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Journal of Hydrology
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Article history: In this study, we evaluated the water quality status (especially, salinity problems) and hydrogeochemical
Received 22 June 2016 processes of an alluvial aquifer in a floodplain of the Red River delta, Vietnam, based on the hydrochem-
Received in revised form 5 February 2017 ical and isotopic data of groundwater samples (n = 23) from the Kien Xuong district of the Thai Binh pro-
Accepted 17 April 2017
vince. Following the historical inundation by paleo-seawater during coastal progradation, the aquifer has
Available online 21 April 2017
This manuscript was handled by L. Charlet,
been undergone progressive freshening and land reclamation to enable settlements and farming. The
Editor-in-Chief hydrochemical data of water samples showed a broad hydrochemical change, from Na-Cl through Na-
HCO3 to Ca-HCO3 types, suggesting that groundwater was overall evolved through the freshening process
accompanying cation exchange. The principal component analysis (PCA) of the hydrochemical data indi-
Freshening of salinized aquifer cates the occurrence of three major hydrogeochemical processes occurring in an aquifer, namely: 1) pro-
Multiple end-members mixing modeling gressive freshening of remaining paleo-seawater, 2) water-rock interaction (i.e., dissolution of silicates),
Cation exchange and 3) redox process including sulfate reduction, as indicated by heavy sulfur and oxygen isotope com-
Bacterial sulfate reduction positions of sulfate. To quantitatively assess the hydrogeochemical processes, the end-member mixing
Hydrogeochemistry analysis (EMMA) and the forward mixing modeling using PHREEQC code were conducted. The EMMA
results show that the hydrochemical model with the two-dimensional mixing space composed of PC 1
and PC 2 best explains the mixing in the study area; therefore, we consider that the groundwater chem-
istry mainly evolved by mixing among three end-members (i.e., paleo-seawater, infiltrating rain, and the
K-rich groundwater). The distinct depletion of sulfate in groundwater, likely due to bacterial sulfate
reduction, can also be explained by EMMA. The evaluation of mass balances using geochemical modeling
supports the explanation that the freshening process accompanying direct cation exchange occurs
through mixing among three end-members involving the K-rich groundwater. This study shows that
the multiple end-members mixing model is useful to more successfully assess complex hydrogeochem-
ical processes occurring in a salinized aquifer under freshening, as compared to the conventional inter-
pretation using the theoretical mixing line based on only two end-members (i.e., seawater and
Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0022-1694/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
704 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714
and has been successively freshened. Freshening of a saline aquifer calculation (M3) model (Laaksoharju et al., 1999; Laaksoharju
depends on a complex of natural and/or artificial factors, such as et al., 2008) and the model MIX (Carrera et al., 2004; Tubau
the continental recharge system (e.g., recharge by precipitation), et al., 2014; Vàzquez-Suñé et al., 2010) have been recently
regional geology, sea level regression (Blaser et al., 2010; Post proposed.
et al., 2013), tidal fluctuations (Wang and Tsay, 2001), and artifi- A better understanding of freshening process of an aquifer in
cial recharge (Lambrakis, 2006). Thus, we need to a better under- low-lying coastal plains which experienced paleo-seawater intru-
standing of the complex hydrogeochemical processes occurring sion is crucial to exploit groundwater sustainably for human devel-
during freshening. opment. However, such task is challenging because of the
The freshening process generally accompanies two major complexities of hydrogeologic and hydrochemical environments.
