PHY Activity (25 May - 28 May)

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3B8BS33 33EH3D

In d e X
Name of the Experiment Page Date of Date of Remarks
No. Experiment Submission
| To auemble housc hold à-5 a/9)2B3/9)29
hcuit comprisng the
|bualbs, thnee an/o susitha

a To asemble he componsat; 6-9 a8/9|a3 29/8]33,

rcit (say obm's
Raus cYCut d to
measure nesstana).

tleast a
batury,sistox, Koy,
ammeter and voltrete

4o To identiay a dioda, B-15 1j1o|23 /10[2 3

n tD, a esistor
and a capoctor from
a miud coweetion
Such items,


I nd e x
Name of the Experinment Page Date of Date of
No. No.
Experiment Submission Remarks
5:T0 obsYVe ditfaction Is18 yo23 aso23
ght due to a thin

6: To studythe ef{ct
intasity cË Light 1S|j23 16|1|23
Cby varyi dstdnce
o the soure)0n LDR,
Expt. No. Page No.

0 asemble a househeld eeYCit cTmpTisÈDg thmee
bulbs, three snoff suutches, afue and a

ÂPParatus andMatias ReauYed

’ a SOKet
a pluq

’ lexble connecting uetes

’ main sutch

Jhouslhad ciTuit weoIKA en ac matns of 980 V.
50 Hz hom the mains uue qgt tue spplie o
different urot atings
¥oY Ieu poLALere ppliances
) Kight line o4 5Aceileng
Re eiqht bulbá, fans, lut0nuceot

ike TOm. heater, aY condionr, qeysra,

Teacher's Signature


Expt. No. Page No. 03

|hot planes ote.

a 9f A Pa l are the paus coDsumed by diferst
appliances then the total paeY CO0smed tO the

CurTRnt drawn mthe mains V vots ell

be f=P_

To pootect the appliancesd m damaqe due to

hAgher than the harmaly dyawn UeuYYNt K
conheted fO SeTRS weth the live weEYe m
|the souTCL O~pure.
DifeYLDt appances aYR connected in paYAUel
6etwen ive and neutal ueirA, Cach appliDe
uith a sepaate eutth în its

meauYR uehïch enures

any 2aKage b4
umht to the metae body of
an appiande Keeps its potential equal to that

not qet a seVYe elechic sh0ck.

conneet the tiYLe blbs B, B
Teacher's Signature.

Expt. No. Page No. 64

tuatthes S, S and &g Tespactivay

àConrnect thee th bub-suetch eombtnattons in
Darael QcIOMs the iveond netra wine

}Conne t a fuue f o pn0peT TOting to thne live uTR

the ciTCuit.

4l Connet a thxe uoay socket at the end of live

Land neuiral uTL eonneet a we om its

5:nsegt the plu o tne soCKet ited an the main

By presciog the suithe SSy S, and Sg one by ani,

indeponduntly of the otther.
Paess the thee suitches sEmultonecusly and
note uehat happens.
ach blb fun tions indep ondentty of the other
thnough a sepaYate su°tth
’che thiee budbA can nction stmWltancotuly.
Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

utth the iostaed fuse saety.


(O the atingosthe Tequiyed fuse must be cdeteminsd

eancfuul b carcuting
Ldraun Uby the cigcut
aNeveY Ue safety fue oaf much higher Yattng than
the c u t normauy drawn fronf by the
(6) The safety fuse and the on/off suitches mist ae.

(4)ake care whle wOTKg ith matns,

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No.
Page No. 06

dim Actinty=2
To asmble the components o a given elucthical
Ohm_as ciTet wed to meanne

Matenials ReqiTedi
>an ammeter(O-5A)
avoltmteT (0-5v)
a bttiy/batty eimìnator
’ h e DS tat
’eonnecting wirel.
2 piece if sand paper

the components C any céTCut

+ ts adyisabeto eonnet the comp ortkots in the
tousuing ondeT
paur (batiey taeny
Teacher's Signature
Expt. No.
Page No. 0

|(80 iug kuy Cncan he baury)

(ResstoxA, buulba, inductos on 0ny othex lood to be
conneeted end to end)

