden Circle. Their ambitions, however, were thrust
steeply every year.
upon Elka from a young age.

She had to be the top of her class in all subjects, Poor environmental planning, as well as decades of

she had to excel at foreign languages, she had to drought contributed to the increasing desertification

be physically fitter than all of her peers. Every extra of the country. Food shortages resulted. This,

credit that came her parents’ way was funneled into combined with the increasing lack of basic necessities

producing the perfect daughter. The one that would led The Western Cape province to secede and form

succeed where they had failed. Their project worked. its own country in 2027.

Elka became an expert analyst, communicator, At this point, tensions were so high in South Africa

predictor, and organiser. She also became cold- that The Second Civil War erupted, which only ended

hearted, and ruthless in her ambition. She also desired due to The Collapse. It was against this backdrop that

to fulfil her parents’ abandoned dreams, but her the first ideals of Unity were born. A place where the

reasons for doing so were out of complete hatred needs of the many would take precedence over the

for her parents. needs of the few, almost in reflexive revulsion to the

widening gap between the haves and have-nots into

Once Elka attended University, she found herself
an uncrossable chasm as the Collapse took its toll.
going head-to-head against Nkanyezi Khumalo.
Unity became a place where people from all walks of
However, Nkanyezi was the one opponent she could
life chose to work together for their common good, at
never beat. Recognizing her strength, Nkanyezi
least in theory.
quickly became Elka’s confidant and would take the

position of the second most powerful person in The Utilising this momentum, the Western Cape began

Silver City. The Personal Assistant to Nkanyezi herself. massive environmental revitalisation projects. All

efforts were put into sustainable and affordable

Although the two do not see each other as
living, and in 2050. The Western Cape officially
friends, they do see each other as indispensable to
decided to launch what they called Unity. A program
each other’s goals.
to encourage not only the best and brightest
Elka achieved her status as one of The Golden South African minds to return and resettle, but
Children, and never had any contact with all South Africans that had found themselves
her family again. displaced over the years.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 16
And it was working. Within 10 years, the educational to broker peace in 2255. Unity was allowed to once

and technological policies of Unity had led it to again move its offices into Iphaladisi.

become one of humanity’s forerunners in the field of

Able to return its focus to research and development,
environmental sciences and terraforming. Which then
Unity continued its expansion into the settled worlds
led to the UNP’s decision to contract Unity for many
by focus of their terraforming expertise. By 2300
of their offworld terraforming projects.
they had acquired first option rights to all future UNP

The introduction of DHF allowed Unity to develop terraforming projects.

a unique culture in that it encouraged citizens to

Unity has now unveiled its new project, codenamed
spend as little time sleeved as they could. They
Link. Although details given to the public are
found it much faster to work together in virtual, as
scarce, they have promised that it will be the next
conglomerates. The ability to dilate time made this
chapter in human evolution and an even bigger
even more efficient.
breakthrough than DHF.

When Siphiso Khumalo was looking for a partner to

help him with The Reclamation, Unity was a natural


choice. They handled the greening of New Jozi, they A LT O N H I T Z E R O T H

created the waterways that dominate the city by The current representative of Unity in New Jozi, Alton

creating the technology to purify the toxic waste Hitzeroth is the youngest person to hold the position

waters that had filled The Collapse, they ensured that with a DHF age of 60 years.

each new section of the city was equipped with its

Alton made his mark in Unity for his work in the field
own self-contained farming systems.
of social engineering, pioneering infrastructures

Due to the routine DHF Networking that took place in to allow others to access states similar to the DHF

Unity, it’s citizens developed growing incompatibility Networking that was common in Unity, without the

with Natal Sleeves which led to a society mostly necessity to integrate into it permanently.

populated by synth sleeves past the DHF age of 18.

As an expert in neo-human psychological behaviours,

Their unique mindset led to a growing ideological it was thought that he could smooth relations

split with Khumalo Bioware, and in 2200, Nkanyezi between Unity citizens and those belonging to

Khumalo successfully petitioned CNSAC to allow their CNSAC. So far, he maintains a stellar image in New

removal from Iphaladisi, and their restriction to only Jozi and the global corporate sector.

having offices in The Edges.

Whenever there is a social event broadcast to the

When tensions rose to a breaking point in 2250, New masses, you would be sure to find Alton there.

Jozi became a Corporate warzone. While Khumalo Whenever new ground was being broken on

had the edge on superior combat sleeves, Unity had humanitarian construction projects, Alton was there.

an edge on their bridging technology which allowed If any of the wealthy were hosting a party, you could

Security Officers to share their skills between squad always find Alton there.

members. With a stalemate, the UNP called a summit

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 17
As the poster child for Unity, Alton maintains Sarah spends her time moving between the main

comparatively modest residences in Ezulwini Tower facility in Iphaladisi, and the satellite office in The

which is the sister tower to Onkulunkulu and the head Edges. She functions as the main overseer of all RnD

office of the organisation within the city. projects within New Jozi.

As with most Unity citizens, Alton is sleeved in a state

of the art synthetic sleeve. Which becomes occupied

Zama Zama. The worker. The illegal. The miner. These
by other Unity Citizens whenever Alton is in virtual.
are the roots from which they came from, and these
Alton has been handling all of the PR appearances
are the ideals which bind them together today. Out
for Unity’s Project Link, along with his counterpart
of all the factions, corporations and organisations
Sarah DeVilliers — New Jozi’s head of Research and
in New Jozi and CNSAC. They are the oldest, they
Development for the organisation.
are the most likely to survive. They are the most

SARAH DEVILLIERS adaptable to change.

Outside of Unity, little is known about Sarah DeVilliers. What began in the early 2000s as a collective name
She has held her position within the organisation for those involved in illegal mining operations, the
for over a century now. To the outside world she is Zama Zama of today is a vast, connected, criminal
charming and succinct, and has a gift for explaining underground running just about any kind of illicit
scientific concepts in easily understandable terms. operation you can think of. But, more than that,
But, unlike her counterpart she is rarely seen at social they offer those not privileged enough to be above
events — unless it is for a press conference. ground, a purpose, a tribe, safety.

Within the organisation, it is understood that Sarah In the years leading up to and following the Second
DeVilliers is a construct of A Network Fused DHF Civil War, large parts of South Africa had been made
conglomerate. They are the result of a never repeated largely uninhabitable. Farms were failing, drought had
experiment to create a new human consciousness caused massive water restrictions, and the country’s
entirely in virtual, by adding base personality power plants were all but shut down.
elements from 3 individuals to an AI algorithm
People from all parts of Africa began flocking to
that would self generate an entire human DHF.
South Africa, to Johannesburg, in the hopes of
However, the personality elements were unable to
finding a better life. Something to sustain them.
de-link and be copied from their host DHFs and the
Many of them ended up working as gang members,
process resulted in a Network Fused personality
prostitutes, drug runners, and illegal miners. In the
run by the AI — which came to choose the name
Greater Johannesburg area specifically, entire towns
Sarah DeVilliers.
and communities sprang up literally underground in

order to support the new mining operations.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 18
Due to The Collapse, millions of people died. But, Boy’s mother had a number of gambling debts in

not all the labyrinths and underground towns were New Jozi, and with no work and no choices, she

destroyed, and many new areas had been created. turned to Zama Zama and found work as a sex

worker in order to pay off her debt. This is the life that
Putting aside their old rivalries, the remaining gang
Boy was raised in.
bosses came together to form a new organisation. It

was clear that the Government and the wealthy didn’t Hardship and strife made Boy into the man he is

give a damn about “die grond gebore,” so they would today. He is by far the most approachable, and

have to take care of their own. reasonable of the Zama Zama heads.

Zama Zama today is run by three heads, they keep LAAITIE

their enclaves running and relocate them as necessary Born and raised Zama Zama. Laaitie quickly climbed
and they work together to ensure a form of order in the ranks from a young age. The only thing on
their semi-permanent settlements. his mind has always been power. Using coercion,

Currently, the bosses maintain their headquarters intimidation and force, Laaitie seized his position

in the ruins of three landmarks from before The as die Baas van Tuks in a bloody coup. He has

Collapse: The old amusement park, Gold Reef City, maintained his position ever since.

the remnants of Tuks University and the old Nan Hua Laaitie strictly controls the drug trade of the Zama
Buddhist temple. Zama, and although he has a few above ground

competitors, for the most part anything coming into

or out of New Jozi.

“ B OY ” M A H L A N G U
Opulence and cruelty are his trademarks, but so is
The Boss of Gold Reef City, Boy handles the day getting his hands dirty. Laaitie never shies away from
to day dealings of “die grond gebore.” Assigning doing something himself, just to prove the point that
housing, the digging of new tunnels, assuring mostly he can, AND he can do it better.
fair dealings for the sex workers, anything that would
With the wealth he has accumulated from his trade,
involve a form of internal policing and law… that is
he maintains a number of above ground sleeves,
Boy’s territory.
personas, and residences, although his focus is always
Boy was born just outside the area of New Jozi, not on his below ground domain.
far from the edges. Although the city is a marvel of
engineering and social infrastructure, for the most

part the rest of CNSAC exists in a state of near Kobus was ousted from Inyoka Securities after he had

collapse. Basic services and very basic work are defaulted on a contract by accepting more money

available, but when there is nowhere left to go you from a competitor. To make an example of him, Inyoka

end up underground. had put a price on his head, forcing him underground.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 19
Zama Zama accepted Kobus into their ranks due CNSAC
to his military training and weapons knowledge, The late 20th and early 21st Century culminated in
but always kept a close eye on him. Kobus’ above the total collapse of the South African economy.
ground connections over the years brought a wealth Its infrastructures were shot, its production sectors
of weaponry, and highly skilled individuals into the were in shambles, unemployment and violence were
organisation, and within a few years he had cemented rampant, and the country was heavily in debt.
himself as indispensable and was chosen as the
The Chinese New South African Coalition was formed
successor to the Temple Boss.
with permission from the UNP in order to rectify the
Kobus deals with all black market affairs within situation and get the Southern half of the continent
Zama Zama. If you need something covertly stolen more stable. The newly formed coalition government
in Iphaladisi, Kobus is the person to go to. Need an originally had its headquarters in the city of Nelspruit.
untraceable ride offworld? Kobus is your man. But moved into New Jozi once it had become the seat

Inyoka still has a price on his head, which has made of the economy.

Kobus exceptionally paranoid when it comes to The founding of CNSAC brought with it a wave of
security and his inner circle. He never maintains the migration, and new policies. Within a few short years,
same sleeve for more than a week at a time. Mandarin had become a requirement in schools. The

aesthetics and architecture of the country continued

to evolve to represent a fusion of African and

Chinese ideals.

With the rest of the country heavily reliant on the

cooperation of Khumalo Bioware and Unity, CNSAC

maintains a functionary role in day to day governance.

They operate law enforcement, liaise with CTAC with

regards to potential recruitment, and they report

directly to the UNP.

To the common person, CNSAC represents much

the same as any government in this era — mostly

incompetent or handcuffed by corporate interests,

and yet the country has enjoyed a stable education

system, plentiful resources, and a solid infrastructure

for a few centuries now. A fact which CNSAC officials

proudly proclaims to its citizens.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 20
Officially, CNSAC does have the power in the country. LIN ZHONG MING
The final say on any changes to laws or policies is A relative new-comer to CNSAC, Zhong Ming Lin
handled by them, and they run the courts and the spent his early career working for the UNP. After
police department. years on assignment in Beijing, he was selected to

become the official liaison between CNSAC and

The Protectorate.
L I N D I W E N KO S A N A - L I N
After 30 years’ placement in New Jozi, Zhong Ming
The current CNSAC President, Lindiwe Nkosana-Lin.
established himself firmly as a man with a finger on
A product of the times. Top of her classes, followed
the pulse of both the corporate and political worlds.
by a distinguished military career, and a career in the
His main loyalty is always to the Protectorate.
private health sector.

Lindiwe was seen as an advocate for her people, a If there are secrets to be uncovered, or knowledge to
true union of both South African and Chinese culture. be had. He prides himself in his ability to gather them
She was known to champion the causes of the and leverage them if need be.
underprivileged, and maintain a strong hand in the
social welfare arena.
Mark was born and raised in New Jozi. He worked
At a DHF age of 100, she set her sights on the political
his way up from the outskirts, to The Edges and
arena. Her family lineage, and strong military ties
eventually as the Chief of Police for the city. He is
made her a natural choice for inclusion in the CNSAC
every part the grizzled veteran, and has the loyalty
governing body. Within 5 years, she was elected as
and respect of the people under his command.
the Minister of Education. At 130 she served as Vice

President for 2 terms, thereafter she ran for the office Recent events within New Jozi have prompted Mark

of President and won in a landslide victory. to develop a new unit specifically to find and deal

with the Zama Zama. Although it is seen by many

Having joined the ranks of the Umdala, Lindiwe tries
as a result of pressure from the Umdala to handle
to keep a stronger hand in the affairs of Iphaladisi
the situation, he has spared no expense at allocating
than her predecessor. Although this works in
department resources and manpower to the project.
her favour with the common citizens of CNSAC,

her views have not engendered her to CNSACs

Mark is a man in his late fifties and is a firm believer
corporate backers.
in the maintenance of one’s natal sleeve with as little

augmentation as possible, an attitude which often

puts him at odds with Unity representatives. However,

he never lets prejudice get in the way of his job.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 21
I N YO K A S E C U R I T I E S In order to keep its statement of neutrality, Inyoka

In the late 20th century, South Africa had spawned enforces extremely strict measures against

many private security firms in order to deal with rising contractors that would breach their agreements.

crime rates. The efficiency of the services varied An amount agreed upon, and accepted for an

greatly depending on the cost of the service, but engagement cannot be superseded by a higher offer.

some firms garnered a reputation among criminal The contract and the client must come first.

elements as being ruthless in their duties.

In the years following the Second Civil War, locals, ELIAS MOKWENA
businesses and even entire townships turned to the
The only surviving founding member of Inyoka
firms to help them maintain some form of safety and
Securities. Elias Mokwena now enjoys wealth, luxury
order in their lives. Well trained crews ensured more
and status as Umdala in Iphaladisi.
client retention. And eventually only a few names
Elias is a careful man. When creating and managing
were left in the industry.
an empire that deals with the security of others,
By this time, mercenaries, and ex-military personnel
you have to be. His residence in Iphaladisi reflects
made up the bulk of the various companies’ soldiers.
his mindset. Ordered, functional, and yet clearly
And in 2042, they decided to unify under one banner
demonstrating his position.
nationwide. This became Inyoka Securities.
He has a large family, none of whom have anything to
With the growing wealth gap in CNSAC as a whole,
do with Inyoka. He is a believer in people being able
they adopted a unique contract model. A client
to stand on their own merits.
would be able to hire a set amount of personnel for
At best, Elias’s position in Iphaladisi is tolerated as a
a set engagement length. During the engagement,
necessary evil. He has the ultimate final word on any
the contractors first loyalty was to the client. Should
contracts, so people do their best to stay in his good
they be required to be in a conflict with other Inyoka
graces. It would be ill advised to go against the man
Security members, this was seen as acceptable. The
who supplies most of the wealthy’s private armies.
contracts would always include resleeving costs.

Naturally, this led to the extremely wealthy employing RONESH NAIDOO

small armies of contractors at all times. The training The current Enforcer in New Jozi for Inyoka Securities.

that Inyoka offered was said to be equal to that of Ronesh Naidoo made his name offworld as an officer

CTAC, so most corporations relied on them to provide in CTAC. After receiving a more promising offer from

security for their firms. Inyoka Securities in 2220, he returned to his homeland

and brought with him a wealth of experience.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 22
His diligence to the job and his ability to run a tight SUPPORTING
ship saw him rise through the ranks quickly. After
playing a major part in the corporate war between

Unity and Khumalo Bioware, he was given the title of A B ATJ I E D I M I N I

Enforcer for the area. Abatjie is a Psych Engineer for Unity. She is known

Ronesh is seen as a cold man by the outside world. and respected throughout The Silver City as an

His strict adherence to company policy leaves little expert Psychosurgeon. Her philosophy is rooted in

doubt to those under his command that if you violate compassion, and she does her work for all members

the rules, you will be dealt with… swiftly. of society and is even trusted by many Grond

Gebore. Abatjie makes her home in The Hive in

Although no longer a part of his duties, Ronesh
the third ring and is an active patron of The Dead
personally oversees the training of all Inyoka
Philosopher’s Society.
contractors. Deviance from his program is not

tolerated, even for seasoned veterans. AT L A S

An officer of high rank within Inyoka Securities, Atlas
FA N T I A N C U I is known as a Stack procurement specialist. He is
Fan Tian Cui is the Lead Negotiator and Keeper of often seen with his Familiar, an augmented bearded
Contracts for Inyoka Securities. She is a shrewd, vulture by the name of Q-Bone. Atlas is a crack shot,
but fair business woman. Meticulous in the details and a military man through and through. Born within
she requires from potential clients, she ensures The Golden Circle, his family has a long history of
that the specifications are carried out to the letter service with Inyoka. Although his DHF age is over
of the contract. 100, within New Jozi that is not considered as being

among the Umdala.

Her family were originally from mainland China, and

they have held fast to their traditions and customs. MIANJU

Even with Cui being a third generation CNSAC
Currently, Mianju finds himself working as a Unity
citizen, Cui follows the ideals laid out by her parents
researcher within Ezulwini Tower’s RND department.
and grandparents.
This, however, was not always the case. In truth,

As with all members of Inyoka securities, Cui is Mianju is one of the most gifted minds born among

extremely well trained in combat arts. Her keen mind the Grond Gebore. Through clever re-encoding of

makes her an excellent tactician. A skill which she his own stack, as well as faking his own real death

uses effectively during contract negotiations. and the acquisition of a Unity made synthetic sleeve,

he managed to start a new life. Although he has

Cui’s family has long been a fixture of The Twilight
been exceptionally careful about covering up his
members of CNSAC. Her desire is to elevate her
falsehoods, it is possible that some may know of his
status to Enforcer and one day be the first of her
secret identity.
family to join the ranks of the Umdala.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 23
Born into a wealthy family within the Golden Circle, Judith Celliers is a Networker for Unity. She takes the

Lorelei set her keen mind upon the task of studying role of a community organizer for the organization,

human behavior and social currents and in her 150 and often works closely with Alton Hitzeroth. Her

years she has become exceptionally proficient as a position is less media oriented than Alton’s, her focus

pattern analyst. Her insights are often sought out by being integration between Unity and CNSAC citizens.

various organizations within The Silver City. She is an

active member of The Dead Philosopher’s Society.
Justice Mokwena is the research assistant and
Z A N E K H OZ A intermediary for Sarah DeVilliers. He would
Zane “The Broker” Khoza is the owner and proprietor often be the point of contact for times when
of Club Eden, a nightclub located in The Outskirts. A Sarah is unavailable.
Grond Gebore, Zane worked his way up through the

ranks of the Zama Zama by being able to successfully


do work for all three Bosses. Once he had gotten Kaya is one of a number of Runners within New Jozi.

the clout, and credits, Zane set himself the task of Born and raised in the Outskirts, Kaya is quick-witted

claiming territory within The Outskirts. Club Eden and dependable. She has contacts with many people

serves as the center of his small, but well connected, within New Jozi. She is dependable, but does not get

organization. Zane’s desire is for expanded involved in personal business. She does what she is

power, and he is always willing to do a “favor,” if paid for, nothing more.

the price is right.

Known throughout New Jozi as the best Heks in the
field. Ares appears to be a man of Caucasian descent,
A cocky, arrogant, but charismatic man. Jean DuBois
6’3 tall, well-built, with long blonde hair, and a well-
established himself as a sub-leader within the Zama
maintained beard. It is known that he was a CNSAC
Zama by handling smuggling operations for the
native that left the country sometime around the
narcotics that Laatie’s faction produces. Currently, he
2100s. It’s unclear exactly where he spent his time,
leads the Malenga settlement of the Grond Gebore.
but he is an excellent chemist, counselor, healer, and
Jean takes care of his settlement, but his eye is
Psychosurgeon. Where he learned the craft of being
always on expanding his reach and influence within
a Heks is unknown. But, he spends his time among
the organization.
almost all the different people of New Jozi, willing to
J U A N WA N G offer healing to any who need it, and Skim The Net for

Juan serves as a Network Administrator in those that need it, too.

