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IT Notes Class 9 402

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Unit 1: Communication Skills Class 9

In class 9 Employability Skills you are going to study 5 units. All the units are so structured to
give you a good knowledge of those skills which will help you to get Employment in various
sectors. Here we will discuss the first chapter that is Communication Skills. In this chapter
you are going to learn the various aspects of communication and how to communicate in a
very good manner.

Session 1: Introduction to Communication

What is communication?
Sharing of information from one person to other by speaking, writing, signals or by any other
means is called communication.

Communication Process (Cycle) or Elements of Communication

• Sender: the person who is starting the communication

• Message: the information that the sender wants to send
• Encoding: The way the sender wants the message to be looked like.
• Channel: From which medium the message travels.
• Receiver: the person who receives the message
• Decoding: What the receiver understands
• Feedback: the receiver's response to the message.

Perspectives in communication
Perspectives are fixed ideas and thoughts regarding something. For Example, you have
fixed the thought that your school principal is very strict so you will not be able to talk to him
friendly. You always think that he is very strict.

Factors affecting perspectives in communication

Here are some factors which affect perspectives.
Language: The language is used in communication
Visual Perception: how the person looks
Past Experience: Your past experience which him
Prejudice: some fixed idea about the person
Feelings: How are you feeling at that time
Environment: the environmental condition during communication
Personal factors: Personally how are you attached to him
Culture: Your culture and his culture are also a factor

Effective Communication.
The communication in which the receiver gets the best possible message that the sender
wants to convey. In other words, if the receiver gets the appropriate message that the
sender wants to convey is called effective communication.

7C's of Effective Communication

Session 2: Verbal Communication

Communication Styles/Methods
There are four main categories or communication styles including verbal, non-verbal, written
and visual.

Verbal Communication
In Verbal Communication words are used to communicate. This is the most common type of
communication. As in this type, words are used so it is very important to use appropriate
word otherwise it will cause confusion.

Advantages of verbal communication

It is very easy and quick as you can exchange ideas by saying words.

Disadvantages of verbal communication

Since it depends on words then it is very important to use correct words so that other person
can understand easily.

Written Communication
It is an act of communicating through written words. Just like when you send messages by
written mode or the information written in newspaper, books etc.

Advantages of written communication

-It is a permanent record
-It can be circulated easily
-Suitable for future references

Disadvantages of written communication

-It takes time to write documents
-Once written it is difficult to change
-It requires good knowledge of language and grammar
-Receiver can interpret it in the wrong way

Public speaking
Speaking in front of a large number of people is called public speaking. It is very difficult for
any person to speak in from of many audiences. So 3ps of Public speaking gives an idea to
improve this skill.

3Ps of Public Speaking

Prepare: First of all be prepared for what you are going to speak.
Practice: Practice in front of a mirror helps to overcome the fear of the audience.
Perform: Then perform in form of people. Take a long breath. This will help you when you
are nervous.

Session 3: Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is the way of expressing ourselves without using words. We can
send many messages without using words, for example, can send a message through
expression, eye contact, touch etc. More examples are given below

Importance of non-verbal communication

In our daily life, we see that most of the communication is non-verbal. Many time we express
ourself just by using our eye contact or by hand movements. So we can say that non-verbal
communication is very important in our life.

Visual communication
This is also a very important type of communication. Sending a message through images is
very popular as you can see many advertisements on the roadside and signboards all these
contain much information but in form of images. It is not bounded to any language anyone
can understand what is being expressed in the image.

Session 4: Writing Skills: Parts of Speech

From these sessions, you are going to study those topics which comes in the English
language. All these topics are not relevant to the Employability skills Class 9 examination.
So we will discuss only some important concepts.
There are 8 Parts of Speach
Noun: Words for people, place and things
Pronoun: Words used in place of Noun
Adjective: Word used to describe Noun or Pronoun.
Verb: Doing words
Adverb: Words used to describe Verb. Ex-fast, Slow
Preposition: Used before Noun or Pronoun to show its position. Ex- on, in, at
Conjunction: Used to join words or group of words. Ex- Beacause, and
Interjection: It shows Emotion. Ex- Alas, Hurrah

Session 5: Writing Skills: Sentences

Types of sentences
Active and passive sentences. Example:
Rahul plays cricket.
Cricket is played by Rahul.