hydrogeochemical processes: (1) dilution (i.e. mixing) and (2) Therefore, the present study aims to examine the usefulness of
cation exchange. During freshening, the concentrations and behav- the multiple end-members mixing model to quantitatively assess
iors of cations in water are strongly influenced by the surface of complex hydrochemical processes occurring during freshening of
minerals in an aquifer. Cation exchange is an important process salinized aquifer. For this assessment, we used two approaches of
occurring at the mineral surfaces that proceeds with a sequence mixing and mass balance calculation, namely: 1) end-member
during the progressive freshening. Direct cation exchange is repre- mixing analysis (EMMA) in conjunction with the principal compo-
sented by the displacement of Na ion at mineral surfaces by other nent analysis (PCA) and 2) forward mixing modeling using
cations, such as Ca and Mg ions in the solution as below (Appelo, PHREEQC. The EMMA was developed by Christophersen and
1994; Appelo and Postma, 2005): Hooper (1992) to estimate the number of end-members involved
in the mixing to form stream water. In the present study, we
applied EMMA to estimate the conservative mixing space and the
2NaX þ Ca2þ ! 2Naþ þ CaX2
number of end-members involved in a saline groundwater system
Thus, an initial Na-Cl type saline groundwater progressively under alluvial setting. Mass balances of major cations during sev-
evolves towards the Na-HCO3 type water and, eventually, changes eral processes, such as cation exchange during the freshening, were
to the Ca-HCO3 type fresh groundwater over a long period of time also evaluated by the forward mixing modeling (Appelo, 1994;
through the direct cation exchange during freshening (Appelo, Appelo et al., 1990; Beekman, 1991) with the end-members
1994; Appelo and Postma, 2005; Appelo and Willemsen, 1987; deducted from EMMA. The methods used in this study can be
Beekman, 1991; Lambrakis, 2006). Cation exchange can also be applied to interpret the hydrogeochemical processes during fresh-
used as a criterion of freshening or salinization in an alluvial aqui- ening of a heterogeneous aquifer.
fer and, therefore, several indices were proposed to identify the
type of mixing processes (Giménez-Forcada, 2010, 2014; Russak
and Sivan, 2010). 2. Study area
Several hydrogeochemical processes, such as dissolution/pre-
cipitation of minerals and redox reactions, can also occur during The study area is located in the northeastern part of the Kien
the freshening of a saline aquifer. Dissolution or precipitation of Xuong district of the Thai Binh Province, Vietnam, which belongs
secondary minerals, such as calcite, dolomite, and gypsum, can to the Red River delta and borders the Gulf of Tonkin (Fig. 1a).
occur because the mixing of groundwater leads to dis- There is a hydrologic network comprising a main river (named
equilibrium states between aquifer minerals and groundwater Tra-Ly) as a tributary of the Red River, which forms an important
(Chae et al., 2012; Garing et al., 2013; Gomis-Yagües et al., 2000; drainage system used for pervasive agricultural activities (Fig. 1a).
Plummer, 1975; Wigley and Plummer, 1976). As alluvial sediments The area is under a subtropical climate, with nearly 80% of annual
in floodplains undergoing freshening usually contain abundant precipitation between June and July. The mean annual rainfall and
organic matters, diverse redox reactions, such as bacterial reduc- temperature are ca. 1800 mm and 23 °C, respectively. Due to high
tions of Fe- and Mn-oxyhydroxides, nitrate, and sulfate, can occur. soil fertility, flat topography, and favorable irrigation condition,
Thus, distinct sulfate depletion is frequently found in saline agricultural activity, mainly rice cropping, is intensive throughout
groundwater, although sulfate is very high in seawater (Andersen the delta plain.
et al., 2005; Chapelle and McMahon, 1991; Kim et al., 2014). Fur- The Red River delta is surrounded by hills that are geologically
thermore, leaching of redox-sensitive, toxic elements, such as composed of Precambrian crystalline rocks and Paleozoic to Meso-
arsenic, has been reported in many delta floodplains of Southeast zoic sedimentary rocks. The delta was initially formed at the south-
Asia, including the Red River, Mekong, and Bengal (Buschmann west of the present Red River channel during the Last Glacial
and Berg, 2009; Fendorf et al., 2010; Winkel et al., 2008; Winkel Maximum (LGM) (Tanabe et al., 2003a, 2003b). Quaternary sedi-
et al., 2011). ments of the Red River delta overlie the Neogene deposits and
To assess several hydrochemical processes during freshening, are ca. 100 m thick with the increasing thickness (up to 200 m)
the differences of hydrochemical parameters between the towards the coast. After the LGM period, global deglaciation led
observed and the theoretical concentrations based on the conser- to a rapid rise of the sea level (i.e., transgression) up to ca. 1–3 m
vative mixing between seawater and freshwater have been used above the present sea level and resulted in the inundation of the
in many previous studies (Appelo and Postma, 2005; de Montety study area by seawater due to coastal progradation. Following
et al., 2008; Fidelibus et al., 1993; Russak and Sivan, 2010; the stability of the sea level to the present level, regression of the
Yamanaka and Kumagai, 2006). This conventional method is based Red River delta resulted in the emergence of the Haihung Forma-
on the linear regression of the chemical compositions of two end- tion (7000–4000 years BP) and the Thai Binh Formation (after
members (i.e., seawater and freshwater), as the samples with a 3000 years BP) throughout the Holocene (see Fig. 1b). The Holo-
simple and conservative mixing follow the theoretical mixing line. cene alluvial sedimentary sequence is composed of the interbed-
However, due to the uncertainties in the number of end-members ded layers of sand and gravel with subordinate lenses of silt and
involved in the mixing and selection of conservative tracers, this clay (Mathers and Zalasiewicz, 1999; Tanabe et al., 2003a, 2003b,
conventional interpretation using two end-members cannot effec- 2006). Seawater intruded into the Holocene alluvial sedimentary
tively interpret a heterogeneous aquifer system under freshening. layers during the regression of the Red River delta has remained
Therefore, alternative multiple-dimensional and mathematical as fossil seawater, causing the salinity problems in the study area.
