Vigilant Players Guide

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The game uses action pools of dice to resolve tasks, with higher dice pools allowing characters to attempt more difficult actions. Physical and mental attributes each have their own pool and contribute to different skills.

Combat uses an initiative system and characters can take different types of actions like attacking or moving on their turn. Damage is tracked and characters can be disabled or killed if they take too much. Special rules cover topics like flanking, cover and ranged attacks.

The book describes classes like Fighter, Barbarian, Archer and Spellcaster. Fighters are sturdy warriors, Barbarians focus on strength, Archers attack from range and Spellcasters channel magic. Each class progresses differently and has different abilities.

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Vigilant and the events and characters portrayed within it are works of fiction, and any
resemblance to real people or places is purely coincidental.

2021 written and edited by Wesley Penney
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Overview 1 Barbarian 28
Insight (Will) 93

How it Works 1 Archer Investigate (Mind) 94

Physical & Mental Pools 1 Protector Mechanical (Mind)* 96
Playing the Game 2 Duellist Medicine (Mind) 97
Things You Need to Play 3 Perception (Mind) 98
Rogue 37
Example of Play 3 Perform [Variable] (any)* 99
Burglar 39
I Hate Reading, What do I Need to Persuasion (Will) 100
Know to Play? 7 Assassin 41
Riding (Reflex) 102
Investigator 43
Attributes 9 Sleight of Hand (Reflex) 104
Tactician 45
Body (Bod) 9 Stealth (Reflex) 104
Reflex (Ref) 10
Spellcaster 48
Survival (Will) 105
Archivist 50
Mind (Mnd) 10
Equipment 107
Sorcerer 53
Will (Wil) 11
Armour 107
Spellthief 55
Generating Attributes 11
Armour Descriptions 108
Circle Caster 57
Attribute Saving Throws 11
Shields 109
Increasing Attribute Scores 11 Priest / Sage 58
Shield Descriptions 110
Aspect Trees 61
Character Creation 13 Weapons 110
Character Building Steps 13 Generalist Perks 73 Simple Weapons 111
Races 13 Skills 79 Martial Weapons 112
Faefolk 14 Skill Checks 79 Weapon Special Qualities 113
Forge Child 15 Skill Ranks 80 Weapon Descriptions 113
Human 16 Aiding Others in Skill Checks 81 Adventuring Gear 115
Kunkansa 16 The Most Important Bit 81 Gear Descriptions 116
Orc 18 Skill Descriptions 83 Tools & Supplies 118
Height & Weight 19 Acrobatics (Reflex) 83 Poison 119
Backgrounds 19 Animal Handling (Will) 83 Poison Description 120

Classes & Progression23 Athletics (Body) 85 Poison Sampler 121

Experience & Levels 24 Concentration (Will) 87 Currency & Fantasy Economics 122

Perk Tree Order and Tiered Perks 25 Craft [Variable] (Mind)* 89

Combat 123
Deception (Mind) 91
Fighter 26 The Basics 123
Initiative 124 Limbs & Losing Them 151

Order of a Round 125 Attribute Damage 154

Types of Actions 125 Holding Your Breath & Drowning 154

Attacking, Defending & Damage 127 Overland Movement 154

Transferring Dice Between Pools 129 Spellcasting 159

Weapon & Armour Proficiencies 129 Casting Spells 159
Critical Hits 129 Channelling Pools & Overchannelling
Fumbles 130
Types of Spells 160
Threat Range 130
Spell Schools 160
Attacks of Opportunity 130
Learning Spells 161
Movement 131
Identifying Spells Being Cast 162
Types of Terrain 132
Interrupting Spells 162
Cover 133
Counterspelling 163
Facing & Flanking 134
Complete Casting Steps 163
Moving Through Other Characters
134 Miscasting 164
True Movement, Hex & Grid
Movement 135 Actual Spells 169
Falling Below 0 HP 135 Appendices 177
Massive Damage 135 Status Effects 177
Blocking & Dodging 136 Deities 179
Types of Damage 136 Creatures & Critters 184
Unarmed Fighting 137
Index 189
Ranged Weapons 137

Special Actions 138

Grappling 140

Grapple Options 142

Ordering Actions 143

Other Stuff 147

Resting 147

Encumbrance & Lifting 148

Vision 149

Falling 149

Items 150
Chapter I - an introduction and explanation of basic game mechanics

Vigilant is a mechanically deep roleplaying game where you create an adventurer and undertake
fantastic adventures alongside your friends. One player takes on the role of the Game Master who
builds the game world and controls all non-player characters, from terrifying monsters to
charismatic allies. Players each control a single adventurer, performing great feats of heroism (or
villainy) as they face trials and events set before them by the Game Master. With endless
combinations of abilities to choose from, Vigilant allows you to bring any kind of character
imaginable to the table, be it the classic knight or wizard, a cunning trickster, a warpriest, or
anything else! With so many possibilities and options, each player will be able to forge a unique
experience for themselves.

How it Works weigh the danger of each action, knowing that

every sword swing may be responded to in
Chapter I - Overview

Vigilant uses action pools comprised of 6-

kind, and that to leave yourself exposed could
sided dice, representing a character’s mental
spell the end for your character. The action-
and physical capabilities. Using dice from
reaction system creates narrative moments in
your pools, you declare actions such as
combats where characters turn aside critical
leaping across a precarious chasm, striking
blows, or force through a devastating spell
down a mortal enemy, or negotiating with a
after carefully wearing down an enemy’s
shopkeeper for a better price on barley. Once
defences. Vigilant gives you extensive control
you have declared an action using any
as a player, making every victory feel
number of dice from your pool, the chosen
tactically satisfying while ensuring players
dice are rolled and compared to the Target
have greater agency over their characters’
Number (TN) set by the GM, representing
the difficulty of the task. If your roll beats the
TN your character successfully performs the Physical & Mental Pools
action, otherwise you fail and face All characters have 2 pools of dice - physical
circumstantial consequences. and mental - that are determined by their
Characters can also react to each other or level and class. Each action a character
their enemies using their dice pools, such as declares is either a physical or mental action,
to counter a spell, escape a vicious blow, or and they can use any number of dice
invoke the favour of their god to empower remaining in their respective pool as they
their allies. Combat in Vigilant becomes a attempt to perform the action. A physical
constant tactical calculation where you must action consists of things such as attacking

with a weapon, dodging an attack, or Playing the Game
climbing a wall, while a mental action covers
At its core Vigilant is part high fantasy
things such as examining a trap for a release
combat, and part cooperative storytelling.
mechanism, channelling a powerful spell, or
Your GM creates a world filled with
performing a brilliant soliloquy. A character
characters for your party to interact with,
can use any number of dice available to
within which you will create a narrative
them,with each die further adding to the
together as you go about noble adventures or
chances of success, but each dice used is
commit horrible acts of skulduggery (or
spent until the end of the round and cannot
something in between). Outside of combat
be used for further actions of the same type.
roleplay takes centre stage over dice rolling,
Out of combat characters will often roll all
with the players interacting with and within
their available dice on an action, but in
the world as their characters.
combat the number of dice used requires
careful consideration as it becomes important Stories in Vigilant are driven by the narrative
to hold onto dice in order to respond to the choices made by players. Combat happens

Chapter I - Overview
shifting circumstances of the battlefield. because of choices made by your character,
even if those choices are as simple as starting
Dice can be transferred between pools at any
a brawl in the tavern barroom. Having
time,at a 2:1 ratio. For example, a level 1
narrative significance and stakes attached to
fighter with only 1 die in his mental pool may
your actions makes gameplay far more
wish to inspect a corridor for traps, and
exciting and meaningful: the tensions of
needing a little more mental ‘juice’ he could
meeting with a tyrannical dragon
choose to transfer over dice from his physical
pool of 3. He spends 2 physical dice to get an can lead to memorable encounters as
extra mental die for his check, leaving 1 characters carefully weigh the dangers of
behind in his physical pool which he cannot fighting, or leverage careful advantages
transfer (as he would need 2 to do so), but through negotiation.. With this in mind,
may use later on to dodge out of the way of a progression and experience is based upon
trap that may be sprung during his both narrative and combat encounters.
investigations. He then rolls his check on a Characters level up and grow stronger when
total of 2d6 + any modifiers he may have they have accomplished meaningful narrative
from abilities, attributes, or skills. Characters tasks just as easily as when they slay a cave
who have no dice in their pool cannot take full of ogres. Vigilant lets you play the story
actions of that type until they acquire dice in you and your group want to play, and allows
that pool. Dice pools refresh to their you to focus on whichever areas feel the most
maximum values at the beginning of each rewarding and fun without limiting
round of combat, so characters are rarely progression.
stranded for long without anything to do.

Things You Need to Play recommended, but use whatever your
group is comfortable with!
• People! If you are just starting off, Vigilant
works best with a smaller party of 2-3 • Your character sheet (see end of book)
players in addition to a Game Master. • Some paper. Probably a lot of paper. You
Once you’ve grown more familiar with the can even print the character sheet on that
rules and our pace of play speeds up, paper!
parties of 3-5 can work well too. • This book
• A Game Master. The Game Master should • Some pencils and erasers
have a reasonable grasp on the rules, and
• Index cards or a notepad are also
needs to do some prep ahead of time to
recommended to keep track of abilities so
prepare nonplayer characters, locations,
that you don’t have to constantly reference
dungeons, and encounters (unless they
things in the book. This becomes more
choose to use a pre-written adventure
relevant in later levels when you have
module). Game Mastering often seems
several abilities that provide unique
Chapter I - Overview

like a big imposing role, but it’s also a lot

options and effects.
of fun and can be very rewarding! The
Game Master needs to have a decent Example of Play
grasp on the core rules, but does not Here is an example of a fairly typical play
necessarily need to be the most session of Vigilant. In this campaign a party
knowledgeable player at the table. of 3 adventurers have fled the kingdom of
• Dice! You should have a bunch of 6-sided Carheim after Trevor “the Terrible” Tribiani
dice, as well as some d4s, d8s, d10s, and committed such egregious tax fraud that he
d12s. It’s best to have colour-coded D6s so and his associates have been banished from
you can easily differentiate between your the kingdom. The party consists of: Trevor,
physical and mental pools, but anything who is a human fighter, Marietta the fae
can work in a pinch. spellcaster, and VanTramp - a clumsy human
• A grid and some miniatures or markers. rogue. We meet the party as they enter a
Although Vigilant can be played entirely frontier inn, with tax collectors in hot pursuit.
in the theatre of the mind, it is often much GM: Okay, you all step into the common
easier to keep track of things in combat room. It’s brightly lit and pleasant, if a bit
with visual representation. Vigilant dusty. You can smell aromas of grilled meat
provides options to play on a hex grid, a and tea wafting from the kitchen. There’s a
square grid, or no grid at all. Dry erase guy softly playing a lute in the back and a
grids or boards are strongly couple patrons sitting at various tables. The

innkeep gives you a curt nod as you enter and go sit with Trevor and carefully inspect each
motions over a young serving lad to greet other patron.
you. The server bounds over excitedly, eyeing VanTramp: I wanna roll perform now
your many weapons - which Trevor I will
GM: Hold on Tramp. Marietta you place a
remind you, you still have not put away. He
coat rack in the path of the door and go to sit
asks “Are you guys adventurers?”
down with Trevor. The other patrons appear
Trevor: My character is always prepared. I to be farmers - nothing suspicious - a couple
greet him “hello little child, I would like a of them are chatting about field yield and the
piping hot mug of ale” upcoming harvest.
GM: The server is taken aback somewhat Marietta: Is there a window near my seat?
“piping hot sir?”
GM: Yep, it faces out towards the front
Trevor: “Piping. Now run along little boy” I entrance, you can get a clean line of sight to
flip him a silver coin and sit in the corner the gate and the winding path up to the inn.
table as far away from all the other patrons as
Marietta: I slouch down in my seat and watch

Chapter I - Overview
I can.
carefully out the window for anyone
GM: The server scampers off to fetch your approaching. If anyone in the common room
mug of ale. What’s everyone else doing? looks at me I glare at them.
Iliad VanTramp Mephistoph Excelsior: how GM: Sounds good. Tramp, the lute guy is
good does my character think the lute guy is? intrigued by your challenge and motions for
GM: he seems pretty decent, a couple patrons you to begin
are tapping their feet along absentmindedly. VanTramp: I’m a rogue so I can roll all my
VanTramp: I walk up to him as I pull out my dice on perform - that’s 3d6. I add my rank
harp and say “you think you’re hot shit lute bonus of 2, and my +1 mind bonus for a total
guy?” I wanna duel him. Can I roll perform? of… 10! Shoot.
GM: In a sec, what’re you doing Marietta? GM: OK, the lute guy gives you a bit of a
Marietta Lariat: I’m going to very carefully smirk as you pluck a simple song on the harp
and deliberately close the front door to the inoffensively but with little display of skill or
inn, making sure I hear the doorknob fully showmanship. He takes a moment to gather
rotate into position. I subtly slide over himself before… (rolls dice behind screen) he
whatever kind of chair or umbrella stand or absolutely wipes the floor with you,
whatever is close to the door such that if performing a breathtaking solo. There’s some
anyone opens it the stand thing will fall over applause from the patrons after he stops.
and make a bunch of noise. Then I’m gonna VanTramp: Darn, I congratulate the lute guy

and slink back over to Trevor’s table. Marietta: Is anyone in the inn looking at us
GM: the server is hot on your heels with right now?
Trevor’s mug of ale. GM: Not really, most patrons are chatting
Trevor: I take a sip. How hot is it? quietly among themselves and a couple are
complimenting the lute guy on his
GM: Scalding. It burns your tongue a little bit.
magnificent performance.
Trevor: Great. I tell the small child he’s done
Marietta: I tell the other two to pull up their
an excellent job and inquire if the Inn has any
hoods and turn away from the window as I do
lodging for the night.
the same.
GM: The server says they’ve got one double
Trevor and VanTramp: yeah, we do that.
room vacant, it’ll cost 1 gold for the night.
GM: OK the tax collector creeps up and peers
Trevor: “Excellent little small child, I will take
through the window but does not appear to
the room. Run along now and make it ready”
recognise anyone. After a couple moments he
I flip him 2 gold - one is a tip.
walks back to the front door and opens it,
Chapter I - Overview

GM: The server’s eyes go a little wide as he knocking over the coat rack with a clatter. He
stares at your generous tip. He thanks you and picks it up, embarrassed, and walks over to
scurries off to prepare the room. Marietta, the innkeep to talk, showing him a piece of
what’s your perception bonus again? paper or something - his back is to you, you
Marietta: +4 can’t really make it out. Do you do anything?
GM: OK thanks (the GM rolls a perception Trevor: Nope, we all sit here and wait.
check for Marietta to see if she notices the tax GM: After a curt conversation the innkeep
collector slinking up the path to the inn. The points at you and the Tax Collector walks
GM does this secretly so that Marietta’s player over, a hand resting on his sword. He can’t get
is not able to metagame based on the result of a good look at any of you because you've all
the roll). Marietta, you see a man in a pulled up your hoods. He pauses in font of
trimmed cloak in the fashion of a Carheim you and pulls out a sketch that looks
Tax Collector approach the gate and slink remarkably similar to Trevor and holds it up.
along the side of the inn. He appears to be “Excuse me travellers, have you seen a man
trying to get a look through the window into on the road that looks anything like this?” He
the common room. says this kinda snidely, like he’s implying you
Marietta: Do I see anything else? already know who he’s referring to.
GM: Nope, but it is getting somewhat dark Trevor: I throw my mug of ale at him.
and the low light may be concealing others. GM: Oh jeez, just like that? OK, uh… roll an

attack. We’ll consider this a surprise round and gets a clean look at you - your hood
and then everyone can slot into initiative slipped down after you pitched the mug at
after. him. “Trevor the Terrible; you are in violation
Trevor: I’m gonna toss all 3 of my physical of Carheiman tax law and owe payment to the
dice at it. It’s a ranged attack technically, so I crown” he spits out defiantly. Your turn.
add my reflex bonus of +1, for a total of… 12 Trevor: Alright, I’m using all my physical dice
GM: The surprised tax collector attempts to to whack him with my arming sword. I never
duck out of the way… (rolls a dodge reaction) put it away, so I don’t have to spend a dice to
but is unsuccessful. The mug of scalding ale take it out. I shout “Die you filthy leech!” as I
splashes across his face and he shrieks in pain swing at him.
as he is burnt by the liquid. He reaches for his GM: The Tax Collector will respond with a
sword. We'll say a mug of scalding ale deals dodge (the GM rolls the tax collector’s last
what, 1d8 damage? remaining physical die for a dodge reaction,
Trevor: Sure, that sounds fair. I rolled a 7 rolling a 4. The GM adds the result to the Tax
Collector’s base Physical TN of 6 against

Chapter I - Overview
GM: OK (marks off damage on the Tax
Trevor's attack, making it a total of 10)
Trevor: (rolls) Oh, nice I got an 18 after my
The GM determines the initiative order based
+1 from body, with double 6s so that’s a crit if
on everyone’s reflex attribute. The Tax
it hits.
Collector Wins out and goes first, followed by
Trevor, then Marietta, then VanTramp GM: It will hit, you’ll deal an additional 8
damage with that nasty crit.
GM: the Collector draws his sword and
swings over the table at Trevor. Trevor, do you Trevor: (rolls damage) Oh gross, that’s a total
want to dodge? of 21 damage.

Trevor: Nope, I’ll tank it. GM: Sheesh, before any of you can properly
act Trevor just absolutely decapitated this Tax
GM: (The GM rolls a 2d6 attack for the Tax
Collector with a brutal swipe of his arming
Collector, holding one remaining physical
sword. The patrons have just begun to process
dice and one remaining mental dice in his
what’s happening and begin to freak out at
pool to respond to any other actions the party
this horrendous display of violence, shouting
may make) He will land a carefully measured
and running for the kitchen.
swing for 12 slashing damage. (Trevor marks
off the damage, reducing it by 3 due to the Marietta: I’m next right? I wanna use all my
damage reduction provided by his chain mental dice on a perception check to look out
shirt). He wipes some of the ale off his face the window to see if anyone’s coming to help
the dead guy. I’m still holding my 1 physical

dice though. I rolled a… 15. Do I see section. With that you should have enough of
anything? the basics to create your character and
GM: Yup, you see three more figures wearing understand the system. A reasonable grasp of
similar robes rushing up the path at the first combat mechanics and your own character’s
sign of shouting. abilities is encouraged so as not to detract
from the experience of other players at your
Marietta: I shout this to the party and with
table. Once you understand the core
my last physical die I’ll draw my quarterstaff.
mechanics it becomes very easy to pick up
VanTramp: OK, my turn. I’m gonna kick over everything else as you play.
the table for cover and pull out my crossbow.
Of course, by not reading the entire book you
GM: We’ll count the table flip as an athletics
will be missing out on essential cultural
check, and give you partial cover if it’s flipped.
context as Vigilant is clearly a true American
You think you can do it fairly easy - it’s not a
classic that will be studied for centuries as the
very heavy table. How many dice do you
pinnacle of English literature.
wanna use?
Chapter I - Overview

VanTramp: I’ll make the check on 2. I rolled

an 8. Is that good enough?
GM: Yup, you flip the table and hunker down
behind it for cover.
VanTramp: With my last dice I draw my
crossbow and get ready to bolt anyone who
comes in the door.
The party hunkers down and prepares to do
battle with the Tax Collectors. Will they
survive? Will Trevor be forced to pay his taxes?
Regardless, this brief snapshot should give you
a general idea of how Vigilant plays in both
combat and noncombat scenarios.

I Hate Reading, What do

I Need to Know to Play?
Read the attribute section, and the character
creation and classes sections, skim the front
of the skills section, and read the combat

Chapter I - Overview

Attributes .
Chapter II - everything about attributes, what they are, and how they affect your character and their abilities

The four attributes - body, reflex, mind, and different aptitudes or deficiencies related to
will - represent the raw capabilities of your that attribute. A character with a high body
character - how strong and tough they are, score could be hulking and strong, or possess
how fast and dexterous, and how smart or incredible toughness and endurance, a
wise. Attributes are what would remain if you character with a low reflex score could be
took a person and stripped all experiences slow and plodding or clumsy, while a high
and skills away from them - they’re the base will score could represent a deep meditative
characteristics upon which everything else is spirituality, or an unshakeable and brash
Chapter II - Attributes

built. confidence. Looking at just your attributes

Attributes have both a base value and a and thinking “what do these represent for my
modifier. The base value represents the actual character” is an excellent start for developing
relative value of that characteristic, and is a layered and memorable adventurer. Within
used when making attribute saving throws, or the descriptions of each individual attribute
calculating derived statistics such as carrying we give suggestions on how you can represent
weight, channelling pools, or Hit Points. The a high or low score - these are not rigid rules,
modifier is calculated from the base value of but rather recommendations on how you can
each attribute according to the chart on the build an identity for your character while
next page and is applied to any actions that being mindful of their capabilities.
make use of the attribute. Attribute modifiers Body (Bod)
are most commonly added to skill actions, or
Body represents how tough and strong a
attacking, but also provide their bonus to
character is. Body represents physical
other static characteristics, such as a
strength, as well as hardiness and endurance.
character’s mental and physical defences.
Having a high body attribute score represents
Besides the mechanical effects, attributes also a character at the peak of physical fitness,
provide you with a basic blueprint of who whereas a low score represents a frail, sickly,
your character is,. Attributes are or out-of-shape character. Body is used to
multidimensional in what they represent, so a determine the following traits:
high or low score could represent a myriad of
• Hit Points - A character’s body score is

Chapter II - Attributes
added directly to their hit point total making them harder to hit
• Melee Attacks - A character’s Body • Ranged attacks - a character’s Reflex
modifier is added to all melee attack modifier is added to attack rolls for
rolls as well as damage for melee and ranged attacks
thrown weapons • A character’s Reflex determines their base
• A character’s Body score determines their initiative score
carrying and lifting capacity (see
Mind (Mnd)
chapter 8)
Mind represents how intelligent a character
Reflex (Ref) is. Mind can represent an encyclopedic
Reflex represents how quick or dexterous a memory, natural genius, or a Holmes-esque
character is. Reflex can represent lightning capacity for observation. A character with a
fast reflexes, but also nimbleness or a sixth high mind score may be exceptionally
sense for danger. Having a high reflex score intelligent or bookish, whereas a low score
could represent a stealthy or graceful may represent a simpleton, someone deeply
character, whereas a low score could unconcerned with intellectual pursuits, or an
represent lethargy or clumsiness. Reflex is air-headed and unobservant character. Mind
used to determine the following traits: is used to determine the following traits:
• Physical TN - A character’s Reflex • A character’s mind score adds directly to
modifier is added to their physical TN, their channelling pool total

• At character creation a character gains into account when generating the base values.
bonus skill ranks equal to their mind Your GM may choose to use alternative
modifier methods of attribute generation to create an
• A character with a mind score of 6 or exactly-balanced party, or to adjust the power
greater begins the game knowing 1 level of a campaign. In such a case, use the
additional language instructed method of generation instead.

Will (Wil) Attribute Saving Throws

Will represents a character's raw When characters face threats or conditions
determination, as well as abilities of that do not fall strictly into the category of a
judgement and reasoning. Will can represent physical or mental attack they may be
a burning iron will, intense stubbornness, or required to make an attribute saving throw
inner calm and level-headedness. A character (such as in the case of not dying to poison,
with a high Will score may be fiercely dodging a spell or environmental hazard, or
determined or else utterly tranquil and stoic resisting additional effects of a special attack).
Chapter II - Attributes

in the face of great horror, while a character For an attribute saving throw the GM has you
with a low will score may be foolish or easily roll a number of D6+a static modifier
persuaded or manipulated. Will is used to proportional to the difficulty of the situation.
determine the following traits: If the total is equal to or less than the
• Mental TN - A character’s will modifier is respective attribute you have passed the
added to their mental defence, making saving throw, otherwise you have failed. IE:
them more resistant to spells and Tom gets poisoned from a basilisk sting and the
manipulation. GM tells him to make a Body check on 3d6-2
to see if his body fights off the poison. Tom rolls
• A character’s Will score determines the
a total of 9 which is one over his body score of
maximum amount of dice they may
8. Unfortunately for Tom, his character falls
have in their divine pool (if they’re a
into a comatose state as he succumbs to the
Generating Attributes
The standard method for generating base Increasing Attribute
attributes is rolling 2d6 for each attribute in Scores
order, taking the total of the 2d6 roll as the As characters level up or experience the
value each respective attribute. Additional benefits of magical artefacts and spells they
attribute bonuses may be granted by racial will get the opportunity to increase attribute
features or level ups, but these are not taken scores either temporarily and permanently.

When a character would increase (or decrease)
an attribute score they adjust the base value of
an attribute choice by the indicated amount.
Any derived traits, such as Hit Points, are
increased alongside the given attribute. If the
new value is such that it would raise the
modifier, the new modifier is applied to
anything it would normally be applied to. For
derived values such as Hit Points or channelling
pools, an attribute increase adjusts only the
maximum value.

Chapter II - Attributes

Character Creation
Chapter III - the basics of character creation and options and rules for races and backgrounds

Character Building Steps archetype trees or from the generalist list.

Character creation is divided into the seven Select starting skills or spells - Allocate to
steps listed below. When making a new any skills a number of ranks equal to the
character - whether for the first time or after a starting total listed in your archetype + your
string of untimely demises - simply follow the mind modifier. Spellcasters may allocate
steps in order. some of these ranks to spells rather than skills
as indicated in the archetype descriptions
Generate attributes - Generate each of the 4
Chapter III - Character Creation

attributes. Roll 2d6 to determine each Purchase equipment - Using the starting gold
attribute, or follow your GM’s instructions if granted by your background, purchase any
they have chosen a different method of equipment from the equipment section.
generation. Give your character a name and backstory -
Determine race - Select a race from the Name your character and come up with a
available starting races. Note the abilities on short backstory that explains how they
your character sheet and apply any attribute developed their skills, and got their stuff.
modifiers to your base attributes, then Check in with your GM to make sure your
recalculate the adjusted attribute bonuses. backstory fits into the setting or else you may
Also determine starting height and weight have to make some adjustments at the table.
based on your chosen race, That’s it! Your character is ready for play!
Determine background - Choose a Races
background from the options listed later in A character’s race determines their genetic
this chapter. Your background will provide heritage, granting attribute modifiers and
ranks for some skills, as well as weapon special abilities. Choose any of the races listed
proficiencies, and starting gold to spend on below; apply their modifiers to your attributes
equipment. and add any abilities to your character. You
Determine class and select starting perk(s) - should also give some consideration to how a
Select a class archetype, calculate starting HP, character’s race impacts who they are and
allocate weapon and armour proficiencies, how they should be roleplayed. For example,
and select a starting perk from one of your a long lived Fae may approach the world with

a different perspective from the ample time bearing Forge Children, and plagued with
afforded to them, an Orc raised in the trolls and other horrors that had come
northern tribes may find the cultural shrouded in darkness. The early Fae were
practices of an urban centre foreign and saved by the grace of the dying Forebearers,
uncomfortable, or a forge child raised in the who watched over them and taught them
mountain keeps may feel uncomfortable their ways and customs from beyond, forging
beneath the open sky undying bonds of friendship.
The long-lived Fae maintain exhaustive oral
Faefolk histories, extending back to the dawning of
Before the Forebearers arrived to the planar First Light. The influence of the Forebearers
system, it lay dormant in a state of quiet has given them an aloof and distant
anticipation.The cosmic force of the first reputation among the mortal races that later
divine pantheon were then of morphic rose, but this is undeserved for Fae are
potential, shifting through forms freely at the

Chapter III - Character Creation

curious beings with a great appreciation for
centre of the system as they slowly began to all things living. The Fae often appear
understand their purpose, guided by greater sorrowful - or anxious in more manic cases -
forces and powers beyond even the most for the Great Design sings softly and
enlightened of their number. This guidance unknowably in the depths of their minds,
was known to them in their infantile state warning of great powers from beyond which
only as the Great Design, and it shaped their they are wholly unprepared for. Fae are by
whims and desires as they grew at the centre their very nature good, but it is not unknown
of the system. for those who hear the song of Design not as
It is said that the Fae were creatures of the a soft melody but as a cacophonic dirge to be
Great Design, seeded in the minds of the gods driven to commit horrible acts in service of
as the first vessels of mortal life; and so they higher powers.
were made in the image of the first gods, and Appearance - Fae are slighter and shorter
set upon the system at the dawn of the first than humans, standing between 4 and three-
light. But the worlds the Fae arrived upon quarters to 5 and one-half feet at the tallest.
were not as the Great Design had envisioned; They have slightly elongated facial features,
the workings of Maiar and the salvation of the with pointed tips to their ears and slightly
Forebearers had shattered its delicate balance larger eyes. Fae possess an inherent grace that
and eroded the power of the first divines that is apparent in all their movements, stepping
were meant to watch over them. The Fae lightly across snowfalls or marshes as their
came onto the crude and unknowable worlds worse-footed comrades.
of Maiar, defended harshly by the grudge-

Characteristics Toil, at the twilight dawning of first light and
after many of the forebearers had fallen to
• A Fae receives +1 to Reflex and +1 to
darkness, Maiar retreated to his unknown
mind. They are graceful in gait and
realm as a deep melancholy wasted away at
sharp of mind
the god, abandoning the Forge Children to
• A Fae receives -1 to Body on account of eke out a stubborn existence upon their
them being fragile pansies unfinished planes.
• Far-Sighted - A Fae can see twice as far as Slowly over the ages, the divine strength of
most other things (2000ft range Maiar faded from the lines of the forge
increment, see vision section for more children, but they preserved their rituals of
details) craftsmanship and knowledge of survival in
• Light Footed - a Fae ignores up to 20ft of the harshest of environments. Their
difficult terrain for the purpose of descendants are brutally stubborn and
Chapter III - Character Creation

movement during each round. In practical, often judging other races harshly
addition, if a Fae were to trigger a trap for holding what they view as naive faith in
or mechanism by moving through a the divine. As one of the oldest races they
trigger area, they may make a TN15 often view others as weak and impermanent,
acrobatics check as a reaction to avoid and their arrogance has lead to harsh
triggering it. perceptions among younger cultures.
• A Fae’s base movement speed is 30ft Appearance - The first forge children were
• A Fae is medium size sculpted from copper and iron, and given life
by the breath of Maiar, which set them aglow
Forge Child with a baleful inner fire. Their descendants
The Forge-Children are descendants of are of flesh and blood, but their skin
ancient crafters and world builders. In aeons maintains a sheen in a range of metallic tones,
past Maiar, the Great Worldsmith breathed from bright copper to cold steel. Forge
life into the forge children, and directed them children are shorter than men, ranging from
in the crafting of the first planes during the 4-4½ feet, but of stouter build, therefore
long age known as The Toil, before first light weighing in about the same. Forge children
spread across the system. They worked with tend to have warmer hair and eye colours,
their creator for centuries to create the worlds and it is not uncommon for a faint glow to be
for people yet to come, and stood by his side seen burning from a forge-child’s eyes when
in vicious combat in the dark void of the they are roused to anger. Forge children tend
latent cosmos against foes whose names have to have long beards, although they take
been lost to the ages. In the later days of the offence when it is suggested that this is in

likeness of Maiar. between.
Characteristics Appearance - Human’s are the most diverse-
• A Forge-Child receives +1 to Body and +1 looking among the intelligent races, with a
to Will, representing their hardy frames wide range of sizes, skin tones, facial features,
and undaunting will and hair. Other races view humans as highly
mutable and impermanent, as they develop
• A Forge-Child receives -1 to Reflex, as
regional adaptations over comparatively short
their progenitors were literally made of
generations. The much longer-lived Fae are
metal, which has made their
often taken aback when revisiting a human
descendant’s joints quite stiff
settlement, finding its population quite
• A Forge-Child begins with 1 rank in Craft different from their previous sojourn mere
(player’s choice) centuries ago. A human’s
• Thermal Vision - A Forge Child can detect natural adaptability is further exacerbated by

Chapter III - Character Creation

(warm) living creatures and significant a physical susceptibility to magic; regional
temperature differentiation in complete arcane traditions can further distance
darkness. Thermal vision extends out to appearances over generations. Many humans
30ft are not full-human at all; various bloodlines
• Stubborn - A forge child adds 1 to their of Fae, Orc, or Forebearer have mixed into the
Mental TN distant lineage of many human cultures,
• A Forge-Child’s base movement speed is leading to further diversification of their
25ft physical traits as a species.

• A Forge-Child is medium size

• Humans begin the game with 1 additional
Human perk
Humans are a diverse and plentiful bunch,
• Humans are medium size
and can be found in many roles, stations, and
environments. Due to a shorter lifespan and • A Human’s base movement speed is 30ft
swifter reproductive cycle than many other Kunkansa
intelligent races, humans tend to be a
Kunkansa are a race that was once native to a
dominant military force through sheer
plane which closely orbited the material
volume, and often control larger swathes of
plane. During the Age of Light a disaster
territory than other races. Their kingdoms
triggered a complete planar collapse, drawing
can be equally as tolerant and progressive as
their native plane into the void with
they can be xenophobic and close-minded,
cataclysmic effect. The patron god of the
although they tend to fall somewhere in

Kunkansa sacrificed themselves to preserve they maintain a deep mutual appreciation for
the lives of their people, ushering them to the one another.
material plane even as the God was consumed Appearance - The Kunkansa are muscular
and drawn into the void. bipedal creatures with a long flat upper lip
As they sought refuge upon the Material that extends the width of their face, and a
Plane it became apparent the collapse had a thick bone plate that protrudes from their
transformative effect upon the Kunkansa. brow and extends to the back of their head.
They no longer fully exist in this reality; a They have short feelers at either end of their
small fraction of their being was bound to elongated upper lip that extend about 6
their god who remained trapped in the void. inches. Kunkansa have extremely short necks,
The Kunkansa ‘flicker’ between realities, at and a forward set head which combined with
times appearing almost incorporeal, and they their natural size and strength gives them a
must focus subconsciously to tether their hulking appearance. Their bone plates grow
Chapter III - Character Creation

form to the prime reality. The experience of small horns and textured protrusions that are
slipping between is quite traumatising, and unique to the individual, and Kunkansa often
many of the Kunkansa are naturally fearful or accentuate the appearance of them with
else struggle to concentrate due to the ever painted or engraved designs. Kunkansa skin
present danger of slipping completely into the tones are various shades of either blue-grey
void and being utterly consumed by or sandstone.
unknowable forces. Characteristics
The Kunkansa are well loved by many cultures • +1 Body, +1 Mind. The Kunkansa are
throughout the worlds for they are strong and naturally powerful, and the whispering of
smart, but gentle in nature and quick to trust. the void grant them uncanny knowledge
The mental focus required to remain tethered
• -1 Will. The whispering of the void also
to the material plane is such that many
make them anxious wrecks
Kunkansa prefer to leave decision making and
question of ethics to those they trust, and so • Flicker - Kunkansa maintain a
they have earned a reputation as dedicated subconscious connection to the material
workers and staunch allies. Kunkansa often plane in order to stabilise their physical
have a passive demeanour, preferring to allow forms. As they fall under mental strain
others to take the lead. When caught by their connection falters and their physical
themselves they often try to avoid conflict or form begins to flicker in and out of
are otherwise quite agreeable. The Faefolk existence. While a Kunkansa has no dice
were the first to offer refuge to the Kunkansa remaining in their mental pool they
after the destruction of their home plane, and receive a +1 bonus to physical TN

• Headbutt - Kunkansa skulls are thick and hunters, or explorers by necessity; more
good at hitting things with. A kunkansa specialised tribes such as archaeologists,
may use their head as a natural weapon merchants, or crafters often operate on the
which deals 1d6+1 bludgeoning damage borders of the Northern plains, selling their
and crits on a triple. If a Kunkansa services to southern civilisations.
fumbles an attack with their headbutt they Orc spellcasters are quite rare, but are granted
deal the damage to themselves rather than positions of honour within their tribe; they
provoking an attack of opportunity. often possess an affinity for healing magics
• A Kunkansa’s base movement speed is and are valued by the warriors and scouts of
30ft the tribe. Male casters are referred to as
• A Kunkansa is medium size shamans and often bind themselves to a Khal,
gaining a place of great honour amongst the
Orc tribes as wisemen and healers. Female casters
Orcs are a tall and mighty nomadic people

Chapter III - Character Creation

are taken in by the witch-mothers - a coven of
hailing from the northern reaches of the female casters who maintain the spiritual
world. In ages past they were a nomadic history of their people through oral traditions
people of the southern plains, but the and arcane rituals. A witch-mother's word is
powerful among them rose to challenge the law among the orc tribes, although they rarely
gods and were struck down at the height of exercise such authority.
their power, their people cursed and banished Although it is uncommon for an Orc to leave
to the northern wastes . Orcs were charged their tribe and northern homelands, enough
with the burden of defending the southern have made the journey south and found
lands from the horrors of the north as success in other lands that they are not a rare
penance for their hubris, but as ages came to sight in the greater world.
past their duty was forgotten and their crimes
Appearance - Orcs have brutal facial features,
forgiven. They are now bound to the North
with an extended brow and tusks jutting
only by tradition, and have become a
upwards from their large lower jaw. They
common sight in southern lands.
often have broken noses earned in ritual
Northern orcs adhere to a loose tribal system, martial contests, and dogged ears from
formed partially of familial ties, but primarily frostbite. They tend to have thick beards and
of shared ideals. Orcs often move freely hair to protect them from the icy cold of their
between tribes as youths before swearing ancestral lands, although orcs who move
powerful oaths to a Khal and binding permanently south tend to adapt their style to
themselves to a tribe in adulthood. Many their new region. Orcs stand between 6 and 7
tribes in the northern reaches are nomads, feet on average and weigh 200-250 pounds.

Characteristics add that total to the base weight value. For
example: John is making a Human character.
• +1 Body and +1 Reflex - orcs are strong
To determine his character’s height he rolls 3d6
and fast
from the added height column, rolling a result
• -1 Mind - Orcs are not as learned as other of 11, then adds that value to the starting
races due to the survival demands of life height, for a total of 5’8”. He then rolls 3d4 for
in the deep north his weight multiplier, rolling an 8 and then
• Thick-Boned - Orcs have 1DR against multiplies the result of his added height by his
bludgeoning damage, which stacks with weight multiplier roll (11 x 8) for a result of 88,
any bonuses granted by armour or which he adds to the starting weight for a total
other abilities of 183lbs.
• Northern Endurance - Orcs ignore the first If you have specific proportions in mind, you
level of fatigue they would receive may assign values within the upper and lower
Chapter III - Character Creation

between each long rest bound of your character’s race however you
• An Orc’s base movements speed is 30 feet wish instead.

• An Orc is medium size Backgrounds

Height & Weight Background represents your upbringing and
life prior to deciding to become an
Calculate your character’s height and weight
adventurer. It can also help you to form a
using the chart below. To do so, take the
better idea of who your character is and what
starting height and roll on the appropriate
their place is within the world, what values
‘added height’ column for your character’s
they would hold, and how they perceive
race, adding the two together to determine
others. Backgrounds also provide the GM
your character’s height. For weight, take the
with more story and world-building tools to
result of your added height roll, multiply it by
help better shape your campaign, or to
the result of the weight multiplier roll, then

Starting Added Height Starting Weight

Race Height (inches) Weight Multiplier
Forge-Child 3’9” 2d6 120lbs 2d8
Fae 4’6” 2d6 80lbs 1d6
Orc 5’2” 3d6 110lbs 3d4
Kunkansa 5’6” 3d6 110lbs 3d6
Human 4’9” 3d6 95lbs 3d4

introduce stakes to your adventures. whether a formal military, a merry band of
Backgrounds grant a character starting ranks mercenaries, or the town guard. You learned
in skills, some of your starting weapon how to fight and defend yourself. You may
proficiencies, and determine your starting have travelled about with a conquering army
wealth. Your class will provide additional and gained some worldly experience or
proficiencies and skills, so don’t agonise too trained in a local force and honed your
much over your choice. physical abilities. You may still be a member
of your military force and have debts to them,
Provided here are some generic backgrounds
or perhaps recently discharged, or a tragic
suitable to any world or setting. Your GM
last survivor. Whatever the case, you learned
may want to create additional backgrounds
how to get by in combat one way or another.
specific to your setting that capture customs
or professions not found in a traditional Skills - Choose 1 from survival, riding,
fantasy world. athletics, medicine

Chapter III - Character Creation

Farmer Proficiencies - Choose any 1 martial weapon,
You farmed. Your parents or guardians taught and any 2 simple weapons
you the trade, and you worked in the fields for Starting Wealth - 2d6 x 20g & receive one of
a number of years, learning how to grow the weapons chosen from your soldier
food, care for animals, and live off the land. proficiencies
You may have had opportunities to go into Hunter
larger towns to hawk your wares, but your You hunted. Whether hunting game, fowl, or
exposure to urban life was limited. You may criminals for sport or survival you learned
have been called upon to defend the flock how to track, lay traps, and stalk prey.
from poachers or wild animals, or helped a Perhaps your family were hunters by trade or
family member or associate produce poachers out of necessity, maybe your family
secondary goods. Whatever the case, you served as hound masters for a noble family,
learned how to grow and tend to food, and perhaps you worked with the city guard as a
provide for yourself and others. criminal investigator, or searched for missing
Skills - Knowledge (nature) & Choose 1 from friends or family. Whatever the case, you
animal handling, perception, persuasion learned how to find where creatures and
Proficiencies - Choose 1 from quarterstaff, people lurk and hide.
dagger, hunting bow, scythe, or club Skills - Choose 1 from survival, investigate, &
Starting Wealth - 2d6 x 15g choose 1 from animal handling, stealth,
insight, riding
You fought. You served in some military force Proficiencies - Choose 1 from hunting bow,

sling, light crossbow & choose 1 from spear, Proficiencies - Instead of a weapon
javelin, dagger, throwing knife, club proficiency, you gain 2 ranks which may be
Starting Wealth - 2d6 x 15g allocated to any non-hidden languages

Labourer Starting Wealth - 2d6 x 20g

You worked. You may have found jobs Urchin
repairing ships, smithing, building houses, You survived. Whether born into extreme
operating siege weapons, or picking up poverty or orphaned at a young age, you had
whatever odd work you could find. You to learn how to survive on the rough streets of
learned a trade, or grew strong helping others. an urban centre with few resources. You
Perhaps you or your parents were associated scrapped, lied, and stole to carve out your
with a guild, union, or similarly reputable place in the world. Perhaps you fell in with a
organisation, or perhaps you were forced into local gang, performed in markets or taverns,
slavery or service through wrongdoings or begged on the streets, or ran odd jobs for
Chapter III - Character Creation

misfortune. Whatever the case, you learned wealthier folk. Whatever the case, you
how to work hard and build things. developed a diverse skillset to help you get by
Skills - Choose 2 from athletics, mechanical, with very little.
craft(any), concentration, animal handling Skills - Choose 2 from: Acrobatics, deception,
Proficiencies - Choose any 1 simple weapon perform (any), persuasion, sleight of hand,
Starting Wealth - 2d6 x 15g or 2d6 x 25g if
craft was chosen 2d6 Item of Chance
Scholar 2
A horse, who is your loyal companion. You are
treated as having 1 more rank in animal handling
You studied. Perhaps your parents were well when interacting with your friend.
A signet ring stolen from a minor noble. It is worth
off and sent you to a college, or perhaps you 500g if a proper buyer can be found

were taken in from a young age by a 4 A pearl bracelet worth 110g

monastery or church. You spent much of your 5 A fine rucksack, stuffed with 2 weeks worth of
life surrounded by paper, or in silent
6 A shortsword, lightly dusted with rust
meditation. You may have an intimate
7 A dagger
familiarity with the smell of ink, parchment or
incense. Whatever the case, you are privy to 8 A trinket ring worth 20g

more knowledge than most, and learned how 9 A warm cloak, and set of fine clothes
to focus and study.
10 A chain shirt
Skills - Knowledge (any) & choose 1 from
11 A masterwork Lockpicking Kit
knowledge (any), concentration, medicine,
A legitimately-obtained masterwork weapon of
investigate your choice.

