Circle of The Crystal - Druid Circle

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Druid Circle:

Circle of the Crystal

A homebrew by Jakob Sigvard

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Dualistic Formation
Circle of the Crystal At 14th level, you can store two seperate powers in a single
Druids of the Circle of the Crystal are masters at their craft. crystal. Each power can be created using different level spell
Through generations of practice they have perfected the art of slots. When a dualistic crystal is thrown or crushed both
growing and storing natures power inside magical crystals. powers take effect, each at the power level they were created.
When their home is endangered this allows the elders of the A dualistic crystal still counts as two imbued powers towards
circle, too old to fight, to store their power within crystals for your maximum capacity.
the younger generations to use in defense of their home. If attempting to imbue a crystal with a third power you can
Even a child of the Circle of the Crystal can prove a worthy chose which of the two excisting powers to remove. When
foe, often carrying crystals from their family as protection to using your Crystaline Shape with such a crystal you chose
use if they find themselves in danger. which of the two kinds of crystal to use for your Crystal
Golem shape.
Improved Druidcraft A dualistic crystal has a mix of both imbued colors swirling
When you chose this circle at 2nd level you gain the like mist inside of it.
Druidcraft cantrip. If you already know this cantrip, you learn
another druid cantrip of your choice. The cantrip doesn't Crystals
count against your number of cantrips known. Crystals are quite fragile and can be shattered either in the
When you cast Druidcraft you can grow clear crystals hands of a creature holding it, or thrown 30 ft. Depending on
rougly the size of a fist. These crystals are used for Circle how they are shattered they produce a different effect.
features and a quite fragile making them worthless in the
eyes of most merchants. Fire (Red)
Crystaline Enchantment
Crushed. When crushed a fire crystal imbues the holders
Starting at 2nd level you can store your druidic power within hands with elemental fire. For 1 minute the creature can deal
the crystals you create using Druidcraft. Using an action an additional 1d6 fire damage when it hits another creature
while holding a crystal you can imbue it with one of the with an unarmed attack. This damage can only be dealt once
aspects of nature described below. Doing so also expends one per turn and persists on the talons, claws or other natural
druid spellslots of your choice. The level of the spell slot weapons of your Wild Shape. The damage increases by an
expended denotes the level of the power stored within the additional 1d6 for each power level above 1st.
Crystal. Each crystal can hold only one aspect and trying to Thrown. When thrown this crystal explodes in a violent
imbue a crystal already holding power will remove the fiery explosion. Everything within a 10 ft. radius sphere must
previous power it held. make a Dexterity saving throw against your spellcasting DC
As a bonus action you can either crush the crystal in your or take 2d6 fire damage. The damage increases by an
hand or throw it up to 30 ft. The effect of both uses is additional 1d6 for each power level above 1st.
described at the end of this druid circle, and both uses Water (Blue)
destroys the crystal. Crushed. When crushed a water crystal imbues the holder
The crystal changes color to represent the power it holds. with slight control over the element of water. For the next 5
You can have a number of imbued powers equal to your minutes the holder can control small amounts of water,
Wisdom modifier. animating water within a 5-foot cube, changing the flow etc.
Entombed Stasis
During this duration the holder also gains the ability to
Starting at 6th level you can use an action to surround a breathe under water and gains a swimming speed equal to
creature within 30 ft. in a crystal shell. The target can make a their walking speed. The duration increases by another 5
Strength saving throw or be paralyzed and deafened for 1 minutes for each power level above 1st.
minute. While enclosed in crystal the creature is immune to Thrown. When thrown this crystal explodes into a sphere
all damage except for psycic, and spells with a range of touch of water that quickly collapses to the floor and violently flows
cannot affect the creature. An unconsious creature enclosed outwards. Each large or smaller creature within a 10 ft.
in crystal does not have to make death saving throws until radius of the crystal must make a Strength saving throw
released from the shell. If the creature is trapped against its against your spellsave DC or be pushed 10 ft. away from
will, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its where the crystal landed. The distance they are pushed
turns. Once you have used this feature you can not use it increases by an additional 5 ft. for each power level above 1st.
again until you have finished a long or short rest. Additionally any open non-magical flame within the 10 ft.
radius area is extinguished.
Crystaline Shape
At 10th level, you can expend 2 uses of Wild Shape and a
crystal imbued with power at the same time to transform into
a Crystal Golem with the type of the expended crystal. The
statistics of the Crystal Golem is described at the end of this
druid circle. While in this form you can not use any other
crystals, and any crystals on you were carrying merges with
your new form until you revert back.