approaches, such as the multivariate mixing and mass balance Following the paleo-seawater intrusion, the alluvial aquifer has
J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714 705
Fig. 1. (a) Location map of the study area in Vietnam and sampling points and (b) a representative geologic profile of the Red River delta, showing the general sequence of
different layers (modified after Tanabe et al., 2006; Mathers and Zalasiewicz, 1999).
been undergone progressive freshening and land reclamation to bottles. The samples for the cation analysis were acidified to
enable settlements and farming. The average cation exchange pH < 2 by adding a few drops of ultrapure nitric acid. All samples
capacity (CEC) of alluvial soils in the Red River delta was reported were refrigerated at 4 °C until the analyses. Alkalinity was mea-
to amount to 10.71 cmolc/kg (Nguyen et al., 2005). sured by the titration method using 0.05 N HNO3 solution in the
The water use in the study area relies on alluvial groundwater. field (Stumm and Morgan, 1996).
Therefore, there are many groundwater wells for the water supply Chemical compositions of the collected water samples were
for drinking, agricultural, and industrial purposes. The preexisting analyzed at the Center for Mineral Resource Research, Korea
groundwater wells in the study area have the depths between University. Major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), Sr2+, Fetotal,
1.5 m and 45 m below the ground surface (Table 1); therefore, Mntotal, and dissolved SiO2 were measured by the inductively cou-
the wells in use are mostly completed within the sand layer under- pled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES: Perkin Elmer
lying clay/silt layer (lenses) of the Thai Binh and Haihung forma- OPTIMA 3000 XL). Major anions (Cl-, SO2- - - -
4 , NO3, and F ) and Br were
tions of Holocene age (see Fig. 1b). Alluvial aquifer in the study measured by the ion chromatography (IC: Dionex 120). The calcu-
area is generally semi-confined and leaky due to the discontinuity lated charge balance errors (C.B.E.) of the analytical results were
of a clay-silt layer at the surface. Although groundwater levels mostly below 5%, indicating the reliability of the analytical data.
could not be measured at each groundwater wells, local groundwa- During the second field campaign in June 2009, 17 groundwater
ter flow in the study area is considered to overall direct northeast- samples were selected for the analysis of sulfur and oxygen iso-
ward towards the Tra-Ly River. topes of sulfate. The collected samples were acidified (pH 2–3)
after filtering; then, SO4 was precipitated in the field as BaSO4 by
addition of BaCl2 (Clark and Fritz, 1997). The samples were ana-
3. Materials and methods lyzed in the Isotope Science Laboratory at the University of Calgary
using the high-temperature conversion elemental analyzer (TC/EA)
3.1. Sampling and analysis coupled to the Delta Plus XL isotope-ratio mass spectrometer with
SO2 as the measuring gas. Stable isotope data of the samples are
The results of the chemical analysis of 23 groundwater samples reported in the d notation relative to the Canyon Diablo Troilite
from preexisting wells, together with one rainwater sample, are (V-CDT) standard for d34S values and the Standard Mean Oceanic
shown in Table 1. Sampling was conducted twice in the same Water (V-SMOW) standard for d18O values. The precision and accu-
selected wells during two periods: October 2006 and June 2009. racy were below 0.3‰ for d34S and 0.5‰ for d18O.