Proficiencies - Choose any 2 from dagger, ability. The character must also have some in-
throwing knife, quarterstaff, club, sling, or game means of learning that language such as
spear a book or tutor. A character with 1 rank in a
Starting Wealth - 2d6 x 5g and an item of language may be able to pick up snippets of
chance picked up on the streets (roll on chart) conversation and get a general understanding
of a conversation with successful insight
Languages checks.
Languages are what people speak. Although Universal Languages: Common
the languages which exist in your game world
Racially-Specific Languages: Ogon (Forge-
may very from setting to setting in general
Child), Ancient (Forebearer), Faespeak (Fae),
there should be a common language that is
Orcish (Orc), Giant (ogres and giants),
spoken universally as well as racially-specific
WhackQuibble (goblins), Draconic (dragons)
languages and regionally-specific languages
that are widely spoken within their respective Regionally-Specific Languages: Icecant

Chapter III - Character Creation

area or among their respective peoples. Planar (northern), Dakhani (Southern), Podzemy
languages are used by creatures and deities (subterranean), Hatasa (temperate plains),
from outer planes, while hidden languages Gaili (mountain highlands), Warwahweg
such as a rogues guild’s code language or a (nomads)
secret druidic language are taught only to Planar Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Bellum
members of hidden communities and remain (War-language), Ordos (law-keepers),
closely guarded. Having proficiency in a Trentian (celebrants & revellers)
language allows you to write and
communicate in that language.
At character creation, characters with a mind
score of 6 or greater begin the game with 2
languages - common and any 1 regionally-
specific or racially-specific language.
Characters with a mind score of 5 or lower
begin the game with only common or any one
regionally or racially specific language.
Characters can learn new languages by
accumulating 2 ranks in that language the
same way they would a skill (you may assign
skill ranks to a language instead of a skill), or
else by gaining proficiency from a perk or

Classes & Progression
Chapter IV - everything about class archetypes and progression, as well as rules for generalist perk
options available to all classes

Classes represent a character’s specialisation, must have all preceding perks within a branch
field of study, profession, experience, in order to elect a later perk. You can select
aspirations, world view, or skill set. A class perks from different trees within your
defines a character’s abilities as well as their archetype freely and will actually have to do
progression as they level up and become so in later levels as you run out of options
stronger, and gives them access to unique within some trees ,such as the circle caster, or
combinations of abilities that aren’t found priest aspects.
among the other classes. When you create a Any character, regardless of archetype, may
character you pick one of four archetypes: also select perks from the generalist perk
Chapter IV - Classes

Fighter, Rogue, Spellcaster, or Priest. These pool. Generalist perks represent abilities that
archetypes determine the size of your mental every character could reasonably develop
and physical dice pools, your starting Hit without access to specialised training and
Points, how many skill ranks and Hit Points knowledge. Generalist perks have
you receive at each new level, the rate of prerequisites instead of being contained
attribute progression, and what abilities you within a perk tree. A character must meet all
have access to. listed prerequisites of a generalist perk in
Once you choose an archetype you're locked order to select it.
in - you cannot change archetypes. There are, Class archetype also have base abilities that
however, other ways to get access to abilities do not require a perk point, but are instead
from other classes, and related trees in gained at character creation upon choosing
different archetypes can provide similar the archetype; the rogue gets the roguishness
abilities. ability, the spellcaster gets a channelling pool
Within each archetype are a number of perk and access to spells, the priest gets access to a
trees which represent various specialisations divine pool from which they can use various
such as a burglar, sorcerer, or barbarian. At abilities from priest trees, and the fighter
1st level and each level thereafter, you gain receives bonuses to initiative.
one perk which you may select from any of
the trees available to you within your class.
Each tree has an ordered progression; you

Experience & Levels certain levels they will also gain dice in their
physical or mental pool, and bonuses to their
Levels represent the relative power of your
attributes. When a character levels up they
character and how far they have progressed in
update their dice pool to the totals listed for
skill and strength. In order to advance to the
their new level under their class archetype
next level a character must accumulate
progression table. If an attribute bonus is
experience through encounter rewards.
listed for their new level they may
Experience in Vigilant is rewarded on an
immediately add one to any attribute
encounter basis, with an encounter being any
(updating any derived pools or statistics as
situation which poses risk to the characters
appropriate). In addition, a character who has
involved such as a tense negotiation, a
levelled up selects one new perk from a
barroom brawl, or a dangerous trap.
progression tree they have access too, and
Depending on the relative difficulty of the
gains the listed hit points and skill points
encounter a minor, moderate, or major
under their class archetype.
experience reward is granted by the GM. A
moderate encounter is the equivalent of 4 Skill points gained during level up must be

Chapter IV - Classes
minor encounters, and a major encounter is applied immediately. Hit points gained during
the equivalent of 3 moderate encounters; in a level up add to the maximum and current
order to advance to the next level a character hit points of the character. Levelling up does
requires the equivalent of 3 moderate not otherwise cause any abilities, pools, or
encounter rewards. This rate of progression is perks to refresh, although any abilities gained
consistent across all levels, however as through a new perk are considered unused for
characters grow in power so too should the the day should they have daily limitations on
scale of their encounters. their usage.

Characters begin play at any level determined Experience awards are not carried over to the
by the GM. If your party wants to next level. For example if a character had 2
immediately jump into a high-level adventure moderate encounter rewards and 2 minor
with immense stakes and sweeping encounter rewards and received another
consequences you may choose to start at a moderate encounter reward they would level
much higher level, but normally games begin up, but their two ‘extra’ minor encounter
with characters at level 1 (especially if it is rewards would not carry over. This allows the
your first time playing). party to stay close together in level even if
party members have solo escapades that result
Levelling Up in experience rewards. Large encounters and
When a character advances in level they gain ‘bosses’ serve as a balancing factor to catch
new perks, new skills, more hit points, and at everyone up if characters happens to fall

Levelling Past 10 as an independent perk for the purpose of
determining which perks a character may
Ten is the highest level in each archetype’s
select when they level up; a character may not
progression tree, and represents the physical
skip tiered perks within a tree just because
and mental peak of a mortal being. A
they have the base perk of the same name. The
character can continue to accrue experience
effects of a higher tier replace the effects of a
and level past 10, but they no longer increase
lower tier (they do not stack). For example: if
Attributes, Hit Points, or Dice Pools upon
an Archer selected keen-eyed I and keen eyed II
levelling up. Once a character reaches level 10
their total bonus to perception from their keen
any levels gained thereafter grant them 2 skill
eyed perk would be the bonus provided by the
points and a perk instead of what would
highest tier of the perk (+2). The bonus of the
normally be granted by their archetype.
higher tier perk does not stack with bonuses
Perk Tree Order and provided by lower tiers.
Tiered Perks
Perk trees in this chapter proceed top-down
Chapter IV - Classes

meaning that the highest perk on the page is

the first perk within that tree. When a
character begins selecting perks from a new
tree they must always select the first perk, and
then proceed down any of the branching
pathways. A character cannot select a perk
further down a tree unless they already have a
perk from that tree which connects to it.
Tiered perks are perks which are proceeded by
a roman numeral such as I or II or III. Tiered
perks have additional perks within the same
archetype tree that share their name. Instead
of granting a new ability when selected later in
a tree a tiered perk instead increases the power
of its base perk. If a tiered perk applies a bonus
to a skill or roll, each additional tier of that
perk will increase that bonus by 1, whereas if a
tiered perk grants a specific ability or effect its
description will indicate the effects of further
investment. Further tiers of a perk are treated

Fighters hit things. Fighters have the best physical dice and hit point progression in the game and
are therefore better suited to front line combat, physical skill checks, and physical damage output.
Fighters are granted more attribute bonuses, providing them with some of the highest attributes
among other classes in later levels. Fighters tend to be less flexible than other classes and their
trees reinforce a tendency towards specialisation, leading them to be among the best at what they
choose to focus on.

Progression Table

Chapter IV - Classes
Level - Your current level Dice Pool - The base totals of your physical/mental dice
pools are determined by your level. When a pool
Attribute Bonus - Each time you get an attribute bonus
increases a new dice is permanently added to the
add 1 to any of your attributes. This permanently
respective pool. If other modifiers would affect how
increases the attribute - any derived statistics such as
many dice are in your pool after it is increased through
channelling pools or Hit Points are adjusted as well.
a level up they are applied to the new adjusted value.

At each level past 1st, fighters also receive an additional 4 HP, and 2 skill points.

Starting Features
• Fighters start with HP equal to 6 + their
body score
• Fighters start with all armour
proficiencies, and any 3 weapon
• Fighters start with 2 skill points.
Innate Abilities
Student of Arms - A fighter has mastered
advanced stances and combat forms, allowing
them to strike faster with their weapons of
choice. A fighter receives +1 to initiative when
wielding a medium weapon, or +2 to initiative
when wielding a small or smaller weapon
Chapter IV - Classes

(unarmed attacks are treated as a small or

smaller weapon). A fighter may choose to use
this bonus at the beginning of each round, and
if they do so they may not switch weapons, or
otherwise deliberately use a weapon of a larger
size. In addition, a fighter wins initiative ties
unless the tied character also has this ability or
another ability which would allow them to win
initiative ties (in which case the tie is resolved
as though neither character had the ability).
Feat of Strength - Once per round a fighter
may add one dice to their physical pool as part
of any action, reaction or free action. This
additional dice may allow them to exceed their
physical pool maximum, and may be used on
the action from which it was added (unless the
action would not normally allow dice to be
added to it). At the end of a round in which a
fighter uses Feat of Strength they incur 1 level
of physical fatigue.

Barbarians are warriors possessed of a deep inner fire that presents in combat as an unyielding rage. As a Barbarian
progresses further down the path, their rage takes on supernatural qualities, such that it sustains them on the verge of
death, rebuffs magic, and empowers them with frightening strength. Barbarians can be characterised in many ways,
whether as a frothing at the mouth bestial whirlwind of aggressiveness, a brawny warrior, or a hardened survivalist.
Their signature rage can also be characterised in different ways to suit your character, such as a frenzied reckless
combat style, or an unshakeable will. The barbarian tree lets you dish out heaps of damage and sustain heaps of
damage albeit in short bursts.

Vicious Blow

Rock Eater War Cry


Chapter IV - Classes
Furious Charge Power Attack

Extra Rage Knee Shaking Blow

Improved Vicious Blow

Unstoppable Charge I Shall Use My Hands Fearless Challenge

Crown of Fury

Perk Descriptions
Vicious Blow - Whenever you score a critical prone so long as they are no more than one
on an attack using a melee or thrown weapon, size category larger than yourself.
deal an additional 1d6 damage.
Furious Charge - When making a charge
Rock Eater - you gain a +4 bonus on survival action while raging, you may move up to triple
checks to find food or shelter in wilderness your speed and deal an additional +2 damage
environments on a successful hit

War Cry - Once per encounter you may use Extra RAGE - additional rage per day. You
War Cry as a mental action. War Cry affects all may take this perk multiple times, each time
enemy characters within 60ft. Roll any you do gain an additional use of rage per day.
number of mental dice available to you and
add your body modifier to the result. If the Improved Vicious Blow - This ability replaces
result of your check is greater than the affected Vicious Blow. Whenever a melee or thrown
Chapter IV - Classes

characters Mental TN + reaction then they are attack you make results in a critical, deal
cowed for 1d3 rounds. additional damage equal to your level.

RAGE - You may fly into a bloodcurdling Fearless Challenge - At the beginning of a
frenzy as a 1d6 mental action. For the round you may declare a fearless challenge as
duration of the rage, increase your body a free action. Choose any character. For the
attribute by 6. This rage lasts for a number of remainder of the round all attacks you make
rounds equal to your body modifier (the against the target automatically count as
adjusted one). During a rage you cannot make criticals. All attacks made against you by any
mental skill checks, and you cannot take target this round also count as criticals.
reactions on more than 1d6. You may use rage Unstoppable Charge - The barbarian may
a number of times per day equal to 1 + your charge through characters that are no more
will modifier, but only once per encounter than 1 size category larger than the barbarian.
Power Attack - When declaring an attack Any characters between the barbarian and his
action, before you roll you may take up to a -5 charge target are pushed 5ft in a direction of
penalty on the attack roll. If you do, add that their choosing such that they are no longer in
number to the damage roll if the attack hits. the path of the barbarian. Characters pushed
aside may still make attacks of opportunity
Knee-Shaking Blow - When you hit and deal
damage with an attack using your maximum
power attack bonus, you also knock the target

against the barbarian as normal. In addition, a
character who would be pushed aside may
attempt to halt the barbarian instead of
making an attack of opportunity; they may
make an athletics check on 2d6 as a free action
with a TN equal to the Barbarian’s body score.
On a success, they stop the barbarian’s charge:
the barbarian stops in front of the halting
character, losing their charge action.

I shall use my hands - Whenever you fumble

an attack roll against an adjacent opponent
you may choose to drop your weapon instead
of provoking an attack of opportunity. If you
do, you may initiate a 2d6 grapple or make a
2d6 unarmed attack against the initial target of

Chapter IV - Classes
your fumbled attack as a free action (the
grapple still provokes attacks of opportunity as

Crown of Fury - While raging, increase your

mental TN by 5. In addition, if any spell or
supernatural ability causes its user to read or
attempt to alter your thoughts, they take 2d6
pure damage from the force of your fury.

Archers shoot bows or throw things at people. They gain deadly accuracy, sharper eyesight and really not much else.
Take this tree if you like hitting people with pointy things from far away.

Keen-Eyed I

Longshot Keen-Eyed II

Deadeye Aim Keen-Eyed III

Chapter IV - Classes

Close Quarters Sound Footing

Shot-on-the-run Precision Shot

Pursuit Just Behind Ricochet Shot

Multi-Shot Called Shot

Perk Descriptions
Keen-Eyed - +1 bonus to perception checks in may take aim at a visible target within 60ft. If
addition to skill rank bonus. you do, that target cannot make dodge
LongShot - Double the range increment on reactions against your next attack (they may
bows you use. still block if they have a shield or perk which
would allow them to do so).
Deadeye Aim - As a 1d6 mental action you

Bow Bender - add your Body modifier to surface in order to reach them. You must be
damage rolls with bows. able to draw a straight line to the ricocheting
Sound Footing - At the beginning of the surface from your character and have
round you may forfeit your move action. If unobstructed line of sight at the surface - if
you do, add 1d6 to your physical pool. This there is any intervening cover or characters
additional dice may only be used for an attack then you cannot perform a ricochet shot. You
with a ranged weapon. must also be able to draw a straight line from
the point of ricochet to the target - again
Close quarters - You don’t provoke attacks of
without any intervening obstacles. A ricochet
opportunity when making a standard ranged
shot suffers a -4 penalty to attack, and can not
be used in combination with multishot. Using
Shot-on-the-run - You may make a single ricochet shot ignores the normal requirement
ranged attack as part of a move action using for a ranged attacker to have line of sight on
any amount of dice remaining in your physical their target
pool. The attack action may be done at any
Called Shot - as a full round action you may

Chapter IV - Classes
point during the move, and once the attack
declare a called shot against a single target.
has resolved the move action continues. Line
Make an attack roll using all remaining dice in
of sight and cover is drawn from the point
your physical pool. This attack automatically
from which the attack action is taken. If the
counts as a critical, and the target may not
method in which the character is moving
make dodge or block reactions against it. A
would not reasonably allow for a ranged attack
called shot requires active concentration and
to be made (such as shooting a bow while
provokes attacks of opportunity.
climbing), then they may not do so.
Multi-Shot - You may shoot multiple arrows
Precision shot - ignore the bonuses a target
as part of the same attack action. The first
would receive to their physical TN from
additional arrow imposes a -3 penalty on the
partial cover while making a normal attack
action, which is doubled for each additional
with a ranged weapon.
arrow added (firing 2 arrows would be at -3, 3
Pursuit Just behind - once per encounter arrows would be at -6, 4 arrows would be at
when you crit on an attack action with a bow, -12, and so on). If the attack hits, multiply the
you may make an additional attack on 2d6 base damage of the bow by the number of
against the same target as a free action. arrows fired (a longbow fired with 3 arrows
Ricochet Shot - You can ricochet an arrow off would deal 3d10+9, at a -6 penalty to attack).
a solid surface. When attacking a target
behind cover or corners or even just to look
cool you may bounce an arrow off a solid

Protectors excel at getting in the way of bad things in place of their allies. A protector is the quintessential rock around
which their allies rally, serving as an excellent front-liner. Through battle they learn how to make themselves the centre
of their enemies attention, and how to fight smart and dirty to handle the torrent of punishment they tend to take.

Defend I

Taunt Pack Mule Ankle Whacker

Steel Wall I
Requires both
Chapter IV - Classes

Steelskin I

Unflankable Reversal

Improved Ankle
Phalanx Fighting Quick-Bash

Defend II Disrupting Bash

Steel Wall II

Defend III Steelskin II

Even the Odds

Perk Descriptions
Defend - When an adjacent ally is targeted by normally trigger as a result of flanking the
an attack, you may as a 1d6 physical reaction Protector do not trigger.
block the attack on 1d6. Roll a block check as
Reversal - when you successfully block an
normal, and add the result to your ally’s
attack with a shield from an adjacent
physical TN. The ally may block as normal
opponent, you may make a trip attack against
(their result stacks with your own), but if they
them as a free action using any amount of dice
attempt to dodge the attack then any bonus
from your physical pool.
granted by defend is lost. At each additional
tier you may spend an additional physical dice Improved Ankle Whacker - When you
on the block check to add an additional 1d6. attempt to trip an opponent with a shield they
make their acrobatics test on 1d6 (instead of
Ankle Whacker - Shields you use gain the
tripping ability.
Phalanx Fighting - while a protector is

Chapter IV - Classes
Pack Mule - treat your body attribute as 6
adjacent to another friendly character who is
higher for the purpose of determining lift and
also wielding a shield both characters receive
carrying capacity.
+1 to their Physical TN.
Taunt - As a 1d6 mental action you may make
Quick-Bash - Once per round when a
any intelligent target within 60ft make a 3d6
protector wielding a shield is attacked by an
will saving throw. If that character fails, they
adjacent character they may make a shield
receive a -2 penalty to any attack action that
bash attack action as a reaction. .
targets a character other than you.
Disrupting Bash - When you hit with a shield
Steel Wall - +1 to blocking reactions with
bash against a character making an attack
shields. Each additional tier adds 1 to block
action, the damaged character must make a
TN 10 concentration check on 2d6 or lose
Steelskin - treat movement penalties on their attack action.
armour as 5 feet less (min. 0), and add 1d6 to
Even The Odds - At the start of a round, a
any worn armour’s skill limit. Each additional
protector receives 1 bonus physical dice for
tier lowers the movement penalty by an
each adjacent enemy up to a maximum of 4
additional 5 feet, and increases the skill limit
dice. These dice can only be used to make
by an additional 1d6.
block reactions, or to use your Defend ability.
Unflankable - The Protector can no longer be
flanked. Any enemy abilities that would

A nimble exhibitionist who likes to prance about the battlefield with two weapons and little else. Makes wild claims
that armour only slows them down, but most of their ‘friends’ know they are actually just a disgusting pervert.

Combat Opportunist

2-Weapon Fighting Combat Flexibility

Acrobatic Dodge

Requires both
connecting Riposte
Chapter IV - Classes


Unrestricted Defence

Improved 2-Weapon
Nimble Step

Master 2-Weapon

Perk Descriptions
Combat Opportunist - You may make a Combat Flexibility - When you would be
number of additional attacks of opportunity allowed to make an attack of opportunity you
equal to 1+your reflex modifier each round may instead make a trip attack or sunder
(these attacks of opportunity must still be attempt. This trip or sunder attempt is made
triggered individually) on the same number of free dice as would be
granted by the attack of opportunity.

2-Weapon Fighting - Once per round when Riposte - Once per round when you
you make an attack with a weapon, and are successfully dodge or block an attack from an
wielding another weapon in your offhand you adjacent foe, you may make an attack of
may make an attack with your offhand weapon opportunity against them as a free action.
as a free action on xD6 where x is ½ the dice
Unrestricted Defence - While you are wearing
used in your attack action (round up). The use
no armour, not using a shield, and bearing no
of this ability must be declared before you
greater than a light load you may apply your
make your initial attack roll. The dice used in
mind bonus to your physical TN (in addition
the free action do not count towards your pool
to other modifiers)
for the round. If you choose to use this ability,
both your attack action and your free attack Improved 2-Weapon Fighting - Reduce the 2
action suffer a penalty based on the size of the weapon fighting penalties by 1 (min 0)
weapons used. (see chart) Nimble Step - Whenever you successfully
Combat Tempo - At the beginning of a round dodge an attack, you may move 5 feet as a free
you may spend 1d6 from your physical pool to action. This movement does not provoke

Chapter IV - Classes
increase or decrease your initiative by 1d6 for attacks of opportunity.
the remainder of the encounter. Master 2-Weapon Fighting - You may make
Acrobatic Dodge - Once per round when you an additional free attack as granted by 2-
are targeted by an attack you may make an weapon fighting each round. Each free attack
acrobatics check on 2d6 as a reaction, costing must be triggered by its own separate attack
no dice from your physical pool. Treat your action.
Physical TN as the result of the check against Harrier - Once per round when you would be
the attack. Treat this as a dodge reaction for allowed to make an attack of opportunity you
the purpose of triggering additional effects, or may do so on 3d6 (this does not cost
determining whether you can use this perk. additional dice from either of your pools).

Two Weapon Fighting Modifiers

Rogues, - or Jacks as the more legitimately inclined of their brotherhood tend to refer to
themselves as - are burglars, tricksters, con-men, politicians, dungeon delvers, archaeologists,
and all manner of other professions which require expertise. Rogues can serve either as a
traditional roguish character, or as a catch-all archetype for an oddball character concept that
does not fit cleanly within another archetype. What defines a rogue above all else is their
flexibility - rogues can excel at whatever they choose to do, and can turn on a dime in
compromising situations.
Progression Table
Chapter IV - Classes

Level - Your current level Dice Pool - The base totals of your physical/mental dice
pools are determined by your level. When a pool
Attribute Bonus - Each time you get an attribute bonus
increases a new dice is permanently added to the
add 1 to any of your attributes. This permanently
respective pool. If other modifiers would affect how
increases the attribute - any derived statistics such as
many dice are in your pool after it is increased through
channelling pools or Hit Points are adjusted as well.
a level up they are applied to the new adjusted value.

At each level past 1st Rogues receive an additional 3 HP. If their new level is an odd-number a
Rogue receives 4 skill points, otherwise they receive 3.

Starting Features
• Rogues start with HP equal to 4 + their
body score
• Rogues start with light and medium
armour proficiencies, 1 martial weapon
proficiency, and 2 simple weapon
• Rogues start with 4 skill points

Innate Ability
Roguishness - A rogue character treats dice in
both its physical and mental pools as dice of
either type, allowing them to effectively trade
between pools at a 1:1 ratio at any time. IE: a

Chapter IV - Classes
level 1 Rogue dodges a deadly incoming attack
using all their mental dice, and then on their
turn uses the mechanical skill to disable a
drawbridge mechanism, rolling their remaining
physical dice for that skill check.

Dungeon delvers, pickpockets, or cunning scouts; burglars are masters of stealth and adepts at getting their fingers and
eyes in places they shouldn’t be. Skilled burglars can disappear even while being observed, and their trained reflexes
allow them to perform supernatural feats of acrobatics and balance, darting up walls and avoiding the deadliest traps
and spells thrown their way.

Trap Spotting

Sneaky I

Sticky Fingers Sneaky II

Chapter IV - Classes

Sticky Fingers II Acrobatic I Sneaky III

Sticky Fingers III Improved Trap Spotting Acrobatic II Sneaky IV

Quicker Draw Artful Reflexes Monkey Climb Hide in Plain Sight

Artful Dodge Monkey Climb II Acrobatic III

Extremely Artful Perfect Balance


Perk Descriptions
Trap Spotting - you may use the mechanical 20 feet. A climb speed allows you to climb any
skill to disable traps. Doing so requires a set of surfaces with a climb TN of 20 or less without
trapmaking tools. having to make athletics checks. Each
Sneaky - +1 on stealth checks in addition to additional tier grants a further 10ft of climb
skill rank bonus. speed.

Sticky fingers - +1 bonus on sleight of hand Artful Dodge - When you make a successful
checks in addition to skill rank bonus. dodge reaction, you may move 5 feet as a free
action. This move does not provoke attacks of
Fence - you receive a +2 bonus on persuade or
deception checks to sell “suspicious” goods.
Extremely Artful Reflexes - When you fail a
Acrobatic - +1 bonus on acrobatics checks in
reflex attribute check to avoid damage, you
addition to skill rank bonus.
take half damage instead.
Improved Trap Spotting - any time a Burglar

Chapter IV - Classes
Wall-Run - during a movement action, charge,
with this perk passes within 30ft of a trap or
combination of multiple movement actions, or
secret door the GM makes a secret investigate
reaction or free action which grants a move
check on 3d6 to determine whether they have
you may move along a wall either vertically or
detected it with their superhuman sense of
horizontally as though it were flat, traversable
awareness. You should regularly alert your
ground as part of that movement action. You
GM to this ability.
must end your initiative step or move
Quicker Draw - when a character uses an reaction/free action (if the move is not taken
action to draw a weapon while adjacent to on your own initiative step) upon a flat
you, instead of taking an attack of opportunity surface.
you may make a 2d6 opposed sleight of hand
Perfect Balance - You automatically pass the
check (both characters make the check as a
first balance check made each round, and are
free action). If you win by 5 or more, you draw
not required to concentrate while balancing.
their weapon instead (you may put away any
weapons you are holding as a free action) Hide in Plain Sight - You may make stealth
checks while being observed without penalty.
Artful Reflexes - when you make a reflex
attribute saving throw to avoid damage, you
take no damage on a successful check if you
would normally take half.
Monkey Climb - you receive a climb speed of

Assassins kill people for sport, pleasure, or coin. They become adept at striking from the shadows or using other
dishonest means to eliminate their quarry. Skilled assassins can find a mark in the densest crowd, or strike at them
through the strongest defences. Assassins are masters of the first strike, relying on the power and terror of their initial
blow to carry them through combats.

Sneak Attack I

Poison Use I

Chapter IV - Classes

Sneak Attack II

Unsavoury Sorts Two-Weapon Fighting

Silent Hunter

Sneak Attack III Slip of the Fingers

Paralysing Blow Poison Use II

Terrifying Blow Prepared Poisoner Poison Use III

Sneak Attack IV Master Hunter

Perk Descriptions
Sneak Attack - When you hit an attack against granted by mark, your mark also receives a -1
a target within 30ft who would be denied the penalty on perception checks to observe you
opportunity to take a reaction against your Slip of the Fingers - You receive a +2 bonus to
attack action you may deal an additional 1d8 sleight of hand checks to poison drinks or
damage. Each additional tier grants an extra food, or plant small or smaller objects on a
1d8 damage. target
Poison Use - A character with this ability can Paralysing Blow - When an assassin lands a
can never accidentally poison themselves when sneak attack they may choose to apply a
using poison. In addition they treat their paralysing effect instead of adding sneak attack
respective attribute as 1/3/5 higher at each tier damage. The target must make a
when making saving throws against poison or 2d6+(assassin’s mind modifier) body save or be
venom. paralysed for 1d3 rounds (helpless).
Mark - If you are able to observe a target

Chapter IV - Classes
Prepared Poisoner - Any saving throws your
undetected for 5 rounds you may declare them mark makes against poisons you have crafted
as your mark. You receive a +2 bonus to while they were your mark or applied directly
survival checks to track a mark, +1 on to them are done so at +2
deception checks against the mark, as well as a
Terrifying Blow - The first time in an
+2 bonus on damage rolls against the mark.
encounter that an assassin makes a sneak
You may only have one mark at a time, and the
attack against a mark, all characters within 30ft
bonuses end if you go a full 24 hours without
are frightened (cowed) for 1d6 rounds if the
observing the mark undetected for another 5
damage dealt by the attack is greater than the
affected characters’ mental TN (+ reaction).
Unsavoury Sorts - You receive a +2 bonus on
Master Hunter - Once per encounter you may
persuade checks when dealing with criminals,
declare an attack to be a sneak attack against
ne’er do wells and anyone who would broadly
your mark, even if they are not caught
associate with the urban or criminal
Two-Weapon Fighting - This is the same as the
perk in the duellist tree. However, an assassin
may only use this perk when fighting with
small or smaller weapons in both their primary
and off hand.
Silent Hunter - In addition to the bonuses

The grizzled interrogator of the city watch, an inquisitor tasked with pursuing members of the occult, an
archaeologist pursuing the secrets of ancient ruins, or a seasoned information broker. Investigators are adept at
uncovering hidden information from careful study or interrogation.


Investigator I
Chapter IV - Classes

Investigator II Insightful I

Rumours Midnight Oil Insightful II

Hidden Details Grizzled Conscience

Apathetic Outlook

Unnerving Presence

Perk Descriptions
Mulled - Whenever your busy life provides a checks using mulled during a rest (although
moment’s respite you find yourself recalling they don’t need to be specific, a GM can
specifics of the day, uncovering new details describe these failed checks simply as a
from your matured perspective. Once per day ‘hidden details check’). You should regularly
during a rest you may reroll any one alert your GM to this ability.
investigate or insight check you had previously Grizzled Conscience - The investigator
made during the day as though you were at receives a +1 bonus to their mental TN.
the same location you made the initial check.
Apathetic Outlook - The Investigator is
Treat this reroll as a new check, made using
immune to the cowed status condition. They
any amount of dice available to the
are still affected by any additional effects from
investigator. Should the results of the check
an ability or spell that would afflict the cowed
provide new information, it does so as normal.
Investigator I - +1 on investigate checks in
Unnerving Presence - The Investigator

Chapter IV - Classes
addition to skill rank bonus.
maintains an unnerving aura of calm, mania,
Insightful I - +1 on Insight checks in addition clinical observation, or any other questionable
to skill rank bonus. suite of mannerisms that make decent folk
Midnight Oil - When making an investigate, uncomfortable. Any skill checks which involve
insight, or persuade check outside of combat discussing or socially interacting with another
you may ignore up to 2 levels of fatigue. character made within 60ft of the investigator
Rumours - The Investigator receives a +2 are done so at a -1 penalty (except for those
bonus to persuasion checks to gather made by the investigator).
Hidden Details - When an investigator passes
within 30ft of a hidden passageway, door, trap
or similar hidden feature normally discover-
able by an investigate check they may make an
investigate check on 2d6 to search the area as
though they were actively searching for that
feature. The GM makes these checks in secret
without the Investigator knowing (unless the
check is successful). The GM also should give
the investigator the option to reroll these

Skilled leaders that can guide their allies in combat, tacticians can use their expertise in strategy to enhance the
abilities of allies or help them out of desperate situations in the midst of a chaotic battle.


Diplomat I

Diplomat II Expert Advice

Chapter IV - Classes

Diplomat III Extra Command I

Extra Command II Courage Command Range I

Long-Term Plans Inspiring Aura Command Range II

Rapid Re-Evaluation Collective Will Fearless

Looking Out for Glorious Works of

Insurmountable Effort
Number One Comrade

Perk Descriptions
Command - at the beginning of each round of beginning of a round you may add 1d6 to your
combat, you may spend up to two dice from command pool. This dice does not come out
either pool. If you do, add that many dice to a of your own pools, it is its own special bonus
special pool called the command pool. dice. This still counts against the per-round
Whenever a character in your party other than limit of dice you may add to the command
yourself within 30ft of you is able to take an pool. Additionally, increase the maximum
action, free action, or reaction you may add up amount of dice you may contribute to the
to two dice from your command pool to that command pool at the beginning of each round
character’s action. If you do, remove that many by 1. Each additional tier grants you another
dice from the command pool. At the end of bonus dice to add to your command pool, and
each round, empty the command pool. increases the amount of dice you may add
Command dice may not be used for each round by 1.
channelling checks, full-round actions, or Command Range - Increases command range

Chapter IV - Classes
actions which require multiple turns. to 60ft / 120ft
Command dice do not count as physical or
Courage - Characters within 30ft of you treat
mental dice and may be added to an action of
their attributes as 2 higher when making saves
either type. Command dice may not allow a
against fear effects
character to take an action on more dice than
would be in their base pool (for example, you Long-Term Plans - The command pool
could not add any command dice to a level 1 empties at the end of an encounter, instead of
fighter’s 3d6 physical attack as he is already at the end of each round. The amount of dice
using dice equal to his physical pool max. You in your command pool may never exceed
could however use 2 command dice to add to more than twice the amount you may add at
a dodge reaction taken after his attack as 2d6 the beginning of an individual round.
is less than his base physical pool) Inspiring Aura - Friendly Characters within
Diplomat - +1 to persuade in addition to skill 30ft receive +1 to their mental TN (not you
rank bonus. though)
Expert Advice - When you aid another Rapid Re-evaluation - After a character makes
character on a skill check, you always counts a roll using a command die, but before results
as proficient in that skill and you are treated as are declared, you may reroll the command die.
having 2 more ranks in the skill in which you You can use this ability 2/day
are aiding with. Fearless - You are immune to fear effects.
Extra Command - once per encounter at the Collective will - when you use a dice from

your command pool to add to a characters’
mental reaction, add 1 to the roll.
Looking out for Number 1 - You can use
command dice on your own actions/free
actions/reactions. If you do so, command dice
may not be used on another character’s
actions for the remainder of the round.
Glorious Works of Comrade - At the
beginning of each round, other characters in
your party within range of your command
ability may contribute dice to your command
pool. The dice/round limit on command still
applies to total contributions.
Insurmountable Effort - Once per day you
may add any amount of command dice to a
Chapter IV - Classes

character’s action, ignoring any normal dice


Magical ability is innate, or unknowingly granted through a divine force. Individuals so gifted
develop an affinity for closely related arcane forms known as schools, and eventually through
study and training they are able to manifest these powers into spells. Although many possess a
magical spark which would allow them to channel arcane forces, few have the discipline, focus,
or immense expenditure of time necessary to draw out their powers. As such, spellcasters are
often studious or meditative and less inclined towards physical pursuits due to the immense
amount of focus and time required to maintain and expand upon their arcane powers.

Progression Table

Chapter IV - Classes
Level - Your current level Dice Pool - The base totals of your physical/mental dice
pools are determined by your level. When a pool
Attribute Bonus - Each time you get an attribute bonus
increases a new dice is permanently added to the
add 1 to any of your attributes. This permanently
respective pool. If other modifiers would affect how
increases the attribute - any derived statistics such as
many dice are in your pool after it is increased through
channelling pools or Hit Points are adjusted as well.
a level up they are applied to the new adjusted value.

At each level past 1st Spellcasters receive an additional 2HP and 3 skill points

Starting Features Illusion.

• Spellcasters start with HP equal to 2 + Spellcasting

their body score Spellcasters may cast spells. Casting a spell is
• Spellcasters start with light armour similar to a skill check; you roll any number of
proficiency, and 1 simple weapon mental dice available to you in what is called a
proficiencies. ‘channelling check’, and compare the total
against a channel TN; if the result is higher
• Spellcasters start with 1 skill point and 2
you cast a spell, otherwise you fail the check,
skill points which may only be spent on
‘fizzling’ the spell and risking a miscast.
Individual spells work like skills for a
Innate Abilities spellcaster: you may assign skill points to
spells rather than normal skills, and these
Channelling Pool - A spellcaster begins the
ranks grant a bonus to channelling checks in
game with a channelling pool equal to their
the same manner skill ranks would grant a
mind score + their character level. The
bonus to skill checks. Spells function like
Chapter IV - Classes

channelling pool represents the reserve of

trained skills in that you must have a rank in a
magical power they have available to them,
spell in order to attempt a channelling check
and determines the limit on how many dice
to cast it.Taking ranks in spells provides the
they can use to cast spells or counter spells
same bonus to channelling checks as the total
each day before they begin to incur fatigue.
ranks would for a normal skill. Investing
The channelling pool total of a spellcaster
several ranks into a spell allows you to cast
character is adjusted each time they gain (or
especially difficult spells that would be
lose) a level or increase (or decrease) their
impossible without rank investment, or to cast
mind attribute. If a character has spent more
spells on fewer dice, perhaps rattling off a
dice on spells than their channelling pool total
number of powerful cantrips in a turn whereas
they incur 1 level of fatigue for each dice by
a lesser caster could only manage one.
which they exceed their channelling pool total
(see spells chapter for more details). A The full rules for casting spells and magic can
character without a channelling pool cannot be found in the spellcasting chapter.
cast or counter spells.
Spellcasting Schools - At character creation,
choose 2 base schools of magic. You can only
put ranks in spells from these schools. The
base schools are: Healing, Conjuration,
Divination, Evocation, Enchantment, and

An archivist is obsessed with the accumulation of knowledge, often going to great lengths to track down the smallest
fragments of lost texts. Archivists are often found in libraries and dusty studies, poring over an abundance of tomes
that would take a mortal lifetime to read in full. Archivists apply their studious nature to their pursuit of arcane
power, slowly developing their strengths through careful experimentation and study, unlocking access to more schools
and spells than other casters. Powerful archivists have become so well versed in the ritualistic study of magic that they
are able to cast spells from tomes, without the need to develop such arcane powers organically.

Studious I


Focus I

Chapter IV - Classes
Spellbook Studious II

Focus II Additional School I Studious III

Foreign Schools Learned

Hidden Lore

Expert Identification

Additional School II

Perk Descriptions
Studious - Gain a +1 bonus to knowledge its casting - you must always use this number
checks. of dice when casting a spell from your
spellbook. If you are copying a spell from a
Knowledged - You have picked up all manner
scroll, then you use the same amount of
of odds and ends of lore and knowledge in
channelling dice and the same chosen
your extensive studies. You count knowledge
variables as used by the scroll. If copying a
as a single skill, combining all existing ranks
spell with variable channel TNs, you must
in any knowledge subskills. Whenever you
choose a TN as you copy the spell; when
make a knowledge check in any subskill use
casting the spell from your spellbook you
your combined skill rank total to determine
always channel at this TN. You are treated as
the bonus. You are treated as proficient in all
having a single rank in any spells cast from
knowledge subskills.
your spellbook and cannot add ranks to spells
Focus - +1 bonus on concentration checks. in your spellbook as normal. In addition,
spells cast from your spellbook are not
Chapter IV - Classes

Spellbook - You have become knowledgeable affected by perks or abilities that would give
enough to supplement your natural magics you bonuses to channelling checks or impose
with those learned through study and theory. additional modifiers to the effects of a spell.
You gain access to the ability to copy spells
from scrolls into a personal spellbook, or - To cast a spell from your spellbook, you must
with time and experimentation - learn the have the spellbook open and available. Casting
forms necessary to copy a spell you have only any incantation or cantrip requires a full-
seen cast. To copy a scroll into your spellbook round action, and casting a ritual requires
requires a TN 15 Knowledge / arcana check, twice the normal time. Make the channelling
and to learn a spell that you have only seen check for the spell as normal using the amount
cast requires a TN 30 Knowledge / arcana of channelling dice specified in the spellbook
check. Copying a spell takes several hours or entry. Spells cast in this way must still be from
even days of study (see chart). Learning a spell a school known to you, although you may still
from a school other than those available to copy down spells from other schools.
you requires twice the listed time. Attempting
You may use a spellbook of another archivist,
to copy a spell from a scroll always expends
although to cast any spells from their book
the scroll - regardless of whether the
requires a full day of study for each spell
knowledge check is successful. Because
contained within. If a character does not have
spellbook spells are copied in a precise
the spellbook perk, they may not cast spells
manner, when copying a spell you must also
from a spellbook - even if studied. A spellbook
define how many channel dice will be used in

itself is a specially prepared tome. Most selected.
competent bookbinders can produce a
Additional School - Choose an additional
spellbook to an archivist’s specifications,
base school. In addition, you receive 1 skill
although it has expensive material
point which must be spent on a spell from
components costing 100 gold (before labour
your chosen school. At tier II choose another
costs). A spellbook is considered to be a
school, and gain another skill point to spend
masterwork book, with a TN 20 craft check,
on a spell from your new school.
requiring 1-2 days of dedicated labour to
produce. It is always considered a Large item. Foreign Schools - You may cast spells using
A spellbook is always exactly 200 pages and an your spellbook perk from any base school.
individual spell takes up a number of pages
equal to twice its channelling TN. If for Learned - Gain 1 skill point. Each time you
whatever reason a page of a spell is damaged, level up also gain 1 skill point (not
the spell cannot be cast from the spellbook retroactively - only for future levels)
until the pages are restored, requiring a Hidden Lore - gain 2 skill points to put in

Chapter IV - Classes
knowledge check as though the archivist was skills or spells only in which you do not have
copying a spell from a scroll (although the any ranks in (tiered, each time you take a tier,
archivist does not need to have a scroll or choose 2 new skills or spells).
additional copy of the spell on hand to restore
the damage). Expert Identification - you receive a +2 bonus
on knowledge checks to identify spells as they
Improved Documentation - Choose 2 spells in are cast
your spellbook. You are treated as having 1
additional rank in each of those spells when Encyclopedic Identification - When a spell is
attempting to cast them using your spellbook. cast that is in your spellbook, or you have
You can take this perk multiple times, apply its ranks in, you automatically pass any checks to
effects an additional time each time it is identify it.

Spellbook Copying TNs

Whereas an archivist advances their power through careful study and conservative experimentation, a sorcerer gives
themselves to the arcane energies with reckless abandon, pushing their physical and mental limits in pursuit of greater
power. Sorcerers learn to turn chaotic miscasts to their advantage, and become adept at altering the flow of magic
through themselves and others.

Desperate Energies

Extend Range

Lengthen Spell
Chapter IV - Classes

Reckless Casting Maximise Spell

Wild Energy Control

Expert Identification

Will to Power

Improved Counterspell Greater Channelling

Foreign Counterspelling Forceful Casting

Perk Descriptions
Desperate Energies - while over channelling triggered normally as part of the channelling
you receive a +2 bonus to channelling checks. attempt, then two separate miscasts are
Extend Range - Whenever you cast a spell
with a range other than self or touch, before Wild Energy Control - When you roll on the
you make a channelling check you may choose violent or normal miscast table, roll twice and
to double the range. If you do, treat the choose either result (only one result is applied
channel TN as 3 higher. If a spell applies its - not both).
effects within a radius, this does not increase
the radius of a spell’s effects - just the range it Expert Identification - you receive a +2 bonus
may be targeted at. to knowledge arcana checks to identify spells
as they are cast.
Lengthen Spell - When you channel a spell
you may choose to add 5 to the channel TN, if Will to Power - You may over channel a

Chapter IV - Classes
you do double the duration of any effects of number of dice each day equal to your will
the spell. modifier before incurring fatigue.

Maximise Spell - When you channel a spell Improved Counterspell - You gain a +1 bonus
you may choose to double the channel TN. If on counterspell reactions.
you succeed on the modified channel TN, any Greater channelling - +1 on channel checks
dice rolled to generate numeric values for the when casting invocations.
spell are considered to be the highest possible
result. Forceful Casting - If another spellcaster
attempts to counterspell a spell you are
Reckless Casting - You may cast 2 invocations casting, you may add any number of
in the same round. If you do, the second one is additional dice available to you to your
treated as miscasting (if the channel TN is channel check as a free action.
passed, apply the miscast effects in addition to
the normal spell effects). The second Foreign Counterspelling - you may attempt to
invocation is still cast if the channelling check counterspell spells from outside your own
is successful; the miscast results are applied in schools (you must still identify the spell as
addition to the spell’s effects unless the effects normal). You are at a -4 penalty to do so.
of the miscast would alter the effect of the
spell, in which case the result of the miscast is
treated as the spell being cast. If a miscast is

A Spellthief is anathema to other spellcasters, possessing the powerful ability to drain arcane power from other casters
to bolster their own. Spell Thieves learn to lurk in the shadows, attacking vulnerable casters from hidden positions and
stripping them of their abilities in an instant.

Sneaky I

Drain I

Magical Blank
Chapter IV - Classes

Sneaky II Overcharged Casting I

Magical Sneak Exhaustive Drain

Drain II

Counter Drain Arcane Discharge

Drain III

Perk Descriptions
Sneaky - +1 to stealth checks in addition to skill additional dice does not come from your
rank bonus. mental pool, but is still subtracted from your
channelling pool; it is otherwise considered a
Drain - As a physical attack or as a successful free dice. Your channelling pool is checked
grapple result you may attempt to drain before dice are expended to make the declared
channelling dice from an enemy caster. Make a channelling attempt in order to determine
melee physical attack against the target’s whether you can use overcharged casting. At
physical TN + reaction; on a success, drain 1d6 each additional tier you may add an additional
channelling dice from the target, adding them to d6.
your own channelling pool and deal pure
damage to the target equal to your mind Exhaustive Drain - If you roll doubles on a drain
modifier + the amount of dice drained. If this attack action, inflict one level of fatigue on the
would bring your current channelling pool over target in addition to the effects of drain.
your maximum it does so, however channelling

Chapter IV - Classes
dice over your maximum are lost at the end of Magical Sneak - You receive a +1 bonus to
the round, dealing 1d4 damage for each dice lost channelling checks when casting incantations
in this way. You can not drain more channelling and cantrips from the illusion school.
dice from a pool than a caster has dice
Arcane Discharge - If you would take damage
remaining in their pool. Each tier past the first
for losing excess dice from your channelling
adds 1d6 to the amount of dice drained.
pool, you may instead discharge it in a radial
Magical Blank - Any attempt to cast a spell burst as a free action, dealing xd4 damage to all
which would identify or detect you has it’s creatures within 20ft of you (except yourself)
channelling TN increased by 3 even if the caster where x is the amount of channelling dice lost
is not intentionally trying to detect you. In (3d6 reflex saving throw for ½ damage).
addition, any spell which would give it’s caster a
Counter-drain - When you would be granted an
bonus to perception checks to detect a character
attack of opportunity from an adjacent caster
using stealth does not apply its bonus when the
attempting to channel a spell you may use your
caster is making a perception check to detect
Drain ability instead of a normal attack (also on
2d6). If you would drain more dice than the
Overcharged Casting - When you declare a caster is using in their channel attempt, then the
channelling attempt while you have more dice in spell they are attempting to cast is treated as
your channelling pool than your base total you being countered.
may use overcharged casting to add an
additional 1d6 to your channelling attempt. This

Circle Caster
Circle casters are trained in collaborative magics, working with fellow spellcasters to produce powerful rituals, or
devastating battlefield magics. Circle casting allows several weaker casters to be able to cast powerful spells such as
teleportation or binding. Wizard colleges often have several trained circle casters to guide apprentices through
advanced magics, or to channel spells beyond their individual means.