Onkulunkulu Tower. His position is given great

importance as he is one of the leaders of those

assigned to maintain the Ukhokho Networks.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 2 : O rganisations , G roups , and N P C s 24

„ Combat: The “Small Arms” Branch of the

NEW ARCHETYPE: Combat Trait Tree is automatically unlocked for
GROND GEBORE this character and will always have the stack
The term Grond Gebore means ground born in the point cost to choose traits as if it were part of a
Afrikaans language, in this case it is more accurate to Common Trait Tree.
say born from the ground. Grond Gebore are those
that are unlucky enough to have been born, quite
literally below ground. Although not criminals by
default, the society of the Grond Gebore is run by the
Zama Zama. Their townships frequently get raided
and filled in by CNSAC, but permanent settlements
do remain. Whether this is due to clever technological
shielding, or unknown deals with forces above ground
is up for speculation.

„ Pros: Grond Gebore have an extremely strong

sense of community, which means that they
likely have many contacts that “know a guy.” This
reduces the difficulty of gaining access to certain
items or services that others may have a hard
time coming across.

„ Cons: You are counted as the lowest tier in

society. Grond Gebore barely have any rights at
all. Even if you rise to status above ground, your
birth will likely always be a stain on your social

„ Default Sleeve: Birth

„ Wealth Lv.1

„ Bonus 1d6 EP
„ Traits: Take “Underground Expert” as Common
Trait Tree, and Either Crime or Survival as a
Common Trait Tree. Take one other Trait Tree
to be an Anomaly. Starting characters cannot
choose the “Law and Government” or “Business
and Society” Trait trees. All other Trait Trees are

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 25

1 Weapon, One Handed – Melee, Sjambok (5)

Ammunition/Power Cells (5), Entertainment, Low Res Virtual (5),

“One Handed – Melee” Q (5), Public Transport Fare (5)
“Firearms” Q , Entertainment, DIning Out / Live Entertainment (5), Upgrade Kit Q (10),
Credits Lv.1 (5)
Entertainment, High Class (5), “Device” QQQ or less (5),
“Directed Energy Weapon” Q (5), Credits Lv.2 (5)
Interplanetary Transport Fare (3), “Device” QQQQ or more (5), Chassis Upgrade Q (5),
Credit Lv.3 (5)










J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 26
PACKAGES You focus on what’s important. You tell that to
everyone that you meet. The Grounders may have
FIXER forgotten that your people exist, your people may think
You’re ambitious. A go-getter. You have worked your that the only way for them to survive is to become the
way into being the one known for being able to get criminals that they are told they are, but you don’t see
people what they want… for a favour, and you ALWAYS it that way. You have hope. More than that, you have a
collect on your favours. vision, and you’ll work tirelessly to get people where
you believe they can be — safely.
Starts with 3 x Credits Lv.1, treat the Zama Zama STARTING PACKAGE

factions as Networks, and develop one other mid- Starts with Borer and Haz Suit (Heavy), define 3 mid-

level Contact from any of the other Organisations level Contacts (1 within CNSAC Police Force, 1 within

Unity, and one Socialite within the Golden Circle)

„ Traits: Underground Expert — Tsotsitaal
Tier 1; Crime: Professional Network “Crime „ Traits: Underground Expert — Navigation Tier 1;
Syndicate” — Tier 1; Combat: Small Arms — Tier 1 Underground Expert — Hazard Survival Tier 1;
Business & Society — Stack Augment Humanity
You’ve spent so much time finding, disassembling,
and rebuilding gear from random salvaged or stolen
parts, that you can safely call yourself a self-taught
tech genius. But, it’s not enough. You’re fascinated with UNITY CITIZEN
REAL development. So much so that you’ve gotten You are Unity. Through and through. Your life has a
hold of a Unity model Synthetic Sleeve, and while DHF purpose, you dedicate yourself to the advancement
Networking might be risky for those not born into it, of humanity through social and technological means.
you’re sure as hell not going to let that stop you. Although not all Unity citizens are scientists and
researchers, this does make up a vast majority of its
STARTING PACKAGE citizens. The remainder are devoted to the arts of
Starts with mid-level Synthetic Sleeve and DHF various types. Unity in itself is part Social Movement,

Networking Adapter, 1 x Credits Lv 2, Define one low Part Government, and part Corporation. Due to this,
you almost certainly are not from this city, and you
level Contact within Unity.
occupy an economic position of mid to high standing.

„ Traits: Underground Expert — Hazard Survival „ Pros: You have access to some of the brightest
Tier 1; Crime: Fraud — Tier 1; DHF Networking: minds on the planet. Unity’s technological
Systems and Data Networking — Tier 1. make-up allows you to be able to undergo DHF
Networking, a unique state where you interface
with a conglomerate of other DHFs in dilated
time in order to do research, or solve problems
at an accelerated rate.You likely live a life that is
above the means of many CNSAC citizens.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 27
„ Cons: Your outlook, and personality and even SOCIAL ENGINE ER
your thought processes are different from most You have dedicated your life to understand societal
CNSAC citizens, and they treat you as different. and group dynamics. You understand how cooperation
The fact that you don’t belong here shows and is fostered or destroyed, and you understand how
can even hamper you in certain situations. You situations around you can be molded either for your
are unable to maintain a Natal sleeve for very own benefit or the benefit of the whole.
long as your DHF simply feels more comfortable
and workable in a synthetic one. STARTING PACKAGE
Start with 1 x Credits Lv.3; 1 x Untraceable Credits
Lv.2; develop 1 high-level contact; start with a DHF
„ Default Sleeve: Synthetic, Mid Range
Networking Adapter, a Bridger, and 1 x Aurora
„ Wealth Lv.2
„ Traits: DHF Networking – Systems and Data
„ Bonus 1d8 EP Networking Tier 1, Business and Society – High
„ Tech: Choose one sleeve augment or upgrade Society Tier 1, Business and Society – Media Tier 1
that is QQ or less for free. Gain a DHF
Networking Adapter Q
„ Traits: Take DHF Networking as a Common Trait
Tree, Choose either Praxis or Technology as a
Common Trait Tree. Underground Expert and
Combat are Anomalies. All other trait trees are


The mind is your forte. You have spent years honing
your understanding of its parts, its expressions, and
its impact on the physical. Your care for others comes
through in your words, your work, and your actions.
You do your best to see that sense of balance imparted
to, and restored to, others.

Start with 3 x Credits Lv.2; develop 2 mid-level

contacts either both within Unity or 1 within the

organization and one without; start with the sleeve

upgrade: Short Twitch Muscle Augment, as well as a

DHF Networking Adapter and a Whisper Net

„ Traits: DHF Networking – Scientific Networking

Tier 1, DHF Networking – Shared Skills
Networking Tier 1, Combat – Martial Arts Tier 1

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 28
Wealth Level 1: Entertainment, Low Class (∞ City only), Entertainment, Middle Class (5),
Deck, Portable QQ (5), Upgrade Kit, Deck, Portable Q (10), Upgrade Kit
Q (5)
Wealth Level 2: “Device” QQ (5), Entertainment, High Class (5), Derringer QQ (5),
Credits Lv.1 (5), Private Transport (10), Deck, Portable QQQ (5)
Wealth Level 3: “Device” QQQ , Data Storage QQQ (5), Credits Lv.2 (5),Credits,
Untraceable Lv.1 (5)
Wealth Level 4: “Energy Weapon” Q (5), Upgrade Kit Q (10), Lethinol Q (5), Stallion Q
4 (5), Credits Lv.3 (5), Credits, Untraceable Lv.2 (5) Interplanetary Transport Fare (5), Private
Transport (∞)
5+ Wealth Level 5: “Device” QQQ , Merge QQ (5), Reaper Q (5)










J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 29
You specialize in the advancement of humanity as a
whole. Whether your field of expertise is the arts, or
This city is yours. Whether by birth or by clawing your
science, you desire to expand the boundaries of what
way in, you live behind The Golden Curtain. A privilege
it means to exist.
only experienced by the elite, or by those directly

STARTING PACKAGE employed by them. While not necessarily of the

Umdala, your aspirations are clear. Power, and control
Start with 3 x Credits Lv.2, a DHF Networking Adapter,
and even greater status in a very small circle.
an ONI, and a Deck-Portable QQQ
„ Pros: Wealth and influence make life easier,
„ Traits: DHF Networking – Scientific Networking wherever you go.
Tier 1, DHF Networking – Scientific Networking
Tier 2, Law and Government – Stack Augment „ Cons: The politics of the wealthy are a deadly

Education Tier 1 game, this makes trust very hard to come by and
perhaps a liability.

„ Default Sleeve: Birth/Natal

„ Wealth Lv.2

„ Ego: Gain IP2

„ Traits: Choose Law and Government, or Business

& Society as common Trait Trees. Underground
Expert is an Anomaly. All other Trait Trees are

 Business & Society: The “High Society”

Branch of the Business & Society Trait Tree
is automatically unlocked for this character
and will always have the stack point cost to
choose traits as if it were part of a Common
Trait Tree.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 30
Private Transportation (∞), Flak Coat Q (5),“One-Handed Melee” QQ (5),Entertainment,
Low Class (∞ City only), Entertainment, Middle Class (5)
“Device” QQ (5), Ammunition/Battery Pack (5), Entertainment,
2 High Class (5), “Direct Energy Weapon” Q (5), Special Ammunition Q (5),
Credits Lv.1 (5), Flak Coat QQ
3 “Device” QQQ , Surveillance Bug QQ (5), Credits Lv.2 (5), Credits, Untraceable Lv.1 (5)
Interplanetary Transport Fare (5), Gear QQQ (5), “Powered Melee Weapon” QQ (5),
Credits Lv.3 (5), Credits, Untraceable Lv.2 (5)
5+ “Device” QQQQ , Needlecast (5), Credits Lv.4 (5)










J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 31
You or your family have been in Iphaladisi for
SHEPHERD generations. Tradition and Culture are extremely
You have a strong desire to guide and shape society important to you. You have great reverence for your
within New Jozi. You understand the political currents ancestors, and aspire to become Ukhokho yourself one
and players within the Golden Circle, and you are able day. You may be the leader of a corporation, or the heir
to use them to your advantage. While not necessarily to your family’s legacy, and you see it as your duty to
part of a governmental organization, your keen mind exemplify the best of their name. This character will
and insight has earned you a reputation as an efficient also be under scrutiny and more susceptible to scandal.
and thorough pattern analyst.
Start with 1 x Credits Lvl 4 and 3 additional IP
Start with 3 x Credits Lv.3, an ONI, and 2 additional IP
„ Traits: Business and Society – High Society Tier
„ Traits: Business and Society – Professional 1, Technology – Stack Augment Control Tier 1,
Network “Business” Tier 1, Law and Business and Society – Charity Tier 1
Government – Law Enforcement Tier 1, Praxis –
Ego Tier 1

You may have been born in Iphaladisi, or you may
have worked your way in, however you or your family
do not come from the corporate world. Perhaps
you work for CNSAC, or you have a high rank within
Inyoka Securities.

Start with 1 x Credits Level 3, CTAC Shocktrooper AK,

Monomolecular Switchblade

„ Traits: Law and Government – Law Enforcement

Tier 1, Business and Society – High Society Tier 1,
Combat – Long Guns Tier 1

If you choose to be a member of Inyoka Securities,

you might decide to have a Familiar. See Inyoka

Securities Familiar System.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 32


This concerns a character’s ability to enter into and
When making a check involving Sciences, or Scientific
maintain shared mental states in order to accelerate
related research, the player character may approach
processing time on tasks, or even share skills between
a member of their DHF conglomerate in virtual
a group. When using these abilities in a Natal /
in dilated time. This allows a character to roll an
Cloned Sleeve PCs take 1d6 Ego Point Damage. When
additional die for the check and to be able to take
using them in a Synth Sleeve they take 1d4 Ego Point
the better result.
Damage. If the player is a Unity Citizen, they take no

Ego Damage. If equipped with a DHF Networking T I E R 2 : T H I N K TA N K

Adapter, player characters may roll a Composure The player’s DHF conglomerate has expanded,

check with a difficulty equal to their Willpower rating. allowing faster processing time on research relating

If they succeed, they take no Ego damage. to the Sciences. The length of time taken for said

research is reduced by 1⁄3 the total time.

The player character can now hot-swap their DHF

with that of a specialist in the field of Scientific

Enquiry or Research that they are currently working

on.The specialist can be GM controlled, and effectively

makes their rolls at 1 skill level higher than the player

character, for the scene.

T I E R 4 : C R E AT I O N
The player character’s DHF conglomerate has

expanded to include some of the brightest scientific

minds available. Creation of custom Tech cost 1 less

in level of credits, as well as being much more rapidly

developed, taking only half the amount of time.

The player’s scientific accomplishments have

made them renowned in their field. Generating 2

additional IP every month.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 33
SYSTEMS AND DATA NETWORKING players party members. The player will normally have

a choice of what gets affected. This can temporarily

disable stacks, and, if chosen, can result in RD. In
Your Conglomerate is a trusted network of individuals.
the event of a catastrophic failure, the players party
You are able to store information in a secured location
members would need to roll an Endurance roll. 1 to 2
within your own private network that can’t be
degrees of failure would result in Ego Damage, 3 to 4
accessed by the outside.
degrees of failure would result in severe Ego damage

and 5 or more degrees of failure will result in RD.

Your Conglomerate has expanded to include
individuals with many different sources of
At this Tier, a players control over their field has
information. Gain a bonus die when attempting a
strengthened to allow complete control over
check to see if they have any information stored in
technology within it. The player will make a Digi.
their Shared Drives relating to a topic you are trying
Networking roll. 1 degree of success allows control for
to gain knowledge of.
1 round, 2–3 degrees allow for 5 rounds, 4 degrees or

T I E R 3 : T H R E A D WA R E higher allow for unlimited control time while in the

You momentarily create a field around yourself that field. The Gamemaster can allow for opposed rolls to

has a 5-meter radius. This field allows you to be aware be made to resist the effects of the field.

of, and attempt to influence all technology within it.

While control will be limited to up to 3 sources, based
upon degrees of success of a Digi. Networking roll,

awareness would include all devices and stacks within A Player Character’s DHF Conglomerate consists of

the field and based upon the degrees of success in many individuals with different skill sets. Once per

a Detection roll. The player can maintain control, or session, a PC may choose to use a die rated one level

awareness, not both. If awareness is chosen, bonus above theirs for a scene. Effectively borrowing the

dice can be given to the character to show their skill set of one of their Conglomerate members. For

increased reaction time. example a character may roll a d10 instead of a d12.

However, at this tier the skill cannot go below a d6.

T I E R 4 : OV E R LOA D
Your field is now capable of overloading technological
Twice per session, a PC may choose to use a die
systems within it. The amount of devices affected
rated one level above theirs for a scene. Effectively
will be based upon the degrees of success rolled
borrowing the skill set of one of their Conglomerate
on a Digi. Networking roll, with a minimum of 4
members. For example a character may roll a
affected upon a success. A critical success would
d10 instead of a d12. However, at this tier the skill
affect everything within the field, a disaster would
cannot go below a d6.
have the same effect, but it would also include the

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 34
Three times per session, a PC may choose to use a die UNDERGROUND EXPERT
rated one level above theirs for a scene. Effectively This relates to a character’s ability to handle the
borrowing the skill set of one of their Conglomerate underground society of New Jozi. This includes
members. For example a character may roll a dealing with its people, it’s terrain and its
d10 instead of a d12. However, at this tier the skill various dangers.
cannot go below a d6.
The Player Character’s DHF Conglomerate now
While you may not be intimately familiar with the
includes highly skilled individuals. Once per session, a
complete layout of all the Zama Zama enclaves, you
character can borrow a skill from their Conglomerate
at least know the way to get to them.
up to a d4 for a scene.


You know the markets and the dealers of the Grond
Once per session a PC may borrow two skills from
Gebore. You are able to buy equipment that others
their conglomerate up to a d4 for the entire session.
may not have access to, and at a cheaper price.


Navigating the underground areas of New Jozi can

be filled with many hazards. Toxic environments,

areas of potential cave-ins and caves filled with water

are common. You know the correct routes to take to

avoid all of them. The way might not be as fast, but at

least you’ll get there alive.

T I E R 4 : T U N N E L R AT
Almost everywhere in New Jozi is connected, you

know the fastest and most direct routes away

from prying eyes. While these may have their own

challenges to surmount, you’re aware of what they

may be. The Gamemaster is to use their discretion

here when or if they are creating possible hazards or

encounters on these paths.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 35
There is no one that knows this city better than you Grond Gebore have developed their own unique

do, at least with it comes to knowing the possible language and are fluent in it. However, there are

points of entry into potential targets. Work with secret codes and signs that are used exclusively

your Gamemaster to provide the exact details, but among the criminal elements of the Grond Gebore.

most buildings can somehow be accessed from You can recognise them and communicate

Underground and you know the spots. in them perfectly.


You know people that know people. Agents of the
T I E R 1 : R E S I S TA N C E 1
Zama Zama are in almost every faction in the city.
Roll an extra die for an Endurance check, take
Once per game you may work with your Gamemaster
the better result.
to use a mid-level contact for assistance when your

T I E R 2 : R E S I S TA N C E 2 character has come to an impasse or is in a very tight

situation. Describe the nature of how the hidden ally

Upgrade your Endurance die 1 step to a maximum of
assists you and be aware that the assistance always
a d6 at this level.
comes with strings.

T I E R 3 : R E S I S TA N C E 3
Roll two extra dice for an Endurance check, take
You have a safehouse, credits, and a new personality,
the best result.
and even off-world transport all ready to go for

T I E R 4 : R E S I S TA N C E 4 yourself and your allies. Once the safehouse has been

used, the Gamemaster may choose to make a luck

Upgrade your Endurance die 1 step.
roll to see if it has been compromised. If the new

T I E R 5 : R E S I S TA N C E 5 personality has been used and adopted the character

You automatically pass Endurance checks related to will need to work to develop new ones.

Environmental conditions, poisons and toxins.

T I E R 5 : I N T H E FA M I LY
You are now a high-ranking member of one of the
three main Zama Zama organisations. Perhaps even
T I E R 1 : F R I E N D S I N LOW P L AC E S next in line to run it. You may count one of the Bosses
You have a low level contact among the criminal as a contact, and all checks relating to criminal
elements in the city. Once per game you may call on activity are reduced in difficulty by 3.
them for assistance that does not involve combat.

The Gamemaster ultimately decides the extent of this

assistance, however it does not cost you any IP .

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 3 : N ew J ozi C haracter O ptions 36


„ Wrap: ( + ) On a successful attack the target’s
ONE-HANDED MELEE ( ^ ) is reduced by two. If the target’s ( ^ ) is

SJAMBOK reduced to zero the target is immobile for the

turn. While wrapped, the attacker can spend a
A nanofiber retractable whip, with a unique serrated
( ^ ) to pull the target to them with a successful
weave design which extends outwards once retracted.
Strength check vs. the target’s Strength.
The elegant handcrafted handle can be modified to
conduct a current along the whip with the pushing of „ Hit: ( + ) Target takes Damage. Accuracy 1.
a button at the base. This can either stun an opponent
or the retractable whip can tear into the flesh, causing UPGRADES
physical damage. „ Electro Whip: ( Q ) Weapon is now Powered.
It now has Damage: 1d6+ SB
„ {Melee Combat — Blades (-1)} +0x
„ Stun: ( Q ) This weapon can be used to Stun.
„ Capacity: 0 (Unpowered by default)
„ Concealed: ( Q ) This weapon gains
„ Damage: 1d4+ SB (2+ SB avg.) [Piercing,
Concealment 1 if the whip is attached to a motor
that feeds the whip into and out of a mundane
„ Avg. Tech Points: QQ object, like within a gauntlet, or otherwise
concealed. Size is reduced to . from ..
„ Cost: Price Lv.1+ 1 per Q beyond the first QQ normally.

„ Defensive

„ Melee Weapon (See Section? of the Core


J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 37
At first glance it looks like a short sword except a „ Ace: Rolling an Ace in an Attack check will
sliver of metal is missing down the center, giving it allow a character with a sword to inflict 1d8+ SB
the appearance of two swords meeting at one handle. Wounds against a target this round within melee
These swords are used in underworld fights where range. It does not need to be the same one
you’re more likely to meet your end by blade instead of attacked earlier. Deadly 1
a bullet. The swordbreaker is built specifically for that,
„ Martial Arts: The Martial Arts Specialization
to catch and snap the blades of swords.
for Brawl will count toward Melee Combat.
„ {Melee Combat — Blades, Martial Arts* (-2)} Out of Place
„ Capacity: 0 (unpowered by default)
„ Armor Piercing: ( + or ^ ) Attacks against a
„ Damage: d6+ SB (3+ SB avg.) [Piercing, single target get Armor Piercing for this Round.
„ Hit: ( + ) Target takes Damage. Accuracy 1.
„ Avg. Tech Points: QQ „ Stab: ( ++ ) Target loses (d6+ SB ) HPHP
„ Cost: Price Lv.2 +1 per Q past the first automatically. Accuracy 1.