One rainwater sample was also collected in October 2006. The
sampling procedure and field measurements followed the standard
method (APHA et al., 2001). Groundwater sampling for the subse- 3.2. End-member mixing analysis (EMMA)
quent analyses was performed after sufficient purging of at least
three well volumes. The temperature, pH, Eh, electrical conductiv- The dataset (X) used in EMMA consists of the collected ground-
ity (EC), and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured in the field water samples and a rainwater sample. The average seawater com-
using potable multi-parameter meters (Thermo Scientific Orion position was also used (Hem, 1985). Twelve hydrochemical
Co.). The collected samples were filtered through 0.45 lm cellulose parameters, including EC, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, NO 2
3 , SO4 , HCO3 ,
membranes and then transferred into pre-cleaned 60 ml HDPE SiO2, Fe, and Mn, were used as input data. The hydrochemical data
706 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714
Table 1
Summary of hydrochemical parameters of groundwater samples from the study area.
were standardized into the correlation matrix (Z) by using Eq. (1), 3.3. Forward mixing modeling with PHREEQC
as each parameter has the different scale and variance:
The PHREEQC code (version 3.1.2) was used to perform one-
ðxij xj Þ
Z ij ¼ ð1Þ dimensional forward transport modeling to simulate the freshen-
ing process (Appelo, 1994; Appelo et al., 1990; Appelo and
where xij is the original value of the chemical parameter (j) in the Postma, 2005; Beekman, 1991). Mass transfer was calculated
observed data (i), xj is the mean value of the parameter (xj) for all using synthetic waters (Appelo and Postma, 2005). The parame-
data, and sj is the standard deviation of the parameter for all data. ters used in the modeling were temperature, pH, Ca, Na, Mg, K,
The EMMA model was used to determine both the conservative Cl, HCO3, SO4, and Si. Here, chloride was considered as a conser-
tracer and the number of end-members to better explain the vative element which is essential to determine the mixing pro-
hydrochemistry of saline groundwater in the aquifer. The model portions. In the forward mixing modeling, mixing, dissolution of
was established following the proposed procedure based on the minerals, such as calcite, dolomite, and gypsum, and cation
orthogonal regression analysis (Christophersen and Hooper, exchange were considered to simulate the chemical reactions in
1992). The conservative mixing space formed by a space of PCA groundwater. To consider the diffusion in the simple reaction
score of Z was projected back onto the original data space. path modeling, the TRANSPORT code was used. The time duration
The diagnostic tools of Hooper (2003) are most commonly used of the simulation was set up as 100 years and the diffusion coef-
in the EMMA model to determine the dimensionality of the conser- ficient was determined up to the degree of dilution of seawater to
vative mixing space and the number of end-members by retaining the level of Cl concentration of freshwater. In the EXCHANGE
the number of eigenvector (i.e., the number of principal compo- code, the Gains-Thomas convention was used to the cation
nent). A common criterion for determining the number of eigen- exchange coefficients.
vector to retain for further analysis should be those with an
eigenvalue above 1. In the case of determining the number of
4. Results and discussion
end-members, the number of retained eigenvectors (n) necessi-
tates n + 1 end-members. Then, the residual analysis was per-
4.1. General water chemistry
formed by calculating the differences between the measured
concentrations and the concentrations expected from the
The results of the chemical analysis of 23 groundwater samples
conservative mixing space. Then, the residuals were evaluated by
are summarized in Table 1. Fig. 2a shows the Durov diagram of the
errors statistics. A random pattern (i.e., approach to zero) of the
hydrochemical data. The hydrochemical phases of groundwater in
residuals indicates the well-considered mixing space. The relative
the study area gradually changed from Na-Cl through Na(-Ca)-
root-mean-square error (RRMSE) was calculated using Eq. (2) to
HCO3 to Ca-HCO3 types with the concomitant decrease of the
represent the standard deviation of residual values:
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi TDS value from 3450 to 481 mg/L. The observed hydrochemical
Pn change generally tended to follow the theoretical mixing line
i¼1 ðxij xij Þ
Fig. 2. (a) Durov diagram showing general groundwater chemistry in the study area, (b) plots of the relative concentrations of major constituents (in meq/L) of samples on the
hydrochemical facies evolution diagram (Giménez-Forcada, 2010), and (c) the calculated salinization index (Russak and Sivan, 2010) versus Cl diagram indicating the
occurrence of progressive freshening in groundwater. RW = rainwater, SW = seawater, TDS = total dissolved solid, TML = theoretical mixing line.