Circle Casting I

Synergistic Casting

Circle Casting II

Expedient Tutelage
Chapter IV - Classes

Circle Casting III

Perk Descriptions
Circle Casting - When you cast an incantation multiple helpers, who each may add dice to your
or ritual you may do so with the assistance of check, however the total dice added may not
other casters. Each additional caster may add up exceed your Circle Casting tier + your mind
to 1d6 from their channelling pool to your modifier and each helper may not contribute
channel check in addition to any dice you would more than a single dice.
normally be able to use. The other caster must
be able to cast spells of the same school of the Synergistic Casting - If both you and your
spell you are attempting to channel (although assistant(s) have ranks in a ritual you are
they do not have to know the specific spell). This attempting to cast, reduce the time necessary to
additional dice may exceed your maximum cast the ritual by half.
mental pool, and does not count against your
Expedient Tutelage - You may use circle casting
channelling pool (although it does count against
to cast ritual spells with a caster who does to
the assisting caster’s). Casting in this manner
know how to cast spells of the school you are
requires you to maintain physical contact with
attempting to cast. Doing so doubles the
your helper. Casting an incantation in this
duration of the ritual.
manner is a full-round action. You may have

Priest / Sage
The holy man, the devout crusader, the silent monk; all fall under the priest archetype. Priests are
those who worship a god or greater power, and through this devotion are granted powerful or
unnatural abilities. However, just as a Priest’s deity is limited in their scope of influence so too are
those who worship them; a priest is restricted to perk trees which align with the character of
their chosen deity.
Progression Table

Chapter IV - Classes
Level - Your current level increases a new dice is permanently added to the
respective pool. If other modifiers would affect how
Attribute Bonus - Each time you get an attribute bonus
many dice are in your pool after it is increased through
add 1 to any of your attributes. This permanently
a level up they are applied to the new adjusted value.
increases the attribute - any derived statistics such as
channelling pools or Hit Points are adjusted as well. Divine Pool - The base total for your divine pool. The
divine pool refreshes only after a rest and cannot
Dice Pool - The base totals of your physical/mental dice
exceed your will attribute score
pools are determined by your level. When a pool

At each level past 1st Priests receive an additional 3HP and 2 skill points

Starting Features to produce substantial effects like healing
people, smiting heretics, warding allies,
• Priests start with HP equal to 4 + their
destroying foul undead, etc… The size of a
body score
priest’s divine pool is determined by their
• Priests start with light and medium level, and will increase as they progress in
armour proficiencies, and any 2 simple experience.
weapon proficiencies.
Acts of Faith have a divine point cost listed
• Priests start with 2 skill points next to their name. In order to use the act of
faith you must also spend the listed amount
Innate Abilities from your divine pool. If you do not have
Deity - A priest must have a deity or greater enough points remaining in your divine pool
power they worship or otherwise draw power to pay the cost, you cannot use that act of
from. A deity will determine which aspect faith.
trees a priest can choose perks from. Unlike
A Priest can never have more points in their
other classes, priests may only select perks
divine pool than their Will attribute score. If
Chapter IV - Classes

from an aspect tree associated with their deity

their Will score would be temporarily lowered
instead of having access to all perk trees
from ability drain then they lose dice from
within their archetype by default. When you
their divine pool as well such that their
select this archetype also choose any three
current total does not exceed their adjusted
aspects which represent the various facets of
will score. A priest does not gain back dice if
your belief; you may only choose perks from
their Will attribute becomes higher during the
your chosen aspects (in addition to general
day due to an effect - the only time points are
perks). The deities of the Vigilant world and
added to the divine pool is after a rest.
the aspects they represent can be found in the
Appendices chapter, and can be used directly Acts of Faith
or as inspiration for divine powers within your Acts of faith are abilities which require points
own games. from the divine pool to be expended in order
The Divine Pool to be used. Acts of faith work like a normal
The Divine Pool represents the strength of the action, and are considered as such unless
priest’s faith, and their bond with their chosen otherwise stated (they must be taken on a
deity. The Divine Pool is comprised of points character’s own initiative step). Acts of faith
which refresh once per day after a rest and is occasionally have trigger conditions or
only accessible through the use of special additional requirements such as an
Priest perks called “Acts of Faith”. Acts of Faith expenditure of dice from mental or physical
allow a priest to manifest the will of their deity pools. All requirements of an act of faith must

be met and paid before it can be used - if any
conditions or costs are not met then the act of
faith cannot be used.

Aspects represent the ideological and
metaphysical dogmas of a deity and their
followers. They are the areas which a deity
presides over, or otherwise represents. The
aspects of a given deity are dependant upon
their nature, but also upon the manner in
which the deity is represented and worshipped
upon the material plane. Faith is the currency
of the mortals in their relationship with the
divine, and it can buy strange goods; a vicious
and monstrous god of the outer planes may be

Chapter IV - Classes
worshipped by a manic cult as a protector, and
so his power manifests in them as powerful
wards and protective acts of faith. A church
may experience a schism when a sect
discovers a new aspect and spark a bitter war.
Communion with the divine is complex and
often incomprehensible, and so the nature of a
deity is in large part determined by the way in
which mortals perceive them. If a significant
enough group believes an aspect exists within
a deity then it manifests as such.
Mechanically, aspects are the same as a perk
tree from another class with the exception that
they always progress linearly. Priests do not
have to progress all the way down an aspect
tree to the exclusion of others, and can instead
mix and match from those they have access to.
Perks within an aspect tree are listed in the
order they must be taken.

Aspect Trees
Chaos Dark
Chaotic Surge - Act of Faith - (2) You warp Darkvision - Act of Faith - (1) You gain
the latent chaotic energies around a being to perfect vision in the dark for the next 5+your
produce unpredictable results. As a mental will modifier rounds. Using this act of faith is
action on any amount of dice available to you, a 1d6 mental action
you may target a creature within 60ft. Make a Darkness - Act of Faith - (2) You call forth a
mental attack + your will modifier against the globe of absolute darkness to obscure you
target’s mental TN + reaction. On a success from harm or disrupt your enemies. As a 2d6
trigger a miscast as though the target had mental action you may cover an area up to
fumbled a channel check. You roll twice on the 30ft in diameter in absolute darkness. No
miscast table and choose the result (if you magical or non magical lights can pierce
trigger a violent miscast only roll once on the through the darkness, and nothing can see
violent miscast table). The target is considered
Chapter IV - Classes

inside it even if they would normally have

to have cast a spell on 2d6 for the purpose of darkvision or another way to see in the dark.
determining the results of the miscast. The area remains covered in darkness for
Spontaneous Skill - When you select this perk 1d6+your will modifier rounds.
choose 2 different skills at random and receive Night’s Shroud - Act of Faith - (2) You can
1 rank in each. wrap yourself in mirrored wisps of darkness to
Calamity Amplifier - Act of Faith - (1) You render yourself invisible. as a 1d6 mental
amplify chaotic energies with your will. When action you may treat yourself as though you
a miscast is triggered you may as a free action were under the effects of an invisibility spell so
cause that character to roll twice on the long as you are in an area of low illumination
miscast table, and you choose the result. (such as torchlight or moonlight) or darkness.
Spontaneous Skills - Do the exact same thing Dominate undead - Act of Faith - (x) You
as Spontaneous Skill. channel wisps of shadow to tug at the binding
Gambler - When you roll triples on any action arcane energies of undead creatures to
for the first time in a day, you may refresh manipulate them to your will. For a number of
either your physical or mental pool to full as a Undead creatures with total hit points equal to
free action. If this ability triggers and you 10 x your level or less you may make a single
choose not to use it, it is still expended for the xD6 will check which is compared against
day. each affected creature’s Mental TN + reaction.
If you exceed the mental TN of any of the

affected undead they fall under your control. Tools of Destruction - You receive a +2 bonus
On your own initiative step you may as a free to mechanical checks when operating siege
action direct each of your controlled undead weaponry or examining structural defences
to take up to 1 standard action on any number and traps.
of dice available to them as well as a single Quake - Characters affected by your tremor
move action. Outside of your initiative step Act of Faith take 2d6 + your will modifier
the undead fall into a stupor and are bludgeoning damage on a failed reflex saving
considered helpless. This effect lasts for a throw. You may spend an additional 2 divine
number of rounds equal to 1+your will points when you use the Tremor Act of Faith
modifier, although can be refreshed by to increase this damage to 3d6 + your will
spending an additional 3 divine points and modifier
taking a full round action. Dominate Undead
Big Shatter - You can use the Shatter Act of
is an xd6 mental action which provokes
Faith against magical objects and items. In
attacks of opportunity. X may not exceed your
addition you may use an additional x dice
base mental pool total.
from your divine pool to deal an additional

Chapter IV - Classes
Blindsense - While in low-light or total twice xD6 damage to that object.
darkness you gain blindsense out to 30ft
Destruction Healing - Act of Faith - (x) - You re-knit
Shatter - Act of Faith - (1) You channel wounds with divine power. Restore xD6+your
destructive powers to tear down the will modifier hit points from an adjacent living
FRUITLESS STRUCTURES OF MAAAAAN. character. Healing can be used as an xD6
Choose a non-magical object or item within mental action, or as a full round mental action
60ft. You deal 3d6 pure damage to the target. with no dice cost, but requiring active
This act of faith is a 2d6 physical action (in concentration.
addition to the cost from the divine pool) Rites of Healing - +1 to medicine checks in
Tremor - Act of Faith - (2) The ground quakes addition to skill rank bonuses
with your DESTRUCTIVE FURY. All other Do no Harm - Any spell or ability cast or used
characters within 30ft must make a 3d6 reflex against you by any mortal means that would
saving throw or fall prone. For each size cause you to directly or indirectly harm any
category over medium that an affected target automatically fails. If the ability or spell
character is they roll the save on 1 less die, and would affect other creatures it does so as
for each category smaller than medium they normal.
roll the save on an additional die. This act of
Improved Healing - When you use the
faith is a 2d6 physical action.
Healing Act of Faith, heal twice as much.

Remove Disease / Poison - Act of Faith - (4) addition to your base roll, representing the
After an hour of prayer and contemplation, guidance of your divine patron. You may only
any one target is cured of all diseases and apply this act of faith once to any individual
effects of any poisons. The target must be knowledge check.
present for the full duration of this act of faith. Studious I - +1 bonus on knowledge checks in
Remove Disease does not cure the target of addition to skill rank bonuses.
any curses or magical effects, nor does it
Hidden Lore - allocate 2 free skill points to
restore temporary ability damage or hit points
skills in which you do not already have ranks
incurred from the poison,.
Sanctify - Act of Faith - (4) You remove any
Identify - Act of Faith - (3) Using this act of
lingering magical curses, poisons or taints
faith requires a 10 minute ritual involving
from an area around 30-50ft in diameter
some oils and incense that costs roughly 10
(GM’s discretion). Some examples could be
gold. This act of faith identifies all magical
restoring a pond that has been polluted by
properties of any one magical item which the
industrial waste, or removing the lingering
ritual is used upon. When used on relics or
Chapter IV - Classes

curses in a room after an exorcism, or safely

items of significant power it reveals their
disposing of poisonous fumes after an
nature as a relic and any non-unique
alchemical lab explosion. Sanctify does not
prevent such pollutants or curses from
returning to the area, it merely scrubs any Studious II - +2 bonus on knowledge checks
such things from the area. Sanctify takes 1 in addition to skill rank bonuses. This replaces
hour of meditation and prayer to use. the bonus provided by Studious I
Cure - Act of Faith - (6) You flood an ally with Learned - Gain 1 skill point. Each time you
a rush of divine vigour, healing them instantly level up also gain 1 skill point (not
of all wounds. Heal an adjacent character an retroactively - only for future levels)
amount equal to their maximum hit points. Psychometry - Act of Faith - (5) You see the
This Act of Faith can only be used once per history of an object by touching it. This allows
day. Using this act of faith is a 2d6 mental you to view any point in the object’s history as
action. though you were using a scrying spell centred
on the object. You may view a specific point in
Knowledge time on command. Otherwise, you can ‘scroll’
Knowledge of the Ancients - Act of Faith - (1) through an object’s history attempting to find
You may use this act of faith as part of a specific information, with a TN 20 Knowledge
knowledge check. Knowledge of the Ancients (history) check revealing points of interest.
adds a free 1d6 to your knowledge check in You receive a +4 to the Knowledge check if

you are looking for specific and recognisable undead with the fewest remaining hit points
people or locations within the item’s history. are affected first. Any undead so affected may
make a (3d6+your will modifier) will save to
instead be terrified and take damage equal to
Torchlight - Act of Faith - (0) An orb of light half their maximum hit points rather than be
roughly 6 inches in diameter appears above destroyed. Any other undead within the area
your outstretched palm. This orb emits light must make the same will save or be shaken.
equivalent to that of a torch in a 60ft radius. Turn Undead is a 3d6 mental action that
You may direct the orb to move about provokes attacks of opportunity. If an undead
anywhere within a 30ft radius of yourself as a would normally be immune to fear effects,
1d6 mental action (it hovers). If you do not they are affected by this act of faith regardless.
direct the orb, it follows slightly behind you. If
Unwavering Gaze - While in bright light
you move further than 30ft away from the orb
(daylight, excessive torchlight) you gain
after commanding it to stay it winks out of
blindsense out to 30ft. In addition, while in
existence. Otherwise, it may be dismissed at
bright light double your normal vision range.
any time as a free action. Using this Act of

Chapter IV - Classes
Faith is a standard action which costs no dice Might
or divine points, but may only be used once
Strength - Act of Faith - (2) You imbue a
per round.
target with a surge of strength. Increase any
Will of Fire - You receive a +1 bonus to your friendly character within 30ft’s body score by 3
mental TN so long as you are within for 1d6+your will modifier rounds. This act of
illumination equivalent to at least that of a faith is a 1d6 mental action (in addition to the
torch. cost from the divine pool) and does not stack
Piercing Gaze of Dawn - Act of Faith - (3) As with itself.
a full-round action you may dispel the effects Athletic I - +1 to athletic checks in addition to
of any illusion spells within a 60ft radius of skill rank bonuses
yourself. This dispels all illusions - no picking
Lift - Act of Faith - (1) For the next 1+your
and choosing.
will modifier rounds double your body score
Turn Undead - Act of Faith - (3) You channel for the purposes of determining lifting and
your inner light into a devastating burst of carrying capacity. You may use this act of faith
radiance that shatters the bonds of undeath, as a free action.
and sends what foul creatures that are not
Divine Might - Permanently increase your
utterly destroyed fleeing before you. You
body score by 1
destroy undead within a 30ft radius of yourself
with up to a total hit points of 10 x your level; Athletic II - +2 to athletic skill checks in

addition to skill rank bonuses. This perk been up to, although they struggle to
replaces the bonus provided by athletic I differentiate between different bipedal
Improved Strength - Your strength Act of organisms, and generally struggle with
Faith increases the target character’s body timelines, often requiring some insight checks
score by 6 on your part to affirm various bits of
information. Only you can understand what
Nature the trees are saying, and you must be in direct
Calm Animals - Act of Faith - (x) This act of physical contact with a tree or its root systems
faith calms all animals within a 30ft radius. in order to have a chat. Talk to Trees lasts for
Calm Animals costs more dice if the animals one hour.
are bigger, or essential plot devices for the GM Animal Companion- Act of Faith - (1)* You
(1 divine point + an additional point for each may permanently spend 1 divine point to get a
size category above small). The animals are little guy. At character level 6 and 10 you can
put into a state of ease and comfort. They may upgrade your guy by spending an additional
offer aid should you be able to properly divine point. See the section on the following
Chapter IV - Classes

communicate your needs, but at the very least page for more details
will not attempt to eat you. Should you or your Druidic Languages - You learn the ancient
party provoke them in any way, the animals rites of communication of the druids of yore.
will cease to be calm and reasonable, and will This language is universally understood by
not be affected by further uses of this Act of intelligent animals, and somewhat understood
Faith for the rest of the day. Otherwise, the by more base creatures. Speaking this
animals remain reasonable for a number of language allows you to communicate with
hours equal to your character level + your will intelligent creatures (beasts who have a mind
modifier. score of 3 or greater), and gives you a +2
Environmentalist - Choose a specific natural bonus to animal handling checks when
environment such as ‘forest’ or ‘tundra’ or training or communicating with other
‘desert’. While you are within your chosen animals. If you teach this language to a nature-
environment you receive a +1 bonus to hater you’ll get hunted down by dire squirrels
perception, survival, and investigate checks. or something. You also have to be a vegetarian
Talk to Trees - Act of Faith - (2) You can talk now, or else you go to Druid hell and lose all
to trees (and plants). Trees tend to be chatty your powers.
and generally pleasant, but rather long- Environmentalist II - Choose an extra
winded. They complain about their backs and environment to apply your environmentalist I
roots a bunch as do most elderly folk. Trees bonus in. In addition, the bonus while within
will usually tell you what they’ve seen and your first chosen environment increase to +2.

Nature Provides - So long as you’re not in an matter what - even if there’s no raccoons in
absolutely inhospitable environment with your setting.
ridiculously limited flora and fauna nature just Literally Turn into a Bear - Act of Faith - (2)
hooks you up with enough food for yourself You turn into a bear, or any other non-magical
and a limited party (up to 3 other medium or animal of large or smaller size that your
smaller characters + your animal companion) character has seen and is familiar with. You
and keeps aggressive badgers and shit away retain your mind and will scores but your
from you. Effectively, you always pass any reflex and body become that of whatever your
survival check made to find food and shelter, new form is +1, cause you’re a jacked nature
and furthermore will be undisturbed by guy or whatever. Adjust your hit points
hostile natural creatures and animals during appropriately. All your items morph into your
any rest. Additionally, since you are now such new form, so you can’t use any of them. You
a resplendent beacon of nature, your god may also can’t talk or speak properly (unless you
send little critters to you who need aid (like a turn into a parrot or something), although you
bear with a splinter or something). These can communicate with creatures of the same

Chapter IV - Classes
critters will be deeply dependant upon you for species as your new form as well as your
aid, - even if you’re in the middle of a quest - animal companion. You gain the natural
and their meek little growls and cries for help attacks, movement, and abilities of your new
will haunt you for the rest of your short, short form. If you’ve got paws or some other non-
life if you forsake or abandon them. This grasping appendage then you cannot use items
should not be an endlessly recurring or unless your GM thinks it would be dope (like
unrealistic thing though, IE: if you’re tracking a jacked bear sniping poachers with a ballista).
a convict through a forest you might have a deer Turning into whatever animal is a full-round
come to you for a hand, but you won’t be action, and un-turning from that animal is
accosted by hungry badgers in the Abyssal also a full round action, although turning back
Depths of Tartarus or anything like that. You into your normal form does not cost points
need to be reasonably within an environment from your divine pool. And you have to pick
that would have animals, and in a situation an actual animal, no halfsies bullshit like a
where they wouldn’t be terrified to approach were-badger or something - the creature you
you. Also, if your party members attempt to are morphing into must be of the beast
harm nature or anything bad like that you get creature type. You also cannot artificially
a reprimanding from a big talking owl. If they adjust down the size of an animal so that you
continue to be nature-dicks then a giant can transform into it; species are considered to
raccoon gobbles you up and you’re super dead be of whatever size an average creature of that
- no saves or anything. And it doesn’t matter species is, and you similarly transform into an
where you are; that raccoon will find you no

average-sized animal of the specified type (IE: the chart. Each time you level up if you meet
you cannot transform into an elephant with the character level requirements listed in the
dwarfism, as a normal elephant is Big). You can tables below you may choose to permanently
hang our as a bear or whatever as long as you spend an additional dice from your divine
want. pool to add the listed modifiers and abilities to
Animal Companion your animal companion.

When you get an animal companion, you may Hit Point bonus adds the listed amount to
choose an animal from a wolf, hawk, crow, your animal companions hit points in addition
boar, horse, ocelot, or normal squirrel (or to any increases received from previous levels.
anything else your GM okays so long as you’re Attribute modifiers and abilities are also
not a fucker about it - see Appendices for cumulative in this way.
creature stats). Your animal companion has When you first select the animal companion
the exact base stats and abilities of the perk you may instead choose to permanently
creature, and can receive additional abilities spend two dice from your divine pool in hopes
should the sage choose to spend additional of attracting a more powerful animal
Chapter IV - Classes

divine points as listed in the perk description. companion. If you do so, you do not attract an
You have a spiritual connection with your animal companion until character level 8, but
companion such that it intuitively predicts may choose from either a dire-wolf, black
your commands while you are close to one bear, pegasus or lion. If you choose to do so,
another. Effectively, you may treat your animal you treat your character level as 4 lower when
companion as though it is a character under purchasing upgrades for your animal
your control in combat (no animal handling companion from the table below.
checks required). Out of combat, it will obey If your animal companion dies, you may
your commands to the best of its ability, spend a full week in silent meditation to
although if it is far away from you or required attempt to attract a new one, requiring a TN
to make complex decisions on its own, it may 18 Knowledge (nature) check. On a success,
struggle to do so. you attract a new animal companion of the
Selecting an animal companion requires you same type. If you had purchased upgrades for
to permanently spend 1 Attribute Hit Point
Character Level Modifiers Abilities
dice from your divine Bonus
pool (permanently 1 +2 Will, +2 +5 Speak with animals of its kind
reduce your total by 1).
+2 Body, +2 Communicate with master,
When you do so, apply 6 Reflex +5 Share acts of faith
the level 1 bonuses to the
10 +1 to all +5 See through companion
animal companion from

your animal companion, you may apply those the connection requires successive full round actions
same upgrades to your new one without that can be interrupted by damage or other distractions
(concentration to maintain).
paying the divine pool cost. However, each
upgrade requires a further day of meditation Protection
and prayer and a TN 20 knowledge (nature) Warding - Act of Faith - (2) As a 2d6 mental
check. If you fail these checks you may still try action you may imbue a friendly character
again, it just takes an additional week / day. within 30ft with powerful wards of protection,
Animal Companion Abilities increasing their physical TN by 2 for the next
Speak with animals of its kind: The companion gains 1+your will modifier rounds.
the ability to fully communicate with animals of its
Advocate - You receive a +2 modifier to
general kind. The creature its communicating with
must have the same creature type and be a closely persuasion checks when attempting to
related animal IE a wolf could communicate with a negotiate on behalf of another character.
domestic dog, but probably not a panther (unless your
Safeguard - When an adjacent character
GM is real bad at zoology). They can convey complex
messages to the other animal as though they fluently
would be targeted by an attack of opportunity,
you may become the target of that attack of

Chapter IV - Classes
spoke the same language, although their master must
still be able to interpret whatever their companion opportunity instead.
attempts to translates back to them.
Shield of Faith - Act of Faith - (2) Whenever
Communicate with Master: The companion gains the
you or a character under the effects of your
ability to telepathically communicate with its master
out to a range of 1 mile. The animal communicates as
warding act of faith are required to make an
though it fluently spoke a druidic language. attribute save you may use this act of faith as a
Share Acts of Faith: any acts of faith used by the master 1d6 mental reaction. Treat the targeted
on themselves also apply to their companion, so long character’s attributes as 5 higher when making
as the companion remains within 100ft. This does not saving throws against spells or abilities for the
require additional divine points or anything, and yes it remainder of the round. In addition if the
does allow the animal companion to literally turn into
targeted character would take half damage on
a bear. The exact same effects are applied to the animal
companion - if you would like to apply different effects a successful save they instead take no damage
you need to use another act of faith and spend instead.
additional divine points. You may choose whether or
Armoured Soul - If you are not already
not to apply the act of faith to the animal when you use
it but must do so before reactions or free actions are
proficient, you gain proficiency in all armours
declared or triggered. and shields. In addition, add 1 to the DR of
See through companion: The companion and the any medium or heavy armour you wear so
master may see through the eyes of one another as a long as you have at least 1 dice remaining in
full-round action. They share all senses while doing so, your divine pool.
although they are not able to see,hear, or feel their own
surroundings while maintaining focus. Maintaining

Sheltering Fist of the Divine - Act of Faith - prerogative to never let the party die can be
(1+x) As a 3d6 mental action you create a applied to smooth over aggressive intent or ill
semi-sphere of impenetrable divine energy will. You may use this act of faith as a reaction
that expands out in a 10ft radius around when a character within 30ft is roused to
yourself. Friendly characters within the fist anger or otherwise inspired to take a spiteful
receive +2 to both their physical and mental action. So long as the angered character was
defences. The fist itself has a number of hit not deliberately antagonised or threatened,
points equal to 15 times the value of x and you may attempt a TN 10 persuasion check on
automatically stops anything outside from 2d6 as a free action. On a success the angered
entering it until it is destroyed. It is treated as character is not roused to anger, and instead
having a Physical TN of 0, and has DR equal views the situation in a reasonable and
to ½ your character level (round up) against objective manner. Should the catalyst of the
everything. The fist requires the priest to target’s anger be a particularly egregious
maintain active concentration and costs 1 breach in social custom the GM may elect to
additional point from the priest’s divine pool raise the persuasion TN to a maximum of 15.
Chapter IV - Classes

at the beginning of each round to maintain. If Performer I - You receive a +1 bonus on

the priest loses concentration or runs out of perform checks in addition to any skill rank
divine points the fist automatically dissipates. bonuses.
Characters who were inside the fist as it was
Banquet - Act of Faith - (4) After an hour of
activated may pass through it without penalty,
meditation and preparation, you call into
but may not re-enter until it is destroyed or
existence food and ale for a party of up to 10.
the priest loses concentration. The divine
The food disappears after 8 hours.
energy field is translucent and of a colour of
significance to the priest’s deity. Characters Divine Constitution - When required to make
within the sphere can see and hear things a saving throw against any ingested substance,
outside of the sphere as though they were on treat the associated attribute as 4 higher.
the opposite side of a big glass wall (+5 to TN Performer II -You receive a +2 bonus to
of all perception checks) but may not perform checks in addition to skill rank
otherwise attack or target characters outside modifiers. This bonus replaces the bonus
the sphere with spells or abilities. Characters provided by Performer I.
outside the sphere can see in under the same
Shanty - Act of Faith - (1) You may make a TN
restrictions, but cannot hear anything from
15 perform check as a full round action. If you
within it.
succeed, at the beginning of the next round all
Revelry characters within 60ft are compelled to dance
along with your addictive tune. If you succeed
Quell Anger - Act of Faith - (2) Your divine

on the check, at the beginning of the round effects from a character affected by your mark
each compelled character must succeed on a of hatred. If you mark a target in response to
3d6 will saving throw or lose a total of 3 dice being affected by a fear ability, the fear effect
from either pool (their choice). You may ends at the end of the current round.
maintain this act of faith by making another Hatred for All - Up to 2 characters may be
TN 15 perform check as a full round action. affected by your mark of hatred
Each round you maintain this act of faith costs
Rush of Fury - Whenever you kill, knock
1 dice from your divine pool. If you fail a
unconscious, or suitably vanquish a character
perform check, the effect ends.
affected by your mark of hatred, add 1d6 to
Spite your physical pool; this bonus dice may
exceed your maximum physical pool total.
Mark of Hatred - Act of Faith - (1d6) After
Each time this ability triggers during the same
you deal damage to or are targeted by an
encounter add 1 additional dice to your
action or ability of another character, you may
physical pool, up to a maximum of 3. Dice
use this act of faith to mark them with an oath
granted by this ability are not permanent, and

Chapter IV - Classes
of hatred as a free action. For the rest of the
are lost at the end of the round just like any
encounter whenever you make an attack
other bonus dice.
against that target using dice equal to or
greater than your base physical pool you add Travel
an additional free dice to that roll and deal an
Fleet of Foot - Act of Faith - (1d6) Increase
additional 2 damage on any successful attack.
your base movement speed by 10 ft for the
You may only have 1 mark active at any time;
next 1+will modifier rounds. This act of faith
the mark ends once the target has been killed,
can be used as a free action. Its effects do not
knocked unconscious, suitably vanquished, or
combat has ended.
Know Direction - Act of Faith - (1d6) After a
Smite - Act of Faith - (xD6) You may use
brief 5 minute period of meditation or prayer,
smite as part of an attack action made against
you are gifted with the knowledge of how to
a target affected by your Mark of Hatred. Add
get to the nearest urban centre, village, or
xD6 to your damage roll against that target
similar place of respite, as well as which way to
(should the attack hit). X cannot be greater
orient yourself to do so.
than your will modifier (min 1).
Worldly Linguistics - Act of Faith - (1d6) You
Iron Will - Treat your Mental TN as 5 higher
may interpret and speak any language with full
against any targeted spell or ability from a
fluency for the next 20 minutes. This act of
character affected by your mark of hatred
faith can be used as a free action.
Fury, Unshaken - You are immune to any fear

Light of Foot - You may ignore the movement reaction. If you beat their mental TN they may
penalty on the first 10 feet of difficult terrain not make a reaction against the next standard
you move through each round. This stacks action taken by any character this round.
with other abilities or effects which would Sneaky II - You receive a +2 bonus to stealth
provide a similar effect. checks in addition to any skill rank bonuses.
Wanderer - When you travel overland by This bonus replaces the bonus granted by
yourself you do so at double pace. When Stealthy I.
travelling with a party of 10 or fewer your Sneak Attack II - Same as sneak attack but add
adept wayfinding multiplies each party 2d8 damage.
member’s overland movement speed by 1.5
Divine Heist - Act of Faith - (2D6) You may
Trickery use this act of faith as a free action to use any
base act of faith ability from any other aspect
“Master” of Deception - Act of Faith - (2)
(a base ability is the first perk in a tree). Divine
When you make a deception or stealth check
Heist allows you to use the borrowed act of
you may use this act of faith to reroll the result
faith only once - it does not grant permanent
Chapter IV - Classes

before results are checked. Use the result of the

usage of the borrowed AoF (although you may
reroll instead (even if it is lower). This is
use divine heist an additional time to gain
considered to be part of the deception or
another usage of the same borrowed AoF) and
stealth action, and cannot be responded to.
you must still pay the divine point cost of the
You cannot use this act of faith to reroll a
borrowed AoF. Effectively, Divine Heist allows
result which has already been rerolled.
you to use any base AoF from another tree by
Sneaky I - You receive +1 to stealth checks in paying a 2 divine point ‘tax’. The borrowed
addition to skill rank bonuses. AoF must be used immediately, and Divine
Liar I - You receive +1 to deception checks in Heist is considered to be part of the same
addition to skill rank bonuses. action as the borrowed AoF.
Sneak Attack - When you hit an attack against
a target within 30ft who would be denied the
opportunity to take a reaction against your Stoicism - Act of Faith - (2d6) You may use
attack action you may deal an additional 1d8 this act of faith as a mental reaction or action
damage. which costs no mental or physical dice. Any
characters within a 30ft radius of yourself
Sudden Stumble - Act of Faith - (2d6) Once
increase their mental TN by 4 (even bad guys).
per round as a free action you may target a
This effect lasts for 1+your will modifier
character within 30ft and make a deception
rounds. This effect is an aura, meaning that to
check on 2d6 against their mental TN +
maintain the bonus to Mental TN a character

must remain within 30ft of you. If they leave
the radius they lose the bonus - even if the
AoF is still going.
Insightful I - You receive a +1 bonus to insight
checks in addition to any skill rank bonuses.
Speak Not Your Uncertainties - Whenever
you fail a knowledge or insight check, you
know you have failed the check (instead of
receiving false information). Your GM should
provide information such as ‘their true
motives remain unknown’, or ‘you do not
know anything about that topic’ when you fail
a check instead of whatever cryptic bullshit
they usually say.
Insightful II - Same as insightful, but your

Chapter IV - Classes
bonus increases to +2
Impassiveness - Act of Faith - (2d6) as a 1d6
mental action you may target a character
within 60ft of yourself who is affected by a
mental status condition such as fear, a spell, an
illusion, etc… (anything that required them to
make a mental TN check or will / mind ability
save against). That character may attempt the
save again, treating their associated ability
score or mental TN as 2 higher. On a success,
they immediately recover from whatever effect
they were under and can act normally for the
remainder of the round. If the effect or ability
reduced their mental or physical pools, they
immediately restore any dice they would have
lost from the effect.

Generalist Perks
Generalist Perks are available to all classes. Generalist perks exist outside of an archetype or class
tree, and can be taken in any order. Some generalist perks have prerequisites based on attributes,
character levels, or other generalist perks. If a character meets the prerequisites for a general perk
they may take it using a perk point rather than choosing a perk from an archetype tree.
Generalist perks are meant to represent areas of expertise and skill that do not exist exclusively
within a single archetype, or else provide niche options to an archetype.
Chapter IV - Classes

Chapter IV - Classes
Armour Proficiency (light) Armour Proficiency (heavy)
No prerequisites Armour Proficiency (medium) prerequisite
Gain proficiency with all light armours and Gain proficiency with all heavy armour and
bucklers. tower shields.
Armour proficiency (medium) Armour Specialist
Armour Proficiency (light) prerequisite No prerequisites
Gain proficiency with all medium armours Choose a specific armour in which you are
and light and heavy shields proficient (such as full plate, or leather jerkin).

While you are wearing armour of that type, cannot do so more than once per round.
you may treat the skill max limit as 1d6 higher
Sixth Sense
and reduce the movement penalties by 5ft.
You may take this perk multiple times; each No prerequisites
time you do, choose a different type of armour Whenever you would be denied the ability to
to apply the bonus to. take a reaction (such as when attacked by a
hidden enemy or when dazed or helpless), you
may instead take a reaction on 1d6 to add to
No prerequisites either your physical or mental TN, or take any
Choose any one attribute. When making an reaction which would be granted to you by a
attribute saving throw treat the chosen perk or ability which can be taken on 1d6. You
attribute as 2 higher. This perk can be taken may not take any reaction which would
multiple times; each time, choose a different require you to use more than 1d6.
Improved Initiative No prerequisites
Chapter IV - Classes

No prerequisites When you make a run action you may move

Increase your initiative by 2. an additional 20ft. In addition, you treat your
body score as 2 higher when making body
Martial Arts
checks to avoid fatigue from running over
No prerequisites multiple rounds.
You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity
when making grapple checks or unarmed
attacks. In addition, your unarmed damage No prerequisites
increases to 1d6, and you can now crit on Add 1 to your hit point total for each character
triples using unarmed attacks. level you have. Toughness is both retroactive
and proactive - upon taking this perk gain 1
Precision Shot
HP for each character level you have, and
No prerequisites continue to gain an additional 1 HP at each
You ignore the penalty for shooting ranged future level up.
weapons into melee and do not hit adjacent
Versatile Weapons Adept
characters on a fumbled attack roll.
No prerequisites
Quick Draw
When you use a weapon with versatile you
No prerequisites may apply both special qualities at all times
You may draw weapons as a free action, but instead of choosing at the beginning of each

round. Whenever you score a critical with an
unarmed attack (and hit the attack) you may
Weapon Dexterity
choose to inflict 1 level of fatigue instead of
No prerequisites dealing damage. In addition, you crit with
You may use your Reflex bonus instead of your unarmed strikes on doubles.
Body bonus when using a small or smaller
Cross Class Tree
weapon, or a medium or smaller weapon which
has the balanced quality. You may apply this Level 6+ prerequisite
perk when using a versatile weapon which has Select a perk tree from an archetype other
balanced as one of its two qualities, but you may than your own. You may treat this tree as
only use this perk during rounds in which you though it were from your own class when
are using the weapon as a balanced weapon. selecting perk advancements. This perk can
be taken multiple times, each time you may
Weapon Proficiency
select a different tree from which you are
No prerequisites now able to select perks from. This does not

Chapter IV - Classes
Gain proficiency with any 2 weapons in which grant you any pools or innate archetype
you are not already proficient. abilities of the class from which the tree
originally comes from.
Silent Casting
Character must have a channelling pool to select Dive for Cover
this perk Level 6+ prerequisite
When casting a spell you may do so without When you make a dodge reaction against an
speaking. If you do, increase the channel TN by attack, spell, or ability from a source not
3. adjacent to you, you may add a free 1d6 to
your dodge check. If you choose to do so,
Still Casting
you may move up to 5ft and fall prone (you
Character must have a channelling pool to select always fall prone even if you don’t choose to
this perk move). You cannot use this perk if you are
When casting a spell you may do so without already prone.
flailing your arms about. If you do, increase the
Dumb Luck
channel TN by 3. If the spell has a target other
than yourself, increase the channel TN by 5 Level 6+ prerequisite
instead. Whenever you roll doubles on a 2d6 action,
free action, or reaction, before results are
Advanced Martial Arts
declared you may choose to add one
Level 6+ & Martial Arts prerequisite additional dice to your roll from the

appropriate pool. This counts as using a dice channelling checks for spells of that school.
from your pool as normal, and you must have You may select this perk multiple times,
an available dice in the appropriate pool in order each time choose a new school to apply the
to use this perk. If your GM is very quick on the bonus to.
draw you must shout them down before they
Scribe Scroll
declare the result or else you lose the option to
add dice. Level 6+ prerequisite. In addition the
character must have a channelling pool
Evasive Maneuvers
You can make scrolls. When you scribe a
Level 6+ prerequisite scroll you choose a spell in which you have
During a round in which you have taken an ranks in and cast the spell into a prepared
additional move action you receive +1 to your scroll, making a channelling attempt as
Physical TN. This bonus increases to +2 if you normal. If the spell is successfully cast it
sprint becomes imbued into the scroll after a brief
ritual and expenditure of materials. A
Gentle Hand
Chapter IV - Classes

character who can cast spells can then use

Level 6+ & Advanced Martial Arts Prerequisite that scroll to cast the exact same spell using
You may block ranged or melee weapon attacks a full-round action (or the casting time of
while unarmed. The first time each round in the spell if it would normally require a
which you block an attack from an armed longer casting time). To do so they must also
opponent you may as a free action make an succeed on a channelling check of equivalent
attack of opportunity on 2d6 against any TN to the spell inscribed on the scroll. The
adjacent target. caster of the scroll receives a bonus to the
channel TN equal to your mind bonus. If a
Seventh Sense
scroll-user fails the channel TN, nothing
Level 6+ & Sixth Sense prerequisite happens and the channelling dice are
When you would be denied the ability to take a expended as normal, if they miscast then
reaction or free action against an attack, spell, or they miscast as normal and the scroll is
ability you may instead take a reaction as permanently used. If the spell is cast, then
normal. the scroll crumbles to dust, or vanishes, or is
destroyed in a harmless magical flair and the
School Expertise
spell takes effect. Casting a spell from a
Level 6+. In addition the character must have a scroll uses the same numerical values as was
channelling pool. chosen by the creator of the scroll; if a spell
Choose a school of spells that is known to you. has variable channel TNs, or damage, or
You receive a +1 modifier when making other values that are calculated based on

channelling dice or the caster’s attributes then
these values remain the same as the initial cast
to imbue the spell into the scroll when the spell
is cast using the scroll. If a caster successfully
casts a spell from a scroll they are refunded a
number of channelling dice equal to half the
amount expended to attempt the channelling
check (round up), as they are aided by the latent
arcane energies imbued into the scroll. Materials
used to scribe a scroll cost (5g x Channel TN)
for spells with a channel TN lower than 10, (20g
x Channel TN) for spells with a channel TN
lower than 18, and (100g x Channel TN) for
anything else.
Trap Knack

Chapter IV - Classes
Level 6+ prerequisite & 1 or more ranks in
You may use the mechanical skill to disable
traps. Doing so requires a set of trapmaking
tools.This is the same perk found in the Rogue’s
Burglar tree; it is available to other
archetypes starting at level 6.
Level 6+ prerequisite
You can make trip attacks unarmed or with any
weapon even if it does not have the reach or
tripping trait. When doing so with a medium or
larger weapon that does not have the tripping
trait, you are at a -2 penalty to do so.

Chapter V - everything about skills, and skill checks

Skills represent areas of specialised knowledge Otherwise these skills function like any other -
a character may have. Skills are used to you roll the appropriate amount of dice and
perform complex actions such as research, compare the result to a TN.
forging swords, investigating a crime scene, or At each level a character gets a number of skill
sneaking about. Skill checks are performed points depending on their class archetype
using either physical or mental dice and which they may assign to any skill they
function like normal actions; when a character choose. Skill ranks represent experience and
declares an action using a skill, such as expertise, and provide a bonus to all checks
climbing a wall or sneaking around some involving the skill which scales diminishingly
guards, they make a skill check using any as more ranks are assigned to it (see rank
number of dice from the appropriate pool. The bonus).
Chapter V - Skills

character rolls their dice, adds any modifiers

from attributes or skill ranks and compares Skill Checks
the result to a TN set by the Game Master in Skill checks are any action which involves the
order to determine the outcome of the check. complex use of a skill. Specific actions which
Each skill has a primary attribute which require the use of a skill are defined in each
determines whether it is a physical or mental skill’s description, but a GM may define
skill. Skills with a primary attribute of either certain actions as using a skill even if they are
body or reflex are physical skills, whereas not listed under that skill’s description. When
mind or will are mental skills. Just like any a character makes a skill check they use any
mental or physical action, you may only use number of dice available to them from the
mental dice on a mental skill action or associated pool.
physical dice on a physical skill action. You When in combat, skill checks are usually part
also add the attribute modifier of the of a normal action and may be declared on a
associated attribute to all checks involving that character’s own initiative step and responded
skill. to as normal. Some skill checks take longer to
Occasionally skills can be used as a free action perform and are considered full round actions
or reaction, in which case you use however (meaning they must be declared at the start of
many free dice are granted by the triggering a round - see full-round actions in the combat
effect - or else a number of dice from the section). More complex skill checks that
appropriate pool in the case of a reaction. would take much longer than the 12 seconds

in a round such as crafting or training an level a character gets a number of ranks
animal can only be declared outside of depending on their class archetype. Ranks
combat. may be assigned to any skill however the
Outside of combat skill checks are still made player chooses. Ranks do not provide a bonus
in the same way - the character declares how at a 1:1 ratio, but rather scale diminishingly as
many dice they are using, rolls their declared more ranks are invested (see rank bonus).
total and adds any modifiers from skill ranks Trained & Untrained Skills
and attribute. Performing a skill action outside
A character who has no ranks invested in a
of combat still takes the same amount of time
skill is considered to be untrained in that skill
as the action listed in the skill description. The
- even if they would be otherwise provided a
advantage being that a character can transfer
bonus from perks or attributes. Most skills can
the maximum amount of dice to the
be used untrained with no penalty - the
appropriate pool before making the skill check
character simply does not receive a bonus
without having to worry about combatants.
from ranks to the skill check but otherwise
For certain skills such as crafting, perform, or
makes the check normally. However some

Chapter V - Skills
animal handling taking a skill check requires
skills are trained skills, representing areas of
more time - the check functions the same as
specialised knowledge such as complex
normal but represents effort put in over a
mechanics or proficiency with an instrument.
longer duration. For example, a single skill
A skill that is trained can only be used so long
check for crafting can represent 4 hours of
as the character attempting the skill check has
crafting, but the skill check is still made the
at least one or more ranks invested in the skill.
same way as any other, using however many
Some untrained skills also have special actions
dice are normally available to the performing
which are trained, representing areas that
character. Special actions which have a
require focused practice but would otherwise
substantially longer duration are noted in the
fall under the general umbrella of the skill. In
individual skill descriptions and can only be
such a case although the skill can be used in
made as an out of combat skill check.
other circumstances without rank investment,
Skill Ranks the trained use can only be attempted by
characters with one or more ranks in the skill.
Ranks represent how learned or experienced a
There may be situations where a character
character is in a given skill and provide a
may attempt some aspects of a trained skill
bonus to skill checks depending on how many
without training if the GM allows it. However,
ranks have been invested. This bonus applies
a character attempting to make a skill check in
to any check made by the character ever, for
an untrained skill or action suffers a -4
any reason, in any situation. Always. At each
penalty on their check.