„ Parry: ( + ) Gain Protection +d6 against Melee

Attacks. On a successful parry make an opposed
strength check to disarm the target. Rolling
an Ace means you shatter the target’s blade.
Accuracy 1.

„ Composite: ( Q ) The blade can resist greater
punishment and grants an additional Protection
+2 when resolving a + with Parry.

„ Monomolecular: ( Q ) Weapon gets Deadly +1

(which upgrades a factory model to Deadly 2).

„ Vibroblade: ( Q ) Weapon is now Powered.

Roll a Bonus Die (+1x) when attacking.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 38
K I S H I N C O M B AT S C Y T H E „ Vibroblade: ( Q ) Weapon is now Powered.
A favored item among tech ninjas and assassins alike. It now has Damage: 1d6+ SB
This evolution of the simple farming tool allows the
wielder to grab and maneuver enemies as they need
in a close combat situation. With its collapsible design,
This rare tool is used by members of the soul market to
now standard, the Kishin Combat Scythe is now far
quickly extract the cortical stack from a dead sleeve.
deadlier than before. Some say these blades can
More recently it has been used as a weapon in several
even kill demons.
murders in New Jozi. This bladed instrument resembles
„ {Melee Combat — Blades (-1)} +0x a metal flower attached to a metallic, retractable rod.
The killer used it to remove stacks from victims and
„ Capacity: 0 (Unpowered by default)
tear out large chunks of flesh from their sleeve.
„ Damage: 1d4+ SB (2+ SB avg.) [Piercing,
Slashing] „ {Melee Combat — Blades (1)} +0x

„ Avg. Tech Points: „ Capacity: 0

„ Cost: Price Lv.1+ 1 per beyond the first „ Damage: 1d8+ SB (2+ SB avg.) [Piercing]
„ Avg. Tech Points: QQ
„ Cost: Price Lv.1+ 1 per Q beyond the first QQ
„ Defensive

„ Melee Weapon (See Section? of the Core SPECIAL

Rulebook.) „ Defensive

„ Concealed: This weapon gains Concealment „ Melee Weapon (See Section? of the Core
2 if the blade is hidden as a mundane object, Rulebook.)
like within a cane, is retractable, or otherwise
„ Rare (See Section? of the Core Rulebook.)
concealed. If it also has the Two-Handed
upgrade, it only gains Concealment 1. „ Unique Damage: Any attack made using this
weapon that succeeds leaves a large star shaped
„ Armor Piercing: ( + ) Attacks against a single
target get Armor Piercing for this round. TRIGGERED EFFECTS
„ Armor Piercing: ( + ) Attacks against a single
„ Hit: ( + ) Target takes Damage. Accuracy 1.
target get Armor Piercing for this round.
„ Parry: ( + ) Gain Protection +d6 against Melee
„ Hit: ( + ) Target takes Damage. Accuracy 1.
„ Parry: ( + ) Gain Protection +d6 against Melee
„ Grab: ( + ) Gain Athletics Climb +d6 on
inanimate targets. While grabbed, the attacker
can spend a ( ^ ) to pull the target to them „ Rend: ( + ) Target takes Damage. Deadly 1
with a successful Strength check vs. the target’s
Strength. UPGRADES
„ Concealed: ( Q ) This weapon gains
UPGRADES Concealment 2.
„ Monomolecular: ( Q ) Weapon gets Deadly 1 or
can increase Deadly by +1.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 39
„ Linked: ( Q ) This can be Linked to a power
source outside of the internal battery. If this
These weapons discharge energy through plates or device is Linked to a Power Source, it reduces
studs wrapped around the shins and soles of the the Capacity by 2, but every hit it makes can be a
wearer if a small button is depressed as a kick lands, or Charged Hit or Increased Speed.
if sensors on the impact plates are triggered. While it
amplifies the kind of damage a simple kick can inflict, it „ Force Setting: ( Q ) This weapon loses the

requires a brief recharge between uses when using its ability to Stun, but increases Damage to 1d8+ SB
internal battery power. with a Charged Hit.

„ Stun Setting: ( Q ) This weapon can only

„ {Brawl — Kicking (-2)} +0x
deliver Stun attacks, but It can also use Charged
„ Capacity: 10 Hit every other turn as opposed to every third
turn. If Linked, then this reduces Capacity by 1
„ Damage: 1d4+ SB (2+ SB avg.) [Bludgeoning]
instead of the normal 2, but every hit can be a
„ Avg. Tech Points: QQ Charged Hit.

„ Cost: Price Lv.2

„ Charged Hit: The Power Grieves can only be
used to make a Charged Hit once every 3 Turns.
A Charged Hit will increase Damage to 1d6+ SB
and will also add a DP with each Use.

„ Concealment 1

„ Increased Speed: The Power Grieves can add

one ( ^ ) on your turn once every 3 Turns and
will also add a DP with each Use.

„ Defensive

„ Paired: This weapon can be worn in a pair adding

a Bonus Die of +1x, but loses its Concealment
special rule.

„ Powered

„ Stun: This weapon can be used to Stun.

„ Hit: ( + ) Target takes Damage. Accuracy 1.
Can become a “Charged” hit.

„ Stun: ( + ) Target Resolves ^^

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 40
„ Telescoping: ( Q ) Concealment 1.
A lightweight pole-weapon with a metal spear on the „ Monomolecular: ( Q ) Weapon gets Deadly 1 or

end. Used to throw at an opponent from a distance, or can increase Deadly by +1.

in close range combat if necessary. Assegai were used

„ Two-Handed: The blade is long enough to
in South Africa for centuries, and saw a resurgence in
use with two hands. It will have the following
popularity after the creation of New Jozi among those
additional rules:
seeking to demonstrate pride in their heritage.
„ Increase Size to ..
„ {Throw — Blades (-3)} +0x
„ Using one-handed will incur a penalty of {-1},
„ Capacity: 0 (Unpowered by default) but will only use one Hand Body Slot.

„ Damage: 1d4+ SB (2+ SB avg.) [Piercing] „ Increase Damage to 1d6+ SB

„ Avg. Tech Points: QQ „ This upgrade is Hardwired
„ Cost: Price Lv.1+ 1 per Q beyond the first QQ

„ Cumbersome: These are balanced for throwing,
so using them with {Melee Attack} will have the
following profile: {Melee Combat — Blades (-5)
-3}. Despite their use in this way, a character can
specialize in this to remove the -5 penalty, but
the -3 will remain.

„ Rare (See Section? of the Core Rulebook.)

„ Armor Piercing: ( + ) Attacks against a single
target get Armor Piercing for this round.

„ Hit: ( + ) Target takes Damage. Accuracy 1.

„ Parry: ( + ) Gain Protection +d6 against Melee

Attacks. Accuracy 1

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 41
BOWS „ Gas, Irritant: The stun effect is partially due
to the powerful inflammatory chemicals that
C A R B O N B OW irritate the senses of the target. Each target who
In a time with flying cars and beam weaponry, the idea is struck by this weapon will need to make a
of a bow and arrow seems antiquated. Yet there are {Discipline, Endurance} or the effect will force a
some that still hold onto tradition and have brought the character to Resolve ^^ the following Turn and
bow and arrow into the modern age. Using the latest ^ the Turn after that.
advancements in carbon fiber bow and nanofiber draw
„ Smoke: The Shared Zone will be filled with
strings, the bow and arrow is as deadly as ever.
smoke. Unless someone has optical augments
to see alternate light sources or otherwise see
„ {Firearms — Bow (-2)} +0x
through smoke, it will cause {“Perception” -1}..
„ Capacity: 25
„ Explosive Drill Arrowhead: Upon impact these
„ Damage: 1d6+ PB (1+ PB avg.)
arrowheads drill into the target thus increasing
„ Avg. Tech Points: QQ the damage from the explosion.

„ Cost: Price Lv.1  Cost: Price Lv.2

 Damage: 3d6+ PB [Bludgeon, Thermal]

„ Hit: ( + ) Target takes damage. Accuracy 1.

„ Drill Arrowhead: Upon impact the head of the
arrow begins to drill deeper into the target.

 Cost: Price Lv.1

 Damage: 1d8+ PB [Bludgeon]
 Requires Bio Welder to remove drill arrowhead
from target.

„ Explosive Arrowhead: These explosive

arrowheads detonate on impact.

 Cost: Price Lv.2

 Damage: 2d6+ PB [Bludgeon, Thermal]

„ Stun Arrowhead: These arrowheads have an

electrical current running through their flat head
design, allowing any struck to be knocked out
instead of killed.

 Cost: Price Lv.1

 Stun: ( + ) No damage is dealt. Target Re-
solves ^^ .

„ Gas Arrowhead: Canisters along the shaft of the

arrow release when the arrow makes contact.

 Cost: Price Lv.1

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 42
A belt that, once activated, produces an energy shield
CLOTHING that protects the wearer against weapons fire. There’s a
reason why people hire Inyoka to do a job. Not only are
FA C E P R O J E C T I O N M A S K M K 1
they deadly experts of the combat arts, but they also
A Face Projection Mask, or FPM Mk 1, is a thin flexible
seem damn near impossible to kill at times. Recruits
metallic strap that can be affixed to the character’s
have it drilled into their memories, “Wear your belt, or
forehead. While equipped, a new face is projected over
get ready to shell out for a new sleeve!”
their own. Each FPM can store only one alternate face
at a time in it’s save slot. By default it does not mimic „ Tech Points: Q
the subject’s voice.
„ Capacity: 3
„ Tech Points: Q „ Cost: Price Lv.1 +1 per additional Q
„ Capacity: 0 (unpowered by Default)
„ Cost: Price Lv.1 +1 per additional Q „ Body Slot: Waist

SPECIAL „ Defense 1: [Piercing, Slashing, Thermal] Powered

„ Body Slot: Head 1. Must recharge for 1 round between hits.

„ Out of Place: If not active, the FPM signals to the UPGRADE

world that you are untrustworthy and someone
„ Holster: ( Q ) A character can keep one weapon
that will steal their identity if possible.
holstered on a belt. It will occupy the Waist Body
Slot until drawn. To draw a weapon, a ^ must be
„ Expanded Slots: ( Q ) A character can keep
one extra face stored in the FPM per to a „ Environmental Repulson: ( Q ) The character
max of 3. has a hidden button or command prompt that
projects a weak repulsor field that can repel rain,
„ Voice Modulator: ( Q ) The voice modulator snow and flying debris from wind. This makes
allows the subject’s voice to be mimicked as well. tolerating bad weather easier, which grants
„ Portable Scanner: ( Q ) The portable scanner {Discipline +2} when forced to endure inclement
upgrade allows the user to scan the face of an weather and has Protection +1 against Blast
individual and store it in one of the save slots by weapons. Powered 2.
placing the FPM on the subject’s forehead. The
subject must not move for one minute while the
scanner is running.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 43
I N YO K A H E AV Y A S S A U LT C O M B AT Nano fabric woven into a bodysuit, it employs

ARMOR proprietary camouflage technologies making the

wearer almost invisible at a fraction of the power
An all-enclosing armor suit intended for heavy combat,
required in other contemporary models. This comes
it provides a high degree of physical protection. Made
at a cost of providing less overall protection, however
of very sturdy materials and a Rigid Fiber underlay, it
where Inyoka assassins are concerned if you saw one
restricts the wearer’s movement capabilities due to its
for long enough to damage them… they weren’t worth
weight. Inyoka Combat Armor is extremely similar to
the sleeve they were riding.
the CTAC Praetorian Armor, though it is less imposing
in appearance comparatively.
„ Tech Points: QQ
„ Tech Points: QQ „ Capacity: 0 (unpowered by default)

„ Capacity: 3 „ Cost: Price Lv.3 +1 per additional Q

„ Cost: Price Lv.4
SPECIAL „ Active Camouflage: The suit can change
color and pattern to match a background the
„ Ablative Plating: Increase Defense by a further
character is hiding against. The character can
+1 against [Bludgeoning] damage
add {Stealth +1}. This bonus is increased to a
„ Armor: Protection 3 [Bludgeoning, Piercing, {Stealth +3} if the character remains still. This
Slashing] bonus only applies to being spotted visually.

„ Battle Armor: All Body Slots except hands. This will also increase Defense against Ranged
attacks by 2 from anyone without advanced
„ Bulky: {Athletics -2} scanning capabilities. This Defense is increased
„ Defense 3: [Piercing, Slashing] to 3 when the attack is made from an Adjacent
Zone. From a Distant Zone, it’s unlikely the
„ Rare (See Section? of the Core Rulebook.)
character will be able to be targeted at all
without extremely advanced sensory apparatus.
„ Advanced Material: The Stealth Suit’s properties
„ Ablative Plating: ( Q ) Grant an additional +1
are not derived from a powered source, but an
Defense against [Bludgeoning] Damage.
exotic and highly advanced material. The Active
„ Ceramic Plating: ( Q ) Grant an additional +3 Camouflage and Stealth Suit features no longer
Defense against [Thermal] Damage. count as Powered features.

„ Linked: ( Q ) The Armor is Linked to any „ Armor: Protection 1

weapon that is compatible. Many such items
„ Body Slots: Occupies all Body Slots but Hands
have benefits for doing so as described in the
entry. „ Stealth Suit: The suit is a Stealth Suit, meaning
that it can hide from every means of scanning
„ Self-Defense: ( Q ) Character can Resolve
that are not visual or heat-signature based. Add
^ in order to force a target in Grapple range
{Stealth +3} against security scans and synthetic
to Resolve ^^^ and take 1d6 Wounds as
sleeves or any sleeve with ocular implants.
[Electrical] Damage. This will count as a Stun
Additional +1 Defense against Ranged attacks.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 44
PROTECTION ARMOR „ Network Capacity: By default, a Bridger can only
Generally considered to be an antiquity in the broader maintain a Network consisting of 3 total users.
industrial sector, this heavy duty suit is designed
„ Rare: Not Commercially Available
to withstand environmental hazards. Often found
amongst the Zama Zama as this technology is not „ Requisition: Unity
as new, but when your daily commute can include „ Skill Share: Each user within the Network can
trudging through kilometers of toxic groundwater provide a single Strength or Perception based
you tend to worry more about function than Skill to a shared Network Pool, which can then
flashy aesthetic. be used by any other user in the network. Users
must be within the same Zone to benefit from
„ Cost: Price Lv.1
the limited range Network. Powered 1.

„ Body Slots: Occupies all Body Slots but Hands
„ Extended Network Capacity: ( QQ ) The
„ Defense 2: [Thermal] device is able to support connection to a larger
Network or 5 total users. All Bridger devices
„ Environmental Repulsor: The character has a
connecting to the Extended Network must have
hidden button or command prompt that projects
this upgrade.
a weak repulsor field that can repel rain, snow
and flying debris from wind. This effectively „ Range Extender: ( Q ) The device can now
makes tolerating bad weather easier, so it can work within Adjacent Zones of other users within
upgrade {Discipline} one Skill Level when forced the Network.
to endure inclement weather.
„ Rare (See Section? of the Core Rulebook.)
The Zama Zama are, after all, a criminal organisation
as much as they are a community. Living underground,
DEVICES they have developed various forms of very heavy hand-
BRIDGER held drilling devices, which usually need to be held and
A worn device that allows those wearing it to share any operated by 2 people. These drills are ever changing in
Strength or Perception Skills, for example if someone in order to accommodate tunnelling into above ground
the group is a martial arts expert then all those wearing premises that may be reinforcing their floors.
the device and linked to the network would share those
„ Tech Points: Q
physical skills. This enables a squadron of people to
consist of a few highly specialised individuals, but have „ Cost: Price Lv.1 +1 per additional Q beyond
each member be as capable in all the shared skills as the first.
their teammates wearing Bridgers.
„ Tech Points: Q „ Tools: Add a {Engineering +1} gear bonus with
„ Capacity: 3 Use.

„ Cost: Price Lv.4 +1 per additional Q UPGRADES

„ Professional Grade: ( QQ ) add +1x Bonus Dice
when making a Skill Check with this Tool Kit.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 45
This handy piece of technology allows the user to These are devices developed by Hekse, Net Skimmers
project a life-like image that fills a space three meters allow the user to potentially access dreams, memories,
high by three meters wide. The Holo Projector can be or impressions left upon areas by emotions, violence,
used to create a fake wall to hide an alcove, project etc. Skilled users of Net Skimmers can use the
an empty hallway, or any manner of image needed to devices to enter into the consciousness of others, in
convince their target that no one is on the other side. a fashion, although the one being entered may not
Subjects can pass through the shroud generated by the be aware of this.
holo projector with no restrictions. „ Tech Points: QQ
„ Tech Points: Q „ Capacity: 8

„ Capacity: 1 „ Cost: Price Lv.4 +1 per additional Q

„ Cost: Price Lv.1 +1 per additional Q SPECIAL
SPECIAL „ Divining: The user is able to receive impressions
of recent events in an area, conferring a
„ Scan: Scan an existing surface to be used in the
{Investigation +3} gear bonus.
Shroud. All subjects in the scan are stationary,
unless upgraded. „ Rare

„ Shroud: When activated all subjects on one side

of the Holo Projector gain d8 to Stealth.
„ DHF Intrusion Protocol: ( QQ ) The device is
UPGRADES able to connect to a DHF, giving the user access
to dreams and memories through a wireless
„ Motion Scan: ( Q ) Motion graphics are added
connection. This will give the user a {Read
to the scan to give the appearance of a breeze
Person +3} gear bonus. This is considered highly
blowing or pedestrians walking by. Shroud
illegal. Powered 4.
upgrades from d8 to d6 to Stealth.
„ Range Extender: ( QQ ) The device can now
work within Adjacent Zones. Powered 4.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 46
When activated, the Whisper Net creates an invisible SYST E M
bubble with a radius of 2 meters centered on the user, Harkening back to the Pre-Collapse era, when the
inside of which active incoming feeds are dampened private security firms were disparate, and under their
and people not within the field cannot eavesdrop upon own leadership. Security personnel often had trained
either electronically or physically until the WhisperNet guard dogs that would go with them during their
is disabled. The field is not visible to the naked eye, but deployment. In the age of augmentation, and cortical
can be seen with certain augments or devices. stacks, Inyoka took this one step further. Genetically
engineered animals were created specifically to
„ Tech Points: Q become familiars of certain sub-sects within Inyoka.
„ Capacity: 4 These animals would be augmented, as would the
security officer, to allow them to be thought controlled
„ Cost: Price Lv2 +1 per additional Q
via an optical implant within both the animal and the

SPECIAL officer. The process can be taxing on a person’s Ego,

as when the Familiar is injured, or dies, backlash can
„ Broadcast Scrambler: The character has passive
occur, and affect the Controller.
protection from AI intrusion and reduced
visibility when scanning via civilian ONI searches. „ Tech Points: Q
Attempting to locate this character with scanner
„ Cost: Price Lv4 +1 per additional Q
sweeps will add {Skill Check -2}.

„ Animal Companion: The device requires a link to
„ Broadcast Nullifier: ( QQ ) The device is able
an animal, which will use the Nemesis stat block
to completely block all incoming and outgoing
in the Core Rulebook. The animal can be used as
signals completely. Extended exposure to being
a combat assistant.
within the field beyond 2 Rounds will cause Ego
Damage of 1 Point per Round past the second. „ Backlash: If the Animal Companion is killed
Powered 3. while an active connection is established it will
have a shocking effect on the psyche of the user
„ Range Extender: ( Q ) The device can now
resulting in Ego Damage of 1d6.
work within a 3 meter radius. Powered 1.
„ Rare: Not Commercially Available
„ White List: ( Q ) The device can store a white
list of broadcast signals that can be approved „ Requisition: Inyoka Securities
for incoming or outgoing communications. This
„ Standard Link: The animal can be used for recon
cannot be combined with the Broadcast Nullifier.
missions or as a spotter for sniping granting a
Powered 2.
{Search +3} gear bonus.

„ Speed Enhancement: ( Q ) The Animal
Companion may gain an additional ^ in

„ Subdermal Thickening: ( Q ) The Animal

Companion in the bond gains Protection +1 per
Q used on this Upgrade.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 47


This very rare and very illegal augment allows the
SHORT TWITCH MUSCLE user to disappear from surveillance and all recording
AUGMENTS devices. It leaves behind static or a blurred image
This augmentation greatly enhances a user’s acrobatic in their place, so that no footage of the user can be
ability, allowing them to jump much greater distances recovered. On extremely rare instances an enterprising
with ease and imparting an almost feline grace. When hacker can follow this trail of “empty space” to find the
a city extends above the clouds, it can be useful to location of the user. Such an upgrade is so rare only
unexpectedly be able to land on your feet. meths are said to be able to afford it.