of most hydrochemical data fall slightly above the TML. Such 4.2. Major hydrogeochemical processes
hydrochemical evolution indicates the occurrence of the freshen-
ing process accompanying direct cation exchange (i.e., the release Before the principal component analysis (PCA), the Bartlett’s
of Na+ from the surface of mineral particles to solution while sphericity test was conducted on data matrix to test whether our
Ca2+ in solution is absorbed onto the surface instead). The calcula- data are adequate to be evaluated by PCA. The results yielded the
tion of the percentage of seawater fraction in water using the con- associated probability of 0.000, indicating that the variables in cor-
centration of Cl ion shows that ca. 10% of seawater are still relation matrix are strongly correlated. Therefore, our data are
maximally remained in the groundwater bodies. enough to proceed PCA even with the small number of samples
There is a general trend of decreasing EC values (r2 = 0.64) (23). Three major hydrogeochemical processes of groundwater
with the decreasing depth of groundwater wells (see Table 1). were identified by PCA of 12 analyzed parameters (EC, Na+, Ca2+,
This suggests that salinized groundwater has been undergone K+, Mg2+, Cl-, HCO-3, SiO2, SO2- -
4 , NO3, Fe, and Mn). These are: (1) pro-
progressive freshening by the inflow of freshwater slowly through gressive freshening, represented by PC 1; (2) water–rock interac-
semi-confined and leaky aquifer. In addition, the hydrochemical tion, represented by PC 2; and (3) redox process, represented by
facies evolution diagram (HFE-D) and the calculated salinization PC 3 (Fig. 3). Each process (component) explains 37.9%, 20.1%,
index involving the cation exchange reaction also indicate the and 16.2% of the total variance of groundwater chemistry in the
freshening process. In the HFE-D proposed by Gimenez-Forcada study area, respectively (Table 2).
(2010), groundwater samples with relatively high TDS values fol-
low the trend of intrinsic freshening during which the initial 4.2.1. Freshening
phase of saline groundwater (Na-Cl type) shifts to the Ca(-Na)- PC 1 has positive correlations with EC, Na+, Mg2+, and Cl-
HCO3 phase due to the dilution (mixing) and direct cation (Fig. 3a) and the samples with lower Cl- concentrations generally
exchange (Fig. 2b). The other group of freshwater (i.e. Na(-Ca)- have the more negative PC 1 scores (Fig. 3b). These trends indicate
HCO3 type groundwater) plots above the mixing line and is char- the progressive freshening towards the negative PC 1 direction. The
acteristically HCO3-rich (Fig. 2b); this groundwater represents water with negative PC 1 scores are typically of Na(-Ca)-HCO3 type,
another path of freshening (see below). Calculation of the salin- while those with positive scores are of Na-Cl type. Thus, direct
ization index proposed by Russak and Sivan (2010), based on cation exchange accompanied by freshening is also expected to
the opposite behavior between Ca2+ and K+ during cation result in the enrichment of Na+ with the concomitant depletion
exchange, yielded negative values. This also indicates the occur- of Ca2+ in groundwater. However, a careful examination of the vari-
rence of freshening (Fig. 2c). ation of the concentrations of major cations shows that most ions
708 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714
Fig. 3. Scatter plots of the results of principal component analysis (PCA). (a and b) PC 1 vs. PC 2 relationships and (c and d) PC1 vs. PC 3 relationships. The concentrations of Cl-
and SO2-4 of the samples are also shown in (b) and (d), respectively. The identified three major hydrochemical processes of groundwater are: PC 1 = progressive freshening, PC
2 = water-rock interaction, and PC 3 = redox process. RW = rain water, SW = seawater, TML = theoretical mixing line.
Fig. 4. Plots of the concentrations of major hydrochemical parameters versus Cl- in groundwater. Solid lines indicate the theoretical mixing line (TML). Shaded triangles
indicate the mixing diagrams (spaces) drawn by linear combinations between EMs.
alluvial sediments facilitates the reduction of NO3 , Mn(IV), Fe(III), Sasaki, 1996; Soler et al., 2002; Vitòria et al., 2004). We calculated
and SO24 , resulting in the depletion of NO3 and SO4
and the the sulfur isotope enrichment factor (e) using the Rayleigh distilla-
enrichment of dissolved Fe and Mn. tion model (Eq. (3)) under a closed system condition (Fritz and
The relationships between redox-sensitive ions and Cl also Fontes, 1980):
explain that the aquifer is affected by the redox process (Fig. 4).
