Physics Activity File

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In d e x
S. Name of the Experiment Page Date of Date of Remarks
N. No.Experiment Submission
1.lo assemble a
hausehold ciut
Comþaising thzee
bulbi thee (onlol)
Switchesa use
and a bower soue
2.To assemble the
Comhontnt of a N

aiwen e lecttal
L3.To daw the
diaqeam c a qiuen

4.To idenh adde,

an LEDaesistor,
and a sapactor
fxom miked
tollecion ol such
5. Use multimetey
to seeHhe uni-dóet
ional lew o Cusest
Tin cascof a diade

In d e x
S. Page Date of Date of
No. Name of the Experiment No. Experiment| Submission Remarks
6To observe ditacon
Loght due a
4hin clit blw sharp

ExptNo. Achiuity 1 Page No. 1

Aâm: To assemble a household dxcit cormbrising thxe

bulbs, thee Conloj4) Suitches, a fuse and &þower
Reguixements i Thee bulbs with haldexs thxee (onlo
Suoitchesa tuse and n acC. Sour ce

Theory iThe a.c.volkaqe is Supplied by he eleticty

board to all Consumers at about 2ào Volts
Laxe qeneally tws Calbles Supply
canjnq the andmainheutta
The tuwo cables axe called heRve
Cables AlI electical appliances Qre connected
parallel with these tuo cdbles 4hnugh an on\ot
Suitch, The Suiteh is Connected to live wireAM
lelectical apglianes have indebendent Suitches. deice
a) the electacal devices are in paralel, each
the ated volBage and will woxe atîts
will qet installaion.
4ull fotenial to Saequad the elecical
oom any hossible danaaqe due
and to atect it
to shot CicuiSn oY acidentals insed laqe ou on
CuYenta Saley use ohich iN
4he live wie ocuithe Salety tuse which is
(31/) and tÉn (o/%) has a law
an alley o< lead high resistance. I4 is heated
melting point and a
to a figh temerature due to heavs cuxere nt
wire melts and the circuit
and he
he yuse
becomes open
Teacher's Signature
Colour Co ding o wes
wire Colouy of Insulatio
old Convention Convenion

Live Red Brouon

Neutal Biack ight blue
Eavth Green reen sta



Switch Fuse

Expt. No, Page No. 2

Proceduxes i
ra Assembles the vaious comb onenrt c the ircuit
make the connections as shown in the 4iqure
b)Each Switch is connectecd betueen the ike wie
and electical device i.e lambs n this case.
(c Theuse is also Connected in the i e lve
(a) Switch on and ol each Switch seharately and
L&ees that threelamps
Switched o
Can be seþaitely
Pre cautons :

)The Sadety use and the Stches muct be connected

to the
Be careful not touch an hadt o he istnt
((iij) Use onl well nsulated wre n he icut
iv) wires Connected to live nê uthal and eath
mustbé accordin to Coloux Code

Teacher's Signature


Volt meter

Ciruit Diaram.

Bp No Activity -2 Page No 3

AumTo acEmbles the comþonents o< a qiven elechicd


Requivements Voltmetex, resistox lo Known value.

[ay loo 2),aaheosata milliam
mder,a battery o 0-6 Valts
Connecinq wirs.
Procedue i
)make the connechons as shawn in iqure
(b) 5nd the least Count ol the milliarmne and
Noltmetex and zexo Connechans anq
()change theoltaqe acoss the recitoywith the
help va ltmetex
he aheostat and note the
(3) akE three or toux obsevahions and xecord the
Sarme in the tabulax column as qiven helaui

Obsewations -

ValtmeBer Heading! llammtrtad T:VR I-I

2 Volts 5mA 146%Sm 5-50
2. |-4 Volts es1sn75-10s
3. l:6 Volts 9:5.mA
:5 VoHs. 85 mA

Teacher's Signature
ExptNo. Page No.

