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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

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Detailed Lesson PLAN IN

Science 4

Senior High School (Titay National High


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Name of
Date: Quarter: 4th/week 2
Teacher Learning
in Area:

A. CONTENT Demonstrate understanding of the different sources of water
STANDARD suitable for human consumption.
S Tell the use of water from the different sources in the context of
B. PERFORMANC daily activities.
E Explain the use of water from different sources in the context
STANDARDS of daily activities.
A. Reference K-12 Science 4 Teacher’s
Guide Page 306-308
Science Learner’s
Materials Page 263-265
B. Instructional Laptop, Power point presentation, monitor, chalk and board,
Materials pictures, Bluetooth speaker, activity charts, activity sheets, crayons
and bond papers, paste or glue.

C. Process Skills Observing, Describing, Comparing and inferring.

D. Values • Conservation Education

Integration • Creativity
• Environmental Sanitation
1. Daily Prayer
2. Greeting the class
3. Checking of Environment
4. Checking the attendance
5. Passing the Assignment

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B. REVIEW “Alright, before we move on to our
next topic, let’s have a recap on
what we’ve been discussed last

(Teacher will show pictures of

sources of water, and pupils will
guess what sources of water is
being described in the picture.)
“Now I will show you a picture of
sources of water and you have to “Yes, Ma’am”
tell me what source of water it is.
Is that clear?
“Ma’am that is seawater.”
1. (Seawater)

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“Alright so what can you say (Pupils will answer)
about seawater?’

2. (Freshwater)

“Ma’am that is freshwater.”

“Alright so what can you say (Pupils will answer)

about freshwater?’

3. (Groundwater)

“Ma’am that is groundwater.”

“Alright so what can you say

about groundwater?’ (Pupils will answer)

“How important is water to our

daily activities?”
“Water is a vital for life. Clean
fresh water is necessary for
drinking and sanitation,
providing for our crops, livestock
and industry and creating and
sustaining the ecosystems on
which all life depends.
“Okay. Very good. So again,
what are the three main sources
of water?”
“Seawater, freshwater
and groundwater.”
“Okay, so are those clear
to everyone?”
“Yes, Ma’am”
“Let us learn more its
importance as we perform the
C. MOTIVATION “We will play a game. Are you
familiar with the game 4 picture in
1 word?” Today, we are going to
play that game. “Yes, Ma’am”

“I have here 4 pictures that serve

as a clue to guess the unscramble


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“Because it represents the
water part of the earth”
“Why do you think the big
portion of
the earth is blue in color?” “What
it represent?”

1. Follow the procedures

2. Cooperate with the
members of the group
“Yes, that’s right. That is why 3. Work silently.
life is
very abundant on earth. Thus,
we GROUP 1: Let’s act about SEAWATER!
can’t live without water. Also,
I. Objective
comes from various sources. Now GROUP➢2:
that time!
we knew about the sources of eIta’ws PatOeErM through a
role playing.
GROI. UOPbj3e:cLtievte’s go under the GROUND!
today we’re going to find out the I. ObIjIe. cMtiavteerials
➢ Exp
uses ➢ Elaxipnlatihnethueseussoefs gorfofurne
dhwwaatteerr through
sActi v i t y s h e e t s , m a n ila paper,
of water and for you to know g r a p h i c o r g a n iz e r.
D. EXPLORATION that, t h ro u g h p o e m .
II. Mpaetermriaalnsen t m a r k er , re a l o
we’re going to have our IIA. cMtiavitteyrisahlesets, manila paper, permanent
group marker.
III. Procedure
activity.” III.
1. Acti vRietyfesrhteheetsg,ivmeanneilxaapmapplers,
in 1 characteristics
. Go to your respective groups
perman eantdmimarpkoe rt.ance of groundwater.
1. Groupings 2. 2 Colle own
.Use your
c from your
t ideas
g r o u pideas,
. complete the graphic
(The teacher will group the pupils III. Proceodrgure a n i ze r .
3. 3. Pres e n t i t t o t erctlarossleapftleayr
C r e a t e a s ho
into iancgtively
four groups.) 1. Caobl oecutt isdeeaawsaftreorm your group
4. abWoourtktshieleunstleyswoifthfreysohuwr

2. Setting of standards ater.

2. Cgreroa utepma sahteosr.t poem about use
“Now before we proceed on 5. oBf efrecrsehawtivaete. rP. resent it to the
your 3. Wcolarskssailfteenrt.ly
group activity, what are the Guide Questions:
with your groupmates
standards 4. Present it to the class. Be
c reativ e.
• W hat did you do?
on doing a group activity?”
• What are the uses of
Guide Questi ons:

“Okay, so while you are doing

group activity, you have to
those standards.”

(The teacher will give the

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activity to Guide Questions:
1. What did you do?
each group) 2. What are the characteristics
of a groundwater?
3. What are the importance of

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groundwater to farmers?
Conclusion: We therefore
conclude that groundwater is

GROUP 4: Let’s sing a song: Its all about USES OF

I. Objective
➢ Explain the uses of water through
creating a song.
II. Materials
Activity sheets, manila paper, permanent marker.
III. Procedure
1. Create a song about the uses of water.
2. Think of a tune, any tune of the song
will do.
3. Your song must include how human
use water every day.
4. Present it to the class energetically!
Guide Questions:
• What did you do?
• What are the uses of water?
• How human use water every day.
We therefore conclude that the use of water are

“Yes ma’am.”