Types of sentences (according to their purpose)

Session 6: Pronunciation Basics

Correct pronunciation of words is very important to communicate well. Listen to correct

speeches and practising more and more you can achieve good pronunciation of words.

Different Sounds in English

Vowels: There are 5 vowels in the English language like a, e, i, o, u
Consonants: A total of 21 Consonants are there.
Diphthongs: Combination of two vowel sounds like ou, ea

Session 7: Greetings and Introductions

Types of greetings
Formal greetings: It is used when you don't know the person or to greet elderly people.
Informal greetings: It is used to greet friends, family or a person known to you.

Session 8: Talking about Self

Talking about yourself means introducing yourself. While introducing yourself keep it concise
and tell some basic things like name, age, address, likes, dislikes.

Session 9: Asking Questions I

5W+1H Method for Asking Questions

Who Where Where When What Why How

Session 10: Asking Questions II

There are two types of questions

1. Close-ended: The question which has answered only 'Yes' or 'No'. Options in the
answer are limited.
2. Open-ended: These type of questions can have a variety of answers

Unit 2 - Self Management skills Class 9 Notes

In unit 2 of Employability Skills Class 9, you are going to read Self Management
Skills. This chapter helps you to understand how to manage yourself to succeed in
life. In this chapter, many concepts are discussed that helps you to achieve goals in
your life. In class 9 Employability Skills, there are 5 chapters that will fetch you 10
marks in the board examination theory paper. Employability Skills is compulsory for
all vocational courses in class 9 including IT Code 402.

Session 1: Introduction to Self-management

Self Management
It is a way of understanding yourself, your interest, abilities and how to keep a
positive attitude in difficult situations.

Benefits of Self Management skills

• It helps to develop good habits
• Also helps in overcoming bad habits
• Gives motivation to achieve goals in life
• Helps in overcoming in difficult situations

How to manage yourself?

Self Management Skills includes:
Self-awareness- Know about yourself
Self-control- Ability to control your behaviour
Self-confidence- Be confident you can achieve anything
Problem-solving- Try to find the solution to problems in your life
Self-motivation- Keep your self-motivation high
Personal Hygiene- Keep yourself clean, smart and healthy
Positive Thinking- Think Everything will be fine
Team Work- Support your team members in the work
Time Management- Complete task on time
Goal Setting- Make a goal. what do you want to achieve?

Session 2: Strength and Weakness Analysis

Strength and weakness are two mains things once you learn about it in your life
then life becomes easy. Try to find out what are you good at and what is your
weakness. this session will help you to understand all these concepts.

Knowing Yourself
It means knowing about yourself truly. There are many things hidden by yourself in
front of others and only you can know about yourself. This will help you to live a
happy life. Try to find out who you are, your likes-dislikes and many other things.

Strength and weakness analysis

Strength: The fields in which you are good.
Weakness: The areas in which you are not good and needs improvement.

How to identify strengths?

• Check what you can do very well
• Think of things in which your performance is always good
• Try to find out in what works you are appreciated

Identifying weaknesses
• Find out the areas in which you are not good and having difficulties doing that task
• Analyse the feedback you receive from others
• Accept your weakness and try to improve

Difference between interests and abilities

Most of the times it is mixed that interest and ability both are same. Interest is
something different.

• Things which you like to do in your free times and which makes you feel happy
• These are the things which you do even no one asked you to do it
• The things which you want to learn in future

• It is a natural capacity or acquired capacity that forces a person to do a particular
• We see that sometimes interest and ability match and sometimes not.
• For example- You like to play football but you don't have the skill or the required
strength to play it

Session 3: Self-confidence

Self Confidence
Self-confidence is a sense of trusting in ourselves, trusting in our own ability and
strengths. If a person lacks self-confidence he cannot achieve his goals. self-
confidence is very necessary to achieve your target. It motivates you to do things in
a good manner. It is a quality of believing in our strength and have feelings that we
can do anything.

Qualities of self-confident people

Self believe: They believe that they can do anything
Hard Work: They are hard-working people
Positive Attitude: They have a positive attitude towards a situation
Commitment: What to achieve in life is clear in them

How to Build Self Confidence?