Mean Cudent diHerence = o-5+ o-51 0-5to

0315 mA.
Results:: -

The cuent through the Aesistox is bro þoxhonal

to the
betenial hugh dilHereKe dGoss ite.
Pre caufons :

GCannecthons chould be liaht and clean heat.

itThe millianmmeter should be Connected in seies
and voltmetex a barallel with the Meistoy Qnd
should be having þxaherAanges
iiy An eeautians aeaading the palaäts ahauld be
i)Zexo conntctions it any must be applied.

Teacher's Sighaufe

k RheosBat


Bypt Na Acthivity3
Expt. No. Page No.5

Ar To daw the diaqramoa

qiven ohen Circuit.
campnsingat leasta Bateuesistox ohtostat
Key ammeter and Valtmeter.Mark the comhonnts
that are not Cannected Sin 0pex oxdex and Coxedt
the cicuit and also the ircuit diaqam
Requirements Batey esistux, aheastat, key
armmetex and Valtmetex.

i) Voltmeter is alaways connected parallel with the
Lboint aooss which boential di<erence is to be measued.
i) Ammekx is always connected in seies with the ccuit.
Liy while connechng ammetex and voltmeter,tve should
be connected to the tve side a the batery
Procedure i
Led uc examine he qiven ctut diaqp-am. I+ can be
ACn hat iaid dapam Aulers fiam the 4oallauing
dráw backs
(a)The ammetey is connected mbarallel wbereos the
voltrmeter is connected in seies. Actually the vatmelee
is aluways connected in seri barallel and the aromele
n sees
(The tze terminal o the batey is connected to the
ve o the voltmetey ingtead the tve

Teacher's Signature
AmmeteY Rheostat


Correct Cruit Diggam.


Expt.No. Page No.

)The tve o< the batttyis Connected to the -ve

4erminal o the ammeter înstead o the tve
(a Due to these faulty connections the abave circuit
will not Yesþond.
e) Redaw the cicuit diaqam by intex hanging he
position f the anmmtdex and voltmeter Also,change
the Polaies so that tve o the batenq is
Connected to the tve ol the voltmetex and ammetex

Such a crcuit, on being closed uill echond and

he voltmeterancd ammetek Headings Can be

The vettmeter and ammeter Aeshand when the

rheostat is moved

Teacher's Signaty

Ept. No.
Akvity-4 Page No.

Aam 10 ideniya diode, an LED a resistoY and a abaitana

roma mixed collection o such items
Requirements i- Multimeltr, batess eliminator MeYesing
key, and theabove Combonents.
Tf we have to identi< these iteme the aspeaxance and
cYking o each item wl
workinq Âl have to be considexed
1, Oiode : TA is a tuo tenminal device. Conduct hen
korward biased and doer not conduct wheh xeverse
2. LED (Light emitting diode)
T asohas tuo teminalç and tonducts uwhen ouard
biased and dwRS not Conduct when ARVerKe biasedL
Tt emits iaht when canductingAis similar to
diode in that it also canducts only in one
diection and then it emits liqht
3. Resistoy i T is also_a two teronal dece and
conducts unde any condihon and even when
operated with ac voltage. teerminal device Tt
4. Capacito TH is alsoa tuo
does hot conduct whenh dc volaae is applied
when ac voltage
however, it conductsterminals.
applied acoss its

Teacher's Signature.

Paye No.

a)To idtniy the Aesistor, Capacttux,LED and iunctian diode,

we use a mulimeter.Each o 4he above devices is a two
terminal device.
b)Set the mulimeter to esistance. measrement mode e
as ohm -metre
Conntct the tun pabes o< 4he smultipmeter to each af the
labave iBems and note ttie olelectian Intehange the
Lpabes and again nste the aclection
(of aalavae delecon is1s observed
coiewed' inin one directian and
ne deltection in the second case, i is cither a
achion dioe oY an LED, The othey item is
uncttan diode.
(a)i the de<leckion isis the
the came n both casest is
a eSister.
(esT he multimeter shows no delecton in eithe
Case t is a caþacitor
huml o eminals.
Tdentilicat'on by obsening humbex
Observation. Devices|Oevice
May be a diode, ueittoc, Cabacite
Iwo terminals

Teacher's Signature

Expt.No. Page No.

