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1. SEX CHARACTERISTICS (SC) is the marker recorded in our birth certificates (only male and female).
2. SEXUAL ORIENTATION (SO) – refers to romantic and sexual attraction to men, women, both, or neither.
• Deals with the question, “With whom are you attracted?”
A. HETEROSEXUAL – attraction to the opposite sex.
B. HOMOSEXUAL - attraction to the same sex.
C. BISEXUAL - attraction to both sexes, but not towards homosexuals. They may have preferences based on gender.
D. PANSEXUAL - attraction to all sexes, regardless also of one’s gender. There is no limitation.
E. ASEXUAL – attraction to no one.
SAPIOSEXUAL is NOT considered an orientation but an attraction. Sapiosexuals are those people who find ‘intellect’ as
stimulation of sexual attraction and not the person itself based on sex or gender.
• Attraction deals with sexual and romantic, not with emotions.
3. GENDER IDENTITY (GI) refers to one’s inner sense of self, being a girl/woman, boy/man, other genders, all, or neither
based on sexes.
A. CISGENDER – people who match the genitals or sexes assigned at birth.
B. TRANSGENDER – an umbrella term that describes individuals whose gender identity or expression is unmatched
with genitals or sexes assigned at birth.
NOTE: Sexual reassignment is correcting, not changing! For the sake of studying, TRANSSEXUAL is called for those people
who underwent sexual reassignment (transman and transwoman). Transgender, on the other hand, do not
necessarily undergo sexual reassignment.
C. GENDERQUEER – an umbrella term used to describe a fluid gender identity, changing or existing between the
binary categories of man and woman.
o “I’m just like this”; no category.
o GENDERFLUID – a person’s gender identity can shift over time. It is based on how they feel at that moment
or moving between genders.
4. GENDER EXPRESSION (E) – refers to how an individual expresses their sense of self about masculinity and femininity.
A. MASCULINITY – typical male clothing, expression, or behaviors (pants, polos, suit, etc.)
B. FEMININITY – typical female clothing, expression, or behaviors (dress, skirts, blouse, etc.)
C. ANDROGYNOUS – outward appearance who does not conform to the traditional masculine or feminine expression
NOTE: SOGIESC is for all because all people have a SOGIESC.
• QUESTION: How is SOGIESC involved in SOGIE BILL, and why is it hard to pass in a Senate hearing?
o To briefly define SOGIE BILL, it refers to the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression Equality
Bill, a proposed law to protect Filipinos from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity,
and expression. One of the criticisms that this Bill has encountered was that it was only catered to
LGBTQIA+ members and did not include heterosexuals. Also, our cultural traditions and belief systems
gravely affected some of our Senators' reasons for letting this bill pass.
o Tracing back history, we had been colonized by the Spaniards for 333 years, ingraining the Catholic faith
and doctrine to us. Culture and tradition have been challenging to deal with, especially since they are
profoundly ingrained in some of us. Now, some people still practice traditional beliefs taught by the
Church, and it affected their reason and intellect to see this matter more holistically.
o But when you read this thoroughly and think about yourself. Looking at all the definitions mentioned and
defined in this reading, you see everything in you, right? You have your sexual characteristics, attraction,
gender identity, and expression. Thus, every individual has their own SOGIESC. This is not only for
members of the LGBTQIA+ community and does not refer to giving special treatment to them. Instead,
everyone has the right to their identity. That right itself must be protected from gender-based
discrimination because all of us are prone to this.
A. POLYAMOROUS – multiple intimate commitments with full knowledge and consent of all parties involved. Three or
more people may be involved here, depending on the cultural practices and parties involved.
o POLYGAMY – male to multiple females (commonly practiced in Muslim and other East Asian histories, especially
dynasties or monarchies).
o POLYANDRY – female to multiple males.
B. MONOGAMOUS – involves two individuals forming an exclusive intimate relationship.
• QUESTION: Is it still considered monogamous if a third party is involved?
o Monogamous only applies when there is a couple (meaning only two people in a relationship). So, if this
third party has NOT talked with and given the “consent” of each member of the couple to exist in the
relationship, it is considered cheating.
o NOTE: This can also NOT be labeled as a “poly relationship.” Poly requires consent and awareness of all
parties involved in the relationship.
These issues or problems affecting women and men result from society’s perceived generalizations and beliefs on the
characteristics, capabilities, and behavior of women and men.
• These generalizations and beliefs often limit understanding of what women and men can be and can do.
1. GENDER INEQUALITY - refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of an individual based on gender.
EXAMPLE: Women experience lower labor pay than men, and discrimination affects gender-diverse and transgender
people more than their cisgender counterparts.