The considerable depletion of SO2 4 implies the occurrence of sul-
d ¼ d0 þ e lnf ð3Þ
fate reduction. The concentrations of other redox-sensitive param-
eters, such as Fe2+ and Mn2+, are locally very high (up to 0.10 mM
and 0.02 mM, respectively) in the fresh groundwater (Cl < 30 where d and do are the residual and initial d34S values of sulfate, f is
mM). It is noticeable that such Fe- and Mn-rich samples are the fraction of the remaining sulfate, and e is the isotopic enrich-
observed in the shallow wells with the depths of 2–12 m below ment factor. The f values were calculated using the SO2- -
4 /Cl values
the land surface. to consider the effect of freshening (Yamanaka and Kumagai,
To further evaluate the sulfate reduction, several samples were 2006) (see Eq. (4)):
analyzed for sulfur and oxygen isotope compositions of sulfate
(Table 3; Fig. 6). The samples with high sulfur and oxygen isotope
f ¼ ðSO2
4 sample =Cl
sample Þ=ðSO4 initial =Clinitial Þ ð4Þ
values of sulfate have very low sulfate concentrations, indicating
the occurrence of bacterial sulfate reduction in the study area. Even with a few samples considered, the calculated e values for
The plots of the dual isotope compositions (Fig. 6) suggest the exis- the groundwater in the study area were 28.71‰ for the reduction
tence of two kinds of sulfate origin in the study area: 1) paleo- path from seawater sulfate and 29.25‰ for the path from an
seawater (d34SSO4 = 21‰ and d18OSO4 = 9.5‰) which intruded into anthropogenic sulfate. These estimates fall within the general
the aquifer and 2) anthropogenic sulfate (e.g., sulfate from fertiliz- range (8 to 90‰) reported for bacterial sulfate reduction
ers) (Clark and Fritz, 1997; Krouse and Mayer, 2000; Mizota and (BSR; Kim et al., 2014; Massmann et al., 2003).
710 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714
Fig. 7. Plots of the Cl concentrations vs. residuals relationships of groundwater samples in the study area. Residuals denote the difference between the original data (i.e.,
measurements) and the projected data onto (a) the one-dimensional mixing space and (b) the two-dimensional mixing space using orthogonal regression analysis.
Table 4
Relative root square errors (RRMSE; %) of the projection of the groundwater samples onto different mixing spaces of dimensionality.
enrichment of HCO-3 for the groundwater samples with the Cl- con- from EMMA, we could identify the existence of the reduction of
centrations of <30 mM shows that the residuals of SO2- 4 are inver- anthropogenic sulfate, as we have proposed by S-O isotopic com-
sely correlated with those of HCO-3. This observation supports the positions of sulfate.
explanation that BSR was more distinct in groundwater with lower Therefore, our results suggest that the occurrence of BSR in the
salinity (cf. Kim et al., 2014). It is also noticeable that two outlier study area is identified by evaluating the residuals of sulfate from
samples with positive residuals of sulfate were collected from the two-dimensional mixing space. Bacterial sulfate reduction pos-
the same borehole and have the sulfate-sulfur isotopic composi- sibly occurred during both the seawater mixing in the past and the
tions falling in the general range of anthropogenic origin (Fig. 6). anthropogenic contamination in recent years (cf. Kim et al., 2014).
Through careful examination of the calculated residuals of sulfate Moreover, it is likely that BSR was more distinct during the
712 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714
recharge of salinized groundwater by fresh groundwater being end-members (i.e., seawater, infiltrated rainwater, and the K-rich
loaded with anthropogenic sulfate (possibly, fertilizers). groundwater).