urther idenh'icaton ol devices with two

ermings on he basis BL +he cu tnt flou
thoughit as observed using' themultimetes.
Elow o Current obseved u[ngmultimtter ResistoY
In both directions
Tn one diiechon with emission of Laht LED
Tnone diechion wth emission of iaht diode
No Cureht observed n bth diech'ons Capactor

PecautBons -

nust bR neat andclean

iAL Lonnectioas the bveKL
should be obsewed with
iy The cysent
Polas hy eveny imeegarding
xding the uce o a muHimeter
(iiy Lmustbxecautions
be obseyed

Teacher's Sigiare

Achvity-S Page No. lo

in Use o mulimeter to see the unidiecioral low o cuset

Bn caseo a diode and an LEO and check wbehe
agiven electronic campanent is in woxkinq oxder
Requirements i Mulhimetr, diode, LED.
Procedures :

(a Ta Aee the unidisechonal

LE0 -
tlou o< cuoent in a
unchon diode and
Bet the multimeder as ohm- metre and ind the
Aesistance o the diade in the wo drecions as
Tis kound to be low in_one diection and ven
hiah i he othoe Tbis shaus that the flow ot
Curent hougk the diace is unidirectiana!.
Rebeat the aboNC Slepi with lED heealso the
Hesistane is high in one diectioh and low in
HheeheyIn the other late Case, the diode
emits liaht also Thus, the Llow a Cuztnt
the LED is also unidiecionál,

(b)To check whethex qiven electronic companent

woxking order

Teacher's Signature

Expt.No. Page No.

Junchon diode- Set he multimetex aS ohm mettr

and tind the esistance ol the di'ode in tw0
direchans as be<oe,i the 4esistance is hiqh
n ne dicection ahd low in the othex, the
diode is Én wOding odex

Teacher's Sighature

Diag>ammatie uepsentaton.

ExptNo. Activity -6 Page No. 12

Aun1o observe dinaction olignt due to a thin

slit blw shar e daes o< azor blades
Requixenments - wo qlass sheetsGommX 6ormm,
HQZ0Y blades

Oxdinaäly liqht travels in a stáight line and
Cacts sadous o the in its path How
leex, aht bends It the cize o the abstacle oY
the abature on which it is ndent has a
Size cambarable wWth o
the usave -lenqth nto
ligat.This bendiaq is caed
shadowaf ligholled aRbacio
gn o geomtícal inteenced
The dilaction takes place dueofto light
Loight betueeh the waves
tws halves of the sane wavelont,
tom the clito
"hus, ox obserinq chachion only one
ahexte is stequid.the dilactian
maxima lanked on eithert
Consists o a central
a number ol maxima al Hapidls
side by intensityT+ is to benated ht
decreasng oxdingil
ditractoR cannot Be observed
unlike the diitaction o Sound.
Rracton maxima and meaima ane
the dicchians given by
Teacher's Signature
Page No.3

aSin s hdwhere
where aa isis. the width ot siit
Since 0 is SmallSin Q=O

Procedre i
(a) On a qlass sheet o 60rom XGomm place
lanothex qass sheet o the same size , cohich
has been cut ito tuo haverA and B.
Aand 6 ae cebarated by a distance equal
to the thicknecc o
al the bladeCohich stands
Verially betueen them with îts shah edqes
verHcalls, Ex adhesie tape on A and B. Now,
Lplace two new blades D
pand F with sha
edge o each touching the blade C
stk 4he end porion o Dand E with adhesie
Lape .Remove the blade The ascemblyegudI
o D
and E has a slit o unitom width
to the thickness o he blade

(6) No,bold the assembls at a disance o

about 2nom a Sodium lamþ, you will Xhsene
alternate dackand biht <inges These inaes
due to disachan ot the
narOs slLt

Teacher's Signature
Pe N 4

(c)T the width af the slits betueen the ea

blades ic deeeased, tHhe oinges beceme widèr.
Precautons i
)Mono chìemetic Souce Iight shoud be used.
) The width ef he sli shoul d be as naU
as posble."
ii) Held the assembly ata distane nat lexs
than 2m.

Teadher's Sgnata

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