Rank Bonus Aiding Others in Skill
Ranks provide a bonus to skills depending on Checks
how many ranks have been invested into that Characters can aid another character in a skill
skill. Ranks provide diminishing returns as check so long as they are trained in that skill
more are invested into a skill up to a themselves and it is feasible for them to do so.
maximum of +10. To determine the rank Aiding a character during combat requires a
bonus to a skill see the chart below. full round action from all characters involved
A character may not apply a rank bonus that in the skill check and requires passive
exceeds their character level. Characters can concentration.
invest however many skill ranks they have When aiding another character you spend a
available into their skills, but the bonus number of dice from the appropriate pool
equal to however many dice the
Skill Ranks Rank Bonus assisted character is spending on
their skill check. This does not add
1 +1
additional dice to that character’s
Chapter V - Skills

2 +2 roll, it is simply a cost you pay for

aiding another character. If you do
3 +3 so, combine your skill ranks to
4-5 +4 determine the skill bonus
(combine both characters levels to
6-7 +5 determine the maximum allowed
8-10 +6 bonus), and use the ability
modifier of whichever character
11-13 +7 has the higher modifier. If the
14-16 +8 performing character is using
more dice on their check than you
17-20 +9 have available, then you use all
dice in both pools, and cannot use
21+ +10
your ability modifier in place of
granted by their ranks is limited to their the performing character’s (you still add your
current level. Additional bonuses provided by skill ranks).
attributes or perks may allow them to exceed
this limit, but the rank bonus itself remains The Most Important Bit
limited by character level Skill checks should not be used for every thing
a character sets out to do or declare outside of

combat. below are meant to provide a guideline for
Characters should be able to light fires, chat what characters should and shouldn’t be able
with bar patrons, engage in legitimate to do. Outside of combat these rules are meant
diplomacy through roleplay, and all manner of to be used as a reference for maintaining
other things without the need for any checks realism within the game. Skill checks are
at all. Skill checks are used meant to be used meant to be used as a tool to add excitement
when there are stakes associated with an or realism to your gameplay and should never
action - they should be used in scenarios feel like a barrier to accomplish basic tasks. In
where success is not guaranteed and there are combat there are obviously all manner of
real consequences for failure, or when a pressures and consequences of failure so skill
character is attempting something beyond checks should be required whenever a
their capabilities. Some of the more mundane character attempts something in combat - at
things covered in this section are meant to the very least to represent how distracting it is
represent a skill’s use in combat - where those for the character to perform.
dangers and consequences are always present.

Chapter V - Skills
A GM should not necessarily require
characters to make checks to climb steep hills
outside of combat, or even more complex
tasks that are reasonably within the scope of
the characters abilities such as picking a
simple lock, or mapping out an area, so long as
they are not facing external pressures and are
free to spend time doing so. Generally if there
is conflict or threat associated with an action a
skill check is appropriate, but if stakes are low
or failure is inconsequential then such an
action would not require checks so long as
what characters are attempting to do is within
your setting’s realm of possibility, and they are
proficient enough in the skill that it is
reasonable for them to accomplish the action.
Ultimately, it is at the GM’s discretion weather
or not a skill check is appropriate for a given
The skill descriptions and check TNs listed

Skill Descriptions

Acrobatics (Reflex) opposed grapple check after a grapple is

maintained you may instead make an
Running about and jumping, but in a decidedly
acrobatics check to escape the grapple. This
more agile fashion than athletics. Athletics is
works in exactly the same way as an opposed
physical endurance and strength, whereas
grapple check, but you use your acrobatics
acrobatics is agility, gracefulness, and quickness.
bonus instead of your body and grapple
Balancing - You can use acrobatics to balance bonus. If you win the opposed check, you
on surfaces narrower than 2ft. The surface must choose a grapple effect which ends the
must be strong enough to support the grapple.
character balancing on it. A failure means the
character slips from the surface. A failure of 5 Animal Handling (Will)
or more, means the character slips in such a Animal handling represents your ability to
manner that denies them the opportunity to communicate with animals, whether that be
Chapter V - Skills

grab the ledge or surface. Balancing can be directing trained animals to perform tasks,
part of a move action, when navigating over calming a protective mother bear in the wild, or
precarious terrain or narrow ledges. If a raising a puppy.
character ends their turn while balancing then Directing Trained Animals - You can direct
they require passive concentration to maintain an animal to perform a task which it has been
their balance. . trained to do. You make an animal handling
Kip-up* - you can jump up from prone as an test, the TN of which is determined by the
acrobatics test instead of using a move action. complexity of the task. If you succeed then the
A Kip-Up requires a TN 8 acrobatics check animal attempts to perform the task to the
and provokes attacks of opportunity unless the best of its ability. On a failure the animal does
result of the check is 15 or higher. This action not. If the TN check is failed by a significant
can only be used by a character trained in enough margin, or the skill check is fumbled
acrobatics. the animal may respond poorly or
Escaping - You can escape from bonds or unexpectedly. Perhaps the animal has become
contort yourself through tiny places. The DC stubborn and refuses to recognise your
is dependant upon the type of bonds and size commands, imposing greater penalties on
of the space (determined by GM). future checks, or an aggressive or poorly
trained animal may lash out and attack. On a
Grappling - You can use an acrobatics test as
fumbled or failed check the animal may
part of an opposed grapple check to escape a
perform the task, but not in the manner
grapple. When you are forced to make an

intended, or check should be made at the end of each day
else towards a different object (such as a dog of training, with progress being made on a
fetching a stick instead of the duck you shot). success. A GM may choose to impose
The consequences (if any) are determined by penalties for fumbled checks, or checks which
the GM and should relate to both the task and fail the TN by 5 or more such as the animal
proportionate risk. becoming less responsive to the following
Training animals to perform a task - You can day’s check, or injured during training, or
train animals to perform a task. The training whatever else they deem appropriate. The
time is proportionate to the complexity of the time to train is representative of how long an
task, the intelligence of the animal, and how animal requires reinforcement before the
well-suited the animal is to the task. Animals desired behaviour becomes routine; it does
with a mind score of greater than 4 cannot be not mean that dedicated training needs to
trained using animal handling, as they are occur each day or that the animal would need
intelligent enough to understand normal 7 entire days of dedicated training to learn a
forms of communication.Your GM may low complexity task. So long as training
occurs at regular intervals the animal will

Chapter V - Skills
reference the charts below to estimate how
long it should take an animal to learn complex learn the task at the end of the listed duration.
skill sets. For a dedicated training period one

Task Trained Training TN Time to Train Directing

Low-Complexity (“stay”, “sit”, etc...) 6 1-7 days 3

Medium-Complexity (fetching, guarding, basic 10 1-3 weeks 5

riding, spotting)
High-Complexity (tracking, directed hunting, 15 1-2 months 7
delivering messages)
Very-High Complexity (combat riding, solo 21 2+ months 20
hunting, intercepting messages, scouting)

Training Circumstances TN Modifier

Animal is poorly suited to task (IE - a tracking donkey) +5

Animal is well-suited to task (IE - a tracking bloodhound) -2

Animal is of a non-domesticated species (IE - a zebra) +2

Animal is very dumb or stubborn (Mnd score of 1-2) +2

Animal is highly intelligent (Mnd score of 4 or greater) -2

Handler has successfully trained an animal of the same type -1

Handler is unfamiliar with type of animal being trained (as in no experience with even a tangentially
related animal such as a horse trainer training a crocodile) +2


Training Circumstances (cont.) TN Modifier
Conditions poorly suited to training (IE training hunting while in a food-scarce +2
Conditions very well suited to training (IE a dedicated training grounds) -2
A handler has previously failed to train the specific animal being trained. This penalty resets
once an animal has been successfully trained. +1 (cumulative)

The animal has previously been successfully trained in a similar task or by the same handler -1

Calming and communicating with wild word tasks. The base TN for this is 12, and is
animals - Animal Handling can also be used further modified by circumstances. Calming
to calm aggressive wild animals, or direct a or communicating with an animal takes a full
calm or friendly animal in very simple one- round, and requires active concentration

Calming an Animal Circumstances TN Modifier

Handler is within the animal’s territory +3

Handler appears threatening to the animal (armed, big, bloody) +3

Chapter V - Skills

Handler appears non-threatening to the animal (small, unarmed) -2

Handler has animals with them who are in good-condition and who would be non- -2
threatening to the target.
Animal is hungry or defensive (+5 if both) +3

Animal is spooked or nervous +3

Animal has young present or close by +2

Command of the handler would put the animal at risk +10

Handler is attempting to communicate with the animal in 1 round +10

Athletics (Body) Climbing - Sufficiently steep or sheer surfaces

require climb checks to traverse. Succeeding
Athletics represents strength and physical
on a climb check results in a character moving
endurance. Athletics is used for actions that
½ their movement speed in whichever
require feats of strength, endurance, or
direction they choose. Failing a climb check
by 5 or greater results in a character falling
Jumping - You can use the athletics skill to (see falling, Chapter VIII). While a character
jump long distances or great heights. A long or is climbing, they lose all bonuses granted by
high jump test assumes you have at least a 10 shields or Reflex to their physical TN, and
foot run-up to get up to speed. A standing cannot make reactions against physical attacks
jump imposes a +6 penalty to the TN. unless they stop climbing. When out of

High Jump Long Jump
Height Athletics TN Distance Athletics TN
>1ft 0 >1ft 0
2ft 2 1-5ft 2
3ft 5 6-10ft 5
4ft 9 11-15ft 10
5ft 15 16-20ft 18
6ft 20 21-25ft 25
7ft 25 26-30ft 30
8ft 30 31-35ft 35
combat, a GM may require you to only make If a character has a skill limit from their
climb checks when conditions of a surface armour or encumbrance that would not let
change, rather than each round, and may not them spend 1d6 on a physical skill action, or
require them at all so long as the characters they do not have ranks in athletics, then they

Chapter V - Skills
are appropriately equipped. must make a TN 7 athletics check to swim in
Swimming - Swimming is also a thing which calm waters. A character can tread water so
people need to do to move about in wet places. long as they have ranks in athletics without
A character with at least 1 rank in athletics can spending any dice, otherwise they must make
spend 1d6 from their physical pool to move ½ a TN 5 athletics check. When swimming in
their speed in calm water as a move action in rough waters, modifiers to the base TN 7
addition to the normal costs of a move action. check are applied (or TN 5 for treading water),

Surface Base TN Climbing TN

Circumstance Modifier
Steep slope between 45-80 degrees,
or a knotted rope with a wall to 3 Wet or slippery +3
brace against
Unknotted rope with a wall, or 5
freestanding knotted rope Icy +6
Rough surface with adequate 10
Soft surface -2
Smoother surface with fewer or 15
narrow handholds
Surface in gentle motion (ship +2
Brick wall or similar with extremely bobbing)
small handholds
Surface in violent motion (rope
Brick wall or similar with extremely +6
25 bridge in windstorm
small handholds

Smooth Surface - Additional wall to brace -2

with a swim check made every round on a mental dice they have available. The TN is
character’s own initiative - even if a character proportionate to the circumstances and is set
does not move in the water. If a character is in by the GM. In the case of damage, the
water and would have to make a swim check character must make a concentration check
to move they must do so before taking any each time damage is received while
other actions on their initiative step and may concentrating, with the TN being the total
not take reactions until they make their swim accumulated damage received that round +3.
check for the round. If a character fails their In cases where a concentration check fails, the
swim check they begin to sink at a rate of 10ft character performing it also fails whatever it is
per round, with success on subsequent swim they were doing at the time - their action is
checks allowing them to return to the surface. lost, their dice are spent, and they are
Otherwise, a submerged character will risk generally in a spot of trouble.
drowning if they do not have a means to Outside of maintaining actions while being
breathe underwater (see holding your breath disrupted, Concentration is almost always a
and drowning). triggered skill check as part of an ability, spell,
Chapter V - Skills

Modifying Circumstance TN or other effect (although we suppose you

could concentrate all on your own, although it
Rough waters +5
wouldn’t accomplish much), and as such the
Really rough waters +10 TNs, circumstances, and dice rolled are
Swimming with a current +2 defined in the description of the triggering
event. If they are not, please send us a seething
Swimming against a current +6
email with a reference to the offending passage
Character has a buoyant object to help -5 so we may read it aloud to the unfortunate
them (such as a log)
designer who wrote it as we publicly flog them
Concentration (Will) outside our offices.
Concentration is used to maintain focus on a Active Concentration - Active concentration
task when other people are doing bothersome is the defacto ‘normal’ form of concentration.
things. Active concentration implies the character is
focusing exclusively on a task and that the task
Concentration is a triggered skill check that
would be immediately interrupted should the
occurs in response to various bothers, the
character be distracted. Active concentration
most common instance is when receiving
is part of most full-round actions, and requires
damage during a full-round action. When a
checks whenever the character takes damage
character is required to make a concentration
or would be interrupted by things such as
check they do so as a free 2d6 action to which
violent environmental conditions, loud noises,
they may add any number of additional

earthquakes, etc… A character who is engaged actions as normal.
in active concentration cannot take other Concentrating on Multiple Things - If a
actions besides the one they are concentrating character is using active concentration they
on. For circumstances outside of damage that can only concentrate on that one thing.
would disrupt a character’s concentration such However, a character can be engaged in
as loud noises and general commotion a TN of passive concentration on any number of
7 is a general baseline, although the GM may different things, but in doing so if they are
adjust this up or down as appropriate. For required to make a concentration check the
things which would be physically disruptive TN is raised by 2 for each additional task they
such as being knocked prone a higher check of are concentrating on. If a character fails a
TN 12 is appropriate, with enormous concentration check while concentrating on
disruptions such as an avalanche or building multiple things they fail to maintain all actions
collapsing being a TN 20. they were concentrating on. For example, a
Passive Concentration - Passive concentration spellcaster has spent the past three rounds
is used when a character has to devote some casting Hold on a bunch of tax-enforcement

Chapter V - Skills
mental space to the maintenance of an action, officials. He is now engaged in 3 instances of
but is able to focus most of their attention passive concentration to maintain his spells
elsewhere. Passive concentration does not when he is struck by an arrow for 6 damage.
involve maintaining or focusing exclusively on Normally he would have to make a
an action or task, but rather represents a concentration on a TN of 6 (for the damage
character ‘being busy’ with something while received) but since he is maintaining 3 instances
performing other actions. Passive of passive concentration he would raise the TN
concentration can take many forms such as of his check by 4 (+2 for each instance past the
maintaining a climbing hold on a wall while first), making his concentration TN 10. He rolls
examining an alcove, counting the number of a total of 9 after applying his modifiers on his
arrows shot by goblins in the midst of combat, 2d6 free action concentration check, losing his
maintaining certain spells after casting, or a focus and releasing all three enforcement
mother reprimanding children while cooking officials from his Hold spells.
dinner. Unlike active concentration, passive
concentration only requires concentration
checks when a character is damaged or in
‘extremely disruptive circumstances’ such as
being knocked prone, or having a trumpet
blown in one’s ear. A character who is
passively concentrating can perform other

Craft [Variable] (Mind)* craft the item (this seems very obvious, but
you would be surprised how many times this
Trained only
sentence needs to be referenced). You can use
Craft is divided into a number of subskills, improvised tools, or re-purpose tools intended
representing various broad fields of crafting. for another task, but doing so imposes a -4
In order to craft an item or object you must penalty on the skill check. Masterwork tools
have ranks in the associated subskill. The provide a +1 bonus on crafting checks.
‘default’ subskills are listed below, although
Raw materials generally cost between 1/10 -
your GM may elect to add in more fields that
8/10 of an item’s value depending on the skill
cover areas unique to their own setting
required to craft the item; for instance, in most
• Smithing, Woodworking (items only such economies there would be a very thin profit
as a bow or cute little bird figurine, not margin on nails, but a much better margin on
houses or floors), Carpentry (structure or swords which require specialised knowledge
object specific, like a floor or house), Stone and techniques. Generally, for higher
masonry (structure or object specific, such complexity items (items with a higher crafting
as a wall or a fireplace mantle), Sculpting
Chapter V - Skills

TN) the proportional cost of raw materials

& Pottery, Glassblowing, Alchemy, should decrease. However the actual price of
Trapmaking, Jewellery. materials is
Crafting Items - Crafting an item requires raw dependent upon your world and is ultimately
materials, tools, and a workshop or suitable up to the GM - if there is an iron shortage and
place to craft it in. It may be possible to craft you are attempting to craft a sword you may
some items outside of a workshop (such as a have to pay significantly more for your raw
bow or spear) but this is usually dependent on materials than normal. Under normal
the type of crafting being done (IE, you’re not economic conditions however, the cost of
going to be able to craft a sword without a materials relative to the market value of the
forge). The GM ultimately determines if what item should decrease relative to both the man-
you are attempting to craft requires a hours required to make the item and the
workshop or not. Some particularly well complexity of said item.
suited and stocked workshops may provide up
Crafting checks are made against a TN that is
to a +2 bonus to crafting checks made using
proportionate to the item’s complexity. Items
them, while poorly stocked or improvised
also have a duration (in hours) required to
ramshackle nonsense may impose up to a -2
craft them. The total duration does not need to
be dedicated to crafting continuously, and can
If you do not have the proper tools and be broken up between rests and downtime so
materials to craft an item then you cannot long as it would be reasonable to take breaks

from the crafting of the item without affecting complete the project, and on a failure of 11 or
the final product. At the end of each 12 hours more they have completely destroyed the item,
required for an item (or less if the item does and must start over. If a character succeeds on
not require 12 hours), a character makes a their crafting check by 5 or more then they
crafting check and notes the result. If they have completed work equal to double the time
meet the TN for their check then they have spent. For larger projects (such as building a
successfully finished 12 hours of work towards house) assistants may need to be hired, or
the completion of the item. If they fail by 1-5 party members coerced into providing
then they have completed only half as much assistance.
work. On a failure of 6-10 or a fumbled check
they have made no progress and ruined an
amount of their remaining raw materials
relative to the overall time required to

Complexity of Crafted Item Base TN

Chapter V - Skills
Extremely low (nails, wooden stake) 5

Low (horseshoe, raw wooden floor, spear shaft) 10

Moderate (Brick wall, arrow head, arrow fletching, plain vase, chain mail) 15

High (Sword blades, bows, window panes, plate armour) 20

Very High (Crossbows, Siege Equipment, Alchemical solutions, basic traps) 25

Masterwork (Masterwork swords and weapons, sculptures, complex traps) 30+

Materials Ruined on
Scope of Crafting Project Time Required Disastrous Check

Small (nails, spear shaft, arrowheads, horseshoes) 2 hours half

Moderate (stable stall, longbow, most alchemical 12 hours 1/4


Complex (Sword-making using premade steel, laying a

20ft by 10ft brick wall, making a chain mail shirt) 24 hours 1/8

Grand (Making a sword from scratch, making a suit of

plate armour, constructing a siege engine, sculpting a 120 hours (5 days) 1/16
Extreme (building a modest wooden house, sculpting
the pews of an enormous church, making platemail for 600 hours (25 days) 1/32
a dragon, etc...)

Masterwork Items - Items of exceptional Deception (Mind)
quality may be crafted using the craft skill.
Lying to people in one way or another
Masterwork sets of tools for things such as
lock-picking provide a +1 bonus to skill Bluff - You can attempt to bluff or deceive
checks in which they are used, masterwork other characters. The character whom you are
weapons provide a +1 bonus on damage rolls bluffing makes an opposed insight check
and block checks, and masterwork armour against your bluff check, further modified by
adds 1d6 to the skill max value. Crafting a any situational modifiers . If your bluff check
masterwork item raises the craft TN by 10, beats their insight total, then they believe the
and takes 4 times as long to craft. Similarly, a bluff. The character making the insight check
successfully crafted masterwork item is worth does so as a free action on a number of d6
5-10 times the price of a normal item of the equal to those remaining in their mental pool.
same type, and requires materials equal to the If a character would be particularly scrutinous
full value of the base item (representing they may transfer dice over from their physical
superior materials used in its construction). pool before determining the amount of dice
During the construction of the masterwork upon which they make the insight check.
Chapter V - Skills

item any failure of 6 or more on a craft check Disguise - You can disguise yourself as
ruins the masterwork quality of the item being someone or something. Suspicious characters
constructed - the item may be completed and can make an opposed perception check to
worked upon as normal but it is no longer recognise you, modified by situational benefits
considered a masterwork item and loses any relating to how familiar they are with what
benefits it would normally have. you are disguised as, as well as how

Bluff Situation Insight Modifier

Bluff is believable, or it is in the target’s interests to accept the bluff (“My friend here
mined these gems, we need to pay off a debt for armour repairs, which is why we’re -
offering them to you for cheap”)
Bluff is a bit of a stretch (“My cousin is captain of the guard squad and personally +3
invited us to this gala”)
Bluff is out there (“I’m actually a dragon wizard who transformed himself into a +8
human. You better fuck off or I’ll eat you”)
Bluff is so out there it challenges conceptions of reality (“It’s Tuesday, so I can do +14
whatever I want”)
What the bluffer is asking or implying puts the other character in danger or at risk
(IE - someone may not want to buy your ‘legitimate gems’ because the possibility +4
of them being stolen introduces substantial risk)
Target is friendly with the bluffer and has reason to trust them due to an established -3
relationship or reputation
Target is hostile to the bluffer or has reason to distrust them due to an established +3
relationship or reputation

situationally appropriate it is for what/who gala would have to beat an 18 on their
you are disguised as to be present in a given perception check to notice something is amiss.
environment. Non-Player Characters should During the course of the gala the guards are
only make a perception check to identify a called into the palace to perform a series of
disguised player when they have reasonable parade drills to delight the guests. The GM asks
cause to do so. If a player is disguised as a VanTramp to make an additional disguise
guard at a busy city gate every passerby should check and imposes a -4 penalty as VanTramp
not be scrutinising them, only characters who has no idea how to perform parade drills and is
have interactions with the player that would instead trying their best to shuffle to the back.
be suspicious or out of place should make VanTramp rolls a 13 after the penalty, and will
checks to identify them. You make a disguise be much more exposed and suspicious as they
check upon first donning the disguise, and the fumble about with their marching and sword-
result of this check is used as the base TN for waving. Once the drills end, VanTramp’s
observer’s to detect you. In particularly previous result of 18 becomes the perception TN
compromising situations, the GM may have of observers once again.
you make an additional disguise check, that

Chapter V - Skills
Conceal Motives - Deception can be used to
serves as the base TN of perception check mask ones emotions and maintain an
until such a time as the compromising inscrutable calm, making opposed insight
situation has ended. For example: VanTramp checks difficult. A character may make a TN
has disguised themselves as a guard during a 10 / 15 / 20 deception check to add a +2 / +4 /
royal gala in order to gather information from +6 penalty to the TN of any insight checks to
the nobility to discover a possible lead for a job. detect underlying motives. The deceiving
They rolled an 18 on their initial disguise check, character must choose the TN before making
meaning that any scrutinous observer at the

Observer’s Bonus
Disguise Situation to Perception
Observer is acquainted with the role or person being mimicked (such as a city
dweller recognising a town guard uniform, or a person recognising the +2
shopkeeper from a few streets over)
Observer is familiar with the role or person being mimicked (such as a crook
with regular run-ins with the law recognising a town guard uniform, or a +4
person recognising their neighbour from a few houses down)
Observer is very familiar with the role or person being mimicked (Such as a
town guard recognising a town guard uniform, or a person recognising their +8
own mother)
Role or person being mimicked is out of place (such as a grand sultan in an +2
English medieval fantasy town)

Character is acting appropriately for the role being mimicked (such as -2

guarding a gate while posing as a town guard)

the check, and should they fail to meet their detect underlying motives by a significant
chosen TN they receive no bonus at all - even margin (usually 7+) the GM may provide false
if the result would be higher than the TN information as you misread the motives
needed for a smaller bonus entirely. When you declare this check it should
Feint - use the feint special action in combat be rolled in secret by the GM to avoid
(see combat section) metagaming by the player in the case of a poor
or exceptional result
Insight (Will) Detect Bluffs - When a character is attempting
The ability to read deeper meanings, detect to bluff or lie to you using the deception skill
underlying motives and attitudes from body you may make an opposed insight test to
language or posture, and reading opponents’ detect the lie. Your result is modified by the
movements in the midst of combat. modifiers listed in the deception skill. If your
Detect underlying motives - You may make check beats the bluffer’s check then you detect
an insight check during conversation with or the lie. The GM will make this test for you in
observation of another character to detect secret to avoid any metagaming that would
Chapter V - Skills

underlying motives, emotions, and attitudes, come from seeing a low insight check result.
such as if a character wishes you harm, if they Know how many dice people are using in
are friendly, nervous, or anything else which combat - As a mental action in combat you
one could detect through body language. The may make a TN 10 insight check against any
base TN for such a check is 10, further character. If you succeed you know how many
modified by the chart below. If a character is dice that character is using for any of their
attempting to conceal their emotions or actions and reactions for the remainder of the
intentions then you would make an opposed round.
check against deception (see Detect Bluffs
below). If a character fails an insight check to

Detect Motive Circumstance TN Modifier

Very Familiar with target (close friend or family, talked on several occasions, have -4
an extensive history with the character)
Target is difficult to see or hear (apply twice if both) +2

Cannot hear target at all +10

Cannot see target at all +10

Target is non-humanoid (such as a dragon or sphinx) +4

You are privy to additional information or looking for a specific and singular cue or tell (IE “is this
character nervous,” or “I know Terrence stole the crown jewels, and want to watch for signs he thinks -1-5
I’m on to him”)

Investigate (Mind) investigate to use the skill in this manner. A
character can investigate an environment or
Investigate involves searching rooms to find
tracks to learn what happened in the area, and
hidden objects or chambers, or examining
to possibly find additional leads. Investigating
suspicious scenes or tracks to discern what
in the above manner turns up objects, while
happened. Investigate is different from
investigating in this manner turns up
perception in that it requires contemplative and
information. Discerning information can be
active examination of a location in which your
used for example when investigating a crime
character meticulously examines features in
scene, or after following tracks to a
order to look for discrepancies or hidden
battleground and attempting to figure out
objects. Perception tells you what is there in
what forces were present and how the battle
front of you, while investigation tells you how it
went. Like searching, the GM does this check
got there and why it would be there
in secret. The TN and time required for
Searching rooms or Containers - You can use investigation can vary considerably but in
investigate to search an area roughly 5-feet in general a TN of 10-15 for obvious events that
diameter. Doing so takes a full-round action. have happened recently with little additional

Chapter V - Skills
The TN of the investigate check is dependent information to be provided, 16-20 for
upon how cluttered the area is, and how well moderately complex scenes (such as a murder
concealed the various objects within it are. in an alley), and 20+ for larger environments
Searching can give partial successes, where with several factors, or examining an
you find some objects but not all of them. The environment in which the events being
GM makes search checks secretly and does investigated took place some time ago (such as
not tell you the numeric result, instead simply a large battleground, or examining a week-old
revealing what you found (if anything). TNs campsite). Discerning information should
can vary wildly, but some sample TNs are take several minutes, and possibly hours for a
listed below. larger scene or area and requires passive
Example Search Situation TN
Finding Traps* - You can search an area for
Search through a packed wardrobe for 6
a specific shirt traps using the investigate skill. This works
Find a specific scroll amidst a toppled 12 exactly like searching rooms or containers,
scroll rack
except a character must have ranks in
Find a well concealed hidden lever in a 18 investigate in order to use the skill in this way
dark room

Find a needle in a haystack 24 .

Discerning information from environments
or tracks *- A character must be trained in

Knowledge [Variable] spellcasting section for additional uses
of knowledge(arcana) such as
(Mind)* identifying spells as they are cast and
Trained only spell effects
Knowledge represents accumulated tidbits of There can be crossover between these fields -
information obtained through study. Knowledge for instance a character who has ranks in
checks should be used when a character requests either knowledge nature or knowledge arcana
obscure information regarding a specific topic may know about a magical creature such as a
from the GM. It should not be used for things unicorn, or a character with knowledge
that would be common knowledge within your religion or knowledge history may know
setting. For instance, a knowledge (nature) about an ancient holy crusade. This kind of
check should not be required to know not to crossover is expected, however your GM may
touch poison ivy, but it may be required to choose to consider certain information as
know the effects of an obscure jungle plant, or more obscure within your field than it would
the differences between regional species of be in an adjacent one and adjust the TN of the
Chapter V - Skills

falcons. check as appropriate.

Knowledge Categories - Knowledge is Knowledge Checks - When you make a
subdivided into 4 separate skills which knowledge check, you ask the GM
represent different fields of study. A character information on a subject your character might
must take ranks in each of these fields know. This can be something like ”what do I
individually in order to use the skill for know about the Sword of Karuun?” or ”do I
information contained within these fields. The know anything about the mysterious forest at
4 fields are: the edge of the province?”. The GM then sets a
History - for knowing things that have TN for the test based upon the obscurity of the
happened in the past, such as wars, information requested and how directly it
lines of succession, notable historical relates to your field of study. A general TN
figures, urban layouts, etc… guideline is 10/14/19/25 for uncommon/
obscure/rare/wildly specific knowledge but
Nature - for knowing about plants,
this can be adjusted further by the GM as
animals, terrain, and geography
needed. If the information requested is
Religion - for knowing about Gods and functionally impossible for you to know (such
Deities, religious practices and cults, as information which has never been revealed
servant creatures of deities and their publicly, or unique properties of a never-
worlds, deeds, etc… before-seen extra-planar magical item) then
Arcana - for knowing about magic. See the the GM may simply deny your knowledge

check. On a success, the GM tells you what mechanical skill to examine mechanisms
you character would know about the (such as traps or clocks) to figure out how they
requested topic. On a fumbled check the GM work, either to circumvent, or perhaps
may choose to provide you with incorrect replicate at a later time if you also have the
information. appropriate craft skill. The TN of the check is
Identifying Spells - Knowledge(arcana) also proportionate to the complexity of the object
has the specific use of being able to identify being examined. TNs can vary significantly,
spells during combat. When a spell is being but as a general guideline simple mechanisms
channeled, characters with ranks in (such as a clock) should range from 10-15,
knowledge (arcana) may make a 2d6 check as with more complex mechanical objects such
a free action to attempt to identify the spell as traps or steam engines being in the range of
being cast. The TNs for such checks, and 15-25. For wildly complex things such as a
additional effects are listed in the spellcasting mechanical automaton the TN may be 30+ at
section. the GM’s discretion. For traps specifically this
But do I know about this thing? - Knowledge knowledge does not tell you how to disable it,
but simply its trigger conditions and effects.

Chapter V - Skills
is meant to represent learned areas and
philosophical niches. If a character is Using the mechanical skill in this way takes a
requesting information on a topic that would full minute of study and observation to
be covered by another skill, such as how a determine the function of smaller objects and
trebuchet works, or whether they know how items; larger, or extremely complex items and
to fashion a saddle the GM may opt to allow objects may require much longer to study
that character to roll a knowledge check, but properly.
using their rank bonus from the other skill in Open locks - You can use the mechanical skill
lieu of their ranks in a knowledge subskill. to open locks. Opening a lock can be done as a
standard action using any number of mental
Mechanical (Mind)* dice available to the attempting character. You
Trained Only require a lockpicking kit to use the mechanical
The mechanical skill represents a working skill in such a way. You may use improvised
knowledge of engineering and construction. It tools to attempt this check at the GM’s
allows characters to understand how things are discretion, but doing so imposes a -4 penalty
built and work. Mechanical differs from on the check.
knowledge in that it represents both a Type of Lock Mechanical TN
theoretical base of engineering knowledge as Simple 8
Standard 14
well as the ability to practically apply it.
Complex 20
Figure out how things work - You can use the Masterwork 25

Repairing & Assembling Things - Minor trigger, depending on its complexity and
damage to mechanical systems like cracked trigger conditions. When you attempt to
wheel axles or frayed ballista strings can be disable a trap the GM makes the check in
repaired using the mechanical skill. This is secret.
distinct from the craft skill in that it can deal
only with minor damage that does not require Medicine (Mind)
additional parts to be manufactured or Medicine represents knowledge of various
extensive structural repairs. It can be used for medicinal practices, restorative salve and
things that can be fixed quickly and relatively poultice mixing, and combat first aid.
simply such as replacing a lever arm in a Heal People - With some general ingredients
trebuchet, fixing a stuck lock on a door, or (costing about 5gold depending on the
refitting a slipped axle on a wagon. The availability of materials, or a survival check to
mechanical skill can also be used to assemble find in wilderness environments as determined
completed components into a working by the GM (TN 10/16/22/28 for abundant/
mechanism, such as assembling a clock or average/scarce/desert environments as a
trebuchet. The TN and duration of the check is general guideline)) and a TN12 medicine
Chapter V - Skills

proportionate to the complexity of the task, as check you can mix poultices or salves that
determined by the GM. effectively double the natural healing rate of a
Disabling Traps - Characters with the Trap character whom they are applied to for a day.
Knack perk may use the mechanical skill to Mixing and applying the salves takes a full
disable traps. Disabling traps refers to clever hour. If a character fumbles the skill check, the
and subtle disarmament. A character without applied character instead does not heal for a
this ability may instead figure out how a trap full day.
works and smash it, or stuff something in First Aid - A TN10 Medicine check can
front of it to prevent it hitting them when it stabilise a character who is bleeding out.
triggers whereas disabling a trap allows you to Attempting First Aid provokes attacks of
bypass it entirely. When disabling a trap roll a opportunity.
mechanical skill check against the trap's Treat Poison - A character can use the
mechanical TN. On a success it is completely medicine skill to treat another character who
disabled, on a success of 5 or more you may has been poisoned. Doing so first requires a
instead choose to disable it for a specific medicine check to determine the type of
duration (up to 1 hour) or for a specific poison, unless the poison is already known to
number of times triggered (up to 10) so long you. If successful, you may make an additional
as the trap could be reasonably configured in medicine check and (if higher) your check
such a way. On a failed check the trap may replaces the character’s attribute score when

they are required to make an attribute check a sound you can make a perception check. The
against the poison. You may attempt to treat a GM then compares the result of your check to
poison unknown to you, but your check must the TNs of various environmental features or
replace the character’s attribute score (even if plot devices. This is different from an
lower) and you suffer a -5 penalty on the investigate check, as perception represents
medicine check. If for some reason a character your situational awareness as well as the raw
has misidentified a poison, and is treating a capabilities of your senses, rather than your
character based upon a false assumption, the ability to systematically scour an area for
above penalty applies as well. Treating poison specific details. Perception would be used
takes 1 minute of active concentration, and when cresting a hill, and asking what you see
requires access to a stocked apothecary’s kit. against the horizon, whereas investigate would
Treat Disease - When a character is afflicted be examining the hill for anthills and clover
by a disease, they may be cured if a successful patches while being completely oblivious to
medicine check is made during their current the large dragon you’d have otherwise spotted
stage. A medicine check to cure disease takes circling the tower off in the distance. Since
there are potentially umptillions of factors

Chapter V - Skills
an hour of study and examination to
determine the nature of the disease and which could impact a character’s ability to
possible treatment methods, although the GM perceive things we have left it up to the GM to
may adjust this duration up or down for rare determine the TNs of perception checks. This
or common diseases respectively. Treating also avoids the issue of you twats arguing over
diseases requires access to an apothecary’s kit every skill check, as you have absolutely no
and may also require additional ingredients or frame of reference for what an appropriate
components for complex or rare afflictions. perception TN should be.
Passive Perception - passive perception is a
Perception (Mind) derived stat which represents how well you
Seeing or hearing things, spotting sneaky spot things when you’re not really paying
bastards, and recognising crafty disguisers or specific attention to spotting things. A
shapeshifters who have impersonated your character’s passive perception is equal to
mother and horse. Note that you can only spot 6+skill bonus. If something or someone is
things within your field of vision, and only if easier to spot than your passive perception
there is sufficient lighting for your character to than you have spotted them without having to
do so. Perception does not give you night-vision roll, and your GM will tell you what you have
goggles - even if you rolled a 50. seen, or unveil it in dramatic fashion if
See and hear things - When you want to appropriate.
attempt to spot something far off, or listen for Spotting Sneaky Bastards - You can use

perception to spot people hiding. If a for any subskill of perform as is appropriate.
character’s stealth check is lower than your Perform - This is all you can do with the skill.
perception check then you spot them. Performing takes at minimum 5 minutes, but
Unravelling Imposters - You can use can be much longer depending on the type of
perception to notice when someone is performance. Character’s may be performing
disguised. Make a perception check against for different reasons such as for coin, to
that character’s deception roll, modified mourn a dead companion in song, to
further by the modifiers listed in the deception enrapture an audience, for attention, or
skill. Passive perception can only unravel whatever else really. How successful a
particularly shabby disguises, if your passive character is at what they are trying to
perception is sufficiently high your GM should accomplish with the perform skill is
instead give you hints that something about a dependant upon the quality of the
suspicious character or object is amiss. performance. When you make a perform
check, roll and compare it to the results below
Perform [Variable] (any)* - you do not set a predetermined TN but
Chapter V - Skills

Trained only instead make a performance check at the start

Perform represents your ability to... perform. of the performance to determine its quality.
You can sing songs, or dance, or joke, or Perform requires active concentration, and
monologue, or whatever really. Perform can can be interrupted by damage, loud
allow you to hold an audience’s attention, make unexpected noises, or anything reasonably
some coin, or soften the blow of some bad news. distracting.
• 5 or lower: An abysmal performance. Helpful
Perform is a variable skill, and a subskill must
characters will politely ask you to stop,
be specified when a character takes ranks in
indifferent characters may be spurred to
this skill. The subskill defines the style of
violence, and hostile characters will use this
performance the character is proficient in and as a justifiable excuse to attack you. You can
can be anything that is present in your world. earn no coin with such a performance, and
Some generic examples of performance may even be slapped with fines for noise
subskills could be: lute, flute, harp, horn, disturbances.
drums, comedy, acting, singing, dancing, • 6-10: An okay performance. Helpful and
etc… indifferent characters will mostly just tune
A character can take ranks in different you out or ignore you. Hostile characters
subskills of perform. These are treated as may make rude remarks or toss things at
separate skills (the rank bonuses do not stack). you. You may earn some small amount of
pity coin.
The GM determines the associated attribute
• 11-17: A decent performance. A performance

sufficient to make any grandmother proud. city. A performance of this calibre would
Helpful or indifferent characters may stop earn exceptional purses and a character
to listen or join along if appropriate. Hostile with such skills may be invited to perform
characters will mostly ignore you, as the in front of royalty or in the court of a
performance is of sufficient quality to not powerful noble.
invite abuse. You can earn a few gold for • 40+: A masterful performance. Such a
such a performance, but no one is going to performance is utterly captivating,
invite you to play professionally. mesmerising even the most hostile of
• 18-23: A good performance. Your audiences. A performer who could
performance shows some promise. To an regularly replicate such a performance
isolated community you would be a rare would earn generational fame and
treat, and in a crowded city you would be a recognition, and could earn mountains of
competitive street performer or a pleasant coin or even a noble title. Masterful
addition to a tavern barroom. Helpful and performances may even draw the eye of
indifferent characters will often give you divine patrons of the arts, or other such
their full attention, and hostile characters entities from beyond mortal planes.
may tap a foot along begrudgingly. You can

Chapter V - Skills
earn decent coin with such a performance,
Persuasion (Will)
and may be invited to play at a tavern or a An artful exchange of political debate, a whiny
similar venue on a regular basis. child begging his mother for candy, or a
• 24-29: An excellent performance. This would desperate negotiation in a hostage scenario
be the expectation from professional could all be an application of the persuasion
musicians. Helpful and indifferent skill.
characters would give you their full Persuasion is used when a character is trying
attention, while hostile characters might
to legitimately convince another character of
even consider open appreciation, or even
something - whether it is to let their friends
revalue their relationship with you if
go, to haggle down the price of supplies, or
performance art is something important to
them. You can earn respectable income anything else. Persuasion is separate from
with such performances, and may be deception in that it involves genuine and
invited to join an orchestra or professional honest intent - a character is not trying to lie
troupe. or manipulate a character to take a course of
• 30-39: A captivating performance. Any action, but rather convincing them to do so
character would be compelled to give you upon the merits of the action itself.
their full attention. Such a performance For persuasion checks it is important to keep
would be talked about in an isolated in mind The Most Important Bit; a check
community for generations, and would be should only be called for when there are
the talk of the town for months in a larger

meaningful stakes. Most of the time, (unless they are particularly belligerent).
persuasion can be role played out such as Persuading someone to take a course of action
when calling for the town guard to come stop usually requires several minutes of
a crime, or haggling reasonably over prices, conversation. A character can attempt to
and does not need to be rolled for at all in such persuade more quickly, but suffers penalties if
situations. Persuasion should be used for doing so. Your GM may apply additional
situations of intense and contentious debate, conditions past the listed ones if
or for climactic arguments whose outcome circumstances would further influence your
will determine the fates of many, such as ability to successfully persuade a target. When
fighting an unrighteous decree of a king, or attempting to persuade particularly wilful
rallying the terrified town guard to defend the characters, or debating a course of action, the
gate against a dragon. GM may instead make an opposed persuasion
Get People to Do Things (Persuade) - check for the debating character to represent
Persuasion can be used to get non player the clash of wills, rather than simply have the
characters to do things. Non player characters player roll against a TN.
Chapter V - Skills

are still people, and no matter how persuasive Gather Information - You can also use
you may be about a certain course of action persuade to find out rumours and general
there may be things that certain characters information by chatting up some local folks.
will simply not do (like hurl themselves off a Using persuade in this way requires a couple
bridge). A general outline of appropriate TNs hours and some coin to buy drinks or bribes.
is listed below. For generally trivial tasks such To find out general rumours and goings-about
as asking for directions no persuasion check within an urban centre requires a TN 7 check,
would be needed - persuasion is used for while discerning more specific or hidden
encounters only where there would be information (such as the whereabouts of a
opposition to the course of action specific person) would often require a higher
recommended; people will generally take check unless the information was widespread
reasonable courses of action that is to their (TN determined by the GM).
benefit without the need for persuasion

Suggested Course of Action... Base TN

Neutrally impacts the target or otherwise imposes no risks (IE, “get off my lawn 7
Imposes limited risk to the target (IE, “can I have a reasonable discount on these 12
Imposes risk to the target (IE, “If you let my friends go, I will ensure they don’t 20
break the law again”)
Imposes significant risks to the target (IE “Rally peasants! Together we can defeat
this dragon!”)

Additional Persuasion Conditions TN Modifier
Target is hostile to the persuader +4

Target has an established positive relationship with the persuader -4

Persuader is reputable for good advice or smart courses of action -1-4

Persuader is reputable for foolishness or poor courses of action +1-4

Persuader is attempting to persuade in a single round +10

Riding (Reflex) a run action. If the riding check fails on an

untrained mount then it immediately
Galloping about on ponies and other dumb
bucks. A mount trained in combat riding
does not require a check to be spurred.
Riding allows you to ride a suitable mount and
Combat Riding - For mounts untrained in
perform mounted maneuvers. A mount’s
combat, a ride check is required each
training affects when it you would be required
round to guide the mount due to the

Chapter V - Skills
to make checks:
stresses of combat. If the check is failed,
• A Wild Mount - requires riding checks for the mount will attempt to get itself out of
everything including mounting, guiding, harms way in reasonable fashion. A mount
and anything in combat. A wild mount that is not trained in combat will rear or
requires checks each round to remain buck if injured.
Leap - You can spur a mount to leap over a gap
• A Trained Mount - requires riding checks or obstacle. If your ride check is successful
only for spurring them to travel at an you may have the mount makes an
increased pace, or when in combat athletics check to see how high or far it
• A Combat-Trained mount - requires jumps. The TN of the ride check increases
riding checks only for spurring them to if the obstacle would be dangerous to the
travel at an increased pace, and for mount were the jump check failed (such as
advanced maneuvers in combat. leaping over wooden stakes, or a deep
Riding Maneuvers
Remain in Saddle - Remaining in the saddle is
Guide a mount - The mount moves where you
a triggered reaction which occurs when a
direct it on its own initiative step. Trained
mount gets upset with you, and bucks or
mounts will do this without having to
rears. Staying in the saddle is rolled on any
make a check.
number of dice available to the character.
Spur a mount - On a success the mount makes

Additional modifiers may be applied, or does as well. See overland movement for
different TNs may be set according to more details.
different circumstances, such as being Travel at Breakneck Pace - Cause a mount to
dragged from the saddle by an opponent. travel at a breakneck pace during overland
If a character fails the riding check they are movement. Make a riding check for each
dismounted, knocked prone, and take 1d6 hour of overland travel. On a failure, the
bludgeoning damage from the fall. mount reverts to a brisk pace and cannot
Hustle a mount - Cause a mount to travel at a travel at a hustle or breakneck pace for the
hustle pace during overland movement remainder of this day’s movement
(see chapter VII). Make a riding check for allowance. You may freely choose to
each hour of overland travel. On a failure, switch to a different pace so long as you
the mount reverts to a brisk pace and have made your previous riding check
cannot be made to hustle or travel at a without affecting your ability to switch
breakneck pace for the remainder of this back to a breakneck or hustle pace at a
day’s movement allowance. If you were to later point in the same day of travel.
Chapter V - Skills

suffer fatigue during travel, your mount

Riding Maneuver Base TN
Guide a mount 5

Spur a mount 7

Guide a mount in combat 10

Remain in saddle 14

Jump an obstacle 9

Jump a dangerous obstacle 15

Hustle a mount 10

Travel at breakneck pace 20

Additional Modifiers TN Modifier

Guiding with knees only +5

Mount is untrained +5

No saddle +3

Mount is wounded +3

Mount is fearful +3

Sleight of Hand (Reflex)
Sleight of hand represents swift manual Item Size TN Modifier
dexterity, and can be used to quickly stash items Tiny +0
on a character’s person, or else to take items
Small +6
stashed on another character without them
noticing. Medium +12

Pick Pockets - You can use sleight of hand to Large +24

try to nick things off people. To do so, make a Huge +50

sleight of hand check against the character’s
physical TN + the size modifier of the item. If
a character notices you attempting to pick
Stealth (Reflex)
their pockets they may take a physical reaction Hiding from people and sneaking about.
against your check, adding the result to the Hide - When you make a hide check you must
total TN. A failure of 1-4 means you simply first have an object to hide behind or a suitable
have not gotten an appropriate opportunity area of low light. You make a hide check and

Chapter V - Skills
and are otherwise undetected. A failure of 5 or the result becomes the TN of perception
more means you have bumbled into your checks made to spot you. If your hide check is
target, provoking an attack of opportunity and below the passive perception of an observing
making your intentions readily apparent. If a character then you are immediately spotted. A
character is aware of you, you may still pick character must have a sight line to your hiding
attempt to pick their pocket, but they may take place in order to spot you in the first place.
reactions against it, and automatically notice The GM may impose circumstantial modifiers
you are attempting to pick their pockets unless based upon where you are hiding and who is
you exceed the sleight of hand TN by 10 or doing the spotting. If you are hiding in a very
more. sparse room with wide open sight line for
Hide things on Person - You can hide things instance, a GM may impose a penalty on your
on your person when being searched or hide check, whereas if you are hiding in a
observed. To hide something on your person, cluttered treasure room of a serial-hoarder
make an opposed sleight of hand check dragon the GM may give you a bonus to the
against the searcher or observer’s investigate check. A character must remain reasonably
check. The searcher receives a bonus to their stationary while they hide (they cannot move
check equal to the size modifier of the item more than 5 feet from their hiding place,
you are hiding (same as above table). Hiding although what they are hiding in may be
things on your person may be done as a moved around if applicable)
reaction to being searched.