Step 1: First of all appreciate your achievements. What you get in your life enjoy it
and accept the failure. Don't be demotivated by your failure

Step 2: Make sure you make a goal and start your preparation for that. take
necessary steps to achieve the goal

Step 3: Try to look at the good side. All things have good and bad side try to see the
good part in it and be happy.

Some factors which decrease self-confidence

• Negative thinking that I cannot do that thing
• When you only think about that mistakes made in past and don't learn from the
• Sometimes we think that success comes in the first attempt and never try again
• Be in a negative environment where people demotivates you and make you feel
that you cannot do it

Session 4: Positive Thinking

Positive thinking and its importance

A person's attitude is very important to complete any task. A person can have a
'positive' or 'negative' attitude in various circumstances. A positive attitude leads to
giving good result. Positive thinking people look at good things and tries to improve
them whereas negative thinking people see negative aspects of it and only worries
about it without trying to improve it.

Positive thinking leads to good results like

• It helps to overcome challenges
• Gives you the energy to do well
• It helps to get better results at work
• Creates a happy environment around you

How to keep your thinking positive?

• Start your day in a positive way by prayer to god or by doing something which
makes you happy
• Manage some time to relax yourself
• Try to find good things even if you are in a bad situation
• Take feedback in a positive way
• Be thankful for good things that you have

Session 5: Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene is the thing that should not be ignored. It is a habit to keep yourself
clean. it helps to maintain good health. You should keep your body clean to avoid
health issues.
Why personal Hygiene is Important?
• It helps you to be healthy
• Represents a good image of yourself
• It also avoids the feeling ashamed due to bad body smelling etc

Three steps to personal hygiene

Care: Take care of your body. Cut your nails in every week
Wash: Wash your hands frequently and take bath daily
Avoid: Avoid dirty clothes

Session 6: Grooming

The dressing is the thing which all of us do. Wearing a neat and clean dress gives us
confidence. The way a person dress and groom gives a message about his
confidence and smartness.

Why dressing and grooming are important?

• First of all, you look smart
• Feel confident about yourself
• It makes a good impression of yourself among others

Guidelines for dressing and grooming

Clothes: Your clothes should be neat and clean. Shoes should be polished
Hair: Hair should be washed regularly and keep a simple style
Face: Teeth should be clean. If you have a moustache and beards keep a style that
suits on your face
Unit 3: ICT Skills
Session 1: Introduction to ICT
To store Data we use many methods like writing on paper, recording or we can type
the content in digital format. All these are used to store data. Some data are stored
in digital format in mobiles, computers or any other digital devices, these devices are
called ICT(information and communication technology) devices. In this section, we
will read about the functioning of some devices which we use in daily life.

ICT at Workplace

ICT is a very important part of the workplace. Almost all the sectors of the economy
use ICT to store information and for the transaction of money. Nowadays all the
information is being digitalised as it is very easy to send to many people in a very
little time.

At the workplace, we use different programs to complete our tasks like in banking we
use ICT for maintaining records of people and for the transaction of money. In the
same manner, we use computers for editing videos, booking tickets, animating,
recording, storing data etc.
ICT at Home

ICT has also become a part of our home appliances. These days Television is very
common in every house for entertainment and Mobile for calling. Now mobile is also
used for online classes. Smartphones with internet connections are very helpful to
stay connected with our friends, family through Facebook, Instagram etc.

Here are some examples of ICT uses in different sectors

Agriculture: Activities related to research and development
Beauty and Wellness: Use for Training programmes
Banking and Finance: Storing data and for the secure transaction of money
Health Care: Research and development of health facilities

Session 2: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets - I

Smartphone: Once the mobile phone was only used for talking but nowadays
smartphones came into existence. With smartphones we can purchase things online,
we can play games, watch movies, make a video call, book a ticket and many more
things. Android, IOS and Windows are some common operating systems of

Tablet: Tablet is also like a smartphone. It has a wider screen. Some activities like
reading and watching movies need a wider screen so we use tablets. It can do
almost all the things that a computer does.

TV and Radio: TV and Radio are used as ICT tools for a long time. Radio is used to
broadcast only sound. TV is used to broadcast both sound and video. It is the
easiest way to reach a large number of people at a time.

Applications or apps: Apps are just like a program on the computer. different apps
have different functions. Some apps are already present on phones or tablets. There
are many apps present in an online stores like google play store and Apple App
Store. We can purchase or download it free of cost.

