CHP 10 Cellcycleandcelldivisionby Anshu

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Cell Cycle And Cell Division MCQ

1. __________ and _________ coined the term “Meiosis”.

1. Van Burin and Hertwig

2. Boveri and Stuka
3. Walleye and Hofmeister
4. Farmer and Moore

2. Chromatids coiling in the meiotic and mitotic division is _____

1. Plectonemic in both
2. Paranemic in both
3. Paranemic in mitosis and plectonemic in meiosis
4. Plectonemic in mitosis and paranemic in meiosis

3. When there is an increase in the condensation of chromatin during the process of cell
division –

1. Heretochromain increases
2. Euchromatin increases
3. Differentiation of euchromatin & heterochromatin decreases
4. Differentiation of euchromatin & heterochromatin increases

4. The condensation of chromosomes is observed in ______

1. Prophase 1
2. Anaphase 1
3. Metaphase 1
4. None of the above

5. Nuclear DNA replicates in the ________ phase.

1. G2 phase
2. M phase
3. S phase
4. None of the above

6. _________ is a form of cell division which results in the creation of gametes or sex cells.

1. Mitosis
2. Meiosis
3. Miosis
4. None of the above

7. ____ is the number of DNA in the chromosome at the G2 stage of the cell cycle

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 0

8. The stage which serves as a connecting link between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2

1. Interphase 2
2. Interphase 1
3. Interkineses
4. None of the above

9. The longest stage in the cell cycle is

1. Interphase
2. Anaphase
3. Metaphase
4. None of the above

10. The _______ state implies the exit of cells from the cell cycle
1. S
2. G1
3. G2
4. G0

11. Synapsis is defined as the pairing of ________

1. Acentric chromosomes
2. Non-homologous chromosomes
3. Any chromosomes
4. Homologous chromosomes

12. Mitosis can be observed in _____

1. Polyploid individual
2. Diploid individual
3. Haploid individual
4. Both (1,) (2) and (3)

13. The spindle apparatus is formed during the ________ phase of mitosis.

1. Telophase
2. Metaphase
3. Prophase
4. Anaphase

14. Cyclin is associated with ___________

1. Leptospirosis
2. Glycolysis
3. Cylosis
4. Mitosis
15. If an individual wants to view diakinesis, which of these would be

1. Hair
2. Leaf
3. Onion root
4. Flower bud

16. Chromosome structure can be observed best during ____

1. Anaphase
2. Metaphase
3. Prophase
4. None of the above

Answer Keys for Cell Cycle And Cell Division MCQ

1–4 2–4 3–3 4–1

5–3 6–2 7–2 8–3

9–1 10 – 4 11 – 4 12 – 3

13 – 2 14 – 4 15 – 4 16 – 2

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