Gear, Trinkets, Charms, and Grenades
Gear, Trinkets, Charms, and Grenades
Gear, Trinkets, Charms, and Grenades
Rule of 3s: Unless otherwise noted, a character cannot carry a water-filled glass bulb. When thrown (15 ft), it shatters and
more than three instances of any of these items. flares with heat and light, filling a 5-ft area. The target must
make a Fortitude saving throw or be blinded until the end of its
Drugz: Items with the V[ice] tag can only be benefitted from next turn. any creatures within 5ft of it suffer -3 to attack rolls
once in a given day. until the end of their next turn, as does a target that
successfully saves. On a critical fumble, you take -3 to attack
Wards: you may only have one Ward active at a time. rolls until the end of your next turn in addition to the fumble
effect (100 gp)
Splash Weapons: Thrown weapons like grenades are thrown
as missile weapons (Str or Dex to attack) and have a range Whitespark Stick: When struck as an Action, this
increment of 15 ft. They can also be thrown at a square on the leather-wrapped clay tube comes alight, burning twice as bright
ground instead of a creature; this auto-hits within their first as a torch for one Turn. The stick will burn underwater. You
range increment, and must hit AC 10 beyond that (still rolling at may light flammable objects by touching them as an Action, or
-1 die). Any saving throw’s DC is equal to the attack roll. All use the stick as a weapon that deals 1d4 fire damage. (25)
grenades add 1 to their critical fumble range (fumbling on a 1
or 2) Smoke Disc: This sandwich of clay discs and pressed resin
triggers when deliberately crushed, emitting smoke in a 5-ft
Wasteland Grog: This thick black liquor has a foul taste and radius around the square it occupies (15x15). Creatures within
makes you feel itchy and over-stuffed in your skin. Originally the smoke suffer -2 to their attacks, and -2 to attacks against
brewed by Orcs of the Waste. Near the end of the distillation them, and the cloud blocks line of sight. The disc can be
process, a large animal is drowned in the still, typically a cow, thrown before it triggers. The two ends extend out in a parody
ox, or draft horse. Drink as an Action to gain 1d4+1 Temporary of serpentine life for three rounds, continuing to smoke and
Hit Points [V] 100 GP preventing it from being held or moved easily. (50)
Hashish of the Hashashin. This is the good shit that sends Fireglass Bead: these smooth, smoky glass pellets can be
people to Paradise. Grown by a hidden sect of murderous fired from a sling, or loaded into an accompanying arrowhead,
parkour enthusiasts, these dried hemp flowers ease pain, dart, or bullet. They inflict an additional 1d4 fire damage on a
soothe anxiety, and help blades find vital organs. Smoke as an hit, but a critical fumble triggers the bead, dealing 1d4 fire
Action to gain 1d4 Fleeting Luck [V] 200 GP damage to you in addition to the fumble effect. They are sold
in cases of three, and only one case can be carried (100 GP)
Mummy Dust: stored in a diverse array of collectable canopic
jars, this ancient organ matter can be used as a sympathetic Sealed Prayerscroll: Affixed to armor or an epaulet, this slip of
sacrifice in spellcasting. As part of casting a spell, you expend paper bears occult words and is stamped with blood-laced
the Dust to add 1d4 to the spell roll; this counts as Spellburn wax. You gain +1 to Armor Class. If you would suffer a Critical
(you cannot add additional spellburn) and cannot trigger Hit, the critical effect is negated and the scroll turns to ash.
Disapproval. [V] 200 GP You may only carry one scroll at a time. (WARD) 500 GP
Grave Token: A ring, locket, or other personal trinket found in Penitent Bracelet: a string of beads and etched blocks worn
a grave or on the body of a traveler that died alone. These around the wrist, this token extols the faithful to ponder what
mementos nudge violence to extreme outcomes, increasing actions their god might take in a given situation. Whenever
critical threat range by 1 and critical effect rolls by 1, then you increase your Disapproval range, you gain 1 fleeting luck.
become non-magical upon a successful crit. 50 gp If you roll Disapproval, negate it, then the bracelet turns to ash.
(500 GP)
Scorned Nugget: this mouthful of ground flesh has been
pressed into a patty and breaded; it never seems to fully dry Amulet of Toughness: the skull of a small animal wrapped in
out or go rancid; upon consumption, heal 1d4 hit points per silver wire, you reduce all incoming damage by 1 while wearing
round for three rounds. Any rolls of 1 also heal 1 point of ability it. If you suffer a Critical Hit, the crit effect is negated and the
score damage [V] 200 gp. Amulet turns to dust. (WARD) (500)
Fireburst Flask: when the glass of its vial is shattered, a Second Chance Ankh: Carved from bone and inlaid with blue
suspended flame is released. As a Thrown weapon, it inflicts stones, this relic of an ancient kingdom contains stored life
2d4 fire damage on the target and the minimum possible essence. If you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you gain 2d4
damage to all adjacent squares. On a critical fumble, you take temporary hit points at the beginning of your next turn, and the
1d4 fire damage in addition to the fumble effect. 100 GP Ahnk turns to dust (Ward) 500 gp