„ Tech Points: Q „ Tech Points: QQQ

„ Ego Points: 2d6 „ Ego Points: 2d6

„ Cost: Price Lv.2 „ Cost: Price Lv.5

„ Leaps and Bounds: The character may treat their „ Without a Trace: While active no recording can
{Athletics} as being improved by a single step. be made of the subject. Target takes {Search -5}
to spot the user while reviewing any footage the

R E T R A C TA B L E C L AW S subject is in.

In situations where a speedy getaway, or an

extra dose of damage is necessary, having nigh
unbreakable retractable claws can come in handy.
This augment allows the user much greater ease in
climbing, but also turns their hand into hidden and
potentially deadly weapons.

„ Tech Points: Q
„ Ego Points: 3d6

„ Cost: Price Lv.1

„ Increase Damage dealt from {Brawl} by +3

„ Unarmed attacks get Deadly 1

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 48
Part art form, part science, this rare form of sleeve Rare
modification can encode data directly into the skin of „ Event: Subject is brought into a police station or
the subject. Special instructions or privileges can be within 2 meters of a cop car.
encoded into the design of the tattoo that gives the
„ Effect: Subject is unable to speak while in the
wearer access to restricted areas, signifies rank, or can
vicinity of the event.
even wipe the stack of the wearer so they can not be
spun up to testify against their organization.
Very Rare
Each encoded tattoo is given an event that triggers

it and an effect that occurs after it’s been triggered. „ Event: The subject’s sleeve is killed or destroyed.

These occur outside the control of the wearer. These „ Effect: The stack is rendered inert until a
passcode is entered to reactivate the stack.
can only be bestowed by an encoding tattoo artist.

The only one that can modify a coded tattoo is the D H F N E T W O R K I N G A DA P T O R

original artist. Below are some sample events and A stack implant that all Unity citizens have that allow
them to enter into a state in Virtual in which their DHF
effects of the tattoo.
works similar to a Networked computer. Processing
resources are shared, and the effect is akin to being
part of a hive-mind supercomputer with the more
that are connected in this way being capable of
„ Event: Approach a secure location tied to your much greater feats of processing. Usually this also
organization. takes place in dilated time. This technology is what

„ Effect: Doors open after detecting the allowed Unity to become the scientific giant that it is

encoded tattoo. in modern times.

„ Tech Points: QQQ

Uncommon „ Ego Points: 5d6

„ Event: The subject comes in contact with „ Cost: Price Lv.4

personalized equipment. If the subject is not
using said equipment they cease to function SPECIAL
at all.
„ Rare: Not Commercially Available
„ Effect: The item works normally.
„ Requisition: Unity

RED ROVER „ Standard Issue: Unity

„ Quantum Computing: While connected to the
„ Event: Sleeve life functions cease to work. greater DHF Network of the Unity the character
may treat all Acuity and Intelligence Skills as
„ Effect: Any available motor functions are
being improved by one step.
activated in an attempt to run the sleeve, and the
stack housed inside, back to a secure location.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 49
Developed by Khumalo Bioware, this sleeve
enhancement allows the user to see general shapes DRUGS
and movement through the vibrations in the air. When
activated, a yellow overlay appears in your vision
This small aqua pill greatly increases the stamina of
outlining all subjects that are currently moving or
the user. This enhancement lasts for 8 hrs. The biggest
have finished moving. This feature can be used even in
drawback is that after the drug has worn off it locks
complete darkness or if you lack eyes, as the Vibration
up the sleeve of the user, placing them in a state of
Sense is projected directly into your mind.
paralysis. None of the limbs can be bent and the user
„ Tech Points: Q is left in a state of perpetual rigidity for the next two to
three hours. Some users don’t mind the side effects if
„ Ego Points: 1d6
they can get to a place where their sleeve can be safe
„ Cost: Consult the following entries for the until the side effects wear off. Users report a sense of
additional rules provided by this upgrade at euphoria once the lockup releases and the user can
different Price Levels. move around once again.

PRICE LEVEL 1 „ Tech Points: Q

„ {Detect, Search +1} „ Cost: Price Lv.1


„ {Detect, Search +1} „ Under the Influence: While Under the Influence,
a character will lose one die less worth of EPEP
„ Perception +10
whenever they lose it to a minimum of one die.

PRICE LEVEL 3 „ Heightened Endurance and Stamina: The

„ {Detect, Search +1} character gets {Willpower +2} Skill Checks while
under the effect of Stiff.
„ Perception +15

„ Vision Expanded by one zone. Subjects are

visible through walls within your current zone.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 50
T H E L I N K G AT E the Quantum Entanglement, would be rejected by the

The test gate is oblong shaped and 2 meters in height field and shunted to available space on the other side.

and 1.2 meters at its midpoint. The device itself is Thus allowing for instantaneous travel between any

made from a white metal, is very lightweight, with two points, without the creation of a wormhole.

rounded edges and stands on a small platform. There The Gate was to be tested with a trip to Mars, before
is a small data terminal that controls it. production would begin on large sized Gates, capable

The Link Gates are designed to create a field of of ferrying spacecraft. While theoretically being

Quantum Entanglement between itself and any spatial able to allow transport to any point in the Universe,

coordinates designated, effectively allowing points the use of a second stationary gate at both points

within the field to simultaneously exist in two places significantly reduces the odds of an error occurring.

at once. Objects entering the field, not being part of

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 4 : G ear 51

OFFICER Perhaps the most unique of characters players may

Depending on the nature of their contract, the encounter. They have no presence within the real, but

Officers may appear in a variety of situations and a enjoy existence in the most lavishly and painstakingly

GM can adjust the difficulty accordingly. In General, maintained virtual that the significant resources of the

they are all very well trained. Whether appearing in Umdala can buy. Usually acting as advisors and living

plain clothes, or full combat gear, they will always ancestors to the Umdala.

be very well armed and perhaps equipped with

personal shield belts. HEKSE

In the past, people would approach traditional healers

C N S A C M I L I TA R Y for medicine, for advice, for help in dealing with the

Serving the same function as Protectorate Military, world of spirits. Although the term Heks, Afrikaans

these are usually encountered during official for Witch, is used today, modern Hekse aren’t rooted

government business. in particular faiths or cultures. They exist to fulfill the

needs of the people. Some act as advisors. Some

NEW JOZI POLICE deal in technologies and narcotics to obtain unique

information. Many skim the net and virtual, and have

a unique command of it. Almost all are explorers of
The Police in New Jozi work directly under the
altered states of Human consciousness.
umbrella of CNSAC, and function much the same as

any other Police Force..

If you need something fast and without question, a

Runner is your best bet. Whether it is an item you

need quickly liberated, narcotics you need obtained,

or information you need personally transported,

Runners have you covered.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 5 : O pponents 52
C H . 6 : H E AV E N ’ S D O O R
THE HEAVEN’S DOOR SCENARIO WILL INVOLVE Depending on the players archetypes, they can

player characters being tasked to help recover come to the information that Unity was robbed in

a stolen piece of technology, the new Link Gate several ways. News reports, tips from contacts, direct

developed by Unity. involvement through their networks, etc.

A C T 1 : A S TA R
The lead into the scenario can take place in
one of two ways.
The news was all over the Media. The biggest thing to
Option 1
come out since the news of Bancroft’s incarceration.
If the players have a Unity or Golden Child member
A break-in at Unity’s HQ in New Jozi — Ezulwini
within their party, then start the play session with
Tower. Authorities were hush-hush about the details,
one of those players at a fundraiser hosted by Alton
Media spin doctors working overtime to craft exactly
Hitzeroth for upkeep of the Suikerbosrand Nature
what they wanted the public to hear. Everything was
Reserve. The fundraiser will take place at Alton’s
under control. Suspects were being questioned. Go
private apartments within Iphaladisi.
about your business.
During the fundraiser, the player will be approached
The first stage of Act 1 will involve the players
by Lin Zhong Ming. He will discuss that he is looking
finding their way to Iphaladisi to Ezulwini Tower
for a representative to head to Ezulwini Tower in 2
which is the headquarters of Unity within New Jozi.
days time. He will explain that a break-in has taken
It is the second largest tower in the whole city,
place, and will explain that it is a valuable piece of
the first being in the absolute center — Khumalo’s
technology. He will mention the Link Gate. He will
Onkulunkulu Tower.
state that he does not have information on exactly
Sarah DeVilliers has been working on The Link Gate what it does, only that it is very important to CNSAC,
project at the RnD facilities in Ezulwini. The room and The Protectorate.
itself it’s shielded from outside Networks, and is
If the player decides to check if Lin Zhong Ming does
situated dead-center in a room which is permanently
indeed know more than he is letting on, have them
staffed with Inyoka Securities Officers. Entry into the
roll a Read Person (3) check. If they are successful,
research cube is stack coded. And the room in which
they will definitely have the sense that he knows
the cube is situated is constantly under surveillance,
exactly what the technology does. They can try to
however there is no surveillance, or network access,
press him for more information if they are successful
inside the cube.
in this check, by making a Diplomacy (3) check. At

which point he will explain what he knows, which is

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 53
that the device allows for a form of instantaneous INITIAL INVESTIGATION
travel, but that is as much as he understands about it. Regardless of the lead in chosen, the players should

be led to organising or attending a meeting with

Lin Zhong Ming will let the player know that news of
Sarah DeVilliers, on the day that the break-in was
the break-in will be released in 2 days time, once the
announced on Media. Which would be either 2 days
necessary scrubbing of information has been done
after the fundraiser party, or 1 day after receiving
and the reports can be released to the public in the
the data stamps.
way in which CNSAC would like it released.

Once the players find themselves at Ezulwini Tower

He will mention that CNSAC needs this technology
they will eventually meet with Sarah who will discuss
returned, and he is willing to offer substantial rewards
the stolen Link Gate technology.
to those that are able to retrieve it. He will provide the

player with a list of names and contact addresses for She will state that nobody came into or out of the
the remainder of the player characters, stating that cube. There was no attack, nobody was injured and
he believes that each of these individuals possess the the security cameras didn’t pick up any unusual
necessary skills and contacts in order to complete this activity. The alarms connected to pressure sensors
assignment. The first task the player will have is the under the device went off, at which point security
recruitment of these other characters, and discussing protocols kicked in, and additional Inyoka personnel
what they might desire as payment for their services. entered into the Research and Development lab and

Option 2 detained all of the researchers and security personnel

for screening. Sarah DeVilliers herself then entered

If you have Grond Gebore within your party, each
into the cube, and the Link Gate was gone.
of them will be delivered a data stamp by a Runner.

The stamp will contain information on it about There can be many ways that PCs decide to proceed
the robbery. It will state that a valuable piece of from here. Should they decide to question the
technology had been stolen from Ezulwini Tower, 24 personnel that had been detained, they will uncover
hours prior. It will be indicated on the stamp that a the information that all business seemed to have been
large reward will be given to the players, once the conducted as usual, and none of the detainees has
technology has been recovered and delivered to a been coerced or altered in any way.
warehouse that is in the Southwestern portion of
If the security footage is checked and analysed, a
the 6th ring. Each data stamp will also contain a fair
Data Analysis (5) check can confirm that there is
amount of untraceable credits as down payment,
an energy signature that appears shortly before the
as well as contact information of the players, and
alarms went off. This signature also seems to be
their roles within the city. It will state that these are
present as a form of background radiation on all of
people that have skills that can aid in the search and
the personnel that were in the inner lab. A check of
recovery efforts.
3 or lower will also reveal that the energy signature
In this case, the session will then also involve seems to indicate that it somehow slightly disrupts
recruiting all the players together. things around it in some way. The players can choose

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 54
to make an extended check for longer research, which NEEDS A SECTION HEADER
will discover the additional information. Throughout the above ground investigations and

activities, the players will notice that they are being

If the players decide to ask their contacts, whether
monitored by drones. These drones should be fairly
criminal or otherwise, they can be led to the
difficult to catch. With a fairly high check, the players
information that those with the most to gain from
can determine that the drones seem to be of Unity
the theft would be Khumalo Bioware. However, their
make. This will add a Campaign Progress Die of 1d6.
contacts will also keep their ears to the ground and

provide them with leads, but it will take some time. Should the players choose to follow a drone back to

its origin, they will discover it returning to a farming

Once the players have concluded their investigations
and warehousing area within the Western seventh
and queries they should be led to trying to organise
ring. Investigating this warehouse will reveal that it is
a meeting with people at Khumalo. Players may or
protected by three combat drones.
may not be able to speak directly with Nkanyezi,

depending on the resources at their disposal. The warehouse seems to be a growing house for

various plants that are designed for terraforming.

After repeated lines of questioning, they should leave
There are singular living quarters inside the
empty handed. It is at this point that the players’
warehouse. The decor is odd in that there is no logical
previous contacts should get in touch with them. It
consistency to the style of furniture, artwork, and
seems that one of their contacts was informed that
themes. It will seem as if someone was sampling
what they are looking for may have made its way
many different cultures and ideals.
to The Underground — specifically, the Malenga

Settlement — and they should be left with trying There is a workstation in the living quarters that
to approach the criminal element of the city which the players can attempt to hack into, however all
should lead them to Act 2. data seems to have been scrubbed from it. With

a sufficiently high roll, the only data that can be

There are various options for how the players can
retrieved is a segment of a video image of a very
make their way to the Malenga settlement.
beautiful and extremely pale-skinned woman with
Note that the above ground entrance is not easy to
silver-blonde hair that is smiling and moving hair
find and will require that the players either speak to
behind her right ear with her fingers.
a Grond Gebore and either persuade or intimidate
The drones do seem to be broadcasting a signal,
them into bringing them to the entrance and into the
however it is untraceable.
settlement, or if the party has Grond Gebore among

them then they will be able to lead them to the

entrance. Make sure to describe the difficulty of the

journey through the toxic waters that fill the spaces

and ruins of the old cities deep underground.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 55
Should the player characters return to their own Act 2 begins when the player characters attempt to
homes during the investigation, it should be noted make their way into the Malenga Settlement. The
that one of their homes has been bugged. The signal scenario can differ drastically depending on how the
can be traced with a relatively difficult check. It seems party has come by this information. If the entrance
to be sending information to Lin Zhong Ming. into Malenga was amicable, then they will have a far

It is likely that the character’s vehicle has also been easier time finding the information they require about

bugged. Discovery of this will add a Campaign the woman that had been described by their contact.

Progress Die of 1d6 If entrance in Malenga was not amicable then add a

D12 Campaign Progress Die to the pool.

„ 0–5: No Change
If the characters had previously made their way into
„ 6–10: Due to the mild paranoia from these
discoveries characters will suffer a {Diplomacy the growing warehouse, then they would recognize

-2} in the next Act as they become on edge. that the image of the woman that they had recovered

„ 11+: The characters have become extremely from the video file matches the description of the
paranoid resulting in a {Empathy -2} in the woman that is trying to gain passage to Mars.
next Act as they become distracted by every
little thing. If the party has a Grond Gebore among them, it

is possible that they have been to this settlement

before. In such a case, they would be able to get

information from the locals and possibly be able to

arrange a meeting with Jean DuBois – the leader

of the settlement. A successful Diplomacy or

Intimidation check can facilitate this. With more than

2 degrees of success, the characters will also get the

information that the woman in question was spotted

in the settlement 2 days prior and had bargained for a

meeting with Jean.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 56
If the characters coerced, or arranged, a guide to the Regardless of how the characters handle the

settlement (adding a D4 to the Campaign Progress encounter they should at a minimum get the

Dice if a guide was arranged, or a D8 if the guide was information that the woman in question goes by the

coerced). Then the guide would facilitate a meeting name of Seventeen, and she is scheduled to leave

with a man by the name of Simon. Simon is a trader Earth in under 2 hours. Her shuttle is departing from a

within Malenga and well known within the community, private hanger in the Eastern part of the seventh ring.

and often does dealings with Jean and can arrange

With high enough checks, they will also discover
a meeting. Simon will ask for a payment for his
that she had large cargo with her. If the players
services, and there are various ways that the players
make Perception or Empathy checks, they will notice
can deal with this.
that Jean is wearing an interesting belt buckle that

seems to be made of some form of white metal. He

subconsciously touches it every so often.
Jean’s compound within Malenga sits upon a slightly

elevated ridge near the back wall of the cavern. It is The belt is a piece of equipment known as a phase

the largest structure here. At least three goons guard modulator, that lets you be slightly out of phase

the entrance and patrol the perimeter. with your surroundings and thus be able to move

through solid objects for a limited duration. It is a

The inside of the compound is divided into the central
completely new piece of technology. Depending on
area which the main entrance opens to, some living
what happens the players may end up fighting the
quarters for the goons, Jean’s private chambers
boss. It should be a difficult fight if that does happen.
and his office, as well as an armory, a kitchen,
Either way, the phase belt has been tampered with
and a mess hall.
so that it won’t function for more than a one time use
The central area functions as a warehouse, as well as a
before destabilising and being destroyed. But Jean
lab of sorts for the creation of narcotics. In total there
doesn’t know this.
are 11 people at the compound, including Jean.
The belt was invented by Seventeen, and it was how
Jean is a man that is looking to rise in power among
she was able to break into the research cube without
the Zama Zama. The meeting with him could turn into
detection to steal the Link Gate. After sabotaging the
a dangerous fight if the situation is handled in such a
phase modulator, she then used it as payment to Jean
way by the players. However, Jean is also amenable to
to get her off-world. At this point add a die to the
being bargained with.
Campaign Progress Dice pool ranging from a D4 for a

good outcome to a D12 for a violent outcome.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 57
After dealing with Jean, the players will be on a time Shuttle bay 3-7 is large enough for a small craft and
crunch. They have less than 2 hours to make it to the some cargo. The area has a number of different
shuttle bay, and they are currently deep underground. hangar bays, however, on this day it is mostly

The Gronde Gebore have means of getting to the deserted. This particular bay has only 2 men manning

surface via other exits. It is possible for the party to it. They are lightly armed.

engage the services of a Tunnel Rat that can get them When the players arrive, they see the men
to an exit much closer to the Eastern seventh ring. busy loading cargo into the shuttle. There is no
This will require credits or intimidation; however, it will sign of Seventeen.
buy the party an hour of time.
The players can approach the situation in a variety
The party can, of course, leave via the way that of ways. Should they begin attacking the men, the
they came in, however this will only leave them with shuttle craft will begin powering up and they will
30 minutes to get to the shuttle bay. The goal of have only moments to try and get on board, as the
this segment is to build tension and urgency. As a doors are closing.
Gamemaster, do your best to come up with creative
An easier solution would be the players speaking
ways to delay the players. Bringing it down to the
to the two men and bargaining or intimidating their
wire can be a fun experience for your group.
way into the shuttle. If asked, the man will give their
The players know that they are looking for shuttle bay names as Zhou and Wikus (They’re both affiliated
3-7. Once they arrive, they will have completed Act 2. to the Zama Zama and would be affected by the

Campaign Progress Dice results made after Act 2).

They were hired to transport some goods and the
„ 0–11: No Change
woman to a cruiser that is bound for Mars. They
„ 12–24: Due to the way that the characters
interacted with the Grond Gebore they will suffer mostly just want to get their job done, and don’t

a -2 in the next Act to all Empathy rolls, as well particularly want any trouble. Checks made for
as Intimidation rolls when relating to Grond Intimidation or Diplomacy should be relatively
easy, and they will allow the party to speak to the
„ 24+: The characters have become known woman in the craft for 5 minutes as they have a
amongst the Grond Gebore as dangerous and
schedule to keep.
untrustworthy individuals. They will react with
violence on sight of the characters in the next Entering into the craft, the players will see a
Act. As well as the previously stipulated -2
female sleeve with pale skin and silver-blonde hair
to rolls.
working on a console. There is also a large metal

container nearby, which would be about the size

of the Link Gate.