LeMeauriDg inshumets ammte, vottmat, tie

|bafdqe, pstentiometen ete mmatta is eonncted
in s e u and Voltmeti în panuel éth the load
uith p0stive RDdA o both tauards the posttye
teminoL t the bato
Tus the cTLt dagram Teqired fog th ginen
activity and qnange the eompnents agTdingiy
n theusek table as sheLUn in the

a.cuan the ends of the eonnecting uru uith e

6 Connet the batiey, ammeter A, 2sistwe R,

Theostat Rh and ug key K au in seies and
timtey V in paiautl iih esiStox R See dhat
the postive ndA t mmetia Qnd vottmete aTe
Connected toU9 aYds the postiye teTMinaL of the

4.9nseTt the Plug Riy Ksethat au ammetin and

Teacher's Signature
Expt. No.
Page No.

Yoltmetey shes defection, 6n the nght hand

lCpositivl) side. Adut the the0stat ao that the

5.The delectionA in ammter and

the contìnuty o4 the asembled ciTCuit.
The coMptnnt o tthe ginen elletical ctut hau
been c0TIRCtty emblèd,
OBefoYe maRing the ConnLcti m, clean the end of
the eonnectiogueTe uLith a püRce of sand paper.
a) Make neat and tight eonnectfms.
(8)The nmetey shoLld be connected io seTRs and
voltmetey io parael eith the TeSiStox,

4 h e posrtive e0ds o both ammeteY and

40ltmetey should be conncted to the positive
toxmingL o¢ the battey

Teacher's Signature

Expt.No. Page No. 09

To dnaus the diagnan od given open crCut comprising

at leasta batten, gesis tot heostat Key, ammiter
and vomter, Mark the componnts thdt aYe not
and cfnuut dingm.
Matertau ReQiTed
LA qinen cpen ccut compgtsing atleaut a
baezy, plug Ky, TesistoxTheottat, ammeten,
VOltmiteT ahd onnecting wieA nd a prce f
sand papLI.

L@ctrcad cecuit ean he either functtmad on bpen


0TL Conngeted in propen ode, ousiming that ale

Iuit components axe io wo KÊng coitin

Teacher's Signature
+ W


Expt. No. Page No.

3 0pen euctncal ciIitiAn open cincuit mean

theTe fA a baeaR in Some patt o the ciYCit. hil
bicak may be ethen del beYata guch asa
|bunnt 0ut components a dooAe eonnection, his
eiruutt sheuwd discentinuity fox one ox moe componats
a. gn he above diagnam, mark the compomnts wehich
have not been connected En pToper OndeD,

table and maxka (v) in appopyiatt cetume

against 2ach component
4. Nw, daus Hhe conTect cinut diogran.
5.smble and connect Hne llectica cornponents

6 gnceTta piug in the Key a0d ngte the detectich.

in ammetr nd vottmzter eeRectina in
thee mgterA tauwrdA MLght hand side
that the eoRCted ciTuit is tunctimal


Teacher's Sic
Ipt. No.
Page No.

$-NO CErcuit compsnentoAt conngctionl9nco1nAt connhon

07 000mple , in tnen circut has

dagnam, voltmete has
TC2d. To mede resistan e Ry
ben uYmgly eoTYected.
t m t be onneted in parae withR Nu
students daau he eoYNLCted ceICUt diagaam,
The ctacuit asembled by eonnecting eompments io

parng cnint thasugh it.

BonA making tne connactions, e0dA of the connecting
sand papei.
the neststox and the Voltmeter io parael weith t
Z4 The positive temioalu o4 ammit and VotmeteY
Rhoud ke conncted to the positive temioa

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

ts &ne ond temina and the Othey VaYiable

5The plug ky shoUld be Kyt span hxeuqheut, 9t
should be cDSed
the continuty of the ehcut

Expt. No. Page No. 13

To identity a diode, an LED,a gesito and a eapac+tox

faon a mied eotlectin cf such items.
Mateials Reqed
AmuliimteT a mied couction of diode, LED,
sistor aDd capactox,

DÈDdo twp tei0a device eich eonduts

CuTnent ushen fowad biad andnot uehen TeVeA
braucd. ot doeu not omt ght duing its
iH4 conductin,
Q L E D h t emitting °ocle is a tut teYminal
device wehich conduct cuet ushen touard
biasd and not uehen YLVeTLe biaud. t emits aa
chanacteistic light duzing its eonduction..
Z RRSStDx tuo'eminee devce wehich Conducts
Q0uau în both directions.
4a capacto 4 tuo teminal device uehich offexs
infinit Tecistonce to dc but has a inité

iniiauy uehich decrRases to xere quickly, his is

Teacher's Signature
vtot -0 ang
Rud -SilveY

Carborn Teststor DiOds
o,49 )