Move Silently - Move silently is used when a their knowledge to obscure their own tracks
character is moving about and wants to do so and pass undetected through diverse terrain.
undetected, such as when moving between When travelling in a party no greater than 4
hiding places. Move silently functions the and moving at no greater than a brisk pace the
same way as hide - your stealth check becomes survival skill may be used to obscure tracks.
the TN of checks made to detect you. A On a successful TN 12 survival check, any
character who is moving silently can only do checks made to track the party have their TN
so at ½ of their base speed and cannot run or increased by 4.
make additional move actions. Apply any Live off the Land - You can use the survival
relevant modifiers from the chart below to the skill to find food and shelter in a wilderness
result of your check. environment. A successful check provides you
with a general idea of where food and shelter
would be within an environment - reaching or
obtaining the food or shelter may require
additional time or effort. In most wilderness
Chapter V - Skills

environments the TN for this check is 10. In

bountiful or barren environments this TN
may be adjusted up or down as the GM deems
Way find - You can use the survival skill to
determine which direction is which, and to get
Survival (Will) a general sense of where you are
geographically (within 10 or so miles) with a
Survival represents your ability to track things,
TN 10 survival check. If you do not have some
forage, and find shelter in wilderness
kind of reference point such as the sun or stars
or a large mountain range the TN is increased
Track Things - You can follow tracks. The base to 15.
TN for a tracking check is 8, further adjusted
by any applicable situational modifiers listed
below. A success allows you to follow the
tracks for 1 hour, or until they cross into a
different, terrain, environment, or set of
conditions that would require a higher TN
survival check to be made.
Obscure tracks - Skilled trackers can apply

Tracking Modifiers TN Modifier
Tracks are fresh (within the past hour) -1
Tracks are recent (1-6 hours) 0
Tracks are faded (7-24 hours) +2
Tracks are old (1-2 days) +4
Tracks are very old (3-6 days) +8
Ground is soft (mud, peat, snow) -2
Ground is dense (grass, normal dirt) 0
Ground is sedimentary or easily shifted (gravel, sand) +2
Ground is hard (rock) +4
Tracks lead through water +12

Chapter V - Skills
Target is Tiny or smaller +2
Target is Large -1
Target is Big -2
Target is Humongous -4
Light precipitation since tracks have been laid +2
Moderate to heavy rain since tracks have been laid +4
Hurricane-force rain and winds since tracks have been laid +8
Light snowfall since tracks have been laid +4
Dust storm or snow storm since tracks have been laid +12
Visibility is excellent, character tracking over open land or from elevated terrain -2
Visibility is limited (torchlight at dusk, light fog) +2
Visibility is poor (torchlight at night, dense fog, clear night with full moon) +4
Visibility is awful (clouded sky at night, underground cavern) +8
Travelled land is barren with little vegetation +2
Travelled land is bountiful and overcrowded with vegetation -2
Target was travelling at a hustle or breakneck pace -2

Chapter VI - rules for weapons, armour, and other equipment useful to adventurers

Armour who is not proficient in the class of armour

they are wearing (light, medium or heavy)
Armour provides flat damage reduction
suffers a -1 penalty to their physical TN.
against attacks. Non-magical armour has three
types of damage reduction: slashing, piercing
Layering Armour
and bludgeoning. Whenever a character You can layer armour, but suffer some
wearing armour is dealt damage they reduce restrictions to mobility. Heavy armour cannot
the amount taken by the respective amount be layered over another suit of heavy armour -
their worn armour provides. If a character it’s too big. Otherwise, any suit of armour can
takes damage of a type which the armour does be layered over-top another. If you do so,
Chapter VI - Equipment

not reduce, then they take full damage as Apply the following modifiers:
normal. - Double the worse of the move speed
Armour also imposes a limit on how many adjustments
dice can be used for channelling and physical - Use the worse of the two skill max values
skills such as acrobatics, swimming, and
- Counts as non-proficient. Apply the
stealth. Physical skill checks and channelling
normal penalties you would for
checks cannot be made on more dice than the
someone wearing armour in which
armour's listed value. This represents how
they are not proficient
restrictive an armour is on a character’s
movement. For the DR values, take the better of the two
armours for each value and then add 1 to each
Some particularly cumbersome armours
value so long as the armour with lower valuers
reduce a character’s movement value. The
has at least 1 DR in each of the respective
movement penalty applies to the character’s
values (IE layering a leather jerkin over a
base movement value (IE if a character has a
chain shirt would give DR values of 4/3/2)
movement value of 30ft and are wearing a suit
of full plate, their movement value would be
reduced to 20ft). A character’s base movement
value cannot be reduced to less than 5 ft.
A character requires proficiency in an armour
to effectively wear and fight in it. A character

Move Speed Damage
Armour Adjustment
Reduction (slash/
Skill Max Weight Cost

Light Armours

Padded Armour 0 1/0/3 5d6 10lbs 10g

Leather Jerkin 0 1/1/2 - 8lbs 10g

Chain Shirt 0 3/2/1 3d6 25lbs 80g

Medium Armours

Chain mail Suit -5 4/3/2 3d6 30lbs 120g

Breastplate -5 5/5/3 2d6 25lbs 225g

Hide Armour -10 3/2/4 2d6 25lbs 35g

Chapter VI - Equipment
Dragon Foreskin -5 2/2/5 3d6 15lbs 500g

Heavy Armours

Splint Mail & Chain -10 6/5/4 1d6 40lbs 250g

Scale Mail -10 5/5/5 2d6 40lbs 300g

Full Plate -10 7/6/6 2d6 50lbs 700g

Armour Descriptions Chain Shirt - A shirt of interlocking chains

often worn over-top a gambeson by foot
Padded armour - Also known as a gambeson,
soldiers or conscripts.
padded armour is a quilted coat of thick cloth
Chain mail Suit - A full suit of chain mail
stuffed with additional padding such as scrap
complete with a chain cowl. Occasionally
cloth or horse hair. Padded armour can be
leather padding is sewn to the underside to
worn under other armours without penalty
make things more comfortable around the
(use the worse skill max and move penalty
joints and sensitive areas. Not recommended
among all worn armours).
to be worn without undergarments, unless you
Leather Jerkin - A Leather vest or tunic. Has
are very well shaven.
the added advantage of being practical attire,
Breastplate - An angular reinforced metal
allowing it to be worn most places without
suspicion chest plate. Reasonably lightweight and
excellent at deflecting slashes and piercing

blows. In more militaristic cultures a the armour is properly fitted to them. If a
breastplate may be seen as a fashion piece or character wears full plate without a gambeson
status symbol for the affluent. or similar protective underwear the skill max
Hide Armour - Treated furs and pelts of great penalty is reduced to 1d6.
beasts sewn or bound together to provide Shields
significant cushioning against bludgeoning
Bound slats of wood, cast metal, sheets of
attacks. Often a tad musky, and very hot in the
plate, hardened leather stretched over a
wrong conditions.
wooden frame, or anything reasonably hard
Dragon Foreskin Body sleeve - You don’t want with a handle or strap. To effectively wield a
to know. shield in combat requires training. A character
Splint Mail and Chain - A chain suit reinforced can be granted proficiency in specific shield
with bands of metal wrapped around the non- types through armour proficiency perks. If a
jointed areas. The metal plate reinforcements character is wielding a shield in which they are
often put additional weight and strain on the not proficient, they suffer a -2 penalty to any
Chapter VI - Equipment

chain body, restricting movement and making attack actions they make.
the armour uncomfortable to wear over long Shields provide bonuses to a character’s
durations. physical TN, making it easier to turn aside
Scale Mail - A suit made up of several plates of blows (or unwittingly catch them by accident).
armour sewed onto a jerkin or else bound They do so in one of two ways: either through
together by rivets or other techniques. a block bonus or a static bonus.
Full Plate - A breastplate accompanied by Block Bonus - A shield with a block bonus
shoulderguards, arm and leg plates, and a big provides its listed bonus to any block
metal helm. Comes with a gambeson as reaction taken by the wielding character
otherwise the chafing is too much to bear. Full using the shield. If a character happens to
plate often indicates significant affluence and have multiple block bonuses provided by
may have religious or political significance in different wielded items they may only
certain kingdoms or social circles. Full plate apply one instance of such a modifier to a
represents the bleeding edge of defensive block attempt.
technology and is commissioned by the Static Bonus - A shield with a static physical TN
wearer to fit them exactly by a master bonus provides the listed modifier to the
armoursmith. A salvaged suit of full plate may character’s Physical TN so long as the
be reworked to fit another wearer should they shield is wielded. This bonus is in addition
to any other modifiers and requires only
be of similar size with a TN 10 craft
that the shield is held by the character.
(blacksmithing) check and 12 hours of work
and a character counts as non-proficient until

Shield Type Block Physical Size Weight Cost
Bonus TN Bonus
Buckler +1 - Small 5lbs 10g

Light Shield - +1 Large 10lbs 10g

Heavy Shield +1 +1 Large 15lbs 15g

Tower Shield - - Big 40lbs 35g

range of 5 increments.
Shield Descriptions
Damage Type - Whether the weapon deals
Buckler - A small shield that is strapped to the
slashing, piercing or bludgeoning damage, If a
forearm rather than gripped
weapon has two or more damage types then it
Light Shield - A smaller shield made from is treated as doing whatever type its target has
lightweight materials the least resistance to.

Chapter VI - Equipment
Heavy Shield - A thick slab of metal or wood Damage - How much damage it does on a
Tower Shield - A massive shield the size of a successful hit. A character adds their body
man. Rather than granting bonuses to block or modifier to damage for thrown or melee
Physical TN a tower shield instead counts as weapons.
partial cover (see chapter VII) Critical - The number of duplicate results required
on an attack roll to score a critical hit (see the
Weapons combat section for more details).
Assorted tools and implements to stab, poke,
Special - Any additional special qualities or
or smack other things and people with. abilities the weapon may have.
Weapons have a number of traits which are Weapons are broadly divided into 2 categories
relevant to their user: - simple and martial - representing the
Size - How big it is relative to other weapons and complexity of training required to proficiently
items. A Large weapon requires 2 hands to use such a weapon. A character who is
wield, while tiny, small, or medium weapons proficient in a weapon receives a +1 bonus on
may be used with only one hand. Bows and any attack rolls made with the weapon.
crossbows always requires 2 hands to use.
Additionally, if a character is wielding a
Range Increment - How far the weapon can be martial weapon in which they are not
thrown or shot. A weapon suffers a -1 penalty proficient, they treat individual results of 2 as a
to attack rolls for each range increment its
1 for the purposes of determining whether an
target is past the first. A thrown weapon has a
attack action is a fumble, and do not apply any
maximum range of 3 increments, while a
beneficial weapon special traits.
projectile or ranged weapon has a maximum

Simple Weapons
Name Size Range Type Damage Critical Cost Special
Dagger T 5ft P 1d6 double 5g

Club S B 1d6 triple -

Mace S B 1d6+1 triple 5g

Horseman’s Pick M P/B 1d6+2 triple 7g Rending (2)

Morningstar M P/B 1d8+1 triple 7g

Javelin M 15ft P 1d8+1 triple 3g

Shield Bash M B 1d4 triple - Unwieldy

Chapter VI - Equipment

Spear L P 1d10+1 triple 4g Reach

Quarterstaff L B 1d6+3 double 1g Versatile*

Great Club L B 1d10+3 triple - Unwieldy

Scythe L S 2d4+2 triple 6g

Ranged Weapons

Sling T 30ft B 1d4 triple -

Light Crossbow M 80ft P 1d8+2 triple 60g Reload (1d6)

Heavy Crossbow L 100ft P 1d10+3 triple 85g Reload (2d6)

*check description

Martial Weapons
Name Size Range Type Damage Critical Cost Special
Throwing Knife T 20ft P 1d6 triple 8g

Shortsword S S/P 1d8+1 double 25g

Francisca S 20ft S 1d8+2 triple 9g

Hand Flail M B 1d8+2 double 15g Flexible

Battle Axe M S 1d10+3 triple 30g Vicious

Arming Sword M S 1d10+3 double 35g

Trident M 10ft P 1d8+3 triple 21g Tripping

Longsword M S/P 2d4+3 double 35g Balanced*

Chapter VI - Equipment
Rapier M P 1d8+1 double 40g Balanced*

Bolas M 15ft B 1d4 triple 2g

Pole Flail L B 1d8+2 double 20g Flexible, Reach

Swordstaff L S/P 1d10+4 double 50g Reach

Guisarme L S 2d6+2 triple 30g Reach

Estoc L P/B 1d4+3 triple 35g Versatile*

Ranseur L P 1d10+2 triple 28g
Lance L P 1d8+2 double 20g

Greatsword L S 2d6+5 triple 80g Heavy (9)

Greathammer L B 2d8+4 triple 80g
Heavy (10)

Ranged Weapons

Hunting Bow M 60ft P 1d6+2 triple 10g Accurate

Shortbow M 80ft P 1d8+2 triple 35g Accurate

Longbow L 100ft P 1d10+2 triple 60g
Heavy (7)
*check description

Weapon Special Vicious - On a critical hit deals 1 bonus
damage for each dice used on the attack action
Qualities in addition to normal critical modifiers.
Accurate - This weapon’s critical threshold is
Versatile - The weapon can be used in
reduced by one die (IE: from triples to
different forms or combat styles. At the
doubles) if it is targeting an object or character
beginning of each round a character wielding
within ½ of its base range increment .
a versatile weapon may choose to apply one or
Balanced - +1 on block reactions against more traits until they choose a different mode
attacks from a character who is threatening at the beginning of a following round. See the
you. weapon’s description.
Flexible - attacks from this weapon cannot be
Weapon Descriptions
blocked except by a shield.
Arming sword - A classic one-handed sword
Heavy(x) - This weapon is weighty and
with a full-length blade
difficult to wield by lesser folk. If a character’s
Battle axe - A larger axe for larger ‘trees’.
Chapter VI - Equipment

Body score is lower than the x value of a

weapon’s heavy characteristic then they suffer Bolas - Two balls affixed to the end of a rope
a -1 penalty on attacks for each point below or similarly flexible thing. A Bolas can use the
the trait number their body score is. trip special action when thrown.
Joust - Deals double damage on a mounted Club - A thick stick, occasionally reinforced
charge action. with sheets of metal, or with a grip of bound
Reach - A wielding character’s threat range is cloth or leather.
extended by 5 ft. A medium character Dagger - A small knife.
wielding a reach weapon can make attacks Estoc - A longsword with a blunted blade and
against characters up to 10ft away as though sharp point, meant to be used in a half-grip
they were adjacent to them configuration to jab at the weak bits in heavier
Reload - The weapon must be reloaded, armour. An Estoc is a versatile weapon, and
costing as many dice as is listed can be used as rending or balanced.
Rending (x) - Ignores x points of Damage Francisca - A throwing axe that can also be
Reduction on a successful attack. used as an axe axe.
Tripping - Can make trip special actions with Greathammer - A big mallet.
this weapon. Greatsword - A big sword, occasionally with a
Unwieldy - a character cannot make attacks of secondary grip along the blade itself.
opportunity with this weapon. Guisarme - A polearm with a piercing tip and

a hooked bit at the end. piercing damage. When calculating DR use
Hand flail - A short handle upon which is the target’s lower DR between the two.
affixed a chain or rope attached to a blunt head Pole Flail - A flail, but with a much longer
Heavy Crossbow - A heavy crossbow handle.
requiring a winch for reloading, but with the Quarterstaff - A long stick. A quarterstaff is a
damage to back up its thick long stock. Bolts versatile weapon that can be used as either a
cost 4s / 10 reach or balanced weapon.
Horseman’s Pick - a short metal handle with a Rapier - A long and narrow blade for piercing
hooked pointed tip for piercing plate armour. with a one-handed grip. A Rapier loses the
Hunting Bow - A shorter bow with a light balanced trait if blocking a large or larger
draw weight. Arrows cost 1g / 20 weapon.

Javelin - A short spear that can be hucked. Scythe - For cutting wheat or heads.

Lance - A counter weighted shaft, reinforced Short bow - A short recurve bow comprising

Chapter VI - Equipment
with metal and with a big pointy tip used to of flexible shaft, two reinforced wings and a
skewer things from horseback. A Lance is not length of string or sinew. Arrows cost 1g / 20.
unwieldy so long as it is used from horseback Shortsword - A short and often wide blade
(or the back of any appropriate mount). with a one handed grip.
Light Crossbow - A crossbow with a shorter Swordstaff - A medium-sized blade
stock and draw weight, allowing for speedier comparable to that of an arming sword at the
reloads. Bolts cost 2s / 10 end of a staff.
Longbow - An impressively large, 5-6 foot tall Sling - A small cradle or pouch amidst two
bow with an exceptionally heavy draw weight. cords. Ammunition is rocks, which are free.
Arrows cost 1g / 20. Spear - A long stick with a spiky bit on the
Longsword - A longer sword with a end.
traditionally two-handed grip, often used in a Throwing Knife - A dagger that has been
half-sword grip against heavily armoured foes. expertly balanced to fly further when thrown.
The Longsword loses the balanced trait if it is
Trident - A 3-pronged spear.
not used with two hands.
Ranseur - A trident, with the auxiliary tips
Mace - A metal or wooden handle with a
flaring outwards,at the end of a longer shaft.
hardened blunt end of metal, stone or treated
Morningstar - A mace with spiky bits on it. A
morningstar deals both bludgeoning and

Adventuring Gear
Item Size Weight Cost
Torch S 1lb 5c

Candle T 0.2lbs 5c

Bullseye Lantern S 2lbs 10g

Lamp Oil (5 uses) S 1lb 5s

Backpack M 3lbs 3g

Hempen Rope, 40ft L 10lbs 5s

Iron Chain, 20ft L 20lbs 10g

Climbing Spikes S 5lbs 15g

Tent (2-person) K 14lbs 10g

Bedroll M 4lbs 1g
Chapter VI - Equipment

Flint & Steel T - 5c

Firesticks (10ct) T - 1g

Shovel L 5lbs 3g

Shovel, Folding M 5lbs 10g

Mallet S 2lbs 1s

Charcoal Writing Stick (5ct) T - 1s

Quill T - 1g

Ink (bottled) T 0.1lbs 2g

Parchment (ream of 50) S 0.5lbs 1g

Notebook (100 pages) S 1lb 5g

Scroll (blank) S 0.1lb 2s

Scroll Case S 1lb 1g

Rope Ladder (20ft) L 12lbs 5g

Ladder (10ft) B 25lbs 5g

Grappling Hook S 5lbs 35g

Lock, good T 1lb 50g

Lock, excellent T 1lb 250g

Lock, masterwork T 2lbs 700g

Item Size Weight Cost
Blanket M 1lb 5s

Tarp (10ft x 10ft) S 5lbs 1g

Glass vials (set of 3) M 0.5lbs 5g

Waterskin (2 litre) S 1lb 1g

Merchant’s Scales M 5lbs 100g

Sextant S 2lbs 250g

Iron Cookpot (6 litre) M 8lbs 1g

Cast Iron Pan M 10lbs 2g

Handheld Monocular (Spyglass) S 1lb 300g

Whistle T - 3g


Chapter VI - Equipment
Gear Descriptions lamp oil). 1 use of lamp oil provides light for
30ft. Lighting a bullseye lantern is a full round
Torch - A torch is a stick, often with some
cloth or pitch or something wrapped about it
such as to allow it to burn for an extended Lamp Oil - Oil for lighting lamps
period time. A torch provides light out to 30ft Backpack - A leather or cloth sack for carrying
and once lit lasts for 1 hour. A torch can be things about. A Backpack can hold up to 4
extinguished as a full round action, or else medium items, or 16 small items, or 64 tiny
dipped in water or any similar extinguisher as items.
a 1d6 physical action to extinguish it in such a Hempen Rope, 40ft - Some rope. It can bear
manner. up to 750 pounds of load.
Candle - A tubular wax stick with a hempen Iron Chain, 20ft - Some cast iron chain, quite
wick. A candle provides light out to 10ft and thick. It can bear up to 3000 pounds of load.
once lit lasts for up to 3 hours. It can be
Climbing Spikes - Iron spikes that can be
extinguished at any time as a 1d6 physical
attached to boots or footwear to aid in
climbing. A character wearing climbing spikes
Bullseye Lantern - A hooded lantern that can receives a +2 bonus to athletics checks to
be lit with oil, or else have a candle placed climb.
inside. The hood can be opened or retracted as
Tent (2-person) - A tent under which to sleep.
a 1d6 physical action to provide conical light
Setting up a tent of such a size takes about 10
out to 10ft (if using a candle) or 30ft (if using
minutes. The tent has room to fit 2 medium

people, or 1 large person (albeit very standard pages of words.
uncomfortably). The tent is warm enough and Parchment - Paper for writing on.
waterproof enough to protect its inhabitants
Notebook - A stack of paper that is bound in
from all but the most extreme conditions.
leather or wood to keep it all together
Bedroll - A roll of fur or cloth upon which to
Scroll (blank) - A long roll of parchment that
sleep. Makes things comfier than the ground.
comes attached to 2 cylinders of wood, or
Flint and Steel - two paired sticks of flint and marble, or ivory, or whatever so that it can be
steel to strike together to make sparks. Used neatly rolled up for transport. Equivalent to
mostly for lighting fires. A staple of campers, about 10 sheets of normal parchment.
travellers, and pyromaniac adolescents
Scroll Case - A waterproof case of wood or
Firesticks (10pc) - A magnificent alchemical leather to store scrolls or rolls of parchment in
invention comprised of a chemical solution at so they don’t get wet.
the end of a short flimsy stick of wood. When
Rope Ladder - A ladder made of rope. Can
struck on a rough surface (a 1d6 physical
Chapter VI - Equipment

bear up to 750 pounds of load.

action) the chemical solution lights the stick
on fire. Used to light other things on fire. Ladder 10ft - A big heavy wooden ladder. Can
bear up to 1000 pounds of load.
Shovel - For digging. Can be used as a club.
Grappling Hook - A metal hook meant to be
Shovel, Folding - Also for digging, but the
attached to rope. It can then be hurled at
shovel bit folds upward for more compact
ledges and whatnot to provide an anchor point
storage. Can also be used as a club.
to scale said ledge. A grappling hook attached
Mallet - A big stone or wooden blunt end to a rope has a ranged increment of 10ft, and
attached to a short stick. Used for hammering can be used as a ranged weapon with the
in stakes and whatnot. Can be used as a club unwieldy, tripping, and reload (2d6) traits.
with the unwieldy trait. You can make a TN7 attack against a ledge to
Charcoal Writing Stick - A stick of charcoal, anchor the hook onto it for climbing. The
often wrapped in linen or encased in wood so grappling hook can bear up to 500pounds of
that you don’t get the charcoal bits all over load before dislodging.
your fingers when you use it. Can be used to Locks - To lock things, comes with a key.
scratch out words or symbols on surfaces. Picking a lock requires a TN 15/20/25
Quill - A hollower feather to be filled with ink, mechanical check for a good/excellent/
often sharpened to make writing with it easier. masterwork lock.
Ink (bottled) - A bottle of ink to be used with Blanket - Keeps you warm.
a quill. Enough ink to write roughly 100 Tarp - A big bolt of cloth or leather that is

treated in such a way as to make it waterproof. stew or soup in.
Glass Vials - Vials of glass. A vial can store a Cast Iron Pan - A pan for frying taters in. Can
dose of potion or poison or whatnot. Comes be used as a club with the unwieldy trait in a
with a cork stopper or a screw lid. pinch
Merchant’s Scales - A complex package of Handheld Monocular - Also known as a
scales and weights used to appraise things. spyglass. Used to look at things that are far
Merchant’s scales provide a +2 bonus on away. Provides a +2 bonus to perception
checks to appraise the value of tiny or smaller checks to spot faraway things.
items such as coins, gems, or valuable Whistle - A whistle. You can blow it to make a
materials like silver or platinum. loud sound.
Sextant - An instrument that can be used to Musical Instrument - Any kind of musical
position oneself using cosmological instrument. More complex ones would be
references. Provides a +2 bonus on survival more expensive. Demand your GM come up
checks to path find or determine one’s with some prices

Chapter VI - Equipment
Iron Cookpot - A big cast iron pot for cooking

Tools & Supplies

Item Size Weight Cost
Lockpicking Kit M 5lbs 50g

Blacksmithing Tools L 25lbs 50g

Apothecary Kit M 5lbs 75g

Workshop (empty) - - 500g

Forge (stocked) - - 1500g

Cast Iron Bar (1lb) M 1lb 6s

Steel Bar (1lb) M 1lb 2g

Fine Steel Bar (1lb) M 1lb 10g

Gold Bar (1lb) M 1lb 100g

Silver Bar (1lb) M 1lb 50g

Prepared Lumber (100lbs) - 100lbs 5g

Lockpicking Kit - A kit with shimmies, pins, the poison, otherwise they incur the effects of
and all manner of tools with which to pick the poison immediately upon failing the
locks. Required for using the mechanical skill saving throw. Attribute damage is restored as
to pick locks. normal unless stated in the poison’s
Blacksmithing Tools - Tongs, hammers, description.
gloves, bellows, and other assorted tools Applying & Using Poisons
essential in the smithing of metal goods Using a wound or ingested poison to envenom
Apothecary Kit - Provides a trained user of a weapon, poison a drink, etc… requires a TN
medicine a +1 bonus on skill checks taken out 12 medicine check. On a failure the poison is
of combat wasted, and on a failure of 5 or more the
character attempting to use the poison has
Workshop (empty) - an empty work space in a
poisoned themselves. For particularly
reasonably-priced town or city
dangerous or volatile poisons the GM may
Forge (stocked) - a modest forge complete raise the TN as appropriate. If applied to food
with an anvil, blacksmithing tools, and other
Chapter VI - Equipment

or drink, the poison is effective on a number

such supplies. of characters who eat the food equal to the
Poison number of doses of poison applied. Applying a
poison using the medicine skill is considered
Poisons are suite of added effects that can be
to be a trained usage of the skill.
applied from wounds, ingested toxins, gasses,
etc… Regardless of where it may be applied If applied to a weapon, 1 dose of poison will
from all poisons work in the same way - after apply to the first 1d4 instances of damage
an incubation time the poison triggers an made by the weapon (rolled in secret by the
attribute saving throw that - if failed - applies GM at the time of application. No more than 1
effects to the poisoned character whether that dose of poison may be applied to a weapon at
be damage, attribute damage, a status effect, or any time. Poison may be applied to any
something entirely unique. Poisons have a weapon, but a bludgeoning weapon may only
method of application (how it must be used in apply its poison on a critical hit, while a
order to be effective), an incubation time (how slashing or piercing weapon applies poison on
long it takes before it applies its effects), an any hit. If a poisoned weapon hits a target, but
attribute saving throw, and effects. the damage dealt is absorbed by the target’s
When a character is poisoned, begin tracking damage reduction the use of poison is still
the incubation time. Once the incubation time expended, but the target is not affected by it.
has finished, the character must make the While using a poisoned weapon, a character
appropriate saves at the end of the round. If will poison themselves on a fumbled attack
they succeed, then their body has fought off roll.

Releasing or using an inhaled poison requires further attempts to treat the poison may be
a delivery system, and the associated skill made unless specifically noted in the poison’s
check is therefore dependant upon the description. If a character fails an attempt to
method of delivery used (usually involving a treat poison by 5 or more during an
mechanical skill check). Like poisons applied incubation period (before the affected
normally, a failure of 5 or more on checks to character has incurred the effects of the
use an inhaled poison results in the user poison) then the poisoned character treats
poisoning themselves, while a normal failure their attribute score as 4 lower when making
simply expends the poison with no additional any saves at the end of the incubation period.
effects. A character can identify a poison that has
Identifying & Curing Poisons already applied its effects up to 24 hours after
All poisons have a separate identify and treat the incubation time finished.
TN. If a character is poisoned they or an Purchasing & Procuring Poisons
attending character may attempt to identify Poisons are usually quite illegal to own, mix,

Chapter VI - Equipment
what they have been poisoned by, requiring a or purchase and so the procurement of them
medicine check of the indicated TN. A tends to be quite difficult unless characters
poisoned character may be treated, requiring happen to run in shadier circles. Due to the
another medicine check of the indicated TN risks involved in possessing such items,
and access to an apothecary’s kit. Certain poisons tend to cost exorbitant amounts -
poisons may require specialised ingredients to often in proportion to the penalties associated
synthesise an anti-poison, requiring access to with their sale. As such there are no costs
those ingredients in addition to the normal listed, as poisons will vary significantly in
checks. A character may attempt to treat a price depending on the region they are
poison which they have not identified, but procured within. As a general guideline ‘less
doing so raises the treat TN by 10. If a harmful’ poisons run anywhere from
character is successfully treated during the 100-500g per dose while deadlier poisons start
incubation time they do not incur any effects at 500g, and can cost several thousand gold
once the incubation time has completed. If a per dose for rarer or certainly-deadly ones.
character is treated after they have incurred
the effects of the poison, any attribute damage Poison Description
incurred is reduced by half, and the duration Bee Venom - commonly distributed via a bee
of any ongoing status effect is also reduced by Manticore Venom - venom from the stinger of
half. a manticore. It’s potent paralysing effects are
If a character fails a treat TN then they have such that captive manticores are highly valued
unsuccessfully treated the poison and no by assassins and ambitious socialites.

Poison Sampler
Application Incubation Saving Identify
Name Effects Treat TN
Method Time Throw TN
Bee Venom Wound immediate 2d6 Body 1 damage 8 -

Manticore Venom Wound immediate 3d6 Body Paralysed 1d4 rounds 15 15

2d6 mind damage &

Mindplague Venom Wound 1d4 hours 3d6 Mind 16 18
Terrified 1d6 hours

Black Lotus Extract Wound 1d4 rounds 3d6-1 Will 2d6 Body damage 12 12

Wound or
Drowsy Powder* 1d4 minutes 3d6 Will 1d4 levels of fatigue 18 12
2d6 Body damage, 1d6
Nightshade Ingested 1d4 hours 2d6+2 Body 12 15
Mind damage
3d6 Body damage, 3d6
Cyan Sleep Ingested immediate 3d6+2 Body 15 15
2d6 mind damage,
Chapter VI - Equipment

Stupefaction Mushrooms Ingested 1d4 hours 3d6 Will 12 14

paralysed 1d4 hours

WurmBreath Inhaled 1d4 rounds 4d6 Body 8d6 fire damage 14 16

Lich Dust* Inhaled immediate 3d6 Mind 1d4 levels of fatigue 12 15

1d6 Body damage, 1d6

Saltmist Inhaled immediate 3d6 Body 10 8
Reflex damage

Mindplague Venom - A magically synthesised is 1 hour instead.

venom often used to restrict the powers of Nightshade - A debilitating poison that cripples
captive spellcasters. The loss of mental the body and mind
capability is known to produce profound terror
Cyan Sleep - A deadly poison manufactured
in its victims.
from the powdered claws of water dragons.
Black Lotus Extract - A powerful poison Extremely expensive and dangerous to
extracted from one of the rarest and most manufacture.
expensive flowers known to modern
Stupefaction Mushrooms - Almost
indistinguishable from common forest varieties
Drowsy Powder - A common sleeping agent these mushrooms put the consumer into a deep
often mixed by village herbalists from various paralysis. Opportunistic woodland predators
ingredients. It’s effects are significantly more often make their layers close to a colony of
rapid if the powder enters the bloodstream. If these mushrooms, and attack those foolish
drowsy powder is ingested its incubation time enough to consume them.

Wurmbreath - A dangerous byproduct of fine dining establishment.
alchemical processes that ignites the Gold pieces themselves would not often be
respiratory system of any who inhale it in 100% gold, but rather a small percentage of
agonising fashion. gold, with their actual value being largely
Lich Dust - The powdered remains of a dependant upon social contracts and the
powerful undead being whose body has been ability of their presiding kingdom to maintain
lost to rot. A character who dies while under a stable currency through force or good
the effects of the fatigue inflicted by lich dust economics. Foreign currencies may trade at a
will rise as a mindless undead within 1d4 days different value, or not be accepted at all
Saltmist - A naturally occurring gas, named depending on the raw value of materials
for its discovery in salt mines. Saltmist saps incorporated within the foreign currency and
the strength and reflexes of any who inhale it. the political relationship between its home
country and place of purchase. Actual gold -
Currency & Fantasy or a metal of comparative real-world value
Economics within your own fantasy world - would trade

Chapter VI - Equipment
Vigilant’s default economic system has 3 units significantly above a gold piece by weight or
of currency: copper, silver, and gold pieces, volume.
with each being a 10:1 ratio to the next such Because of the presence of magic in Vigilant
that 100 copper pieces is equivalent to 1 gold, the economical role of metallurgy and access
10 silver is equivalent to 1 gold, and 10 copper to refined materials would be very different
is equivalent to 1 silver. Occasionally more within such a world compared to historical
valuable materials are used to represent larger medieval periods. Because a lot of things in a
amounts so that wealthy folk aren’t lugging fantasy setting would create economic
about a wagon of gold when they go shopping situations that would be unrealistic, default
for castles. prices presented here may not reflect the
5 silver pieces represents roughly the daily realistic economic situation of a fantasy world;
wage of a peasant labourer who is not items are priced based upon balanced
particularly oppressed, and leads a fairly gameplay, and are somewhat influenced by
typical and content life. Fittingly, this puts historical technological equivalencies (IE,
most goods and services entirely out of their things that would be ‘technologically
price range. Adventurers and skilled groundbreaking’ for the period are more
professionals obviously would have higher expensive).
incomes. A single silver piece could buy a
meal at a tavern, while a gold piece might buy
a night’s lodging at an inn or a meal at a local

Chapter VII - rules for killing stuff and getting killed by stuff

Adventuring parties tend to have a nasty habit of fighting things and people, and so we made
some rules for such situations. Combat rules do not have to be used exclusively for hitting things,
but rather whenever it is useful to determine the sequencing of action. Anytime timing is
relevant to the outcome of a narrative situation, your GM may decide to use combat rules.

The Basics dice, and it is up to the player to decide how

many dice to use. This allows for plenty of
Combat is divided up into initiative steps
flexibility in combat: do you focus your efforts
representing how quickly characters act in
on careful defence, leaving plenty of physical
relation to one another. At the beginning of a
dice open to block and dodge, or do you tank
Chapter VII - Combat

combat encounter, the GM determines the

hits to prepare for a devastating counter-blow
order in which combatants act by ordering
on your own turn?
everyone from highest to lowest reflex score
(+ any initiative modifiers). Characters take A character may also be able to take free
their turns in a given round in this order, with actions, which are actions rolled on a set
a character’s turn being referred to as their amount of ‘free dice’ that do not come from a
‘initiative step’. On a character’s own initiative character’s pool and are triggered by other
step they may move and take actions using the actions or perks. Free actions always have
dice in their mental and physical pools. specific trigger conditions, such as from a
Actions either require dice from a pool to be character moving out of a threat range, or an
spent and rolled, or are special actions that do additional free attack granted by a perk.
not require a check but instead have a dice Finally, there are full-round actions. Full-
cost that must be spent to perform the action round actions must be declared at the very
(such as moving an additional time or start of a round before anyone begins their
drawing a weapon). Outside of a character’s initiative step. Full-round actions take the
initiative step they may take reactions, which entire round to complete, and may be
are triggered by other actions and abilities. interrupted from attacks or spells. At the end
Reactions allow characters to do things such of a round (on initiative step 0) a character
as dodge an attack, counter a spell, or steel taking a full round action applies the effects of
their will against a terrifying monster. Actions their action. Full-round actions can be things
and reactions are made on variable amounts of such as casting a complex spell, withdrawing

from combat, recovering from fear or any characters are still tied after all that then roll
number of things. off (with no modifiers) until someone wins.
Characters have a limited dice pool to spend When a character becomes aware of a combat
on actions that is determined by their class midway through an encounter they are slotted
archetype. When a dice is spent on an action into the initiative order based upon their
or reaction it cannot be used on further initiative score, but may not take actions until
actions and is considered ‘spent’ until the the next round. A character who has been
following round when action pools refresh. In added to combat in this way may still make
addition, characters can trade dice between reactions or free actions including attacks of
pools at any time at a 2:1 ratio. For example if opportunity during the round in which they
Tom the wizard - who has 3 dice in his mental are unable to declare normal actions. If a
pool and 1 dice in his physical pool - was character is made aware of combat while
attacked by a vicious ogre and really needed to performing a skill check or has otherwise used
dodge the blow, he could take a dodge reaction dice from a pool to perform an action, they
on 2 physical dice, spending his 1 physical dice, are assumed to have already used dice from

Chapter VII - Combat

and 2 of his mental dice. This would mean that the appropriate pools for the remainder of the
Tom only has 1 mental dice remaining in his round.
pool for the rest of the round. If a character’s initiative score is modified
We’ll go into more detailed rules and midway through combat the initiative order is
descriptions below but this is the ‘gist’ of how recalculated at the beginning of the following
combat flows and functions. round unless otherwise stated by the
modifying effect.
Characters can still take actions outside of
Initiative determines the order in which their own turn, but these actions must be
combatants act during a fight. Each character triggered by another character’s actions or
has an initiative score which is equal to their through a perk, action, or ability of the
reflex score + any additional modifiers. reacting character. In an instance where
Characters take turns in initiative order, with multiple reactions are triggered, initiative is
the character with the highest initiative value also used to determine in which order those
declaring actions first in a round. In the case reactions take place (see Ordering Reactions).
of a tie, the character with the higher initiative
bonus from perks or other abilities takes
actions first, if it’s still a tie then the character
with the highest will score moves first, then
body (if there’s still a tie), and finally mind. If

Order of a Round to see whether they end (the round is
considered over for the purpose of
Combat takes place over a series of rounds
determining this). Finally, any abilities
within which are a number of sub-steps which
which specify their usage as ‘at the end of a
determine the timing of events such as action
round’ may be used. In the case where
pool refreshes, and effects and abilities
multiple abilities are declared, they resolve
wearing off. Below is the definitive order of a
in order of initiative.
combat round. These steps always occur
during each round, even if nothing is declared Types of Actions
or used during them, and it is a good habit to On a character’s own initiative step they may
get into as a GM or player to declare these declare actions using any number of dice from
steps during each round to give everyone the their physical or mental pools depending on
opportunity to use abilities or declare actions. the type of action. In addition, a character may
Beginning Step - At the start of the take a single move action on their own
beginning step all characters’ mental and initiative step without spending any kind of
Chapter VII - Combat

physical pools refresh up to their current dice from either pool. Outside of a character’s
totals. Next, characters are given the initiative step there are still opportunities for
opportunity to declare full-round actions them to do things and interact with allies and
in reverse initiative order (the character enemy combatants; these ‘nonstandard
with the lowest initiative declares whether actions’ are given their own names that specify
they are taking a full round action, then when they can be taken. The 3 basic types of
the second lowest and so on. Should a actions are: standard actions, reactions, and
character declare they are not taking a full free action. Additionally there are movement
round action they cannot change their actions and full-round actions which are both
mind - they’re locked in to their decision special types of standard actions that have
until the next round), and use perks or their own restrictions and effects.
abilities which specify their usage as ‘at the
Standard Actions - Standard actions are
start of the round’ or in the beginning
actions which are declared on a character’s
own initiative step. They can be declared using
Initiative Step - Characters take actions in any amount of dice from a character’s physical
order of initiative or mental pool depending on the type of
End Step - After all characters have taken action. Standard actions can be almost
their initiative step, combat moves to the anything, but most commonly are attacking,
end step. During the end step, effects skill checks, additional movement, and casting
which last a number of rounds are checked spells. Perks

can also grant characters the ability to take perks or skills. Free actions are always
unique standard actions such as bellowing a triggered by another action (whether
war cry, or directing an ally in combat. standard, reaction, free action or anything
else) and cannot be declared or otherwise
Reactions - When any character takes an
taken if their triggering parameters are not
action, each other character in combat has the
met. Whenever a character declares any type
option to take a single reaction if they have
of action, you first check to see if a character
available dice. Many actions will grant
has triggered a free action before declaring any
characters the opportunity to use reactions to
further actions or resolving the initial action
add to various defences, or make opposed
(see ordering reactions for the comprehensive
checks against a character’s action. Like
rules for declaring and triggering actions).
normal actions, reactions may be taken on any
amount of dice from a character’s pool so long Free actions further differ from other types of
as they have that dice available to them. Some actions in that they are not taken on dice from
common reactions are listed below. either of the character’s pool, but rather from
“free” dice granted to them by the ability or

Chapter VII - Combat

• Block/Dodge in response to a physical
perk; dice used in free actions do not count
against the dice from a character’s pool for
• Oppose a grapple attempt that round. Some free actions allow a
• Resist a spell when a spell targets your character to add additional dice from their
mental TN mental or physical pools to the check, in
A character can react to an action only if they which case these added dice are used up as
are aware of that action (IE they are in combat, normal.
and are aware of the character performing the Full-Round Actions - full-round actions
action). Characters caught by surprise do not are special actions which require complete and
have access to reactions or free actions. total focus for the duration of the round. A
Specific reactions granted by perks or abilities Full-Round action must be declared during
may also be triggered as part of another the beginning step. A character taking a full-
action. These are similar to free actions (see round action may not take any reactions for
below) in that they can only be taken should the duration of the round. A character taking a
their specific trigger conditions be met, but full-round action treats their initiative as 0 for
differ in that they still cost dice from a the duration of the round and at the beginning
character’s physical or mental pools of that character’s adjusted initiative step they
complete their action and make any relevant
Free Actions - Free actions are opportunistic
rolls specified in the check. A character taking
actions granted by enemy fumbles or certain
a full-round action cannot take move actions

unless otherwise stated in the full-round maximum amount of dice you would be
action’s description. If a character’s full-round allowed to use for that type of check. Actions
action is interrupted they still may not take that require multiple rounds may be
reactions and their initiative remains at the interrupted by damage or other distractions as
adjusted value for the duration of the round. they usually will require some form of
concentration. If focus is lost on a multiple-
Movement Actions - on a character’s
round action, the action is lost and may be
initiative step they may move up to their speed
restarted. If appropriate - the GM may allow
as a special action that does not cost dice.
you to take less time on the restarted action to
During a character’s initiative step they may
account for previously accumulated progress.
also pay 2d6 physical dice to make an
additional move action, but can only do so Attacking, Defending &
once per round. A move action - whether the
free one granted each round, or an additional
one taken using physical dice - are always Attacking with a weapon is a standard
considered to be a standard action and may be action. When declaring an attack action with a
Chapter VII - Combat

reacted to in the same way as any other weapon against another character you first
standard action. Occasionally move actions allocate however many physical dice you want,
will involve additional checks or additional roll them, add any modifiers, and then
dice to be spent, such as when climbing or compare it to your target’s Physical TN + any
swimming; these costs are in addition to the reaction they choose to take against it. When
cost of the move action and are treated as part you make an attack with a weapon, your
of the action. When moving over certain types opponent may as a reaction choose to dodge
of terrain skill checks may be required as part or block, adding any amount of dice from
of the move action such as when balancing on their physical pool to their physical TN
a ledge, or swinging across a gap. In such a against that attack in addition to any modifiers
case, these actions are treated as part of the granted by weapon traits, perks, spell effects,
move action itself and may not be responded abilities, or anything else. Their adjusted
to unless specified in their description. physical TN only remains until your initial
attack action has resolved, at which point it
Actions which take multiple rounds - reverts to its base value.
Some actions and skill tests require multiple
rounds to complete. In such a case the skill Physical TN & Mental TN - These stats
check is rolled at the end of the indicated time. represent a character’s ability to avoid attacks
You do not accumulate additional dice or and fend of mental assaults when they are
make multiple checks - you make 1 check at otherwise unfocused on an incoming attack:
the end of the indicated time on up to the Physical TN is equal to 6 + (reflex

modifier) + (any additional modifiers Damage Calculation - Damage on a
granted by items, spells, or abilities). If a normal attack using a melee or thrown
character’s reflex modifier would change weapon is equal to the (weapon damage) +
or other miscellaneous modifiers would be (the character’s body modifier). If the
adjusted, their Physical TN changes at the character is using a ranged weapon such as a
same time. crossbow or longbow, then they don’t add any
Mental TN is equal to 6 + (will modifier) + attribute modifiers to the damage roll.
(any additional modifiers granted by Depending on the weapon used, the attack
items, spells, or abilities). Just like physical will deal a type of damage, which is usually
TN if a character’s will modifier or other either piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning . If a
miscellaneous modifiers would change, weapon is able to deal multiple types of
their mental TN changes at the same time. damage the weapon is considered to deal
damage of a type which its target has the
Basic attack and defence calculations - lowest DR value against unless the attacker
The base calculation for an attack action is chooses to have it deal damage of one of its