Commonly found Apps

Session 3: ICT Tools: Smartphones and Tablets — II

Mobile device layout

Power Button: used to start and shut down

Screen: on which we perform functions
Back Button: used to back screen
Microphone: Used while talking
Menu Button: Used to show options
Home Button: It brings back the home screen
Earpiece: used to listen to the voice on calls
Volume Button: Used to increase or decrease sound

Basic features of a mobile device

Bluetooth: Short-range wireless connectivity

Rechargeable Battery: To powerup device
WiFi: To connect local area network or internet
Cellular Network: Provides network to Call, send messages and connect with
GPS: to provide location services

Home Screen of a Mobile Device

Top: It s a status bar that displays icons of the network, wifi, battery level etc.
Middle: the main part of the screen on which we do all tasks.
Bottom: It has a back, recent and home button

Basic Gesture use

Tap: to select
Tap and hold: It acts like right-click on the mouse which shows options
Pinch: to Zoom in or out
Double-tap: to Zoom

Session 4: Parts of a Computer and Peripherals

Input Device: Device through which we input data in a computer. Like- Mouse,


Types of keys on Keyboard

1. Function keys: Keys from F1 to F12 which performs special functions
2. Control Keys: Ctrl, Alt, Tab, Shift are control keys
3. Enter Key: to enter the data
4. Navigation Key: The four arrow keys(Up, Down, Left, Right) are navigation keys
5. Command Keys: Delete and backspace are command keys.
6. Windows Keys: It opens the start menu

Pointing Devices:
Mouse: It allows to control the pointer of the mouse on the screen and select icons.
Joystick: It is commonly used for video games
Light pen: used to make graphic designs
Graphic Tablet: It allows you to write on the screen.
Touchscreen: To send touch signals to a computer
Trackball: It is just like a mouse but used for special purpose
Scanner: It scans the document and converts it into digital form

MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Reader used to read Cheques in Banks.

OCR: Optical Character Reader to convert books and prints to electronic form
OMR: Optical Mark Reader used to detect marks on paper of MCQ type exams
Barcode Reader: It is used to read barcodes on different things like books, food
packets etc
Microphone (Mic): To Input audio
Web Camera: to input Video
Biometric Sensor: To input Fingerprints
Smart Card Reader: It reads Credit and Debit Cards

Output Devices

Output Devices are used to get the output of the task done on the computer. First of
All, we input some data and then it goes into processing after all we get the final

We get output from these devices: Monitor, Printer, Plotter, Speaker, Headphone,
Projector, Speach Synthesizer

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

It is the part of the computer which carries out all the tasks. It mainly processes the
input data and gives the output data.

ALU: Arithmetic and Logic Unit carries out all logical and arithmetic tasks like
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, <,>,= etc.
Control Unit (CU): It mainly coordinates with input and output devices.

A motherboard also referred to as a system board, is the main circuit board inside a
computer. It connects input, processing and output devices.

Computer Memory
It is a storage area where all the data is stored.

Primary Memory
RAM: Random Access Memory is an internal memory that is volatile means no data
is saved in RAM. Only tasks are carried out in this memory.

ROM: Read Only Memory stores all the data. It is non Volatile that means once data
is saved it remains there until you delete it.
Secondary Memory
It is an external device to store data. Example: Pendrives, CDs, External Hard Disk
Drive, Memory Card etc.

Key Concepts
• 8 bits make a byte
• 1024 bytes make a kilobyte(KB).
• 1024 KB make 1 megabyte (MB)
• 1024 megabyte make 1 gigabyte (GB)
• 1024 gigabytes make 1 terabyte (TB)

Ports and connections

The slots in which we connect a mouse, keyboard, pen drive, internet etc.

USB: Universal Serial Bus Port used to connect a mouse, keyboard pen drives
Display Port: It connects video devices like Monitor and Projector
Audio Ports: It is used to connect audio devices like Mic, Speakers
Ethernet Port: It connects to high-speed internet
Power Port: It is used to connect the power supply.

Session 5: Basic Computer Operations

Computer hardware: The physical part of a computer which we can touch like
monitor, CPU, UPS, keyboard, Mouse etc are the hardware of the computer.