Options exist for combat or for dialogue.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 58
Should combat be chosen, this will be a very difficult Seventeen is Sarah’s daughter. She is an entirely

fight in close quarters. Seventeen is exceptionally new form of life in that she is the first human

strong and fast and a master of melee combat, as well consciousness that was created with a non-biological

as weapons combat. origin. She was raised by Sarah in Virtual, and

designed her own sleeve, which is an extremely

Dialogue with Seventeen will reveal many interesting
advanced biological-synthetic sleeve. As she was
pieces of information as she is fairly open with her
raised in Virtual, she never had physical limitations
viewpoints and motivations.
placed upon her development. As such, she is
„ Seventeen worked with Sarah DeVilliers to steal exceptionally skilled both physically and mentally.
the Link Gate. She had run calculations and
determined with a 98% probability that in the
future the technology would be combined with
Unity’s bridging technology. This would allow the There will be many options available for how the

broadcast of a signal to all stacks simultaneously. players choose to end their investigation. They were
The signal would override a being’s innate given an assignment.
philosophy and beliefs with the one that was
broadcast, effectively creating a mind-controlled Should they choose to let Seventeen go, they will
Universe. need to explain their failure or cover it up in some

„ Seventeen has calculated that there is an way. It is possible that they will want to speak to
82.5% probability that Lin Zhong Ming will be Sarah DeVilliers. In which case she will explain her
instrumental in the misuse of the Link Gate
connection to Seventeen. The players may decide to
let Sarah take the fall for the theft or let Sarah deal
„ Seventeen’s goal is to get the Gate to a remote
with the cover up.
facility where she can safely destroy it. She will
let the players know that destroying the Gate is a They may decide to take Seventeen in and retrieve
very difficult task, and if done incorrectly would the Gate. In which case, there will be a public scandal
result in the destruction of a planet.
for Unity and Sarah DeVilliers.
If the players interactions are mostly peaceful then
It is also possible that the players discovered that
award a D4 to the Campaign Progress Dice Pool.
they had been bugged and managed to trace the
However, this Act could end very poorly. Judge
outgoing signal. In which case they will be aware that
accordingly up to a possible D12.
Lin Zhong Ming had them under surveillance. The

ROLEPLAYING SEVENTEEN conclusion might have been made by the players to

Seventeen has an unplaceable accent. She speaks in have investigated Lin Zhong Ming further, and they

probabilities with extremely precise numbers. She is could have discovered that it had been him that had

being completely truthful in her assessment of the illegally hired them to retrieve the Gate.

situation. It is possible that the players may get her

If this is the case, then the players would have
to speak about her origins, although this can also be
a strong argument for blackmailing him or
done later on by Sarah DeVilliers.
even attempting to have him arrested for illegal

surveillance of CNSAC citizens.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 59
The scenario will come to an end once the players NEEDS A SECTION HEADER
have dealt with the problem, and the ramifications Player agency should be respected as much as
have been noted. Potentially powerful enemies can be possible. New Jozi is a diverse society, and it is
made by the player characters. possible that the player characters come from very

different walks of life. It is possible that the players

Once the players have made their choice, award
may have side agendas. As this is a noir themed
Campaign Progress Dice as follows:
scenario, a certain amount of double-crossing might
„ The Players let Seventeen go, with the Link
take place. In order to avoid player conflict, discuss
Gate. They discovered Lin Zhong Ming’s secret
with your group before-hand if they are comfortable
agenda and found a way to have him disgraced
or blamed with the theft. Award a D4. with this being a possibility, or what penalties should

result from this kind of double-cross. The loss of one

„ The Players let Seventeen go, with the Link
Gate. They discovered Lin Zhong Ming’s secret (or more) Influence Points is at a bare minimum what
agenda, and found a way to have him disgraced. should occur, but you are free to devise your own
Sarah DeVilliers takes public responsibility for
penalties in addition to or in lieu of this.
the loss of the Gate. Award a D6.
If the players decide that it is acceptable, then advise
„ The Players let Seventeen go, with the Link Gate.
Sarah DeVilliers takes public responsibility for them that occasionally they are able to privately
the loss of the Gate. Award a D8. discuss certain actions that they might want to take,

„ Seventeen was let go. The Link Gate was outside of the play session.
retrieved. Sarah Devilliers resigns from her
office. Award a D10.

„ The Link Gate and Seventeen are taken into

custody. Sarah DeVilliers resigns from her office.
Lin Zhong Ming congratulates the players, and
The Protectorate takes over executive control of
the Link Gate project. Award a D12.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 6 : H eaven ’ s D oor 60
The City of Gold. That’s what they used to call it Use the Nemesis rules for this assassin, and plan

before The Collapse. New Jozi is The Silver City. A encounters accordingly.

shining bastion of humanity, built upon the ruins of

hubris. Clean. Crisp. But… people, never change.

„ 0–16: No Change
The news came faster than anyone could have
„ 17–32: Players have a {Diplomacy -2} to
anticipated. CNSAC, scrambling to control the reports
interactions with CNSAC for this Act
and scrub them to perfection, but to no avail. Almost
„ 33–48: Players have a {Diplomacy -2} and
an entire Police Department gunned down. Multiple
{Expression -2} with CNSAC, Unity, Zama Zama
sleeve deaths, no RDs. Right, smack dab in the middle and Grond Gebore for this Act.
of it, one of Inyoka’s top officers.
„ 49+: As above, in addition there will be an
Assassin with a Nemesis stat block that has been
Talks of the Protectorate stepping in, the Umdala and
sent by Lin Zhong Ming to kill them that will
the Corporations on high alert, and cops across the
show themselves throughout this scenario until
city demanding justice, all creating a sense of panic they are dealt with.
among the people. A tinder box, just waiting to ignite.
This scenario is intended to be more combat focused.

As such it is not recommended that it be run as your SERPENT’S LAIR

players’ introduction into the setting. It is important These events will take place 6 months after the events

to take note of potential changes to the world after of the first scenario. The characters will all be aware

having run the “Heaven’s Door” scenario. Certain that Nontokoza Sibanyoni, the second in command

NPCs may be incarcerated and scandals may have to Inyoka Securities Enforcer, Ronesh Naidoo, has

befallen certain factions within the city. been apprehended and placed into custody in

Virtual, awaiting trial.

With regards to the Link Gate, if it was returned in

some capacity it should be noted that Seventeen’s Footage shows that a vehicle was piloted directly

predictions are accurate. However, it will take roughly into the CNSAC Police Department in the Western

50 years before the technologies can be assimilated fifth ring. In the ensuing chaos, Nontokoza, in full

in order to produce the mind controlling effect. combat armor, entered into the building and began

gunning down people.

If the characters involved Lin Zhong Ming in some

manner, it is suggested that either he has escaped She was eventually taken down, after sleeve death,

custody or has become an enemy of the party. and her stack was retrieved. Inyoka Securities was

In either case, Lin Zhong Ming will now have allowed to take possession of her stack, in order to

hired a capable assassin to hunt the characters. conduct an interrogation. However, this has caused

public outcry and even condemnation by the CNSAC

police department.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 61
LEAD-IN expend influence points to establish a connection to

Depending on the makeup of your group of players, facilitate the meetings.

there are various ways to get them involved with

Once the players have concluded their meetings
the investigation.
they will be allowed to speak to Nontokoza. She
Option A is currently in Inyoka Securities main barracks in

The players can be approached by Ronesh Naidoo. Iphaladisi. Award a D6 to the Campaign Progress Dice

He is an astute man, and very efficient, and he Pool if things went smoothly. Although possible, it is

realises that if the investigation is handled solely by unlikely that any die higher than a D10 would need to

Inyoka Securities, that any evidence recovered will be awarded here.

be suspect. Therefore, he has decided to approach a

member of the party to assemble a team to conduct
The Inyoka barracks in Iphaladisi, and throughout New
the investigation.
Jozi, are all designed in the same fashion. Eschewing
Option B
the aesthetic of many of the other buildings in
The players may be worried about the instability the city, they are buildings of gun-metal grey and
that has been created in the city, as they are well rectangular. Outdoor, and indoor training facilities
aware that Inyoka Securities has been instrumental have officers engaging in various forms of combat
in the success of New Jozi, and they may be worried drills at all hours of the day.
about a new war breaking out. This may lead them
Securities personnel live a regimented life that
to the same conclusion as Ronesh Naidoo, and
involves training the mind, as much as the body. As
they may offer their services as a group to conduct
such, there are rooms throughout each barracks that
the investigation.
are dedicated to meditation, traditional Mandarin
Option C
calligraphy, and the study of philosophy. Elias
The players may have ulterior motives. It is possible Mokwena integrated many Chinese cultural and
that some benefit can be gained by investigating philosophical traditions into his own life, and by
the situation, perhaps they seek leverage or profit. If extension into the fabric of Inyoka Securities.
they belong to a more criminal element of the city,
The player characters will be met by Ronesh Naidoo.
they may be worried or excited by the instability
His sleeve is an imposing 6’5 inches, with broad
that has been caused. This would lead them to want
shoulders, and a well-groomed beard, and is of
to get involved.
South African Indian descent. Ronesh will offer the
There can be variations on the above themes, and characters the following information:
this may involve the characters having to attend or
„ Nontokoza Sibanyoni is his second in
arrange meetings with various factions within the
command. He has personally known her for 20
city. This can be an excellent time for your players to years.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 62
„ Nontokoza has a dedicated service record with „ The characters may decide to ask Nontokoza
Inyoka. She has always completed her contracts. whether or not she has any enemies, she will
reply that it is highly likely in her field that
„ There has been no previous incident of any
there are people that may hold a grudge
excessive violence or odd behaviour from her.
against her. It is the nature of the work. She
Should the players choose to make a Read
will however insist that she has an excellent
Person check, they will determine that Ronesh
service record and has received numerous client
appears to be telling them the truth. A failure on
the check would indicate to the character that
Ronesh is a very composed man and difficult At this point, the characters may decide to check
to read. out Nontokoza’s stack or sleeve. They will be allowed

„ As of yet, no interrogation has been made. access to both of them.

The interrogation would also be monitored for
control purposes. A successful Data Engineering check will reveal that

her stack does seem to have been tampered with,

Once the characters are ready, they will enter into
at which point a successful Data Analysis check will
Virtual, and begin the interrogation. The setting of the
reveal that a sloppily constructed program had been
interrogation is a comfortable traditional Chinese tea
inserted into her code which would allow her DHF to
house. Nontokoza is dressed in her Inyoka Securities
be remotely stored and potentially another DHF to
formal dress attire. Her hands are manacled.
inhabit the stack.
In speaking with Nontokoza, the characters will
A successful Medicine check made upon the sleeve
discover the following information:
will reveal that it has often been damaged, which
„ Nontokoza is currently unaware of why she is to be expected in Nontokoza’s line of work. The
is in this room, and why she is manacled. She
most notable injury on the body will be evidence of a
understands that she is in Virtual.
small, and quick puncture wound made close to her
„ When asked about the incident, Nontokoza
spine in proximity to the L1 and L2 vertebrae. Further
will deny having any involvement with it. She
insists that her last memory is of her going to examination of this wound will reveal traces of nanites
sleep and then waking up here. A Data Analysis that had been injected there. An Engineering check
or Read Person check will reveal this to be
can be made on the nanites, and if successful it can
the truth.
determine that their function was to travel through
„ If questioned about her whereabouts on the last the spinal cord in order to reach the stack and implant
day that she remembers, she will state that she
the program. At this stage award between a D4 to a
was off duty and that she was spending time
relaxing at her home. The players can determine D10 to the Campaign Progress Dice pool.

with a Read Person or Data Analysis check, that

this is not true. Should they press the matter
further, a Diplomacy or Intimidation check will
reveal that she was in The Pit, which is a roving
unlicensed fighting arena. She is a regular
competitor there.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 63
FOLLOWING LEADS The players contact will arrange a meeting with a man

It is possible that the player characters fail numerous named Alfred Nkosi at Club Eden at 11PM. Alfred is

checks, and do not receive the information from described as being tall and lanky, and will be wearing

Nontokoza that she has been illegally fighting in The a dark green business suit.

Pit. They might not receive the information about

Upon entering Club Eden and locating Alfred, he
her stack having been tampered with, or the nanites.
arranges a private booth. Diplomacy or Intimidation
However, all of this information can be gained by
can be used in the encounter in order to secure
other means later in the story.
the one-way communication device that sends out

The goal of the next section is to get the characters the time and location of the fights at The Pit. After

to The Pit. However, they may have different paths either scenario, award a Campaign Progress Die

that they wish to follow. Here are a few options: between a D6 to D10.

Option A: Having concluded their interrogation,

the players may decide to visit Nontokoza’s home.
Once the characters have obtained the location of
She maintains a modest apartment in the Western
The Pit, they will be attacked either at Nontokoza’s
Edges. Details of the address can be given to the
home or at Club Eden. At either location, there will be
players via Ronesh.
six assailants including one thug and five minions.

Once at the apartment, a successful Search check will Option A

reveal a small lever inside one of Nontokoza’s closets.
Nontokoza’s apartment is modest in size. There is a
Pulling the lever causes the interior of the closet to
bedroom, an open-plan living room and kitchen, and a
sink into the floor, revealing a hidden walk-in closet.
bathroom. She lives on the tenth floor of the housing

Here, the characters will see numerous melee complex. Three of the minions have made their way

weapons, as well as trophies and a few framed onto the fire escape and are awaiting the signal to

videos of fights that Nontokoza has competed in at attack. The thug and the other two minions will fire

The Pit. There is also a small communicator that is shots through the door.

the equivalent of a one-way pager. There is a set of

When the players begin to engage with them, the
coordinates, and a time and date displayed on the
other minions will come in through the fire escape.
device. The location can be determined to be in the
Cover is available, and quarters are relatively tight so
waterways between the fourth and fifth Eastern rings,
melee or martial combat may be the most effective.
and the date is set for two nights from now at 9PM.
There is little to be gained from the corpses of the
Option B: If the players previously received the
assailants in terms of information. What can be
information from Nontokoza about her activities at
deduced is that they seem to be outside mercenary
The Pit, they may decide to use their connections
contractors that have worked across CNSAC. There
in order to discover when the next event will be,
are warrants in several cities for their arrests.
and the location.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 64
Should the players decide to interrogate them, they Zane is irate that his club has been shot up and can

will discover that they were hired anonymously to be bargained with to help the player characters try to

keep watch on Nontokoza’s apartment and eliminate track down who it was that hired the assailants.

anyone caught snooping.

Option B
The player characters may wish to do some more
Club Eden has a large main dancefloor, a bar,
digging into the men that attacked them. A Digi.
restrooms, several booths, and Zane Khoza’s office
Networking, Bureaucracy, or History check can be
on the ground floor. The first floor contains the
made, or a bargain made with Zane Khoza, to reveal
VIP section, with private booths, a secondary bar
that the thug has had run-ins in the past with Inyoka
and dancefloor, as well as viewing walkways to
Securities personnel.
the ground floor.
The credits used to pay them were untraceable, and it
The Thug will be positioned on the first floor,
would seem that whoever hired them is very used to
overlooking the booths below. The five minions will be
covering their tracks.
hidden amongst the crowds.
After the fight scenes and investigations, award
Once the players’ interaction with Alfred has been
Campaign Progress Die between a D4 to a D12.
completed, a bullet will take Alfred in the neck,

destroying his stack. This will have been shot by the

thug from the first floor. At this point, the minions will

also begin to attack. Crowds will run screaming. It will

be clear that the player characters are being targeted.

This particular evening, Zane Khoza is conducting

business elsewhere. However, he and his goons will

also arrive after a few rounds of combat. Zane is

unaware of who the assailants are. The situation

will be tense, and the players can approach it in a

variety of ways. But Zane’s forces far outnumber the

player characters.

As with Nontokoza’s apartment, the same information

can be retrieved from the assailants. The main

difference being that in this scenario they were

hired for a rush job to take out Alfred and anyone

involved with him.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 65
THE PIT There is risk of RD, but The Coordinator assures them

When the players arrive at the location they that this is a rare occurrence.

discovered, they find a large cruise ship in the waters. Option B

They are met at the landing bay by a group of heavily
If the characters state that they would like to watch
armed guards and a woman with short black hair,
the fights, they will be required to buy in at the same
green, snake-like eyes, and an emerald-coloured
rate above. However, The Coordinator will allow them
evening gown which slopes to one side.
to look over the fight rosters to choose which of the

She introduces herself as The Coordinator and competitors they will place their bets on.

welcomes the group to The Pit. She goes on to ask if

Either option will involve the characters making a
they are here to observe the fights or as participants?
payment before they are allowed entry.

The goal of this scene is for player characters to

The interior of the cruise ship is filled with grand
speak to the fighter that Nontokoza faced the last
dining halls, ballrooms, theatres, and almost every
time she fought, and to find out what happened
luxury imaginable. The players will see that many
that night, and who all was involved. The players will
guests are in attendance, as they are led to an
observe that the cruise ship is very well protected.
amphitheatre at the center of which is a large cage
There are several guards stationed at various points,
that is lined on the inside with weaponry.
and a successful Detection check would also reveal
In speaking with The Coordinator, the characters can
automated defences in place.
gain access to the following information:
The characters should get the sense that it would be
„ Nontokoza won her last fight, sustaining only
unwise to approach the initial stages of the encounter
minor injuries. That evening, her opponent was a
with brute force or intimidation. Depending on how
fighter by the name of Willem Niemand.
the characters respond to The Coordinator’s first
„ Willem is set to fight this evening, in the third
question, there are a few options.
Option A
Depending on how the players steer the conversation,
If someone in the party would like to enter into a fight they may need to make some Diplomacy or
for the evening, they will be required to pay a buy-in Expression checks. If the checks are successful,
of a level 3 credit, and the rest of the characters they will be allowed to speak to Willem themselves.
will be asked for the same buy-in. Should the player If unsuccessful, they may choose to try a stealthy
character win the fight, they will triple the credits approach in order to find the locker rooms
they started with. for the fighters.

You may use the Nemesis stat block or the Freak It is also possible that one of the players that chose to
stat block in the Adversaries section of the Core be a fighter, can uncover the same information and be
Rulebook, for the opponent of the match. The fights able to find and speak to Willem.
are strictly melee and hand-to-hand combat based.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 66
DEALING WITH WILLEM „ The daggers are still in his possession, although
he has them in his apartment.
Willem Niemand is ex-CTAC. He is an expertly

trained martial artist. He is fast, and he is paranoid. If „ The daggers are very well made, and expensive.
cornered, he will fight, and he will run. Military grade.

„ He usually receives communication from his

Willem was dishonourably discharged from service 5
backer at his home, and it is always encrypted.
years ago and returned home to CNSAC. He tried to
With the information above, the characters may
get work with Inyoka Securities, but due to his record,
decide to investigate the home of Willem Niemand.
they declined to employ him. He then spent his time
Currently, he occupies a fairly spacious apartment in
employed as a bouncer at various clubs in New Jozi.
the fourth ring. Willem does not take effort to hide his
This information can be accessed by a player if they
accomplishments in The Pit, and evidence of this can
make a Data Analysis check.
be seen in the décor.
How the players deal with Willem can differ wildly
It is fairly easy to locate a training room that Willem
from group to group. They may try to track him
has in the apartment, and, along with several other
down after the fights, or they may attempt to
weapons, the daggers can be found there. The
question him in the locker room and fail or succeed
characters are also able to access Willem’s private
at their attempts.
data terminal at his home.
Regardless of the route taken, characters might
A tricky Digi. Networking check can be made to try
need to make Expression, Diplomacy, or Intimidation
and track the source of the encrypted messages
checks when questioning him, and they can discover
from Willem’s backer. A success here will have
the following information:
the characters discover that the signal was routed
„ Around 1 year ago, Willem was anonymously through many channels, but did originate within New
recruited by a backer to become a fighter in The
Jozi, however the locations of each message changed
every time. This tactic has been known to be used by
„ He had won a number of fights as well as lost
those involved in various smuggling operations.
a number of them, but his quality of life had
significantly improved due to his backer and the A Science or Engineering check can be made on the
money he made from fighting.
blades to discover the nanites.
„ 2 weeks ago, his backer demanded a favour
Depending on the extent of information recovered
from Willem. A fight had been arranged with
Nontokoza Sibanyoni and Willem. He was and the care with which players handled themselves,
instructed to fight well, but not too well. He was award between a D4 to a D12 die to the Campaign
provided with a set of stiletto daggers that he
Progress Die Pool.
would need to fight with, and he was told exactly
where he needed to puncture Nontokoza’s

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 67
FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS The player characters will be asked to make their way

At this point, the characters will have gathered there as they are currently investigating the situation

some disparate information. They will also have and they may be able to put the crowd at ease. This

been attacked at least once. They may decide to ask will lead us to Act 2.

further questions from Ronesh Naidoo or may do

some digging themselves. Have the characters roll an
„ 0–24: No Change
Investigation check. At this point a success will have

the players be fairly confident that Inyoka Securities „ 25–48: The players are attracting a modicum
of attention. They are being followed by drones
are being set up, and that the operation seems to be
(operated by Inyoka Securities) and are at
a long-running one. {Acuity -2} to spot the drones in the next Act.