Chapter VII - Combat

(xD6 from physical pool) + (attribute modifier specific types. (IE: If Tom attacks a character
of attacker) + (any miscellaneous modifiers). wearing a chain shirt with his morningstar
This is checked against an opponent’s (which deals piercing or bludgeoning damage)
(Physical TN) + (the result of any dodge or the morningstar will deal bludgeoning damage,
block reactions) + (any additional modifiers). as the target has a lower DR value against
The total of the defender’s result is considered bludgeoning).
to be their Physical TN against the incoming
The result of the damage roll is then reduced
attack as well as any other attacks which may
by any damage reduction the defending
be triggered as reactions or free actions from
character has against the type of damage dealt
the initial attack action (so long as the dodge
to them and then that result is subtracted from
reaction occurs before any additional attacks -
the defending character’s Hit Point total. For
see order of actions).
example, Tom is wearing a suit of Full Plate
If an attack beats the defender’s Physical TN armour and is hit by a warhammer for 13
then it hits and deals damage. If the result is damage. Since the warhammer deals
equal to the defender’s physical TN then the bludgeoning damage, Tom reduces the 13
attacker lands a glancing blow which deals damage by his bludgeoning DR of 6 granted by
only ½ damage (rounded up). his Plate armour, taking a total of 7 damage,
Any modifiers to a character’s physical TN which he subtracts from his current Hit Point
from reactions persist until the Order of total.
Actions is emptied.

proficient in armour receives no
bonuses or penalties. A character
Transferring Dice
wearing armour in which they are not
Between Pools proficient suffers a -1 penalty to their
Transferring dice is extremely simple: as part Physical TN and decreases the skill
of any action, free action, or reaction a max value of the armour by 1d6.
character may spend 2 dice of one kind to add • Shield Proficiency - A character who is
1 dice to the other pool. This does affect the proficient in a shield receives no
maximum value of either pool, and both pool bonuses or penalties when using it
will refresh to their base values at the (beyond those provided by the shield
beginning step of the next round. Dice spent itself). A character who uses a shield in
to transfer are considered spent as though they which they are not proficient suffers a
were used on an action. A character does not -1 penalty on any attack actions they
need to immediately use any dice they choose make.
to transfer. A character may exceed the
Critical Hits
Chapter VII - Combat

maximum value of either pool by transferring

dice in this way. A character can only transfer A critical hit occurs when multiples of the
physical or mental dice. same number appear within a single attack
roll. The amount of identical numbers
Weapon & Armour
required to trigger a critical is determined by
Proficiencies the type of weapon being used (IE a longsword
Characters proficient in a weapon gain a needs doubles, while a greathammer needs
bonus to attack rolls when using that weapon, triples to score a crit. So a longsword could hit
representing their training and competency in on a 3 dice roll of 5,5,1 and crit, but a
combat forms utilising their weapon of choice. greathammer would need something like 4,4,4
Characters wearing armour in which they are to crit). A critical deals bonus damage equal to
not proficient suffer penalties to their Physical the difference between the attack roll and the
TN due to the awkward strain of moving in target’s TN. Criticals in no way guarantee a hit;
unfamiliar gear. the result of the roll must still exceed the
• Weapon Proficiency - A character target’s TN.
proficient in a weapon receives a +1 You can technically crit on a glancing blow,
bonus to attack rolls. A character who but the crit bonus damage would be zero. This
is not proficient in a weapon receives will still trigger any perks or abilities that
no penalties or bonuses would normally trigger on a critical hit.
• Armour Proficiency - A character

Fumbles threat range they provoke an attack of
A fumble occurs when each individual
numerical result on the dice rolled for an Attacks of Opportunity
action is a 1. If a character fumbles the action Certain actions like casting a spell or drawing
is automatically treated as a failure, and a weapon or standing up trigger an attack of
enemies within their threat range can make an opportunity from threatening characters. An
attack of opportunity against the fumbling attack of opportunity is a free action that
character as a free action. A fumbling allows the threatening character to make a 2d6
character can take reactions against these free attack action against the triggering character.
attacks so long as they have dice remaining in Each character can only make one attack of
their pool. Fumbles can occur on any action - opportunity each round, unless otherwise
not just attack actions. The exception is that specified by an effect or ability. A character
rolling multiple 1s on a channelling action is a cannot add reaction dice to an attack of
miscast and is treated differently - it is not opportunity, although the receiving character
considered a fumble and does not provoke

Chapter VII - Combat

may still take dodge or block reactions as
further attacks of opportunity (see spellcasting normal. If a single action would trigger
section). multiple attacks of opportunity (such as
Threat Range fumbling a threatened attack with a ranged
weapon) then only one attack of opportunity
A medium character counts as threatening any
triggers - even if the character making the
character within a 5 foot radius so long as they
attack of opportunity has access to perks that
themselves are not affected by a status
would allow them to make multiple attacks of
condition which specifies that they no longer
opportunity in the same round. Actions that
threaten the spaces around them, or are
trigger an attack of opportunity are listed
wielding a weapon which itself would provoke
attacks of opportunity if used within the threat
range of another character (such as a bow). • Attacking with a ranged weapon
Larger characters may have larger threat • Casting a spell
ranges, and weapons with the reach quality • Using some skills (specified in skill
also extend a character’s threat range. When a descriptions)
character is threatening another character,
• Drinking something
they can make attacks of opportunity if a
threatened character takes actions that would • Drawing a weapon
provoke one - even if they are not adjacent. If a • Moving out of an enemy character’s threat
character moves out of another character’s range

• Fumbling an attack or skill action same action. For the purposes of resolving an
OOA and ordering triggers, the triggering
Movement action is considered to be the first action
Each character has a base movement speed within the OOA - a move action itself never
granted by their race and then further enters the OOA.
modified by armour, perks, spells, or other
Checks during movement - Sometimes a
effects. On a characters own initiative step
character will have to make checks during a
they may make a single move action without
movement action that are related to the
spending any dice, moving up to their full
movement itself (such as making a check to
movement speed. A character cannot
pass over other terrain, or to climb a wall,
intersperse other actions between or during a
etc…). These checks do not use the OOA, and
move unless otherwise stated by that action. A
do not trigger reactions or free actions. If a
character may spend 2d6 from their physical
character has to make checks as a result of
pool to take an additional move action, but
another character’s action or a triggered ability
may only do so once each turn.
which is not directly related to movement
Chapter VII - Combat

If a character moves out of another character’s then the sequence of reactions instead
threat range they provoke an attack of ‘interrupts’ their movement action - they are
opportunity. They provoke an attack of still treated as moving. Once there are no
opportunity as they are leaving the threatened actions left to be resolved the character
space. If they are knocked down, or stopped, continues their move action unless the results
then they are knocked down before they leave of other reactions have hindered their ability
the threat range (if you are using a grid or hex to move.
system then they remain within the
threatened space)
Moving in Different Ways - Characters
occasionally may have to move in ways other
If a character is interrupted during their than walking and running about, and may
movement (such as from an attack of gain access to different types of movement
opportunity) they may continue the move such as flying or burrowing through the use of
action after the OOA has fully resolved and spells and abilities.
only if their ability to move has not been
If a character is moving in a way which they
hindered in any way. If a character is for
do not have a base movement value for, they
instance knocked prone during a movement
provoke attacks of opportunity. For example, if
action as a result of an attack of opportunity
a character is in combat they can circle about
their movement action ends as well.
an enemy freely so long as they remain within
Movement is unique from other actions in their threat range without provoking an attack
that it can trigger multiple reactions within the of opportunity. If the same character was

fighting in a lake and trying to swim around considered expended - even if the action
an opponent then they would provoke an resolves before their own initiative step. If a
attack of opportunity as soon as they character does not take their move action on
attempted to swim. The base movement value their initiative step they still have their move
provided to every character refers specifically action available to ‘spend’ on abilities that use
to walking or running. If a character attempts it in such a way. They cannot however take a
any other movement such as climbing or standard move action later in the turn - the
swimming they will provoke an attack of move action can only be used as a cost for
opportunity. Certain spells or perks may grant perks or abilities. Similarly if an ability or
climbing or swimming or even flying speeds action requires a character to have not moved
which would allow such a character to move during a round they must have their base
or swim or climb in combat without move action available to them in order to use
provoking attacks of opportunity. The attack of that ability or action.
opportunity triggers as soon as the character
moves and whenever they first enter the threat Types of Terrain

Chapter VII - Combat

range of another character while moving in There is a potentially limitless amount of
the same manner. Only one attack of different kinds of terrain your characters can
opportunity can be triggered per threatening move about and because that’s a huge pain to
character per move action in this manner. If a write comprehensive rules for we generalise.
character moves out of a threatening Here are the types of terrain and their impacts
character’s threat range in a manner in which on movement:
they do not have a base movement value for • Normal - mostly clear, mostly flat terrain,
then they would provoke an attack of or perfectly clear terrain. Your standard
opportunity for using the unfamiliar grassy field, dungeon floor, sandy beach,
movement type as well as an additional attack etc…
of opportunity for exiting a threat range.
• Difficult - Cluttered or difficult to move
Individual characters can still only make one
through but not precarious. Terrain which
attack of opportunity per round unless
is inconvenient but not threatening, such
granted additional attacks through an ability.
as waist-deep water, loose gravel, or the
Move Actions as a Cost - Some abilities or uncomfortably spongy surface of a giant’s
effects require a character to spend their move corpse. When a character is moving
action. In such a case the character cannot through difficult terrain they are treated as
have taken their free movement action for the moving twice as far for the purpose of
round yet, and after the resolution of the calculating how far they can move within a
action or effect their move action is move action. For example, Tim the Human

Barbarian has a move speed of 30ft and of a character’s body but is otherwise easy to
stomps through 10ft of heavy snow as part pass and see through (such as a bush). Partial
of his move action. In doing so, he is treated cover provides a flat +2 bonus to a character’s
as moving 20ft and therefore only has 10ft physical TN against all ranged attacks and
of movement remaining when he gets to the attacks from a target that is not adjacent to
opposite end of the snowbank and finds them (such as from a reach weapon or a
himself back on normal terrain. monster with a longer threat range). In
• Other Terrain - Everything else. This can addition, partial cover provides a +1 bonus to
be anything else that has its own rules any dodge reactions (but not block) - even if
attached to it, such as slippery terrain that the character is adjacent to their attacker.
could represent an icy cavern or an Partial Cover must be reasonably interposed
industrial lube spill that requires a TN 10 between the attacker and the target in order to
acrobatics check to move across, knocking gain its benefits.
prone any characters who fail the check. Full Cover - is any object or terrain feature
There could be an area on fire or covered which obscures ¾ to all of a character and
Chapter VII - Combat

in acid which deals damage to any cannot be passed through by weapons or

characters who enter it. Other Terrain attacks (such as a stone pillar). Any ranged
simply covers terrain that has a unique set attacks targeted at a character in full cover
of rules attached to it; it can be anything automatically miss. The character treats their
your GM thinks of. Checks required to physical TN as 2 higher against attacks from
move across terrain that don’t involve any opponent that is not adjacent to them
bypassing it entirely via a leap or (such as from reach weapons or creatures with
something of the sort should normally be larger threat range) and receives a +2 bonus to
treated as a free action on 2d6 that is any dodge actions (even against adjacent
considered to be part of the move action opponents).
If the effects of a spell or ability which applies
Cover its effects over an area would not reasonably
pass through the interposing object granting
Cover is any reasonably sized object which get
full cover the character in cover is not affected
in between a target and their attacker. There
by the spell or ability. Otherwise, if a character
are three classifications of cover that provide
in full cover would be required to make a
different benefits and restrictions:
reflex saving throw to avoid the effect of a spell
Partial Cover - is any object or terrain or ability which originated from a point which
feature which obscures roughly one-third to they would be granted cover from, they may
two-thirds of a character’s body or obscures all treat their reflex attribute as double its current

value when making the saving throw. line between them which intersects that
Full Cover must be reasonably interposed enemy, then that enemy is flanked. While
between the attacker and the target in order to flanked, a character can only make a single
gain its benefits. dodge or block reaction against an attack from
a flanking character each round. If a character
High Ground - When a character is at an
has made a dodge or block action against a
elevated position relative to another character
character while not flanked and then becomes
they are treated as having partial cover and
flanked later in the round they may still make
receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with a
a single dodge or block reaction against an
reach weapon; they also have some hidden
attack from a flanking character.
advantages such as better sight lines that may
allow them to negate or reduce the benefits of Facing - The combat system is somewhat
cover relative to other characters in combat. abstract and characters are not assumed to be
An “elevated position” is up to the GM to facing any particular direction. It is assumed
determine, but in general if a medium that everyone is mostly flailing about during
character is standing on something that would combat, and facing largely becomes irrelevant

Chapter VII - Combat

put them at least half-way up another medium in the general chaos. In the rare case that an
character then they should be granted the ability forces a character to face a direction,
high ground advantage. Elevated position then they are considered flanked if an
obviously becomes more abstract when attacking character is within their rear 180
creatures of different sizes and reaches are in a degrees - this includes ranged attacks from
combat as it may for example become difficult their rear facing. In a hex or grid system this I
to determine how much elevation is required the 3 spaces immediately behind a character.
for a squat Forge Child to be granted
Moving Through Other
advantage over a towering ogre. A GM may
elect to grant partial advantage (only the +1
attack bonus or only the partial cover bonus) A character may move through an allied
in situations where a character would be too character’s occupied space as though it were
high up to effectively use weaponry or at such open terrain. If a character ends their
an angle that they would indeed have an movement action in the same space as another
advantage but the target they are attacking is character that space is considered crowded,
tall enough to comfortably reach them. and all characters in the space lose their reflex
bonus to physical TN, and suffer a -2 penalty
Facing & Flanking on attack actions unless a special action would
Flanked - when 2 characters within threat remove the crowded effect.
range of the same enemy can draw a straight A character may move through an enemy

character’s occupied space, treating the into negative Hit Point totals. When a
occupied space as difficult terrain and character falls below 0 HP they are knocked
provoking an attack of opportunity. This unconscious, and incur a level of fatigue. An
attack of opportunity is separate from attacks unconscious character is considered helpless.
of opportunity provoked by moving outside of A character that falls to -10 hit points or lower,
a character’s threat range, A character cannot or who takes any instance of damage while in
end their movement action in a space negative hit point totals rolls on the massive
occupied by an enemy character unless they damage table and applies its effects. If the
use a special action to do so. character is still alive, any further instance of
damage taken while in negative hit point totals
True Movement, Hex &
applies a further instance of massive damage,
Grid Movement requiring another roll on the massive damage
We recommend using a hex or grid to table.
represent the relative position of characters,
A character who falls to exactly 0 HP is still
creatures, and terrain in combat. In such a
conscious and can act normally, but still
Chapter VII - Combat

case, one space is equal to 5 feet, and a

incurs a level of fatigue. A character incurs a
character’s threat range extends to each space
level of fatigue each time they fall to 0 hit
adjacent to them (assuming they have a threat
points or lower; If a character is healed above
range of 5 feet). If using a grid system, when
0 and then takes damage which would reduce
moving diagonally treat each second diagonal
their total back down to 0 or lower they incur
move as 10feet of movement - even if they are
an additional level of fatigue.
taken non-consecutively or between different
move actions during the same round. If a character falls below 0 HP but receives
healing that brings them above 0 they regain
A true movement system can also be used
consciousness, but treat their dice pools as
without a grid at all, in which case for
empty for the remainder of the round. At the
standard 28mm models we would recommend
beginning of the following round they rejoin
a scale in which 1” is equivalent to 5ft for
the initiative order.
measuring distances, or if using just paper and
pen then whichever scale is appropriate. Massive Damage
Characters are considered adjacent if within When a character incurs massive damage roll
5ft of one another. on the table below. A character may incur
massive damage from other effects without
Falling Below 0 HP dropping below 0 Hit Points. In that case the
Characters can take damage in excess of their character still rolls on the Massive Damage
maximum Hit Points; if they do so they fall table and applies the effects as normal.

successful first aid (see medicine skill), then
Massive Damage EffectsResult they die at the end of that round.
Roll (2d6)
2-6 Instant Death Blocking & Dodging
7 Lose Limb Block and dodge are both reactions which add
8 Lose Appendage to a character’s physical TN, however there are
situations in which one may be disallowed.
9 Bad Wound
Block is more restrictive in its scope of usage,
10 Concussed
but often applies greater bonuses from perks
11 Broken Limb or equipment:
12 No Effect • To block you must be holding a suitable
tool with which to block.
• Instant Death - The character dies • You cannot block projectiles unless you are
immediately using a shield to do so.
• Lose Limb - The affected character loses a • If your equipped weapons or items give

Chapter VII - Combat

random limb and is Bleeding Out different bonuses to blocking you must
• Lose Appendage - The affected character declare which bonus you are using (do not
loses a random appendage and is Bleeding apply both).
Out. • You cannot block attacks with certain
• Bad Wound - The affected character traits or effects (such as a flexible bolas), or
incurs 1d4 points of temporary damage to area of effect attacks such as a trebuchet
a random attribute and is Bleeding Out projectile (these will be listed in the ability
• Concussed - The affected character incurs or attack description, or otherwise
an additional level of fatigue and is determined by the GM if appropriate)
Bleeding Out. If this level of fatigue would To dodge your character must be able to
reduce both their physical and mental move. They do not need to have a move action
pools to 0 then they die from shock. remaining, but must not be under an effect
• Broken Limb - the affected character which would otherwise prevent them from
breaks a random limb and incurs an moving, such as being bound, incapacitated,
additional level of fatigue . or affected by a Hold spell.

Bleeding Out - When a character incurs this Types of Damage

status condition roll 1d6. If a number of Different weapons, abilities and spells will do
rounds have passed equal to the result of the different types of damage such as slashing,
roll without the character having received bludgeoning, fire, or electricity, etc... If a

character has damage reduction of the same piercing, slashing, magical, fire, electricity,
type as the damage received then they reduce cold, and pure.
the received damage by an amount equal to
the corresponding damage reduction value. Unarmed Fighting
Certain spells and abilities may confer a Fighting with your bare hands poses some
vulnerability to a type of damage. If a significant dangers when faced with armed
character receives damage of the same type as foes.When fighting unarmed against an armed
a vulnerability they possess, they receive twice opponent you provoke attacks of opportunity.
as much damage. In the case where a character A medium character deals 1d4 bludgeoning
has both damage reduction and vulnerability damage on an unarmed strike. Unarmed
against the same type of damage, the damage fighting refers specifically to striking -
reduction is applied first, and then any grappling and wrestling uses a different set of
remaining damage is doubled. For example; an rules covered later in the chapter.
automaton has electrical vulnerability, but an
Ranged Weapons
attending artificer has given it a rubber vest,
Chapter VII - Combat

providing 5DR against electricity. While Ranged weapons are weapons which can be
wearing the vest the automaton is struck by a thrown or shot, and have different rules than
lightning bolt which deals 15 damage. To melee weapons.
calculate damage received, the automaton first • Range Increments - Range increment is
reduces the amount of damage by 5 from its the effective range of a given weapon when
vest, then multiplies the remaining damage by either thrown or shot. For each increment
2, receiving a total of 20 damage from the spell. past the first the attacker suffers a -1
If an attack deals 2 different types of damage it penalty on their attack roll. If a weapon is
is treated as dealing whichever type of damage not specified as a ranged weapon but has a
would be most advantageous given the range increment (and is therefore a thrown
receiving character’s DR and vulnerability. weapon) then it has a maximum range of
three increments, while a proper ranged
Multiple types of DR are not applied against
weapon has a maximum range of five
the same attack - only one type of DR may be
applied. In addition, if a character has
vulnerability to both types of damage from an • Ranged Weapons provoke an attack of
attack with multiple damage types the damage opportunity if shot while in threat range of
is still only multiplied by 2. It is still treated as an enemy. Thrown weapons do not
dealing both types of damage for the purpose provoke this attack of opportunity.
of triggering abilities or additional effects. • Shooting into Melee - Melee combat is
The types of damage are: bludgeoning, chaotic, with fighters moving all around

and this makes it damn difficult to hit other actions. For special reactions and actions
those sick bow trickshots. Shooting into that relate to spells see the spellcasting section.
melee is defined as shooting at a target Further special actions may be granted by
who is adjacent or within the size-based perks or abilities, but the ones listed below are
threat range of a friendly character or always available to all characters in combat.
character whom you otherwise do not Charging (xD6) - a charge is a special action
wish to hit. When shooting or throwing that can only be taken if the charging
into melee combat a ranged weapon user character has not spent any dice from their
suffers a -3 penalty on attacks. In addition, physical or mental pools yet this turn. A
if a ranged attack is fumbled while charge costs all the dice in both the characters
shooting into melee, it hits a random mental and physical pool. A charge allows a
adjacent character to the intended target. character to move up to double their
If there are no adjacent characters as the movespeed in a straight line and make 1 attack
attack resolves in the OOA then the attack with a melee weapon at xD6 where x is their
misses as normal. maximum physical dice pool. A charging

Chapter VII - Combat

• Damage Calculation - A ranged weapon character may as a free action make up to 1
does not add a character’s attribute bonus athletics or acrobatics check on 2d6 to avoid
as a damage modifier. an obstacle or leap off a ledge when closing
• Ammunition - Ranged weapons shoot with their charge target.
things. When recovering ammunition after Reload a ranged weapon (xd6) - certain range
an encounter 50% of spent ammunition is weapons have the reload trait, which requires
considered to be irrecoverably damaged, them to reload between firing. Reloading a
while the remainder can be repaired with a weapon costs a number of physical dice equal
TN 10 craft check of the appropriate type to the amount listed in the weapon trait.
but is otherwise unusable until repaired. Drinking a dose of something (2d6) - A
Special Actions character must have the dose in their hand to
actually drink it. This action provokes attacks
Listed below are special actions which can be
of opportunity
taken in combat that have a dice cost. A dice
cost is the amount of physical dice that must Standing up (xD6) - Standing up from prone
be spent to take that action. IE: reloading a requires a move action and provokes attacks of
light crossbow costs 1d6, Tim wants to reload opportunity. The acrobatics skill can allow you
his crossbow and has 3 physical dice available, to stand up with a successful skill test, and if
so he spends one of these dice to do so. Tim now done so in this way may not provoke attacks of
has a reloaded crossbow and 2d6 to spend on opportunity (see acrobatics skill).

Feint (xD6) - Feint is different in that it number of previous rounds in which they have
involves the use of the deception skill, but made successive run actions. On a failure they
uses physical dice instead of mental dice. To take 1 level of physical fatigue.
attempt a feint your target must be within your Sunder (xd6) - Sunder allows you to attack an
threat range. You may use any number of dice item or object carried on a person. This
in your physical pool for a feint action. Make a functions as a normal attack, but if it hits,
deception check on xD6, against an damage is dealt to the item rather than the
opponent’s mental TN + reaction. If you are character carrying it. The item’s Physical TN is
successful then that opponent is denied the equivalent to the holding character’s physical
ability to make reactions against any actions TN adjusted by the item’s size modifier
taken by adjacent opponents for the rest of the (Chapter VIII). A carrying character can
round, until they take a 1d6 mental action on attempt to dodge or block the sunder attack as
their own initiative step to recover. You can’t normal, adding the dodge or block result to the
use this action if you have no ranks in the item’s physical TN rather than their own.
deception skill. Drawing Weapons or Items (1d6) - Characters
Chapter VII - Combat

Additional Move (2D6) - a character taking can draw a weapon as a 1d6 physical action. If
this action can move up to their full speed. they are holding anything in their hands they
This action is in addition to the normal move must drop it or spend an additional 1d6 to put
a character is allowed each turn. A character it away as part of the drawing a weapon action
can only make 1 additional move each turn. (total of 2d6). Drawing a weapon or item
Run (xd6) - A Run is a special action that is provokes attacks of opportunity.
declared at the same time as full-round actions. Dropping Things (0d6) - A character can drop
A character who runs treats their physical and whatever they are holding in their hands as
mental pools as empty for the duration of the part of any action or reaction so long as it
round. Unlike a full round action, a character would not interfere with the character’s ability
making a run action moves on their normal to perform the action. A character can also
initiative step. Taking a run action allows a drop whatever they are holding as a reaction
character to move 4x their movement speed in itself.
a straight line on their turn. A run action Tripping (xd6) - Tripping is a special attack
provokes attacks of opportunity exactly the that can be made with a reach weapon, or one
same way moving would. Running represents a with the tripping trait. It is done like any
short sprint, and is therefore difficult to regular attack, except if it hits instead of
maintain over long distances. If a character dealing damage, the target must make a 2d6
runs multiple rounds in a row they must make acrobatics test with a TN equal to your attack
a body saving throw on xD6 where x is the roll or be knocked prone (they may add

reaction dice to this as normal). If you fumble a amount of physical dice available to you. The
trip attempt then you drop the weapon with target may choose to either make an attack of
which you are attempting the trip action with. opportunity on 2d6 or oppose the grapple on
Tripping an opponent without a tripping any number of physical dice available to them.
weapon is done using the grappling rules. You If the target chooses to oppose the grapple
cannot trip a character that is at least 2 size then both characters make a grapple check
categories bigger than you (your tiny frame which is a normal physical attack and compare
cannot provide the leverage). Some creatures the results, with the winner then choosing to
may not be able to be tripped on account of not apply any of the initiate grapple options (see
having legs or topple-able frames. chart on next page).
Ready an Attack (xD6) - Once per round a If a grapple is maintained from a previous
character may ready an attack on their own round on whichever initiative step of the
initiative step as a standard action costing any engaged characters is highest in the initiative
amount of physical dice. For the remainder of order both characters must make an opposed
the round when the character is given the grapple check on any number of dice available

Chapter VII - Combat

opportunity to make a reaction they may to them before any other actions are taken,
instead make their readied attack on the same with the victor applying any of the maintained
amount of dice used. If they use their reaction grapple options. Once the opposed check is
in this way they may not take free actions or made, the characters continue their turns as
other reactions triggered off the same action. normal under the restrictions applied to
Back-to-Back - As part of a move action in grappling characters. Only one opposed
which a character ends their move in a space grapple check between combatants can be
occupied by a single other friendly character, made each round.
both characters may choose to go back-to- Characters in a grapple are denied the ability
back. If they do so, both character’s facing is
to take reactions or mental actions other than
fixed in opposite directions, they receive partial
an opposed grapple reaction, dodging an
cover from any attacks taken in their rear arc,
attack, or making an attack against their
and they are not considered to be crowded.
grappler with a tiny or smaller weapon
Characters who are back-to-back are treated as
(including unarmed strikes). They also lose
back-to-back until they move away from one
any shield or reflex bonuses to their Physical
another or change their facing.
TN. If a grappler’s initiative step is after their
Grappling opponent in the round, they may only make
Wrestling and pinning and tripping and all attacks with weapons or do other actions
that stuff. You can initiate a grapple against allowed under the grappling restrictions.
any target within your reach, using any • Size matters; a character gets a +3 bonus to

a grapple check for each size category they with the higher result winning the
are larger than their opponent grapple.
• In addition to the bonuses, if a character is • If the defender does not choose to
2 size categories larger than their make the attack of opportunity or
opponent then they may move about freely oppose the grapple they may dodge
and take actions during a grapple, as the the grapple attempt as normal (the
other character is simply too small to grapple attempt is checked against
hinder movement. Only the smaller physical TN + reaction)
character is considered to be engaged in • If the grapple attempt is successful,
the grapple apply any option from the grapple
• The acrobatics skill can be used to escape initiation options
from a grapple (see acrobatics). An When beginning the round in a maintained
acrobatics check replaces a combatant’s grapple
opposed grapple check, and has additional
• On the first character in initiative order’s
restrictions. If a character uses acrobatics
Chapter VII - Combat

action step, both character make an

instead of opposing a grapple normally
opposed grapple check on any number
and wins the check, they must choose an
of physical dice available to them. The
effect which ends the grapple.
winner applies the maintained grapple
• Abilities which refer to a ‘secondary effect of their choice
grapple’ are referring to grapple actions
• If the grapple is maintained,
taken after a success during a maintained
characters may make attacks with
tiny or smaller weapons on their
• Grappling requires at least one hand free own initiative step
Grappling Summary While Grappled
When initiating a grapple
• You lose any bonuses from reflex or shields
• Make a physical attack against the target to your physical TN
which provokes an attack of
• You are considered in melee if targeted by
ranged weapons
• The defender may either make the
• Because of all your writhing about, any
attack of opportunity, or oppose
melee attacks made against you hit the
the grapple on any number of
other grappler on a fumbled attempt
physical dice available to them. If
they oppose the grapple both • You can only take dodge reactions, and
character roll a physical attack, cannot make attacks of opportunity

Grapple Options
Grapple Option Effect



Grapple maintained - winner may choose to disengage the grapple at any time as a 1d6
Hold opponent
physical reaction.

Trip opponent Loser falls prone, grapple disengaged

Tackle Both combatants fall prone, grapple maintained.

Chapter VII - Combat

Move opponent up to 5 feet in any direction. If opposed check won by 5 or more,
opponent falls prone.



Grapple disengaged. If you beat the opponent’s TN by 5 or more you may stand up (if
End grapple
prone) as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity

Grapple maintained. The loser must make a 1d6 body check or fall helpless for 1d6
rounds. For each successive round you maintain a choke hold the difficulty of the body
check goes up by a cumulative 1D6. This check is made only once per round on the first
Choke hold
successful opposed check; even if you win multiple opposed grapple checks within the
same round. If you choose any other grapple outcome besides choke hold then the
cumulative dice total resets.

You may make an attack of opportunity against the loser with a tiny or smaller weapon
(including unarmed attacks). Grapple maintained

You can only slam if both grapplers are still standing. Both grapplers go prone, and you
Slam deal 1d6 damage + an additional 1D6 for each size category larger you are than the
loser to the loser of the opposed check

You can only Pin if both grapplers are prone. The loser is considered helpless, and can
take no other actions or reactions besides an opposed grapple check

Ordering Actions resolves their reaction first, and then so on).

Oftentimes reactions don’t directly affect the Free actions are triggered in reverse order of
outcome of one another, and can be declared initiative after an action is declared but before
piecemeal without creating confusing rules characters are given the opportunity to make
interactions. However, when multiple reactions. If during the resolution of the OOA
characters want to declare reactions against a free action or reaction would be triggered
the same action that may impact the outcome from a reaction or free action, then it is placed
of one another, the proper rules below are to on top of the OOA. If multiple free actions
be used. Technically, these rules should be would be triggered from the same reaction or
followed anytime a character makes an action, action, they are added to the OOA in reverse
but oftentimes it is more convenient to follow initiative order.
looser procedures for the sake of speeding up After the resolution of each reaction or action
combat. in the OOA, the OOA is checked again to see
Whenever an action is declared, each if additional free actions or reactions have
been added to it, and then continues to
Chapter VII - Combat

character in combat has the opportunity to

make reactions against that action. When an proceed down the OOA in the same last-in,
action is declared, beginning with the lowest first-out order of operations for the resolution
character on the initiative order and of actions and reactions. This can potentially
proceeding upwards, each character is given cause free actions to trigger and resolve after
the opportunity to make a single reaction the initial action has resolved, and that is
against that action. If they should pass on the totally okay.
opportunity to do so, they lose the Reactions may only be taken against free
opportunity to make a reaction against this actions or special reactions granted in
action. When a reaction is declared it is placed response to another action only so long as
on the Order of Actions (OOA). The OOA those free actions or reactions specifically state
functions as a last-in, first-out order of that reactions may be taken against them.
operations, with the last reaction declared When a reaction or free action would grant
being the first to resolve, and then so on until further reactions, it creates a sub-step in
the initial triggering action resolves after all which characters who are granted a reaction
reactions (and free actions) do so. Once the may declare those reactions in reverse
character who is first in initiative order (and initiative order.
therefore last to declare a reaction) declares During a character’s initiative step they may
their reaction (or lack thereof) OOA resolves only take actions so long as the OOA is empty.
in reverse order of actions placed on it (the
Reactions which modify a character’s mental
last character to put a reaction onto the OOA

or physical TN continue to modify the opportunity, making the current OOA: 3:Tim’s
respective TN until the triggering action has channel check, 2:Frank’s knowledge(arcana)
resolved. If a character is attacked from a free check, 1:Jason’s attack of opportunity. Then
action after their dodge reaction has resolved reactions are checked. Tim is allowed to dodge
but before the attack which they are dodging Jason’s attack of opportunity, and no other
has, they apply their dodge modifier to the characters have a perk or ability which allows
free attack as well. They do not reroll anything them to take a reaction. Tim may choose
- the result of their dodge reaction is simply whether to take his reaction, and chooses to not
applied to their physical TN for as long as the dodge the attack of opportunity. The OOA
triggering action remains on the OOA. Once remains 3:Tim’s channel check, 2:Frank’s
the triggering action has been completed the knowledge(arcana) check, 1:Jason’s attack of
character loses the benefit or disadvantage of opportunity. Jason makes his attack of
any reactions taken against that action which opportunity, dealing 5 damage to Tim. Because
would modify their TN (including ones Tim has taken damage, this triggers a
imposed by other characters). The adjustment concentration check to maintain focus as a free

Chapter VII - Combat

of their TN occurs after the triggering action action, so the OOA now looks like: 3: Tim’s
has resolved, and does not use the OOA channel check, 2:Frank’s knowledge(arcana)
(therefore it does not trigger any further check, 1:Tim’s concentration check. Tim rolls an
actions). 11 on the concentration check and passes it.
Then Frank rolls a 17 on his Knowledge arcana
Here is an example: Tim, Jason and Frank
check, identifying the spell. This triggers a
are having a friendly arcane dispute when
further free action for Frank, which would
Tim’s temper flares over and he attacks the
allow him to counter the spell, which he chooses
adjacent Jason while Frank looks on in shock
to do so on 2d6 from his mental pool. The OOA
from across the room. Tim has the highest
now looks like 2:Tim’s channel check, 1:Frank’s
initiative, followed by Jason, then Frank. Tim
counterspell check. Frank rolls an 8 on his
casts arcane blast at Jason who is adjacent to
counterspell, meaning Tim will have to beat
him, declaring he will channel the spell on 2d6.
that total to cast his spell. Finally, Tim attempts
Tim’s channel check to cast arcane blast goes on
to channel his Arcane blast and shoot it at
the OOA, and then free actions are checked.
Jason. He rolls a 9, beating out Frank’s attempt
Since Jason is adjacent to Tim, he chooses to
to counterspell and successfully channels the
make an attack of opportunity as a free action.
spell. The Arcane Blast spell triggers a free
Frank is a spellcaster, and chooses to take a free
action, which allows Tim to make a 2d6 ranged
action to identify the spell being cast. Since
attack against Jason. Since the arcane bolt
Frank has a lower initiative then Jason, his free
provides the opportunity to take a reaction
action goes on the stack before Jason’s attack of
against the free action, Jason is provided the

opportunity to do so, and chooses to dodge on
1d6. The OOA now looks like this: 2:Tim’s
arcane bolt attack action, 1:Jason’s dodge
reaction (note that the OOA can still have steps
in it even if there is no remaining action which
started the OOA to begin with). Jason takes his
dodge action and rolls a 4, bringing his total
Physical TN up to 11. Finally, Tim rolls a 10 on
his attack roll, which is unfortunately below
Jason’s adjusted Physical TN of 11 and misses
the spell. The OOA is then checked again, and
now that it is empty Tim may continue to take
actions on his own initiative step should he
have any dice remaining in his pools.
Chapter VII - Combat

Chapter VII - Combat
Other Stuff
Chapter VIII - miscellaneous rules that often come up during play, such as vision,
resting, size, falling and a number of other things

Resting Long Rest will always restore all daily-use

abilities and channelling pools.
Most things die if they do not find the time to
sleep and characters in Vigilant are no While resting a character is assumed to not be
different. Resting also provides some benefits doing anything particularly strenuous, but
such as refreshing daily abilities, and restoring may remain awake for a majority of the rest.
fatigue and hit points. There are 2 kinds of rest As a general rule, a character cannot spend
which correspond to different durations and more than 25% of the duration of a rest doing
in turn have different effects: anything ‘mildly strenuous’ or else they lose
the benefits of the rest. Mildly strenuous
• Short Rest - a quick respite. A short rest
Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

activities could be things such as household

takes 6 hours. During a short rest,
chores, research or studying, crafting, etc…
characters heal a number of hit points
but would not be activities such as travel,
equal to their Body or Will Modifier
pitched combat, or manual labour.
(whichever is higher, minimum of 1). A
Short Rest will also prevent incurring If a character happens to go a long time
fatigue from lack of sleep, and will restore without resting, they become tired and their
1 level of fatigue. A short rest refreshes ability to function becomes impaired. If a
daily-use abilities, and channelling and character is awake for 24 hours they incur 1
divine pools upon completion of the rest, level of fatigue, and then an additional level of
although within reason - these abilities are fatigue for each additional 12 hours they
meant to be used “roughly once a day” and remain awake. If fatigue accumulated this way
the refresh-after-rest can be vetoed by the would cause a character to reach 0 in either
GM if they feel it is too soon, or the party their physical or mental pool, they fall
is spamming rests to abuse game unconscious as normal. When a character
mechanics. would take a level of fatigue from not sleeping
they may make a body or will (player’s choice)
• Long Rest - A long rest takes a full 24
saving throw on xD6 where x is 1+the number
hours. During a long rest, characters
of levels of fatigue the character currently has
restore a number of hit points equal to
incurred. On a success, they delay the
their body or will score (whichever is
incursion of the fatigue by 4 hours. Each
higher), and restore all levels of fatigue. A
trigger of fatigue can only be delayed once.

• A medium load is 1.5x that of a light load. A medium
Encumbrance & Lifting laid reduces a character’s base movement speed to two-
Encumbrance is how much your character is thirds (round to nearest 5), imposes a -1 penalty on any
body or reflex-based actions or checks and applies a
carrying, and the impacts this has upon their -1d6 penalty on physical skill max applied after armour
movement and reactions. Encumbrance is penalties or imposes a 4d6 skill max penalty (whichever
divided into three thresholds - light, medium would result in a lower total)
and heavy. A light load has no impact upon • A heavy load is twice that of a light load. It reduces a
character’s base movement speed to ½, imposes a -2
your character’s movement or reactions
penalty on any body or reflex-based actions or checks ,
whereas medium and heavy loads will reduce and applies a -2d6 penalty on physical skill max or
a character’s movement speed and ability to imposes a 3d6 skill max penalty (whichever would
make physical reactions in the same way as result in a lower total)

armour. Both of these penalties stack with • A character can lift up to a heavy load over their head
• A character can pick up an object or objects that weighs
others that would be imposed by armour or
up to 5 times that of a light load, although this reduces
spells. A character’s movement speed can their movement speed to 5feet
never be reduced below 5ft and their skill max • A character can push or pull something that weighs up

Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

cannot be reduced below 1d6 from either of to 10x that of their light load
these effects. In order to determine a • A small character has 75% of the listed lifting and
carrying capacities.
character’s light, medium and heavy loads use
the chart below.
Body Score Light Load Medium Load Heavy load
2 10 15 20
3 19 28.5 38
4 29 43.5 58
5 40 60 80
6 50 75 100
7 60 90 120
8 70 105 140
9 80 120 160
10 90 135 180
11 100 150 200
12 110 165 220
13 120 180 240
14 131 196.5 262
15 143 214.5 286
16 156 234 312
17 170 255 340
18 185 277.5 370
19 200 300 400
20+ +15 / point

Vision cannot see it.

Characters with average vision can see tiny or Darkness - No lighting or lighting so poor it
larger things out to about 1000ft so long as has negligible impact on visibility. While in
their vision is unobstructed. Vision otherwise darkness a character may make a TN 5
works similar to range increments, where each perception check as a standard action to
additional 1000ft imposes penalties to viewing detect any characters or medium or larger
things. For vision, each range increment objects within 5 feet of themselves. For each
increases the minimum size of what a increment of 10 by which they exceed the
character can make out. At 2000ft a character perception TN they detect objects and
can see small or larger, at 3000 medium, and at characters a further 5 feet away. A character
4000 large. Base vision allows a character to fighting in darkness can attack characters with
spot things only so long as they have melee weapons whom they have detected at a
unobstructed vision, and appropriate lighting. -2 penalty. Characters cannot take reactions
Spotting hiding things or obscured things against characters unless they are aware of
Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

requires perception checks, with the them from a perception check. If a character
additional restrictions imposed by vision detected another character they remain aware
applying to the size of things which a of that character until the end of the round
character may spot. If an ability, perk, or effect and thereafter so long as the detected
would increase or decrease a character’s vision character remains within 10 ft. A character
it increases or decreases the base range may attempt to make a blind melee attack at a
increment. target whom they believe is adjacent to them
without first detecting them, but does so at a
-6 penalty, treating any failed attack roll as a
There are three categories of lighting which fumble. Characters can attempt to shoot a
further affect vision and apply modifiers in ranged weapon only at targets they have
combat. detected but do so at a -6 penalty.
Full - Normal lighting. No changes to vision Falling
Characters and creatures often fall from things
Low-Light - Moonlight, torchlight, or other when ledges are involved in any way. Falling
such areas of poor lighting. The base range usually hurts quite a bit. For the purposes of
increment for vision is reduced to 20ft. All calculating falling damage, a character who
ranged attacks and perception checks suffer a has fallen 20ft or more takes 1 dice of damage
-2 penalty if they are made at a target beyond for every 20ft they have fallen, capping out at
the initial vision increment. Characters cannot 50 dice at 1000ft. The dice size is dependent
target something with a ranged attack if they on the character’s size, representing the extra

energy generated by a character’s relative Falling onto other characters - A character
mass. If a character happens to be much falling onto another character deals the
lighter than their size would indicate or vice damage they themselves take to the character
versa, adjust the size category as appropriate. they fall upon. The fallen-upon character may
Falling counts as bludgeoning damage, and is attempt to make a reflex saving throw to avoid
reduced by bludgeoning DR. the falling character (1d6 for having a tiny
Falling into Water - If a character is falling character fall on them, 2d6 for small or
into water they may attempt to dive into it by medium characters, 3d6 for large or big
making an athletics check to mitigate fall characters, 4d6 for a humongous character).
damage so long as the water is of sufficient Items
depth (see chart). The base TN for this check
What counts as an item
is 7, and on a success they reduce the damage
taken by 1 dice, and 1 additional dice for each An item is any object that could be used by
point by which they exceeded the athletics and carried on the person of a character. An
item is different from an emplaced object like

Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

check TN.
a statue or a structure like a building in that it
Falling onto Softer Surfaces - Falling damage
uses its own special set of size ranges.
presumes the character is falling onto a
relatively hard surface such as ground. If a Item Size
character happens to fall onto a softer surface, Item sizes work differently than character
such as a forest canopy or a stack of mattresses sizes, representing size relative to a medium
treat the fall as though it was from half the character. A medium item represents
height when calculating damage. something that a medium character could

Character Size Falling Damage Dice Water Depth

Tiny d4 5ft

Small d6 10ft

Medium d8 15ft

Large d10 20ft

Big 2d6 30ft

Humongous 2d8 40ft

realistically hold and use in a single hand,
such as a sword or shield. An arming sword is Item Size Base Hit Points
a medium item. A small item is roughly half Tiny 3
the size of a medium item, and a tiny item is
Small 5
roughly half the size of a small item again. A
book or a mug could be a small item, while a Medium 10

tiny item would be something like a pen or Large 20

coin. A large item is something that would
Big 35
require two hands to use properly and is at
least half as big again as a medium item (such Item Physical TN
as a spear). Item size is primarily used for
An item has the same physical TN as the
storage space capacities (in a backpack for
character carrying it, further modified by the
instance) as well as determining item hit
item’s size modifier (see chart). A character
holding the item can make a dodge or block
Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

Item Health and DR reaction in response to the item being

There are occasionally situations when an item attacked, adding the result of their reaction to
will be attacked or damaged by another the physical TN of the item. Otherwise, the
character or an effect. In that case, refer to the character is not treated as being attacked for
charts below for an idea of the hit points and the purpose of triggering additional abilities
DR of various objects. The GM may choose to Item Size Physical TN Mod.
adjust hit points and DR for specific items
Tiny +2
further as needed. Magical Items and
Masterwork items are treated as having double Small +1

their respective Hit Points and DR. Medium 0

HP Large -1
Item Material DR (S/P/B) Multiplier
Hard Metal 8/8/8 x2 Big -2

Soft Metal 6/6/6 x1.5

Wood 4/3/4 x1
Limbs & Losing Them
Paper 1/0/3 x1
Occasionally characters lose limbs or the use
of them, whether from massive damage,
Glass 1/0/0 x0.5
narrative consequences, or spells and abilities.
Silk 0/0/2 x1 This obviously imposes some consequences,
Leather 2/1/3 x1 listed below.