Software: The part that we cannot see or touch like programmes on a computer.
The software makes hardware work or interacts with humans. The most important
software is OS (Operating System). It starts working as soon as we start the
computer. Example: Windows, Ubuntu, Linux etc.

Starting a computer
To start a computer, press the Power button on the CPU. This will start the Windows
operating system and display the Windows desktop on the monitor.

Basic functions performed when a computer starts

When we start the computer, it runs automatically a basic program BIOS which self
tests. If everything is ok then it runs OS and finally, the computer starts.

Login and logout

When multiple users use the same computer and want to secure their data
separately then they can create login IDs. each one has a different password to start
the computer and after completing the task logout is done.

Shutting down a computer

It is a process to turn off the computer. To shut down the computer in Ubuntu by
clicking “Systems” at the top right and then click on Shut Down. In windows, we can
click Alt+F4 to shut down the computer.

Files and folders

File: All information are kept in files. Files have names and extensions. Different files
have different extensions to identify the file types. Ex- .txt for text document, .jpeg for
image, .avi for video etc

Folder: It is a location where a group of files can be stored. We can create a no. of
folders inside the folder. A folder within folded is called a subfolder.

Session 7: Communication and Networking — Basics of Internet

Internet is a huge network of computers around the world. World Wide Web (WWW)
is a collection of all websites we visit on the internet.

Uses Of Internet
• Search information
• Shopping
• Online booking
• Entertainment
• E-mail and chatting
• Online learning
• Social networking
• Online banking

Connecting to the Internet

An Internet Service Provider (ISP)─i.e., the telephone company which provides
Internet connectivity using the phone lines or a wireless network.

Types of connections
(a) Wired connections: When the internet is connected through a wired medium
like ethernet cable.
(b) Wireless connection: When the internet is connected through a wireless
medium like Wifi.

Bandwidth: The amount of data transferred in a certain amount of time. In analogue

devices, the bandwidth is expressed in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz). Data
transferred digitally is measured by bits per second (bps)
1 Kbps (kilobits per second) = 1000 bits per second
1 Mbps (megabits per second) = 1000 kilo bits per second
1 Gbps (gigabits per second) = 1,000 mega bits per second

Internet browser: The application software is used to visit websites. Example -

Chrome, Firefox

Session 8: Communication and Networking — Internet Browsing

World Wide Web (WWW)
It is a vast network of files stored in computers all over the world.It is made up of

1. Web Page: A web page is a document present on a computer that is connected to

the internet each webpage has a unique address like https://www.crackmycbse.com.

2. Web browser: Application software to use the information available on the

Internet. Ex- Chrome, Opera, Firefox

3. Hyperlinks: Highlighted words on a webpage. If you click on that it will redirect

you to another page.

Important parts of a web browser

(i) Address bar: To type the address of the webpage

(ii) Tabbed browsing (Ctrl+T): It is used to view multiple web pages in the same
(iii) Back and forward buttons: Used to get back or next page
(iv) Refresh button (F5): To refresh the page

Session 9: Communication and Networking — Introduction to e-

Electronic Mail (E-mail) is a quick way to send messages to people using the
internet. We can send videos, documents, spreadsheets, etc., along with the e-mail
as attachments.

E-mail ID or Address
The e-mail address is made up of two parts separated by the @ symbol. Ex-
[email protected], crackmycbse is the name given by the user and
gmail.com domain which provides mail service.

Advantages of e-mail
1. Delivery of mail is very fast.
2. Cost of mail is almost free.
3. Multiple copies can be sent at a time
4. pictures, documents can be attached

Comparison between Post mail and E-mail.

Session 10: Communication and Networking — Creating an e-Mail

Go to gmail.com click on create an account. After filling in all the details set up a new
Session 11: Communication and Networking— Writing an e-Mail
To write a new e-mail, connect to the Internet and open Gmail. Sign In with your
login Id. Click on compose and write the message. after entering the mail address of
the receiver set the mail.

Draft Folder: All emails are stored which are written but not sent.
Junk/Spam: The mail which is not useful is stored in it.
Trash: Holds all deleted emails.

Session 12: Communication and Networking — Receiving and

Replying to e-mails
Receiving an e-mail: All emails received are in Inbox.
Replying to an e-mail: To reply to the email click on the reply button.
Forwarding an e-mail: To send the same message click on forward
Deleting an e-mail: Click on the delete icon to delete emails.

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