2. MARGINALIZATION - Forces women into the periphery of economic and social life and the decision-making process
• Also, it diminishes the value of women’s activities through which they contribute to the national development
EXAMPLE: Marginalization can manifest through unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, holding them back
from making advancements or attaining the quality of life they deserve. Women tend to sacrifice and endure unequal
treatment in the workforce, especially in male-dominated jobs where they get lower wages and face barriers to
advancement opportunities than men, just because they are biologically female.
3. GENDER STEREOTYPING - attributes favorable or unfavorable characteristics, roles, and traits to all social group
members based on sex.
4. MULTIPLE BURDEN - The involvement in the three spheres of work—reproductive, productive, and community
management and governance.
• A person’s involvement in any of these spheres, sometimes too much and sometimes unwillingly, lessens their
time for themselves and what they want to do.
• Usually, this can be seen in women working simultaneously as employees, mothers, and wives. Women tend to
sacrifice one of their desires and aspirations, particularly when the family needs her presence (commonly a career
they built or post-education they pursue). It sheds light on the reality that some women experience this hardship,
torn between doing what they want for themselves or meeting the family's needs.
5. SUBORDINATION - One sex becomes inferior to the other.
• Gender subordination is the institutionalized domination by men of women (or vice versa).
• This is usually seen in perceptions of men about women who they think are inferior to them. They see women as
weak, belittling and undervaluing their significant contribution to the family or workforce just because of their
• They also perceive women as submissive, letting their male partners do their job in decision-making, if not all,
most of the time.
6. VIOLENCE - Any act that instills fear and pain to injure or abuse a person.
• The two types of violence are domestic violence and sexual harassment.
A. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Occurs in forms like spousal abuse, child abuse (including sexual abuse), elderly abuse, parent
abuse by children, or violence between siblings, etc.
B. SEXUAL HARASSMENT - Violence that can occur in the workplace, manifested as verbal (catcalling), visual (peeking at
someone), gestural (sexual innuendos), and physical sexual harassment (groping, touching, etc.)
A. STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONAL THEORY – this approach understands human behavior as part of systems that help
keep society organized and functioning.
• Gender, a crucial means of societal organization, creates a balanced and harmonious division of distinct roles
designed to complement each other, fostering fairness and equity.
• In these societies, men, physically more eager and not burdened with the demands of childbearing, were more
suited for aggressive, autonomous roles such as hunting and warfare. Women, on the other hand, took on the
role of homemakers.
• Men were physically stronger and didn’t have the demands of childbearing, which made it easier for them to
take on more aggressive, autonomous roles, like hunting or warfare. And these roles became institutionalized.
• He argued that boys and girls are socialized to take on complementary traits to make it easier to maintain
stable, productive family units.
• Boys are taught instrumental qualities, such as confidence and competitiveness, that prepare them for the
labor force.
• Meanwhile, girls are taught expressive qualities, such as empathy and sensitivity, which prepare them to care
for their families.
• Society, in turn, plays a significant role in encouraging gender conformity by exerting its influence through
societal norms, making individuals feel the pressure to fit these molds if they want to be romantically desirable,
and also teaching them to reject those who go against these gender norms.
B. SYMBOLIC INTERACTION APPROACH - more focused on how gender is part of day-to-day life.
• From this perspective, gender is something that a person does rather than something that’s either innate or
imposed by institutions.
To keep you engaged, here is an example of how our society’s definition of masculinity and femininity are inextricably
linked to each gender’s power in society.
EXAMPLE: Imagine two people are standing. You can see two males wearing different clothing. At first, our minds will
suggest that one is female while the other is male based on their clothes. We already assume that one of them is the
opposite sex.
Now, the question to you is, what if the male on the right side has long hair and make-up on? Our minds will find it hard
to decide which is male or female.
• As you can see in this example, these ‘little things’ such as clothing, styles, or other things are already
associated with masculinity and femininity. We tend to think that every guy wears a suit, not a skirt. This might
change our thinking that one with long hair and wearing makeup is already a woman but does not necessarily
flip the same switch with the other without makeup while wearing a dress.
• This is related to the previous topic, gender roles, which is how society defines women and men should think
and behave. A man wearing a skirt is seen as a rejection of traditional gender roles, unlike a woman wearing
pants. Body language and how people interact with each other are also part of how people do gender.
• Women are socialized to be deferential in conversation. They are likelier to make eye contact to show they’re
listening or to smile to encourage their speaking partner. Crossing your legs is called “ladylike,” whereas if you
sit in the subway with your legs spread out, you might get glared at for “manspreading.”
• This example shows how our society’s definitions of masculinity and femininity are inextricably linked to each
gender’s power in society.