Losing Arms penalty
If a character loses a single arm or the use • The character cannot cast spells unless an
thereof the following consequences are applied: effect would allow them to do so without
• The character can no longer use two moving
handed weapons • The character’s carrying capacity is
• The character suffers a -1 penalty to their reduced to ½
Physical TN • The character suffers a -4 penalty on any
• Any skill checks which would normally attack, block, or dodge rolls
require the use of two hands but can If a character loses a hand the following effects
functionally be done with one (such as are applied
climbing, most acrobatics checks, • The character is at a -4 penalty to use any
swimming, etc…) are done so at a -4 weapons or items which would normally
penalty. require the use of two hands, and cannot

Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

• The character suffers a -2 penalty to any use items that would require fine dexterity
channelling checks (unless an effect would from both (such as a bow)
allow them to cast the spell without • Any skill checks which would normally
moving). require the use of two hands but can
• The character’s carrying capacity is functionally be done with one (such as
reduced by one-third climbing, most acrobatics checks,
• The character suffers a -2 penalty to attack, swimming, etc…) are done so at a -2
and block or dodge rolls. penalty

If a character loses both arms the following • The character suffers a -1 penalty to
effects are applied: channelling checks unless an effect would
allow them to cast a spell without moving
• The character cannot use any weapons or
items which would require hands If a character loses both hands (but not arms)
the following effects are applied
• The character suffers a -2 penalty to their
physical TN • The character cannot use items or
weapons which would require the use of
• The character cannot perform skill checks hands
which would require the use of hands. If a
skill check could theoretically be done • The character cannot perform skill checks
with no hands but would be difficult to do which would require the use of hands. If a
so (such as most acrobatics and athletics skill check could theoretically be done
checks) they may be attempted at a -10 with no hands but would be difficult to do

so (such as most acrobatics and athletics • The character is always considered prone
checks) they may be attempted at a -6 • The character’s suffers a -2 penalty to their
penalty physical TN
• The character suffers a -4 penalty to • The character cannot perform any skill
channelling checks checks which would require the use of legs
• The character suffers a -2 penalty to block (such as most acrobatics, and athletics
checks). If a skill check could be
reasonably performed without legs but the
Losing Legs lack thereof would significantly impede
If a character loses a single leg the following the character’s ability to perform the check
effects are applied (such as stealth), they may attempt the
• The character’s move speed is reduced to check at a -10 penalty
half • The character’s carrying capacity is
reduced by 2/3
Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

• The character must make a TN 10 balance

check as a free action on 2d6 whenever If a character loses a foot the following effects
attempting an action which would require are applied
them to move in a strenuous fashion such • The character’s movement speed is
as attacking, dodging, etc… On a failure reduced by 5
they lose the action (and any dice spent on
• The character suffers a -1 penalty to any
it), and on a fumble they fall prone,and
skill checks which would require them to
provoke attacks of opportunity. If the
move around as part of the check, and a -2
character is already prone this penalty is
penalty to any acrobatics or athletics
ignored. Crutches or similar movement
aids may be used to ignore this penalty,
although it still applies when a character • The character suffers a -1 penalty to dodge
would not be able to use their movement checks
aids while performing the action.. • The character suffers a -1 penalty to attack
• The character’s carrying capacity is rolls
reduced by ½ • If the character affixes some kind of
If a character loses both legs the following effects movement aid such as a peg leg or claw the
are applied block and attack penalties are ignored, and
the skill penalty is reduced to 0 except in
• The character’s movement speed is
situations where the prosthetic would still
reduced to 5ft
hinder their ability to perform the action.

If a character loses both feet the following effects Attribute Damage
are applied
Occasionally an effect will cause a character to
• The character’s move speed is reduced to take attribute damage. When a character takes
half attribute damage, they reduce the base value
• The character suffers a -2 penalty to any of their attribute by the indicated amount.
skill checks which would require them to This immediately impacts any derived
move around as part of the check, and a -4 statistics from that attribute (a caster will lose
penalty to any acrobatics or athletics dice from their channelling pool if mind is
checks. reduced, any character will lose HP if their
• The character suffers a -2 penalty to dodge body is reduced, if a reflex or will modifier
checks changes as a result of the attribute damage
then the respective mental or physical defence
• The character suffers a -1 penalty to attack
TN is reduced, etc…). Unless it is stated that
the attribute damage is permanent, then the

Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

• If a character affixes movement aids such character will recover 1 point each day after a
as a peg or claw to both feet, instead apply rest.
the penalties of losing a single foot.
Broken Limbs
Holding Your Breath &
A character with a broken arm cannot use
A character can hold their breath for a number
weapons with that arm and suffers a -2 penalty
of rounds equal to their body score. After that
to perform any skill actions which would
they take 1 level of fatigue at the end of each
involve the use of that arm.
round until they fall unconscious. A character
A character with a broken leg has their who falls unconscious while underwater dies
movement speed reduced to half and cannot after an additional 5 rounds.
run or jump. Any skill checks made using the
leg are done so at a -4 penalty. The character Overland Movement
suffers a -1 penalty to their physical TN. Characters often have to travel over long
A broken limb is considered healed if the distances through vast stretches of wilderness.
character is restored to full hit points through During such periods of travel it would be
magical or divine means. Otherwise, the exceedingly tedious to calculate movement
effects last for 1d6 weeks (½ duration with a round-by-round to determine how far they
TN 10 medicine check to set the limb). have gone in a day of travel, so we have
overland movement rules to represent hourly
and daily rates of travel. Overland movement

is based upon a character’s movement speed only benefit from a short rest from travelling
including any modifiers from encumbrance, once between each actual long rest.
fatigue, etc…If a character’s movement speed
would change over the course of travel, their
The character is moving at a reasonable pace
rate of movement is recalculated at the same
without risking exhaustion. Travelling at a brisk
pace allows the use of any skills which do not
Rates of Travel
require concentration, and allows characters to
Characters will often want to travel at the move at a rate of 1.5km / hour / 5 feet of
absolute fastest pace possible in order to movement.
deliberately avoid all the carefully crafted
adventure hooks the GM has prepared along the
road, so you can probably ignore the first couple The character is moving at a quick pace,
of entries and skip straight ahead to ‘breakneck’. equivalent to a light - but sustainable - jog.
Travelling at various rates imposes various Hustling does not allow a character to use any
Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

penalties or advantages upon the travelling skills while travelling overland with the
character. exception of perception or riding checks to
control a mount upon which they are travelling,
Leisurely and allows them to move at apace of 2km / hour
The character is travelling at a slow pace, such as / 5 feet of movement. A hustle imposes
to enjoy the countryside, ensure the recovery of additional penalties when travelling over longer
injured companions, or simply because they’re a durations (see below).
lazy bastard. Travelling at a leisurely pace allows
the use of any skills which would not require a
character to remain still while performing, and The character is moving at a desperate pace,
allows characters to move at a rate of 1km / hourpushing themselves to their physical limits in
/ 5 feet of movement. For example, a character order to cover as much ground as possible in as
with a movement speed of 30ft would travel at a short a time. A character moving at a breakneck
rate of 6km/hour and be able to read a book, pace may only make riding checks to control a
train their dog, hunt, or perform a rousing song mount upon which they are travelling, and
while doing so. In addition, if a character moves at a rate of 2.5km / hour / 5 feet of
performs no skill actions and does not incur movement. A Breakneck rate of travel imposes
fatigue from travelling while having travelled for additional penalties when travelling over longer
6 consecutive hours or more at a leisurely pace durations (see below)
they are treated as having taken a short rest for Travelling Duration
the purpose of restoring daily use abilities, and Characters are not able to travel endlessly
divine and channelling pools. A character can without food or rest, and suffer fatigue after

Duration Allowance
Pace Distance / Hour Skill Usage (hours)
Any which would not require the character to remain 10 + Will or Body Modifier
Leisurely 1km / 5ft of movement stationary or utilise complex tools (whichever is highest)
Any which would not require
Brisk 1.5km / 5ft 10 + Will or Body modifier

Hustle 2km / 5ft Only perception or riding 4 + Will or Body modifier

Breakneck 2.5km / 5ft Only riding 0 + Will or Body modifier

travelling for extended durations. A character pace against their duration allowance of the
can travel for a number of hours at a leisurely or fastest pace travelled.
brisk pace equal to 10 + their will or body Daily travel allowance, functions the same way
modifier (whichever is higher). When as other ‘daily’ calculations in that it represents
travelling for a period longer than their default the duration a character can travel between
allowance a character must make a 2d6+x body rests. If a character happens to travel for longer

Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

saving throw each hour where x is the number than 24 hours their daily allowance does not
of hours travelled in excess of their allowance. reset.
On a failure, the character incurs a level of Overland Travel for parties with
fatigue. A character who has sustained enough different movement speeds
fatigue to reduce their physical pool to zero
Characters rates of overland travel are
cannot continue to travel and must rest.
calculated independently, and characters may
Characters travelling at a leisurely or brisk pace move at a different rate of travel within the
follow the above restrictions as normal. A same party. A character is treated as moving at
character travelling at a hustle treats their base a greater pace (leisurely, brisk, hustle or
allowance of hours as 4+their body or will breakneck) as soon as they exceed the
modifier, and a character travelling at movement rate for the previous pace. If a
breakneck pace must make a check for fatigue character is mounted or has access to a cart or
each hour travelled and treats their base similar transportation device, they may treat
allowance of hours as 0+their body or mind their movement speed as the same as their
modifier (whichever is higher). mode of transportation for the purposes of
Characters may change their pace while travelling overland.
travelling, but still make fatigue checks and Rates of travel do not require a character to
treat their total daily travel allowance as though travel at the maximum allowed pace - but
they were travelling at the fastest pace chosen rather any speed between the maximum
during the total duration of that day’s travel. allowed for the chosen pace and the maximum
They treat the total duration travelled at any allowed for the previous slower pace (for

example, a character with 30ft of movement
could choose to travel at 10km/hour while
hustling instead of the maximum allowed
12km/hour. This would still be treated as a
hustle for the purposes of calculating daily
allowance and fatigue checks). This allows
characters to travel at the same pace even if
they have different movement values and fall
into different rates given the duration and
speed of the overland movement.
Chapter VIII - Other Stuff

Chapter VIII - Other Stuff
Chapter IX - Rules for casting spells, miscasting spells, channelling pools,
and other stuff

Casting Spells Unless you have rolled double 1s and triggered a

miscast, nothing happens. Your mental dice are
Casting a spell requires the caster to move their
still expended, your channelling dice are still
arms and body about to focus the magical
expended, and any reactions or free actions
energies, as well as speaking arcane words of
made as part of the spell action still happen as
power. Occasionally a spell will have additional
normal. If you did roll double 1s (or triple,
requirements that are listed in its description. A
quadruple, etc…) and failed a channel check
character cannot cast a spell if they cannot move
then you have miscast, and must roll on the
or speak unless a perk or effect would allow
miscast table to determine the result. The result
them to do so. Casting a spell is an action which
Chapter IX -Spellcasting

of the miscast table replaces any effects the spell

provokes attacks of opportunity. In order to cast
would normally have. See the miscast section
a spell and apply its effects a caster must first
later in the chapter for details.
succeed on a channelling attempt which is
considered to be part of the casting action itself. Channelling Pools &
Channelling Spells Overchannelling
Casting a spell is a mental action costing any Casters are limited in the amount of spells they
amount of dice available to you from your can cast each day by the arcane energy at their
mental pool. When you attempt to cast a spell disposal. A Spellcaster can use a total amount of
you make a channelling check, in which you roll dice each day on channelling checks equal to
the chosen amount of dice, add any rank bonus their Mind Score + spellcaster level before they
from skill points invested into the spell and risk overchannelling - this total is referred to as
compare the total against a spell’s channel TN. If a channelling pool. Overchanneling occurs
you exceed the channel TN the spell is when a spellcaster uses more channelling dice
successfully cast and you apply its effects as on a channelling attempt than remain in their
indicated. When you attempt to channel a spell channelling pool. When overchannelling a
as a mental action you also spend the same spellcaster incurs x levels of fatigue where x is
amount of dice from your channelling pool. the amount of dice used in excess of their
Failing a channelling check channelling pool. In addition, any double-1s
rolled while overchannelling automatically
If you fail a channelling check then the spell you
cause a spell to miscast even if the total exceeds
are attempting to cast ‘fizzles’ and does not cast.

the channel TN. A character counts as opportunity are made against the channelling
overchannelling as soon as they exceed their character. A character who is casting an
channelling pool, IE: Tom has 1 dice left in his invocation is treated as though they were in
channelling pool, and needs to cast Lightning active concentration until their channelling
Bolt to blast some Cranky Debt-Collectors. check is completed.
Since bolt has a TN of 16 and Tom only has a Rituals
+2, he declares he will roll 3d6 for his
Rituals are complex magical spells that have
channelling check. Tom rolls a total of 16 so
extensive preparatory periods. Rituals have a
casts the bolt, but will also incur 2 levels of
defined casting time, and take the listed
fatigue from his overchannelling. Had Tom
amount of time to channel and prepare.
failed the channelling check he still would have
Rituals can be attempted during combat, but it
incurred 2 levels of fatigue.
would have to be an incredibly long combat to
Types of Spells finish casting most of them. If a character
happens to be casting a ritual during a combat
There are three different types of spells:

Chapter IX -Spellcasting
they are treated as taking successive full-round
cantrip, invocation, and ritual. Each of these
actions if they continue to cast the ritual.
classifications have different restrictions for
When casting a ritual, a caster must declare
when they can be cast, representing the
how many channelling dice they are using
various levels of complexity and focus
before they begin the casting time. Once the
involved in their casting.
ritual has been completed, they roll the
Cantrips declared amount of dice to see if they meet the
Cantrips represent simple spells that can be channelling TN and successfully cast the spell.
cast almost reflexively. A spellcaster can cast A caster can stop casting a ritual at any time,
any number of cantrip spells during a round, however the effects of the ritual are lost, the
so long as they have enough mental dice to channelling dice are expended, and any
channel them. Cantrips do not require components are considered used.
concentration to channel, but still provoke
Spell Schools
attacks of opportunity
Spell schools determine the areas of
proficiency a spellcaster has. When selecting
Invocations are more complex spells, and learning spells a spellcaster may only put
demanding more focus. Only one invocation ranks into spells within one of their known
can be cast each round by an individual schools. There are the base schools of Healing,
spellcaster. Invocations have a more involved Conjuration, Divination, Evocation,
casting process and can therefore be Enchantment, and Illusion. As a character
interrupted by damage if attacks of progresses down the various trees they may

gain access to additional schools through Illusion - Illusion tricks people with images
perks but otherwise begin the game with and sounds. Illusion differs from conjuration
access to spells from any two schools of their in that it cannot create anything real, but it is
choice. also far more flexible as it is limited only by
the imagination of the caster. Illusion is used
Healing - Healing spells mend people and
to distract, entertain, or misdirect its targets.
cure ailments. Skilled healers can cast auras of
Powerful illusionists can wrap themselves in
regeneration that can instantly seal wounds of
cloaks of arcane mirrors to appear invisible,
their companions, or cast powerful rituals that
can spark utter terror in their foes, or can
ward areas or imbue waters with restorative
enthral a crowd with fanciful and intricate
Conjuration - Conjuration summons
things. Powerful students of the school can
General - Spells of the general school are
simple spells which are not tied to a specific
reverse some of the properties to send
kind of magic. General spells can be taken by
themselves or others somewhere instead of
Chapter IX -Spellcasting

any spellcaster. They are considered to be of

calling things to them. Conjuration can also
every school for the purposes of channelling,
shape matter, and even create temporal matter.
identifying, and counterspelling. General
Evocation - Evocation deals with the spells include simple and universal uses of
projection of force or elements into powerful magic.
destructive spells. That’s about it. Evocation
mages just kill stuff.
Learning Spells
Spellcasters may use skill points to purchase
Divination - Divination lets you see and
spells instead of normal skills. A spellcaster
hear things, whether they be faraway areas, or
can only select spells from schools in which he
even the future. Novice divination mages can
or she is proficient. A spellcaster’s ranks in a
see through walls at a touch, or speak to their
spell works exactly how ranks in a skill would
friends over short distances. Extremely skilled
- they receive a bonus from the number of
divination mages can cast powerful spells of
ranks that is then applied to all channelling
foresight that boost their reactions to
checks to cast the spell. The rule for max rank
supernatural levels.
bonus applies to spells as well (no bonus
Enchantment - Enchantment spells place higher than character level). Unlike skills,
lasting auras and effects upon people, objects, spells have no associated attribute, so the
or places. Powerful enchanters can control bonus to channelling is derived only from a
minds, and bolster their allies against even the spellcaster’s ranks invested in a spell. Each
most terrifying of foes. spell is treated as its own skill, and a
spellcaster must invest ranks into each spell in

their repertoire individually to earn a higher channelling checks. If characters are able to
rank bonus when casting. inflict damage or otherwise disturb them as
part of a reaction or free action taken in
Identifying Spells Being response to the channelling check, the
Cast character channelling the invocation must
When a spell is cast, any spellcaster may as a make concentration checks to maintain the
free action make a 2d6 + any number of channelling attempt. Dice declared as part of
available mental dice knowledge (arcana) the channelling attempt are immediately
check to attempt to identify the spell being counted against the character's channelling
cast. The TNs are listed below pool maximum for the day. If a spellcaster is
Conditions Knowledge required to make a concentration check to
maintain the channelling attempt they do so on
Identify a spell of a school known 10
to the caster 2d6. However, a spellcaster may sacrifice dice
Identify a spell which the caster used in their channelling attempt to add to the
has ranks in
Identify a Spell from a base school amount of dice used to make their

Chapter IX -Spellcasting
other than the caster’s concentration check. If a character does so
Identify a spell from a non-base 20 they roll their channelling attempt on the
Modifiers remaining dice used. For example, Marietta
attempts to cast Wall of Mists with a TN of 16
Base Channel TN of spell is > 10 +3
on 4d6. Her channelling attempt triggers an
Base Channel TN is > 15 +6 attack of opportunity from the adjacent Auditor-
General’s Security Official which hits Marietta
Base Channel TN is > 20 +10
for 10 damage. In order to maintain her channel
Identifier cannot see caster +5 attempt Marietta must make a TN 13
Identifier cannot hear caster +2 concentration check and so she opts to use one
of the 4 dice she initially declared as part of her
Interrupting Spells channel attempt in addition to the 2 dice
provided by the concentration check. Marietta
Invocations and rituals can be interrupted, as
rolls 3d6 on her concentration check and
well as any other spells which are cast as a full-
succeeds with a total of 14. She then rolls her
round or multi-round action. In addition,
channel attempt on 3d6, rolling a 17 (with her
certain spells require active or passive
impressive bonus) and successfully casting her
concentration to maintain even after they are
spell. Marietta is still considered to have used
4d6 from his channelling pool to cast wall of
After an invocation is declared as an action the mists and marks off 4d6 from her channelling
caster is considered to be in active pool.
concentration until they have completed their

If a spell is disrupted before the channelling on the miscast table which would result in the
attempt is made the character still spends the spell being cast, ignore this result (do not roll
allotted dice from their channelling and mental again) the spell is treated as fizzling.
pools, but does not make the channelling If a spellcaster fumbles a counterspell attempt
attempt at all. and fails to counter the spell they will trigger a
If a spell is disrupted after it has been cast any miscast and are treated as though they were
continuous effects immediately end. attempting to cast the same spell.
While casting a ritual a character is considered Dice used to attempt a counterspell counts
to be in active concentration. If they are against a spellcaster’s daily channelling limit.
disrupted they lose dice from their channelling
pool equal to the declared amount used for the Complete Casting Steps
ritual. Casting a spell involves a couple checks and
triggers. See the Ordering Reaction - Deep
Counterspelling Dive section in combat for more details on
When a caster attempts to channel a spell,
Chapter IX -Spellcasting

why these checks and triggers matter. The

other casters may attempt to counterspell. A triggered actions of casting a spell are as
caster can only counterspell if they first follows.
identify the spell being cast, and are able to
• Casting a spell is an action which provokes
cast spells of the same school. If a spellcaster is
attacks of opportunity if within threat
attempting to counterspell a spell which they
range of an enemy character
have ranks in, then they add their rank bonus
to their counterspell channel check. • Casting a spell triggers free actions to
identify the spell by other spellcasters who
Counterspelling is a free action, triggered after
can see or hear the caster of the spell (on
a successful identification of the spell by a
2d6+any number of additional dice from
spellcaster. The counterspelling mage makes
the identifier’s mental pool)
an opposed channel check against the caster of
the spell using any amount of mental dice they • If the spell is correctly identified, an
have available. When the initial caster identifying caster may attempt to
attempts to make their channel check they counterspell it as a free action
must exceed both the channelling TN and the • If a caster receives damage while
counterspeller’s channelling result in order to attempting to channel an invocation or
cast their spell. If the caster rolled double 1s ritual spell, they must make a
and the spell is countered they will still trigger concentration check as a free action on
a miscast (even if they would have otherwise 2d6 with a TN equal to the total damage
exceeded the channel TN). If a result is rolled received since they began channelling or

this round (whichever is most recent) or ‘d60’ roll 1d6 and 1d10, using the d6 to
else automatically fail their channel represent the ‘tens’ and the d10 to represent
attempt (dice are still expended) the ‘ones’. Treat a result of 6 on the d6 as a 0,
• After the spell is cast (on a successful with a result of 0 on both dice being treated as
channel attempt, or miscast which results a 60. Violent miscasts are rolled on 2d10 (just
in the spell being cast) any spellcasters roll 2d10 and add the result up).
who did not see the spell being cast, but
can see the effects of the spell may attempt
to identify the spell cast as a free action.
Anytime a spell is cast outside of combat, it
triggers a free action to identify the spell from
any spellcasters who can see its effects.
A miscast occurs when two or more 1s are

Chapter IX -Spellcasting
rolled on a channelling check and the result
fails to meet the channel TN of the spell. In
that case, roll on the miscast table and apply
the result.
Miscasts can also occur when overchannelling
a spell. If double 1s are ever rolled while a
caster is overchannelling the spell miscasts
even if the caster passes the channel TN
Miscasts can also be triggered by perks or
abilities, as well as counterspelling.
If a spell would miscast for any reason, but the
channel check still exceeds the target TN, the
spell is still cast. Apply the effects of the
miscast in addition to the normal effects of the
spell. In the case of a miscast roll which results
in the spell being cast, the parameters of the
miscast result supersede those of the spell (the
spell is not cast twice).
The miscast table is rolled on 1d60. To roll a

Roll (1d60) Miscast Table Result
1-5 Roll on the Violent Miscast Table (pg 163)

6 Caster takes 2d6 damage, ignoring all forms of damage reduction

7 Caster takes 1d6 temporary Mnd damage

The miscast produces a concussive burst of magic energy. All characters within 30ft take xD6 damage where x is the
number of dice used to channel, a successful reflex check on xD6 results in ½ damage.
9 Caster loses all remaining dice in their Channelling pool (if any)

10 2 random characters within a 100ft radius of the caster swap spots with one another instantaneously

11 A random character within a 30ft radius becomes deafened and blind for 1d6 rounds
A random tiny or smaller object within a 100ft radius becomes animated. The animatron is independent, but is fiercely
loyal to the first character it sees who is wearing a hat or helm
13 All characters within 30ft must succeed on a 2d6 body check or take 1 level of fatigue
A random character within 10 kilometres can see and hear the caster and their surroundings as though they cast scrying
14 on them. The caster is uncomfortably aware of this, although does not know who (or what) is observing them. This effect
lasts for 1 minute
The caster’s mental and physical pool totals at the beginning of the round are swapped for the next 1d6 rounds. These new
15 totals are treated as the base pool for purposes of determining transfer rate and other effects. Furthermore, the caster
Chapter IX -Spellcasting

cannot transfer dice between pools until the effect ends

16 Water within 60ft is fouled, dealing 1d6 Body damage on a 2d6 Body check if consumed

17 Water within 60ft turns counts as a potion of cure (heals 1d6)

Every medium or smaller object within 100ft of the caster is pulled 10ft towards the caster. If this causes anything to
collide with the caster, both take 1d6 damage (3d6 ref to avoid - if either character succeeds damage is avoided for both)
Flame shoots from the mouth of the caster the next time they speak, dealing 2d6 damage to anything within a 30ft cone in
front of them. 3d6 Ref for half damage.
Caster is entangled by roots, (or whatever is appropriate given the surface they are standing on) requiring a TN 10 athletics
20 check to break free from. If the caster is not on the ground, then the roots appear on the nearest surface to them,
entangling anyone within 10ft. Entangled characters have a -2 penalty to Phys TN
21 Spell is cast, but centred on the caster (or targeting caster if appropriate).

22 Spell is cast, but any dice rolled to determine derived numeric results instead count as the lowest possible amount.

23 Spell is cast, but any dice rolled to determine derived numeric results count as the highest possible amount
The arcane energy unintentionally dissipates into powerful wards that encompass the surrounding area. All characters
within 100ft receive +10 to their physical TN until the end of this round
Caster and the target of the spell exchange all non-magical items worn by the other. If the spell was untargeted, then
nothing happens
Caster experiences a violent sneezing fit, reducing their physical and mental pools by 1 until the end of the following
Gravity temporarily reverses for everything within 30ft of the caster. Objects will fall upward slowly for 30ft, before falling
back down the following round.
28 The caster learns the secret recipe to Gorp’s Magnificent Stew

29 A normal pigeon appears 100ft in front of the caster

A random character who is within 60ft of the caster has their big toenail replaced by an emerald. This can be torn out
(quite painfully) and is worth 100g if sold
31 All characters within 100ft of the caster have their mind score reduced to 1 for the next 1d6 rounds

32 Caster is outlined in harmless, but extremely bright flames

Roll (1d60) Miscast Table Result
The radius and range of the miscast spell is doubled (if it has them), and it is cast as normal. If the spell had only 1 target,
instead choose a new target within its new range at random.
The arcane energies form into a giant malevolent hand, which flicks the caster before dissipating into nothing. The finger
attacks on 3d6+2 (1d8+2 damage, crit on triples).
35 An extremely large bang happens, deafening all characters within 100ft for 1d6 rounds.

36 The casters' hands stop functioning for the next 1d6 rounds.
All characters within 60ft must take a charge action against the closest enemy character as their next action, and are treated as not having
spent any dice this round when doing so. If there is no enemy character within range, they must move as far as possible towards the closest
enemy character. If the spell is miscast outside of combat, then characters must charge or run in the direction which they would reasonably
feel an enemy is in. 3d6 will save negates
38 The next time the caster takes an action, they may choose to reroll any 1 dice before results are declared

39 The caster’s eyebrows fall out

40 The next time the caster takes an action or reaction they roll twice, and take the lowest result
A crisp, chilled mug of ale appears 20ft in front of the caster, driving all characters within 30ft of it into a wild frenzy (2d6 will negates). All
affected characters must attempt to claim and drink the chilled mug of ale to the best of their ability. If an affected character drinks the ale,
they are emboldened with a sense of wild confidence, and receive +1 to all checks for the next 1d6 rounds. Any affected character who didn’t
drink the ale falls into a state of deep depression, and incur 1 level of fatigue
The caster becomes supremely confident in their preformative talents. The next round, they must - as a full round action - make a
42 performance check (if they have proficiency in none, they are at a -4 penalty). If their performance check exceeds a TN of 20, then all
characters who experienced the performance must make a 3d6 will check or spend the next round wildly applauding as a full-round action

Chapter IX -Spellcasting
43 All non magical clothing worn by the caster disappears (not armour)

44 The caster becomes cowed for 1d6 rounds if there is no tiny animal within vision

45 A small sapling sprouts directly in front of the caster

All gold pieces within 60ft attempt to bite their owners. Characters with gold on their person take 1d6 damage for each
46 increment of 20 gold on their person. Characters may make a TN 12 sleight of hand reaction to toss away their gold before
it bites them.
47 The spell casts, but any damage it would deal heals anything affected instead

48 The spell casts, but if the spell would heal damage, it deals that much damage to the target instead
A heavy rainfall begins, that lasts for 2d6 rounds and encompasses a radius of 1km. This obscures vision, and has all the
usual effects of rain.
All magical and non magical lights are snuffed out. Any attempts to light or otherwise create any lights for the next 2d6
rounds automatically fail
A random target within 50ft begins to spew forth the contents of their stomach uncontrollably. They lose 2 dice from their physical pool for
51 the next 1d4 rounds, and the area within a 10ft radius of them requires a TN 7 acrobatics check (as a free action on 2d6) to traverse. If the
acrobatics check is failed the character attempting the move action falls prone and loses the remainder of their move.
52 A random character within 50ft and all their equipment become one size category larger for the next 1d6 rounds

53 A random character within 50t and all their equipment become one size category smaller for the next 1d6 rounds

54 The caster takes 1d6 points of temporary reflex damage

All characters within 100ft must succeed on a 3d6 mind saving throw or swap the values of their mind and body attributes
for the next 2d6 rounds
Both of the caster’s arms break unless they succeed on an xd6 body saving throw where x is the number of dice used on the
channelling attempt
A curse of rejection hangs about the caster. The next time they attempt to befriend or woo a character who is currently
unknown to them they will be rejected.
All garments worn by characters within 100ft become partially animated and restrict the movement of all affected
characters (proportional to the type of garment worn). The garments can be escaped with a TN 14 acrobatics check
The caster’s tongue triples in length for the next 1d4 days. This makes it very difficult to speak or cast spells, imposing a -3
penalty on any skills or actions which would involve speech.
Roll twice and apply both results. If this result is rolled again, then roll that individual roll twice, and so on ad nauseam
(stop rolling successive 60s Brad).

Roll (2d10) Violent Miscast Table Result
The explosive arcane forces detonate the caster’s head in a violent burst of gore. The caster instantly dies, and all characters
2 who witness their death must make a 4d6 will save or become sickened for 1d6 rounds.
The arcane energies course through the form of the caster, stripping away muscles and neural connections. The caster loses
3 2d6 from 2 attributes chosen at random. If this would reduce an attribute to 0, the caster dies from the shock. Both affected
attributes are permanently reduced by 1 - even after recovering.
A random limb of the caster’s is permanently lost. The process of this tragic loss also deals 3d10 damage to the caster. If the
4 caster has no limbs left to lose, then the arcane powers course through their body, forcing them into a catatonic slumber
lasting 1d6 days (they still take the damage).
The caster’s soul is separated quite violently from their body and thrust into a random creature within 60ft. The caster
makes a will check on any number of dice remaining in their mental pool against the creature’s mental defence
(+reaction). If the caster succeeds they take control of the creature’s body for 1d6 rounds before returning to their own
5 body. If they fail (or there is no target within 60ft) then their spirit wanders about in agony for 1d6 rounds before returning
to their body, inflicting 5 levels of fatigue and 1d3 permanent will damage. For the duration of this effect the caster’s body
falls comatose and is considered helpless.
1 random object within 60ft of the caster detonates, showering everyone within a 30ft radius with bits of whatever it was,
6 dealing between 0 and 10d6 damage depending on the material to all affected characters (3d6 ref for half damage).

Fire rains from the skies as an elemental storm spawns from the malignant arcane energies. The storm expands in a 200ft
7 radius around the caster, and deals 3d6 fire damage to anyone in it at the beginning of each round.

The spell detonates violently in the caster’s hand dealing xD6 damage to them, where x is the number of dice used to
8 channel + any dice used to counter the spell.
Chapter IX -Spellcasting

9 The caster loses all remaining dice in their channelling pool and incurs 1d6 levels of fatigue

The spell explodes into a thick, choking smoke. The smoke spreads out in a 60ft radius from the caster, blinding anyone
10 within it, and dealing 1d6 damage at the end of each round. The smoke dissipates in 2d6 rounds.

A random character within 60ft is automatically struck by an arcing bolt of arcane force. This bolt deals xD6 damage
11 where x is the number of dice used on the channel attempt.

Arcane dissonance courses about the battlefield. For the next 2d6 rounds, any attempt to channel a spell results in a
12 miscast (the spell may still be successfully cast)

All characters within 30ft of the caster must succeed on a 3d6 mnd test or incur 1d6 levels of fatigue. The caster makes this
13 test on 4d6 instead.

All characters within 30ft of the caster (including the caster) take xD6 damage where x is the number of dice used to
14 channel the miscast spell. Characters may make a 3d6 reflex save for ½ damage
A surge of magical energy roars about the battlefield. The next time a caster attempts to cast a spell they do so on dice
15 equal to double their base mental pool, and after are counted as having over channeled 5 times, incurring the appropriate
amount of fatigue. This effect dissipates in 1d6 rounds if no one casts a spell.

16 All non-magical metal items within 60ft of the caster rust to dust and are destroyed

A random character within 60ft of the caster increases their body score by xD6 until the end of the next round where x is
the number of dice used to channel the spell. If this would double that character’s body score then the explosive burst of
17 strength tears at their muscles, inflicting damage equal to their new body score and permanently reducing their body score
by 2 after the effect ends.
A lethargic aura emanates from the targeted location of the initial spell. Everything within 60ft of it must make a 3d6 will
18 test or fall into a deep comatose sleep that lasts for 1d4 hours.

Any corpse within 100ft of the caster rises from the dead as a zombie (or skeleton) and viciously attacks the nearest
19 creature to it. The magic dissipates in 1d6 rounds, returning the bodies to their lifeless states.
An extremely powerful creature is summoned such as a greater demon or dragon (chosen by GM), as the wild arcane
energies form into powerful wards of conditional binding. The creature will attempt to the best of its ability to slay the
20 caster, at which point the summoning will be released and the creature will be returned from whence it came. Otherwise
the wards naturally dissipate after 10 rounds, stranding the now likely very upset and confused creature.

Chapter IX -Spellcasting
Actual Spells
Chapter X - A bunch of spells
Detect Magic throw on 2d6 + your ref mod to avoid it. A
Channel TN - 1 character takes half damage on a successful
Cantrip save.
School - General
Range - 30ft Ice Shard
You can detect any magical auras within a 30ft Channel TN - 7 / 15
cone in front of you. You can discern their Invocation
School - Evocation
relative power level, and what school any aura
Range - 100ft
is from (so long as it is from either a base
Make a 2d6/3d6 ranged attack roll against a
school, or a school known to you), as well as
target’s Physical TN + (reaction) as a free
the precise location of any aura within the
action. If you hit, deal 1d6/3d6 cold damage to
Chapter X - Actual Spells

radius. You may cast detect magic as a ritual,

them, and remove 1 dice from their physical
taking 1 minute of preparation in order to
pool until end of round.
extend the detection area to a 120ft radius
around you. Breathe Fire
Channel TN - 12 / 18
Self-Propelled Tracking Bolts of Invocation
Abstract Force School - Evocation
Range - 20ft / 30ft cone
Channel TN - 6
Cantrip All characters within the range of the spell
School - Evocation must succeed on a 2d6/3d6 +your will
Range 60ft modifier reflex saving throw or takes 4d6 fire
You shoot one bolt of invisible force. This bolt damage. Affected characters take ½ damage
automatically hits any target within range on a successful save.
whom you are aware of for 1d4+1 magical
Channel TN - 8/13/18
Lightning Bolt Invocation
School - Evocation
Channel TN - 16/19/22 Range - 40ft cone
School - evocation
All large or smaller characters within the cone
Fucken draw a straight line out to 100ft, and must succeed on a (2/3/4d6+your mind
blast anyone in it for 4d6/6d6/8d6 electric modifier) body check or be blown back away
damage. Hit targets can make a ref saving from you by 10/15/20ft. If a gusted character
comes into contact with a proportionately

large solid object they take 2d8 bludgeoning action, then the action is treated as a free
damage and stop moving. action on 2d6. You must be able to see the
target or be touching them in order to cast
Push / Pull
Mind Control.
Channel TN - 6 / 14
Invocation Calm
School - Evocation
Channel TN - 9
Range - 60ft
Target any one character within range. If your School - Enchantment
channel TN exceeds that character’s Physical Range - 30ft
TN + reaction you may re-position them in All creatures in the affected area have any
any direction by up to 10ft / 20ft. A character effects of fear removed, and are immune to
receives +3 to their physical TN for each size any fear effects for the next 1d6 rounds.
category they are above medium. Affected characters are also less likely to be
Daze roused to anger for the duration, providing a
Channel TN - 9 +1 bonus on persuasion and insight checks for

Chapter X - Actual Spells

Cantrip all affected characters.
School - Enchantment
Range - 60ft Comprehend Languages
Target another character within range. If your Channel TN - 4/8/12
channel TN exceeds their mental Invocation
School - Enchantment
TN+reaction, that character becomes dazed Range - personal
until the end of the next round. You can understand and speak all spoken
Mind Control languages you hear for the next 10 minutes/
Channel TN - 12 hour/day. This does not allow you to better
Invocation learn or comprehend new languages, it is
School - Enchantment instead as though all languages are translated
Range - 30ft
automatically into one which you already
Choose any 1 target within range. If your
channelling result exceeds the target’s mental
TN + reaction you may force that character to Water Breathing
immediately take any 1 standard action of Channel TN - 10
your choice on up to 2d6 from either of their Invocation
School - Enchantment
pools. You may not force the target to transfer Range - Touch
dice between pools beyond what would be The target of the spell can freely breathe both
necessary to perform the action on 2d6. If the water and air for a number of hours equal to
character does not have enough dice your character level. If they did not have either
remaining between either pool to perform the

a swim or normal movement speed they gain your body, temporarily supercharging your
one of 20ft so long as their limbs or physical capabilities at the cost of your
appendages could be used to swim. spellcasting abilities. For the next 5 rounds
swap your physical and mental pool.
Additionally, you may not transfer dice from
Channel TN - 12/18/24
Invocation your physical pool to your mental, and you
School - Enchantment may not cast invocations or rituals for the
Range - 30ft duration. Once the spell ends, you incur 1
You magically hold a creature in place, level of physical fatigue.
rendering them helpless. When you cast hold
make a 2d6/3d6/4d6 + mind bonus mental Cure
Channel TN - 1/5/10
attack against a target’s mental TN + reaction.
The target gets an additional +2 to their School - Healing
mental defence for each size category above Range - touch
medium they are. On a success the creature is Target heals 1/1d6/2d6 hp. Can be cast on self
Chapter X - Actual Spells

suspended in place and cannot move for the

Remove Poison
next 5 + your mind modifier rounds. As a full
Channel TN 14/24
round action the helpless creature may Ritual
attempt a 2d6/3d6/4d6 + your mind modifier School - Healing
will saving throw to break free from the hold Range - touch
Casting Time - 5 minutes
but is otherwise considered helpless. Hold
Target is cured of non-magical/all poisons.
suspends a character exactly in place as it is
Can be cast on self, but doing so increases the
casted. If a character happens to be far off the
Channelling TN by 3.
ground Hold maintains their position. If for
some reason the targeted character wants to Recover
be held they may elect to do so without having Channel TN - 8/13/18
the caster make a roll against their mental Ritual
School - Healing
defence. Hold requires passive concentration Range - Touch
on the part of the caster; if the caster’s Casting time - 5 minutes
concentration is broken the hold spell ends. Target recovers 1/2/3 levels of fatigue not
Brute Strength incurred by overchanneling. A single target
Channel TN - 15
can only be affected by Recover once per day.
School -Enchantment
Range - personal Channel TN - 20
You reroute your arcane energies directly to School - Healing

Range - 30ft radius Invocation
A regenerating aura extends outwards from School - Illusion
Range 100ft
you in a 30ft radius. All characters within this
You make an illusory image appear within
radius automatically heal 10 hit points at the
range. The image can be anything of large or
end step of each round of combat. The spell
smaller size, and as a full-round action you
lasts for 1 round + a number of additional
may manipulate anything within it, as well as
rounds equal to your will modifier. You may
move it anywhere within range. A perception
choose to affect only specific targets within the
check of 10/13/16 reveals it to be an illusion. If
radius but doing so requires a TN 10
someone comes into contact with the illusion
concentration check on any number of dice
they can clearly tell it is not solid. The illusion
from your mental pool at the beginning of
makes no sounds and cannot affect anything
each round.
real within the surrounding environment. The
Regrowth illusion lasts for a number of rounds equal to
Channel TN - 18 1d6+mnd, or until you leave range.

Chapter X - Actual Spells

School - Healing Invisibility
Range - Touch Channel TN - 10
Casting Time - 1 hour Invocation
The target of regrowth regrows any one limb School - Illusion
or appendage, regaining full functionality. The Range - self

target incurs a level of fatigue as part of this You become invisible. You cannot be seen with
process. The ritual requires 50gp of common normal perception checks (although you may
alchemical materials to perform that are still be heard). If you engage in any strenuous
consumed during the casting of the spell. action (any action of 3d6 or greater), cast a
spell, or come into contact in any way with
Ghost Sound another character (such as attacking,or
Channel TN - 4 bumping into them) then the spell
School - Illusion immediately ends. Otherwise, invisibility lasts
Range - 100 ft for 1d6+your mind modifier minutes.
Make any kind of nonverbal sound come from
any direction within range. The sound can last
Channel TN - 16
for no longer than a single round, and can be Invocation
no louder than a shout from an average School - illusion
person. Range - 100ft radius
All characters within range are forced to face
Ghost Image images of their worst anxieties and fears.
Channel TN - 12/16/20 Affected characters must make a 2d6+your

will modifier Will attribute check or fall into a School - Conjuration
Range - 30ft*
deep despair for 1d6 rounds; they are shaken,
and lose 1 die from both their mental and You call any tiny/small/medium/large/huge
physical pool for the duration of the effect. nonliving object within range that is visible to
you to appear either in your hand or directly
Blink in front of you. The object appears in its place
Channel TN - 10
immediately. If a character is holding onto the
School - Conjuration object or it is otherwise on their person, they
Range - 40ft may make a 2d6+reaction+reflex test against
You instantly teleport to any location within your channel total to hang onto it (in which
40ft which is visible to you (including case the spell fails). If the spell targets a
locations which would be visible through magical item then the TN increases by 5 (even
magical means). If the target space is occupied if the magical nature of the object is
or becomes occupied as you are casting by unbeknownst to the caster). You may increase
another character or object, you instead the range; for each additional 5ft the TN goes
Chapter X - Actual Spells

appear at the closest adjacent space. up by 1.