A variety of different checks could be made to „ 49–72: The players have attracted a fair
determine some additional information. A Digi. amount of attention, a reporter from Media has
conducted reports on them. Players are at a
Networking, or Bureaucracy check could be made
{-2} on Stealth, Diplomacy, Read Person and
by the characters if they would like to gather Bureaucracy checks for the next act.
information on specific individuals that may want to
„ 73–96: The Players have been making far too
see Inyoka fall. Successful checks would garner the much of a scene. In addition to the 2 points
name of Kobus Van Jaarsveld, an ex Inyoka Securities above, they will have a random encounter
Officer that was expelled from the organisation with 6 angry CNSAC Police Officers that could
turn violent.
and sentenced to execution by them after breaking

contract with a client. He fled underground and „ 98+: Attempts at subterfuge have gone out
of the window. Whoever might be behind the
word is that he has become a top man in the
events that have taken place, knows who the
Zama Zama (See Chapter 2 for full details on characters are and is preparing extra security.
Kobus Van Jaarsveld). All parties involved are seriously questioning
the viability of the party to perform the job. In
Diplomacy checks made in a conversation with addition to the point above, the players are also
Ronesh will reveal this information as well. This at disadvantage on Investigation, Data Analysis,
information may be enough for the convened council Digi. Networking, and Intimidation checks for
the next Act. Tensions are now extremely high
overseeing the investigation, however before the
between the CNSAC Police and Inyoka Securities.
players are able to do so, they or an NPC they are

with will be contacted. Protests have started outside

the Inyoka Securities building in the Southeastern

Edges. CNSAC Police Officers from around the city, as

well as several civilians, have gathered there and are

demanding justice for the fallen officers.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 68
A C T 2 : P E A C E TA L K S the Inyoka Barracks. They will then be escorted to a

meeting room where they will find Elias Mokwena.

Upon arrival at the Inyoka Securities barracks in the After a few short moments, Mark Swemmer will join

South Eastern Edges, the player characters will see the meeting. Mark is noticeably angry and will direct

that there is quite a large crowd gathered in front questions at Elias. He believes that one of Elias’s

of the building. The players can spot that there men started the riot. Elias is also terse and insists

are CNSAC Police Officers in uniform, as well as that they don’t have the evidence of that yet. At this

civilians. Arrayed in opposition to them are ranks of point, Ronesh will clear his throat and introduce the

Inyoka Securities personnel guarding the entrance player characters.

to the barracks.
There are a number of actions that the players may

The players arrive just in time to hear a shot ring out, wish to take at this point. The goal of this segment

and the assembled forces begin to clash. It is difficult is to impress upon the players the severity of what

to make out exactly what is happening. However, is taking place. The following information can come

very few shots seem to be fired. Most of the violence from either Mark Swemmer or Elias Mokwena:

seems to be using fists, batons, and sjamboks.

„ Several small protests took place today across

After some time of intense violence, the very loud the city. Both Elias and Mark spent most of their
day trying to calm the protests.
and rapid-fire shots of a minigun can be heard for
„ Both of the men are due to take part in an official
a moment, and the crowds instinctively stop. It is at
meeting between CNSAC and Inyoka that is due
this point that flying vehicles have appeared. Some of
to be moderated by representatives from Unity
which seem to be CNSAC vehicles, and some of which and Khumalo. This meeting is set to take place in
seem to be Inyoka vehicles. one hour’s time.

„ The Protectorate favours CNSAC removing

A voice will come on over a loudspeaker, addressing
Inyoka from the city.
the crowd as Mark Swemmer who is the chief of
The players may decide to divulge the information
Police in New Jozi. He urges everyone to stay calm,
they have gained so far to Elias and Mark. They
and to return to their homes as an investigation
may also like to review any footage that was
is currently underway. His voice is then joined
procured during the riot. If they do not have the idea
by a second man that identifies himself as Elias
themselves then have Mark Swemmer suggest that
Mokwena. He similarly instructs the Inyoka
they look into the causes of the riot as part of their
personnel to stand down.
investigation, as he believes an impartial eye will carry
During this time, the players would have been
more weight at this time. Both he and Elias have to
instructed by Ronesh to stay in their vehicle. Once the
depart for the meeting, and instruct the characters to
situation has calmed down, they are told to land at
join as soon as possible.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 69
In reviewing all available footage of the events leading The players will then be ready to make their way to

up to the riot, have the players make Data Analysis, Iphaladisi. The summit is taking place at Ezulwini. The

and Read Person checks. A successful Data Analysis flight there should take no more than twenty minutes.

check will reveal the following: However, five minutes into the party’s travel time they

will be surrounded by four other vehicles and they

„ The identities of the Police Officers in the
crowd, as well as the Inyoka personnel can will be attacked.

all be confirmed, with the exception of three

Each vehicle will have three to four minions in them.
individuals. One of the individuals is dressed in
Inyoka Securities armor, and the other two are The players will now be involved in a chase and

dressed as CNSAC Police Officers. evasion scene while trying to destroy or ground

„ It can be determined that one of the individuals the vehicles chasing them. Include obstacles such

that was masquerading as a Police Officer seems as buildings, and air traffic in order to heighten the
to have been a crowd agitator and at one point tension. The players piloting their vehicles should be
the other false Police Officer joined in the efforts
making frequent Pilot checks.
to rile people up. It was at this point that the
individual posing as an Inyoka Securities Officer It is not necessary for the players to destroy all
fired a warning shot into the air, sparking the
of the vehicles that are attacking them. They may
decide to make their way to the relative safety of the
„ Mark Swemmer has allowed access to the
Golden Circle. Once they are close to it, the remaining
CNSAC Police Departments records and the
individuals are identified as Grond Gebore with pursuers will flee.

ties to the illegal arms trade. You may choose to

give them any names or genders.

„ The Zama Zama boss that is known to deal with

the black market weapons trade is Kobus Van
Jaarsveld. More information about him can be
found in Chapter 2.

At this point you may add between a D6 to a D12 to

the Campaign Progress Dice pool.

With the evidence that players have collected

thus far, they will be able to make a case that

Nontokoza Sibanyoni was not in possession of the

sleeve used at the time of the attack on the CNSAC

Police Department. They will also have evidence

that Inyoka Securities have likely been the target

of a plan to discredit them and cause instability in

New Jozi. The person that is likely responsible is

Kobus Van Jaarsveld as he has the most motive for

wanting Inyoka to fall.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 70
THE SUMMIT warns that he will not accept this. Add a D12 to the

Once the players arrive at Ezulwini Tower, they will be Campaign Progress Dice Pool.

brought into the meeting chamber. Gathered there Option B

are Nkanyezi Khumalo, Lin Zhong Ming (this depends
The players make a strong case for the involvement
on the aftermath of the Heaven’s Door scenario and if
of Kobus. The representative from The Protectorate
Lin Zhong Ming is currently not part of the campaign,
assigns them the task of retrieving him for trial. They
his position at the summit will be replaced by Eron
are informed that due to the rising tensions, they will
DeVries who is an official representative from the
need to work fast. If Kobus is not retrieved within a
Protectorate), Lindiwe Nkosana-Lin, Alton Hitzeroth,
week, The Protectorate will begin bringing in forces in
Mark Swemmer, Elias Mokwena, and two other
order to ensure stability. Add a D8 to the Campaign
individuals that the players may not be familiar with,
Progress Dice Pool.
Abatjie Dimini and Lorelei Yang.
Option C
When the players enter, Elias Mokwena is currently
The evidence that has been submitted is seen as
in a passionate defence of Inyoka’s position in
insufficient. Nontokoza will stand trial within a week.
New Jozi. To which either Lin Zhong Ming or
Elias leaves the meeting without a word, and the
Eron Devries will reply that regardless of Inyoka’s
players are excused from the meeting. However, Mark
position, the Protectorate will not allow instability
Swemmer catches up with them and warns them
to threaten CNSAC. At which point, Nkanyezi will
that this will lead to a war with Inyoka. He unofficially
ask for some order as the investigation team has
authorises them to continue their investigation, and to
arrived to report their findings. She will then defer to
track down and apprehend Kobus as fast as possible.
Lorelei and Abatjie.
Add a D4 to the Campaign Progress Dice Pool.
Once they have introduced themselves to the

characters, they will ask them to present their

The players will now have the daunting task of
findings, and when they have done so they may make
locating Kobus Van Jaarsveld. Both Mark Swemmer
Diplomacy checks. Depending on success or failure,
and Elias Mokwena will provide them with any
the characters will have some options.
information that they have. Refer to the section on
Option A
Kobus in Chapter 2.
The characters’ evidence is convincing. However,
The difficulty that they will have tracking down their
the Protectorate will not agree to the matter being
quarry lies in the fact that Kobus changes sleeves
finalised until Kobus Van Jaarsveld has been brought
often, and he seems to have the right people in his
into custody. Civil unrest has continued to spread, and
pocket so as to avoid the discovery of the location of
if Kobus is not retrieved within 1 week, they will have
his enclave. The players will likely need to approach
no choice but to assign blame to Nontokoza. Elias
their contacts to see what they can discover.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 71
Possible points of contact lie in Jean Dubois, and It is also possible that the player characters don’t

Zane Khoza. Bargaining with either of the men can be approach Jean or Zane. They may have their own

risky and will require the players to make compelling contacts within the city. A combination of Digital

arguments to get their aid. The information would not Networking, and Investigation checks can also

come for free. It is also possible that the encounter lead the players to the same conclusions as they

turns violent, and the information would need to be would get from the men. Some of the information

obtained via coercion, assuming the players’ survival. about previous locations of The Pit can also be

obtained by questioning Willem Niemand, or

If a combat encounter happens with either of the
Nontokoza Sibanyoni.
men, you may use a Thug stat block for Jean or

Zane, and they will each have 6 minions with them. Armed with this new information, the players would

Jean would be encountered at his compound in the need to figure out what the best course of action

Malenga settlement, and Zane would be at Club Eden. would be to apprehend Kobus. They would still be

in possession of the one way communication device

In either scenario, once the players have either
from The Pit. But, the next fight would leave them
bargained with, or coerced either of the men, they will
with only three days to meet their deadline. This
gain the following information:
ending of this segment would start Act 3.
„ 1. As Zane and Jean are both opportunists and
looking to rise within the ranks of the Zama Award between a D4 to a D10 to the Campaign

Zama, they have a vested interest in the potential Progress Dice Pool, depending on the information
that a vacancy in the leadership structure of obtained and the judicious use of violence.
their organization would offer them. As such,
they have been trying to find a way of narrowing
down which sleeve Kobus might be inhabiting
and they have discovered a pattern.

„ 2. The illegal arms trade is big business, even

among the wealthiest citizens of New Jozi.
They have kept their eye on when deals take
place, and although the pattern seems random,
they recently came upon an interesting fact.
Whenever deals happen, there also happens to
be an event held at The Pit.

„ 3. Although the evidence seemed circumstantial

at first, they thought it was suspect that The
Coordinator is also never seen in the same
sleeve twice. But, once they realized that the
arms deals seem to often take place in close
proximity to wherever The Pit is for the evening,
they could not dismiss the connection. As such,
they strongly believe that Kobus is in fact The

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 72
AC T 3 : B AC K TO S C H O O L planning Kobus’ downfall by using Inyoka as a
pawn. He had discovered Kobus’ secret identity
The next stage of the players’ investigation and
as The Coordinator 2 years prior. It took him
retrieval operations can take place in several ways. some time to choose his targets of Nontokoza
Before we discuss options, it is important to take and Willem. Laaitie has residences above ground

note of the following information, in order to plan for and is very much the central figure in the illicit
drug trade in New Jozi. So, it was easy enough
potential paths your players may take, which might
for him to use leverage to arrange for one of
not be covered here: his elite “clients” to become Willem’s backer.
Eventually, taking the reins himself.
„ Kobus is indeed The Coordinator. He used his
previous connections from his time with Inyoka „ Laaitie used his own people among the
Securities to amass a good deal of wealth and Grond Gebore to fashion the nanites, and
influence. It was through these connections the program that hijacked Nontokoza’s DHF.
that he discovered the identity of the original He is still paranoid of outside contractors, as
Coordinator and was able to kill them and take he keeps his control over his faction through
their place. Since that time, he began to recruit fear. Unfortunately for him, his people are
people into his faction of the Zama Zama from not extremely skilled in this area. Hence the
fighters in The Pit. evidence of the sloppily created program.

„ The only other person among the Zama Zama „ The goal is to lead your players to a
that is ever allowed in his territory is Boy confrontation with Kobus, and should they
Mahlangu, as Boy’s primary concern is the survive, it should be revealed by Kobus that
welfare and fair treatment of all the members the only person that he could see being the
of the Grond Gebore. Most of the Zama Zama, culprit is Willem Niemand’s backer. Kobus
never have contact with or even know the will name Shereen Khumalo, a distant family
location of Kobus’ faction. member of Nkanyezi. Shereen will be desperate
to avoid scandal and will easily name Laaitie
„ Kobus is innocent. The real culprit is Laaitie,
as the person that blackmailed her, should the
who has been wanting to take out Kobus for
characters have the proof from Kobus.
some time. Laaitie knows that Boy and Kobus
have an amicable relationship, and that Kobus’ Knowing this information, here are a few options for
faction would come to Boy’s aid if Laaitie ever how the players may proceed, but first roll on the
attempted to take full control. So, he began
Campaign Progress Table.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 73
CAMPAIGN PROGRESS TABLE Three of the warehouses that are joined have been

„ 0–30: No Change converted into the arenas, and pleasure rooms

for the evening. Unlike the last event, there is an

„ 31–61: Tensions have mounted between CNSAC
and Inyoka. Both sides have prepared an armed arena in each of the warehouses, and it seems that
stand-off, albeit a non-public one. simultaneous fights will be taking place.

„ 62–92: In addition to the above, a contact of one

The players will once again be greeted by The
of the players informs them that security at The
Coordinator. This evening, they are in the sleeve of
Pit has been reportedly doubled for the next
event. All rolls made during the next Act are at a man that appears to be of South African Indian
disadvantage. descent. They are attractive, elegantly attired, and in

„ 93–125: In addition to the above, armed excellent physical shape.

confrontations have begun to pop up around the
Each warehouse has been set up in an identical way.
city between CNSAC Police and Inyoka Securities
Officers. The city is on the brink of a new civil The interiors are lavishly decorated, and the arenas
war. The Protectorate has demanded that CTAC are in the center. Partitions have been created so
forces be dispatched to assist CNSAC within 2
that the back half of each warehouse houses ready
rooms for the fighters, as well as coordination centers.
„ 126+: The operation has shifted entirely. The
Partitions also exist near the front of the warehouses
player characters have no choice but to try
and apprehend Kobus in his home enclave. He to accommodate private pleasure rooms.

is the only possible lead they have, and their

The Coordinator will move from warehouse to
conduct has left them with few allies and a lot
warehouse during the evening. The characters will
of notoriety. They have the contacts to discover
the location, however they won’t be receiving have to be smart in how they track them or get
help from CNSAC or Inyoka forces during the them alone. A number of Detection (normal), Stealth
operation. This result would mean a series of
(challenging), and Expression (challenging) checks
extremely difficult encounters, with a high
will need to be made throughout the scene as the
chance of RD. Should this outcome be rolled,
Laaitie’s plot would not be revealed. characters will need to keep an eye out for where

The Coordinator goes but they will also want to make

Option A
their movements seem natural and non-suspicious.
The players decide to try and infiltrate The Pit and get

The Coordinator alone. The location that was received Should a cumulative total of three Detection checks

is in the Western part of the seventh ring, an area that be successfully made throughout the evening

contains numerous warehouses. then the characters will find a moment where The

Coordinator has moved to the third warehouse

Armed guards protect the entrance to the site, and
and seems to be heading into the control room
with a successful Detection roll the players will see
near the fighters’ ready room, however if three
that there are automated gun turrets that have been
cumulative failures are made then The Coordinator
set up in certain locations, as well as the occasional
will not be found.
security drone. As with the cruise ship, this is a very

well defended area.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 74
The control room will be the players’ best chance, as Option B

it only has two other inhabitants in it, and they are The players know that at some point during an event
essentially civilians. However, The Coordinator will at The Pit, The Coordinator will leave the scene to
have the Nemesis stat block (Consummate Warrior, conduct an arms deal at a location nearby. They may
Signature Weapon – Melee) and is armed with a choose to still send in a player to The Pit to try and
Monomolecular Vibroblade. pinpoint when, and how, The Coordinator leaves.

The two civilians will sound an alarm if not stopped, In this case it will be likely that the players have split
The Coordinator will also attempt to. If the alarm is up. Have the players inside The Pit make Expression
triggered, 12 minions armed with firearms will begin (challenging), and Detection (normal) checks in order
to make their way and arrive in 1d4 turns. If the to not draw attention to themselves and to track the
players are successful, they will need to then get The movements of The Coordinator. As with Option A, a
Coordinator out of the area. total of 3 successful Detection checks will need to be

made throughout the evening in order to keep eyes

on their target. 3 failures will mean that they lose

sight of them completely.

On the third successful Detection check, the players

will see The Coordinator leave through a side exit

of the first warehouse. They are accompanied

by 4 guards with the Thug stat block. They will

enter into a vehicle and begin flight towards the

Western Outskirts.

The group that is waiting for the signal from the

group that is in The Pit, will then have to track The

Coordinator’s vehicle. Have a player make a Pilot

(tricky) check to determine how well they are able to

follow the other aircar without being spotted.