No. Page No.

nok oY the coloUY bands en the gen ernpCnetta. 9F
falLed by a silver &4 gold band, then the cEmponant
. onset the black and ed tead loT prohu) into Cemmog
and_posativetminadd f Hhe mtimter. TUYn t
Seto sith to YeSStonce mode- higheit Tng

Tauch the tuD pYobes to the tuo ends of e0ch

lccmpnunt ene by one Note the dieeton of
in the Mulim-0eT nterchange the posit°ons 4
parbes fY QQChy component and agan hote the

a YRistor.
both c2cttms, then the eomp nent

deucton in the opposite dieetiien, then
and no
the compneot a diode,

the miseion o4 Light

aieetin alengauith cund
compnnnt no delection to tne
Hm the compcneot k an LED,
4pOkite diectim, thun the
the multimdey does not shew any difeuetin,
ting its pacbs
the comptnet A aV capacst
Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.5

Aut,f 1he capacitance of capactto is la1ge, the

Lahich qnaduauycucreases to ZeTe.

uRecerd au yoh otcegvations ioo tabwas toam

tom Cadastate af conductn ef companaatgdentiied campnnt

|conducta cQualy io hth dlaecBaT
lcondutt in mecection without

DoRA NOt conduct, gives an ioitid

ductin nahith dicay t 2uzt
Cm te
Be miud gauping c4 componots,the ccmponenta
monKLd f, B, c and b havL beun identifed uTSSior,
diode, LED gnd copautor espectivey

Dalhile ahstking the cenductionsiate af any compnunt

mOde wtth tighet 9anqe cptiom,

lhile 4esting any compneot, avcid tsuthing the
Teacher's Signature

Page No.
E i pN
t o

digthactin ¢ ight due to a thin stt.

Mateas Requied
(euctnie bulb/ lasen penci), a.Qss plate and

cfight: t the phencmLNCD cfbendg

| Difactin oingA Smau obstaes e
anpund the
ght spaeading into the egin
aprtueA and ita conseauent
DIfhacin cct à highly
gemetmtal shadee,
uavLngth. c light.,
singe slit haction
a. Dihaction dAe to waves hom dillAent ponts of
axteA due to wight
to, qte clos to each
Shanp edqes held

ng a201 blad.
TO. maRe a
Teacher's Signature

Expt.No. Page No.

s plate nd ix a black papey Gn Ma top

Toavee sit în the onhat paxt of black p0pex.
Näh he help 4clotape, fi tuwp az0XA blades.
Nh shap edqe panau he QLLte cOe to eoch
OHhX 0VY the 'sIt cut n the block. poper,

T0 0hseVe diaction poattern due to síogee cit.

uth staight filament at
B told the cear eectnc bulb un
adistane sharp
y en behind the slit betuueen

h amp theugh the slt

4 Place the s aboAt 015 m fom the wsae andthe
dstance of abot-15-G0 cm
auctn bueb at a
set, thseVg the lrght foùng on the
Lbehipd the

Ripeat steps drfraetion patein s

instead f oeetne bulb, a cenhal btght bad
dak and Bhight band deceazing
and altoIDAte

Teacher's Signature

Expt.No. Page No. 19

oDd ta 0INIS andsheu the phenomenens b
odqes of ttwp blades shud be held paraee
aod qte cloAe to each 0theX
(aThe Qlec-tnic buLlb chsued be held at a dÍS tance MONe

rs Sigpat:re

No Page No.

Materials RequiYed ^
ORAA E bLb tuth holde, an Mstand
kDy milliammetea (0600 mA), yottmtez(0-10)
laesistone oof y9 a halt mety scade,
Lepnnecting weiTeA Qnd a piee of sand papez,

rght clependeot es£stox iA Qa Jghtueith
devece uehoe gesistnce cecTeOes the
fncTROAL nTtx mateIAL cadmiume
Bphide, ett
hasie sthuttuye of an LDR and its ymbsu
depostfeaan an
ghtReDstte mateniad sa
Teacher's Signature

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