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(Pupil will begin to do their

(Group I present their work,

followed by the second group
up to the last group)

(Pupils from group I will explain

their work.)

(Pupils from group 2 will

explain their work.)

(Pupils from group 3 will

explain their work

Water gives a number of

important biological and
environmental functions. In the
human body, Water is needed for
all of your body’s function.
These includedigestingfood,
removing wastes,
regulating your
body temperature, and
on transporting
medium for nutrients and (Pupils from group 4 will
oxygen throughout your explain their work)
body. Water contains
minerals which our body need.
Plants and animals use water in
the same manner. Animals drink
water for growth and health.
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Plants absorb mineral content
from water. At the same time
water keeps the plants cells

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It serves as a habitat for some
animals like fishes, crocodiles,
frogs, and sharks. It serves as a
place for recreation and
Water is used for cleaning
household things, laundering our
clothes, watering our plants,
cooking food and many more.
Almost all of our daily activities
need water.
(Being thrifty with the use of

“Now class, your presentation will

be graded. Below is a suggested
rubric for rating group
presentation. You will be given (Environmental sanitation)
E. Explanation 15-20minutes to prepare your
presentation and to answer the
Conte Originali Creativi Impa Total
n t t y given
t y to cyou.t Is that
40% 20% 20% 20% 100

(Being thrifty with the use of

“You may now go to your
respected group”

“Okay class your time is up. Go

back to your seats and let’s start
the presentation of group I.”

“Let’s now proceed to our

discussion. Again, group I, what
did you do?”

“Based on what the group did,

what were the uses of seawater?

“What if we don’t have seawater,

where do you think the fishermen
will go for fishing?”
“Can you still enjoy the summer
without going to the beach? Why?
Why not?”

“Okay, how about the group 2

what did you present here in

“Based on your work, what are the

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uses of freshwater?”

“If we don’t have freshwater do


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think our daily activities will be
easy? Why?

“What about the work of group

F. Elaborate 3? What did you do?”
“What are the uses of
groundwater? “Where do
farmers get water for irrigating
their plants?”

“How about in taking care of your

plants, what did you do so that it
will grow healthy?”

” Why do you think groundwater

plays a big part in doing your
daily activities/routines?”

“And then the last group, group 4

can you explain what did you

(The teacher will elaborate more

about the work of each group.)

“These are the uses of water”

• Personal
• Household
• Agricultural
• Recreation
• Environmental
• Transportation

(The teacher will construct

situations in which pupils can
apply those in real life scenarios.”

1. Anna is brushing her teeth

while the water from the
faucet runs off
continuously. What can you
suggest to Anna to
conserve water
2. You’ve seen your
classmates throwing
garbage in the bantoc river.
You know it can destroy the
bodies of water. What
action can you do to inform
your classmates about
keeping the water free from
pollution? If you were your
classmates throwing
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garbage in the river, would
you also do the same?
Why? Why not?

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3. Ivy washes the dishes after
dinner. What can she use to
conserve water while
IV. Evaluation Direction: Explain the use of water
by reading each situation and
choose the letter of the correct
Answer key:
1. Ellaine is brushing her teeth 1. B
after every meal. She also 2. C
washes her hands. What is 3. C
the use of water in doing 4. A
Ellaine’s routines? 5. B
A. Household 6. B
B. Personal use 7. B
C. Agricultural 8. B
D. Recreational 9. B
10. D
2. Every summer, the Cruz’
family goes to beach for
swimming and some
relaxation. They also try
different water activities.
What is the use of water in
Cruz’ family
A. Agricultural
B. Personal
C. Recreational
D. Household

3. Mrs. Tam’s workmates go

to the beach for
teambuilding. They also try
different water activities.
What is the use of water in
their activities?”
A. Agricultural
B. Personal
C. Recreational
D. Household

4. Every morning, Mang Bogs

make sure that his maisan
is always getting enough
water. What is the use of
water in Mang Bogs’ farm?
A. Agricultural
B. Household
C. Personal use
D. Environmental

5. Jina’s mother washes their

clothes every Saturday. Jina
also help her mother
washing the dishes. What is
the use of water in cleaning
on their house?
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A. Transportation

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B. Household
C. Recreational
D. Personal use

6. Products are transferred

from one province to
another by sea travel. What
is the use of water in this
A. Personal
B. Transportation
C. Household
D. Recreation

7. Mang Ben lived in the island

of Brgy Tigdaranao He sail
using his big boat. What is
the use of water in this
A. Personal
B. Transportation
C. Household
D. Recreation

8. Dina help her mother by

cleaning their rooms and
bathrooms. What is the use
of water in cleaning on their
A. Transportation
B. Household
C. Recreational
D. Personal use

9. Gwen washed her hands

every time she uses
comfort room. What is the
use of water in doing
Gwenn’s routines?
A. Household
B. Personal use
C. Agricultural
D. Recreational

10.. Every morning, Mang Tony

make sure that his plants
and pigs is always getting
enough water. What is the
use of water in Mang Tony’s
A. Household
B. Environmental
C. Personal use
D. Agricultural
V. Assignment Cut pictures showing the uses
of water.
Write 2-3 sentences about the

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Prepared by:

Teacher I Applicant

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