Conjure Cover Mage Armour
Channel TN - 7 Channel TN 8/12/17/23
Invocation Invocation
School - Conjuration School - Conjuration
Range - 30ft Range - Touch
You call into being a 10ft by 5ft transparent The target has an imperceptible barrier of
wall anywhere within range. The wall can be force placed around them that provides
placed vertically or horizontally. The wall 1/2/3/4 DR against all attacks in addition to
provides anyone behind it with cover any DR provided by armour or abilities. Mage
appropriate to their size in relation to the wall. armour lasts for 10 minutes.
The wall has 30 HP, a phys TN of 0, and is
immune to crits. The wall can be pushed over
Summoning Rune
Channel TN 10 / 5
with an athletics check of TN 15 or higher, in
which case it dissipates harmlessly. The wall School - Conjuration
can otherwise support up to 500lbs before Range - Touch
dissipating harmlessly. The Wall lasts for a You place a summoning rune on a medium or
number of rounds equal to 1d6+Mnd smaller inorganic item. As a reaction you may
make a TN 5 channel check to summon the
Call Object
item to your hand from anywhere on the same
Channel TN 3/6/10/16/24
plane. You may only have 1 summoning rune

in place at any given time. If you place a new size. The items appear to be exactly as
summoning rune on another object, any described but when used or closely examined
summoning runes you have placed on other are revealed to be lumps of arcane energy with
objects become ineffective and must be no functional use (investigate TN 12). The
replaced in order to function again. items dissipate into nothingness after 10
minutes + an additional 5 minutes per point of
Wall of Mists
Mind bonus
Channel TN - 10/16/22
Invocation Doom
School - Conjuration
Channel TN - 8
Range - 60ft
You create a wall of freezing mist to obscure School - Divination
sight-lines and be a general nuisance. The wall Range - 30ft
can be up to 40ft wide, 30ft tall and 10ft in You curse a target with foreknowledge of their
thickness. The mists are thick enough that potential demise. If your channelling result is
they completely obscure any line of sight from greater than the target’s Mental TN + reaction

Chapter X - Actual Spells

outside the wall. Characters within the wall they suffer a -1 penalty to both their mental
can see things within 5 ft of themselves, but and physical defences for the next 2+your
not outside of the wall of mists. The wall lasts Mind modifier rounds.
for 2 minutes + an additional minute for each
See Through Surface
point of mind modifier the caster has.
Channel TN - varies
Additional effects of the wall are dependant Cantrip
upon the Channel TN: School - Divination
Range - touch
• 10: area counts as difficult terrain
You see through up to 5ft of solid matter. You
• 16: same as above, and any character in the effectively place yourself on the other side of
wall at the end of the round takes 1d6 cold the surface and can look around as would a
damage normal person, relying on whatever vision
• 22: Same as above, except characters take your character has. The TN is 2 x (each foot of
2d6 cold damage. matter up to a max of 5ft) + 3 for porous
organic-ish matter like wood, 5 for stone, and
Fool’s Gold
7 for metal.
Channel TN - 12
Invocation True Seeing
School - Conjuration
Channel TN - 15
Range - n/a
You create a convincing replica of up to 10 School - Divination
pounds of items of no greater than medium Range - Self

True seeing raises your passive perception to Scrying requires a reflective surface such as a
20 for the duration of the spell. In addition, mirror or pool of water to view the target.
you automatically see through any illusions, or Should the surface be disturbed during the
magical forms of obscurement. The spell lasts spell the caster is considered to have lost focus
for a number of rounds equal to your mind and the spell ends. If the caster is choosing to
score and can be refreshed at the end of the scry at a location they can view anything
duration as a free action by spending 2 dice within a 100ft radius of their target. Anything
from your channelling pool. outside of this radius appears impossibly
blurry and is unrecognisable. If the target is a
person the caster can only see in a 20ft radius
Channel TN - 8 / 11 / 14
Invocation around the person, and their perspective
School - Divination follows the person about for the duration of
Range - 60 / 90 / 120ft radius the spell. A caster can only cast scrying on a
You become aware of the immediate location target within the same plane as themselves. If
of all living creatures and their size within
Chapter X - Actual Spells

the caster targets a person, the target may

range. You know of the location and size of all
make a TN 15 perception check on 2d6 as a
creatures as the spell is cast, but are not
free action to detect they are being watched.
otherwise updated or aware of their
The caster must be familiar with the place or
movements after the spell is cast.
person in order to scry them - they must have
Combat Foresight seen the location before. A caster can operate
Channel TN - 8/14 on another character’s description of the place
Invocation or person so long as that character is familiar
School - Divination
Range - personal
with the target, however doing so raises the
You gain a +2/+3 bonus on any dodge or channelling TN by 5. Scrying requires 10
block reactions for the next 2+your Mind minutes to cast, lasts for a maximum of 20
modifier rounds. minutes, and requires active concentration to
Channel TN - 18
School - Divination
Range - N/a
Scrying allows you to view but not hear a
location or person. The caster can view the
target for a number of minutes equal to their
mind score so long as they maintain focus.

Chapter X - Actual Spells
Chapter XI - Status effects, deities and other rules

Status Effects The character may still take their normal

move action, although may not take an
Status effects are the various conditions
additional move action until they steady
inflicted by spells, abilities, or severe blunt
trauma. Listed below are the effects applied to
a character who is afflicted by a condition. Dazed - A dazed character cannot take
reactions or free actions.
Bleeding Out - When a character incurs this
status condition roll 1d6. The character must Deafened - A deafened character cannot
receive first aid within a number of rounds hear. They automatically fail any perception
checks to detect characters moving silently.
Chapter XI - Appendices

equal to the result of the roll, or they die.

They are at a -6 penalty on insight checks to
Blinded - A Blinded character cannot see. detect deception, and any other checks which
They are considered to be in complete
would be partially-reliant on hearing. Because
darkness (see vision and lighting). They
they cannot hear, an affected character may
automatically fail checks to spot a hiding
not be affected by some enchantment spells
character, and have their vision range treated
and similar effects which require verbal or
as 0 meters for the purpose of perception
auditory queues such as suggestion.
checks and other vision-reliant abilities. They
are at a -6 penalty on insight checks to detect Fatigued - Fatigue temporarily subtracts one
deception and any other such skills that rely dice from either the physical or mental pool of
partially on vision. Because an affected a character. The character’s respective pool is
character cannot see they are immune to spells treated as one lower until they recover fatigue
and effects which trigger on sight, such as a from a rest, or another effect. Fatigue is
Medusa's stone gaze or hypnotism. cumulative, and can stack up to a character’s
maximum physical or mental pool; for each
Cowed - A cowed character cannot take level of fatigue incurred, a character subtracts
actions or reactions other than dodge on more
one from their physical or mental pool.
than 1d6 until they take a 1d6 mental action to
Mental and physical fatigue are tracked
steady themselves on their own initiative step.
separately, and different effects can apply
This mental action must be made each round a
different types of fatigue. If an effect applies a
character is cowed in order to act normally.
level of fatigue without specifying whether it is

physical or mental, the affected character can penalty is ignored.
choose which pool to apply the fatigue to. If a A character who is prone has their movement
character incurs a specific type of fatigue if speed reduced to ½ their current value after
they have already reached the maximum modifiers from armour or encumbrance to a
amount of fatigue allowed for that pool, then minimum of 5ft. Standing up from prone
the fatigue applies to their other pool. If a requires either an acrobatics check (see
character incurs fatigue during a round, the acrobatics skill) or a move action and
dice pool reduction will not apply until the provokes attacks of opportunity.
beginning of the next round, in which their
pool will refresh to its new (lower) total. A Shaken - A Shaken character is visibly shook
short rest cures 1 level of fatigue, and a long (from fear). A shaken character cannot take
rest restores all levels. If a character incurs reactions other than a dodge on more than
enough fatigue to equal their maximum 1d6, and cannot take actions other than a
amount of dice across both their physical and move action until they take a 2d6 mental
mental pool, then they fall unconscious and action to steady themselves on their own

Chapter XI - Appendices
are treated as taking a short rest (they don’t initiative step. A shaken character must take
wake up until their rest is completed). this mental action each round they are shaken
in order to act normally.
Helpless - A helpless character can take no
actions, free actions, or reactions. Attacks Sickened - a sickened character reduces their
from an adjacent opponent taken against a physical pool by 1 (to a minimum of 0). This
helpless character automatically count as a reduces their total physical pool, and will only
critical. A helpless character loses their Reflex reduce a character’s current physical pool
bonus to Phys TN. A helpless character should they have dice in their current pool
automatically fails any saving throw which equal to their total. When physical pools
would reasonably require them to move. refresh the affected character’s pool will
refresh to its new adjusted total.
Prone - Prone is a condition which occurs
whenever a character finds themselves lying Terrified - The character can take no
on the ground. While prone you provoke reactions other than dodge, and must move as
attacks of opportunity from adjacent far as possible from the source of fear each
opponents if you attempt a standard action. In round. A Terrified character can take no other
addition, you are at a -1 penalty when making actions besides moving or running, and
attacks, block or dodge actions, or skill checks cannot take free actions.
which would reasonably be impeded by lying Unconscious - an unconscious character is
on the floor. When making dodge or block considered to be helpless, but is also
actions against a ranged attack the above completely unaware of their surroundings.

to be invigorated with youthful strength.
Most cults of Alsarid are scholarly in nature and
Gods are beings upon which have converged
seek to understand the god’s motives and purpose.
enormous divine power, fundamentally
Other extremists seek to emulate Alsarid’s twisted
altering their form and character and granting form of balance, and channel their power to bring
them extraordinary abilities. Gods in Vigilant about endless cycles of destruction and rebirth.
have very real influence upon the various
Aspects - Destruction, Healing, Wisdom
planes, as their conflicts and triumphs shape
worlds and cultures for ages to come. Listed Bargamos - Forgefather, Bearer of Grudges
here is a small portion of the divine pantheon Bargamos ascended as the mightiest of the Forge
of the Third Age, accompanied by some of Children in the early days of The Toil. Once a
their deeds, origins, and perception among staunch and loyal lieutenant of Maiar in the first
mortal races, as well as their representative wars, he slowly grew bitter toward his creator as
aspects for a Priest or Sage character. Priests Maiar fell to the clutches of melancholy and
and Sages may use these deities as one chosen abandoned his children. Bargamos stubbornly led
Chapter XI - Appendices

during character creation, and other his people onward in place of his God, but has
never forgiven Maiar for his failures. Bargamos’
characters may incorporate them into their
hate festered for ages, and his cynicism and
background in whatever capacity they choose.
distrust of others have characterised the Forge
Or you can ignore them altogether and make
Children for many centuries, furthering their
up your own, or use them as inspiration for tendency towards isolation. In recent years some
your own pantheon or personal deity. among the Children have distanced themselves
Alsarid - God of Balance from his hateful influence, but many still hold him
Alsarid is a terrifying god, of featureless face and in high regard for the sacrifices he has made for
13 triple-jointed arms. They tower above other his people, and millennia of guidance and
divines in both stature and might, and are often protection.
thought of as first among the gods of the third age. Aspects - Spite, Might, Protection
Alsarid’s motives are unknown for they Frumst - The Titan
communicate in agonising flashes of abstract
meaning that is beyond the limits of mortal Frumst is the titan god of giants, and
minds, driving many of their prophets to madness embodies the primal destructive forces of
or death. There is an undeniable acquiescence nature; his footsteps bring earthquakes, his
towards an alien order of all things within breath is winter’s storms, and his gentlest
Alsarid’s presence, as structures remake whisper is thunder. Frumst ascended from
themselves in humility and natural things bend unknown origins in the first days of the third
into unnatural shapes. Alsarid is characterised as a age and rampaged across the outer planes,
god of balance, for those within his presence are leaving new mountains and valleys for the
equally as likely to be utterly destroyed as they are

reborn civilisations of the outer planes to followers see him as a primal force of rebirth,
discover. To populated lands, Frumst’s coming and hold him in great reverence, prophesying
heralds destruction, but in his wake new life that he will break free from his bonds with
flourishes as verdant plants springs from his great fury when civilisation over-expands and
craterous footsteps and pure waters flow from challenges the natural places of the world.The
the cracked earth. Those who have observed aspects and divine forms that he projects are
his passing are left uncertain of his motives for often aloof spirits of nature, who lack or
he is of such might and strength that he seems otherwise refuse concrete forms of
to notice not that which is destroyed in his communication. It is unknown if Frumst has a
passing, for the grandest castles and mightiest will that is able to be understood by mortals,
fortresses are but anthills before Frumst. but he seems to be content to lend his strength
Recognising the threat he posed to the inner when called upon. His followers often find
planes, Frumst was imprisoned within the that using his power for personal gain has
expansive plane of Dominus by a task force of unintended consequences, usually to the
divine entities as his destructive character detriment of the user.

Chapter XI - Appendices
became more apparent. It is prophesied that Aspects - Nature, Might, Destruction
when Frumst frees himself from his bonds, a
Hamanji - Wayward Son
new cycle of death and rebirth will begin
Hamanji is the adolescent son of Alsarid, gripped
across the entirety of the planar system.
in the chaotic throes of youth and mutable in both
Many of Frumst’s worshippers have a dualistic form and demeanour. His cults are new to the
relationship with their God; they draw world just as the god himself, and are fascinated
strength from him, but are bound by duty to by all things natural and of impermanent beauty.
ensure he remains in his prison lest he bring There is an undeniable goodness to his character;
about another cataclysm. More fanatical the chaos he evokes and revels within is born of
followers seek to free him and ignite the end joy, and the change he heralds - although often
of days, but those who do so rarely find frightening - rarely is for the worse. Hamanji is
Frumst’s support for reasons unbeknownst. considered to be of opposed character to their
parent god in his chaotic nature, and their
Although to many Frumst may appear to be a
respective cults often clash. Hamanji himself
God of destruction and strife, his most
spends much of his time roaming the planes in
devoted followers suggest that he is more akin pursuit of greater understanding, often concealed
to a primordial force of nature. It is difficult to in varied guise or form. His passing always bring
ascribe motives to his past actions, for he change and excitement whether his presence is
communicates only through violent and known or not..
painful images and visions (and even then, he
Aspects - Chaos, Revelry, Light
communicates only extremely rarely). Druidic

Helos - Sun God Isorropia is worshipped primarily by lawmakers
and philosophers but has also become a god of
Helos has existed in many forms and roles
well-intended thieves and tricksters who feel their
throughout the ages as a messenger, adviser,
acts are in pursuit of greater justice or in defiance
herald, or captain. In this age he carries the
of an unjust hierarchy. She is known to enact
luminous Aquarii on its gentle orbit around the
harsh punishment upon heretical worshippers
Material Plane, bringing light and warmth to the
who pursue disorder or misuse her gifts in pursuit
first among worlds. Much of his power stems from
of material wealth or political power.
the omnipresence of his worshippers, who give
thanks to the light he brings to their lands upon Aspects - Wisdom, Knowledge, Trickery
the dawn of each day and so empower Helos with
Palome - Harbinger of Grim Omens
their prayers. The cults of Helos are the largest and
most common, and exist in different forms across The silent pilgrim, Palome is the wandering god
all cultures of the Material Plane. whose arrival heralds disaster and ill fortune. Very
little is known of Palome, and they are often
Helos himself is silent and almost sorrowful in
considered to be a force of nature, present from
demeanour, but his cults attribute a protective
the first ages. Palome appears as a hooded
Chapter XI - Appendices

warmth to him that is common among his

wanderer, and none have ever looked upon their
depictions. He is benevolent in nature, giving
face. They speak few words - if ever - but are
protection and safe travel where he may, but is
neither kind nor cruel in character, simply
bound by his duty and so rarely engages in mortal
whispering of terrible events to come before
or divine affairs.
travelling onward.
Aspects - Light, Travel, Protection
Cults of Palome often give simple offerings in
Isorropia - God of Wisdom & Justice hopes the god will never visit their homes with
tidings of ruin. Oracles and divine scholars often
Isorropia is a god of absolute Law, and she serves
pray to Palome so they may share in their
as chief arbitrator among the divines. There is a
foreknowledge of doom.
presumption that her love of order and law belies a
deep compassionate nature, but such is her Aspects - Wisdom, Dark, Knowledge
stoicism that it is impossible for even her divine
Saint Robert - God of Drink & Good Times
kin to know. Some point to cases in which
Isorropia has bent the word of the law in order to Saint Robert is a fairly recent addition to the
enact appropriate punishment against those who pantheon, and a rather controversial one among
have committed heinous acts as indicative of a some of the elder mortal races, who yet refuse to
compassionate nature, but other philosophers recognise him. St Robert is unique among the
contest such interpretations. arguing that the law modern pantheon in that he ascended long after
is meant to produce just outcomes and flexibility his death after a northern cult began to worship
is necessary in such cases to uphold the true him sarcastically.
intentions of the law. Before his ascension, Saint Robert’s mortal grave
marker was discovered in a basement by students

of a mage’s college in the northern provinces. Not nature, Thywyll is often thought of by his followers
ones to miss an opportunity for a good wake, they as an almost tragic figure who takes to his role
held a joyous party to celebrate Robert’s death on unwillingly out of profound loneliness. Most
the date marked upon his headstone. The wake others view him as selfish, spiteful, and cruel just
was such a success that it became an annual the same as his fellow lordships.
tradition among residents of the northern college, In the Age of Gods Thywyll was a libertine
and over the years the tongue-in-cheek nature of trickster who prided himself as romantically
the ritualistic wake was forgotten and the annual irresistible. The goddess of beauty caught
parties grew into a full blown cult. Robert was Thywyll’s eye and he swore before divine witnesses
named a Saint, and not long after a well-intended that he would claim her hand in marriage, but she
senior archivist took it upon himself to summon rebuffed his advances at every attempt. Scorned
the spirit of St Robert to one of their parties at and insulted, Thywyll stole her away from verdant
which point he explosively ascended to godhood Perlandra under cover of night, but in his hubris
as the accumulative divine energy of decades of Thywyll had underestimated the goddess’ terrible
drunken mortal prayers coursed into his spiritual might and she struck him down, and laid upon
form. him a terrible curse such that he would never

Chapter XI - Appendices
Robert is a jolly, boisterous, and unexpectedly again feel the warm touch of a lover or friend.
respectful deity. He is found more frequently on Thywyll grew to deeply regret his actions and his
the mortal plane than any of the other divines, curse drove him to madness. He was one of the
usually in bars or places of revelry in an few divines to survive the cataclysm and emerged
unassuming disguise such that he may enjoy the from the ruin of the planar system powerful but
good vibes unimpeded by his more enthusiastic tormented in his isolation. He built a kingdom of
devotees. He is the patron deity of the northern undeath from the tortured souls of those lost to
wizards colleges, as well as many brew-masters. the Cataclysm, searching for what little
His legitimacy is often questioned by cults and compassion or companionship could be found
priesthoods of other deities, but Robert and his among the cold souls of the dead. Thywyll is said
followers are too busy having a grand time to to lurk in the night, claiming those who catch his
contest such claims. fancy for his Abyssal kingdom, hoping that one
Aspects - Revelry, Travel, Healing such soul may provide companionship enough to
fill the void in his heart.
Thywyll - God of Darkness
Thywyll’s followers are often solitary in nature,
Thywyll is the carrion prince of darkness and lord and few formal cults of worship exist. He is the
of death, cursed with the touch of night, such that patron god of assassins for his dominion over the
anything he holds crumbles to nought and night, but most of his followers are bitter failed
perishes. He is one of the triumvirate Lords of the suitors who turn to darkness out of anger and
Abyss, alongside Mars the god of War, and regret.
Beelzebub the festering blight. Whereas his fellow
Aspects - Dark, Spite, Trickery
lordships are characterised as violent and cruel in

Titus - God of Undoing Yuunartu takes an active role in the
Titus was a powerful warlord whose ascendancy management of her cults, and is exacting and
brought about the Cataclysm that rent the planar critical in her judgement. Many fledgling cults
system asunder and brought an end to the Age of fail to meet her standards and are scorned and
Gods.Very little is now remembered of Titus stripped of their powers. Those few among the
beyond his unimaginable power and deeds. His devoted of Yuunartu who receive her blessings
fate remains unknown, with some claiming he left are individuals capable of seeing the good in
the planar system in search of greater battles, all beings, and who possess great generosity in
while others claim he slumbers on his throne in character. Any who fall to evil deeds or who
shattered Numenstone, awaiting the hubris of the
fail to help those in need are stripped of their
divines to reach new heights before he returns to
powers with little warning.
lay waste to all they have built.
Aspects - Nature, Protection, Healing
What few followers he possesses tend to be
fanatical death cults, or powerful warriors bent on Size Categories
domination. Even his most devoted followers have
Size categories represent how big a character
Chapter XI - Appendices

heard but a whisper from their God, but the

or creature is. In general, most characters are
merest echo of his passing carries strength enough
to empower his devotees to fearsome heights. medium, which is the reasonable range of
normal real-world human heights and mass
Aspects - Chaos, Destruction, Might
(from about 4ft - 8ft). Medium is the ‘default
Yuunartu - Daughter of the harvest size’ and imposes no adjustments to derived
Yuunartu is the benevolent god of the harvest, statistics such as carrying capacity or reach.
who watches over the natural bounty of the As characters get bigger or smaller through
earth. She has a deep love for all mortal the effects of items or magic, their carrying
creatures, and seeks to preserve and guide capacity, physical TN and reach change
them even through ignorant acts of appropriately. If a character’s reach increases
destruction or evil. Any creature, regardless of as a result of their size their threat range is
deed or stature may always find refuge and a considered to be the area within their natural
seat at the table of any temple of Yuunartu. reach; they may make melee attack actions
against any characters within their threat
Because she strives to see the good in all
range, as well as make attacks of opportunity
beings, Yuunartu can often be found in the
if any characters leave their new threat range.
court of many other divines as she mediates
Changes in size also affect grappling modifiers
negotiations or gives counsel. Many among
as listed in the Grappling section of the
her followers strive to emulate her tolerance
combat chapter.
and compassion, welcoming all into their Carrying Capacity - The multiplier adjustment to
places of worship. Unlike other divines, a character’s carrying capacity. Multiply a

character’s carrying capacity (chapter 8) by the so we’ll leave such adjustments up to the GM.
listed value. Effects of encumbrance remain the
same regardless of a character’s size
Creatures & Critters
Base Reach - The base reach of a character of the
Listed below are the stats of some generic
respective size. A character’s threat range is creatures which are referenced within this
considered to be the area of their base reach. book.These creatures are meant to represent a
Physical TN - This modifier is applied to a
typical creature of their type. Creature entries
character’s physical TN in addition to any bonuses do not include exhaustive rules detailing the
or penalties from other sources such as perks, minutia of what creatures can and cannot do
spells, or attributes. in terms of skills and actions. The actions and
Default Space - The area a character of the skills in this book are intended to be used by
respective size takes up on a grid or hex map, intelligent beings and adventurers, so use
which is used to determine adjacency. A some common sense when applying them to
character’s base reach extends from the edge of creatures. Similarly, creatures do not have an
their default space. Default space represents how archetype or level and are therefore not bound

Chapter XI - Appendices
much room a humanoid-like character of the by rank bonus restrictions on skills, and have
respective size would take up; obviously a giant native dice pools rather than pool totals
wurm or something would have different earned through progression.
physiology and would therefore take up different
space despite sharing a size category.
Reading a Creature Entry
Movement Adjustment - If a normally medium or Size: At the top is the size and creature type
small character is not their base size, their Dice Pools: The dice pools of the creature,
movement value is modifier by the listed value listed as physical / mental respectively
before any modifiers from encumbrance or
Attributes: Attributes on creatures work the
armour. Things get weird and inconsistent when
same way as on other characters. Keep in
going from Big to small, or Tiny to anything else,
mind that the listed attributes represent a
Carrying Base Reach Physical TN Default Movement
Size Capacity Space Adjustment
Tiny x0.25 2ft +2 1ft x 1ft x0.5

Small x0.75 5ft +1 5ft x 5ft -

Medium x1 5ft 0 5ft x 5ft -

Large x2 10ft -1 10ft x 10ft x1.5

Big x4 15ft -2 15ft x 15ft x2

Gigantic x8 20ft -4 20ft x 20ft x4

roughly average creature of the type, and your (1d8 +4 piercing)
GM may adjust these values up or down if you Movement: 30ft
happen to find them in the wild. Physical / Mental TN: 6 / 6
Hit Points: Starting hit points. To find a Abilities: Scent, +4 on athletics checks to
creature’s base hit points, simply subtract their climb
body score from the hit points values
Damage Reduction: 2 / 2 / 2
Attacks: The natural weapons the creature Skills Athletics +2, Perception +1, Survival +2
possesses and the bonuses and damage of Bear, Brown
these weapons. Unless otherwise indicated Large - Beast (5ft reach)
natural weapons are treated as scoring a
Dice Pools: 3 / 2
critical hit on triples.
Attributes: Bod 14 Ref 6 Mnd 3 Will 9
Movement: The base movement types and
Hit Points: 31
speeds of the creature. If no movement type is
specified, the listed value is for walking. Attacks: Claws +3 (1d8 +6 slashing) or Bite +3
Chapter XI - Appendices

(1d10 +7 piercing)
Physical / Mental TN: The base physical and
mental TN after modifiers for size and Movement: 30ft
attributes are calculated. Physical / Mental TN: 5 / 7
Abilities: any special abilities the creature Abilities: Scent, Frightening (1d6)
possesses. Note that some generic abilities Damage Reduction: 2 / 2 / 2
such as Scent and Multiattack are defined at Skills Athletics +3, Perception +3, Survival +1
the end of the creature entry section. Boar
Damage Reduction: The damage reduction Medium - Beast
provided naturally by the creature’s hide or Dice Pools: 3 / 0
physiology. Listed as slash / pierce / Attributes: Bod 8 Ref 6 Mnd 2 Will 8
bludgeoning reductions respectively. Hit Points: 10
Skills: The total skill bonuses a creature Attacks: Tusks +1 (1d6 +4 piercing)
Movement: 30ft
Bear, Black Physical / Mental TN: 6 / 6
Medium - Beast
Abilities: Furious Charge, Omnifarious Diet,
Dice Pools: 2 / 2
Attributes: Bod 10 Ref 6 Mnd 3 Will 7
Damage Reduction: 1 / 1 / 2
Hit Points: 17
Skills Perception +1, Survival +1
Attacks: Claws +2 (1d6 +3 slashing) or Bite +2
Furious Charge: A boar adds 2 damage to any

successful attack made as part of a charge Skills Athletics +3, Perception +1
Omnifarious Diet: A boar treats their Pack Mule: A donkey treats its body score as
respective attribute scores as 4 higher when double when determining lifting and carrying
making saving throws against anything capacities.
ingested. Hawk
Crow Tiny - Beast
Tiny - Beast Dice Pools: 2 / 1
Dice Pools: 1 / 2 Attributes: Bod 3 Ref 12 Mnd 2 Will 9
Attributes: Bod 2 Ref 11 Mnd 4 Will 7 Hit Points: 6
Hit Points: 4 Attacks: Talons +0 (1d4 +2 slashing) or Beak
Attacks: Talons -1 (1d4 +1) or Beak +2 (1d4 +3 (1d6 +1 piercing)
+1) Movement: 10ft / 60ft flying
Movement: 10ft / 50ft flying Physical / Mental TN: 10 / 7

Chapter XI - Appendices
Physical / Mental TN: 9 / 6 Abilities: Keen-Eyed, Dive-Bomb, Weapon
Abilities: Keen-eyed, Multiattack (talons), dexterity (beak)
Weapon dexterity (beak) Damage Reduction: 0 / 0 / 0
Damage Reduction: 0 / 0 / 0 Skills Athletics +1, Perception +6, Survival +1
Skills Insight +1, Investigate +1, Perception Keen-Eyed: A hawk receives a +4 bonus to
+4, Sleight of hand +3, Survival +2 perception checks (included in bonus)
Keen-Eyed: A crow receives a +4 bonus on Dive-Bomb: A hawk may make a charge action
perception checks (included in bonus) while airborne. If they choose to do so they
Donkey may move up to 3 times their movement
Medium - Beast speed, and deal an additional 4 damage on a
Dice Pools: 2 / 1 successful hit. Should they miss their attack,
Attributes: Bod 10 Ref 5 Mnd 2 Will 10 they must succeed on a 3d6 reflex saving
throw or hit the ground (treated as falling).
Hit Points: 17
Attacks: Bite +2 (1d4 +2) or Hooves +1 (1d6
A Pegasus shares the same stat block, but has a
+4 bludgeoning)
fly speed of 50ft.
Movement: 30ft
Large - Beast (5ft reach)
Physical / Mental TN: 6 / 7
Dice Pools: 2 / 1
Abilities: Pack mule
Attributes: Bod 12 Ref 6 Mnd 2 Will 5
Damage Reduction: 1 / 1 / 1

Hit Points: 15 Movement: 35ft
Attacks: Hooves +2 (1d6+5 bludgeoning) Physical / Mental TN: 9 / 5
Movement: 45ft Abilities: Scent, Multiattack (claws), Weapon
Physical / Mental TN: 5 / 5 dexterity (bite), Pouncer
Abilities: Endurance Damage Reduction: 0 / 0 / 0
Damage Reduction: 1 /1 / 1 Skills Acrobatics +3, Athletics +1, Perception
Skills Athletics +4 +1, Stealth +4

Endurance: A Horse adds 2 to daily travel Pouncer: An Ocelot receives +4 to athletics

allowances for overland movement. checks made to jump. In addition, an ocelot
treats any fall as though it were from ½ the
height actually fallen for purposes of damage.
Medium - Beast
Dice Pools: 2 / 2
Medium - Beast
Attributes: Bod 11 Ref 12 Mnd 2 Will 8
Dice Pools: 2 / 2
Chapter XI - Appendices

Hit Points: 20
Attributes: Bod 8 Ref 7 Mnd 4 Will 10
Attacks: Claws +2 (1d8 +3 slashing) or Bite +2
Hit Points: 12
(1d8 +6 piercing)
Attacks: Claws +1 (1d6 +3 slashing) or Bite +1
Movement: 40ft
(1d8 +4 piercing)
Physical / Mental TN: 8 / 6
Movement: 40ft
Abilities: Scent, Multiattack (claws), Low-light
Physical / Mental TN: 6 / 6
vision, Frightening (1d6)
Abilities: Scent, Endurance, Vicious Blow
Damage Reduction: 1 / 1 / 2
Damage Reduction: 1 / 0 / 1
Skills Athletics +2, Perception +3, Stealth +3,
Survival +2 Skills: Insight +1, Investigate +1, Perception
+3, Stealth +2, Survival +4
Low-light Vision: A lion can see twice as far as
normal in low-light Endurance: A wolf adds 2 to daily travel
allowances for overland movement
Small - Beast Vicious Blow: A wolf deals an additional 1d6
damage on a critical hit.
Dice Pools: 2 / 1
Attributes: Bod 4 Ref 13 Mnd 2 Will 5 Wolf, Dire
Hit Points: 6 Large - Beast (5ft reach)
Attacks: Claws +0 (1d6 +1 slashing) or Bite +2 Dice Pools: 3 / 2
(1d4 +2 piercing) Attributes: Bod 11 Ref 8 Mnd 3 Will 10

Hit Points: 20 scented things within 60ft. In addition, they
Attacks: Claws +2 (1d8 +3 slashing) or Bite +2 receive a +2 bonus to survival checks when
(1d10 +4 piercing) tracking.
Movement: 45ft Weapon Dexterity [weapon]: The creature
Physical / Mental TN: 5 / 7 applies its reflex bonus to attack rolls made
with the specified weapon instead of their
Abilities: Scent, Multiattack (claws), Vicious
body modifier.
Blow, Frightening (2d6)
Damage Reduction: 2 /2 / 2 & 5 cold
Skills: Athletics +2, Perception +2, Survival +3
Vicious Blow: A wolf deals an additional 1d6
damage on a critical hit.
Creature Abilities
Listed below are the descriptions for non-

Chapter XI - Appendices
unique creature abilities found across many of
the above entries.
Frightening [xd6]: A frightening creature is
terrible to look upon, striking terror into the
hearts of its mortal combatants. When a
character looks upon a frightening creature
they must make a will saving throw on xd6 or
be cowed for 1d6 rounds.
Multiattack [weapon]: Multiattack allows a
creature to make a free attack action with the
specified weapon whenever they make a
standard attack action with the specified
weapon. The free attack action is on ½ the dice
used to make the triggering attack action
(round up).A creature can only use the
multiattack ability once per round unless
otherwise noted.
Scent: This creature has a keen sense of smell,
and takes no penalties to their perception
checks from conditions when detecting

2-Weapon Fighting (Perk) 36 Hunter 20 Combat Tempo (Perk) 36

A Labourer 21 Command (Perk) 46

Command Range (Perk) 46
Scholar 21
Acrobatic (Perk) 40
Comprehend Languages (Spell) 170
Acrobatic Dodge (Perk) 36 Soldier 20
Concentration 87
Acrobatics (Skill) 83 Urchin 21
Conjure Cover (Spell) 173
Actions, Types of 125 Balancing 83 Counter-drain (Perk) 56
Active Concentration 87 Bear, Black (Creature) 185 Counterspelling 163
Acts of Faith 59 Bear, Brown (Creature) 185 Courage (Perk) 46
Additional School (Perk) 52 Bleeding Out 136, 177 Cover 133
Advanced Martial Arts (G. Perk) 76 Blinded 177 Cowed 177
Adventuring Gear 115 Blink (Spell) 173 Craft (Skill) 89
Animal Companion 67 Blocking 136 Creatures 184
Animal Handling (Skill) 83 Bluffing 91, 93 Critical Hits 129
Ankle Whacker (Perk) 34 Boar (Creature) 185 Cross Class Tree (G. Perk) 76
Apathetic Outlook (Perk) 44 Body (Attribute) 9 Crow (Creature) 186
Arcane Discharge (Perk) 56 Bow Bender (Perk) 32

Crown of Fury (Perk) 30

Archer 31 Breathe Fire (Spell) 169 Cure (Spell) 171
Archivist 50 Brute Strength (Spell) 171
Armour 107 Burglar 39 D
Armour Proficiency (G. Perk) 74 Damage, Calculation 128
Armour Specialist (G. Perk) 74
C Damage, Massive 135
Armour, Descriptions 108 Call Object (Spell) 173 Damage, Types of 136
Armour, Layering 107 Called Shot (Perk) 32 Dark (Aspect) 61
Artful Dodge (Perk) 40 Calm (Spell) 170 Daze (Spell) 170
Artful Reflexes (Perk) 40 Cantrips 160 Dazed 177
Aspects 60 Casting Steps 163 Deadeye Aim (Perk) 31
Assassin 41 Channelling Checks 159 Deafened 177
Athletics (Skill) 85 Channelling Pool (Ability) 49 Deception (Skill) 91
Attacking 127 Chaos (Aspect) 61 Defend (Perk) 34
Attacking, Readying (Action) 140 Character Creation Steps 13 Deity (Ability) 59
Attacks of Opportunity 130 Character Sheet 193 Deity, List of 179
Attribute Saving Throws 11 Charging (Action) 138 Despair (Spell) 172
Attributes, Damaging 154 Circle Caster 57 Desperate Energies (Perk) 54
Attributes, Generating 11 Circle Casting (Perk) 57 Destruction (Aspect) 62
Attributes, Increasing 11 Climbing 85 Detect Magic (Spell) 169
Close quarters (Perk) 32
B Collective will (Perk) 46
Detect motives 93
Diplomat (Perk) 46
Back-to-Back 140 Combat Flexibility (Perk) 35 Disease, Treating 98
Backgrounds 19 Combat Foresight (Spell) 175 Disguising 91, 99
Farmer 20 Combat Opportunist (Perk) 35 Disrupting Bash (Perk) 34
Dive for Cover (G. Perk) 76 Frightening (Ability) 188 Invocations 160
Divine Pool 59 Full-Round Action 126 Items & Objects 150
Dodging 136 Fumbles 130 Items, Health & DR 151
Donkey (Creature) 186 Furious Charge (Perk) 29
Doom (Spell) 174
G Jumping 85
Drain (Perk) 56
Drinking (Action) 138
Gather Information 101
Generalist Perks 73
Drowning 154 Keen-Eyed (Perk) 31
Gentle Hand (G. Perk) 77
Duellist 35 Knee-Shaking Blow (Perk) 29
Ghost Image (Spell) 172
Dumb Luck (G. Perk) 76 Knowledge (Aspect) 63
Ghost Sound (Spell) 172
E Glorious Works of Comrade (Perk) 47
Knowledge (Skill) 95
Knowledged (Perk) 51
Encumbrance 148 Grappling 140
Kunkansa 16
Encyclopedic Identification (Perk) 52 Greater channelling (Perk) 54
Escaping 83 Grizzled Conscience (Perk) 44 L
Evasive Maneuvers (G. Perk) 77 Gust (Spell) 169 Languages 22
Even The Odds (Perk) 34
H Learned (Perk) 52, 63
Example of Play 3 Lengthen Spell (Perk) 54
Harrier (Perk) 36
Expedient Tutelage (Perk) 57 Levelling Up 24
Hawk (Creature) 186
Experience 24 Light (Aspect) 64
Healing (Aspect) 62
Expert Advice (Perk) 46 Light Footed (Ability) 15
Height, Calculating 19
Expert Identification (Perk) 52, 54 Light Levels 149
Helpless 178

Extend Range (Perk) 54 Lightning Bolt (Spell) 169
Hidden Details (Perk) 44
Extra Command (Perk) 46 Limbs, Breaking 154
Hidden Lore (Perk) 52
F Hide in Plain Sight (Perk) 40
Limbs, Losing 151
Lion (Creature) 187
Faefolk 14 Hiding 98, 104
Load, Encumbrance 148
Falling 149 Hold (Spell) 171
Long-Term Plans (Perk) 46
Fantasy Economics 122 Horse (Creature) 186
LongShot (Perk) 31
Far-Sighted (Ability) 15 Human 16
Looking out for Number 1 (Perk) 47
Fatigue 177
Fearless (Perk) 46 M
I shall use my hands (Perk) 30
Fearless Challenge (Perk) 29 Mage Armour (Spell) 173
Ice Shard (Spell) 169
Feat of Strength (Ability) 27 Magical Blank (Perk) 56
Identifying Spells 96
Feint (Action) 139 Magical Sneak (Perk) 56
Improved Counterspell (Perk) 54
Fence (Perk) 40 Mark (Perk) 42
Improved Documentation (Perk) 52
Fighter 26 Martial Arts (G. Perk) 75
Improved Initiative (G. Perk) 75
First Aid 97 Master Hunter (Perk) 42
Initiative 124
Flanking 134 Masterwork Items 91
Insight (Skill) 93
Focus (Perk) 51 Maximise Spell (Perk) 54
Insightful (Perk) 44, 72
Fool’s Gold (Spell) 174 Mechanical (Skill) 96
Inspiring Aura (Perk) 46
Forceful Casting (Perk) 54 Medicine (Skill) 97
Insurmountable Effort (Perk) 47
Foreign Counterspelling (Perk) 54 Mental TN 127
Investigate (Skill) 94
Foreign Schools (Perk) 52 Midnight Oil (Perk) 44
Investigator 43
Forge Child 15 Might (Aspect) 64
Investigator (Perk) 44
Free Action 126 Mind (Attribute) 10
Invisibility (Spell) 172
Mind Control (Spell) 170 Priest / Sage 58 Scrying (Spell) 175
Miscasting 164 Proficiencies, Weapon & Armour 129 Searching places 94
Monkey Climb (Perk) 40 Prone 178 See Through Surface (Spell) 174
Move Silently 105 Protection (Aspect) 68 Self-Propelled Tracking Bolts of Abstract
Movement Action 127 Protector 33 Force (Spell) 169

Moving, Additional Move 139 Pursuit Just behind (Perk) 32 Seventh Sense (G. Perk) 77

Moving, Checks During 131 Push / Pull (Spell) 170 Shaken 178
Shields 109
Moving, Overland 154
Q Shields, Descriptions 110
Moving, Through Characters 134
Quick Draw (G. Perk) 75 Shot-on-the-run (Perk) 32
Mulled (Perk) 44
Quick-Bash (Perk) 34 Sickened 178
Multi-Shot (Perk) 32
Quicker Draw (Perk) 40 Silent Casting (G. Perk) 76
Multiattack (Ability) 188

N R Silent Hunter (Perk) 42

Sixth Sense (G. Perk) 75
RAGE (Perk) 29
Nature (Aspect) 65 Size Categories 183
Range Increment 137
Nimble Step (Perk) 36 Skill Checks 79
Ranged Weapons 137
Northern Endurance (Ability) 19 Skill Checks, Aiding Others in 81
Rank Bonus 81
O Rapid Re-evaluation (Perk) 46
Skill Ranks 80
Sleight of Hand (Skill) 104
Ocelot (Creature) 187 Reaction 126
Slip of the Fingers (Perk) 42
Open locks 96 Reckless Casting (Perk) 54
Sneak Attack (Perk) 42
Orc 18 Recover (Spell) 171
Sneaky (Perk) 40, 56, 71
Order of Actions 143 Reflex (Attribute) 10

Sorcerer 53
Overchannelling 159 Regeneration (Spell) 171
Sound Footing (Perk) 32
Overcharged Casting (Perk) 56 Regrowth (Spell) 172
Spellbook (Perk) 51
P Reload (Action) 138
Spellcaster 48
Remove Poison (Spell) 171
Pack Mule (Perk) 34 Spellcasting 49
Resilience (G. Perk) 75
Paralysing Blow (Perk) 42 Spellcasting Schools, Starting 49
Resting 147
Passive Concentration 88 Spells, Countering 163
Revelry (Aspect) 69
Perception (Skill) 98 Spells, Identifying 162
Reversal (Perk) 34
Perfect Balance (Perk) 40 Spells, Learning 161
Ricochet Shot (Perk) 32
Perform (Skill) 99 Spells, Schools 161
Riding (Skill) 102
Persuasion (Skill) 100 Spells, Types of 160
Riding Maneuvers 102
Phalanx Fighting (Perk) 34 Spellthief 55
Riposte (Perk) 36
Physical & Mental Pools 1 Spite (Aspect) 70
Rituals 160
Physical TN 127 Sprinter (G. Perk) 75
Rock Eater (Perk) 29
Pick Pockets 104 Standard Action 125
Rogue 37
Ping (Spell) 175 Standing up (Action) 138
Roguishness (Ability) 38
Poison 119 Stealth (Skill) 104
Rounds, Order of 125
Poison Use (Perk) 42 Steel Wall (Perk) 34
Rumours (Perk) 44
Poison, Treating 97, 120 Steelskin (Perk) 34
Run (Action) 139
Poison, Using 119 Sticky fingers (Perk) 40
Power Attack (Perk) 29 S Still Casting (G. Perk) 76
Precision Shot (G. Perk) 75 Scent (Ability) 188 Stubborn (Ability) 16
Precision shot (Perk) 32 School Expertise (G. Perk) 77 Student of Arms (Ability) 27
Prepared Poisoner (Perk) 42 Scribe Scroll (G. Perk) 77 Studious (Perk) 51, 63
Summoning Rune (Spell) 173
Sunder (Action) 139
Wall of Mists (Spell) 174
Survival 105
Wall-Run (Perk) 40
Swimming 86
War Cry (Perk) 29
Synergistic Casting (Perk) 57
Water Breathing (Spell) 170
T Weapon Dexterity (G. Perk) 76
Tactician 45 Weapon Proficiency (G. Perk) 76
Taunt (Perk) 34 Weapons 110
Terrain 132 Weapons, Descriptions 113
Terrified 178 Weapons, Special Qualities 113
Terrifying Blow (Perk) 42 Weight, Calculating 19
Thermal Vision (Ability) 16 Wild Energy Control (Perk) 54
Thick-Boned (Ability) 19 Will (Attribute) 11
Threat Range 130 Will to Power (Perk) 54
Tools & Supplies 118 Wisdom (Aspect) 71
Toughness (G. Perk) 75 Wolf (Creature) 187
Tracking 105 Wolf, Dire (Creature) 187
Trained Skills 80
Training animals 84
Transferring Dice 129
Trap Knack (G. Perk) 78

Trap Spotting (Perk) 40
Traps, Disabling 97
Traps, Finding 94
Travel (Aspect) 70
Travelling, Duration 155
Travelling, Rates of 155
Trickery (Aspect) 71
Tripping (Action) 139
Trippingly (G. Perk) 78
True Seeing (Spell) 174

Unarmed Fighting 137
Unconscious 178
Unflankable (Perk) 34
Unnerving Presence (Perk) 44
Unrestricted Defence (Perk) 36
Unsavoury Sorts (Perk) 42
Unstoppable Charge (Perk) 29
Untrained Skills 80

Versatile Weapons Adept (G. Perk) 75
Vicious Blow (Perk) 29
Vision 149
Character Name ________________________________ Race __________________ Level ______________
Archetype ________________________________ Height __________________ Weight ______________
Background ________________________________ Experience OOOO OOOO OOOO
Attributes Hit Points Defences Armour & Movement Dice Pool
Body Armour Worn _____________
Physical TN Physical
DR: Slash _____ Bludg._____
Ref Bonus Misc. Bonus
+6 Total Pierce____ Other__________
Weight ________________ Fatigue

Initiative Skill Max ________________ Mental

Reflex Mental TN
Movement ________________
Base / Current
Will Bonus Misc. Bonus +6 Total
Shield Carried ____________ Fatigue
Bonus Block Bonus ____ Phys TN ____

Perks & Abilities Languages & Proficiencies Channelling

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Divine
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Skills Weapons
Weapon Bonus Damage

Critical Traits


Weapon Bonus Damage

Critical Traits


Weapon Bonus Damage

Critical Traits


Weapon Bonus Damage

Critical Traits


Copper ______ Silver _____ Gold _____ Other Currencies _______________________

Other Wealth
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
Vigilant · Gordonshead Games · 2021
Equipment Notes
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
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______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________ ________________________________________________
Carrying Capacity___________ Weight Carried ________ ________________________________________________
Spells ________________________________________________
Schools Known ________________________________________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
Spell Name Channel TN Ranks / Bonus ________________________________________________
__________________ __________ ___________
/ ________________________________________________
__________________ __________ ___________
/ ________________________________________________
__________________ __________ ___________
/ ________________________________________________
__________________ __________ ___________
/ ________________________________________________
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Vigilant · Gordonshead Games · 2021

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