The aircar will eventually come to a stop outside a

6-floor building that appears to be a brothel of some

kind. The Coordinator and the four Thugs will enter

through the back of the building, and make their way

to the sixth floor. Here, they have set up an exchange

point for an arms deal.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 75
The group that is due to meet them will arrive shortly „ Deceiving or intimidating Kobus is very difficult.

after The Coordinator’s group. The second group will „ Kobus has a strong mind and use of
consist of two Thugs and two Minions. See the section technological means to get him to talk will also

in Chapter 1, under City Layout for a description be very difficult.

of The Outskirts. „ Kobus is a pragmatic man and has no desire

to be RD’d.
The owner of the brothel, as well as the clientele do
It is entirely possible that the players do not believe
not want any trouble and will not offer any resistance
Kobus, and simply retrieve his stack and bring him
to the characters. Take note that each floor has 5
in for trial. In which case, they will never discover
bedrooms. There is a functional elevator, stairs, and
the truth about Laaitie, as Kobus will be indited for
a poorly constructed fire escape. The entirety of the
the crime and Inyoka Securities will sentence him to
sixth floor was rented by The Coordinator for the
execution. This will lead to faction wars among the
hand-off. It is likely that at least two Minions and two
Zama Zama, as Laaitie tries to seize control.
Thugs will be patrolling or guarding. The others will

be inside the room that is nearest to the stairs. However, should the players believe Kobus and get

him to give up the information on Willem’s backer

FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS then they will be lead to meeting Shereen.
Assuming the successful capture or subduing of

The Coordinator, the players will have some choices CONFRONTING LAAITIE
to make. During either of the options above, if it was Meeting Shereen can take place anywhere in the city,

made clear at any point that loss was inevitable then although the easiest point of contact would be at her

The Coordinator would have tried bargaining with residence in Iphaladisi. With Kobus’ proof, she will

the players. They would reveal that they are indeed very easily give up the information about Laaitie’s

Kobus, but they would profess to having nothing to blackmail, and she will arrange a meeting with him to

do with what happened to Nontokoza. The players purchase some of his products.

may make a Read Person (normal) check, to

The meeting will take place at The Lion’s Den,
determine that he seems to be telling the truth. Kobus
which is secretly owned and run by Laaitie. The
is willing to turn himself in and give more information
players will have to prepare well as there will be a
if he can be granted safety from Inyoka Securities.
number of civilians at the club and Laaitie will have

Kobus is also willing to give information to the players 6 Minions, and 3 Thugs working. Laaitie has the

if they let him go, he will also offer them a substantial Nemesis stat block.

amount of credits.
If it looks like the fight isn’t going his way, then

How the players choose to handle this section can Laaitie will Needlecast out, unless the players

vary drastically. Whether through interrogation in manage to block it. Laaitie is not above taking

Virtual, diplomacy, or deception, here are some things hostages if need be.

that will assist you:

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 76
Should the players be successful, they can return with executed by Inyoka. The Players are aware that

Laaitie’s stack, in order for him to face trial. However, Laaitie is the true culprit. He is now a powerful
enemy. Award a D6.
if Laaitie escapes they will have less than 2 days to

find a way into his enclave at the old Tuks University „ Inyoka Securites and CNSAC are in an armed
ceasefire. Kobus has been blamed for the events,
to retrieve him.
however CNSAC Police are still demanding that
In this scenario, the players would need assistance as Nontokoza be incarcerated and Inyoka have
refused. Award a D8.
the bulk of his forces would be stationed there and it

would be a siege. However, with Shereen’s testimony „ Inyoka Securities and CNSAC are in an armed
ceasefire. Inyoka refuses to release Nontokoza
as well as the information from Kobus. The players
for trial by CNSAC. Protests grow in the city,
wouldn’t need to take this on themselves. CNSAC and
day by day. The Protectorate is slowly bolstering
Inyoka would deal with the situation. Shereen would the city with CTAC forces. Laaitie has decimated
then become a very well-connected, if disgraced, what remains of Kobus faction of the Zama
Zama. Award a D10.
enemy of the players.
„ Nontokoza has been sentenced to 300 years
Take note of any developments for the campaign
incarceration for her crimes. New Jozi has
for future sessions. And award Campaign Progress entered a new civil war between Inyoka
Dice as follows: Securities and CNSAC. The Protectorate has
officially taken stewardship over CNSAC, and the
„ Civil war has been averted, Nontokoza’s name city is teeming with CTAC. Laaitie’s faction now
has been cleared, Kobus has been executed by dominates all the Zama Zama. Award a D12.
Inyoka, and Laatie is under siege. Award a D4.
This ends the City of Gold Scenario.
„ Civil war has been averted, Nontokoza’s name
has been cleared, Kobus has been blamed and

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 7 : C ity of G old 77
There’s a saying from the old days, “Ubuntu ngumuntu Although specific cultural knowledge is not necessary

ngabantu.” It got passed down from generation to run any of the scenarios in this book, as culture

to generation, in as many languages as there were in this version of a future has adapted, changed and

peoples in the old South Africa… before the wars… evolved, South Africans and those of New Jozi have a

before The Collapse. A person is a person through heritage that they are proud of.

other people… it’s got a nice ring to it. But when

people can treat their bodies like brands of aircars,


and your worth can be determined by where you had „ 0–33: No Change

the misfortune of being born… it doesn’t seem to hold „ 34–67: Tensions have mounted between
CNSAC and Inyoka. Both sides are in a non-
that much truth in it anymore…
public standoff. Laaitie appears throughout this
THIS SCENARIO WILL BE A LOT MORE scenario as a Nemesis, until he is dealt with. The

cerebral and play more into the science fiction players are fairly known in New Jozi and have a
{Stealth -2} and {Read Person -2} for this Act.
elements of the settings as they relate to human
„ 68–101: In addition to the above, it is difficult
consciousness, as well as spirituality. South Africa
to deal with all factions at the moment due
has a very rich cultural heritage, and some of the
to tensions within the city and the players
first inhabitants of the country are the Khoisan notoriety. Players also have {Diplomacy -2} and
people. They have a beautifully unique language, {Bureaucracy-2} for this Act.

and the variant that is spoken in South Africa is „ 102–135: CTAC, and the civil unrest between
called Khoekhoe. You may wish to watch a few many of the factions has made it very difficult for
the players to operate within the city. In addition
documentaries about the Khoisan. Although, it is not
to the above, players also have {Acuity -2} for
strictly necessary for you to run this scenario.
this act.

New Jozi is a melting pot of cultural heritage, as „ 136+: The city is at war. Players will have a very
is CNSAC as a whole. There are concepts that difficult time interacting with Inyoka Securities
unless they are part of the faction. The Grond
are presented in this book that are simply one
Gebore are in disarray, and dealing within the
extrapolation of what a future for such a diverse
Zama Zama have become very dangerous
country, with so many diverse belief systems may look especially to outsiders not aligned to Laaitie’s
like. South African cultures have a long and detailed faction. In addition to the above, for this entire
scenario treat Underground encounters as being
history of traditional healers that are well respected.
potentially hostile.
New Jozi was founded by Siphiso Khumalo whose

cultural heritage is Zulu.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 78
AC T 1 : STO R I E S F R O M Bush, including animals, plains and deserts. Keep on

looping back to the death occurring, and flash to

the deceased being close to the character’s face and
LEAD-IN whispering something unintelligible into their ear.
This scenario will begin at the player characters’
Finish the dream sequence with a flash to the image
homes during their dreams. Choose 1 to 2 players to
of a nagapie (Mohol bushbaby) looking directly at the
have a dream sequence. The other players will have a
character. Make sure to describe that this image is the
different event occur for them.
most static and seems to last a very long time. Then
As this scenario is intended to take place much later abruptly have the character wake up.
in a campaign, the players should already have fairly
For the remaining players, describe a scene where
developed back stories and already have experienced
they are out in the city at night. The time can be
some deaths of NPCs related to them. This is an
fairly late in the evening. Out of the corner of their
excellent time for the Gamemaster to give some
eye, they spot the deceased person walking around,
player control and allow all of the players to describe
just out of sight.
an event that was particularly traumatic for them in

which someone they know died. Describe a few scenes where the PCs follow this

character, trying to catch up with them, but always

As always, it is suggested that before beginning a
having them just ahead. After leading them on a
roleplaying game a Gamemaster should take the
chase for some time, the characters will turn a corner,
time to speak with the players during a session 0
sure that they will have caught up with the deceased
to determine if there are any topics that they feel
person. However, for a brief moment, they will see
uncomfortable exploring or wish to leave out of
a Khoisan man who will look straight at them, turn
a story. During these descriptions pay particular
a corner and disappear. When the player follows
attention to the guidelines you as a group set in place
the Khoisan man around the corner, they will see a
before starting.
nagapie staring at them intently. The character will be
The nature of the death can have occurred in many unable to move and shortly after they will black out.
different ways, the emphasis given for the prompt as
Variations on this theme can occur and can be
a Gamemaster should be that this death resulted in
individualised for your players. As a Gamemaster you
an RD, and that the person who died was particularly
may ask your players where they might be during the
close to the player character in some way. Once the
evening and extrapolate the scene from there.
players have narrated their stories, take note of the

NPCs and their descriptions. Then proceed to the Another option to explore is to have the players

first dream sequence. give the descriptions of the traumatic deaths to you

privately before the game. In this way, the other

Describe flashes of various locations. Describe
players will be experiencing the scene for the first
flashes of the scene of the death playing out.
time when you narrate it.
Describe flashes of random scenes of the African

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 79
IN PSYCHOSURGERY She is very pleasant and polite and must state that

This scene will find the characters all together and in she is there to answer all of their questions, but first,

Virtual. They have been brought to a Psychosurgery she would like to ask the players what the last thing is

facility in the second ring, operated by Unity. that they can remember.

The setting will be comfortable, a large, open air

After some interaction from the party, she will reveal
meditation room filled with running water, and
that the players’ last remembered date was 2 weeks
abundant plant life. The scent of lavender hanging
prior to the current date. They have all been in Virtual
lightly in the air. They will all be in comfortable, yet
and unresponsive for 3 days. It is unclear exactly
stylish clothing.
where the characters have been for the last two

Give the characters some time to talk to each other. weeks. But they have shown up on surveillance only

They should all be very confused as to where they three times before they were recovered.

are or how they got there. After some time of the

The first instance was in an Inyoka Securities facility
characters talking, a woman that appears to be
in the fifth ring. Inyoka has declined to comment on
of South African Indian descent, enters the room.
what took place there. The second time was heading
She is dressed in the same style of comfortable,
into a club called Exodus which is in the Southwest of
yet stylish clothing. She would introduce herself as
The Outskirts, 5 days after the first incident. During
Deevashni Govinda.
that incident, a riot broke out 3 hours after the

footage of the player characters entering the club.

The riot resulted in 3 RDs.

The last incident was 3 days ago, shortly before

the player characters were detained. Surveillance

equipment registered that they had entered the

Data Banks for the Ukokho, which are housed

in Onkulunkulu. No RDs were reported in the

security personnel, however several sleeves were

damaged beyond repair. A large detachment of

Inyoka Securities personnel were dispatched to

the room housing the Data Banks. They found

all of the characters motionless, in the room that

housed the Data Banks.

The player characters were then placed in Virtual but

had been unresponsive until about 30 minutes prior.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 80
At this point the players are likely to have to various Psychosurgery facilities around the city.

further questions. Deevashni is able to offer the They said that they had experienced a loss of time.

following information: But that they all had an experience in common in that

they had seen and, in some cases, interacted with a

„ The characters are indeed under investigation.
person from their past that had long been RD’d.
„ Their DHFs and sleeves have been hardcoded
to the confines of New Jozi, and any attempt In examining the DHFs of the player characters and
to leave will be met with force. This has been a all of the people shown in the footage, the only sign
mandate by CNSAC.
of anything strange had been a data imprint. When
„ As the characters seem to have been at processed, it showed the image of a nagapie.
the epicenter of an event that is yet to be
understood, they have been given the option to The players will likely have some more questions for
be temporarily instated under CNSAC should Deevashni and she will attempt to answer them as
they choose to take part in the investigation.
best as she can. For now, she will let the characters
If the characters press for information regarding know the following:
who gave the mandate, Deevashni will state that she
„ That they are under onus to prove that the
has been instructed not to say. Should the players
events that have been taking place in New Jozi,
try and persuade her, it would require a challenging are not their doing. She will also let them know
Diplomacy. In such a case she would reveal that the that, thus far, they have not been charged with

mandate was proposed by Lin Zhong Ming. If Lin any of the RD’s that have occurred.

Zhong Ming is no longer part of your story, then „ There are investigative teams that have been
assigned to determine whether or not such
the mandate can come from Eron DeVries, Mark
charges need to be brought against the player
Swemmer, or Lindiwe Nkosana-Lin. This will depend
characters. However, they have been charged
on how the campaign has been progressing. with property damage relating to the sleeves
of the Inyoka Securities personnel that were
Deevashni will then explain to the characters that
guarding the Ukohkho Data Banks.
various other events have taken place around the
„ Trial is set for 1 month from the current date.
city. Footage will be shown to the characters of a

citizen walking into a crowded cafe and mowing „ For the purposes of the investigation, the
characters will be given temporary CNSAC
down dozens of people with an automatic pistol,
Police security clearance.
before RDing themself. More footage will be shown
The players will likely spend some time deliberating
of the riot that took place outside of club Exodus.
what their next course of action will be, and
After 30 minutes of property destruction, the
Deevashni will leave them to discuss what they
rioters all suddenly stopped and stood confused
would like to do. Once they are ready to start, they
and motionless.
can resummon her and they will be able to exit
Images of 12 different individuals will be shown, and
Virtual. This will end Act 1. Award a D4 to a D6 in
Deevashni will state that all of these people reported
Campaign Progress Dice.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 81
„ 0–34: No Change
„ 35–69: The players are fairly known in New Jozi
As your player group might have an eclectic mix of
and have a {Stealth -2} and {Read Person -2} for
character backgrounds, they may have several ideas
this Act.
of where they should start looking for information
„ 70–104: In addition to the above, it is difficult
about their missing time. If the players choose
to deal with all factions at the moment due
to tensions within the city and the players to visit the last location they remember being at,
notoriety. Players also have {Diplomacy -2} and they can discover the following information either
{Bureaucracy -2} for this Act.
from speaking to individuals or from potential
„ 105–139: CTAC, and the civil unrest between security cameras:
many of the factions has made it very difficult for
the players to operate within the city. In addition „ The character was seen to have left the area.
to the above, players also have {Acuity -2} for
„ They did not speak to anyone on their way out.
this act.
„ No one saw the Khoisan man, and he is not on
„ 140+: The city is at war. Players will have a very
any footage.
difficult time interacting with Inyoka Securities
unless they are part of the faction. The Grond „ There are no traces in their apartments or work
Gebore are in disarray, and dealing within the places of any surveillance bugs.
Zama Zama have become very dangerous
„ If the character attempts to scan the area for
especially to outsiders not aligned to Laaitie’s
any anomalies, they may make a Data Analysis
faction. In addition to the above, for this entire
(complicated) check. If this is successful, they
scenario treat Underground encounters as being
will discover that at the time that they remember
potentially hostile.
going to sleep or chasing their deceased friend
there was a signal that seemed to originate from
many points at once. It is unlike any signal they
have come across before.

Based upon the information that Deevashni was able

to provide, the three definite locations that they were

seen at were Club Exodus, Onkulunkulu Tower, and

the Inyoka Securities barracks in the fifth ring. The

players could visit the locations in any order, but they

will be listed sequentially in terms of where they were

seen over the last two weeks.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 82
THE BARRACKS „ Once the player characters had entered the
building two weeks prior, all of the interior
Dealing with Inyoka Securities could potentially be
surveillance equipment went offline, and all
difficult for the player characters, based upon their
of the building’s inhabitants at the time found
backgrounds as well as upon the events of Chapter themselves waking up on the floor. It seemed an
7. It is possible that New Jozi is currently in the hour had passed.

middle of a war between CNSAC (as well as The „ Upon a thorough inspection of the building’s
Protectorate) and Inyoka. In which case, the players systems, it was determined that nothing
had been damaged and the only thing that
would need to come up with unique solutions as to
was missing was one of Cui’s non-digitized
how they would get into the facility, and how they
would get the information that they require. Take
„ The document in question contained a personal
these variables into account and adjust the difficulty
cypher that is needed to access the Ukhokho
of checks made accordingly. As a Gamemaster Data Banks in Onkulunkulu. The only people that
here is what the players can ascertain should should be aware of the document’s existence are

they be successful: Fan Tian Cui and Nkanyezi Khumalo.

„ A challenging Data Analysis check can

„ Inyoka Securities has been tight-lipped about
determine that just before the building’s
what took place at these barracks because
internal security went offline, the same almost
if word got out then they would lose a lot
omnipresent signal had flooded the building.
of credibility. As such, any checks made to
gather information – whether it be through It should be noted that it is entirely possible that the
technological means or through communication players are unable to get this information. Partial
– will be challenging or nearly impossible.
information can be obtained through contacts. If this
However, this can be different if one of the player
characters is aligned with Inyoka or if the group route is taken, they can discover that something was

has good standing with them. taken from the site, and nobody was hurt. Without

„ At the time that the characters were caught on directly speaking to Cui, the players will not be able
footage at the barracks, the person overseeing to discover what was taken. Award between a D4 to a
it was Fan Tian Cui. More information about D8 in Campaign Progress Dice.
her can be found in Chapter 2. It should be
noted that Cui’s offices in each of the barracks
are decorated in the style of an 11th century
The riot that took place at Club Exodus was all over
traditional Chinese calligraphy school. Her
clothing style reflects a strong Song Dynasty Media, however the official explanation was that a
aesthetic. She carefully hand writes all of terrorist organisation had leaked a potent narcotic
Inyoka’s contracts using calligraphy brushes,
into the air vents which caused violent hallucinations
after which they are recorded digitally. However,
and loss of inhibition.
she stores all of the handwritten contracts
meticulously and there are some documents
which are never digitized.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 83
Through questioning club goers from the evening You can have the player describe their characters

in question, and going through the club’s security home in as much detail as they would like before you

footage the player characters can discover the start the sequence.

following information:
The character would likely, cautiously make their way

„ A few of the patrons, and staff remember seeing into their home. Possibly with a weapon drawn. They
the characters. According to staff members, they will eventually find a figure turned away from them,
ordered drinks and went to sit at a booth.
possibly looking out of a window. The figure will
„ A tricky Data Analysis check will provide the eventually turn around and the player will be shocked
players with a brief glimpse of the characters
to discover that it is the very same person that they
at their booth when a woman sits down and
appears to hand them something. either dreamt about or chased when Act 1 began.

„ After that point, the security footage goes blank. Depending on the nature of the relationship between
The club does not have any forms of specialised the character and the deceased, you could even
surveillance technology installed. So, unless the
have this sequence take place a few hours after the
players have a form of specialised equipment,
character has gone to sleep.
then they wouldn’t be able to conduct a scan of
the area to determine that the same signal was As a Gamemaster, you are trying to create a very
present at the time the security shut down and
emotional scene with this interlude. Here are some
the riot broke out.
notes to take into account:
„ A Digi Networking check or use of contacts can
determine that the woman the player characters „ The person that appears in the character’s home
were seen interacting with seems to have an is indeed the person that was RD’d.
unregistered sleeve.
„ They do not remember where they have been or
how they got where they are now.
After the player characters have investigated 2 of „ They remember the player character and their
relationship together. But they feel like it has
the locations suggested by Deevashni, begin this
been some time since they have seen the
interlude scene. Choose one of the players at random,
it may be best to do this before your gaming session.
„ They want to talk to the player and want
Take player consent guidelines into account before
consoling, as they don’t really understand
making your choice as well as deciding how you will what is going on.
handle this scene. It is intended to be a somewhat
„ Should the player choose to make some checks,
emotional sequence. As such, it will be an excellent everything seems to check out. There are issues
stopping point of a session or starting point. with the DHF in that it could benefit from
extensive Psychosurgery, but when scanned the
Once the character returns to their home for the DHF registers as the deceased. It can also be
evening, they will discover that the lights in their determined that the sleeve they are operating

home are already on. As the lights are automatic, is a high-quality synthetic sleeve that is able to
adapt its appearance.
they will immediately know that someone else must

already be inside.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 84
What the player chooses to do next can vary Observant players will be able to spot the telltale

dramatically, but once the character falls asleep or signs of hidden defences placed throughout the

leaves their home, their visitor will be gone. Scans room, as well as a set of modern assegais that adorn

will confirm that they were there. But there is no the wall behind her desk.

more trace of them or explanation of where they

From this office it is easy to see the entire city from
may have gone to. Award between a D4 to a D8 in
different angles.
Campaign Progress Dice.
There are Guards stationed outside of the office,

UKHOKHO DATA BANKS however Nkanyezi gives the impression that she is not

Once the players are ready to head to Onkulunkulu concerned about the players presence at all. Nkanyezi

Tower, they will have to arrange a meeting with maintains her cloned Natal sleeve and appears to be

Nkanyezi Khumalo. Depending on the characters an athletic woman of Zulu descent in her late 20s,

standing in New Jozi, this could be difficult to with long, braided hair tied in a high ponytail. She is

accomplish. However, the players are currently dressed in a well-tailored business suit.

authorized to investigate by the CNSAC Police. Taking

Nkanyezi’s demeanor is charming, and she is very
these factors into account, have the player that is
eloquent. However, have the players make a Read
organising the meeting make a Bureaucracy check
Person check at challenging difficulty. A success
that falls between normal and challenging.
would tell the characters that her eloquence and

Should the players fail their check, they will still be mannerisms don’t reach her eyes – which seem

allowed to meet with Nkanyezi’s assistant – a person calculating, evaluating, and almost predatory.

by the name of Elka Van Staaden. At which point they Nkanyezi is a brilliant and dangerous woman.

would have to convince Elka to allow them to meet

Again, various factors can work for or against the
with Nkanyezi. Elka is very good at their job so a
player characters here. Have them make checks where
Diplomacy or Expression check at tricky difficulty can
appropriate based upon how your campaign has
be made to persuade them.
progressed and your players party makeup. Nkanyezi

If the player characters are able to meet with can give the players the following information:

Nkanyezi, she will take a meeting with them in her

„ The player characters had made their way into
office which is at the highest point of Onkulunkulu Onkulunkulu Tower, however they did not appear
Tower. Nkanyezi favours an open-plan aesthetic on any of the building’s security systems. She

which she has decorated with historic pieces of personally checked to see if their DHFs were
registered as travelling through The Golden
artwork from across the globe, as well as works
Curtain, and they didn’t show up in the logs
by Zulu artists that take positions of prominence either.
throughout the room.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 85
„ The Data Banks for the Ukhokho are guarded „ The only way for someone to be able to enter
by six well trained Inyoka Securties personnel, into the Virtual space of The Ukhokho, is with
however it seems as if they were dispatched the use of a cypher that she developed, and
with ease. It was sheer luck that one of them she personally facilitates any meetings with The
managed to signal for help. Ukhokho so that she can make sure that the Data
Banks are kept safe. The only other person that
„ By the time that more Securities officers had
would have access to the cypher would be Fan
gotten to the area the player characters were as
Tian Cui.
Deevashni had described to them.
„ If the players ask if they will be able to enter
At this point, a tricky Read Person check will reveal
into the Data Banks to run some tests, Nkanyezi
that Nkanyezi gave a very slight reaction when she will refuse. The only way she would allow this
mentioned the Data Banks. Depending on how the is if one of the player characters is one of

players handle that information, they may decide to The Umdala and have a family member that
ascended to Ukhokho status. Otherwise, there
press the issue further. Nkanyezi would be impressed
is no amount of bargaining that would sway her
that someone managed to notice one of her ticks on this topic.
as she is a very composed person. Due to this fact,
Should the players be able to view the Data Banks,
checks made to press for more information will be at
similar scans to those made previously can determine
normal difficulty. If successful, she will tell the player
that the same unknown signal was present at the
characters the following additional information:
time that the first Inyoka personnel were taken down.