• Masculine traits are associated with power – taking up more space and directing the conversation – and are
often valued more than feminine characteristics. In other words, everyday social interaction reflects and helps
reinforce gender stratification. However, a limitation of the symbolic interaction approach is that it focuses on
the micro rather than the macro. Because of its focus on situational experiences, it misses the broader patterns
of gender inequality.
C. GENDER CONFLICT THEORY - argues that gender is a structural system that distributes power and privilege to
some and disadvantage to others.
• Specifically, that structural system is the patriarchy, a form of social organization in which men have more
power and dominate other genders.
• We can see examples of this structure in institutional practices that disadvantage women, like restricting higher
education to men or refusing to allow women to vote.
• Consider the traits our society values – rationality is often praised as a desirable way of thinking, especially in
leaders. At the same time, irrationality means letting emotion affect decisions and is seen as a weakness.
o Women are stereotyped as more emotional and men as more rational, which makes people falsely
see men as more natural fits for leadership positions.
oThe way that patriarchy privileges certain people over others also isn’t as simple as saying that all men
are at the top of the power distribution.
D. INTERSECTIONAL THEORY - the analysis of the interplay of race, class, gender,
Sexual orientation and other identities often result in multiple dimensions of disadvantage.
• While all women are disadvantaged by gender, it’s also true that some women experience more disadvantage
than others.
• The converse is true for men – all men benefit from living in a society that privileges masculinity, but some
men benefit more than others.
EXAMPLE: Gender Wage Gap of White Men and Women & Black Men and Women
Given this example, we can see that the wages of white men, in general, are much higher than those of female whites and
blacks. Meanwhile, black men benefit more than women in general. In contrast, colored women were paid less than white
women. What is the meaning of this? This example shows that, in general, men get more benefits and advantages than
women because of their gender. However, there are also other factors to be considered, most especially skin color and
race. These two factors contributed to disadvantages among men and women (for this example, it is black). In such a sense,
these named factors are connected, affecting and influencing each other, which causes disadvantages among genders.
FAMILY - is the basic unit of society composed of adults of both sexes or other genders, one or more children, owned or
adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults.
• Family plays a fundamental role in teaching and influencing children, in which they first acquire basic
characteristics and habits.
• Families are typically the primary environment where individuals receive emotional support, cultural values,
socialization, and nurture.
1. NUCLEAR - A nuclear family is a household that consists of two married parents and their children, all living under the
same roof.
• This is the typical family structure worldwide, also known as a marital family.
• It is considered a family of procreation because marriage's later goal is to have one's own family.
2. JOINT - A joint family is a large family structure where multiple generations of relatives live together in the same
• A joint family lives in a single abode or house where two or more families reside.
EXAMPLE: You have a nuclear family: You, your mother, your father, and your brother/sister. Now, your sister has got
married and given birth to your niece. Instead of living alone, they lived in your homestead, comprising two nuclear families
in one household. This means there are already two families in a single compound, making them a joint family because
your brother/sister is your kin.
3. EXTENDED - An extended family structure includes the immediate family members such as parents and children and
relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
• Extended family does not necessarily live in a single house; instead, they live nearby or in a big compound where
your relatives' homes are close to yours.
• This is usually seen in Filipino families where we typically keep in touch with our kin, living in a big compound,
but our abodes are separated.
4. BLENDED - A blended family is a family structure formed when one or both partners have children from previous
relationships and come together to create a new family unit.
• Usually, a blended family is when two families come together to create a new family unit.
• EXAMPLE: Rika was raised by a single mother, while a widowed husband raised Rio. Then, their parents fell in love
and decided to get married. It will be a blended family when Rika and Rio, who are not biological brothers or
sisters, are legally bound as siblings because of their parents' marriage.
5. FAMILY BY CHOICE - Family by choice refers to a family structure formed by individuals who choose to create strong
emotional bonds and supportive relationships, regardless of biological or legal ties.
• Family by choice can include adopted children, live-in partners, kin of each household member, and close friends.
• Increasingly practiced by unmarried people and families who move away from the consanguine family.
• Family by choice is formed by bonds with individuals they consider family members. Like some of us, we consider
some of our long-time friends family because you grew up together and have known each other for a long time.
• Also, this can be seen in new or long-time weds who considered pets as their child. It is not necessarily a must-be
by blood; it resembles an emotional bond.
6. SINGLE PARENT - A single-parent family is a family unit where one parent is responsible for raising their child or children
without the support of a partner or spouse.
• Single-parent families often result from the death of a spouse, for instance, during childbirth, infidelity, etc.
• This family has been increasing in numbers, concerning the struggles of single parents raising their children alone.
NOTE: Kindly read this, as this will be the overall basis of the lesson.