The results of the mass balance calculation show that Na is sig-
nificantly released into the solution during progressive freshening,
4.3.3. Geochemical modeling of mixing and cation exchange whereas Mg and Ca are mostly absorbed onto the exchanger in
The compositional changes for cations in Fig. 4 were further alluvial sediments (Fig. 9a). It is noteworthy that the mass balance
evaluated by geochemical modeling using the identified three of each cation during mixing is best explained by the direct cation
end-members (EMs) of mixing. By drawing linear combinations exchange if the aquifer condition with the seawater fraction is ca.
between EMs (Mas-Pla et al., 2013), the mixing diagrams (spaces) 60%. Potassium shows an opposite behavior, falling between the
were added in Fig. 4 as shaded triangles. It is noticeable that plots results of Simulation 1 (i.e., releasing into water as the saline
of Ca2+ and K+ mostly fall within the mixing space. This clarifies groundwater mixes with rain infiltration) and Simulation 2 (i.e.,
that the third end-member (i.e. K-rich groundwater) should be sorbing onto sediment as the saline groundwater mixes with the
considered to successfully explain the freshening process in the K-rich groundwater). However, the behavior of K better follows
study area. the result of Simulation 2, implying that the K-rich groundwater
Therefore, the forward reaction modeling using the PHREEQC is involved in the direct cation exchange during progressive fresh-
code (Appelo and Postma, 2005) was implemented to elucidate ening. It is also likely that the extent of the direct cation exchange
the geochemical reaction path during the mixing among the sug- becomes minor and weaker, if the aquifer is significantly freshened
gested three end-members. For this purpose, we simulated the towards the seawater fraction of 0.3 to 10% (Fig. 9b).
freshening of a salinized aquifer with seawater component (EM1) Fig. 9c shows the calculated equivalent fractions (denoted as
by mixing with either rainwater (EM2, Simulation 1) or the K- lines) of cations sorbed onto the exchanger in sediments during
rich groundwater (EM3, Simulation 2). For the calculation of cation the aquifer freshening. The simulation was conducted using the
exchange, we used the average cation exchange capacity value PHREEQC code (Andersen et al., 2005). For comparison, actual
(10.71 cmolc/kg) reported for alluvial soils in the Red river delta observations in groundwater are shown as dots. The results show
(Nguyen et al., 2005). the following (Fig. 9c): 1) during progressive mixing, the cations
The modeling results (Fig. 8) show the concentration changes of with the maximum fractions in exchanger vary in the sequence
major cations, such as Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+, during the progres- of Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+; 2) concomitantly with progressive freshen-
sive freshening (i.e., decreasing paleo-seawater fraction in ground- ing, especially Na is gradually released into groundwater from
water). Except for Na ion, our actual data do not follow the sorption sites, while Ca is typically absorbed onto sediments; these
conventional TMLs, implying the limitation of the use of the simple simulation trends are highly consistent with our actual data and
mixing model using two end-members (i.e., seawater and rainwa- the results of other studies (Appelo, 1994; Appelo and Postma,
ter) to properly explain the hydrochemical evolution. Furthermore, 2005; Beekman, 1991; Giménez-Forcada, 2010; Lambrakis, 2006;
the data of other cations, such as Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+, fall between Walraevens et al., 2001); and 3) our actual data for cations tend
the results of two simulations, although the observed data of Na to be more adequately explained by Simulation 2 than by Simula-
ion fit well with the results of Simulation 1 (Fig. 8). Therefore, there tion 1. Therefore, it can be concluded that 1) the groundwater
is convincing evidence that the groundwater chemistry in the chemistry in alluvial sediments of the study area in the Red
study area has evolved through the mixing among the three River delta is controlled by progressive mixing accompanying
Fig. 8. Plots of the relationships between seawater fraction and the concentrations of major cations in groundwater, compared with the results of end-member mixing
models using PHREEQC: Simulation 1 for the chemical change of seawater (EM1) during the freshening by infiltrating rainwater (EM2); and Simulation 2 for the chemical
change of seawater (EM1) during the freshening by the influx of the K-rich groundwater (EM2). TML = theoretical mixing line.
J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714 713
5. Conclusions
The combined use of principal component analysis (PCA),
end-member mixing analysis (EMMA), and geochemical reaction This study was initiated for the Master of Science study of the
modeling was very successful to explain the evolution of salinized, third author as one of collaboration studies between Korea Univer-
alluvial groundwater in the Kien Xuong district in the Red River sity and Vietnamese Institute of Geological Sciences by the recom-
delta, Vietnam. Major findings of this study can be summarized mendation of Dr. Nguyen Trung Minh, currently at Vietnam
as follows: National Museum of Nature. The completion of this work was
714 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Hydrology 549 (2017) 703–714
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