„ Since the day they characters were apprehended, Some of the players may be shocked to see how well
nobody has been able to enter into the Virtual they fought during the encounter as their movements
spaces of the Ukhokho. Diagnostics show that
were expertly timed, efficient, and devastating. The
the Data Banks are functional, but are slowly
losing integrity, and they have not found a way players may be aware of Bridging devices, however

to solve the issue. if none of the players have purchased any then scans

„ Nkanyezi had heard rumors about the other can determine that they do not have any.
events that had taken place in the city, and
What happens next largely depends on the successes
she had done some investigating of her
own. Citizens reporting that loved ones had or failures that the players have had thus far. Here

somehow come back from the grave to speak to are some things to take into consideration for this
them. People experiencing losses of time. Being entire scenario:
a scientist, her first thought was some kind of
virus or biological weapon. But, two days ago „ There are plot points that are purposefully
she had a visitor of her own, and just as quickly intended to be vague. It is part of the confusing
as the visitor had come, they were gone. nature of what is taking place.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 86
„ It can be a good idea to have other visitors CAMPAIGN PROGRESS TABLE
show up for different players, throughout
„ 0–40: No Change
the scenario. It is very important to create an
environment of a concrete answer being just „ 41–80: The players are being followed. Add a
out of reach. So, a rule to follow is that the random encounter with a group of 2 Zama Zama
visitors will appear, but they will never stay. The thugs, and 3 Minions. They used to belong to
moment a character tries to bring someone else Kobus’ faction and want to enact revenge.
to view them, they will be gone. The moment „ 81–120: The events taking place so far have been
they leave them alone in a room, they will be difficult on the characters Ego. Players receive
gone. If the character tries to change locations {Willpower -2} for this Act.
with them, they will be gone. Visitations can
happen in public places, but only when a player „ 121–160: The Zama Zama do not want the players

character is not with any of the party members. in their enclaves. Checks relating to Grond
Gebore are at {Empathy -3} and {Willpower -3}
„ If the players investigations have gone poorly, for this Act.
you can have a contact suggest that it might
„ 160+: The war has intensified to such a stage
be time to try a different plan of attack. As
that all areas of the city are a warzone. Players
things seem to be happening that fall outside
should be making frequent checks to avoid
the scope of most sciences, the players may try
getting caught in crossfire and explosions
to approach a Heks (See Chapter 5 for more
information). The contact will be able to arrange
a meeting with a reputable one. But, it will take
3 days. As one of the best actually spends most
of his time among the Grond Gebore. He goes by
the name of Ares.

„ If the investigations have gone well, and

Nkanyezi gave the player characters the
additional 4 points of information, then she
herself will suggest the players meet with the
Heks and that they bring him here. She will
make sure that they are unseen when entering
and exiting the building. As mentioned,
Nkanyezi is very proud of her heritage, and
consults with traditional healers openly.
However, the man known as Ares pays no
attention to the structure of society within
New Jozi. He lives among the Grond Gebore,
or in The Outskirts, or in The Silver City as he
pleases. And openly consulting with him would
potentially cause scandal. However, he is noted
to be the best in the field and Nkanyezi wants
answers as much as the player characters do.
Award between a D4 to a D10 in Campaign
Progress Dice.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 87
ACT 3: BEING HUMAN but the moment that he turned his head to open his

The player characters will need to wait three days vehicle, she was gone.

before they can meet with Ares. They have been told You may decide to have your players receive another
that they will receive a message on the day, with visit, during these three days. This would also be a
instructions on where to meet a representative that good time for some character-centric roleplay. Have
will take them to The Underground. the players describe some alone time. How are they

In the intervening 3 days, some incidents will begin reacting to the strange events around them? And

occurring across New Jozi. when your group is ready, transition to the meeting.

First, a Media outlet will have a crushed story that GOLD REEF CITY
will be forwarded in full to the players. A CNSAC On the morning of the third day, the player characters
Police Officer that worked at the front desk of would all receive a communication with a set of
a small precinct in the Northeastern 6th ring, coordinates and instructions that they are to meet a
reported that a woman came to the front desk woman named Kaya at the destination.
saying that she needed to see her wife, Lieutenant
Making their way to the Northern Outskirts, they
Miranda Opperman. The Officer called through to
will meet Kaya outside of a local shebeen (a non-
the Lieutenant who came to the front desk quite
licenced bar). Kaya is a Runner, and she was hired
flustered and yelling at the man that office pranks
to transport the group to where they need to go.
are one thing but bringing up someone’s dead wife
She is friendly, very attractive, with shoulder length
was unacceptable. Lieutenant Opperman would then
wavy black hair, appears to be in her early 30s and of
see the woman that had come in claiming to be her
Cape Malay descent.
wife and would fall down crying. At that point, the

woman would hug her, and all surveillance equipment Kaya leads them into the shebeen, which is closed

would shut down. The footage would pick up 20 as it is daytime. However, in the back storage room

minutes later with everyone in the building waking she moves some boxes that are covering a hatch.

up on the floor. Opening it, the group will see that it has a ladder

that seems to lead very far down. Kaya likes to

Second, during a live broadcast of a sporting event,
make jokes and take friendly jabs and will likely say
a reporter would be interviewing a player on the
something to the characters such as, “I hope you’re
field when a young girl would tug on the pant leg of
not afraid of heights.”
the reporter and say, “Daddy.” At which point, the

reporter would pick her up and start speaking to her The group will climb downwards for 20 minutes, at

and he would be crying. The reporter would tell them which point they will find themselves in old mining

to cut the feed. The event was witnessed in person by tunnels that seem to be reenforced. There is a small

several others. The reporter in question immediately train car and tracks. Once down here, the player

tried to take his daughter to a Psychosurgery facility, characters will also notice that they seem to be cut

off from outside electronic connections.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 88
The car will lead take them down for about an Kaya will state that they will need to introduce

hour, where the rest of the track is blocked with themselves to Boy, before they can meet with Ares.

debris. Leaving the car, the players will enter into As such, she will lead them to a school. Boy seems to

a tunnel which they will need to climb through for be giving a science class to some students.

about another hour. At certain points, the tunnel

The players will notice that this enclave, although well
will be quite cramped. So, having the players
protected, is also full of a deep sense of community
make Composure checks or Discipline checks on
among the people. There is trust, and there are
occasion is merited.
genuine smiles. As the class finishes, Boy will greet

Once the players exit the tunnel, they will see a Kaya with a warm hug and then proceed to introduce

pressurised door that Kaya will open. Inside, the himself to the players. He will ask them why they

characters will be instructed to put on environmental need to see Ares? He will also tell them that among

Haz suits. Leaving the second set of pressurised his people, there have also been visitors. It seems that

doors, the players will once again be in the toxic Ares has been here for about a week, helping people

waters and rubble of Old Gauteng. Kaya would have process what is happening.

instructed the characters to very carefully follow her,

After a conversation, Boy will agree to let the
so have the players make a group Survival check. A
characters see Ares. They will be led to a small house
majority pass will mean no complications, however,
where they will see a 6'3" well-built man, with long
in the case of a majority failure have the players that
blonde hair, a well-kept beard, and ocean-gray eyes
failed make an Athletics check. A failure here will
that is talking to an elderly woman of Cape Malay
mean that they snag their suit on some debris and
descent, who is bedridden.
toxic waters begin coming in.

Note that the waters are extremely toxic, and severe

As a Gamemaster, the goal for this scene is for the
sleeve damage and even sleeve death can occur.
characters to be able to unburden themselves. Ares
After trudging through the waters for about 2 hours,
will ask to speak to each of the characters individually
the group will make it to another hatch. Inside, the
and will hear their stories. He is a very perceptive and
waters will drain, and a decontamination process
insightful man, he won’t hesitate to call out lies, and
will begin. After which they will be able to enter into
it will be very difficult to deceive him. Your goal is to
the room in which they could store the Haz suits.
make him likeable, approachable, and trustworthy.
Leaving through another hatch they will be greeted
Once the players have had their private sessions, Ares
with the sight of what was once Gold Reef City.
will agree to come with them, and they can begin the
See Ch. 1: Geological Landmarks, for information on
trek back to the surface.
the settlement and Ch. 2: Faces of Zama Zama, for

information about Boy Mahlangu.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 89
RIDING THE NET Eventually the scene that they will find themselves in

The next destination could either be meeting with will be that of a Zulu settlement from before colonial

Nkanyezi, or going to another location the players times. They’ll notice that sections of the scene seem

choose. Note that if Nkanyezi is going to be with the to be almost like static, while the rest of the scene

players then she will be asking most of the questions is composed of a myriad of colours and coalesced

once they have all entered The Net. images. Setting outside the main structure, they will

see an old man dressed in traditional Zulu chieftain

Ares will first hand each of those that will be
attire. He is sitting on a chair, and observing the
entering, a small inhaler that contains the perspective
surroundings. To everyone, he will be recognizable as
enhancing drug, Aurora. He’ll also state that he
Siphiso Khumalo.
designed Aurora, and he’s happy that it has gotten

so much use. Essentially, the Aurora will lower the

difficulty to resist Ego damage from Challenging, to
If Nkanyezi is with the players, she will immediately
Tricky. He will also attach a small data stamp to each
run up to her father and hug him. Her demeanor with
of their temples.
Siphiso is unlike what they have seen of her before.

As he is their guide, the challenge to resist Ego This is what the players will gather from this scene:

damage will be at Normal difficulty, if they chose not

„ Siphiso had been thinking about life, and
to take the Aurora then it will be at Tricky difficulty. existence, and heritage, and he had come to the
conclusion that he had been wrong. People were
Once they are ready, Ares will bring his Net Skimmer
not supposed to live in this way, experiencing
online and the characters will be on their way. This such long lives that could be traded like cattle.
space is unlike Virtual. It contains flashes of colour, They had no right to usurp the position of the

gamma waves, radio waves, text, numbers, the pulse ancestors, and so he decided that he must end
The Ukhokho.
of electricity. Images composed out of thousands
„ From time to time, Hekse would visit The
of other images.
Ukhokho. He had found one that would listen
Here, there will be flashes again of the African to his wisdom often, and they had come to

bush, flashes of loved ones and enemies, and an agree with each other. Slowly, they began to do
research on how they could bring an end to the
overwhelming sense of the emotions of an entire city.
Ukhokho Data banks. Due to the activities of the
Have the players make a group Composure check to player characters, they had become quite well
see if they take Ego damage or not. Those that fail known and they decided that their group would

will get lost in some way. Have the player describe be the best suited to gather what they need.
Siphiso would apologise to the player characters
how they are lost, what are they seeing? And then
that he used them.
have them describe how they bring themselves

back to focus. They will feel the hand of Ares

helping guide them.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 90
„ Siphiso and the unnamed Heks began to data to the player characters confirming everything
construct a special virus that could be that he has said in order to clear their names. The
distributed only through The Net. It would
space around them would begin to dissolve, and Ares
temporarily shut down autonomous DHF control,
and suspend that DHF in a loop of sorts that would shepherd them back. But, just before they

would be based upon a very strong emotional leave, they would all see the Khoisan man smile at
event. The infected could then be used as them and nod his head.
broadcasters for the virus, which they had called
„ Once the player characters had obtained the With this, the player characters will have the proof
cypher, they handed it to the Heks at Club
that they need to clear their names. However, they will
Exodus. They then handed them another virus
that could be inserted into the Ukhokho Data not have answers. Who was the Khoisan man? How

Banks. did the RD’d come back to life, where did they go?

„ When asked about the Khoisan man, and the After the Unkhokho Data Banks shut down, the
visitors, Siphiso would have no knowledge of any
visitors all stopped appearing. But, nobody could
of this. He would also state that his memory of
who the Heks is, has already faded with the virus. discover how they got there, or… where they went.

Siphiso would give Nkanyezi a fond and tearful As this is intended to be the end of the Campaign,

goodbye and ask her to please not recreate the no additional Campaign Progress Dice are awarded.

Ukhokho. If she is not present, then he will transfer

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | C h . 8 : N agapie 91
FIRSTLY, THIS BOOK WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN sense of humour is always infectious. Thank you for

possible without the love, guidance, and moral taking part in this.

support of B. Dave Walters. Thank you for believing

To Eron Smith, the amazingly creative mind behind
in me enough to suggest me to the writing team.
Abatjie, The Whisper Net, and The Hive. I don’t think
Without you, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to
I have an extensive enough vocabulary to convey
add my vision to the unique and beautiful world of
my depth of appreciation of you as a role-player,
Altered Carbon. I cannot thank you enough.
storyteller and friend. You have been a crucial part

Secondly, I want to thank my sister Candice Nel. of my fondest ttrpg memories. I look forward to so

Without your help, I never would have gotten over many more memories.

the sticking points that I had when writing this

To Kristopher Long, without your creation of Mianju
book. Being able to talk through ideas with you, and
and your character concept, the Grond Gebore
your assistance with flushing out the technology
wouldn’t have developed in the way that they
section in the book were invaluable. You have such a
have in the book. Your outlook as a person and
wonderfully creative mind, and I am forever grateful
role-player continue to brighten my days. Thank
to be your brother.
you for being here.

Thirdly, I want to thank my friend, mentor, and all-

To Carole Genart, I cannot thank you enough for the
round guiding light, May Leigh Damage. If you
creation of Lorelei, as well as The Dead Philosophers
hadn’t been there to talk me down, it’s highly
Society. It is always such a pleasure to get to
likely that I never would have finished this project.
experience your interactions as a role-player. You
All my love to you.
bring so much heart and soul into what you do. This

Very Importantly, I want to thank my amazing play- world would not be the same without you.

testers. To Quinn Sellers, the man responsible for

And of course, I want to thank Alex Huilman for being
not only bringing the image in my mind of the map
such an amazing person, community manager, and
of New Jozi to life, but also for the creation of Zane
my main liaison with Hunters Entertainment. You have
Khoza, and Club Eden, and for being such an amazing
been an ear to listen, the man with the answers, and
role-player. You have been a friend and a confidant,
above all you have become a friend.
and I thank you so much for being you, and all the
I hope all of you have as much fun with this setting
amazing work that you do.
as I had envisioning it.
To Dominic Donahue, the man without whom the
Be excellent to one another,
Inyoka Securities Familiar system, and the character
Adrian Bear.
of Atlas wouldn’t exist. Your boundless enthusiasm

for stories is always a constant inspiration, and your

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | A cknowledgements 92
A P P E N D I X 1 : P R O N U N C I AT I O N G U I D E
THE PRONUNCIATION GUIDE IS DIVIDED INTO „ Ukhoko: Oo-kaw-kaw. In this word the second
“o” sound is shorter.
5 sections. South Africa is a very diverse country that

has 11 official languages. New Jozi is no different. „ Mhluzi: Mm-shloo-zee. In Zulu, the letter
combination of “h” and “l” are pronounced as
The first section is devoted predominantly to words
the English “sh” sound. Often times in Zulu, the
in Zulu and other Native South African languages. middle syllable is stressed and slightly longer
The second section is devoted to Afrikaans, which is sounding.

a natively created language spoken in South Africa „ Emalahleni: Eh-mah-la-shleh-ni

that has predominantly Dutch origins. Section three
„ Gauteng: The “g” sound in this word is guttural,
is devoted to names that would be of South African like the ending sound of the word “uggh.” The
Indian and South African Arabian origin. Section four “au” sound is like the exclamation of pain “ow.”
is devoted to words that are in Mandarin Chinese.

And section five is devoted to acronyms and words „ Sotho: Soo-to

that would be more common to a Western or „ Tswana: The “ts” sound is a short and quick

European reader. combination of the “t” and “s” sounds, almost

like a quick sneeze. The “a” in “wa” should be
pronounced in the same way as the exclamation
Z U LU A N D OT H E R “ah” in English. Tswah-nuh.

N AT I V E S O U T H A F R I C A N „ Mahlangu: Mah-shlung-goo. The “oo” sound

WORDS AND NAMES would be a little bit of a shorter sound than in

the word “goo.”
„ Umdala: The “u” sound in Zulu is similar to the
“oo” sound in the word “book.” „ Lindiwe Nkosana-Lin: Lin-dee-weh
„ Onkulunkulu: On-koo-loon-koo-loo
„ Elias Mokwena: Eh-lie-us Moh-kweh-nuh
„ Ezulwini: Eh-zool-wee-ni
„ Kaya: Kigh-yuh. The “igh” sound is the same as in
„ Inyoka: In-yaw-kuh
the word “high.”
„ Malenga: Mah-len-guh
„ Zama Zama: Zuh-muh Zuh-muh
„ Khumalo: Koo-ma-low
„ Nontokoza Sibanyoni: Nawn-taw-kaw-zuh
„ Siphiso: See-fee-saw. In this name, the “o” sound See-bahn-yaw-nee
is almost like a short “aw” sound.
„ Alfred Nkosi: Alfred N-kaw-see
„ Nkanyezi: N-kun-yeh-zee. The “n” sound in the
„ Zane Khoza: Zane Kaw-zuh
name is similar to the one in “net.”
„ Khoisan: Coy-san
„ Iphaladisi: Ee-pah-lah-dee-see. Take note, in
Zulu, the “I” sound is a shorter version of the “ee”
sound in English. However, an “i” that is not at
the beginning or end of a word is often stressed
as a longer “ee” sound.

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | A ppendix 1 : P ronunciation G uide 93
AFRIKAANS WORDS „ Kobus Van Jaarsveld: Koowuh-buhs Fahn
„ Sarah DeVilliers: Sarah Duh-vil-leeyurs
„ Grond Gebore: In Afrikaans the “g” sound is
similar to the guttural sounding “ggh” in the „ Laaitie: Lie-ti, with the “i” sounding the same as
word “uggh.” The “r” sound in Afrikaans is a in the word “ink.”
rolling “r” similar to what you would hear in „ Nelspruit: Nel-sprrayt
Spanish or Russian. The “bo” would wound
like a combination of “boo” and “wuh.” So, the „ Abatjie Dimini: Ah-buh-kee Dee-meany

pronunciation of these words would be gghrawnt „ Judith Celliers: Judith Suh-leeyerrs

„ Willem Niemand: Vil-lim Nee-mahnt
„ Jean DuBois: Many Afrikaans names have French
„ Nagapie: Nahggh-ah-pee. The double “ee” sound
roots; you would pronounce this as you would in
will be the same as “i” in “ink.”

„ Witwatersrand: In Afrikaans the “w” sound is

the same as the “v” sound in English, and the “a”
sounds like “ah.” Vit-vah-ters-rant AND SOUTH AFRICAN
„ Stellenbosch: Stel-len-bosh. In Afrikaans an “o” ARABIAN NAMES
sound closer to an “aw” sound in English, except „ Ronesh Naidoo: Roh-nesh Nigh-doo
that you would end it with a slight “h” sound
instead of pronouncing it for as long as you „ Deevashni Govinda: Dee-vahsh-nee Gaw-vin-duh

would when making the “aw” sound.

„ Suikerbosrand: Say-ker-baws-rahnt
„ Tuks: In this word, the “u” sound is similar to
the word “uh,” except for the placement of your „ Nan Hua: Nahn Hwah
tongue. In English, your mouth would be wider
„ Lin Zhong Ming: Lin Jong Ming
when you say “uh,” almost in a smile. Close the
mouth into a more neutral position and less of „ Fan Tian Cui: Fuhn Tee-yen Tsway.
a smile, then your tongue should automatically „ Mianju: Meeyen-joo. The double “o” sound is
press and hold for longer than it would if you slightly shorter than in the word “goo.”
pronounced this word in English. The “ks” sound
„ Juan Wang: Joo-ahn Wahng
is like the “x” in fox.

„ Diepkloof: Deep-kloowuhff. Note that the

pronunciation of the double ee, would be more
like the “i” in “ink.” NAMES
„ Bronkhorstspruit: Brrawnk-hawrrst-sprayt „ CNSAC: Can-sack

„ Eron DeVries: Eron Duh-Vrees

J O H A N N E S B U R G S U P P L E M E N T A L | A ppendix 1 : P ronunciation G uide 94

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