1. UNIVERSALITY - The family is a universal institution in every society and culture.
• Every family exists that builds as a society and will not live without its most basic unit.
2. EMOTIONAL BASIS - Family is based on emotions and sentiments. Mating, procreation, maternal and fraternal devotion,
love, and affection are the basis of family ties.
• Family is one of the fundamental teachers of children, and they teach them primary knowledge and behaviors that
are culturally approved ways of living in a society.
• Also, family is a support system that vitalizes one’s self-confidence and self-worth, where they feel their parents'
attention, affection, and unconditional love. This builds emotional attachment and development that helps
children nurture and establish interpersonal relationships with others they interact with.
3. RESPONSIBILITY OF MEMBERS - Family members, particularly children, learn social responsibility and cooperation
within the family.
• Parents teach their children the division of labor, which a boy and girl must do in the household and society.
• Parents are also responsible for caring for their children and providing daily needs and necessities, such as food,
shelter, clothes, and education.
• In reality, some supposed-to-be-parents are irresponsible. They rely much on other people to feed and nurture
their children or even disregard their basic needs to satisfy one’s personal needs.
• Children are not brought into this world by their own will but by their parents’ choice alone. Soon-to-be parents
must be financially, mentally, and emotionally stable so they won’t pass the traumas and hardships they
experienced to the next generation, and the cycle continues.
4. FORMATIVE INFLUENCE - Families have the most influence over their members. It plays a part in shaping the character
and personality of individuals, especially during childhood, influencing behavior into adulthood.
• Parents play an essential role in influencing children to shape their character and personality, especially during
• Sometimes, we do not recognize that some of our parents’ behaviors are being mimicked or imitated
unconsciously. For example, we dislike our parents being a nag when we are young. But, when we grow up, we
unconsciously become just like them, mainly when we are mad. We are displaying certain attitudes that relate to
our parents.
• An additional example is the “tone” of our parents when they are speaking. In certain areas, they are considered
rude for speaking as if they are shouting at the person. But in reality, they are not. Other people think you are mad
and yelling at them, but it is normal for them.
5. PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY – Family as an institution is permanent and universal, even as individual family members
come and go. When children grow up and marry, they start their own families, continuing the cycle.
• Family is the group through which descent or ancestry can also be traced. Every family provides an individual a
name (family’s name), a source of our identity.
• EXAMPLE: Your surname came from a wealthy and intelligent family in your area. Once other people know this,
they automatically assume you came from a well-known family.
• Sexual harassment is an imposition of misplaced superiority, which is enough to dampen an employee’s spirit and
her capacity for advancement.
• It affects her sense of judgment; it changes her life
• It is not necessary that there was an offer for sex for there to be sexual harassment as a superior’s conduct with
sexual underpinnings, which offends the victim or creates a hostile environment, would suffice.
• The essence of sexual harassment is not the violation of the victim’s sexuality but the abuse of power by the
• In other words, what the law aims to punish is the undue exercise of power and authority manifested through
sexually charged conduct or one filled with sexual undertones
• The 105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law (RA 11210 or EML) provides the updated policy on maternity leave
that covers females who are workers in the private and public sectors, workers in the informal economy, voluntary
contributors to the Social Security System (SSS), and national athletes.
• It likewise grants a woman the option to allocate up to 7 days of paid maternity leave to her child’s father or an
alternate caregiver.
When did the law take effect, and who can benefit from it?
• No, maternity leave can be availed regardless of the civil status of the woman who gave birth or suffered
miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy.
What if a woman has consecutive pregnancies or multiple childbirths?
• A woman may apply for maternity leave in every instance of pregnancy, regardless of frequency.
• In case of overlapping maternity benefit claims (e.g., one miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy
after another, or live childbirth followed by miscarriage), she shall be granted maternity leave benefits for the two
contingencies consecutively.
• For SSS members, the amount of benefit corresponding to the period where there is an overlap shall be deducted
from the current maternity benefit claim.
• For multiple childbirths (e.g., twins), a woman shall be granted only one maternity benefit, regardless of the
number of offspring/children per delivery.– (Sec. 6, Rule V, RA 11210 IRR).
Does counting maternity leave periods include Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays?
• Yes, maternity leave should be availed of continuously and uninterruptedly, thus including Saturdays, Sundays, and
Holidays. Maternity Leave is counted in calendar days– (Sec. 2, Rule V, RA 11210 IRR)
Can a female employee terminated or resigned from employment be eligible for maternity leave?
• Yes, a female employee can avail of maternity leave if live childbirth, miscarriage, or emergency termination of
pregnancy occurs not more than fifteen (15) calendar days after the termination of her employment.
• Such a period is not applicable when the employment of the pregnant worker has been terminated without cause.