Air (White)
Crushed. When crushed an air crystal causes lightning to Crystal Golem
surge through the holders body. For the next minute each Large construct, neutral
time the holder is hit with a melee attack it can spend a
reaction to deal 1d6 lightning damage to the attacker. The Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
damage increases by an additional 2d6 for each power level Hit Points 126 (12d10 + 60)
above 1st. Speed 30ft.
Thrown. When thrown this crystal causes a dense storm
cloud to fill a 10 ft. radius sphere. The area is heavily
obscured, and every creature starting its turn in the area STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
takes 2d4 lightning damage. The damage increases by an 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
additional 1d4 for each power level above 1st.
Damage Vulnerabilities thunder
Ice (Cyan) Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Crushed. When crushed a winter crystal imbues the holders slashing from nonmagical weapons
hands with elemental frost. For 1 minute the creature can Damage Immunities poison, the damage type
deal an additional 1d6 cold damage when it hits another associated with the crystal type
creature with an unarmed attack. This damage can only be Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed,
dealt once per turn and persists on the talons, claws or other petrified, poisoned, unconscious
natural weapons of your Wild Shape. The damage increases Senses darkvision 60., passive Perception 10
by an additional 1d6 for each power level above 1st. Languages telepathy 60 ft.
Thrown. When thrown this crystal covers the floor within Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
a 10 ft. cube with smooth ice and freezes any non-magical
water. The cube increase with 5 ft. for each power level above Illumination. The Golem sheds dim light in the color
1st. The area counts as difficult terrain and anyone of the crystal it is made of in a 10-foot radius.
attempting to cross it after having taken the Dash action on
their turn falls prone. Actions
Multiattack. The Golem makes two slam attacks.
Life (Yellow)
Crushed. When crushed a life crystal heals the holder 1d8 + Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft.,
your Wisdom modifier. This effect heals an additional 1d8 for one target. Hit 11 (1d10 + 5), plus 4 (1d6) of the
each power level above 1st. type associated with the crystal type.
Thrown. When thrown this crystal explodes into a fine
mist of rejuvenating crystal dust. The mist fills a 10 ft. cube
and lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater Crystal Golem Types
speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. Each creature The Crystal Golem has different immunities and deals
within the mist regains hitpoints each round equal to half the damage depending on the type of crystal used to create the
power level rounded up. golem. The Damage types are;
Growth (Green) Crystal Damage Type
Crushed. When a growth crystal is crushed, a surge of Fire (Red) Fire
immense growth surrounds the holder. Thorny vines erupt
from the ground around the holder within 5 ft. Each creature Water (Blue) Cold
in that area other than the holder must make a Strength Air (White) Lightning
saving throw against your spellsave DC, on a failed save the Ice (Cyan) Cold
creature takes 2d6 piercing damage and the area is
considered difficult terrain. The damage increases by an Life (Yellow) Radiant
additional 1d6 for each power level above 1st. Growth (Green) Acid
Thrown. When thrown this crystal causes thick thorny
vines to spring up within a 10 ft. radius around the crystal.
For each 5 ft. a creature moves through this area it takes 2d4
piercing damage. The damage increases by an additional 1d4
for each power level above 1st.
Content created by Jakob Sigvard.
Layout and design generated using

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